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不是Lucy 来自拉丁字Lux,"光明"的意思。Lucifer是由Lux(光)和ferre(带来)组成的名字Lily是“百合花”的意思,同样来源于拉丁语


楼主你好 你的RPG值 网上没有提供下面是显示器的参数 型号 220SW9 尺寸 22英寸 点距 0.282mm 屏幕比例 16:10 接口类型 15针 D-Sub,24针 DVI-D接口 性能参数 亮度 300cd/m2 动态对比度 10000:1 分辨率 1680×1050 响应速度 5ms 水平可视角度 160度 垂直可视角度 160度 面板最大色彩 16.7M 其它参数 耗电功率 开机:45W 认证规范 TCO03

polls suggest their remarks do have a constituency and their bilious contest a prize 是什么意思?

These men do not speak for all Americans; but—not surprisingly, in the wake of the September 11th attacks polls suggest their remarks do have a constituency and their bilious contest a prize.这些人不代表所有的美国人,但不令人惊讶的是,9·11袭击后,民意调查显示他们的言论有一个选区和胆汁的比赛奖。

Philip Aaberg的《Surround》 歌词

歌曲名:Surround歌手:Philip Aaberg专辑:Out Of The FrameMorning comes too early and nighttime falls too lateAnd sometimes all I want to do is waitThe shadow I"ve been hiding in has fled from me todayI know it"s easier to walk away than look it in the eyeBut I will raise a shelter to the skyAnd beneath thisStar tonight I"ll lieShe will slowly yield the lightAs I awaken from the longest nightDreams are shakingSet sirens waking up tired eyesWith the light memories all rush into his headBy a candle stands a mirrorOf his heart and soul she dancesShe was dancing through the night above his bedAnd walking to the windowHe throws the shutters outAgainst the wallAnd from an ivory tower hears her call"let the light surround you"It"s been a long, long timeHe"s had awhile to hink it overIn the end he only sees the changeLight to darkDark to lightLight to darkDark to lightHeaven must be more than thisWhen angels waken with a kissSacred hearts won"t take the painBut mine will never be the sameHe stands before the windowHis shadow slowly fading from the wallAnd from an ivory tower he hears her call"let the light surround you"Once lost but I was foundWhen I heard the stained glass shatter all around meI sent the spirits tumbling down the hillBut I will hold this one on high above me stillI once could see but now at last I"m blindI know it"s easier to walk away than look it in the eyeBut I had given all than I could takeAnd now I"ve only habits left to breakTonight I"ll still be lying hereSurrounded in all the light

probability / odds / logits到底是什么

probability :发生的概率   发生的次数/总次数   0:不发生 1:必发生 odds :发生比   发生的概率 / 不发生的概率      0:不发生, :必发生 logits : 发生比的log值   其实就是整个 有理数 了       :不发生, :必发生 感觉就是用各种范围来表示概率 Softmax:直接将 logits 搞为 probability Softmax 和 Corssentropy 详解 参考:

splendid utility是什么东西? 为什么我的电脑不能用?我的电脑是华硕的 ,WIN7系统的


华硕的Splendid Utility是怎么用的 ,有什么作用???


华硕ASUS Splendid Technology Utility需要卸载后重新安装吗

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华硕的Splendid Utility是怎么用的 ,有什么作用???


华硕的Splendid Utility是怎么用的 ,有什么作用???


viability 和 vitality 做名词有何不同

viability是指生存能力,发育能力,题主可以看一下英文解释, Viability is the ability of a thing (a living organism, an artificial system, an idea, etc.) to maintain itself or recover its potentialities.

Xilinx Spartan-6系列FPGA读取与DDR3出错,求大神指点.....

感觉像是硬件上的问题,既然你的板在2.5V电压下正常,为啥不查你的FPGA BANK是否有直接连接到电源电压的BANK呢?如果有,那BANK 的I/O电压由2.5V改成了3.3V,数据当然就不对了。

使用xilinx spartan-6 FPGA 制作PCI总线卡高低温运行异常


Xilinx的spartan-6 FPGA有没有串行外设接口SPI通信的IP核

SPI通信很简单,以前用过,搞清楚时序,自己用Verilog写。AXI Quad SPI像是用到硬核或者软核时候mcu那边的,逻辑这边只能自己写,Xilinx软件里面的IP核一般都是比较复杂的协议,也是别人写出来打包进去的。

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xilinx vivado不支持spartan系列吗?




probability sample是什么意思

probability sample[英]u02ccpru0254bu0259u02c8biliti u02c8sɑ:mpl任选样品,概率样本


networking和socilizing的区别networking 英[u02c8netwu025c:ku026au014b]美[u02c8netwu025c:rku026au014b]词义:n. 网络化; [计] 网络系统; 人际网;socializing英["su0259u028au0283u0259lau026azu026au014b]美["sou028au0283u0259lau026azu026au014b]词义:v. (与…) 交往,联谊( socialize的现在分词 ); 使适合于过社会生活;




  perceived salability的中文翻译  perceived salability  感知畅销  --  perceived  v.认为; 感觉( perceive的过去式和过去分词 ); 视为; 理解为;  [网络]感知; 感知的; 领会;  [例句]I perceived a subtle change in his attitude.  我察觉出他的态度有了微妙变化。  [其他]形近词: received deceived conceived


罗莉/萝莉/罗利/LOLI 形容年纪很小,但是外表非常可爱的小女生。每个人的标准可能有所不同,一般认为是实际年龄或外表在15岁以内(约为初中以下),生理尚未发育或刚开始、且为可爱型的女生。带有喜爱罗莉倾向者称为罗莉控,多数为男性。 词源:“罗莉”(Loli)一词,源自俄国文学家Vladimir Nabokov(1955)的畅销小说“Lolita”,内容描述一位大学教授爱上一个12岁小女孩的故事;曾改编同名电影《洛丽塔Lolita》(一树梨花压海棠),剧中女孩设定为15岁。此后,凡是带有剧中女主角特质者,就被称为“Loli-ta”或“Loli”,也就是“罗莉”。 从精神层面上来说,是由于对朝气蓬勃的生命的饱含向往的爱怜所引发的某种强烈占有欲达到人格扭曲的程度 老男人为了挽回自身逝去的青春 一种惧怕死亡和衰老的特征 洛丽塔原先的“名声”并不好,亨伯特这个男人由于幼年的心理创伤,在中年时被强烈的情结所支配,难以自拔地爱上了少女洛丽塔。 在今天,“洛丽塔造型”也已成为女人们追逐个性化的生活,体验多种角色的一种生活方式和态度。男人需要在情感中超越年龄对自己的束缚,体验着长辈、哥哥和情人相互混杂的角色。女人通过与比自己年长许多的男性交往,享受着一种永远的依靠与信赖。具有洛丽塔情结的 女人乐意“以小博大”,用一种天真,幼稚包裹下的成熟扮演着被支配的主角,从而获得依赖和安全感。 “我的欲念之火,我的生命之光……”这是《洛丽塔》开头的一句著名独白。一个小说中的人物竟然也能够步步生莲地走下书本、走下银幕,与我们浑然一体,悄悄走进我们的生活以及我们尚未了解的内心世界。 纳博科夫小说中的洛丽塔是一个漂亮兼具成熟魅力的性感少女,而如今“洛丽塔”这一形象被赋予全新意义后席卷了整个时尚界。前不久,在广州举行的华南地区春季动漫嘉年华活动上,许多美少女争相上台演绎“洛丽塔公主”,展示自己青春无敌的魅力。众多少女用蕾丝、皱纱做成的服饰,将自己装扮成童话里公主的形象。在繁华商业区,经常见到三五成群、打扮恍如欧洲宫廷公主的女生。她们身上繁多复杂的蕾丝、重重叠叠的荷叶边、华丽的泡泡纱长裙,带有浓厚的古典气息,仿佛是从动漫世界里走出来的人物,在街上引发的“回头率”特别高。 西方的“洛丽塔”女孩是那些穿着超短裙,化着成熟妆容但又留着少女刘海的女生,简单来说就是“少女强穿女郎装”。但是到了东方则变成了成熟女人对青涩女孩的向往,时光在她们身上仿佛就此停滞倒退,她们渴望永远地被定格在“那一段”美好的年龄。 也就是说,早年的洛丽塔已经被时尚的东方女性们重新解构组合成了另一种从未有过的新形象,直到成为一种“洛丽塔心态”,那就是:对自我的追求和对青春的无限向往……

sailing 英文谁能帮我翻译下中文歌词

上午风帆,我风帆, 回家"跨海。 我航行,大风浪水域 为了接近你,要获得自由。 我飞,我飞, 像一只鸟"两岸天空。 我的飞行,穿越高云, 能与你们,要获得自由。 你能听到我,你能听到我 通过对"夜色中,远处, 我死,永远尝试 能与你们,谁又能说。 我们正航行,我们正航行, 回家"跨海。 我们正航行,大风浪水域 为了接近你,要获得自由。 我们正航行,我们正航行, 回家"跨海。 我们正航行,大风浪水域 为了接近你,要获得自由。 哦,主啊,可你附近,以获得自由。 哦,我的主,要你附近,获得自由 哦,我的主,要你附近,获得自由 哦,我的主。 我们正航行,我们正航行, 回家"跨海。 我们正航行,大风浪水域 为了接近你,要获得自由。 我们正航行,我们正航行, 回家"跨海。 我们正航行,大风浪水域


I am sailing, I am sailing. Home again "cross the sea. I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. I am flying, I am flying,Like a bird "cross the sky. I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free. Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru" the dark night far away? I am dying, forever crying, to be with you, who can say? Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru" the dark night far away? I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say? We are sailing, we are sailing home again "cross the sea. We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. Oh lord, to be near you, to be free. Oh lord, to be near you, to be free. Oh lord, to be near you, to be free. 我在远航,我在远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡 我在远航,乘风破浪,为了爱情,为了希望 我在远航,我在远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡 我在远航,乘风破浪,为了爱情,为了希望 我在飞翔,我在飞翔,像那鸟儿,展翅翱翔 我在飞翔,飞向天堂,为了爱情,为了希望 是否听到,我的歌唱,夜色茫茫,道路长长 我命垂危,人世凄凉,有你依偎,宛若天堂 是否听到,我的歌唱,夜色茫茫,道路长长 我命垂危,人世凄凉,有你依偎,宛若天堂 我们远航,我们远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡 我们远航,乘风破浪,为了爱情,为了希望


《Sailing》歌曲中文翻译如下:歌词(中英文)I am sailing i am sailing我在航行,我在航行Home again "cross the sea又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you to be free只为靠近你,只为自由I am flying i am flying我在飞翔,我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky像鸟儿一样穿越天空I am flying passing high clouds我飞着穿越高耸之云To be near you to be free只为靠近你,只为自由Can you hear me can you hear me你可知我心,你可知我心Thru" the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying forever crying我将死去,永远地哭泣To be with you who can say只为与你相伴可有谁知Can you hear me can you hear me你可知我心,你可知我心Thru" the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying forever crying我将死去,永远地哭泣To be with you who can say只为与你相伴可有谁知We are sailing we are sailing我们在航行,我们在航行Home again "cross the sea穿越海洋再次回归We are sailing stormy waters我们在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you to be free只为靠近你,只为自由Oh lord to be near you to be free哦上帝,只为靠近你,只为自由Oh lord to be near you to be free哦上帝,只为靠近你,只为自由Oh lord to be near you to be free哦上帝,只为靠近你,只为自由Oh lord哦,上帝《Sailing》简介《Sailing》歌名意思“航行”,是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于2018年发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492.Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。《Sailing》这首歌朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫、给人以力量。歌曲演唱:Rod Stewart,语种:英语,流派:Rock,唱片公司:华纳唱片,发行时间:2004-12-21。


这是史都华1975年移居美国后完成的第一张专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中的一首慢板歌曲,虽然在歌词的力度和内涵上有所欠缺,但凭借着舒缓流畅的旋律和史都华激情四溢的演唱使其成为爱情歌曲的经典,也是史都华的招牌歌曲之一。“我在航行,我在航行,跨越海洋,回到家乡。我在航行,迎着风暴,向你靠近,获得自由。”洛·史都华(Rod Stewart)因嗓音沙哑而素有“摇滚公鸡”之称的洛·史都华是英国著名摇滚歌星,善于演唱狂躁的摇滚歌曲。青少年时代,他曾经有过一段做足球运动员的经历。60年代初,他开始涉足音乐,曾加入过数个乐团,然而只有在他加入著名的蓝调乐团Jeff Beck Group并到美国巡回演出后,才真正打出了个人的知名度。成为乐坛巨星后,他常常在演唱时手捧话筒支架,在舞台上狂奔乱跳,犹如驰骋在绿茵草地,令在场的听众欢声雷动。从70年代末到80年代初,史都华在欧美各地演唱会的入场券极为畅销,唱片销量也极为可观。在几年的格莱美奖上几乎年年榜上有名。除了演唱才华和舞台表演外,史都华的创作水平也是举世公认的,他的大部分著名歌曲都是自己创作的,其中包括摇滚乐和布鲁斯风格的乐曲。歌词全文:SailingI am sailing, I am sailing,Home again, cross the sea.I am sailing, stormy waters,To be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying,Like a bird, cross the sky.I am flying, passing high clouds,To be near you, to be free.Can you hear me? Can you hear me?Through the dark night far away,I am dying, forever crying,To be with you, who can say?Can you hear me? Can you hear me?Through the dark night far away,I am dying, forever crying,To be with you, who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing,Home again, cross the sea.We are sailing, salty waters,To be near you, to be free.Oh, lord,To be near you, to be free.Oh, lord,To be near you, to be free.Oh, lord,To be near you, to be free.






1. 你喜欢什么动物 I Like Pandas I like animals very much.I usually go to the zoo to see animals on weekends. My favorite animal is panda,they are so cute.They have o big and black eyes,they are very shy,so if I want to see them,I have to be quiet.They like to eat bamboo.Do you know where do pandas e from?They are from China.Do you like them?Go to the zoo to see them. 2. 你喜欢什么动物 I like the rabbit I like a lot of animals. but I like the rabbit, because it is really cute,It has a long long ears, red eyes, and short legs, it likes to eat vegetables, It favourite food is carrots,I like the rabbit very much. 采纳我吧 3. 书面表达 你喜欢什么动物 I like dog beacuse I think dog is only one of animals best one forever that"s what I think and dog is very good like when a person gave to the dog something to eat and the dog well think this person is a god but when a person gave cat some thing to eat and the cat well thing they are the god. And some dog even prettier then cat that"s what I think. And some dog also have very good *** elling then the other I like dog most.。 4. animals i like作文120字 I like animals very much. My favorite animal is panda, but I also like other animals. I like pandas best. Because I think they are very interesting and cute. I like tigers and penguins, too. Because I think tigers are kind of cute,and I think penguins are very beauitful. I dislike lions, because I think lions are too ugly. I think animals are our friend. 5. 以I love 为题写一片你喜欢的动物的短文不少于六句话(英语) My family has a dog, called Han Han. It is a Scottish Collie, very strong, is male. Every time I came home from school, it will run over to lick my nose. Sometimes while I do not pay attention, put I fell to the ground and kept licking me where to lick, where to lick, I lick it too was laughing, I had to surrender. It is a lovely dog, my best friend, my good friend from *** all to large, from its birth to now, it has acpanied me for 8 years. It now has its home, with its own lovely children, six *** all dogs. Because the dog too much, I had the heart to give the neighbors three dogs, although they do not live together, but we will go out every day walking the dog, the neighbors, too. Every evening, they all play together, all running together, I believe they will both cherish it every evening. This is my dog, I love my dog, and you like them?作文网(e79fa5e9819331333335343964zuowen.zxxk)原创作文 未经允许禁止转载。 6. I like 动物 英语作文50次7年级我喜欢兔子 I like animals. Therefore going to the zoo is my favorite passtime. I also keep five animal pets. I keep a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a guinea pig and a hamster. I feed them regularly with good animal food. I walk my dog and cats everyday。 7. 四年级的i like dog作文 I like dogs very much. Because they are very honesty. I think dogs are people"s good friend. I have a dog. I call it "Dolly". It is 3 years old. It is white. It has o big eyes, and its eyes are brown. It has four shourt legs. It likes paly balls. I like play with it. It always walk after me. I go to the park, it goes after me. I go to the supermarket, it goes after me. I go to the gardern, it goes after me. It is so cute, I like it. (希望我的回答对您有帮助,请放心采纳。) 8. I like animal英语作文 I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, I like giant pandas best. Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animal. When a giant panda was born, it looked like a white mouse and when it grows up, it looks like a bear. I think it looks lovely. It usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves. I hear that giant pandas ate meat long long ago but now they never eat meat. It lives in bamboo forests so it can climb trees. I like it because it can make me happy. Many people say China is famous for the dragon, but I don"t think so. I think China is famous for giant pandas. The Chinese government often sends one or o giant pandas to the other countries as a present. This year, the Chinese government sent o giant pandas-- Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to Taiwan. They live in the zoo now and they are popular and wele in Taiwan. A lot of tourists to Taiwan would like to go and see them. But the number of giant pandas is getting *** aller and *** aller. Many hunters kill them for their fur and farmers change the nature reserves to make more farmlands. I think giant pandas need our help. We should take actions to protect animals. Encouraging hunters and farmers to leave reserves is the most important. Though I"m still a student, I can write to newspapers and magazines about protecting animals. I hope animals can live a happy life.。 9. 以I like写一篇作文,60字,学霸们帮帮忙 Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have. Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable. One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends. 读书的好处 有人说世界上钱最好,我认为读书最好,而且读书是无价宝。 读书是很重要的。首先,知识使社会进步,通过读书你可以得到各种知识,另外,读书使你成为一个合格人才,使你生活愉快。 活到老学到老。不管你什么时候意识到读书的重要性,你都可以享受到余生读书的乐趣。热爱书吧,书是你的挚友

Option Volatility and Pricing - Risks

"Option Volatility and Pricing", Sheldon Natenberg. This book helps readers to understand option from a trader"s perspective. Other relevant reading materials: Risk related Chapters: Gamma is a measurement of magnitude risk . Options have positive gamma. This seems to correspond to volatility. If we have a negative gamma, we want the market to remain relatively quiet. Isn"t this the same as saying we want lower volatility? Although the volatility of the underlying contract and changes in implied volatility are often correlated, this is not always the case. Because the delta depends on the volatility, but volatility is an unknown factor, calculation of the delta can pose a major problem for a trader, especially for a large option position. This is because both OTM and ITM options have very little time value. The option price as volatility change is quite similar to theta one. where: If the option is ATM, we have , and if the interest rate is negligible (r = 0), we have: The sensitivity of vega to a change in volatility (volga): So it is negative, which means it is true that "the vega of an at-the-money option declines as we raise volatility". As for the magnitude of change, the book says it is "very slight", let"s verify it with formula (if ATM): It seems negligible if the time to expire is small enough. let"s verify with an ATM option with: Its vega is 11.51, usually we use 1% change in volatility so it becomes 0.1151, which means +1% volatility change will +0.1151 to ATM option price. Its volga is 0.06, compared to 11.51 this is negligible. With less time to expiration or lower volatility, OTM and ITM options" time value will be lower because they will be less likely that a large price change will happen. Gamma will also be lower, the graph becomes "thin". More time to expiration, like higher volatility, will make OTM and ITM options behave like ATM ones. The graph becomes "fat". Scalping tries to make a market and make profit from liquidity. However, option markets are rarely sufficient liquid to support this type of trading. When market condition changes, two legs of spread will gain and lose value respectively. Many common spreading strategies are based on arbitrage relationships. Another type of spreading strategy involves buying and selling futures contracts of different maturities on the same underlying commodity. It is similar to the cash-and-carry strategy. Besides, we can also do this in different markets (intramarket spread v.s. intermarket spread). cash-and-carry strategy cancels the the directional risk, the trader does not need to tell which contract is mispriced, he only need to know if the spread is profitable. Note that the spread is not NECESSARILY a contract. We can"t guarantee the entire spread will be executed at one time. Trade has to choose the best time to execute each leg. In this procedure, the portfolio is at risk. Most traders learn that it is usually best to execute the more difficult leg first . Spreading strategies are widely employed in option markets, because: In option trading, assuming the theoretical price is correct, the immediate reward of a trade is the captured edge. Because there is no guarantee that our theoretical price will be right, the risk associated with the trade is also introduced. The risk is from multiple dimension: So basically, in option trading, we only need to worry about two things: In fact, they are both volatility risk . As we mentioned before, Gamma is related to realized volatility, and Vega is related to implied volatility. Steps to analysis risk for multiple kinds of spreads: Suppose that we find the implied volatility is higher than our theoretical value (18%). If we believe in our model, we conclude that they options are overpriced . To make a profit, trade chooses to short vega . There are multiple spreads to consider (excluding calendar spreads): Below is the greeks for each spread: Theoretical PnL of each spread when underlying price moves: Because we are shorting Gamma, large underlying price move will hurt our position . But different spreads have different exposure to the risk. Theoretical PnL of each spread when implied volatility moves: Because we are shorting Vega, increasing of volatility will also hurt the position . When deciding which spread to trade, we can analysis from 2 aspects. This can be easily seen from their payoff graphs. The interest-rate and dividend risk associated with volatility spreads is usually small compared with the volatility (gamma and vega) risk. Nonetheless, a trader ought to be aware of these risks, especially when a position is large and there is significant risk of a change in either interest rates or dividends. For example, a trader is considering two possible spreads, both with a positive gamma and negative theta. The reward coms from the Gamma and the risk is mainly from Theta. Of course the trader want the reward (Gamma) to be as large as possible compared to the risk (Theta). The efficiency is a ratio of the absolute value: We can calculate the efficiency for above 3 spreads: Because we are shorting Gamma, the reward is from Theta. So the smaller efficient is, the better. As a result, from a fast comparison, we find Spread3 is the best in risk term, which is consistent with our previous analysis of each spread. (Why the spread 2 is the worst? The book does not explain...) In cases that the Gamma and Theta are the primary risks to the position , Assuming that all strategies have approximately the same theoretical edge , the efficiency can be a reasonable method of quickly comparing strategies where all options expire at the same time . Trader needs to adjust the position to remain delta-neutral. Again, use above case as example.




volatility :波动 variance:方差 方差是测量波动的一种方式,当然还有其他方法,例如:离差 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.



求Twilight - Kat-Tun 的罗马音歌词!!!!

Twilight - Kat-Tun揺らめいて 眩しくて 离れた昨日からyurameite mabushikute hanareta kinou kara また今日を重ね 歩いてくmata kyou wo kasane aruiteku 夕焼けのあのホームで见上げた飞行机云がyuuyake no ano hoomu de miageta hikoukigumo ga 消えそうで 手を伸ばしたkiesou de te wo nobashita 永远のような 瞬间のなか 想うeien no you na shunkan no naka omou 仆らが居た 仆らが见た 仆らの未来がbokura ga ita bokura ga mita bokura no mirai ga あの日のまま 変わる事なく 辉いているからano hi no mama kawaru koto naku kagayaiteiru kara 君の声と胸の音を 距离さえ越えて响かすようにkimi no koe to mune no oto wo kyori sae koete hibikasu you ni 空は染まり 満ちてゆくかなsora wa somari michiteyuku kana 切なくて 追い挂けて 描いたシルエットをsetsunakute oikakete egaita shiruetto wo 我が侭に ひとり 抱きしめたwagamama ni hitori dakishimeta 古びた歩道桥から见えるあの街角にfurubita hodoukyou kara mieru ano machikado ni その笑颜 もう一度sono egao mouichido 透明な雨が落ちて 濡らす真心(こころ)toumei na ame ga ochite nurasu kokoro 胸の奥で 时をかけて 巡るいとしさをmune no oku de toki wo kakete meguru itoshisa wo もしも君に还せるのなら どうか饰らずにmoshimo kini kaeseru no nara douka kazarazu ni 未完成な日々のすべて 许せる明日が来るとしたらmikansei na hibi no subete yuruseru ashita ga kuru toshitara 梦を咲かせ 逢いに行くから 必ず…yume wo sakase ai ni iku kara kanarazu 想い缀れば届くはずだろう 终わらない物语は美しくomoi tsutsureba todoku hazu darou owaranai monogatari wa utsukushiku 仆らが居た 仆らが见た 仆らの未来がbokura ga ita bokura ga mita bokura no mirai ga あの日のまま 変わる事なく 辉いているからano hi no mama kawaru koto naku kagayaiteiru kara 君の声と胸の音を 距离さえ越えて响かすようにkimi no koe to mune no oto wo kyori sae koete hibikasu you ni 空は染まり 満ちてゆくかなsora wa somari michiteyuku kana 胸の奥で 时をかけて 巡るいとしさをmune no oku de toki wo kakete meguru itoshisa wo もしも君に还せるのなら どうか饰らずにmoshimo kini kaeseru no nara douka kazarazu ni 未完成な日々のすべて 许せる明日が来るとしたらmikansei na hibi no subete yuruseru ashita ga kuru toshitara 梦を咲かせ 逢いに行くからyume wo sakase ai ni iku kara



evening twilight是什么意思

黄昏蒙影,暮光; 暝。



electric light orchestra -twilight中文歌词






TWILIGHT 是什么颜色? 我做的是服装外贸跟单,客户只给了英文颜色,不知道怎么翻译



他叫彼得·费辛利哦,下面是我在百度百科上找的他的资料,希望有帮到你 彼得·费辛利 基本资料  姓名:Peter Facinelli  性别:男  生日:1973 -12 -26  星座:摩羯座  出生地:美国 纽约 皇后区  职业:演员  妻子:詹妮·加斯  女儿:Luca Bella,12岁 Lola Ray,6岁 Fiona Eve,2岁 [编辑本段]影视作品  2009  浓厚 Thicker  护士杰克 Nurse Jackie  暮光之城2—新月 Newmoon  暮光之城3—月食 Eclipse  2008  寻找阿曼达 Finding Amanda 彼得·费辛利《暮光之城》剧照  暮光之城1—暮色 Twilight  2007  莉莉 Lily  2006  透明人2 Hollow Man Ⅱ  弧形 Arc  2005  不伦之恋 Enfants terribles  2002  木乃伊前传——蝎子王 The Scorpion King  极速型警 Fastlane  2001  超时空危机 Supernova  浪迹青春 Rennie"s Landing  引诱 Tempted  与男孩同车 Riding in Cars with Boys  2000  欢迎来到好莱坞 Welcome to Hollywood  超时空危机 Supernova  诚实 Honest  1999  征服钱海 The Big Kahuna  错中错 Blue Ridge Fall   1998  深情难舍/德州四杰 Dancer, Texas Pop. 81  告诉你 Telling You  来不及说爱你 Can"t Hardly Wait   1997  触摸我 Touch Me  1996  爱在日落余辉时 Calm at Sunset  恶女帮 Foxfire  危险第三情 Unfinished Affair, An  跟随吉米 After Jimmy  1995  爱的代价 The Price of Love  天使 Angela


TWiLightMenu使用教程。twilightmenu++是一款能够在3DS平台无需R4等烧录卡就直接运行NDS游戏的软件,下面带来具体的安装使用教程及常见问题,希望能够帮助到各位玩家们。TWiLightMenu使用教程目前最新版本为2021年1月20日更新的V18.3.0版本软件介绍TWiLight Menu++是一款开源软件,可以在任天堂DSi、3DS及DS烧录卡中运行,其目的在于升级/替代原有的DSi界面。通过该软件可以运行任天堂的DS、GBA、GBC、GB、SFC、FC等掌机和主机游戏,以及世嘉的GameGear/Master System、Mega Drive/Genesis等游戏,同时支持DSTWO和RocketVideo Technology。对于一些玩家来说,这款软件的最大用途就是不需要游戏卡带即可游玩DS游戏,而它的一些特性(如金手指、游戏封面、宽屏等)也很有趣。然而金手指和宽屏特性的开启是依赖于ROM的,开发者团队添加了对官方ROM的支持,但对于游玩汉化版的广大中文玩家来说却需要一些其它操作才能享受到这些特性。安装方法首先下载压缩包百度网盘链接《《点击进入提取码a8qu下载成功后解压可以得到一些文件内容根据以下教程将文件依次放入到SD/TF目录中扔根目录:1:_nds,roms,BOOT(把这三个直接复制到tf根目录即可。然后将TWiLight Menu - Gamebooter.cia与TWiLight Menu.cia这两个文件放到CIA安装文件夹下2:NDS游戏直接放到roms文件夹的nds文件夹里面即可,只能读取到39个游戏所以不要放入超过39个(nds文件夹和saves文件夹里的Place NDS ROMs here文件不要删)3:打开模拟器后会手动选择nds游戏roms目录选择进去就行了。要安装的:先安装TWiLight Menu - Gamebooter.cia 然后再安装TWiLight Menu.cia(一定要按照这个顺序安装)然后我们就可以在3DS桌面上看到TWiLight Menu这一软件然后打开就可以正常运行NDS游戏了常见问题金手指设置及使用方法下载usrcheat.dat格式的金手指数据库,然后保存到SD卡的/_nds/TWiLightMenu/extras目录下金手指数据库中区分每个游戏时需要比对游戏代码和ROM的校验值。对于汉化游戏来说,游戏代码与原版相同,但校验值可能会发生变化。当游戏代码相同而校验值不同时,对于R4等烧录卡及DeSmuME模拟器仍可以使用金手指,但TWiLight Menu++则不可以使用。因此,如果需要在TWiLight Menu++中使用金手指,则需要修改金手指数据库中的校验值。首先需要查看ROM的游戏代码。可以使用DeSmuME载入游戏,然后从菜单的“File” → “ROM Info”页面的右上角“Game Code: XXXX”中可以看到游戏代码。其中最后一位表示游戏的版本,日版为J,韩版为K,神游版为C,等等。然后使用“r4cce”软件(此软件有汉化版,可自行查找)打开金手指数据库,找到原版游戏所在的位置(可按名字查找,也可按游戏代码查找),复制并粘贴。然后选择粘贴得到的一行,确认右侧的“游戏ID”第一个输入框与上文所述汉化版游戏代码相同。此时点击第二个输入框右侧的“”,在打开的对话框中找到汉化版游戏ROM并确认,第二个输入框中的代码会修改为汉化版ROM的校验值。此时将数据库保存为“usrcheat.dat”格式即可按照上文所述的方法使用。如果不想自己动手操作或是不习惯看英文,也可在国内的网站查找中文金手指数据库。


您好: 据我所知 克莉丝汀史都华虽然说在与四个爱德华的候选人试床戏时,就对罗伯派丁森(Robert Pattinson)产生好感 并感到两人有化学效应 不过似乎不是男女朋友的关系。 男主角Robert Pattinson与夺命电话女主角Camilla Belle交情似乎不赖 传过绯闻 不过是不是男女朋友的关系 我不清楚。 2008年10月27日 两人在第12届好莱坞电影节(12th annual Hollywood Film Festival)合照。 图片参考 11月10日 两人被拍到一同外出 图片参考 7月10日时 Camilla Belle被拍到与幕光之城的男主角Robert Pattinson到Foxtail餐厅。 图片参考 至于克莉丝汀史都华 据报导她的男友是Michael Angarano(麦可安葛罗诺) 两人曾在电影Speak(沉默的伤痛)中合作过。 最近Kristen Stewart 被狗仔拍到在家门口吸毒的照片 Michael Angarano就在旁边......... 图片参考:blog *** ithmedia/stadium.weblogsinc/tmz/images/2008/11/1125_stewart_0003_Layer_5_full 今年9月 两人一起在2008年MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼合照 图片参考 去年12月两人"携手"一起去参加活动的照片 图片参考:buzzfoto/photos/0712-December-2007/071205CXF_KristenStewart 转至于 Steve 最佳解答+ 参考: 资料_Steve 版大你好!! 我季一段影片给你 加上翻译 片中Rob室友表示他拍完戏后花了好几个月才放下对Kristen 的依恋喔!! 不过Kristen 有一个交往4年的男朋友了 所以两个人是不太可能的~ 参考: mememe i"ve watched a video(i fot which one) said rob treats kristen as his sister and she treats him as brother!! so i dun think they hv "feelings" to each other i also hope there"s sth beeen"ll be nice if they"re together 参考: me










阿什丽·格林尼 Ashley Greene 饰ALICE 生于1987年2月11日 美国福罗里达州 还主演过《加州之王》《暮色》及其续作《新月》。被称为“性感女星”。 彼得·弗塞尼利 Peter Facinelli饰爱德华老爸 Carlisle Cullen

twilight journey是什么意思

twilight journey 黄昏的旅程twilight 英[u02c8twau026alau026at] 美[u02c8twau026au02cclau026at] n. 黎明,黄昏,暮光; 暮年,晚期,晚年; 衰退期,没落时期; <电影>暮光之城; [例句]They returned at twilight, and set off for one of the promenade bars.他们黄昏时分回来,然后去了一家步行街酒吧。

Twilight 结局如何?





翻译:Twilight is one of my favorite movie, it tells the story happened in a girl love story between Bella and a vampire Edward.Then love Bella Bella gave birth to the daughter and the original werewolf Jacob together.The love story has attracted many people.Edward and Bella love also moving.They love, like the warm sunshine, pure.The werewolf Jacob"s actor named Taylor lautner. He is my idol.满意请好评


《Twilight》是押尾光太郎原创的吉他曲,收录于《Starting Point》专辑中。

Twilight (Feat. Frankie Beverly) (1999 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight (Feat. Frankie Beverly) (1999 - Remaster)歌手:Maze&Frankie Beverly专辑:We Are One/Can T Stop The LoveThriving Ivory - TwilightI recall a long farewell and a time to chooseSo we part like rivers baby, yeah like rivers doBut I still talk about you though and wonderHow your life will unfoldShow me what it looks likeOutside your window at twilightShow me what it looks likeI recall driving home, this ain"t gonna hit me till God knows whenYou know I feel it in my bones and I wear it on my skinBut there ain"t no use in right or wrongA heart must go where it belongsShow me what it looks likeOutside your window at twilightIs it me that you see dancing on a lineSinging I could be yours if you would be mineCome on grow old with me and surely you"ll seeAnd I remember thinking, boy you must be dreamingSo hold on, hold on, before it"s all goneAnd I do remember thinking that your world would go on spinningWithout me now, so c"me on, c"mon pleaseShow me what it looks likeOutside you window at twilightShow me what it looks likeOutside you window at twilightIs it me that you see dancing on a lineSinging I could be yours if you would be mineShow me what it looks likeShow me what it looks likeShow me what it looks likeCome on grow old with me and surely you"ll seeI recall a long farewell and a time to chooseSo we part like rivers baby, yeah like rivers do

vanilla twilight 中文歌词

The stars lean down to kiss you 繁星弯下腰来亲吻你And I lie awake and miss you 而我无法入睡不断想你Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere 给我一剂大气的药量"Cause I"ll doze off safe and soundly 这样我才能安睡But I"ll miss your arms around me 但我依然还念你双臂环绕我的感觉I"d send a postcard to you dear 亲爱的,我会寄张明信片给你"Cause I wish you were here 因为我希望此刻你在我身边I"ll watch the night turn light blue 我会看着天空慢慢过渡到浅蓝But it"s not the same without you 没有你在身边,一切都暗淡无光Because it takes two to whisper quietly 因为需要两个人才能低声细语The silence isn"t so bad 寂静并没有那么糟Till I look at my hands and feel sad 知道我低下头看着我的手才感觉难过起来"Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly 因为手指间的空隙只有你的手才能完美填补I"ll find repose in new ways 我会再换个新姿势Though I haven"t slept in two days 尽管已经两日无眠"Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone 因为真四年刺骨寒冷But drenched in vanilla twilight 但在香草幕光的笼罩下I"ll sit on the front porch all night 我愿意一整晚都坐在门厅前Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you 沉浸在如齐腰般的思念中I don"t feel so alone 当我想起你时,我并不孤单I don"t feel so alone 我不会觉得孤单……I don"t feel so alone 我不会觉得孤单……As many times as I blink 每一次我眨眼睛I"ll think of you tonight 今晚我就会多想念你一次I"ll think of you tonight When violet eyes get brighter 当紫罗兰色的眼睛变的明亮时And heavy wings grow lighter 当沉重的羽翼变得轻盈时I"ll taste the sky and feel alive again 我会尝一尝天空的味道,感觉好像又活过来了And I"ll forget the world that I knew 然后我会忘记我所熟知的世界But I swear I won"t forget you 但我发誓我绝不会忘记你Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past 噢,如果你的声音可以穿越过去I"ll whisper in your ear 我会在你耳边轻轻的说Oh,darling.I wish you were here 亲爱的,多希望你在这

Elo的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Elo专辑:The Essential Electric Light OrchestraVanessa Carlton - TwilightI was stained with a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownAnd I always knew what was right,I just didn"t know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sightAnd I will never see the sky the same wayAnd I will learn to say good-bye to yesterdayAnd I will never cease to fly if held downAnd I will always reach too high"Cause I"ve seen, "cause I"ve seenTwilightNever cared, never wanted,never sought to see what flauntedSo on purpose, so in my face,couldn"t see beyond my own placeAnd it was so easy not to behold what I could holdBut you taught me I could changewhatever came within these shallow daysAs the sun shines through itpushes away and pushes aheadIt fills the warmth of blueand leaves a chill insteadAnd I didn"t know thatI could be so blind to all that is so realBut as illusion diesI see there is so much to be revealedI was stained by a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownI always knew what was right,just didn"t know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sight

Soraya的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Soraya专辑:Dreamer ReloadedTravis Garland - TwilightThe sun goes down on our last dayWe both know there"s no other wayFor usThere"s no hope to fix it nowCause there"s no turning back when the day is doneWe knowWe"ve hadBetter daysAnd now it"s time weWent ourSeparate waysAnd it"s the twilight of our loveBaby it"s the twilight of our loveAnd when the last light fadesThere"ll be nothing left to say(Now it"s twilight)We should have learned from our mistakes (ah, ah)Instead of pushing each other away, away (oh, oh)Tomorrow wasn"t meant for us, usBut I will hold you while we still have the sunWe knowWe"ve hadBetter days(Better days baby)And now it"s time weWent our(We went our separate ways)Separate ways(Don"t let the sun set)And it"s the twilight of our love (oh)Baby it"s the twilight of our loveAnd when the light fades (Woah-ho)There"ll be nothing left to say(Now it"s twilight)It"s almost night timeBut I can"t say goodbye to you, to you, to youAnd there"s no more lying leftI wish we had more time left together, together, togetherCause we"re not done yetWe"re not done yetSo don"t let the sun setWe knowWe"ve hadBetter days(We"ve had better days)And now it"s time we (oh)Went our (oh)Separate ways(Don"t let the sun set)And it"s the twilight of our loveBaby it"s the twilight of our love (of our love)And when the last light fades (ohh)There"ll be nothing left to say(they said tomorrow wasn"t meant for us)We knowWe"ve had(I don"t believe that, I don"t believe that, baby)Better daysAnd now it"s time weWent our(So don"t give up on me baby)Separate ways(Don"t let the sun set)And it"s the twilight of our love (ohh oh)Baby it"s the twilight of our loveAnd when the last light fadesThere"ll be nothing left to say(Now it"s twilight)It"s twilightIt"s twilightLove TT

Shawn Colvin的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Shawn Colvin专辑:Cover GirlTwilight----《电车男》主题曲The visions dancing in my mindThe early dawn,the shades of timeTwilight crawling through my windowpaneAm I awake or do I dream?The strangest pictures I have seenNight is day and twilight"s gone awayWith your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from me.Across the night I saw your faceYou disappeared without a traceYou brought me here,but can you take me back?]Inside the image of your lightThat now is day and once was nightYou lead me here and then you go away.It"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from brought me here,but can you take me back again? ]With your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilight, twilight, twilight, twilight.


名词 n. 1.微明;薄暮;微光[U] 2.黄昏;黎明[U] These animals begin the night"s hunt at twilight. 这些动物在黄昏时分开始一夜的觅食. 3.衰退期;(人的)暮年,晚期[the S] The old man is in the twilight of his career. 这老人已经进入了他生涯的晚期. 4.朦胧状态;模糊状态[S] For three days the patient lay in a twilight of fever. 病人发烧整整三天,一直迷迷糊糊. 形容词 a. 1.曙暮光的;微明的;昏暗的 2.衰落时期的;暮年的,晚期的 The old man spent most of 意思是两个都可以指


twilight英音: ["twailait]美音:["twa,lat]名词 n. 1. 微明;薄暮;微光[U] 2. 黄昏;黎明[U] These animals begin the night"s hunt at twilight. 这些动物在黄昏时分开始一夜的觅食. 3. 衰退期;(人的)暮年,晚期[the S] The old man is in the twilight of his career. 这老人已经进入了他生涯的晚期. 4. 朦胧状态;模糊状态[S] For three days the patient lay in a twilight of fever. 病人发烧整整三天,一直迷迷糊糊. 形容词 a. 1. 曙暮光的;微明的;昏暗的 2. 衰落时期的;暮年的,晚期的 The old man spent most of his twilight years working on his autobiography. 老人暮年的大部分时间都在写他的自传.






'Now that you are 13 yuo should have more sense of responsibility.'的中文翻译


twilight中的“cold one "的意思






TWILIGHT 这本书的中文名是什么





Ed Calle的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Ed Calle专辑:TwilightTwilight----《电车男》主题曲The visions dancing in my mindThe early dawn,the shades of timeTwilight crawling through my windowpaneAm I awake or do I dream?The strangest pictures I have seenNight is day and twilight"s gone awayWith your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from me.Across the night I saw your faceYou disappeared without a traceYou brought me here,but can you take me back?]Inside the image of your lightThat now is day and once was nightYou lead me here and then you go away.It"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from brought me here,but can you take me back again? ]With your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilight, twilight, twilight, twilight.

Twilight暮光之城breaking dawn破晓中的句子,求原句




Elo的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Elo专辑:Light Years: The Very Best OfTwilight----《电车男》主题曲The visions dancing in my mindThe early dawn,the shades of timeTwilight crawling through my windowpaneAm I awake or do I dream?The strangest pictures I have seenNight is day and twilight"s gone awayWith your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from me.Across the night I saw your faceYou disappeared without a traceYou brought me here,but can you take me back?]Inside the image of your lightThat now is day and once was nightYou lead me here and then you go away.It"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from brought me here,but can you take me back again? ]With your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilight, twilight, twilight, twilight.

David Gray的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:David Gray专辑:Lost Songs 95-98Twilight----《电车男》主题曲The visions dancing in my mindThe early dawn,the shades of timeTwilight crawling through my windowpaneAm I awake or do I dream?The strangest pictures I have seenNight is day and twilight"s gone awayWith your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from me.Across the night I saw your faceYou disappeared without a traceYou brought me here,but can you take me back?]Inside the image of your lightThat now is day and once was nightYou lead me here and then you go away.It"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from brought me here,but can you take me back again? ]With your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilight, twilight, twilight, twilight.

Twilight 简介

Electric Light Orchestra的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Electric Light Orchestra专辑:Strange Magic: The Best Of Electric Light OrchestraTwilight----《电车男》主题曲The visions dancing in my mindThe early dawn,the shades of timeTwilight crawling through my windowpaneAm I awake or do I dream?The strangest pictures I have seenNight is day and twilight"s gone awayWith your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from me.Across the night I saw your faceYou disappeared without a traceYou brought me here,but can you take me back?]Inside the image of your lightThat now is day and once was nightYou lead me here and then you go away.It"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindAway from brought me here,but can you take me back again? ]With your head held high and your scarlet liesYou came down to me from the open skiesIt"s either real or it"s a dreamThere"s nothing that is in between...TwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI gave you time to steal my mindTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilightI only meant to stay awhileTwilight, twilight, twilight, twilight.


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