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a change of heart 改变主意 改邪归正; 洗心革面a heart of oak 有胆量的人; 刚强果断的人after sb."s (own) heart 称某人的心,中某人的意after sb."s (own) soul 称某人的心,中某人的意at heart 内心里,在感情深处,事实上; 关心的是...; 重视bare one"s heart 推心置腹地说出真心话be enthroned in the hearts of 被衷心爱戴be of good heart心情舒畅be sick at heart 苦闷,愁苦,悲观 [婉]厌恶,恶心be theheart and soulof 是...的核心人物; 是...的灵魂big heart 宽阔的胸怀; 高尚的气度Bless my heart! 我的天哪! 好家伙!Bless your heart! 我的天哪! 好家伙!brace one"s heart 抖擞精神,振作brace one"s energies 抖擞精神,振作break one"s heart 使人难过[心碎]break the heart of 使..悲痛万分 完成某项工作最困难的部分bring home to sb."s heart 使某人有深刻的体会bring sb."s heart into his mouth [口]使某人的心跳到嗓子眼; 使某人吓得要命broken heart 伤心,绝望,心碎by heart 默诵; 默记carry one"s heart on one"s sleeve (=wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve) 公开流露自己的感情(不够含蓄) 容易动感情carry one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (=wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve) 公开流露自己的感情(不够含蓄) 容易动感情come home to sb."s heart 使深深感动; 使深有体会go home to sb."s heart 使深深感动; 使深有体会cross one"s heart 在胸口画十字(表示说的是真话)cry one"s heart out 痛哭不止,哭得死去话来weep one"s heart out 痛哭不止,哭得死去话来cry one"seyesout 痛哭不止,哭得死去话来weep one"seyesout 痛哭不止,哭得死去话来cut sb. to the heart 触及某人痛处,使某人伤心touch sb. to the heart 触及某人痛处,使某人伤心do sb."s heart good 使某人打心眼里高兴devour one"s heart (=eat one"s heart out) 伤心难过到茶饭不思的地步,忧伤过度eat one"s heart out (为某事)暗自伤神,忧伤tear one"s heart out (为某事)暗自伤神,忧伤Faint heart never won fair lady. [谚]没有勇气的人得不到美人的青眯; 勇气为成功的必要条件。false heart 险诈,不忠实find it in one"s heart [常用于否定句中]忍心(做某事); 很想(做某事),find it in one"s heart (to do sth.) [常用于否定句中]忍心(做某事); 很想(做某事),for my heart (=for the heart of me) [废,口][用于否定句]无论如何(都不)free heart 胸怀坦白; 无忧无虑from one"s heart (=from the bottom of one"s heart) 真诚地; 衷心地; 从心底里gain sb."s heart 取悦某人,获得某人的宠爱have sb."s heart 取悦某人,获得某人的宠爱steal sb."s heart 取悦某人,获得某人的宠爱win sb."s heart 取悦某人,获得某人的宠爱gather heart 鼓起勇气,打起精神take heart 鼓起勇气,打起精神get to the heart of sth. 抓住症结所在[中心内容]go to the heart of sth. 抓住症结所在[中心内容]give heart to sb. 鼓励某人give one"s heart to sb. 爱上某人go to sb."s heart 使某人伤心; 使某人深受感动God bless my heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!Lord bless my heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!God bless your heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!Lord bless your heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!hard of heart 冷酷,残忍harden sb."s heart 使某人心肠变硬have a heart [口]发发慈悲,做做好事 (=have a heart to do sth.)有勇气做某事have a heart of gold [口] 有一颗金子般的心,心地善良have no heart 冷酷无情 (=have no heart to do sth.)不想,无意于,无心(做某事)have one"s heart in 专心一意,用心,感兴趣have one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命bring one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s throat) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命have one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s throat) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命bring one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命have one"s heart in sth. 对某事有浓厚的兴趣,把整个心灵放有某事上have sth. at heart 把某事放在心上,对某事深切关心have the heart in the right place 真心实意,好心好意; 怀善意have one"s heart in the right place 真心实意,好心好意; 怀善意have the heart [常用于否定句中]有勇气(做某事),忍心(做某事)have the heart to do sth. [常用于否定句中]有勇气(做某事),忍心(做某事)imprint on sb."s heart 铭刻某人心中in (good) heart 精神抖擞的,情绪高昂的 (=in strong heart)(土地)肥沃的in one"s heart of hearts 在内心深处in the heart of 在...中心It"s a poor heart that never rejoices. [谚]从来不知欢乐为何事的人是没有的; 人人都有欢乐的时候keep a good heart 不丧失勇气lay one"s heart bare 倾吐衷情lay sth. to heart 把...记在心里; 认真考虑learn sth. by heart 熟记get sth. by heart 熟记have sth. by heart 熟记know sth. by heart 熟记lie at sb."s heart (=weigh upon sb."s heart) 重重地压在心上,使深感焦虑lie near sb."s heart [罕]使某人非常难过lift one"s heart 鼓起勇气; 振作起来lift one"s mind 鼓起勇气; 振作起来lift one"s soul 鼓起勇气; 振作起来lose heart 灰心,泄气lose one"s heart to sb. 爱上(某人); 钟情于(某人)lose one"s heartto sth. 迷恋;十分喜爱(某事物)make sb."s heart bleed 使某人非常痛心move sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)stir sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)touch sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)My heart bleeds for you. [口,谑]你太可怜 了! (用作反语)near sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]close sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]nearest sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]next sb."s heart 某人关 心的; 对某人最重要的next to sb."s heart 某人关 心的; 对某人最重要的Nothing is impossible to a willing heart . [谚]世上无难事,只怕有心人。One"s heart dies within one. 心灰意懒,意气消沉。One"s heart fails one. 失去自信心。one"s heart goes out to [口]对...抱同情; 可怜 (某人)one"s heart is breaking 伤心到极点one"s heart is broken 心碎了one"s heart is in the right place 心眼儿不错; 富于同情心one"s heart lies in the right place 心眼儿不错; 富于同情心one"s heart is not in sth. 对某事不感兴趣one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth(=one"s heart is in one"s mouth) [口]心都跳到嗓子眼了,吓得要命one"s heart leaps into one"s throat(=one"s heart is in one"s mouth) [口]心都跳到嗓子眼了,吓得要命one"s heart sinks into one"s boots 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧one"s heart sinks into one"s shoes 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧one"s heart sinks in one"s boots 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧one"s heart sinks in one"s shoes 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧one"s heart sinks (low) within one [口] 失去勇气,泄气one"s heart warms to sb. 对某人充满怜 爱之心one"s heart warms towards sb. 对某人充满怜 爱之心open one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑pour out one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑uncover one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑out of heart 没精神 (土地)贫瘠的pluck up one"s heart 鼓起勇气,打起精神put one"s heart into sth. 对...全力以赴,一心一意...put one"s whole heart into sth. 对...全力以赴,一心一意...put sb. out of heart 使某人失去勇气take the heart out of sb. 使某人失去勇气read sb."s heart 看出某人的心思reverberate in one"s heart 言犹在耳; 萦绕在心里ring in one"s heart 言犹在耳; 萦绕在心里search one"s heart 反省search the heart 反省set one"s heart at rest 使安心,放心set one"s heart at ease 使安心,放心set one"s heart on sth. 决心要(某物或做某事)set one"s heart on doing sth. 决心要(某物或做某事)shut one"s heart to (pity,etc.) 硬起心肠,不为...所动steal one"s heart against fear 横下心来; 无惧意steal sb."s heart (=winsb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心steal sb."s heart away(=winsb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心steal sb."s heart(=capturesb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心steal sb."s heart away(=capturesb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心steel one"s heart against compassion 硬起心肠strain sb. to one"s heart 把某人紧 抱在怀里strain sb. to one"s breast 把某人紧 抱在怀里strain sb. to one"s bosom 把某人紧 抱在怀里take heart (of grace) 鼓起勇气take sth. to heart 对某事痛心,对某事介意; 耿耿于怀; 认真考虑某事take the heart out of sb. [口]使某人失去勇气tear at sb."s heart 撕裂着某人的心The heart knows its own bitterness. [谚]心中的苦楚自已知道。tire sb."s heart out 使某人感到非常棘手to one"s heart "s content 尽情地(做某事)touch sb. to the heart 使某人深为感动touch sb."s heart 触动某人的心弦union of hearts 感情的结合wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情,过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人carry one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情,过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人pin one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情,过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人wear one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情,过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人carry one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情,过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人pin one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情,过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人wear sb. in one"s heart 忠于某人[某事]wear sth. in one"s heart 忠于某人[某事]weep one"s heart out 哭得死去活来What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. [谚]言为心声。When the heart is afire,some sparks will fly out at the mouth. [谚]心里有什么,嘴里总要说出来。with a heart and a half 高兴地with a heavy heart 心情沉重[愉快]地with a light heart 心情沉重[愉快]地with all one"s heart (=with one"s whole heart) 全心全意地; 衷心地with half a heart 勉勉强强地,半心半意地(with) heart and hand 热心地,全心全意地withheart and soul全心 全意地,热心地with one"s whole heart 全心全意地; 真心实意地 乐意地,情愿地young in heart (作表语)人老心 不老young at heart (作表语)人老心 不老the young in heart 活跃的人,兴致很高的人the young at heart 活跃的人,兴致很高的人H-alive! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!heart of gold 一颗金子般的心,善良的心heart of Midlothian 【史】米德洛锡安监狱(原为苏格兰爱?さ募?狱,毁于1817年)heart of Mid-Lothian 【史】米德洛锡安监狱(原为苏格兰爱?さ募?狱,毁于1817年)heart of stone (=stony heart)铁石心肠heart of flint(=stony heart)铁石心肠heart of the matter 事情的实质,问题的核心


基本解释  heart [hɑ:t] n. 心脏;要点;感情;勇气;心形vt. 鼓励;铭记vi. [植]结心   heart: 心脏;心形的;心部;心形   sweet heart: 幸福接力棒;幸福接力;情人;甜 心   heart attack: 心脏病发作;心脏病;痛心一击;心力衰竭,心脏病发作英英解释  名词heart:   1. the locus of feelings and intuitions   同义词:bosom   2. the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body   同义词:pump, ticker   3. the courage to carry on   同义词:mettle, nerve, spunk   4. an area that is approximately central within some larger region   同义词:center, centre, middle, eye   5. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience   同义词:kernel, substance, core, center, essence, gist, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub,pith, sum, nitty-gritty   6. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind   同义词:spirit   7. a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines   8. a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal)   9. a positive feeling of liking   同义词:affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, warmness, warmheartedness, philia   10. a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it习惯用语  a change of heart 改变主意 改邪归正; 洗心革面   a heart of oak 有胆量的人; 刚强果断的人   after sb."s (own) heart 称某人的心, 中某人的意   after sb."s (own) soul 称某人的心, 中某人的意   at heart 内心里, 在感情深处, 事实上; 关心的是...; 重视   bare one"s heart 推心置腹地说出真心话   be enthroned in the hearts of 被衷心爱戴   be of good heart 心情舒畅   be sick at heart 苦闷, 愁苦, 悲观 [婉]厌恶, 恶心   be the heart and soul of 是...的核心人物; 是...的灵魂   big heart 宽阔的胸怀; 高尚的气度   Bless my heart! 我的天哪! 好家伙!   Bless your heart! 我的天哪! 好家伙!   brace one"s heart 抖擞精神, 振作   brace one"s energies 抖擞精神, 振作   break one"s heart 使人难过[心碎]   break the heart of 使..悲痛万分 完成某项工作最困难的部分   bring home to sb."s heart 使某人有深刻的体会   bring sb."s heart into his mouth [口]使某人的心跳到嗓子眼; 使某人吓得要命   broken heart 伤心, 绝望, 心碎   by heart 默诵; 默记   carry one"s heart on one"s sleeve (=wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve) 公开流露自己的感情(不够含蓄) 容易动感情   carry one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (=wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve) 公开流露自己的感情(不够含蓄) 容易动感情   come home to sb."s heart 使深深感动; 使深有体会   go home to sb."s heart 使深深感动; 使深有体会   cross one"s heart 在胸口画十字(表示说的是真话)   cry one"s heart out 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   weep one"s heart out 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   cry one"s eyesout 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   weep one"s eyesout 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来   cut sb. to the heart 触及某人痛处, 使某人伤心   touch sb. to the heart 触及某人痛处, 使某人伤心   do sb."s heart good 使某人打心眼里高兴   devour one"s heart (=eat one"s heart out) 伤心难过到茶饭不思的地步, 忧伤过度   eat one"s heart out (为某事)暗自伤神, 忧伤   tear one"s heart out (为某事)暗自伤神, 忧伤   Faint heart never won fair lady. [谚]没有勇气的人得不到美人的青眯; 勇气为成功的必要条件。   false heart 险诈, 不忠实   find it in one"s heart [常用于否定句中]忍心(做某事); 很想(做某事),   find it in one"s heart (to do sth.) [常用于否定句中]忍心(做某事); 很想(做某事),   for my heart (=for the heart of me) [废, 口][用于否定句]无论如何(都不)   free heart 胸怀坦白; 无忧无虑   from one"s heart (=from the bottom of one"s heart) 真诚地; 衷心地; 从心底里   gain sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   have sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   steal sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   win sb."s heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱   gather heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神   take heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神   get to the heart of sth. 抓住症结所在[中心内容]   go to the heart of sth. 抓住症结所在[中心内容]   give heart to sb. 鼓励某人   give one"s heart to sb. 爱上某人   go to sb."s heart 使某人伤心; 使某人深受感动   God bless my heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   Lord bless my heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   God bless your heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   Lord bless your heart! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   hard of heart 冷酷, 残忍   harden sb."s heart 使某人心肠变硬   have a heart [口]发发慈悲, 做做好事 (=have a heart to do sth.)有勇气做某事   have a heart of gold [口] 有一颗金子般的心, 心地善良   have no heart 冷酷无情 (=have no heart to do sth.)不想, 无意于, 无心(做某事)   have one"s heart in 专心一意, 用心, 感兴趣   have one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   bring one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s throat) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   have one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s throat) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   bring one"s heart in one"s boots (=one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth) 吓一大跳; 吓得要命   have one"s heart in sth. 对某事有浓厚的兴趣, 把整个心灵放有某事上   have sth. at heart 把某事放在心上, 对某事深切关心   have the heart in the right place 真心实意, 好心好意; 怀善意   have one"s heart in the right place 真心实意, 好心好意; 怀善意   have the heart [常用于否定句中]有勇气(做某事), 忍心(做某事)   have the heart to do sth. [常用于否定句中]有勇气(做某事), 忍心(做某事)   imprint on sb."s heart 铭刻某人心中   in (good) heart 精神抖擞的, 情绪高昂的 (=in strong heart)(土地)肥沃的   in one"s heart of hearts 在内心深处   in the heart of 在...中心   It"s a poor heart that never rejoices. [谚]从来不知欢乐为何事的人是没有的; 人人都有欢乐的时候   keep a good heart 不丧失勇气   lay one"s heart bare 倾吐衷情   lay sth. to heart 把...记在心里; 认真考虑   learn sth. by heart 熟记   get sth. by heart 熟记   have sth. by heart 熟记   know sth. by heart 熟记   lie at sb."s heart (=weigh upon sb."s heart) 重重地压在心上, 使深感焦虑   lie near sb."s heart [罕]使某人非常难过   lift one"s heart 鼓起勇气; 振作起来   lift one"s mind 鼓起勇气; 振作起来   lift one"s soul 鼓起勇气; 振作起来   lose heart 灰心, 泄气   lose one"s heart to sb. 爱上(某人); 钟情于(某人)   lose one"s heartto sth. 迷恋;十分喜爱(某事物)   make sb."s heart bleed 使某人非常痛心   move sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)   stir sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)   touch sb."s heart 使某人动心(或深受感动)   My heart bleeds for you. [口, 谑]你太可怜 了! (用作反语)   near sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]   close sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]   nearest sb."s heart 某人所关心的[最热爱的]   next sb."s heart 某人关 心的; 对某人最重要的   next to sb."s heart 某人关 心的; 对某人最重要的   Nothing is impossible to a willing heart . [谚]世上无难事, 只怕有心人。   One"s heart dies within one. 心灰意懒, 意气消沉。   One"s heart fails one. 失去自信心。   one"s heart goes out to [口]对...抱同情; 可怜 (某人)   one"s heart is breaking 伤心到极点   one"s heart is broken 心碎了   one"s heart is in the right place 心眼儿不错; 富于同情心   one"s heart lies in the right place 心眼儿不错; 富于同情心   one"s heart is not in sth. 对某事不感兴趣   one"s heart leaps into one"s mouth(=one"s heart is in one"s mouth) [口]心都跳到嗓子眼了, 吓得要命   one"s heart leaps into one"s throat(=one"s heart is in one"s mouth) [口]心都跳到嗓子眼了, 吓得要命   one"s heart sinks into one"s boots 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks into one"s shoes 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks in one"s boots 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks in one"s shoes 吓得要命 突然泄了气; 沮丧   one"s heart sinks (low) within one [口] 失去勇气, 泄气   one"s heart warms to sb. 对某人充满怜 爱之心   one"s heart warms towards sb. 对某人充满怜 爱之心   open one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑   pour out one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑   uncover one"s heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑   out of heart 没精神 (土地)贫瘠的   pluck up one"s heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神   put one"s heart into sth. 对...全力以赴, 一心一意...   put one"s whole heart into sth. 对...全力以赴, 一心一意...   put sb. out of heart 使某人失去勇气   take the heart out of sb. 使某人失去勇气   read sb."s heart 看出某人的心思   reverberate in one"s heart 言犹在耳; 萦绕在心里   ring in one"s heart 言犹在耳; 萦绕在心里   search one"s heart 反省   search the heart 反省   set one"s heart at rest 使安心, 放心   set one"s heart at ease 使安心, 放心   set one"s heart on sth. 决心要(某物或做某事)   set one"s heart on doing sth. 决心要(某物或做某事)   shut one"s heart to (pity, etc.) 硬起心肠, 不为...所动   steal one"s heart against fear 横下心来; 无惧意   steal sb."s heart (=win sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steal sb."s heart away(=win sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steal sb."s heart(=capture sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steal sb."s heart away(=capture sb."s heart) 不知不觉中赢得对方爱情; 运用手段获得某人欢心   steel one"s heart against compassion 硬起心肠   strain sb. to one"s heart 把某人紧 抱在怀里   strain sb. to one"s breast 把某人紧 抱在怀里   strain sb. to one"s bosom 把某人紧 抱在怀里   take heart (of grace) 鼓起勇气   take sth. to heart 对某事痛心, 对某事介意; 耿耿于怀; 认真考虑某事   take the heart out of sb. [口]使某人失去勇气   tear at sb."s heart 撕裂着某人的心   The heart knows its own bitterness. [谚]心中的苦楚自已知道。   tire sb."s heart out 使某人感到非常棘手   to one"s heart "s content 尽情地(做某事)   touch sb. to the heart 使某人深为感动   touch sb."s heart 触动某人的心弦   union of hearts 感情的结合   wear one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   carry one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   pin one"s heart on one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   wear one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   carry one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   pin one"s heart upon one"s sleeve (for daws to peck at) 公开流露自已的感情, 过于坦率 容易动感情; 很容易爱上别人   wear sb. in one"s heart 忠于某人[某事]   wear sth. in one"s heart 忠于某人[某事]   weep one"s heart out 哭得死去活来   What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. [谚]言为心声。   When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth. [谚]心里有什么, 嘴里总要说出来。   with a heart and a half 高兴地   with a heavy heart 心情沉重[愉快]地   with a light heart 心情沉重[愉快]地   with all one"s heart (=with one"s whole heart) 全心全意地; 衷心地   with half a heart 勉勉强强地, 半心半意地   (with) heart and hand 热心地, 全心全意地   with heart and soul 全心 全意地, 热心地   with one"s whole heart 全心全意地; 真心实意地 乐意地, 情愿地   young in heart (作表语)人老心 不老   young at heart (作表语)人老心 不老   the young in heart 活跃的人, 兴致很高的人   the young at heart 活跃的人, 兴致很高的人   H-alive! [口]哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!   heart of gold 一颗金子般的心, 善良的心   heart of Midlothian 【史】米德洛锡安监狱(原为苏格兰爱?さ募?狱, 毁于1817年)   heart of Mid-Lothian 【史】米德洛锡安监狱(原为苏格兰爱?さ募?狱, 毁于1817年)   heart of stone (=stony heart) 铁石心肠   heart of flint(=stony heart) 铁石心肠   heart of the matter 事情的实质, 问题的核心 摘自 百度百科



改错题:recently i have heard that you feel stressing


laminar shear stress什么意思

laminar shear stress层剪应力stress[英][stres][美][ strɛs]n.强调; 重音; 压力; 重力; vt.重读; [机械学]使承受压力; 给…加压力(或应力); 第三人称单数:stresses过去分词:stressed复数:stresses现在进行时:stressing过去式:stressed易混淆单词:STRESS以上结果来自金山词霸


do-did-done doestell-told-told sweep-swept-swepthear-heard-heardget-got-gottencarry-crrried-carriedbuy-bought-boughtsay-said-saidsee-saw-seen

精致经典的欧美男生带翻译的网名 heartbeat(心跳)

欧美网名(一) Chilly breeze(凉风) Care for you(呵护你) cute(可爱) Fee(追寻) Bitter(泪海) Distance(失落) Lipstick(口红) regret(后悔) Estrus(动情) Dark(黑暗) Ricegirl(痞女) Mogul(大佬) Littleluck小幸运 Garbage(坏蛋) Winter.承诺 primary(最初) Spoil me溺爱我 Memorial.纪念 Appoint(约定) Only care(只是在乎) encounter(邂逅) Ring color.(戒色) Juvenile(少年) Devotion(忠诚) Infatuation痴心 Chafferer迷心 Heart-rending-(撕心) Late autumn(晚秋) 欧美网名(二) Elegy挽歌 Bonnenult浅时光 Roll diameter(滚粗) Arrogant【狂傲】 Unrestrained【潇洒】 Meditation【冥思】 Break feeling断情 Midnight(夜半) Tsundere(傲娇) Blasphemy【亵渎】 Ignore me(忽略我) Madman疯子 Airport(空港) bigotry(偏执) heartbeat(心跳) Coward(胆小鬼) Level(水平) Desire(渴望 Ripe(老练) Tempt(诱惑) Absurd(荒诞) 街头Pink Destiny(天命) RAP BOY Emperor(皇帝)



in the heart of affection什么意思

in the heart of 在……的中心,在……的心脏地带,在……中央例子:In The Heart Of The Sun阳光灿烂的日子affection 感情,喜爱,影响所以这个短语有两种意思,一种是影响深远; 另外一种就是非常喜欢,或发自内心的喜欢这取决于短语所在的语境了,你看看可以吗

Who Know my heart?Ineed 是什么意思??

这是地道的中式英语!字面翻译应为谁能读懂我的心?至于后面的Ineed ,如果是分开的话,应该是I need,是我需要的意思,在这里理解为我需要这么一个能读懂我心的人。如果不分开,没有这个词。


see,看 例句:what can you see over there?往那边你那看到什么呢? Hear,听到,听说 例句:I heard that there would be a test this monday.我听说本周一会有个测试.

hear 与see 的用法,搞不懂什么时候用dodoing,最好可以举例说明

这个很好区别哦。当你是听到或看到某人正在说或做某事时,就用DOING如果是听到或看到某人说过某事,或做过某事时,就用DO。i hear jack singing a song.我听见JACK正在唱歌i saw jack play ball yesterday.我昨天看见JACK在打球。

I cried whether my heart would break 这里的whether 是什么意思呢,为什么要用whether

whether 是否这里引导宾语从句,用whether是从意思上选择的。

bless your heart 什么意思


谁能给我几个英文单词的过去式? get give go grow have has hear hide keep hrow 谢谢!我急用!

get-got give-gave go-went grow-grew have has-had hear-heard keep-kept

I think I"d have a heart attack这是什么意思


heart attack什么意思

心脏病heart 是心,attack是攻击那么连起来就是心脏病

heart attack什么意思


heart attack什么意思


heart attack什么意思

heart attack心脏病的意思

you would never ask me why ,my heart is so disguised, i just can"t live a lie anym翻译中文是什么意

You would never ask me why, my heart is so disguised, I just can"t live a lie anymore.你从来不会问我为什么,我的心太被掩饰了,我不能再活在谎言中了。

The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the


the only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at

the only funny things 是指代广告主说的很多有趣的事情,所以用了复试形式,加了s那天晚上我们听到的唯一有趣的事情是在节目开始时的广告主所说的。

The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the

如果翻译是一对一就麻烦了。that 那个很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

lost heart puppet 是什么意思

lost heart puppet迷失心的木偶puppet 英[ˈpʌpɪt] 美[ˈpʌpɪt] n. 木偶; 傀儡; 受他人操纵的人; [例句]When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers.外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。[其他] 复数:puppets 形近词: poppet Lost Heart 网络 迷失的心; [例句]Natalie, too, had finally lost heart.纳塔利最后也灰心了。

sweet heart的中文如何翻译?

sweet heart的中文:情人,爱人,恋人sweet 读法 英 [swiːt]  美 [swiːt] adj. 甜的;悦耳的;芳香的;亲切的n. 糖果;乐趣;芳香;宝贝词汇搭配:1、Sweet Dreams甜蜜梦幻;甜蜜的梦;甜美的梦2、sweet water淡水示例:He bought his sweet heart a necklace and gold yesterday.他昨天给自己的心上人买了一条金项链。词语用法:1、sweet还常用来加强语气,表示某些令人感到不适意的事物,常译成“非常的,惊人的”,有时还可用于反语表示“艰苦的,可怕的,糟透的”等。2、sweet的比较级是sweeter,最高级是sweetest。sweet用作名词的基本意思是“糖果”,作此解时是可数名词。3、sweet还可指饭后的“甜食”,此时sweet可用作可数或不可数名词。sweets用于比喻可表示“温柔,芳香,快乐,乐趣”,常用于the sweets of sth结构。


wholehearted 音节划分:whole▪hearted生词本 常见度: 低频词,记不记随你啦!去背诵英 [ˌhəʊlˈhɑ:tɪd] 美 [ˌhoʊlˈhɑ:rtəd] adj. 全心全意,全神贯注的,真挚的 adv. 全心全意地 网 络 衷心;真心;全心全意的;全心

whole-heartedly 什么意思



wholeheartedly adv. 全心全意地,全神贯注地This man loves me wholeheartedly and yet I cannot be honest with him. 这个男人全心全意地爱我,然而我却没有忠实于他。


adj.全心全意,全神贯注的,真挚的; adv.全心全意地;




Wholeheartedly 算是一个合成的英语单词,whole和heart所以wholeheartedly可以翻译为全心全意地,一心一意的

日本品牌beams旗下的品牌beams heart,是什么性质的!为什么在官网上没有beams heart的服装?

beams heart是相对廉价的系列啦,所以官网上没有商品,主要都在当地outlet卖


heartbreaker 英["ha:tbreɪkə] 美["ha:tbreɪkə] n. 令人伤悲的人[事物]; [戏谑语] (女人的) 一绺卷发; 权志龙solo专辑名; [例句]Sandy was Hopelessly Devoted to the Heartbreaker Danny.桑迪是绝望地投入到了令人伤心的丹尼。

歌词I love you(或I miss you ) …………from my heart是什么歌

歌曲-IMissYou演唱-罗百吉专辑-舞动人生☆═③☆②☆①═☆这一刻是我给你最后的机会用不着对我又吼又乱叫我一定对你是真心真意这你不用来质疑你的背叛已经伤了我太深不知是否应不应该太认真也许你以后会改变自己但我已决定必须离开你IMissYouIMissYouIMissYoueveryday只想看看你的脸想念你想念你想念你的欢笑整颗心已属于你你的背叛已经伤了我太深不知是否应不应该太认真也许你以后会改变自己但我已决定必须离开你IMissYouIMissYouIMissYoueveryday只想看看你的脸想念你想念你想念你的欢笑整颗心已属于你IMissYouIMissYouIMissYoueveryday只想看看你的脸想念你想念你想念你的欢笑整颗心已属于你罗百吉:IMissYouIMissYouIMissYoueveryday只想看看你的脸想念你想念你想念你的欢笑整颗心已属于你让时间随着音乐流走我轻轻对你唱着这首歌IMissYouIMissYouIMissYoueveryday只想看看你的脸想念你想念你想念你的欢笑整颗心已属于你IMissYou鸣想念你咿已属于你everytimewetouch 歌手:cascada 专辑:everytimewetouchIstillhearyourvoicewhenyousleepnexttomeIstillfeelyourtouchinmydreamForgivememyweaknessbutIdon"tknowwhyWithoutyouit"shardtosurvive-Chorus-"CauseeverytimewetouchIgetthisfeelingAndeverytimewekissIswearIcanflyCascadaCan"tyoufeelmyheartbeatfastIwantthistolastIneedyoubymyside"CauseeverytimewetouchIfeelthisstaticAndeverytimewekissIreachfortheskyCan"tyoufeelmyheartbeatsoIcan"tletyougoIwantyouinmylifeIstillhearyourvoicewhenyousleepnexttomeIstillfeelyourtouchinmydreamWithoutyouit"shardtosurviveYourarmsaremycastleYourheartismyskyTheywipeawaytearsthatIcryThegoodandthebadtimesWe"vebeenthroughthemallYoumakemerisewhenIfall[Chorus]"CauseeverytimewetouchIgetthisfeelingAndeverytimewekissIswearIcanflyCan"tyoufeelmyheartbeatfastIwantthistolastIneedyoubymyside

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.其中reaches for your hand什么意思?

主语是A true friend, 所以应该是向你伸出援助之手

请问英文listen to your heart是什么意思?在句中的用法?

请问英文listen to your heart是什么意思?在句中的用法?listen to your heart倾听你的心声


ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ


hear 与 listen 这两个词都是动词,都有“听”的意思。但意思有区别,用法也不同。 hear 是及物动词,表示“听见”,“蝗到”,可能是有意识的听,也可能是无意误解的听。 Louder , please , I can"t hear you . We heard someone laughing in the next room . hear 还可作不及物动词,后接 of ( about ) 表示“听别人说” ( 指间接听到 ) ;后接from 意 思是“收到 ( 某人 ) 的来信”。如: I have never heard of such a thing . 我从未听说过这种事。 Have you still not heard from him ? 你还没有收到的来信吗 ? listen 是不及物动词,表示有意识或注意地“听”,交不说明是否听见的结果;必须加 to 才能接宾语。如: He often listens to news on radio . I listened but heard nothing . 我注意听了,但什么也没听见。


《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》(Carson McCullers)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/15ZnYy9_sKGOdPGer4sxyRg 提取码:PDJJ书名:The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter作者:Carson McCullers豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:Mariner出版年份:2000页数:368内容简介:在线阅读本书With the publication of her first novel, THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER, Carson McCullers, all of twenty-three, became a literary sensation. With its profound sense of moral isolation and its compassionate glimpses into its characters" inner lives, the novel is considered McCullers" finest work, an enduring masterpiece first published by Houghton Mifflin in 1940. At its center is the deaf-mute John Singer, who becomes the confidant for all various types of misfits in a Georgia mill town during the 1930s. Each one yearns for escape from small town life. When Singer"s mute companion goes insane, Singer moves into the Kelly house, where Mick Kelly, the book"s heroine (and loosely based on McCullers), finds solace in her music. Wonderfully attune to the spiritual isolation that underlies the human condition, and with a deft sense for racial tensions in the South, McCullers spins a haunting, unforgettable story that gives voice to the rejected, the forgotten, and the mistreated -- and, through Mick Kelly, gives voice to the quiet, intensely personal search for beauty.Richard Wright praised Carson McCullers for her ability "to rise above the pressures of her environment and embrace white and black humanity in one sweep of apprehension and tenderness." She writes "with a sweep and certainty that are overwhelming," said the NEW YORK TIMES. McCullers became an overnight literary sensation, but her novel has endured, just as timely and powerful today as when it was first published. THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER is Carson McCullers at her most compassionate, endearing best. When she was only twenty-three, CarsonMcCullers"s first novel created a literary sensation. Shewas very special, one of America"s superlativewriters who conjures up a vision of existence asterrible as it is real, who takes us on shatteringvoyages into the depths of the spiritual isolationthat underlies the human condition. This novel isthe work of a supreme artist, Carson McCullers"senduring masterpiece. The heroine is the strangeyoung girl, Mick Kelly. The setting is a smallSouthern town, the cosmos universal and eternal.The characters are the damned, the voiceless, therejected. Some fight their loneliness withviolence and depravity, Some with sex or drink, and some-- like Mick -- with a quiet, intensely personalsearch for beauty.作者简介:卡森·麦卡勒斯,20世纪美国最重要的作家之一,1917年2月19日生于美国佐治亚州的Columbus。29岁后瘫痪。著有《心是孤独的猎手》、《婚礼的成员》、《黄金眼睛的映像》、《没有指针的钟》等小说作品。1967年9月29日麦卡勒斯在纽约州的Nyack去世,时年50岁。

canot you hear anything

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...You can"t hear antyhing.

Adle的《 Someone like you 》歌词中I heard, that your settled down句中your是省略了名词了吗




have one"s heart"s desire和achieve one"s heart"s desire是什么意思


you are my heart is desire什么意思

应该是 - You are the desire in my heart. 你是我心中的渴望。

you are my heart is desire什么意思


再见,我的小军官 Adieu, Little Captain Of My Heart

德语歌曲:再见,我的小军官  Adieu, Little Captain Of My Heart (德语:Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier) Andre.Rieu音乐会快结束时,总有一首歌曲作为压轴曲目,节奏感强,旋律好听、易学易唱,但听了几次才明白,原来是德语。 台下多数观众来自荷兰、德国,基本上能随着音乐一起合唱。德国与荷兰是近邻,语言相近,有人说,荷兰语是德国的一种方言,故荷兰人学习德语相对容易些,大部分荷兰人能说德语,但只有少部分德国人能讲荷兰语。对德国而言,荷兰是小国。 这是一首德国二战时期的老歌。大意是一个女孩子送一个小军官上前线,女孩子希望小军官不要忘记她。 德语难学,发音难听,语法变态,但这首德语歌曲却让人“过耳不忘”,改变我对德语的极度厌恶,因为这首老歌,多多少少对德语有点好感和兴趣了。 网上搜索了几天这首歌的MP3,基本上只有Andre.Rieu音乐会上的演出视频。下面曲目表中第18首即为这首歌曲。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzgwMzg3MDI0.html André Rieu Coronation Concert Live in Amsterdam 2013 安德烈.瑞欧 皇家加冕音乐会 --- 阿姆斯特丹现场实况2013 01. Coronation Waltz (Kroningswals) 02. Wilhelmus (National Anthem) 03. Time To Say Goodbye 04. Willempie van Oranje 05. Amsterdam Medley 06. She Believes In Me (Zij gelooft in mij) 07. Second Waltz 08. Don"t Cry For Me Argentina 09. The Beatiful Blue Danube (An der schönen blauen Donau) 10. Radetzky March 11. Strauss & Co. 12. Libiamo 13. Childrens Medley (Kinder Potpourri) 14. Opera Potpourri 15. Zorba"s Dance (Sirtaki) - Trio St. Petersburg 16. The red Rose Café (Het kleine café aan de haven) 17. Amazing Grace 18. Adieu, Little Captain Of My Heart (Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier) 19. It"s My Life (Het laatste rondje) 20. You"ll Never Walk Alone 我的小侍卫军军官 Adieu, Little Captain Of My Heart (Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier) Und eines Tages mit sang und Klang, da zog ein Fähnrich zur Garde, ein Fähnrich jung und voll Leichtsinn und schlank, auf der Kappe die gold"ne Kokarde. Da stand die Mutter vor ihrem Sohn, hielt seine Hände um schlungen, schenkt ihm ein kleines Medailon, und sie sagt zu ihrem Jungen: Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier, adieu, adieu und vergiss mich nicht. Und vergiss mich nicht Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier, adieu Adieu, sei das Glück mit dir! Sei das Glück mit dir Steh" gerade, Kerzengrade, lache in den Sonnentag, was immer geschehen auch mag Hast du Sorgenmienen, fort mit ihnen Fort damit, ja ja Für Trübsal sind andere da Und eines Tages um neune Uhr früh, als er aus den Träumen erwachte, da stand auf dem Hauptplatz die ganze Kompanie, und die wartet seit dreiviertel achte, Aus blauen Augen, so tief und schön, erstaunte Blicke ihn trafen, er sagte: „Liebling, ich muß geh"n!“ Da sagt" sie noch ganz verschlafen: Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier, adieu, adieu und vergiss mich nicht. Und vergiss mich nicht Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier, adieu Adieu, sei das Glück mit dir! Sei das Glück mit dir Steh" gerade, Kerzengrade, lache in den Sonnentag, was immer geschehen auch mag Hast du Sorgenmienen, fort mit ihnen Fort damit, ja ja Für Trübsal sind andere da Und eines Tage war alles aus, es ruhten endlich die Waffen, man shcickte alle Soldaten nach Haus, neuen Beruf sich zu schaffen. Die alte Garde stand müd" und bleich Um ihren Marschall im Kreise, man blies den letzten Zapfenstreich und der Marschall sagte leise: Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier, adieu, adieu und vergiss mich nicht. Und vergiss mich nicht Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier, adieu Adieu, sei das Glück mit dir! Sei das Glück mit dir Steh" gerade, Kerzengrade, lache in den Sonnentag, was immer geschehen auch mag Hast du Sorgenmienen, fort mit ihnen Fort damit, ja ja Für Trübsal sind andere da 如果想进一步学习德语,学唱这首歌不失为一个趣味选择。

we always hear people say junk food…短文

junk food以下的可以参考:)~~If your daily diet consists of a bag of Tostitos for breakfast, leftover pizza for lunch, and peanut for dinner, then you already know what I"m going to say. Junk food has become a way of life. These days, people just don"t have the time or patience to stand in front of a hot stove like grandma used to do. Why bother cleaning greasy pots and pans when you can just go down the street to McDonalds and order a cheeseburger? It"s simple, fast, and hassle-free. Sounds like a good deal, right? Unfortunately for all of us, there is another side to the story. Remember that junk food is exactly what the term implies - you"re putting garbage in your mouth. Take a look at the ingredients listed on the packaging of a bag of chips, for example. Now what in the world is "partially hydrogenated soybean oil?" Does it occur in nature? Why is it in there? What is it doing to your body? This stuff isn"t called "empty-calorie" for no reason. Have you ever taken a look at the nutritional information printed on a can of Mountain Dew? I"ve never seen so many zeros all in a row. You"re basically drinking sugar water, and that can"t be good for your health.Sure, it"s hard to come home after a long day at work or school and start dinner. Why not stop by your neighborhood pizza place and order a Sicilian pie instead? But as you watch the globules of fat dripping and oozing from the box, ask yourself if you"re willing to trade convenience for your physical well-being. You might save a little time, but imagine all those chemicals and by-products floating around in your bloodstream. Is it worth it? The junk food phenomenon probably isn"t going to disappear anytime soon, so we have to learn to live with it. The best approach is moderation. You can have your breakfast burrito, but eat an apple too. This is an old idea for today"s modern diet. Here"s to your health - bon appetite!如果你的日常饮食包括包Tostitos产品的早餐,剩下的披萨午餐和晚餐,花生,那么你已经知道我想说什么。垃圾食品已经成为一种生活方式。这些天,人们没有时间或耐心站在火炉前喜欢用来做奶奶。为什么要清洗油腻的锅碗瓢盆时,你可以沿着这条街走到麦当劳,点了一个汉堡?它的简单,快速,无忧。听起来是个不错的交易,对吗?不幸的是,我们所有的人,也有故事的另一面。记住,垃圾食品正是顾名思义-你把垃圾放在你的嘴。坐在一袋薯片包装上列出的成分看,例如。现在在世界上是“部分氢化大豆油?”它在自然中发生吗?为什么在那里?它是什么样的身体?这东西不叫“没有理由的空热量”。你有没有在印上一罐Mountain Dew营养信息看吗?我从来没见过这么多的零点都在一排。你基本上是在喝糖水,这对你的身体不好。当然,很难回家,经过一天的工作或学校开始晚餐。为什么不停止你的邻居的披萨店和秩序的西西里派相反?但你看脂肪滴渗出从盒子的小球,问你自己是否愿意贸易方便您的身体健康。你可能会节省一点时间,但是想象那些化学品和副产品在你的血液中漂浮。值得吗?垃圾食品的现象可能不会在短期内消失,所以我们必须学会忍受它。最好的办法是适度的。你可以有你的早餐煎饼,但也吃一个苹果。这是今天的现代饮食观念。祝你健康的食品!

Please speak ___.I can"t hear you clearly.填什么?为什么不填loud



“please speak louder.”中语法是正确的,但是希望对方比现在说话的声音“更”大一些所以用比较级

please speak a little _____( loud ) so that I can hear you clearly



cardiac 主要是形容和心脏有关的,比如说cardiac arrest,cardiac muscle等等但是heart的意思是真正的心脏,是个名词。


head heat,meat,told,left,found,made,sent,lost,got




I Left My Heart In San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:I Left My Heart In San Francisco歌手:Westlife专辑:Allow Us To Be FrankThe loveliness of ParisSeems someshow sadly gayThe glory that was RomeIs of another dayI"ve been terribly aloneAnd forgotten in ManhattanI"m going homeTo my city by the bayI left my heartIn San FranciscoHigh on the hillIt calls to me.To be where little cables carsClimb halfaway to the stars!The morning fog may chill the air.I don"t care!My love waits there in San FranciscoAbove the blue and windy sea.When I come home to youSan FranciscoYour golden sun will shine for me!欢迎光临 天下网http://music.baidu.com/song/874716

I Left My Heart In San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:I Left My Heart In San Francisco歌手:Julie London专辑:The Magic OfThe loveliness of ParisSeems someshow sadly gayThe glory that was RomeIs of another dayI"ve been terribly aloneAnd forgotten in ManhattanI"m going homeTo my city by the bayI left my heartIn San FranciscoHigh on the hillIt calls to me.To be where little cables carsClimb halfaway to the stars!The morning fog may chill the air.I don"t care!My love waits there in San FranciscoAbove the blue and windy sea.When I come home to youSan FranciscoYour golden sun will shine for me!http://music.baidu.com/song/2877796

I Left My Heart in San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:I Left My Heart in San Francisco歌手:Denis Solee with The Beegie Adair Trio专辑:Trav"lin" Light: Instrumental Jazz for the Open RoadThe loveliness of ParisSeems someshow sadly gayThe glory that was RomeIs of another dayI"ve been terribly aloneAnd forgotten in ManhattanI"m going homeTo my city by the bayI left my heartIn San FranciscoHigh on the hillIt calls to me.To be where little cables carsClimb halfaway to the stars!The morning fog may chill the air.I don"t care!My love waits there in San FranciscoAbove the blue and windy sea.When I come home to youSan FranciscoYour golden sun will shine for me!欢迎光临 天下网http://music.baidu.com/song/14970027

heart addiction什么意思

Heart addiction :心瘾 ;


fall,falls,falling,fellfeel,feels,feeling,feltfight,fights,fighting,foughtfind,finds,finding,foundfly,flies,flying,flewforget,forgets,forgeting,forgotget,gets,geting,gotgive,gives,giving,gavegrow,grows,growing,grewhang,hangs,hanging,hunghear,hears,hearing,heardhit,hits,hitting,hithold,holds,holding,heldhurt,hurts,hurting,hurt 望采纳!



silky heart



The planning chart full text is as follows: Goes to South Korea to exchange the abroad study study prospectus my name is Lu 婍, is the Central China normal university 05 level of fine arts institute big two student.I from very early then started to South Korea"s each aspect to have the strong interest.South Korea is the traditional nation of Eastern etiquette, has the glorious history and the bright culture, and modern South Korea in the rapid development, the economy, the science and technology, the cultural aspect all all has also been obtaining the amazing ***.At present South Korea and China exchange more and more frequently, even more let me yearn for South Korea"s cultural art.I always have to the artistic design the very deep hobby, and modern art and so on South Korea"s design, drawing, also has had the huge influence to Asian and the world young people.Therefore I very want to go to South Korea to study this aspect the knowledge, broadens one"s outlook, the substantial brains, will future be able to contribute a strength for the artistic enterprise. Lingnan University took the world standard the comprehensive university, has the fine teaching and the academic tradition as well as the world competitive power.Lingnan University by its glorious historical, the huge scale and apex professor the battle formation has provided the fine study research environment which other universities are unable to compare.Under the hope which in the such outstanding university studies heartily I decided applies for Lingnan University the visual design specialty.Hoped your school can my opportunity, even more let me understand South Korea"s cultural art.I can treasure the commendable study opportunity, in precious year study time, raises own specialized level as well as Korean level diligently. My learning program will arrive South Korea later to have to adapt to the new circumstances as soon as possible, diligently study Korean, could in the shortest time own biggest diligently study good Korean, therefore had certainly to make more efforts.I can treasure the commendable study opportunity, in precious year study time, raises own specialized level as well as Korean level diligently. My learning program will arrive South Korea later to have to adapt to the new circumstances as soon as possible, diligently study Korean, could in the shortest time own biggest diligently study good Korean, therefore had certainly to make more efforts can consult the expensive school teacher, through artistic and your country student exchange, studies the specialized knowledge earnestly, I can request strictly oneself, proved with the practical action.Studies abroad in South Korea, I will invest the biggest enthusiasm, positively facing future study and life. My parents also have the very good impression to South Korea, they all extremely approve of me to study abroad to South Korea. My father is a private enterprise"s general manager, the yearly income approximately about 200,000 Yuan, enough supports me in South Korea"s study and the life.Therefore, I was determined applies for South Korea to study abroad, the assiduous study, displays own superiority fully, strives for study has the ***.In South Korean study period I can certainly whole-heartedly, repay the parents by the best result who supports me to go abroad to study.

Tiffany真的有一款断心戒指叫Tenderness heart吗

Tiffany2005新款银饰系列称tenderness heart 饰品本身与接口处皆处理形于能相聚遥望种恋语言由产能留住强权与豪华都起作用所Tiffany想用锁住每段值留恋情20世纪70代艺术家埃尔莎Tiffany设计作品说句经典名言:我设计造型定要找精髓戒指代表着郑重承诺与终身责任项链则代表着自始至终牵挂Tiffany要借诉说双份意叮咛Tiffany珠宝仅仅位财富象征创始路易斯.康福特蒂凡尼说:我靠艺术赚钱艺术价值永存能超越切艺术皆存所Tiffany每件极具灵性饰品都情象征图腾

帮忙把这首日文歌《Samurai heart 》(魔神坛斗士OP)翻译成罗马音

kenwo kazashite inazuma atsumetara

boy you my is short同类词for eye hear同音词!


nightwish swanheart的中文歌词翻译?

A grand oasis in the vastness of gloom 盛大绿洲之邸 隐匿于无尽幽冥之中Child of dew-spangled cobweb Mother to the moon 月亮之子 于蛛网凝结的露水璀灿生处Constellations beholders of the 3rd vagrant 观望星辰 开始第三次漂泊Theater for the play of life 上演生命的轮回Tragedienne of heavens 天堂里的悲剧女伶Watching the eyes of the night 凝视黑夜的双眼Sailing the virgin oceans 向陌生荒蛮的海洋远征A planet ride for the Mother and Child 一颗行星为这对母子而升起Floating upon the quiet hydrogen lakes 漂浮在如此寂静的湖面之上In this ambrosial merry-go-round they will gaze 神的佳肴如此芬美芳香 令人愉悦 Ephemeral life touched by a billion-year show 亿万年的久远时光 震撼了这卑微短暂的生命Separating the poet from the woe 悲哀使诗人远走他乡Tragedienne of heavens... 天堂里的悲剧女伶Oracle of the Delphian Domine 来自神喻的天启Witness of Adam"s frailty 亚当脆弱的见证Seer of the master prophecy 掌握预言的卜者The stellar world her betrothed 星光的世界是她的伴侣Wanderers in cosmic caravan 宇宙中不停流浪的旅者Universal bond - The Starborn 宇宙的纽带 星之子A son in the search for the truth 搜寻真相的儿子Following the pages of Almagest 在占星术中跋涉Discovering the origin of dreams 发现了最原初的梦想Stargazers ride through the ancient realms 观星者越过上古的王国Tragedienne of heavens... 天堂里的悲剧女伶2 Gethsemane 耶路撒冷Toll no bell for me Father 不可为我父摇响钟声But let this cup of suffering pass from me 因为这杯苦酒将置我于死地Send me no shepherd to heal my world 无人指引 我亦将挽救我的世界But the Angel - the dream foretold 因为天使在梦中告诉我Prayed more than thrice for You to see将为你所见的再三祈祷The wolf of loneliness in me 而我内心的孤狼not my own will but Yours be done... 虽不是我的意愿但是你却已经做到..You wake up where"s the tomb? 你在哪座坟墓中醒来Will Easter come, enter my room? 从东方而来,进入我的房间The Lord weeps with me 上帝为我而落泪But my tears fall for you 但我落泪却是因你Another Beauty 另一位美女Loved by a Beast 爱上野兽Another tale of infinite dreams 另一个无穷的梦境Your eyes they were my paradise 你的双眼是我的天堂Your smile made my sun rise 你的微笑是我的阳光Forgive me for I don"t know what I gain 原谅我吧 因我不知如何得到Alone in this garden of pain 独自在伤痛的花园中Enchantment has but one truth: 被迷惑只因为一个真相:I weep to have what I fear to lose 因为恐惧迷失而哭泣You wake up where"s the tomb... 你在哪座坟墓中醒来"I knew you never before 我知道你无法回到从前I see you never more 我知道你已离去 But the love the pain the hope beautiful one 但是爱人的痛苦期待Have made you mine "till all my years are done" 掘尽你宝藏直到我死去的那天Without you 没有你The poetry within me is dead 我心中的诗篇已死3 Devil and the Deep dark ocean 恶魔和深蓝之海A snowy owl above the haunted waters 雪白的猫头鹰盘旋在鬼魂出没的水面之上Poet of ancient gods 远古诸神的诗人Cries to tell the never ending story 悲鸣着永不完结的故事Prophecy of becoming floods 预言即将到来的洪水An aura of mystery surrounds her 在她身旁围绕着一种神秘光环The lady in brightest white 女王夺目的纯洁Soon the incarnate shall be born 即将幻化成形The Creator of the Night 夜晚的创造者Deep dark is His Majesty"s kingdom 无限的黑暗是他神圣的王国A portent of tomorrow"s world 明日世界的预兆There shall the liquid give Him power 这无常之变赋予他权力The red-eyed unborn lord 火红双眼的未来之王Fatal embrace of the blood red waters 来自血色河流的致命拥抱The cradle of infinite gloom 永恒黑暗的摇篮The spell to master this Earth 对大地之主的诅咒Carven on an infant"s tomb 雕刻在婴儿的墓碑之上"I will die for the love of the mermaid 我期待在海妖的爱中死去Her seduction beauty and scorn 她的诱惑那么迷人却又轻蔑Welcome to the end of your life 欢迎结束你的生命- Hail the Oceanborn!" 为欲海重生而欢呼"Disgraced is my virginity 不洁 就是我的童贞Death has woven my wedding dress 我的婚纱 出自死亡的裁剪Oh Great Blue breathe the morning dew 孕育中的蓝色汪洋 呼吸着清晨的露水For you are the cradle of the image of god" 为你,幻想之王的摇篮"Brave now long rest is sweet 勇士已长久安息With me here in the deep" 和我一起在这大海的深处"I prayed for pleasure wished for love 我祈祷得到爱情的甜蜜祝福Prayed for your - " 为你祈祷"Never pray for me!" 却永不要为我祈祷"Who the hell are you for me 谁为我而诅咒你 But a mortal dream to see?" 但是凡人的梦能看见什么?"This apathetic life must drown 这麻木的生命必须结束Forever just for me" 永远属于我"Leave me be 离开我Leave me be 离开我Leave me be...ee...eeee" 离开我"From cradle to coffin 从摇篮到灵柩Shall my wickedness be your passion" 我的邪恶将成为你的热情We shall come to set the dolphins free 我们会像海豚般自由We shall wash the darkened blood red sea 我们将在黑暗的血海中洗尽过去Our songs will echo over the mountains and seas 我们的歌声将在山海之间回响The eternity will begin once again in peace 来世将在宁静中再次轮回4 Sacrament of Wildness 荒原圣礼Naked in midwinter magic,Lies an angel in the snow 横卧在风雪中的天使 裸露在冬至的魔法之中The frozen figure crossed by tracks of wolves 冰封的大地上遗留着狼群的足迹An encounter symbolic yet truthful 镜像的遭遇 如此真实With a hungry choir of wolves 随着饥饿的狼群 An agreement immemorial to be born 一个不朽的契约即将降生Dulcet elves harps from a dryad forest 树精的森林 有精灵的竖琴声美妙Accompany all charming tunes 伴随着蛊惑的曲调Of a sacrament by a campfire 在旁篝火围绕 圣礼开始A promise between the tameless And the one with a tool 野性生灵和人类之间的诺言Tonight the journey from a cave begins 今夜开始了来自洞穴的旅程 I want to hunt with the tameless heart 我用永不妥协的心狩猎I want to learn the wisdom of mountains afar 我将向遥远的群山吸取智慧We will honor the angel in the snow 我将向被雪掩埋的天使致敬We will make the streams for our children flow 我将为我们漂流的孩子涌动潮流Wrapped in furs beneath the northern lights 用兽皮包裹 深埋在北极光之下From my cave I watch the land untamed 从我的洞穴眺望野性的大地And wonder if some becoming season 想着即将到来的季节Will make the angel melt in shame 将天使在耻辱中融化I want to hunt with the tameless heart... 我用永不妥协的心狩猎...5 Passion and the Opera Princess of lust 欲望中的公主Dignity put to dust 视威严于尘土A virginal sight 纯洁的视界Their apple to bite 尝食他们的苹果Drink from my thighs 痛饮麻醉了双腿The rain of lies 这谎言的雨A sight so cursed 诅咒的奇观Breasts which never nursed 从未呵护过任何的胸膛 An Aphrodite for mortal souls 爱神迷上了人类的灵魂Playing hide and seek in lecherous roles 享乐并沉醉在情欲中Their erotic hour my tearless weep他们情欲的末日是我无泪的哭泣Their satisfaction my infinite sleep 他们满足我永恒的沉睡Naked limbs reflecting from the moon 裸露的翅膀折射月光I"ll be there for you soon 我等待你不久的到来First wish for this night: 这个夜晚的第一个愿望Let me be your delight 让我为你欢喜Body of a virgin 圣洁的身体Soul to the Devil"s kin 灵魂在恶魔的身体下Your God is me 我是你神In all that you see 你所看见的An Aphrodite for mortal souls... 爱神迷上了人类的灵魂 6 Swanheart 天鹅之心All those beautiful people 所有美丽的人们I want to have them all 我想完全拥有他们All those porcelain models 所有精美的模特If only I could make them fall 要是可以让他们崩解就好Be my heart a well of love 我的心灵是爱情的源头Flowing free so far above 在无尽的高空追寻自由A wintry eve 寒冬的傍晚Once upon a tale 曾经的传说An Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭Lost in a verse 遗失的韵文Of a sparrows carol 麻雀的颂歌Dreaming the stars 做梦的星星Be my heart a well of love我的心灵是爱情的源头Flowing free so far above在无尽的高空追寻自由 In my world 在我的世界Love is for poets 爱情献给诗人Never the famous balcony scene 从不是舞台的背景Just a dying faith 只为垂死的信念On the heaven"s gate 站在天堂的门口Crystal pond awaits the lorn 水晶池塘在等待中荒废Tonight another morn for the lonely one is born 今夜 另一个黎明为孤独而生8 The Riddler出谜人Riddler Riddler ask me why 出谜人问我为什么The birds fly free on a mackerel sky 鸟自由翱翔在鲛鱼之空Ask me whither goes the wind 问我风去向何方Whence the endless tick-tick stream begins 永无止境的时间之河从哪里而来Make me guess if the earth is flat or round 让我猜大地是圆是方Set a guessing if fantasies are unbound 漫无边际的幻想If tales aren"t just for children to see 传说不仅只有孩子能看到That it"s peace if sleep walks with me 沉睡者随我一起走进寂静As you wish 你希望For kingdom come 来世The one to know all the answers 某个人能解答所有问题You think you dwell in wisdoms sea 你希望你寄身智慧之海Still sweet ignorance is the key 然而甜蜜的无知才是关键To a poet"s paradise 对诗人的天堂Challenge the Riddler and you will see... 你将看到对出谜人的挑战Riddler Riddler ask me why 出谜人问我为什么All mothers beneath the Earth and sky 天下所有的母亲Hold their children"s hands for a while 同时举起他们孩子的手Their hearts forever - yours and mine 你和我 他们永远的灵魂Make me wonder what"s the meaning of life 让我思考生命的意义What"s the use to be born and then die 生死的无常Make me guess who"s the one 让我想知道谁Behind the mask of Father and Son 是隐藏在面具之后的神As you wish... 正如你希望的For nature hates virginity 对纯洁的原始仇恨I wish to be touched 我希望被感动Not by the hands of where"s and why"s 而不是被地点和原因But by the Oceans" minds 是海洋的灵魂As you wish... 正如你希望的9 The Pharao Sails To Orion 法老之旅A constellation of divine architecture built on Earth 天赐的星群 建立在大地上A holy harbour – Orion 神圣的港湾-奥利安Nautical ascension to the firmament 从海洋到苍穹Ship-shaped barrows open my heart to the wisdom of this land 沉船的坟场 用古老大地的智慧 敞开我的心口 Sailing with the Serpent Chimera of a fiendish sandman 航行在狮头怪和恶毒沙人的领域The Unicorn arrives with the westwind to dream His funeral 他梦中的葬礼 独角兽乘着西风"Thou art born for Horus dwells in Thee" 汝为Horus而生并居于此Slumbering with the ebb and the flow of this foaming tomb 在落潮中沉睡 在海洋的泡影中 川流不息"Thou art born for Seteh dwells in Thee" 汝为Seteh而生并居于此Reveal your face to me and guide me through the Stygian fields 看着我 指引我 通过冥府幽暗之地Enthrall my soul to Sepedet"s beams to serve Your will 引诱我的灵魂 来到Sepedet的方向 满足你的愿望 Sailing on the distant seas from darkness to deliverance 航行在遥远的海洋 从黑暗到救赎Tales like the ocean written to the Draco"s glance 海洋的传说 由飞龙的一瞥而写就Ruling with the scythe of death you tear our philosophies apart 在死神的镰刀之下 你与我们的世界永远分别An ancient starwalk to merge into the stars 古老的星行者 消失在星光之下"Open thy veins for my venom 将毒液注入你的血中Kiss the cobras with thy twisted tongue 毒蛇给你致命的吻So shalt thou join the empyrean circus 使你溶入苍天的怀抱Where beggars mourn and seraphs dance 这里有乞者的悲叹 还有 天使的舞蹈In this twilight cathedral 在黎明的教堂Shall I wed thee你与我结为连理O Bride of the Netherworld" 来自地狱的新娘Sailing on the distant seas... 航行在遥远的海洋Join my soul the Hunter in the sky 将我的灵魂与天空合而为一10 Walking In The Air漫步云端We"re walking in the air 我们在云中漫步We"re floating in the moonlit sky 我们在月夜的天幕中翱翔The people far below are sleeping as we fly 人们在地下沉睡 而我们在飞翔I"m holding very tight 我们紧紧拥抱I"m riding in the midnight blue 我们在青空驰骋I"m finding I can fly so high above with you 我发现我能在你上空高高飞翔Far across the world 穿过遥远的世界The villages go by like dreams 经过梦中的村庄The rivers and the hills 河流与山脉The forests and the streams 森林与溪流Children gaze open mouthed 孩子们目瞪口呆Taken by surprise 因为惊讶于Nobody down below believes their eyes 他们所看到的一切We"re surfing in the air 我们在空中冲浪We"re swimming in the frozen sky 我们在寒空中游泳We"re drifting over icy 我们在冰封中漂流Mountains floating by 经过座座群山Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep 突然纵身投向海洋深处Rousing of a mighty monster from his sleep 惊醒深海巨兽的沉睡We"re walking in the air 我们在云中漫步We"re dancing in the midnight sky 我们在午夜空中起舞And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly 每个看到我们的人 向我们的飞翔致敬11 Nightquest 夜之祈Born to the false world the wanderer 出生在虚幻世界的漫游者Storyteller the pied piper 衣着斑驳的风笛手 就是那个讲故事的人On a quest for immortality 为追求永生Gathering a troop to find the fantasy 聚集在一起想入非非Lead by a maid queen of the night 在夜晚女皇的带领下Voice of angel such a divine sight 天使的声音传达神喻An amazon to fight and cure 女战士从战斗到治愈This reality with her feline lure 这里充满了她狡诈的欲望Patriotic to the promised land 爱国者许诺的土地Of never-waking dream 和永不完结的梦Nightquest a quest not for the past 夜之祈 已不为过去But for tomorrow to make it last 而是永恒的明天Simply the best way to walk this life 生命之旅Hand in hand with a dreamer"s mind 与梦者的精神紧紧相依Enter the realm don"t stay awake 进入永不醒来的王国The dreams remain they only break 永恒的梦境是他们唯一的机会Forget the task enjoy the ride 忘记艰难的任务 欣然加入吧 And follow us into the night 同我们一起进入黑夜A merry minstrel with his fingers fast 愉悦的吟游诗人拨动琴弦Playing his lute charming every lass 动人的琵琶让少女们陶醉Joins the troop with a glitter in his eye 加入其中,他的眼睛散发着光辉"Shall I find fame - or shall I die?" “我会得到名誉 还是死亡?”Warrior with power along the path 战士独自踏上征程A hammerheart his gallantry to last 他有一颗钢铁的心Rhythm of sirens enemies take heed 留意海妖的歌声For in this war laws are in silent sleep 这场战争爆发在沉默的睡眠中Patriotic to the promised land爱国者许诺的土


对主语the children提问:Who heard the drills in the street?对谓语部分heard the drills的提问:What did the children do in the street?对地点状语的提问:Where did the children hear that drills?

i felt my heart beating violently中为什么用beat的现在分词

这儿beating是作宾语my heart 的补足语,表示正在进行的动作,意思是"正在剧烈地跳动"。全句汉义:我感觉我的心在剧烈地跳动。

you make me frozen heart melting hope this time i like you are right什么意思


hear的同音词是什么? ther的形容词性物主代词是什么?

hair 后面一个单词你打错了吧




here读音:英 [hɪə(r)]; 美 [hɪr]    意思:adv. 这里;这时;在这点上;n. 这里;int. 嘿;喂(用于引起注意)1、here主要表示空间位置“这里”,与静态动词连用时意为“在这里”,与动态动词连用时意为“向这里”“到这里”。2、here通常置于行为动词之后,但有时为了加强语气,也可放在句首。here置于句首时,若主语为名词,句子通常要倒装;若主语为人称代词,则不倒装。注意此时往往用一般现在时。扩展资料:hear读音:英 [hɪə(r)];美 [hɪr]    意思:v. 得知;倾听;听到;听证1、hear的基本意思是“听”,强调的是“听”的结果,即“听见”,引申还可表示“听说”“得知”,指收到某种信息。2、hear用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾语时,表示无意识地亲耳听到某种声音;宾语指人时,表示听到某人发出的某种声音(如讲话声、唱歌声、读书声、走路声、敲门声等)。





here同音词 是hair还是hear





hear的同音词:here。1、hear英 [hɪə(r)]   美 [hɪr]  vt.& vi.听到,听见。vt.听说;听取;审理;得知。vi.听;听见。I don"t think you"ve ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before 我想你以前从未听过多丽丝谈自己的感情生活。2、here英 [hɪə(r)]   美 [hɪr]  adv.在这里;这时;在这一点上;(给某人东西或指出某物时说)。n.这里。I"m a practicing physician trying to help people here and now 我是一名此时此刻只想治病救人的执业医师。扩展资料:hear的用法:hear后可接that从句或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。hear也可用作不及物动词,意为“听得见”, hear of〔about〕可表示“听到”“听说”“得知”, hear from意为“收到…的信〔电话〕”。hear say〔tell, talk〕是惯用的口语,可看作是hear sb say〔tell, talk〕的省略形式。here的用法:here通常置于行为动词之后,但有时为了加强语气,也可放在句首。here置于句首时,若主语为名词,句子通常要倒装; 若主语为人称代词,则不倒装。注意此时往往用一般现在时。有时为了加强语气, here可紧接名词之后,在口语中可置于名词之前。here作为表示地点的副词,在句中还可以用作表语或介词宾语。

by ,there,hear,to的同音词

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