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ambiguous是不明确。ambiguous是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词意思是“模糊不清的,模棱两可的;不明确的,不明朗的;引起歧义的”。ambiguous造句1、In retrospect,it is possible to see the uneasy and ambiguous nature of this relationship.回顾过去,我们可能会看到这种关系不安和模糊的本质。2、The law for Paul is a very ambiguous cosmic entity.保罗认为律法是很不清晰的宇宙存在。3、The manifesto is long-winded,repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.这篇宣言长篇大论,内容叠床架屋,词句常常含混不清或不知所云。4、High group displays the role of the inhibitory mechanism during every ambiguous sentence.在每个歧义句的理解中,t检验达到边缘显著水平,高组表现出明显的抑制机制。5、If we are made to speak of a goal,it mostly is ambiguous and illegible.如果一定要讲出一个目的来,我们的答案也大都是含糊不清的。6、He and I are ambiguous between the insincerely.我和他之间的暧昧都是言不由衷。

role ambiguity什么意思

role ambiguity英 [rəul ˌæmbɪˈgju:ɪti:] 美 [rol ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti] 角色不明

When keeping the ambiguity with you ,I fear I will fall in love with you





tolerance of ambiguity歧义容忍度

ambiguity resolution notification是什么意思

ambiguity resolution notification 歧义消解的通知

comfort with ambiguity什么意思?


integer ambiguity是什么意思

  整周模糊度(ambiguity of whole cycles)又称整周未知数。  是在全球定位系统技术的载波相位测量时,载波相位与基准相位之间相位差的首观测值所对应的整周未知数。

develop a high tolerance for ambiguity



前者是单词 后者是广场舞背景

那些永远记不住的单词|Ambiguous 模糊不清【008】

[æm"bɪgjʊəs]  模糊不清,容易产生歧义的千万不要和ambitious搞起来。这个单词我在这个学习计划的介绍里使用过,因为对一些经常读到的生词,我们也许可以猜想出它的大概意思,但是始终模糊不清,所以我说那些永远记不住的单词就是ambiguous words。和近义词vague的区别在于,ambiguous更多指容易产生歧义,多种解释。 似乎文学家是ambiguity最热衷的追求者 成功的文艺作品似乎都有这个特质,艺术家在塑造人物,设计情节,安排字句的时候都力图给读者多元的想象空间,不用自己的嘴说出人性中那些说不清,道不明的复杂性。我去年在看《布鲁克林》的时候,最后的画面,女主人公艾利斯回到纽约,在街角和昔日男友再次相拥在一起,这也是影片最末的定格。毫无疑问,这是让观众心理和情绪的高潮,结果我们的字幕组太给力,在这个美丽画面,缓缓迭出一句含义隽永的中文字幕:“此心安处,便是吾乡”。我突然一阵胸闷,为导演约翰·克劳利感到不平。你哪知道导演的用意啊?你知道吗?用字幕为观众总结电影真是帮了导演的倒忙,艺术家最大的技艺就在于创造这个ambiguity,所谓未知之美。 每天更新一篇文章,记住和深度理解一个单词,英语上一个新台阶,从此轻松啃下英文原著。加入《那些永远记不住的单词》年度英语学习特别计划的VIP群请 点击此处 。 Benefits of VIPs:  1)每天专用微信群内及时推送,进一步就单词互动巩固。2)在群内和任向晖的真人对话。3)年底汇编电子书。4)和任向晖不定时奖励的学习红包

phase ambiguity是什么意思

phase ambiguity 英[feiz ˌæmbɪˈgju:ɪti:] 美[fez ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti] [词典] 相位模糊; [例句]Method of resolving phase ambiguity in LBI instantaneous ranging systemLBI瞬时测距系统中的相位差解模糊方法

her answer was above all ambiguity的翻译为什么有两个,而且意思不同



n. 含糊;不明确;暧昧;模棱两可的话



ambiguity tolerance是什么意思

ambiguity tolerance 英[ˌæmbɪˈgju:ɪti: ˈtɔlərəns] 美[ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti ˈtɑlərəns] [释义] 易忍的模棱两可,模棱容忍度;

her answer was above all ambiguity的翻译为什么有两个,而且意思不同


ambiguity resolution是什么意思

ambiguity resolution 英[ˌæmbɪˈgju:ɪti: ˌrezəˈlu:ʃən] 美[ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti ˌrɛzəˈluʃən] 歧义消解 [例句]Development and testing of a kinematic carrier-phase ambiguity resolution method using a reference receiver network.使用参考接收器网络的运动学载波歧义解决方法的研发与试验。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

embrace ambiguity什么意思

embrace ambiguity接受不确定性embrace[英][ɪmˈbreɪs][美][ɛmˈbres]vt.& vi.拥抱; vt.接受; 信奉; 包括; 包含; n.拥抱,怀抱; ambiguity[英][ˌæmbɪˈgju:əti][美][ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti]n.含糊; 意义不明确; 含糊的话,模棱两可的话; 可作两种或多种解释; 复数:ambiguities例句:1.And that ambiguity is no good for the markets. 他们模棱两可的表态对市场没有任何好处。2.This time, with no ambiguity about who ordered the attack, he may be under more pressure to respond. 这一次,由于在攻击发起者方面毫无悬念,在如何应对上,他可能面临更大的压力。


ambiguity[英][ˌæmbɪˈgju:əti][美][ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti]n.含糊; 意义不明确; 含糊的话,模棱两可的话; 可作两种或多种解释; 复数:ambiguities双语例句1There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.协议这一部分的真正含义很不明确。2Consulting buzzwords, no ambiguity, just a simple question for all of us to ponder.没有咨询业故弄玄虚的空话套话,没有模棱两可,就是一个简单的问题供大家思考。


  ambiguity英 [ˌæmbɪˈgju:əti] 美 [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti]  n.含糊; 意义不明确; 含糊的话,模棱两可的话; 可作两种或多种解释;  [例句]To remove the ambiguity, these laws should refer to the velocity and the acceleration of the center of mass.  要避免含糊,这些定律所指的应当是质心的速度和加速度。  [其他]复数:ambiguities

Ambient Light Sensor是什么意思

Ambient Light Sensor是什么意思?【释义行激】Ambient Light Sensor环吵蔽境光传感升带州器请采纳~

Ambient Light Sensor是什么意思


ambient lighting是什么意思

ambient lighting [英]ˈæmbi:ənt ˈlaɪtɪŋ [美]ˈæmbiənt ˈlaɪtɪŋ 室内照明,环境照明 [例句]Cozy couches that support your back and ambient lighting make for a comfortable musical listening experience.温馨睡椅支持您回来和环境照明作出1舒适音乐聆听体验。


double-digit英文发音:[ˌdʌbl ˈdɪdʒɪt]中文释义:adj.两位数的例句:Both men and women can expect to have double-digit numbers of jobs in their lifetimes.男性和女性都一生中做过的工作数量都达到了两位数。词汇解析:1、double英文发音:[ˈdʌbl]中文释义:adj.两倍的;加倍的;双的;成双的;成对的;供两者用的;双人的例句:Not only do they give me double coupons.他们不光给我两倍的优惠券。2、digit英文发音:[ˈdɪdʒɪt]中文释义:n.(从 0 到 9 的任何一个)数字,数位;手指;拇指;脚趾例句:Her telephone number differs from mine by one digit.她的电话号码和我的只差一个数字。扩展资料double的用法:1、double用作形容词的基本意思是“双的”,其所修饰的名词一般为单数。2、double常用来表示倍数,后面可接名词、数词、代词,在double与被修饰的名词之间有时还可用定冠词the或物主代词。3、double还可指在同类比赛中“两次获奖”,此时一般用单数形式,且其前有定冠词。4、double作“是…的两倍”“兼任”解时,如果所接的宾语是可数名词,要用复数形式; 作“折叠”解时,即使宾语是可数名词,但也要用单数形式,因为折叠起来后仍然是一个。



the ambassador,who is said to have been slightly injured,was bravely defended by his servant

is said to 据说……



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might have chosen

虚拟,与过去事实相反 他本可以选择其他职业,但在那时他没有足够的钱去读书.

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声卡有两个光纤接口,分别用于数字信号的输入与输出 秋叶原(CHOSEAL) QB-130 数码光纤线 数字音频线 12块钱


很高兴能回答跟我有相同喜好的朋友们的问题 尤其是关于nw的。t主唱在05年离开后,nw乐队就沉寂了很久,一方面 我估计是托马斯等人受到的影响比较大,毕竟主唱离开了,需要时间调整自己和乐队;另一方面在重新振作后就开始物色新的乐队主唱。所以在05年后的作品,至今只有你所听到的新主唱a姐的Dark Passion Play (bye bye beautiful就在这里面)这一张专辑。当然他们在期间有翻唱其他歌曲的即兴表演或是单曲,但都不属于专辑范畴。传说要出新专辑了 但不知道真假。说点废话:1、很高兴他们在05年之后能够挺过来。2、楼上就知道复制 复制 复制,有点技术含量行不,鄙视。


dark chest of wonders有一次我有一个梦这是它

biggest island什么意思

biggest island最大的岛拼音双语对照双语例句1Hainan is the second biggest island of China with the abundant unique wildlife resources.海南岛是中国第二大岛,岛内野生动物资源独特而丰富,孕育着丰富的翼手类动物资源,是中国翼手类种类密度最高的地区之一。2Changxing, the First Biggest Island in North China, Is Full of Charm长兴岛北方第一大岛的魅力


she is my sin号称CS第一战歌,在记忆中算是夜愿最劲爆的歌了,其他能与之相比的,个人认为只有I wish i have a angle,和she is my sin略有不同的是加入了山羊胡大叔那彪悍的高音,很不错。此外,个人比较推崇A姐加入后的Amaranth,和T姐风格不一样,但旋律依旧,推荐。其实NIGHTWISH还有很多其他经典的歌,快节奏的如NEMO,THE KINSLAYER,打游戏的时候做背景音乐很不错。


1. Angels Fall First专辑名称:Angels Fall First资源类型:MP3!发行时间:1996年专辑歌手:夜愿(NightWish)地区:芬兰语言:英语,芬兰语专辑曲目:01 - Elvenpath02 - Beauty and the Beast03 - The Carpenter04 - Astral Romance05 - Angels Fall First06 - Tutankhamen07 - Nymphomaniac Fantasia08 - Know Why the Nightingale Sings09 - Lappi 1 Eramaajarvi10 - Lappi 2 Witchdrums11 - Lappi 3 This Moment Is Eternity12 - Lappi 4 Etiainen13 - A Return To The Sea (Limited Edition Bonus Track) 2. Oceanborn 专辑名称:Oceanborn资源类型:MP3!发行时间:1998年专辑歌手:夜愿(Nightwish)地区:芬兰语言:英语专辑曲目:01 - Stargazers02 - Gethsemane03 - Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean04 - Sacrament of Wilderness05 - Passion and the Opera06 - Swanheart07 - Moondance08 - The Riddler09 - The Pharao Sails to Orion10 - Walkin in the Air11 - Nightquest12 - Passion and the Opera (Single Edit) 3. Wishmaster专辑名称:Wishmaster资源类型:MP3!发行时间:2000年专辑歌手:夜愿(NightWish)地区:芬兰语言:英语专辑曲目:01 - She Is My Sin02 - The Kinslayer03 - Come Cover Me04 - Wanderlust05 - Two For Tragedy06 - Wishmaster07 - Bare Grace Misery08 - Crownless09 - Deep Silent Complete10 - Dead Boy"s Poem11 - Fantasmic 4. Over The Hills And Far Away 专辑名称:Over The Hills And Far Away资源类型:MP3!发行时间:2001年专辑歌手:夜愿(NightWish)地区:芬兰语言:英语专辑曲目:CD101 - Over The Hills And Far Away02 - 10th Man Down03 - Away04 - Astral Romance05 - The Kinslayer (Live)06 - She Is My Sin (Live)07 - Sacrament Of Wilderness (Live)08 - Walking In The Air (Live)09 - Wishmaster (Live)10 - Deep Silent Complete (Live)CD201 - Over the Hills and Far Away02 - 10Th Man Down03 - Away04 - Astral Romance 5. Century Child专辑名称:Century Child资源类型:MP3!版本:Special Edition发行时间:2002年专辑歌手:夜愿(NightWish)地区:芬兰语言:英语专辑曲目:01 - Bless The Child02 - End Of All Hope03 - Dead To The World04 - Ever Dream05 - Slaying The Dreamer06 - Forever Yours07 - Ocean Soul08 - Feel For You09 - The Phantom Of The Opera10 - Beauty Of The Beast11 - The Wayfahrer (Japanese Bonus)12 - Long Lost Love (Bonus)13 - One More Night To Live (Bonus)14 - Christabel (Bonus)6. Once专辑名称:Once资源类型:MP3!发行时间:2004年07月07日专辑歌手:Nightwish地区:芬兰语言:英语,芬兰语专辑曲目:1. Dark Chest of Wonders2. Wish I Had an Angel3. Nemo4. Planet Hell5. Creek Mary"s Blood6. Siren7. Dead Gardens8. Romanticide9. Ghost Love Score10. Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan11. Higher Than Hope-7. Dark Passion Play 专辑名称:Dark Passion Play资源类型:MP3!发行时间:2007年9月28日发售!专辑歌手:Nightwish地区:芬兰语言:英语,芬兰语专辑曲目:1. The Poet And The Pendulum2. Bye Bye Beautiful3. Amaranth4. Cadence Of Her Last Breath5. Master Passion Greed6. Eva7. Sahara8. Whoever Brings The Night9. For The Heart I Once Had10. The Islander11. Last Of The Wilds12. 7 Days To The Wolves13. Meadows Of Heaven8. Bestwishes 专辑名称:Bestwishes资源类型:MP3!发行时间:2005年3月22日专辑歌手:Nightwish地区:芬兰语言:英语专辑曲目:01. Stargazers02. The Kinslayer03. She is My Sin04. Ever Dream05. Come Cover Me06. Know Why the Nightingale Sings07. Bless the Child08. End of All Hope09. The Riddler10. Sleepwalker (Original Mix)11. Crownless12. Sacrament of Wilderness13. Walking in the Air14. Beauty and the Beast 9. Highest.Hopes 专辑名称:Highest.Hopes资源类型:MP3!发行时间:2005年09月28日专辑歌手:Nightwish地区:美国语言:英语专辑曲目:01.Wish I Had an Angel 04:0402. Stargazers 04:2603. The Kinslayer 04:0204. Ever Dream 04:4405. Elvenpath 04:3806. Bless the Child 06:1207. Nemo 04:3508. Sleeping Sun (2005 Version) 04:2509. Dead to the World 04:1910. Over the Hills and Far Away 05:0011. Deep Silent Complete 03:5712. Sacrament of Wilderness 04:1113. Walking in the Air 05:2714. Wishmaster 04:2315. Dead Boy"s Poem 06:4916. High Hopes 07:20Single: Eramaan Viimeinen (in Finland only) (2007)   1. Eramaan Viimeinen (Finnish Version of "Last of The Wilds")   2. Eramaan Viimeinen (Instrumental)      EP:Nightwish -《The Sound of Nightwish Reborn》(2008)   1. Eva (Pre-Anette Olzon Demo Version)   2. Reach (Pre-Anette Olzon Demo Version)   3. While Your Lips are Still Red (B-Side)   4. The Escapist (B-Side)   5. The Poet and the Pendulum (Pre-Anette Olzon Demo Version)   6. Bye Bye Beautiful (Dj Orkidea Remix)   7. Meadow of Heaven (Orchestral Version)   8. Amaranth (Orchestral Version)   9. The Escapist (Intrumental Version)   Made In Hong Kong <And In Various Other Places> (2009.3.13)   发行公司: Nuclear Blast Records   CD曲目:   1. Bye Bye Beautiful (Live)   2. Whoever Brings The Night (Live)   3. Amaranth (Live)   4. The Poet And The Pendulum (Live)   5. Sahara (Live)   6. The Islander (Live)   7. Last Of The Wilds (Live)   8. 7 Days To The Wolves (Live)   9. The Escapist (Album Version)   10. While Your Lips Are Still Red (Album Version)   11. Cadence Of Her Last Breath (B-Side, Performed by Marco)


中文翻译:为谁枪通行费为谁猎物啜泣低头,在一个战争称之为宗教有些伤口永远无法愈合一些眼泪永远不会改变干为刻薄哭,为人类连死哭-他们唯一的安慰杀死你的朋友,我不介意兰屿的孩子,利欲熏心瞪眼需要理解没有必要原谅没有真理,是没有意义的左侧应遵循"面对这难以承受的恐惧之类的会议,是一个老朋友" "的时候死了,穷人的队友们,你让我什么我! " "在这个世界上的100万宗教祈祷大家以同样的方式" "你的祈祷是徒劳的,它会全部超过早日" "爸爸救我,救我的地方,由贵方" ! "没有上帝,我们的信条是,但对自己" "不是英雄,除非你死了,我们种的,吃人受伤三一" "喝醉了,与血液你的受害者我觉得你很可惜-想要疼痛, 利令智昏,功成名就后,一种致命游戏" "跷家与你无可挑剔健" ! " -良好的子宫他所传染坏儿子… … " -咒骂,上帝,为什么? 下降,为每一个谎言幸存者罪恶感在我们永远15蜡烛redeemers这个世界住在伪善: "怎么都是我们要知道" o(∩_∩)o...


Baptized with a perfect name 以完美的名字受洗礼 The doubting one by heart 心中的疑虑 Alone without himself 唯独他没有 War between him and the day 他与时代的战争 Need someone to blame 需要人来归罪 In the end, little he can do alone最后弱小的他只能孤独地离去 You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的 You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地 Apart from the wandering pack 从流浪的行囊中分离 In this brief flight of time we reach 在这时光飞逝的旅程中 For the ones, whoever dare 为了一个人,谁都有勇气 You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的 You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地 Reaching, searching for something untouched 企及,寻找未曾接触的事物 Hearing voices of the never-fading calling倾听未曾消失的呼唤 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地这其中之意,只可意会,不可言传,慢慢悟吧...

Nightwish- Amaranth中文歌词

Nightwish - Amaranth 夜愿 - 不朽之花 Baptized with a perfect name 以完美的名字受洗礼 The doubting one by heart 心中的疑虑 Alone without himself 唯独他没有 War between him and the day 他与时代的战争 Need someone to blame 需要人来归罪 In the end, little he can do alone最后弱小的他只能孤独地离去 You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的 You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地 Apart from the wandering pack 从流浪的行囊中分离 In this brief flight of time we reach 在这时光飞逝的旅程中 For the ones, whoever dare 为了一个人,谁都有勇气 You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的 You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地 Reaching, searching for something untouched 企及,寻找未曾接触的事物 Hearing voices of the never-fading calling倾听未曾消失的呼唤 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地

Nightwish- Amaranth中文歌词

Nightwish - Amaranth 夜愿 - 不朽之花 Baptized with a perfect name 以完美的名字受洗礼 The doubting one by heart 心中的疑虑 Alone without himself 唯独他没有 War between him and the day 他与时代的战争 Need someone to blame 需要人来归罪 In the end, little he can do alone最后弱小的他只能孤独地离去 You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的 You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地 Apart from the wandering pack 从流浪的行囊中分离 In this brief flight of time we reach 在这时光飞逝的旅程中 For the ones, whoever dare 为了一个人,谁都有勇气 You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的 You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地 Reaching, searching for something untouched 企及,寻找未曾接触的事物 Hearing voices of the never-fading calling倾听未曾消失的呼唤 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水 The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪 Caress the one 抚慰一个人 The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花 In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地


Baptised with a perfect name The doubting one by heart Alone without himself War between him and the day Need someone to blame In the end, little he can do alone You believe but what you see You receive but what you give Caress the one, the Never-Fading Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow Caress the one, the hiding amaranth In a land of the daybreak Apart from the wandering pack In this brief flight of time we reach For the ones, whoever dare You believe but what you see You receive but what you give Caress the one, the Never-Fading Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow Caress the one, the hiding amaranth In a land of the daybreak Reaching, searching for something untouched Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling Caress the one, the Never-Fading Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow Caress the one, the hiding amaranth In a land of the daybreak中英对比:[ti:Amaranth][ar:Nightwish][al:Dark Passion Play][offset:500][00:00.00]Amaranth[00:29.00][00:32.00]Baptised with a perfect name 以完美的名字受洗礼[00:38.00]the doubting one by heart 心中的疑虑[00:43.00]Alone without himself 唯独他没有[00:48.00]War between him and the day 他与时代的战争[00:54.00]Need someone to blame 需要人来归罪[00:57.00]In the end, little he can do alone 最后弱小的他只能孤独地离去[01:03.00]You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的[01:06.00]You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的[01:10.00]Caress the one抚慰一个人[01:12.00]the Never-Fading Rain in your heart 你心中从未消失的雨水[01:15.00]the tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪[01:18.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[01:19.00]the hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花[01:20.00]In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地[01:32.00]Apart from the wandering pack 从流浪的行囊中分离[01:38.00]In this brief flight of time we reach 在这时光飞逝的旅程中[01:42.00]For the ones, whoever dare 为了一个人,谁都有勇气[01:47.00]You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的[01:51.00]You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的[01:54.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[01:56.00]the Never-Fading Rain in your heart 你心中从未消失的雨水[02:00.00]the tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪[02:02.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[02:04.00]the hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花[02:06.00]In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地[02:10.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[02:12.00]the Never-Fading Rain in your heart 你心中从未消失的雨水[02:16.00]the tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪[02:19.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[02:21.00]the hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花[02:23.00]In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地[02:41.00]Reaching, searching for something untouched 企及,寻找未曾接触的事物[02:46.00]Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling 倾听未曾消失的呼唤[03:10.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[03:12.00]the Never-Fading Rain in your heart 你心中从未消失的雨水[03:15.00]the tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪[03:18.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[03:20.00]the hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花[03:21.00]In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地[03:26.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[03:28.00]the Never-Fading Rain in your heart 你心中从未消失的雨水[03:30.00]the tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪[03:33.00]Caress the one 抚慰一个人[03:34.00]the hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花[03:36.00]In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地[03:43.00]

Unheilig的Wir Sind Alle Wie Eins歌词

Wir gehen hinaus in die WeltWie gehen auf große ReiseTragen die Heimat im HerzenVon Kontinent zu KontinentÜber die Berge, über das MeerBis ans Ende der WeltTausend Sprachen, eine BotschaftTausend Worte, ein GefühlTausend Stimmen, eine SehnsuchtDieser Weg führt zum ZielWir sind alle wie EinsIn den Träumen ist die Sprache gleichEin Himmel, eine SonneWir sind wirWir sind alle wie EinsUnsere Freundschaft kann die Brücke seinEine Stimme, ein ChorWir sind wirWir sind alle wie EinsIch leg den Blick auf den MenschenWir begegnen uns mit offenen ArmenEs gibt so vieles zu lernenUnd zu verstehenTausend Sprachen, eine BotschaftTausend Worte, ein GefühlTausend Stimmen, eine SehnsuchtDieser Weg führt zum ZielWir sind alle wie EinsIn den Träumen ist die Sprache gleichEin Himmel, eine SonneWir sind wirWir sind alle wie EinsUnsere Freundschaft kann die Brücke seinEine Stimme, ein ChorWir sind wirWir sind alle wie EinsWir sind alle wie EinsEin Himmel, eine SonneWir sind alle wie EinsUnsere Freundschaft kann die Brücke seinEine Stimme, ein ChorWir sind wirWir sind alle wie EinsWir sind alle wie Eins

he sings when he"sdigging and chopping up logs中文什么意思


“kung Fu Fighting”这首歌的歌词用中文以最相似的发音配对。比如“kung fu ”对“空腹”。


kungfufighting 歌词翻译 ,谢谢



名侦探柯南《Girigiri Chop》的歌词

OP6 ギリギリchop 演唱:B"z ■■■日文歌词■■■ だいたいどんな雑志をめくったってダメ ため息でちゃうワ 仆に似合う服なんかはありゃしないのよ 世纪末の流行色 全部はおまえにゃあわせられないよ がっかりさせてごめんねなんてネ ギリギリ崖の上を行くように フラフラしたっていいじゃないかよ それでも前に行くしかないんだから 大丈夫 仆の场合は 今じゃ谁も心配なんかしてないだろうな どうぞ攻撃してもいいよ 别に无鉄炮なんかじゃないんだよ アタマもそこそこ使ってる たまに苦しくて痛いのが 気持ちよかったりなんかしたりして ギリギリの感じなんだよ好きなのは なまぬるい温泉はまだちょっとでいい きわどい快感に冒されて 楽しめなきゃまずいんじゃないの うかれっぱなしとはまたちょいと违う シマリがないとまたみんなにコソコソ笑われるぞオマエ ギリギリじゃないと仆ダメなんだよ おねがい さむい目で见つめないでよ 自分のペースでやらせてよ じゃないとすぐにつぶれる ギリギリ崖の上を行くように フラフラしたっていいじゃないかよ それでも前に行くしかないんだから 大丈夫 仆の场合は ■■■中文歌词■■■ 翻开所有的杂志都没有用 我叹息 深深的叹息 这个世界已没有衣服适合我 这个世纪最后的流行色 我无法完全适合你的品味 很抱歉让你失望了 玩笑而已 像一个人走在悬崖边缘 我摇摇欲坠 你想劝阻我吗 是的 我除了向前走以别无选择 我没有什么问题 失去真相我无法生存 请不要冷眼讥嘲我 就让我一个人 拥有自由的时光 否则我的命运就是崩溃 ■■■发音■■■ daitai donna zasshi wo mekuttatte dame tameiki dechauwa boku ni niau fuku nanka ha aryrashinai no yo seikimatsu no ryuukoushoku zenbu ha omae nya awaserarenai yo gakkari sasete gomen ne nante ne girigiri gake no ue no yuku you ni furafura shitatte iijanai ka yo sore demo mae ni iku shikanain dakara daijyoubu boku no bai ha girigiri jyanai to boku dame nanda yo onegai samui me de mistumenai de yo jibun no peisu de yarasete yo jyanai to sugu ni tsubureru girigiri gake no ue no yuku you ni furafura shitatte iijanai ka yo sore demo mae ni iku shikanain dakara daijyoubu boku no bai ha

He has big hands,but I have amaii______怎么填?

He has big hands,but I have a small one.





this soup is just right是什么意思

this soup is just right这汤恰到好处。

Tom answers,"Look at the sign in the pond. Ican"t swim here.什么意思?


big frog in a small pond是什么意思及反义词

big frog in a small pond小池塘中的大青蛙

求英文翻译,英译汉,歌词~ 歌曲spin 演唱者 late night alumni~

Who are you fooling? 你在耍谁?It"s not Russian Roulette. 这可不是俄罗斯轮盘I"m not gonna sit this one out. 我不会袖手旁观It"s suicide you decide, 看来你是自寻死路be it left be it right maybe wrong? 是左是右也许是错?While you let it out of your sight, 当它逃离了你的视线first it"s left then it"s right till it"s gone. 先左后右然后消失If you"re a point on a line, 如果你是直线上的一点the rolling figure is mine. 那旋转的数字就是我And I"m still gonna roll round and round. 我还要转啊转啊转How about a small wager? 不如打个小小的赌?I know you need another player. 我知道你需要对手I want you to know how it feels. 我想让你知道这种感觉I"m all for spinning that wheel. 我很赞成旋转那个轮子But who are you fooling? 但是你在耍谁?it"s not Russian Roulette. 这可不是俄罗斯轮盘Save the last one for me. 最后一个留给我It"s suicide you decide, 你真是自寻死路be it left be it right maybe wrong? 是左是右也许是错?While you let it out of your sight, 当它逃离了你的视线first it"s left then it"s right till it"s gone.先左后右然后消失The clock may never unwind, 闹钟也许从没松发条the day and night combined. 日夜混为一谈I"m not gonna fall asleep this time. 这个时候我睡不着And I"ve been brave. 我从来都很勇敢Tell me again to behave. 再对我说次“安分点”You alter the laws of chance 你有机会改变规则with a touch of your hand. 用手碰我试试How about a small wager? 不如打个小小的赌?I know you need another player. 我知道你需要对手I want you to know how it feels. 我想让你知道这种感觉I"m all for spinning that wheel.我很赞成旋转那个轮子But who are you fooling?但是你在耍谁?It"s not Russian Roulette. 这可不是俄罗斯轮盘I"m not gonna sit this one out. .我不会袖手旁观

求英文翻译,英译汉,歌词~ 歌曲Spin 演唱者 late night alumni~


寻找的Late Night Alumni[Empty Street]所有曲目的歌词。

1-Seemingly Sleepy 第一首歌名应该是这个:)Wake me up to the soundOf my feet upon the groundGet me out, get me throughGive myself a talking to.I"m awake and althoughWell it"s not my place to say,I brush the hair from my earsAnd slowly walk away.Cause this is the dayThis is the day.Early to bed, early to rise,Seemingly sleeping with open eyes.Early to bed, early to rise,Sleeping still all pride aside.Waking up to the soundOf my feet above the groundGets me out, follows throughWith my fortunes to renewI"m awake and I knowThat it"s no one"s place to say.I toss the hair from my earsAnd slowly walk away.Cause this is the day.This is the day.Early to bed, early to rise,Seemingly sleeping with open eyes.Early to bed, early to rise,Sleeping still all pride aside.2-Rainy Days 哎呀~楼主第二首名字也不对劲~汗The day is cold.The day is cold and dark and dreary.And it rains.And the wind is never weary.Ivy still clings to the wall.At every gust the dead leaves fall.And the day is dark.And the day is dark and dreary.Be still sad heart.Oh be still and cease repining.Behind the cloudsIs the sun still shining.Thy fate is the fate of all.Into life some rain must fall.Some days must be darkSome days must be dark and dreary.3-Empty StreetsThe city feels clean this time of nightJust empty streets and me walking homeTo clear my headAnd though it came as no surpriseI"m affected more than I had guessedBy what was saidIf this loves not meant to beIf a hearts not ready to openIf the naked eye won"t seeIt"s broken.It"s that quiet time before the dawnAnd I"m half past making sense of itWas I wrong?Should I think to give it allIn a world where not much ever seamsTo last long.If this loves not meant to beIf a hearts not ready to openIf the naked eye won"t seeIt"s broken.4-The Rest Of YouYou say love has given upYet here"s my heart, still filling upHoping that you will followPoetry inside my headThoughts sublime that must be saidHere am I, explaining why I care.Still feel the warmth of youCan"t get enough of youStill think the world of youStill want the rest of youStill feel the best if yet to comeIn the heart where love can growTakes to time for it to showBut sometimes we just don"t realizeLook into my eyes and seeA simple truth you..ll find in meHere am I, explaining why..Still feel the warmth of youCan"t get enough of youStill think the world of youStill want the rest of youStill feel the best if yet to come5-Sunrise Comes Too SoonSunrise following our goodbyesFollowing the night like youDisappeared too soonBut it staysHear it in the morning wavesSpinning from the night with youUnderneath the half moonClose my eyesAnd you"ll still be here with meClose my eyesThe sunrise comes too soonSo I layLounging though and endless dayDreaming of tonight with youAnd everything we"ll do.Its just timeFrom mundane to the sublimeFrom waiting for tonight with youUnderneath the half moonClose my eyesAnd you"ll still be here with meClose my eyesWell I might come overJust to tide me overCause the waiting might kill meIf I don"t come overWhy does time move slowlyWhen I"m not with youAnd the sunrise comes too soon.6--ErosEros prays we build our house upon him.Sees how well it stands, how long we lastBuilt upon the sand, on the idol Eros.So when he"s gone can I do what Eros does?What he does for us, he does for us.And when he"s gone can it be the way it was?Bring him back to us. Is he all we"ve gotOur house built upon? On the idol Eros?When our haven wavers in the windAnd walls all beg to be abandoned,Blame the idol Eros.When the raven calls and all his melodiesAll long to be forgotten,Blame the idol Eros.What"s left to say but I loved the way it was?..Cause I said I would, I"ve done all I could.See what he"s done to us?Oh the idol Eros.When our haven wavers in the windAnd walls all beg to be abandoned,When the raven calls and all his melodiesAll long to be forgotten,Blame the idol Eros.7-Keep up with me 这个歌名……= =+There is a kind of mood todayWhere everything is going my wayCome on don..t fight itYou like itYou try itCome here baby and dance with meYou see if you let goFeeling the flowCome here baby take a chance with meKeep up with meIf you..re wanting something moreKeep on movingTo the rhythm on the floor8-HeavenI searched for hours and hoursBut only found more shoesMore points of viewAs if I knew9-BeautifulHere we areFinally togetherHolding closeNever release thisFeeling, thisMomentMy dream is now alive in youCause you..re beautifulSomething in your eyes tell meI have found a love that never diesI don..t have to dreamReality is beautiful in youIt..s never felt more true.There you areFinally the answerTake my handNever release theSweetness, theMagic, the happinessI found in you10-Meant To BeYou tell me love is standing next to youThere"s not much about love that I understandAnd here you are again despiteThe imposable.. improbableThat"s how I know this love is more than usualThis is just what I needAnd here you are again to take my handYou stay with meAnd take another chanceThis is what was meant to beTook so long for you and meI figured out the way to goYes I know you told me soNow I have the eyes to seeSome things make sense more than othersThings of the heart seldom doBut here you are againAnd now I understandI"ll take this gift you"ve given meThis is what was meant to beTook so long for you and meI figured out the way to goYes I know you told me soNow I have the eyes to see11-All For NothingIt"s all for nothingThe love we seeA broken offeringA sad old dreamSo what it used to beIs not enoughIt"s all for nothingIf we give up.When I think of all the dreams we used to shareAll the days, all the night when you where thereAll my words upon the lines you used to keepWhen I think of all the promises, it cuts so deepIt"s all for nothingThe love we seeA broken offeringA sad old dreamSo what it used to beIs not enoughIt"s all for nothingIf we give up.It"s so crazy that we ran away from hereTell me what good can I take from all my tearsTell me baby cause I know you feel the sameIt"s crazy that we came this far and now we can"t stayIt"s all for nothingThe love we seeA broken offeringA sad old dreamSo what it used to beIs not enoughIt"s all for nothingIf we give up.12-Nothing Left To SayAnother day has come and goneAnd I"ve been holding in..Not holding onFeeling out of place, II"m wanting to escape, II pack my bags with nothing left to sayIt"s when I think I"ve figured outThe figures simply turningInside outBurn before it catches, II rummage through the ashes, II turn the page with nothing left to say.

A group of alumni ,highly established in their careers ,got together to visi


谁知道Sarah Brightman的A question of honor的歌词?

A question of honour (extended version)(Sarah)Ebbene? ... N"andrò lontana,Come va l"eco della pia campana,Là, fra la neve bianca;Là, fra le nubi d"or;Là, dov"è la speranza, la speranzaIl rimpianto, il rimpianto, e il dolor!Ebbene? ... N"andrò lontana,Là, dov"è la speranza, la speranzaIl rimpiantoSola e lontana!(male choir)Two men collideWhen two men collide, when two men collideTwo men collideWhen two men collide, when two men collide(Sarah)It"s a question of honour(male choir)Two men collideWhen two men collide, when two men collideTwo men collideWhen two men collide, when two men collideTwo men collideWhen two men collide, when two men collide(Sarah)It"s a question of honourIt"s a question of honour(full choir)If you win or you lose,It"s a question of honourAnd the way that you choose,It"s a question of honour(Sarah)I can"t tell what"s wrong or right If black is white or day is night But I know when two men collide It"s a question of honour(full choir)If you win or you lose,It"s a question of honourAnd the way that you choose,It"s a question of honourIf you win or you lose,It"s a question of honourAnd the way that you choose,It"s a question of honourIf you win or you lose,It"s a question of honourAnd the way that you choose,It"s a question of honourIf you win or you lose,It"s a question of honourAnd the way that you choose,It"s a question of honour(Sarah)I can"t tell what"s wrong or right If black is white or day is night I know when two men collide It"s a question of honourEbbene? ... N"andrò lontana,Come l"eco della pia campana,Là, fra la neve bianca;Là, fra le nubi d"or;N"andrò, n"andrò sola e lontana!E fra le nubi d"or!

the choices open to design museums seem far less strict than those to art museums

设计博物馆展品的选择远不及那些艺术博物馆来的严格the choices指代那些展品内容,the choices open to design museum是说话对设计博物馆开放的展品选择范围严格度不如艺术馆严格 open动词


fake 意思是 “假的”,大写 Fake 是人名,中文译作 “费克”,是 Faulkes (福克斯) 的变体。 nigga 是对 negro (黑人) 的蔑称 。

一首狠清纯的声音,节奏狠欢快,经常被当做背景音的英文歌,女生唱的高潮重复all the night,其中在all the n




“quarter past eight”是什么意思?

是八点十五的意思。这是英文里面时间的表达方式的一种,quarter是十分之一的意思,也就是一刻钟,past的意识是“超过”,eight表示的是数字“八”,所以是  八点过一刻的意思,也就是八点十五。英文里面时间的表达方式还有很多种,可以直接说分时的数字,也可以用一些介词,像past和to这种,past表示时刻过去,to 表示时刻到达,如果刚刚的表达是Quarter to eight,那它表示的时间就是“再过一刻钟到八点”也就是“七点四十五”的意思,英文时间里面半个小时同样可以用half来表示,“half”就是一半的意思,例如“八点半”就说“half past eight”。更简单的就是直接说数字,“twenty  eight”=“8:20”。

thunder fighter是什么意思

thunder fighter雷战士例句1.Thunder fighter VC++ source code of the game, the game similar to lightning, with sound, flying and shooting with the keyboard controls.VC++游戏雷霆战机源代码,这款游戏类似雷电,带声音,用键盘控制飞行和射击。2.Flying the Republic F - 84C Thunder jet fighter-bomber , the General became a highly decorated and respected veteran of the Korean air war.飞行着共和F-84雷鸣号喷气战斗-轰炸机,史密斯成为了一名最受尊敬的曾参加过朝鲜空战的老兵。

cream-filled delight 73% dark chocolat汉语是什么意思


thunder lighting

thunder 是雷lighting是电


Lightning vs Thunder• Lightning and thunder are interrelated events in a natural phenomenon that generates electricity.• Lightning is seen first as speed of light is much faster than the speed of sound.• Thunder is a loud rumbling sound whereas lightning is a visual.• Thunder is a result of lightning as electricity travels in air.• Lightning is a very large spark of electricity that raises the temperature of the air around itself up to 30000 degrees Centigrade.• The vibrations of air as electricity travels through it cause a loud sound called thunder.


有雾,(rainy?)下雨,刮风,多云,飘雪,雾霾,小雨,打雷,闪电= =

为什么在通常情况下 外国人喜欢吧may换为might?



should 应该,语气比较强,有商量、请求的意思,但might比它还要弱。must表语气最强,必须,强调主观。can表示能力,语气强过be able to祝你新年快乐哦>_<




一、表示允许  其意为“可以”.表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去);表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用may而不用might.如:May (Might) I come round in the morning?我早上来可以吗?“May I take this book out?” “Yes,you may.” “我可以把这书带走吗?”“唔,可以.”(由于答语是表示给予允许,可用 may,但不能用 might)  You may take my dictionary as long as you don"t keep it too long.只要使用时间不太长,你可以把我的词典拿去.(不用might)  二、表示推测  may 和 might 均可表示推测,意为“可能”.此时 might 并非表示过去,只是比may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小.两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may 通常不用于句首,而 might 有时可用于疑问句的句首.如:He may (might) be in his office now.他现在说不定在办公室里.You may (might) be able to persuade him.你也许能说服他.Might it rain tonight?今晚会下雨吗?要表示对过去的情况进行推测,不能用“might+动词原形”,必须用“may / might+have+过去分词”结构.如:I may have hurt your feelings but that was certainly not my intention.我或许伤害了你的感情,但那绝非我的意图.There may (might) have been someone waiting outside.可能曾有人在外面等候.另外,“might+have+过去分词”还可表示过去可能发生而实际上却并没发生的事(此时的might不能换成may).如:In other circumstances,I might have agreed.在其他情况下我可能就会同意的.I might have guessed he"d fail to read the instructions.我本来早该知道他不会看说明书的.

might 与 could区别,谢谢

might与could的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、might:  可能;也许2、could:可以;能;可能二、用法不同1、might:用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求, 还可用于表示希望或目的的从句中。might也是may的过去式,用于问句中代替may,以表示礼貌。例句:That might be in your favor那可能对你有利。2、could:用于疑问句中并不表示过去时,有时表示把握不大或犹豫, could用于特殊疑问句常含有惊讶、迷惑等感情色彩。例句:The exam results could determine your career考试成绩可能会决定你的前途。三、侧重点不同1、might:语气比较生硬。2、could:语气比较委婉。



may might 区别

两个词都表示可能的意思 might的语气要弱一些


一、表示允许  其意为“可以”。表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去);表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用 may而不用might。如:  May (Might) I come round in the morning? 我早上来可以吗?  “May I take this book out?” “Yes, you may.” “我可以把这书带走吗?”“唔,可以。”(由于答语是表示给予允许,可用 may,但不能用 might)  You may take my dictionary as long as you don"t keep it too long. 只要使用时间不太长,你可以把我的词典拿去。(不用might)  二、表示推测  may 和 might 均可表示推测,意为“可能”。此时 might 并非表示过去,只是比 may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may 通常不用于句首,而 might 有时可用于疑问句的句首。如:  He may (might) be in his office now. 他现在说不定在办公室里。  You may (might) be able to persuade him. 你也许能说服他。  Might it rain tonight? 今晚会下雨吗?   要表示对过去的情况进行推测,不能用“might+动词原形”,必须用“may / might+have+过去分词”结构。如:  I may have hurt your feelings but that was certainly not my intention. 我或许伤害了你的感情,但那绝非我的意图。  There may (might) have been someone waiting outside. 可能曾有人在外面等候。  另外,“might+have+过去分词”还可表示过去可能发生而实际上却并没发生的事(此时的might不能换成may)。如:   In other circumstances, I might have agreed. 在其他情况下我可能就会同意的。  I might have guessed he"d fail to read the instructions. 我本来早该知道他不会看说明书的。  三、may 和 can 表推测时的区别  can 和may均可表示推测,can用于否定句和疑问句,may用于肯定句和否定式。两者均可用于否定句,但是含义不同:cannot=不可能,may not=可能不。比较:  The water may not be warm enough to swim. 要游泳,这水可能不够暖和。  She"s very young. She can"t be over twenty. 她非常年轻,绝对不超过20岁。  四、may (might) as well 的用法  may (might) as well 主要用于提出建议等,可译为“不妨”(用 might 时口气更委婉一些)。如:  Catherine, you may as well come too. 凯瑟琳,你不妨也去。  If that"s the case, I may as well try. 如果情况如此,我不妨试一试。  比较:may (might) well可表示比较有把握的推测,意为“很可能”。如:  You might as well be right. 你很可能是对的。


aux.表示可能; 表示许可; 表示询问情况n.力气; 力量; 威力; 权力v.可以; 应该

at a high altitude

B 第一空考查短语:can"t… too 再什么也不为过,第二空考查短语:at a high altitude以很高的海拔,第三空考查定语从句,先行词为a high altitude,从句中缺少地点状语。所以选B。



a high altitude前用什么介词

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