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say geronimo 什么意思

geronimo 1、杰罗尼莫(美国印第安人阿柏切族首领) [例句]She came up with names for the houses , like geronimo and billy the kid , and picked out furniture with suede accents.她为每所房子起了诸如杰罗尼莫或比利的小家伙之类的名字,并为它们挑选带有绒面的家具。2、say geronimo 呐喊


Geronimo - SheppardCan you feel it你能感受得到吗Now it"s coming back we can steal it.往事侵袭 我们能一如从前If we bridge this gap,如果我们跨越横沟I can see you我就能看到你Through the curtains of the waterfall.穿过瀑布的漫天水帘When I lost it,当我迷失其中Yeah you held my hand,是的 你握住我的手But I tossed it,但我甩开了Didn"t understand,我也无法理解You were waiting,你曾苦苦等待As I dove into the waterfall.当我不加思索地就跳进那瀑布So say Geronimo!就说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Can you feel my love你能感受到我的爱吗Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away.对我的心狂轰乱炸Can you feel my love你能感受到我的爱吗Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Well we rushed it,我们向前冲Moving away to fast.速度是那么的快That we crushed it,足以让我们毁灭But it"s in the past.但这只是过去We can make this leap,我们能完成这纵身一跃Through the curtains of the waterfall.穿过瀑布的漫天水帘So Say Geronimo!就说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Can you feel my love你能感受到我的爱吗Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away.对我的心狂轰乱炸Can you feel my love你能感受到我的爱吗Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away,对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away.对我的心狂轰乱炸Well I"m just a boy,我只是个男孩With a broken toy,带着残破的玩具All lost and coy,逝去的一切At the curtains of the waterfall.就在那瀑布的漫天水帘之中So it"s here I stand,所以我站在这里As a broken man,心碎如我But I"ve found my friend,但我发现了我的朋友At the curtains of the waterfall.就在那瀑布的漫天水帘之中Now I"m falling down,现在我纵身坠落Through the crashing sound.穿过那令人崩溃的撕裂之声And you"ve come around,你就在那刻出现At the curtains of the waterfall.就在那瀑布的漫天水帘之中And you rushed to me,你飞快的奔向我And it sets us free.让我们彻底自由So I fall to my knees,所以我跪下双膝At the curtains of the waterfall.就在那瀑布的漫天水帘之中So Say Geronimo!就说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Can you feel你能感受到Say Geronimo说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo说 勇敢跳下吧Say Geronimo!说 勇敢跳下吧Bombs away!对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away!对我的心狂轰乱炸Bombs away! Say Geronimo!对我的心狂轰乱炸 说 勇敢跳下吧make this leap完成这纵身一跃make this leap完成这纵身一跃make this leap完成这纵身一跃Make this leap.完成这纵身一跃Can you feel my love你能感受到我的爱吗

Billy Ray Cyrus的《geronimo》 歌词

歌曲名:geronimo歌手:Billy Ray Cyrus专辑:storm in the heartlandIt was a wildcat of a hot nightThe stars were rippin" holes in the skyThe crickets in the thickest click quicker every minutePoppin" like a fourth of JulyOn a tall point pony in a bolt of white lightRode a fire eyed medicine manHe said,"My name is Jerome and you"re standin" in my home"Haunting was a song that he sangHe said,"Your bad dreams spinnin" in my mama"s headYou strapped the foul breathed wolf to her backYou ride a steel horse racin" toward a rainbow endWhile her seas and her rivers run black"He said,"Look what you done to her native sonBuddy look what you did to her skiesYou trap her power and her glory in your company fundsBut your prophets only make me cry"He said,"The moon had to jump to get overI was cheated and beat but I never deniedThe sun"s my daddy and the earth is my mamaWearin" ghosts you made my tribe and my brideTheir prayers filled my ears as they fellThen you drag me through the gutter "til it hurts like hellBut if you think I look badBaby,better check out yourself"What you feel!He said,"Boy you can"t you see that you"re part of the planetNo less or more then the sea or the graniteShe tries to give you all her loveStill you just want to ride herWhat will you give for her you last cup of waterWhat kind of price will you put on your brotherWhat are the secrets of your soul she"s keepingDeep down inside her"Unless you really want to know,don"t ask GeronimoUnless you really want to know,don"t ask Geronimo

geronimo ftilton什么意思

geronimo stilton是《老鼠记者》系列的作者意大利作家 中文名:杰罗尼摩·斯蒂顿

eclipse配置tomcat时,显示的是geronimo server



Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates the best open source projects to create Java/OSGi server runtimes that meet the needs of enterprise developers and system administrators. Our most popular distribution is a fully certified Java EE 5 application server runtime.


Geronimo[du0292Z`rɑnImo; du0292u0454ˋru0252nimou]吉拉尼莫(1829-1909,美国阿巴伽族印第安人酋长,曾于1885-86年从事反白人运动)


geronimo_百度翻译geronimo 杰罗尼莫(美国印第安人阿柏切族首领) [例句]You use the geronimo console to set up the users and groups tables.可以使用geronimo控制台设置用户和组表。你是我的小苹果怎么回答都不嫌多百度知道专业翻译机你有问题,我来解答芝麻一帮一,问题全无一万千芝麻是一家,团结合作靠大家不明白请及时追问,敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


geronimo 杰罗尼莫(美国印第安人阿柏切族首领)[例句]You use the geronimo console to set up the users and groups tables.可以使用geronimo控制台设置用户和组表。


geronimo 杰罗尼莫;杰洛尼莫;杰洛米诺例句筛选1.Find up-to-date information about Apache Geronimo on the.上寻找关于ApacheGeronimo的最新信息。2.A binary installation of Apache Geronimo is ready for you to test.ApacheGeronimo的二进制安装已经可以供您测试用了。


geronimo杰罗尼莫杰罗尼莫 [jié luó ní mò]杰罗尼莫,是美军猎杀本拉登行动代号。而其中美军海豹部队对本拉登的刺杀行动为:海神之矛


geronimo 杰罗尼莫(美国印第安人阿柏切族首领) 杰罗尼莫(1829.6.16—1909.2.17):Geronimo原名:Goyathlay(意为“打呵欠的人”)1829年,杰罗尼莫出生于今墨西哥西部。作为阿帕切印第安部落的领袖,他领导了当时阿帕切的印第安部落抗击移民美国移民者的运动。杰罗尼莫对自然求生技能驾轻就熟,非常善于使用枪支,并且机智勇敢,拥有强大的领导才能。他强烈反对当时的美洲移民者,多次率领族人与移民者作战。他曾经让移民者非常头痛。杰罗尼莫的冷峻形象非常有名,他是一位公认的印第安武士,以勇敢、机智闻名。他曾经率领35名武士与5000美军周旋5个月之久。这位阿帕切族人的首领,在最后成为美国农场主之前,曾4次从美军手中逃出。不过1886年,杰罗尼莫投降,从此再未发生过美国印第安部落的大规模反抗运动。手握步枪的那照片,是1886年他投降的时候拍的。晚年时他归化美国社会,此后再未出现美国印第安人的大规模反抗。1909年2月17日,在圣路易斯世界博览会和罗斯福总统的就职典礼上公开露面之后,杰罗尼莫即成为知名人士,但是,最主要的是他将作为美国印第安人不屈精神的象征而被永久纪念。杰罗尼莫的头骨是全球被盗的珍贵文物之一,传说是耶鲁大学的骷髅会所为。第二次世界大战中,美国军队要组织伞兵空降作战。在伞兵组织跳伞的前一天晚上,正好看了一场关于杰罗尼莫的故事片。为了鼓舞士气,他们商定:第二天每人开跳之时大喊一声“Geronimo~”。这以后成为美国空降部队的一个传统。也许,空降兵跳伞后会遇到莫测的情况,需要像杰罗尼莫那样的勇气和智慧,现在很多西方军队或民间跳伞时,也会大喊“Geronimo~”,电影中也较常见(例如,《憨豆特工》中憨豆其助手在跳伞时也曾喊“Geronimo~”)。这也是“Geronimo~"出现最多的方式911事件后,美军展开名为杰罗尼莫的军事行动,最终于2011年5月击毙拉登,结果却引起原住民的不满,认为是对杰罗尼莫的侮辱。