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Broken the heart什么意思


Broken the heart什么意思



heart 心





每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you, I feel you, 因此而确信你仍然在守候 That is how I know you go on 穿越那久远的时空距离 Far across the distance 你轻轻地回到我的身边 And spaces between us 告诉我,你仍然痴心如昨 You have come to show you go on 无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are 我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on 当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door 清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you"re here in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒And my heart will go on and on 爱曾经在刹那间被点燃 Love can touch us one time 并且延续了一生的传说 And last for a lifetime 直到我们紧紧地融为一体 And never let go till we"re one 爱曾经是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you 我握住了它涌起的瞬间 One true time I hold to 我的生命,从此不再孤单 In my life we"ll always go on 无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are 我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on 当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door 清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you"re here in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on 真正的爱情永远不会褪色 There is some love that will not go away 你在身边让我无所畏惧 You"re here, there"s nothing I fear, 我深知我的心不会退缩And I know that my heart will go on 我们将永远地相依相守We"ll stay forever this way 这里会是你安全的港湾 You are safe in my heart 我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on






heart[英][hɑ:t][美][hɑrt]n.心,心脏; 感情; 要点; 胸部; vt.鼓励; 激励; vi.结心; 第三人称单数:hearts过去分词:hearted复数:hearts现在进行时:hearting过去式:hearted




heart[英][hɑ:t] [美][hɑrt] 生词本简明释义n.心,心脏;感情;要点;胸部vt.鼓励;激励vi.结心复数:hearts第三人称单数:hearts过去式:hearted过去分词:hearted现在分词:hearting易混淆的单词:HEARTHeart以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT心;心脏;胸口Your heart is the organ in your chest that pumps the blood around your body. People also use heart to refer to the area of their chest that is closest to their heart.The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea"s heart...子弹在离安德烈亚的心脏不到一英寸的地方穿过。The only sound inside was the beating of his heart...屋内唯一的声音就是他的心跳声。








heart 英[hɑ:t] 美[hɑrt] 复数:hearts n. 1.心, 心脏 2.内心, 心肠; 爱心 3.感情, 爱好, 爱情 4.勇气, 精神 5.中心, 要点 名词 n.1.心, 心脏 My heart aches.我心痛。2.内心, 心肠; 爱心 His heart is full of goodwill to all men.他心里对所有人都充满着爱心。3.感情, 爱好, 爱情 He wrote her and declared his heart.他给她写了信, 表述自己的爱慕之情。4.勇气, 精神 I didn"t have the heart to tell him the news.我没有勇气把这消息告诉他。5.中心, 要点 They had reached the heart of the forest.他们到了森林的中心地带。The heart of the problem is a shortage of funds.问题的关键是缺乏经费。
















heart 英[hɑ:t] 美[hɑrt] n. 心,心脏;感情;要点;胸部 vt. 鼓励;激励 vi. 结心 ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!


心 心脏

I hurt his heart什么意思

我伤了他的心hurt英 [hɜ:t] 美 [hɜ:rt] 第三人称单数:hurts第三人称复数:hurts现在分词:hurtinghurt 基本解释及物动词损害; 使受伤; 使伤心; 使受皮肉之苦不及物动词疼痛; 感到疼痛; 受痛苦; 有坏处,有害名词伤害; 痛苦形容词受伤的; 痛苦的; (受)损坏的hurt 同义词动词pain damage distress injure offend wrongbruise harm wound grieve suffer impair ache名词damage harm suffering distresshurt 反义词及物动词heal cure

thin heart什么意思



基本解释  heart [hɑ:t] n. 心脏;要点;感情;勇气;心形vt. 鼓励;铭记vi. [植]结心   heart: 心脏;心形的;心部;心形   sweet heart: 幸福接力棒;幸福接力;情人;甜 心   heart attack: 心脏病发作;心脏病;痛心一击;心力衰竭,心脏病发作英英解释  名词heart:   1. the locus of feelings and intuitions   同义词:bosom   2. the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body   同义词:pump, ticker   3. the courage to carry on   同义词:mettle, nerve, spunk   4. an area that is approximately central within some larger region   同义词:center, centre, middle, eye   5. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience   同义词:kernel, substance, core, center, essence, gist, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub,pith, sum, nitty-gritty   6. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind   同义词:spirit   7. a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines   8. a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal)   9. a positive feeling of liking   同义词:affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, warmness, warmheartedness, philia   10. a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it习惯用语  a change of heart 改变主意 改邪归正; 洗心革面   a heart of oak 有胆量的人; 刚强果断的人   after sb."s (own) heart 称某人的心, 中某人的意   after sb."s (own) soul 称某人的心, 中某人的意   at heart 内心里, 在感情深处, 事实上; 关心的是...; 重视   bare one"s heart 推心置腹地说出真心话   be enthroned in the hearts of 被衷心爱戴   be of good heart 心情舒畅   be sick at heart 苦闷, 愁苦, 悲观 [婉]厌恶, 恶心   be the heart and soul of 是...的核心人物; 是...的灵魂   big heart 宽阔的胸怀; 高尚的气度   Bless my heart! 我的天哪! 好家伙!   Bless your heart! 我的天哪! 好家伙!   brace one"s heart 抖擞精神, 振作   brace one"s energies 抖擞精神, 振作   break one"s heart 使人难过[心碎]   break the heart of 使..悲痛万分 完成某项工作最困难的部分   bring home to sb."s heart 使某人有深刻的体会   bring sb."s heart into his mouth [口]使某人的心跳到嗓子眼; 使某人吓得要命   broken heart 伤心, 绝望, 心碎   by heart 默诵; 默记   carry one"s heart on one"s sleeve (=wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve) 公开流露自己的感情(不够含蓄) 容易动感情   carry one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (=wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve) 公开流露自己的感情(不够含蓄) 容易动感情   come home to sb."s heart 使深深感动; 使深有体会   go home to sb."s heart 使深深感动; 使深有体会   cross one"s heart 在胸口画十字(表示说的是真话)   cry one"s heart out 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   weep one"s heart out 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   cry one"s eyesout 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   weep one"s eyesout 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   cut sb. to the heart 触及某人痛处, 使某人伤心   touch sb. to the heart 触及某人痛处, 使某人伤心   do sb."s heart good 使某人打心眼里高兴   devour one"s heart (=eat one"s heart out) 伤心难过到茶饭不思的地步, 忧伤过度   eat one"s heart out (为某事)暗自伤神, 忧伤   tear one"s heart out (为某事)暗自伤神, 忧伤   Faint heart never won fair lady. [谚]没有勇气的人得不到美人的青眯; 勇气为成功的必要条件。   false heart 险诈, 不忠实   find it in one"s heart [常用于否定句中]忍心(做某事); 很想(做某事),   find it in one"s heart (to do sth.) [常用于否定句中]忍心(做某事); 很想(做某事),   for my heart (=for the heart of me) [废, 口][用于否定句]无论如何(都不)   free heart 胸怀坦白; 无忧无虑   from one"s heart (=from the bottom of one"s heart) 真诚地; 衷心地; 从心底里   gain sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   have sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   steal sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   win sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   gather heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神   take heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神   get to the heart of sth. 抓住症结所在[中心内容]   go to the heart of sth. 抓住症结所在[中心内容]   give heart to sb. 鼓励某人   give one"s heart to sb. 爱上某人   go to sb."s heart 使某人伤心; 使某人深受感动   God bless my heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   Lord bless my heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   God bless your heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   Lord bless your heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   hard of heart 冷酷, 残忍   harden sb."s heart 使某人心肠变硬   have a heart [口]发发慈悲, 做做好事 (=have a heart to do sth.)有勇气做某事   have a heart of gold [口] 有一颗金子般的心, 心地善良   have no heart 冷酷无情 (=have no heart to do sth.)不想, 无意于, 无心(做某事)   have one"s heart in 专心一意, 用心, 感兴趣   have one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   bring one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s throat) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   have one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s throat) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   bring one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   have one"s heart in sth. 对某事有浓厚的兴趣, 把整个心灵放有某事上   have sth. at heart 把某事放在心上, 对某事深切关心   have the heart in the right place 真心实意, 好心好意; 怀善意   have one"s heart in the right place 真心实意, 好心好意; 怀善意   have the heart [常用于否定句中]有勇气(做某事), 忍心(做某事)   have the heart to do sth. [常用于否定句中]有勇气(做某事), 忍心(做某事)   imprint on sb."s heart 铭刻某人心中   in (good) heart 精神抖擞的, 情绪高昂的 (=in strong heart)(土地)肥沃的   in one"s heart of hearts 在内心深处   in the heart of 在...中心   It"s a poor heart that never rejoices. [谚]从来不知欢乐为何事的人是没有的; 人人都有欢乐的时候   keep a good heart 不丧失勇气   lay one"s heart bare 倾吐衷情   lay sth. to heart 把...记在心里; 认真考虑   learn sth. by heart 熟记   get sth. by heart 熟记   have sth. by heart 熟记   know sth. by heart 熟记   lie at sb."s heart (=weigh upon sb."s heart) 重重地压在心上, 使深感焦虑   lie near sb."s heart [罕]使某人非常难过   lift one"s heart 鼓起勇气; 振作起来   lift one"s mind 鼓起勇气; 振作起来   lift one"s soul 鼓起勇气; 振作起来   lose heart 灰心, 泄气   lose one"s heart to sb. 爱上(某人); 钟情于(某人)   lose one"s heartto sth. 迷恋;十分喜爱(某事物)   make sb."s heart bleed 使某人非常痛心   move sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)   stir sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)   touch sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)   My heart bleeds for you. [口, 谑]你太可怜 了! (用作反语)   near sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]   close sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]   nearest sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]   next sb."s heart 某人关 心的; 对某人最重要的   next to sb."s heart 某人关 心的; 对某人最重要的   Nothing is impossible to a willing heart . [谚]世上无难事, 只怕有心人。   One"s heart dies within one. 心灰意懒, 意气消沉。   One"s heart fails one. 失去自信心。   one"s heart goes out to [口]对...抱同情; 可怜 (某人)   one"s heart is breaking 伤心到极点   one"s heart is broken 心碎了   one"s heart is in the right place 心眼儿不错; 富于同情心   one"s heart lies in the right place 心眼儿不错; 富于同情心   one"s heart is not in sth. 对某事不感兴趣   one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth(=one"s heart is in one"s mouth) [口]心都跳到嗓子眼了, 吓得要命   one"s heart leaps into one"s throat(=one"s heart is in one"s mouth) [口]心都跳到嗓子眼了, 吓得要命   one"s heart sinks into one"s boots 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks into one"s shoes 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks in one"s boots 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks in one"s shoes 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks (low) within one [口] 失去勇气, 泄气   one"s heart warms to sb. 对某人充满怜 爱之心   one"s heart warms towards sb. 对某人充满怜 爱之心   open one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑   pour out one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑   uncover one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑   out of heart 没精神 (土地)贫瘠的   pluck up one"s heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神   put one"s heart into sth. 对...全力以赴, 一心一意...   put one"s whole heart into sth. 对...全力以赴, 一心一意...   put sb. out of heart 使某人失去勇气   take the heart out of sb. 使某人失去勇气   read sb."s heart 看出某人的心思   reverberate in one"s heart 言犹在耳; 萦绕在心里   ring in one"s heart 言犹在耳; 萦绕在心里   search one"s heart 反省   search the heart 反省   set one"s heart at rest 使安心, 放心   set one"s heart at ease 使安心, 放心   set one"s heart on sth. 决心要(某物或做某事)   set one"s heart on doing sth. 决心要(某物或做某事)   shut one"s heart to (pity, etc.) 硬起心肠, 不为...所动   steal one"s heart against fear 横下心来; 无惧意   steal sb."s heart (=win sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steal sb."s heart away(=win sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steal sb."s heart(=capture sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steal sb."s heart away(=capture sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steel one"s heart against compassion 硬起心肠   strain sb. to one"s heart 把某人紧 抱在怀里   strain sb. to one"s breast 把某人紧 抱在怀里   strain sb. to one"s bosom 把某人紧 抱在怀里   take heart (of grace) 鼓起勇气   take sth. to heart 对某事痛心, 对某事介意; 耿耿于怀; 认真考虑某事   take the heart out of sb. [口]使某人失去勇气   tear at sb."s heart 撕裂着某人的心   The heart knows its own bitterness. [谚]心中的苦楚自已知道。   tire sb."s heart out 使某人感到非常棘手   to one"s heart "s content 尽情地(做某事)   touch sb. to the heart 使某人深为感动   touch sb."s heart 触动某人的心弦   union of hearts 感情的结合   wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   carry one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   pin one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   wear one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   carry one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   pin one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   wear sb. in one"s heart 忠于某人[某事]   wear sth. in one"s heart 忠于某人[某事]   weep one"s heart out 哭得死去活来   What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. [谚]言为心声。   When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth. [谚]心里有什么, 嘴里总要说出来。   with a heart and a half 高兴地   with a heavy heart 心情沉重[愉快]地   with a light heart 心情沉重[愉快]地   with all one"s heart (=with one"s whole heart) 全心全意地; 衷心地   with half a heart 勉勉强强地, 半心半意地   (with) heart and hand 热心地, 全心全意地   with heart and soul 全心 全意地, 热心地   with one"s whole heart 全心全意地; 真心实意地 乐意地, 情愿地   young in heart (作表语)人老心 不老   young at heart (作表语)人老心 不老   the young in heart 活跃的人, 兴致很高的人   the young at heart 活跃的人, 兴致很高的人   H-alive! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   heart of gold 一颗金子般的心, 善良的心   heart of Midlothian 【史】米德洛锡安监狱(原为苏格兰爱?さ募?狱, 毁于1817年)   heart of Mid-Lothian 【史】米德洛锡安监狱(原为苏格兰爱?さ募?狱, 毁于1817年)   heart of stone (=stony heart) 铁石心肠   heart of flint(=stony heart) 铁石心肠   heart of the matter 事情的实质, 问题的核心 摘自 百度百科