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2023-08-20 20:39:53

  perceived salability的中文翻译

  perceived salability




  v.认为; 感觉( perceive的过去式和过去分词 ); 视为; 理解为;

  [网络]感知; 感知的; 领会;

  [例句]I perceived a subtle change in his attitude.


  [其他]形近词: received deceived conceived



perceive [英]pu0259"si:v [美]pu025au02c8siv v. 意识到;察觉,发觉;理解 [例句]We create and perceive our world simultaneously.我们在感知世界的同时,也在创造它们。
2023-08-11 22:24:581


Perceive用法及搭配如下:Perceive的意思是意识到;察觉,发觉;理解。过去式perceived、过去分词perceived、现在分词perceiving、第三人称单数perceives。Perceive与as搭配时,其意为看待,理解,此时它是及物动词,即其后要接宾语(perceive as),不存在你说的perceive一定是属于前面的某个从句的问题。相关例句:She began to perceive him as a loser.她开始把他看作是一个失败者。I perceived her statement as a threat.我把她的声明看成是威胁。这类用法还通常用于被动式。如New technology is often perceived as a threat.新技术常被看作是一种威胁。The General"s words were perceived as a threat by neighbouring countries.将军说的话被邻国看作是一种威胁。Perceive的例句:1、So doesn"t that mean that the first hypothesis you mentioned was wrong the one that says we don"t even perceive irrelevant information when we are concentrating.那这不就意味着刚才您提到的第一个设想是错误的吗?就是说我们在专注的时候不去认知不相关的信息?2、And you can"t perceive any boundary between the two any longer.然后你不再会察觉到有两种物质。
2023-08-11 22:25:181

conceive perceive的区别 都有【认为,理解】的意思啊.有什么区别呢?

conceive / perceive:conceive 和 perceive 是一对意义相对的词,conceive 是“想出,想到”,来自人主观的想像;而 perceive 是“看出,观察到”,来自对客观世界的观察.如果不能conceive the things ,就不能创新,但没...
2023-08-11 22:26:101

conceive perceive的区别

conceive / perceive: conceive 和 perceive 是一对意义相对的词,conceive 是“想出,想到”, 来自人主观的想像;而 perceive 是“看出,观察到”,来自对客观世界的观察。如果不能conceive the things ,就不能创新,但没有 perceive the world就难以实际地改造世界。
2023-08-11 22:26:252


2023-08-11 22:26:583


conceive、receive、perceive、deceive、preconceive等 扩展资料   1、conceive   单词读音:英[knsi:v] 美[knsiv]   单词含义:vt. 怀孕; 构思; 想像,设想。vi. 设想; 怀孕; 考虑。   例句:He was immensely ambitious but unable to conceive of winning power for himself.   他雄心勃勃,但是想不出自己能如何赢得权力。   2、receive   单词读音:英[rsi:v] 美[rsiv]   单词含义:vt. 收到; 接待; 接到; 接纳。vt. 接收; 欢迎; 承受。   例句:If we don"t receive a reply by tomorrow morning, I shall have to get on to him.   如果明天早上我们得不到答复,我们还得和他联系。   3、perceive   单词读音:英[psi:v] 美[prsi:v]   单词含义:v. 理解; 意识到; 察觉,发觉。   例句:The conclusions come in a study of how people perceive their wellbeing.   该研究调查了人们对自身幸福的"感知状况,从而得出了这一结论。   4、deceive   单词读音:英[dsi:v] 美[dsiv]   单词含义:v. 欺诈; 误导。   例句:Some shop Tai xiaozhang, have done a hammer trading, mo Shangliang deceive you.   有的网店太嚣张了,都做一锤子买卖,骗你没商量。   5、preconceive   单词读音:英 [pri:kn"si:v] 美 [pri:kn"si:v]   单词含义:vt.预想。   例句:Tourist forget their preconceive idea as soon as they visit our country.   游客访问了我国之后立刻消除了他们的先入之见。
2023-08-11 22:27:161


perceive 是动词,sense一般是名词用法
2023-08-11 22:27:473

understand和. perceive 有什么区别

understandv. 理解,了解,领会,闻知 (更侧重基于事实,基于客观的理解和了解)例句与用法: 1. If you can"t do it, I will understand. 如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解。 2. I don"t understand what you are saying. 我不知道你在说什么。 3. Am I to understand that you refuse? 我是不是应当认为你拒不接受? perceivevt. 察觉, 感觉, 认知, 理解 (更侧重心灵上的,主观的认识和理解)1 . I perceived his comment as a challenge.我认为他的批评是对我的激励。2 . The patient was perceived to have difficulty in standing and walking.据观察所见,病人站立和行走都有困难。希望对你有帮助~
2023-08-11 22:27:571


perceive v. 意识到;察觉,发觉;理解aware adj. 知道的;意识到的,察觉到的前者是动词,后者是形容词。
2023-08-11 22:28:071

怎么记住“perceive”这个单词 主要是怎么记住他的意思 (它意思是“感觉 意识到”)

把这个单词 单独记啊 没事的时候拿出来记一下你一定会记住的
2023-08-11 22:28:303


perception 知觉,察觉(力),观念
2023-08-11 22:28:412


I perceived his comment as a challenge.我认为他的批评是对我的激励.We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.我们已注意到温度的波动情形.
2023-08-11 22:28:503

请问be aware of be conscious of 和perceive三者都表示意识到察觉到,在用法上有什么不同呢?谢谢

I am well aware that this is a tough job. One should be aware of the fact that ....Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us. She was not aware of having done wrong. She was conscious of her flat nose. 这时跟be aware of 用法一样。He is conscious that .....He gradually perceived that his parents had been right. I can"t perceive any difference between these coins. I perceived a man enter the house.
2023-08-11 22:28:581


1我一直没意识到我们关系已经开始破裂了。l really haven"t perceived that there is problem in our relationship all the time.perceive多指主观感知到(五感能感知到的),realize指认知到,所以能够perceive并不代表能够realize。realize更客观,perceive有时也指能够理解,但是还是主观的。所以这里用perceive表达我从没看出来,realize则表达我从未意识到。另外a problem in our relationship并不意味着关系开始破裂,这个问题可大可小。所以这里可以改为:I have never realized that our relationship has been damaged/broken.2我刚刚才意识到我们关系出了问题。I"ve just realized that there is an issue in our relatship.这样说是可以的。issue常指议题,争论点。这里用problem可能更好些,但我认为都没问题。3我不知道什么原因当你靠近我的时候我会踹不过气...l get breathless when you"ve here next to me and.why?next to me指临近我,常常需要语境,比如排队的时候前后的人都叫next to me,但并不表达靠的近,应该用close。breathless应该还可以,但我认为这样说更好:I have no idea why I can"t breathe when you are close to me.4 你刚才说话的语气和那种媚态是对谁发嗲?不会是对我这个同性吧。哎!Listen to that tone! So coquettish! were you flirting me, a girl like you? ew~5你越是那种个性我对你越有兴趣。the more your style you own,the more l"ve strong interest in you.比较级用法不太对,不过现在英语口语越来越不严格,我说不准分寸,我认为这样说也可以的。如果按正确的语法来说就是:The more you show your style, the stronger interest I have in you.类似的话举个例子:No way~! Don"t do that! The more you do , the less I can help myself.不是吧!别那样啦!你越那样,我越禁不住。6她可不是你以往遇见过的女生哦。she is nothing like a girl you have ever seen before.这样说蛮好。
2023-08-11 22:29:051


You can see what
2023-08-11 22:29:164


2023-08-11 22:30:074


conceive短语搭配有conceive outline(构思)、first conceive(先设想)、may conceive(可以设想)、conceive of(想象;设想;构想)、conceive plan(构想计划)。conceive和perceive的区别:1、意思不同conceive是构想出一个事先并不存在的主意、计划、方案、诡计、意图等,是用头脑思考的结果;perceive常含有使用感官的意思,一个人可以通过摸、闻、看等感知某一事物,发觉或觉察某个已经存在的事物。2、用法不同conceive通常用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词;perceive通常只用作及物动词。conceive一般作为动词使用,动词,意思是“怀孕;构思;以为;持有;设想;考虑”,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多。perceive是动词,作及物动词时意思是“察觉,感觉;理解;认知”,作不及物动词时意思是“感到,感知;认识到”。conceive的造句:1、For all these reasons, many of which are bound up with things undoubtedly good, marriage has become difficult, and if it is not to be a barrier to happiness it must be conceive in a somewhat new way.正是由于这些原因(其实很多是与善的事物密切相关的)才使婚姻变得这么困难,要想不让它成为幸福的障碍就必须想出新招。2、I cannot conceive what it must be like.我想象不出它会是什么样子。3、Their first child was conceived on their wedding night.他们的第一个小孩是在新婚之夜怀上的。4、God is often conceived of as male.上帝常常被想象为男性。5、She is unable to conceive.她不能怀孕。
2023-08-11 22:30:271


它只能是及物动词,不能做不及物动词,意思是感知,直接带宾语,比如You should perceive the yourself.
2023-08-11 22:31:391

observe sb. do sth.与observe sb. doing sth.的区别是?

2023-08-11 22:31:477


朋友,你再看下或者从上下文去理解下,我认为这个单词是perceive你的perceived是其过去式或过去分词perceive[pə"si:v] vt. 察觉, 感觉, 认知, 理解1.I perceived his comment as a challenge.我认为他的批评是对我的激励。2.The patient was perceived to have difficulty in standing and walking.据观察所见,病人站立和行走都有困难。3.I perceived a change in his behaviour/that his behaviour had changed.我发觉他的行为有些变化。4.We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.我们已注意到温度的波动情形。5.We perceived that we were unwelcome and left.我们发觉自己不受欢迎,因此便离开了。
2023-08-11 22:32:511

perceive sb. do sth.是省略to的动词不定式吗?

2023-08-11 22:33:002


认识到; 意识到; 理解; 把…看作; 认为; 感觉; 察觉; 看出[变形]过去分词:perceived现在分词:perceiving过去式:perceived第三人称单数:perceivesperceive用法及短语如下:perceive的名词形式:perception ;perceive是一个英语单词,动词,作及物动词时意思是“察觉,感觉;理解;认知”,作不及物动词时意思是“感到,感知;认识到”。短语搭配erceive notice感知cognize perceive认知perceive instinctively直觉感到双语例句1、How do you perceive them?你又如何看待他们?2、I perceive something.我感知某事物。3、The concept reality means to each of us what we perceive, what we experience.真实的概念对我们每个人都意味着我们感知的一切,经历的一切。
2023-08-11 22:34:451


翻译:感知;认为;察觉到;注意到;意识到;将…理解为;将…视为;例句:1.Therefore, to perceive water quality at any time is particularly important.因此,能随时感知水质状况显得尤为重要。2.I perceived a change in his behaviour over those months.我注意到他的举止在那几个月里有些改变。变形:现在分词perceiving.过去式perceived.过去分词perceived.第三人称单数perceives
2023-08-11 22:36:211


vt.察觉v.感知, 感到, 认识到n.感觉; 知觉觉察; 理解perceive by the nose用鼻嗅出I perceived that I conld not make her change her mind.我发觉我不能使她改变她的主意。ceive词根 感觉conceive 构思, 以为, 持有receive 收到, 接到, 接收, 遭到, 受到, 接待, 接见
2023-08-11 22:38:471


perceive的名词是perception。形容词是perceptive。perceive的意思是注意到,意识到,察觉到。perception的意思是知觉,感知,洞察力。perceptive的意思是理解力强的,有洞察力的,思维敏捷的。 扩展资料 perceive的例句:It was very perceptive of you to notice that(你能注意到此事,真够敏锐的)。His comment was trenchant and perceptive(他的评论既一针见血又鞭辟入里)。
2023-08-11 22:42:281


Perceive 意思是:察觉,发觉,看到,听见,领会,领悟。这个词偏向于认知方面。feel 意思是: 感觉,觉得。这个词偏向于感受方面
2023-08-11 22:47:281


ceive后缀的单词:conceive、receive、perceive、deceive、preconceive等等。 扩展资料   1、conceive   单词含义:vt. 怀孕; 构思; 想像,设想。vi. 设想; 怀孕; 考虑。   例句:He was immensely ambitious but unable to conceive of winning power for himself.   他雄心勃勃,但是想不出自己能如何赢得权力。   2、receive   单词含义:vt. 收到; 接待; 接到; 接纳。vt. 接收; 欢迎; 承受。   例句:If we don"t receive a reply by tomorrow morning, I shall have to get on to him.   如果明天早上我们得不到答复,我们还得和他联系。   3、perceive   单词含义:v. 理解; 意识到; 察觉,发觉。   例句:The conclusions come in a study of how people perceive their wellbeing.   该研究调查了人们对自身幸福的感知状况,从而得出了这一结论。   4、deceive   单词含义:v. 欺诈; 误导。   例句:Some shop Tai xiaozhang, have done a hammer trading, mo Shangliang deceive you.   有的网店太嚣张了,都做一锤子买卖,骗你没商量。   5、preconceive   单词含义:vt.预想。   例句:Tourist forget their preconceive idea as soon as they visit our country.   游客访问了我国之后立刻消除了他们的先入之见。
2023-08-11 22:49:441


2023-08-11 22:50:032

perceive realize be aware of

这是网上的区别be aware of意思就与know相近了。realize是强调对一件事的认识性意识到了。perceive 1.v.become conscious/aware of She finally perceived the futility of her protest become aware of through the senses.意识到;理解 I perceived a man enter the house. 我看到一个人走进这间房子。 I can"t perceive any difference between these coins. 我看不出这些有什么差别。 He gradually perceived that his parents had been right. =realize
2023-08-11 22:50:351


观察(observe)词汇解析:observe英 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0v]     美 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0rv]    v. 观察;遵守;注意到;庆祝1、S+~(+A)He observes carefully but says little.他总是仔细观察,很少说话。2、S+~+ n./pron.Have you observed anything strange in her words?你注意到她的话里有什么奇怪的地方没有?扩展资料同近义词——perceive 常用词汇 英 [pu0259"siu02d0v]     美 [pu0259r"su02d0v]    v. 注意到;觉察到;认为;理解I plainly perceive some objections remain.我清楚地察觉到还有一些反对意见。perceive easily 容易看到perceive gradually 逐渐地感觉到All citizens should observe traffic rules. 每位公民都应该遵守交通规则。
2023-08-11 22:50:481


观察的英语是:Observe 或 observation
2023-08-11 22:51:282


receive 接受 perceive 感觉,察觉
2023-08-11 22:52:112

perceive sb. do sth.是什么意思啊?和perceive sb. doing sth.的意思是不是一样啊?

感觉某人要做什么(还没做)感觉某人做了什么(已经做了)专业的团队给出最专业的回答 请考虑采纳谢谢你
2023-08-11 22:52:361

perceive to 有什么意思

perceive[pE5si:v]vt.察觉v.感知, 感到, 认识到
2023-08-11 22:52:492


以ceive为后缀的单词只有7个: conceive vt.设想,以为; deceive vt.欺骗,蒙蔽,行骗; misconceive 误解; perceive vt.察觉,发觉; preconceive vt. 预想; receive vt.收到,接到; undeceive vt. 使不受欺骗,使醒悟 扩展资料   I perceived a change in his behaviour over those months.   我注意到他的举止在那几个月里有些改变。   She perceived that all was not well.   她意识到并非一切都顺利。   This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.   这一发现被视为一项重大突破。   The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.   发现病人呼吸困难。   She did not perceive herself as disabled.   她没有把自己看成残疾人。
2023-08-11 22:53:111


  Lesson 4 Seeing hands 看手   In the Soviet Union several cases have been reported recently of people who can read and detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls. One case concerns an eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Vera Petrova, who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. This ability was first noticed by her father.(暂不提供全文)   New words and expressions 生词短语   1、Perceive察觉,瞬间感觉到的   to make out 费尽心机辨出   I looked thoroughly for my elderly mother, finally I make her out .   Yeah, I remembered, I finally make him out.   I perceive a fly in my teacup.   2、elbow oneu2019s way (用肘)挤出   elbow oneu2019s way out of the crowed.挤出人群   Notes on the text 课文注释   Flash 中没有详细讲解
2023-08-11 22:53:221


perceiving[英][pu0259"si:vu026au014b][美][pu0259"si:vu026au014b]v.认为; 感觉( perceive的现在分词 ); 视为; 理解为; 例句:1.There are three main modes of perceiving: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. 我们有三种主要的感受器:视觉、听觉和动觉。
2023-08-11 22:53:391

perceived advantage怎么理解

perceived advantage感知优势词典结果:perceivedv.认为; 感觉( perceive的过去式和过去分词 ); 视为; 理解为; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I don"t want to be perceived as uncaring. 我不想被认为对此事毫不关注。
2023-08-11 22:54:061


2023-08-11 22:54:465

英语翻译: As can be probably perceived,a manned trip

2023-08-11 22:56:221


Two heads are always better then one
2023-08-11 22:56:395


2023-08-11 22:57:066

discern这个单词有洞察,洞悉的意思吗? 如果没有,请问洞察的英文是什么?

discern有“洞察”的意思.① To perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect.用眼或智慧理解和侦测到.② To perceive differences.明了不同之处③ to recognize or perceive clearly 清晰地理解和了解.通过现象,看...
2023-08-11 22:57:331


D conceive of 想象 没有鱼或肉的一餐对很多人来说是无法想象的。其实查一下字典很容易找到答案的
2023-08-11 22:57:562

为什么横线上不用that?they are failing to perceive __how powerful and significant the experience is

如果有两个空,是可以填that 的,这里只有一个空,而宾语从句是个感叹句,形容词好用how来修饰,所以没有填that。也可以看做是省略了that
2023-08-11 22:58:042


观察(observe)词汇解析:observe英 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0v]     美 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0rv]    v. 观察;遵守;注意到;庆祝1、S+~(+A)He observes carefully but says little.他总是仔细观察,很少说话。2、S+~+ n./pron.Have you observed anything strange in her words?你注意到她的话里有什么奇怪的地方没有?扩展资料同近义词——perceive 常用词汇 英 [pu0259"siu02d0v]     美 [pu0259r"su02d0v]    v. 注意到;觉察到;认为;理解I plainly perceive some objections remain.我清楚地察觉到还有一些反对意见。perceive easily 容易看到perceive gradually 逐渐地感觉到
2023-08-11 22:58:111


2023-08-11 22:58:309

It may be perceived by some consumers as more expensive than a comparable color advertisement.

2023-08-11 22:58:563


观察(observe)词汇解析:observe英 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0v]     美 [u0259b"zu025cu02d0rv]    v. 观察;遵守;注意到;庆祝1、S+~(+A)He observes carefully but says little.他总是仔细观察,很少说话。2、S+~+ n./pron.Have you observed anything strange in her words?你注意到她的话里有什么奇怪的地方没有?扩展资料同近义词——perceive 常用词汇 英 [pu0259"siu02d0v]     美 [pu0259r"su02d0v]    v. 注意到;觉察到;认为;理解I plainly perceive some objections remain.我清楚地察觉到还有一些反对意见。perceive easily 容易看到perceive gradually 逐渐地感觉到
2023-08-11 22:59:151


1。Since you are a success,【状语从句】 my students【主语】 perceive 【谓语】that as a reason【宾语】 not to care much about getting a good education【不定式作定语修饰reason】."2。 As I"ve said before【状语从句】, nobody【主语】 should drop out of 【谓语】college【宾语】 unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime【状语从句】
2023-08-11 22:59:322