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Nik Kershaw的《The Riddle》 歌词

2023-08-06 15:25:47
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歌曲名:The Riddle
歌手:Nik Kershaw
专辑:The Very Best of Pop & Wave

Nik Kershaw
The Riddle
i got two strong arms
blessings of babylon
with time to carry on
and try
for sins and false alarms
so to america the brave
wise men save
near a tree by a river
theres a hole in the ground
where an old man of aran
goes around and around
and his mind is a beacon
in the veil of the night
for a strange kind of fashion
theres a wrong and a right
but hell never, never fight over you
i got plans for us
nights in the scullery
and days instead of me
i only know what to discuss
of for anything but light
wise men fighting over you
its not me you see
pieces of valentine
with just a song of mine
to keep from burning history
seasons of gasoline and gold
wise men fold
near a tree by a river
theres a hole in the ground
where an old man of aran
goes around and around
and his mind is a beacon
in the veil of the night
for a strange kind of fashion
theres a wrong and a right
but hell never, never fight over you
i got time to kill
sly looks in corridors
without a plan of yours
a blackbird sings on bluebird hill
thanks to the calling of the wild
wise mens child
near a tree by a river
theres a hole in the ground
where an old man of aran
goes around and around
and his mind is a beacon
in the veil of the night
for a strange kind of fashion
theres a wrong and a right



Riddle 怎么读???

["ridl]n.谜(语)He found out the riddle at last.他终于猜出了这个谜语。猜不透的难题, 难解之谜Her disappearance is a complete riddle.她的失踪完全是一个谜vt.筛(谷物, 砂石等)把...打得布满窟窿检查, 鉴定难倒, 驳倒批评, 非难使完全破坏; 充满于, 弥漫于riddle soil筛泥土The door of the fort was riddled with bullets.那座碉堡的门被子弹穿了不少洞vi.穿过Cold winds riddled through the thin walls.冷风穿过薄墙。
2023-08-05 09:36:213


谜的英语是什么riddle英 [ˈrɪdl] 美 [ˈrɪdl] n.谜语;粗筛;猜不透的难题,难解之谜
2023-08-05 09:36:302


riddle是英语单词,当做名词时翻译为谜语,粗筛,猜不透的难题,难解之谜;当做动词时翻译为用筛分选(卵石等),筛分,用子弹把耙子打成蜂窝似的,精查(证据),解(谜),猜。 释义,示例, 释义 英 [u02c8ru026adl] 美 [u02c8ru026adl] n. 谜语; 粗筛; 猜不透的难题,难解之谜 v. 用筛分选(卵石等),筛分; 用子弹把耙子打成蜂窝似的; 精查(证据); 解(谜),猜 网路 猜灯谜; 谜; 猜谜语 英 [u02c8ru026adl] 美 [u02c8ru026adl] n. 谜语; 粗筛; 猜不透的难题,难解之谜 v. 用筛分选(卵石等),筛分; 用子弹把耙子打成蜂窝似的; 精查(证据); 解(谜),猜 网路 猜灯谜; 谜; 猜谜语 示例 ScientistsclaimedyesterdaytohavesolvedtheriddleofthebirthoftheUniverse. 科学家们昨天声称已经解开了宇宙形成之谜。 Unknownattackersriddledohomeswithgunfire. 来路不明的袭击者用枪炮将两处住宅打得千疮百孔。 Thedarknesssavedmefrombeingriddledwithbullets. 身处黑暗中让我不至于被子弹打得浑身是洞。
2023-08-05 09:36:371


n.谜, 谜语, 神秘人物v.解谜, 出谜, 迷惑
2023-08-05 09:36:583


riddle是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“谜语;神秘事件;(筛分土石的)粗筛”,作动词时意思是“在……上弄许多小洞;充斥,布满;用粗筛筛;摇动(炉栅)使灰落下;出谜;为(某人)解(谜)”。the riddle谜语 ; 一个迷 ; 解谜Nelson Riddle尼尔森瑞铎 ; 纳尔逊里德尔 ; 李德度 ; 尼尔森John Riddle里德尔 ; 标签All she said was a riddle to me.她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。Show me how to solve this riddle.告诉我这个谜语怎么解。All that Silver said was a riddle to him, but you would never have guessed it from his tone.西尔弗所说的这一切,对他来说是一个谜,但是你从他的口气中却决不会察觉出来。
2023-08-05 09:37:221


"Riddle"是一个英文单词,通常指一种有趣或具有挑战性的谜语或难题,需要通过思考和推理来解决。这种谜语通常采用诗歌形式或其他形式,隐喻或引导人们思考,引起人们的兴趣和好奇心。解决谜语的过程也可以帮助人们锻炼逻辑思维和创造力。"Riddle"这个单词也可以用作动词,表示对某个问题或情况进行深入思考和研究。例如,一个科学家可能会花费很多时间和精力来"riddle out"某个科学难题,以寻找答案和解决方案。总之,"riddle"是一个有趣且具有挑战性的词汇,常常用来形容谜语或难题,并能帮助人们锻炼思维能力。在日常生活和工作中,这个词汇被广泛使用,尤其是在解决问题和寻找答案时。
2023-08-05 09:37:451


2023-08-05 09:38:071


riddle作为名词的意思是谜;谜语;神秘事件;无法解释的情况。riddle作为动词的意思是使布满窟窿。It was one of the earliest campus lantern riddle colleges in Chaoshan district.她是潮汕地区最早的校园灯谜社之一。It is a riddle to which neither Mr Bush nor Mr Obama nor any president has found a neat answer.这是个谜题,无论是布什还是奥巴马或是任何一位总统都未找到合适的答案。Using NASA"s Spitzer Space Telescope,astronomers have found a likely solution to a centuries-old riddle of the night sky.通过NASA的斯皮策太空望远镜,天文学家们很可能为夜空中的一个古老的谜题找到了答案。The story of online grocer FreshDirect is something of a chicken-or-egg riddle.网上食杂商新鲜直达的故事有点像鸡与蛋的谜团。
2023-08-05 09:38:151


2023-08-05 09:38:3815


riddlen.谜,谜语,粗筛vt.解谜,给...出谜,筛,寻根究底地检验,充满于vi.出谜【化】 粗筛This riddle baffles me.这个谜把我难倒了.This riddle stumped everybody.这个谜题难倒了每一个人.Riddle me,riddle me what it...
2023-08-05 09:39:031


2023-08-05 09:39:111

英语单词:riddle 和 Puzzle都有谜语 谜题的意思 其区别是?

riddle是Puzzle的一种,比较幽默滑稽的那种。puzzle的概念大,riddle的概念小。所以词典里解释是: A riddle is a puzzle or joke in which you ask a question that seems to be nonsense but which has a clever or amusing answer A puzzle is a question, game, or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly or put it together properly.
2023-08-05 09:39:371


2023-08-05 09:39:452


2023-08-05 09:39:552


第三人称单数:riddles 复数:riddles 现在分词:riddling 过去式:riddled过去分词:riddled
2023-08-05 09:40:041

riddle &puzzle

Solution (a) The process cannot terminate, because before the last move a single lamp would have been on. But the last move could not have turned it off, because the adjacent lamp was off. There are only finitely many states (each lamp is on or off and the next move can be at one of finitely many lamps), hence the process must repeat. The outcome of each step is uniquely determined by the state, so either the process moves around a single large loop, or there is an initial sequence of steps as far as state k and then the process goes around a loop back to k. However, the latter is not possible because then state k would have had two different precursors. But a state has only one possible precursor which can be found by toggling the lamp at the current position if the previous lamp is on and then moving the position back one. Hence the process must move around a single large loop, and hence it must return to the initial state. (b) Represent a lamp by X when on, by - when not. For 4 lamps the starting situation and the situation after 4, 8, 12, 16 steps is as follows: X X X X- X - XX - - X- - - XX X X -On its first move lamp n-2 is switched off and then remains off until each lamp has had n-1 moves. Hence for each of its first n-1 moves lamp n-1 is not toggled and it retains its initial state. After each lamp has had n-1 moves, all of lamps 1 to n-2 are off. Finally over the next n-1 moves, lamps 1 to n-2 are turned on, so that all the lamps are on. We show by induction on k that these statements are all true for n = 2k. By inspection, they are true for k = 2. So suppose they are true for k and consider 2n = 2k+1 lamps. For the first n-1 moves of each lamp the n left-hand and the n right-hand lamps are effectively insulated. Lamps n-1 and 2n-1 remain on. Lamp 2n-1 being on means that lamps 0 to n-2 are in just the same situation that they would be with a set of only n lamps. Similarly, lamp n-1 being on means that lamps n to 2n-2 are in the same situation that they would be with a set of only n lamps. Hence after each lamp has had n-1 moves, all the lamps are off except for n-1 and 2n-1. In the next n moves lamps 1 to n-2 are turned on, lamp n-1 is turned off, lamps n to 2n-2 remain off, and lamp 2n-1 remains on. For the next n-1 moves for each lamp, lamp n-1 is not toggled, so it remains off. Hence all of n to 2n-2 also remain off and 2n-1 remains on. Lamps 0 to n-2 go through the same sequence as for a set of n lamps. Hence after these n-1 moves for each lamp, all the lamps are off, except for 2n-1. Finally, over the next 2n-1 moves, lamps 0 to 2n-2 are turned on. This completes the induction. Counting moves, we see that there are n-1 sets of n moves, followed by n-1 moves, a total of n2 - 1. (c) We show by induction on the number of moves that for n = 2k+ 1 lamps after each lamp has had m moves, for i = 0, 1, ... , 2k - 2, lamp i+2 is in the same state as lamp i is after each lamp has had m moves in a set of n - 1 = 2k lamps (we refer to this as lamp i in the reduced case). Lamp 0 is off and lamp 1 is on. It is easy to see that this is true for m = 1 (in both cases odd numbered lamps are on and even numbered lamps are off). Suppose it is true for m. Lamp 2 has the same state as lamp 0 in the reduced case and both toggle since their predecessor lamps are on. Hence lamps 3 to n - 1 behave the same as lamps 1 to n - 3 in the reduced case. That means that lamp n - 1 remains off. Hence lamp 0 does not toggle on its m+1th move and remains off. Hence lamp 1 does not toggle on its m+1th move and remains on. The induction stops working when lamp n - 2 toggles on its nth move in the reduced case, but it works up to and including m = n - 2. So after n - 2 moves for each lamp all lamps are off except lamp 1. In the next two moves nothing happens, then in the following n - 1 moves lamps 2 to n - 1 and lamp 0 are turned on. So all the lamps are on after a total of (n - 2)n + n + 1 = n2 + n + 1 moves.
2023-08-05 09:40:154


riddle 英 ["rɪdl]     美 ["rɪdl]    n. 谜;谜语vt. 解谜;出谜题;充满;打洞;筛选vi. 出谜题
2023-08-05 09:40:231


secret: n.秘密,机密;例如:This was just another way of not keeping a secret.这只不过是另一种不保守秘密的方式。riddle: 谜语; 猜不透的难题,难解之谜; 例如:All she said was a riddle to me.她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。对比一下,就知道了,secret是知道却不能说的秘密;riddle是不知道答案的谜语。
2023-08-05 09:40:321

The Riddle是什么意思?

2023-08-05 09:40:512


what is black and white black and white..........(till 70 words) guess a animal "s doing a thing,a penguin rolling down a hill. lol so funny
2023-08-05 09:41:163

riddle puzzle有什么区别?

riddle [u02c8ridl]n.谜(语)He found out the riddle at last.他终于猜出了这个谜语。猜不透的难题, 难解之谜Her disappearance is a complete riddle.她的失踪完全是一个谜。puzzle [u02c8pu028czl]vt.使迷惑, 使难解The letter puzzled me.这封信使我迷惑不解。vt. & vi.为难, 伤脑筋, 苦思The spelling of English is often puzzling.英语的拼写法常常使人伤脑筋。n.智力测验, 智力玩具, 谜He shows a great interest in crossword puzzles.他对填字游戏表现出很大兴趣。难题; 令人费解的事[人]; 谜一般的事物Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.他们为什么干那件事仍然让我费解。
2023-08-05 09:41:251

Tamas Wells的《Riddle》的英文歌词是什么?

2023-08-05 09:41:342


2023-08-05 09:41:431


柚子社新作《Riddle Joker》目前已经在steam平台正式发售,游戏支持多结局系统,各种结局如何达成?下面给大家带来Riddle Joker路线攻略Riddle Joker路线攻略 所有的选项向七海搭话 or 继续实验想看看二条同学的泳装 or 想看七海的泳装(很在意七海的泳的话会接着出现追问 or 还是别聊这个了两个选项)*注意:选项“追问”必须在跑完任意四个主线女主才会出现好好夸她两句 or 算了先去学生会办公室 or 先去研究室跟平时一样 or 偶尔换换口味二条院同学 or 茉优学姐 or 壬生同学*注意:选项“壬生同学”必须在跑完任意四个主线女主才会出现*注意:因为此游戏是以每位女主的好感动(隐藏分数)而判断出你要走的路线,所以有的选项可以无视。三司绫濑线继续实验想看看二条同学的泳装算了先去学生会办公室 | 绫濑+1跟平时一样 | 绫濑+1二条院同学在原七海线向七海搭话| 七海+1想看七海的泳装| 七海+1还是别聊了好好夸她两句| 七海+1先去学生会办公室偶尔换换口味| 七海+1茉优学姐七海要说服四次,哎,妹妹果然还真是不好惹的生物啊!式部茉优线继续实验 | 茉优+1想看看二条同学的泳装算了先去研究室 | 茉优+1跟平时一样茉优学姐 | 茉优+1二条院羽月线继续实验想看看二条同学的泳装 | 羽月+1算了先去学生会办公室跟平时一样二条院同学 | 羽月+1壬生千_线攻略前四位任意一位后,就能攻略千_了继续实验想看七海的泳装追问 | 千_+1算了先去研究室偶尔换换口味壬生同学 | 千_+1单身线 (Bad Ending)向七海搭话想看看二条同学的泳装算了先去学生会办公室偶尔换换口味茉优学姐*注意:因为游戏是以每位女主的隐藏分数而判断出你要走的路线,只要每位女主的分数不达标就可以得到普通结局。
2023-08-05 09:41:511


riddle 英[u02c8ridl] 美[u02c8ru026adl] n. 1.谜(语) 2.猜不透的难题, 难解之谜 名词 n.1.谜(语) He found out the riddle at last.他终于猜出了这个谜语。2.猜不透的难题, 难解之谜 Her disappearance is a complete riddle.她的失踪完全是一个谜。
2023-08-05 09:42:101


谜语的英文是riddle,发音:英音["r_dl],美音[_r_dl]。riddle是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“谜语;神秘事件;(筛分土石的)粗筛”,作动词时意思是“在……上弄许多小洞;充斥,布满;用粗筛筛;摇动(炉栅)使灰落下;出谜;为(某人)解(谜)”。短语搭配:the riddle谜语 ; 一个谜 ; 解谜。谜语的英文riddle双语例句:1、All she said was a riddle to me.她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。2、Show me how to solve this riddle.告诉我这个谜语怎么解。3、All that Silver said was a riddle to him, but you would never have guessed it from his tone.西尔弗所说的这一切,对他来说是一个谜,但是你从他的口气中却决不会察觉出来。
2023-08-05 09:43:191


riddle_释义:n. 谜语; 粗筛; 猜不透的难题,难解之谜;v. 用筛分选(卵石等),筛分; 用子弹把耙子打成蜂窝似的; 精查(证据); 解(谜),猜;谜底反义词:正解、真相。
2023-08-05 09:43:531

riddle puzzle有什么区别

riddle [u02c8ridl]n.谜(语)He found out the riddle at last.他终于猜出了这个谜语.猜不透的难题,难解之谜Her disappearance is a complete riddle.她的失踪完全是一个谜.puzzle [u02c8pu028czl]vt.使迷惑,使难解The letter puzzled me.这封信使我迷惑不解.vt.& vi.为难,伤脑筋,苦思The spelling of English is often puzzling.英语的拼写法常常使人伤脑筋.n.智力测验,智力玩具,谜He shows a great interest in crossword puzzles.他对填字游戏表现出很大兴趣.难题; 令人费解的事[人]; 谜一般的事物Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.他们为什么干那件事仍然让我费解.
2023-08-05 09:44:192


问题一:猜谜语用英语怎么说 Guess riddle 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 问题二:谜语用英语怎么说 riddle 问题三:u30fbu30fb谜语u30fbu30fb用英语怎么说 conundrum riddle都可以的。 问题四:“谜语”和“答案”的英文怎么说?急用!! riddle answer 问题五:谜语用英语怎么说,森林用英语怎么读, puzzle或者riddle forest 音标如下 "f?r?st 问题六:谜语用英语怎么说带音标 iddle 英[?r?dl] 美[?r?dl] n. 谜语; 粗筛; 猜不透的难题,难解之谜; v. 用筛分选(卵石等),筛分; 用子弹把耙子打成蜂窝似的; 精查(证据); 解(谜),猜; [例句]Scientists claimed yesterday to have solved the riddle of the birth of the Universe. 科学家们昨天声称已经解开了宇宙形成之谜。 [其他] 第三人称单数:riddles 复数:riddles 现在分词:riddling 过去式:riddled过去分词:riddled 问题七:谜语 的英文是( ) riddle conundrum
2023-08-05 09:44:261


2023-08-05 09:44:351

英语单词:riddle 和 Puzzle都有谜语 谜题的意思 其区别是?

riddle是Puzzle的一种,比较幽默滑稽的那种.puzzle的概念大,riddle的概念小.所以词典里解释是:A riddle is a puzzle or joke in which you ask a question that seems to be nonsense but which has a clever or amu...
2023-08-05 09:44:421


为了你 为了我们俩现在也弹奏着声响从一切开端就持续鸣响的延音也想传达给你不知何时迷失走调最中央的乐音寻寻觅觅仍散乱不成形不能不慎重用心是知道这个道理的却陷在目不暇给瞬息万变的日常不由迷惘最初描绘的天空色的相片回想起来了相隔许久再度转动了拨号轮盘呀始终以歌诗以乐音拼缀迢遥长久持续刻划下去即便伤痕还会不断增加也想知道那前方的景色给明天的你 给明天的我们为了传达而出弹奏鸣响着未曾见过的任何人所创造的曲调正震荡着这颗心胸孤独一人的房间内指尖撩动的乐音或许没办法传到任何人的耳里弹跃飞散的色彩令一切焕然复新将我们送往未知的场所脚下一片黑暗也只能持续迈步前进但是蓦然回首昨日的过往正辉耀照亮了光芒始终以歌诗以乐音拼缀倘若失去了声音也要乘上从一切开端便持续鸣响的延音为了你 为了我们俩把浮现涌露的眼泪拭去本该遥去朦胧的久远昨日正震荡着这颗心胸即使没有解答的迷宫嘲笑着我与你一样能跨越当下 因为双手正弹奏的故事将引领我们始终以歌诗以乐音拼缀迢遥长久持续刻划下去即便伤痕还会不断增加也想知道那前方的景色给明天的你 给明天的我们为了传达而出弹奏鸣响着未曾见过的何人所创造的曲调正震荡着这颗心胸
2023-08-05 09:44:491


2023-08-05 09:45:171


2023-08-05 09:45:243

急需English riddle

1.Why did the person throw a clock the windw? 2.What time is it when a pie is divided among four friends? 3.What nail shouid you never hit with a hammer? 4.What ring is square? 5.Why is the sun like a loaf bread? 6.What is the difference between here and there? 7.What are the strongest days of the week? 8.Why did the man put wheel on his roccking chair? 9.Why is the letter"R" like Christmas? 10.What timg of day was Adam bron?1.Why did the person throw a clock out the window? - to see time fly 解释:time fly,字面是“时间飞行”,实际是“时光流逝” 2.What time is it when a pie is divided among four friends? - 12:45 (即 a quarter to one) 解释:a quarter to one 是一点钟差一刻的意思,但也可以看成是一人拿1/4 3.What nail should you never hit with a hammer? - fingernail 4.What ring is square? - boxing ring (拳击圈) 5.Why is the sun like a loaf of bread? - Because it"s light when it rises. 双关:如果是太阳,就是说,升起的时候天就亮了 如果是面包,rise 是发的意思,也就是说,面包发起来的时候会变得很轻 6.What is the difference between here and there? The letter “t”. ( there 去掉“t”,跟 here 这个字就没什么两样。) 7.What are the strongest days of the week? Saturday and Sunday --- all the other days are weak (week) days. ( weak与 week的发音一样。而美国人的工作天只有五天,即从 Monday到 Friday ,这五天是他们的week days.) 8.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair? Because he wanted to rock and roll. ( to rock and roll是跳摇滚舞。但在这儿,摇rock 的是rocking chair,滚 roll的是 wheels。这就造成了一句双关的趣味。) 9.Why is the letter "R" like Christmas? Because it comes at the end of December. (对这句话而言,答案的意思是R这个字母正好排在December的末尾。除此以外,答案还有一个意思,Christmas在the end of December的时候到来。换言之,答案也造成了一句双关的趣味。) 10.What time of day was Adam born? Just before Eve. ( Eve 是一语双关,一是解“晚间”, 一是解“夏娃”。)
2023-08-05 09:45:353


2023-08-05 09:46:353

The Riddle-Five For Fighting这首英文歌里的主题是什么?

谜谜那里回到 有一个人在1995他的心跑出了那个夏天但是在他之前死, 我问了他等候, 生活的感觉是什么影响 我, 影响 我他说,儿子你为什麽开始唱歌曲捕捉月亮的 Dylan 歌或一些日蚀让了天使摇摆而且使你昏晕然后你将会看见。。。 你将会看见然后他说,这里是你的一个谜找答案有世界的一个理由你和我... 今天拾起从学校来的我小孩你今天学习任何事吗在世界中引起你在远处不能住在一个城堡现在和我说话, 来对我的谈话他说,爸爸我是大的但是我们比小的小在事物的方案中, 好的我们全然什麽也不是静止的每个母亲的孩子唱一首孤单的歌如此和~玩我, 来游戏由于我而且嗨爸爸这里是你的一个谜找答案有世界的一个理由你和我... 我说,儿子为全部我有告诉你当你正确了下的时候到那为世界的理由... 我是谁? 有我们已经仍然留下找的秘密已经有来自时间的开始秘密有我们所不够明智的来答案可以看见他说? 你找寻一个线索我爱你自由的... 打击手摇摆和夏天飞行当我调查 我天使的眼睛当月亮正在藏过我的时候 ,一首歌利用某物影响我我猜测我们是大的,而且我猜测我们很小是否你想一想配备人手你知道我们全部得到了它引起我们全部是我们上这个跳跃的球而且我爱你自由的我自由的爱你这里是你的一个谜找答案有世界的一个理由你和我...总结:通过一个男人和儿子的对话 发现世界万物很多都是个谜 就像人生一样 人生是猜不透的 但是爱 可以将我们联系在一起 拥有爱 我们不再孤单 不再困惑...希望能对你有帮助几乎逐句翻译的完成这个问题挺费劲的呢 呵呵
2023-08-05 09:46:443


不知道。戴尔菲·里德尔(Delphini Riddle)是伏地魔和贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇之女(官方同人,非原著设定)。伏地魔(Lord Voldemort),原名汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(Tom Marvolo Riddle),是英国作家J·K·罗琳的魔幻小说《哈利·波特》中的大反派。极端巫师纯血论恐怖组织“食死徒”(Death Eaters)的领袖。名字来源伏地魔的原名是汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔,其中“汤姆”源于其父亲老汤姆·里德尔,中间名“马沃罗”源于其外祖父马沃罗·冈特。(《哈利·波特与密室》第13章)。他的名字“伏地魔”(Voldemort)源自法语Vol de Mort。“voler”有“飞行、偷”的意思, “vol”是它的名词形式。“de”是前置语,相当于英语中的“of”;“mort”的意思是死亡,所以有“飞离死亡”或“偷走死亡”的意思(Tom Marvolo Riddle的字母重新排列是I am Lord Voldemort)。在开始霍格沃茨魔法学校的学习生活几年后,汤姆就开始使用“伏地魔”这个名字(《哈利·波特与密室》第17章汤姆提及只有最亲密的朋友知道)。
2023-08-05 09:46:521


2023-08-05 09:47:083


2023-08-05 09:47:151


哈哈 要几个啊?AddAddictMuddyNoddedPaddlePuddingSuddenlyGoddessHiddenMeddleToddlerMiddleBuddyDaddyGiddyForbiddenAddress
2023-08-05 09:47:251

Steve Vai的《The Riddle》 歌词

歌曲名:The Riddle歌手:Steve Vai专辑:The Infinite Steve Vai: An Anthology【Five For Fighting】-The RiddleThere was a man back in "95Whose heart ran out of summersBut before he died, I asked himWait, what"s the sense in lifeCome over me, Come over meHe said,"Son why you got to sing that tuneCatch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moonLet an angel swing and make you swoonThen you will see... You will see."Then he said,"Here"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I..."Picked up my kid from school todayDid you learn anything cause in the world todayYou can"t live in a castle far awayNow talk to me, come talk to meHe said,"Dad I"m big but we"re smaller than smallIn the scheme of things, well we"re nothing at allStill every mother"s child sings a lonely songSo play with me, come play with me"And Hey DadHere"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I...I said,"Son for all I"ve told youWhen you get right down to theReason for the world...Who am I?"There are secrets that we still have left to findThere have been mysteries from the beginning of timeThere are answers we"re not wise enough to seeHe said... You looking for a clue I Love You free...The batter swings and the summer fliesAs I look into my angel"s eyesA song plays on while the moon is hiding over meSomething comes over meI guess we"re big and I guess we"re smallIf you think about it man you know we got it allCause we"re all we got on this bouncing ballAnd I love you freeI love you freelyHere"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I...
2023-08-05 09:47:321


你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!I guessed a riddle and got a prize.这句话的意思是:我猜对了一个谜语,获得了一份奖品。riddle 谜语guess 动词,猜prize 奖品
2023-08-05 09:47:401

Steve Vai的《The Riddle》 歌词

歌曲名:The Riddle歌手:Steve Vai专辑:Original Album Classics【Five For Fighting】-The RiddleThere was a man back in "95Whose heart ran out of summersBut before he died, I asked himWait, what"s the sense in lifeCome over me, Come over meHe said,"Son why you got to sing that tuneCatch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moonLet an angel swing and make you swoonThen you will see... You will see."Then he said,"Here"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I..."Picked up my kid from school todayDid you learn anything cause in the world todayYou can"t live in a castle far awayNow talk to me, come talk to meHe said,"Dad I"m big but we"re smaller than smallIn the scheme of things, well we"re nothing at allStill every mother"s child sings a lonely songSo play with me, come play with me"And Hey DadHere"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I...I said,"Son for all I"ve told youWhen you get right down to theReason for the world...Who am I?"There are secrets that we still have left to findThere have been mysteries from the beginning of timeThere are answers we"re not wise enough to seeHe said... You looking for a clue I Love You free...The batter swings and the summer fliesAs I look into my angel"s eyesA song plays on while the moon is hiding over meSomething comes over meI guess we"re big and I guess we"re smallIf you think about it man you know we got it allCause we"re all we got on this bouncing ballAnd I love you freeI love you freelyHere"s a riddle for youFind the AnswerThere"s a reason for the worldYou and I...
2023-08-05 09:47:591


  这是原著中的一个文字游戏:  原文是爱丽丝来到仙境时和疯帽子、睡鼠、兔子一起喝茶时疯帽子说的一句类似谜语的话:“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”书里并没有给出明确的答案。  现在比较通行的解读有以下几种:  一、Because there is a b in both.  因为raven(乌鸦)和writing-desk(写字桌)中都没有B,而both中有个b无疑是废话。但是由于提问者的问句本身就没有意义(乌鸦本来就不像写字桌),因此用both中有个b这个无意义的话作答,并且raven和writing-desk中都没有b,因此更加无意义。  二、because there is a B in both and an N in neither.  如果将这句话作为对问题的答案而理解成“两个里面都有一个B并且都没有N。”的话,会发现根本不对,就会更糊涂。其实这句话的意思是“单词both 里面有一个B,单词neither 里面有一个N。” 这个答案有趣的地方就在于,用一个毫无意义的答案回答一个毫无意义的问题,虽然答非所问,却造成了一种类似于冷笑话的落差。  三、because Poe wrote on both.  这里的Poe指的是作家埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe),他曾于1845年发表了一篇广受赞誉的名为《乌鸦》(The Raven)的诗。因此这句话可以理解为两个意思:  “Poe wrote on raven.”(爱伦坡写过有关乌鸦的文章。)  “Poe wrote on a writing desk.”(爱伦坡在写字台上写文章。)  这个答案用一个文字游戏将八竿子打不着的爱伦坡拉扯进来,圆滑却不失有趣。  四、《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的原作者在该书出版30余年后的再版中加入了一则序言,对这个问题亲自给出了答案。     序言原文:  Auther"s Note     Enquiries have been so often addressed to me, as to whether any answer to the Hatter"s Riddle can be imagined, that I may as well put on record here what seems to me to be a fairly appropriate answer, viz. "Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!" This, however, is merely an afterthought: the Riddle, as originally invented, had no answer at all.     Christmas 1896     (作者序     读者们频繁地给我来信,询问书中疯帽匠的谜语到底有没有答案,我不妨在这里给出一个自己认为还算恰当答案,那就是“"Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!”。这是我后来才想出来的,最初写下谜语的时候根本就没有答案。     1896年圣诞节)  可见,作者本人并不能给出一个唯一的正确答案,真不知道他当年是怎么写出那个问题的,而且几十年后还兢兢业业地抠脑袋解答,真是可爱的有一拼。     作者给出的答案可以分为两部分来理解。第一部分是“Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat”。     note有“音符”和“笔记,便签”的意思,“音符”在这里可以理解为“乌鸦的叫声”。     flat有“平坦的”和“(色彩)单调的”意思,对于乌鸦来说既可以理解为其叫声单调乏味,也可以理解成它的毛色单一。     因此第一部分可以理解为“在写字台上可以写字儿,乌鸦会叫,尽管他们一个很平,一个很单调。”(翻译成中文就失去了原文的双关趣味)。     第二部分是“it is nevar put with the wrong end in front”。     这里的nevar是作者故意将never写错的,但借用了never的读音跟词义。(有些版本的《爱丽丝漫游仙境》在出版时校对人员自作聪明将nevar改成了never,反而让这句话变得难以理解了。)     这句话可以理解成两个意思。  一个是:“将nevar的字母顺序倒过来排列就是raven(乌鸦)。”  另一个:“你永远不会把写字台倒过来放。”  同样,翻译过来后双关的趣味就消失了。     小说作者以及众多的有爱读者们能把一个根本就没打算有答案的问题解答得这么有声有色还真是让人佩服。  ==============  以上为网络资料整理。  2010版《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是一部爱丽丝小说的衍生物,我个人认为这只是导演和编剧的一种带有个人情绪的理解,毕竟这句“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”是没有标准答案的。
2023-08-05 09:48:081

write a riddle (作谜语)【英文作文】快~

1.When the rain falls,does it ever get up again? Answer:Yes,in dew time. 2.Teacher:Give me a sentence with an object. Pupil:Teacher,you"re beautiful. Teacher:What is the object? Pupil:A good mark. 3.Teacher:Give me an example of a collective noun. Pupil:A garbage can.
2023-08-05 09:48:171

a riddle谜语

【stamp】 【邮票】 因为邮票的四周都是锯齿状,犹如牙齿,却没有口
2023-08-05 09:48:261


2023-08-05 09:48:343

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma?谁能翻译一下?

2023-08-05 09:48:443

翻译句子:you are a riddle wrapped in a my stery in side a puzzle~请问这句话是什么意思?如果知道请

原句是:You are a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a puzzle.riddle:谜(语)wrap:包裹mystery:神秘puzzle:谜题,拼图整句意思:你是一个 包裹在 谜题里面神秘 的谜。辨析:为了避免语言重复而使用了三个近义词来加强“谜”的程度。
2023-08-05 09:48:521