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filiality 单词的意思



smily释义:n.微笑;笑容v.微笑;露出笑容形容词: smiley副词: smilingly名词: smiler过去式: smiled过去分词: smiled现在分词: smiling第三人称单数: smiles

有人知道"Maisi-habas-habas miliskin mas……"这句歌词的名字吗?

【 猎人(The Hunter) 】【 国语 】【 2000-07 】歌词 1.Lsa naka mai-asang(思念遥远故乡) 2.Inata tu bunun(在外工作的朋友) 3.Ana tupa tu(月光) 4.Hahanup bunun tu sinlala(猎人) 5.Paka-daidaz(夸功歌) 6.Inak tu kai-hanimul-mulan(我的寂寞) 7.Maluv-luv tu ludun(风之谷) 8.Buklavu(布古拉夫) 9.Mahta Kaba u sa duan(总有一天) 10.Biung(必勇)(必勇) 1.Lsa naka mai-asang(思念遥远故乡) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Maisi-habas milliskin mas Tama china tu sin-hasam Nitu ha-iap tu na-masikua Kaupa dihanin sighal maluskun zaku Tanchini saikin mudan Mahanimul-mul Kaupa-kaupa tata-gis Uka bunun ha-iap isa mita lumah 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 (翻译) 思念遥远故乡 从以前就不断地想着父母说的话,不晓得该何去何从。 只有天上的星光陪伴着我。 一个人在陌生的地方走着,心里有着无限的感伤。 只有只有独自哭泣。 从我身旁匆匆走过的人们,你们知道我的家乡在哪里吗? 2.Inata tu bunun(在外工作的朋友) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 I nata tu bunun(o hai ya) Sikuav lumah tu bunun(o hai ya) Adu aiza haliga(o hai ya) Na-asa tupa(o hai ya) I nata tu bunun(o hai ya) Sikuav lumah tu bunun(o hai ya) Kadaza miliskin(o hai ya) I sia mita tu is-ag(o hai ya) Katu mahani mul-mul kadaza masta-tala Aiza tu tasahanian namuhna kulumah Muskun ta malastaban kahuzas malas-bunun Latuza saikin tu mintasa mita is-ag 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 Matu…hai-iag… (翻译) 在外工作的朋友 在外工作的朋友,离开家乡的朋友。 你是不是有话想说,在外工作的朋友。 离开家乡的朋友,思念一直在你我心中。 不要悲伤,静静等待。 总有一天,我们要回到家乡。 唱着我们的古调,分享彼此的荣耀。 此时此刻,我们的心依然紧紧相连。 3.Ana tupa tu(月光) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Ana tupa tu uka mita mahtu sinadan Asa kata tu mainaskal aupa aizag abuan Ana tupa tu uka mita mahtu kanadan Asa Kata tu malisvala aupa aizag a bunun I sia mita tu is-ag maza mastan kaisal bun Adu aiza sipu-gulun mita I sia mita tu is-ag Mais sadu kata buan maza mita iliskinan Adu aldikusun (翻译) 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 月光 虽然失去的依靠,我们仍然感到快乐。 因为我们还有月亮。 虽然失去了立足的地方,我们仍要感到安慰。 因为我们仍有企盼。 在你的心中,依然在意什么。 在你的心中,已然遗忘什么。 当你抬头看着月亮,是否还有感动? 祖先说过的话,是否还在你的心中? 4.Hahanup bunun tu sinlala(猎人) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Laupaku mita bunun Is-ukanin tamasaz Laupaku mita bunun Sikuavin mita tu dalah Adu aiza bunbun chinliskin habsang Mailagtagus tu laini-haiban Latuza saikin na-tupa na-ia tu 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 Isa mita bunun tu tais-hag (翻译) 当我看到布农的精神不在,当我看到现在的布农, 离开了自己的土地。 是否有人回想起,从前祖先所走过的路。 我相信他们会问我们,我们布农的荣耀在哪里 转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 5.Paka-daidaz(夸功歌) 作词:王宏恩 作曲:王宏恩 Maisna sianik ludun ku lumah Mataida-daza sai-kin sia dan Aip hai mastan tu kainaskalu Aupa chisduan nik tasa vanis Ha ian ha ian Mutu-sain-chin Mun-sain-chin Muskun ta pisus-ling (翻译) 从山上奔回村中,一路上又叫又唱。 今天是丰收的一天,因为我抓到一只山猪。 亲爱的族人赶快来,让我们一起来唱歌。



英语谚语:Familiar paths and old friends are the best 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Familiar paths and old friends are the best 中文意思: 熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Use a book as a bee does flowers 读书如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精华。 Use is a second nature 习惯成自然。 Vain glory blossoms but never bears 虚荣能开花,但从不结果。 Velvet paws hide sharp claws 笑里藏刀。 Venture a *** all fish to catch a great one 吃小亏占大便宜。 Victory belongs to the m ost persevering 胜利属于最坚强不屈的人。 Virtue is a jewel of great price 美德是无价之宝。 Virtue is her (or its) own reward 为善最乐。 Virtue is the only true nobility 唯有美德是真正高贵的。 Virtue never grows old 美德永远不衰老。 英语谚语: Familiar paths and old friends are the best 中文意思: 熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。

跪求迈克尔杰克逊的bilian jean 的中英文歌词

Billy Jeans[ar:Michael Jackson][al:Thriller][by:Ma Jiali][00:05]Billie Jean[00:18]Michael Jackson[00:30]She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene(她就像银幕上的绝代佳人)[00:34]I said don"t mind, but what do you mean I am the one(我说“好吧,但为什么偏偏选中我)[00:39]Who will dance on the floor in the round(与你共舞?)[00:44]She said I am the one will dance on the floor in the round(她却只说,要我伴她共舞)[00:54]She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene(她说她叫比莉?琼 美丽得)[00:58]Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one(令每个男人侧目 梦想自己)[01:04]Who will dance on the floor in the round(能与之共舞)[01:10]People always told me be careful of what you do(人们总是告诫我 小心你的所为)[01:14]And don"t go around breaking young girls" hearts(不要到处花心 损害姑娘们的感情)[01:18]And mother always told me be careful of who you love(妈妈总是告诫我 小心你的所爱)[01:22]And be careful of what you do "cause the lie becomes the truth(小心你的所为 因为谎言也可成真)[01:27]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[01:31]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[01:36]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[01:41]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系 但我真不是那孩子的父亲)[01:52]For forty days and forty nights(四十个日日夜夜)[01:54]The law was on her side(法律与她同在)[01:56]But who can stand when she"s in demand(她的美丽 谁人能够抗拒)[01:59]Her schemes and plans(却只因一曲共舞)[02:01]"Cause we danced on the floor in the round(我就落入了她的陷阱)[02:06]So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice(好好接受我的劝告,永远记得三思而行)[02:13](Do think twice)((定要三思而行))[02:16]She told my baby we"d danced till three, then she looked at me(第三次与她共舞时她说我们有一个孩子,她望着我)[02:20]Then showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were like mine (oh, no!)(还出示了一张PP 我的孩子在哭 他的眼睛看起来像我)[02:25]"Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby(只因我曾和她共舞)[02:32]People always told me be careful of what you do(人们总是告诫我 小心你的所为)[02:36]And don"t go around breaking young girls" hearts(不要到处花心 损害姑娘们的感情)[02:40]She came and stood right by me(她满身香气)[02:42]Then the smell of sweet perfume(来到我跟前)[02:44]This happened much too soon(一切发生得太突然)[02:46]She called me to her room(她唤我入她的房间)[02:49]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[02:53]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[02:58]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:05]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[03:09]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[03:14]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:19]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:44]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:54]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[03:58]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[04:03]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[04:09]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[04:16]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[04:21]She says I am the one(她说我脱不了关系)[04:27]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:31]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:35]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:39]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:43]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)




volatility是波动性(或波动率),可以参考历史股价的变动计算,但实际市场上多是用隐含波动率(Implied Volatility),即根据B-S模型和市场上期权费的报价计算出的。 补充一:呵呵,通过历史波动率是没法得出隐含波动率的,只能是隐含波动率与期权费之间有推导关系,在外汇交易期权市场上期权的报价其实不是期权费而直接是隐含波动率了。





谁可以帮我翻译 Sailing 的歌词



I am sailing, I am sailing home again "cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. I am flying, I am flying like a bird "cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again "cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord

石头公社的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:石头公社Sailing-Rod Stewart 航行(洛·史特华)I am sailing ! 我在航行!I am sailing ! 我在航行!Home again "cross the sea.跨越海洋再次归家。I am sailing stormy waters.我在暴风中航行。To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!I am flying ! 我在飞翔!I am flying ! 我在飞翔!Like a bird "cross the sky.象只鸟儿飞越天空。I am flying passing high clouds.我在白云中穿越飞翔。To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Can U hear me ? 你可听到我的心声?Can U hear me ? 你可听到我的心声?Thru" the dark night far away.夜空茫茫,远隔万里。I am dying.我将会死去。Forever crying.永远哭泣。To be near U ! 向你靠近!Who can say ? 其中甘苦谁能说?Can U hear me ? 你可听到我的心声?Thru" the dark night far away.夜空茫茫,远隔万里。Thru" the dark night far away.夜空茫茫,远隔万里。I am dying.我将会死去。Forever crying.永远哭泣。To be near U ! 向你靠近!Who can say ? 其中甘苦谁能说?We are sailing ! 我们在航行!We are sailing ! 我们在航行!Home again "cross the sea.跨越海洋再次归家。We are sailing stormy waters.我们在暴风中航行。To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!

Maricel Bedana的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:Maricel Bedana专辑:Amazing GraceSAILINGRod StewartI am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

David Arkenstone的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:David Arkenstone专辑:Valley In The Clouds / In The Wake Of The Wind (Narada Classics)Sailing-Rod Stewart 航行(洛·史特华)I am sailing ! 我在航行!I am sailing ! 我在航行!Home again "cross the sea.跨越海洋再次归家。I am sailing stormy waters.我在暴风中航行。To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!I am flying ! 我在飞翔!I am flying ! 我在飞翔!Like a bird "cross the sky.象只鸟儿飞越天空。I am flying passing high clouds.我在白云中穿越飞翔。To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Can U hear me ? 你可听到我的心声?Can U hear me ? 你可听到我的心声?Thru" the dark night far away.夜空茫茫,远隔万里。I am dying.我将会死去。Forever crying.永远哭泣。To be near U ! 向你靠近!Who can say ? 其中甘苦谁能说?Can U hear me ? 你可听到我的心声?Thru" the dark night far away.夜空茫茫,远隔万里。Thru" the dark night far away.夜空茫茫,远隔万里。I am dying.我将会死去。Forever crying.永远哭泣。To be near U ! 向你靠近!Who can say ? 其中甘苦谁能说?We are sailing ! 我们在航行!We are sailing ! 我们在航行!Home again "cross the sea.跨越海洋再次归家。We are sailing stormy waters.我们在暴风中航行。To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!To be near U ! 向你靠近!To be free ! 获得自由!Oh Lord ! 哦,上帝!

sailing 这首歌 哪个电影出现过呢


黄莺莺的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:黄莺莺曲/编:恭硕良 词:林夕租一张被单睡到醒了再拥抱租一张摺椅坐到枯燥再起舞即将远行 租比买好 没担保最好即将远行 时光不早 无什么不能做即将远行 分手最好 明日都不同路即将远行 连地都不要扫不影相也好 护照中的肌肤完好二人私彩照 怎么值租 什么都是过路天天旅游 风景美好 别担心迷路天天旅游 何必知道 谁是我的前路天天旅游 轻磅最好 无谓影响航道天天旅游 护照廝守到老I am sailing...Always sailingI am sailing...Always sailingI am sailing...Always sailing

i am sailing谁唱的歌?

歌名:I Am Sailing歌曲原唱:Rod StewartI am sailing 我在航行I am sailing 我在航行Home again "cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱I am flying 我在飞翔I am flying 我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you 只为与你相伴To be free 只为解脱Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say 谁能明白Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say ? 谁能明白We are sailing 我们在航行We are sailing 我们在航行Home again "cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝扩展资料:《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。专辑介绍:1975年对洛·史都华(Rod Stewart)而言是个崭新的开始∶移居美国筹备新专辑的录音,加入新东家华纳唱片,正式离开Faces全心拓展个人事业。专辑「跨越大西洋」(Atlantic Crossing)在八月发行,由唱片标题反应出洛苹身来到美国以全新伴奏阵容完成此作;专辑唱片按AB面分为快、慢歌两部份,据说这是他当时的爱人—瑞典女演员Britt Ekland的建议,结果反应热烈,洛·史都华再展多彩多姿的摇滚巨星风采。专辑中"I Don"t Wanna Talk About It"和"Sailing"都是听众非常熟悉且一再传诵的两首抒情佳作。


歌名:Sailing(远航)原唱:Rod Stewart作词 : Sutherland歌曲时长:4分30秒所属专辑:Atlantic Crossing发行时间:1975年02月14日发行公司:Warner Bros.中英歌词:I am sailing, I am sailing home again "cross the sea.我正在航行 越过海洋,返乡回航I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.我航行在汹涌的波涛中 为了靠近你,为了自由I am flying, I am flying like a bird "cross the sky.我在飞翔 我在飞翔 像鸟儿飞过天际I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.飞过了高空上的云朵只为了和你在一起,为了自由Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru" the dark night far away?你听得见我吗?你听得见我吗? 穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?我不断的盼望,无止尽的哭泣只想和你在一起,谁能预料?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru" the dark night far away?你听得见我吗?你听得见我吗? 穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?我不断的盼望,无止尽的哭泣只想和你在一起,谁能预料?We are sailing, we are sailing home again "cross the sea.我们在航行 越过海洋,我俩正返乡回航We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.我们航行在咸咸的海水中只为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.主啊!为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.主啊!为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.主啊!为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord主啊


I am sailinguff0cI am sailing home again "cross the sea.I am sailing stormy watersuff0cto be near youuff0c to be free.I am flyinguff0cI am flying like a bird "cross the sky.I am flying passing high cloudsuff0cto be near youuff0c to be free.Can you hear meuff0ccan you hear meuff0cthru" the dark night far awayuff1fI am dyinguff0c forever cryinguff0cto be with youuff1b who can sayuff1fCan you hear meuff0ccan you hear meuff0cthru" the dark night far awayuff1fI am dyinguff0c foreveruff0c cryingto be with youuff1b who can sayuff1fWe are sailinguff0cwe are sailing home again "cross the sea.We are sailing stormy watersuff0cto be near youuff0c to be free.Oh Lorduff0c to be near youuff0c to be free.Oh Lorduff0c to be near youuff0c to be free.Oh Lorduff0c to be near youuff0c to be freeu3002



Rolfe Kent的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:Rolfe Kent专辑:查理的生与死SAILINGRod StewartI am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

谁知道sailing--Rod Stewart 这首歌的中文歌词

远航_j经典英文歌曲演唱者Rod Stewart (洛·史都华),英国的国宝级歌手,独特的沙哑嗓音,桀骜不驯的舞台形象,源源不断的创作灵感构成了他的形象。《Sailing远航》是电影《哥伦布传》的主题曲,也是Rod Stewart(洛·史都华)的成名之作。《Sailing》这首歌朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量 《Sailing 》歌词: I am sailing 我在航行I am sailing 我在航行Home again "cross the sea.跨越海洋再次归家。I am sailing stormy waters.我在暴风中航行。To be near you 向你靠近To be free 获得自由I am flying 我在飞翔 I am flying 我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky 像只鸟儿飞越天空   I am flying passing high clouds 我在白云中穿越飞翔   To be with you 只为陪伴你   To be free 获得自由   Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声   Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声   Through the dark night far away 夜空茫茫,远隔万里   I am dying 我正死去   Forever crying 永远哭泣   To be with you 只为陪伴你   Who can say 其中甘苦谁能说   Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声   Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声   Through the dark night far away 夜空茫茫,远隔万里   I am dying 我正死去  Forever crying 永远哭泣   To be with you 只为陪伴你   Who can say ? 其中甘苦谁能说   We are sailing 我们在航行   We are sailing 我们在航行   Home again "cross the sea 跨越海洋 再次归家   We are sailing stormy waters我们在暴风中航行   To be near you 向你靠近   To be free 获得自由   Oh Lord 哦,上帝   To be near you 向你靠近   To be free 获得自由   Oh Lord 哦,上帝   To be near you 向你靠近   To be free 获得自由   Oh Lord 哦,上帝   To be near you 向你靠近   To be free 获得自由   Oh Lord 哦,上帝

i am sailing什么歌曲

歌名:I Am Sailing歌曲原唱:Rod StewartI am sailing 我在航行I am sailing 我在航行Home again "cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱I am flying 我在飞翔I am flying 我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you 只为与你相伴To be free 只为解脱Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say 谁能明白Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say ? 谁能明白We are sailing 我们在航行We are sailing 我们在航行Home again "cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝扩展资料:《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。专辑介绍:1975年对洛·史都华(Rod Stewart)而言是个崭新的开始∶移居美国筹备新专辑的录音,加入新东家华纳唱片,正式离开Faces全心拓展个人事业。专辑「跨越大西洋」(Atlantic Crossing)在八月发行,由唱片标题反应出洛苹身来到美国以全新伴奏阵容完成此作;专辑唱片按AB面分为快、慢歌两部份,据说这是他当时的爱人—瑞典女演员Britt Ekland的建议,结果反应热烈,洛·史都华再展多彩多姿的摇滚巨星风采。专辑中"I Don"t Wanna Talk About It"和"Sailing"都是听众非常熟悉且一再传诵的两首抒情佳作。

Khadja Nin的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:Khadja Nin专辑:Ya...SAILINGRod StewartI am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.


《sailing》原唱是Rod Stewart。《Sailing(航行)》是英国歌手Rod Stewart(洛·史都华)演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。《sailing》这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。洛·史都华(Rod Stewart),全名洛德里克·戴维·史都华(Roderick David Stewart),1945年1月10日出生于北伦敦海格特,英国摇滚乐男歌手。洛·史都华曾经是世界上最出色的摇滚歌手之一,以独特的形象与嗓音闻名于音乐界。同时也是最有才华的唱作人之一,是二十世纪六十年代后期英国入侵的标志性人物之一。歌曲歌词I am sailing 我在航行I am sailing 我在航行Home again "cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱I am flying 我在飞翔I am flying 我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you 只为与你相伴To be free 只为解脱Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say 谁能明白Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say ? 谁能明白We are sailing 我们在航行We are sailing 我们在航行Home again "cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝


歌名:I Am Sailing歌曲原唱:Rod StewartI am sailing 我在航行I am sailing 我在航行Home again "cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱I am flying 我在飞翔I am flying 我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you 只为与你相伴To be free 只为解脱Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say 谁能明白Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say ? 谁能明白We are sailing 我们在航行We are sailing 我们在航行Home again "cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝扩展资料:《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。专辑介绍:1975年对洛·史都华(Rod Stewart)而言是个崭新的开始∶移居美国筹备新专辑的录音,加入新东家华纳唱片,正式离开Faces全心拓展个人事业。专辑「跨越大西洋」(Atlantic Crossing)在八月发行,由唱片标题反应出洛苹身来到美国以全新伴奏阵容完成此作;专辑唱片按AB面分为快、慢歌两部份,据说这是他当时的爱人—瑞典女演员Britt Ekland的建议,结果反应热烈,洛·史都华再展多彩多姿的摇滚巨星风采。专辑中"I Don"t Wanna Talk About It"和"Sailing"都是听众非常熟悉且一再传诵的两首抒情佳作。


i am sailing, i am sailing home again, cross the sea i am sailing, stormy waters to be near you, to be free i am flying, i am flying like a bird, cross the sky i am flying, passing high clouds to be near you, to be free can you hear me, can you hear me through the dark night, far away i am dying, forever crying to be with you, who can say we are sailing, we are sailing home again, cross the sea we are sailing, stormy waters to be near you, to be free oh my lord, to be near you, to be free oh my lord

群星的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:群星专辑:Karaoke Party ClassicsSAILINGRod StewartI am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

sailing歌词 sailing歌曲简介

1、《Sailing(航行)》歌词如下: I am sailing 我在航行 I am sailing 我在航行 Home again cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋 I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 I am flying 我在飞翔 I am flying 我在飞翔 Like a bird cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样 I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云 To be with you 只为与你相伴 To be free 只为解脱 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say 谁能明白 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say ? 谁能明白 We are sailing 我们在航行 We are sailing 我们在航行 Home again cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋 We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 2、《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。

英语歌 I am sailing 歌词

I am sailing, I am sailing home again "cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. I am flying, I am flying like a bird "cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again "cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord


具体内容如下:am sailing !我正在航行。I am sailing !我正在航行。Home again "cross the sea.越过海洋,返乡回航。I am sailing stormy waters.我航行在汹涌的波涛中。To be near U !为了靠近你。To be free !为了自由。I am flying !我在飞翔。I am flying !我在飞翔。I am flying !我在飞翔。Like a bird "cross the sky.像鸟儿飞过天际。I am flying passing high clouds.飞过了高空上的云朵。To be near U !只为了和你在一起。To be free !为了自由。Can U hear me ?你听得见我吗?Can U hear me ?你听得见我吗?Thru" the dark night far away.穿越过远方的黑夜。I am dying.我不断的盼望。Forever crying.无止尽的哭泣。To be near U !只为了和你在一起。Who can say ?谁能预料。Can U hear me ?你听得见我吗?Thru" the dark night far away.你听得见我吗?Thru" the dark night far away.穿越过远方的黑夜。I am dying.我不断的盼望。Forever crying.无止尽的哭泣。To be near U !只为了和你在一起。Who can say ?谁能预料。We are sailing !我们在航行。We are sailing !我们在航行。Home again "cross the sea.越过海洋,我俩正返乡回航。We are sailing stormy waters.我们航行在咸咸的海水中。To be near U !只为了和你在一起。To be free !为了自由。Oh Lord !主啊!To be near U !为了和你在一起。To be free !为了自由。Oh Lord !主啊!To be near U !为了和你在一起。To be free !为了自由。Oh Lord !主啊!To be near U !为了和你在一起。To be free !为了自由。Oh Lord !主啊!


歌名:Sailing(远航)原唱:Rod Stewart作词 : Sutherland歌曲时长:4分30秒所属专辑:Atlantic Crossing发行时间:1975年02月14日发行公司:Warner Bros.中英歌词:I am sailing, I am sailing home again "cross the sea.我正在航行 越过海洋,返乡回航I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.我航行在汹涌的波涛中 为了靠近你,为了自由I am flying, I am flying like a bird "cross the sky.我在飞翔 我在飞翔 像鸟儿飞过天际I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.飞过了高空上的云朵只为了和你在一起,为了自由Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru" the dark night far away?你听得见我吗?你听得见我吗? 穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?我不断的盼望,无止尽的哭泣只想和你在一起,谁能预料?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru" the dark night far away?你听得见我吗?你听得见我吗? 穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?我不断的盼望,无止尽的哭泣只想和你在一起,谁能预料?We are sailing, we are sailing home again "cross the sea.我们在航行 越过海洋,我俩正返乡回航We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.我们航行在咸咸的海水中只为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.主啊!为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.主啊!为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.主啊!为了靠近你,为了自由Oh Lord主啊

sailing歌词 sailing歌曲简介

1、《Sailing(航行)》歌词如下: I am sailing 我在航行 I am sailing 我在航行 Home again cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋 I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 I am flying 我在飞翔 I am flying 我在飞翔 Like a bird cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样 I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云 To be with you 只为与你相伴 To be free 只为解脱 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say 谁能明白 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say ? 谁能明白 We are sailing 我们在航行 We are sailing 我们在航行 Home again cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋 We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 2、《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。


sailing歌曲中文翻译如下:I am sailing我在航行I am sailing我在航行Home again cross the sea又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱I am flying我在飞翔I am flying我在飞翔Like a bird cross the sky穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you只为与你相伴To be free只为解脱Can you hear me你可知我心Can you hear me你可知我心Through the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying我将死去Forever crying永远地哭泣To be with you只为与你相伴Who can say谁能明白Can you hear me你可知我心Can you hear me你可知我心Through the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying我将死去Forever crying永远地哭泣To be with you只为与你相伴Who can say ?谁能明白We are sailing我们在航行We are sailing我们在航行Home again cross the sea又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝歌曲含义:这首歌,是一首有着浓厚宗教色彩的歌,歌者好像在祈祷,用航行海上,以天气、水文的不确定性,来比喻人生的起伏;用鸟飞在天上,来比喻人生奋斗的目标,和对自由的渴望。希望天上的神,能够听到他祈祷的声音;当经历漫长人生旅途后,到达人生终点时,能够靠近在神的身边,获得最终的自由、解脱。


I am sailing, I am sailing home again "cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. I am flying, I am flying like a bird "cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again "cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord


  1、《Sailing(航行)》歌词如下:   I am sailing 我在航行   I am sailing 我在航行   Home again cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋   I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海   To be near you 只为靠近你   To be free 只为解脱   I am flying 我在飞翔   I am flying 我在飞翔   Like a bird cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样   I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云   To be with you 只为与你相伴   To be free 只为解脱   Can you hear me 你可知我心   Can you hear me 你可知我心   Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离   I am dying 我将死去   Forever crying 永远地哭泣   To be with you 只为与你相伴   Who can say 谁能明白   Can you hear me 你可知我心   Can you hear me 你可知我心   Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离   I am dying 我将死去   Forever crying 永远地哭泣   To be with you 只为与你相伴   Who can say ? 谁能明白   We are sailing 我们在航行   We are sailing 我们在航行   Home again cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋   We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水   To be near you 只为靠近你   To be free 只为解脱   Oh Lord 哦,上帝   To be near you 只为靠近你   To be free 只为解脱   Oh Lord 哦,上帝   To be near you 只为靠近你   To be free 只为解脱   Oh Lord 哦,上帝   To be near you 只为靠近你   To be free 只为解脱   Oh Lord 哦,上帝   2、《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。


sailing歌曲中文翻译如下:I am sailing我在航行I am sailing我在航行Home again cross the sea又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱I am flying我在飞翔I am flying我在飞翔Like a bird cross the sky穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you只为与你相伴To be free只为解脱Can you hear me你可知我心Can you hear me你可知我心Through the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying我将死去Forever crying永远地哭泣To be with you只为与你相伴Who can say谁能明白Can you hear me你可知我心Can you hear me你可知我心Through the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying我将死去Forever crying永远地哭泣To be with you只为与你相伴Who can say ?谁能明白We are sailing我们在航行We are sailing我们在航行Home again cross the sea又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝歌曲含义:这首歌,是一首有着浓厚宗教色彩的歌,歌者好像在祈祷,用航行海上,以天气、水文的不确定性,来比喻人生的起伏;用鸟飞在天上,来比喻人生奋斗的目标,和对自由的渴望。希望天上的神,能够听到他祈祷的声音;当经历漫长人生旅途后,到达人生终点时,能够靠近在神的身边,获得最终的自由、解脱。


歌名:Sailing歌手:Rod Stewart所属专辑:不朽的声音(人生最难忘的歌)作词:佚名作曲:佚名am sailing !我正在航行I am sailing !我正在航行Home again "cross the sea.越过海洋,返乡回航I am sailing stormy waters.我航行在汹涌的波涛中To be near U !为了靠近你To be free !为了自由I am flying !我在飞翔I am flying !我在飞翔I am flying !我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky.像鸟儿飞过天际I am flying passing high clouds.飞过了高空上的云朵To be near U !只为了和你在一起To be free !为了自由Can U hear me ?你听得见我吗?Can U hear me ?你听得见我吗?Thru" the dark night far away.穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying.我不断的盼望Forever crying.无止尽的哭泣To be near U !只为了和你在一起Who can say ?谁能预料Can U hear me ?你听得见我吗?Thru" the dark night far away.穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying.我不断的盼望Forever crying.无止尽的哭泣To be near U !只为了和你在一起Who can say ?谁能预料We are sailing !我们在航行We are sailing !我们在航行Home again "cross the sea.越过海洋,我俩正返乡回航We are sailing stormy waters.我们航行在咸咸的海水中To be near U !只为了和你在一起To be free !为了自由Oh Lord !主啊!To be near U !为了和你在一起To be free !为了自由Oh Lord !主啊!To be near U !为了和你在一起To be free !为了自由Oh Lord !主啊!To be near U !为了和你在一起To be free !为了自由Oh Lord !主啊!《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲。洛·史都华(Rod Stewart),全名洛德里克·戴维·史都华(Roderick David Stewart),1945年1月10日出生于北伦敦海格特,英国摇滚歌手。洛·史都华曾经是世界上最出色的摇滚歌手之一,以独特的形象与嗓音闻名于音乐界。同时也是最有才华的唱作人之一,是二十世纪六十年代后期英国入侵的标志性人物之一。作品有《Maggie May》《Sailing》《Forever Young》等。豆沙般的嗓音,桀骜不驯的舞台形象,源源不断的创作灵感构成了摇滚巨星洛·史都华。史都华在乐坛经历了三个不同年 代,他的歌路变化从60年代的蓝调与爵士过 度到70年度的流行摇滚,即使到了80年代,他的新潮表现也不落后于任何其他歌手之后,更没有显出因年龄的限制而限制了歌路的发展。史都华曾经说过, 他要象足球明星一样在颠峰时期找一个合适的机会“退隐江湖”, 可是直至今天,他在乐坛激起的浪潮仍一波紧似一波,这位成功的歌手的音乐生涯正无 止境地向前延伸。


歌名:Sailing歌词:am sailing我正在航行I am sailing我正在航行Home again "cross the sea越过海洋,返乡回航I am sailing stormy waters我航行在汹涌的波涛中To be near U为了靠近你To be free为了自由I am flying我在飞翔I am flying我在飞翔I am flying我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky像鸟儿飞过天际I am flying passing high clouds飞过了高空上的云朵To be near U只为了和你在一起To be free为了自由Can U hear me你听得见我吗Can U hear me你听得见我吗Thru" the dark night far away穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying我不断的盼望Forever crying无止尽的哭泣To be near U只为了和你在一起Who can say谁能预料Can U hear me你听得见我吗Thru" the dark night far away你听得见我吗Thru" the dark night far away穿越过远方的黑夜I am dying我不断的盼望Forever crying无止尽的哭泣To be near U只为了和你在一起Who can say谁能预料We are sailing我们在航行We are sailing我们在航行Home again "cross the sea越过海洋,我俩正返乡回航We are sailing stormy waters我们航行在咸咸的海水中To be near U只为了和你在一起To be free为了自由Oh Lord主啊!To be near U为了和你在一起To be free为了自由Oh Lord主啊!To be near U为了和你在一起To be free为了自由Oh Lord主啊!To be near U为了和你在一起To be free为了自由Oh Lord主啊《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲。歌曲背景《Sailing(航行)》歌曲悠扬纯净的古典前奏,温润的嗓音,朴实无华,但却带一缕久别的忧伤,带一丝即将重逢的温暖,带一股自由飞翔的苍茫。你是否也在人海中航行,希望这首歌可以给你追求爱情、自由的信念。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。




释义:航行美式发音:u02c8seu026alu026au014b英式发音:u02c8seu026alu026au014b复数:sailings例句:1、I will join my friends to go sailing next weekend.我将和朋友们一起下周末去航行。2、The cruise ship will start a sailing at 8 am sharp next Tuesday.这艘游轮将于下周二早上8点准时起航。3、The couple"s sailing across the Pacific is drawing to a close.这对夫妇的太平洋航行之旅接近尾声了。4、The captain is gonna take us out sailing.船长会带我们出海。5、Totally. It"s why she won Brand of the Year in 2011! It wasn"t all smooth sailing for her though.确实。这就是她赢得2011年度设计师品牌奖的原因!但对她来说,这一切也不是一帆风顺的。


释义:航行美式发音:u02c8seu026alu026au014b英式发音:u02c8seu026alu026au014b复数:sailings例句:1、I will join my friends to go sailing next weekend.我将和朋友们一起下周末去航行。2、The cruise ship will start a sailing at 8 am sharp next Tuesday.这艘游轮将于下周二早上8点准时起航。3、The couple"s sailing across the Pacific is drawing to a close.这对夫妇的太平洋航行之旅接近尾声了。4、The captain is gonna take us out sailing.船长会带我们出海。5、Totally. It"s why she won Brand of the Year in 2011! It wasn"t all smooth sailing for her though.确实。这就是她赢得2011年度设计师品牌奖的原因!但对她来说,这一切也不是一帆风顺的。


sailing. N-COUNT Sailings are trips made by a ship carrying passengers. 水运航班voyageN-COUNT A voyage is a long journey on a ship or in a spacecraft. 航程


歌曲名:Sailing歌手:CHRISTOPHER CROSS专辑:Oh What A Night - 70"s ClassicsChristopher CrossSailingEdit by SeanIt"s not far down to paradiseAt least it"s not for meAnd if the wind is right you can sail awayAnd find tranquilityThe canvas can do miraclesJust you wait and seeBelieve meIt"s not far to never never landNo reason to pretendAnd if the wind is right you can find the joyOf innocence againThe canvas can do miraclesJust you wait and seeBelieve meSailingTakes me awayTo where I"ve always heard it could beJust a dream and the wind to carry meAnd soon I will be freeFantasyIt gets the best of meWhen I"m sailingAll caught up in the reverieEvery word is a symphonyWon"t you believe meSailingTakes me awayTo where I"ve always heard it could beJust a dream and the wind to carry meAnd soon I will be freeIt"s not far back to sanityAt least it"s not for meAnd when the wind is right you can sail awayAnd find serenityThe canvas can do miraclesJust you wait and seeBelieve meSailingTakes me awayTo where I"ve always heard it could beJust a dream and the wind to carry meAnd soon I will be free



Crossbones的《Sailing 》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing 歌手:Crossbones专辑:SailingSAILINGRod StewartI am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

Barry Manilow的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:The Greatest Songs Of The SeventiesN"Sync - SailingWell it"s not far down to paradise, at least it"s not for meAnd if the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquilityOh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and seeBaby believe meIt"s not far to Never-Never Land, no reason to pretendAnd if the wind is right you can find a joy of innocence againOh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and seeBaby believe meSailing takes me away to where I"ve always heard it could beJust a dream and a wind to carry meSoon I will be freeFantasy, it gets the best of me when I"m sailingAll caught up in a reverieEvery word is a symphonyWon"t you believe me?Sailing takes me away to where I"ve always heard it could beJust a dream and a wind to carry meSoon I will be free(Interlude)Well it"s not far back to sanity, at least it"s not for meAnd if the wind is right you can sail away and find serenityOh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and seeBaby believe meSailing takes me away to where I"ve always heard it could beJust a dream and a wind to carry meSoon I will be freeSailing takes me away to where I"ve always heard it could beJust a dream and a wind to carry meSoon I will be free

洛 史都华的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:洛 史都华专辑:Karaoke: Rod StewartSAILINGRod StewartI am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.


虽然不是我自己翻译的,但我感觉这个翻译还是靠谱的……Sailing 远航 Sung By Rod Stewart 洛德·史都华 Sailing(航行) I am saling 我正在航行 I am saling 我正在航行 home again cross the sea 在海中漂流时 又一次想家 I am saling stormy waters 我在航行中乘风破浪 to be near you to be free 为了靠近你 为了自由 I am flying I am flying 我正在飞 我正在飞 like a bird cross the sky 像一只翱翔在天空中的鸟 I am flying passing high clouds 我正在穿越高空中的云彩 to be near you to be free 为了靠近你 为了自由 Can you hear me 你能听到我的呼唤吗 can you hear me 你能听到我的呼唤吗 through the darknight far away 通过遥远的深夜 I am dying 我极度想念 forever crying to be with you 为了你我永远哭泣 who can say 其中甘苦谁能说 Can you hear me 你能听到我的呼唤吗 can you hear me 你能听到我的呼唤吗 through the darknight far away 通过遥远的深夜 I am dying 我极度想念 forever crying to be with you 为了你我永远哭泣 who can say 其中甘苦谁能说 we are saling 我们在航行 we are saling 我们在航行 home again cross the sea 在海中漂流时 又一次想家 we are saling stormy waters 我在航行中乘风破浪 to be near you to be free 为了靠近你 为了自由 oh lord to be near you to be free 为了靠近您 为了自由

布袋寅泰的《SAILING》 歌词

歌曲名:SAILING歌手:布袋寅泰专辑:MODERN TIMES ROCK"N"ROLL 【CD】I am sailing, I am sailing,Home again "cross the sea.I am sailing, stormy waters,To be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying,Like a bird "cross the sky.I am flying, passing high clouds,To be with you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear meThro" the dark night, far away,I am dying, forever crying,To be with you, who can say.Can you hear me, can you hear me,Thro" the dark night far away.I am dying, forever crying,To be with you, who can say.『SAILING』作词∶Gavin Maurice Sutherland作曲∶Gavin Maurice Sutherland歌∶布袋寅泰We are sailing, we are sailing,Home again "cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters,To be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free,Oh Lord.【 おわり 】

local sound style的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲:Sailing》歌手:local sound style发行时间:2009-10-28所属专辑:《hope》Rod StewartI am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky.I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever crying, to be with you; who can say?Can you hear me, can you hear me, thru the dark night far away?I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea.We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.


i am sailing, i am sailinghome again, cross the seai am sailing, stormy watersto be near you, to be freei am flying, i am flyinglike a bird, cross the skyi am flying, passing high cloudsto be near you, to be freecan you hear me, can you hear methrough the dark night, far awayi am dying, forever cryingto be with you, who can saywe are sailing, we are sailinghome again, cross the seawe are sailing, stormy watersto be near you, to be freeoh my lord, to be near you, to be freeoh my lord</SPAN>

sailing歌词翻译中文 sailing歌曲介绍

1、歌词: I am sailing 我在航行 I am sailing 我在航行 Home again cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋 I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 I am flying 我在飞翔 I am flying 我在飞翔 Like a bird cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样 I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云 To be with you 只为与你相伴 To be free 只为解脱 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say 谁能明白 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say ? 谁能明白 We are sailing 我们在航行 We are sailing 我们在航行 Home again cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋 We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 2、《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。

高明骏的《Sailing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sailing歌手:高明骏专辑:高明骏精粹集2I am sailing, I am sailingHome again, cross the seaI am sailing, stormy watersTo be near you, to be freeI am flying, I am flyingLike a bird, cross the skyI am flying, passing high cloudsTo be near you, to be freeCan you hear me, can you hear meThrough the dark night, far awayI am dying, forever cryingTo be with you, who can sayWe are sailing, we are sailingHome again, cross the seaWe are sailing, stormy watersTo be near you, to be freeOh my lord, to be near you, to be freeOh my lord


高潮部分给你们:人生饿拦大喵 新少你拉哦推沙拉米给啦黑vA姨哈姆 米啦瘦你 欧弟娜都怕不呀 哦!哈给楼流哦给牙滴 有起那嘎加皮看怒流 推偷困他恩地路啊故 树流楼飘哦给牙滴又掐怒内黑恰加嘎 肚大林 西嘎给 哈给太肚故苏

柏林赫塔队队歌sailing 歌词和音译


歌名:I Am Sailing歌曲原唱:Rod StewartI am sailing 我在航行I am sailing 我在航行Home again "cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱I am flying 我在飞翔I am flying 我在飞翔Like a bird "cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you 只为与你相伴To be free 只为解脱Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say 谁能明白Can you hear me 你可知我心Can you hear me 你可知我心Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying 我将死去Forever crying 永远地哭泣To be with you 只为与你相伴Who can say ? 谁能明白We are sailing 我们在航行We are sailing 我们在航行Home again "cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝To be near you 只为靠近你To be free 只为解脱Oh Lord 哦,上帝扩展资料:《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。专辑介绍:1975年对洛·史都华(Rod Stewart)而言是个崭新的开始∶移居美国筹备新专辑的录音,加入新东家华纳唱片,正式离开Faces全心拓展个人事业。专辑「跨越大西洋」(Atlantic Crossing)在八月发行,由唱片标题反应出洛苹身来到美国以全新伴奏阵容完成此作;专辑唱片按AB面分为快、慢歌两部份,据说这是他当时的爱人—瑞典女演员Britt Ekland的建议,结果反应热烈,洛·史都华再展多彩多姿的摇滚巨星风采。专辑中"I Don"t Wanna Talk About It"和"Sailing"都是听众非常熟悉且一再传诵的两首抒情佳作。

sailing 歌曲背景是什么?

这首歌朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量歌曲的背景和意义并没有一个具体的、清晰的故事情节,它更像是一种情感的表达,既有孤独和迷茫,也有对未来的希望和力量。有些人认为这首歌是Stewart写给他的前女友的,也有些人认为它是一首关于航海和探索的歌曲。这首歌曲的背景和意义与Stewart的版本有所不同。它被用作电视剧《悲惨世界~没有终点的旅途~》的主题曲,表达了人类的弱点和罪恶,以及人们为了寻求自由和幸福而不断努力。无论是Rod Stewart的版本还是Aimer的版本,都以其独特的方式表达了歌曲的主题,给人以深刻的感受和力量。

sailing歌词翻译中文 sailing歌曲介绍

1、歌词: I am sailing 我在航行 I am sailing 我在航行 Home again cross the sea.又一次归航,穿越海洋 I am sailing stormy waters.我在航行,在那风暴之海 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 I am flying 我在飞翔 I am flying 我在飞翔 Like a bird cross the sky 穿越天空,像鸟儿一样 I am flying passing high clouds 我在飞翔,在那高耸之云 To be with you 只为与你相伴 To be free 只为解脱 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say 谁能明白 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Can you hear me 你可知我心 Through the dark night far away 穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离 I am dying 我将死去 Forever crying 永远地哭泣 To be with you 只为与你相伴 Who can say ? 谁能明白 We are sailing 我们在航行 We are sailing 我们在航行 Home again cross the sea 又一次归航,穿越海洋 We are sailing salty waters 我们航行在那咸咸的海水 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 To be near you 只为靠近你 To be free 只为解脱 Oh Lord 哦,上帝 2、《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。


sailing歌曲中文翻译如下:I am sailing我在航行I am sailing我在航行Home again cross the sea又一次归航,穿越海洋I am sailing stormy waters我在航行,在那风暴之海To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱I am flying我在飞翔I am flying我在飞翔Like a bird cross the sky穿越天空,像鸟儿一样I am flying passing high clouds我在飞翔,在那高耸之云To be with you只为与你相伴To be free只为解脱Can you hear me你可知我心Can you hear me你可知我心Through the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying我将死去Forever crying永远地哭泣To be with you只为与你相伴Who can say谁能明白Can you hear me你可知我心Can you hear me你可知我心Through the dark night far away穿过这暗夜,渐渐远离I am dying我将死去Forever crying永远地哭泣To be with you只为与你相伴Who can say ?谁能明白We are sailing我们在航行We are sailing我们在航行Home again cross the sea又一次归航,穿越海洋We are sailing salty waters我们航行在那咸咸的海水To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝To be near you只为靠近你To be free只为解脱Oh Lord哦,上帝歌曲含义:这首歌,是一首有着浓厚宗教色彩的歌,歌者好像在祈祷,用航行海上,以天气、水文的不确定性,来比喻人生的起伏;用鸟飞在天上,来比喻人生奋斗的目标,和对自由的渴望。希望天上的神,能够听到他祈祷的声音;当经历漫长人生旅途后,到达人生终点时,能够靠近在神的身边,获得最终的自由、解脱。


《Sailing》原唱是Rod Stewart,完整歌词如下:I am sailingI am sailing home againcross the seaI am sailing stormy watersTo be near youto be freeI am flyingI am flyingLike a bird across the skyI am flying passing high cloudsTo be with youto be freeCan you hear meCan you hear meThrough the dark night far awayI am dying forever cryingTo be with youwho can sayCan you hear meCan you hear meThrough the dark night far awayI am dying forever cryingTo be with youwho can sayWe are sailingWe are sailing home againcross the seaWe are sailing salty watersTo be near youto be freeOh Lordto be near youto be freeOh Lordto be near youto be freeOh Lordto be near youto be freeOh Lord歌曲信息《Sailing(航行)》是Rod Stewart演唱的一首歌曲,收录于1975年02月14日发行的专辑《Atlantic Crossing》中。这首歌也是《哥伦布传/1492 Conquest of Paradise》的主题曲。《Sailing》这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。


sailing既可以做名词也可以做动词sailing常见释义帆船运动英:[ˈseɪlɪŋ]美:[ˈseɪlɪŋ]n.帆船运动; (乘帆船的)航行; (从某港口开出的)航班; v.(船)航行; (人)乘船航行; 驾驶(或乘坐)帆船航行(尤指作为体育运动); 起航;

我用xilinx ise到Implement的map这一步出现了一下16个错误,求解决办法(字数限制,无办法粘贴所有错误)

用 synplify综合就好了,Xilinx自己的编译器做的太差了

给力者 这个英文单词应该是Geilier?还是Geilior?或者是Geiliver?还是其他什么?哪个好?为什么?


Oceans (Dj Philip Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Oceans (Dj Philip Remix)歌手:Milk Inc.专辑:Apocalypse CowThe Title - Oceansi want to write oceans deepi"ve gotta sound so sincerei"ll surely strike a chordand you"ll make your way herei wanna write words that moveand make your heart skip beatsand if i can"t do thatat least you"ll tap your feetif i were to ask would you be willingto lay right here and watch the ceilingand stay up late with meand then we"d kiss till threeand if i should ask would you be happyto learn these words and sing them at metake my hand and holdand show me what you knowi gotta be rationaland take my time with thisi"m making god damn surethere"s not a thing i"ll missi work with a balanced heartand never with steady handswhen you"re around i can"t speakbut i know my songs cansleep is for the weakand baby i can stay the weekendas long as you"re with mei think maybe we can sleep in


共15个大类,截止(2019-03-26)工具数:2193Information Gathering(信息收集)Vulnerability Analysis(漏洞分析)Wireless Attacks(无线攻击)Web Applications(Web应用程序)Exploitation Tools(开发工具)Stress Testing(压力测试)Forensics Tools(取证工具)Sniffing & Spoofing(嗅探和欺骗)Password Attacks(密码攻击)Maintaining Access(维护访问权限)Reverse Engineering(逆向工程)Reporting Tools(报告工具)Hardware Hacking(硬件黑客)Anonymity(匿名)Vulnerable testing environments(易受攻击的测试环境)kali 渗透测试完整工具列表


一、创建root账户密码(一)创建root账户密码(二)删除普通账户(三)修改系统和硬件时间二、更新源三、kali 安装googlepinyin输入法四、安装OpenOffice软件和记事本 leafpad(一)安装OpenOffice(二)安装记事本leafpad五、安装WingIDE(一)解压安装WingIDE(二)解决未知软件依赖性行问题六、使用scapy提示No module named all(一)先说bug出现的条件(二)解决措施七、配置Kali网络八、安装rtl8812au无线网卡

求一篇Pirates of Silicon Valley(硅谷传奇)的英文观后感...谢谢啦...

great job tp 热心网友, just some corrections: 1. Windows & switched to Mac a year back,2. before the founding of Apple, (can"t invent a company)3. Anthony Michael Hall played4. for e.g => for example5. to simplify history.



教你如何进行Xilinx SerDes调试

由于这种复杂性,SERDES的调试工作对很多工程师来说是一个挑战。本文将描述SERDES的一般调试方法,便于工程师准确快速定位和解决问题。1. 硬件检测 硬件检测可以分为原理图/PCB检查和板上硬件检查。这一部分的工作相对简单,但是很多时候问题是由这些看起来很不起眼的地方导致的。 a) 原理图/PCB检查 根据SERDES应用手册要求检查原理图和PCB设计。例如对于Xilinx 7系列GTX/GTH SERDES,可以参考UG476的Board Design Guidelines检查原理图和PCB设计。 b) 板上硬件检查 使用示波器/万用表等仪器设备实际测量板上硬件,确认提供给SERDES的工作环境正常。 i. 检查电源的电压/精度/纹波/上电顺序是否符合数据手册的要求。例如对于Xilinx 7系列GTX SERDES,需要对照DS182检查。 ii. 检查SERDES参考时钟频率/摆幅是否符合数据手册的要求,以及参考时钟的管脚位置是否正确。 iii. 物理通道的检查,例如确认AC耦合电容的容值是否正确,光模块是否兼容,焊接是否正常。2. 使用IBERT IBERT是一个强有力的调试工具,可以用于调整参数设置和确认系统余量,也可以用于故障现象判断。IBERT在CORE generator里产生工程和BIT文件。将BIT文件下载到FPGA后,使用ChipScope Analyzer连接到FPGA上,就会出现IBERT的GUI调试界面。 a) 检查PLL是否LOCK,如果没有,需要检查时钟和电源。比如时钟频率是否正确,SERDES是否选择了正确的时钟源。 b) 将SERDES的TX和RX设为相同的数据pattern,例如PRBS-31。设置SERDES为Near-end PMA模式。如果这一步不能工作,检查TX/RX极性是否反转;检查TXUSRCLK/TXUSRCLK2/RXUSRCLK/RXUSRCLK2上的时钟频率是否正常。通过这一步保证SERDES内部工作正常。 c) 将SERDES设置为Far-end PMA和Far-end PCS模式,确认远端设备的SERDES是否收发正常。通过这一步排除和时钟OFFSET相关的问题。 d) 如果这些步骤工作正常,但是误码率很高,有可能是参数设置有问题。需要通过调整TX/RX的参数设置来解决。

FTP Utility Settings是什么意思



推荐先使用工具激活,不行再用密钥,希望对你有帮助 (xyz5819 意念时空)Win7 Activation v1.7激活win7属于软激活,可以说是最安全的激活方式,当然如果你有正版key更好。但是没有正版key的话,最好还是使用软激活,而软激活有很多软件可用。其实WIN7 Activation是个比较好的。我就用的WIN7 Activation激活的win7,到现在一直都很好,而且我还到ms官网去验证正版了。硬刷bois据说可以永久激活,但是一个不小心将对电脑产生不可恢复的伤害。所以,建议朋友使用WIN7 Activation的1.7版本。(xyz5819 意念时空) 这个版本拯救了很多人啊。(xyz5819 意念时空) 1)Win7 Activation1.7 (推荐,激活成功了超过90+%,一分钟就搞定激活~) (xyz5819 意念时空)(百度搜>Win7 Activation v1.7.rar 第一个就是)2)Windows7_Loader_v3.273)SK_Patch_v1_R2_Final4)nt6-oem-loader-v35)最新小马Win7激活工具Oem7F7,sp1也能完美使用。(这个工具对很难搞定激活的三星品牌很有效)6)百度不让贴具体下载网址,LZ去百度搜一下都不难找到的,祝你好运!(xyz5819 意念时空)这些都是网上最好的工具了,本人使用Win7 Activation v1.7 (xyz5819 意念时空)indows 7 旗舰版密匙激活:(xyz5819 意念时空)windows7输入激活码是在哪个地方?(xyz5819 意念时空)以“管理员身份”运行“命令提示符”;键入slmgr.vbs /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx (xyz5819 意念时空)1.软解激活,也就是密匙激活:(xyz5819 意念时空)最新Win7企业、专业版的激活密钥(32位、64位均可用)(xyz5819 意念时空)适用于任何语种的32/64位Windows 7企业、专业版——(xyz5819 意念时空)2VCGQ-BRVJ4-2HGJ2-K36X9-J66JGJ8BCC-HR9KY-4WWX6-BYDYC-6Y89J87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF236TW-X778T-8MV9F-937GT-QVKBBKH2J9-PC326-T44D4-39H6V-TVPBYTFP9Y-VCY3P-VVH3T-8XXCC-MF4YKVQ3PY-VRX6D-CBG4J-8C6R2-TCVBD2Y4WT-DHTBF-Q6MMK-KYK6X-VKM6G342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27MHFPT-8C8M2-V9488-FGM44-2C9T349PB6-6BJ6Y-KHGCQ-7DDY6-TF7CDYJJYR-666KV-8T4YH-KM9TB-4PY2W适用于 Windows 7 旗舰版的二十 枚 Retail 密钥(一键直接激活成功率为85%)其中十七枚实现一键直接激活(通过微软正版验证),三枚提示电话激活.在确保网络畅通的前提下:如果“手气壮、运气好”,即可实现一键直接 激活;如果暂时手气运气不佳,100%可以通过电话予以激活。在微软新一代操作系统 Windows 7 诸版本中,旗舰版功能是最全的(企业版面对大客户,与旗舰版功能一样)。对于旗舰版的激活,主要有两大方式:OEM 激活(包括“软改”和“硬 刷”)和联网激活(“直接”和“电话”)。 TG664-TJ7YK-2VY3K-4YFY6-BCXF4MVG64-RQDVY-KB9RM-MX9WT-MW824TDTY2-6HJ49-46PCK-6HY88-KQXXXFKDJ2-RCXKD-TFW4H-2PTGK-MMMH8H67R8-4HCH4-WGVKX-GV888-8D79BJ4M92-42VH8-M9JWJ-BR7H6-KTFP676RJX-HDXWD-8BYQJ-GRPPQ-8PP92P3P9R-3DH3Q-KGD38-DWRR4-RF7BCC2236-JBPWG-TGWVG-GC2WV-D6V6Q4HVJQ-4YW7M-QWKFX-Q3FM2-WMMHPYH6QF-4R473-TDKKR-KD9CB-MQ6VQ6VP2W-C8BCH-FBTQT-6CMHK-Y7QBGWYRTJ-8KGKQ-3FDMW-2PQRX-MDYDBMFBG6-2JM2T-VQQ6M-K86FT-P9WCWTRV9M-9DQH8-DQVJF-DFJFQ-PV2JTBB3K3-MMTHM-WFWJK-PCC8G-3DRGQJ6QGR-6CFJQ-C4HKH-RJPVP-7V83XTC48D-Y44RV-34R62-VQRK8-64VYGCTT6T-PWYJD-327V6-W2BWW-RJ29TBP8HR-QV3B8-WG24X-RQ3H3-DK67M不要直接激活,最好在断网状态下选择电话激活啊,然后打免费电话备好纸笔,记录激活ID用)根据提示操作.(xyz5819 意念时空)百度搜>Windows系列和Office 2010 MAK密钥,第三个就是.(xyz5819 意念时空)或者,百度搜>Windows7 xp office 系列激活密钥全搜集 第一个就是.(xyz5819 意念时空)仍然无效的,不妨去TAOBAO花几元买一个密钥算了,网上流传的密钥没几个真正能用的. (xyz5819 意念时空)

moderate ability中文翻译

If you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你能力一般,勤勉能补足你的缺陷 If you have great talents , industry will improve them ; if you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使你完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉能补足你的缺陷。 If you have great talents , industry will improve them ; if you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。 If you have great talents , industry will improve them , if you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你很有天赋,勤奋会使其更加完善,如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。


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