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Peter Newmark also admits that "provided that equivalent effect is secured, the literal word-for-wor

貌似不是一句完整的话,建议提供多点内容,可根据前后文参考翻译 按全文翻译如下,纯属个人观点,如有错误见谅(括号文字为根据前后文添加的隐藏内容):皮特纽马克也承认“提供同等效果才是安全的。逐字直译不仅是最好的,也是唯一有效的翻译策略。在任何形式的翻译中,我们没有理由(把原文)换成不必要的同义词或更优雅的替代词,更不用说意译了”

wHAT IS A SOAP OPERA?请用英语回答一下 也写上汉语 谢谢


go play whit what you have change the game这句话有语病吗?

有语病,what you have changed和the game都做with的宾语,重复了,可去掉其中一个宾语,或者改成whta you have changed in the game.3个修改方式:1.go play with what you have changed in the game2.go play with what you have changed3.go play with the game

be annoyed at(还是whit) what sb do

be annoyed with sb. for sth. 对(某人)为(某事)而生气be annoyed with sb. at sth. 对(某人)为(某事)而生气

Can you imagine that ___ little ants can carry ____many big worms? 其中两个空选填so或such

such; sosuch 修饰名词;so修饰形容词或副词如果是强调“小蚂蚁”,就是“such little ants”,如果是强调“这么小的蚂蚁”,就应该是“so little (the) ants”

it is not surprising that _such_ little worms eat


what is缩写

what is的缩写形式为:whats whats 读音:英 [wts] 美 [hwɑts] 释义:what is 或 what has 的常用口语形式,尤当 has 为助动词时 扩展资料   语法:what作关系代词时,其含意是“所…的事(物)”。可用来引导主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句或同位语从句。当引导主语从句,其所指的名词必定是单数。主语是单数时,谓语动词一般是单数,但有时因谓语动词之后有复数名词,谓语动词也可用复数。   例句:   What"s the trouble with the machine?   这机器出了什么故障?   What"s the form when you apply for a research grant?   申请科研补助金按常规应该怎么办?

That will be the weekSolomon Grundy是什么意思?


Is it in that factory “Red Flag”cars are produced


Is it in that factory_____”Red Flag” cars are made?



一个中文支持好点,一个中文支持差点儿。一个升级快点,一个升级慢点。如果是新手,就用红旗好了,简单,易用.如果非要用外国的就用mandrake ,也简单,易用,不过需要美化一下字体,而红旗不用,装好了就是比较漂亮的,因此我删了红帽用红旗了

red hat linux和red flag linux有什么区别?


he suggested that we should leave early.为什么这里的sho


英语四级完型:It is the species-typical behavior that sets humans completely _______

选A~~ set apart的意思1. 分开放, 隔离开2. 留出, 拨出3. 突出, 区别在这里应该是“区别”的意思

what is susan good at什么意思?






Melanie got so upset by what Max had said to her that something inside her exploded.翻译

melanie got so upset by what max had said to her that something inside her expl_有道翻译翻译结果:梅兰妮有那么伤心,马克斯曾对她说,在她的expl的东西inside_有道词典inside英 [ɪn"saɪd]美 ["ɪn"saɪd]prep. 少于;在…之内n. 里面;内部;内情;内脏adj. 里面的;内部的;秘密的adv. 在里面更多释义>>[网络短语]Inside 在里面,里边,内线

Melanie got so upset by what Max had said to her that something inside her exploded, and she fle


求Melanie Martinez唱的mad hatter这首歌的中文翻译,谢谢!

My friends don"t walk, they run我的朋友们用跑代替走Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun在兔子洞压里裸泳享乐Popping, popping balloons with guns用枪砰砰打破气球Getting high off helium吸氦气吸到highWe paint white roses red我们把白玫瑰涂成红色Each shade from a different person"s head每一种红都来自不同人的脑袋【这里是红桃皇后斩人头的梗】And scream that there"s a killer然后叫嚷着:这里有一个杀人犯!Getting drunk with the blue caterpillar和蓝色毛毛虫一起喝醉Now I"m peeling the skin off my face现在我正在从我脸上撕下我的皮"Cause I really hate being safe因为我真的很讨厌处于安全状态The normal, they make me afraid平凡中庸的人们让我觉得可怕The crazy, they make me feel sane还是疯子让我觉得我还有理智I"m nuts, baby, I"m mad我疯了,亲爱的,我是疯子The craziest friend that you"ve ever had我是你最最最疯狂的朋友You think I"m psycho, you think I"m gone你觉得我精神失常,你觉得我已经去世Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong快告诉精神医生我有点不对劲Oh, off the bend, entirely bonkers喔,有点醉醺醺,完全就是疯了You like me best when I"m off my rocker你不是最喜欢我疯癫的样子嘛Tell you a secret, I"m not alarmed告诉你一个秘密,我才不会害怕呢So what if I"m crazy? The best people are所以我疯了又怎样?厉害的人都是疯子!All the best people are crazy最厉害的人都是疯子All the best people are最厉害的人全都是...Where is my prescription?我的处方在哪里Doctor, doctor please listen医生,医生,求求你听我说My brain is scattered我的大脑一片散乱You can be Alice你可以是爱丽丝I"ll be the mad hatter那么我就是疯帽匠Now I"m peeling the skin off my face现在我正在从我脸上撕下我的皮"Cause I really hate being safe因为我真的很讨厌处于安全状态The normal, they make me afraid平凡中庸的人们让我觉得可怕The crazy, they make me feel sane还是疯子让我觉得我还有理智I"m nuts, baby, I"m mad,我疯了,亲爱的,我是疯子The craziest friend that you"ve ever had我是你最最最疯狂的朋友You think I"m psycho, you think I"m gone你觉得我精神失常,你觉得我已经去世Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong快告诉精神医生我有点不对劲Oh, off the bend, entirely bonkers喔,有点醉醺醺,完全就是疯了You like me best when I"m off my rocker你不是最喜欢我疯癫的样子嘛Tell you a secret, I"m not alarmed告诉你一个秘密,我才不会害怕呢So what if I"m crazy? The best people are所以我疯了又怎样?厉害的人都是疯子!Oh you think I"m crazy喔你觉得我疯了You think I"m wrong你觉得我错了So what if I"m crazy?所以我疯了又怎样?The best people are厉害的人都是疯子!And I think you"re crazy too而且我觉得你也是个疯子呢I know you"re wrong我知道你也不对劲That"s probably the reason why we get along这也许就是我们相处融洽的原因吧I"m nuts, baby, I"m mad我疯了,亲爱的,我是疯子The craziest friend that you"ve ever had我是你最最最疯狂的朋友You think I"m psycho, you think I"m gone你觉得我精神失常,你觉得我已经去世Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong快告诉精神医生我有点不对劲Oh, off the bend, entirely bonkers喔,有点醉醺醺,完全就是疯了You like me best when I"m off my rocker你不是最喜欢我疯癫的样子嘛Tell you a secret, I"m not alarmed告诉你一个秘密,我才不会害怕呢So what if I"m crazy? The best people are所以我疯了又怎样?厉害的人都是疯子!All the best people are crazy最厉害的人都是疯子All the best people are最厉害的人全都是...All the best people are crazy最厉害的人都是疯子All the best people are最厉害的人全都是...

the odds are that是什么意思


急求一片围绕what do you like to do 写的英文作文 要求300字

I like doing sports.Because it is good for my health. I also like to play games with my parents on weekends. After finishing my homework in the evening, I like reading books and play games.How about you?

what are the odds 是什么意思


what are the odds!!! 是什么意思?



When is Halloween? It is on october 31st. What do you usually celebrate Halloween? We usually play a game called

发生什么事了 英文可以用What took place吗

好像不行 take place 指 非偶然性的还是 what happened好

tuition如何搭配?问how much还是what?

貌似没有What"s the tuition?一般都是问How much is the tuition fee?

what is a wasp?

1. 黄蜂;胡蜂 2. 易动怒的人;刻毒的人

red hat linux yum search是什么意思

yum是红帽系列的linux系统下用于安装软件,更新系统的一个工具。search是搜索查询。是在软件包的详细信息中搜索指定的字符串mingw64-gcc-objc++.x86_64 : 举个例子yum search gcc就是在yum源的仓库中去查找和gcc有关的软件包。注意,只是找到相关的软件包,但是是不是已经安装了,那可不一定实际上,如果执行刚才那条指令,会返回一堆内容,其中有一条显示:mingw64-libgomp.x86_64 : GCC OpenMP v3.0 shared support library for the win64 target这个mingw64-libgomp有没有安装呢?通过rpm -qa | grep mingw64-libgomp去查询,发现没有返回。没返回说明没装yum源里面有没有呢?执行yum list | grep mingw64-libgomp返回结果如下:mingw64-libgomp.x86_64 4.9.2-1.el6 epel 返回结果说了,这个东西是有的,不仅有,还是el系统下的,什么是el? e是enterprise企业,l是linux。红帽的企业版往往缩写成rhel (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)。但是还有一个发行版,就是OEL,O是Oracle。那么, el 原先只是 rhel,现在,则不仅仅是rhel,同时也可以表示oel。其实oel从本质上和rhel没什么区别。oel (Oracle Enterprise Linux)系统有两套内核,一套是红帽的内核,一套是Oracle公司自己编译的所谓的“坚不可摧”的内核。凡是软件包名称中带有el字样的 就可以在红帽系列的linux系统中安装。而不用管它是rhel还是oel,此外还包括了fedora以及centos。这个软件包的版本是4.9.2-1。 它位于epel这个软件源中。

帮忙翻译一个句子:A canner can can a can that he can can.


1968年罗密欧与朱丽叶里面唱插曲What is youth的是谁啊?


实用英文| How to hate 如何表达厌恶、不满

生活中总有一些让你讨厌或受不了的人事物,用英文要怎么说呢? How to hate 1. Verb 极度厌恶、讨厌 I loathe…. I detest…. I abhor…. I resent…. 很常用在别人恶意批评你的时候 ex: I resent that ment. 我强烈反对那则留言。 I despise… ex: I despise sales calls. 我极度厌恶推销电话。 同意对方的话 “I loathe waiting.” “Me too.” 「我超讨厌等待。」「我也是。」 2. 就算是你平常可能喜欢或没特别感觉的人事物,也会有让你厌烦或反感的时候,这时可以用这些表示: ….irritates me ex: At the moment, hot weather irritates me. 现在我不喜欢太热的天气。 ….infuriates me ex: What I saw on the news last night infuriated me. 昨晚的新闻让我非常生气。 ….angers me ….upsets me ….bothers me 让我感到困扰 想强调什么状况会让你生气,可以用when: It annoys me when my roommate talks on the phone loudly at night. 我很受不了室友常常晚上很大声的讲电话。 3. 将正面的动词转为负面 I don"t like… I don"t appreciate… 通常用在对方对你不礼貌或说你坏话的时候 ex: I don"t appreciate it when you call me names. 我很不喜欢你帮我乱取绰号。 I don"t understand… 这里的用法不是单纯听不懂,而是觉得很挫折,不了解你为何要这样讲不好听的话 I don"t get… I can"t stand… I can"t bear… I can"t abide… 如果有人说I can"t stand carrots. 我讨厌吃红萝卜。而你想表达同意,要说:Me neither. hate, 厌恶

英文歌男的唱的歌词大概有“i like you but just like you""i like about you what you do ,are you do "

You & I歌词:[Niall]I figured it outI figured it out from black and whiteSeconds and hoursMaybe they had to take some time[Liam]I know how it goesI know how it goes from wrong and rightSilence and soundDid they ever hold each other tightLike usDid they ever fightLike us[Harry]You and IWe don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of usNo nothing can come betweenYou and IOh, you and I[Zayn]I figured it outSaw the mistakes of up and downMeet in the middleThere"s always room for common ground[Louis and Zayn]I see what it"s likeI see what it"s like for day and nightNever togetherCause they see things in a different lightLike usThey never triedLike us[Harry]You and IWe don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of us[Instrumental][Chorus](Zayn)"Cause You and I(All)We don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of usNo nothing can come betweenYou and IOh, you and IOoooh You and IWe could make it if we tryOh, you and IYou and I


正确说法是Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。where引导了一个地点状语从句。

这句话in towns that are near the sea?

in towns that are near the sea.这是一个介词短语, that引导的定语从句。意思是:靠近海边的村镇。感觉也可以用:in towns near the sea.

lover of towns i am, i realize that i owe a debt


In towns that are near the sea, 这里的that是什么用法


请帮忙给我分析这个英语句子?In towns that are near the sea…………

which 指的是前面的 lanterns.

Stormy Weather / Here‘S That Rainy Day 歌词

Stormy Weather-Here"s that Rainy Day.演唱:小野丽莎Don"t know why,there"s no sun up in the sky.Stormy weather,since my man and I ain"t together.Keeps raining all the time.Life is bare,gloom and misery everywhere.Stormy weather,just can"t get my poor old self together.Keeps raining all the time...When he went away,the blues walked in and met me.If he stays away,old rocking chair will get me.All I do is pray.The lord above will let me walk in the sunonce more.......Maybe I should have savedthose leftover dreams.Funny...But here"s that rainy day,they told me about,and I laughed at the thoughtthat it might turn out this way.Where is that warn outwish that I threw aside?After it brought my lover near.Funny how love becomes a cold rainy day.Funny...That rainy day is here.Can"t go on.EverythingI had is gone.Stormy weather,since my man and I ain"t together.Keeps raining all the time...http://music.baidu.com/song/13776035

“I yam what I yam!”的意思是什么


the woman in the hat is my English teacher.对the woman in the hat提问

Who is the women in the hat?以及Which is your English teacher?都可以,不过意思不同,比如说前面那个句子是问那个戴帽子的女人是谁呀?后面是问哪个是你的英语老师啊!?答案都可以说那个戴帽子的女人是我的英语老师Which和Who两个提问的重点不同,前面问的是选择这几个中的哪一个,后面问的是谁,没有选择的意味

purple hat是什么意思 英文里总是出现这个,好像是一个比喻?谁知道?

purple hat的意思是紫色的帽子.....



Damn! That old Fool! Fuck him! Mmmm... Give him ten dollars



RHCSA(Red Hat Certified System Administrator)红帽认证系统管理员RHCE(Red Hat Certified Engineer)红帽认证工程师RHCA(Red Hat Certified Architect)红帽认证架构师RHCSA是初级,RHCE是中级,RHCA是高级。wallslab 学的人不少,经常看见有人过了把证书寄到培训班,眼馋的不行,还是好好学吧。

我想问下。 What is cohesion? 的英语意思。


What is a metaphor

Metaphor is a comparison that use like or as.

有一首英文歌曲叫什么忘了,记得有句歌词好像叫What fighting for 有个很著名的外国手?

Fighting歌手:Yellowcard所属专辑:Greatest Hits Tour EditionI said I"d moved on and I"ll leave it alone,我说过我会继续前行而亦将把它放下But before I walk out there is something that I need you to know,但在我出行之前,我有一些事需要你知道I got lost in a blink of an eye,我在眨眼间迷失了方向And I can never get back, no I"ve never got back,而我不再归来,不,我从未归来You were not there when I wanted to say,当我想要告诉你时你不在那里That you were everything that right你的一切或许正确and it wasn"t you but me to change,但那是我而非你去改变Now I got to go it alone,现在我独自一人But I"ll never give up, no I"ll never give up然我永不言弃,不,我从未放弃What am I fighting for,我在为何而战There must me something more,那定是远不止为我自己For all these words I sing,... ...

为什么用is wasted 而不用was wasted ? It is reported that too much water is wasted in our city.


谁来帮我详细分析分析这个句子?there are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit

主语there,谓语are,宾语limits,定语从句to what a society can spend in this pursuit。to what a society can spend in this pursuit是用来描述limits是什么样的限制、极限。全句:在这种追求过程中,社会能够为其(为这种追求而消耗)消耗的东西是有限度的。

so that they can be recycled

这是被动语态be donerecycled是过去分词done形式,后面加ed

That man made the boy obey him.书本上说动词不定式作补语。但这句话没有to+动词原形?补语有是什么?


有一首很有节奏感的英文歌,女歌手唱的,高潮部分是everyboy knows that top top top,say 什么什么

there might have been a row, but

求大神帮我注册一个越南zing chat的帐号!

vo thu trinh

关于 英文聊天网站 CHAT TO US

you need to prove you are human-----------你需要证明你是人类

what would i ever是谁唱的

《Why Would I Ever》是“Paula DeAnda”唱的。《Why Would I Ever》谱曲Sam Watters所属专辑:Why Would I Ever发行时间:2008年03月15日歌曲原唱:Paula DeAnda《Why Would I Ever》歌词:why would i ever why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢 why would i ever, why would i ever 究竟为什么why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢wait a minute baby 等一会 宝贝 tell me what"s up lately 告诉我最近你怎么样 I been knowing you too long 我们认识很久了 why you hiding something 你为什么要掩饰一些事情 thought we was through with fronting 认为我们已经结束? i can tell that something"s wrong 我看得出有些不对劲 how could you even think that 你怎么会那么想呢 I wouldn"t have your back 我得不到你的支持 It"s me and you against the world 你和我不顾别人的反对 No matter what we go through 不管我们经历了什么 I"mma always roll with you 我会一直和你在一起 和你共同努力 I promise I will be your girl 我向你保证我会成为你的女人 why would i ever why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) 为什么我要考虑是否要离开你呢(有个声音在说) why would i ever 究竟为什么 baby I"d never 宝贝 我决不会那么做 cuz I just wouldn"t know how to get through (somebody say) 因为我不知道怎么才能熬过没有你的生活(有个声音在说) cuz you put together every piece of me 因为是你将支离破碎的我拼凑完整 and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) 宝贝 你清楚知道我要成为什么样的人(和我好好谈谈吧) why would i ever, why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢 wait a minute hold up 等一等 保持平静 I said when you rolled up 我说当你出现在我面前 you was yelling off the chain 失控地大叫的时候 get mad when i can"t make time 当我无法腾出时间陪你的时候 你就会很生气 houlda known that I"m on my grind 早该知道我也在努力啊 babe you know it"s all in your brain 宝贝 你知道这都是你的想法 now we been through some problems 现在我们遇到了一些问题 trust me we can solve them 相信我 我们可以解决我们之间的问题 we got too much in it to lose 我们失去的太多了 you"ve always been my best friend 你一直都是我最好的朋友 stop placing your bets when 不要再打赌了 baby I not leaving you 宝贝 我不会离开你 tell me why did you ever question 告诉我为什么你总爱问问题 question everything we stand for 什么都要问 between us (we got that) 我们之间(我们拥有…) have you seen us (we got that love) 你难道没看见我们俩 (我们拥有爱情) we got that love 我们拥有爱情 why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby I"d never cuz I just wouldn"t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you I"m not leaving you No I"m not leaving you 我不会离开你的 I won"t leave you in the cold 我不会让你孤零零一个人 I"m not leaving you I"m not leaving you 我不会离你而去的 Baby you know I love you 宝贝 你知道我爱你 why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving youPaula DeAnda简介:Paula DeAnda,美国女歌手,16岁出道,单曲Doing Too Much获得成功。现有同名专辑《Paula DeAnda》,歌曲风格以R&B为主。是一位颇具潜质的乐坛新秀。Paula DeAnda出生于圣安吉洛。父母是德克萨斯与墨西哥人。在家庭聚会表演歌曲与她的表兄弟她开始了她最喜爱的艺术家之路。在幼年时,她在城里开始接受钢琴课和唱歌,同时作为独奏家和备用歌手。她的第一次公开演出是在一场婚礼之中,之后在本地以及圣安吉洛其他地方出演。在2002年, DeAnda的家人决定到科珀斯克里斯蒂市以提高她的音乐技艺。Paula DeAnda取得一次重大突破,她试音Clive Davis并现场签署了一项关于Arista唱片公司的合同。"Doing Too Much" 是从她的首张同名专辑的主打单曲的主打单曲。它在美国被发布于2006年7月。 随后她的首张同名专辑于2006年8月29日发布。Baby Bash客串:The D.E.Y., Bow Wow, Lil Wayne, V Nice, Ak"Sent, and P.B.成名作:单曲Doing Too Much在2006年年初开始在当地电台播出。在Paula为Clive Davis试音之前,这首歌就引起很大反响,得以进入公告牌榜单。在意识到歌曲的成功之后,Paula开始在2006年的春天筹划她的首张专辑,同时她也在Corpus Christi上中学。"当然,我准备用英文和西班牙文录制歌曲,因为我知道自己来自何方,我不能失去自己的根。我谈起自己最喜欢的艺人包括Alicia Keys, Beyonce 和Keyshia Cole,我正在为自己的专辑写歌,我主要是想让这些歌曲讲述一些故事,传递一些信息。"


回答:I"m going to the bookstore to buy some books .希望可以帮到你!


What are you like?的意思为你长的什么样子?回答是:I have a big eyes and a small nose.


What are you good at ? 你擅长什么? 回答你擅长的东西,例如: I"m good at cooking/playing tennis/running...


what+are+ryu+going+to+do什么意思?Answer : 你打算怎么办?


这句话的翻译为:也许我们已经摒弃了青春的宗教,或遭受了重大的失望,这使我们所视为神圣的许多事物都成问题。在这句话中,第一个that引导主语从句,作主语解释说话者遭受的失望。第二个that引导宾语从句,作为held sacred的宾语,解释我们视为神圣的事物。所以两个that的用法分别为:1. 主语从句引导词:也许我们已经摒弃了青春的宗教,或(主语从句)遭受了重大的失望2. 宾语从句引导词:(这个失望)使(宾语从句)我们所视为神圣的许多事物都成问题。第一个that相当于一个形式主语,第二个that相当于一个直接宾语。都在从句中充当句子成分。除此之外,该句还使用了两个定语从句:1. 青春的宗教:修饰宗教,属性定语从句2. 我们所视为神圣的:修饰许多事物,定于从句这两个定语从句都使用了关系代词that连接。所以,总的来说,这个句子运用了两个that引导的从句(一个主语从句,一个宾语从句)和两个关系代词that引导的定语从句。比较复杂,需要慢慢分析理解其结构和语法。

(1/2)What can you swallow that can also swallow you? 相关提示:首先要知道"swallow




Is that a sword?


that are trapped是个什么从句?


what are thy怎么读

What are they?它们是什么?读音:窝特 啊 rai?

thy the think what to say 一首很好听的女的英文歌 英文不好 但高潮大体是这个读法

Love explains it allBy:AirykoYou say the words I need to hearDry my tears when I cryYou pull me close when I"m not nearYou know the colours of my mindEvery breath that I takeAnd still they say that love makes blindAnd here I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allI stay awake to watch you breathSo much I should have saidSomehow I tell you when you sleepI love the silence when you"re nearAnd I love knowing youAnd every word you say I keepAnd here I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allTime will passTime will changeEverything we know will turn to something elseTurn to something elseTime has shownUs where to goAnd still i wonder why you catch me when I fallI guess love explains it allLove explains it allCause here I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allHere I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allLove explains it allI guess love explains it allLove explains it all

随便,哪个都可以。英文怎么说? whatever吗 还是用哪个 ?还是 which one is OK

Any one is ok.

what a good neighbor!作文

What is the definition of a good neighbor? Well, in my opinion, a good neighbor should have the qualities: to care about other"s feeling, and help others unselfishly.一个好邻居的定义是什么?在我看来,一个好邻居应该有这些品质:关心他人感受,无私的帮助别人。I feel lucky to have a good neighbor. She is about 65 years old. I remember it clearly,one night, I was caught in a pouring rain, and then I suffered from a high fever. My parents were on business, so I turned to her for help, I recovered soon. I have another neighbor, we"re in the same age, went to the same school. We always played together. I"m not good at Physics at that time. It was hard for me to pass the exam. After school, she always helped me with my Physics. With her help, I made a big process in my final exam.我感到很幸运自己有位好邻居。她大概65岁。我记得很清楚,一个风雨交加的夜晚,我发烧了。我的父母正好出差,所以我向她求救,很快,我康复了。我还有一邻居,年龄和我一样,在同一学校上学。我们总是一起玩。那段时间,我的物理不是很好,考试很难通过。放学后,她总是帮助我补课。通过她的帮助,我在期末考试中取得了很大的进步。Good neighbors create a comfortable and safe living environment. They"re also our good friends. They make a big difference in our daily life.好的邻居提供了舒适和安全的居住环境。他们也是我们的好朋友,让我们的生活变得与众不同。

kinda steppdt on the toes of what i was going to say.英语的特殊用法

step on the /one"s toes固定短语字面意思:踩到某人的脚惯用法意思:踩到某人的脚;【猜中某人的心思;预测到、警觉到某事】head,动词,向某方向前行;【带领】祝你开心如意!

写出下列单词的复数形式1、secret--- 2、watch--- 3、cake --- 4、that--- 5、dis?

1、secret---secrets 2、watch---watches 3、cake ---cake 4、that--- those 5、dish ---dishes 6、girl---girls 7、fish--- fish 8、leaf--- leaves 9、policeman---policemen 10、potato --- potatoes 11、child---children 12、bread---bread 13、tomato--- tomatoes 14、woman---women 15、juice---juice 16、cherry---cherries 17、peach--- peach 18、this---these 19、water--- water 20、foot ---feet 21、scarf ---scarves 22、chocolate---chocolates 23、strawberry --- strawberries 24、story--- stories 25、tooth---teeth 26、card ---cards 27、sheep--- sheep 28、mouse ---mice 29、goose---gooses 30、leaf---leaves 31、bus---buses 32、box---boxes 写出下列单词的复数形式 secret_________ foot_____ cake________ man_________ that_________ teacher_________ girl______tooth_____fish________leaf___________policeman_________potato_________ dish_______ child__________ bread__________ tomato________ woman__________ sheep______ juice_________cherry_________boy_________this_________water__________biscuit_________scarf_________strawberry____________story________goose______word____________ card____________ mouse ____________ leaf____________ 答案跟上面一样的 将以下单词连线: easy (difficult) different boy(girl) student same (different) difficult teacher (student) girl wet(dry) sad cold(hot) cool happy (sad) dry warm(cool) winter first--------- last summer (winter) hot 1、one(first) cold 6、 October first(National Day) meet 2、dry(wet) third 7、 a relay (meet) National Day 3、hot(cold) wet 8、 sports(race) race 4、winter(snow) first 9、 boys(girls) teacher"s Day 5、three (third) snow 10、 September 10th (teacher"s Day) girls (一) (二) black(white) big June 1st (Children"s Day) National Day heavy(light) young Mother"s Day(the second Sunday in may) Women"s Day cold( light March 12th-------------------Tree-planting Day *** all(big) white October 1st Children"s Day long--------short March 8th( Women"s Day) the second Sunday in May 写出下列单词的复数形式 that--- dish --- fish--- leaf--- policeman--- potato --- child--- tomato--- woman--- cherry--- peach--- this--- foot --- scarf --- strawberry --- story--- tooth--- card --- sheep--- mouse --- goose--- leaf--- bus--- box--- juice----- 答案跟第一题一样,1,呵呵 你是小学生吧 这样学习可不行啊,2,1、secret---secrets 2、watch---watches 3、cake ---cake 4、that--- those 5、dish ---dishes 6、girl---girls 7、fish--- fish 8、leaf--- leaves 9、poli...,1,写出下列单词的复数形式 1、secret--- 2、watch--- 3、cake --- 4、that--- 5、dish --- 6、girl--- 7、fish--- 8、leaf--- 9、policeman--- 10、potato --- 11、child--- 12、bread--- 13、tomato--- 14、woman--- 15、juice--- 16、cherry--- 17、peach--- 18、this--- 19、water--- 20、foot --- 21、scarf --- 22、chocolate--- 23、strawberry --- 24、story--- 25、tooth--- 26、card --- 27、sheep--- 28、mouse --- 29、goose--- 30、leaf--- 31、bus--- 32、box--- 写出下列单词的复数形式 secret_________ foot_____ cake________ man_________ that_________ teacher_________ girl______tooth_____fish________leaf___________policeman_________potato_________ dish_______ child__________ bread__________ tomato________ woman__________ sheep______ juice_________cherry_________boy_________this_________water__________biscuit_________scarf_________strawberry____________story________goose______word____________ card____________ mouse ____________ leaf____________ 将以下单词连线: easy different boy student same difficult teacher girl wet sad cold cool happy dry warm winter first last summer hot 1、one cold 6、 October first meet 2、dry third 7、 a relay National Day 3、hot wet 8、 sports race 4、winter first 9、 boys teacher"s Day 5、three snow 10、 September 10th girls (一) (二) black big June 1st National Day heavy young Mother"s Day Women"s Day cold light March 12th Tree-planting Day *** all white October 1st Children"s Day long short March 8th the second Sunday in May 写出下列单词的复数形式 that--- dish --- fish--- leaf--- policeman--- potato --- child--- tomato--- woman--- cherry--- peach--- this--- foot --- scarf --- strawberry --- story--- tooth--- card --- sheep--- mouse --- goose--- leaf--- bus--- box--- juice-----

what is semester

what is semesterwhat is the semester学期(含义) 是什么?提问者不认识“ semester”这个词

听到有个比较动感的英文歌有句歌词是That`s not the way it`s gonna be.I don`t wanna see you around me


what has made you lame?

1.如果是陈述句的话是 What I have said makes you angry.——我(已经)说的话使你生气了. 2.该句是特殊疑问句:我(已经)说了什么使你生气了啊? to make you angry 是不定式短语作结果壮语.

那个少年身体看起来很像成人,思想儿童英文that teenager has the( )of a man and the ( )of a child

body ; thought/ideamore望采纳! 祝学习进步! 如不明白请追问!

为什么from which=that ?应该等于where... 您“高二英语语法简单问题.谢谢大家./” 的回答... 谢谢

from which=that 谁教你的?

请大神翻译一下这句话 Take the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turn it into so

将生活给予的柠檬般的酸楚 酿成柠檬汽水般的甘甜

what is verb+ing

verb+ing 即系现在进行式 即系做紧果样野未加ing lo 不过verb+ing前面一定要有个verb 唔系就会有grammar mistake maybe He is play+ing with his friend This is the present tence/ Making handicraft is funny this (ing) always is a verb 参考: myself continuous tense 现在进行式

what kinds of workout do you usually do? 英文作文最小三段 帮帮忙!!!?

I like workout a lot. I usually do a push-up or swing across the monkey bars and jog and play basketball at the playground in my spare time. Those are exercises that can build strength and make me flexible. By using my muscles to do powerful things I can make them stronger. For everybody these kinds of workout can make muscles bigger too. Jogging is easy to do.It only needs to insist on doing every day.I think jogging is helpful for our health.It can make us more and more healthy. Every morning I get up early then I go out to take a jogging. I jog for half an hour every day. After jogging I feel relaxed and active. Among lots of sports basketball is my favorite. I fall in love with it the first time I touch it. I really enjoy the feeling when you shoot the ball right in the basket it brings me much confidence not only in basketball play but also in my real life. And when you play basketball you can learn a lot from it. The ball gets up and down just like how the life is. And every time it gets down it bounces back I know from this point that when we are defeated by the difficulties in life we should just get up and move on. Also we realize the importance of team work from basketball. It feels good to have a strong flexible body that can do all the activities I enjoy—like push-up jogging jumping and playing with my friends. But you may not know that exercising can actually put you in a better mood. When you exercise your brain releases a chemical which may make you feel happier. It"s just another reason why I think workout is cool!

what day do yon like best什么意思

what day do you like best 你最喜欢哪一天
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