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急求What Do You Think Of The First Impression 为主题,三分钟英文演讲

What do you think about the first impression, well, we are always be told not to judge people with their appearances, but when there are two strangers ,one is more pretty or handsome than the other , which one will you choose to talk with? Perhaps the example is not so good, the first impression I refer to surely involves the temperament and the style of conversation etc, appearance is just the most direct modality.First impressions are half the battle, it is true in many fields and occasions in our modern times, when you make new friends and have interviews and so on, you may find clearly how great importance it is. Of course, I have no intention to ignore something essential and immanent, I mean one"s knowledge, mentality, connotation…, they are also important ,and they will be tasted out by further communion. I saw the movie <<Pride and Prejudice>>twice a few days ago. In the beginning, the main dramatis personae, Elizabeth and Darcy, both judged each other by the bad first impression, and they were distant from each other because of their prejudice. However, the series of events which they both experienced gave them the opportunity to understand one another and the time to reconcile their feelings for each other. Thus, their mutual understanding is the foundation of their relationship and will lead them to a peaceful and lasting marriage. This relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals the importance of getting to know one"s partner before marrying. I hereby not to discuss about the understandings before marriage, I suppose if there were no such chance for them two to know each other further, what would happen to them then?So it comes to my conclusion, the first impression and further communion are both important, but just remember sometimes the former is the entrance to the latter.

My first impression to 作文

I"m very happy to be your teacher. You are a good student. You can finish your homework in time and in high quality.You are fond of playing computer. I think you can make your life happy and wonderful. As a tutor, l think it is good for you and me. l willtry my best to help you with your difficulty in study and living.I believe you will become a better student. Your family is warm and happy .Do you think so ? Your mother ,father and grandmother are all very friendly,I feel happy .It is a pleasure to come to your home.I know your parents are often at work ,you only stay with your grandmother.Do you feel loney?If so ,I am willing to be your friend,and you can say something to me .Parhaps I can help you.You are a teenage ,all you should to do is to study hard and to be a good person. 7th April By——liu

My first impression on Miss Li was that she was nervous and shy.为什么impression后用on而不用of呢?

impression on 固定搭配,给什么留下印象

求英语作文《如何留下一个好印象》(《how to make a good impression》)

how to make a good impression:First impression is always the most important thing when you meet a stranger.It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance,your manners and even your behaviours that tell them what type of person you are and your characteristics.So, whether they are in your career or social life, it"s important to know how to create a good first impression.To make a good impression,we have to have deep confidence in ourselves.If you are calm and confident, the other person will feel more at ease and this makes a solid foundation of a good first impression. The next thing is your appearance.Although physical appearance seems to be more important nowadays, don"t get upset if you are not born pretty/handsome.Try presenting yourself appropriately, start with the way you dress.Dress for occasions, do not dress for your own mood.Make sure that you look clean and tidy as this help to make a good impression.Well, the most important thing is a smile.“Smile and the world smiles too.” A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.You have to look sincere and true while you are smiling.When it comes to making the first impression, body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.Thus, stand tall, smile (of course), make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person feel better at ease.Conversations should be short and sweet.Don"t talk non-stop as this makes the other person bored. Try to find something common between the two of you to talk so as to keep it flowing.Your attitude is also what counts in a good impression.Stay positive, courteous and don"t start criticising people or make sarcastic comments because this will spoil your image. 楼主自行修改吧。

how to create a good first impression?


Is it proper to judge a person by first impression? 请用英语回答 需要理由


第一印象是the first impression 还是a first impression


英语必修5 first impression的翻译

亲爱的爸妈我依然不相信我在去年我赢得的奖, 我必须不断的擦眼睛来提醒自己,我已经到 3005年去旅游过了,由于担心这次旅行,我开始几天很不安,结果,我受到了时滞的困扰,有点象坐飞机时的飞行时差,但不同的是,你得保持从你从以前的时间急转,所以一开始我感觉很紧张,我的向导朋友王平很理解我,并给了我很大的支持鼓励。他们的专业技术众所周知,他父母的公司叫做“未来旅行”,他们用时间太空舱把我安全的送到了 未来。他们让我们六个一起通过一个圆形开口走进太空舱,里面的座位很舒服,喝了能让我们想睡觉和闭上眼睛的压惊饮料后,太空舱开始摇晃,象躺在梦中一样。当太空舱轻轻摇摆着慢慢从地上升起来的时候,巨大的声音从我们的脚下方向传来,几分钟后,旅行完成了,我们已经到了未来,我依然在地球上,但那是多年后的地球,我能发现什么呢?我对环境感到迷惑,我受到缺少新鲜空气的困扰,头痛,空气中好像只剩下一点儿氧气,这时候,王平出现了,并解决了这个问题:“带上这个面罩”,他建议说:“这样会让你感觉好些”,他把面罩交给了我,并催我到靠近我的一个小房子里面休息。很快我就感觉舒服些了,一会后,我走了回来,跟着他,挑了一个由电脑驾驶的盘旋着的交通工具,这些盘旋着的交通工具是浮在地上的,靠一个弯的和向下压的操纵杆来操纵着快速移动,我在几分钟内就学会了怎么操纵它,并能和王平飞得一样的快了。当我们到达一个看起来象巨大超市的地方的时候,我迷路了,因为所有的人都往一个方向飞,又有太多的一样的交通工具,我看不到王平了。他被淹没在这些交通工具中,当我飞到附近的一栋高楼顶端的时候后,我和他的通讯也中断了,就在那时,我“时光倒流”了,我又看到了2005年时的地区,我意识到我被送到了未来,但却依然在我的家乡,这时,我看到了王平,于是跟上他一起飞。到家后,他把我带到一个大的、明亮的干净的房子里面,房子有绿色的墙,棕色的地板和柔软的灯光,这时,墙移开了――这里有好多树,一会儿我就发现,这些树叶提供了大量必须的氧气,王平的妈妈出现了,她在电脑屏幕上按了一个开关,象变魔术似的把一个桌子和几个椅子从地板下升了起来:“为什么不坐下休息会儿呢”她说:“我的名字叫李梦熙,王平的妈妈,你可能发现你第一次在这里时有些困难,请放松,因为现在,这里有了大量的氧气了,明天,你要准备用电脑访问一些机构”。在桌上吃了些东西后,她从地板上升出了一张床,我好累了,我溜到床上,一会儿就睡着了。你可爱的儿子会尽快给你新的消息

单句英语改错: First impressions are the most lasting .

First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never have any chance to make first impressions.

why shoudnot you go by first impression如何回答

可以这样去回答:‘Why should I do it"这样就可以了。why shoudnot you go by first impression的意思是你为什么不按第一印象去做呢,所以可以回答Why should I do it这样是没有问题。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。

简奥斯汀的傲慢与偏见原标题为《First Impression》,在这部小说中,第一印象起到了什么作用?


巩固训练2,为什么first impression前是a 不是the?


make a first impression为什么用a而不用the

在英语里,冠词a用的很“隐蔽”,比如汉语说“我要吃苹果”翻成英语是“我要吃一个苹果I want to eat an apple.”.这是一种表达习惯.所以,这里的a是修饰后面的impression的.即“一个.印象”的意思 把first 插入后意思就是 :一个“最初的”印象,也叫 一个“第一印象” 类似的用法还有:“一个很好的印象”、“一个坏的印象”等等.不要和序数词前面加the表次序相混淆.

高中英文必修五 firtst impression翻译

Lesson 4 First Impressions 第四课 第一印象 The day that I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of anxiety. I was trying to do some revision for an important oral exam in the local library and people kept disturbing me. 第一次遇到我最好的朋友那天,我的心情特别焦虑。我在本地图书馆复习准备一次重要的口语考试,人们不停地干扰我。 I was getting more and more annoyed and of course, the more upset I got, the less I was able to concentrate. The last straw was when I heard someone singing behind me. 我越来越烦躁,当然了,越烦就越难集中精力。当我听到背后有人唱歌时,我的忍耐到了极限。 The singing was so loud that I could even recognise the song! I turned around and glared at the person who was singing. It was a tall girl about the same age as me and she had a big smile on her face. 这声音大得我都能听出唱的是哪首歌。我转身怒视着那个唱歌的人。那是一位高个子和我年龄相仿的女孩,她的脸上带着开心的笑容。 She was standing with a book in her hands near the "English Literature" section. She looked like a literary type and seemed very interested in what she was reading. I glanced at the book"s cover. It was a book of Tennyson"s poems. 她手里拿着一本书,站在英文文学类图书旁。她似乎对正读着的那本书很感兴趣。我瞟了一眼书的封面,那是一本丁尼生诗集。 The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didn"t matter. If anything it made me even angrier. "How could she be so selfish?" I thought angrily. In fact, I"m surprised there wasn"t steam coming out of my ears! 她看上去是一个善解人意、友善的女孩,但这无济于事,却平添我积分怒气:“她怎么能这样自私呢?”我生气地想。事实上,我那时已经有点火冒三丈了。 I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered angrily, "Thanks to your noise, I"ve been unable to study. You"re so selfish!" 我抓起我自己的书,怒气冲冲地盯着她说:“谢谢你的噪音,我根本没法学习。你真是太自私了!” I still hate thinking of that moment. Let me tell you the rest of the story though. 我现在仍然不愿意回想起当时的情景。不过,我还是讲一下后来发生的事吧。 Because I left the library in such a hurry, I felt my most important textbook behind. It was only when I got home two hours later that I realised I"d forgotten it and there was nothing I could do as the library was closed. 因为我离开图书馆的时候太匆忙了,以至于把最重要的课本留在了那里。直到两个小时后我回到家时才发现,可是已经无济于事了,因为图书馆已经关门了。 I was so upset that I almost cried. Just then, the phone rang. I answered it and a gentle voice introduced the speaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane. 我感到万分沮丧,真想哭一场。就在这时候电话铃响了。我拿起电话,传来一个轻柔的声音,自我介绍说名叫珍妮,并问我是不是简。 After confirming that I was, Jenny said that she had noticed I"d left my book in the library and as my name was in it, she"d asked a live far away and could bring it around for me if I needed it. 在确定我是以后,珍妮说她发现我把书留在了图书馆,因为书上有我的名字,她让图书馆管理员从档案中找到了我的电话号码。她还说她住得不远,如果我急用这本书的话,她可以给我送过来。 I sighed with relief and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. I was so grateful! Of course you"ve guessed who Jenny was. 我如释重负,感激万分,同意与她在这条街上的一个便利店里见面。当然你已经猜出谁是珍妮了, She was the girl I had shouted at for singing. When I recognised her in the convenience store, I was filled with shame and apologised several times for my rude behaviour. 就是在图书馆里因为唱歌的事情我对她吼叫的那个女孩。我在便利店里看到是她是羞愧极了,为自己的粗鲁做法连声道歉。 I felt so guilty, but Jenny just laughed and told me she was glad to see that I"d also left my glare in the library! I couldn"t help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea. 我感到很内疚。但是珍妮笑了起来,并告诉我她很高兴看到我把自己的怒视也留在了图书馆!听了这话,我禁不住笑了起来,并邀请她到我的公寓里来喝杯茶。 We got along really well and ever since then we"ve been best friends. We"re very much alike and we tell each other everything. To be honest, I trust her more than anyone else. 我们相处得很好,从那以后,我们就成了最好的朋友。我们俩非常相像,我们无话不谈。老实说,我对她比对任何人都信任。 I often think how lucky I am. If Jenny hadn"t been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings, I would never have experienced such true friendship. 我常常想我真是太幸运了。珍妮要不是如此体贴,愿意宽容我的缺点,我就永远不会享受到如此真挚的友谊。 (是这篇课文吗?)

First impression on sb first impression of sb




first impression是什么意思

first impression英[fu0259:st imu02c8preu0283u0259n]美[fu025ast u026amu02c8pru025bu0283u0259n]释义初步印象第一印象; 初感; 第一印模1Two-time world 400 metres hurdles champion Kerron Clement said his first impression of the London wasn"t that favourable.两夺400米栏世界冠军的克莱门特说他对伦敦的第一印象不太好。

请问提高密度是怎么说?是"improve density"吗?谢谢!


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NetBeans是直接调用Tomcat的manager模块来部署Web程序,而我却在某个无聊的日子,觉得webapps里边的内容太多,可能影响启动速度,于是乎把Tomcat下的manager模块删除了。解决方法:在完整的Tomcat webapps下拷贝manager、root、host-manager、docs目录。再次RUN(F6)该project。OKBUILD SUCCESSFUL

翻译win64 does not implement deploy

win64 does not implement deploywin64不执行部署


新人处上战网,恐怕最头疼的不是水平差距,而是面对满屏的名词无所适从,以下是一些最常见的缩写词语,希望对您的战网之路有所帮助。物品装备类神符 rune-----------1# El2# Eld3# Tir4# Nef5# Eth6# Ith7# Tal8# Ral9# Ort10# Thul11# Amn12# Sol13# Shael14# Dol15# Hel16# Io17# Lum18# Ko19# Fal20# Lem21# Pul22# Um23# Mal24# Ist25# Gul26# Vex27# Ohm28# Lo29# Sur30# Ber31# Jah32# Cham33# Zod40/15 : 一般此处后面应该有IAS或MAX,表示 40 ED/15IAS 或 40ED/15MAX 伤害ar : 攻击命中率as : 攻击速度ds : 致命一击属性cb : 决定性一击kb : 击退ow : 造成伤口mf : 获得魔法物品机会,一般是指一种行为cbf : 不被冰冻属性fhr : 快速恢复打击fcr : 快速施展法术mdr : 减轻魔法伤害itd : 忽略目标防御力ias : 提升快攻击速度eth : 不能修复的一次性物品frw : 快速移动/奔跑属性req : 物品的装备要求,一般包括强壮,敏捷,级别等icob : 提升抵挡概率leech : 吸血/吸魔法力/吸取经验值pe : 完美绿宝石pr : 完美红宝石pd : 完钻石pa : 完美紫水晶ps : 完美骷髅ps : 完美蓝宝石pt : 完美黄宝石pg : 完美宝石bs : 宝石cg : 碎裂宝石,最低级的宝石slpg : 碎裂宝石,最低级的宝石wmpg : 完美宝石cr : 防冰fr : 防火lr : 防电pr : 防毒cd : 冰伤害fd : 火伤害ld : 电伤害pd : 毒伤害md : 魔法伤害res : 抗性(四防)def: 防御力dam: 伤害力,dmg 同理dr : 减少物理伤害, 即一般所说的物免ed : 提升伤害力,或提升防御力ek : 杀死怪物后获得XX法力的属性bc : 最常指 6%提升魔法装备出现概率的小护身符,还有一个意思是 白痴sc : 小护符,一般指7% mf 的小护身符,通用货币lc : 大型护符gc : 超大型护身符b"sc : Baal 掉下的sc,因为其级别高,所以可以洗出较好属性n"sc : 尼塞拉克掉出的sc,因为其级别高,所以可以洗出较好属性pdsc : 增加毒伤害的小型护符,一般指100毒伤害的小护符Lgc : +1 法师电系技能的超大型护身符cb : 巨神之刃cs : 巨神之剑pb : 幻化之刃ms : 密仪之剑ss : 刺客近身剪amu : 项链,护身符,Amulet ,同类意思的还有 ammy,xlwbow : 庇护之弓mbow : 女族长之弓gris : Griswold"s Legacy 游侠精华套装的简称cXXq : 还有 cXXe,指带残忍前缀和轻快/吸精后缀的武器,一般来说这些都是同类武器中最好的。例如 ccbq,cwpq,cmse,csse,cmbe 等等。gmbow : 一般指亚玛逊套装中的弓Lionheart : 神符之语 狮心fury : 神符之语 狂暴Rhyme : 神符之语 押韵white : 神符之语白色,男巫PK的好武器Silence : 神符之语 寂静smoke : 神符之语 烟雾uni : 暗金物品gf : 祖父--巨人之刃,野蛮人PVC最好的武器tt : 暗金亚玛逊专用标枪,也称 titanwf : 风之力,暗金九头蛇弓; 水鱼,多指不了解行情的玩家wt : 战场之靴soj : 乔丹之石。战网的主要流通货币ear : String of Ears,通常叫物免腰带,还有1说是 pk人掉出的耳朵ire : 通常指 罗瑟战甲sun : 旭日东升orb : 眼球 或是指 女巫的技能wmj : 物免甲wmd : 物免盾wmk : 物免盔gaze : 通常指物免盔doom : 暗金冠军之剑mesh : 物免甲mara : 马拉的万花筒项链skin : 各个战网有些差别,多数指 暗金炎魔皮板甲,也有指 暗金海蛇皮甲luna : 暗金盾牌中的一种,具有冰吸收的属性star : 暗金恶魔流星锤sash : 物免腰带dapao : 人们常说的大炮,同意还有 ballista/dpebow : 暗金十字军之弓wmyd : 物免腰带raven : 乌鸦shako : 暗金军帽,junmaojordan : 乔丹之石戒指storm : 物免盾暴风之盾bbface : Arreat"s Face Slayer Guard 野蛮人专用暗金盔mallet : Schaefer"s Hammer Legendary Mallet 传说之槌,游侠的称手武器highlord : Highlord"s Wrath 大军之怒,也称 dajunZakarum : 暗金游侠专用盾jew : jewel 珠宝jp : 精品,极品lj : La Ji 垃圾leg : 腿。开cow level的必须品ik : 野蛮人套装不朽之王的简称tal : 塔拉夏套装naj : 女巫套装娜吉nat : 刺客套装的简称sigon : 西刚套装laying : 门徒套装的手套Mavina : 亚玛逊玛维娜套装的简称,或写 mvn人物技能类此类一般有个特点,缩写都是由技能每个单词的第一个字母,例如 cn==cold mastery 女巫的冷魔法掌握.ama : 亚玛逊,其它同意思的还有 zon,amzcs : 亚玛逊双倍打击技能ga : 亚玛逊的向导箭技能lf : 亚玛逊的闪电之怒技能ms : 亚玛逊的排箭技能sm : 亚玛逊的缓慢攻击技能valk : 亚玛逊的女武神技能asn : 刺客,同样意思的还有 asscm : 刺客的爪掌握技能df : 刺客的龙翔技能ls : 刺客的闪电陷阱技能mb : 刺客的冲击波技能ts : 刺克的虎击技能sm : 刺客的影子大师技能cos : 刺客的幻影披风技能bar : 野蛮人,同样还有 bb,ymrbo : 野蛮人战斗命令技能is : 野蛮人的钢铁皮肤技能la : 野蛮人的跳斩技能nr : 野蛮人的自然抗性技能sm : 野蛮人的剑掌握技能ssbar : 双剑野蛮人或剑盾野蛮人dru : 德鲁依ca : 德鲁依的暴风盔甲技能os : 德鲁伊的橡树技能fury : 德鲁依的狂怒技能sor : 女巫,同样的还有 sorces : 女巫的能量盾技能cm : 女巫的冰系掌握技能fw : 女巫的火墙技能lm : 女巫的电系掌握技能tk : 女巫的隔空取物技能tp : 女巫的瞬移技能ts : 女巫的雷云技能sf : 女巫的静电场技能hydra : 女巫的九头蛇技能meteor : 女巫的陨石技能pal : 游侠,同样的还有 pala,pally,XXdinhf : 游侠的圣结寒冰技能hs : 游侠的神圣之盾技能con : 游侠的集中光环技能,conc 同理foh : 游侠的天堂之拳技能ven : 游侠的复仇技能conv : 游侠的审判光环技能nec : 男巫,同样的还有 necrobw : 男巫的骨墙技能ce : 男巫的尸爆技能gm : 男巫的傀儡掌握技能pn : 男巫的毒之新星技能ig : 男巫的铁傀儡技能im : 男巫的钢铁技能lr : 男巫的降低抗性技能amp : 男巫的加强伤害技能dec : 男巫的衰老技能str : 强壮vit : 活力eng : 能量dex : 敏捷hp : 生命值mp : 法力值常用词语类游戏中的交流,已经形成了一种独特的文化,了解常用短语,是融入这种文化的开始= : 等b : Baal,最后的头目1 : 带人过程中,如果带人者打出这个数字,说明门里非常安全,可以进入,如果是 2,则表示危险5t : Baal 前面的5批敌人88 : 拜拜,同样的很多,例如 bb,bye,886 等等X# : X 是 1-33 中间的数字,表示第 X 号神符bd : 在论坛,这个词一般表示帮顶的意思,还有就是 笨蛋 的意思bt : 变态ah : 暗黑3Q : 的意思,同样的还有很多,例如 thx,xx,thax,3x 等等4242 : 是啊是啊555~~ : 哭的意思acc : 帐号名max : 最大伤害min : 最小伤害X h : X 表示 1-2 的数字,意思是几手武器,比如1 h 表示单手武器X s : X 表示 1-6 的数字,意思是几孔武器,比如6 s 表示6孔武器bug : 游戏漏洞ban : 被管理员封了帐号bbs : 论坛btw : by the way 顺便说说char : 角色cow : 牛场cr : 建立游戏brb : 表示换人,请等候的意思cu : 再见cw : colour wolf ,呵呵dd : 东西ds : 多少?一般交易时使用;或者是 地上 的意思dual : 双吸duel : 决斗。相当于PKen : 嗯exp : 经验值faint : 倒,晕,也可用 ftgg : 哥哥jj : 姐姐gx : 恭喜:)hell : 地狱难度i c : 我看到了c/c : 房间名=China,密码=China ,中国玩家主场j/j : 房间名=Japan,密码=Japan ,游戏房间名,日本玩家主场k/k : 房间名=Korea,密码=Korea ,游戏房间名,韩国玩家主场js : J商KX : 例如 kc/kp/km/kb,战网的主要活动,KC=杀牛;KP=杀第五场景底下红门进去后的第一个金怪;KM=杀孟菲斯托;KB=杀巴尔CK : 牛王,重点保护对象lag : 网络延迟,一般就是网速慢的意思lol : 大笑,其他类似的很多 ^o^,-o-,-_- 等等lv : 级别,等级me 2 : 我也一样mm : 妹妹,美眉,女性玩家mod : 装备的属性或另类模式n : 很多种意思,下个游戏;NO;游戏房间名。newbie : 新人pt : 普通难度;在论坛指骗贴。nm : 噩梦难度dy : 地狱难度nor : 普通难度np : 1:没有问题;2:游戏名和密码的缩写,比如对方问 np?意思是问你游戏名和密码。nr=nt : UW 服务器交易常见语,表示 “不回复=不,” 的意思o : 哦oh : 表示惊讶omg : 天啊~~~pf : 佩服tp : 传送门Ping : 网速,游戏中输入 fps 就可以显示pk : 有一定的不成文规定的玩家间战斗pvp : 玩家VS玩家pvc : 玩家VS电脑pls : 请,或 plzpw : 密码py : 朋友;交易中是便宜的意思QX : X 是 1-6 的意思,表示第X个任务qr : 穷人k: OK;或 快 的意思act X : X 是 1-5 中间的数字,表示第X场景rd : 国度停机rej : 重新加入rob : 抢,最残忍的MF方式,也是最多人喜欢的 :)rp : 前面提到过,人品的意思rpwt : 人品问题rt : 如题sd : 普通难度tc : 交易频道th : 土豪w r u : 你在哪里?wp : 传送点y : yeszm : 怎么?zt : 猪头rz : 人渣qs : 去死tmd : tnnd,md 都是一个意思,大家自己理解吧,呵呵作弊类以下是一些常见作弊行为的缩写词语,谨慎使用。bot : 一种,可以自动执行某此动作,比如 KP,KM,KC,BUS BOT ,SHOP BOT 等等iid : 一个程序,用来查看物品的隐藏级别,一般用来鉴定b"sc,n"sc,目前 maphack 已经具有此功能dupe : 复制物品,一种作弊手段pick it : 一个程序,会自动拾取指定物品rb : 通过使服务器回档来达到作弊目的ith : 著名的修改物品官方名词BN : 战网服务器A1 : Asia1 realm 亚洲1服务器,其他还有 A2,A3Eu : Europe Realm 欧洲服务器Ue : USEast Realm 美东服务器Uw : USWest Realm 美西服务器cd-key : 光盘,上BN必须hc : 专家模式,死了就不能复活std : 普通模式d2: diablo2 暗黑破坏神2d2x: Diablo2 Expansion Set: Lord of Destruction, diablo2资料片--毁灭之王其实还有很多,各个服务器都有自己的一套专用术语,这里能力所限制,没有一一收录,只要用心留意一下,还是不难理解的。




impk战网论坛的id有吧,没有就申请一个,反正以后交易物品、请教问题什么的都要用到的。逛一下论坛就知道了,多看精华帖子,除了一些小常识之外,什么问题都能解决~~impk的新手区没去看过吧,有个白色标题名的 精华汇总帖子,这里面囊括了所有东西。关于名词解释啊、术语缩写什么的都有啦~~


impressive的读法是:英 [u026am"presu026av],美 [u026am"presu026av].adj.(形容词)感人的,令人感动的。令人钦佩的,使人敬畏的,令人肃然起敬的。威严的。给人深刻印象的,令人难忘的。神气的,有气派的。短语搭配:1、very impressive.印象很深刻;非常的感人;非常可观。2、impressive performance.令人印象深刻的表现。3、impressive record.令人印象深刻的记录;令人赞叹的记录。4、impressive list.令人印象深刻的清单;清单令人印象深刻。5、impressive collection.印象深刻的……收藏;大量,惊人的收藏。6、impressive example.印象深刻的例子;难以忘怀的例子。7、impressive library.令人印象深刻的图书馆。双语例句:1、The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in magazines.这建筑物看上去和在杂志上一样让人印象深刻。2、It is a Potemkin party; there is little behind the impressive parliamentary group seen on television.这是一个装点门面的政党,除了电视上看到的议会党团翩翩外表并无实质内容。3、The cathedral is impressive in its austere simplicity.大教堂朴实简单,给人印象深刻。4、To Katherine, the house was trebly impressive.对凯瑟琳来说,这房子极其壮观。5、His team played some impressive football.他的球队踢法令人印象深刻。6、Communal pride in impressive local buildings.全社区对于予人深刻印象的当地建筑的自豪。7、A good English dictionary is a golden key to an impressive command of English.一本好的英语词典是学好英语的金钥匙。8、He has real style. / He has an impressive bearing.他真有气派。9、The interest on this principal will be quite impressive.这笔本金的利息会相当可观。10、He looks quite impressive in this suit.他穿上这身衣裳,多气派。


我只知道两种解释复式记分系统一副牌如果被若干桌不同的选手打过以后,由服务器去掉若干个最高分和最低分后计算出平均值。每副牌的结果分别以队式赛方式与平均值进行比较,差值转换为IMP,既参赛选手在此副牌的得分。IMP:企业信息化管理平台(Information Management Plat) IMP是稳定且易于操作的企业信息化管理平台,程序及数据库集中运行于服务器,工作站无需安装任何程序,利用IE浏览器即可登录使用本平台。

Linux下Oracle 11g 在imp导入数据的时候,出现错误



应征公民体格检查心理检测标准(暂行)一、智力检测(一)计算机检测法:采用征兵心理检测专用软件检测,有下列情况之一者,机检不合格,加做纸笔测验:1.数字运算测验:在检测系统预定的时间内正确完成题目数少于85个,或虽然正确完成85个以上,但正确率低于30%;2.数字搜索测验:在检测系统预定的时间内正确完成题目少于18个;3.语词推理测验:在检测系统预定的时间内正确完成题目少于28个。(二)纸笔检测法:采用征兵心理检测专用试卷,有下列情况者之一者,智力检测不合格:1.数字运算检测:120秒内正确完成题目少于48个;2.数字搜索测验:120秒内正确完成题目少于14个;3.语词推理测验:120秒内正确完成题目少于16个。二、人格检测(一)计算机检测法:采用征兵心理检测专用软件,有下列情况之一者,机检不合格,加做结构式访谈:1.分离特质(Dit )分值高于70分;2.神经特质(Net)分值高于70分。3.敏感特质(Set)分值高于70分。有下列情况之一者,检验结果无效,加做结构式访谈:1.防御性(D)分值高于70分;2.求异性(S)分值高于70分;3.掩饰性(T)分值高于70分;4.忽略性(P)分值高于70分;5.矛盾性(C)分值高于3分。(二)结构式访谈检测法:采用征兵心理检测结构式访谈提纲,按0分、1分、2分三个分值评分,六个项目中有任何一项评为2分或累计2分的,人格检测不合格:1.精神障碍家族史(1)直系亲属中有下列情况之一者,记0分:①无精神障碍现症病人;②既往无明确精神障碍诊断史;③无明确精神障碍疾病治疗史。(2)直系直系亲属中有下列情况之一者,记1分:①现有可疑精神症状;②有可疑的精神障碍诊断史;③有明确的精神障碍治疗史。(3)直系亲属中有下列情况之一者,记2分:①有现症精神障碍病人;②有明确的精神障碍诊断史;③有明确的精神障碍治疗史。2.精神障碍病史(1)有下列情况之一者,记0分:①无精神障碍病史;②未因精神问题看过病;③无服用精神药物史。(2)有下列情况之一者,记1分:①可能在精神病院(科)看过病;②有可疑的精神障碍诊断史;③有可疑的精神药物治疗史。(3)有下列情况之一者,记2分:①既往有肯定的精神症状;②有明确的精神障碍疾病诊断史;③有明确的精神药物治疗史。3.幻想体验症状(1)没有幻觉症状,或有幻觉体检但不影响社会功能的,记0分;(2)有幻觉症状体验,轻度影响社会功能,记1分;(3)有幻觉症状体验,影响社会功能,记2分。4、妄想、被动体验等症状(1)没有妄想和被动体验等症状,记0分;(2)有妄想或被动体验等症状,轻度影响社会功能,记1分;(3)有妄想或被动体验等症状,影响社会功能,记2分。5.情感障碍(1)没有抑郁症状和躁狂症状,记0分;(2)有可疑的抑郁症状或躁狂症状,轻度影响社会功能,记1分;(3)有抑郁症状或噪狂症状,影响社会功能,记2分。6.应激障碍(1)没有经受过严重的精神打击,或经受过严重精神打击但不影响社会功能的,记0分;(2)经受过严重的精神打击,轻度影响社会功能,记1分;(3)经受过严重的精神打击,影响社会功能,记2分。三、综合结论智力检测或人格检测不合格者,综合结论不合格。应征公民体格检查心理检测实施办法(暂行)应征公民心理检测是征兵体格检查工作的一部分,应专门抽调心理检测人员组成心理检测科,组织实施心理检测。一、检测人员组成心理检测科一般幅度4-5人组成,其中心理检测负责人1人(由心理访谈人员兼任),计算机检测人员2-3人,心理访谈人员1人,纸笔智力测验人员1人。心理访谈人员应由心理或精神专业的中级以上专业技术职务人员担任;计算机检测人员应熟悉心理检测软件安装、应用及卸载;纸笔智力检测人员要求具备初级以上专业技术职务。心理检测开始前,应组织培训。二、检测条件1.场地设置:心理检测科应设计算机检测室、纸笔智力测验室、心理访谈室。计算机检测室要求整洁、明亮、安静、保暖,房间能宽松摆放检测计算机及配套桌椅,座位间保留足够空间;纸笔智力测验室和心理访谈室要求房间整洁、明亮、安静,摆放若干张桌椅。2.计算机检测:计算机硬件最低配置为:PⅢ1G、64M内存、1G可用硬盘空间、USB接口、光驱、标准键盘(101/102键),配置中文WINDOWS 98SE以上操作系统,心理检测软件安装前须查、杀病毒,计算机严禁安装“还原卡”,以防关机后新装程序和数据丢失。日上站体检100名应征青年通常需配备10-15台计算机。3.纸笔智力检测:提前备好足量数字运算测验、数字搜索测验和语词推理测验试卷,通常按日上站体检人数的20%准备;准备秒表1块和一定数量的铅笔、圆珠笔、钢笔。4.心理访谈:提前备好足量《应征公民结构式心理访谈记录表》(附后),通常按日上站体检人数的20%准备。预先准备医务人员使用的《应征公民结构式心理访谈提纲》。根据日上站体检人数,预先准备足量《应征公民心理检测登记卡》,张贴有关检测须知。三、检测方法心理检测一般安排在其他体检项目结束后进行。所有受检者应首先进行计算机检测,包括:计算机智力检测和计算机人格检测两项内容。如计算机检测合格,直接做出“合格”结论;如计算机智力检测不合格,则加做纸笔智力测验;如计算机人格测验不合格或无效,则进行结构式心理访谈。1.计算机检测:根据上站体检人数,检测工作人员预先在《应征公民心理检测登记表》(附后)上为受检者编写四位数的ID编码,从0001依次编起。受检者就位后,工作人员讲解答题操作方法、步骤等有关须知,受检者填写《应征公民心理检测登记卡》上有关个人信息并详细阅读检测操作说明,完毕后举手示意。工作人员输入管理员密码,进行检测系统,并协助受检者输入ID编码。然后,受检者开始测验答题。答题完毕后系统自动返回“等待界面”。检查人员确认并将检查测试结果填写在《应征公民心理检测登记表》上。测试结果显示“(1)”,表示测验“合格”,显示“(2)”,表示需加做纸笔智力测验;显示“(3)”,表示需进行结构式心理访谈;如同时显示“(2)、(3)”,表示需加做纸笔智力测验和结构式心理访谈。2.纸笔智力测验:首先,根据《应征公民心理检测登记表》测试结果确定受检者纸笔智力测验具体项目。计算机智力测验中的数字运算测验、数字搜索测验、语词推理测验任何一项或多项不合格,均需加做该项纸笔智力测验。然后,工作人员向受检者说明测验目的和答题要求,分发试卷,受检者填写姓名、ID编码后开始答题,秒表记录测试时间,每项测试时间120秒。3.结构式心理访谈:访谈人员按预先设定的访谈提纲进行讯问,并做好记录。四、结果判定心理检测结束后,计算机检测人员、纸笔智力测验人员和心理访谈人员各自根据检测情况填写检测结果,在《应征公民心理检测登记表》上做出“合格”或“不合格”的结论,对不合格者应注明原因;所有单项检测表格及检测登记卡均由心理检测负责人汇总、复审后,做出综合结论并签名。将《应征公民心理检测登记表》粘贴在《应征公民体格检查表》的“辅助检查栏”中。


Shannon-Wiener指数(H):H= -∑ |ni ∕ Nln(ni / N)|式中:ni——第i个种的个体数目,N——群落中所有种的个体总数。Shannon-Wiener指数来源于信息理论。它的计算公式表明,群落中生物种类增多代表了群落的复杂程度增高,即H值愈大,群落所含的信息量愈大。)Simpson指数D=1-Σ(Pi^2)式中Pi种的个体数占群落中总个体数的比例。Shannon-Wiener指数是指群落种类丰富度,即种类的多少而Shannon-Wiener指数是指是每个种类分布的均匀度。

英语的重要性 The Importance of English

Asthe deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especiallyfor those who municate with foreigners. For one thing, English is anessential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcastin English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning Englishwell, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read originalnovels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way ofthinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as amunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.,随着全球化的不断加深,英语显得十分重要,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。一方面,英语是了解外界的必备因素。当今世界,大多数信心的传递都是通过英语这种语言形式来实现的,特别是先进的信息。另外,学好英语,我们能看到一个全新不同的世界。例如,我们可以更好地欣赏原著小说或是英语电影。有的时候,翻译可能会使源语言的精华得不到很好的展现。我们甚至还能培养一种不同的思维方式,用英语的思维去思考问题,这与中文的思维方式是不同的。简单来说,英语作为一种交流工具,在我们的生中扮演了重要的角色。

nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it 什么意思

nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it只要你动脑去做,没有什么事是不可能的

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.是什么意思

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind只要愿意没有什么是不可能双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 世上无难事只怕有心人例句:1.Attainable: I am a firm believer that nothing is impossible to a willingheart. 可实现的:我坚信有决心没什么是不可能的。

nothing is impossible 怎么读

拉生 一日 泼是薄

nothingisimpossible------Nike 的中文意思是?


Nothing impossible什么意思


nothing is impossible 还是impossible is nothing

impossible is nothing

请问Nothing is impossible,is it ?若想回答:是的,没有不可能。该如何回答?(要求您的答案必须十分...

No,it isn"t

if引导的条件状语从句问题 nothing is impossible if you try yo


“Nothing is impossible” 这句话是谁说的?


一切皆有可能英文应该是impossible is anything还是everything?

everything is possible.

nothing is impossible if you put

"世上无难事,只怕有心人";"只要你用心没有什么是不可能做到的" 我觉得事在人为了

中英文对照演讲稿 nothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible可以参考下内容:)Nothing is impossible to a willing mind, I always say "Nothing is impossible"You never look smart,You never say anything, One day, you are rocking on stage,I"m just the common one in the crowd looking at you,I ask you why?You say "Impossible is nothing, if you persist in what you love"Well, yeah, nothing is possible, I was right.But most importantly, you have to believe Impossible is Nothing. In China,we know the sentence : Time can change everything.and it really is.There is no useless substance, but brains and sights.Everything is possible. Nothing is impossible.happiness is a good thing and easy to achieve.felicity is a fine thing and worth fighting for.create new things. when new things are created, it becomes very useful in that job and it saves time and energy to everyone and the creater is celebrated. But in total, it is the same treditional way that gave you the strength to make new ideas and ways on the same subject. For everything what we need is the Base, which is the pillar. With the help of this pillar, you are constructing the ideas. “Impossible Is Nothing”还是Adidas广告语:)~~没有什么是不可能的没有什么是不可能的,一愿心, 我总是说: "没有什么是不可能的"你永远看起来聪明,你永远不会说什么,有一天,你是摇滚舞台上,我只是普通一在人群中寻找你,我想问你,为什么呢?你说"不可能是什么,如果你坚持你的爱"好,嗯,没有什么是可能的话,我是right.but最重要的是,你必须相信不可能是什么。 在中国,我们都知道一句话:时间可以改变everything.and真is.there是没有无用的实质内容,但开动脑筋, sights.everything是可能的。什么是impossible.happiness是一件好事,且易于achieve.felicity是一个很好的事情,值得打for.create新的东西。当新事物创造的,它变得非常有用的那个职务,并可以节省时间和精力,每个人都与创业是庆祝。但在其中,它是同时绘画的方式给你们有实力的企业到新的思路和方法,就同一议题。一切我们所需要的是基础,是支柱。与帮助这一支柱的,你是构建思路。 "不可能是什么" ,

帮忙翻译 Nothing is Impossible 歌词


Nothing is impossible的英语故事

There is a handsome boy who was born into a wealthy family. He didn"t care about anything; he wanted only to get good grades to get his fathers attention. One day while he was swimming, he saw a little boy younger than him crying. He went up to that little boy and ask him," why are you crying?" The little boy answered,"I tried learning how to swim because my classmates are laughing at me that I can"t swim, but i don"t think it"s possible for me to swim." The handsome boy said to the little boy,"It"s okay! Let me teach you how to swim. It is possible for you to swim, trust me." The little boy learned how to swim, and his classmates never laughed at him again. The little boy learned that nothing is impossible.

励志说说:Nothing is impossible!

1、Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! 2、If you fail, dont forget to learn your lesson. 如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。 3、A man cant ride your back unless it is bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。 4、Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前, 决不放弃! 5、A mans best friends are his ten fingers. 人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。 6、The first step is as good as half over. 第一步是最关键的一步。 7、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。 8、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕! 9、Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好! 10、Never say die. 永不气馁! 经典座右铭英语:Sow nothing, reap nothing 1、Im born to succeed. 译:我注定成功。 2、practice makes perfect. 译:熟能生巧。 3、Hear all parties. 译:兼听则明,偏听则暗。 4、Grasp all, lose all. 译:欲尽得,必尽失。 5、Look before you leap. 译:三思而后行。 6、No cross, no croes by experience. 译:熟练来自经验。 19、Failure is the mother of success. 译:失败乃成功之母。 20、All things come to those e is he e great things. 译:伟大始于渺小。 43、One today is ent, is the right man. 译:谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 56、Nothing is impossible for a e to me unless I go to it. 译:胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 67、Man struggles up by the follies of others. 译:从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。 75、All things in their being are good for something. 译:天生我才必有用。 76、Nothing is difficult to the man ething of everything and everything of something. 译:通百艺而专一长。 101、Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. 译:生活中没有可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。 102、Never deter till tomorroernity in an hour. 关于爱情英语短句:Nothing:can"t:go 1、用一生坚守自己许下的承诺,这就是爱。 It is love to stick to the promise you promise all your life. 2、此生若能得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流离。 If you can get happiness safe, etimes love is an implicative floetimes, the eone to be afraid of losing me, even if it"s only once. 32、不要因为完结而哭泣,要为曾经发生而微笑。 Don"t cry because it is over, smile for mitment, not to do, that is only still a lie. 42、如果连今天都兑现不了,你凭什么给我承诺永远。 If even today can"t be cashed, ings, so it"s true. 73、对你的爱,似海深。 The love for you is deep in the sea. 74、爱你,我的脸颊往中挤;想你,我的下巴向下移。 Love you, my cheeks are squeezing; think of you, my chin is moving down. 75、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮! Two love long, a blessing in every morning and evening! 76、灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 The soul can not exist without love. 77、爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 Love is hard to invest, but it is more difficult to go out once it is invested. 78、这份情人节礼物,是送给那位偷去我的心的女孩。 This Valentine"s Day gift is for the girl who has stolen my heart. 79、没有什么过不去,我不相信幸福,我相信你。 Nothing can"t go, I don"t believe in happiness, I believe you. 80、我是一粒棋子,过了河,没路可回了。 I am a piece of chess, crossing the river, no way back. 感人的情话,Without you,I am nothing. 感人的情话,Without you,I am nothing. 我把花摆满整个房间,却只有98朵,于是将自己的心雕成最后一朵。上天感动的问:苦命的孩子,你要用生命换取什么?我说:我要看这句话的人比谁都幸福。 如果我是你的眼泪。我会顺着你的脸颊轻轻滑落,幸福的摔的粉碎。如果你是我的眼泪,我会忍着泪水学会永远不哭。因为我舍不得失去你。 爱你,是我持继心跳的唯一理由。 下辈子我要找寻世界每一个角落,我还要让你像现在一样得爱我,保护我,可以么? 你一定要答应我,因为我现在真得好怕有一天我会失去你,要是你走了,我要怎么办? 没有了水,鱼怎麽办? 没有了你,我怎麽办。? 对着镜子,我哭了,因为眼里全是你 知道吗 你是世界上最幸运的人 因为你可以选择爱我或不爱我 但是我只能选择爱你或更爱你 纵然相隔千山万水,你却是我永远的牵挂。 遇见你我就是世上最幸福的人... 你要知道,当你想我的时候其实我也在想着你,这样你的思念便不会孤单。 Without you,I am nothing. 爱情不可能长期地隐藏,也不可能长期地假装。 第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑是因为遇到你,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你!

nothing is impossible反义疑问句

nothing is impossible,isn"t it?

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart是什么意思


nothing is impossible反义疑问句

前面主句表达的是否定的意思,所以反义疑问句应该是is it. 可能你的疑问在于Nothing和Impossible都是否定词,这样就是双重否定,就是肯定的意思,应该用isn"t而不是is it. 但是Nothing是主句中的主语,故后面的要用肯定形式is it.

带英文的励志说说:Nothing is impossible!

1.If you don"t fight for e people are like dark clouds. plicated.生活一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。 5.Emancipate urself from ur past. The only ebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. 如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。 14.Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。 15.So orrow if you don"t stop thinking about yesterday. 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 17.Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! 18.Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! 20.Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.生活,就像骑单车。要保持平衡,就得不断往前走。 带翻译的英文励志说说短语 一、You are not brave, no one for you to be strong. 你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。 二、Bravery never goes out of fashion。勇敢永远不过时! 三、Dont let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. 不要让糟糕的一天让你误以为有个糟糕的人生。 四、Nurture passes nature。教养胜过天性。 五、Only they of success。人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 十三、They todays sun. 不必因昨天的眼泪湿了今天的太阳。 二十八、Sow nothing, reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。 二十九、The best hearts are always the bravest。心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人。 三十、Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的 三十一、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day。即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。 三十二、When all else is lost the future still remains。就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。 三十三、Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind。青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境。 三十四、In the bitter have to insist, in the tired also want to fight. 在苦也要坚持,在累也要拼搏。 三十五、i know that my future is not just a dream. 我知道我的未来不是梦。 关于爱情的励志说说带英文 1、爱可以简简单单,但不能随随便便。 Love can be simple, but not casual. 2、我为你付出的一切,请你原封不动的还给我。 All I have done for you, please give it back to me intact. 3、短暂的离别会促进爱情,长久的分离却会将它扼杀。 A short separation e together. 12、不要再冷了,时间久了,我害怕自己再也融化不了你那颗心了。 Dont be cold anymore. Its been a long time. Im afraid I cant melt your heart anymore. 13、以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。 In the future, you ise and the ans life, but only an episode in a mans life. 43、你说吧,你是想死呢还是不想活了? You say, do you want to die or dont want to live? 44、其实不是因为她漂亮才喜欢她,而是喜欢她后才发现她漂亮。 Actually, it is not because she is beautiful that she likes her, but because she likes her that she is beautiful. 45、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。 Love is like wealth. It depends on the wheel of fate. It is always in a violent ups and downs. 46、习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。 Habits are habits. No one can throw them out of the window. They can only lead them downstairs step by step. 47、我想你,我念你,我爱你。 I miss you, I miss you, I love you. 48、对不起,我真的不能爱你太久,我只能爱你一辈子而已。 Sorry, I really cant love you for too long. I can only love you for life. qq签名英文带翻译励志 1、我之所以能,是因为我相信能。 I can, because I believe that I can. 2、只要你相信,奇迹一定会实现。 As long as you believe, miracles etimes you have to jump out of the another angle, it is still round. 8、努力吧,只有站在足够的高度才有资格被仰望。 pany, to a tiger a dog to a human, from the people to become God said is a myth. 46、随随便便浪费的时间,再也不能赢回来。 Casually groe people think that it others. 75、时间象弹簧,可以缩短,也可以拉长。 Time like a spring, can be shortened, but also can be extended. 76、智者养生也,必须四时而调寒暑。 The health is also four years, must sometimes tune. 77、一个懂你眼泪的朋友,胜过一群只懂你笑容的朋友。 A friend who knows your tears is better than a group of friends who only know your smile. 78、我不知道,我已经付出的我所有的微笑。 I dont know, I have to pay all of my smile. 79、如果你想有伟大的成就,先在内心根植强烈的动机。 If you want to have a great achievement, first you have a strong motivation to be rooted in your heart. 80、我甚至连他的一张照片都没有。他只活在我的记忆里。 I dont even have a picture of him. He only lives in my memory.

Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.


Nothing is impossible

It"s very easy to give up, but it will be very cool to stay on. So the harder you work, the luckier you will get in the end. ——Listen to me, whenever, keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hardwork, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe it. Anything is possible, and that"s something we should not lose sight of. The inspiration and the permission to dream is huge and huge. Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to love you, to accompany you, to support you…… And you"re the best in their eyes, also in your deep heart. So trust me, baby! Life needs a sustenance, which hope is more important than liking.——

中英文对照演讲稿 nothing is impossible 5分钟左右,一定要有中英文对照,

Nothing is impossible可以参考下内容: Nothing is impossible to a willing mind, I always say "Nothing is impossible"You never look smart,You never say anything,One day,you are rocking on stage,I"m just the common one in the crowd looking at you,I ask you why?You say "Impossible is nothing,if you persist in what you love"Well,yeah,nothing is possible,I was right.But most importantly,you have to believe Impossible is Nothing. In China,we know the sentence :Time can change everything.and it really is.There is no useless substance,but brains and sights.Everything is possible.Nothing is impossible.happiness is a good thing and easy to achieve.felicity is a fine thing and worth fighting for.create new things.when new things are created,it becomes very useful in that job and it saves time and energy to everyone and the creater is celebrated.But in total,it is the same treditional way that gave you the strength to make new ideas and ways on the same subject.For everything what we need is the Base,which is the pillar.With the help of this pillar,you are constructing the ideas. “Impossible Is Nothing”还是Adidas广告语: 没有什么是不可能的 没有什么是不可能的,一愿心, 我总是说:"没有什么是不可能的"你永远看起来聪明,你永远不会说什么,有一天,你是摇滚舞台上,我只是普通一在人群中寻找你,我想问你,为什么呢?你说"不可能是什么,如果你坚持你的爱"好,嗯,没有什么是可能的话,我是right.but最重要的是,你必须相信不可能是什么. 在中国,我们都知道一句话:时间可以改变everything.and真is.there是没有无用的实质内容,但开动脑筋,sights.everything是可能的.什么是impossible.happiness是一件好事,且易于achieve.felicity是一个很好的事情,值得打for.create新的东西.当新事物创造的,它变得非常有用的那个职务,并可以节省时间和精力,每个人都与创业是庆祝.但在其中,它是 同时绘画的方式给你们有实力的企业到新的思路和方法,就同一议题.一切我们所需要的是基础,是支柱.与帮助这一支柱的,你是构建思路. "不可能是什么" ,

Nothing Is Impossible 歌词

歌曲:Nothing Is Impossible歌手:WestlifeIsn"t life strangea total mysteryas we passed each daydid you notice me?and i know girlyou"ve been looking at meand i konw nowthat you and me were meant to bewaht would it take to realisethat in my heartno matter what they sayno matter what they saywhen it comes to lovetwo hearts are inseparableno matter what they saywhen it comes to love lovenothing is impossiblewalking down that roadit"s coming back to medid you feel it insidea thousand memorieswaht would it take to realisethat in my heartno matter what they sayno matter what they saywhen it comes to lovetwo hearts are inseparableno matter what they saywhen it comes to love lovenothing is impossiblewhen it comes to you and methere"s so much morethan they can seeand that"s how it"s meant to beno matter what they saywhen it comes to lovetwo hearts are inseparableno matter what they saywhen it comes to love lovenothing is impossibleno matter what they saywhen it comes to lovetwo hearts are inseparableno matter what they saywhen it comes to love lovenothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible!什么意思啊?求翻译。


nothing is impossible是什么意思


Nothing is impossible 是什么意思?


求一篇“How to make a good impression”的英语作文,大概两百字左右!谢谢啦!

have many interview experiences,and i think the self-confidence is one of the most important things at the interview.when i was not confidence on myself,the interview is almost fail.To a girl,maybe a good manners,decent clothes and well-cosmetic may add your confidence,and i think what is also important is your simile!If you know how to smile,i"m sure you will win a good impression to interviewers....because my english is not very fluent,so all of those is what i can say,hope someone can give other suggestion to us.

Layar Impian 歌词

歌曲名:Layar Impian歌手:Too Phat专辑:Urban Strike ...With EllaElla - Layar ImpianJika mimpi masa silamBisa kusimpan dalam kacaJadi perhiasanPasti aku abadikanZaman riang kanak-kanakPabila hujan mengundangSuasana bahagiaDalam hidup yang seindahMimpi yang tidak pernahMelukakan perasaan...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianTapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...

Layar Impian 歌词

歌曲名:Layar Impian歌手:Ella(马来西亚)专辑:Layar ImpianElla - Layar ImpianJika mimpi masa silamBisa kusimpan dalam kacaJadi perhiasanPasti aku abadikanZaman riang kanak-kanakPabila hujan mengundangSuasana bahagiaDalam hidup yang seindahMimpi yang tidak pernahMelukakan perasaan...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianTapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...


#include "SimplorerAfx.h"#include "Sim2000User.h"#include "Simd_define.h"#include "math.h"#define STRG_NCNAME_INPUT1 "Input1"#define STRG_NCNAME_INPUT2 "Input2"#define STRG_NCNAME_INPUT3 "Input3"#define STRG_NCNAME_INPUT4 "Input4"#define STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT1 "Output1"#define STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT2 "Output2"#define STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT3 "Output3"#define STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT4 "Output4"#define STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT5 "Output5"#define STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT6 "Output6"#define STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT1 "INTEG_OUT1"#define STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT2 "INTEG_OUT2"#define STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT3 "INTEG_OUT3"#define STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT4 "INTEG_OUT4"FCTDECL Prepare_Simd( CModUser *pMod ){//inner states--AddNode_State//conservative nodes-- AddNode__c//non-conservative nodes--AddNode_ncpMod->AddNode_nc(STRG_NCNAME_INPUT1, 0.0,DIRIN);pMod->AddNode_nc(STRG_NCNAME_INPUT2, 0.0,DIRIN);pMod->AddNode_nc(STRG_NCNAME_INPUT3, 0.0,DIRIN);pMod->AddNode_nc(STRG_NCNAME_INPUT4, 0.0,DIRIN);//Parameter Info//EnglishpMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT1, "Input1");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT2, "Input2");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT3, "Input3");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT4, "Input4");//Output pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT1, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT2, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT3, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT4, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT5, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT6, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT1, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT2, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT3, 0.0, DIROUT);pMod->AddNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT4, 0.0, DIROUT);//Output InfopMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT1, "Output1");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT2, "Output2");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT3, "Output3");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT4, "Output4");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT5, "Output5");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT6, "Output6");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT1, "INTEG_OUT1");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT2, "INTEG_OUT2");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT3, "INTEG_OUT3");pMod->SetInfoNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT4, "INTEG_OUT4");//Adding an inner states with the same name like the output!pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT1);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT2);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT3);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT4);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT5);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT6);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT1);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT2);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT3);pMod->AddNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT4);return 1L;}FCTDECL Initialize_Simd_TR( CModUser *pMod ){return TRUE;}FCTDECL Simulate_Simd_TR( CModUser *pMod ){static double Tperiod;double timer1;double input1 =pMod->GetValNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT1);double input2 =pMod->GetValNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT2);double input3 =pMod->GetValNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT3);double input4 =pMod->GetValNode_nc( STRG_NCNAME_INPUT4);static double nsum=0 ;//have to define to the static variablestatic double deadtime;static double sum1=0,sum2=0,sum3=0,sum4=0 ,sum6=0 ;static double sum7=0,sum9=0,sum10=0;static double output1,output2,output3,output4;static double sample_time;static double MULA, MULB , MULAf,MULBf,sumaf,sumbf;static double integ1,integ2,integ3,integ4;static double ton1_s,ton2_s ,ton1_e ,ton2_e ,ton1_sf;static double ton2_sf,ton1_ef,ton2_ef;static double ton1,ton2,ton3,counter2;Tperiod=1.0/2000;deadtime=1.0e-5;timer1=1-fabs(2-4.*fmod(input4,Tperiod)/Tperiod);if(input4>nsum*Tperiod){nsum=nsum+1;//the up one step start and end timeton1_sf=ton1_s;ton1_ef=ton1_e;ton2_sf=ton2_s;ton2_ef=ton2_e;MULAf =MULA;MULBf =MULB;//speed PI controlsum1=3000-input1;integ1=pMod->GetValNode_State( STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT1);sample_time=GET_SAMPLETIME(pMod);integ1 +=sum1*sample_time;sum2=sum1*4+integ1*10+2*3000*3000/(3*1000*75);//current PI controlMULA=sum2*input3/1000;MULB=sum2*input4/1000;sum3=MULA-input2;integ2= pMod->GetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT2);integ2+=sum3*sample_time;sum6=sum3*1.5+integ2*5;sum4=MULB-input3;integ3=pMod->GetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_INTEG_OUT3);integ3+= sum4* sample_time;sum7=sum4*1.5+integ3*5;//former fed backsumaf=MULA*0.068+0.0023*(MULA-MULAf)/Tperiod;sumbf=MULB*0.068+0.0023*(MULB-MULBf)/Tperiod;sum9=(input3-sum6-sumaf)/3000;sum10=(input4-sum7-sumbf)/3000;if(sum9>1)sum9=1;if(sum9<-1)sum9=-1;if(sum10>1)sum10=1;if(sum10<-1)sum10=-1;ton1=(sum9+1)*Tperiod/2;ton2=(sum10+1)*Tperiod/2;if(ton1>Tperiod)ton1=Tperiod;if(ton1<0)ton1=0;if(ton2>Tperiod)ton2=Tperiod;if(ton2<0)ton2=0;//the start time and end tiem of every //IGBT which do not consider the dead timeton1_s=(Tperiod-ton1)/2;ton1_e=(Tperiod+ton1)/2;ton2_s=(Tperiod-ton2)/2;ton2_e=(Tperiod+ton2)/2;counter2=input4-(nsum-1)*Tperiod;//Generate the switch gating signalif ((counter2<ton1_sf+deadtime) || (counter2>ton1_ef))output1=-1;elseoutput1=1;if ((counter2<ton1_sf) || (counter2>ton1_ef+deadtime))output2=1;elseoutput2=-1;if((counter2<ton2_sf+deadtime)||(counter2>ton2_ef))output3=-1;elseoutput3=1;if((counter2<ton2_sf)||(counter2>ton2_ef+deadtime))output4=1;elseoutput4=-1;//Setting the output via the same name internal state:pMod->SetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT1, output1);pMod->SetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT2,output2);pMod->SetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT3, output3);pMod->SetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT4, output4);pMod->SetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT5,sum9);pMod->SetValNode_State(STRG_NCNAME_OUTPUT6, sum10);return TRUE;}}FCTDECL Validate_Simd_TR( CModUser *pMod ){return TRUE;}FCTDECL Close_Simd_TR( CModUser *pMod ){return TRUE;}这是本人从三相PWM整流电路闭环程序修改成的两相SPWM整流电路程序,求大神指导,把程序如何从闭环改为开环



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is of great importance这是什么语法点

of 加名词等于形容词的用法.简单讲,就是 of ...importance 等于 important




マニフェスト(Manifesto) 日文+罗马音 歌词长,按照段落分开了 ,容易看些 仆が総理大臣になったら日本国民一人ひとりから一円ずつだけもらって君と一亿円の结婚式しようboku ga souridaijin ni nattara nihon kokumin hitori hitori kara ichi en zutsu dake moratte kimi to ichioku en no kekkonshiki ni shiyou 仆が総理大臣になったら一日を25时间にして最后の一时间だけはみんな爱の営みのために使おうboku ga souridaijin ni nattara ichinichi wo nijuugo jikan ni shite saigo no ichi jikan dake minna ai no itonami no tame ni tsukaou 仆が総理大臣になったらたとえいくら无駄と言われようがboku ga souridaijin ni nattara tatoe ikura muda to iwareyou ga 君の家まで电车走らせよう终点は仆の家までにしようkimi no ie made densha hashiraseyou shuuten wa boku no ie made ni shiyou その変わりと言ってはなんだけど日本の国民一人ひとりのsono kawari to itte wa nanda kedo nihon no kokumin hitori hitori no 一番大切な人一人の诞生日を休みにしてあげようichiban taisetsu na hito hitori no tanjoubi wo yasumi ni shite ageyou そして 晴れて 君が仆の 文字通りのマイファーストレイディーsoshite harete kimi ga boku no mojidoori no MAIFAASUTOREIDII (my first lady)仆が総理大臣になったら仆が総理大臣になったら仆が総理大臣になったら君の诞生日を祝日にしようboku ga souridaijin ni nattara boku ga souridaijin ni nattara boku ga souridaijin ni nattara kimi no tanjoubi wo shukujitsu ni shiyou 仆が総理大臣になったら仆が総理大臣になったらboku ga souridaijin ni nattara boku ga souridaijin ni nattara 仆が日本の内阁総理大臣になったらそうするよboku ga nihon no naikaku souridaijin ni nattara sou suru yo 仆が総理大臣になったら君を苦しめる全てのものを仆の全てをかけて苦しめよう最后はこの国から追い払おうboku ga souridaijin ni nattara kimi wo kurushimeru subete no mono wo boku no subete wo kakete kurushimeyou saigo wa kono kuni kara oiharaou 仆が総理大臣になったら仆らにまつわる全てのことをこの世界の歴史として刻もう一つ残らず教科书に载せようboku ga souridaijin ni nattara bokura ni matsuwaru subete no koto wo kono sekai no rekishi to shite kizamou hitotsu nokorazu kyoukasho ni noseyou だから 仆に 清き 热き梦の 爱の 一票を下さいdakara boku ni kiyoki atsuki yume no ai no ippyou wo kudasai 仆が総理大臣になったら仆が総理大臣になったら仆が総理大臣になったら国旗は君のあの形にしようboku ga souridaijin ni nattara boku ga souridaijin ni nattara boku ga souridaijin ni nattara kokki wa kimi no ano katachi ni shiyou 仆が総理大臣になったら仆が総理大臣になったら君を造り上げたパパとママに国民栄誉赏を赠ろうboku ga souridaijin ni nattara boku ga souridaijin ni nattara kimi wo tsukuriageta papa to mama ni kokumin eiyoshou wo okurou たくさんはいらない使うアテもないあなたからの 一つだけでいいtakusan wa iranai tsukau ATE mo nai anata kara no hitotsu dake de ii 确かなことは盖してた鼓动揺らしたのはあなただってことtashika na koto wa futa shiteta kodou yurashita no wa anata datte koto 仅かな希望はあなたからの投票一つ顶くことwazuka na kibou wa anata kara no Tokyo hitotsu itadaku koto その一つをこの両手で受け止めてみてみてみてみたいんですsono hitotsu wo kono ryoute de uketometemite mite mite mitaindesu 野党も与党も ヤジも骂倒もやめにしようよ なしにしようそんなことは损なことそんなことにしとこうyatou mo yotou mo YAJI mo batou mo yame ni shiyou yo nashi ni shiyou sonna koto wa son na koto sonna koto ni shitokou 火曜日も土曜日も雨の日も変わらぬもの探したよそしたらここにあったよそしたらそこにあったよkayoubi mo doyoubi mo ame no hi mo kawaranu mono sagashita yo soshitara koko ni atta yo soshitara soko ni atta yo 仆は総理大臣じゃないけど仆は総理大臣じゃないけど仆は総理大臣じゃないけど“一番” の意味を 知ってるよboku wa souridaijin ja nai kedo boku wa souridaijin ja nai kedo boku wa souridaijin ja nai kedo " ichiban " no imi o shitteru yo 仆は総理大臣じゃないけど仆は総理大臣じゃないけどboku wa souridaijin ja nai kedo boku wa souridaijin ja nai kedo そんなもんになるまでもなく君は仆の そうファーストレイディーsonna mon ni naru made mo naku kimi wa boku no sou FAASUTOREIDII (first lady)ファーストレイディーレイディーFAASUTOREIDII (first lady)REIDII (lady)

easily 和simply怎么区别?



首先从词性方面来说,easily是副词,simple是形容词. 其次从意思方面来说,easily是容易地,在句子中可以这么用:Sb. can do sth. easily. 而simple是简单的,在句子中可以这么用:This problem is very simple to solve.两者从意思上来说完全不同,用法也是不同的.



simply 和easily 两个有什么区别啊?easily

easy:not difficult;done or obtained without a lot of effort or problems simple:not complicated;easy to understand or do 很显然,simple还存在容易“理解”。 simple意思为很普通,很常见,(所以很简单)。 而Easy就是简单的意思,从难度上来表达的。 两者表达的角度不一样





Presuntos Implicados的《Eden》 歌词

歌曲名:Eden歌手:Presuntos Implicados专辑:Sietelittle by little - EDEN作词:tetsuhiko作曲:tetsuhiko编曲:daiki kasho壊れた心のボリュームは FULL10犬笛みたいに响くから谁にも闻こえない始発电车を待ち続けてる夜星の光も街角に落っこちる出口へ急げ泳ぐのが下手なあたしはマーメイド丘に上がって自分の足で いつか歩くまで砂漠のマーメイド见つけるよ EdenIt must be changeIt must be change胸のタイマーも赤に点灭してまだ何も出来ないうちに息苦しくなるよ他の谁かをあれこれ言うくせに自分のことだと全然语れない出口へ急げ泳ぐのが下手なあたしはマーメイド空の向こうへ素敌な虹を いつか渡りたい祈りのマーメイド见つけるよ Edenoh baby blue腹を减らしたサメが群がる夜息をひそめて闇をすり抜ける出口へ急げ泳ぐのが下手なあたしはマーメイド出口へ急げ泳ぐのが下手なあたしはマーメイド丘に上がって自分の足で いつか歩くまで砂漠のマーメイド见つけるよ Eden素敌な虹を いつか渡りたい祈りのマーメイド见つけるよ EdenIt must be changeIt must be changeIt must be changeIt must be changeおわり

英语作文the importance of fire

The four coordinates of an event as in the so-called space -- a four-dimensional space time specified the location means often is helpful. For me, visualize three-dimensional space is hard enough! However, it is easy to draw a two-dimensiona


ANSYS 18.0安装教程:一、安装准备1、打开ANSYS 18.0下载安装包,并且准备虚拟光驱工具,如“DVDFab Virtual Drive”2、打开安装包,右键点击“Disk 1.iso”载入二、ANSYS 18.0安装1、打开计算机,这时我们可以看到此处多了磁盘“G”,进入其中,双击运行“setup.exe”2、点击“Install ANSYS Products”开始产品主程序的安装。3、选择“I Agree”同意产品协议后,点击“右箭头”下一步,设置软件安装目录,默认为C盘,全部装好大概30G左右5、许可设置,我们先选择“Skip……”跳过6、选择安装功能,这里根据自己的需要选择,建议默认7、开始安装CD1,请耐心等待8、由于安装文件很大分成了好几个镜像文件,因此安装过程中需要转换下一张光盘,弹出此界面后回到安装包,右键点击“DISK2”镜像,点击“装载到G盘”,然后点击“OK”三、ANSYS 18.0破解1、打开“CrackProgram FilesANSYS Inc”破解文件夹,将“Shared Files”内所有文件复制到打开ANSYS 18.0安装根目录下,并替代源文件,根目录默认路径为C:Program FilesANSYS Inc2、运行安装包下的“A180_Calc.exe”,输入”Y",敲击回车生成许可文件3、然后将许可文件“license.txt”复制到安装目录下载入即可

Python:用pip安装了paddle, pip list中会显示但就是import导入不了?


mission impossible 歌词

歌曲名:mission impossible歌手:golden earring专辑:n.e.w.s.He drove his car into the cityThe engine hot, the heat was onHe realized, he"d come to a crossroadAnd there"s only one way he knowsThey"re not gonna get me, they"re not gonna get meAnd I"m never gonna be betrayed no moreHe was back and someone had to payFor the time that he had doneWhen diamonds shine on pretty ladiesStool-pigeon is always aroundThey"re not gonna get me, they"re not gonna get meAnd I"m never gonna be betrayed no moreStep into my boots and see if you can make itTake my chain and see if you can break it, break itMission impossibleChased by a law invincibleI don"t mind, I don"t careI"m used to fighting my way backUnaware of a mission impossibleIt was a fact that he was smarter than the othersStill controlled his part of townIt was an eye for an eye in the shadowsLooking down the barrel of a gun

Mission Impossible 歌词

歌曲名:Mission Impossible歌手:Laurent Korcia&Vincent Peirani&Pierre Boussaguet专辑:Laurent Korcia: CinemaNick Mansell - Mission ImpossibleMission ImpossibleMission ImpossiblePeople say, baby, I love dangerI go never face defeatDown inside I just feel a strangerRidin", ridin", ridin"lost back in town, walking downCrossing streets inside your heartTurn around and face itNever take a chain my soulMission impossibleEasy and simple, go!Feel it loud or I can"t feel loveMission impossibleReady to hear the callYou can never beat me downMission impossibleEasy and simple, go!See the light on the storming skyMission impossibleReady to hear the callBaby won"t you stay the night!Healing pain, baby, it"s a heartacheI say better get awaySure I know I will love foreverFreedom, freedom, freedomLost back in town, walking downCrossing streets inside your heartTurn around and face itNever take a chain my soulMission impossibleEasy and simple, go!Feel it loud or I can"t feel loveMission impossibleReady to hear the callYou can never beat me downMission impossibleEasy and simple, go!See the light on the storming skyMission impossibleReady to hear the callBaby won"t you stay the night!Mission impossibleMission impossibleTurn around and face itNever take a chain my soulMission impossibleMission impossibleMission impossibleEasy and simple, go!See the light on the storming skyMission impossibleReady to hear the callBaby won"t you stay the night!See the light on the storming skyBaby won"t you stay the night!Mission impossibleNever take a chain my soulMission impossibleEasy and simple, go!Feel it loud or I can"t feel loveMission impossibleReady to hear the callYou can never beat me downMission impossibleEasy and simple, go!See the light on the storming skyMission impossibleReady to hear the callBaby won"t you stay the night!




旋律优美,节奏感强。《Mission Impossible》是电影《碟中谍》中的经典BGM,该歌曲的旋律优美,节奏感强,辨识度比较高,并且给人一种身临其境的感觉,与电影的情节完美的合成了一体,所以可以成为十大配乐。

Mission Impossible 这个背景音乐出自哪里

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