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Sailor Star Lights的资料

姓名:月野兔(Tsukino Usagi)/水手月亮(sailor moon) 生日:6月30日 星座:巨蟹座 血型:O型 喜欢的颜色:白色 爱好:吃蛋糕 喜欢的食物:雪糕 讨厌的食物:胡萝卜 喜欢的科目:家政 害怕的科目:数学,英语 害怕的事物:牙医,幽灵 擅长:奉承,哭着哀求 梦想:结婚 其实小兔的特点很多,但几乎都是不好的,胆小,迷糊,成绩差。这样的主角叫人说什么好呢?她运气很好,战斗时总有人来帮忙,她只要干最后一下子就行了。但越是在最后的关键时刻,她身上的正义感也越得以体现,毕竟她是倩尼迪公主转世。 声优:三石琴乃(Mitsuishi Kotono) 姓名:火野丽(Hino Rei)/水手火星(sailor mars) 生日:4月17日 星座:白羊座 血型:AB型 喜欢的颜色:红色,黑色 爱好:占卜 喜欢的食物:河豚 讨厌的食物:罐头,竹笋 喜欢的科目:古文 害怕的科目:现代社会 害怕的事物:电视 擅长:座禅 梦想:神社主持 阿丽的脾气火爆,不过有时也不失温柔,经常与小兔吵架,两人似乎天生是对头。她家的神社是大家集会的地方,身为巫女的她也很喜欢这个工作,可惜不知道以她的性格以后能不能做好本行。 声优:富泽美智惠(Tomizawa Michie) 姓名:木野真琴/水手木星(sailor jupiter) 生日:12月5日 星座:射手座 血型:O型 喜欢的颜色:粉红色 爱好:讨价还价 喜欢的食物:草莓冰棒 讨厌的食物:没有 喜欢的科目:家政 害怕的科目:物理 害怕的事物:飞机 擅长:烹调 梦想:结婚,经营花店,饼店 真琴的性格可以说和阿丽有一些相似,但是她的做饭手艺却是一流,自己做的便当经常被小兔吃掉,可见味道之好了。和阿丽一样,战斗中勇猛异常,比小兔强多了。她还有一个毛病就是一看到帅男孩就说长的象她以前的男朋友,真是不知道她以前的男友是什么样的。 声优:篠原惠美(Shinohara Emi) 姓名:水野亚美(Mizuno Ami)/水手水星(sailor mercury) 生日:9月10日 星座:处女座 血型:A型 喜欢的颜色:水色 爱好:读书,西洋棋 喜欢的食物:三明治 讨厌的食物:鲥鱼 喜欢的科目:数学 害怕的科目:没有 害怕的事物:情书 擅长:计算 梦想:医生 亚美实在是太完美了,模范学生,功课好,人聪明漂亮,各方面都是一流的。虽然小兔常跟着她学习,但似乎一点起色也没有,可见这是天生的,别人想学也学不了。在战斗中她也是最冷静的一个,与小兔正相反。 声优:久川绫(Hisakawa Aya) 姓名:爱野美奈子(Aino Minako)/水手金星(sailor venus) 生日:10月22日 星座:天秤座 血型:B型 喜欢的颜色:黄色,红色 爱好:崇拜偶像 喜欢的食物:咖喱 讨厌的食物:蘑菇 喜欢的科目:体育 害怕的科目:数学,英语 害怕的事物:妈妈,警察 擅长:玩耍 梦想:偶像明星 美奈子是内部行星战士里最晚出场的,而且也带了一只猫,和小兔有许多相似之处,武内直子在sailor moon之前,还画过三本sailor venus,可见美奈子的特殊了。她的运动神经发达,但功课和小兔差的不相上下,不过颇有偶像气质。 声优:深见梨加(Fukami Rica) 姓名:小小兔(Chibi Usa)/水手小兔(sailor chibimoon) 生日:6月30日 星座:巨蟹座 血型:O型 喜欢的颜色:红色,粉红色 爱好:收集白兔的商品 喜欢的食物:布丁 讨厌的食物:红萝卜 喜欢的科目:劳作 害怕的科目:国语 害怕的事物:留在家里看门 擅长:撒娇 梦想:成为淑女 作为未来小兔的女儿,小小兔的生日,血型和小兔完全一样,幸好的是小兔的一些缺点并未遗传给她,比如迷糊,也许是继承了阿卫的优点吧! 声优:荒木香惠(Araki Kae) 姓名:海王满(Kaiou Michiru)/水手海王星(sailor neptune ) 生日:3月6日 星座:双鱼座 血型:O型 喜欢的颜色:海蓝色 爱好:收集化妆品 喜欢的食物:生鱼片 讨厌的食物:木耳 喜欢的科目:音乐 害怕的科目:没有 害怕的事物:海参 擅长:小提琴 梦想:小提琴家 阿满有着贵族小姐高贵典雅的气质,对绘画,音乐,游泳十分在行,好胜心很强。与天王遥是情侣关系 声优:胜生真沙子(Katsuki Masako) 姓名:天王遥(Ten"ou Haruka)/水手天王星(sailor uranus) 生日:1月27日 星座:水瓶座 血型:B型 喜欢的颜色:金色 爱好:驾驶 喜欢的食物:色拉 讨厌的食物:纳豆 喜欢的科目:体育 害怕的科目:现代国语 害怕的事物:示爱 擅长:赛车 梦想:赛车手 阿遥是最帅的美少女战士了,竟然喜欢飚车这样既刺激又危险的运动,实在让人想不通,平时喜欢穿男装,再骑上机车,绝对酷。不过她好像没有驾照,幸好还带安全帽。 声优:绪方惠美(Ogata Megumi) 姓名:土萌萤(Tomoe Hotaru)/水手土星(sailor saturn) 生日:1月6日 星座:摩羯座 血型:AB型 喜欢的颜色:紫色 爱好:收集灯饰 喜欢的食物:日本面 讨厌的食物:牛奶 喜欢的科目:世界历史 害怕的科目:体育 害怕的事物:马拉松 擅长:急救 梦想:护士 阿萤是除了小兔以外所有战士中威力最大的一个,同时又具有极端的双重性格,一方面是土星战士,另一方面又是死亡巴斯达的女王,要毁灭世界。但其本性是善良的,是小小兔的好朋友。 声优:皆口裕子(Minaguchi Yuko) 姓名:冥王雪奈(Meiou Setsuna)/水手冥王星(sailor pluto) 生日:10月29日 星座:天蝎座 血型:A型 喜欢的颜色:深红色 爱好:购物 喜欢的食物:茶 讨厌的食物:茄子 喜欢的科目:物理 害怕的科目:音乐 害怕的事物:蟑螂 擅长:缝纫 梦想:时装设计师 雪奈是最神秘的战士,不仅因为她掌握着时间之轮,而且是因为她的美也充满神秘感。另外由于她从来未曾和敌人动过手,对她的实力也是神秘莫测。 声优:川岛千代子(Kawashima Chiyoko) 以上

英语幽默小故事带翻译:Pig or Witch

Pig or Witch 猪还是女巫 A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells "PIG!!" The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, "WITCH(女巫)!!" They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. If only men would listen. 译文1:一个男人在一条陡峭狭窄的山路上驾车,一个女人相向驾车而来。他们相遇时,那个女的从窗中伸出头来叫到:“猪!!”那个男的立即从窗中伸出头来回敬道:“女巫!!”他们继续前行。这个男的在下一个路口转弯时,撞上了路中间的一头猪。要是这个男的能听懂那个女人的意思就好了。 英语生单词讲解: 1. steep adj 陡峭的,峻峭的,险峻的 n.(山的)陡峭地;陡坡,悬崖峭壁 steep slope 陡坡,急坡;高倾斜 steep hill 陡坡;斜坡;陡峭的山坡 steep rise 急升 steep dip 陡倾;急倾斜 steep incline 陡坡 steep grade 急倾斜;陡坡;爬坡车道 The road passes over a steep mountain. 这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。 Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff? 这么陡的峭壁, 谁知他竟爬上去了。 2. leans out of 身体探出 Monica and Rachel "s Balcony , Rachel is taking down the Christmas lights . Monica sees her, so she leans out of the small side window . 莫妮卡和瑞秋住处阳台, 瑞秋正在取下悬挂着的圣诞灯。 莫妮卡看着她, 她身体斜出了窗处。





neon lights的歌词 中文翻译





虽然5月21日的比赛,只是一场普通的排位赛而已。但是对于粉丝们来说,比赛足够精彩,槽点和梗足够多就行了。特备是这一场比赛,涉及到了IG新旧两代AD之间的对决,比赛在粉丝间充满着槽点和火药味。结果,还是阿水这名拥有卡莎冠军皮肤的天选之子笑到了最后。虽然最后阿水的KDA并没有泡芙好看,但是毕竟是因为阿水的玩命一搏,让战队取得了胜利。借用IG Rookie介绍JKL的话来结尾吧“JKL是没有经验的UZI,UZI是有经验的JKL”







Color is too bright/neon.怎么翻译?




pile weight

Pile Weight 纱线重量 Pile Height 绒头高度 OZ(ounce)盎司 盎司(ounce) ,符号:oz,或作盎斯,港译安士,为英制计量单位.作为重量单位时亦曾借用中国传统重量单位两称为英两.金衡盎司:重量单位.整体缩写为oz.tr(英)、oz.t(美).常见于金银等贵金属的计量中.1盎司=31.1035克

地毯规格中,Pile Weight 和 Pile Height代表什么含义

Pile Weight 纱线重量Pile Height 绒头高度OZ(ounce)盎司 盎司(ounce) ,符号:oz,或作盎斯,港译安士,为英制计量单位。作为重量单位时亦曾借用中国传统重量单位两称为英两。金衡盎司:重量单位。整体缩写为oz.tr(英)、oz.t(美)。常见于金银等贵金属的计量中。 1盎司=31.1035克


pDisp是一个WebBrowser控件后面的看英文WebBrowser的8个方法、13个属性和事件 方法 说明 =========================================== GoBack 相当于IE的“后退”按钮,使你在当前历史列表中后退一项 GoForward 相当于IE的“前进”按钮,使你在当前历史列表中前进一项  GoHome 相当于IE的“主页”按钮,连接用户默认的主页  GoSearch 相当于IE的“搜索”按钮,连接用户默认的搜索页面  Navigate 连接到指定的URL  Refresh 刷新当前页面  Refresh2 同上,只是可以指定刷新级别,所指定的刷新级别的值来自RefreshConstants枚举表,该表定义在ExDisp.h中,可以指定的不同值如下:REFRESH_NORMAL 执行简单的刷新,不将HTTP pragma: no-cache头发送给服务器REFRESH_IFEXPIRED 只有在网页过期后才进行简单的刷新REFRESH_CONTINUE 仅作内部使用。在MSDN里写着DO NOT USE! 请勿使用REFRESH_COMPLETELY 将包含pragma: no-cache头的请求发送到服务器 Stop 相当于IE的“停止”按钮,停止当前页面及其内容的载入 属性 说明 =========================================================== Application 如果该对象有效,则返回掌管WebBrowser控件的应用程序实现的自动化对象(IDispatch)。如果在宿主对象中自动化对象无效,这个程序将返回WebBrowser控件的自动化对象  Parent 返回WebBrowser控件的父自动化对象,通常是一个容器,例如是宿主或IE窗口  Container 返回WebBrowser控件容器的自动化对象。通常该值与Parent属性返回的值相同  Document 为活动的文档返回自动化对象。如果HTML当前正被显示在WebBrowser中,则Document属性提供对DHTML Object Model的访问途径  TopLevelContainer 返回一个Boolean值,表明IE是否是WebBrowser控件顶层容器,是就返回true Type 返回已被WebBrowser控件加载的对象的类型。例如:如果加载.doc文件,就会返回Microsoft Word Document  Left 返回或设置WebBrowser控件窗口的内部左边与容器窗口左边的距离  Top 返回或设置WebBrowser控件窗口的内部左边与容器窗口顶边的距离  Width 返回或设置WebBrowser窗口的宽度,以像素为单位  Height 返回或设置WebBrowser窗口的高度,以像素为单位  LocationName 返回一个字符串,该字符串包含着WebBrowser当前显示的资源的名称,如果资源是网页就是网页的标题;如果是文件或文件夹,就是文件或文件夹的名称  LocationURL 返回WebBrowser当前正在显示的资源的URL  Busy 返回一个Boolean值,说明WebBrowser当前是否正在加载URL,如果返回true就可以使用stop方法来撤销正在执行的访问操作事件===========================================BeforeNavigate2 导航发生前激发,刷新时不激发 CommandStateChange 当命令的激活状态改变时激发。它表明何时激活或关闭Back和Forward 菜单项或按钮 DocumentComplete 当整个文档完成是激发,刷新页面不激发 DownloadBegin 当某项下载操作已经开始后激发,刷新也可激发此事件 DownloadComplete 当某项下载操作已经完成后激发,刷新也可激发此事件 NavigateComplete2 导航完成后激发,刷新时不激发 NewWindow2 在创建新窗口以前激发 OnFullScreen 当FullScreen属性改变时激发。该事件采用VARIENT_BOOL的一个输 入参数来指示IE是全屏显示方式(VARIENT_TRUE)还是普通显示方式(VARIENT_FALSE) OnMenuBar 改变MenuBar的属性时激发,标示参数是VARIENT_BOOL类型的。 VARIANT_TRUE是可见,VARIANT_ FALSE是隐藏 OnQuit 无论是用户关闭浏览器还是开发者调用Quit方法,当IE退出时就会激发 OnStatusBar 与OnMenuBar调用方法相同,标示状态栏是否可见。 OnToolBar 调用方法同上,标示工具栏是否可见。 OnVisible 控制窗口的可见或隐藏,也使用一个VARIENT_BOOL类型的参数 StatusTextChange 如果要改变状态栏中的文字,这个事件就会被激发,但它并不理会程序是否有状态栏 TitleChange Title有效或改变时激发重大或有趣的对象属性: WebBrowser.OleObject.Document WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.All WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.bgColor WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.overflowX WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.overflowY WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.zoom WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.cookie WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.documentElement.innerHTML WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.documentElement.innerText WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.FileSize WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Frames WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Images WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.LastModified WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Links WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Location.Protocol WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.ParentWindow WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.ParentWindow.ScrollBy (九:整数; iY :整数) WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.selection WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Title WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.URL -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document 提供有关文件显示。详情见http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/a...j_document.asp 。 文件相当于: WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 注: 如果没有文件已加载然后( WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 )将为零。为了避免运行时例外检查的价值,才能使用它,例如: 变种 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; 开始 文件: = WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; 如果转让(文件) ,然后 。 。 简洁,并不是所有的例子包括:本网页上的这一错误检查。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.All 阵列的所有项目/物体在文件中。这包括图片,链接,文字等 。长度返回一些内容数组。 。项目( 0 )传回的第一份文件内容。 。项目( n )段。 InnerText读/写之间的文字开始和结束标记的项目。 。项目( n )段。 ScrollIntoView ( bAlignToTop :布尔)卷轴项目"东经"到的观点。 bAlignToTop =真正保持一致的窗口顶部的。 bAlignToTop =假以配合窗口底部的。 文件相当于: 变种 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; docAll : IHTMLElementCollection ; 开始 文件: = WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; 如果转让(文件) docAll : = document.all ; -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.bgColor 设置或检索背景颜色的文件。例如,设置背景颜色为白色: WebBrowse.OleObject.Document.bgColor : = " # FFFFFF " ; 或将其设置为黑色: WebBrowse.OleObject.Document.bgColor : = " # 000000 " ; -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.overflowX 读/写字符串值,指明是否水平滚动条显示。价值观是: 可见默认。没有滚动条。显示被截断,以明显的地区。 滚动滚动条始终可见-无论需要与否。 隐藏没有滚动条。内容以外的可见光区是隐藏的。 汽车的内容被截断和滚动条显示如果需要的话。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.overflowY 至于WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.overflowX但垂直滚动条。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.zoom 设置或检索放大使用。默认值是1 ,没有放大。要显示在正常大小的一半使用0.5 。为了显示其在正常大小的两倍使用2 。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.cookie 返回一个字符串的所有浏览器的Cookies举行-这是本地存储的Cookie ,而不是服务器端的cookie 。 文件相当于: 变种 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; 饼干:字符串; 开始 文件: = WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; 如果转让(文件) ,然后 饼干: = document.cookie ; Cookies是代表字符串的形式: 名称=值 注: 如果有多个名称/值配对然后这些都是分开分号(";"). 某些字符可能是"逃跑" -这是由一个百分比符号之后,两个位数的十六进制数的ASCII码代表的性质。名单的ASCII码请点击这里。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.documentElement.innerHTML 对于HTML文件,返回文件包括HTML格式。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.documentElement.innerText 返回文本文件的内容-在没有任何( HTML )的格式。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.FileSize 回报率的大小, HTML文件中的字节。 文件相当于: ( WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ) 。档案大小 请注意,该文件相当于返回文件大小作为一个字符串,它会抛出一个异常如果没有页面加载。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Frames 阵列框架的文件中。 。长度返回若干帧的文件中。 。项目( 0 )传回的第一帧。 。项目( 0 ) 。文件返回文档对象代表帧。 。项目( 0 ) 。 Document.URL返回的URL的第一帧。 文件相当于: ( WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ) 。框架 例如,要获取有关帧作为( 1 IHTMLWindow2或IHTMLDocument2 ) : 变种 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; ole_index : OleVariant ; doc_all : IHTMLElementCollection ; frame_dispatch : IDispatch ; frame_win : IHTMLWindow2 ; frame_doc : IHTMLDocument2 ; 开始 文件: = WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; ole_index : = 0 ; frame_dispatch : = document.Frames.Item ( ole_index ) ; 如果frame_dispatch “ ”零然后 开始 frame_win : = frame_dispatch作为IHTMLWindow2 ; frame_doc : = frame_win.document ; 。 。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Images 阵列的图像载于本文件。 。长度传回的图像文件中。 。项目( 0 )传回的图片。 。项目( 0 ) 。 Src的读取或写入的路径,第一形象。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.LastModified 退货时,文件的最后修改,作为一个字符串。正式的格式是“月/日/年时时:分分:党卫军” ,但在我的经验,通常是“月/日/年时时:分分:党卫军” 。 文件相当于: 变种 htmlDoc : IHTMLDocument2 ; dateString :字符串; 开始 htmlDoc : = WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; 如果转让( htmlDoc ) dateString : = html_doc.LastModified ; -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Links 阵列的各个环节(即“的<a href...> ”分子) 。 。长度返回的连结数目。 。项目( 0 )传回的第一个链接。 。项目( 0 ) 。 href返回地址的第一个链接。 。项目( 0 ) 。标记名的名称,返回类型的第一个环节。的链接,这是永远的A 。 文件相当于: 变种 htmlDoc : IHTMLDocument2 ; allLinks : IHTMLElementCollection ; firstLink : IHTMLElement ; 网址:字符串; 开始 htmlDoc : = WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; allLinks : = htmlDoc.Links ; firstLink : = allLinks.Item ( 0 , "" )作为IHTMLElement ; 网址: = firstLink.toString ; -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Location.Protocol 返回一个字符串代表"协议"部分网址。这将(通常)是: 议定书价值意蕴 文件:本地或网络文件。 ftp:FTP 。 的Gopher : Gopher网络会议。 http:Hypertext传输协议 网址为: https :安全超文本传输协议。 的JavaScript : JavaScript代码。 地址:客户发送电子邮件。 新闻:新闻组。 水库:资源文件。 的Telnet :远程登录终端登录。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.ParentWindow 返回(只读)提到集装箱窗口。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.ParentWindow.ScrollBy (九:整数; iY :整数) 横向卷轴的窗口"的iX "像素-负值春联左边,一个积极的价值春联权利。垂直滚动窗口的" iY "像素-负值春联和一个积极的价值卷轴下来。 文件相当于: 变种 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; 开始 文件: = webBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; 如果转让(文件) ,然后 document.parentWindow.scrollBy (九, iY ) ; 注: 该窗口不会滚动向上/向下,如果它已经达到了正常的顶部/底部限制。同样不会滚动左/右如果它已经达到了正常的左/右限制。因此,例如,当一个文件是第一次尝试加载滚动它-1 , -1不会有任何影响。 这将影响到框架文件,因为通常的顶层文件将不会滚动,即使将它包含帧。下面的过程说明了如何滚动每一份文件和框架,包括嵌入式框架: 程序ScrollBrowserWindowBy (常量窗口: IHTMLWindow2 ;九:整数; iY :整数) ; 变种 指数:整数; oleIndex : OleVariant ; frameDispatch : IDispatch ; childWindow : IHTMLWindow2 ; 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; 开始 如果转让(窗口) ,然后 尝试 window.scrollBy (九, iY ) ; / /如果有任何帧然后尝试滚动它们。 文件: = window.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; 如果转让(文件) ,然后 指数: = 1 document.Frames.Length做 开始 oleIndex : =指数- 1 ; frameDispatch : = document.Frames.Item ( oleIndex ) ; 如果转让( frameDispatch ) ,然后 开始 childWindow : = frameDispatch作为IHTMLWindow2 ; ScrollBrowserWindowBy ( childWindow ,九, iY ) ; 结束; 结束; 除 电子商务:异常年底开始做; 结束; 结束; 并调用它: 变种 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; 开始 文件: = webBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; 如果转让(文件) ,然后 ScrollBrowserWindowBy ( document.parentWindow , 5,10 ) ; 如果您尝试呼叫" scrollBy "的窗框载场外页面就会抛出一个“拒绝访问”的例外,因此“尝试..除了”在上面的例子。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.selection 提供对当前选定的部分文件。 例如,如果要获得当前选定的文字: 变种 文件: IHTMLDocument2 ; selectionObj : IHTMLSelectionObject ; selectionRange : IHtmlTxtRange ; selectedText :字符串; 开始 文件: = WebBrowser.Document作为IHTMLDocument2 ; selectionObj : = document.selection ; selectionRange : = selectionObj.CreateRange作为IHtmlTxtRange ; selectedText : = selectionRange.text ; 。 。 注:上面的例子将需要修改的文件略微带有框架。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.Title 的标题当前文档。这是一样的财产LocationName 。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.URL 网址目前的文件。这是一样的财产LocationURL 。



我用WebBrowser1.Navigate 调用网页,默认是ie打开的,我怎么能改默认的浏览器呀,例如用 chrome 打开


十万火急,WebBrowser1.Navigate ""在VB中使用没有显示网页是为什么啊


熟悉英语的朋友请帮忙翻译:Navigate Troubled Waters


Navigate Me 歌词

歌曲名:Navigate Me歌手:Cute Is What We Aim For专辑:RotationCute Is What We Aim For - Navigate MeI"m creeping your way and these sheets aren"t stoping meBecause I"m gonna meet you face to faceand i"m gonna start from your waistup through your naveland we"re approaching such a placeThis is where we both get scaredThis is where emotion flaresThis is where we both prepareYea...Navigate Me through your bodyNavigate MeNavigate Me through your bodyNavigate...I loveThe wayYou dive on top of meSo navigate me through your bodyI"m creeping your way and these sheets aren"t stopping meThat"s right it"s quite simplyThese sheets aren"t stopping meCuz my minds on a missionAnd a mind on a missionIs a mind that you just set freeI"m creeping your wayI"m creeping your...This is where we both get scaredThis is where emotion flaresThis is where we both prepareNavigate me through your bodyNavigate meNavigate me through your bodyNavigate...I loveThe wayYou dive on top of meSo navigate meCuz a mind on a missionWith enough ammunitionAnd the right propositionIs a mind that you might set freeCuz a mind on a missionWith enough ammunitionAnd the right propositionIs a mind that you just set freeI loveThe wayYou dive on top of meSo Navigate meNavigate me through your bodyNavigate meNavigate me through your bodyNavigate...I loveThe wayYou dive on top of meNavigate me through your bodyNavigate meNavigate me through your bodyNavigate...I loveThe wayYou dive on top of meSo navigate me through your bodyI"m creeping your wayI"m creeping your wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/898625




navigater一般写做navigator,意思是航海家;领航员;驾驶员。navigate,英语单词,意思是航行于,飞行于;横渡,飞越。navigater的复数形式为navigators。双语例句1、This navigator discovered the continent of Latin America。这位航海家发现了拉丁美洲大陆。2、If we are going to the sea,then we need a good navigator。如果要出海,那么我们需要一位出色的领航员。3、I found something wrong with the plane"s navigator。我发现飞机的助航器出现了故障。4、He was a famous navigator who mapped many hitherto unexplored islands。他是一位著名的航海家,绘制了许多在当时尚未开发的岛屿。

nevigate和nevigate by的区别

nevigate是导航的意思,没有nevigate by这个词组,除非是nevigated by由……导航


<script type="text/javascript">var now=new Date();alert("成功登陆!");location.href="index.asp?time="+now.getTime();</script>


第一个参数是地址,其他什么都不是!但是不写又不行.string 地址="http://www.SINA.COM";object 没用的东西;Navigate(地址,ref 没用的东西,ref 没用的东西,ref 没用的东西,ref 没用的东西);这就行了(我只是举个例子,为了让你更明白.但是实际编程中变量不要用中文哦)




在以“智·变”为主题的2020 NAVIGATE领航者峰会上,紫光旗下新华三集团发布AI in All智能战略,旨在使自身的产品和解决方案更具智能,助力客户的业务与运营更智能。在峰会4月20日的主题演讲中,新华三集团联席总裁、首席技术官尤学军认为,实现智能要在算力、算法、数据三大要素方面分别达到不同要求,包括算力按需调度、数据顺畅流淌、算法敏捷高效,同时也需要六大技术能力,包括智能基础设施、智能云平台、智能安全、智能运维、智能数据平台和智能算法。扩展资料同时具备了智能三大要素和六大技术能力的数字大脑,在2020版本中成功实现了关键升级:原业务能力平台升级为云与智能平台;实现统一的云计算和智能服务能力,适应几乎无处不云,无处不智能的新时代。增加视频云的能力,支持安防领域的重大建设;通过AI全面植入,提升数字大脑“4+N”中四大构成部分每一个关键部件的能力。与此同时,“数字大脑计划2020“也将继续发挥STARS核心价值,加速智能化时代的到来。参考资料来源:光明网-2019 Navigate 领航者峰会在渝举行

请问C#如何实现 webBrowser1.Navigate加载网页完成后才执行下面的语句?


WebBrowser1.Navigate 最大化,显示VB空白区域


vb Navigate函数怎样传递参数

url=text1.textWeb.navigate url

(莱鸟求助)CExplorer1::Navigate” : 不能将参数1从CEdit转换为lpctstr


C#里WebBrowser.Navigate 方法的重载

OKServer: Microsoft-IIS/5.0Date: Thursday



C# webBrowser.Navigate问题?


Navigate the Seas of the Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Navigate the Seas of the Sun歌手:Bruce Dickinson专辑:tyranny of soulsNavigate The Seas Of The SunBy 李卖扣Distant earthrise long agolingers at the borders of our mindsmysteries spinning in the darkin the frozen emptiness of timewe were lost and we never knewwho we were or what we left behindliving half-lives we were blindto the new frontiers that opened up our eyesto find our minds were spinningsouls entwined in a spiral dancethe ancient ways have found usagain to give us one last chaaaaaaanceliving in this placestaring into space we findwe might share the corners of our livesinfinity runs deepeternity that we can keepmelting through the frozen wastes of timeso we go and we"ll not returnto navigate the seas of the sunour children will go on and onto navigate the seas of the sunso we go and we"ll not returnwe"ll navigate the seas of the sunour children will go on and onto navigate the seas of the sunwe can go on tomorrowliving death by gravitycouldn"t stand it anymorewe"ll sail our ships to distant shorespurple gold and blueliving colors every hueflowers in the garden of the godsno one can ever knowif you never saw them growbut this darkness is really full of lightnow beyond the earthbeyond all things that gave us birthwe"ll navigate...if god is throwing diceand einstein doesn"t mind the chancewe"ll navigate...infinity runs deepeternity that we can keepwe"ll navigate...flowers of our soulspurple blue and gold we"ll findto navigate...so we know who we areeven in this frozen wastewe"ll navigate...living in this placestaring into space we"ll findwe"ll navigate...well beyond the earthbeyond all things that gave us birthwe"ll...if einstein"s throwing diceand god he doesn"t mind the chancewe"ll navigate...flowers of the soulpurple blue and goldand who we were beforeeternity...we"ll navigate...flowers of the soulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28627924



eclipse 怎么样将试图切换到navigate

你的Linux 什么版本?貌似现在 Linux 已经没这种问题了啊?以前是很多系统函数库对输入法支持很不好,导致设置什么的特别容易出错。




第一个参数是地址,其他什么都不是!但是不写又不行. string 地址="http://www.SINA.COM"; object 没用的东西; Navigate(地址,ref 没用的东西,ref 没用的东西,ref 没用的东西,ref 没用的东西); 这就行了 (我只是举个例子,为了让你更明白. 但是实际编程中变量不要用中文哦)


window.navigate(I.HTML)为跳转到I.HTML这个页面。种种迹象表明微软正在用他们的智慧创造一个新的时代,构建新的帝国.MS Live的服务:Find and DiscoverInformation。


WebBrowser1.Navigate "http://www.baidu.com"http://www.baidu.com 这里就是你要打开的网页,你可以改成其他地址



Leave Right Now (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Leave Right Now (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Best Karaoke Album In The World...Ever!Leave Right NowBy Will YoungI"m here just like I saidThough its breaking every rule I"ve ever madeMy racing heart is just the sameWhy make it strong to break it once again?And I"d love to say I doGive everything to youBut I can never now be trueSo I say...I think I"d better leave right nowBefore I fall any deeperI think I"d better leave right nowFeeling weaker and weakerSomebody better show me howBefore I fall any deeperI think I"d better leave right nowI"m here so please explainWhy you"re opening up a healing wound againI"m a little more carefulPerhaps it showsBut if I lose the highs,at least I"m spared the lowsNow I tremble in your armsWhat could be the harmTo feel my spirit calmSo I say..I wouldn"t know how to sayHow good it feels seeing you todayI see you"ve got your smile backLike you say your right on trackBut you may never know whyOnce bitten twice is shyIf I"m proud perhaps I should explainI couldn"t bear to lose you againYes I will...http://music.baidu.com/song/2844884

thrust upon与feel obliged to的区别?

thrust upon强加于feel obliged to觉得有义务觉得应该去


unsigned char,无符号字符类型,取值范围是(0-255)。看下一个例子: int main() { unsigned char i=255; printf("%d ",i); printf("%d ",++i); return 0; } i加1后,值不是256,而是0 char a 00000000 |_____这一位不存数据,表示符号 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned a 00000000 |____这一位当作存数据的 就是没有符号的意思 说白了,就都是正数 由于在计算机中,整数是以补码形式存放的 所以根据最高位的不同 如果是1,有符号数的话就是负数拉 如果是无符号数,则都解释为正数,同时在相同位数的情况下,所能表达的整数范围变大

meg has a big fat red pen

meg has a big fat red pen迈克有一个大胖的红笔







they stop at the red light变一般疑问句和否定句?

Where are they stopuff1f They do not stop at the red light

people donot go at the red light改为祈使句

去掉主语就行 Do not go at the red light 或者Stop at the red light

a red light for scofflaws这篇文章的翻译


fx red light人气歌谣为什么没拿一位吗


海外饭对宋茜red light的评价


red light mv中一共有几套服装


stopandwait at a red light什么意思?

红灯时,停下来并等待 。


真是疯 I can"t believe that you我不能相信你 would be the one to do将是一个做 do me like you do我喜欢你这样做 get back here baby回到这里的婴儿 [verse 1] [诗1 ] Girl you let me你让我的女孩 have my way and i was thinkin i could get it again有我,我是thinkin我能得到它再次 Baby we could be friends if you only(ssh)宝贝我们可以成为朋友,如果您只(使用SSH ) And you show me你能告诉我 Just how quick your tires could spin如何快速旋转的轮胎可能 You were off in the wind你是从在风中 Tell me were did you go告诉我,你去了 [hook 1 ] [钩1 ] when you left (oh)当您离开(哦) I"m thinkin which way did she go我thinkin哪种方式,她去 I should have known that you would lead me on girl我应该知道,您会导致我的女孩 Im in the wind on cruise control林在风中的巡航控制系统 I gotta be dreamin cuz i never felt like this before余爱是dreamin cuz我从来不觉得这之前 [chorus] [合唱] it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 but she"s got me sittin here但她又在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 so why am i sittin here那么,为什么在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 lookin out for her来查找了她的 [verse 2] [诗2 ] Now its rainin现在其rainin and i"m lookin over at the passenger side我来查找了在客运方面 thinkin back in my mind how you set me off thinkin回在我的脑海如何设置我的命 She was stoppin and droppin me她stoppin和droppin箱 switchin from fast to slow switchin快速放缓 but that aint have nothing on how you got不过这也不是没有对你怎样得到 when i got you home当我你回家 [hook 2] [钩2 ] when you left (oh)当您离开(哦) I"m thinkin which way did she go我thinkin哪种方式,她去 The way you touched yourself had me up the wall你的方式感动了我自己的墙 Im in the wind on cruise control林在风中的巡航控制系统 I"m searchin for you cuz i can"t seem to let you go我searchin你cuz我看来不能让你去 [chorus] [合唱] it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 but she"s got me sittin here但她又在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 so why am i sittin here那么,为什么在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 lookin out for her来查找了她的 [talking] [讨论] you know你知道 i really only thought我真的只是想 that this would be a one night stand这将是一个一夜情 what you doin to me你对我的乐队 come on来吧 what you doin to me你对我的乐队 [bridge] [桥] maybe(maybe)也许(也许) she"s runnin home to someone else(someone else)她runnin首页别人(别人) or maybe(or maybe)或者(或者) She lost my number in her cell她失去了我的电话号码在牢房 (oooh babe) ( oooh贝贝) (what you doin to me) (你的乐队给我) or maybe(or maybe)或者(或者) she"s never done like this before她从未做过这样的前 cuz i cant see (can"t see) cuz字母i不能看到(看不到) her not comin back for more她没有更多的comin回 more更多 [chorus] [合唱] it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 but she"s got me sittin here但她又在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 so why am i sittin here那么,为什么在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 lookin out for her来查找了她的 [chorus] [合唱] it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 but she"s got me sittin here但她又在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 it was supposed to be它被认为是 just a one night只是一个晚上 in and out and im out the door进出和IM出了门 so why am i sittin here那么,为什么在这里我sittin at the red light在红灯 drivin round lookin out for her drivin轮出她来查找 lookin out for her来查找了她的

can you goat the red light是什么?


Redlight King的《Old Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Old Man歌手:Redlight King专辑:Old ManOld ManRedlight KingHe didn"t have muchA pair of hard working handsEverything that I neededI got it from the old manWith a nine second dreamHe drove the Redlight BanditAnd the grease on his handsWas the way he commandedAnd the life he demandedIt kept us all in a struggleWhen he ruled with his fistIt kept us all out of troubleEven though he would leaveHe wore his heart on his sleeveAnd by the way that he walkedHe taught me how to believeOld man look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youGrowin" up at the trackHe had a reason for being fastHis heart felt like breakingHe"d look right up at the ceiling andStart again, never breathe a word of his lossCause it"s not about winningIt"s the rivers you crossAnd the pain that you feelCould be the fuel that you useAnd if you"re in need of directionBe it the path that you chooseMy old man is a legendHe cast a shadow so greatI think of how he is watchin"With every move that I makeOld man look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youNow there"s no slowin" downThere"s only settin" the paceNo more dreams to be stolenJust the right ones to chaseYou"ve been through the worstNow you know who to trustLeave them something behindBefore the ashes and dustOld man look at my lifeOld man look at my lifeOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13918865

Stop at a red light.同义句

有没有变化格式要求?否则答案不能保证一定准确: Stop at a red light.在红灯处停下. = Stop where there is a red light.在有红灯的地方停下.

"Red Light"means__1___,"Green Light"means___2_____.单选

BDmean dong sth. 意味着......红灯意味着停,绿灯意味着走

Red Light-Green Light 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light-Green Light歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Results May VaryLimp Bizkit - red light green lightfreak baby, freak freak baby (x2)red light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)i got the keys baby, put your mind at ease babygo playa, layin" the cheese babyi know you bitin", bitin" my steez babybut i came, came to please babydon"t wait, lay the greeze babydon"t flake, shake the knees babyyour fella"s mad at me baby, oh well, enemies babywho"s braggin" they raggin" on me baby?who"s breath is draggin" on me baby?who steps through all agony baby?who"s checks are bigger than me baby?who thinks before it goes down baby?who rocks in every town baby?i don"t know if it ain"t memust be a clone on this microphone babyred light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)(you know i"m down and ready to go)jump in the who ride, slide to the rhythm ofsnoop d.o. double g nigga from the dubi represent it to the fullest everywhere i goguaranteed to bust a ho, yeah i"m so originali don"t have to, i told you from the get goi like to lay low with my niggas blowin" endowe like to drink, talk shit, and spit at bitchesand that"s the way we do it, sometimes we hittin" switchesin the low-rider slidin" to the hood and backit"s snoop dogg in the muthafuckin" cadillacthey call it snoop deville for reali get the money and i never ever pop no pillsi used to pop"em, i"m lyin" to these motherfuckers nowi used to do all kind of shit when i was wildthey used to call me lil" bow wow now i"m big bow wowin this motherfucka bustin" a freestylesnoop dogg is in the place to see, do it with my nephew freddy dooh wee, in the place to seesnoop d.o. double g from the d.p.g.c.red light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)(you know i"m down and ready to go)freak baby, freak freak baby (x3)look who"s talkin" it up babyone more chalkin" it up babystar maps stalkin" it up babymy dogs barkin" it up babywho"d a thought i"d be layin it down baby?who"d a thought i"d be turnin" your frown baby?never know about things these days baby"till your cell phone rings and it"s me babychorus.......http://music.baidu.com/song/9353216

求David Nail的Red Light的歌词

  verse1  so this is how it ends 因此 , 这就是结束  this is where it all goes down 这就是一切平息的地方  this is what I don"t love you feels like 这就是我不爱你后的感觉  It aint the middle of the night 这不是半夜  and it aint even raining outside 外面甚至不再下雨  It aint exactly what i had in mind. 这不是我的初衷  For goodbye 为再见  Chrous 1  at a redlight in the sunshine 阳光下的红灯  on a sunday nothing to say 星期日无话可说  don"t even try 甚至没有尝试  some are coming home 有些人回家  some are leaving town 有些人离开小镇  while my worlds crashing down 虽然我的世界崩溃  on a sunday in the sunshine at a red light 在周日的阳光里在红灯前  Verse 2  I thought she was going to say 我以为她会说  something about that couple kissing 谈谈情侣接吻  accrossing the street accrossing穿过街头  our something about this beautiful day 关于这美丽的一天  but she just looked me in the eye 但她只是看着我的眼睛  said its over didnt try to lie or pick a fight 说着已经结束还是不要谎言或是选择伤害  I might have seen it 我也许可以看见  coming that way 这种方式的到来  再次Chrous 1  Bridge 大桥  theres a mama theres有位妈妈  calming down a little baby 平息着一个婴儿  in the backseat in front of me 在我身面的座位  theres an old man dressed theres一位衣着光鲜的老人  in his sunday best 在他最好的星期天  just waiting on green 只是在等待绿灯  but i cant see getting past 但我不能通过  Chrous 2  this redlight in the sunshine 这阳光下的红灯  on a sunday nothing to say 星期日无话可说  don"t even try 甚至没有尝试  some are coming home 有些人回家  some are leaving town 有些人离开小镇  while my worlds crashing down 虽然我的世界崩溃  on a sunday in the sunshine at a red light 在周日的阳光里在红灯下前  重复两次Chrous 1

Don’t go at the red light.这句话的汉语意思是什么?


Red Light (Feat. Game) 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light (Feat. Game)歌手:DJ Khaled专辑:We GlobalIt"s crazyI can"t believe that youWould be the one to doDo me like you doGet back here babyGirl you let meHave my way and i was thinkin i could get it againBaby we could be friends if you"re lonely (ssh)And you show meJust how quick your tires could spinYou were off in the windTell me where did you goWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goI should have known that you would lead me on girlIm in the wind on cruise controlI gotta be dreamin cuz i never felt like this beforeIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herNow its raininAnd i"m lookin over at the passenger sideThinkin back in my mind how you set me offShe was stoppin and droppin meSwitchin from fast to slowBut that aint have nothing on how you gotWhen i got you homeWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goThe way you touched yourselfHad me up the wallIm in the wind on cruise controlI"m searchin for you cuz i can"t seem to let you goIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herYou knowI really only thoughtThat this would be a one night standWhat you doin to meCome onWhat you doin to meMaybe (maybe)She"s runnin home to someone else (someone else)Or maybe (or maybe)She lost my number in her cell(oooh babe)(what you doin to me)Or maybe (or maybe)She"s never done like this beforeCuz i cant see (can"t see)Her not comin back for moreMoreIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1151315

fx red light韩文歌词

f(x)-Red Light(红灯)  这就是丛林中的法则,弱者没有生存空间  呗人潮拥推向前方,是谁踩到了我  这就是我们的显示,不知哪里出了错  有人在发出警告,声音震耳  喘口气歇一下吧,这并不是战争  狂奔的人请你停下脚步,前方即将爆发冲突  睁大双眼,你将成为改变的见证者  卡特彼勒不断推进  所过之处一片废墟  鲜红的信号灯被打开,那颜色耀眼夺目  你所说的最佳选择,对我而言不过是...  那缓缓蔓延的波动或许才是真正的爱情  跟着红色的信号一起,寻找散发特别光芒的紧急出口  仔细想想,是什么又为何迫使我们停下  回头看一次,寻找你珍视的东西  狂奔的人你停下脚步,前方即将爆发冲突  睁大双眼,你将成为改变的见证者  卡特彼勒不断推进  所过之处一片废墟  鲜红的信号灯被打开,那颜色耀眼夺目  我们拥有两个信号,一个是火红的太阳,一个是你眼前的红灯  奇迹会到来的,一定会到来  即使已等待了太久  奇迹会到来的,一定会到来  我们渴望蓝色的火焰  狂奔的人请你停下脚步,听听你耳边的声音  这是正在发生的现实,请睁大双眼,看看这的世界  将要爆发的冲突,把你推向前方  我驾驶者卡特彼勒,何等疯狂

fx的red light真的讲岁月号了吗,从哪些方面看出来的呢


求fx《red light》音译歌词

以下是fx《red light》的音译歌词:EH-OH-EH-OH 一根西接桑黄 莫嘎 家莫顿 共几都 某拉EH-OH-EH-OH 啊差 啊苗n吧r飘AY-AY-IT"S A RED LIGHT LIGHT GIONG够哈嫩 努滚嘎 某k搜里勒r 家莫的老 RED LIGHT家莫西慢 苏么r 需熬bua 需熬bua 需熬buaAY-OH-AY-OH 一根 中sing一 啊你呀 努n 可给 到高GICHUNG都r 几K中 剖k主勒r 毛m戳 表nua爱 某k GIAOK家嘎 对嫩 高呀米老带动 高亲 CATERpillar歌 啊陪 某度 起m某 拉r 带 KIAO交t扫 RED LIGHT送miong安 RED LIGHT 色色楼 KIAO交 歌高森 RED LIGHTBOY 你嘎 马蓝 吹扫你蓝 表n miong 耐跟Wi木N兔送一一 不n 进家 撒狼一蓝 熬交苗n 啊主 你林 怕动啊主 你林 怕动AY-AY-IT"S ARED LIGHT LIGHT 扫楼诶给 差t家 比车楼产特K表蓝 比桑古AY-AY-SING嘎开 BUA BUA 歌 木熬西 五里r 外毛m出给 海t动共几 RED LIGHT 含包n慢 DWI勒r 都拉 都拉 都拉EH-OH-EH-OH 搜zhung安高r 差家bua努n 可给 到高GI CHUNG都r 几K中 剖K主勒r毛m戳 表nua爱 某k GIAOK家嘎 对嫩 高呀米老带动 高亲 CATERpillar歌 啊陪 某度 起m某 拉r 带 KIAO交t扫 RED Light送miong安 RED LIGHT 色色楼 KIAO交 歌高森RED LIGHTKIAO交t扫 RED LIGHT 度 改也 RED LIGHT 不r跟 太阳挂 你 啊排 RED LIGHTGI交跟 NO嫩高r 闹木 偶来 高r料t几慢怕蓝不r 五林 GI打料 我n海 剖K主勒r 毛m戳一共 西接桑网 某k搜里 的老bua努n 可给 到 Yeah 闹也 啊陪 那他难 赛桑鹅r buA米老慢 带动 CHUNG都r几K中 闹r 米老带动 Caterpillar歌共madness KIAO交t扫 RED light送miong安 red light 色色楼 KIAO交 歌高森 red lightKIAO交t扫 red light 度 改也 red light 不r跟 太阳挂 你啊排 red light

Meja的《Red Light》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light歌手:Meja专辑:MellowRed lightSentimental timesMoonstruckBy the purple skiesI feel your skin against my skinChorusI should take another train but this is goingI am going all the wayI should take another train but this is goingI am going all the wayBright lightPlaying tricks with timeSweet liesIs a bitter crimeThat磗 when a sin is not a sinChorushttp://music.baidu.com/song/14198438

Alina的《Red Light》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light歌手:Alina专辑:Red LightRed light/红灯David Nail在David获格莱美提名之际献给所有喜欢乡村音乐的朋友So, This is how it ends/就这么结束了This is where it all goes down/从此一切灰飞烟灭This is what "I don"t love you" feels like/一句"我不爱你了"感觉如此心痛It ain"t the middle of the night/时间不是在午夜And it ain"t even raining outside/外面甚至没有大雨瓢泼It ain"t exactly what I had in mind for good bye/脑海里的分别是那么的不一样At a red light, in the sunshine, on a Sunday/红灯前,阳光里,星期天Nothing to say, don"t even try/没什么可说的,甚至没有尝试Some are coming home/有人正在回家Some are leaving town/有人在出城While my world"s crashing down/而我的世界就此坍塌On a Sunday, in the sunshine, at a red light/星期天,阳光里,红灯前I thought she was gonna say/想着她会说些什么Something "bout that couple kissing crossing the street/比如街对面亲吻的两人or something About this beautiful day/比如今天如此风和日丽But she just looked me in the eye/但她只是看着我的眼睛说Said it"s over didn"t try to lie or pick a fight/都结束了,没有争吵没有谎言的粉饰包装I might have seen it coming that way/这样的结局我始料不及but at a red light, in the sunshine, on a Sunday/红灯前,阳光里,星期天Nothing to say, don"t even try/没什么可说的,甚至没有尝试Some are coming home/有人正在回家Some are leaving town/有人在出城While my world"s crashing down/而我的世界就此坍塌On a Sunday, in the sunshine, at a red light/星期天,阳光里,红灯前There"s a momma calming down a little baby/眼前那车的后座里In the backseat in front of me/有位母亲试着安慰哭闹的孩子There"s an old man dressed in his Sunday best/有位老人为了星期天穿着体面just waiting on green/等着绿灯亮起But I can"t see getting past/可我就是过不去This is a red light, in the sunshine, on a Sunday/红灯前,阳光里,星期天Nothing to say, don"t even try/没什么可说的,甚至没有尝试Some are coming home/有人正在回家Some are leaving town/有人在出城While my world"s crashing down/而我的世界就此坍塌On a Sunday, in the sunshine/星期天,阳光里At a red light, in the sunshine, on a Sunday/红灯前,阳光里,星期天Nothing to say, don"t even try/没什么可说的,甚至没有尝试Some are coming home/有人正在回家Some are leaving town/有人在出城While my world"s crashing down/而我的世界就此坍塌On a Sunday, in the sunshine, at a red light/星期天,阳光里,红灯前At a red light/就在红灯前At a red light/就在红灯前At a red light/就在红灯前http://music.baidu.com/song/7438557

有人能说一下red light A版和B版在内容上有什么区别吗?

A版是SLEEPY CATS版,7月8号发行,B版是WILD CATS版,7月10号发行。尺寸是15 X 18 X 2厘米,140页写真,重量约400克。封面、写真、海报都不同。A版专辑封面是秀晶 B版专辑封面是团体如果秀晶唯饭那就买A版 如果是其他成员的饭或者团饭那就买B版 我个人建议是买B版 我自己也是买的B版 毕竟FX是一个团体

fx新歌red light评价、我觉得很不错、风格很不一样、你们觉得呢

这首歌刚听还好,后劲很大。fx的风格每次都与众不同。可惜这首歌不够神曲,没有可以让人朗朗上口的部分,而且这种曲风在韩国不吃香。像同专辑的milk或all night都比较适合在韩国主打。这次的red light好听是好听,但曲风比较适合欧美和大陆。可是她们在韩国啊,有些不是好听就够了的。

F(x)的Red light真的讲了岁月号沉船时间吗,能帮我详细解答吗?还有RV的7月7日呢?

不是 只是粉丝剪辑的视频

跪求f(x)的red light中文韩文中文音译

亲,用电脑写给你的,你手机看的时候可能乱码哦,建议用电脑看~满意请采纳哦~……^_^Ay- Wait a minute uc815uae00 uc18duc758 ub8f0 ub530ub77c uc57dud55c uc790ub294 uba39ud600Ay- Wait a minute ceong grl so gei lur dda la ya han za nen me kioe uc55euc73cub85cub9cc ubc00uc5b4ub300ub2c8 Yeah ubc00uc5b4ub300ub2c8 Nah uc544ucc28 ud558uba74 ubc1fud600a pe lo man mi le dei ni Yeah mi le dei ni Nah a ca ha mieon par piae Ay- Ay- It"s a Red Light, Light uc774uac74 uc2e4uc81cuc0c1ud669 ubb50uac00 uc798ubabbub41c uac74uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77cAy- Ay- It"s a Red Light, Light yi geon xir zei sang huang meo ga car mod duein geon ji do mor la Ay- Ay- It"s a Red Light, Light uacbduace0ud558ub294 ub204uad70uac00 ubaa9uc18cub9acub97c uc798 ub4e4uc5b4 Red LightAy- Ay- It"s a Red Light, Light kiong go ha nen nu gun ga mok so li ler car de le Red light uc7a0uc2dcub9cc uc228uc744 uc26cuc5b4ubd10 Eh- Oh-Eh-Oh uc774uac74 uc804uc7c1uc774 uc544ub2c8uc57ccam xi man su mer xu e pua Eh-oh-Eh-Oh yi geon ceon zen yi a ni ya ub208 ud06cuac8c ub5a0 uac70uae30 ucda9ub3cc uc9c1uc804 ud3educ8fcub97c uba48ucdb0nun ke gei ddeo ke gi cong dor jik zeon pok zu ler mum cuo ubcc0ud654uc758 ubaa9uaca9uc790uac00 ub418ub294 uac70uc57cpiaon hua ei mok gieok za ga tuei nen ge yaubc00uc5b4ub300ub358 uac70uce5c uce90ud130ud544ub7ec uadf8 uc55euc5d0 ubaa8ub450mi le dei deon ke qin kei te pir le ke a pei mo duuce68ubab0 ud560 ub54cqim mor har ddeiucf1cuc84cuc5b4 Red Light uc120uba85ud55c Red Light uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ucf1cuc838 uadf8uac83uc740 Red Lightke jeo se Red Light seon mieong han Red Light se se lo kiao jie ke ge sen Red Light Boy ub2c8uac00 ub9d0ud55c ucd5cuc120uc774ub780 ubcc0uba85 ub0b4uac90 uc758ubb38ud22cuc131uc774 uc77cubfd0Boy ni ga ma lan cuei seon yi lan piaon mieong nei gein eyi mun tu seong yi yir bbunuc9c4uc9dc uc0acub791uc774ub780 uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc544uc8fc ub290ub9b0 ud30cub3d9 (uc544uc8fc ub290ub9b0 ud30cub3d9) jin zza sa lang yi lan e zze mieon a zu ne lin pa dong(a zu ne lin pa dong)Ay Ay It"s a Red Light, Light uc11cub85cuc5d0uac8c ucc3euc790 ube5buc73cub85c ucc2c ud2b9ubcc4ud55c ube44uc0c1uad6c Ay Ay It"s a Red Light, Light se lo ei gei cad za pi ce lo can tek biaor han pi sang gu Ay Ay uc0dduac01ud574 ubd10, ubd10 uadf8 ubb34uc5c7uc774 uc6b0ub9b4 uc65c uba48ucd94uac8c ud588ub358 uac74uc9c0 Red Light Ay Ay sen ga hei pua ,pua ke mu e xi wu lir wei mem cu gei heid deon geon ji Red Lightud55cubc88ub9cc ub4a4ub97c ub3ccuc544 Eh- Oh-Eh-Oh uc18cuc911ud55cuac78 ucc3euc544ubd10han ben man dui ler to la Eh-Oh-Eh-Oh so zong han ger ca za puaub208 ud06cuac8c ub5a0 uac70uae30 ucda9ub3cc uc9c1uc804 ud3educ8fcub97c uba48ucdb0nun ke gei dde ke gi cong dor jik zeon pok zu ler mem cuoubcc0ud654uc758 ubaa9uaca9uc790uac00 ub418ub294 uac70uc57cpieon hua ei mok gieok za ga tui nen ge ya ubc00uc5b4ub300ub358 uac70uce5c uce90ud130ud544ub7ec uadf8 uc55euc5d0 ubaa8ub450mi le dei deon ke qin kei te lir le ke a pei mo duuce68ubab0 ud560 ub54cqim mor har ddei ucf1cuc84cuc5b4 Red Light uc120uba85ud55c Red Light uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ucf1cuc838 uadf8uac83uc740 Red Lightkiao jiao se Red Light seon miong han Red Light se se lo kiao jie ke ge sen Red Lightucf1cuc84cuc5b4 Red Light ub450 uac1cuc758 Red Light ubd89uc740 ud0dcuc591uacfc ub124 uc55euc758 Red Lightkiao jiao se Red Light tu gei ei Red Light pur gen tei yang gua ni a pei Red Lightuae30uc801uc740 uc624ub294uac78 ub108ubb34 uc624ub798 uac78ub838uc9c0ub9cc ud30cub780ubd88 uc6b0ub9b0 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc6d0ud574 gi ze gen o nen ger ne mu o lei kaor liao ji man pa lan bur wu lin gi da lie won hei ud3educ8fcub97c uba48ucdb0 (uc774uac74 uc2e4uc81cuc0c1ud669 ubaa9uc18cub9ac ub4e4uc5b4ubd10)pok zu ler mem cuo (yi geon xir zei sang huang mok so li te le pua)ub208 ud06cuac8c ub5a0 (Yeah ub108uc758 uc55euc5d0 ub098ud0c0ub09c uc138uc0c1uc744 ubd10)nun ke gei ddeao (Yeah ne ei a pei na ta nan sei sang er pua)ubc00uc5b4ub9cc ub300ub358 (ucda9ub3ccuc9c1uc804 ub110 ubc00uc5b4ub300ub358)mi le man dei deon (cong dor jik zeon ner mi le dei deon)uce90ud130ud544ub7ec uadf8uac74 Madness kei te pir le ke geon Madnessucf1cuc84cuc5b4 Red Light uc120uba85ud55c Red Light uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ucf1cuc838 uadf8uac83uc740 Red Lightkiao jiao se Red Light seon miong han Red Light se se lo kiao jie ke ge sen Red Lightucf1cuc84cuc5b4 Red Light ub450 uac1cuc758 Red Light ubd89uc740 ud0dcuc591uacfc ub124 uc55euc758 Red Lightkiao jiao se Red Light tu gei ei Red Light pur gen tei yang gua ni a pei Red LightAy- Wait a minute uc815uae00 uc18duc758 ub8f0 ub530ub77c uc57dud55c uc790ub294 uba39ud600Ay- Wait a minute ceong grl so gei lur dda la ya han za nen me kioe uc55euc73cub85cub9cc ubc00uc5b4ub300ub2c8 Yeah ubc00uc5b4ub300ub2c8 Nah uc544ucc28 ud558uba74 ubc1fud600a pe lo man mi le dei ni Yeah mi le dei ni Nah a ca ha mieon par piae uce90ud130ud544ub7ec uce90ud130ud544ub7ec uc55euc5d0 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 uce68ubab0ud560 ub54c ucf1cuc9c4uac70uc57c ucf1cuc9c4uac70uc57c)kei te pir le kei te pir le a pei mo du ta qim mo lar ddei kiao jin ge ya kiao jin ge ya

Red Light - Green Light 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light - Green Light歌手:The Wildhearts专辑:Fishing For LuckiesLimp Bizkit - red light green lightfreak baby, freak freak baby (x2)red light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)i got the keys baby, put your mind at ease babygo playa, layin" the cheese babyi know you bitin", bitin" my steez babybut i came, came to please babydon"t wait, lay the greeze babydon"t flake, shake the knees babyyour fella"s mad at me baby, oh well, enemies babywho"s braggin" they raggin" on me baby?who"s breath is draggin" on me baby?who steps through all agony baby?who"s checks are bigger than me baby?who thinks before it goes down baby?who rocks in every town baby?i don"t know if it ain"t memust be a clone on this microphone babyred light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)(you know i"m down and ready to go)jump in the who ride, slide to the rhythm ofsnoop d.o. double g nigga from the dubi represent it to the fullest everywhere i goguaranteed to bust a ho, yeah i"m so originali don"t have to, i told you from the get goi like to lay low with my niggas blowin" endowe like to drink, talk shit, and spit at bitchesand that"s the way we do it, sometimes we hittin" switchesin the low-rider slidin" to the hood and backit"s snoop dogg in the muthafuckin" cadillacthey call it snoop deville for reali get the money and i never ever pop no pillsi used to pop"em, i"m lyin" to these motherfuckers nowi used to do all kind of shit when i was wildthey used to call me lil" bow wow now i"m big bow wowin this motherfucka bustin" a freestylesnoop dogg is in the place to see, do it with my nephew freddy dooh wee, in the place to seesnoop d.o. double g from the d.p.g.c.red light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)(you know i"m down and ready to go)freak baby, freak freak baby (x3)look who"s talkin" it up babyone more chalkin" it up babystar maps stalkin" it up babymy dogs barkin" it up babywho"d a thought i"d be layin it down baby?who"d a thought i"d be turnin" your frown baby?never know about things these days baby"till your cell phone rings and it"s me babychorus.......http://music.baidu.com/song/12514644

求F(X) redlight专辑里面的所有歌 谢谢

01. Red Light主打歌《Red Light》是一首在urban节奏中穿插house beat,节奏的反转性让人印象深刻的电子house风格的歌曲。歌词表现了暂时停下重新思考人生重要的东西的含义,象征警告的红灯,影射了Red Light,抓人眼球。02. MILK世界知名制作人Teddy Riley和Kenzie合作的高完成度《MILK》是一首吉他、打击乐及主音共同完成节奏的,形态独特的urban R&B歌曲,Acoustic的声音和Synth Sound完美融合,展示了新鲜的感觉。歌词中表现了离别后的心情,歌词中包含了就好像在伤口上倒牛奶做应急处理一样,用离别往受伤的心里洒牛奶的内容。03. 蝴蝶 (Butterfly)知名作曲家Thomas Troelsen参与的《蝴蝶(Butterfly)》,歌词表现了相爱的人的内心变成白色的蝴蝶去探险,神秘而感性,与梦幻的音乐完美融合。04. 彩虹 (Rainbow)这首歌是将Trap、Urban等多种风格的节奏和感觉混在一起的电子舞曲,歌词诙谐地描述了陷入爱情后那种漂浮朦胧的心情就像眼前升起的彩虹,引人注目。05. All Night《All Night》是一首犹如从收音机里流淌出一般,大众曲调的uptempo POP舞曲。要把喜欢的男人所拥有的魅力特点加到自己身上的可爱感性的歌词为歌曲增添了魅力。06. 度假 (Vacance)摇滚的音乐,去度假的开心的歌词融合在一起的摇滚舞曲,可以体会到夏季的悸动与浮躁的气氛。07. 说出来 (Spit It Out)是一首Rhythmical的曲调和说唱为基础的电子舞曲,能够感受到爆发的能量。歌词将为了让本不说真心话的恋人说出真心话而可爱地闹脾气的情况诙谐地表现出来。08. Boom Bang Boom沉重却跳脱的Synth贝斯让人印象深刻的POP舞曲《Boom Bang Boom》,把开始恋爱时相互时而贴近时而推却的感觉比喻成打拳击。

The Dead 60S的《Red Light》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light歌手:The Dead 60S专辑:The Dead 60SRed Lightthe strokesto strokes88Two could be complete without the rest of the worldTwo could be complete without the rest of the worldDo it for the people that would die for your sakeAn entire generation that has nothing to sayHow to makeYour way to meOn let"s say you made me a deal with meAnd I got your name and you"re on my checkWhen you"re all trashed up with your big red beltI might almost say that you might need helpI could drop you off at the next red lightIf it don"t make sense or it don"t feel rightAll the girls could never make me love meThe way I love youCan"t you see the skies is not the limit no moreI can see the elevator crash through the floorI can still see yesterday sailing awayAnd 7 billion people who got nothing to sayAre you comingHome to meWell I saw your face then I heard that songI was so inviting it hurt my bonesBut it looked like you but your eyes are grayAnd your hair is gone but your mind"s OKYes I like your smile but your forehead"s coldI don"t want you to be afraid and goI was cheating lives for youI was there on the nail for youI was waiting...For my baby to arriveRight by my sideOh please leave me alone tonightForget the pastTwo could be complete without the rest of the worldOh you know I said it just to get you to laughDo it for the people that would die for your sakeAn entire generation who entertained you for blameThe light is redThe camera"s onGet yourself a lawyer and a gunBait your friends of friends like everyone...Can be so competitiveOh the skies not the limitAnd your never gonna guess what is ooooooohttp://music.baidu.com/song/1212286

red light fx 歌词分配

秀晶:AyAyAyAyAy Wait a minute根据丛林的规制弱肉强食雪莉:不停向前碾压Yeah 碾压我一不小心就会被碾压Luna:AyAy It"s a Red Light Light这是实际情况哪里出了错我也不知道宋茜:AyAy It"s a Red Light Light总能听到谁警告的声音Red Light秀晶:暂时喘口气吧(喘口气喘口气)Eh-oh这不是战争(不是不是)合:睁大眼那里在冲突之前停下奔跑Amber:就要成为变化的目击者合:坦克履带在推进在它面前一切Amber:沉没的时候合:亮起Red Light鲜明的Red Light自己亮起那个就是Red LightLuna:Boy你所说的尽力只是辩解对我只是智商疑问(?)Luna+Amber:真爱说不定就是很慢的波动Amber:很慢的波动秀晶:AyAy It"s a Red Light Light相互寻找充满光芒的特殊紧急出口宋茜:AyAy思考看看什么为什么使我们停下Red LightLuna:回头一次(回头回头)Eh oh寻找珍贵(寻找寻找)合:睁大眼那里在冲突之前停下奔跑雪莉:就要成为变化的目击者合:坦克履带在推进在它面前一切雪莉:沉没的时候合:亮起Red Light鲜明的Red Light自己亮起那个就是Red Light合:亮起Red Light两个Red Light红太阳和你旁边的Red Light秀晶:奇迹来得Amber:虽然很晚Luna:我们等路灯愿意合:停止奔跑 雪莉:这是实际情况听一下声音合:睁大眼Yeah Amber:看看你周围出现的世界合:只碾压的 宋茜:冲突之前碾压你的合:坦克履带 秀晶:那是Madness合:亮起Red Light鲜明的Red Light自己亮起那个就是Red Light合:亮起Red Light两个Red Light红太阳和你旁边的Red Light

You( must) sport (on) (a red light).


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