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区别是:hoisting 指的是起重,提升;把…吊起,升起。lifting 指的是举起,抬起;提高;运送;解除。例句辨析:hoisting 1、Hoisting my suitcase on to my shoulder, I turned and headed toward my hotel.我把手提箱扛到肩上,转身向入住的旅馆走去。2、This book describes in detail with the crane hoisting the computing and security technologies. 本书详尽介绍了与起重吊装有关的计算和安全技术。3、The hoisting and transport systems of its main shaft are reformed in2005. 2005年该矿对主井提升及运输系统进行了技术改造。lifting1、They built a crane capable of lifting 150 tons. 他们造了一台能吊起150吨重量的吊车。2、I was in the gym lifting weights. 我在健身房举哑铃。3、He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions. 他对解除制裁表示反对。


区别是:hoisting 指的是起重,提升;把…吊起,升起。lifting 指的是举起,抬起;提高;运送;解除。例句辨析:hoisting 1、Hoisting my suitcase on to my shoulder, I turned and headed toward my hotel.我把手提箱扛到肩上,转身向入住的旅馆走去。2、This book describes in detail with the crane hoisting the computing and security technologies. 本书详尽介绍了与起重吊装有关的计算和安全技术。3、The hoisting and transport systems of its main shaft are reformed in2005. 2005年该矿对主井提升及运输系统进行了技术改造。lifting1、They built a crane capable of lifting 150 tons. 他们造了一台能吊起150吨重量的吊车。2、I was in the gym lifting weights. 我在健身房举哑铃。3、He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions. 他对解除制裁表示反对。