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hurdle method是什么

价格歧视里的一种,可以理解成不完全歧视, Perfect discrimination 是完全歧视,对每个人都单独谈判价格,hurdle method是对特定群体打折,比如学生群体,退休群体。

iPhone 5的界面显示hallo是什么意思?

手机是购买后第一次开机、系统还原、升级后第一次开机,手机屏幕上就会显示hallo表示欢迎。hallo【音标】:英 [hə"ləʊ]     美 [hə"loʊ] 【释义】:喂,哈罗。【双语例句】:1、Do you want to pop your head in and say hallo to my girlfriend? 【释义】:你要不要进来和我女友打个招呼?2、Hallo, may I speak to Frank, please. 【释义】:喂,我找弗兰克。3、Very softly, she called out: "Hallo? Who"s there?"【释义】:她轻声细气喊道:“喂?有人吗?”4、The horse stop instantly at the hallo of its master. 【释义】:主人嗨了一声,马就立刻停下来了。5、Do not hallo till you are out of the wood. 【释义】:未出险境,先莫高兴。iPhone5:是苹果公司(Apple)在2012年9月推出的一款手机,已于2012年9月21日正式上市。【手机特点】:新一代iPhone 5采用铝合金外壳与玻璃镶饰,机身厚度仅为7.6毫米,重仅112克,分别比苹果上代手机薄了18%和轻了20%。iPhone 5配备了4英寸640×1136像素分辨率的屏幕,全新的机身设计,800万像素摄像头,A6处理器和iOS 6。苹果iPhone 5屏幕尺寸首次发生了变化,从3.5英寸扩大为4英寸,分辨率为1136×640,达到326ppi的水准,新的屏幕可实现5行图标。iPhone5采用的是4.0英寸大的电容屏,支持多点触控,采用IPS技术的TFT材质显示屏。

who can tell me the answer



没有showdicker,是show docker 意思是:展示码头工人。docker :工人。docker 双语例句:1、At the end of the second world war he was working as a docker 第二次世界大战结束时,他是一名码头工人。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2、Some claimed that the docker"s union fronted for the smuggling ring. 某些人声称码头工人工会是走私集团的掩护所。3、The seamen went on strike in sympathy with the dockers. 海员举行罢工,以表示对码头工人的支持。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》4、On September 18 the dockers again came out on strike. 9月18日,码头工人再次举行罢工。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》


Docker是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的镜像中,然后发布到任何流行的Linux或Windows机器上,也可以实现虚拟化。容器是完全使用沙箱机制,相互之间不会有任何接口。英语Docker的意思是:容器;容器技术;技术;码头工人;船坞工人。双语例句Some people turn up their noses if you say your father was a miner,or docker.要是你说你父亲当过矿工或码头工人,就会有人瞧不起你.Updated high-quality content,a step-by-step Hints Docker and new tutorials written by experts get you started fast.更新高品质的内容,一步一步的提示泊坞窗和新的教程写的专家帮助您快速开始。The docker was bent double beneath his load.这码头工人背着沉重的东西,腰弯得低低的.



为什麼有的iPhone开机是hello有的是halo 呢?


不小心删错了Ghostscript Gpl这个系统软件,对电脑有影响么?


GPL Ghostscript是什么软件

《GPL Ghostscript》是一款开源软件,运行环境支持Winxp/vista/win7/2000/2003。Ghostscript可以查看及打印PS、EPS、PDF文件.支持PS的绘图程序一般都很大,如:Illustrator、CorelDraw.一般人不可能为了打开或打印PS文件而去购买那昂贵的绘图软件,也因此Ghostscript就提供了一个不错的选择.开源软件。扩展资料GPL Ghostscript最早是由 L. Peter Deutsch和阿拉丁企业开发的,以Aladdin Free Public License(AFPL)发布,由artofcode LLC拥有并维护。推出了两个版本:一是在原来的AFPL许可下进行商业使用的AFPL Ghostscript,一是GNU General Public License 下使用的GPL Ghostscript。GPL版本也是Display Ghostscript的基础,其增加了所需的功能,以便对 Display PostScript形成完全的支持。参考资料来源:百度百科-GPL Ghostscript

python用suds 调用webservice方法的时候报错。



如果一个库是 GPL 的,所有用到该库的软件必须也是 GPL。也就是 GPL 的传染性。>> 如果一个库时LGPL的,用到该库的软件不受LGPL的传染。也才是LGPL存在的根本。而至于周边的发布问题,至今仍有很大争议,包括我能否打包>> 发布静态编译的LGPL下Qt库,nokia都不能给出明确的答复。


一、下载必要的安装包1. gdbm-1.8.3-5.aix5.2.ppc.rpm下载地址:ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/RPMS/ppc/gdbm/gdbm-1.8.3-5.aix5.2.ppc.rpm安装包说明:GNU database manager,一套简单的资料库管理函数。 2. readline-6.1-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm下载地址:ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/RPMS/ppc/readline/readline-6.1-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm安装包说明:GNU readline是一个开源的跨平台程序库,提供了交互式的文本编辑功能。3. expat-2.0.1-2.aix5.3.ppc.rpm下载地址:ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/RPMS/ppc/expat/expat-2.0.1-2.aix5.3.ppc.rpm安装包说明:A library for parsing XML4. python-2.7.5-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm下载地址:ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/RPMS/ppc/python/python-2.7.5-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm安装包说明:Python安装包二、安装步骤1. 使用root用户登录AIX主机2. 将下载好的安装包上传至主机的任意目录3. 进入该目录,逐步执行以下命令进行安装rpm -ivh gdbm-1.8.3-5.aix5.2.ppc.rpmrpm -ivh readline-6.1-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpmrpm -ivh expat-2.0.1-2.aix5.3.ppc.rpmrpm -ivh python-2.7.5-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm4. 安装完成后,执行以下命令,并获得以下输出,验证安装结果root@MPSAPP01:/>pythonPython 2.7.5 (default, Aug 16 2013, 14:02:06) [C] on aix6 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

GPL Ghostscript是什么软件

《GPL Ghostscript》是一款开源软件,运行环境支持Winxp/vista/win7/2000/2003。Ghostscript可以查看及打印PS、EPS、PDF文件.支持PS的绘图程序一般都很大,如:Illustrator、CorelDraw.一般人不可能为了打开或打印PS文件而去购买那昂贵的绘图软件,也因此Ghostscript就提供了一个不错的选择.开源软件。扩展资料GPL Ghostscript最早是由 L. Peter Deutsch和阿拉丁企业开发的,以Aladdin Free Public License(AFPL)发布,由artofcode LLC拥有并维护。推出了两个版本:一是在原来的AFPL许可下进行商业使用的AFPL Ghostscript,一是GNU General Public License 下使用的GPL Ghostscript。GPL版本也是Display Ghostscript的基础,其增加了所需的功能,以便对 Display PostScript形成完全的支持。参考资料来源:百度百科-GPL Ghostscript

GPL Ghostscript是什么软件

GPL Ghostscript是一种图像浏览软件。例如esp图像文件,是AI创建的,如果你电脑上没有AI就打不开,那么装了这个软件就可以了,其它的很多图像格式这个软件都可以打开。


把这行的引号都换成英文的。<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>

如何编译可以在Windows下运行的带有Python支持的ARM Linux GDB



python 解析xml需要什么模块

Python的标准库中,提供了6种可以用于处理XML的包。(1)xml.domxml.dom实现的是W3C制定的DOM API。如果你习惯于使用DOM API或者有人要求这这样做,可以使用这个包。不过要注意,在这个包中,还提供了几个不同的模块,各自的性能有所区别。DOM解析器在任何处理开始之前,必须把基于XML文件生成的树状数据放在内存,所以DOM解析器的内存使用量完全根据输入资料的大小。(2)xml.dom.minidomxml.dom.minidom是DOM API的极简化实现,比完整版的DOM要简单的多,而且这个包也小的多。那些不熟悉DOM的朋友,应该考虑使用xml.etree.ElementTree模块。据lxml的作者评价,这个模块使用起来并不方便,效率也不高,而且还容易出现问题。相关推荐:《Python教程》(3)xml.dom.pulldom与其他模块不同,xml.dom.pulldom模块提供的是一个“pull解析器”,其背后的基本概念指的是从XML流中pull事件,然后进行处理。虽然与SAX一样采用事件驱动模型(event-driven processing model),但是不同的是,使用pull解析器时,使用者需要明确地从XML流中pull事件,并对这些事件遍历处理,直到处理完成或者出现错误。pull解析(pull parsing)是近来兴起的一种XML处理趋势。此前诸如SAX和DOM这些流行的XML解析框架,都是push-based,也就是说对解析工作的控制权,掌握在解析器的手中。(4)xml.saxxml.sax模块实现的是SAX API,这个模块牺牲了便捷性来换取速度和内存占用。SAX是Simple API for XML的缩写,它并不是由W3C官方所提出的标准。它是事件驱动的,并不需要一次性读入整个文档,而文档的读入过程也就是SAX的解析过程。所谓事件驱动,是指一种基于回调(callback)机制的程序运行方法。(5)xml.parser.expatxml.parser.expat提供了对C语言编写的expat解析器的一个直接的、底层API接口。expat接口与SAX类似,也是基于事件回调机制,但是这个接口并不是标准化的,只适用于expat库。expat是一个面向流的解析器。您注册的解析器回调(或handler)功能,然后开始搜索它的文档。当解析器识别该文件的指定的位置,它会调用该部分相应的处理程序(如果您已经注册的一个)。该文件被输送到解析器,会被分割成多个片断,并分段装到内存中。因此expat可以解析那些巨大的文件。(6)xml.etree.ElementTree(以下简称ET)xml.etree.ElementTree模块提供了一个轻量级、Pythonic的API,同时还有一个高效的C语言实现,即xml.etree.cElementTree。与DOM相比,ET的速度更快,API使用更直接、方便。与SAX相比,ET.iterparse函数同样提供了按需解析的功能,不会一次性在内存中读入整个文档。ET的性能与SAX模块大致相仿,但是它的API更加高层次,用户使用起来更加便捷。建议:在使用Python进行XML解析时,首选使用ET模块,除非你有其他特别的需求,可能需要另外的模块来满足。

Martin Luthor King,Jr的生平

马丁路德金一九二九年生於美国阿特兰大一个黑人牧师的家庭。他从小学业优异,大学更以全班第一的成绩毕业。他及后成为一位牧师,在阿特兰大所处的乔治亚州甚有影响力。后来,因为一次偶然的事件,金牧师成为了一位为种族平等而战的革命家,他汲取甘地在印度的成功经验,在一九五三年至一九六八年这十五年间,成功地以不还击的和平方式进行示威,为黑人争取了不少权利,包括投票权,并且因为在人权运动上的页献,令他取得了一届诺贝尔和平奖。他在一九六八年在田纳西州的孟菲斯声援一场和平示威时,在下榻的酒店露台被一名白人逃犯射杀身亡,终年三十九岁。美国政府为了表扬他,宣布将每年一月第三个星期一定为全国假期。还有个英文的。。。Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin. His grandfather began the family"s long tenure as pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, serving from 1914 to 1931; his father has served from then until the present, and from 1960 until his death Martin Luther acted as co-pastor. Martin Luther attended segregated public schools in Georgia, graduating from high school at the age of fifteen; he received the B. A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and grandfather had been graduated. After three years of theological study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania where he was elected president of a predominantly white senior class, he was awarded the B.D. in 1951. With a fellowship won at Crozer, he enrolled in graduate studies at Boston University, completing his residence for the doctorate in 1953 and receiving the degree in 1955 In Boston he met and married Coretta Scott, a young woman of uncommon intellectual and artistic attainments. Two sons and two daughters were born into the family.In 1954, Martin Luther King accepted the pastorale of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Always a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race, King was, by this time, a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the leading organization of its kind in the nation. He was ready, then, early in December, 1955, to accept the leadership of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration of contemporary times in the United States, the bus boycott described by Gunnar Jahn in his presentation speech in honor of the laureate. The boycott lasted 382 days. On December 21, 1956, after the Supreme Court of the United States had declared unconstitutional the laws requiring segregation on buses, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these days of boycott, King was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a Negro leader of the first rank.In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization formed to provide new leadership for the now burgeoning civil rights movement. The ideals for this organization he took from Christianity; its operational techniques from Gandhi. In the eleven-year period between 1957 and 1968, King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action; and meanwhile he wrote five books as well as numerous articles. In these years, he led a massive protest in Birmingham, Alabama, that caught the attention of the entire world, providing what he called a coalition of conscience. and inspiring his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", a manifesto of the Negro revolution; he planned the drives in Alabama for the registration of Negroes as voters; he directed the peaceful march on Washington, D.C., of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address, "l Have a Dream", he conferred with President John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson; he was arrested upwards of twenty times and assaulted at least four times; he was awarded five honorary degrees; was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963; and became not only the symbolic leader of American blacks but also a world figure.At the age of thirty-five, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. When notified of his selection, he announced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.On the evening of April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of that city, he was assassinated.



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晓求得的,字数太少还不让提交,cao 他妹的 度 liang

火狐提示shockwave flash插件无响应怎么解决

临时解决:一般提示这个窗口都是flas...1重新加载插件 如图提示adobe falsh插...2falsh插件崩溃无法关闭解决办法若照以...3windows任务管理器对话框,找到flash p...4然后点击“结束进程”,继续刷新浏览器...5如果按照以上方法处理好了,但是

翻译My fiance (未婚夫) and I were excited about shoppi


what a foggy day还是how foggy day

答案:B 根据感叹句的句式:What+a/an+形容词+单数名词+主谓!How+形容词/副词+主+谓!又因为句中foggy day是含名词单数的短语,所以用What a 引导,故选B.


一、详细释义: , n. , 恐惧,惊恐 [U,C] , 例句: ,The foul odor filled me with horror and disgust.,令人作呕的臭味使我心中充满恐惧和厌恶。, 例句: ,She let out a bleat of horror.,她恐惧地惊叫一声。, 憎恶,痛恨 [U,C] , 例句: ,I have a deep horror of cruelty.,我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝。, 例句: ,As he walks through the streets his very face denotes his horror of the world"s wickedness.,在他从街头走过时,他的脸上就表明了他对世上邪恶的憎恶。, 讨厌的人或事 [C] , 例句: ,You are thinking what a self-centered old horror A.J. is.,你大概想A.J.是个以自我为中心的讨厌的老家伙吧。, 恐怖,可怕的事物 [U,C] , 例句: ,He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films.,它们是恐怖电影中老一套的怪物。, 二、词义辨析: , alarm,fear,fright,horror,panic,terror,dread ,这些名词均含“恐惧、惧怕、惊恐”之意。alarm强调突然意识到有危险而产生的恐惧心理。fear普通用词,侧重指面临危险或灾祸时内心所引起的恐惧心情。fright通常指一阵突然的、令人震惊的短暂恐惧,有时含夸张意味。horror侧重指因看到令人讨厌或危险的东西或情景而引起的厌恶情绪、极度恐惧心情或战栗的动作。 panic常指因突如其来的外界威胁使人羣出现惊慌、恐惧或混乱。terror指极大的恐惧和惊骇,语气最强。dread可与fear换用,着重害怕的心理,但dread常指胆怯和丧失勇气。, 三、参考例句: ,I felt numb with horror.,我惊呆了。,It" a horror to me.,这对我来说,是恐怖的。,I have a deep horror of cruelty.,我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝。,The horror film was very frightening.,这部恐怖电影很吓人的。,The news struck him with horror.,那消息使他震惊。,Horror suddenly struck me in the dark.,在黑暗中恐惧突然袭击了我。,I prefer edy to horror movies.,我喜欢喜剧,不喜欢恐怖电影。,He was filled with horror at the bad news.,听到这个坏消息,他心里充满恐惧。,He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films.,它们是恐怖电影中老一套的怪物。,We were struck dumb with horror and grief.,惊恐和忧伤使我们哑口无言。

shock , fright什么意思

Shock是震惊,通俗讲就是把人惊呆了的那种程度fright是吓人,只是让人感到害怕。如果我的回答对你有帮助,望及时采纳。<( ̄3 ̄)>若仍有不明可以继续追问。

women who flirt是什么意思

女人调情双语对照例句:1.There are many readers who never fall in love, like many young men and women who flirt around and are incapable of forming a deep attachment to a particular person.有许多读者永不曾堕入情网,正如许多青年男女只会卖弄风情,而不能钟情于一个人。------------------------------~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请重新另外起一题向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

To flirt with hot chicks 什么意思?


To flirt with hot chicks 什么意思

To flirt with hot chicks泡妞

during the famine,many people were reduced to going without food for days。这句话怎么翻译呢?


during the famine,many people were reduced to going without food for days。这句话怎么翻译呢?

是介词,没引导原状。。这里不能理解为‘减 少"另: reduce有迫使的意思。。reduce to doing sth如 reduce to tears 使伤心得流泪译 : 在饥荒年代,很多人因为多天没食物而被迫离开。。

要不这样吧,我给您跑一趟。 可以说 how about letting me run an errand for you。 可以吗

errand, 意思是“差事”,常常与动词run 连用,表示出去办些小差事,说得不好听一点就是“替人跑腿建议这样说:How about you let me run errand for you.




基本上,内部库不用特别学习。需要的时候再学。python内置的函数基本上够初学者使用了。 抽空把它自带的帮助,里面有库说明,从头到尾仔细看一遍。看不懂的就放弃。


同样爱Pendulum~不过他们的歌词很难把握..多数还得靠自己理解..我来给你翻一个吧~尽量准确~Showdown落幕It"s been such a long time coming,时过境迁I"d thought you"d understand,我原想你能够明白That"s over,一切已然结束The hate of the last,最后的怨恨Will be joining in the sand,也将消逝在尘埃之中But it"s simple you were wrong,显然是你错了You must have known that we live down below,你早已知道我们的窘境I know you thought I"d sold my soul,我明白 你曾以为我已出卖了灵魂But you never told me to my face,但你从未当面告诉我I just had to leave you go,我只能让你走Blow this shit away. 拂去一切混沌



There was once a farmer who had a fine orchard (果园). He worked very hard all his life and the o.


Eliza Doolittle的《Go Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Home歌手:Eliza Doolittle专辑: (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Go HomeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard you can go home,Check it outMy mama told me Willie rock hardDon"t be no dummy, be a lil" smarterDon"t be like your Daddy, finish what you startedAha momma, I"mma rock hard, check it outFly Willy I"ll be a charterI won"t forget my placeGonna rock harderYou know I kill it, kill it baby leave the slaughterI will stand by, I promised mommaI"m a big baller, check it outI"m hip-hop hardRock a boulevardWillie"s in chargeI don"t need nobody nowI go on and onOn and onOn and on and on, on, on, onYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go homeCheck it outHard like a rock and rollA time bomb ticking – explodeBaby this is dynamoBaby back nowIt"s "bout to blowHard like geometry and trigonometryThis is crazy psychologyYeah baby, I"m back inWatch out now I"m going inYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or yo can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omehttp://music.baidu.com/song/61372249

Eliza Doolittle的《Go Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Home歌手:Eliza Doolittle专辑:Eliza DoolittleGo HomeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard you can go home,Check it outMy mama told me Willie rock hardDon"t be no dummy, be a lil" smarterDon"t be like your Daddy, finish what you startedAha momma, I"mma rock hard, check it outFly Willy I"ll be a charterI won"t forget my placeGonna rock harderYou know I kill it, kill it baby leave the slaughterI will stand by, I promised mommaI"m a big baller, check it outI"m hip-hop hardRock a boulevardWillie"s in chargeI don"t need nobody nowI go on and onOn and onOn and on and on, on, on, onYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go homeCheck it outHard like a rock and rollA time bomb ticking – explodeBaby this is dynamoBaby back nowIt"s "bout to blowHard like geometry and trigonometryThis is crazy psychologyYeah baby, I"m back inWatch out now I"m going inYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or yo can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omehttp://music.baidu.com/song/417553

-- How long has Eliza been a nurse? -- _______ &...

A 试题分析:句意:Eliza 成为一名护士有多久了?A自从2002年一直到现在,表示一段时间。B,表达错误,C在2002年,是一个时间点,故选A。

i remember the whole thing as if happened yesterday 为什么不是had


“I make it, I know who I am” —“女神 (Goddess)”by Joyce Cheng

Last summer when the “Goddess” by Joyce was first heard, I just thought highly of its beautiful melody and perceived a little smell of feminism from lyrics. The class and readings make me gradually sensitive to gender-related topics, and this music video of the song, which I came across again, was recommended by Louisa on her WeChat. In this essay, I would analyze the video in two perspectives: One applies Stereotypes and Beauty Myth to discern the stereotyped female images in Chinese society in order to get out of the Beauty Myth trap; One uses Visual Pleasure and Feminist Counter-Cinema to demonstrate how to refuse male gaze. All characters are females in the music video, while it can see that they are divided into 2 groups according to the manmade definition of “Beauty”. One group of 3 ladies at the very beginning ( 00:00:07, Fig. 1 ) are in conformity with the mainstream aesthetic criteria, however, others whose looks are judged too far away from the criteria would leave some undesirable impressions on the public, then the deeply-rooted stereotypes gradually produce. Below are some typical stereotypes the characters emerge in this music video, I suppose, that"s why Joyce invited them to participate in the performance where they are likely to be treated  the  same way as in their daily life. In the Chinese society, the woman who has tattoos and wears ear stretching plugs are so unique that she is likely to be considered as an extremely rebellious “Bad girl” flouting conventional moral standards. She just cares about herself and does whatever she wants regardless of the consequences, ignoring others" “well-meaning” suggestions of behaving like a“normal girl”. Such a stereotype of these kinds of females is likely to be called “bad girls”. They would be isolated by others because they are dangerous in others" mind. They have bad love affairs and bad family issues and also bad social relationship. They deem to lead a reduced life without any opportunities and chances to enjoy happiness. The director gives the “bad girl” a close shot in the music video, so that it is apparently showed that her expressions are full of lackluster, gauntness and helplessness. The camera shoots the scene when she raises her arms heavily tattooed (that is named “花臂” in Chinese, which means the woman may be involved in gangsterdom, in some conventional mind) and confusedly scaring at them. (00:01:58, Fig. 2) In effect, the masculine girl is represented in a close camera viewpoint, the first impression burst into my mind that “What a handsome boy!”. The girl  wear her black hair slicked up  and her clothing style seems to be identified with conventionally-defined men"s: Shirt matching with pants. When I realized that her gender might not be male, I cannot help myself with praising her “so cool and even more handsome than boys”. But yet, some people may discriminate her as “变态 (abnormal) and 不男不女 (not-male-not-female) etc.”. This happens in real life that one female Chinese singer star - 李宇春 (Li Yuchun), rising to fame due to winning the 2005 Super Girl Contest, a Chinese singing competition. I still remember many of the public insulted her for her neuter look and more masculine attitude, and even called her as “春哥 (BrotherChun)” on purpose then. Unlike self-assured Brother Chun on camera, the girl always bows her head, and there is a feature when she looks at the camera,  the  facial expression with a frown reveals a preoccupied her. She stands away from the other females. The close-up shot differentiates her from the two vague women distant from her, featuring her loneliness. (00:01:00, Fig. 3) It could be speculated that the woman uses gestures to express her emotion and opinions might be a dumb one. (00:00:56, Fig. 4) The society is not kind enough to the disabled, the pervasive example is that insulting languages involved in the disabled are always heard when curse “Normal” ones, like “脑残 (mentally-handicapped), 残废(the miscreated), etc.” When the unrecognized feature comes into the female, the situation would become worse, especially a disabled plump woman. The close shot tells us that this kind of women are urgent to voice while they are unable to do it with a limited number and influence of platforms. The director avoids using the close-up shot to put too much press on her, since she expresses her soreness and hopeless. In the first half, the two elderly women are quite hard to notice, they are shot in caliginous light and seem obscure, totally blending into the background. (00:01:00, Fig. 3) Here, Guerilla Girls" statements about stereotype of elderly females should be mentioned that “our (Caucasian) culture turns aging women into evil shrews instead of venerating them as wise women as in Africa, China, …”. (35) In my opinion, that"s not completely true. Although Chinese respect aged ladies more, there still exists many scrannel Chinese terms to point to them, such as “老太婆(old woman in Mandarin)”, “老太婆娘 (old woman in Wenzhouness)”. The patriarchal thoughts hiding in Chinese aresimilar with the Western that aging gradually undermines women"s value andelderly females" voice are easily neglected in real life, particularly in ruralareas. (Guerilla Girls, 35) However, the stereotypes of the females can be their true self? At the start of the music video (00:00:07, Fig. 1), the three women wear the gossamer clothing like goddess, accompanying the title of the song - “女神Goddess”. Theirslim and tall figures, full breasts and  the booty  meet the rigid and traditional aesthetic criteria, this could be watched in the MissHong Kong Contest. (00:00:00-00:00:11, Fig. 1) In many people"s eyes, they are considered“beautiful, glorious and graceful”, and other girlsfeel unconfident and depressed when encountering them, while they are stilljust close to the perfection but not the perfect. In fact, there is nothingabsolutely perfect in the world. As Wolf said, females are forced unconsciouslyto insist to throw themselves into reaching the standards designed not bythemselves but by “market forces and a multibillion-dollar advertisingindustry”, which cannot be achieved actually, and celebrities are also noexception. (2) Joyce take a close-up shot to expose their faces and bodies in moredetailed, even though the three models are within the acceptable name list,while their looking are different from each other and how to tell who is themost beautiful is very difficult. And the shot also describes the deep and realemotions behind the colorful and bright in-front-of-the-scenes images when theystart to look at, stay with and talk to themselves deeply, they feelpainstaking and one puts her head in hands, one cries silently, and one bendsher head. (00:01:41-00:01:42, Fig. 5) Joyce participates in the performance acting as the helper to assist the females who getting trapped in the male-dominant aesthetic standards. I suppose, Joyce"s experiences are known by many audience loving Hong Kong"s entrainments. She get through the hard time when she cannot acceptherself influenced by the conventionalized concept of Beauty - “Being slim isbeauty, being fat is ugliness!”. She tried her best to lose her weight, and succeed in endorsing the weight-loss products of Sau San Tong Holdings Limitedin 2003. (Wikipedia.org) However, her weight reboundvery soon and finally she failed to continue serving as the spokeswoman. Beingfat is always discriminated by the public which are guided by the industriesand the markets. Joyce herself is the distinct instance of being made use of. Afterthat, Joyce started to rethink herself. At present, we could see she hasresurrected and treated herself with confidence and talent gradually. Her songs-“ 无人完美 (Nobody"s perfect)”(2011),“ 你瘦够了吗 ? (Are You Skinny Enough?)” (2016) as well as this “ 女神 Goddess”(2016)witness Joyce growing into a uniquely charming feminist .(Wikipedia.org) When Joyce appears in the screen, she is far away from the audience. The full shot shows the relationship between her and the surroundings where she is situated. She is quite insignificant, which might project the past mental state of herself, facing the flooding criticisms from the public because of her figure, her family background-being the daughter of stars seems to be “easy to be famous almost without a need to work hard. However, she is not afraid to evade but yet determinedly move forward and her image is becoming increasingly clear and then the close shot lets the audience see the adamancy, stubbornness and determination on her face that she does not want to surrender to the reality and the unreasonable tags. Mulvey  pointed out that “woman as image, man as bearer of the look” in traditional narrativecinema, (11) that is, the male audience are effortless to embody themselvesinto the male characters who can control the development of the plot andwithout any doubts get hold of the females to be watched. ( Smelik,  491-2) The “voyeuristic-scopophilic gaze and narcissistic identification”produce the visual pleasure especially for males. (Mulvey, 8-9; Smelik, 491-2) Itis not hard to find that all characters in the music video are females andthere are even no half of one male, why male gaze should be mentioned here? The screen of the standing female models isconstructed on the stage which looks like a contesting stage for Hong Kong Misses Contest. In my mind, the beauty contest is one of the productions of patriarchy where commentators are constituted of males sometimes some females who are trained by the dogma designed by males. The intro music accompanies the theme song of The Miss Hong Kong Pageant make me further confirm it is on scene exposed to the audience in a male gaze awaiting males to judge who is beautiful and who is unable to be face directly. There is no doubt that the three models belong to the definition of “Beauty” in the male gaze and they show “the beautiful poses” which males think as “beautiful”-they are not themselves. When the shot turned to the “ugly” females, including girls with ear gauges and tattoos, old ladies, physically-defective female, Tomboy, etc.,all of them feel confused, helpless, frustrated and painful and take actions like lowering head, cocking head to the side, etc., preventing them from having direct eye contacts with the shot. Therefore, the male gaze produces not only the distances of the females among the stereotyped group-for instance, Tomboy stands far away from others, but also the “ugly” ones and the three models-they do not show up in one shot before Joyce"s coming. So, there does not exist female gaze? No. Joyce invited all the female characters but no males,which is an action to counter traditional films. Compared with somemale-directed music video like Patty Berry - “Part  of Me”, the plot should be the actress behave bravely or strongly after she is betrayed by a male or something like this. Although the male is described stupid, he is still vital in the female"s life. In this video, without males, there would not exist that males drive and manipulate the process and the  evolvement of the story , that means they would lose the hold of the females, which gives females more freedom and rooms to change their fate and state status and choose who they want to be, while the males are only the passive audience unable to do nothing except for watching. In this music video, Joyce herself becomes into the central actress to help to break the plight and challenge the rigid rules. This arrangement is suitable since Joyce is the one girl who achieves to be the real herself not others. And the advent of Joyce with a box of  DIY  materials which is given a close-up shot, foreseeing a huge change would be forthcoming. (00:01:17, Fig. 6) From my view of point, all through the music video,the shot is taken almost exactly at eye level, no any low-angle shots and bird"s-eye views. This shooting technics is taken by the director just to express that all females should be treated equally and respected no matter how their bodies and faces look, no matter how old they are, whether they are physically sound or not. Especially from the gaze of males, the pro-patriarchy male audience have little opportunities to look down upon the females who break the beauty myth. And another technique Joyce uses is that the color of the whole video is set in black and white. The photo of the actresses on scene, I saw, shows so colorful clothing they wear that someone attracts the audience"s attention immediately, while others are eclipsed. (mingpao.com, Fig. 7 &Fig. 8) On the other hand, the  white and black imagery  brings a  solemn atmosphere  and feeling, driving the viewers to contemplate how they behave in daily life when females being judged or whether they always criticize females with bias and stereotypes. After Joyce ends the song with the lyric “人类看不起  都好看 (Even though humans look down on me, I"m always beautiful.)”, a summary sentence of the song, she turns back gracefully and walks forward without any hesitation disappearing from the screen. This could be another example using Bertolt Brecht"s notion of “Distanciation” in response to feminist counter-cinema, (Smelik, 492) and “freeing the look of the audience into dialectics and passionate detachment”. (Mulvey, 26) As beforementioned is analyzed, although males are passive watchers, they are gazing the actresses on stage through the screen. Joyce"s r

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Wes Montgomery的《Full House》 歌词

歌曲名:Full House歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:The Best Of Johnny Griffin<你现在>vily vivi--自己做的第一个歌词哦~~哇嘎嘎你和我 之间的承诺你是否还会把它记在心窝这是我一直想知道的结果求求你告诉我你和我不会就结果这份爱一开始就知道是错可还是想知道在你心里面是否曾真的有过一个我qio gen hu mio ku tern mo le ya har tarn de ku duor qia xi ni yo jio*la ho lo yi dong gu sa ni lu qia zia yi jie tu la gern pu nin depa mio nar ni nern de len ma mi yo pun jioku de mo na gen sa lang ner qia zia yi jie tu la gern pu nin dehan mu ka ku de lu bu su yo bu le ya har ner de*ne nur le po mio sa la ler ma ha jio su jio ge sa la ni qi mayi su gan na nern nuo mun hen mo khe yo ma qi hu mun ho guo qio loyi jie ya ha na so yo so lun mu to pu li sa lang ke su da nern go*la ho lo yi dong gu sa ni lu qia zia yi jie tu la gern pu nin depa mio nar ni nern de len ma mi yo pun jioku de mo na gen sa lang ner qia zia yi jie tu la gern pu nin dehan mu ka ku de lu bu su yo bu le ya har ner de*oh~~~yeah~~~ne ge sa lang lu qiu mio ang de la yo ku de qiong ma la due la yoyi jie nern ku de lu yi luo yo go sa lang ha lern dehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8167411


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比较官方的说法,python是一种解释型语言,解释型语言是指代码一行一行的解释执行,就好像有个 同声传译 ,你每说一句话,他都能不间断地给你翻译,把你说的话(意指写好的代码)翻译成机器能够理解的语言。对于机器来说,这些翻译后的语言就是机器语言,就是指令,机器收到指令后,就会根据指令执行对应的操作。 与解释型语言相对的,有编译型语言,编译型语言则通过编译器先将代码翻译成机器语言,再交给机器去执行。举个例子,我方主持了一个会议,参会的分别有英国人、俄国人和西班牙人,他们三方都带了自己的同声传译。假如是解释型语言呢,我在开会的时候用一种每个同声传译都听得懂的的语言,也就是一种官方用语。这样我可以不间断地用这种语言来做交流,因为这些翻译人员都会为这三国参会人员同步翻译成目标语言,你应该也注意到了,解释型语言类似于一种通用的语言。而如果是编译型语言呢,我会让我这边的3个翻译人员将我的一份中文演讲稿,分别翻译成英文版的、俄文版的和西班牙语版的,在开会的时候,我只要交给参会的国际友人去翻阅就好了。解释型语言侧重的是一种通用的、能够实时解释翻译的特性,而编译型语言侧重的是有针对性、提前准备的特性。然而,在开会的时候,解释型效率是没有那么高的,因为需要同声传译消耗时间去做翻译,而编译型的效率会高些,因为翻译工作已经在开会前做好了,只需要参会人员理解并且执行就好。 1989年的圣诞节,荷兰程序员Guido van Rossum( 吉多·范罗苏姆 ,以下简称吉多)在家休假无聊,为了打发时间,他开发了一种新的解释型语言。可见,该程序员无聊的时候,就是写代码。因为作者非常喜欢 Monty Python"s Flying Circus (巨蟒剧团之飞翔的马戏团,这是英国的一个电视喜剧),就拿python作为这个新语言的名字。我想大家不一定都知道这部喜剧,但是可能都听说过python,可能微信在几天前给你推过python相关的培训广告,可能一些学校已经将掌握python基础概念作为一门选修课,可能你的智能家居里的操作系统有一部分核心代码是用python实现的,可能你的手机里有一个插件也是用python实现的,python现在的应用范围非常广泛,功能也非常强大。 吉多之前在 荷兰数学和计算机科学研究学会 上班,在那里,他为ABC编程语言工作了好多年。 ABC语言长这样的 这是一个函数,你也许看不懂,根据英文单词,或许可以大概猜出点什么。这里只想让你知道,python也差不多长这样,相比较会更容易理解些。 ABC虽然是一门编程语言,它的定位是作为教学或原型设计的工具,是专门为学校老师或者科研人员设计的。ABC的定位决定了它受众不是很广泛,并且它也有使用门槛,对计算机不了解的人,没有经过一段时间的学习,可能根本就上不了手。所以,ABC并不能作为一门通用的编程语言,在业内也无法获得成功。虽然说ABC没有python那么成功,但是ABC可以说是"the mother of python",作者在很多地方都借鉴了ABC,取其精华、取其糟粕。现如今,python是长这样的 可能对于没接触过编程的人来说,它们两不都是一样的,不都是一堆英文字母么,我都看不懂。但是对于初学计算机课程,那些需要学习C语言的人来说,python相比较算是更容易理解了。python非常简短,一些复杂的流程,在C语言中,可能需要几十行代码,但是在python中,可能就只需要几行代码。当然不同的业务场景,可能不是这样的,但是普遍情况下,用python的开发效率是非常高的。python适合快速开发,适合产品快速迭代出新。 1999年1月,也就是语言面世的10年后, 吉多 向DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,美国国防部一个负责科研的下属机构)申请资金。我去翻了下该申请的修订版,修订版在1999年8月份提交,修订版比第一版内容更具有概括性,并且内容翔实,条理清晰,值得翻阅。 该修订版叫 Computer Programming for Everybody ,直译过来,就是针对每个人的计算机编程,翻译为通俗易懂的词——人人编程,人人编程是一种 社会 现象,每个人都有一定的编程能力,并且对计算机有一定的认识,了解软硬件是怎么运转起来的,了解一些软硬件的设计规范,能够通过编程来表达自己的想法,能够通过编程来配置自己的软件,通过编程来控制自己的机器,以改善自己的生活。举个例子,你在某宝买了一个扫地机器人,该机器人支持定义打扫路线,支持设置扫地机器人在需要更换扫把的时候,指示灯显示指定的颜色。你知道扫地机器人可以做什么,有什么操作习惯,这是基于你对一些机器的理解,如果你用过很多软件,或者参与过软件的设计,你大概都知道一些软件可能都有“设置”、“编辑”或“帮助”等菜单键。这种设计思维,或者操作习惯,都是很多软件都有的,有了这种认识之后,你面对很多同类型的软件、或者同类型的产品,就大概能够知道从那里入手,以及对它有什么功能,都有一个初步的期待或者认识。既然大家都了解计算机了,那么计算机的一些概念或者说是理念,可以说是属于常识的一部分,面对一些计算机或者说智能设备,也大概知道从哪里上手使用。我觉得这就是作者要达到的愿景。 该修订版主要有几个目的: 在这里,他想从推广python开始,因为python作为一门适合快速开发的工具,既适合专家,也适合初学者,同时python有一个活跃的且不断增长的用户群体,这个用户群体对他这个申请也非常感兴趣,愿意为之努力。python的用户数多,说明已经在市场得到了一定的认可,并且这个用户群体也愿意为python的发展做贡献,这对于一门编程语言来说,最好不过了。 该提案的 基本论点 部分写得很好,他说他想普及计算机应用,但并非通过介绍新的硬件,或者新软件这种形式,而是通过赋予每个人编程能力来实现。信息技术的发展给了人们各种强大的计算机,它们以桌面电脑、笔记本电脑或者嵌入式系统的形式存在,如果用户在软件设计和实现上有一个通用的认知,那将会极大地促进生产和创造,并且对未来有深远的影响。试想一下,如果你有一种修改和配置软件的能力,并且你可以把你的修改通过社区网站分享其他人,其他人碰到同样的问题的话,就可以参照你的方法。这种能力在紧急的情况下是很重要的,你不必等专家来给你解决问题,你自己就可以尝试解决这些问题。说到这里,你有没有想起贴吧,或者论坛,论坛有很多个板块,不同的领域分不同的板块,假如你想root手机(手机越狱,指解除手机厂商的限制,获取手机的用户最高权限,以实现对手机的某种控制),你可以到论坛上root板块找答案,这种形式可谓跟吉多提到的是一样的。如果你对你的手机或者电脑有更深入的了解,你可以通过编程改善你的输入法,或者改变你的显示器冷暖色等等,这些都是对你生活有帮助的。吉多在这里就是想达到这种状态,简单点说,人人都对计算机有一定的了解,且都有处理计算机问题的能力。 为了实现这个目标,作者制定了5年计划,这个5年计划如下: 5年计划循序渐进,由浅入深。1999年3月,美国国防部对此进行了回应,同意拨款给他。作者的5年计划在1999年底开始实施,虽然想推进5年,但是只收到1年的资金支持。不过,作者还是没有放弃这个项目,一直推进,直到他不再参与python的工作。当时美国国防部对他们提供了多少资金呢,我没看到官方公开的数据。2013年有报道称,DARPA向Continuum Analytics提供3百万美元的支持,让该公司给python开发数据处理以及数据可视化工具。具体数字是否可靠,这个尚不清楚,但管中窥豹,可见美国国防部对该项目表示认可,并提供了资金支持。Continuum Analytics有一个比较有名的工具,叫Anaconda,Anaconda可以理解为是python + 各种科学计算库的工具箱,Anaconda官网有这么一句话 翻译为“Continuum Analytics的Anaconda是使用python的、领先的开源科学计算平台,我们赋予那些正在改变世界的人超能力。” 在查资料的时候,我发现了一个wiki论坛, 该论坛对该项目进行了评价,论坛列出了该项目成功的地方和失败的地方,以及一些 社会 人士的看法。论坛这样总结道,这个项目成功的地方在于: 这个项目失败的地方在于: 回想自己初学python的时候,我觉得这个总结是很公正的。python确实容易入门,有编程基础的人可能只需要一个星期就能掌握python的一些基本语法。相比C语言,python对于初学者是很友好的,很容易让人上手。但是,要深入理解python,并没有这么简单,需要花很多时间去磨练。接手一个使用python的项目,你需要花一些时间精力去熟悉,去摸透里面的逻辑,这对于初学者来说,是无法避免的。 对于一个程序员来说,作者能想象到以后计算机的普及应用,以及用户的认知水平,还有他能够做什么,通过什么来实现,能有这些远大的抱负,这是非常不容易的。西方世界经常说到“change the world,make the world a better place”,作者也确实做到了,他设计的python在计算机世界里扮演者一个非常重要的角色。如果通过 科技 能够改变世界,那么python就是改变世界的其中一步。1980-2000年,美国对 科技 公司是政策扶持、技术扩散,这期间涌现了如IBM、HP、思科等 科技 公司,大家熟知的微软和苹果都是在这期间上市的。python可以说是这个 科技 运动的一个缩影,在 科技 浪潮的推动下,python得到了长足的发展。 很多 科技 或工业相关的网站会根据当年编程语言的流行度做下排名,它们会列出当年在业界最受欢迎的编程语言。其中,IEEE Spectrum 和 TIOBE 的2021年度编程语言是python,如果我还没记错的话,TIOBE的2020年度编程语言也是python。可见python是非常受欢迎的,用现在的话讲,就是“网红”编程语言。现在,很多计算设备上都有python的身影,小到智能家居、手机、智能手表,大到锂电车、工控车床、甚至航天飞机都有python的身影。你可能在浏览网页的时候,右下角弹出一个“7天python入门”的广告,可见python现在还是有很多需求,因为有需求,所以才有人去投广告,才会有人去找培训机构。 作者在给美国国防部的提案中写到,他想跟高中或大学展开合作,设计一些python的课程,针对不同年级,设计不同水平的课程。现在来看,他确实是做到了,现在哈佛、密歇根大学等排名靠前的大学,都有python课程,python在这些大学的CS(计算机科学)课程中应用非常广泛,可以说是作为CS导论的一个教学工具。在一些比较高级的课程,比如数据科学、人工智能等都可以看到python的身影,这是因为学术界以及工业界为python提供了一些处理科学计算和大数据的工具,这也归功于美国国防部的支持。美国有许多编程夏令营,针对不同年龄段有不同的课程,并且也有许多支持python代码的编程竞赛。Google在coursera上有一个面向初学者的课程,该课程叫 Google IT Automation with Python,完成课程大约需要 8 个月,课程建议每周花5小时学习,课程结束后就可以获得Google颁发的证书。可见,不管是工业界,还是教育界,都对python有不同程度的支持。这里打个岔,第一版的Google搜索引擎还是用python写的,作者也在Google工作了一段时间。 现如今,每隔一段时间,就有一个PyCon活动,这个活动汇聚世界各地的开发者,每年都有开发者来展示他们使用python的成功案例,或者表达自己对python的新功能或者缺陷的看法。可见,python用户社区一直都是很活跃的。这让我想到了某新能源 汽车 ,该 汽车 用户有很高的粘性,有一位车主跟我说过,他们有一个微信群,里面有该新能源 汽车 的高管,很多车主乐意在里面指出问题,或者提建议,因为这些高管会对问题或者建议做出相应的反馈。用户愿意提意见,产品经理愿意广开言路,采纳多方建议,实属不易。python社区也差不多如此。 几年前,你是否看过一个新闻,《人工智能“网红”编程语言Python进入山东小学课本》,这是2017年澎湃网的一则新闻,里面讲了python进入了山东省小学六年级教材,作为一门“网红”编程语言,它是否适合低龄学生,这个倒是没细说,但是可见国内有些地方是把编程作为一种比较基础的能力来考量。python往低龄阶段渗透是否合适呢,我在翻资料的时候瞥到韩国高丽大学的一篇论文,论文讲述小学生在学习python的过程中会碰到一些困难,比如经常少打了一些括号,经常拼错单词,经常碰到语法错误,以及对这些现象的看法。还有,南京师范大学有一篇报道,讲述了中学生学习在学习python时,采用面向问题的学习模式,我理解是case by case的教学模式,这种模式有利于学生培养学生的计算机思维,以及帮助他们理解一些计算机相关的概念,解决计算机相关的问题。 python是否适合低龄学生呢,我觉得这个是值得讨论的话题。最后还要问你一句,你会让你的小孩学习python么,从什么时候开始学呢?你的娃因为不知道打多少个括号嚎啕大哭时,你能帮得上忙么?你到时候需要专门请一个程序员来给你的娃做家教么? https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python%E8%BB%9F%E9%AB%94%E5%9F%BA%E9%87%91%E6%9C%83 https://www.python.org/psf/ https://www.computerworld.com/article/2711690/python-gets-a-big-data-boost-from-darpa.html https://legacy.python.org/doc/essays/omg-darpa-mcc-position/ https://legacy.python.org/doc/essays/blurb/ https://www.python.org/doc/essays/cp4e/ http://wiki.c2.com/?ComputerProgrammingForEverybody https://koreauniv.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/an-analysis-of-the-difficulties-of-elementary-school-students-in- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.771221/full https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BB%88%E8%BA%AB%E4%BB%81%E6%85%88%E7%8B%AC%E8%A3%81%E8%80%85 https://gvanrossum.github.io// http://neopythonic.blogspot.com/2016/04/kings-day-speech.html https://www.artima.com/intv/guido.html https://www.htsec.com/jfimg/colimg/upload/20200113/68981578882847978.pdf


拉电池的比较常见的有 REVIT搭配Dynamo , 还有自己本身拉电池的softimage(已停止更新),甚至新版的CAD以及3DSMAX的材料都模仿这个来拉电池了。还有什么Solidworks、Catia、Digital Projects等等都是不错的平台。其他的工具其实各个设计软件里都有本身的编程语言。RHINO里面有RhinoScript,MAX里面有MAX Script,MAYA里面有Mel。另外这些软件基本都可以外挂其他的编程语言插件,比如PYTHON、C#等。GH里面本身也有VB和C#,还可以外挂PYTHON。最近几年参数化圈很火的是Processing,本身是基于javaScript的,也可以外挂C#、VB和Pyhton。使用度很宽,非常的自由,值得一学(玩)。其他的还有些比较小众的参数化设计可能用得到的软件比如流体力学模拟的Realflow,分形结构模拟的Chaoscope等等还有各种其他建模软件能帮得上忙的像zbrush、maya等等。主要还是根据自己需要的设计内容去选择工具。

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iPhone 用户怎么拍长曝光的照片

一、为拍摄对象设置好焦距焦距设置不当是照片最终显得模糊不清的最常见原因之一,聚焦的问题能够在任何光线情况下影响照片。 如果你和大多数人一样,你可能依靠自动聚焦来完成拍摄,这在大多数时候效果还不错。然而,有时自动聚焦却让你失望,你可能拍到类似以上照片的图像。 为了获得最佳结果,你应该通过触按iPhone自带相机应用中的屏幕设置手动焦距。iPhone已自动设置聚焦(和曝光)在照片背景上,这就是为什么前景中的网球在焦点外,而背景却在焦点上。如果我的原定目标是拍摄网球,我将触按球的屏幕上来手动设置聚焦(和曝光)在显示的点上。二、确保拍摄光线充足1、当晚间用iPhone拍摄清晰照片可能时,一般来说,当照片中出现的光线更多时,效果会更好。 在光线不足的情况下(例如,室内拍摄时),较少光线达到相机感应器,为了让足够的光线能够到达感应器来创建一张曝光得当的图像,快门必须更长时间地保持打开状态。2、快门打开时拍摄的任何动作(包括iPhone本身的动作和拍摄对象的运动)都将导致照片中模糊不清,快门开启时间越长,动作可能越多(导致模糊更多)。3、当iPhone 6没有启动手动调整快门速度时,快门在光线充足时保持开启的时间更短。 因此如果你能采取措施增加照片中的光量(例如到室外拍摄或开灯),你会获得更清晰的照片。三、避免手抖1、当然,有时不太可能增加场景中的光量,这时候要拍照的话要尽量避免iPhone抖动。 请确保双手紧握iPhone而且有稳固的物体支撑双手。2、任何外部建筑(例如桌子或铁轨)可用于支撑手腕或手肘,也可以全身靠墙。 在没有外物可支撑时,还可以试试将胳膊支在膝盖上,或者手肘靠在腰部。3、当然,如果你慢慢拍照,拍摄效果会好得多。 慢慢拍摄可确保照片完美取景以及紧握住iPhone时身体姿势舒适,这会帮助你避免多余动作。四、使用稳固的三脚架1、在没有任何设备支撑下,使用优质三脚架是避免照片发生任何运动(以及造成模糊)的最佳方法,这可以在某种程度上保持iPhone稳固。 当然,带着三脚架让你的照片没有了一些自然性,但是也让你获得了神奇结果,尤其当拍摄景观照和长时间曝光照片时。2、当三脚架和iPhone组合使用时,我推荐使用即使在岩石或冰上也能让iPhone 6保持稳固的正规三脚架来拍摄风景照。 我使用带曼富图804RC2三脚架头的曼富图190XPROB 三脚架,但是肯定还有其它选择。3、你还将需要将iPhone附着在三脚架上,一个简单方法便是使用曼富图Klyp+ iPhone 摄影产品系列中的iPhone保护套。五、用耳机摄影1、一个鲜为人知的iPhone摄影窍门是使用耳机上的音量按钮作为远程快门开关。 还记得你最初购买iPhone时的白色Apple耳机吗? 这些耳机对于iPhone摄影非常有帮助。2、如果您按下耳机线的增加音量按钮,iPhone就会拍照。 这种减少相机运动(手握和使用三脚架)的技巧非常好,因为你无需触按iPhone也能拍照。六、避开移动的对象除了尽量保持iPhone不抖,让拍摄对象静止不动也同样重要,尤其在光线不足时摄影。 即使下列照片没有达到预定的效果,这可以清楚地说明拍摄对象移动时拍摄会出现什么结果。七、在后期处理中增加对比度1、本文中的其他小技巧将有助于你实际拍摄更清晰的照片,本段提到的技巧让你通过后期处理以稍作修饰的方式打造外观清晰的iPhone照片。 增加对比度可以明显提高照片清晰度。2、高对比度照片显得更清晰的原因在于增加对比度时(特别在黑白照中)突显照片明暗部分的分隔线。

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real estate和ensuite和penthouse和condo和mason以及property的区别

real estate:地产(包括房屋在内的所有地产总称)en suite:和卧室相连的,如 en suite bathroom 等(这个词与其它几个词不属于一类,只是一个形容词而已)penthouse:原义是加在房顶上的小房间,阁楼;现在也指顶楼豪宅、顶楼花园房等condo:公寓楼mason:泥瓦工(职业名称,虽和房屋有关,但不是用来描述建筑的词)property:资产(指所有具有属性的有价值物品,real estate 当然也是 property)

加拿大 的Leasehold Condo/Strata是什么类型的房子?


下面这四个单词有何区别 Apartment、condo、townhouse、house

Apartment 是出租公寓,居住者一般不拥有物业的产权Condo直译为“共管式独立产权公寓”.实际是个人拥有单户产权的,整个物业由统一物业公司管理的集合型社区,城市中心的Condo物业已发展成为高级商务公寓,成为一种档次...


Condominium,简称condo,是一种“共管式公寓”,感觉和国内的新式小区类似”。一般而言,居住的房间归你所有,但周围的建筑面积,如走道等要由整个建筑内的所有住家均摊。其实condo的概念和apartment(公寓)很像,但apartment一般是只能租,而condo可以买,也可租。这里面当然还有很多相关的法律规定,比如涉及common law jurisdictions的 "cooperative" corporation等。具体看参考一下wiki里面的说明。 在美国,关于住家建筑有很多种类: apartment, condo,studio, townhouse,single-family house, duplex..... 但只有condo的和国内城市中的楼房住家类似。所以你可以对别人说,welcome to my home,但不要轻易说,welcome to my house,因为那可能只是一个condo。 Detached——指独立的房子(HOUSE),即四面墙都是自己独有的; Semidetached——就是常说的半独立屋。与独立的HOUSE很像,但区别在于有一堵墙是2家HOUSE共用的,即2户HOUSE连在一起的。通常是以中间共用墙为中心线,两边对成的。 Townhouse——指4、5户甚至更多的2-3层的HOUSE连在一起。往往像是一个小区,环绕在一起,有的是由统一的物业管理公司同意管理,可以是出租的,也可以是出售的。很像现在国内的所谓别墅。 土库——就是HOUSE的BASEMENT。 分门土库——是指地下室可以另外有一个大门进出,不需要和HOUSE地面上的部分公用一个大门。这样的地下室对于租赁者来讲,相对方便一些,可以不受房东作息的约束。 CONDO——是指一栋建筑,有很多套单元房,就类似国内现在的单元房,有厨房、卫生间(甚至是2个卫生间)、卧室、客厅。通常按卧室间数分类。也有类似国内复式的,即内有2层。和APARTMENT没有什么区别,但结构样式更多样化,关键是这样的单元房是出售的,不是出租的。但是当房东买下一套CONDO,他可以自己出租它、或出租一部分。通常CONDO的大楼里有更多的公用娱乐和健身空间和设施。环境也比公寓大楼要干净、安静。 镇屋——就是TOWNHOUSE,它是香港、台湾或大陆南方人的习惯叫法 _______________________________________ 一、独立房屋(Detached):独立房屋是建筑在其所属土地上的单一房屋,有多种不同风格,包括平房(只有一层,即bungalow)、两层、三层甚至四层楼房。 二、半独立房屋(Semi-Detached):这种房屋有时被称为“半独”(semis),它的一侧同另外一所相似的房屋相连,双方共用一堵墙。 三、镇屋(Townhouse):有时也称为“排屋”(Row house),这种房屋两侧都和相似的房屋相连。 四、共管公寓(Condo):共管公寓可以是共同管理的镇屋,也可能是低层或高层公寓大厦的单位




pinarello读作:英 ["piːnə"reləʊ];美 ["piːnə"reləʊ]。Pinarello,意大利自行车制造厂商,在2012年及2013年时赞助Team Sky Pro Cycling Team,并且帮助Bradely Wiggins及Chris Froome拿下了环法总成绩冠军。Giovanni Pinarello于1922年出生在Catena di Villorba,家有12个兄弟,他排行第八。在那样的艰苦岁月,Veneto偏远地区的农民都过著穷困潦倒的生活。扩展资料:发展历程在1996和1997年,Telekom凭藉其显著的成绩成为世界最著名的车队之一,这些让人叹为观止的成绩有:Riis的胜利和1996年Ullrich在环法大赛中获得的第二名。1997年环法大赛上的6连冠,1998年Jan Ullrich 的第二名,再次证实了Pinarello的成功是必然的。2005年是对专业自行车界进行改革的一年:国际联邦实施ProTour政策,推崇新的巡回赛从而取缔世界杯,并指定了20支持许可证的车队参加新一轮的巡回赛。2005年Pinarello有两个参加ProTour的车种:骑Opera车的西班牙车队Iles Balears-Caisse d"Epargne和骑著Pinarello车的意大利车队Fassa Bortolo,还有来自西班牙洲际专业车队Kaiku骑Pinarello车。

"A soward dies a thousand deaths, hero dies one"什么意思?

coward!!! not soward

英语好的,翻译. A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.

级别:学长2005年5月27日 1.A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.懦夫死一千次,勇者只死一次.2.与coward(懦夫,胆小鬼)有关的谚语还有:Better a live coward than a dead hero.好死不如赖活.A coward by...


chovy是Hanwha Life Esports战队的。郑志勋(游戏ID:Chovy),韩国《英雄联盟》电子竞技职业选手,2001年3月3日出生于韩国首尔。现任Hanwha Life Esports战队中单。Chovy于2018年3月加入GRF战队,在2018年取得CK联赛冠军、LCK夏季赛亚军、KeSPA杯冠军。在2019年取得LCK春季赛亚军、LCK夏季赛亚军、S9全球总决赛八强。在2020年取得LCK春季赛季军、LCK夏季赛亚军、S10全球总决赛八强。2021年,Chovy所在HLE战队在LCK春季赛常规赛阶段取得12胜6负的战绩排名第四进入季后赛,季后赛第一轮3:2战胜NS,半决赛0:3不敌DWG KIA被淘汰。人物评价:Chovy已经逐渐成长为了世界级别的顶尖中单,在对线方面Chovy极高的操作水平常常会让他在游戏的前期就可以通过压刀来建立起一定的优势,深厚的英雄池使他并不畏惧版本更替所造成的英雄优先级变化。具有极其深厚的英雄池与极强的对线压制力,不同风格的中单他都可以完美的驾驭。


队友说Chovy长得很像猫咪。郑志勋(游戏ID:Chovy),韩国《英雄联盟》电子竞技职业选手,2001年3月3日出生于韩国首尔。现任Hanwha Life Esports战队中单。Chovy于2018年3月加入GRF战队,在2018年取得CK联赛冠军、LCK夏季赛亚军、KeSPA杯冠军。在2019年取得LCK春季赛亚军、LCK夏季赛亚军、S9全球总决赛八强。在2020年取得LCK春季赛季军、LCK夏季赛亚军、S10全球总决赛八强。 评价:Chovy已经逐渐成长为了世界级别的顶尖中单,在对线方面Chovy极高的操作水平常常会让他在游戏的前期就可以通过压刀来建立起一定的优势,深厚的英雄池使他并不畏惧版本更替所造成的英雄优先级变化。具有极其深厚的英雄池与极强的对线压制力,不同风格的中单他都可以完美的驾驭。






chovy是Hanwha Life Esports战队的。郑志勋(游戏ID:Chovy),韩国《英雄联盟》电子竞技职业选手,2001年3月3日出生于韩国首尔。现任Hanwha Life Esports战队中单。Chovy于2018年3月加入GRF战队,在2018年取得CK联赛冠军、LCK夏季赛亚军、KeSPA杯冠军。在2019年取得LCK春季赛亚军、LCK夏季赛亚军、S9全球总决赛八强。在2020年取得LCK春季赛季军、LCK夏季赛亚军、S10全球总决赛八强。2021年,Chovy所在HLE战队在LCK春季赛常规赛阶段取得12胜6负的战绩排名第四进入季后赛,季后赛第一轮3:2战胜NS,半决赛0:3不敌DWG KIA被淘汰。人物评价:Chovy已经逐渐成长为了世界级别的顶尖中单,在对线方面Chovy极高的操作水平常常会让他在游戏的前期就可以通过压刀来建立起一定的优势,深厚的英雄池使他并不畏惧版本更替所造成的英雄优先级变化。具有极其深厚的英雄池与极强的对线压制力,不同风格的中单他都可以完美的驾驭。
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