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公主线收起公主线学姐线真月谭月姬Remake目前已经在PS4/NS平台正式发售,月姬Remake如何解锁BD和Flowchart?下面给大家分享一个真月谭月姬Remake全BE全Flowchart攻略重置版加入了大量新剧情、新选项,为各位少走弯路,完整体验剧情,以下为月姬Remake全be以及全流程表(重置版加入的新功能Flowchart,下文简称FC)攻略。我个人游玩的原始路线是根据很早之前在网上查到的攻略进行的,该攻略是结合原版攻略与游戏新增内容总结而成,为测试重打了很多遍,如有遗漏欢迎指正。公主线共11BE,学姐线共10BE,总共3结局21BE,所有BE选项都会标注在流程选项中,没有解锁的可以在文中对应BE编号查看。需要读档/开新档换选项,或单线剧情中解锁的FC内容本文中不再赘述,文中主要标出一定条件才会触发的特殊剧情,以便各位查漏补缺。每完成一个结局,标题画面都会改变。完成学姐线结局2后,标题BGM也会改变。在完成全结局若第一次与学姐见面时选项为"1. 残念ながら_しかける用事はなかった。",则解锁右侧的分支剧情。——————————1.学校をぶらつく。————FC内容————选项"2.屋敷に_る。"无FC内容,而根据游戏之前选项的选择不同,选项"1.学校をぶらつく。"对应以下3个FC分支剧情:若第一次与学姐见面时选项为2或3,且第一天午休时选择了1或2,则解锁最左侧的分支剧情;若第一次与学姐见面时选项为2或3,且第一天午休时选择了"3. 廊下に出てから考えよう。",则解锁中间的分支剧情;若第一次学姐见面时选项为1,则解锁最右侧的分支剧情。——————————2. やはり、妹の秋_の事だ。1. おとなしく付いていく事にした。1. ここで大人しく待っている。第二章 あらずの日1. 食堂で_に_ませよう。————FC内容————本条判断逻辑与前一天午休选项类似。选项12对应2个内容,而根据游戏第一个选项的选择不同,选项"3. とりあえず、廊下に出て考えよう。"对应以下2个FC分支剧情:若第一次与学姐见面时选项为2或3,则解锁左侧的分支剧情;若第一次与学姐见面时选项为1,则解锁右侧的分支剧情。——————————1. _山先生について、__した。1. 寄り道せずに_る。————FC内容————通常情况下选项12对应2个内容,而若第二天午休时选择"2. パンを_って教室で_ませよう。",此时选项2会变为"2. ファミレスに行ってみる。",选择后解锁中间的分支剧情。——————————1. 居_に行って秋_と_をする。第三章 反___1. 秋_に挨拶をする。————FC内容————此处无选项,但会根据前面的选择内容解锁两种不同分支剧情:若第一次与学姐见面时选项为1,则解锁左侧的分支剧情;若第一次与学姐见面时选项为2或3,则解锁右侧的分支剧情。——————————2. 食堂で食べる。————FC内容————选项12对应2个内容,若第一次与学姐见面时选项为2或3,且第一天、第二天午休时都选择3,则这里会出现第三个选项"3. 茶道室に行っみようか......?",解锁最右侧分支剧情。——————————1. きっと、何かの_いユメだ。————特别注意————如果未通关公主线或前三章学姐好感度不够则无法选择第二个选项,本文为公主线攻略,因此无视即可。从该选项之后就算是正式进入公主线剧情了。————————————第四章 火炎血河I1. 秋_について_ねる。1. ......_力、する。(OP)2. ......迷うのはここまでだ。残ろう。————BE1————↑ 此处选择"1. ......_狂はここまでだ。逃げよう。"然后选择"1. 屋敷に_ろうと思う。",进入BE1。——————————————FC内容————选择"1. ......_狂はここまでだ。逃げよう。"后选择"2. ホテルに_ろうと思う。",解锁中间分支剧情。——————————1. ......呆れて、つい手渡した。123均可(此处3选项剧情相同,没有额外FC内容)1. ......部屋を出て、外の_子を探りに行く。————BE2————↑ 此处选择"......部屋で外の_子をうかがう。",进入BE2。——————————第五章 火炎血河II2. ......せめて、夜までここに残る。————BE3————↑ 此处选择"......今すぐグロ_グを搜すきだ。",进入BE3。(特别提醒,此BE仅公主线触发,如果第三章重要选项选的是第二个的话则不会进入BE3)——————————2. _子を_る。————BE4————↑ 此处选择"下りていく。",进入BE4。——————————2. アルクェイドを呼び止める。2. ......滑走だ。————BE5、BE6————↑ 此处选择"......投_だ。",进入BE5。↑ 此处选择"......_引だ。",进入BE6。——————————第六章 _い咎_1. 素直に_る。1. 琥珀さんに看てもらう。(此处若选择选项2,后续会多一个选项,选哪个均可,剧情相同,没有额外的FC内容)2. __を__してみよう。第七章 直死の眼I1. いったん屋敷に_って整理しよう。12均可(虽然没影响但是选2更好玩)1. もう少アルクェイドと_をする。123均可,主要是讲的东西不同第八章 直死の眼II1. ひたすら__に挨拶をする。1. ......_は乘らないが、用件を_ねてみる。2. 全力で授_に集中する。(选1也行,主要是因为2剧情很有趣)1. ......正直に_す。————BE7————↑ 此处选择"......嘘をついて_魔化す。",在几段剧情后会进入BE7。——————————1. ......警戒して身_える。第九章 死。1. アルクェイドの事だ。2. やっぱり琥珀ちんでいい。1. 屋敷の一_を散步しよう。————BE8————↑ 此处选择"屋敷の二_を散步しよう。",然后选择"......_久の__を_べてみる。"进入BE8。——————————1. 秋_の言う事を_く。————BE9————↑ 此处选择"アルクェイドに会いに行く。",剧情进入第十章,标题变更为"眩病月",进入BE9。——————————第十章 朱の红月I1. わがままだから。1. 定番だけど映画_はどうだろう。(三个应该都可以,剧情挺有意思的,有空可以看看这里的其它选项)12均可2. ......繁_街の、路地_だ。————BE10————↑ 此处选择"......学校にっているかも?",进入BE10。——————————2. 嫌がることは、できない。————BE11————↑ 此处选择"七っ、刀を研ぎ澄まし。",进入BE11。——————————第十一章 朱の红月II12随意第十二章 凶つ夜123随意第十三章 月世界第十四章 月姬————公主线完————







Marginal changes是什么意思


it seems recently that more and more…语篇填空






求西野加奈最新 happy birthday和25的歌词。。最好有罗马音和中文!

Happy Birthday西野カナ作曲:LISADESMONDu30fbJOVEEK MURPHY作词∶KanaNishinoWishing you a very special happy birthdayWe wish you a very very beautiful dayさぁ Let"s get ready!主役が来ちゃう前に饰り付けだって完璧に予约しておいたケーキも早く取りに行かなくちゃだって今日は1年に1度の特别な日みんな力合わせて最高の1日にしようドキドキするね 待ちわびた今日は君の诞生日おめでとう 君が生まれたこの日心を込めてお祝いしようYou are my best friend出会えたこと 奇迹をありがとう君の新しい始まりに笑颜たくさん溢れるようにWishing you many more! 祈ってるよみんなで Happybirthday to you!さぁ Let"s get it started!せーの! で鸣らしたクラッカー本気で惊く君の颜ロウソクが全部 溶けちゃいそう一気に吹き消してSay cheese!写真撮ろう もちろん主役は真ん中ね思い出がいっぱいの最高の1年にしようワクワクするね 楽しもう今日は君の诞生日おめでとう 君が生まれたこの日みんな笑颜で包まれてくYou are mybest friend大好きだよ いつもありがとう光るキャンドルに愿う梦ひとつまた叶いますようにWishing you many more! 祈ってるよみんなで Happybirthday to you!来年もその先も 大事な君のBirthday私たちも大人になってくねこれからもずっとよろしくねWishing you a very special happy birthdayMy best friendWe wish you a very very beautiful dayWe"re best friendsいつまでも Befriends foreverおめでとう 君が生まれたこの日心を込めてお祝いしようYou are my best friend出会えたこと 奇迹をありがとう君の新しい毎日にいつも光が溢れるようにWishing you many more! 祈ってるよみんなで Happybirthday to you!–Wishing you a very special happy birthdayWe wish you a very very beautiful dayWishing you a very special happy birthdayWe wish you a very very beautiful daysaa Let"s get ready!shuyakugakichaumaenikazaritsukedattekanpekiniyoyakushiteoitakekkimohayakutoriniikanakuchadattekyouhachinennichidonotokubetsunahiminnachikaraawasetesaikounochinichinishiyoudokidokisurunemachiwabitakyouhakiminotanjoubiomedetoukimigaumaretakonohikokorowokometeoiwaishiyouYou are my best frienddeaetakotokisekiwoarigatoukiminoatarashiihajimariniegaotakusanafureruyouniWishing you many more! inotteruyominnade Happy birthday to you!Saa Let"s get it started!senno! denarashitakurakkahonkideodorokukiminokaorousokugazenbutokechaisouikkinifukikeshiteSay cheese! shashintoroumochironshuyakuhamannakaneomoidegaippainosaikounoichinennishiyouwakuwakusurunetanoshimoukyouhakiminotanjoubiomedetoukimigaumaretakonohiminnaegaodetsutsumaretekuYou are my best frienddaisukidayoitsumoarigatouhikarukyandoruninegauyumehitotsumatakanaimasuyouniWishing you many more! inotteruyominnade Happy birthday to you!rainenmosonosakimodaijinakiminoBirthdaywatashitachimootonaninattekunekorekaramozuttoyoroshikuneWishing you a very special happy birthdayMy best friendWe wish you a very very beautiful dayWe"re best friendsitsumademo Be friends foreveromedetoukimigaumaretakonohikokorowokometeoiwaishiyouYou are my best frienddeaetakotokisekiwoarigatoukiminoatarashiimainichiniitsumohikarigaafureruyouniWishing you many more! inotteruyominnade Happy birthday to you!25西野カナ作曲:Kentaro(Andersons)u30fbDominika(Andersons)作词∶Kana Nishino适当だったスキンケアだって见直さなくちゃ Twenty Fiveトラブル続き Twenty Five3年前の派手なスカートはもう卒业しなきゃ Twenty Five大人なんだし Twenty Fiveそんな感じかな大人のためのスタイルマガジンあのハイヒールもバッグも欲しいでも だいたい手が届かないしやっぱりまだ 私には早いかな来周は饮み会もあるしでも 新しい服买ってないしでも そろそろメンテナンスの时期あぁ忙しいランチタイム终わっちゃうIt"s a bigproblemIt"s a bigproblem久々の友达からメール结婚するの来月もうそんな时期 Twenty FiveYes or No? 独りぼっちになりたくないのYes or No? でもまだまだ自由でいたいのYes or No? ドキドキする恋がしたいのYes or No? でも危険な赌けならしたくないのIt"s a bigproblemIt"s a bigproblemどっちつかずで今は悩ましい欲张りな时间 Twenty Fiveまだまだ楽しい Twenty Fiveそんな感じかな-tekitoudattasukinkeadayteminaosanakucha Twenty Fivetoraburutsuzuki Twenty Fivesannenmaenohadenasukattohamousotsugyoushinakya Twenty Fiveotonanandashi Twenty FivesonnakanjikanaotonanotamenosutairumagajinanohaihiurumobaggumohoshiidemodaitaitegatodokanaishiyapparimadawatashinihahayaikanaraishuuhanomikaimoarushidemoatarashiifukukattenaishidemosorosoromentenansunojikiaaisogashiiranchitaimuowacchauIt"s a big problemIt"s a big problemhisabisanotomodachikarameirukekkonsurunoraigetsumousonnajiki Twenty FiveYes or No? hitoribocchininaritakunainoYes or No? demomadamadajiyuudeitainoYes or No? dokidokisurukoigashitainoYes or No? demokikennakakenarashitakunainoIt"s a big problemIt"s a big problemdocchitsukazudeimahanayamashiiyokubarinajikan Twenty Fivemadamadatanoshii Twenty Fivesonnakanjikana












不能这样替换。 副词短语 seemingly interchangeably 作方式状语,修饰的是动词 used。若非要用形容词短语 seemingly interchangeable,那只能前面再加 ,which are,作为定语从句修饰前面两个可替换使用的词。

it seem that从句

为您解答it seems that...这里seem是系动词,that引导的是表语从句

用what is friendship些一篇英语作文

Friendship is produced in communication activities of a kind of special feelings, it and communication activities of a general good is the essential difference is. Friendship is one from the two-way (or interactive) relations of the emotion, namely the common feelings of frozen. Friendships to close as the core component, intimate sex also known as the measure of the degree of friendship is an important index. This kind of close sex of the summary: (1) to reveal his friend the thoughts and feelings of the inner secrets; and (2) to the friend, and make sure that the full trust "self expression" for friends and will not be easily respect to leaked or against himself; (3) limited to be special evaluation of relationship, that is limited to friendship between friends, a close friend of the minority or. Friendship is the source of true happiness. Friendship can not stand the test is not equal to friends really don"t reliable, is perhaps the friendship between you deep enough. Want to know, a to you not reliable friend maybe and others friendship is sometimes through the test of any adversity live. A true friend, in your success, happy for you, and don"t support. Unfortunately in you meet or sad, will give you the timely support and encouragement. You have shortcomings in May make a mistake, will give you the correct criticism and help. Between friends heart trouble, each other on to help. Proud that don"t get carried away, way down the inspirational up comfort. Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brought harmony. To all alike, for a few talk to anyone, not wrong. The friend is often the unintentionally hurt each other, help is sincerely, forget the unintentional injury; Remember those who sincerely help to you, you will find that there you have a lot of friend......

谁有the way that I love you 的中英文歌词

The Way That I Love( Lyrics by Ashanti)专辑:The Declaration歌手:AshantiNow after all of this time that we tried在我们尝试过这么多次之后的现在I found out we were living a lie我发现我们活在谎言之中That after all of this love that we made在我们爱了如此多之后I found out You don"t love me the same我发现你不再一如既往的爱我The way that I love you我爱你的方式The way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youI woke up kinda early today我今早起的早了些And something told me from that moment从此刻起,有些事告诉我It wouldn"t be the same它将不会再一样I knew you were hiding something我知道你在掩藏什么But I didn"t push it但我不准备摊牌I didn"t know what to say我不知道说什么I tried to pretend, Like I didn"t see it我试图假装什么也没看见Cause deep down I knew I didn"t want to believe it因为冷静下来我知道我不想相信There it was, it was you and her那里是,是你和她You left your sidekick on the nightstand那晚你留下了激情And I read我明白Everything you did, and everything you said and你做过的,你说过的And now I"m standing here looking like damn..现在我该死的站在这里I thought it was you and I我认为那是你和我Now I all I got to say is why?现在我要说的是为什么After all of this time that we triedI found out we were living a lieAnd after all of this love that we madeI found out you don"t love me the sameThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youI notice now, that when your around我注意到当你在身边You be trying to lock the door你尽力去锁门Whispering on the phone在电话旁耳语Now wait a minute since we been in this house现在等一下因为我们在房中You ain"t never did this before你从未做过Tell me what"s this about?告诉我这是怎样I tried to sit and say to myself我尽力坐下告诉我自己This here is too good he don"t want nothing else现在太好了,他想要别的There it was, it was you and her那里是,那里是你和她You left your credit card receipt inside the beamer babe你把你的信用卡收据留在卷轴机了宝贝Everything you bought her, and everything you spending你买给她的,你花费的Now I"m standing here once again现在我又站在这里了I thought it was you and INow I all I have to say is why?After all of this time that we triedI found out we were living a lieAnd after all of this love that we madeI found out you don"t love me the sameThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love youThe way that I love you

时尚女魔头里安妮用的手机“Sharp sidekick”进中国了吗?


name plate Kate hand哪个发音不同?


what is e-business models?

From the initial development period start in electronic commerce , the electronic commerce business model which is favored by risk investor unceasingly is evolving. Turns on from the initial period network, to gateway, B2C, B2B and so on, after but from B2C, B2B branches out very many new patterns.The first kind of pattern is the ecommodity management through the network implementation face to consumer. It was replaces the entity market with the traditional retail sales pattern difference with the hypothesized shop front exhibition, the consumer saves the purchase time which go to the shop and all that costs.,the enterprise may sell the commodity face the global consumer to,but only could not face "the neighbor " like traditional market such.The second kind of pattern is the enterprise provides the activitythrough the network implementation face to consumer . This kindof pattern has brought the revolutionary change for the traditionalservice industry, like the traveling service, the order form service,responds to a call for recruits to serve, the game service, the education service and so on. China"s grand company, took along company and so on regulation company, 51job separately faces the consumer to provide the game service, the traveling service, the human resources service and so on.The third kind of pattern is the ecommodity management through the network implementation face to enterprise. It is may face the global business with the traditional sale pattern difference to sell the commodity,but only could not face the before service intercourse like traditional enterprise such the partner.The fourth kind of pattern is the enterprise provides the activitythrough the network implementation face enterprise"s service.Enterprise"s main source of income to provides the service through the network to the enterprise. It is may face the global business with the traditional service pattern difference to the troditonal service pattern.不知道对不对啊/不还意思

what is the differents between E-Commere and E-Business ?

e-commerce 属于e-business e-commerce 是纯盈利性机构间的商务 而e-business还包括与非盈利性机构件的商务,如政府等



what a coincidence it was为啥要加it was 他们做什么成分?

这是一一句感叹句!以what开头,感叹句一般由:感叹词+名词/形容词+人称或物主代词+系动词本来这句话是It is a ( )concidence .意思是:这是一场多么可怕的事故呀!但是感叹句一般把形容词去掉,前面加what/how做为感叹词!再把it is 放到后面!事实上就类似于一个倒装句,加强语气!只是以what/how开头而已!不过what后面只能接名词,而how后面只能接形容词!这句话可以这样说:What a terrible concidence it is!How terrible the concidence is!在语气上,一般都会很夸张的表情和语气!希望能帮到你!

what a coincidence是什么意思


the more money , the happier?帮忙翻译啊谢谢啊

1968年,美国总统理查德·尼克松说:“在今后的20年里,我们将变得更富有,但就幸福,我们真的是吗?”Nion智慧的言语是alomst一个证明的事实:超过某特定点上,当人们的基本需求为食物,住所,社会地位和工作,更大的财富并不能带来更多的幸福。 2007年的美国远比美国1977 . 平均寿命是78岁,从1977年。他们的房子越来越塞满了更多的现代家电(微波炉、个人电脑、平板电视),但他们的幸福没有增加。 根据一份全国民意调查中心在芝加哥大学,1977年,35.7的美国人相信自己“非常幸福”、“幸福”的百分之53.2和百分之十一”不太幸福”,2007年的数字是类似的:32.4成“非常幸福”、“幸福”的百分之55.9和11.7%”不太幸福”。同样的,在大多数发达国家的幸福程度仍然相同的数十年之久。 那么为什么不幸福?有些学者说有钱人们想愈加严重的家庭,因为他们的朋友都homes.奇景,但并没有额外的乐趣,因为拥有这些大房子我们所有的朋友都有他们too.买房子的同时,会使人变得更anxious.and他们可能会后悔牺牲一些空闲时间——工作难买大home.更大的个人财富不能带来更大的国家福利。 而且,美国政府已经igonred另一个重要的事实:人们不仅没有幸福,事实上成为精神伊利诺斯曾经有人收入的顶级的三分之二——一个发达国家,似乎没有什么区别,他或她的幸福或心理健康。 这位25岁的美国今天是3到10倍遭受重大的情绪比1950年。一个正常的现代北美的孩子将标准回答同样的问题,如病人的焦虑心理疾病的20世纪50年代。类似的增长已经在英国的焦虑。 如果增加更多的金钱不能带来快乐,那么个人或国家的经济增长不应该继续工作的主要目标majotity人或政客的发达国家。而我们应当更加关注的基本需求的孩子,特别是婴儿。 科学证据表明这是保健沃斯在第6已有接受,而不是我们的基因,大部分决定我们的能力去享受生活。早期的孩子被忽视,或者无礼,或是有父母离异,更大的孩子患有精神病。 总之,一旦你的收入已经达到一定的水平,这是你的早期的护理质量,而不是更多的钱,这决定了你的能力去享受你的人生。

what a coincidence是什么意思

what a coincidence真是巧合双语对照例句:1.Really?. What a coincidence. 真的?那太巧了.2.Oh, it` s you? What a coincidence? 原来是你呀?这么巧呀?3.What a coincidence to find you here. Isn"t that amazing? 在这里遇到你真巧这不是很美妙吗?

英语我想说 这是一个巧合 可以说it happened吗?那it was a coincidence

usually you say it as "it happened accidentally"..it could be "it was a coincidence" in writting..but not for oral :)

what a coincidence是什么意思

coincidence英 [ku0259u028a"u026ansu026ad(u0259)ns]美 [ko"u026ansu026adu0259ns]n. 巧合;一致;同时发生what a coincidence 多么巧合!真是凑巧

What a coincidence 后面跟的形式的区别


英语What a coincidence怎么翻译?


哪里有人民教育出版社的英语必修三、四、五课本录音和单词朗读的MP3下载?Thank you very much


完形填空 scientistshave discovered that

也是无语了 既然要完型填空,竟然连题目都没有 怎么填? 下面我找到资料不晓得是不是。你看看吧。Scientists have discovered that ___41___(stay) in the cold could help us lose weight. Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat—the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm. Brown fat burns energy, ___42____helps us lose weight. White fat stores extra energy, which results___43___weight gain. The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant,___44_____(comfort) temperatures, our body"s need for brown fat has decreased. They found that: "Outdoor workers in northern Finland who ___45____(expose) to cold temperature have ____46___ significant amount of brown fat when ___47___(compare) to same-aged indoor workers."The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice. ____48_____ group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat. This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed high-fat diets. The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity(肥胖症). People who are obese have _49__(low) levels of brown fat than thinner people. Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said: "This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity-related diseases." She added: "If you can somehow increase levels of this protein, you could ___50____(possible) lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food."答案解析41.staying 考查非谓语动词。从结构可知此处是非谓语作主语,用动名词形式,填staying。42.which 考查关系代词。在非限制性定语从句中缺少主语,用关系代词which指代前句话内容。43.in 考查介词。result in 导致,造成。故填in。44.comfortable 考查形容词。此处是和constant并列作temperatures的定语,故用形容词形式。45.are exposed 考查谓语动词。expose是及物动词,句中没有宾语,判断用被动形式。be exposed to “暴露在……之下”,根据主谓一致原则,填are exposed。46.a 考查冠词。a significant amount of“大量的”。故填a。47.compared 考查非谓语动词。此处是“连词+分词”结构,compare和句子主语outdoor workers之间是被动关系,用过去分词,填compared。48.One 考查数词。从上文内容可知此处指两组中的一组,因位于句首,故填One。49.lower 考查比较级。根据句中than可知此处用比较级,修饰名词levels,用形容词,故填lower。50.possibly 考查副词。修饰动词lose用副词形式,故填possibly。


Scientists 主语say 谓语there are ...句末 宾语从句

Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years.


完形填空,第一句话:Scientists recently discovered that animals who live

Scientists recently discovered that pictures on cave walls at Creswell Crags are the oldest known in Great Britain. But they didn"t find out in the usual way.Archaeologists often date cave art with a process called radiocarbon dating. The technique can measure the age of carbon found in charcoal(木炭)drawings or painted pictures. Carbon is an element found in many things, including charcoal and even people. But in this case, there was no paint or charcoal to test. People carved the pictures of animals and figures into the rock using stone tools. The scientists had an “aha!” moment when they noticed small rocks stuck to the top of the drawings. The small rocks must have formed after the drawings were made.“It is rare to be able to scientifically date rock art,” said Alistair Pike, an archaeological scientist at Britain"s University of Bristol. “We were very fortunate that some of the engravings were covered by stalagmites(石笋).When a test proved that the stalagmites formed 12,800 years ago, the scientists knew the art underneath them had to be at least that old. And some of the animals shown, like the European bison, are now extinct--another tip-off that the art is quite old.The artists came to Creswell Crags, This place is one of the farthest points north reached by our ancient ancestors during the Ice Age. At that time, much of the North Sea was dry, so people could move about more easily.Some tools and bones found there are 13,000 to 15,000 years old. They show that the travelers hunted horses, reindeer, and arctic hare. Their artwork is similar to art in France and Germany. It tells scientists that the Creswell Crags artists must have had a close connection to peoples several thousand kilometers away-another important clue to understanding how humans spread out across the world.62. Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage?A. Cave Art About Animals Is Most BeautifulB. Cave Art Found in an Unusual WayC. Cave Art Turns Out to Be Britain"s OldestD. Cave Art in Britain63. The underlined word “archaeologists” in this passage probably means people ________.A. who study things left behind by people in the pastB. who have rich experience in paintingC. who are interested in wild animalsD. who are good at using stone tools64. Why do scientists say the art is quite old?A. The art was carved into stone with stone tools.B. The animals carved in the stone are beautiful.C. The cave is one of the farthest point in the world.D. Some pictures were covered by stalagmites more than 10,000 years old.65. By studying the cave art, scientists know something about _________.A. how ancient people crossed the North SeaB. why some of the animals have died outC. how humans spread out across the worldD. what kind of animals people hunt at that time答案 CAD

Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They said that there are sev...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:文章是一篇说明文,说明全世界不同地区的人,有不同的饮食习惯,不论怎样,最重要存在两大问题,一是消除饥饿,二是吃出健康。小题1:推理判断题。由文章第一段科学家列出的每天应吃的食物种类,包括蔬菜、水果、谷物,鱼肉蛋、奶、坚果,要均衡饮食,可推断出C答案中包含的种类多,所以选C。小题2:细节理解题。由此句It doesn"t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked,“食物是生吃还是熟吃都没关系。”可知raw和cooked应该是对应词,cooked在此的意思是,做熟了的,所以raw是“生的”。故选B。小题3:细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话The important thing is what you eat every day.“最重要的事情是你每天吃什么。” 可知选C。小题4:主旨大意题。由第二段第四行It doesn"t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked, cool or hot.,推出B不正确;由最后一段第二句话The first is to find some ways to feed the world"s population so that no one in hungry.可知C不对,再根据全文的中心意思,故选A。

scientists have showed that英语短文

Scientists have known for decades that having measles (麻疹)suppresses kid"s immune systems for several weeks or months, leaving them ill-equipped to fight off pneumonia, bronchitis and other infections.Now a team of researchers has suggested that the measles vims may also leave a longer-lasting sort of “immune-amnesia” that makes it harder for people to stave off other illnesses for two years or more.That re-emphasizes the importance of vaccination (疫苗),said biologist Michael Mina, lead author of a paper that was published in the journal Science.“There may be a long-lasting impact that you can"t undo if your child gets measles,M he said. “I hope this stu% can impress upon people the danger measles poses.”The rearchers used what Mina called “an unconventional approach" to search for the long-lasting immune system effects. Previous work in monkeys suggested that monkeys with the disease lost white blood cells their bodies had trained to fight off other illnes^s, leaving them more likely to be infected.To test if a similar thing may occur in humans, the group mined historical data to find out the relationship between measles incidence (发病率)and deaths from other infectious diseases.and deaths from infectious disease both before and after the introduction of the measles vaccine in the U.K. in the 1960s,Mina and the team saw a sort of shadow effect, where deaths from a variety of non-measles infectious diseases closely tracked measles incidence. The more measles in a population, the more deaths from other illnesses in the 28-month period that followed.“Really it didn"t matter what age gj*oup, what decade or what country, said Mina. “They all showed consistent results ... what we"re suggesting happens over the long term is that your immune system works fine,but it has forgotten what it previously learned.”Some researchers who were not involved in the work questioned whether the reductions in deaths as measles cases declined may have had more to do with improving nutrition and smaller family size than with prolonged immune suppression.Others thought the paper"s opinion of years-long suppression was seemingly reasonable but said they could not comment on the mathematical models the group used.To know for certain what was behind the effect the group saw, Mina agreed, scientists would need to look at immune cells and observe their behavior. He said he would like to push the work in a more traditional direction: back into the laboratory.

Michael Jackson的《Jam》 歌词

歌曲名:Jam歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:ImmortalWritten:M.JNation to nationAll the world must get togetherFace the problems that we seeThen maybe somehow we can work it outI asked my neighbor for a favorShe said laterWhat has come of all the peopleHave we lost loveOf what its aboutI have to find my peacecuz no one seems to let me beFalse prophets cry of doomWhat are the possibilities?I told my brother there"ll be problemsTime and tears for fearsBut we must live each day like it"s the lastGo with itGo with itJAMIt aint too much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toThe world keeps changin"Rearrangin" Minds and thoughtsPredictions fly of doomThe baby boom has come of ageWe"ll work it outI told my brothersDont you ask me for no favorsI"m conditioned by the systemDont you talk to meDont scream and shoutShe pray to God,To BuddhaThen she sings a talmud songConfusions contradict the selfDo we know right from wrongI just want you to recognize me in the templeYou cant hurt meI"ve found peace within myselfGo with itGo with itJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDon"t youIt aint too much for me toJAMUh-huhIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDon"t youIt aint too much for me toWhoo!Jam JamHere comes the manHot damnThe big boy standsMovin" up a handMakin" funny tracks with my manMichael JacksonSmooth criminalThat"s the manMike"s so relaxedMingle mingle jingleIn the jungleBum rushed the door3 and 4"s in a bundleExecute the planFirst I cooled like a fanGot with Janet then with guyNow with MichaelCause it ain"t hard to...JAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMJagonnetIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont stopIt ain"t too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toJAM(whoo whoo!)It aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toWhoo!It aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamWhoo!DagonnetJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toJAMUh-huhIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMUh-huhIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMToo muchIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me to(muttering, then end...)http://music.baidu.com/song/12343708

I was not intentional, but a heart, I want to free, but lonely, has always been a loser, but alw

  I was not intentional, but a heart, I want to free, but lonely, has always been a loser, but always want to have outstanding performance, now I insight, I am lonely.  我不是故意的,而是一颗心,我想自由,但寂寞,一直是一个失败者,但总是想有卓越的表现,现在我的洞察力,我很孤独。  《百度翻译》供你参考。


midiOutShortMsg(hMidi, 编号 * &H100 + &HC0)"发送改变乐器midi乐器编号0 Acoustic Grand Piano 大钢琴(声学钢琴) 1 Bright Acoustic Piano 明亮的钢琴 2 Electric Grand Piano 电钢琴 3 Honky-tonk Piano 酒吧钢琴 4 Rhodes Piano 柔和的电钢琴 5 Chorused Piano 加合唱效果的电钢琴 6 Harpsichord 羽管键琴(拨弦古钢琴) 7 Clavichord 科拉维科特琴(击弦古钢琴) 色彩打击乐器 8 Celesta 钢片琴 9 Glockenspiel 钟琴 10 Music box 八音盒 11 Vibraphone 颤音琴 12 Marimba 马林巴 13 Xylophone 木琴 14 Tubular Bells 管钟 15 Dulcimer 大扬琴 风琴 16 Hammond Organ 击杆风琴 17 Percussive Organ 打击式风琴 18 Rock Organ 摇滚风琴 19 Church Organ 教堂风琴 20 Reed Organ 簧管风琴 21 Accordian 手风琴 22 Harmonica 口琴 23 Tango Accordian 探戈手风琴 吉他 24 Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 尼龙弦吉他 25 Acoustic Guitar (steel) 钢弦吉他 26 Electric Guitar (jazz) 爵士电吉他 27 Electric Guitar (clean) 清音电吉他 28 Electric Guitar (muted) 闷音电吉他 29 Overdriven Guitar 加驱动效果的电吉他 30 Distortion Guitar 加失真效果的电吉他 31 Guitar Harmonics 吉他和音 贝司 32 Acoustic Bass 大贝司(声学贝司) 33 Electric Bass(finger) 电贝司(指弹) 34 Electric Bass (pick) 电贝司(拨片) 35 Fretless Bass 无品贝司 36 Slap Bass 1 掌击Bass 1 37 Slap Bass 2 掌击Bass 2 38 Synth Bass 1 电子合成Bass 1 39 Synth Bass 2 电子合成Bass 2 弦乐 40 Violin 小提琴 41 Viola 中提琴 42 Cello 大提琴 43 Contrabass 低音大提琴 44 Tremolo Strings 弦乐群颤音音色 45 Pizzicato Strings 弦乐群拨弦音色 46 Orchestral Harp 竖琴 47 Timpani 定音鼓 合奏/合唱 48 String Ensemble 1 弦乐合奏音色1 49 String Ensemble 2 弦乐合奏音色2 50 Synth Strings 1 合成弦乐合奏音色1 51 Synth Strings 2 合成弦乐合奏音色2 52 Choir Aahs 人声合唱“啊” 53 Voice Oohs 人声“嘟” 54 Synth Voice 合成人声 55 Orchestra Hit 管弦乐敲击齐奏 铜管 56 Trumpet 小号 57 Trombone 长号 58 Tuba 大号 59 Muted Trumpet 加弱音器小号 60 French Horn 法国号(圆号) 61 Brass Section 铜管组(铜管乐器合奏音色) 62 Synth Brass 1 合成铜管音色1 63 Synth Brass 2 合成铜管音色2 簧管 64 Soprano Sax 高音萨克斯风 65 Alto Sax 次中音萨克斯风 66 Tenor Sax 中音萨克斯风 67 Baritone Sax 低音萨克斯风 68 Oboe 双簧管 69 English Horn 英国管 70 Bassoon 巴松(大管) 71 Clarinet 单簧管(黑管) 笛 72 Piccolo 短笛 73 Flute 长笛 74 Recorder 竖笛 75 Pan Flute 排箫 76 Bottle Blow [中文名称暂缺]77 Shakuhachi 日本尺八 78 Whistle 口哨声 79 Ocarina 奥卡雷那 合成主音 80 Lead 1 (square) 合成主音1(方波) 81 Lead 2 (sawtooth) 合成主音2(锯齿波) 82 Lead 3 (caliope lead) 合成主音3 83 Lead 4 (chiff lead) 合成主音4 84 Lead 5 (charang) 合成主音5 85 Lead 6 (voice) 合成主音6(人声) 86 Lead 7 (fifths) 合成主音7(平行五度) 87 Lead 8 (bass+lead)合成主音8(贝司加主音) 合成音色 88 Pad 1 (new age) 合成音色1(新世纪) 89 Pad 2 (warm) 合成音色2 (温暖) 90 Pad 3 (polysynth) 合成音色3 91 Pad 4 (choir) 合成音色4 (合唱) 92 Pad 5 (bowed) 合成音色5 93 Pad 6 (metallic) 合成音色6 (金属声) 94 Pad 7 (halo) 合成音色7 (光环) 95 Pad 8 (sweep) 合成音色8 合成效果 96 FX 1 (rain) 合成效果 1 雨声 97 FX 2 (soundtrack) 合成效果 2 音轨 98 FX 3 (crystal) 合成效果 3 水晶 99 FX 4 (atmosphere) 合成效果 4 大气 100 FX 5 (brightness) 合成效果 5 明亮 101 FX 6 (goblins) 合成效果 6 鬼怪 102 FX 7 (echoes) 合成效果 7 回声 103 FX 8 (sci-fi) 合成效果 8 科幻 民间乐器 104 Sitar 西塔尔(印度) 105 Banjo 班卓琴(美洲) 106 Shamisen 三昧线(日本) 107 Koto 十三弦筝(日本) 108 Kalimba 卡林巴 109 Bagpipe 风笛 110 Fiddle 民族提琴 111 Shanai 山奈 打击乐器 112 Tinkle Bell 叮当铃 113 Agogo [中文名称暂缺]114 Steel Drums 钢鼓 115 Woodblock 木鱼 116 Taiko Drum 太鼓 117 Melodic Tom 通通鼓 118 Synth Drum 合成鼓 119 Reverse Cymbal 铜钹 Sound Effects 声音效果 120 Guitar Fret Noise 吉他换把杂音 121 Breath Noise 呼吸声 122 Seashore 海浪声 123 Bird Tweet 鸟鸣 124 Telephone Ring 电话铃 125 Helicopter 直升机 126 Applause 鼓掌声 127 Gunshot

for a long time he has been __ the causes of sleep


话人好狼狈ge 「nair hair」其实系乜字呢?

Q:话人好狼狈ge 「nair hair」其实系乜字呢? A:请参看以下这篇文章: 大雨滂沱,行人走在街上自然狼狈不堪。见到这个情况,我们或会说他们「咧戏」。在广府话中,「咧戏」就是狼狈相。「乜你咁咧戏架,你睇你的衫都溼晒啦。」不说你可能不知,原来「咧戏」是有字可写的。 「咧戏」其实是「厉揭」的音转。「厉揭」一词来源甚古。《诗经.邶风.匏有苦叶》云:「匏有苦叶,济有深涉,深则厉,浅则揭。」《毛诗传》:「以衣涉水为厉。」「厉」是连衣涉水的意思。《毛诗传》:「揭,褰衣也。」《尔雅.释水》:「揭,揭衣也。」「揭」是提起下衣的意思。「揭」在这里读「器」,不读「竭」。《说文》谓:「揭,高举也。」「揭」的本义是「高举」,所以「揭竿起义」的「揭竿」是高举旗帜的意思。所谓「深则厉,浅则揭」,水浅的时候,人犹可以提衣渡河;但到了水深的时候,那就只好连衣涉水了。 「厉」和「揭」合起来便是「厉揭」。「厉揭」即是徒步过河的样子。西汉扬雄《剧秦美新》云:「侯卫厉揭,要荒濯木。」《三国志.蜀书.郤正传》云:「审厉揭以投济,要夷庚之赫怃。」《彰化县志》录《东螺溪砚石记》:「农夫、渔父或过而陋之,而士大夫终不肯跋涉厉揭,求之于荒野之间,故世莫能知。」《台湾采访册》录《重修龙潭桥碑记》:「自琴川蒋大守、绅士侯世光诸人先后创修桥梁,行人始免厉揭之艰焉。」《新竹采访册》录《五福桥碑》:「既有厉揭之虞,复有巅危之厄。」「厉揭」在这几处均比喻为过河时所遇到的险阻、困难和不便。由此引申,「厉揭」就是狼狈的样子。试想像,又要举衣,又要浸水,这样过河也真够「厉揭」! 又一九三三年粤语学者孔仲南《广东俗语考u2022释情状》: 「艰难曰厉揭。」 「厉上声。揭音偈去声。形容艰难之状曰厉揭。『诗』深则厉。浅则揭。『注』以衣涉水曰厉。褰裳而涉曰揭。二语含有艰阻之意。」 .geocities/venu *** ama9161/literarywings_frankie/literarywings_fascinliteration_cul15 bbs.cantonese/dispbbs?boardID=117&ID=4351&page=4


赞同楼上回答~~是 revealing的宾语

一个外语题Word formWord form 1、It was imperative that students __?

1、It was imperative that students __has finished____(finish) their papers before July 1st. 2、So far,Irving __has been living____(live) in New York City for ten years. 3、The patient __had been sent____(send) to another hospital before we got there. 4、The __farther___(far) away we get from the earth,the thinner the air bees. 5、With apples at 25 cents a pound,we couldn"t resist _taking_____(take) four pounds. 6、Coffee delays the body clock in the morning,and _advances_____(advance) it at night. 7、When __given____(give) the chance,it is quite possible for him to fulfill the task within ten days. 8、I"ll be only too pleased _to help_____(help) out those who are in difficulty. 9、Television is another major instrument of munication,_permitting_____(permit) us to see as well as to hear the performer. 10、It is high time that we _shall take_____(take)firm measures to protect our environment.,3,1.finished 2.has been living 3.had been sent 4.farther 5.taking 6.advances 7.given 8.for helping 9.that permits 10.must take,2,1 finish 2 has been living 3 had been sent to 4 farther 5 taking 6 advances 7 given 8 to help 9 permitting 10 take,0,finish has lived had been sent farther taking can"t resist doing advances given to help permitting/which permits took,0,一个外语题Word form Word form 1、It was imperative that students ______(finish) their papers before July 1st. 2、So far,Irving ______(live) in New York City for ten years. 3、The patient ______(send) to another hospital before we got there. 4、The _____(far) away we get from the earth,the thinner the air bees. 5、With apples at 25 cents a pound,we couldn"t resist ______(take) four pounds. 6、Coffee delays the body clock in the morning,and ______(advance) it at night. 7、When ______(give) the chance,it is quite possible for him to fulfill the task within ten days. 8、I"ll be only too pleased ______(help) out those who are in difficulty. 9、Television is another major instrument of munication,______(permit) us to see as well as to hear the performer. 10、It is high time that we ______(take)firm measures to protect our environment.

It is imperative that you ___ here in time


请问It is imperative that every one of us 这句哪错了?

remold要用第三人称单数remolds.在that引导的从句中,主语是one,故动词用三单.即,It is imperative that every one of us remolds our world outlooks.希望对你有帮助!

It is imperative that the government__________more investment into the shipbuilding industry.

【答案】:C考查虚拟语气。句意为“政府必须吸引更多资金投资到造船业方面来”。在“It is+ imperative/necessary/important/required/advised等表示命令、必要、要求、建议等意思的形容词或分词+主语从句”的结构中,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气,形式为“should+动词原形”,should可省略。故选C。

It was imperative that I be as close as possible.请帮忙翻译


It is imperative that students__________their term papers on time.

【答案】:A句型It is imperative that…+V(动词原形)…表示“……是必须的”,句意为学生必须按时上交他们的学期论文。因此正确答案为A。

it is imperative that?


it is imperative that?

必须... imperative KK:[] DJ:[] a. 1.必要的;紧急的;极重要的 It is imperative to act now. 现在必须行动起来. 2.命令式的;必须服从的;专横的 He made an imperative gesture. 他做了个命令式的手势. 3.【语】祈使法的 the imperative mood 祈使语气 n. 1.必须履行的责任;必要的事;需要[C] Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会成了政府必须做的事. 2.命令;规则[C] follow the imperatives of history 遵从历史规律 3.【语】祈使语气[U];祈使语气动词[C]

it is imperative that

应该选择选项A imperative用作形容词的基本意思是“必要的,紧急的,极重要的”,在句中多用作表语,在“It is/was imperative that-clause”结构中从句的谓语动词多用虚拟式,英式英语中常用“should+动词原形”,而在美式英语中则常省略should.

英语It is imperative that this mission not fail


Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains,mountains and jungles,

Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountainsjungles, running its course as it should.成年人,如果你生命的河流正常地流过,流过了平原高山和丛林,那么你是美的。或(当老年人经历过了平淡、起伏、错综复杂的人生)当老年人的生命之河以既定的方向淌过平原、高山和丛林,他们便是美丽的。希望能帮到你。我等着你采纳哟,不明还可以追问的,嘻嘻!



jack has to exeruse,一般疑问句?

原句:Jack has to exercise.改为一般疑问句:Does Jack have to exercise?

英语谚语:Glory is the shadow of virtue 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Glory is the shadow of virtue 中文意思: 光荣是美德的影子。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Wine and judgement mature with age 酒存放年代越久越香,判断力随年龄而增长。 Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst 瓶中之酒不解渴。 Wine is mirror of the mind 酒后吐真言。 Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand 手里有钱财,不如胸中有文才。 Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it 我们为了求知识,付出高价也值得。 Wisdom is better than gold or silver 智慧胜过金银。 Wisdom is more to be envied than riches 才智比财富,令人更可羡。 Wisdom is only found in truth 只有在真理中才能找到智慧。 Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body 知识之于心灵,犹如健康之于身体。 Wise care begets care 谨慎小心会导致忧心忡忡。 英语谚语: Glory is the shadow of virtue 中文意思: 光荣是美德的影子。

求一首英文歌歌名,很好听,慢节奏,一个很磁性的男声唱的,歌词里面有hello hello ......shadow shadow

jason Walker的Echo吧?"Hello,hello,anybody out there?""Alone, alone, I don"t really know where the world is, but I miss it now."

darshan 和 raj两款印度香的区别

都是印度香里面的普通品牌 不是纯植物

我是五年级的学生老师要求写 my shadow英语作文 单词不要太难 要简单一点 按照五年级的水平 不要太长



可以作为人名,例如Abby Shadow J. Golash.Brasheardj Jabber. shadow



英文 shadowing 影子跟读法!关键方法步骤

学英文没有对象没有环境没有关系,我们可以创造自己的听力口说环境。语言是靠模仿练习来的,现在大家都在学这种方法,叫做 shadowing影子跟读法 ,但是,要怎么跟读呢?下面将告诉你大家都没说的 shadowing跟读法 关键步骤。 步骤1.选择对话:一定要有音档由易到难 建议先不要直接找新闻类、美剧或找影集,因为它的单字比较难语速会太快。第一个选择是以平易近人生活类的对话开始,里面的单字比较适合平常会使用到,比如聊聊待会要去吃什么,或者讨论工作的内容、职场生活或旅游都可以。 一开始不要选那种超长篇幅的,尽量选择两个人简短的对话,当你觉得越来越上手之后再把它加长,字汇量先不要太多的,比如说两个人在探讨宇宙地球的形成,这种专有名词专业字太多了。 重点是一定要有对话音档,这样才有模仿学习的对象。而不是只有一个原文,就开始自己念,你也不太确定自己念的对不对。 步骤2.了解文意,挑出生难字 先裸听就是不要看原文直接先听音档,听力一定要这样练习,不要太依赖看懂原文再去听,反而应该先听了解大概的文意,多听几次也没关系,整个听完以后再去看原文挑出生难字,找出可能不太懂的单词查一下并了解它的意思。 步骤3.标出音变作用 这个步骤非常重要,当整篇的意思都了解之后,开始边听音档标示出各种发音的现象跟变化,边听每一句去分析一下,句子中有连音、有弹舌,还是哪个地方弱化了?从单字、字词到句子重音规则、音调高低皆,发现快速口说中的音变现象。 步骤4.自言自语对话跟读 整篇内容都研究完知道它大概怎么念,就可以跟读了。注意!它的关键是一句一句。你不要听完一大段才开始跟着念,这样一段一段内容太多了,你可能听完几句就忘记了刚才已经研究过的连音和语调高低起伏,除了语调之外不要怕夸张,就是把自己当成配音员,剧情中的所有声音表情全部都要一起模仿。 你说跟读可以看文稿吗?可以哦。初期可以先看着文稿跟读,当你觉得看着文稿已经念得很熟了,可以挑战进阶版不看文稿,用印象、情境、语调去跟着它念出来。 这样的对话自学法只需要一个礼拜2~3天,一次20分钟到半小时,分次的逐步练习,对话自学法可以从单字、发音、重音、语调还有它的流畅度甚至文法,同时学习文化差别,对方说了什么话,该有什么回应,全部都可以一次学习到。 文章内容摘录:《英文正音女王教室:创造自己的发音口说环境》 shadowing, 英文 shadowing, 英文 影子跟读, 英文 影子跟读法, 英文 跟读




不会啊。其实每一个名字都有自身的好处,但因人而定吧。本人觉得不会傻,很有个性,不要管别人,自己喜欢就好。shadow,英文单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“阴影;影子;幽灵;庇护;隐蔽处”,作形容词时意为“影子内阁的”,作及物动词时意为“遮蔽;使朦胧;尾随;预示”,作不及物动词时意为“变阴暗”。短语搭配Eye shadow眼影;眼影刷;大号烟熏刷shadow cabinet影子内阁;智囊团shadow biosphere影子生物圈;生物圈;遮光效果Moonlight Shadow月光下的影子;月光下的影;月光下的祈祷;月影rain shadow [气象]雨影;雨荫;伴侣;雨影效应Shadow hunter暗影猎人;暗影猎手;阴影猎手Shadow Defender影子卫士;影子系统;分区保护程序;系统影子卫士Shadow Skill影技;影技OVAShadow Toll影子收费

【英文易混肴字】「shade」VS. 「shadow」英文单字大比较!

「shade」与「shadow」有一点像,可是意思上其实指称的不太一样,他们可能都是指阳光照到某个物体而产的黑 *** 块,可是两个单字要表达的意思不一样。英文老师 Aly 在《Papa Teach Me》上分享了这两个英文字的差异,帮助学生更为理解其中差异。 shadow 阴影;影子 「shadow」只有要单纯说明「」,并没有要多着墨于这块阴影或是影子能够带来什么样的功能。 e.g You can see your own shadow on a sunny day. (你可以在晴天的时候看到自己的影子。) shade 阴影;荫凉处 「shade」与「shadow」最大的差异来自,「shade」除了指出阴影(影子),,也就是「遮荫」。而大部分的状况,因为要能够成为遮荫处的影子都比较大块,所以「shade」的面积也通常比「shadow」大。 e.g We sat in the shade of the tree. (我们坐在树阴下。) shade, shade 中文, shade 意思, shade 翻译, shadow, shadow shade, shadow shade 区别, shadow shade 差别, shadow shade 差异, shadow 中文, shadow 意思, shadow 翻译







a happy day 的英语作文要最短的!今天之内必须答复,我可以给更高的分!~

A happy dayIt is sunny today. I am happy and excited, It"s not because of sunny day but “The Smurfs”, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). After I have my lunch, I go to the Red Star cinema with my several friends early. It"s hot outside, evrybody thinks it"s nothing. Time goes fast! On the way home, all of us fall in love with those lovely smurfs. What a happy day !

t is simply that the room is in fire 。为什么用simply?


the Changjiang River是什么意思


长江的英文是什么,有Changjiang吗,the Yangtze River等江、河的英文一定要加the吗

the Long River

长江的英文是什么,有Changjiang吗,the Yangtze River等江、河的英文一定要加the吗


since与since that在意思和用法上有什么区别

1. 两者都是 自从 的意思2. since 后面可以接句子,也可以接时间点,比如,since I graduated(自从我毕业之后),since 2002(自从2002年之后)3. since that:自那之后,that这里是代词,上文一定提到了某个时间或者某个事件,比如 since that I have never seen him(从那之后我再也没见过他)

because, as, for ,since, now that的区别是什么?

for是用来表示推断的原因或者对主句进行说明的;because引出直接的原因。because感情最强烈,一般不用于句首,... , becasue...since和as是从属连词,说明的是已为人们所知和理由。since的语气比because弱,但比as强。since和as引导的从句一般放在句子的开头。since和as的主要区别是:用as引导原因从句语气较弱,所说明原因是附带,而since表示原因暗示着是稍加分析之后才能推断出来原因。 引导原因状语从句的连词 原因状语从句一般由because, since, as, for引导。注意as,because,since和for的区别: ①如果原因是构成句子的最主要部分,一般用because。because引导的从句一般不放在句子的开头。例如: I missed the train because I got up late. 注:对于以why开头的问句,一般只能用because引导的从句来回答。 ②如果原因已为人们所知,或不如句子的其余部分重要,就用as或since、since比as稍微正式一些。as和since引导的从句一般放在句子的开头。as, since, for 用于句首多,for 不用于句中

Nik Kershaw的《The Riddle》 歌词

歌曲名:The Riddle歌手:Nik Kershaw专辑:The Very Best of Pop & WaveNik KershawThe Riddlei got two strong armsblessings of babylonwith time to carry onand tryfor sins and false alarmsso to america the bravewise men savenear a tree by a rivertheres a hole in the groundwhere an old man of arangoes around and aroundand his mind is a beaconin the veil of the nightfor a strange kind of fashiontheres a wrong and a rightbut hell never, never fight over youi got plans for usnights in the sculleryand days instead of mei only know what to discussof for anything but lightwise men fighting over youits not me you seepieces of valentinewith just a song of mineto keep from burning historyseasons of gasoline and goldwise men foldnear a tree by a rivertheres a hole in the groundwhere an old man of arangoes around and aroundand his mind is a beaconin the veil of the nightfor a strange kind of fashiontheres a wrong and a rightbut hell never, never fight over youi got time to killsly looks in corridorswithout a plan of yoursa blackbird sings on bluebird hillthanks to the calling of the wildwise mens childnear a tree by a rivertheres a hole in the groundwhere an old man of arangoes around and aroundand his mind is a beaconin the veil of the nightfor a strange kind of fashiontheres a wrong and a righthttp://music.baidu.com/song/59570906

Nik Kershaw的《The Riddle》 歌词

歌曲名:The Riddle歌手:Nik Kershaw专辑:Greatest Hits【Five For Fighting】-The RiddleThere was a man back in "95Whose heart ran out of summersBut before he died, I asked himWait, what"s the sense in lifeCome over me, Come over meHe said,"Son why you got to sing that tuneCatch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moonLet an angel swing and make you swoonThen you will see... You will see."Then he said,"Here"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I..."Picked up my kid from school todayDid you learn anything cause in the world todayYou can"t live in a castle far awayNow talk to me, come talk to meHe said,"Dad I"m big but we"re smaller than smallIn the scheme of things, well we"re nothing at allStill every mother"s child sings a lonely songSo play with me, come play with me"And Hey DadHere"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I...I said,"Son for all I"ve told youWhen you get right down to theReason for the world...Who am I?"There are secrets that we still have left to findThere have been mysteries from the beginning of timeThere are answers we"re not wise enough to seeHe said... You looking for a clue I Love You free...The batter swings and the summer fliesAs I look into my angel"s eyesA song plays on while the moon is hiding over meSomething comes over meI guess we"re big and I guess we"re smallIf you think about it man you know we got it allCause we"re all we got on this bouncing ballAnd I love you freeI love you freelyHere"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I...http://music.baidu.com/song/8084059
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