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The Big Bang Theory Theme Song - Bare Naked Ladies 美剧the big bang theory 天才理论传(又名生活大爆炸)的主题曲歌词Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, 我们的宇宙曾处于炎热致密的状态,Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... 然后大约一百四十亿年前它开始膨胀。等一下…… The Earth began to cool, 地球开始冷却,The autotrophs began to drool, 自养生物开始繁殖,Neanderthals developed tools, 尼安德特人发明了工具, We built a wall (we built the pyramids), Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang! 我们修建了城墙(我们修建了金字塔)数学,科学,历史,探解奥秘,那都是是从大爆炸开始! "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long, “自从人类出现”其实并非那么久,As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.因为每个星系的形成的时间都比唱这首歌的时间还要短。 A fraction of a second and the elements were made. 在不到一秒的时间里各种元素产生了。The bipeds stood up straight, 二足动物开始直立行走,The dinosaurs all met their fate, 恐龙们遇到了天灾,They tried to leap but they were late 它们尝试逃离但是太晚了)And they all died (they froze their asses off) 它们都死了(他们都被冻死了)The oceans and pangea 海洋和粒子(注:遗传性状的物质基础)See ya, wouldn"t wanna be ya Set in motion by the same big bang! 看,绝不想,重蹈在大爆炸里的覆辙!It all started with the big BANG! 这都是由于大爆炸引起的!It"s expanding ever outward but one day It will cause the stars to go the other way, 它正向外膨胀但是终归一天它会使星系向内运动, Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurt 不断塌缩,我们到时早就不在,无关痛痒 Our best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang! 最好不过的图像,那将导致一次更大的大爆炸Australopithecus would really have been sick of us 南猿(注:最先于非洲发现的灵长类化石)一定觉得我们很烦人Debating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses) 讨论不休而他们正在捕捉野鹿(我们在捕捉病毒)Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy 宗教或天文,微软百科,申命记(注:旧约之一卷) It all started with the big bang! 全都从大爆炸开始!Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology 音乐和神话,爱因斯坦和占星术 It all started with the big bang! 全都从大爆炸开始 It all started with the big BANG! 全都从大爆炸开始

生活大爆炸第七季,每集最后一句话是什么 big bang theory


The Big Bang Theory 第一季17集里Sheldon说的汉语。


美剧《the big bang theory》的片头曲的下载地址



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美剧生活大爆炸the big bang theory中,Howard是在第五季第几集结的婚?


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Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we built the pyramids), Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang! "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long, As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. A fraction of a second and the elements were made. The bipeds stood up straight, The dinosaurs all met their fate, They tried to leap but they were late And they all died (they froze their asses off) The oceans and pangea See ya, wouldn"t wanna be ya Set in motion by the same big bang! It all started with the big BANG! It"s expanding ever outward but one day It will cause the stars to go the other way, Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurt Our best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang! Australopithecus would really have been sick of us Debating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses) Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy It all started with the big bang! Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology It all started with the big bang! It all started with the big BANG!我们的宇宙曾处于炎热致密的状态,然后大约一百四十亿年前它开始膨胀。等一下…… 地球开始冷却,自养生物开始繁殖,尼安德特人发明了工具,我们建起了长城(我们修建了金字塔)数学,科学,历史,探解奥秘,那都是是从大爆炸开始!“自从人类出现”其实并非那么久,因为每个星系的形成的时间都比唱这首歌的时间还要短。在不到一秒的时间里各种元素产生了二足动物开始直立行走,恐龙们遇到了天灾它们尝试逃离但是太晚了它们都死了(他们都被冻死了)海洋和泛古大陆这都是由于大爆炸引起的! 它正向外膨胀但是终归一天它会使星系向内运动不断塌缩,我们到时早就不在,所以不会痛的是最好不过的图像,那将导致一次更大的大爆炸南猿一定觉得我们很烦人讨论不休而他们正在捕捉野鹿(我们在捕捉病毒)宗教或天文,微软百科,申命记(旧约之一卷)全都从大爆炸开始! 音乐和神话,爱因斯坦和占星术全都从大爆炸开始 !

求《The Big Bang Theory生活大爆炸》主题曲

1.生活大爆炸的主题曲是《The Big Bang Theory Theme》。2.所属专辑:The Big Bang Theory Theme演唱者:Barenaked Ladies3.歌词:Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait… The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we built the pyramids), Math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang! “Since the dawn of man” is really not that long, As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. A fraction of a second and the elements were made. The bipeds stood up straight, The dinosaurs all met their fate, They tried to leap but they were late And they all died (they froze their asses off) The oceans and pangea See ya, wouldn"t wanna be ya Set in motion by the same big bang! It all started with the big BANG! It"s expanding ever outward but one day It will cause the stars to go the other way, Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurt Our best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang! Australopithecus would really have been sick of us Debating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses) Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy It all started with the big bang! Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology It all started with the big bang! It all started with the big BANG!

Big Bang Theory主题曲的原文及翻译,最好有解释!

The Big Bang Theory Theme Song - Bare Naked LadiesOur whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we built the pyramids), Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang! "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long, As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. A fraction of a second and the elements were made. The bipeds stood up straight, The dinosaurs all met their fate, They tried to leap but they were late And they all died (they froze their asses off) The oceans and pangea See ya, wouldn"t wanna be ya Set in motion by the same big bang! It all started with the big BANG! It"s expanding ever outward but one day It will cause the stars to go the other way, Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurt Our best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang! Australopithecus would really have been sick of us Debating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses) Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy It all started with the big bang! Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology It all started with the big bang! It all started with the big BANG!我们的宇宙曾处于炎热致密的状态,然后大约一百四十亿年前它开始膨胀。等一下…… 地球开始冷却,自养生物开始繁殖,尼安德特人发明了工具,我们建起了长城(我们修建了金字塔)数学,科学,历史,探解奥秘,那都是是从大爆炸开始!“自从人类出现”其实并非那么久,因为每个星系的形成的时间都比唱这首歌的时间还要短。在不到一秒的时间里各种元素产生了二足动物开始直立行走,恐龙们遇到了天灾它们尝试逃离但是太晚了它们都死了(他们都被冻死了)海洋和泛古大陆这都是由于大爆炸引起的! 它正向外膨胀但是终归一天它会使星系向内运动不断塌缩,我们到时早就不在,所以不会痛的是最好不过的图像,那将导致一次更大的大爆炸南猿一定觉得我们很烦人讨论不休而他们正在捕捉野鹿(我们在捕捉病毒)宗教或天文,微软百科,申命记(旧约之一卷)全都从大爆炸开始! 音乐和神话,爱因斯坦和占星术全都从大爆炸开始 !

big bang theory的主题曲的全部歌词

The Bing Bang Theory Theme Song - Bare Naked Ladies Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we built the pyramids), Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang! "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long, As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. A fraction of a second and the elements were made. The bipeds stood up straight, The dinosaurs all met their fate, They tried to leap but they were late And they all died (they froze their asses off) The oceans and pangea See ya, wouldn"t wanna be ya Set in motion by the same big bang! It all started with the big BANG! It"s expanding ever outward but one day It will cause the stars to go the other way, Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurt Our best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang! Australopithecus would really have been sick of us Debating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses) Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy It all started with the big bang! Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology It all started with the big bang! It all started with the big BANG!

FUN some nights歌词翻译以及MV的内容和背景


the big bang theory详细资料大全

《the big bang theory》,又叫生活大爆炸,宇宙大爆炸,天才也性感,是一部以科学天才为背景的情景喜剧,主人公是Leonard和Sheldon。 主人公Leonard和Sheldon是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny。顿时吸引了Leonard的目光。 基本介绍 中文名 :生活大爆炸 外文名 :the big bang theory 别名 :宇宙大爆炸,天才也性感 分类 :情景喜剧 简体中文名: 生活大爆炸,宇宙大爆炸,天才也性感 导演: James Burrows 主演: Johnny Galecki 、 Jim Parsons 、 Kaley Cuoco 上映年度: 2007 语言: English 制片国家/地区: USA 又名: 天才理论传 imdb连结: tt0898266 本年度最宅的情景喜剧(Sitcom,Situation Comedy)。故事的主角是两个同居的高校物理实验室的天才,他们新近搬来的美女邻居以及身边一群性格迥异的朋友同事们,剧情便是他们之间发生的一系列啼笑皆非的趣闻轶事。 《天才理论传》第一集的泄露版其实早早就出来了,看完第一集后你就会发现,此剧宅的并不只是那些头头是道的科学理论,而且宅的程度是其它同类剧集不可同日而语的,举个例子,你就可略知一二了:比如说,男主角A问男主角B是否要一起邀请他们的新邻居吃午饭(印度菜)时,男主角B说道:“不行,我们要一起看《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(Battlestar Galactica)第二季。”男主角A不解:“我们不是已经看过《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》第二季的DVD了吗?”男主角B连忙解惑道:“那时候我们一起看的是不带评论音轨的好不好!” 该剧第一季最初只预定了半季13集,但现在已经追加了整季22集,可见受欢迎的程度。目前,第一季定为17集,已经圆满结束。第二季的到来又给那些意犹未尽fans们带来第二次大爆炸。 简介: 这是一部以 "科学天才" 为背景的情景喜剧,这倒非常罕见。主人公Leonard (JohnnyGalecki, "Roseanne") 和Sheldon (Jim Parsons "JudgingAmy")是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气--生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。直到有一天……隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny (Kaley Cuoco, "8SimpleRules..."),顿时吸引了Leonard的目光。Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功,平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是个Leonard、Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是——她最近刚刚变成单身。 Leonard和Sheldon还有两个好朋友。自认为是 *** 的Howard Wolowitz(Simon Helberg, "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip"),他称自己是加州理工学院的"卡萨诺瓦"(1725-1798,义大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为"风流浪子,好色之徒"),能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计画(喜欢邀请看上的女孩去火星兜风,也因此在第二季引发一场事故,遗憾地与“火星生命发现者”的称号失之交臂),其实Howard不过是个喜欢拿一些过时的手段把妹的家伙,很多时候他的把妹手法都让对方感到恶心。来自印度的 Rajesh Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar, "NCIS")患有严重的“与异 *** 往障碍症”,有异性在场的时候他就无法说话,只有在喝醉以后才能自在地与女孩交流。 一个美女和四个科学阿宅的故事就这样在笑声中悄然开始上演…… 看这部片子最大的乐趣在于,不难从中发现自己或身边人的影子,比如看到SHELDON几乎无处不在的格子衬衫,裤子,睡袍时,不禁想起曾经的自己有多么的喜欢格子(理性的排列),为了买一条完全是格子或者条子的床单跑遍整个商场,最后在老妈无奈的劝说下,勉强接受了一条带了一点点小圈圈的床单;比如将所有能归类的东西进行归类,包括电脑上的档案,所以经常为了某一档案是应该归类为A还是B而头疼;比如小野马和斌斌窝在沙发里魔兽世界,不停的叫嚣,以至于我经常分不清楚她们是在和我说话还是在和某个盗贼或猎人说话;比如当手机收不到信号时,会讨论此时手机是否会因为要不停地搜寻信号而增加辐射,所以思考放在身旁是否安全等等

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Some Nights这首歌想表达什么啊?主题是什么


fun.的some nights的中英文的歌词。谢谢!

Fun. - Some NightsSome nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luckSome nights, I call it a drawSome nights, I wish that my lips could build a castleSome nights, I wish they"d just fall offBut I still wake up, I still see your ghostOh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand forWhat do I stand for? What do I stand for?Most nights, I don"t know anymore...This is it, boys, this is warwhat are we waiting for?Why don"t we break the rules already?I was never one to believe the hypesave that for the black and whiteTry twice as hard and I"m half as liked,but here they come again to jack my styleAnd that"s alrightI found a martyr in my bed tonightShe stops my bones from wonderingjust who I am, who I am, who I amOh, who am I? Oh, who am I?Some nights, I wish that this all would endCause I could use some friends for a changeAnd some nights, I"m scared you"ll forget me againSome nights, I always win, I always winBut I still wake up, I still see your ghostOh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand forWhat do I stand for? What do I stand for?Most nights, I don"t know...So this is it? I sold my soul for this?Washed my hands of that for this?I miss my mom and dad for this?No. When I see stars,when I see stars, that"s all they areWhen I hear songs,they sound like a swan, so come onOh, come on. Oh, come on.Well boys and girls, that is allfive minutes in and I"m bored againTen years of this, I"m not sure if anybody understandsThis one is not for the folks at homeI"m sorry to leave, mom, I had to goWho the f*ck wants to die aloneall dried up in the desert sun?My heart is breaking for my sisterand the con that she called "love"But when I look into my nephew"s eyes...Man, you wouldn"t believethe most amazing things that can come from...Some terrible nights.The other night, you wouldn"t believe the dreamI just had about you and meI called you up, but we"d both agreeIt"s for the best you didn"t listenIt"s for the best we get our distance, ohFor the best you didn"t listenIt"s for the best we get our distance, oh...

请问谁能把fun 的some nights歌词翻译地更好一些?

去我的博客看看吧,我用心翻译了一下,请多多指点!百度搜索还没亮的灯 一定不会让你失望的!

Some Nights的乐队简介

fun.是一支来自美国纽约的独立流行乐队,现任乐队成员有吉他手Andrew Dost,键盘手Jack Antonoff和乐队主唱Nate Ruess三人。主唱Nate Ruess擅长各种高音,而且该乐队曲风多变,由复古到小清新,配合各种乐器,着实让耳朵沉醉。其首张专辑《Aim and Ignite》于2009年8月25日发行,第二张录音室专辑《Some Nights》发行于2012年2月21日,收录于该专辑中的单曲《we are young》在去年底被glee翻唱而首次跳入大众眼中,而在2013年格莱美过后,该单曲连续两周在itunes数字下载榜上登顶,并在billboard单曲榜上取得第一名的好成绩。

谁能把fun 的some nights歌词翻译地更好一些


Some Nights 歌词

歌曲名:Some Nights歌手:Fun.专辑:Some NightsSome NightsFun.Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luckSome nights, I call it a drawSome nights, I wish that my lips could build a castleSome nights, I wish they"d just fall offBut I still wake up, I still see your ghostOh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand forWhat do I stand for? What do I stand for?Most nights, I don"t know anymore...This is it, boys, this is warwhat are we waiting for?Why don"t we break the rules already?I was never one to believe the hypesave that for the black and whiteTry twice as hard and I"m half as liked,but here they come again to jack my styleAnd that"s alrightI found a martyr in my bed tonightShe stops my bones from wonderingjust who I am, who I am, who I amOh, who am I? Oh, who am I?Some nights, I wish that this all would endCause I could use some friends for a changeAnd some nights, I"m scared you"ll forget me againSome nights, I always win, I always winBut I still wake up, I still see your ghostOh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand forWhat do I stand for? What do I stand for?Most nights, I don"t know...So this is it? I sold my soul for this?Washed my hands of that for this?I miss my mom and dad for this?No. When I see stars,when I see stars, that"s all they areWhen I hear songs,they sound like a swan, so come onOh, come on. Oh, come on.Well boys and girls, that is allfive minutes in and I"m bored againTen years of this, I"m not sure if anybody understandsThis one is not for the folks at homeI"m sorry to leave, mom, I had to goWho the f*ck wants to die aloneall dried up in the desert sun?My heart is breaking for my sisterand the con that she called "love"But when I look into my nephew"s eyes...Man, you wouldn"t believethe most amazing things that can come from...Some terrible nights.The other night, you wouldn"t believe the dreamI just had about you and meI called you up, but we"d both agreeIt"s for the best you didn"t listenIt"s for the best we get our distance, ohFor the best you didn"t listenIt"s for the best we get our distance, oh...http://music.baidu.com/song/13872295

Some nights中文歌词

Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck(有些夜里,我为转变我的厄运而熬夜)Some nights, I call it a draw(有些夜里,我称它为平局)Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle(一些夜里,我希望我的嘴唇能(说出如何)建起一座城堡)Some nights, I wish they"d just fall off(有些夜里,我只希望他们(从我脑海中)脱落掉)But I still wake up, I still see your ghost(但我仍然清醒,仍然能看到你的幻象)Oh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand for(哦主啊,我仍不知道我代表着什么)What do I stand for? What do I stand for?(我代表着什么呢?我代表着什么呢?)Most nights, I don"t know anymore...(在大多数夜里,我并没能知道更多。。。)This is it, boys, this is war(就是这样,男孩子们,这就是战争)what are we waiting for?(我们等待的是什么?)Why don"t we break the rules already?(我们不是已经打破常规了吗?)I was never one to believe the hype(我从来都不是那种人,相信(花言巧语的)大肆宣传能够)save that for the black and white(省下来(时间)留给黑白分明)Try twice as hard and I"m half as liked,(尽力去再试一次,我有一半部分被人喜爱)but here they come again to jack my style(但他们又来到这里顶起我的作风)And that"s alright(而且那样也行)I found a martyr in my bed tonight(今晚我发现有位殉道者躺在我床上)She stops my bones from wondering(她让我不再行尸走肉般游荡)just who I am, who I am, who I am(只是我是谁?我是谁?)Oh, who am I? Oh, who am I?(哦,我是谁?哦,我是谁?)Some nights, I wish that this all would end(有些夜里,我希望这一切都会结束)Cause I could use some friends for a change(因为我能利用些朋友来一次转变)And some nights, I"m scared you"ll forget me again(而且有些夜里,我很害怕你再次把我忘记)Some nights, I always win, I always win(有些夜里,我总是赢家,我总是赢家)But I still wake up, I still see your ghost(但我仍然清醒,仍然能看到你的幻象)Oh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand for(哦主啊,我仍不知道我代表着什么)What do I stand for? What do I stand for?(我代表着什么呢?我代表着什么呢?)Most nights, I don"t know...(大多数夜里,我都不知道。。。)So this is it? I sold my soul for this?(所以就是这个?我就是为了这个而出卖灵魂?)Washed my hands of that for this?(就是为了这个,我对那个洗手不干了)I miss my mom and dad for this?(就是为了这个,我(开始)想念我的爸爸妈妈?No. When I see stars,(不,当我注视繁星时)when I see stars, that"s all they are(当我注视繁星时,它们就是看上去那样(美丽))When I hear songs,(当我听到歌声时)they sound like a swan, so come on(他们发出仿佛天鹅(般美妙)之声,所以来吧)Oh, come on. Oh, come on.(哦,来吧,哦,来吧)Well boys and girls, that is all(嗯男生女生们,仅此而已)five minutes in and I"m bored again(再过不到五分钟我又会厌倦了)Ten years of this, I"m not sure if anybody understands(我这样子十年了,还不知道是否有人能理解我)This one is not for the folks at home(这一点当然不是针对我家乡的父老乡亲而言)I"m sorry to leave, mom, I had to go(很抱歉我要走了,妈妈,我不得不去)Who the f*ck wants to die alone(谁TM想要孤独终老)all dried up in the desert sun?((让自己)在沙漠的烈日下干枯呢?)My heart is breaking for my sister(我替我的姐妹而心碎)and the con that she called "love"(也为她那所谓的“爱”的欺骗(而心碎))But when I look into my nephew"s eyes...(但我在注视我侄子的双眼时。。。)Man, you wouldn"t believe(老兄,你不会相信的)the most amazing things that can come from...(那些最惊人的事情,它们来自。。。)Some terrible nights.((来自于)某些糟糕的夜里)The other night, you wouldn"t believe the dream(另一个夜晚,你不会去相信这个梦的)I just had about you and me(我只有关于你我的一切)I called you up, but we"d both agree(我给你打过电话,不过我们都同意这一点)It"s for the best you didn"t listen(你最好没听到)It"s for the best we get our distance, oh(我们最好保持一定距离,哦。。。)For the best you didn"t listen(由于你最好没听到(的那些话))It"s for the best we get our distance, oh...(我们最好保持一定距离,哦。。。)

Alizée的《Hey Amigo》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Amigo歌手:Alizée专辑:Mes Courants ElectriquesHey AmigoAlizéeDéambule,Déhanche-toi plusElle déambule,Dans tes avenues, tes rues,Mets les hommesA ses pieds si tendres,Barcelone, fais lui bien comprendre:Qu"elle se trompeQuel qu"en soit l"émoiElle se trompe,Car elle est comme toi, un chatQui onduleQui fait le dos rondElle manipule, celui qui dit nonHey! Amigo!Elle veut du haut, elle veut ta peauEt sur son dos, un tatouage.Hey! Amigo!Mi amigo, elle veut du beauEt d"un amour, sans maquillage.Déambule,Déhanche-toi plusElle déambule,Dans tes avenues, tes rures.Mets les voilesA son doux visageBarcelona, prends-la en otage.Elle se donneQuel qu"en soit le poidsOui, elle se donne,Car elle est comme toi, un chatQui minaude...Qui feint, et salue l"hommeElle se sauve d"un bondComme elle s"envole!Hey! Amigo!Elle veut du haut, elle veut ta peauEt sur son dos, un tatouage.Hey! Amigo!Mi amigo, elle veut du beauEt d"un amour, sans maquillage.Hey! Amigo!Elle veut du haut, elle veut ta peauEt sur son dos, un tatouage.Hasta luego,Mi amigo, elle veut du beauEt d"un amour sans maquillage.Hey! Amigo!Elle veut du haut, elle veut ta peauEt sur son dos, un tatouage.Hey! Amigo!Mi amigo, elle veut du beauEt d"un amour, sans maquillage.Hey! Amigo!Elle veut du haut, elle veut ta peauEt sur son dos, un tatouage.Hasta luego,Mi amigo, elle veut du beauEt d"un amour sans maquillage.http://music.baidu.com/song/1228645

scenery view landscape scene sights的区别

scene, view, sight, scenery, landscape 这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意。scene: 指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。view: 普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。sight: 侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。scenery: 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。landscape: 多指在内陆的自然风光。

【Ant design vue】antd实现动态增减表单项,支持赋初始值


2019-05-10 antd-design-vue 组件文档

NOTICE 基本使用 value 选中参数值 checked 是否选中 defaultChecked 是否默认选中 通过配合 a-radio-group 组建获取和赋值 a-radio-group 的change事件获取event事件 e.target 如果a-radio-group的子元素是a-radio-button 可以设置 buttonStyle 和 size 属性 基本使用 checkbox 通过change属性获取event事件 通过checked值判断是否选中 defaultChecked 初始状态 disabled 选中失效 change 回调函数 配合 a-checkbox-group 进行使用时,进行一组选框渲染 options 选框数组 onChange事件会返回数组中 选中的元素的value值数组, 直接返回的是value值组成的数组,按选中顺序 基本使用 options 用来传入select下拉的数据,数据以数组形式传入,数组结构, 当传入的数据过大,要进行截取渲染,不然会卡顿 其中组建的宽度必须要设定,不然组建不能被撑开 defaultValue 组建显示的默认值 onChange 组建操作回调函数, 返回操作选择的value,当labelInValue为true时,同时返回节点文本信息 a-select-option 组建的子组建,表示子选项 mode 设置select选择模式,可选值 "default" | "multiple" | "tags" | "combobox" disabled 是否禁用 dropdownClassName 下拉菜单的类名,方便自定义下拉菜单 open 是否展开下拉菜单 defaultOpen 是否默认展开下拉菜单 labelInValue boolean 获取节点文本信息, 必要情况下需要取得的数据,需注意 基本使用 onChange 操作回调函数,返回一个moment对象和日期字符串 返回‘2019-05-06" disabled 禁用选择 onChange 回调函数 返回string 例 2019-05 回调函数 返回数组 ["2019-05-18", "2019-05-21"] 回调函数 返回数组 2019-20周 placeholder 输入框提示的文字 suffixIcon 选择框后缀图标 例 <a-icon slot="suffixIcon" type="smile" /> defaultValue 用户初始化选择器,配合moment.js 一起使用, 默认是 YYYY-MM-DD format 用于格式化前端显示,配合moment.js一起使用 showtime 日期选择器和周选择器显示出时间选择按钮 size 选择器大小,默认default disabledTime 返回一个moment对象来阻止选择 showToday 增加选择今天按钮 基本使用 multiple 多文件上传 name 文件类型 action 上传地址 name 上传字段名称 headers 请求头部,加密参数 directory 上传文件夹 beforeUpload 上传之前的钩子,返回Promise对象, 通过在钩子函数里进行图片大小筛选, 图片尺寸限制 preview 预览回调函数,listType为picture-card时有效果,通过thumburl赋值img进行预览 withCredentials boolean 请求带cookie remove 移除回调 基本使用 title string 弹窗标题 afterClose 弹窗完全关闭后的回调 cancelText 取消文本文字 closable 是否显示右上角关闭按钮 getContainer 指定挂载html节点 mask 是否显示遮罩 okText 按钮确定文字 okType 确认按钮类型 destoryOnClose 关闭时销毁弹窗里的子元素 visible 弹窗是否可见 zIndex 弹窗层级 ok function 弹窗确认回调 cancel function 弹窗取消回调 Notification 挂载在全局对象上,通过函数内调用 description string|vNode 描述 可以是组件 message string|vNode 描述 可以是组件 placement string 4个位置可选 topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight icon 自定义图标 onClose 关闭通知时的回调函数 onClick 点击通知时的回调函数 key 当前通知的唯一标示 duration 默认4.5秒关闭,设置为null为不关闭 主要方法: success error info warning warn open close destory config参数 btn vNode|function(h) class 自定义ClassName descrition string|vNode duration number icon vNode|function key string message string|vNode placement string topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight style 自定义样式 onClose 自定义关闭按钮 onClick 点击通知时触发回调函数 使用方法和api和notification大同小异 基本使用 separator 用作自定义分隔符 itemRender 自定义链接函数,配合vue-Router一起使用 routes 路由参数 基本使用 layout 布局 horizontal | vertical | inline submit 提交回调函数 在beforeCreated生命周期里注册表单 以便后续在函数中进行调用 this.form api getFieldsValue(string[]) 获取表单注册组件的输入值 getFieldValue(string) 获取单个控件的输入值 isFieldsTouched 判断任意控件是否经历过数据收集 resetFields(string[]) 重置控件的值 setFields({ [filedName]: { value: any, errors: [Error] }}) 设置控件和错误状态 setFieldsValue({fieldName: value}) 设置某一控件的值 validateFields([fieldNames: string[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors)) 校验并获取一组输入域的值与 Error,若 fieldNames 参数为空,则校验全部组件 validateFieldsAndScroll 函数校验,不通过则滚动到不通过菜单 options参数 label input对应的名称 label-col label对应的宽度 wrapper-col input输入框对应的宽度 validateStatus 验证状态 可选 "success", "warning", "error", "validating" help 输入栏的验证提示 has-feedback 输入框反馈提示 extra string|slot 额外的提示信息,和 help 类似,当需要错误信息和提示文案同时出现时,可以使用这个。 required boolean 是否必填,如不设置,则会根据校验规则自动生成 colon boolean 配合 label 属性使用,表示是否显示 label 后面的冒号 placeholder 输入框填充 v-decorator 输入框对应的验证规则

玩英雄联盟的时候听的歌 high点的类似Latin girl这种 越多越好 采纳最多最好的

the Phoenix

英语翻译 饭后散步有助于消化.(promote;digestion)

walking after meal promotes digestion.




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Sleigh Ride 歌词

歌曲名:Sleigh Ride歌手:August Burns Red专辑:August Burns Red Presents: Sleddin" Hill, A Holiday AlbumHayley Westenra - Sleigh RideJust hear those sleigh bells jingle-ingRing ting tingle-ing tooCome on, it"s lovely weatherFor a sleigh ride together with youOutside the snow is fallingAnd friends are calling "You Hoo"Come on, it"s lovely weatherFor a sleigh ride together with youGiddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap let"s goLet"s look at the showWe"re riding in a wonderland of snowGiddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap it"s grandJust holding your handWe"re gliding along with the song of a wintry fairy land.Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are weWe"re snuggled up together like two birds of a feather would beLet"s take the road before us and sing a chorus or twoCome on it"s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with youThere"s a birthday party at the home of Farmer GrayIt"ll be the perfect ending of a perfect dayWe"ll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stopAt the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts popPop! Pop! Pop!There"s a happy feeling nothing in the world can buyWhen they pass around the coffee and the pumpkin pieIt"ll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and IvesThese wonderful things are the things we remember all through our lives.Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ingRing ting tingle-ing tooCome on, it"s lovely weatherFor a sleigh ride together with youOutside the snow is fallingAnd friends are calling "You Hoo"Come on, it"s lovely weatherFor a sleigh ride together with youGiddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap let"s goLet"s look at the showWe"re riding in a wonderland of snowGiddy-yap giddy-yap giddy-yap it"s grandJust holding your handWe"re gliding along with the song of a wintry fairy land.Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are weWe"re snuggled up together like two birds of a feather would beLet"s take the road before us and sing a chorus or twoCome on it"s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with youLovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you!Hayley Westenra - Sleigh Ridehttp://music.baidu.com/song/26562489


vigorously翻译为:有力地,精力充沛地。不用作音乐术语的速度表示。音乐术语是指在音乐表演中用来指导演奏者表演的专业术语。分为速度术语,力度术语,表情术语三大类。速度术语“tempo”是借用了意大利语的“时间”,源于拉丁语的“tempus”。现代音乐通常以“拍每分钟”(beats per minute,简写为bpm)作为速度的单位。速度术语又分为基本速度和变化速度两种。基本速度术语有:Grave:庄板,有沉重。庄严、缓慢地的意义,每分钟拍数,40。Largo:广板,有慢速。宽广地的意义,每分钟拍数,46。Lento:慢板,有慢速地的意义,每分钟拍数,52。Adagio:柔板,有徐缓、从容地的意义,每分钟拍数56。Larghtto:小广板,有稍缓慢的意义,每分钟拍数,60。Andante:行板,有稍慢、步行速度的意义,每分钟拍数,66。Andantino:小行板,有比行板稍快的意义,每分钟拍数,69。Modera:中板,有中等速度的意义,每分钟拍数,88。Allegretto:小快板,有稍快的意义,每分钟拍数,108。Allegro:快板,有快速的意义,每分钟拍数132。Vivace:活板,有快速、有生气地的意义,每分钟拍数,160。

here comes a man on a big elephant中的come为什么要加s

因为这是倒装句,主语是A man ,动词肯定要第三人称单数咯



here comes a man on a big elephant中的come为什么要加s



英文释义:1. link to or take advantage of (an existing system or body of work).2. use existing work or an existing product as a basis or support.可以理解为利用现有系统实现一些附带的功能。中文释义:捎带的意思。piggy-back是个很形象的词,字面意思是猪背在背上,可以理解干某事时顺便干了另一件事。这个词通常用于计算机技术,表示不增加额外信令,而是利用现有信令,在其之上附加了新的控制功能。例如AMR技术里的CMR请求,就是附加在speech frame里的。英文描述如下:Since in most sessions speech is sent in both directions between thetwo ends, the mode requests from the decoder at one end to theencoder at the other end are piggy-backed over the speech frames inthe reverse direction. In other words, there is no out-of-bandsignaling needed for sending CMRs.


piggyback 本意为:背负式运载,在网络用语中常与攻击连用。如piggyback attack,意译为背驼攻击、寄生术攻击,是社交工程之一。piggyback attack主要针对访问控制,采取盗用个人验证信息的方法破坏信息安全策略。




你查查字典就知道若干差别了.intellectKK: []DJ: []n.1. 智力;理解力;思维能力[U][C]His opinion is that the intellect of modern man isn"t superior.他的看法是:现代人的智力并不高超。2. 非凡的才智,出众的才华[U]He"s a man of intellect.他是一个才智出众的人。She had humor; she had intellect.她幽默,有才华。3. 才智非凡的人,才华出众的人[C]They were both intellects whose work was widely respected.他们俩都是才华出众的人,其工作深受大家的尊敬。4. (总称)知识分子,知识界[the S]intelligenceKK: []DJ: []n.[U]1. 智能;智慧;理解力He"s obviously a man of very high intelligence.显然他是个非常聪明的人。2. 情报;情报工作;情报机关[G]Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing.我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进。3. 消息,信息

intellective intellectual intelligence intellect的分别

intellect 表示的是理解力,领悟力intelligence泛指一切智慧

One day an old man is selling (卖) a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins ..




liability of foreignness含义


FARO三坐标测量机软件生成的.fce文件可以转为.igs吗? 如何转为.igs?我需要用CATIA打开






tonight alive的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:tonight alive专辑:All Shapes & DisguisesTonight Alive - CloserI cannot tell, Can you tell?Oh I can"t tellAm I lonely or do I need to be alone?Tonight, this fightBetween my head and my heartIts getting heavy nowSo I"m just, just beggingJust begging for a breakdownSometime real soonCause I don"t know what else is there left to do?It"s like we just can"t winAnd everytime we get a little closerIt all caves inAnd I just don"t knowHow do we know?How do we know when to stop?Baby don"t stop, baby don"t stop noCause we don"t even knowWhere to beginYou ask the questions but you aren"t listeningSo my heart gets heavy with every letter that I writeI can"t deny we"re losing itI"ve got no answers tonightWe both know we"ll neverNo we just can"t winhttp://music.baidu.com/song/57925216


英文内容搬运自: https://bioinformaticsworkbook.org/introduction/dataTerminology.html There are four common bases in DNA sequence, A denine, G uanine, C ytosine and T hymine. U racil is found in RNA in place of Thyamine Image taken from wikipedia where more information about nucleotides can also be found. A read is a string of bases represented by their one letter codes. Here is an example of a read that is 50 bases long. TTAACCTTGGTTTTGAACTTGAACACTTAGGGGATTGAAGATTCAACAACCCTAAAGCTTGGGGTAAAAC A contig is the consensus sequence generated by aligning reads to themselves. The last line is the consensus of the aligned reads. We call this consensus sequence a contig . A scaffold is a set of contigs that have been ordered and oriented based on mate pair or long distance information. contig NNNNNNNNNNNN gitnoc NNNNNNNN contig NNNNNNNN contig NNNN gitnoc In the line above 再搜文章一些补充,有图就更好了: Chromosomes are the largest DNA molecules in a cell. Scaffolds can be ordered and oriented using a genetic map or Hi-C data into linkage groups or chromosomes. The ultimate goal of a genome assembly project is to assemble reads into phased chromosomes that represent an actual individual. Most chromosomal assemblies produced today are not phased or may represent multiple individuals.

英语中有哪些不同种类的音乐,比如classical music古典音乐 light music 轻音乐,还有那些?

还有pops music(流行音乐)、jazz music(爵士音乐)、blues(蓝调音乐)

highest levels什么意思

highest levels最高水平重点词汇释义highest最高的; 高的( high的最高级 ); 高尚的; 高地的; 高级的f there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government. 如果有人想要隐瞒实情,那其中就涉及政府部门最高层的人物。

system halted! attention: unsupported video configuration detected action is required this computer


tommy hilfiger和abercrombie & fitch 那一个牌子更贵一点,牌子更好。


white is the winter night歌词翻译

希望能帮到你Enya - White Is In The Winter Night恩雅 - 白色是冬季的夜Have you seen the mistletoe?你见过槲寄生吗?It fills the night with kisses.它用吻填满整个夜(圣诞节站在槲寄生下的人得互相亲吻)Have you seen the bright new star?你见过闪亮的新星吗?It fills your heart with wishes.它用祝福填满你的心Have you seen the candlelight?你见过烛光吗?It shines from every window.它从每个窗口透出Have you seen the moon above?你看过天上的月亮吗It lights the sky in silver.它在天空中闪烁着银色光芒Green is in the mistletoe槲寄生中泛出绿色And red is in the holly,冬青树中透出红色Silver in the stars above天上的星闪耀着银色That shine on everybody.照耀着每个人Gold is in the candlelight and烛光发出金色Crimson in the embers.余烬里暗藏着深红色White is in the winter night白色是冬季的夜That everyone remembers.这些每个人都记得Have you heard the boys all sigh你听过男孩们都叹息着吗When all the girls are skating?当所有女孩都去滑冰了Have you heard the sweetheart"s cry你听过你的甜心哭泣吗For all this time they"re waiting?为了那些她们等待的时光Green is in the mistletoe槲寄生中泛出绿色And red is in the holly,冬青树中透出红色Silver in the stars above天上的星闪耀着银色That shine on everybody.照耀着每个人Gold is in the candlelight and烛光发出金色Crimson in the embers.余烬里暗藏着深红色White is in the winter night白色是冬季的夜That everyone remembers.这些每个人都记得 Have you seen the children playing?你看过孩子们玩耍吗?Tiny hands are frozen!小小的手被冻坏了Have you seen them hurry home你看过他们匆忙回家吗when suddenly it"s snowing!当天突然下雪了!Green is in the mistletoe槲寄生中泛出绿色And red is in the holly,冬青树中透出红色Silver in the stars above天上的星闪耀着银色That shine on everybody.照耀着每个人Gold is in the candlelight and烛光发出金色Crimson in the embers.余烬里暗藏着深红色White is in the winter night白色是冬季的夜That everyone remembers.这些每个人都记得 Have you heard the bells are ringing,你听过铃声响起吗?Ringing out their story?用响声诉说他们的故事Have you heard the choir singing?你听过唱诗班歌唱吗?Glory! Glory! Glory!荣耀!荣耀!荣耀!

Indigo Girls的《Mistletoe》 歌词

歌曲名:Mistletoe歌手:Indigo Girls专辑:Holly Happy DaysJustin Bieber - MistletoeSplendidyangMAXRNBIt"s the most beautiful time of the yearLights fill the streets spreading so much cheerI should be playing in the winter snowBut I"mma be under the mistletoeI don"t wanna miss out on the holidayBut I can"t stop staring at your faceI should be playing in the winter snowBut I"mma be under the mistletoeWith you, shawty with youWith you, shawty with youWith you, under the mistletoeEveryone"s gathering around the fireChestnuts roasting like a hot JulyI should be chillin with my folks I knowBut I"mma be under the mistletoeWord on the street santa"s coming at nightReindeer"s flying in the sky so highI should be making a list i knowBut I"mma be under the mistletoeWith you, shawty with youWith you, shawty with youWith you, under the mistletoeWith you, shawty with youWith you, shawty with youWith you, under the mistletoeAye love, the wiseman followed a starThe way I follow my heartAnd it lead me to a miricalAye love, dont you buy me nothinCause I am feelin one thingyour lips on my lipsThat"s a merry merry ChristmasIt"s the most beautiful time of the yearLights fill the streets spreading so much cheerI should be playing in the winter snowBut I"mma be under the mistletoeI don"t wanna miss out on the holidayBut I can"t stop staring at your faceI should be playing in the winter snowBut I"mma be under the mistletoeWith you, shawty with youWith you, shawty with youWith you, under the mistletoeWith you, shawty with youWith you, shawty with youWith you, under the mistletoeKiss me underneath the mistletoeshow me baby that you love me so oh ohoh oh ohKiss me underneath the mistletoeshow me baby that you love me so oh ohoh oh ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3491513


有贴牌三星哦 三星投钱了

电脑开机提示00 USB mass storage devices found and configured,进不了系统


开机出现00 USB mass storage devices found and configured




开机出现00 USB mass storage devices found and configu


altium designer中.lib是什么文件


Christina Aguilera的Fighter歌词

When I, thought I knew you 我本以为我了解您 Thinking, that you were true 以为您是公正的 I guess I, I couldn"t trust (而现在)我想我,我不再会信赖你 Called your bluff, time is up 我要揭露你的虚张声势,时间已经到了 "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我已经受够了! You were, there by my side 你曾站在我旁边 Always, down for the ride 总被我列入乘车的名单 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的好运到头了 "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪可耻地将我出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷和欺骗之后 You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你或许认为我会永远地诅咒你仇恨你 But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但是,噢噢,噢不,你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 因为如果不是由于你试图所做的一切 I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我不会发现我在困难中所喷发的能量 So I wanna say thank you 所以我想谢谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 因为你的所作所为使我更强大 Makes me work a little bit harder 令我比以往更加地努力 It makes me that much wiser 你也使我更加智慧 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 你还使我更快地学习 Made my skin a little bit thicker 使我更加坚强 Makes me that much smarter 使我更加聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Oh, ohh


When I, thought I knew you 我本以为我了解您 Thinking, that you were true 以为您是公正的 I guess I, I couldn"t trust (而现在)我想我,我不再会信赖你 Called your bluff, time is up 我要揭露你的虚张声势,时间已经到了 "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我已经受够了! You were, there by my side 你曾站在我旁边 Always, down for the ride 总被我列入乘车的名单 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的好运到头了 "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪可耻地将我出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷和欺骗之后 You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你或许认为我会永远地诅咒你仇恨你 But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但是,噢噢,噢不,你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 因为如果不是由于你试图所做的一切 I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我不会发现我在困难中所喷发的能量 So I wanna say thank you 所以我想谢谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 因为你的所作所为使我更强大 Makes me work a little bit harder 令我比以往更加地努力 It makes me that much wiser 你也使我更加智慧 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 你还使我更快地学习 Made my skin a little bit thicker 使我更加坚强 Makes me that much smarter 使我更加聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Oh, ohh

小朋友齐打交(Little FighterⅡ) 全部秘籍


Little Fighter 2 怎么玩?快,快,快。

  ======================================================================  小朋友齐打交 2 版本 1.9c  控制指示  ======================================================================  -------------  特殊动作  -------------  ("D" 为防御按钮, "A" 为攻击按钮, "J" 为跳跃按钮)  (">", "^", "v" 为方向按钮)  你可以在主菜单选项设置按键.  ==John==  1.气功波Energy Blast (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.治疗别人Heal (others) (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  3.防护壁Energy Shield: (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.气旋斩Energy Disk: (50mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  5.治疗自己Heal (myself): (70mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  ==Deep==  1.破空斩Energy Blast (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.霸王斩Strike (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  3.屠龙斩Leap Attack: (15mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J + A  4.屠龙斩2Leap Attack2: (15mp)  输入方法: Strike + J + A  5.鬼哭斩Dashing Strafe: (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  ==Henry==  1.降龙掌Dragon Palm (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.五连矢Multiple Shot (30mp)  输入方法: D + J + A ( + A + A...)  2.穿空矢Critical Shot (40mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.魔王之乐章Sonata of the Death (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Rudolf==  1.刺虎Leap Attack: (0mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.五连镖Multiple Ninja Star: (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.变化术Transform (30mp)  输入方法: Gripping Other + D + J + A  3.隐身术Hide (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  4.分身术Double (70mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  ==Louis==  1.冲光拳Thunder Punch (10mp)  输入方法: Run + A  2.落雷霸Thunder Punch (15mp)  输入方法: Run + J + A  3.无影腿Thunder Kick (10mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.旋风摔Whirlwind Throw (15mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  5.凤凰展翅Phoenix Palm (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  ==LouisEX==  1.凤凰乱舞Phoenix Dance (0mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  2.冲光拳Thunder Punch (6mp)  输入方法: Run + A  3.落雷霸Thunder Punch (8mp)  输入方法: Run + J + A  4.凤凰展翅Phoenix Palm (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  ==Firen==  1.火焰弹Fire Ball (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.烈火焚身Blaze (15mp +...)  输入方法: D + > + J  3.豪火球Inferno (30mp +...)  输入方法: D + v + J  4.大轰炸Explosion (60mp + 8hp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Freeze==  1.冰冻波Ice Blast (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.冷锋之剑Sommon Sword (30mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  3.冰霜拳Icicle (30mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.白色龙卷Whirlwind (60mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Firzen==  1.冰炎光龙炮Firzen Cannon (5mp +...)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.天厄灭绝Overwhelming Disaster (20mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A ( + A + A...)  3.极地火山Arctic Volcano (50mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Dennis==  1.气功波Energy Blast (8mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  2.百烈腿Shrafe (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  3.旋风腿Whirlwind Kick (15mp + ...)  输入方法: D + > + J  4.追踪波Chasing Blast (20mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  ==Woody==  1.脚刀Flip Kick (0mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  2.鬼车脚Turning Kick (10mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  3.瞬间转移Teleport (10mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J (到敌人) / D + v + J (到朋友)  4.气功波Energy Blast (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  5.虎翔霸Tiger Dash (40mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  ==Davis==  1.飞车落Leap Attack (5mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J + A  2.气功波Energy Blast (8mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  3.百烈拳Shrafe (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A  4.升龙霸Dragon Punch (45mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  ==Template==  没有特殊动作.  ==Bandit==  没有特殊动作.  ==Hunter==  没有特殊动作.  ==Mark==  1.超破坏拳Crash Punch (0mp)  输入方法: D + > + A (+ A)  2.人肉战车Body Attack (0mp + ...)  输入方法: D + > + J  ==Jack==  1.气功波Energy Blast (10mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  2.筋斗脚刀Flash Kick (25mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  ==Sorcerer==  1.冷冻波Ice Blast (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.火焰弹Fire Ball (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A + A...)  3.治疗别人Heal (others) (70mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  4.治疗自己Heal (myself): (70mp)  输入方法: D + v + J  ==Monk==  1.密宗大手印ShaoLin Palm (20mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  ==Jan==  1.魔鬼之裁判Devil"s Judgement (30mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A  2.天使之祝福Angel"s Blessing (40mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Knight==  没有特殊动作.  ==Justin==  1.狼拳Wolf Punch (15mp)  输入方法: D + v + A ( + A...)  2.气功波Energy Blast (15mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  ==Bat==  1.连拳Speed Punch (10mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  2.激光眼Eye Laser (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + A  3.吸血蝙蝠Sommon Bats (40mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  ==Julian==  1.流星拳Soul Punch (0mp)  输入方法: Run + A  2.上钩拳Uppercut (0mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + A ( + A)  3.连环重炮Skull Blast (2mp + ...)  输入方法: D + > + A ( + A...)  4.残影Mirror Image (5mp)  输入方法: D + J + A ( + J...)  5.化为乌有Big Bang (20mp)  输入方法: D + ^ + J  6.邪闪波Soul Bomb (25mp)  输入方法: D + > + J  -------------  功能键  -------------  F1: 暂停  F2: 暂停/单步  F3: 功能键 (F6,F7,F8,F9) 锁定  F4: 重新启动  F5: 加速  F6: 无限 MP  F7: 恢复  F8: 天空掉落物品  F9: 清除所有物品  ESC: 退出  (F5 ~ F9 禁止在闯关模式使用.)  -----------------------------  命令电脑队友(s):  -----------------------------  过来: D + J + D + J  站住: D + D + D + D  移动: D + A + D + A  版权 1999-2005, 小熊 & 浩然, 版权所有

香港的little fighter online 好玩吗

我认为我认为我认为我认为 小朋友齐打交2(Little Fighter2 缩写:LF2,于1.9版曾更名为“小斗士2”)是一款免费的2D 格斗游戏。由于游戏有很大的耐玩度,控制简单,而且很多招式都可以互相接驳,游戏变化很大,因此它一直广受全球青少年所拥戴。而在官网流量逹至三千五百万,下载量更己超过百万。 该游戏由香港中文大学计算机科学系学生 Marti Wong(小熊)及 Starsky Wong(浩然)合力开发,主要以 Visual C++ 与 DirectX 程序库编写,于2000年1月25日推出0.1版,其后积极努力及多次更新,加入更多游戏角式、武器、背景,同时又开发新的游戏模式(部分参照小朋友齐打交),改善人工智能(A.I.),使游戏质素大为提高。在完成了“闯关模式”(Stage Mode)的第5关后,于2002年9月27日,小熊和浩然发放了1.9版, 并在“爆机”画面说明这是最小朋友齐打交的最后版本。现时最新版本为1.9c版,于2005年8月19日中推出。 游戏共设有对决模式、闯关模式、战争模式及淘汰赛四个模式。 在背景方面,有不少香港及中国著名的地方,如万里长城、赤柱监狱、红磡体育馆、大磡村等。 另外可供四个玩家在同一电脑控制,最多更可以同时有八个主要角色利用一对一连线或电脑控制。 玩家也可以自由选择主要角色,隐藏角色则需要在加载时打密技,或在特殊情况解开。 进入打斗后,玩家可以跑、跳、攻、防、招式、治疗等控制,及 come,stay,move 三项对电脑作出指令。 基于这游戏的广泛流行,其后冒起的小朋友齐打交Online(Little Fighter Online),可算是 lf2 另一个起点。 游戏之中的特色,包括游戏人物(如十个主要人物)、武器(如木棍)、背景(如赤柱监狱)、游戏模式(如淘汱赛),都是继承自小朋友齐打交(Little Fighter)的。 现时 Starsky Wong(浩然)正在攻读 ULCA 博士学位课程,而 Marti Wong(小熊)则在努力工作,所以现时没有时间继续开发 LF2。然而,他们在官方网上提及:“我们正构思一个新的游戏,它会像 LF2 般好玩”。可望在不久的将来,能玩到他俩制作的新游戏。

那位大哥知道LF2(也就是little fighter2小人快打中的那个黄头发的铁甲人怎们变身啊?)



呵呵 你找对人了 我可是LF2 FANS啊 我小学就玩啦人物合体讲求配合 我两个人练了 大约 一个星期的电脑课就可以了冰火人 HP低于50% 然后互相快跑 解除的同时按下 3个键 就能爆炸出新人物而金属皇子 在HP小于30%时候 同时按下 3键 变为 最强状态LF2 开启全部任务的秘籍是 在载入的时候 输入 www.lf2.net 就可以了 推荐你玩冰火BOSS 很好玩~www.fqyd.cn/bbs 有很多的单机游戏爱好者你去看看吧【推荐】 [变形金刚][EN][DVD]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2252&fromuid=4【推荐】 《帝国时代3:酋长》原版+资料片+汉化包下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=630&fromuid=4【推荐】 蜘蛛侠3硬盘版http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1109&fromuid=4【推荐】 三国志11中文威力加强版完美版http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=520&fromuid=4【推荐】 足球经理2007 简体中文正版下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=550&fromuid=4【推荐】 实况足球2007PES免安装+镜像+汉化+解锁存档+中文王涛解说http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1727&fromuid=4【推荐】 [哈里波特与凤凰令][Harry Potter Phoenix][EN][DVD]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2253&fromuid=4【推荐】 古墓丽影十周年纪念版[DVD][正式版][2.58G]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1726&fromuid=4【推荐】 [忍者神龟 TMNT 美版][717][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1829&fromuid=4【推荐】 幻想三国志3高速下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1465&fromuid=4【推荐】 实况足球10简体中文版下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=518&fromuid=4【推荐】 [拳皇/格斗之王:极限冲击][189.47MB][FTP][迅雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2410&fromuid=4【推荐】 模拟人生2非常派对 ISO 300Mhttp://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1607&fromuid=4【推荐】 [两个世界豪华版][EN][2DVD]国内首发][Two Worlds]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1262&fromuid=4【推荐】 [拳皇/格斗之王kofzev1.2][189MB][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2408&fromuid=4【推荐】 [《火影忍者》格斗PC版][69MB][FTP][迅雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2407&fromuid=4【推荐】 [秘密潜入2][337MB][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2382&fromuid=4【推荐】 [抗日之孤胆英雄-血战硫磺岛][242MB][FTP][迅雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2381&fromuid=4【推荐】 【CS1.6 完美版(最新2659版)可上浩方】http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2380&fromuid=4【推荐】 [《战地2142》][1.37GB][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2379&fromuid=4【推荐】 [战火兄弟连:进军30高地 高压缩完美版][759MB][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2378&fromuid=4【推荐】【推荐】http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=684&fromuid=4【推荐】 极品飞车10卡本峡谷正版下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=534&fromuid=4【推荐】 [忍者神龟2007][EN][DVD]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=608&fromuid=4【推荐】 [Overlord][霸王][EN][DVD]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2318&fromuid=4【推荐】 三国群英传6简体中文硬盘版http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=535&fromuid=4【推荐】 英雄伝说 空の轨迹 the 3rd 限定特典版(本体+特典)[2.83G]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2317&fromuid=4【推荐】 实况足球8浩方专用中文硬盘版http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1464&fromuid=4【推荐】 黑客帝国 尼奥之路下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2254&fromuid=4【推荐】 神鬼寓言中文版[2.51G][1-4CD][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2218&fromuid=4【推荐】 傲世三国http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2217&fromuid=4【推荐】 [最高指挥官破解版][EN][DVD9]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=533&fromuid=4【推荐】 [真实战争-混乱状态][159.88MB][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1784&fromuid=4【推荐】 绝地悍将中文完美硬盘版汉化 繁体][212M][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1783&fromuid=4【推荐】 [生化危机2完全版(男女主角全包括)][434M][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1787&fromuid=4【推荐】 [混乱军团完美中文版][891 M][FTP][讯雷下载] JC推荐http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1790&fromuid=4【推荐】 (生化危机4)DVD下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=517&fromuid=4【推荐】 猎杀潜航3简体中文硬盘版http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2055&fromuid=4【推荐】 分裂细胞2中文版http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2054&fromuid=4【推荐】 [鬼影镇中文完美硬盘版][284M][迅雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1789&fromuid=4【推荐】 大唐双龙传 [迅雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2001&fromuid=4【推荐】 翡翠帝国-3CD正式版http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=544&fromuid=4【推荐】 [魔戒之战:中土世界争霸(中文版)][1.36G][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1824&fromuid=4【推荐】 [FTP 动作冒险] [鬼泣3特别版][2.74G][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1797&fromuid=4【推荐】 [荣誉勋章:突出重围][204MB][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1779&fromuid=4【推荐】 《细胞分裂4双重间谍》NETSHOW RepackD5完整版正式发布http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1242&fromuid=4【推荐】 [头文字D:山口复仇][93.71MB][FTP][讯雷下载]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1814&fromuid=4【推荐】 [《魔法骑士:启示录》6CD完整版下载][4050MB][BT]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1847&fromuid=4【推荐】 怪物也疯狂CLONE版][EN][DVD]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1856&fromuid=4【推荐】 科林麦克雷拉力赛之尘埃--DVD正式版下载http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1855&fromuid=4【推荐】 [大航海家3完美中文版][600MB][BT]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1849&fromuid=4【推荐】 [落银城][繁中版][6.64G][DVD镜像][BT]http://www.fqyd.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1846&fromuid=4

Little Fighter (小朋友齐打交)最新版本

多特 :逍遥与鸣人 2v2.0

急求Little Fighter2 各版本下载网址!必须无毒!

http://www.gougou.com/search?search=little%20fighter2&id=3这里有 重要资料: LF2官网: http://www.littlefighter.com/ 小朋友密码: lf2.net LF2教学站: http://lf2school.24cc.cc/ LF2_v1.9资料图鉴: http://www.netfront.net/~marti/lf2/guide_v19.exe 小斗士游戏研究协会: http://hk.msnusers.com/LittleFighterGamesResearchAssociation 改档参考: LF2改档器: http://tw.msnusers.com/LittleFighterGamesResearchAssociation/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6/LF2%E6%94%B9%E6%AA%94%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89%E5%B0%88%E5%8D%80%2FBlood-Bat.zip LF2改档教学: http://groups.msn.com/LittleFighterGamesResearchAssociation/dat.msnw 线上小斗士游戏(LFO): http://www.littlefighteronline.com/hk/download_tc.php?content=program 原版作品: LF1: http://home.netfront.net/~marti/lf2/lf1.exe LF2_v1.9: http://hw-driver.nctu.edu.tw/pub/slime/mail0826/mail3/lf2_v19.exe LF2_v1.9c: http://www.download.com/Little-Fighter-2/3000-7563_4-10437490.html LF2_v1.71: http://hotdl.com/dl/local_download.php?id=239&code=bGYyX3YxNzEuemlw LF2_v1.652: http://hotdl.com/dl/local_download.php?id=182&code=bGYyX3YxNjUyLmV4ZQ 所有原版作品: http://hk.msnusers.com/LF3-NET/lf219.msnw 在Foxy下载较方便: http://www.gofoxy.net/update?lang=zh_TW&;amp;ptnr=CHWL 著名改版作品: Crazy-LF2: http://intranet.lstlcw.edu.hk:8080/it-school/homepage/s011032/CLF2.L.exe Reinforced-LF2: http://jesslam.net/~rhapsodyworld/rlf2/download/rlf2_fv1.exe 解压缩密码:http://r-lf2.hk.st LF2_v2.99: http://slime3.com.tw/game/LF2_v2.99.exe 它们都需要安装在LF2_v1.9c。 D.R.LF2、LF2_v3.0~3.6 http://hk.msnusers.com/b3tted7oanpbija87o6vi6i8p4/lf2.msnw 在「LF2改档领域-下载区」下载LF2_v3.0~D.R.LF2。 把LF2_v3.0安装在LF2_v1.9c资料夹内,安装v3.0后,再顺序把v3.1~v3.6、D.R.LF2安装在v3.0资料夹内。 LF2_v3.6和D.R.LF2解压缩密码:http://98.to/lf2remakeworld/ D.R.LF2隐藏版解压密码: 隐藏版1:THYOU 隐藏版2:ANKNA Deolin相关资料:Thankyou (^感谢LF2改档专家.H提供以上资料。) Neo闯关作品: LF2_v2.7: http://tac.no-ip.org/download/NeoStageVer-2-7.exe 极疯狂改版作品: LF11_v6.0: http://www.u-file.net/download.php?call=bmt4092&ticket=S7OTL 较特别改版作品: 巨商LF2: http://hkcsk.com/gsl f2/mod/GerSangLF2_Ve r.5.exe 另类改版作品: 小朋友齐打交水上大作战: http://hk.geocities.com/lf2mus/lfw.zip Foxy搜寻之改版作品: LFO-LF2需要使用Foxy搜寻。 请搜寻并下载「lfo-lf2_v3.5 11.exe」和「异转LFO-lf2 2.rar」。 WinRar: http://www.winrar.com.cn/down/wrar361sc.exe 请将异转LFO-LF2_v3.5 11.exe解压缩,再使用WinRar解压缩LFO-LF2 2.rar到LFO-LF2资料夹,如果有大量档案,就先选档案,后按「解压缩到」键。 其他改版作品: 2E-LF2: http://hk.geocities.com/davnnis2002/ R.R-LF2: wto LF2主网: http://hk.msnusers.com/wongto/wtosrlf2.msnw 请使用下载区一。 R.R-LF2联盟: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/wtolf2_1/ 登入后按「档案」,便能下载R.R-LF2。 注意:欲玩R.R-LF2,必须先下载WinRar解压缩软件,因为R.R-LF2当中五个档案有四个都是rar档案,只有WinRar解压缩软件才能把rar档解压缩 WinRar: http://www.winrar.com.cn/down/wrar361sc.exe 把R-LF2安装在LF2_v1.9c,然后将R.R-LF2安装在R-LF2。 使用WinRar解压缩时,请先选择要解压缩的档案,如果有大量档案,就按「解压缩到」键。 小斗士超版_v1.5: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/z7654hk/ 光之LF2: http://hk.geocities.com/cix552001/data.zip http://hk.geocities.com/cix552001/sprite.zip LF2X: http://hk.geocities.com/lf2xfriend/a.zip http://hk.geocities.com/lf2x2002/b.zip http://hk.geocities.com/fire_xhk6a/c.zip LF7: http://www.hkedcity.net/citizen_files/aa/jz/be63888/myresources/200309/93467/LF7_0.3_1.zip I-LF2: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/I-lf2/ W-LF2: http://www.geocities.com/warlf2/part1.zip LF9、N-LF2、New-LF2: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/playlf2/ JY-LF2: http://home.anet.net.tw/lf23015888/NewStar/index.htm 以上LF2需要安装於LF2_v1.9c

小朋友齐打交(Little FighterⅡ) 全部秘籍


Little Fighter 2怎么发绝招

==John==1.魔法弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.魔法疗伤 (他人) (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J3.魔法盾 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.魔法飞碟 (50mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A5.魔法疗伤 (自己) (70mp)输入方法:D + v + J==Deep==1.破空斩 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)2.旋风斩 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A3.天落斩 (15mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J + A4.天落斩2 (15mp)输入方法:Strike + J + A5.鬼嚎斩 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + J==Henry==1.劈风掌 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.箭雨 (30mp)输入方法:D + J + A ( + A + A...)3.穿梭之箭 (40mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.死之奏鸣曲 (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Rudolf==1.跃空击 (0mp)输入方法:D + > + J2.镖雨 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)3.变身术 (30mp)输入方法:Gripping Other + D + J + A4.隐身术 (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J5.分身术 (70mp)输入方法:D + v + J==Louis==1.迅雷冲拳 (10mp)输入方法:Run + A2.迅雷落空拳 (15mp)输入方法:Run + J + A3.连环腿 (10mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.地狱旋转 (15mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J5.凤凰展翅 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + A==LouisEX==1.凤凰之舞 (0mp)输入方法:D + v + A2.迅雷冲拳 (6mp)输入方法:Run + A3.迅雷落空拳 (8mp)输入方法:Run + J + A4.凤凰展翅 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)5.急速冲刺 (0mp)输入方法:Run==Firen==1.炙炎弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)2.烈火焚身 (15mp +...)输入方法:D + > + J3.烈焰喷吐 (30mp +...)输入方法:D + v + J4.大爆炸 (60mp + 8hp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Freeze==1.冰寒弹 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.冰寒之剑 (30mp)输入方法:D + v + J3.结冻的大地 (30mp)输入方法:D + > + J4.冰寒龙卷风 (60mp)作者: 61.165.24.* 2004-8-19 10:55 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 lf2 随带说明文件全翻译更新(新增连招表)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Firzen==1.冰火冲击波 (5mp +...)输入方法:D + > + J2.冰火轰炸 (20mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A ( + A + A...)3.冰火爆发 (50mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Dennis==1.气功弹 (8mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)2.百烈腿 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A3.旋风腿 (15mp + ...)输入方法:D + > + J4.追踪弹 (20mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A==Woody==1.斩首踢 (0mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A2.龙卷腿 (10mp)输入方法:D + v + A3.瞬间移动 (10mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J (至敌人) / D + v + J (至队友)4.暴风之刃 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + A5.猛虎之跃 (40mp)输入方法:D + > + J==Davis==1.跃空拳 (5mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J + A2.气功弹 (8mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)3.百烈拳 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A4.升龙拳 (45mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A==Bandit==没有技能.==Hunter==没有技能.==Mark==1.摆拳 (0mp)输入方法:D + > + A (+ A)2.身体冲撞 (0mp + ...)输入方法:D + > + J==Jack==1.气功弹 (10mp)输入方法:D + > + A2.闪电踢 (25mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A==Sorcerer==1.冰寒弹 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + J2.炙炎弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A + A...)3.魔法疗伤(他人) (70mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J4.魔法疗伤(自己) (70mp)输入方法:D + v + J==Monk==1.金刚掌 (20mp)输入方法:D + > + A==Jan==1.恶魔的审判 (30mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A2.天使的祝福 (40mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Knight==没有技能.*当 Knight 拿着道具时,输入 D + > + A 可以普通攻击(大石块和木箱除外).==Justin==1.饿狼扑食 (15mp)输入方法:D + v + A ( + A...)2.气功弹 (15mp)输入方法:D + > + A==Bat==1.幻影拳 (10mp)输入方法:D + > + J2.双目激光 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + A3.双目蝙蝠 (40mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J==Julian==1.恶魔冲拳 (0mp)输入方法:Run + A2.恶魔勾拳 (0mp)输入方法:D + ^ + A ( + A)3.恶魔复仇 (2mp + ...)输入方法:D + > + A ( + A...)4.幻影移动 (5mp)输入方法:D + J + A ( + J...)5.恶魔爆发 (20mp)输入方法:D + ^ + J6.恶魔炸弹 (25mp)输入方法:D + > + J--------连续技--------==John==1.A+A+A + >+J+A (0mp)2.A+A+A + D+>+A (15mp)3.A+A + D+>+J (20mp)==Deep==1.A+A + D+v+A + J+A (30mp)==Henry==没有连续技.==Rudolf==1.D+>+J + <+抓住 + D+J+A (30mp)==Louis==没有连续技.==LouisEX==1.Run+A (6mp)2.A+A + D+v+A (0mp)==Firen==1.A+A+A + D+^+J (60mp + 8hp)2.D+>+A+A+A (45mp)==Freeze==1.A+A+A + D+^+J (60mp)==Firzen==没有连续技.==Dennis==1.A+A + D+v+A (15mp)==Woody==1.D+v+A + D+^+A + D+>+J (50mp)2.A+A+A+A + D+>+J (40mp)3.A+A+A+A + >+J+A (0mp)4.D+^+A + D+>+J (40mp)5.D+^+A + >+J+A (0mp)5.D+>+A + >+A(扔出小刀,棒球攻击) (25mp)==Davis==1.A+A+A+A + D+^+A (45mp)2.A+A+A+A + D+^+J+A (5mp)3.D+v+A + D+^+A (60mp)4.D+v+A + J+A (20mp)--------------电脑队友命令--------------靠近玩家: D + J + D + J原地待命: D + D + D + D全体行动: D + A + D + A

求little fighter2的正式官方网站

LF2官网: http://www.littlefighter.com/ 小朋友密码: lf2.net LF2教学站: http://lf2school.24cc.cc/ LF2_v1.9资料图鉴: http://www.netfront.net/~marti/lf2/guide_v19.exe 小斗士游戏研究协会: http://hk.msnusers.com/LittleFighterGamesResearchAssociation 改档参考: LF2改档器: http://tw.msnusers.com/LittleFighterGamesResearchAssociation/%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6/LF2%E6%94%B9%E6%AA%94%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89%E5%B0%88%E5%8D%80%2FBlood-Bat.zip LF2改档教学: http://groups.msn.com/LittleFighterGamesResearchAssociation/dat.msnw 线上小斗士游戏(LFO): http://www.littlefighteronline.com/hk/download_tc.php?content=program 原版作品: LF1: http://home.netfront.net/~marti/lf2/lf1.exe LF2_v1.9: http://hw-driver.nctu.edu.tw/pub/slime/mail0826/mail3/lf2_v19.exe LF2_v1.9c: http://www.download.com/Little-Fighter-2/3000-7563_4-10437490.html LF2_v1.71: http://hotdl.com/dl/local_download.php?id=239&code=bGYyX3YxNzEuemlw LF2_v1.652: http://hotdl.com/dl/local_download.php?id=182&code=bGYyX3YxNjUyLmV4ZQ 所有原版作品: http://hk.msnusers.com/LF3-NET/lf219.msnw 在Foxy下载较方便: http://www.gofoxy.net/update?lang=zh_TW&;amp;ptnr=CHWL 著名改版作品: Crazy-LF2: http://intranet.lstlcw.edu.hk:8080/it-school/homepage/s011032/CLF2.L.exe Reinforced-LF2: http://jesslam.net/~rhapsodyworld/rlf2/download/rlf2_fv1.exe 解压缩密码:http://r-lf2.hk.st LF2_v2.99: http://slime3.com.tw/game/LF2_v2.99.exe 它们都需要安装在LF2_v1.9c。 D.R.LF2、LF2_v3.0~3.6 http://hk.msnusers.com/b3tted7oanpbija87o6vi6i8p4/lf2.msnw 在「LF2改档领域-下载区」下载LF2_v3.0~D.R.LF2。 把LF2_v3.0安装在LF2_v1.9c资料夹内,安装v3.0后,再顺序把v3.1~v3.6、D.R.LF2安装在v3.0资料夹内。 LF2_v3.6和D.R.LF2解压缩密码:http://98.to/lf2remakeworld/ D.R.LF2隐藏版解压密码: 隐藏版1:THYOU 隐藏版2:ANKNA Deolin相关资料:Thankyou (^感谢LF2改档专家.H提供以上资料。) Neo闯关作品: LF2_v2.7: http://tac.no-ip.org/download/NeoStageVer-2-7.exe 极疯狂改版作品: LF11_v6.0: http://www.u-file.net/download.php?call=bmt4092&ticket=S7OTL 较特别改版作品: 巨商LF2: http://hkcsk.com/gsl f2/mod/GerSangLF2_Ve r.5.exe 另类改版作品: 小朋友齐打交水上大作战: http://hk.geocities.com/lf2mus/lfw.zip Foxy搜寻之改版作品: LFO-LF2需要使用Foxy搜寻。 请搜寻并下载「lfo-lf2_v3.5 11.exe」和「异转LFO-lf2 2.rar」。 WinRar: http://www.winrar.com.cn/down/wrar361sc.exe 请将异转LFO-LF2_v3.5 11.exe解压缩,再使用WinRar解压缩LFO-LF2 2.rar到LFO-LF2资料夹,如果有大量档案,就先选档案,后按「解压缩到」键。 其他改版作品: 2E-LF2: http://hk.geocities.com/davnnis2002/ R.R-LF2: wto LF2主网: http://hk.msnusers.com/wongto/wtosrlf2.msnw 请使用下载区一。 R.R-LF2联盟: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/wtolf2_1/ 登入后按「档案」,便能下载R.R-LF2。 注意:欲玩R.R-LF2,必须先下载WinRar解压缩软件,因为R.R-LF2当中五个档案有四个都是rar档案,只有WinRar解压缩软件才能把rar档解压缩 WinRar: http://www.winrar.com.cn/down/wrar361sc.exe 把R-LF2安装在LF2_v1.9c,然后将R.R-LF2安装在R-LF2。 使用WinRar解压缩时,请先选择要解压缩的档案,如果有大量档案,就按「解压缩到」键。 小斗士超版_v1.5: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/z7654hk/ 光之LF2: http://hk.geocities.com/cix552001/data.zip http://hk.geocities.com/cix552001/sprite.zip LF2X: http://hk.geocities.com/lf2xfriend/a.zip http://hk.geocities.com/lf2x2002/b.zip http://hk.geocities.com/fire_xhk6a/c.zip LF7: http://www.hkedcity.net/citizen_files/aa/jz/be63888/myresources/200309/93467/LF7_0.3_1.zip I-LF2: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/I-lf2/ W-LF2: http://www.geocities.com/warlf2/part1.zip LF9、N-LF2、New-LF2: http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/group/playlf2/ JY-LF2: http://home.anet.net.tw/lf23015888/NewStar/index.htm 以上LF2需要安装於LF2_v1.9c 参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/22374687.html?si=10

求经典小游戏LF2(little fighter2小斗士)原版下载地址

http://www.duote.com/search.php?so=little&oldso=little%20fighter2 小斗士&searchType=

Little Fighter2 小朋友齐打交2的出招表

强化Davis 1. 风车击 D^JA 2. 双重气功波 D>(A...) 3. 千烈拳 DvA 4. 神龙拳 D^A 5. 缠身锁 D>J 6. 王者爆破波 DvJ 7. 王者连环拳 (Catch) D>J 8. 地狱真升龙* (Catch) D>J D^A 强化Woody 1. 炎u2027脚刀 D^(A...) 2. 炎u2027转移 D^J-DvJ 3. 炎u2027鬼车脚 Dv(A...) 4. 炎u2027气功波 D>(A...) 5. 炎u2027虎翔霸 D>J 6. 炎u2027虎翔杀* D>J DJA 7. 地狱龙飞翔* D>J DJA D>J 强化Dennis 1. 连环追纵波 D>A 2. 千烈腿 DvA 3. 龙卷旋风腿 D>J 4. 三叉气功波 D^A 5. 飞燕疾风腿 D^J 6. 翔空腿 DJA 7. 霸者气功波 DvJ 8. 缠身锁 >>DA 9. 霸者连环腿 (Catch) D>J 10.地狱燕舞杀* (Catch) D>J DJA 强化Freeze 1. 冷冻波 A-D>(A...) 2. 冰锋之剑 DvJ 3. 冰封拳 D>J 4. 白色暴风 D^J 5. 冰之刃 挥动冰锋之剑 6. 冰剑杀 冰锋之剑 Run A 7. 冰流星 投掷冰锋之剑 8. 地狱冰龙* D JA JA 9. 冰之召唤 D^A 强化Firen 1. 原子弹 D>(A...) 2. 疾走.焚身 D>J 3. 烈炎火球 DvJ 4. 灭绝u2027大轰炸 D^(J...)-Catch (J...) 5. 火炎之剑 DvA 6. 火之刃 挥动火炎之剑 7. 火剑杀 火炎之剑 Run A 8. 火流星 投掷火炎之剑 9. 地狱火龙* D JA JA 10.炎之召唤 D^A 强化Louis 1. 寒冰冲光拳 Run A 2. 寒冰落雷霸 Run JA 3. 寒冰无影脚 D>J 4. 寒冰旋风摔 D^J(J...) 5. 寒冰凤凰展翅 D>A 6. 变身成为Louis-EX DJA 6. 冲光飞翔拳 D^A 7. 寒冰凤凰杀 D>ADJA 8. 地狱龙影拳* D>ADJAD>A 强化Rudolf 1. 三连标 (A...) 2. 十连标 D>(A...) 3. 刺虎 D>J 4. 隐身术 D^J 5. 分身术 DvJ 6. 变化术 Catch DJA 7. 隐身斩 >>DJ 8. 瞬间转移 D^A-D^AA 9. 擒拿 >>DD 10.幻影飞镖 DvA 11.地狱千烈斩* (Catch) D^J DvJ 强化Henry 1. 三连矢 (A...) 2. 五连矢 Jump (A...) 3. 十连矢 DJ(A...) 4. 魔王穿空箭 D>J 5. 烈地降龙掌 D>(A...) 6. 地狱乐章* D^(J...) 7. 地狱箭雨* D^JD>JD>J 强化John 1. 七连气功波 D>(A...) 2. 气旋防护壁 D>J 3. 三连气旋斩 D^(A...) 4. 治疗他人 D^J 5. 治疗自己 DvJ 6. 激光魔杖* DvA 7. 地狱魔咒* Dv(A...) ↑【愈少血所按A的次数愈少】↑ 强化Deep 1. 真空斩 D>(A...) 2. 超霸王斩 Dv(A...) 3. 超屠龙斩 D^JA 4. 终极鬼哭斩 D>J 5. 刀光剑影 D^A 6. 地狱翔空斩* DvA D^A J DvJ 小朋友齐打交2的出招表 lf2/index_b5


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