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急!翻译The Impact of the Internet

2023-07-23 23:18:40










整天都联机工作,这使得信息技术工作者们很少有时间享受离开网络的生活与爱情。在美国硅谷,自由企业制达到了一种狂热的境地,这一体制已认识到本地的爱之舟正在出现危机,准备全力以赴扭转局面。提供幽会服务 公司已接近超负荷运行。各种研讨会和恋爱心理医生正在指导那些富有而忙碌的年轻单身贵族,教他们如何在浪漫的荒原上去发现并捕获所渴望的爱情。而各类辅助交流的网络公司,比如“媒人网”,正在想方设法让异性网友共同参与网上活动。




上网花费的时间太多使许多年轻的工作者没有很多时间在网络之外生活或者说谈情说爱。在硅谷风行的美国自由公司组织意识到爱的航船已经起航而且正全速前进大大节省了时间。相亲服务十分火爆。爱情专家们正在教导那些富有年轻的单身贵族们怎样在他们爱情的荒芜之地上找到并占有他们心中所爱。而且很多网站例如Matchmaker. com 正在努力将男女聚集在网上谈情说爱。




今天,几乎是我们生活的方方面面的力并未吨正由信息拥挤的数以百万计的网站在互联网上提供数百个,洪流颠覆不可能有能力保持经常接触,我们之间通过其他电子邮件。 “如果汽车和航空航天技术已在爆炸,计算机和信息技术同步,

“微软说,”一辆新车的成本约为2美元,继续气体的顶针600英里。 ,你可以买一个比萨成本波音747。 “



忙碌单身的年轻人如何寻找和捕捉他们的心脏在这浪漫的荒地愿望和斑点,如Matchmaker的COM调解人。 com是努力使男女一起联机。





computerize[英][ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259rau026az][美][ku0259m"pju:tu0259rau026az]vt.用计算机做[操纵,操作,编排等]; 将(资料)存入计算机; (给…)装备电子计算机; (使)电子计算机化;
2023-07-23 22:02:172


computer =电脑computerized=电脑化的
2023-07-23 22:02:322


2023-07-23 22:02:533


computer英 [kəm"pjuːtə]美 [kəm"pjutɚ]n. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机[网络短语]Computer 电脑,计算机,计算机 (杂志)Computer Architecture 计算机系统结构,计算机系统结构,计算机体系结构computer language 计算机语言,计算机语言,电脑语言
2023-07-23 22:03:251


2023-07-23 22:03:431

Computerized instruction是什么意思

计算机化教学 computerized instruction
2023-07-23 22:03:502


2023-07-23 22:04:123


2023-07-23 22:04:313


computer 英[ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)] 美[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a] n. (电子) 计算机,电脑; [例句]The data are then fed into a computer数据随后被输入电脑。[其他] 复数:computers
2023-07-23 22:04:402


电脑(计算机)的英语是Computer,用拼音表示的话,大约是这样的:kang mu pui te er
2023-07-23 22:04:582


2023-07-23 22:05:184


2023-07-23 22:05:363

computerized mind是什么意思

2023-07-23 22:05:443


2023-07-23 22:05:554


一、单针筒电脑袜机Computerized single cylinder socks machine二、双针筒袜机Double cylinder socks machine三、袜子缝头机Socks head sewing machine 四、定型设备三套Three sets of prototype devices五、金属检测机2台2 metal detectors
2023-07-23 22:07:014


一、CCAM是Computerized Clinical Anatomy Modeules的缩写,意思是计算机临床解剖模块,是一种医学教育软件,是用来帮助医学生和医学职业人员学习人体解剖学的一个软件。它主要适合如下人群:1、医学生:他可以作为医学生学习解剖学的辅助工具,帮助他们更好的理解人体解剖学知识。提高自己的学习成绩。2、医学专业人员:对于医学人员来说,它可以作为一个复习工具和课程补充资料,帮助他们加深对人体解剖学的理解。3、医学研究者:对于从事人体解剖学研究的人员,它可以提供可视化工具,帮助他们更直观的观察人体结构。总之,他对于需要了解人体解剖学知识的人员都有一定的帮助作用。二、另一方面可以作为医疗费用分类系统Clinical Care Classification的简称。三、它也指先天性肺囊性腺瘤样畸形。是指细支气管发育停滞,肺泡发育不全,引起的肺间质大量增生,是一种较少见的肺部发育异常的疾病,发病率男性高于女性。临床表现为呼吸困难,窒息,急性或反复性肺感染。未满一岁的儿童常因呼吸困难就诊,大于一岁的儿童则以反复感染为多见。
2023-07-23 22:07:071


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2023-07-23 22:07:356

翻译 英译汉19

2023-07-23 22:07:553


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2023-07-23 22:09:042

一同学要搜索歌曲“Yesterday Once More",他访问Google搜索引擎,键入关键词(),搜索范围更为有效。

2023-07-23 22:09:142


As a student, the advices listed below are very good,1. use computer regularly and just a short time everyday. Spending long time or without control before computer is not good to your heathy.2. use computer when it is in need. Teachers may ask to find some useful information or some problems is puzzed you by your homeworks, at this moment computer will be a good helper.3. avoid more games,musics, movies and chattings. This will squeeze study time out and still will make some problems betweem you and family.of course, some necessary relax may be good for your grow-up if you not go too far.In a short, always control youself and use computer in a right way will help you greatly with your study.
2023-07-23 22:09:473


2023-07-23 22:10:031

帮忙翻译几个课程名字 谢谢了~

Comprehensive quality educationInsurance Theory and PracticeVF ProgrammingThe insurance Enterprise ManagementFinancial Computerization
2023-07-23 22:10:112


6.如果你希望来,请提前通知我7.我通常给我的客户发邮件,而不是拜访8.你应该告诉我整件事情9。我有必要买投资买台新电脑10。 他因为迟到多次而被解雇了
2023-07-23 22:10:194


计算机”英语单词是computer,其读音为英 [k_m_pju:t_(r)] 美 [k_m_pjut_] 。computer 英 [k_m_pju:t_(r)] 美 [k_m_pjut_]n.(电子)计算机,电脑。operate a computer 使用计算机 program a computer 编制计算机程序turn off a computer 关计算机 turn on a computer 开计算机例句用作名词 (n.)I"m getting a new computer for birthday present.我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。
2023-07-23 22:10:381


computer 英[kəmˈpju:tə(r)] 美[kəmˈpjutɚ] n. (电子) 计算机,电脑;
2023-07-23 22:10:581


2023-07-23 22:11:523


英文当中一般叫做multimedia classroom。不叫什么计算机教室,那个大概是汉语的概念吧!进步。
2023-07-23 22:12:321


2023-07-23 22:12:551


computer 电脑 calculating machine ;calculator 计算器 PC 个人计算机 note;note book;laptop笔记本电脑
2023-07-23 22:13:221


计算机:computer 音标:[kəmˈpju:tə(r)]
2023-07-23 22:13:511


computer 读音:kang piu te
2023-07-23 22:14:092


计算机----------------------computer读法------------------------肯屁欧特例句This is a computer .
2023-07-23 22:14:453


2023-07-23 22:15:325


computer英文发音:[ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259(r)]中文释义:n.计算机;电脑例句:He also deleted files from the computer system他还从计算机系统里删除了文件。短语:1、computer simulation 计算机模拟2、computer technology 电脑技术3、computer science 计算机科学4、computer network 计算机网络5、computer system 计算机系统扩展资料computer 的同根词:1、computerized英文发音:[ku0259m"pju028atu0259,rau026azd]中文释义:adj. 电脑的;电脑化的;用电脑处理的例句:The National Cancer Institute now has a computerized system that can quickly provide information.国家癌症研究所现在拥有一套能快速提供信息的计算机化系统。2、computerization英文发音:[ku0259m,pju028atu0259ru026a"zeu0283u0259n]中文释义:n. 电脑化;电子计算机化工作例句:It is helpful to the computerization and automation of the study of the process on redox titration.它有助于进一步对氧化还原滴定过程研究的计算机化和自动化。
2023-07-23 22:15:571


在英语中,电脑的通用名称为“computer”,发音为/k_m_pju_t_r/,其中,“com”发/k_m/的音,“pu”发/pju_/的音,“ter”发/t_r/的音。如果需要描述电脑的种类或品牌,还需要根据具体的名称进行发音。例如,“Macbook”发/m_k b_k/的音,“ThinkPad”发/θ__k p_d/的音,等等。
2023-07-23 22:16:151

计算机用英语怎么读 计算机的英语是什么

1、计算机的英语:computer,英 [ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259(r)] 美 [ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259r]。 2、计算机系统周末关闭。The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. 3、有几位计算机工程师与财务部门签订了合同。Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department.
2023-07-23 22:16:311


  下面是我整理的关于电脑的英文单词,希望对大家有帮助。   电脑computer   电脑图形图像computer graphics   电脑 瑜伽 computer yoga   电脑辅助设计computer-aided design   微型电脑micro-computer Microcomputer   平板电脑tablet PC   电脑综合症computeritis 当你在电脑屏幕前坐好几个小时,就会出现computeritis这种情况。坐太久了,你的双腿和臀部都会感觉麻木。只坐着不运动,你可能在长体重或者失去肌肉弹性。缺乏锻炼会导致心脏病和其他疾病。   电脑游戏迷gamer 参考例句: 实际上,三分之二的玩家超过18岁,而且玩家的平均年龄在30岁左右。 In fact, two-thirds of gamers are over 18 and the average gamer is around 30.   电脑失写症computer-induced agraphia 电脑失写症是新出现的一个“病种”,多出现于长期电脑使用者身上,其症状主要表现为用纸笔写字的时候常常会出错。   台式电脑desktop computer   手提式电脑laptop PC   电脑技术员Computer Technician   电脑黑客hacker   电脑 病毒computer virus  电脑模拟1.[Computer] computer modelling   打印电脑【经】 printing calculator   控制电脑【电】 control computer   数控电脑【经】 digital control computer   晶体电脑【电】 transputer   机械电脑【电】 mechanical computer   模拟电脑【经】 analogue computer   水压电脑【电】 hydraulic computer   流体电脑【电】 fluid vomputer   高速电脑【经】 high-speed electronic calculator   电脑接口computer interface计算机接口   电脑终端computer terminal计算机终端   电脑主体【经】 basic computer   电脑代码【经】 computer code   电脑会计【经】 electronic data processing accounting   电脑会计制度【经】 computerized accounting system   电脑会计系统【经】 computer-based accounting system   电脑元件【经】 computer components   电脑分析员【电】 computer analyst   电脑学家【法】 computerman    电脑安全 【电】 computer security   电脑审计【经】 auditing with the computer   电脑技师【法】 computerman   电脑指令【经】 computer instruction   电脑效率【电】 computer efficiency   电脑数据系统【经】 computerized data system   电脑服务【经】 computer services   电脑理论【电】 computer theory   电脑电路【电】 computer circuits   电脑程序【经】 computer programs   电脑站【经】 computer station   电脑结构【电】 computer architecture   电脑编码【电】 computer code   电脑能力【经】 computer capacity   目标电脑【电】 object computer   自动电脑【经】 automatic electronic computer   航线电脑【电】 flightpath computer   语言电脑【经】 languages computer   迷你电脑【电】 minicomputer   通用电脑【经】 universal automatic computer   串行电脑【电】 serial computer   主电脑【电】 host computer   会计电脑【经】 accounting computer   作用电脑【电】 active computer   全功能电脑【电】 all-purpose computer   公用电脑【电】 unility computer   单板电脑【电】 single-borad computer   卫星电脑【电】 satellite computer   即时电脑【电】 real-time computer   双工电脑【电】 duplex computer   大型电脑giant brain   电脑制图computer graphies   电脑应用computation   电脑术语computerese   电脑电话机computerized telephone electric brain telephone   电脑碎纸机computer shredder   电脑科学computer science   电脑记事本electronic notebook   电脑语言学computational linguistics   同时电脑【电】 simultaneous computer   商用电脑【经】 commercial computer   定点电脑【电】 fixed point computer   平行电脑【电】 parallel computer   杂牌电脑kludge   电脑专家computerman   电脑工具软件PCTOOLS   电脑技术人员computerite   电脑操作员key puncher   电脑时间machine time   电脑程序员programmer   电脑行话computerese   电脑通讯dataphone   电视电脑teleputer   电脑人员computerist computerite computernik   电脑天地ComputerLand   电脑 显示器 graphoscope   电脑审计【经】 auditing with the computer   电脑技师【法】 computerman   电脑指令【经】 computer instruction   电脑效率【电】 computer efficiency   电脑数据系统【经】 computerized data system   电脑服务【经】 computer services   电脑理论【电】 computer theory   电脑电路【电】 computer circuits   电脑程序【经】 computer programs   电脑站【经】 computer station   电脑结构【电】 computer architecture   电脑编码【电】 computer code   电脑能力【经】 computer capacity   目标电脑【电】 object computer   电脑辅助工程computer aided engineering   电脑辅助教材computer-aided instruction   电脑辅助设计与绘图computer-aided design and drawing   电脑程序设计师Programmer   新兴的"电脑咖啡店"Cyberia   电脑调频收音机PC FM Radio   我的电脑1.My Computer   开放式电脑通讯公约open system interconnection   用电脑处理computerize
2023-07-23 22:17:001


The use of computers has been universal in nearly all walks of life in developed countries.1. Scientific Calculations. The earliest computers were created to take the job of scientific calculations, which involved complex and difficult mathematics or time-consuming, tedious and repetitive, numerical calculations. For example,calculating the trajectory of artillery shells requires resolving a set of differential equations in a few seconds or designing a large dam involves resolving sets of simultaneous algebraic equations which may have up to hundreds of variables may take mathematicians years, but can be done by a computer program in hours. The Applications of Computers 计算机的应用The use of computers has been universal in nearly all walks of life in developed countries. Here are some examples for applications of computers: 在发达国家,计算机的使用几乎遍及各行各业。这里举一些计算机应用的例子。1. Scientific Calculations. The earliest computers were created to take the job of scientific calculations, which involved complex and difficult mathematics or time-consuming, tedious and repetitive, numerical calculations. For example,calculating the trajectory of artillery shells requires resolving a set of differential equations in a few seconds or designing a large dam involves resolving sets of simultaneous algebraic equations which may have up to hundreds of variables may take mathematicians years, but can be done by a computer program in hours. 2. Data Processing .Computers have been widely used in data processing, for example, accounting, statistics, census. The operations involved are very simple -addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but the amount of data is overwhelming, beyond human capability and patience. Database products, for instance,Lotus-1,2,3,provide the user formal data structures for sorting,categorizing,storing,accessing,retrieving data.With database softwareequipped, the computer can handle data to thesatisfaction of user. 3. CAD and CAM. CAD (computer-aided Design) is software that help engineers in their designs for new products, buildings, print circuit boards, civil works like bridges and airports, relieving them from the tedious, back-breaking and time-consuming jobs like drafting and drawing. When embarking on their designs, engineers frequently make reference into various manuals listed in which are details of structures, parts, materials and auxiliary materials ready for designer"s choice for their designs. CAD products incorporate the content of all these manuals into a series of libraries in the software product, providing the engineers with information, for instance, names, dimensions, functions, performance, specifications, shapes, color, manufactures, prices of the machines, parts, components, tools, materials, etc. - all necessary for engineering designs. CAM (Computer-aided Manufacture) is software helping engineers to analyze a product or a project, and give advice for manufacturing it or constructing it. Data diagrams, tables, etc. showing its shape, dimension, structure, fabrication and the material it is made from are input as the software requires. Then it will give out suggestions about its manufacturing, for instance, machining procedure, machine tools and facilities to be used, technical parameters like allowance for finish, machining accuracy, as well as special processings. 4. Management .Management is one of the decisive factors that tell success or failure of any bank, corporation, firm, university, research institute in competition. Management is a comprehensive technique, involving every aspect of the unit - task (products, inventions, creations, patents), personnel (administrators, clerks, technicians, servants), finance, real estate, equipment, etc. Computerized management is software designed to provide tools for management in any profession, for example, regulation of personnel, accounting, sales, inventory, taxation, wages, etc. Every kind of software embodies the up to-data theory and method in profession, and is rather easy to learn. More and more management software products emerge, taking the place of human managers. 5. Computerized Communication .Progress in this field began in the early 1960s, when we witnessed the problem of connecting remote user terminals to central computer facilities. The solution to that problem were then based on asynchronous low-speed lines organized in either a startopology with a line dedicated to each terminal, or a tree topology with multidrop lines. By the end of the 60s, the field had made a major leap with the advent of distributed resource-sharing networks. The goal was to interconnect computers and their users at various geographically distributed sites in order to allow the sharing, by all users connected to the network, of hardware and software resources developed at any of the sites. The most prominent example of such a network is ARPANET, which began implementation in 1969. A radio-based terminal-access network called the ALOHA system was built at the University of Hawaii in 1970.Satellite transponder in the INTERNET equipped with a global coverage antenna can transmit data using the ground stations, thus achieving full connectivity among them. Optics-fiber cables connecting remote user terminals to central computer facilities can transmit data, graphs, video and audio signals better than any existing networks. 6. Advanced Applications. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subdivision of computer science. Its purpose is to develop theory and method to create “intelligent"”computer programs that work in a human-like way, rather than subjecting human users to the stereotyped computer-dominated working style. In a sense of analogy, human intelligence is added to computer programs which then exhibit more intelligent behavior and more extensive ability, for example, thinking and reasoning, acquiring knowledge and applying it to solving more complex and difficult problems that present computers can"t. Expert systems are the most successful example of AI. An expert system oriented to a specific profession works like a human expert of that field and provides advice to solving the problem proposed by the user. Expertise is derived and organized in its knowledge base ready for the user to retrieve. Today, many expert systems have been commercially available, and more are under development. Knowledge Engineering is another subject of AI. Knowledge engineering is devoted to the study of mimicking the human mind by computer programs, particularly to the simulation of its ability to obtain and applying knowledge. In other words ,knowledge engineering tends to create computers that can learn, that is, can enlarge its own storage of knowledge by itself. Computer vision is another application for AI. Computer vision is the use of computers to analyze and evaluate visual information; in other words, computers that can see. A computer vision system can extract key features from visual information of, say, photographs, pictures, scenes, etc, to identify or distinguish objects that have been definitely categorized in computer programs. This system can work more efficiently than human eyes. For example, examing aerial photographs to identify specific objects, say, missiles, bombers, warships, can help commander-in-chief make his decisions at battlefield. Education can be another application of AI. Unlike traditional CBT (Computer Based Training), artificial intelligent CBT can adjust its tutorial to the students" knowledge, experience, strengths, and weaknesses. As a result, artificial intelligent CBT is far more effective than conventional CBT.
2023-07-23 22:17:101

介绍电脑的英文作文(简短),一段就可以了. 要有小六的水平,Thank You very much.

Computers are machines that can help us do many things. They have screens, keyboards, and mice. We can use computers to play games, watch videos, and learn new things. They can also be used for work, such as writing documents or making presentations. Computers are very useful and important in our daily lives.电脑是一种能够帮助我们做很多事情的机器。它们有屏幕、键盘和鼠标。我们可以用电脑来玩游戏、看视频和学习新知识。它们还可以用于工作,比如写文档或制作演示文稿。电脑在我们的日常生活中非常有用和重要。
2023-07-23 22:17:182


The Computer and I 「电脑与我」   第一篇:   The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution. Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space, the computer is now becoming smaller and smaller and scientists have made it more sophisticated and accordingly more useful. As is generally known, the computer can do a wide range of work, including complex computation and analyses. People now also use it as a teaching aid in designing. An infinite variety of software can be put into the computer, which explains why it is so powerful. There is, however, one thing which we should bear in mind: that the computer cannot think but man can. So there need not be any fear that someday the computer will control us and all we should expect is try our best to bring it to perfection. A computer age is not a pipe dream and there will come a day when most of our needs can be met by this wonderful machine.   第二篇:   Until now inventors have developed an impressive array of machines called computers. At first I was mystified by these machines, but now I know what they are and what they can do. As a sophisticated electronic device the computer has a wide range of functions including the storage and memorization of information, calculation, analysis and the making of right decisions. All these functions can help man in handling difficult or complicated situations. But technological advance often cuts both ways. Computerization, or for that matter automation, can lead, for example, to unemployment and unemployment in turn will create social problems. The use of computers, however, is modern trend here to stay. We cannot resist this trend and should. In anticipation of a computerized world all those interested in the computer should find time to get the hang of it.   第三篇:   To some modern societies the computer is one of the necessaries of life. The miracles it can do are gimpy unbelievable. I have always cherished to crack all the hard nuts in the world. Whenever I hear that a lot of people have died of hunger in this strife-ridden world, I cannot but hope that I have this computer in hand to find the way to provide an endless supply of food. In that case we wouldn"t worry about starvation when a war breaks out or when some disaster occurs. Personally I even wish it could help me improve my English. But the long and short of it is that ever powerful it may be, the computer, as we can safely predict, cannot cure all the ills of mankind and cannot surmount all the difficulties we constantly run into. However, we enjoy being dreamers, for in dreams we can find happiness often denied us.   第四篇:   The computer is one of the most important human inventions. A highly sophisticated electronic mechanical device, it has done a lot of good to mankind. Without it many human endeavors would be more or less hampered. Today, computers are extensively used, as, for example, in many construction projects. I have a computer, but I don"t often use it in solving mathematical problems. Rather than depend on a computer for a quick printout, I would have more occasions to exercise my own brain. Anyway, the value of the computer is undeniable. We should encourage its development so that it may render more service to human beings.   第五篇:   Computers play an important role in the modern world. Today they are used in many areas of human activities, such as business, industry, science, and education. The development of computers has also created many attractive job opportunities. I"m a college student majoring in mathematics and as such I know quite well the powers of the computer. They have evolved as a natural consequence of man"s growing need for fast and accurate calculation. To make myself better equipped in my field of study I have learned several computer languages to communicate with the computer. My experience tells me that if we want to become competent users of the computer we must keep up with its development. Because modern industrialized society need computers to perform a wide range of tasks, I think a general knowledge of such wonderful machines is quite necessary for most of us.   第六篇:   I majored in electrical engineering four years ago and have since been interested in the computer science. After college I got a job as an electronic engineer. My job has brought me into close contact with the computer and as a result my interest in it has kept growing all the time. A computer is after all a man-made machine; therefore, its effectiveness depends upon man"s ingenuity. So long as we can program it using mathematical models, it can do almost anything we want. Of course, the capabilities of a computer depend upon its size——whether it is a microcomputer, a minicomputer, or a large computer. We can"t use a microcomputer in complicated digital processing or sonar signal processing. If we do that, the time it spends in such processing would be longer than we expect. On the other hand, if we use a large computer to do only a small job ordinarily assigned to a personal computer, the cost would be very high.   第七篇:   The invention of the computer has often been viewed as the prelude to a third industrial revolution. With the advances made in science and technology and the general improvement of the world economic situation, many of the business firms and even national governments in the world have spent lavishly on the development of computers. If the operation of a business establishment is well computerized, this establishment can more often than not make a profit. At first I saw the computer only as a wonderful yet mystifying machine, but now I am fully aware how useful it is and what possibilities it can open up in the future. My ever-growing interest in the computer has prompted me to buy many books on the co mute and I must say I like what I have read. So far as I see it, the computer does have the power to help with a country"s economic progress. Hence, if we want to keep up with the times, we must know something about it. Not to be outdone by others, I have made up my mind to learn more about the computer. I hope I shall be a well-known computer specialist in the future because ever since computers made their first appearance they seem to have been installed everywhere for hundreds of purposes for which no one could have imagined they would be used.
2023-07-23 22:17:251

求翻译成英文 随着社会经济、科技技术的发展,会计本身产生了巨大的变化。

With the development of socio-economic , scientific and technological techniques , accounting itself a huge change .However , under the new situation in the the computer increasing popularity of the rapid development of network technology , the information society of the accounting system change .With a long history of traditional manual accounting information system by the Accounting electrical calculations of the impact of information systems , and the impact of the field of a wide range of computerized accounting has had a tremendous impact on traditional accounting theory and practice .Compared to manual accounting information systems , both both similarities and differences at the brief manual accounting information systems and computerized accounting information systems , analysis of the similarities and differences between the two .Pointed out the advantages of computerized accounting information systems , and computerized accounting information system is the only way for the reform of the accounting information system .
2023-07-23 22:17:393


2023-07-23 22:17:486

The essential problem of man in a computerized age remians the same as it has always been.

the same as 是个词组,表示就像。。。一样,as是跟the same的,it has always been表示原来那样
2023-07-23 22:18:212


secondly we need to do well in the rearrangement of our schedule:1 the contractors are required to modify the contract schedule every three months, and submit the modified plan to the superintendent modify the schedule is mainly by the way of compressing key job lasting time and organizational lap operation or parallel operation.the above readjusted plan need to be submitted to the PM office for approval.the lagged workload shall be adjusted within this year in order to complete this year"s project progress objective. 2 dynamic control of the project schedule, it is required to realize computerized management, and all the related analytic calculation and charts drawing should be completed by computer.3 in usual conditions, we should not modify our determined schedule plans, and if there is an necessity of modification, one need to find out the reason and the responsible party, and put forward suggestions for the responsible party to deal with it.
2023-07-23 22:18:323


  英语已经慢慢渗透入人们的日常生活,想要学好英语一定要多读多听多说多欣赏。我在此献上日常的 英语口语 ,希望对你有所帮助。    英语口语:介绍公司情况   1.Is there anything in particular you"d like to know?   你有什么特别想知道的吗?   2.Mr. Li is really up to speed with that matter, so let"s call him in.   李先生最了解此事,我们叫他过来。   3.Keeping our promise has been our tradition ever since the company was small.   信守承诺是我们公司规模很小的时候就已经形成的传统。   4.Our lines are mainly arts and crafts.   我们经营的商品主要是工艺品。   5.Now our products include: crystal, jade, silver ornaments and so on.   目前公司生产经营范围是水晶、玉石、银饰品等。   6.Our activity has now been extended to cover garments.   我们的经营范围现已扩大到包括服装在内的程度。   7.The main products are necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches and so on.   主要经营有项链,手链、耳环、胸针等等。   8.What are the main items that you deal in?   可以告诉我您经营的主要产品是什么吗?   9.We have a market value of 18 billion and the turnover is in excess of 2 billion.   我们拥有180亿的市场价值,营业额超过20亿。   10.In 2010 0ur group had a turnover of NOK 8 billion, and 3 500 employees.   2010年,我们的营业额达到80亿挪威币,并有了3500个雇员。   11.Its largest single block of turnover comes from emerging markets.   它营业额最大的一块就是来自新兴市场。   12.Our company estimates next yearu2019s turnover will reach 18 billion pounds.   我们公司预计下一年的营业额会达到180亿英镑。   13.We have a small but highly respectable company.   我们公司规模虽小,但商誉极佳。   14.The board of directors made the decision to expand the scale of our company.   董事会决定扩大公司规模。   15.Our company doubled its size within six years   6年来我们公司的规模扩大了一倍。   16.We own an average-size company.   我们拥有一个中等规模的公司。   17.Our company merged with others last year and got much larger than before.   去年我们公司与别家合并了,变得比以前大的多了。   18.I believe this industry will develop rapidly during the next 5 years.   我坚信未来5年内这个行业会飞速发展。   19.There will be a bright prospect for reversing cold rolling mill.   可逆式冷轧机在我国将有较好的发展前景。   20.Our factory is beginning to expand, and the prospects are considerable.   我厂正着手扩产改造,发展前景可观。    英语口语:带领参观工厂   1.he factory managers are waiting for us outside.   工厂的领导们在外面等着我们呢。   2.We look forward to showing you around.   我们盼望着带您转转。   3.Thank you for your visiting our plant.   谢谢你来参观我们的工厂。   4.Almost every process is computerized.   几乎每一道工序都是由电脑控制的。   5.Maybe we could start with the designing department.   也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门。   6.This is the most fully-automated factory we have.   这是我们的全自动化工厂。   7.These drawings describe how each process goes on to the next.   这些图表表述着每道工艺间的衔接情况。   8.Is this your production center?   这是你们的生产中心吗?   9.Do you have to wear the helmets?   你们得带上防护帽吗?   10.We have over a thousand employees.   我们有1000多名员工。   11.Is the production line fully automatic?   生产线是全自动的吗?   12.How many engineers do you have?   你们这有多少工程师?   13.What kind of quality control do you have?   你们用什么办法来控制质量呢?   14.You see, our firm has made a huge investment in this new plant.   你瞧,公司对新工厂投入了很多资金。   15.How do your quality control systems operate?   你们的质量控制系统如何运转呢?   16.The car design incorporates all the latest safety features.   这种汽车设计具备最新安全 措施 的一切特点。   17.We could look at the production line.   我们再去看看生产线。   18.All products have to go through six checks during the whole process.   所有产品在整个生产过程中得通过6道质检关。   19.All the products are made here.   所有的产品都在这儿生产。   20.These drawings on the wall are process sheets.   墙上的图表是工艺流程表。    英语口语:参观后的感受   1.What"s your general impression?   你们总体印象怎么样?   2.Seeing is believing.   百闻不如一见。   3.This is an impressive factory.   这是座令人难忘的工厂。   4.I"m impressed by your approach to business.   你们经营业务的 方法 给我留下了很深的印象。   5.Your company made a good impression on me.   你们公司给我留下了很好的印象。   6.Your company proves to be one of the best car companies in the world.   贵公司不愧为世界著名的汽车公司之一。   7.I"ll try my best to improve the company"s position.   我将尽力改善我公司的状况。   8.We have a small gift for you when you leave the factory.   你离开工厂时,我们有件小礼物要送给你。
2023-07-23 22:19:221


f single status =.单身的声明]. 机器翻译是没有效果的. 1. The other party and I respectively did not have any spouse. We have no direct blood relation nor remote blood relation in the last three(3) generations. We have knowledge about the health status of each party. We hereby agree to be married as husband and wife in accordance with the provisions of the Marriage Act of the People"s Republic of China. 2. I make this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and am responsible for any legal liability which may arise should this declaration is false.觉得我的回答不错就采纳吧,谢谢了
2023-07-23 22:19:474