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sap migo 收货增强,需要在migo的抬头文本框内读取me23n备注文本字段内的值。







不知道我理解有没有错,如果是物料凭证抬头的那个交货单/出货单 字段的话,我将会这样解决这个问题:SPRO - 物料管理 - 库存管理和实际库存 -号码分配 - 为货物接收方/发货单定义号码分配号码配置间隔的时候当前编号与系统最大物料凭证号一致就可以了。 查看更多答案>>





求助:关于MIGO 中ITEM灰色不能收货。

第一个Item不能再行项目上直接打勾,在最下方有个项目确定栏,打上钩就能将第一个item收货了。JasonFocus on MM






To do that, you can using the option A02-Return Delivery and reference the previous Material document.


打开SAP MIGO 在输入80单的位置 输入不同的80单,再一起收货。(此80单需要来自同一个转储采购订单)不知道是这个问题不。

SAP 在MIGO中如何一下打上行项目OK的标志

Easy,在MIGO主菜单,进入setting --> default value -->Propose the OK function in future. 打上勾即可Hope helpful

sap MIGO 如何不让其自动创建检验批,即质检物料直接入库到非限制库存,不是创建检验批到质检库存。


防弹少年团lovers high音译


migo 过账后自动打印怎么配置


migo中的列印选项是怎样和output type对应的


如何设定MIGO 采购计单收货时交货单为必输项

可以开发一个专门收交货单的事务码 然后禁用migo收外向交货 因为migo收外向交货单也是可以修改交货数量的





墨西哥语 migo什么意思


当使用MIGO做收货都会产生会计凭证(accounting document)吗?

MIGO operation --- material document and accounting document正常的收货产生物料凭证没有错,但是同时也会生成一张GR/IR的会计凭证是为了增加你的成本,发票校验时也是产生一张会计凭证是为了产生应付。所有的物料移动都会产生物料凭证。因为物料是在工厂级别进行评估,所以一个工厂下的物料移动不会产生会计凭证,也可以认为如果产权没有改变,不会产生会计凭证Vendor consignment :根据创建的PO进行MIGO收货 , 保存后会产生物料凭证,但是没有会计凭证出现。并没有产生财务凭证,只有当物料转为自由库存或则物料被消耗时才会产生会计凭证。使用MB1B进行transfer posting ,把物料从QI状态转到非限制使用状态(MvT: 321) ; 如果寄售物料QI不合格,则从质检状态转至冻结状态,然后再退货供应商.寄售业务的发票校验,SAP采用了自动的结算方式,系统会查找所有特殊库存K的消耗,做分配校验,因为是自动的,所以在作发票校验的时候,需要仔细核对供应商的分配和公司的消耗数量和金额。寄售的发票校验不采用MIRO,而是特殊的MRKO 。SAP系统中,只要有物料移动都是要物料凭证的,至于寄售的物料收货也是有物料凭证的,同时从寄售转到产线上使用时是产生会计凭证,只要有会计凭证(accounting document)的出现,就意味着出现价值的改变.因为这个settlement number是供应商开发票的依据.So then , the Material Document是一定會產生的 .寄售也会产生物料凭证的.




"MIGO-TR" 是 SAP 中的一个事务代码,用于执行过账和传输数据的操作。具体而言,MIGO-TR 是 Material Management(MM)模块中的一个事务代码,用于执行物料管理相关的事务。MIGO-TR 用于实现从物料的采购、生产或其他途径到物料的实际接收和过账的过程。MIGO-TR 可以用于执行以下操作:物料的入库接收:包括采购订单的入库接收、生产订单的成品入库、内部转储订单的接收等。物料的出库过账:包括销售订单的出库、内部转储订单的发出等。物料的传输和转储:包括物料从一个库存地点或仓库到另一个库存地点或仓库的传输和转储。MIGO-TR 是 SAP 中常用的物料管理事务之一,用于管理物料的接收、过账和传输等操作,可以帮助企业实现物料管理的自动化和精细化。具体的使用方式和操作步骤可以根据企业的实际需求和配置进行调整和定制。

sap migo生产订单发货组件物料如何替换其它物料发货







我刚买了个金士顿的migo edition生活中间你会同时拥有和使用几台计算机?对每个人来说,答案是至少两台,除了办公室和家里必不可少的两台PC之外,我们甚至还拥有笔记本,还会偶尔使用同事或者网吧的电脑……面对众多设置各不相同的PC,要去适应其实是件并不轻松的事情,闪存盘能够帮我们在不同PC间交换数据,我们更希望有闪存盘甚至能随时存储我们常用PC的设置并且复制到任何PC上,金士顿Migo闪存盘的出现,终于使得我们的梦想变成了现实。内置的Migo软件更使得它具备一颗智慧的心。在Migo的帮助下,金士顿闪存盘可以随时随地记录你PC中间常用的基础设置,包括接收邮件的outlook express的设置,浏览网页的收藏夹、历史纪录、IE设置,“我的文档”文件夹的实时变化,甚至包括你最喜欢的那张桌面壁纸,它都会默默记在心中,并且随时可以自动把这些设置复制到任何一台拥有相同操作系统的主机上。因此,拥有了金士顿Migo闪存盘,等于是把最熟悉的那台PC挂在了钥匙圈上,随时可以在任何一台电脑上立即重现。更令人放心的是,Migo使得你在任何一台电脑上浏览网页的记录、所接收和发送的邮件,都不会留下任何记录,所有的一切都只是记录在金士顿Migo闪存盘中间,随时让你轻轻的走掉,正如你轻轻的来,不留下一丝痕迹。




这个我知道,Mi 是猫,小的意思,Go 是走,冲的意思,加起来就是宝贝向前冲,和猫步的意思




Migo,是:we go 和 bingo 的混合意思,代表着:行动和惊喜。中文翻译为:我们的行动,我们的努力,将为消费者带来惊喜。寓意:Migo为消费者带来的,不仅仅是产品,而是更多的快乐。

migo塑料水杯是什么材质 migo塑料杯属于什么材质

1、migo塑料杯用PP材质制成,这种材质又称聚丙烯。PP材质不加任何添加剂的无规共聚PP,制成1mm厚的薄片,雾度一般在40%左右(雾度是测量物体透明度的一个指标,它的值在0~100%之间,0表示完全透明,100%表示完全不透明)。migo塑料杯可以盛装开水,在常温下可长期使用,耐寒会破裂;由于PP不利于清洗,泡茶的话不建议。 2、PP的热变形温度,从70多到100多度不等。加入成核剂(添加量不超过0.1%)可以将HDT提高,提高幅度大概10度左右吧,看PP本身的性质和成核剂的性能。有的PP里面甚至会加入玻璃纤维、填充料等成分(添加量可能达20~30%),热变形温度甚至能达到130度。


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帮大家补充一下 stay也很好听~

一首英文歌???里面有一句是“We get one more night…tonight…”

是不是hot chelle rae的tonight tonight

lpl2016春季赛we vs ig结束的时候,红衣的美女解说叫什么?

陈雨涵昵称:猫教主,别名陈纯。国籍中国。1991.02.01出生于中国上海,平面模特 人气ShowGirl 网络红人。所属团队:IS CJ ShowGirl社团成员。个人资料中文名:陈雨涵外文名:CC昵称:猫教主别名:陈纯国籍:中国民族:汉族出生地:中国 上海出生日期:1991.02.01 水瓶座职业:平面模特 人气ShowGirl 网络红人所属团队:IS CJ ShowGirl社团成员身高:165cm三围:85-55-84陈雨涵体重:44KG主要成就:2012年ChinaJoy网易人气Coser多次参与中国国际数码互动娱乐产品及技术应用展览会(Chinajoy),2011年成为网龙展台主推,以她清秀甜美的脸庞,被评为上海19楼社区嗲囡囡人气奖冠军,之后展开了自己的模特生涯,玲珑多姿的形象使她多次为游戏公司拍摄宣传平面以及TVC,还录制了《我为校花狂》并晋级月赛。2012年,她为网易《倩女幽魂》coser女医师,并为《英雄联盟》城市争霸赛拍摄宣传海报,稚嫩又萝莉的外形深入人心。

Mountains High Valleys Low 歌词

歌曲名:Mountains High Valleys Low歌手:Phillip Larue专辑:Let The Road Pave ItselfPhillip LaRue - Mountains High Valleys LowMountains highValley"s lowThese are the thingsThat makes us growBut I"ll want to knowIs if you can hear meAll I want to knowIs if your still thereSo I could feel your loveWash over like rainI could feel your joyIn the midst of this painCan you shine?Shine on meAnd give me the faithI long to believeSeason"s changeWell I change tooLike spring and summerAnd I fall to youAnd all I want to knowIs if you can heal meAnd all I want to knowIs if your still listening GodAnd all I want to knowIs if your still there GodSo why don"t you shineCome on Shine on meeAnd give me the faith I want to believeI believeI said I believeNo one"s gonna take that from meSo why don"t you shineCome on Shine on meI know you will shine on meI know your going to shine on meAnd you"ll give me the faith I know to believehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2931524

船舶规范里的D/L deadweight,和IMO.NO. 是什么意思

D/L Deadweight 是载重量,通常为船的总载重量(最大载重量)IMO是国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization)IMO Number 即IMO编号是指国际海事组织的识别码,是船舶名称代码,采用IMO规定的劳氏船舶登记号为依据:集装箱船舶有很大一部分未在国际海事组织申请登记号,因此这些船舶也就无法把劳氏船舶登记号作为船名代码,对于这些船舶,仍根据劳氏船舶登记号的编号结构,生成其"船名代码"。一旦某船舶申请了国际海事组织的登记号,该登记号即自动取代本标准自行规定的船舶代码而成为船舶的唯一代码,本标准自行规定的代码同时作废。 2 命名原则 (1)本标准规定的船舶名称有两种:第一种为中文名称,第二种为英文名称。 (2)集装箱船舶的中文名称采用不超过8位的汉字表示,汉字名称中可出现数字和字母,但不可全用数字和字母表示。 (3)集装箱船舶的英文名称采用不超过18个字母表示,中国船舶用英文表示时,每个汉字拼写之间空一个字母位,英文名称中可出现数字和字母,但不可全用数字和字母表示。 3 编码方法 (1)本标准采用9位数字字母混合码。 (2)代码结构为: X X X X X X X X X 船舶顺序号 船舶建造(登记)年份 标识码 A.在IMO已经登记的船舶,其前两位标识码为UN,后七位为 IMO NO.。 B.中华人民共和国未在IMO登记的船舶,其前两位标识码为CN,后七位根据国际海事组织规定的编号结构,由我国自行编制代码。 C.挂靠我国港口并未在IMO登记的外国集装箱船舶,其前两位标识码为FC,后七位根据IMO规定的编号结构,由我国自行编制代码。 二 代码管理 1 凡在中心提供的代码库中没有找到自己业务涉及船舶的各单位,请与该船舶的代理联系,填明下表交与中心申请船舶代码。 中文名称 英文名称 国籍 船东 船舶经营人 船舶名称代码 标识码(UN/FC/CN) 代码结构:xx 建造年限 代码结构:xx 船舶顺序号 填表方法: (2)标识码一栏有IMO NO.的填写UN,无IMO NO.的外国船填写FC,中国船填写CN。 (3)建造年限一栏有资料的填年份的后两位,无资料的填00。 2 船舶名称代码的是以交通部建立的代码库为基础,根据上海口岸业务需要补充。在提供的代码库中有些船舶有IMO编号, 但采用的自行编码(即代码以CN或FC打头,而非UN),在此不对其进行修改,原因是这些代码已为一部分单位长期使用,此外代码只要保证了唯一性,在数据交换中不会导致错误。 中心将在适当时候会同交通部EDI代码编制组共同严格按照本代码生成规则制订全国一致的规范的代码库。

Ziggy Stardust 歌词

歌曲名:Ziggy Stardust歌手:David Bowie专辑:The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (40th Anniversary Edition) [Remastered]Ziggy StardustArtist(Band):David Bowie整理:拉登快跑OhOooh yeahAhZiggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly,The spiders from Mars. He played it left handBut made it too farBecame the special man, then we were Ziggy"s bandZiggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdoLike some cat from Japan, he could lick "em by smilingHe could leave "em to hang"came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.So where were the spiders, while the fly tried to break our ballsWith just the beer light to guide us,So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands?OhOoh ohZiggy played for time, jiving us that we were voodooThe kid was just crass, he was the nazzWith God given assHe took it all too far but boy could he play guitarMaking love with his ego Ziggy sucked up into his mindLike a leper messiahWhen the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band.Oh yeahOooooooZiggy played guitaarrrrrrhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14735909

Ziggy Stardust 歌词

歌曲名:Ziggy Stardust歌手:White Buffalo专辑:Fresh New LifeZiggy StardustArtist(Band):David Bowie整理:拉登快跑OhOooh yeahAhZiggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly,The spiders from Mars. He played it left handBut made it too farBecame the special man, then we were Ziggy"s bandZiggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdoLike some cat from Japan, he could lick "em by smilingHe could leave "em to hang"came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.So where were the spiders, while the fly tried to break our ballsWith just the beer light to guide us,So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands?OhOoh ohZiggy played for time, jiving us that we were voodooThe kid was just crass, he was the nazzWith God given assHe took it all too far but boy could he play guitarMaking love with his ego Ziggy sucked up into his mindLike a leper messiahWhen the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band.Oh yeahOooooooZiggy played guitaarrrrrrhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2717844


night:n. 夜晚,晚上;黑暗,黑夜adj. 夜晚的,夜间的dark:adj. 黑暗的,深色的;无知的;模糊的;忧郁的n. 黑暗;黄昏;模糊;夜night主要是夜晚的那种黑暗,是比较形象的一个词儿;而dark更多的是指一种抽象的黑暗哈

foreign minister是什么意思


When you get right down to it 怎么翻译





理查德.马克斯(Richard Marx),1963年6月16日出生于美国芝加哥的一个音乐世家。这位当今摇滚乐坛的白马王子,其从艺生涯颇具有传奇色彩:1982年,他曾录制了几首歌曲,试着寄给乐坛知名巨星莱昂纳尔.里奇(Lionel Richie, Say You Say Me 的作曲及演唱者),不想立即被常识,并被Richie邀请加盟伴唱。 1987年,Marx推出了第一张单曲唱片《Don"t Mean Nothing》。这是一首自传体的歌曲,它反映了美国社会生活的真实面貌,引起人们的关注。唱片一经出版,迅速登上了美国热门歌曲排行榜第三名的位置,Richard M-arx 因此一举成名。1987年5月,Richard Marx的第一部个人专辑Richard Marx问世。当时,他正在美国各地举行大规模的巡回演出,专辑也因此一举成功。其中的单曲《持续回归》(Keep Coming Back)首先名列排行榜首。接着,专辑中的另外三首单曲(Hold on Tonight, Don"t Mean Nothing, Should"ve Known Better) 接踵登上了冠军宝座,其中《Should"ve Known Better》这首歌通过音乐表达了珍惜生命的主旨,Marx将所得版税收入捐给了在纽约大学儿科诊疗室就诊的一位患癌症的小女孩。Richard Marx因此成为有史以来在同一专辑中有四首单曲排行榜首的第一位摇滚乐歌手。该专辑在全球销出3,000,000多张,并在排行榜上停留一年半的时间。 在巡回演出的同时,Richard Marx着手推出第二部专辑《重犯》,并下定决心要超越第一部专辑。经过精心努力,这张专辑的销售真的超过了10,000,000张。Richard Marx后来回忆说:“在巡回演出时,我一共创作了30首歌曲。每晚散场以后,我一回到住所,就马上拿出录音机,开始写歌。” 1988年1月30日,Richard Marx推出了《夏夜漫漫》(Endless Summer Nights)。同年6月11日,又推出了《留住今夜》(Hold on Tonight)。此后,他即开始了长达14个月的环球巡回献演。 1989年5月,Richard Marx翻录制作了《重犯》(《Repeat Oh-ender》)专辑的新版本,发行量仍超过6,000,000张,其中的两首单曲《Satistied》和《Right Here Waiting 》都成为排行榜冠军歌曲。随后,他的歌曲《安琪丽亚》(Angelia)、《称心如意》(Satisfied)和《此情可待》(Right Here Waiting)也大获成功,其中后二首均排行榜首,它们使用Richard Marx成为摇滚乐坛的超级巨星。 1989年春天,在第二次国际巡回演出中,Richard Marx邀约了著名女歌星迪纳.特娜到德国共同献艺。在巡回演出的日子里,他创作了30首作品,除了创作自己的歌曲之外,Richard Marx也为其他歌手写歌或作唱片制作人,如Vixen的《EdgeOf A Broren Heart》,Poco的《Nothing To Hide》。 1990年9月11日,Richard Marx和妻子(Cynthia Marx"s)喜添贵子。为庆祝新生命的降临,他专门给爱子写了一首新歌《你的世界》(Your World)。他深信儿子的诞生将改变他们的生活前景。 1991年9月9日,Richard Marx举办了令人难以置信的音乐会,一天之中,他飞行在纽约(New York)、华盛顿(Washington)、克里弗兰(Kleveland)、芝加哥(Chicago)和洛杉矶(Los Angeles)五大城市间作马拉松式的巡回演出。后来,这天被摇滚乐坛称为“理查德日”而载入史册。1991年,Richard Marx 的专辑《Raid Vacation》问世,关于这张专辑,Richard自己说:“我深信,令人难以拒绝的旋律,主题意识鲜明的诉说加上真切隽永的歌词及深情自然的唱腔,一定会被歌迷接受,此专辑可以说是我现阶段最佳的创作作品。” 94年马克斯隐退歌坛,97年春又以一张《肉和骨头》重返歌坛。 Richard Marx曾经多次荣获各种奖项。1987年,《滚石》杂志授予其“最佳男声新星奖”。1988年,《演艺》杂志授予其“最佳艺术新人奖”。1988年和1989年,他两度夺得格莱美“最佳摇滚男声演唱”大奖。1990年1月,Richard Marx被美国音乐界评为“最受欢迎男歌星”。 Richard Marx是一个集作曲、填词、演唱和音乐制作于一身的摇滚才子。他特别热衷于巡回演出。曾先后在美国、加拿大、日本等地巡回演出。Richard Marx深知在全球性的演出中,会大大促进乐迷与自己的直接交流,他深信,这种影响将是深远的。 在中国,Richard Marx也是一个相当响亮的名字,《此情可待》、《安琪丽娅》和《留住今夜》等歌曲深受中国歌迷的喜爱。在东南亚一带,Richard Marx的抒情歌曲更是大受欢迎。《此情可待》曾在新加坡获得三张白金唱片的荣誉地位。





每个人心中都有一个“Mr Right”,那么问题来了,你的“Mr Right”又是谁?

每个人心中都有一个Mr Right,你是不是也有那么一个?情况大概类似于午夜梦回时,大脑空白的最后一刻,脑海中浮现出来,总会有那么一个人,再没有其它?这句话,在我看到酱子店老板老卓(陈道明)见到那个女人(梅婷)时,我信了。 1 深夜,酱子店正准备打烊。凳子都已放到了桌子上,老卓和洛洛正欲出门,这时,一个女人走了进来。 这是一个美丽的女人。打扮时髦,周身尽显优雅得体。 洛洛招呼道,不好意思,我们已经打烊了。 女人没动,洛洛身边的老卓,也仿佛定住了。 没吃吧? 问话声,来自老卓。老卓将凳子放下来,腾出一个位置,之后转身便去了厨房,给女人做吃的。 女人显然是饿了,面端上来,大口大口地吞咽,老卓坐在她面前,一脸的温柔宠溺,连褶子里都没藏住。 一旁被女人放起来的老唱片机,不紧不慢地转着。 “当我看到你站在我面前,我世界的一切全都停格,只剩下你,你始终是我心里的唯一,唯一的真爱。只有你能让我的心,如此迫切地喜悦……” 昏暗的灯光里,缠绵悱恻的音乐,仿佛一切水到渠成,老卓伸手相邀,和女人相拥起舞。两人就像相恋很久默契无比的爱人,沉浸在自己的小世界中。 忽然,嗒的一声,音乐戛然而止。 两人吃惊地停了下来,只见小姑娘洛洛在一旁面无表情道:面凉了。 看到这里,正在吃东西的我,瞬间喷饭了! 小姑娘洛洛的声音和她的脸,显然比面还要凉啊哈哈! 2 老卓和他的酱子店,还有临终托孤来到店里做服务员的小姑娘洛洛,在前半生里并不是主要角色,但偏偏就是有了这个酱子店,让主角们在勾心斗角、剑拔弩张的职场、家庭之外,有个放松下来的地方,也让观众有个缓气的地方。 往往,每当镜头转到了酱子店,不但主角们在里面放缓了节奏,屏幕外的观众们,也都悄悄把神经放松了下来。说白了,酱子店就是一个润滑剂,不是非它不可,但没了它,却是万万不可。 酱子店的老板老卓,和小姑娘洛洛,正是起到了这样的效果。 中年男人老卓,有个这个年纪的人特有的深沉气场和谜一样的身世,还有着不凡的外表。他对自己的过去讳莫如深,洛洛屡次试探口风,都无果而返。于是,这个谜一样的,深沉的,不失帅气的男人,深深吸引了只有过一次恋爱经历的小姑娘洛洛,让她不顾年龄的差距,鼓足勇气跟老板告白了。 她的告白自然是石沉大海,回声都没有一个,可就在洛洛继续跃跃欲试、锲而不舍的时候,这个女人出现了。 洛洛一看就知道,自己输了。输得很彻底。 这个女人不但漂亮,还有气质,显示出良好的教养和风度,洛洛自问跟她比,除了年轻,一无所有。而且,女人跟老卓还有着一看就不一般的过去。洛洛自此如临大敌,如同一只唯恐被人抢了食物的小黄鸡,浑身毛都炸了起来,进入一级战斗准备。 在她不到二十年的人生中,老卓收留了她,对她好,处处照顾着她,因此老卓便是她的Mr Right。可对于老卓来说,他的Mr Right显然是那个深夜到来的女人,是那个虽然不在一起,却时不时在心头钻出来,惹出一胸腔酸酸涨涨小情绪的女人。 3 电视剧里洛洛和老卓,还有那个深夜到访的女人,最后发展会如何,剧集还没播,暂且不表。可是这个Mr Right,的确是妥妥地藏在很多人心中。这个人,可能是你暗恋的对象,也可能是当年那个初恋情人,或者是某天一见钟情一面之缘的人。 美国经典喜剧《欲望都市》中,专栏作家凯莉也有这样一个魂牵梦绕、欲罢不能的“Mr Right”, 他们兜兜转转,分分合合,但后来Mr Right和自认为合适的人结了婚,凯莉也在多个爱情里牵扯不清,与对方越走越远。 还有曾经让无数少男少女泪湿衣襟的九零年代名剧《东京爱情故事》,还记得那让人难以释怀的最后一集吗?童话里的公主和王子最终重逢,但是并没有众望所归地在一起,单身的赤名莉香最后一次叫着已婚的完治的名字,然后微笑着挥手作别,在阳光下坚定地转身,再也没有回头。完治的心中,却永远留下一个“Mr Right”。 最后,作者替完治不无遗憾地说道:“如果你是东京人,你也许会在哪里遇到赤名莉香,见到她,替我问个好,她曾经是我爱过的女人,就是那个左眼下有一颗痣的女子。” 那个左眼下有一颗痣的女子,今生,也许,再也不能见到了。

Mr right和 Mrs life是什么意思

1人同问 MR RIGHT是什么意思啊 2007-05-24 16:04 提问者: 峒颉宸崦 |浏览次数:31283次| 该问题已经合并到>> 我来帮他解答 图片符号编号排版地图 您还可以输入9999 个字 如果你是女生,MR. right意思是白马王子 MR. Right,从字面上理解就是合适先生,引申为合适的人,不是简单的男朋友,应该是指能给自己一个感情稳定归宿的人,一般人是认为将来可以结婚的人.


相当于我们常说的“真命天子”、“白马王子”,直译过来是“对先生”。  最好的伴侣不是最优秀的那一个,而是最适合的那一个,所以有了“Mr.Right”这个词。后来引申为最适合自己的人,命中注定的那个伴侣。  也寄托了很多女性对自己未来爱人完美形象的美好期待。期待总是很美丽,现实总是很残酷。永远没有最适合自己的,只有相对适合自己的。  如果你是女生,MR. right意思是白马王子  MR. Right,从字面上理解就是合适先生,引申为合适的人,不是简单的男朋友,应该是指能给自己一个感情稳定归宿的人,一般人是认为将来可以结婚的人,也有认为是可以白头到老的人(极难做到)  Mr.Right,相当于我们常说的“真命天子”,直译过来是“对先生”。中国人常说:我上辈子欠你的,所以这辈子转世来报答你。西方人思想和逻辑都很简单,他们没有“投胎转世”、“命中注定”这一类说法。他们纯粹地认为,最好的伴侣不是最优秀的那一个,而是最适合的那一个,所以有了“Mr.Right”这个词。  不管你更喜欢哪一种说法,在爱情这个问题上,西方人和东方人有一点达成了共识:幸福取决于人。不管那个人是投胎转世来的,还是你的Mr.Right,他必须是值得你真心付出的人。如果所托非人,再多的痴情和眼泪,都是悲伤的注脚。



pixels high 什么意思

pixels high像素高双语例句1But some other pixels may have rather high electric dark current randomly and accidentally. 另有一些象素,可能有随机性很大的偶发的高暗流值。2The visible viewing area at the top of a page on an iPhone is320 pixels wide and356 pixels high. iPhone中页面顶部的可视查看区为320像素(宽)X356像素(高)。

evidence 前面可以加 many much more big 哪一个


一首英文歌 女的唱的 开头有句歌词是you we night 妈了tonight 的英文歌

We owned the nighttell me have you ever wantedfor someone so much it hurtsyour lips keep trying to speakbut you just cant find the wordsbut i had this dream oncei held you in my handsshe was the purest beautybut not the common kindshe had a way about herthat bid you through the nightand for a momentyou made the world stand stillyeah we own the nightthroughout the different lightsyou danced just like a childbut once here in these handsall you did was smilebut it was perfecti hold it i my mindyeah we own the nightwe own the nightwrapped up under a blanketall tangled up in skinnot knowing in that momentif wed ever speak againbut it was perfect and i never will forgetwhen we own the nightyeah we own the night

求一首英文歌 tonight we own the night

May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight May we sing and dance till we lose our minds We are only young if we seize the night Tonight we own the night Tonight we own the nightLa la la la la La la la la laWhen my time is over, lying in my grave Written on my tombstone, I want it to say This man was a legend, a legend of his time When he was at a party, the party never diedHey, Everybody"s got a dream so what do you say Are we making history?May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight May we sing and dance till we lose our minds We are only young if we seize the night Tonight we own the night Tonight we own the nightLa la la la la La la la la laFor tonight im famous, for tonight im king And I will be remembered, for centuries of sand This man was a hero, a hero of the night When he was at a party, the party never diedHey, i"m a little drunk, but I got something to sayMay our hearts be full like our drinks tonight May we sing and dance till we lose our minds We are only young if we seize the night Tonight we own the night Tonight we own the nightAnd let us wake up in studded strangers bed Let the drinks comes in until nothing left And this night my friends we will not forget Tonight we own the night Tonight we own the nightMay our hearts be full like our drinks tonight May we sing and dance till we lose our minds We are only young if we seize the night Tonight we own the night Tonight we own the night

We Own The Night 歌词

歌曲名:We Own The Night歌手:Halford专辑:Made Of MetalSelena Gomez & the Scene - We Own the NightIs it alright, if i"m with you for the nightHope you don"t mind, if you stay by my sideWe can drive in your car, somewhere into the darkPull over and watch the starsWe can dance, we can sing, do whatever you thinkAs long as i"m with youWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night! (ah-ah-oh)We own the nightIt"s all a blur,It"s getting late but I don"t careI don"t know where we"ll end upAnd that"s okayWe can drive in your car, somewhere into the darkPull over and watch the starsWe can dance, we can sing, do whatever you thinkAs long as i"m with youWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night! (ah-ah-oh)We own the night!Nothing lasts foreverLet"s live it up when we"re togetherNothing lasts foreverSo let"s live it up, just do whateverWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night!When we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night! (ah-ah-oh)(just do what you like)(ah-ah-oh)We own the night!(do whatever you like)We own the night!(just do what you like)(ah-ah-oh)We own the night!(do whatever you like)http://music.baidu.com/song/7446785


歌曲名:WE OWN THE NIGHT歌手:Selena Gomez专辑:When the Sun Goes DownWE OWN THE NIGHTSelena GomezIs it alright if i"m with you for the nightHope you don"t mind if you stay by my sideWe can drive in your car somewhere into the darkPull over and watch the starsWe can dance we can sing do whatever you thinkAs long as i"m with youWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night (ah-ah-oh)We own the nightWe own the nightWe own the nightIt"s all a blurIt"s getting late but I don"t careI don"t know where we"ll end upAnd that"s okayWe can drive in your car somewhere into the darkPull over and watch the starsWe can dance we can sing do whatever you thinkAs long as i"m with youWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night (ah-ah-oh)We own the nightNothing lasts foreverLet"s live it up when we"re togetherNothing lasts foreverSo let"s live it up just do whateverWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the nightWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night (ah-ah-oh)(just do what you like)(ah-ah-oh)We own the night(do whatever you like)We own the night(just do what you like)(ah-ah-oh)We own the night(do whatever you like)http://music.baidu.com/song/7181265

Selena的we own the night歌词

Is it alright if I"m with you for the night? Hope you don"t mind, if you stay by my side We can drive in your car somewhere into the dark, Pull over and watch the stars We can dance, we can sing, do whatever you think As long as I"m with you When we are together is the time of our lives We can do whatever, be whoever we like Spend the weekend dancing, "cause we sleep when we die Don"t have to worry "bout nothing We own the night We own the night (3x) It"s all a blur, it"s getting late, but I don"t care I don"t know where we"ll end up and that"s OK We can drive in your car somewhere into the dark, Pull over and watch the stars We can dance, we can sing, do whatever you think As long as I"m with you When we are together is the time of our lives We can do whatever, be whoever we like Spend the weekend dancing, "cause we sleep when we die Don"t have to worry "bout nothing We own the night We own the night Nothing last forever, let"s live it up, when we"re together Nothing last forever, so let"s live it up Just do whatever When we are together is the time of our lives We can do whatever, be whoever we like Spend the weekend dancing, "cause we sleep when we die Don"t have to worry "bout nothing We own the night When we are together is the time of our lives We can do whatever, be whoever we like Spend the weekend dancing, "cause we sleep when we die Don"t have to worry "bout nothing We own the night We own the night (3x)

We Own The Night 歌词

歌曲名:We Own The Night歌手:Second Sun专辑:The Lost WeekendSelena Gomez & the Scene - We Own the NightIs it alright, if i"m with you for the nightHope you don"t mind, if you stay by my sideWe can drive in your car, somewhere into the darkPull over and watch the starsWe can dance, we can sing, do whatever you thinkAs long as i"m with youWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night! (ah-ah-oh)We own the nightIt"s all a blur,It"s getting late but I don"t careI don"t know where we"ll end upAnd that"s okayWe can drive in your car, somewhere into the darkPull over and watch the starsWe can dance, we can sing, do whatever you thinkAs long as i"m with youWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night! (ah-ah-oh)We own the night!Nothing lasts foreverLet"s live it up when we"re togetherNothing lasts foreverSo let"s live it up, just do whateverWhen we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night!When we are together is the time of our livesWe can do whatever, be whoever we"d likeSpend the weekend dancing cause when we sleep when we dieDon"t have to worry about nothingWe own the night! (ah-ah-oh)(just do what you like)(ah-ah-oh)We own the night!(do whatever you like)We own the night!(just do what you like)(ah-ah-oh)We own the night!(do whatever you like)http://music.baidu.com/song/7441899

求一首英文歌 tonight we own the night

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8piAL5rD6wI 这里是youtube你可以到这里听到男生唱的歌和你想听的歌,其实很简单因为你知道了歌的名字了?和去酷狗“ The Wanted - We Own The Night ” !(来自#酷狗音乐PC版#)其实你的问题很简单的。

有谁能提供 少女时代Jessica的Sweet delight的中文谐音歌词。灰常感谢了!!!!

  Sweet Delight - 少女时代(Jessica)  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight(Hey Boy), My my my sweet delight(Hey Girl).  My my my sweet delight(So Sweet Together).(Heng heng).  My my my sweet delight.  嗯姐奶嗯姐哦古说那,航波古呢你gi西普疼,  撒狼A马卡不卡那,摩登古say恰加大那巴哟,  雀雀卡雀酷K也瓜,阳给阳给糖扩币汗见耶姐录季过,  要古季它过诺噶得嫩,哦丝卡勒Ice Cream美满不忒了谬,  Ah!~ 花录勒,耨木那家里忒,  摩登给 so菊嘿,一孙干 刚撒嘿,  Oh Oh 韩Kei季鸟哟大扩满嫩给,  Oh Oh 韩Kei嘿吧哟gi瓶(儿)给乌给,  Oh Oh SPC耶so玩嫩哦季,  摩登噶Ugo色肉撒让韩嫩嘎嘎(嘎嘎),  嗯姐奶嗯姐哦古说那,古叫嫩那里go西普疼,  撒狼A马卡不卡那,摩登古say恰加大那巴哟,  破西男多狼色味过,才过才扩抗季嫩色卡诺你娃,  弄恰嫩哈阳普定木凳,一不苏入米so噶冰季它马达,  Ah!~ 花录勒,耨木那家里忒,  摩登给 so菊嘿,一孙干 刚撒嘿,  Oh Oh 韩Kei季鸟哟大扩满嫩给,  Oh Oh 韩Kei嘿吧哟gi瓶(儿)给乌给,  Oh Oh SPC耶so玩嫩哦季,  摩登噶Ugo色肉撒让韩嫩嘎嘎,  Oh Oh 韩Kei季鸟哟大扩满嫩给,  Oh Oh 韩Kei嘿吧哟gi瓶(儿)给乌给,  Oh Oh SPC耶so玩嫩哦季,  摩登噶Ugo色肉撒让韩嫩嘎嘎,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight.  哎 其实早做好了,今天终于有人问了。原创加分!

colors of the night歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 英文歌词 演唱者:lauren christy 解析: 歌名The Color Of The Night 歌手:Lauren Christy 英文歌词: You and I moving in the dark Bodies close but souls apart Shadowed *** iles and secrets unrevealed I need to know the way you feel I"ll give you everything I am And everything I want to be I"ll put it in your hands If you could open up to me oh Can"t we ever get beyond this wall "cause all I want is just once to see you in the light But you hide behind the color of the night I can"t go on running from the past Love has torn away this mask And now like clouds like rain I"m drowning and I blame it all on you I"m lost - god save me... God save me Everything I am And everything I want to be oh Can"t we ever get beyond this wall "cause all I want is just once forever and again I"m waiting for you, I"m standing in the light But you hide behind the color of the night Please e out from the color of the night 中文翻译: 夜景 你和我漫步在黄昏 身体挨的很进,但两人的心却不在了一起 相互微笑,但都隐藏有秘密 我想知道你的感受 我将把我现在的我给你 还有未来的我 我将把他放在你的手心 如果你能够向我敞开心扉 我们能够永远地这样依偎在一起,对吗? 因为我所想的就是 在灯光下能够看到你 但是你却藏在夜景的身后 我不能从过去继续想前跑 爱已经剥削去了这个面具 现在好象云好象要下雨 我为你祈祷 我迷失了方向-上天请救救我 请从夜景身后走向前来

梦幻之星在线Can still see the light的歌词谁知道啊??


求一首英文歌Long as i can see the light的翻译歌词


you feel tired easily if the light is bad什么意思



Along she came, with her picture, 她走来时 带着她的相片Put it in a frame, so I won"t miss her, 我把它放进相框 那样我就不会思念她Got on a plane, from London; Heathrow, 我坐上一架飞机 从伦敦Heathrow机场起飞It seems such a shame, yea.. 一切看来这样可惜[Chorus]I feel her. Slipping through my fingers, 我能感觉到 她从我的指尖溜走Now she"s gone, I"m sleeping with the light on, 现在她已离开我 我伴着灯光入睡And sharks swim through my veins now, that she"s gone, 她已离开我 痛像鲨鱼在我的血管里游动I"m sleeping with the light on. 我伴着灯光入睡Heard she"s engaged, but to her best friend, 听说她订了婚 和她最好的朋友No ones to blame, here"s where it all ends, 没有人该被责备 这就是一切的结局And I feel the pain, "cause I"m without her, 我能感受到痛苦 因为我已没有她I feel the pain. 我能感受到痛苦[Chorus]I feel her. Slipping through my fingers, 我能感觉到 她从我的指尖溜走Now she"s gone, I"m sleeping with the light on, 现在她已离开我 我伴着灯光入睡And sharks swim through my veins now, that she"s gone, 她已离开我 痛像鲨鱼在我的血管里游动I"m sleeping with the light on. 我伴着灯光入睡I see the sight, with a different light, 我看着景色 用一种不同的眼光Words cannot describe the way I"m feeling, 言语无法表明我的感受"Cause I"ve been searching in my head, 因为我已在脑中搜寻For the words I thought she"d said, 她说过的言语For too long. 太久了[Chorus]I feel her. Slipping through my fingers, 我能感觉到 她从我的指尖溜走Now she"s gone, I"m sleeping with the light on, 现在她已离开我 我伴着灯光入睡And sharks swim through my veins now, that she"s gone, 她已离开我 痛像鲨鱼在我的血管里游动I"m sleeping with the light on. 我伴着灯光入睡[Chorus]I feel her. Slipping through my fingers, 我能感觉到 她从我的指尖溜走Now she"s gone, I"m sleeping with the light on, 现在她已离开我 我伴着灯光入睡And sharks swim through my veins now, that she"s gone, 她已离开我 痛像鲨鱼在我的血管里游动I"m sleeping with the light on. 我伴着灯光入睡[Chorus]I feel her. Slipping through my fingers, 我能感觉到 她从我的指尖溜走Now she"s gone, I"m sleeping with the light on, 现在她已离开我 我伴着灯光入睡And sharks swim through my veins now, that she"s gone, 她已离开我 痛像鲨鱼在我的血管里游动I"m sleeping with the light on. 我伴着灯光入睡

seize the light 歌词

歌曲名:seize the light歌手:Globe专辑:globe decade ~single histroy 1995-2004~Do you feel my heart?心まで 壊れて行く気がして永远が 消えて行く前に少しだけ爱し合えたら明日も独りで 生きていける気がして生まれて 消えて行く星みたいにLet me seize the lightGlobe - seize the light作词者名:Yoshiki/Tetsuya/Komuro.Marc作曲者名:YoshikiBy:MadedgeThe time came and went...Your soul...perfectly awakeThe end of your secretTears would be snowPromise, we can"t forgetClose to your heartClose to your soul永远の痛みlosing controlPain 痛みだけ消せない あれからは何のかいもない このままくすぶりつづけちゃ集うだけでも 积もる话でもいいから急いで动きまわっていた 意味はどこに消えていった?だけどまだ...歩いてるDo you need my heart?心まで杀してでも生きてる経験をあなたなら洗い流してくれる気がして永远を梦见てた少女のまなざし谁がくもらせて権力を訳したら灰色に染まってたLet me seize the lightThe time came and went...Your soul..perfectly awakeThe end of your secretTears would be snowPromise, we can"t forgetClose to your heartClose to your soul永远の痛みlosing controlRain 涙さえ 见えなくなればいいよほんの照れ隠しでもいい今は平常心 装って行こうどれくらい积み重なった辛さを苦しみが表情を嘘で覆ってきているそれでもまだ...探してるDo you feel my heart?心まで 壊れて行く気がして永远が 消えて行く前に少しだけ爱し合えたら明日も独りで 生きていける気がして生まれて 消えて行く星みたいにLet me seize the lightPain 痛みだけ消せない あれからはThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26289741

seize the light 歌词

歌曲名:seize the light 歌手:Globe专辑:Seize The LightDo you feel my heart?心まで 壊れて行く気がして永远が 消えて行く前に少しだけ爱し合えたら明日も独りで 生きていける気がして生まれて 消えて行く星みたいにLet me seize the lightGlobe - seize the light作词者名:Yoshiki/Tetsuya/Komuro.Marc作曲者名:YoshikiBy:MadedgeThe time came and went...Your soul...perfectly awakeThe end of your secretTears would be snowPromise, we can"t forgetClose to your heartClose to your soul永远の痛みlosing controlPain 痛みだけ消せない あれからは何のかいもない このままくすぶりつづけちゃ集うだけでも 积もる话でもいいから急いで动きまわっていた 意味はどこに消えていった?だけどまだ...歩いてるDo you need my heart?心まで杀してでも生きてる経験をあなたなら洗い流してくれる気がして永远を梦见てた少女のまなざし谁がくもらせて権力を訳したら灰色に染まってたLet me seize the lightThe time came and went...Your soul..perfectly awakeThe end of your secretTears would be snowPromise, we can"t forgetClose to your heartClose to your soul永远の痛みlosing controlRain 涙さえ 见えなくなればいいよほんの照れ隠しでもいい今は平常心 装って行こうどれくらい积み重なった辛さを苦しみが表情を嘘で覆ってきているそれでもまだ...探してるDo you feel my heart?心まで 壊れて行く気がして永远が 消えて行く前に少しだけ爱し合えたら明日も独りで 生きていける気がして生まれて 消えて行く星みたいにLet me seize the lightPain 痛みだけ消せない あれからはThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26917233

哪首歌中有tonight i am fun的歌词

  Feel It (In The Air Tonight) Ready II Fly O..oh, O. O. O. O...oh....... O..oh, O. O. O. O...oh....... O..oh, O. O. O. O...oh....... Tick, tick, tock- it"s time for closure I watch the hands on the clock, it"s almost over? I feel it"s coming like it"s winter cause it"s colder now Fat-lady type singing, like it"s over now Knock, knock, knock......it"s coming closer I whispered to my baby don"t cha worry cause I told -ja Don"t be cryin for me, I"m a soldier now. I know who"s knocking at the door that"s Jehovah now (What!) I know your scared, I see your tears Got to believe (got to believe) Can"t be deceived (don"t be deceived) Don"t lose your faith, we"ll meet one day I see the light, (I see the light) I feel alright... I can feel it coming in the air tonight.. oh lord I"ve been waiting for this moment for all my life.......oh lord (Oooh I can feel it) I can feel it in the air tonight... Can ya feel it in the air tonight (Oooh Can feel it) Cause if ya feel it in the air tonight.. (Oooooooh I remember) That night....cause I was dreaming I didn"t understand, but now I know the meaning I know that baby you"ll be fine, you won"t be weeping long I see the signs of the times, I won"t be sleeping long So tell me can ya feel it, are you listening Cause if ya feel it, like I feel it, don"t be drifting... Thinking it"s too late.(na)...judgement only God can make. Just wait! Rise you up like he baking cake. (What!) I"m not afraid...My trust won"t fade Got to believe (got to believe) Can"t be deceived (don"t be deceived) My faith is strong, I"m holding on I see the light....(I see the light) I feel alright I can feel it coming in the air tonight.. oh lord I"ve been waiting for this moment for all my life.......oh lord (Oooh I can feel it) I can feel it in the air tonight... Can ya feel it in the air tonight (Oooh Can feel it) Cause if ya feel it in the air tonight.. We gon" sleep (that"s right) But it won"t be (all night) I see your tears I feel your pain Don"t ever worry we"ll meet again I can feel it coming in the air tonight.. oh lord I"ve been waiting for this moment for all my life.......oh lord (Oooh I can feel it) I can feel it in the air tonight... Can ya feel it in the air tonight (Oooh Can feel it) Cause if ya feel it in the air tonight.. I can feel it coming in the air tonight.. oh lord I can feel it in the air tonight... Can ya feel it in the air tonight I"ve been waiting for this moment for all my life.......oh lord I"ve been waiting for this moment for all my life.......oh lord O..oh, O. O. O. O...oh.......

CARRY THE LIGHT(纪敏佳那个)英文版歌词?

Hey you, out there in the coldGetting lonely, getting oldCan you feel me?Hey you, standing in the aislesWith itchy feet and fading smilesCan you feel me?Hey you, dont help them to bury the lightDon"t give in without a fight.Hey you, out there on your ownSitting naked by the phoneWould you touch me?Hey you, with you ear against the wallWaiting for someone to call outWould you touch me?Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?Open your heart, I"m coming home.But it was only fantasy.The wall was too high,As you can see.No matter how he tried,He could not break free.And the worms ate into his brain.Hey you, standing in the roadalways doing what you"re told,Can you help me?Hey you, out there beyond the wall,Breaking bottles in the hall,Can you help me?Hey you, don"t tell me there"s no hope at allTogether we stand, divided we fall.

Big Mama (Unconditional Love) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Big Mama (Unconditional Love)歌手:Ll Cool J专辑:10(feat. Dru Hill)Yeah, this one"s dedicated, to my grandmother, and your grandmotherIt"s all love, let"s not forget who raised us, word upBig Mama, my grandmother, my main girlI love you much more than the scandalous worldAs a young boy you gave me whoopings to save my lifeCursed me out, to keep me out the streets at nightCause my momma had me when she was youngSo you took on the responsbility to raise your grandsonYou taught me if a task is once begun, ToddNever leave it "til it"s done, ToddBe thy labor great or small ToddDo it well or not at all, GodBig Mama, my blood is your bloodWhen the whole world"s against me, I know I got your loveIf I was in a cell for the rest of my lifeI know I"d hear your prayers in the middle of the nightUsed to sit me on your lap and teach me mother witEarly Sunday morning for them salmon and gritsI love you baby, you the one and only, that"s a fact"Til death do us part, I"ma always have your backYou beefed cause you heard that I was cursin in my rapsEighty-six, still you wanna run and get the strapsI love you, I promise you I care for you deepCause when I had bronchitis you would rock me to sleepRub me down with green alcoholLittle brown-skinned lady bout five feet tall, Big MamaEarly one Sunday morningBreakfast was on the table (you gave me unconditional love)There was no time to eat, she said to meBoy hurry to Sunday school (you gave me unconditional love)I remember when you told me certain friends wasn"t realI didn"t wanna listen, I swore I knew the dealCome to find out, everything you said was trueWho I end up goin to for advice? YouI love you, that"s why you got nurses and maidsEver since I got paid, you ain"t never been afraidThat"s granddaddy wife, she taught me how to thinkHow to navigate through life, you made the sacrificeYou kept on livin, cause when my granddaddy diedIt took all your might, but you ain"t quit on lifeWe took trips down South, biscuits and chickenMe you granddad and Alison, trippinRemember, you used to pick me up from junior highAnd classmates laughed when the Buick rolled byRemember, I pulled my privates out in classAnd from Farmers to Dunkirk you straight whooped my (woo!!)The best cookin a man could ever tasteIt"s written in my heart, it can never be erasedThank you so much, you taught me wellHow to not get souped up, because I"m LLHow to walk the street, and hold my head real highHow to live with Christ and not be afraid to dieWe sipped daquiris, but you never told momsWe even shared beers, Big Mama my dearA toast to a woman that raised a manIn popular demand all across the landYou"re my lawyer, my teacher, my doctor, my friendMy mother, my father, you with me "til the endI love you, I mean that from the bottom of my heartThat"s the reason why my record"s #1 on the chartsI"ma tell it like it is, I love you foreverDead or alive, we"ll always be togetherBig Mama I love youEarly one Sunday morningBreakfast was on the table (you gave me unconditional love)There was no time to eat, she said to meBoy hurry to Sunday school (you gave me unconditional love)I dedicate this to the Big Mama"s everywhereThe ones who raised us - when nobody else was thereThe ones who held us and told us it"ll be alrightWhen gunshots was goin off every nightTaught us how to lock the door and check the peepholeAnd how to swallow Vicks when we had a chest coldHow to stay proud, and represent hardEat plenty baby, but first say grace for GodBig Mama, I"ma miss youWhen one of us leave this earthBut baby for what it"s worth, I love you since the date of my birthAnd if it wasn"t for my children, I would wanna go firstYou"re the reason I"m the man I am todayThe inspiration, for me to be LL Cool JWhen you told me "Knock "Em Out," I brought you home a GrammyI learned to be tough from Big Mama and Aunt CammyA black man that was raised by black womenOn tour, sippin your special honey and lemonYou told me, gargle with vinegar water and saltThe concert was hot, thanks to your supportGirl - you"re the one I loveWhether right here with me or smilin from up aboveTrouble or no trouble, you always had my backSo I had to let you know your son appreciates that, Big MamaEarly one Sunday morningBreakfast was on the table (you gave me unconditional love)There was no time to eat, she said to meBoy hurry to Sunday school (you gave me unconditional love)http://music.b***.com/song/8525678

See The Light 歌词

歌名:See The Light演唱:Smooth Bee and his familyI open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!Come on a mission as we travel through the womb of space!From Galaxy to Galaxy,no human from can erase!The majesty that"s been created,by the Infinite one as the moon reflects the light of the unseen sun!From my window I see Jupiter, Venus Mars!Quasars, Super Novas and Various Stars,Mercury, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto,13 moons on Saturn and we travel beyond 850-865,000 miles in Diameterthe great sun since the beginning shows the ultimate stamina on we travel endlessly for whatever its worth!And reminisce on a Planet we once knew called earth and than II open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!Now back on my planet lots of fussin and fightingevery body wanting power like the clash of the TitansNo one thinking about the children or what they inherit!Only grownups acting selfish focused only on Merit with every passing generationThe children get smarter.But without natural Resources, That makes it harder!Be a king-Be a queen or maybe a martyr and marry love,hope,peace and carry the Garter!Will we ever really live to see a ripe old age!Stay positive through negative, The universe is the stage!Finally Free but sometimes, I feel locked in a cage.The most high holds the book I am just part of page as II open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!"Children rhyming"I open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!···END···http://music.baidu.com/song/3460795

Leave The Light On 歌词

歌曲名:Leave The Light On歌手:The Jeff Healey Band专辑:Feel This<Leave the Light on Lyrics>By Beth HartMade by WoodI"ve seen myself, with a dirty faceI"ve cut my luck, with a dirty aceI leave the light onI leave the light onI went from zero, to minus tenI drank your wine, thenI stole your manI leave the light onI leave that light onDaddy ain"t that bad, he just plays roughI ain"t that scarred,when I"m covered upI leave the light onYeah, I leave the light onLittle girl hiding underneath the bedWas it something I did?Must be something I saidI leave the light onI better leave the light on"Cause I wanna loveAnd I wanna liveYeah, I don"t know much about itAnd I never did - no, no17, and I"m all messed up insideI cut myself, just to feel aliveAnd I leave the light onAnd I leave the light on21 on the run, on the run, on the runFrom myself, from myself and everyoneI leave the light onI better leave the light on"Cause I wanna loveAnd I wanna liveYea, I don"t know much about itAnd I never didI don"t know what to doCan the damage be undone?I swore to God that I"d never beWhat I"ve becomeAnd lucky stars, and fairy talesI"m gonna bathe myself,in a wishin" wellPretty scars from cigarettesI never will forgetI never will forgetI"m still afraid, to be aloneWish that the moon would follow me homeI leave the light onYeah, I leave that light onI ain"t that bad, I"m just messed upI ain"t that sad, but I"m sad enough"Cause I wanna loveI wanna liveNo, I don"t know much about itAnd I never didI don"t know what to doCan the damage be undone?I swore to God that I"d never beWhat I"ve becomeI leave that light...I leave that light...I leave that light onGod bless the child,with the dirty faceWho cuts her luck, with a dirty aceShe leaves the light onI leave that light onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8804904

Feel the Light....的中文歌词


See The Light 歌词

歌名:See The Light演唱:Smooth Bee and his familyI open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!Come on a mission as we travel through the womb of space!From Galaxy to Galaxy,no human from can erase!The majesty that"s been created,by the Infinite one as the moon reflects the light of the unseen sun!From my window I see Jupiter, Venus Mars!Quasars, Super Novas and Various Stars,Mercury, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto,13 moons on Saturn and we travel beyond 850-865,000 miles in Diameterthe great sun since the beginning shows the ultimate stamina on we travel endlessly for whatever its worth!And reminisce on a Planet we once knew called earth and than II open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!Now back on my planet lots of fussin and fightingevery body wanting power like the clash of the TitansNo one thinking about the children or what they inherit!Only grownups acting selfish focused only on Merit with every passing generationThe children get smarter.But without natural Resources, That makes it harder!Be a king-Be a queen or maybe a martyr and marry love,hope,peace and carry the Garter!Will we ever really live to see a ripe old age!Stay positive through negative, The universe is the stage!Finally Free but sometimes, I feel locked in a cage.The most high holds the book I am just part of page as II open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!"Children rhyming"I open up eyes and I see the lightI feel it on my skin I can see it shining brightI sat beneath a tree and I felt the breezeand that to me is truly beautry!···END···http://music.baidu.com/song/7518248

歌词带Find the light 的歌曲

Eminem - Beautiful Pain LyricsI can feel the heat risingEverything is on fireToday is a painful reminder of whyWe can only get brighterThe further you put it behind yaBut right now I"m on the insideLookin out, causeI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the lightI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the lightYesterday was the tornado warning, today is like the morning afterYour world is torn in half, you wake and let"s wait to start the morning processRebuilding and you"re still a work in progressToday is a whole new chapter, it"s like an enormous a**The thunderstorm has passed yaYour weather didn"t poke his eyes out with the thorn bush that youUsed to smell the roses, stopped to inhale can"t even tell your nose is stuffedSo focused on the brightside, then you floor the gas pedalAnd hit the corner fast, the more assertedNever looking back, may hit the curbBut everyday is a new learning curve, as you, steer through lifeSometimes you might not wanna swerveBut you have to to avert a disaster, lucky, no permanent damageCause they hurt you so bad, it"s like they murdered your a**And threw dirt on your casket, but you returned from the ashesAnd that hurt that you have, you just converted to gasolineAnd while you"re burning the past, standing at inferno and chantI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the lightI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the lightSo familiarize with what having to swallow this pill is likeIt happens all the time, they take your heart and steal your lifeAnd it"s as though you feel you"ve died because you"ve been killed insideBut yet you"re still alive which means you must surviveAlthough today you may weep because you"re weak andEverything seems so bleak and hopelessThe light that you"re seeking, it begins to seep inThat"s the only thing keepin" you from leapin" off the motherfreaking deep inAnd I"m pulling for you to push through this feelingAnd with a little time that should do the healin"And by tomorrow you may even feel so good that you"re willingTo forgive them even after all that s*** you been put throughThis feeling of resilience is building and the flames are burningQuick as fire would through this building, you"re sealed inBut you"re fireproof and retardant you withstood itAnd as you climb up to the roof you"re just chillin" and you look downCause you"re so over them you could put the heel of your foot through the ceilin"As time passes, things change everydayBut wounds, wounds healBut scars still remaining the sameBut tomorrow today"s goin" down in flamesThrow the match at the passed up placeSo feel the fire beneath your feetAs you barely even perspire from the heatExhale deep and breathe a sigh of reliefAnd as you say goodbye to the griefIt"s like watching the walls melt in your prison cellBut you"ve extinguished this living hellStill a little piece of you dies, you screamI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the lightI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the lightFeel the burn, watch the smoke as I turnRising, a phoenix from the flamesWith wings I will flyI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the lightI"m standing in the flamesIt"s a beautiful kind of painSetting fire to yesterdayFind the light, find the light, find the light

I fell right at home already 什么意思 啊

噢,男孩,我感到如此轻松自在。feel at home释义 1. feel at home: 在家中般轻松自在 | 感觉自在 | 感觉舒适 | 感到象在家一样舒适自在。 2. feel quite at home: 感觉像在家里 3. feel at home with: 一见如故 例句 1.You must make your guests feel at home.你必须让客人觉得舒适自在。 2.With hard work, have a happy harvest, with the rush of life only feel at home.有了工作的辛苦才有收获的快乐,有了生活的奔波才有家的温馨。 3.I feel the family is the core design, I use a lot of warmth, the restaurant can feel the light feel at home.家的感觉是我设计的核心,我使用了大量的暖色,餐厅里的光更能感觉到家的温馨。

Feel The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Light歌手:Britt Nicole专辑:The Lost Get FoundBritt Nicole - Feel the LightToday, today you wanna run away nowYou break try to keep it togetherLove, love is all you needYou"re a queen, but you"ve never known it‘Cause life has come and left you blindedStole your smile and left you cryin"It"s not your fault, but shame is all you got nowYour heart is tangled up in silenceIt"s time to let go and feel the lightYou"ll fi nd you"re not aloneI know it"s easier to hideBut you gotta let goAnd feel the lightLet go and feel the lightBe brave, brave the waters all around youI"ll stay, I"ll keep you from sinking downLove, love is on your sideYou"re stronger than you"ll ever knowSo many years of quietBuilding up like a fi re insideYou"re feelin" like you gotta let it out nowJust let it outHow did you get hereYou"re locked inside of all this fearInside you"re crying outYour mind"s at warGet out, get out and live for moreThere"s so much moreLive for moreBrave, brave waters all around youI"ll stay, I"ll keep you from sinking downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25818658

Feel the Light....中文歌词

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