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Assign Shader to Each Projection指定投影

verilog 一个assign的简单问题

都是并行的没有错,但是assign是阻塞赋值,“阻塞”即是在当前的赋值完成之前阻塞其他赋值任务,当然有延时语句除外。所以c[0]先赋值,c[0]的值发生变化,激励c[1]变化,c[1]变化触发c[2]变化,所以结果就跟顺序执行的结果一样。如果换成<= ,就成为时序电路了,为非阻塞赋值,一般需要时钟进行控制。在一个时钟周期起始时刻计算右端表达式的值,在时钟结束时刻将右端表达式的值赋给左端,在这个时间周期内的其它变量的赋值不受影响,即不阻塞执行其它的赋值任务,但是其它变量的赋值操作也不会影响本表达式的计算结果。因此,如果在always里用<=,那么c[0]的值会延迟一个时钟被赋予,c[1]用c[0]变化之前的值进行运算(前提是敏感信号列表中只将时钟列入),以此类推,所有运算操作并行执行。这些运算顺序与规则,可以简单编写几个测试文件进行测试,观察以后也许理解更为深刻。


1、reg是always块里用的,要用在时序逻辑里,不能用组合逻辑assign定义。2、always@(posedge clk&a)一般没有这么写的。always@(这里要写条件,循环执行语句的条件),比如说你要在clk上升沿时执行赋值语句,那么就在里面填写posedge clk,如果你要在a变化一次时在always块里的语句执行一次可以在括号里面只写a。说明执行条件是a的变化。a不能既是输出又是执行语句条件。如果是那样的话,那么你可以在always块里写成if(a)begin下面是要循环的语句end如果a是0那么就会自动跳出

为什么我用 assign 输出不了变量

要在模板中输出变量,必须在在控制器中把变量传递给模板,提供了assign方法对模板变量赋值,无论何种变量类型都统一使用assign赋值。  // 下面的写法是等效的:  $this->name = $value;  assign方法必须在display和show方法之前调用,并且系统只会输出设定的变量,其它变量不会输出(系统变量可以通过特殊的标签输出,可以无需赋值模板变量),一定程度上保证了变量的安全性。  赋值后,就可以在模板文件中输出变量了,如果使用的是内置模板的话,就可以这样输出:  {$name}  如果要同时输出多个模板变量,可以使用下面的方式:  $array["name"] = ‘thinkphp";  $array["email"] = ‘liu21st@gmail.com";  $array["phone"] = "12335678′;  $this->assign($array);


assign result =a ?a1 :b?a2 :a3;这里面a,b是条件,然后 a1,a2,a3是输入的数据。

c++ assign

assign可以避免不必要的内存分配,可以提高效率。你这里的程序没错啊,呵呵。因为你每次输入的都是*c,由于你每次都是保存的都是指针,那么,按照基本理论来说,你加入的字符串应该其值为最后一个字符串。如此修改可能是你要的:#include <vector> #include <list> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { vector<char*> vect; char c[5][5]; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { cin>>*(c+i); vect.push_back(*(c+i)); } list<string> slist; slist.assign(vect.begin(),vect.end()); list<string>::iterator iter = slist.begin(); while(iter!=slist.end()) { cout<<*iter++<<endl; } return 0; } adjllsdfceessadjllsdfceess请按任意键继续. . .

verilog里assign a={5{b}};是什么意思?

你这句代码是不完整的,应该是类似于:assign a = {5{1"b1}};它等价于:assign a=5"b1_1111;其中,“5{}”表示5次重复相同内容,而外层大括号表示里面的内容进行拼接。

verilog中assign a= |b与assign a=b 的区别(就多了一个位或符)

a= |b举例说明:wire a;wire [3:0] b;assign a= |b;相当于a=b[3] || b[2] || b[1] || b[0];a= b举例说明:wire [3:0] a;wire [3:0] b;assign a= b;相当于a[3:0]=b[3:0];


appoint,designate,assign,name,nominate 这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。appoint:通常指不经过选择的官方委任。designate:书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。assign:常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。name:普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。nominate:通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。


Assign是文本文件用的,文本文件又称为正文文件或行文文件,可以直接阅读,是人机通信的基本数据形式之一。文本文件的内容由ASCII字符集中的字符组成,因此文本文件也称ASCII码文件。文本文件具体是由一系列行组成,每一行可以包括0个或多个字符型成分,并以行结束符结尾。文本文件可用文字编辑程序(如Free Pascal的编辑窗口中或记事本中)直接建立、阅读和修改, 也可以由Pascal程序在运行过程中建立。 一、文本文件的定义  文本文件的类型为text,它是由ASCII字符组成的,是Pascal提供的标准文件之一。标准文件text已由Pascal说明如下:type text=file of char;因此,同标准类型integer、real等一样可以直接用于变量说明之中,无需再由用户说明。 例如:  var f1,f2:text;  这里定义了两个文本文件变量f1和f2。二、文本文件的建立  文本文件的建立有两种方法:一是直接用Free Pascal的Edit建立原始数据文件;二是用程序的方式建立中间数据或结果数据文件。例如将下表中的数据存入名为A.dat的文件中。  3 4  29 30 50 60  80 90 70 75  60 50 70 45  操作步骤:进入Free Pascal的编辑状态;输入数据;存盘,文件名取A.dat。  此时,已将数据存入文本文件A.dat中。文本文件也可用记事本等文本编辑器在windows下建立。  如果用程序的方式建立文件,操作步骤为:  1、定义文本文件变量;  2、把一外部文件名赋于文本文件变量,使该文本文件与相应外部文件相关联;  命令格式:assign(f,name)  f为定义的文本文件变量,name为实际文件文件名  如:assign(f1,"filein.in") {相对路径}  或:assign(f1,"d:pasfileout.out") {绝对路径}  这样在程序中对文本文件变量f1的操作,也就是对外部实际文件"filein.in"或"fileout.out"的操作。上例中文件"filein.in"是存贮在当前目录中,而文件"fileout.out"则是存贮在d:pas子目录中。  3、打开文本文件,写准备;  命令格式:rewrite(f)  功能:创建并打开新文件准备写,若已有同名文件则删除再创建。  4、对文件进行写操作;  命令格式:write(f,<项目名>)或:writeln(f,<项目名>)  功能:将项目内容写入文件f中  5、文件操作完毕后,关闭文件。  命令格式:close(f)例11.1 从键盘输入下列数据,然后用程序写入名为B.dat的文件中。3 4  29 30 50 60  80 90 70 75  60 50 70 45program exp11_1;var i,j,n,m,x:integer;f:text;beginwrite("n,m=");readln(n,m);assign(f,"b.dat");rewrite(f);writeln(f,n," ",m);for i:=1 to n dobeginfor j:=1 to m dobeginread(x);write(f,x," ");end;readln;writeln(f);end;close(f);end. 三、读取文本文件   文本文件内容读取操作步骤:  1、定义文本文件变量;  2、用assign(f,name)命令,将内部文件f与实际文件name联系起来;  3、打开文本文件,读准备;  命令格式:reset(f)  功能:打开一个已经存在的磁盘文件,该文件只能读,指向文件元素的指针指向第一个元素。4、对文件进行读操作;  命令格式:read(f,<变量名表>) 或readln(f,<变量名表>)  功能:读文件f中指针指向的数据于变量中。  5、文件操作完毕,用close(f)命令关闭文件。例11.2 读出例1生成的文本文件B.dat中的内容,并输出到屏幕。program exp11_2;var i,j,n,m,x:integer;f:text;beginassign(f,"b.dat");reset(f);read(f,n,m);writeln(n," ",m);for i:=1 to n dobeginfor j:=1 to m dobeginread(f,x);write(x," ");end;writeln;end;close(f);readlnend.由于文本文件是以ASCII码的方式存储,故查看文本文件的内容是极为方便,在windows状态可使用记事本等软件进行查看,在Free Pascal中可以象取程序一样取出文件进行查看。


module FADD(A,B,Cin,Sum,Cout);input A,B,Cin;output Sum,Cout;...endmodulemodule Test;...FADD M(C1,C2,C3,C4,C5);...endmodule答案Cin(wire) Cout(wire/reg) C3(wire/reg) C5(wire)能举例说明百度知道说清楚c3应Cin能wire另两都定义wire 用assign输节省拍且节省资源消耗用寄存器保存值assign赋值主要用场合


assign 指派,委派,委任 design 设计,构思,计划 resign 辞职,放弃


assign相当于一条连线,将表达式右边的电路直接通过wire(线)连接到左边,左边信号必须是wire型。当右边变化了左边立马变化,方便用来描述简单的组合逻辑。 示例: wire a, b, y; assign y = a & b;




读作: AS SIGNED 是指派、分配 的意思

verilog assign可以给reg赋值吗 和assign给wire赋值有什么区别



assign() C++ string类的成员函数,用于赋值操作。 函数原型: string &operator=(const string &s);把字符串s赋给当前字符串 string &assign(const char *s);用c类型字符串s赋值 string &assign(const char *s,int n);用c字符串s开始的n个字符赋值 string &assign(const string &s);把字符串s赋给当前字符串 string &assign(int n,char c);用n个字符c赋值给当前字符串 string &assign(const string &s,int start,int n);把字符串s中从start开始的n个字符赋给当前字符串 string &assign(const_iterator first,const_itertor last);把first和last迭代器之间的部分赋给字符串 函数以下列方式赋值: 用str为字符串赋值, 用str的开始num个字符为字符串赋值, 用str的子串为字符串赋值,子串以index索引开始,长度为len 用num个字符ch为字符串赋值. 例如以下代码: string str1, str2 = "War and Peace"; str1.assign( str2, 4, 3 ); cout << str1 << endl; 显示 and

关于verilog 的assign



assign 是连接命令,指的是两个信号相连,如assign a=b;指把信号a和信号b相连。在实现的时候就是直接把a信号和b信号用一根线连接。


consign 指委托,托付assign 指分派,安排希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢!

关于verilog 的assign

他说“虽然assign可以这样用,不过很少有人这么写。assign相当于连线,一般它的用处是将一个变量的值不间断地赋值给另外一个,就像把这两个变量连在一起一样。”din=din+1;应该用din<=din+1; 吧always #4 Clk=~Clk;//产生一个波形,每4ns翻转一次,always@(posedge clk)//每次的时钟上升沿进入always语句,和你的 #4 din<=din+1;类似,只是没见过你这样的书写方法初学,mark一下,只为了方便查找。


1、元照:assign 让与,动产转让transfer (所有权的)让与(把一个人的权利转让给另一人),(物权、产权等)转让2、 英汉: assign多为民法或合同法上的债权让与,且常指转让无形财产的权利;transfer 为一般术语,可泛指各种转让;3、 法律意义上的区别:(1)assign 的“让与”词义来源于“分配”这个词源含义,因而分配标的既可以是“物”,也可以是“权利”;而物基本上可以分配,则以动产居多,因此assign 表达转让时多是可分配的不动产,但极少情况下也有用assign 表示不动产权利证书转让的时候。(2)transfer 的“让与”词义来源于“移交,转移”这个词源含义,因而在移交转移的标的上多为有形物,或实体物,而不论是否是不动产、动产或权益,只要这些权利或物能以有形的形式出现,transfer均可用,在这个意义上来说,transfer表达的转让范围宽泛,是法律英语中表示转让的通用词汇。


assign相当于一条连线,将表达式右边的电路直接通过wire(线)连接到左边,左边信号必须是wire型。当右边变化了左边立马变化,方便用来描述简单的组合逻辑。示例: wire a, b, y; assign y = a & b;




你把input和output改成自己喜欢的名字(如file1和file2)然后想输入或输出到文件时就写readln(file1,变量名);{file1是你喜欢的名字}writeln(file2,变量名);{file2是也你喜欢的名字}要在键盘与屏幕上读写时就写readln(变量名);{不要写文件名}writeln(变量名);{不要写文件名}就OK啦!举例:program example;var file1,file2:text; p:integer;begin assign(file1,"a.txt"); assign(file2,"b.txt"); readln(file1,p);{读文件中的值} writeln(file2,p);{输出到文件} readln(p);{读键盘上的值} writeln(p);{输出到屏幕}end.



verilog中assign{ }是什么意思

assign相当于一条连线,将表达式右边的电路直接通过wire(线)连接到左边,左边信号必须是wire型。当右边变化了左边立马变化,方便用来描述简单的组合逻辑。示例: wire a, b, y; assign y = a & b;

high priestess啥意思



assign函数用于重置list的内容一种方式是用一段连续内容去重置另外一种方式则是用某个具体值去重置请参看运行下面的示意程序:#include <list>#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main( ){ list<int> l1(5, 11), l2; list<int>::const_iterator cit; l2.push_back(1); l2.push_back(3); l2.push_back(5); l2.push_back(7); for (cit = l1.begin(); cit != l1.end(); cit ++) cout << *cit << " "; cout << endl; l1.assign(++ l2.begin(), -- l2.end()); // 方式1,用迭代器指向序列重置 for (cit = l1.begin(); cit != l1.end(); cit ++) cout << *cit << " "; cout << endl; l1.assign(8, 0); // 方式2,用数值连续重置 for (cit = l1.begin(); cit != l1.end(); cit ++) cout << *cit << " "; cout << endl;}

the high priestess是什么意思

正确答案为: high priestess 英 [hai u02c8pri:stu026as]美 [hau026a u02c8pristu026as] n.大祭司,祭司长 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,


Verilog语言使用一个或多个模块对数字电路建模,通常可以用三种方式:1、结构描述方式:即调用其它已定义好的低层模块或直接调用Verilog内部基本门级元件描述电路结构和功能。2、数据流描述方式:连续使用赋值语句(assign)对电路的逻辑功能进行描述。3、行为描述方式:使用过程块语句结构(initial和always语句)和比较抽象的高级程序语句对电路的逻辑功能进行描述。你问的assign语句就属于第二种。连续赋值语句用于对wire型变量进行赋值,它由关键字assign开始,后面跟着由操作数和运算符组成的逻辑表达式。例如:wire A,B,SEL,L;//声明4个线型变量assign L=(A&~SEL)|(B&SEL);//连续赋值在assign语句中,左边变量的数据类型必须是wire型。input和output如果不特别声明类型,默认是wire类型。举例2选1的数据选择器:module mux2x1_df(A,B,SEL,L);input A,B,SEL;output L;assign L=SEL?A:B;endmodule




assign,连续赋值语句,有些书称为数据流描述方式。 assign,顾名思义,分配、布置。 它是将一个表达式的值、数值(寄存器的值、固定电平)的输出电平,连接至信号线或输出引脚上。 举个例子: 需要注意的是: assign,我一般视其为“连线”语句。y只能是wire或output等导线型信号,不能是reg类型。因为寄存器的赋值是需要触发信号的,赋值时需要触发信号,而assign并不能提供触发信号,assign只能做导线连接操作。 由于assign描述了硬件连线,所以多个assign之间不存在先后顺序,也没有执行顺序。 assign只能单独使用,不能嵌套在任何行为块语句中。





求DOTA中月之女祭司的那个warriors of the night,assemble的声音

屠夫的freshmeat是DOTA的声音,还有杀人的声音都是DOTA的声音, http://bbs.uuu9.com/viewthread.php?tid=335699&extra=page%3D1,这个地址有。 月女的声音是war3的声音,可以从war3直接提出来。方法是:打开war3游戏安装文件夹,找到魔兽地图编辑器(World Editor.exe 就是有个毛笔在羊皮纸上的那个图标),双击打开,中间有一些说明,确定之后进到魔兽编辑器的界面,在上边的编辑栏里有一个黄色的小喇叭图标(快捷键式F5),那是声音编辑器,点一下,弹出声音编辑器,war3的声音都在这,如果阁下英文好,下边的就不用我说,什么英雄的、小兵的、剧情的等等声音都可以找。月女的那个warriors of the night,的路径在 声音/内部的/Units(单位)/NightElf(精灵)/HeroMoonPriestess(月之女祭司)/HeroMoonPriestessReady1.wav。找到这个声音后,右键——输出声音,找个位置就行了,比如放在桌面,他是一个wav文件,可以直接做手机提示音。我曾经用月女这个做过短信提示音,挺爽。现在用的是屠夫的“Ah,fresh meat”。很Hight!!

high priestess是什么意思


韩国歌曲bigbang中有类似can you feel it高潮的音乐吗?


一首英文歌,最后一句话是can you feel it,男的唱的,很High的歌

Jean Roch 的 Can You Feel It


夜愿(nightwish)芬兰哥特金属乐队。风 格:Goth Metal(哥特金属) Heavy Metal(重金属) Progressive Metal(前卫金属) Symphonic Black Metal(黑色交响) 介 绍:1996年七月的一个夜晚,当tuomas与他的朋友们在树林里坐在篝火旁聚会的时候,nightwish这个想法第一次出现在他们的脑海里,他们当时就创作了三首歌曲并于当年12月录制了出来.最初乐队的成员只有三人tuomas, tarja和emppu。 后来大家觉的这些歌需要有鼓声,因此jukka也加入了进来.emppu将原来的箱琴换成了电琴,nightwish又创作了些新歌,他们在97年4月花了一星期的时间录制了7首作品.97年乐队与spinefarm签订了两张专辑的合约.这样他们又创作了4首作品.其中carpenter这首歌登上了芬兰单曲榜的第8位.97年11月乐队首张专辑angels fall first正式发行,听众反映良好,但乐队很快就停止了活动。emppu和jukka要服兵役而 tarja要完成学业.大家与公司协商后延长了合同并将专辑数量变为三张.98年5月公司为nightwish发布了carpenter等歌的video.而同年夏天,贝司手sami vanska加入到队伍中.8月nightwish备齐人马开始了新的工作.先录制了单曲的video,到12月7日,乐队至今最成功的专辑oceanborn发布了.它登上了专辑榜第五名,其中单曲sacrament of wilderness成功的坐上了单曲榜的头把交椅.nightwish开始全国巡演,等到99年春天,oceanborn在海外成功发行.乐队在欧洲特别是德国极受欢迎,所有作品全部热卖,他们开始参加大型音乐节并进行欧洲巡演了。2000年nightwish开始制作自己的第三张专辑,可乐队在欧洲电视网芬兰歌曲大赛中的参赛歌曲sleep walker牵扯了大家的精力不得不暂停工作,最终sleep walker得到了第二名,而公众评判则是第一名.同年乐队的最新大碟wishmaster终于发布.一经售卖立刻登上了芬兰排行榜首位,并停留了三个星期.而且被德国rock hard评为了2000年6月的最佳大碟(超过了bon jovi和iron maiden的新专辑)并成为金唱片。现在nightwish可以说是芬兰最红的乐队了,她们那种女声gothic metal深受北欧大众的喜爱,可以预见在不远的将来,她们会成长为一颗真正耀眼的rock star。组建时间: 1997年国 籍:芬兰专 辑:Once、Over the Hills & Far Away、Century Child、Wishbox、Wishmaster、Oceanborn、Angels Fall First

VEB Werkzeugfabrik Konigsee谁知道这是德国的什么公司,都是德语。

Werkzeug是工具 fabrik是工厂的意思 复合词的话 可能是卖什么工具的工厂konig 是国王 see有湖或者海的意思 很难确定是国王湖、国王海呢 还是单纯音译成柯尼希湖网上搜索了下 最接近的就是Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Glauchau GmbH 卖各种磨床的生产商如果就是这家公司的话 他的中文名字叫威马格劳豪 卖威马磨床Glauchau这个地方离开姆尼茨很近 在萨克森州

动漫fate stay night 里有一首插曲,里面也有brave shine这句歌词,求这首歌

last stardust

fate stay night重制版的第13集片头曲叫什么


求歌词:let s go straight to no.1 有一首拉丁舞曲里面的一句歌词,女声,很温柔

chilly cha cha 应该是吧 听听看

求bigbang的make love这歌词罗马音或汉语音译

MAKE LOVE - Bigbangi never knew I"d find a love so trueThis one right here, is just for youRemember that one dayI held your hands and I kissed your lips then I told youOur love was meant to be and always will foreverGive me that happiness I get from you just being thereI always see you when I close my eyes, you"re on my mindSo can"t you see, I need you right here with me, close by my sideThis time for sure, Gonna let you know,My love is straight from the heartForever you"re my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneThe only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and meForever you"re my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneI"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let goEven through the hard timesWe made it through just fineWhen it hurt we put in the workTo show that I"m yoursAnd that you"re mineThat"s how we got this farLet"s never be apartGirl, you"re my queenI"m here for youCuz you"re my everythingYou always make me feel like everything"s gonna be alrightWith the things u do, becuz it"s you the real true love of my lifeThis time for sure, Gonna let you know,My love is straight from the heartForever you"re my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneThe only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and meForever you"re my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneI"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let goUh... Baby!You know I"d walk them milesClimb mountains switch up stylesAll I wanna do, is be with youAin"t no matter what, where we now(Right here and now)We can both get down(Straight work it out)Yeah I like that soundBump"n grindin" perfect timin"Lets dine and both be proudYeah Yeah YeahGonna take you on a joyride todayMe and you stay true never hesitateTo make love -- Sho nuffYou"re the only one I"m ever thinkin" ofJust to hold you baby I can hardly waitAs we go through the motions damn it"s greatTo make love -- Sho "nuffWe"re gonna take it to the end and that"s what"s upYou are the only one I want to spend my whole life with I knowAnywhere you are, that"s where I will call homeSo just take my hand and say that you will never let it goTwo hearts always beating as one forever moreForever you"re my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneThe only one I"ll ever need, my life is you and meForever you"re my girl Forever be my worldYou are the only oneI"ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don"t let goI"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girlI"m nothing without you I"m nothing without you girl

求歌名big bang的歌词是foever you my love ,foever in my heart, foever only one

make love






Insight is the clear and deep perception of something. 从这句可以看出perception指一般的“认知,理解,看法”,而insight比perception深一层次,是(看透本相的)洞察力.



有一首英文歌,男生唱的,节奏很快。歌词中有one two three four five six seven eight nine

是Really meal

以下的日文名字怎么翻译:1 Atsushi Noro 2 Yoshio Sageshima 3 Shigeo Arai 4 Yushu Matsushita


歌词开头是女生唱的one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 一首DJ舞曲


有首歌中间是one two three four five six seven eight nine 后面是NONONONO



FighterChristina AguileraAfter all you put me throughYou think I despise youBut in the endI wanna thank youCause you make me that much strongerWell I thought I knew youThinking" that you were trueI guess I" I couldn"t trustCalled your bluff" time is up"Cause I"ve had enoughYou were" there by my sideAlways" down for the rideBut your" joy ride just came down in flames"Cause your greed sold me out of shame" mmhmmAfter all of the stealing and cheatingYou probably think that I hold resentment for youBut" uh uh" oh no" you"re wrong"Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to doI wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull throughSo I wanna say thank you"Cause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderIt makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerMakes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterOh" ohh....Never" saw it comingAll of" your backstabbingJust so" you could cash inOn a good thing before I realized your gameI heard" you"re going aroundPlaying" the victim nowBut don"t" even beginFeeling I"m the one to blame"Cause you dug your own graveAfter all of the fights and the liesYes you wanted to harm me but that won"t work anymoreUh" no more" oh no" it"s over"Cause if it wasn"t for all of your tortureI wouldn"t know how to be this way now" and never back downSo I wanna say thank you"Cause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterHow could this man I thought I knew turn out to be unjust so cruelCould only see the good in you pretended not to know the truthYou tried to hide your lies"disguise yourself through living in denialBut in the end you"ll seeYOU WONT STOP MEI am a fighter and I(I"m a fighter)I ain"t gon" stop(I ain"t gon" stop)There is no turning backI"ve had enough" yeah..."Cause it makes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighterThought I would forget (thought I)I remember (ohh)Cause I remember (ohh)I rememberThought I would forgetI remember (ohh)Cause I remember (ohh)I remembermakes me that much strongerMakes me work a little bit harderMakes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighterMade me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thickerIt makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighter

"for one seven seven four Three Eight seven"是什么意思,有什么深层涵义吗?





具体的选择方法要根据实验的设计需求去选择,可以自己制备也可以选择口碑佳的抗体制备公司eg:abcam/ A B clonal、Santa等。

交换机Ethernet0/0/1 FastEthernet0/0/1 GigabitEthernet0/0/1有什么区别

Ethernet0/0/1 FastEthernet0/0/1 这两个是一样的,一个是华为H3C的标识,一个思科的标识,标识的都是百兆接口GigabitEthernet0/0/1 这个就是千兆接口

改错题to the finalists,bob and i,the last high jump was the most exciting as well as the

第二个很明显不能用me 啊!主语要用l . 第一个主语是jump , 应该用bob"s and my



Enrique Iglesias-- Can you hear me 歌词

Enrique Iglesias - Can You Hear MeCan You Hear Me! Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Oooow Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? OooowI remember that I can still feel you Sometimes I"m blind but I see you You are here but so far away The times when you wanna.. Im missing you Makes me feel like I"m spinning Sometimes you get what you gain I"m on a coaster-collision Am not about to give in Can"t explain my position or the condition that I"m in. Where I am is no limit, no walls, no ceilings No intermission, so let Let the party begin. (Chorus) Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? (Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? )Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Oooow Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?OooowCan You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?Oooow Oooow Don"t you mean that you"re my vision I gotta make a decision Do I go, do I stay? (Stay) You"ve gotten into my system You are in control of my mental I need to mean for a stay (Yeah!)I"m on a coaster-collision Am not about to give inCan"t explain my position or the condition that I"m in. Where I am is no limit, no walls, no ceilingsNo intermission, so let Let the party begin!(Chorus) Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way Oooow DJ let it play. Oooow Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Oooow Oooow Can You Hear Me?Can You Hear Me?Can You Hear Me?Can You Hear Me? OooowOooow Can You Hear Me?Can You Hear Me?Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Oooow Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Can you hear me!Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? ( Can You Hear Me? )Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Oooow Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me? Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way DJ let it play. Hey Hey Can You Hear Me? (Can You Hear Me? )Enrique Iglesias - Can You Hear Me

Santa Cruz化学试剂与其他知名公司(sigma,abcam等)相比便宜很多,为什么?质量可靠么?

Santa Cruz也是小有名气的试剂进口品牌,是可以购买的,但要通过正规途径才可靠。

交换机Ethernet0/0/1 FastEthernet0/0/1 GigabitEthernet0/0/1有什么区别

一、端口速率区别1、Ethernet0/0/1【以太网端口,10Mbit/s】2、FastEthernet0/0/1【快速以太网端口,100Mbit/s】3、GigabitEthernet0/0/1【千兆以太网端口,1000Mbit/s】二、编码区别1、Ethernet(传统以太网)采用曼彻特斯编码;2、Fast Ethernet(快速以太网)采用4B/5B码;3、Gigabit Ethernet(千兆以太网)采用8S/10B;三、物理层标准不同1、以太网(传统以太网)有三种物理层标准,即10base2、10BASE5和10base-t。10base2是细电缆以太网,需要使用细同轴电缆;10BASE5是粗电缆以太网,需要使用粗同轴电缆。目前,这两个标准基本取消,10Base-T是传统以太网中最常用的标准,采用双绞线作为传输煤质。2、快速以太网物理层标准包括100base-t2、100base-t4、100base-FX等,其中100base-tx运行在5类双绞线的两组上,100base-t2运行在3类双绞线的两对上,100base-t4运行在3类双绞线的四对上,100base-FX运行在光纤上,可单触式或多模式。3、千兆以太网物理层标准包括1000base sx、1000base lx 1000base cx和1000base-tx,1000base sx采用多模光纤,s为光信号的波长形式;1000base lx裕兴采用单模光纤,l为光信号的最短波长形式;1000base-cx使用同轴电缆;1000base-TX使用双绞线。扩展资料:交换机分类:1、以太网交换机随着计算机及其互联技术的飞速发展,以太网已成为目前最流行的短距离两层计算机网络。以太网的核心部件是以太网交换机。以太网交换机厂商根据市场需求,推出了三层甚至四层交换机。但无论如何,其核心功能仍是二层的以太网数据包交换,只是带有了一定的处理IP层甚至更高层数据包的能力。网络交换机是一个扩大网络的器材,能为子网络中提供更多的连接端口,以便连接更多的计算机。2、光交换机光交换是人们正在研制的下一代交换技术。所有的交换技术都是基于电信号的,即使是光纤交换机也是先将光信号转为电信号,经过交换处理后,再转回光信号发到另一根光纤。由于光电转换速率较低,同时电路的处理速度存在物理学上的瓶颈,因此人们希望设计出一种无需经过光电转换的“光交换机”,其内部不是电路而是光路,逻辑元件不是开关电路而是开关光路。这样将大大提高交换机的处理速率。参考资料:百度百科-交换机



韩剧类似于signal,失踪的黑色m 求推荐剧慌很久了

mrs cop

light fingering粗细等于多少支


谁可以帮忙解释一下声乐当中C1 D1 highC之类的都什么意思

我们平时所说的do re mi fa sol la si的音名就是C1 D1一般是指钢琴上的区间 至于HIGH C是一般高音曲谱中比如男高音记谱方式 你指音程最大吗是HIGHC啊 然后是D1 你的排列是正确的

谁可以帮忙解释一下声乐当中C1 D1 highC之类的都什么意思


source insight 3.5 中的 Lookup references 不能用,一直是灰色。求解呀!!!!!!!!

此项必须要建立Source Insight工程才可以用的,如果不建立工程,只在一个文件中查找就只能用Ctrl + F这种直接Search的方式。建立工程选择菜单中Project -> New Project然后设置工程名称,选择工程文件存放路径,选择工程需要添加的代码所在的路径等,按照提示添加了源文件和头文件等就可以进行Lookup References的查找了。


Angels Fall First(1997) 1-Elvenpath 2-Beauty And The Beast 3-The Carpenter 4-Astral Romance (1997) 5-Angels Fall First 6-Tutankhamen 7-Nymphomaniac Fantasia 8-Know Why The Nightingale Sings? 9-Lappi (Lapland) 10-Once Upon A Troubadour 11-A Return To The Sea Nightwish: Oceanborn (1998) 01 - Stargazers 02 - Gethsemane 03 - Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean 04 - Sacrament of Wilderness 05 - Passion and the Opera 06 - Swanheart 07 - Moondance 08 - The Riddler 09 - The Pharao Sails to orion 10 - Walkin in the Air 11 - Nightquest 12 - Sleeping Sun (Bonus Track) Sleeping Sun(1999)单曲 Wishmaster (2000) 01 - She Is My Sin 02 - The Kinslayer 03 - Come Cover Me 04 - Wanderlust 05 - Two For Tragedy 06 - Wishmaster 07 - Bare Grace Misery 08 - Crownless 09 - Deep Silent Complete 10 - Dead Boy"s Poem 11 - Fantasmic 12 - Sleepwalker (Bonus Track) Over the Hills And Far Away(EP)(2001) 01 - Over The Hills And Far Away 02 - 10th Man Down 03 - Away 04 - Astral Romance 05 - The Kinslayer (Live) 06 - She Is My Sin (Live) 07 - Sacrament Of Wilderness (Live) 08 - Walking In The Air (Live) 09 - Wishmaster (Live) 10 - Deep Silent Complete (Live) Century Child (2002) 01 - Bless The Child 02 - End Of All Hope 03 - Dead To The World 04 - Ever Dream 05 - Slaying The Dreamer 06 - Forever Yours 07 - Ocean Soul 08 - Feel For You 09 - The Phantom Of The Opera 10 - Beauty Of The Beast 11 - Lagoon 12 - The Wayfarer (Bonus Track) Once (2004) 1. Dark Chest of Wonders 2. Wish I Had an Angel 3. Nemo 4. Planet Hell 5. Creek Mary"s Blood 6. Siren 7. Dead Gardens 8. Romanticide 9. Ghost Love Score 10. Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan 11. Higher Than Hope 12.White Night Fantasy (Bonus Track) Dark Passion Play(2007) 1. The Poet And The Pendulum 2. Bye Bye Beautiful 3. Amaranth 4. Cadence Of Her Last Breath 5. Master Passion Greed 6. Eva 7. Sahara 8. Whoever Brings The Night 9. For The Heart I Once Had 10. The Islander 11. Last Of The Wilds 12. 7 Days To The Wolves 13. Meadows Of Heaven 14.The Escapist (Bonus Track) Single: Eramaan Viimeinen (in Finland only) (2007) 1. Eramaan Viimeinen (Finnish Version of "Last of The Wilds") 2. Eramaan Viimeinen (Instrumental) EP:Nightwish -《The Sound of Nightwish Reborn》 (2008) 1. Eva (Pre-Anette Olzon Demo Version) 2. Reach (Pre-Anette Olzon Demo Version) 3. While Your Lips are Still Red (B-Side) 4. The Escapist (B-Side) 5. The Poet and the Pendulum (Pre-Anette Olzon Demo Version) 6. Bye Bye Beautiful (Dj Orkidea Remix) 7. Meadow of Heaven (Orchestral Version) 8. Amaranth (Orchestral Version) 9. The Escapist (Intrumental Version) Made In Hong Kong <And In Various Other Places> (2009.3.13) 1. Bye Bye Beautiful (Live) 2. Whoever Brings The Night (Live) 3. Amaranth (Live) 4. The Poet And The Pendulum (Live) 5. Sahara (Live) 6. The Islander (Live) 7. Last Of The Wilds (Live) 8. 7 Days To The Wolves (Live) 9. The Escapist (Album Version) 10. While Your Lips Are Still Red (Album Version) 11. Cadence Of Her Last Breath (B-Side, Performed by Marco) 参照百度

British Airways Flight Number 39 from London


求LOVE PSYCHEDELICO『right now』的歌词

Don"t wanna wait til tomorrow,Why put it off another day?One more walk through problems,Built up, and stand in our way ,ahOne step ahead, one step behind meNow you gotta run to get evenMake future plans, don"t dream about yesterday, heyC"mon turn, turn this thing aroundRight now, heyIt"s your tomorrowRight now,C"mon,it"s everythingRight now,Catch a magic moment, do itRight here and nowIt means everythingMiss the beat, you lose the rhythm,And nothing falls into place, noOnly missed by a fraction,Slipped a little off your pace, oh,The more things you get, the more you want,Just trade in one for the other,Workin so hard, to make it easier, whoa,Got to turn, c"mon turn this thing aroundRight now, heyIt"s your tomorrowRight now,C"mon, it"s everythingRight now,Catch that magic moment, do itRight here and nowIt means everythingIt"s enlightened me, right nowWhat are you waitin forOhhhhhhyeahright now!!!Right now, heyIt"s your tomorrowRight now,C"mon, it"s everythingRight now,Catch that magic moment, and do it right,Right nowoh, Right nowIt"s what"s happening?Right here and nowRight nowIt"s right nowOh,Tell me, what are you waiting forTurn this thing around

…Excused from recycling because you live in a high ribbish chute?… become知道全文吗,请告诉我,谢

其实再搜一下你就应该能找到结果了,似乎是阅读题,题目和答案我也一起贴出来好了:Excused from recycling because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute? You won"t be for long. Miami"s Mark Shantzis has made it simple for those living in tall buildings to use the chute and cycle, too. In Shantzis" Hi-Rise Recycling system, a chute leads to a pip-shaped container with six boxes that can turn around when operated. The system, which fits in the same space as the chute and container now in use, enables, glass, plastics, paper, metal, and other rubbish to go into separate boxes. The system is controlled from a board foxed next to the chute door. The board has a button for each class of recycling materials. At the press of a button, a microcomputer locks all other floors" chute doors and sets the recycling container turning until the right box comes under the chute. The computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a particular piece of equipment breaks up the non-recyclables. Sorting recyclables before they are collected saves the use of expensive materials recovery equipment which otherwise has to do the sorting. Such equipment often makes recycled materials very expensive, so expensive that tones of recyclables remain wasted. Shantzis believes his system could help recycled materials become more cost-effective.1. The purpose in writing this text is _________. A.to encourage people to recycle their rubbish B.to introduce a recycling system for high rises C.to describe the use of computer technology in recycling D.to explain the need for rubbish collection in high rises2. When he says 〃You won"t be for long〃 the writer means that _______. A.you"ll soon be living in a cleaner building B.rubbish chutes will become out of date before long C.you won"t wait long for your turn to recycle rubbish D.it won"t be long before you"ll have to recycle your rubbish3. Before dropping rubbish into the chute you have to ___________ A.lock the other floors" chute doors B.check if the container is full C.press the correct button D.break up the rubbish4. The biggest advantage of this new system is that _________ A.it reduces the cost of recycling B.it saves time and space C.it saves money for people living in high rises D.it makes better use of the existing recovery equipmentKey:BDCA希望有帮到你。


on signal信号no signal信号;





道奇公羊汽车出现turn signal on是什么意思?

道奇公羊汽车出现turn signal on应该是“打开信号”的意思,就是车子的转向灯长开了,,车子行车电脑显示屏来提醒关闭。


还可以 turnsignal牌子不错,turnsignal品牌遵循于原创设计的准则,追求艺术设计感,注重服装工艺。精致内敛感是TURNSIGNAL的产品诉求,强调服装间的整体搭配调性,迎合现代都市个性化倾向。期望通过服装产品表现现代都市独立自主、自信自强的女性形象。


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