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freedom of speech and the religion翻译

jury trial和due process of law都是noun phrase. right to something is okay,right指权利. e.g. my right to the ownership my right to citizen rights my right to free speech 这里的right也是noun. is right to do的right是adjective. 还有right to school (noun)的right,directly的意思,right是adverb. 变化可多呢.

bigbang歌曲fxxk it百度云


“Are you too proud to kiss me?”the moring light asks the buttercup.

黄昏的时候,抱着《飞鸟集》躺在床上浏览,译者在封面上浓墨重彩地宣称由李敖作序倾情推荐,市面唯一附加译者解读的版本,一开始没留意太多译者的解读,翻到246节:Are you too proud to kiss me ?the morning light asks the buttercup.(你是不是太骄傲而不肯亲我?晨曦如此问毛茛)似乎又从夏季回到了我最喜欢的冬天译者的解读是:老实说,我也不知道。很是佩服这位姓陆的译者,精通冷幽默,冷死我了。 然后带着笑容独自沉沉地睡过去了,大约过了2个小时,突然惊醒了,最近总是担心听不到闹钟的声音而睡过头的问题,摸到手机一看是20点30分,舒了一口气就起床了。穿上一套黑色的秋衣和蓝色拖鞋,带着重感的睡意到楼下去,在闹市里我像梦游一样走来走去不知道要干什么,于是抬头寻找月亮,也没有看到它,突然好想念它。晚上没什么胃口,想吃一年一度的今天特有的醉鸡,可是没有地道的,看到沙县,就进去喝乌鸡汤。店里有三个小孩子,很小很小,在玩游戏,一个小女孩用一条绳子绑小男孩的手,小男孩的手一摆动就挣脱了绳子,就是这两个简单的动作,他们三个人玩了半个多小时也大笑了半小时,最小的那个孩子一直在旁边拍手附和,他笑得最开心,小男孩一挣脱快时尚是太平鸟品牌的核心竞争力,他整个人就快笑抽了。这个场景距我一米之遥,服饰价格我真的不好意思不笑,所以那顿简单的晚餐我吃了很久很久。孩子的快乐是那么简单,人在成长,许多时候会笑得不太自然。

light can go very (fast),fast 换成rapid 行吗?


experimental high school中文翻译

This thesis probes the academic motivation and self - concept of the advanced vocational students and high students . after a questionnaire to 174 and 37 advanced vocational students from hu bei hygiene school and nurse school attached to wu han university and 99 mon high students from huang shi experimental high school , conclusion were drawn as follows : 1 . there is a high positive interrelation beeen the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in advanced vocational students ; 2 本文研究中等卫生学校“ 3 + 2 ”学制的高职学生和普通高中生学习动机和自我概念,采用问卷调查法对湖北卫生学校、武汉大学医学院附属护校的174名、 37名高职学生和黄石实验高中的99名学生进行调查,结果表明: 1高职生内、外动机存在正相关关系,两者相互促进。

close closely high highly 用法

high与highly的区别:具体和抽象的区别两者均可表示“高”,但high通常表示具体的高,且主要修饰动词;highly 主要表示很高的程度(意为“高度地”、“非常地”),除修饰动词(如 speak, praise, think of等)外,还通常用于修饰分词或形容词(尤其是那些由动词派生而来的形容词, 有时相当于 very much)。如: He climbed high. 他爬得很高。He speaks very highly of you. 他十分赞赏你。She is a highly educated woman. 她是受过很高教育的女人。The Chinese are a highly civilized people. 中国人是有高度文明的人。It was highly confidential. 这是高度机密的。It"s highly likely that he will succeed. 很可能他会成功。They thought very highly of him. 他们对他评价很高。The industry of France was not yet highly developed. 那时法国的工业尚未高度发展。【注】在用连字符构成的复合形容词中,通常要用 high。如:high-priced 高价的Close与Closely的用法区别(1) close adj. 靠近;接近;亲密;密切 短语:get/be close to 靠近;亲近The church is close to the shops.Are you a close friend of theirs?(2) close adv. 靠近;接近 (表具体意义) 短语:hike/walk/run/sit/stand close to...He was standing close to the door.(3) close v. 关上;关闭(不开发);结束She closed her eyes. / Her eyes closed. (闭上)(4 ) closely adv. 紧密地;仔细地;密切地(表抽象意义)He got closely in touch with the magazines of today.The little baby was closely looked after by her.[比较](1) close 与 closely 作副词时,close含具体之意,closely 含抽象之意。(2) 类似的词组有 high (高) -- highly (高度地),deep (深深地) -- deeply (深入地),wide (很开,宽) -- widely (广泛地),low (低的)-- lowly (低贱的) (作形容词) ,near--nearlyHe often dives deep into the sea.(具体)I"m deeply moved by the moving film.(抽象)He opened his mouth wide. 他嘴张得老大。English is widely used in the world. 英语在世界上广泛使用。

The little girl was frightened and stood ________ to her mother. A closely B close


求 Mighty Mouth(Feat Soya)《Tok Tok》mp3




Rufus Wainwright的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:Shrek (Music From the Original Motion Picture)Rufus Wainwright - HallelujahVrtennisI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?It goes like this...the fourth, the fifthThe minor fallThe major liftThe baffled King composing HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew youShe tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throneShe cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahMaybe I have been here beforeI know this room, I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew youI"ve seen your flag on the marble archLove is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken HallelujahThere was a time you let me knowWhat"s real and going on belowBut now you never show it to me, do you?And remember when I moved in youThe holy dark was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was HallelujahMaybe there"s a God aboveAnd all I ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew youAnd it"s not a cry you can hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59514131

Rufus Wainwright的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:HallelujahHallelujahRufus Wainwright I"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you? It goes like this...the fourth, the fifthThe minor fallThe major liftThe baffled King composing Hallelujah HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujah Your faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew you She tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throneShe cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Maybe I have been here beforeI know this room, I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew you I"ve seen your flag on the marble archLove is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujah There was a time you let me knowWhat"s real and going on belowBut now you never show it to me, do you? And remember when I moved in youThe holy dark was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was Hallelujah Maybe there"s a God aboveAnd all I ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew you And it"s not a cry you can hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8078543

Big Bird是啥意思啊?


Rufus Wainwright的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:ShrekHallelujahRufus Wainwright I"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you? It goes like this...the fourth, the fifthThe minor fallThe major liftThe baffled King composing Hallelujah HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujah Your faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew you She tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throneShe cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Maybe I have been here beforeI know this room, I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew you I"ve seen your flag on the marble archLove is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujah There was a time you let me knowWhat"s real and going on belowBut now you never show it to me, do you? And remember when I moved in youThe holy dark was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was Hallelujah Maybe there"s a God aboveAnd all I ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew you And it"s not a cry you can hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8523428

什么是big bird?


Bigbang的hallelujah(哈利路亚啊 )韩文歌词

哈利路亚 [YB] I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" Yeah (yes) I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 Yeah 哈利路亚 (yes) I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt [GD] my soldier type Don"t touch me BIGBANG is dynamite Boom! thumbs up Rule 空无一人的凌晨街道 我孤身出动,不冷静就要失败 让我行动的命令 my soldier type Don"t touch me BIGBANG is dynamite Boom!声音响起同时丢了性命 开始的任务 处事的 Thumbs up! 对于我们来说,爱情只是奢侈品 冷血就是我们的Rule [TOP] question do nasty test me just blastin 24 又背叛了,删除残留的记忆 今日的同盟明日将是敌人 眼前的信任和背叛,冰冷的question do nasty test me just blastin 为何我无法拥有,那平凡的生活 为何无法拥有你,那已经是太迟 [YB] I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" TOP in the boom I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 TOP in the boom 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt [TOP] like a poker game pokerface son yo I"m the man TOP go stop 枪声砰砰呼啸 同时人生的钟声也当当作响,如风一般尖啸 在瞬间夺走我一切 like a poker game 越是那样 我越理智清醒 pokerface son yo 不能逃避那就享受吧,内心火热头脑冷静 将你身份隐藏吧 呼啸吧 就算不是背水一战 I"m the man TOP go 要么 stop [GD] shut up oather and go to heller catch me if you can understand we so fly good bye burned fire 徘徊寻找着猎物的孤独鬣狗 若你还巴望得到善待 shut up and go to heller 三岁小孩的技俩 catch me if you can 我在你上头玩儿呢 Understand? we so fly 朋友们啊 good bye 所有回忆 burned fire 绝对不要掉以轻心,在你晃神的瞬间,枪口已经对准你 [YB] I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" yeah GD in the boom I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 GD in the boom 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 我今天又悲喊着,向那上苍卑屈祈愿 发生在我身上的奇迹,将我推入波涛,我讨厌自己,遗失了自我 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" yeah in the boom I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 (yes) I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 太阳 in the boom 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" (yes)I"m fallin" (yes)fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt

求胡里奥·胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯Julio Iglesias歌曲Hey的英文或中文歌词。西班牙文看不懂。谢谢。

你说的是julio的hay吧??这个才是西班牙语版本。。还有一个英文版的hey,跟这个差不多,但是歌词意思不一样。。歌词我自己翻译的,好多地方觉得不太通顺就意译了,我西班牙语水平也不怎麼样,希望对你有帮助Julio Iglesias -HayHey!嘿no vayas presumiendo por ahí别再处处擅自扬言diciendo que no puede estar sin ti说我没有你无法生活tú que sabes de mi.但是足够瞭解我吗Hey!嘿ya sé que a ti te gusta presumir我知道你喜欢那麼做decir a los amigos que sin tiya no puedo vivir.对你的朋友说我的生活不能没有你Hey!嘿no creas que te haces un favor不要认为你在为自己辩护(haces un favor个人理解)cuando hablas a la gente de mi amor当你对别人谈及我的爱y te burlas de mi.当你对别人谈及我的爱Hey!嘿que hay veces que es mejor querer así或许有时这样的爱情也好que ser querido y no poder sentir比那种没有感情的爱要好lo que siento por ti.我对你的感情(意思应该是我对你没有感情的爱)Ya ves你看tú nunca me has querido ya lo ves你从未爱过我,que nunca he sido tuyo ya lo se我不曾属於你fue sólo por orgullo ese querer我知道,这是一种以个人为中心的爱(应该是自私的吧,引申一下)Ya ves你看de que te vale ahora presumir现在你的所有的假设还有什麽意义ahora que no estoy ya junto a ti现在我们永远不会在一起了que les dirás de mi.你会对他们说我什麼呢?Hey!嘿recuerdo que ganabas siempre tú我记得你总是胜我一筹que hacías de ese triunfo una virtud将你的傲慢认作理所当然yo era sombra y tú luz.你如衕阳光,而我是你的影子Hey!嘿no se si tú también recordarás我不知道你是否记得que siempre que intentaba hacer la paz每次我试图和解yo era un río en tu mar.但我的一切努力附之东流(如衕河流汇入大海,我自己转换一下)Ya ves你看tú nunca me has querido ya lo ves你从未爱过我,que nunca he sido tuyo ya lo se我不曾属於你fue sólo por orgullo ese querer我知道,这是一种自私的爱Ya ves你看de que te vale ahora presumir现在你的所有的假设还有什麽意义ahora que no estoy ya junto a ti现在我们永远不会在一起了que les dirás de mi.你会对他们说我什麼呢?Hey!ahora que ya todo terminó现在一切都结束了que como siempre soy el perdedor我是一如既往情场败将cuando pienses en mi.当你想起我Hey!嘿no creas que te guardo algún rencor不要误解我以为我恨你es siempre más feliz quien más amóy ese siempre fui yo.爱得越深,越感觉到幸福(这一句不太懂,应该是的)Ya ves你看de que te vale ahora presumir现在你的所有的假设还有什麽意义ahora que no estoy ya junto a ti现在我们永远不会在一起了que les dirás de mi你会对他们说我什麼呢?意思大概就这样吧,我比较喜欢Enrique Iglesias,对他老爹不怎麼感冒,呵呵,希望对你有帮助,也欢迎高手前来指正。。

Julio Iglesias的《Hey》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey歌手:Julio Iglesias专辑:JulioJulio Iglesias - HeyGucici(西安)Hey!no vayas presumiendo por ahídiciendo que no puedo estar sin titú qué sabes de mi.Hey!ya sé que a ti te gusta presumirdecir a los amigos que sin tiya no puedo vivir.Hey!no creas que te haces un favorcuando hablas a la gente de mi amory te burlas de mi.Hey!que hay veces que es mejor querer asíque ser querido y no poder sentirlo que siento por ti.Ya vestú nunca me has querido ya lo vesque nunca he sido tuyo ya lo séfue sólo por orgullo ese quererYa vesde que te vale ahora presumirahora que no estoy ya junto a tique les dirás de mi.Hey!recuerdo que ganabas siempre túque fillas de ese triunfo una virtudyo era sombra y tú luz.Hey!no sé si tú también recordarásque siempre que intentaba hacer la pazyo era un río en tu mar.Ya vestú nunca me has querido ya lo vesque nunca he sido tuyo ya lo séfue sólo por orgullo ese quererYa vesde que te vale ahora presumirahora que no estoy ya junto a tique les dirás de mi.Hey!ahora que ya todo terminóque como siempre soy el perdedorcuando pienses en mi.Hey!no creas que te guardo algún rencores siempre más feliz quien más amóy ese siempre fui yo.Ya vestú nunca me has querido ya lo vesque nunca he sido tuyo ya lo séfue sólo por orgullo ese querer...Ya vestú nunca me has querido ya lo vesque nunca he sido tuyo ya lo séfue sólo por orgullo ese querer...Ya vestú nunca me has querido ya lo vesque nunca he sido tuyo ya lo séfue sólo por orgullo ese querer...永远喜欢胡里奥 伊格莱西亚斯。他那饱含感情的浑厚嗓音总会感染无数的听众,抚慰他们因爱受伤的心灵。http://music.baidu.com/song/8815661

Big Boi的《Tangerine》 歌词

歌曲名:Tangerine歌手:Big Boi专辑:Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of ChicoBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - TangerineYeah, yeahChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Now, let"s set it straight, B-I-G don"t cuff or cakeI, put her on a plate until she"s no longer awakeThey just lay, fast asleep, when I hit "em with the snakePut that venom up in "em until I leave "em with the shakesOn display, she"s a model but she only model shoesNot fake like a prosthetic leg or prostituteHow she choose? She just whispers in my ear ("I"m with you")I"m the type of dude that sends your baby mama out for foodAnd I also like her throat action, with a passionLove in her mou-outh, for dental satisfactionThat means I hit the head like Greg Louganis then I"m splashinUghhh, bust one back of the "llac, stabbin (hootie hoo!)She know what"s happenin, there"s no reason to doubt itIf you ask her how I got it she say ("How he had went about it was")And then you wake up from a bad dream, a nightmareSettle down cause she right thereChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineT.I.:Okay, midnight, fit like, four or five chicksin the drop "66 bumpin "Southernplayalistic"as we ridin through the city lights, Monday Magic City nightPass these around, momentarily they feelin likegettin right, good girls, got "em gettin busy likebig dykes, eatin so much pussy they forget pipeAll got boyfriends, tell me they don"t hit it rightThey come see me so they can come be freaksin the back seat, everything"s fast like a track meetAll I can see is titties, pussy lips and ass cheeksActually, no exaggeration, no imagininReal talk, my reality is yo" fantasyKeisha, Kim, Tamika, Shay, Alicia and GloriaChasin this broad tryin to find euphoriaName notorious, dick game gloriousFind me shawty when ya boyfriend borin yaChorus Two: Big Boi & Khujo Goodie{Big Boi:} Shake it like some Texas Pete droppin on your collard greensMake it hotter when she want a dollar, do you follow me?Shake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourine{Khujo Goodie:} Smellin like some tangerines, rollin like she on some beansGarter belt full of greens, booty bustin out the seamsShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - watch her shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Once upon a rhyme I knew this girl and she was fineas everything outdo"s, the kind of girl I describe her like-like-likeMichael Jordan when he"s froze in a pose of a JumpmanTop flight security on these hoes manShe drop it low only for me to pick her upWhen she"s liquored up I"m leavin my fingerprints on her buttA ten-hut, at attention as we stand for this womanGeneral Patton, boy stop, we think she cumminLovin the way that I"m dickin her down, Boi you bluffinNothin but a nigga like me be straight up royal flushinBut this ain"t "bout playin no cards dummyHer give me open mouth sugar and she go hard for meEven take a charge for me, if the coppers caught us ridinto get a tray of fruit, and a pack of 1-point-5"s andI"m all the way on them papers, she all the way on my teamWe burn it down like California trees in the breezeFire!Chorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineOutro:Shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that assShake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that, shake thatWork, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(and all my ladies go to)Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(shake shake it, shake that ass)EndBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - Tangerinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14784101

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谁有erik gronwall的higher的吉他谱?


higher than 等于什么(三个词的)?

higher than等于 not lowerthan首先higher than意思是“高于.....”然后高于....就相当于“不低于....”然后低是low,不低于就是not lower than第二举例如下① The price of juice is higher than that of water.(果汁比水价格更高)它就相当于② The price of thejuice isn"t lowerthan that of water.(饮料的价格不会比水低的。)综上所以higher than相当于not lower than

higher and higher什么意思


i will go higher什么意思



high比较级与最高级分别为higher和highest。high的意思是高的,有某高度的,(离地面)很高的,海拔很高的。high例句:I looked down from the high window(我从高高的窗口往下看)。 扩展资料 high的例句:The European country with the highest birth rate is Ireland(人口出生率最高的欧洲国家是爱尔兰);Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks(马西山是阿迪朗达克山脉中最高的山)。





一首欧美歌曲,男女合唱 副歌高潮里面有一句 什么me higher higher higher什么什么 挺好听的 应该是流行歌

justin timerlake的higher higher

more higher much high much higher more high 中谁是比较级

higher是比较级,higher是high的比较级 比较级的构成: 1.单音节形容词和部分双音节词,一般在词尾加-er. 2. 以字母e结尾的词,在词尾加-r. 3. 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写该辅音字母,再加er. 4. 以"辅音字母+y“结尾的双音节词,先把”y“改为”i“,再加-er. 5. 多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加”more“. 6. 部分形容词和副词的比较级是不规则的,如:good/well-better,bad/badly-worse. 7. 由“动词+后缀-ing/-ed”构成的形容词,在词前加more构成比较级.如:interesting-more interesting,bored-more bored. 8. 由“形容词+后缀-ly”构成的副词,在该副词前加more构成比较级.如:slowly-more slowly,happily- more happily. 以下句型要添加比较级的: 1. no more… than…与.一样不.not more…than… 没有.那样.,不如.not less… than… 不亚于. 2.more than…不止,仅仅,非常,极其 This more than satisfied me. 3.more than a little非常 4.not more than不多于 no (not any) more than不过,仅仅 5.no less than有.之多,多达 not less than 至少,不下于 6.neither more nor less than恰好,不多不少,简直,和.完全一样 7.better than多于,超过 It is better than 20 km to the station. 8.(in) less than no time立即,一会儿 9.(be) little/no better than实际上,简直就是 10.nothing less than完全是,和.一模一样 11.all the more越发,更加 12. any (the) less较小/更小一些,小的 13. all the better更好,更加 14. so much the better/worse (for sb./sth.)甚至更好/更坏 15. go one better (than sb./sth.)胜过.一筹 16. more…than…与其说.不如说. 17. would sooner/rather…than与其.宁愿 18. (be) more like…than不像.倒像 19. rather…than…/rather than宁可.而不 20. other than除了.,除.之外 21. rather…than otherwise不是别的而是 22. no/none other than正是,除.之外无其他 23. no more不再,不复存在,也不,也没有 24. less than不. 25. more often than no经常,多半 26. see more/less of someone更常/少见;再/少见到. 27. none + the + 比较级 毫不.,毫无. 28. have seen better days情况转坏 29. think better of sth.改变.的念头 30. for better or (for) worse无论好坏,同甘共苦 31. all the better因.而更加 32. more than meets the eye/ear另有隐情,并非表面那么简单的33.More is meant than, meets the ear.意在言外 34.There is more ( to it ) than meets the eyes.现象背后有文章 祝你每天好心情,谢谢!请采纳!

a higher和the higher

谁说比较级前面一定要加the了?特指加the,不管你是什么级。泛指不加the。二者之间比较,当然二者都是特指了,加the I met two sisters and the taller one seemed to like me very much .I met a girl yesterday,who is tall and asked me out .But I met a taller girl today ....

higher and higher是什么意思?


谁有Mark rosas higher歌词

Mark Rosas - HigherSwimming in your sea, caught my eyeI don"t want to chase you all nightI want to make you feel more than alrightBaby please stop the make believe"Cause I don"t want to wait to stay the nightStaring at your face, you stare at mineI want to make you feel more than aliveLet it be, levitate with meBaby please!I just want to take you higher (higher)Come on let me light your fire (fire)OoooooohI just want to take you higher (higher)When you get close to me (close to me)There"s no gravityI just want to take you higherMi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-misterI just want to take youHigherGirl you do not know how much I think about youYou got me floating and I"m flying baby what should I do?I"ve been searching all my life for a love that"s trueYou may be the one but it takes twoSwimming in your sea, caught my eye I don"t want to chase you all nightI want to make you feel more than alrightBaby please stop the make believe"Cause I don"t want to wait to stay the nightStaring at your face, you stare at mineI want to make you feel more than aliveLet it be, levitate with meBaby please!I just want to take you higher (higher)Come on let me light your fire (fire)OoooooohI just want to take you higher (higher)When you get close to me (close to me)There"s no gravityI just want to take you higher [2x]

higher——Erik Gronwall 的歌词,中英对照,求~

Hey, I"m a believerAnd gravity"s letting go of me tonightYou, came out of nowhereWhen everything was passing by at the speed of light嘿我是一个信徒今晚我失去重心你无处走了出来当一切以光速路过So hold my hand and never let me goTake a leap of fate into the unknown因此,拉着我的手,不让我走考虑到未知的命运飞跃I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我飞我的心将接手世界在闪烁越来越高越来越高我将遵循所有可能需要我们的通过天空来追逐越来越高越来越高Oh I knowIt can be scaryYou bet it all when your heart is on the lineBut oh, baby don"t worryJust hold my hand and never let me go噢,我知道它可以很可怕你打赌这一切时,你的心就行但是,宝贝不用担心只要拉着我的手,不让我走I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的心将接手世界在闪烁越来越高越来越高我将遵循所有可能需要我们的通过天空来追逐越来越高越来越高Take me higherI hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphereAround us everything disappears请带着我越来越高我紧握着你就像我们穿过大气层我们周围的一切都消失Woah oa oaI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing by我飞翔我的心将接手世界在闪烁我飞翔Chorus x3

Higher-Erik Gronuwall英文歌词and中文翻译

Hey, I"m a believer 嘿,我是一个信徒And gravity"s letting go of me tonight今晚重力暂且放过我吧You, came out of nowhere你,从一个无人知晓的地方出来When everything was passing by at the speed of light 突然一切以光速闪过So hold my hand and never let me go 请拉着我的手,让我别走Take a leap of fate into the unknown 纵情放命运飞跃向未知I am flying 我在飞翔着My heart is taking over我的心将接手The world is flashing by世界将闪而越过Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)I will follow wherever it might take us我将追寻到所有可能需要我们的地带Chasing through the sky穿越天空追寻着Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)Oh I know 噢,我知道It can be scary它可能很可怕You bet it all when your heart is on the line你打赌这一切时,你的心在踌躇着But oh, baby don"t worry不过,喔,别担心宝贝Just hold my hand and never let me go只需拉着我的手,让我别走Take me higher请带我到更高的地方I hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphere 当我们一起直穿大气层的时候我会紧抓住你Around us everything disappears我们周围的一切都消失了

歌曲higher 歌手 the saturdays lrc歌词

kugou 音乐有

歌曲赏析:《higher》(Erik Gronwall)谁可以帮帮忙呀?用英文写这首歌的背景和喜欢它的原因给我....

Hey, I"m a believerAnd gravity"s letting go of me tonightYou, came out of nowhereWhen everything was passing by at the speed of lightSo hold my hand and never let me goTake a leap of fate into the unknownI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higherOh I knowIt can be scaryYou bet it all when your heart is on the lineBut oh, baby don"t worryJust hold my hand and never let me goI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higherTake me higherI hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphereAround us everything disappearsWoah oa oaI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing by嘿,我是一个信徒和重力的放过我今晚你,走出无处当一切被路过的以光的速度因此,拉着我的手,不让我走考虑到未知的命运飞跃我飞我的心将接手世界是由闪烁高校高高我将遵循所有可能需要我们通过天空追逐高校高高噢,我知道它可以很可怕你打赌这一切时,你的心就行不过,哦,不用担心宝宝只是拉着我的手,不让我走我飞我的心将接手世界是由闪烁高校高高我将遵循所有可能需要我们通过天空追逐高校高高请带我高我认为你作为我们穿过大气层射击我们周围的一切都消失Woah办公自动化办公我飞我的心将接手世界是由闪烁可以吗?The reason why I like this song because her lyrics written very beautiful, melody is very beautiful, I especially like this one; " I am flying my heart is taking over the world is flashing by "


英文原文: high,higher,highest 英式音标: [hau026a] ,[u02c8hau026au0259(r)] ,[hau026au026ast] 美式音标: [hau026a] ,[u02c8hau026au025a] ,[hau026au026ast]

The Chuck Wagon Gang的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:The Chuck Wagon Gang专辑:Mighty Close To HeavenHighAmbeon2001 - Fate Of A Dreamer3.HighAmbeon2001 - Fate Of A DreamerProgressive Rockby lantearFade out the candlelightLook at the shadows on the wallsJust follow your heartYou"ve waited long enoughDon"t turn me down and say you won"tCause then you"d lie to meAnd no, you cannot lie to meI would seeAnd now I know it is time to possess your mind, wholeAnd now I know it is time to give away what I savedI"ve got the feeling that it will be this timeI"ve got the feeling that it won"t be right, won"t be wrongI"ve got the feeling you"re arousing my sensesI"ve got the feeling that I have to feel, have to feelI"ve got the feeling that it will be this timeI"ve got the feeling that it won"t be right, won"t be wrongI"ve got the feeling you"re arousing my sensesI"ve got the feeling that I have to feel, have to feelAnd now I know it is time to possess your mind, wholeAnd now I know it is time to give away what I savedAnd you will take me, high, so highAnd you will take me, high, so highAnd you will take me, high, so highAnd you will take me, high, so highSo highSo highSo highSo highHighHighhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7427023

Higher & Higher 歌词

歌曲名:Higher & Higher歌手:The Fortunes 财富&Jon Washington&the sound专辑:Jon Washington FortunesHigher HighEpicaThe Divine ConspiracyFireflies are flying higherThey draw their wings up in the skySomething i cannot read nowFor my vision is blurredWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyeFortune, fairytalesWe"ve all been toldOur pattern, never built, never beginI can tell you there can"t always beA happy end to every taleWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyeWe all are breathing the same airThat we shareWe all just have to liveWe all are equalNo matter black or whiteWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15274272

Higher & Higher 歌词

歌曲名:Higher & Higher歌手:Hi-Fidel & Dj Crucial专辑:Traveling Between St. Louis And ChicagoHigher HighEpicaThe Divine ConspiracyFireflies are flying higherThey draw their wings up in the skySomething i cannot read nowFor my vision is blurredWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyeFortune, fairytalesWe"ve all been toldOur pattern, never built, never beginI can tell you there can"t always beA happy end to every taleWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyeWe all are breathing the same airThat we shareWe all just have to liveWe all are equalNo matter black or whiteWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15059855

The Hot Rocks的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:The Hot Rocks专辑:The Hot RocksHighfeederThe Singlesppa007hotGuess I"m stuck in a dreamSurrounded by coloured leaves on the groundAs I stare at the treesI see one fall down on my handAs I start to exploreI can"t ignore a manHe turns his head aroundHis face was all worn by the sunI"m going out for a whileSo I can get high with my friendsI willI"m going out for a whileDon"t wait up cause I won"t be homeTodayDrifting down a roadLosing myself in a dreamFeel my hands getting coldSat in a boat on a lakeI"m going out for a whileSo I can get high with my friendsI willI"m going out for a whileDon"t wait up cause I won"t be homeTodayClimbing up trying my bestAs I sinkLying back on the floorReaching up high into spaceSee myself in a glassI"m counting the lines on my faceAgainI"m counting the lines on my faceI"m going out for a whileSo I can get high with my friendsI willI"m going out for a whileDon"t wait up cause I won"t be homeTodayI"m going out for a whileSo I can get high with my friendsI willI"m going out for a whileDon"t wait up cause I won"t be homeToday,today,today...http://music.baidu.com/song/15329433


high 形容词 (兼副词)highly 副词height名词higher 比较级 highest 最高级祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:)

《higher》—— erik gronwall 的中文歌词




Higher, Higher 歌词

歌曲名:Higher, Higher歌手:Annie Herring专辑:Follow The LeaderHigher HighEpicaThe Divine ConspiracyFireflies are flying higherThey draw their wings up in the skySomething i cannot read nowFor my vision is blurredWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyeFortune, fairytalesWe"ve all been toldOur pattern, never built, never beginI can tell you there can"t always beA happy end to every taleWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyeWe all are breathing the same airThat we shareWe all just have to liveWe all are equalNo matter black or whiteWe all are ruled by our fears belowHigher highWe are stuck and can"t get out againThere"s more than we denyAnd there"s more than meets the eyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2742580


higher的反义词是 lower

Amerie的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:Amerie专辑:In Love & WarHighAmbeon2001 - Fate Of A Dreamer3.HighAmbeon2001 - Fate Of A DreamerProgressive Rockby lantearFade out the candlelightLook at the shadows on the wallsJust follow your heartYou"ve waited long enoughDon"t turn me down and say you won"tCause then you"d lie to meAnd no, you cannot lie to meI would seeAnd now I know it is time to possess your mind, wholeAnd now I know it is time to give away what I savedI"ve got the feeling that it will be this timeI"ve got the feeling that it won"t be right, won"t be wrongI"ve got the feeling you"re arousing my sensesI"ve got the feeling that I have to feel, have to feelI"ve got the feeling that it will be this timeI"ve got the feeling that it won"t be right, won"t be wrongI"ve got the feeling you"re arousing my sensesI"ve got the feeling that I have to feel, have to feelAnd now I know it is time to possess your mind, wholeAnd now I know it is time to give away what I savedAnd you will take me, high, so highAnd you will take me, high, so highAnd you will take me, high, so highAnd you will take me, high, so highSo highSo highSo highSo highHighHighhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7388703

Taio Cruz的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:Taio Cruz专辑:Europa Fm: Levantate Y Cardenas / Ponte a PruebaHigherTaio CruzNow I know I"m gun" get down on the floorExperiencing what you can"t ignoreBut something "boutthis beat just got me hookedCome over here and take a closer lookCoz I can"t get enoughI can"t get enoughI can"t stay on the ground (woah)I can"t get enoughI can"t get enoughThis is taking me nowIt"s taking me higher higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher higherHigher off the groundI do this forit"s just for the thrillI got this highwere "bout to get a feelThis move has got me way over the sunI"m dancing like I am the only oneCoz I can"t get enoughI can"t get enoughI can"t stay on the ground (woah)I can"t get enoughI can"t get enoughThis is taking me nowIt"s taking me higher higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher higherHigher off the groundThe music"s got me going higherI feel like I can touch the skyIt"s taking me higher higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher higherHigher off the groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/62088939

Ala的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:Ala专辑:Higher藤井リナ - Higher作词:Lori Fine(COLDFEET)作曲:Shuya OkinoI like the feeling of flyingIn my own direction, yeahI like the feeling of ridingThe wind as I go, yeahBut when you and me get to be two togetherI can see that you could take me upInto a sky I"ve never seenI want to goCome take me higherI want you toHold me tighterTake me higherI hope you doFeel the fireTake me higherMy dream come trueMy desireTake me higherI love when youTake me higherMe and you together go higherI like the way that we makeSuch a special connection, yeahI like the way that we"re strongWhen the wind starts to blow, yeahTogether with you above the blue foreverClouds will change into the steps we climbTo find a nicer weatherAlways summertimehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1205593

The Cardigans的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:The Cardigans专辑:Don"T Blame Your Daughter (Diamonds)HigherI"m glad you came around todayI sure need a good companionI"m losing it but you"re the samewithout you I move at randomAbusing "cause you"re a friendand there"s no Jesus here to explainAnd take me highercome take me highercome take me high above our timeTake me higheroh take me highercome take me high above our timeWe"ll make it out of here? oh yeahYou justify, you"re not afraidand I won"t feel like this foreverYou wait with me, because you knowthere"s so much more than this before we goTo take us highercome take us highercome take us high above our timeTake us higheroh take us highercome take us high above our timeWe"ll make it out of herecome take us out of heretake us anywhere? oh yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12517112

有一首女生唱的英文歌,副歌有句词是 higher higher higher baby ,是什么歌

有一首女生唱的英文歌,副歌有句词是 higher higher higher baby ,是什么歌 是Matt Todd Naylor的Higher,这个绝对是对的,就是一个女的说好快的那个广告吧?这首歌我听很多遍了,绝对是对的。 求一首英文歌,女声,副歌有句是,higher higher higher,o my lover~~~~什么的轻快地 凯莉米洛的All the lovers Dance It"s all I wanna do So won"t you Dance I"m standing here with you Why won"t you move I"ll get inside your groove Cuz I"m on fire fire fire fire It hurts When you get too close But baby it hurts If love is really good You just want more Even if it throws you to the fire fire fire fire All the lovers That have gone before They don"t pare to you Don"t be running Just give me a little bit more They don"t pare All the lovers Feel Can"t you see there"s so much here to feel Deep inside in your heart You know I"m real Can"t you see that this is really higher higher higher higher Breathe I know you find it hard But baby breathe Lying next to me Its all you need And i"ll take you there I"ll take you higher higher higher higher All the lovers That have gone before They don"t pare to you Don"t be running Just give me a little bit more They don"t pare All the lovers Dance It"s all I wanna do So won"t you dance I"m standing here with you Why won"t you move Even if it throws you to the fire fire fire All the lovers That have gone before They don"t pare to you Don"t be running Just give me a little bit more They don"t pare All the lovers 求一首英文歌,女声 副歌有句歌词是but he is my lover so e in baby,谢了 call me maybe~~!是carly唱的亲 求一首英文歌?副歌部分有句歌词是什么oh baby baby oh baby baby. Never Fet You 播放 歌手:Zara Larsson 语言:英语 所属专辑:Never Fet You 有一首英文歌,里边有句歌词是baby a 什么什么的,我班一个女生唱的. 最直接的,问问你班女生啊,你这小伙子怕什么 有一首英文歌有句you are you are you are the。什么歌 Marry You - Bruno Mars 词:Ari Levine,Bruno Mars 曲:Ari Levine,Bruno Mars,Philip Lawrence It"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard We can go whoa whoa No one will no whoa Oh e on girl Who cares if we"re trashed Got a pocket full of cash we can blow whoa whoa Shots of patrol whoa whoa And it"s on girl Don"t say no no no no no Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah And we"ll go go go go go If you"re ready like I"m ready Cause it"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you Oh I"ll go get the ring Let the choir bell sing like ooh ooh ooh So what you wanna do ooh ooh Let"s just run girl If we wake up and you want to break up That"s cool ooh ooh No I won"t blame you ooh ooh It was fun girl Don"t say no no no no no Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah And we"ll go go go go go If you"re ready like I"m ready Cause it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you Just say I do ooh ooh ooh Tell me right now baby Tell me right now baby baby Just say I do ooh ooh ooh Tell me right now baby Tell me right now baby baby Oh It"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you 一首英文歌,女生唱的,有一句歌词是‘baby,one more time" 这首歌就叫《baby one more time》 歌手:Britney Spears(布兰妮) (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed to know ? 我怎么会知道? That something wasn"t right here. 有些事情不对劲。 Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! I shouldn"t have let you go. 我本不该让你走。 And now you"re out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。 Show me how you want it to be. 告诉我你想怎样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need to know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! The reason I breathe is you. 你是我活着的理由。 Boy you"ve got me blinded. 男孩你使我盲目。 Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do. 为你我会去做任何事。 It"s not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。 Show me how you want it to be. 告诉我你想怎么样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need to know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed to know ? 我怎么会知道? Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 I shouldn"t have let you go. 我本不该让你走。 I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝! I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! 有一首英文歌三个男子唱的副歌是go on go on 是什么歌? Michelle Williams - If You Wanna Go 2 o"clock in the morning Woke up to the phone ringing I wonder who could it be" And my man said go back to sleep. Tryna act like its cool Then he walked in the other room" I heard whispering He dont wanna talk in front of me. Something is going on" Why are these secrets born? And I feel it very strong Starting to question you" Tell me who is she" Thats calling everynight" Baby this is gonna be the last time. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. I got the phone billing today Look at all the calls that you made" Oh boy I"m waiting on you" You better tell the truth How long has it been Is she more than a friend" And I got the right to know Before I close the door. Something is going on" Why are these secrets born? And I feel it very strong Starting to question you" Tell me who is she" Thats calling everynight" Baby this is gonna be the last time. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. How can I trust you" You made me look like a fool" When I gave you all my love Why"d you go and mess that up. Baby when she hurts you Tell me what will you do Dont e running back to me" Cause baby I"m through. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. Just go" just go" just go" Just go" just go" just go. Just go. 有一首英文歌有一句歌词是以抹泰是什么歌 心中的玫瑰 李谷一 在我心灵的深处 开着一朵玫瑰 我用生命的泉水 把她灌溉栽培 啊......玫瑰 啊......玫瑰 我心中的玫瑰 我心中的玫瑰 但愿你天长地久 但愿你天长地久 永远永远把我伴随 永远永远把我伴随 永远永远把我伴随 . . . 在我忧伤的时候 是你给我安慰 在我欢乐的时候 你使我生活充满光辉

Creed的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:Creed专辑:Human ClayCreed - HigherWhen dreaming I"m guided to another worldTime and time againAt sunrise I fight to stay asleep"Cause I don"t want to leave the comfort of this place"Cause there"s a hunger, a longing to escapeFrom the life I live when I"m awakeSo let"s go thereLet"s make our escapeCome on, let"s go thereLet"s ask can we stay?Can you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streetsAlthough I would like our world to changeIt helps me to appreciateThose nights and those dreamsBut, my friend, I"d sacrifice all those nightsIf I could make the Earth and my dreams the sameThe only difference isTo let love replace all our hateSo let"s go thereLet"s make our escapeCome on, let"s go thereLet"s ask can we stay?Can you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streetsSo lets go there, lets go there,Come on, lets go thereLets ask can we stay?Up high I feel like I"m alive for the very first timeSet up high I"m strong enough to take these dreamsAnd make them mineSet up high I"m strong enough to take these dreamsAnd make them mineCan you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streetsCan you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streetshttp://music.baidu.com/song/3481214

brian mcknight last dance这首歌在哪里可以下? Dance Lyrics 最后一支舞 歌词 Do we know more than we knew then Or do we know less and we just pretend 我们比以前彼此知道的更多么 或者我们知道的更少了呢 抑或是我们只是在假装而已 Should I ignore my heart and walk away Your eyes tell me more than words will ever say 我是否应该离开,不顾我的真心 你的眼睛告诉我,一切尽在不言中 Chorus: 合唱 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 Should we spend the night one more time 我们是否应该再次一同度过一个夜晚 Caught up in this romance 被这样的浪漫包围 Or maybe wait and see 或许应该等等看 Let it be, the way that it will be 就这样吧,(等等看)它将怎样的发生 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 How can I be wrong when I feel the way I feel 当我认真感受的时候,怎么可能会错 How can I deny emotion that"s so real 要我怎么否人这样真实的感情 In the middle of the night I call out your name 子夜时分我呼喊着你的名字 Do I ever cross you mind do, do you feel the same 我是否曾在你心间,你会否有相同的感受 Chorus: 合唱 Like we should take a chance and dance the last dance 就像我们应该抓住机会,跳最后一支舞 Should we spend the night one more time 我们是否应该再次一同度过一个夜晚 Caught up in this romance 被这样的浪漫包围 Or maybe wait and see 或许应该等等看 Let it be, the way that it will be 就这样,等着看它将怎样的发生 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 Let me go 让我走 Come to me (或者)来到我身边 Which way is the way that it should be 到底那条路才是它的选择[意思就是上述两种结果到底哪一 种才是真正会发生的结果呢] This is so bitter sweet 这一点点的甜蜜 There"s no that way we will ever know for sure 我们永远也无法确定的路 Chorus: 合唱 Unless we take a chance and dance the last dance 除非我们抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 We should spend the night one more time 我们应该再次一同度过一个夜晚 Caught up in this romance 被这样的浪漫包围 Or maybe wait and see 或许应该等等看 Let it be, the way that it will be 就这样,等着看它将怎样的发生 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 Repeat Chorus out 重复合唱部分


《higher》Hey, I"m a believerAnd gravity"s letting go of me tonightYou, came out of nowhereWhen everything was passing by at the speed of light嘿,我是一个有信仰的人今晚,我会挣脱重力的束缚你,突然从不知何处出现当一切如光速般闪过So hold my hand and never let me goTake a leap of fate into the unknown紧握我的手,别让我离开信心百倍的面对未知世界I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Oh I knowIt can be scaryYou bet it all when your heart is on the lineBut oh, baby don"t worryJust hold my hand and never let me go噢,我知道这令人惧怕当你决心已下,就要放手一搏但是,宝贝,别担心只管抓紧我的手,别让我离开I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Take me higherI hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphereAround us everything disappears带我高飞我抱着你,我们直冲云霄身边的一切都烟消云散Woah oa oaI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing by噢…我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!

higher翻译歌词erik gronwall的

Higher - Erik GronwallHey, I"m a believer 嘿,我是一个信徒And gravity"s letting go of me tonight今晚重力暂且放过我吧You, came out of nowhere 你,从一个无人知晓的地方出来When everything was passing by at the speed of light 突然一切以光速闪过So hold my hand and never let me go 请拉着我的手,让我别走Take a leap of fate into the unknown 纵情放命运飞跃向未知◇I am flying 我在飞翔着My heart is taking over我的心将接手The world is flashing by世界将闪而越过Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)○I will follow wherever it might take us 我将追寻到所有可能需要我们的地带Chasing through the sky穿越天空追寻着Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)□Oh I know 噢,我知道It can be scary它可能很可怕You bet it all when your heart is on the line你打赌这一切时,你的心在踌躇着But oh, baby don"t worry不过,喔,别担心宝贝Just hold my hand and never let me go只需拉着我的手,让我别走(◇□repeat)Take me higher 请带我到更高的地方I hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphere 当我们一起直穿大气层的时候我会紧抓住你Woah 噢……Around us everything disappears我们周围的一切都消失了Woah oa oa


Hey, I"m a believerAnd gravity"s letting go of me tonightYou, came out of nowhereWhen everything was passing by at the speed of light嘿,我是一个有信仰的人今晚,我会挣脱重力的束缚你,突然从不知何处出现当一切如光速般闪过So hold my hand and never let me goTake a leap of fate into the unknown紧握我的手,别让我离开信心百倍的面对未知世界I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Oh I knowIt can be scaryYou bet it all when your heart is on the lineBut oh, baby don"t worryJust hold my hand and never let me go噢,我知道这令人惧怕当你决心已下,就要放手一搏但是,宝贝,别担心只管抓紧我的手,别让我离开I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Take me higherI hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphereAround us everything disappears带我高飞我抱着你,我们直冲云霄身边的一切都烟消云散Woah oa oaI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing by噢…我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!



有一首歌,里面有句歌词“I am flying ”“higher higher higher”“I will follow”,求歌名啊!!

Erik Gronwall的歌曲Higher


Higher - Erik GronwallHey, I"m a believer 嘿,我是一个信徒And gravity"s letting go of me tonight今晚重力暂且放过我吧You, came out of nowhere 你,从一个无人知晓的地方出来When everything was passing by at the speed of light 突然一切以光速闪过So hold my hand and never let me go 请拉着我的手,让我别走Take a leap of fate into the unknown 纵情放命运飞跃向未知◇I am flying 我在飞翔着My heart is taking over我的心将接手The world is flashing by世界将闪而越过Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)○I will follow wherever it might take us 我将追寻到所有可能需要我们的地带Chasing through the sky穿越天空追寻着Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)□Oh I know 噢,我知道It can be scary它可能很可怕You bet it all when your heart is on the line你打赌这一切时,你的心在踌躇着But oh, baby don"t worry不过,喔,别担心宝贝Just hold my hand and never let me go只需拉着我的手,让我别走(◇□repeat)Take me higher 请带我到更高的地方I hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphere 当我们一起直穿大气层的时候我会紧抓住你Woah 噢……Around us everything disappears我们周围的一切都消失了Woah oa oa(◇○repeat)





克雷格大卫Craig David 的One Last Dance 歌词中文翻译



high的发音:英 [hau026a],美 [hau026a]。adj.高的;大的;大于正常的;高级的;重要的;高音的;激动的;兴奋的;刺鼻的;臭的;舌位高的。n.高点;高水平;高数字;快感;兴奋;中学;强动力;强挡;高音;高气压。adv.在(或向)高处;高(高)地;高声地;尖声地;以高价。复数:highs;比较级:higher;最高级:highest。短语搭配:high school高中,中学。high technology高科技。put a high value on高度重视。high profile引人注目的位置;显赫的地位。in high spirits兴高采烈地;兴致勃勃地。双语例句:The problem of subsisting the poor in a period of high bread prices.在面包价格高的时期为穷人提供食物的问题。The economy will be riding high on the top of the next boom.经济将随下一个繁荣时期之势腾飞。High entertainment value is one good reason to visit the site"s ultra-cool homepage.极高的娱乐价值是登录该网站的超酷首页的一个充足理由。The rights of minorities would be high on the agenda at the conference.少数民族权利问题会是大会的重要议程。They demanded an equal share in the high command, whereat negotiations broke down.他们要求在统帅部享有同等的指挥权,谈判因此而破裂。


high 英 [hau026a] 美 [hau026a] adj. 高的;高级的;崇高的;高音调的n. 高水平;天空;由麻醉品引起的快感;高压地带adv. 高;奢侈地n. (High)人名;(英)海伊[ 比较级 higher 最高级 highest ]


FREIGHT FORWARDER货运代理;货运代理人Kevin: Actually, we"ve got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated. 凯文: 事实上,我们这边自己有货运公司--中国联合公司。A 3PL may also be referred to as an IMC (Intermodal Marketing Company), freightforwarder, transportation broker or intermediary. 也可能是一个第三方物流被称为法团校董会(联运营销公司),货运代理,运输经纪人或中介机构。望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


Ailee - Higher(feat.李闰珉)怒滚噶 那诶给 且得咯 哈吉 吗啦go哭累都 男 ki额扣 哈go 吗go呀哭 怒噶 莫啦黑都 阿木go都 特里吉 安那莫等 go 内 的sei 那 吗gi go呀Going higher 那 吗个 苏冷 nob搜内嘎 嘎嫩 一 gi累 头一桑 图留舞们 nob搜Going higher 内嘎 怕啦等 孙干nun不洗给 比那嫩 都 大冷 那了 啵给 退go呀内嘎 诺么 苏 (额b)嫩 啃 别gi 一色吉啦都对额 诺么 苏 一搜 哈 苏 一搜哭 额等 洗留你 哇都 求得 男 和的里吉 安那一giu 内 苏 一搜 男 门接(额b)搜内 卡森搜给 孙需嫩 他哦了嫩 哟增一那 特留嘎 泽 莫里 头 弄喷 go死咯Going higher 那 吗个 苏冷 nob搜内嘎 嘎嫩 一 gi累 头一桑 图留舞们 nob搜Going higher 内嘎 怕啦等 孙干nun不洗给 比那嫩 都 大冷 那了 啵给 退go呀 (Find a way to my heart) Going higher 那 吗个 苏冷 nob搜内嘎 嘎嫩 一 gi累 头一桑 图留舞们 nob搜Going higher 内嘎 怕啦等 孙干nun不洗给 比那嫩 都 大冷 那了 啵给 退go呀 Going higher 那 吗个 苏冷 nob搜内嘎 嘎嫩 一 gi累 头一桑 图留舞们 nob搜Going higher 内嘎 怕啦等 孙干nun不洗给 比那嫩 都 大冷 那了 啵给 退go呀 【转载请注明BY.Bang依】

higher 是副词 做状语 对吗 可以放在 can be的后面吗?

如果一个副词修饰不定式,除了not和never,以及only外,副词通常是不可以置于不定式之前的。通常要求副词作不定式的后置状语,即副词放在不定式的后面。而to+副词+do这种不定式形式叫做分裂不定式,一般应该避免这种形式。托福考试将分裂不定式按错误判分。但有时候有些通常作中位状语的副词在实意动词前修饰动词,作后置状语不太自然,就出现了分裂不定式的现象。这在日常英语中实际也不是罕见的。例如: They decided to fully support his plan. 这比They decided to support his plan fully更自然。因为fully是强调动词support的,而不是修饰不定式短语的。是不定式的状语,而不是不定式短语的状语,属于下加状语而不是修饰性状语。修饰性状语是不可以放在to 和 do之间构成分裂不定式的。例如: I prefer to do it quickly. quickly为修饰性状语中的方式状语。不可以说: I prefer to qucikly do it.

谁能给我 higher 这首歌的中文谐音



vered with snows of cynicism and t



higher 和more highly

选c 就像你说的,high既是形容词又是副词,所以它可以修饰动词,比较级直接加er,highly虽然是副词但是它的意思与high完全不同,有非常,很,高度地; (地位、等级、评价等)高;高价地,高额地.所以不能用highly,一般来说,它也不用比较级



有谁知道erik gronwall的 higher中文歌词的标准翻译?

Now I know I"m gun" get down on the floorExperiencing what you can"t ignoreBut something "bout this beat just got me hookedCome over here and take a closer lookCoz I can"t get enough, I can"t get enoughI can"t stay on the ground (woah)I can"t get enough, I can"t get enoughThis is taking me nowIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundI do this for, it"s just for the thrill,I got this high, were "bout to get a feelThis move has got me way over the sunI"m dancing like I am the only oneCoz I can"t get enough, I can"t get enoughI can"t stay on the ground (woah)I can"t get enough, I can"t get enoughThis is taking me nowIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundThe music"s got me going higherI feel like I can touch the skyIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundIt"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the groundLyrics by Judy From LK Lyrics Group现在我知道我是“把枪倒在地板上了经历了什么,你不能忽视但一些"布特这打败刚我着迷过来仔细看看因为我不能得到充分的,我不能获得足够的水我不能呆在地上(天啊)我不能得到足够的,我不能获得足够的水这是带我了这是带我高,高高等离地面这是带我高,高高等离地面我做这些是为了,它只是为了惊喜,我得到了高,是"布特得到的感觉这一举动得到了我的方式在太阳我跳舞就像我是唯一的一个因为我不能得到充分的,我不能获得足够的水我不能呆在地上(天啊)我不能得到足够的,我不能获得足够的水这是带我了这是带我高,高高等离地面这是带我高,高高等离地面音乐让我走高我觉得我能触摸天空这是带我高,高高等离地面这是带我高,高高等离地面这是带我高,高高等离地面这是带我高,高高等离地面歌词由裘蒂从路的歌词组

青山黛玛的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:青山黛玛专辑:青涩日记 Diary藤井リナ - Higher作词:Lori Fine(COLDFEET)作曲:Shuya OkinoI like the feeling of flyingIn my own direction, yeahI like the feeling of ridingThe wind as I go, yeahBut when you and me get to be two togetherI can see that you could take me upInto a sky I"ve never seenI want to goCome take me higherI want you toHold me tighterTake me higherI hope you doFeel the fireTake me higherMy dream come trueMy desireTake me higherI love when youTake me higherMe and you together go higherI like the way that we makeSuch a special connection, yeahI like the way that we"re strongWhen the wind starts to blow, yeahTogether with you above the blue foreverClouds will change into the steps we climbTo find a nicer weatherAlways summertimehttp://music.baidu.com/song/992941

Taio Cruz Kylie Minogue 的higher 中英歌词

Now I know I"m gun" get down on the floor我在停车场加大油门。Experiencing what you can"t ignore这种感受不能忽视But something bout this beat just got me hooked但这种节奏的较量(MV中两位主角坐的车在比赛)让我着了迷Come over here and take a closer look接近距离看一下Cause I can"t get enough, I can"t get enoughI can"t stay on the ground (woah)我不能停留在这,因为我不满足,我不满足。I can"t get enough, I can"t get enough我不满足,我不满足。This is taking me now这是如此吸引我。It"s taking me higher, higherHigher off the ground [x2]悬空(主角坐在车上^.^)让我(兴致)很high(high,激情高昂).I do this for,我这样做是为了,It"s just for the thrill,只是为了强烈的快感I got this high, were bout to get a feel较量让我感觉如此兴奋。This move has got me way over the sun(车)这种移动让我感觉超过了光速。I"m dancing like I am the only one我跳着舞,像只有我一个在跳。Cause I can"t get enough, I can"t get enoughI can"t stay on the ground (woah)我不能停留在这,因为我不满足,我不满足。I can"t get enough, I can"t get enough我不满足,我不满足。This is taking me now这是如此的吸引我。It"s taking me higher, higher我激情澎湃,澎湃Higher off the ground [x2]悬空让我很high.The musics got me going higher音乐使我兴奋I feel like I can touch the sky我感觉我能触摸到天(空)It"s taking me higher, higher这让我很high,很high.Higher off the ground [x4]悬空让我很high.我听了几遍,手工翻译,有错见谅。


形容人身高的是taller higher一般指物品 如果你还是说building taller 或者higher, 那麼 in this case, tall是指边长,整个建筑物每一个point到底部的长度 high是指距离 是当指一个点到底部的距离 例子: If a primordial dwarf is floating 50 meters above the ground, I would say he is high above the ground, but I wouldn"t say he is very tall, because the distance from his head to the ground is to the distance from his head to his feet

歌曲Higher,歌手 Erik Gronwall的中文翻译

嘿,我是一个信徒 和重力的放过我今晚 你,走出无处 当一切被路过的以光的速度 因此,拉着我的手,不让我走 考虑到未知的命运飞跃 我飞 我的心将接手 世界是由闪烁 高校高高 我将遵循所有可能需要我们 通过天空追逐 高校高高 噢,我知道 它可以很可怕 你打赌这一切时,你的心就行 不过,哦,不用担心宝宝 只是拉着我的手,不让我走 我飞 我的心将接手 世界是由闪烁 高校高高 我将遵循所有可能需要我们 通过天空追逐 高校高高 请带我高 我认为你作为我们穿过大气层射击 我们周围的一切都消失 Woah办公自动化办公 我飞 我的心将接手 世界是由闪烁

为什么用形容词higher修饰实意动词ascend而不用more highly?

这是个固定句式,the more ……,the more ……, 其中more指代多个比较级形容词。


higher 歌手:gloria estefan 专辑:destiny Here We Go Here We Go NowI Saw A Girl TodayCould Tell From What She SayShe Was A LiarShe Walks A WireI Tried To Make Here See That This Was Not The Way Of Getting HigherAnd Then She Turned Away So I Say Hear Me NowJust Understand Don"t Get Me WrongYou Got To Live Your Life Live It Right Or You"ll Go Back To The End Of The LineHigher Step It Up Higher Just Do It Right And GoHigher Keep It Up Higher Just Pick It Up And You GoHigher Move Along Higher Get Off The GroundHigher Lift It Up HigherThere Is A Man I KnowAnd Everyplace He"d Go He"d Take Your MoneyThink It Was FunnyHe"d Like To Get His Way He Never Likes To PayThe Law Would Chase HimBut He Just Run Away So I Say Hear Me NowJust Understand Don"t Get Me WrongYou Got To Live Your Life Live It Right Or You"ll Go Back To The End Of The LineHigher Step It Up Higher Just Do It Right And GoHigher Keep It Up Higher Just Pick It Up And You GoHigher Move Along Higher Get Of The GroundHigher Lift It Up Higher Here We Go Here We Go NowI Gotta Friend Who Lives On All The Love He GivesWhen He Retires He"s Going HigherOne Thing I Know Is True That Everything You DoWill Come Back To You Don"t Let It Fool YouAnd I Say Hear Me NowJust Understand Don"t Get Me Wrong You Got To Live Your Life And Live It Right Or You"ll Go Back To The End Of The LineHigher Step It Up Higher Just Do It Right And GoHigher Keep It Up Higher Just Pick It Up And You GoHigher Move Along Higher Get Of The GroundHigher Lift It Up Higher Here We Go Here We Go NowHigher Step It Up Higher Just Do It Right And GoHigher Keep It Up Higher Just Pick It Up And You GoHigher Move Along Higher Get Of The GroundHigher Lift It Up Higher Here We Go Here We Go Now

安室奈美惠的《Higher》 歌词

Higher作词:Nao"ymt 作曲:Nao"ymt演唱∶安室奈美恵目の端にちらつく影がわらう求めて止まず やけに喉が渇く钟が鸣る 自由という広大な砂漠阴郁なかたまり 叫び 解き放つ迫りくる壁を 打ち砕き立ち向かう完成度远くてつかめないと叹くだけなら谁でもできるTake me higher雨云を振り切ってTake me higherどこまでも高く飞んでいけまだ上がる高度重低音をもっと空まで响くほど (Higher)强く愿えばなんだってできるさ境界线 超えることだってTake me higherThere is a reason for livin"Take me higher头の中こだまする合図壊れたレーダーに雑音が混じる入り口 出口 whatever 敌は自分踏み出すべきは今しかありえない迷ってみせたって 答えならすでにもう决まってるためらうほど强くなる期待を押さえつけたりしないでTake me higher雨云を振り切ってTake me higherどこまでも高く飞んでいけまだ上がる高度重低音をもっと空まで响くほど (Higher)强く愿えばなんだってできるさ境界线 超えることだってTake me higherThere is a reason for livin"Take me higherOh Oh 手をならして歌を歌って 汗を流してOh Oh 満ちてく热気逃さぬようにどうせなら大きな梦に同じ明日なら楽しい方がいいに决まってるいつか? たぶん? 不明瞭じゃ何一つ変えられないTake me higher雨云を振り切ってTake me higherどこまでも高く飞んでいけまだ上がる高度重低音をもっと空まで响くほど (Higher)强く愿えばなんだってできるさ境界线 超えることだってTake me higherThere is a reason for livinTake me higherTake me higherThere is a reason for livinTake me higherhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12772096
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