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there is no doubt that是什么句型?

there is no doubt that是同位语从句。There be+(修版饰词权)+名词+that(同位语从句);方式主语结构是:(It 方式主语)be+ 名词/形容词/过去分词+that(引领真正主语从句)例句There is no doubt that you can have a good time there.毫无疑问,你在这儿一定能度过美好的时光。

thereis no doubt that什么意思?

there is no doubt that.that 后跟表语从句。例如:1)There is no doubt that she has the makings of a successful journalist. 毫无疑问,她具备成为一名成功记者的素质。2)There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of air pollution. 毫无疑问,我们必须对空气污染问题有足够的重视。

有没有人帮我讲一下no doubt、what'more、in addition用法的区别

1 no doubtadv. 无疑地;很可能地I suppose you have no doubt about that?我想对你这个说法不会有疑问吧?2 what‘s more而且;此外;加之;更重要的是What"s more, taking exercise is very helpful to our health.而且锻炼对身体非常有好处。3 in addition另外,此外In addition, the new treatment reduces the number of injections needed.此外,新型疗法减少了注射剂的使用数量。 in addition表示另外,一般用于插入语,跟what"s more比较接近In addition ,there are six other applicants.what"s more,there are six other applicants除此之外, 还有六个申请人in addition to后面可直接跟名词In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.除了一本照相簿外, 我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。

英文问题 it is no doubt that

1.It is no doubt that s.v.o. (1 2 3 are ALL CORRECT) or 2.There is no doubt that s.v.o. 3) There could be no doubt that ( past tense) is and be <----------are called " helping verbs" in English. " no doubt" is an English phrase.片语 No doubt he didn"t need me. ( you can place it in front of a sentence) OR place this phrase right after the helping verb It is<------helping verb no doubt that ................ One more example for you No longer<-------------------不再 ( phrase ) - I am<---------helping verb no longer a kid. <----------------------- I am not a kid anymore(adverb). I am no longer a kid. = I am not a kid anymore(adverb). Both sentences are correct but the structure of the sentences are different. I explain (2) first which is simpler. There is = There exists There is a man. There is a slim chance that he will succeed. There is no doubt that he will fail in the venture. The sentence is just like "There is something". (1) "It is no doubt that ..." is a different sentence structure. "It" in this case is a "helping" subject and the real subject of the sentence is at the end of the sentence. e.g. It is no doubt that he is a great person. The sentence actually me to say That is he is great person is no doubt. Although "It" is a subject the real subject is the noun clause "That he is a great person". It is just like the following example: It is exciting to ride on the roller-coaster. "It" is not referring to any person or any thing. "It" is just a subject. What the sentence me is: To ride on the roller-coaster is exciting. I think your second question is why "It is" is not followed by an adjective and whether it is correct to have a noun after "it is". The wer is yes. e.g. It is a rumour that they are getting married. It is not a rumour that they are getting married. It is no rumour that they are getting married. Similarly It is a doubt that they can finish the work in time. It is not a doubt that they can finish the work in time. It is no doubt that they can finish the work in time. 1 and 2 are both correct. But I have seen (2) is more monly used.

If i do well,I have no doubt that those come after me will do as well and even better

翻译:如果我做的很好,毫无疑问那些被我啦在后面的人会同样做的很好甚至更好。分析:这是个条件状语从句;If i do well 是if 引导的从句;I have no doubt that those come after me will do as well and even better 是主句;其中:have no doubt that 是固定句式,意思是毫无疑问;

there is no doubt that引导的是什么从句?


There is no doubt that是什么意思

There is no doubt that毫无疑问,


固定用法是:There is no doubt that毫无疑问

What did the do at the pαrty是什么意思?

the应该是they What did they do at the party?在聚会上他们做了什么?

急求林赛·罗韩Lindsay Lohan的 what are you waiting for的歌词

Lindsay Lohan<What Are You Waiting For>Sometimes, I get that overwhelming feeling,So sad theFaces on TV,If i try to make a difference would it help anyway,Then i stop and to myself i say[Chorus]So you wanna change the world,What are you waiting for,Say your gunna start right now,What are you waiting for,It only takes one voice,So come on now and shout it out,Give a little more,What are you waiting for,Sometimes, I feel a little helpless,Seems like (well) I can"t do a thing,But anything is possible,Just you want and see,Good things happen,If you Just believe,[Chorus 1x]Someday, somehow, I"m gunna take that step,Cause time is tickin away,Right here,Right now,Before it"s to late,Gunna face tomorrow today,(Don"t wait,Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)[Chorus 2x] 以上是英语歌词。

redhat 为什么收购ansible

为什么要收购一款IT自动化工具?自动化可以满足业务线在速度和简洁性方面日益增加的需求,其中包括:在部署基础设施即服务(IaaS)和平台即服务(PaaS)云的过程中为云原生应用程序提供支持:IT自动化工具可以极大地提高云部署的速度,减少手工操作所带来的人为错误;在DevOps实践过程中为敏捷应用程序开发提供支持:采用DevOps方法需要一个让开发人员能够尽早及经常发布的工具链。而在任何DevOps工具链中,IT自动化工具都是一个关键所在,因为它们可以在很短的时间内操作对复杂应用程序架构和大量应用程序实例所做的大量变更;在IT流程自动化过程中为服务编排提供支持:Red Hat的云管理平台CloudForms依赖于这样一款自动化工具来组合应用程序的每一层。为什么选择了Ansible?对于这个问题,Red Hat从两个方面进行了说明。在产品层面,Ansible符合Red Hat希望通过开放式开发提供无障碍设计和模块化架构的目标,主要体现在:Ansible易于使用:这从下面的两个例子可见一斑。一是,Ansible的playbook使用人类可读的YAML代码编写,简化了自动化流程的编写和维护;二是,Ansible使用标准的SSH连接来执行自动化流程,不需要代理,更容易融入已有的企业IT环境;Ansible是模块化的:Ansible提供了400多个模块,可以用于扩展该产品的功能。这是Red Hat希望在其管理产品中提供的一个重要功能;Ansible是一个非常受欢迎的开源项目:在GitHub上,Ansible有将近13000颗星和4000个分支。另据Redmonk统计,Hacker News提及Ansible的次数飞速增长。在资产组合方面,Ansible符合Red Hat希望提供多层架构、多层一致性和多供应商支持的目标,主要体现在:Ansible支持多层部署:按照设计,Ansible通过VM和容器为多层应用程序的部署和配置提供支持。这意味着组织可以将同一应用程序的不同组件自动部署到运行效率最高的层上。比如,Ansible可以同时在Vmware vSphere服务器虚拟环境中管理VM和客户操作系统,在OpenStack IaaS云上部署和管理实例,在OpenShift PaaS云上部署应用程序。Ansible为架构的多个层次带来一致性:借助Ansible,可以通过编程操作计算架构中从基础设施到应用程序之间的每一层。比如,Ansible可以自动化包括网络、存储、OS、中间件和应用程序层在内的所有配置工作。Ansible支持异构IT环境:Ansible可以自动配置来自许多供应商的各种技术,而不只是Red Hat的技术。比如,Ansible既支持Linux,也支持Windows;Ansible使IT组织可以管理各种ISV和IHV技术,从F5 Big-IP和Citrix NetScaler网络控制器到Amazon Web服务和Google云。Ansible如何匹配到Red Hat的管理策略中?在Red Hat当前的管理资产组合中,Red Hat CloudForms将继续在所支持的架构层次上提供整体编排和策略执行功能。Ansible将按照CloudForms自助服务配置门户的请求自动在每个架构层次上准备、配置基础设施资源和应用程序。Red Hat Satellite将根据Ansible的自动化工作流程在每个架构层次上准备、配置Red Hat系统。在Hackr News上,许多网友都对项目创建者mpdehaan2表示了祝贺,认为他及其联合创始人理应从这次收购中获得一份丰厚的回报。网友jerrac就表示:是的,那绝对是他应得的……没有什么东西能比得上项目创建者直接提供帮助了,那真得增强了人们对产品的信心。这一观点很有代表性。有多名网友都对mpdehaan2在Ansible社区建设上所投入的精力表示了赞赏和感谢,因为他在HN、博客、推特等的讨论中一直很活跃。网友agentgt则指出,Red Hat收购Ansible还有一个非常重要的原因,就是将Ansible项目中的部分人才带回Red Hat,因为他们中有许多人以前就在Red Hat工作。另外,在回答网友的质疑时,Red Hat员工eLobato写道:我们已经开源了所有收购的项目,我不知道具体是什么原因让你认为它不会开源,FAQ上只是说将会有一个时间表,就像以前ManageIQ那样。

一首英文歌曲,第一句歌词:妈妈,do you remeber,the old tree hat,you give to me


麻烦谁帮我翻译一下面这首歌曲《what should i do》

I am not really sure of the words to say 我不确定要说什么If only you knew that I feel this way 只要你知道我是这样的感觉I wanna give my heart to you 我希望把我的心交给你Show me the way that you want me to 告诉我你希望让我成为的样子I know for sure there is a place for us 我确定知道这是属于我们两个的地方I am counting the days till I feel your touch 知道我感觉到你之前我度日如年You come to me when I dream at night 我在夜里梦到你When I am with you it will be so right 当我和你在一起的时候感觉才是对的If you could see the love in my eyes 如果你能感受到我眼里的爱You should know that I am on your side 那么你就应该知道我在你这边Ohh Ohh Ohh 哦~Id be your 我愿意成为你的You be mine 你会是我Ohh 哦~what will i do 我应该怎么办呢?

i will get my revenge on you for what you did to me. 请问,get 和revenge 和on是一个什么样的词组,

你对我做过的一切,我都会向你复仇的.get revenge on sb 对...复仇,向...报复.这是个固定搭配.

what is paradox

矛盾。有一家专门做战略游戏的公司也叫paradox,他们的游戏如著名的钢铁之心heart of iron

标题 What do all these meetings have in common?


that provides为什么provide要加s


怎么写韩舞(hate)和(shake it)舞蹈串烧的串词急求!!!





2019年6月大学英语四级词汇:one-sided   英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:one-sided   "No one can take one-sided action,"says Laird,who is exploring whether toseek an exemption from federal anti-trust laws so member colleges can discuss howthey could jointly reduce merit aid.   英语四级译文:   莱尔德正在研究能否从联邦反垄断法中寻求豁免,以使成员学校可以讨论如何联合起来削减奖学金。“没有学校可以单方面行动。”他表示。   四级词汇讲解:   引号内的内容为直接引语,本句的主干为says Laird。who引导的是Laird的定语从句,其中包含so引导的结果状语从句,该结果状语从句中,how引导的是discuss的宾语从句,可见本句也包含多重从句;whether toseek an exemption from federal anti-trust laws是exploring的宾语。   one-sided的意思是“片面的,单方面的,一边倒的”。如:   The newspaper gave a one-sided account of the issue.报纸对该事件做了片面的报道.   explore意为“探索,探究”。如:   The scientists were exploring the sea floor.科学家们正对海底进行勘察。   merit aid在句中的意思是“奖学金”。 2019年6月大学英语四级词汇:sustain   英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:sustain   This is a merry-go-ground that"s going very fast, and none of the institutionsbelieve they can sustain the risks of trying to break away by themselves.   英语四级译文:   这就像是一个转得飞快的旋转木马,没有任何一个学校认为自己可以承担单独行动的风险。   四级词汇讲解:   本句为并列句,主干为this is a merry-go-round, and none of the institutions believe。前一个分句中that"s going very fast是merry-go-round的定语从句;第二个分句中they can sustain the risks oftrying to break away by themselves是believe的宾语从句。   merry-go-round在句中意为“一连串繁忙活动,走马灯似的更迭”,其本意为“旋转木马”。   break away的意思是“脱离,逃脱”,其后通常跟介词from。如:   They broke away from the national union to form their own union.他们脱离了全国工会,组建了自己的工会。   by oneself的意思是“单独,独自”。如:   The baby can now walk by himself.这个小宝宝现在可以自己走路了。   英语四级考点归纳:   及物动词sustain有以下含义及用法:   ※ 意为“维持(生命、生存)”。如:   A good breakfast will sustain you all morning.丰盛的早餐会让你整个上午都精力充沛。   ※ 意为“使保持”。如:   You should try to sustain the audience"s interest.你应该努力去保持观众的兴趣。   ※ 意为“遭受,蒙受”。如:   The town sustained heavy losses in the flood.该城镇在洪水中遭受了惨重的损失。   ※ 意为“承受,支撑”。如:   The floor won"t sustain the weight of the piano.地板承受不了钢琴的重量。   ※ 意为“支持”。如:   There is no proof to sustain your views.没有证据支持你的观点。 2019年6月大学英语四级词汇:that   英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:that   A complicating factor is that merit aid has become so popular v}rith middle-income families, who don"t qualify for need-based aid,that many have come todepend on it.   英语四级译文:   一个复杂的因素是,奖学金已经受到那些不符合助学金条件的中等收入家庭的欢迎,很多人开始依赖奖学金了。   四级词汇讲解:   本句的主干是factor is that。句中第一个that引导的是表语从句;该表语从句中包含so...that…的句型结构,其中that引导的是结果状语从句;而两个逗号之间who所引导的是middle-income families的非限制性定语从句。   become popular with的意思是“受……的喜爱,欢迎”,也可以说be popular with。如:   This young teacher is popular with students.这位年轻的老师很受学生的喜爱。   qualify for的意思是“有资格,有权(要求)”。如:   He doesn"t qualify for unemployment benefit.他没有资格获得失业救济金。   come to do sth.的意思是“逐渐开始做某事”。如:   They have finally come to believe that.他们终于开始相信那件事了。   depend on的意思是“依靠,依赖”。如:   Children always depend on their parents,孩子们总是依赖父母。   英语四级考点归纳:   so...that...意为“太,以至于”,常用句型为“主语+谓语+so+adj./adv.+that从句”,以so... that...引导的结果状语从句可以转换成带不定式的简单句,即可转换为...enough to...或too...to...句型,但这种转换必须符合下列条件:   ※ 当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可用...enough to...来替换。如:   The man is so strong that he can lift the heavy box.=The man is strong enough to lift the heavybox.这个人非常强壮,可以抬起很重的箱子。   ※ 当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可以用...enough for sb. to do sth.来替换,但须注意不定式的宾语要省略。如:   The question is so easy that I can work it out.=The question is easy enough for me to work out.这个问题很容易,我能解答出来。   ※ 当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是否定句时,可以用too...to...来替换。如:   I was so tired that I couldn"t go on with the work.=I was too tired to go on with the work.我太累了,没法继续工作。   ※ 当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是否定句时,如果要用too...to...替换so...that... ,需用介词for引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,即用too...for sb. to do sth.来替换,注意不定式的宾语要省略。如:   It is so hot that we can"t sleep. = It is too hot for us to sleep.天气太热了,我们无法入睡。

what makes the room so messy为什么用makes?


He is wise that is honest . 这句话用英语翻译过来


what about swlmming( this) this sunday? )


By advocating moderate change, they think that they can keep consumer costs low.


thousands og patents have been granted for what are called business methods.

数千位父母有那种所谓被叫做管理的方法。thousands og patents 作为主语have been granted 作为谓语 用的是现在完成时for 后面是解释说明

What good habits do you have?回答是什么

Brush my teeth.

What does the word part myc o mean?

【答案】:C"myc/" mas "fugus" i mdical glish.

有没有跟What are words风格差不多的歌曲。。。Chris medina 唱的。


Chris Medina 的 What are words这首歌有没有中文版的啊~。 跪求歌词。 注意我要的是中文版歌词不是歌词大


…ok …i gonna … you anyway… i be that yous 是什么歌

我找到啦应该是lady gaga的The Cure

what are words背后的故事

你说的是Chris Medina唱的那首吗?Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员。2007年12月12日,他向和他相恋8年的女孩Juliana提出订婚。虽然只是订婚,但Chris Median后来在《美国偶像》的比赛采访中说过:“We kind of make it a promise to get married.{我们把它(订婚)作为结婚的一个承诺。}”   2009年10月2日,订婚后两年,那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故,脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理。但Chris不离不弃。 后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是赚到更多的钱让未婚妻受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活。虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但<What are words> 这首充满爱的歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里 !有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是无私的爱! 听着歌你能感受到chris medina有多么的爱自己的未婚妻。他遵守着自己的承诺,不管爱的人现在如何,她永远都是他的天使!!!我也是看到这首歌的视频后去查得资料,看视频的时候就觉得很感人,不离不弃的爱情。希望这答案是你想要的。

what are words 背后讲的是什么故事

你说的是Chris Medina唱的那首吗?Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员。2007年12月12日,他向和他相恋8年的女孩Juliana提出订婚。虽然只是订婚,但Chris Median后来在《美国偶像》的比赛采访中说过:“We kind of make it a promise to get married.{我们把它(订婚)作为结婚的一个承诺。}” 2009年10月2日,订婚后两年,那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故,脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理。但Chris不离不弃。 后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是赚到更多的钱让未婚妻受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活。虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但<What are words> 这首充满爱的歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里 !有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是无私的爱! 听着歌你能感受到chris medina有多么的爱自己的未婚妻。他遵守着自己的承诺,不管爱的人现在如何,她永远都是他的天使!!!我也是看到这首歌的视频后去查得资料,看视频的时候就觉得很感人,不离不弃的爱情。希望这答案是你想要的。

怎么评价What are words 这首歌和它的故事

很感人的一首歌,歌词满满都是爱,背景故事一句话就是:丈夫对妻子的爱。这首曲子是《美国偶像》(American Idol)第十季绝种好男人中Chris Medina的单曲专辑。虽然止步24强,但是这首曲子却在网络上广为流传。《What are words》这首曲子是《美国偶像》第十季绝种好男人中Chris Medina的单曲专辑。歌手Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员,为了照顾因车祸而生活不能自理的未婚妻,Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是赚到更多的钱让未婚妻受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活。这首歌充满了爱的力量,虽然Chris Medina止步24强,但是这首歌曲却在网络上广为流传。

《what are words》这歌到底在美国偶像现场唱过没

唱过。这首歌是第十季中Chris Medina的参赛曲目。

英文歌 what are words 的故事

Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的吧员。2007年12月12日,他向和他相恋8年的女孩Juliana提出订婚。虽然只是订婚,但Chris Medina后来在《美国偶像》的比赛采访中说过:“We kind of make it a promise to get married.【我们把它(订婚)作为结婚的一个承诺。】”2009年10月2日,订婚后两年,那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故,脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理。但Chris不离不弃。 后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是赚到更多的钱让未婚妻受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活。虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但<What are words> 这首充满爱的歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里 !有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是无私的爱!听着歌你能感受到chris medina有多么的爱自己的未婚妻。他遵守着自己的承诺,不管爱的人现 在如何,她永远都是他的天使!!!

what are words 的英文兼中文歌词

歌曲:WhatAreWords歌手:chrismedina专辑:《WhatAreWords》发行时间:2011年02月25日 Anywhereyouare,Iamnear  不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。  Anywhereyougo,I"llbethere  不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那里。  Anytimeyouwhispermyname,you"llsee  你任何时候轻呼我的名字,你都会看到  ...歌曲:WhatAreWords歌手:chrismedina专辑:《WhatAreWords》发行时间:2011年02月25日 Anywhereyouare,Iamnear  不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。  Anywhereyougo,I"llbethere  不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那里。  Anytimeyouwhispermyname,you"llsee  你任何时候轻呼我的名字,你都会看到  HoweverysinglepromiseIkeep  我是如何信守对你的每个承诺  CausewhatkindofguywouldIbe  那么我会是一个什么样的人啊  IfIwastoleavewhenyouneedmemost  如果在你最需要我的时候离开  Whatarewords  什么是诺言啊  Ifyoureallydon"tmeanthem  当你真正认真的面对它们  Whenyousaythem  说出它们的时候  Whatarewords  什么是诺言啊  Ifthey"reonlyforgoodtimes  如果那只是在美好的时刻说出来  Thentheydon"t  那么瞬间就会破灭  Whenit"slove  当爱至情浓处时  Yeah,yousaythemout-loudthosewords  你大声喊出自己的心声  Theynevergoaway  那些话,永远都不会褪色  Theyliveon,evenwhenwe"regone  即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。  AndIknowanangelwassentjustforme  我知道,你是上苍赠予我的天使  AndIknowI"mmeanttobewhereIam  我知道,这是命运的安排  AndI"mgonnabestandingrightbesidehertonight  今晚我会守在你身旁  AndI"mgonnabebyyourside  我会一直守护在你身边  Iwouldneverleavewhensheneedsmemost  当你最需要我的时候,我绝不会离你而去  Whatarewords  什么是诺言啊  Ifyoureallydon"tmeanthem  如果你不想去遵守  Whenyousaythem  当你说出来的时候  Whatarewords  什么是诺言啊  Ifthey"reonlyforgoodtimes  如果它们只为了美好时刻而存在  Thentheydon"t  那么它们就不叫诺言  Whenit"slove  当你真的爱一个人  Yeah,yousaythemout-loudthosewords 你大声喊出自己的心声  Theynevergoaway  那些话,永远都不会消失  Theyliveon,evenwhenwe"regone  即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。  Anywhereyouare,Iamnear  不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。  Anywhereyougo,I"llbethere  不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那里。  AndI"mgonnabehereforevermore  我永远都会在你身边  EverysinglepromiseIkeep  信守对你的每个承诺  CausewhatkindofguywouldIbe  不然我将会是一个什么样的人啊  IfIwastoleavewhenyouneedmemost  如果我在你最需要的时候离开  I"mforeverkeepingmyangelclose  我会永远守护在我的天使身边简介:这首曲子是《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)第十季中绝种好男人ChrisMedina的单曲专辑。虽然止步24强,但是这首曲子却在网络上广为流传。全部

what are years这首歌的歌词及中文翻译

应该是【What Are Words】这首曲子是《美国偶像》(American Idol)第十季中绝种好男人Chris Medina的单曲专辑。虽然止步24强,但是这首曲子却在网络上广为流传。中文名称 What Are Words外文名称 What Are Words歌曲原唱 Chris Medina填 词 Chris Medina歌曲语言 英语歌曲歌词:Anywhere you are, I am near不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。Anywhere you go, I"ll be there不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那里。Anytime you whisper my name, you"ll see你任何时候轻呼我的名字,你都会看到How every single promise I keep我是如何信守对你的每个承诺Cause what kind of guy would I be那么我会是一个什么样的人啊If I was to leave when you need me most如果在你最需要我的时候离开What are words什么是诺言啊If you really don"t mean them如果你不是真心对待它们When you say them说出它们的时候What are words什么是诺言啊If they"re only for good times如果那只是在美好的时刻说出来Then they don"t那么瞬间就会破灭When it"s love当爱至情浓处时Yeah, you say them out-loud those words你大声喊出自己的心声They never go away那些话,永远都不会褪色They live on, even when we"re gone即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。And I know an angel was sent just for me我知道,你是上苍赠予我的天使And I know I"m meant to be where I am我知道,这是命运的安排And I"m gonna be standing right beside her tonight今晚我会守在你身旁And I"m gonna be by your side我会一直守护在你身边I would never leave when she needs me most当你最需要我的时候,我绝不会离你而去What are words什么是诺言啊If you really don"t mean them如果你不是真心对待它们When you say them当你说出来的时候What are words什么是诺言啊If they"re only for good times如果它们只为了美好时刻而存在Then they don"t那么它们就不叫诺言When it"s love当你真的爱一个人Yeah, you say them out-loud those words你大声喊出自己的心声They never go away那些话,永远都不会消失They live on, even when we"re gone即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。Anywhere you are, I am near不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。Anywhere you go, I"ll be there不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那里。And I"m gonna be here forever more我永远都会在你身边Every single promise I keep信守对你的每个承诺Cause what kind of guy would I be不然我将会是一个什么样的人啊If I was to leave when you need me most如果我在你最需要的时候离开I"m forever keeping my angel close我会永远守护在我的天使身边

what are word

what are words 是《美国偶像》(American Idol)第十季绝种好男人中Chris Medina的单曲专辑,虽然止步24强,但是这首曲子却在网络上广为流传。 Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员,他向和他相恋8年的女孩求婚并且最后在一起了。但是后来那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故使脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理,但Chris仍然不离不弃。 后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是想赚到更多的钱让妻子受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活,虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但 What are words 这首充满爱的歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里 !有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是无私的爱!听着歌你能感受到chris medina有多么的爱自己的妻子,他遵守着自己的承诺,不管爱的人现在如何,他都当她是天使。 在物欲横流的当今时代,我们都深深感觉到整个社会道德和责任的缺失。这首歌是一首爱情歌曲,当你聆听着它悠远的旋律,苍劲沙哑的歌声,内心一定会有这样的感觉,我们一定要忠于爱情,呵护好自己的爱人。

哪位高手能把美国的好男人chris medina唱的这首what are words歌词翻译成中文

不管你在哪儿,我就在你身旁.Anywhere you are, I am near   不管你去哪儿,我就在那里。.Anywhere you go, I"ll be there   任何时候,只要轻呼我的名字,你都会看到.Anytime you whisper my name, you"ll see   我是如何信守对你的每个承诺.How every single promise I keep   因为如果在你最需要的时候离去.Cause what kind of guy would I be   我还算是人吗?.If I was to leave when you need me most   若果你承诺后却不把它当回事.What are words   这算什么诺言啊.If you really don"t mean them when you say them   What are words.若果一遇上困难便退缩得无影无踪   这又算什么诺言啊.If they"re only for good times then they don"t   如果是真爱的话.When it"s love   那么当你大声许下诺言.Yeah, you say them out-loud those words   它们永远也不会消逝.They never go away   即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。.They live on, even when we"re gone   我知道,你是上苍赠予我的天使.And I know an angel was sent just for me   我知道,这是命运的安排.And I know I"m meant to be where I am   今晚我会守在你身旁.And I"m gonna be standing right beside her tonight   我会一直支撑着你.And I"m gonna be by your side   当你最需要我的时候,我绝不会离你而去.I would never leave when she needs me most   若果你承诺后却不把它当回事.What are words   这算什么诺言啊.If you really don"t mean them when you say them   若果一遇上困难便退缩得无影无踪.What are words   这又算什么诺言啊.If they"re only for good times then they don"t   如果是真爱的话.When it"s love   那么当你大声许下诺言.Yeah, you say them out-loud those words   它们永远也不会消逝.They never go away   即使我们都离去了,它们会一直存在,直到海枯石烂。.They live on, even when we"re gone   不管你在哪儿,我就在你身旁.Anywhere you are, I am near   不管你去哪儿,我就在那里。.Anywhere you go, I"ll be there   我将会永远在那里.And I"m gonna be here forever more   信守对你的每个承诺.Every single promise I keep   因为如果在你最需要的时候离去.Cause what kind of guy would I be   我还算是人吗?.If I was to leave when you need me most   我会永远守护在我的天使身边.I"m forever keeping my angel close

《what are words》这歌到底在美国偶像现场唱过没

没有在参加美国偶像的现场唱过。what are words 这首歌在参加美国偶像的时候,还没有诞生。这首歌是美国偶像结束后,单独为Chris Medina 制作的单曲。虽然他止步于24强,但是美国偶像还是帮他制作并发行了这个单曲。

WHAT ARE WORDS 歌词翻译。中英对照。谢谢

Anywhere you are, I am near 你在与不在,我都在近旁 Anywhere you go, I"ll be there 你走或不走,我都在那里 Anytime you whisper my name, you"ll see 你唤若不唤,你都会看见 How every single promise I keep    我是如何坚守着你我的每个誓言 Cause what kind of guy would I be    If I was to leave when you need me most   如果我在你最需要我的时候离去 人品是多么低劣啊 What are words    你的话到底算什么 If you really don"t mean them    当你完全不知所云  When you say them   说出它们的时候 What are words    你的话到底算什么 If they"re only for good times    如果这只是浮云般的美好 Then they don"t    却瞬间破灭掉 When it"s love    当爱至情浓处时 Yeah, you say them out loud Those words    你大声喊出自己的心声 They never go away    那些话,永远都不会褪色 They live on, even when we"re gone    即使我们离去,那些话还一直在,直到海枯石烂 And I know an angel was sent    我知道,你是上天给我派来的一位天使 Just for me and I know I"m meant    To be where I am and I"m gonna be   我知道,这是命运的安排  Standing right beside her tonight    今晚我将会守护在你的身边 And I"m gonna be by your side    守护在你身旁 I would never leave when she needs me most    不离不弃,只因你是我最刻骨铭心的依恋 I"m forever keeping my angel close 我会永远紧紧守护着我的天使

be of the opinion that.是什么意思


Gory gory what a hell of a way to die(101空降师军歌)歌词(最好中英文对照)

He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. 他只是个伞兵新手,他当然会害怕的发抖。 He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight. 他检查了他的装备,确保他的包裹包装严实。 He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar. 他不得不坐着听着那些可怕地发动机的轰鸣。 You ain"t gonna jump no more. 你不用再跳了。 Chorus: 副歌 Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. 老天,老天,好一条通往地狱的路。 Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. 老天,老天,好一条通往地狱的路。 Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. 老天,老天,好一条通往地狱的路。 He ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 "Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up. 警官在查阅队伍,并大声说:“大家都开心吗?” Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up. 我们的英雄们(指的是伞兵)虚弱的回答道:“是的”,然后他们帮他站起来。 He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. 他跳入凛冽寒风中,他的开伞拉绳解开了。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock. 他长声的数着,他大声的数着,等著那令人激动的一刻(指跳伞的时刻). He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop. 他感觉到了寒风,他感觉到了冰冷,他感觉到了可怕的雨滴。 The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs. 降落伞的丝带飘散着,缠在了他的腿上。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. 那些叛徒(指的是飘散的降落伞丝带)缠在他的脖子上,伞绳撕碎了伞顶。 Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. 飘舞的那些线打成结,缠着他的骨头。 The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. 苍穹成了他的衣服(覆盖物),他急速的向地面跌去。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind. 那些他生活的、有爱的、有欢笑的日子不停地涌上他的心头。 He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind. 他想起了他都忘了的、他家后面的女孩子。 He thought about the medicos and wondered what they"d find. 他想起了那些学医的学生,在想他们又发现了什么。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild. 救护车在现场奔忙着,吉普车在野外奔驰。 The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled. 医科学生跳跃着,由于欢乐在大叫着,卷着他们的袖子,笑着。 For it had been a week or more since last a "chute had failed. 因为从上次失败到现在已经一周甚至更长时间了。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high. 他撞击到了地面,发出“Splat”(象声词)一样的声音,他的血飞溅得很高。 His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die." 他的同志们听说了他的死讯,都说,“这是多么残酷的(很难的)死亡” He lay there rolling "round in the welter of his gore. 他躺在那儿,由于失血,在那翻滚着。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more. 他不用再跳了。 There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the "chute. 那些叛徒(我想跟上文一样,指的是那些丝带)上面有血,降落伞上有脑浆。 Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit. 肠子从他的伞兵服里留出来,摇晃着。 He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots. 他弄得一团糟,人们把他扶起来,把他的靴子脱了下来。 And he ain"t gonna jump no more。 他不用再跳了。

Subs的《What more》 歌词

歌曲名:What more歌手:Subs专辑:Subs LifeWhen you open the veinsBlood just looks the sameYou should guess god"s nameYou just don"t know what to be doneOf circulation for the durationBut you saidHow did it come to this?..........Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Now you"re take it time after timeDidn"t understand much what you sawOf circulation for the durationBut you saidHow did it come to this?..........Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?No god,no saint,no teachers tellYou want means,you want wayYou bear bondage,you get catchWhat do you mean by saying that?You konw you don"t even know youYou want means,you want wayYou bear bondage,you get catchWhat do you mean by saying that?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?Shut up,shut up,shut up!What more you wanna say?He said he want a wide wayHe said he want a wide wayHe said the wayHe said the wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24074493








英文原文:what about going shopping ?英式音标:[wɒt] [əˈbaʊt] [ˈgəʊɪŋ] [ˈʃɒpɪŋ] ? 美式音标:[wɑt] [əˈbaʊt] [ˈɡoɪŋ] [ˈʃɑpɪŋ] ?

I realized that I 误会他了 that day


你的呢?? 英文 是 What about your? 还是What about you?

what about you?

你的呢?英文 是 What about your?还是What about you?

应该是what about yours? 表达的意思是,你的(那个什么东东呢?) what about you的意思是,你呢?

you are introuducing an english speaker to two of your colleagues.what do you say,你怎样说

这可以介绍他们“This is...and this is...

whattever do whattever go i will be waiting for you是什么意思?


己所不欲勿施于人用英语怎么说?do not do to others what you would not like to do 这样子讲对吗?


各位朋友谁知道这句英语什么意思“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner


“你是谁” 发短信 是who are u? 吗?还是 who is that?

who is that?

英语语法1.books are to mankind what memory is to the individual.

1、what 引导表语从句,所以充当表语,是名词性从句.句子的主语是books,谓语是are,to mankind是插入语; mankind 抽象名词泛指不用加冠词. 2、其实这句话结构很简单,主语we,谓语walk,其他三个介词短语都是修饰成分,从结构上看不是必要成分,但从内容上讲就一定要啦~ 翻译:我们以最高尚的精神天马行空地想象着,穿过最引人入胜的地方. 反正意思是说我们徜徉在想象的世界里,而且是很美好的世界.

英语问题 为什么填的是what


大神求解答(用英文回答) What has teeth but cannot eat? What

saw 锯子eggage

我是如此开心以至于我迫不及待想见你 用so that从句其中so提前用倒装 用英语?

对,正常顺序可以写成I was so excited that I couldn"t wait to try my hand at riding it.意思是我太激动了以至于迫不及待想尝试骑行。so…that..”和“such…that…”结构中的so和such位于句首,句子用部分倒装如:So clever a boy is he that he can work out such a problem in a short time.Such a lovely day is it that we want to go out for a picnic.

英文What,syour name是什么意思,如果有人问这样你,你该怎么回答?

你叫什么名字。回答:My name is ***(你自己的名字)




Sure, that is ok

请翻译,秒采纳:What a beautiful classroom! There are som


RedHat Linux里trace使用的什么协议

还是使用的ICMP协议,因为ICMP协议是IP的上层协议,而IP包含有TTL字段,而且trace主要是为了发现路由信息。工作原理如下:当你输入一个trace route命令,traceroute发送一份ttl(存活时间)为1的数据报文给目的主机,当到第一个路由器的时候,路由器会将它的ttl值减1,如减1后ttl=0就丢掉该包,然后发一个表示超时的包回来.那样,我们就获得了到达第一个路由器的地址和时间(往返时间/2得到单程时间);然后,发一个ttl为2的包,那么就会停在途中的第2个路由器那里,同样也得到第2个路由器的时间...如此一直到到达目的地,traceroute会收到一个端口不可达信息,它计算收到这个信息所用时间,从而计算出到达目的主机所用时间。在traceroute运行过程中,它会依次显示经过的每一个路由器。

女演员的帽子 英文怎么说 是actress’s hat 吗 还是actress’ hat




what katie did?歌词翻译




别人用挑衅的语气跟我说“so what”,我怎样回答比较好?

bullshitdamn it


他也写错了几个词:sizga hata uqur yezip saptimen.我给你发错了短信。

what su p man 是什么意思

就是问怎么样 打招呼的话

what is true love作文

because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

what is"true love"?

what is true love作文写作要点:认真审题立意、草拟提纲、写出落主题句,理文章之脉络、参照提纲,紧扣主题句,完成各段落,正文如下:Dating back to ancient days,human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love,but none can convey its implication point for point.中文意思:自古以来,人类就在追求真爱,每个人都试图给真爱下一个定义,但没有人能把它的含义一点一点地传达出来。So,most of us still have no idea of it,lingering between true love and illusive love,which leads to a series of problems such as suicide and the crime rate going up.Due to these strange social phenomena,I want to say something about true love.中文意思:所以,我们大多数人还是不知道,在真爱和虚幻的爱情之间徘徊,导致自杀、犯罪率上升等一系列问题,由于这些奇怪的社会现象,我想谈谈真爱。Love is two persons" problem,not one.You must bear this precondition in mind at any time.True love is giving,not taking.True love is not conditional on anything,it is just giving.中文意思:爱是两个人的问题,而不是一个人的问题。你必须时刻牢记这一前提。真爱是给予,而不是索取。真爱不是任何条件,它只是给予。True love needs forgive.If one really wants to love,one must learn how to forgive.Love needs loyalty; it should be two sincere hearts" encounter.There is no deceiving in true love.If deceiving emerges,the love goes to its end.中文意思:真爱需要宽恕。如果一个人真的想去爱,就必须学会宽恕。爱需要忠诚;它应该是两颗真诚的心的相遇。真爱中没有欺骗。如果欺骗出现,爱就会结束。True love needs responsibility.Responsibility is not just a simple promise.Anyone who can make this is not an easy one.So don"t let rhetoric words blind your eyes,but it doesn"t mean that you shouldn"t believe in him.中文意思:真爱需要责任。责任不仅仅是一个简单的承诺。任何能做到这一点的人都不容易。所以不要让花言巧语蒙蔽你的眼睛,但这并不意味着你不应该相信他。Treat yourself well at anytime for love is just a small part of your life.中文意思:任何时候都要善待自己,因为爱只是你生活的一小部分。

what is true love???

what is true love作文写作要点:认真审题立意、草拟提纲、写出落主题句,理文章之脉络、参照提纲,紧扣主题句,完成各段落,正文如下:Dating back to ancient days,human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love,but none can convey its implication point for point.中文意思:自古以来,人类就在追求真爱,每个人都试图给真爱下一个定义,但没有人能把它的含义一点一点地传达出来。So,most of us still have no idea of it,lingering between true love and illusive love,which leads to a series of problems such as suicide and the crime rate going up.Due to these strange social phenomena,I want to say something about true love.中文意思:所以,我们大多数人还是不知道,在真爱和虚幻的爱情之间徘徊,导致自杀、犯罪率上升等一系列问题,由于这些奇怪的社会现象,我想谈谈真爱。Love is two persons" problem,not one.You must bear this precondition in mind at any time.True love is giving,not taking.True love is not conditional on anything,it is just giving.中文意思:爱是两个人的问题,而不是一个人的问题。你必须时刻牢记这一前提。真爱是给予,而不是索取。真爱不是任何条件,它只是给予。True love needs forgive.If one really wants to love,one must learn how to forgive.Love needs loyalty; it should be two sincere hearts" encounter.There is no deceiving in true love.If deceiving emerges,the love goes to its end.中文意思:真爱需要宽恕。如果一个人真的想去爱,就必须学会宽恕。爱需要忠诚;它应该是两颗真诚的心的相遇。真爱中没有欺骗。如果欺骗出现,爱就会结束。True love needs responsibility.Responsibility is not just a simple promise.Anyone who can make this is not an easy one.So don"t let rhetoric words blind your eyes,but it doesn"t mean that you shouldn"t believe in him.中文意思:真爱需要责任。责任不仅仅是一个简单的承诺。任何能做到这一点的人都不容易。所以不要让花言巧语蒙蔽你的眼睛,但这并不意味着你不应该相信他。Treat yourself well at anytime for love is just a small part of your life.中文意思:任何时候都要善待自己,因为爱只是你生活的一小部分。

是先有刘德华的《我恨我痴心》,还是先有《i hate myself for loveing you 》


in what is now southern Iraq.这是从句吗,是什么从句?全句如下↓

这是表语从句啊,what is now southern Iraq充当表语的成分

NCE-2 41 Do you call that a hat?

Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗? "Do you call that a hat ?" I said to my wife. "You needn"t be so rude about it," my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror. " We mustn"t buy things we don"t need," I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once. "You needn"t have said that," my wife answered." I need not remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday." " I find it beautiful," I said. "A man can never have too many ties." "And a woman can"t have too many hats," she answered. Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse ! While I was looking at myself in the mirror, my husband said to me that he thought what I tried on wasn"t like a hat. He sat on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited impatiently. But we stayed in this hat shop for just half an hour. He suddenly remarked that we mustn"t buy things we didn"t need. I was annoyed and replied to him that he just bought a terrible tie yesterday. To my angeriness, he said he found it beautiful and a man couldn"t have too much ties. Well, I thought a lady could never have too much hats. Last weekend, I was on duty when a couple came in to buy a hat. The woman tried on the hats "one by one another"[=> one after another] and she found that "every hat was"[=> hat were all] beautiful and "the all"[=> ] suited herself. But her husband seemed impatient as he sat on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. The woman had been in front of the mirror for half an hour but she had not decide[=> decided] which to buy. While she was trying on a new hat like a lighthouse, her husband remarked rudely that the hat wasn"t like a hat. He was trying to prevent his wife from buying the hat so he added that they mustn"t buy anything they didn"t need. But the woman reminded him of a terrible tie he bought the previous day. Then the man said he found his new tie beautiful and he could never have too many ties. And his wife answered that she couldn"t have too many hats as well. The man had no word to reply. Ten minutes later, the woman paid the bill and walked out of the shop wearing the hat like a lighthouse with his husband. (作文时间: 2017-01-23, 耗时: 100 分钟) (修改时间: 2017-xx-xx, 耗时: xx 分钟) unfinished

What will be the surgical or medical correction of dark circles under the eyes?

Laser surgery: This is another option for people who are willing to go to great lengths—and to great expense—to rid themselves of the dark circles under their eyes. Apart from the expense there are major drawbacks to this kind of surgery—it is extremely painful and it takes many weeks to heal. Still for many people laser treatment to remove under-eye circles is worth the pain expense and risk. Laser surgery for skin resurfacing has been with us since the Ultrapulse CO2 laser was invented in the 1990s. Although this device had been designed to treat sun damage and to remove skin growths before they became cancerous it was soon discovered to be useful for removing dark circles under patients" eyes as well. Laser treatment destroys some of the melanin that can darken skin and can also be used to tighten loose skin or to remove excess skin that causes the appearance of “baggy eyes.” Studies have also shown that laser treatment can also encourage the formation of new collagen in the skin. Laser surgery to lessen the appearance of dark circles under the eye is not without risks and drawbacks however. Scarring is one possible risk and any surgical procedure always carries some nominal risk of infection. Injections: These are another way to treat dark circles under the eyes. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can also offer you “filler injections ” which conceal the melanin and blood vessels that discolor the skin around your eyes. These injections only last for about six months however and they can cost up to $800. They also e with side effects including swelling bruising and the possibility that you may be allergic to them. The swelling is more serious than you"d think and can last for weeks or months due to the thinness of the skin around the eyes. Moreover there is also the chance that filler injections can actually make the dark circles under your eyes worse! 参考: eyehealthweb/dark-circles-under-eyes/

韩国歌曲前三句歌词麻麻木,麻麻木,麻麻木,后面英文有句That.s a girl.差不多是重复的,求歌名。

mr 暧昧模糊 是这首歌吗
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