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Chammak Challo这首歌谁给个汉语歌词 ?

歌曲名:Chammak Challo(恰玛卡恰洛)歌手:Akon 汉译:ly专辑:Chammak Challo - Singlegirl you are my Chammak Challo, where you go girl im gonna follow狗儿有啊嘛恰玛卡恰洛,威尔有狗狗儿朗玛哪卡洛what you want girl just let me know,oooh oooh ohh我岂有网购儿甲诗体类菲洛,哦...you can be my Chammak Challo,ooh ohh有堪比玛恰玛卡恰洛(恰玛卡恰洛)shorty im gonna get ya,you know im gonna get ya,you know i even let you雪莉娅萝莉给掐,有漏啊萝莉给掐,有漏爱丽屋勒求let you be my chammak challo,kesa sharmana aja nach k dikha de勒求比玛恰玛卡恰洛,卡沙沙漠拉哈家拉奇黑底哈勒aa meri hoja aa parda gira de,aa meri akhiyon se akhiyan mila le哈勒里活勒阿佳吧里大吉达勒,哈勒里雅克哟色雅克哟色雅勒aa tu na nakhre dikhaa哈路勒纳克勒里哈wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...(音乐)tu meri Chammak Challo,teri picture ka mein hero,give it to me girl mujko de do,ho hoo hooo兔美丽恰玛卡恰洛,得力给球嘎买黑洛,给米兔惹穆奇狗惹了祸,哦...you can be my Chammak Challo,shorty im gonna get ya有堪比玛恰玛卡恰洛(恰玛卡恰洛)雪莉娅锅里给恰you know im gonna get ya,maybe i even let you be my chammak chammak challo有漏啊锅里给恰,没比啊里屋勒提有堪比玛恰玛恰玛卡恰洛kesa sharmana aja nach k dikha de,aa meri hoja aa parda gira de卡沙沙漠拉哈家拉奇黑底哈勒,哈勒里活勒阿佳吧里大吉达勒aa meri akhiyon se akhiyan mila le,aa tu na nakhre dikhaa哈勒里雅克哟色雅克哟色雅勒,哈路勒纳克勒里哈wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...(ooh ho ooh ooh hoo ooh)(音乐)kesa sharmana aja nach k dikha de,aa meri hoja aa parda gira de卡沙沙漠拉哈家拉奇黑底哈勒,哈勒里活勒阿佳吧里大吉达勒aa meri akhiyon se akhiyan mila le,aa tu na nakhre dikhaa哈勒里雅克哟色雅克哟色雅勒,哈路勒纳克勒里哈wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...wanna be my Chammak Challo,ooh ooh ooh ooh喔呐比玛恰玛恰洛,哦...(ooh ho ooh ooh hoo ooh)

share是什么意思 英语share是什么意思

1、share,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“份,份额;股份;责任,贡献”。作动词时意为“分享,共用;分配;有同样的感情(或经历);分担”。 2、例句:Share what you have with others.和别人分享你的所有。


share的读音是:英[?e?(r)]。share的读音是:英[?e?(r)]。share的例句是用作及物动词(vt.)Children should be taught to share their toys.应该教育孩子们分享玩具。share的意思是vt.分享,共享;分配;共有;vi.分享;n.一份;股份;分担;犁头。一、详尽释义点此查看share的详细内容n.(名词)股份,股票一份,份儿,一部分分担,分担量,分摊市场占有率贡献犁头,犁刃份额,分配额分配额v.(动词)分配(常与with 连用)( 平均)分享,共享共同使用,合用,共用,共有( 平均)分担,分摊,均摊平分有同样的感情把自己的想法告诉共同承担参与(常与in连用)二、英英释义Noun:assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group;"he wanted his share in cash"any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate;"he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price"the allotment of some amount by dividing something;"death gets more than its share of attention from theologians"the part played by a person in bringing about a result;"I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project""they all did their share of the work"a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soilVerb:have in common;"Our children share a love of music""The two countries share a long border"use jointly or in commonhave, give, or receive a share of;"We shared the cake"give out as one"s portion or sharecommunicate;"I"d like to share this idea with you"三、词典解释1.股份;股票A company"sshares are the many equal parts into which its ownership is divided. Shares can be bought by people as an investment.share什么意思e.g. This is why Sir Colin Marshall, British Airways" chairman, has been so keen to buy shares in US-AIR...这就是为什么英国航空公司主席科林·马歇尔爵士一直如此热衷于购买美国航空公司的股票。e.g. For some months theshare price remained fairly static.有那么几个月,股票价格一直非常地稳定。2.共享;共有;合用If youshare somethingwith another person, you both have it, use it, or occupy it. You can also say that two peopleshare something.e.g. ...the small income he had shared with his brother from his father"s estate...他兄弟二人从父亲那里继承的一小笔遗产e.g. Two Americans willshare this year"s Nobel Prize for Medicine...两名美国人将共同摘得今年的诺贝尔医学奖。3.共同承担,分担,分摊(任务、责任等)If youshare a task, duty, or responsibilitywith someone, you each carry out or accept part of it. You can also say that two peopleshare something.e.g. You can find out whether they are prepared toshare the cost of the flowers with you...你可以弄清楚他们是否愿意和你一起分担买花的费用。e.g. The republics have worked out a plan for sharing control of nuclear weapons.一些共和国已经制订出共同控制核武器的计划。4.分享,共同拥有(同样的经历)If youshare an experiencewith someone, you have the same experience, often because you are with them at the time. You can also say that two peopleshare something.e.g. Yes, I want toshare my life with you...是的,我想和你共度一生。e.g. I felt we both shared the same sense of loss, felt the same pain.我觉得我们两个有着共同的失落感,经受着同样的痛苦。5.同意;和…观点一致;赞同If youshare someone"s opinion, you agree with them.e.g. Weshare his view that business can be a positive force for change...我们同意他的观点,认为商业可以是促进变革的一种积极力量。e.g. Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals.经济繁荣昌盛一直是各国普遍追求的共同目标。6.共同具有(某种品质和特点);和…有共同之处If one person or thingshares a quality or characteristicwith another, they have the same quality or characteristic. You can also say that two people or thingsshare something.share的意思e.g. ...newspapers whichshare similar characteristics with certain British newspapers.和英国的某些报纸风格相似的一些报纸e.g. ...two groups whoshare a common language.说同一种语言的两个人群7.与…分享;与…共享If youshare something that you havewith someone, you give some of it to them or let them use it.e.g. The village tribe is friendly and theyshare their water supply with you...村里的部落很友善,他们会和你一起分享水源。e.g. Scientists now have to compete for funding, and do notshare information among themselves...科学家们现在为了资金不得不相互竞争,互相之间也不会共享信息。8.向…诉说,与…分享(想法、消息等)If youshare something personal such as a thought or a piece of newswith someone, you tell them about it.e.g. It can be beneficial toshare your feelings with someone you trust...向自己信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。e.g. Film critic Bob Mondello shares his thoughts on the movie "City of Hope".影评家鲍勃·蒙德洛和大家分享他对电影《希望之城》的看法。9.(应得或应承担的)一份If something is divided or distributed among a number of different people or things, each of them has, or is responsible for, ashare of it.e.g. Sara also pays ashare of the gas, electricity and phone bills...萨拉也分摊燃气费、电费和电话费。e.g. He is counting on winning seats and perhaps ashare in the new government of Macedonia.他正期望着能赢得一些席位,或许还能成为马其顿新政府的一员。10.应得的一份;应做的一份If you have or do yourshare of something, you have or do an amount that seems reasonable to you, or to other people.e.g. Women must receive their fairshare of training for good-paying jobs...女性必须获得她们理应得到的高薪工作培训。e.g. I have had more than my fullshare of adventures.我已经有了太多丰富多彩的历险。11. see also: lion"s share;market share;power-sharing相关词组:share inshare out四、例句Children should be taught to share their toys.应该教育孩子们分享玩具。Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others.把恐惧留给自己,和他人分享勇气。Share the fruit among your friends.把水果分给你的朋友们。I share a bedroom with my sister.我和我姐姐合住一间卧室。There is only one bedroom, so we"ll have to share只有一间卧室,所以我们得合着用。Your share of the cost is 10 pounds.你这一份费用是10英镑。She"s got all her money in stocks and shares.她所有的钱都投放到股票里去了。You have to do your fair share of the work.你必须做好你该分担的那一份工作。The plough was already scoring in the field opposite the window, and where the share has been, the earth was pressed flat and gleamed with moisture.对着窗户的外面,铧犁正在田野划刻着印迹,犁头所到之处,土被压得平平整整,湿气在阳光下闪亮。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)I got the minor share.我得到较小的一份。He got a double share of food.他得到了双份食物。Everyone who helped gets a share in the profits.凡是帮过忙的就可得到一份利润。Your share of the cost is 10 pounds.你这一份的费用是10英镑。George"s share of the inheritance was $400,000.遗产中乔治的一份是40万美元。I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。Everyone must have a fair share.人人都应该获得公平的份额。If you want a share in〔of〕 the pay, you"ll have to do your fair share of the work.要是你想得到一份报酬,你就必须做好你该分担的那份工作。We still have the largest market share, but the competition is growing fast.我们仍然占有最大一部分市场,但竞争正在变得很激烈。I had no share in the decision.我没有参与决定此事。What share did he have in their success?在他们的成绩中他有何贡献?You"re not taking much share in the conversation.在交谈中你没怎么说话。She must take her share of the blame.她必须承担事故的部分责任。The prime minister has come in for her share of criticism over the question of unemployment.在失业的问题上首相受到了批评。I"ve had more than my fair share of troubles in my time.我在任期内遇到了不少的麻烦。2 pound shares are now worth 2.75 pound.2英镑的股票现值2.75英镑。He held 500 shares in a shipping company.他在一家船运公司中持有500股股票。These shares bring in a good return.这些股票带来很好的收益。He told his stockbroker to sell his shares in Allied Chemicals.他告诉他的证券经纪人卖出他在联合化工企业的股票。She"s got all her money in stocks and shares.她所有的钱都投入到股票中去了。This year the company paid a dividend of 50 pence per share.今年这家公司每股付50便士的股息。Share prices rose in heavy trading.股票价格由于交易活跃而上升。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Children should learn to share.小孩应该学会与人分享东西。Let"s share, you have half and I"ll have half.咱们分了吧,你一半,我一半。We haven"t enough books for everyone, some of you will have to share.我们的书不够每人一本,你们中有些人就得合着一起看。You must learn to share and not be so selfish.你一定要学会与他人分享,不要那么自私。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Now let"s share the sweets.咱们把这些糖分了吧。You can share 100 dollars among you five.你们5个人分这100美元。Children should be taught to share their toys.应该教育孩子愿意把自己的玩具分给其他孩子玩。The two friends share one job.朋友俩分担一项工作。Will you share my umbrella?你愿意和我共用这把伞吗?Britain and America share a common language.英国和美国共用一种语言。Martin was the only person who shared my opinion.马丁是唯一同我的意见一致的人。He shares my fears about a possible war.他同我一样害怕有可能发生战争。We both share the credit for this success.做成这件事我们都有功劳。She shares my troubles as well as my joys.她与我同甘共苦。I think we all share your concern about this matter.我感到我们同你一样都为这件事担心。It"s always better to share your worries and problems.把你的忧虑和难题说出来总比憋在心里要好。We do not only meet to share each other"s burdens, but also to partake in each other"s joys.我们相聚不仅分担彼此的负担,而且分享彼此的快乐。1At his death his property was shared between his children.他死的时候,财产由孩子们平分。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~buy shares购买股票hold shares持有股票~+名词share capital股本share certificate股票share dealing股票交易share markets股市share prices股票价格~+介词one share of the bill账单中份额one share of the cake一份蛋糕a fair share of the food应得的一份食物the robber"s share of the stolen money劫匪的一份赃款用作动词 (v.)~+名词share food分享食物share sb"s opinion和某人意见相同share £1000均分一千英镑share the joys and sorrows同甘共苦share the profits分享利润share the room共住一个房间share the same bed同床共枕~+副词share equitably均分share faithfully正确地分成share profitably有利益地分享share vicariously替人分担share out分配,分发~+介词share among在…中分享share among five men将…均分给五人share in共同拥有〔使用〕…share in the profits分享利润share in the work分担工作share in troubles and joys分享苦乐share in using the computer共同使用计算机share with同…分享share with cousin和表弟一起分享七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的scearu,意为切口。share的相关近义词part、piece、portion、ration、commune、join、partake、participate、appoint、distribute、divideshare的相关临近词shareholder、shard、shared、sharer、share of、shareout、share up、share in、share bus、Share LAN、sharecrop、shareable点此查看更多关于share的详细信息


share sb with sth


share的读音:u0283eu0259r。作为动词时,意思是分享,共用,分配,有同样的感情(或经历),分担。作为名词时,意思是份,份额,股份,责任,贡献,也可以作为人名使用,音译为沙雷(美)。过去式为shared,过去分词为shared,现在分词为sharing,第三人称单数为shares,复数为shares。例句1、We shared the joy of victory with the athletes.我们和运动员们一起分享胜利的喜悦。2、The government has already held shares in several banks.政府已经占有多家银行的股份。3、We shared in this charity event together.我们一起参加了这次公益活动。4、They shared out the apples.他们把苹果分了。5、I share a house with four other people.我和其他四个人合租房子。6、We"re all supposed to share the work.我们都应该分担一部分工作。

Share 是什么意思??





share英文发音:[u0283eu0259]中文释义:vt. 分享,分担;分配vi. 共享;分担n. 份额;股份例句:You can find out whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you.你会发现他们是否准备与你分摊鲜花的费用。扩展资料share的近义词:1、portion英文发音:["pu0254u02d0u0283(u0259)n]中文释义:n. 部分;一份;命运vt. 分配;分享;给…嫁妆例句:I have spent a considerable portion of my life here.我已在这里度过了一生中的大部分时光。2、partake英文发音:[pɑu02d0"teu026ak]中文释义:vi. 吃,喝;分享;参与;分担;带有某种性质vt. 分担;分享例句:They were happy to partake of our feast, but not to share our company.他们喜欢享用我们准备的丰盛大餐,但是不喜欢和我们呆在一起。

Chammak Challo 歌词

歌曲:Chammak Challo演唱:Akon作词:Whitney Houston 作曲:Shakira 专辑:《Chammak Challo - Single》歌词:girl you are my Chammak Challowhere you go girlim gonna followwhat you want girljust let me knowoooh oooh ohhyou can be my Chammak Challoooh ohhshorty im gonna get yayou know im gonna get yayou know i even let youlet you be my chammak challokesa sharmana aja nach k dikha deaa meri hoja aa parda gira deaa meri akhiyon se akhiyan mila leaa tu na nakhre dikhaawanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohtu meri Chammak Challoteri picture ka mein herogive it to me girl mujko de doho hoo hoooyou can be my Chammak Challoshorty im gonna get yayou know im gonna get yamaybe i even let you be my chammak chammak challokesa sharmana aja nach k dikha deaa meri hoja aa parda gira deaa meri akhiyon se akhiyan mila leaa tu na nakhre dikhaawanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohooh ho ooh ooh hoo oohkesa sharmana aja nach k dikha deaa meri hoja aa parda gira deaa meri akhiyon se akhiyan mila leaa tu na nakhre dikhaawanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh oohwanna be my Chammak Challoooh ooh ooh ooh

share 英语怎么读

一般用美音,三个音 xǖ ēi ěr 连贯读


share 英[ʃeə(r)] 美[ʃer] n. 股; (参与、得到等的) 份; (分享到的或贡献出的) 一份; 市场占有率; vt.& vi. 共用; 共有; 均摊; vt. 分配; 分开; 共同承担; 全部释义>>[例句]Share your ideas with your classmates.和你的同学们分享你的观点。




share[英][u0283eu0259(r)][美][u0283u025br]n.股; (参与、得到等的)份; (分享到的或贡献出的)一份; 市场占有率; vt.& vi.共有; 共用; 均摊; vt.分配; 分开; 共同承担; vi.分享,分担(in); 第三人称单数:shares过去分词:shared复数:shares现在进行时:sharing过去式:shared例句:1.It"s hard to share power. 权力很难分享。2.Bank of america stock is currently selling at about$ 8 per share. 美国银行当前股价约8美元/股。3.The definition of a social share is influx. 社交共享是一个大混杂。4.Share prices are up sharply. 股票价格正大幅上涨。5.But share options continued to raise eyebrows. 但股份认购权仍让人大吃一惊。


share的意思是:分享。读音:英[u0283eu0259r],美[u0283er]。释义:v.分享,共用;分配;有同样的感情(或经历);分担。n.份,份额;股份;责任,贡献。例句:We shared the joy of victory with the athletes.我们和运动员们一起分享胜利的喜悦。变形:过去式shared,过去分词shared,现在分词sharing,第三人称单数shares,复数shares。短语:share among在…中分享。share prices股票价格。one share of the bill账单中份额。one share of the cake一份蛋糕。share的用法share用作名词时,可表示“分得或应承受的一份”,其后常接of或in。share在英式英语中还可指“股票”,是可数名词,而在美式英语中“股票”一般说stock。share有时可置于另一名词前作定语。share用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,与in连用,后可与抽象名词连用(如the cost,the joys,the fun,troubles,the happiness等)。




就这样读了 she er 重音在前面





Meet Me Halfway歌词--- 中文翻译

Oooh,I can"t go any further than this我一步也不会离开Oooh,I want you so badly,it"s my biggest wish我是多么需要你,这是我现在最大的愿望I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinking about you我把我的全部时间都用来想你Every single day,I"m really missin" missin" you每一天都是如此的想念你And all those things we use to use to use to do还有那些我们过去常常做的事Hey girl,wuz up,it use to be just me and you(注:wuz up=what"s up)嘿,女孩,到底怎么了,那个时候只有你和我I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinking about you我把我的全部时间都用来想你Every single day,yes i"m really missin missin you每一天都如此的想念你And all those things we use to use to use to do还有那些我们过去常常做的事Hey girl wuz up,wuz up,wuz up,wuz up嘿,女孩,到底怎么了,怎么了,怎么了Meet me halfway,right at the borderline在我的忍耐达到底线之前,向我妥协吧That"s where i"m gonna wait for you我就在这里等你I"ll be looking out night and day我日夜坐立不安Took my heart to the limit,and this is where i stay这让我的耐心达到了极限,而这也正是我现在所在的地方Oooh,I can"t go any further than this我一步也不会离开Oooh,I want you so bad it"s my only wish我是如此的需要你,这是我现在仅有的愿望Girl,i travel round the world and even sail the seven seas女孩,我环游世界,甚至航行七海Across the universe i go to other galaxies我穿越整个宇宙,走向下一个星系Just tell me where you go,just tell me where you wanna meet只要告诉我,你要走向哪里,只要告诉我你想在哪里见面I navigate myself myself to take me where you be我会为自己导航,然后到达你所在的地方Cause girl i want,i,i,i want you right now因为女孩,我此刻就想拥有你I travel uptown(town)i travel downtown我走过尘嚣I wanna to have you around(round)like every single day我每一天想把你留在身边I love you alway..(way)我一直是爱你的Can you meet me half way(I"ll meet you halfway)你会向我妥协吗(我会让着你)Right at the borderline就在我的底线上That"s where i"m gonna wait,for you我就在那里等着你I"ll be looking out,night and day我日夜坐立不安Took my heart to the limit,and this is where i stay这让我的耐心达到了极限,而这也正是我现在所在的地方Oooh,I can"t go any further than this我一步也不会离开Oooh,I want you so bad it"s my only wish我是多么需要你,这是我仅有的愿望Oooh,I can"t go any further than this我一步也不会离开Oooh,I want you so bad it"s my only wish我是如此的需要你,这是我唯一的愿望Let"s walk the bridge,to the other side让我们一起在桥上漫步,直到桥的那一边Just you and I(just you and I)只有你和我I will fly,i"ll fly the skies,for you and I(for you and I)为了我们,我会飞翔,在天空中飞翔I will try,until i die,for you and i,for you and i,for for you and i,为了我们,我会永远努力For for you and i,for for you and i,for you and i为了你和我

Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? 歌词

歌曲名:Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?歌手:Shania Twain专辑:Greatest HitsWhose bed have your boots been under?Whose bed have your boots been under?And whose heart did you steal I wonder?This time did it feel like thunder, baby?Whose bed have your boots been under?Don"t look so lonelyDon"t act so blueI know I"m not the onlyGirl you run toI know about LolitaYour little Spanish flameI"ve seen you around with RitaThe redhead down the laneWhose bed have your boots been under?And whose heart did you steal I wonder?This time did it feel like thunder, baby?And who did you run to?And whose lips have you been kissin"?And whose ear did you make a wish in?Is she the one that you"ve been missin", baby?Well whose bed have your boots been under?I heard you"ve been sneakin"Around with JillAnd what about that weekendWith Beverly HillAnd I"ve seen you walkin"With long legs LouiseAnd you weren"t just talkin"Last night with DeniseWhose bed have your boots been under?And whose heart did you steal I wonder?This time did it feel like thunder, baby?And who did you run to?And whose lips have you been kissin"?And whose ear did you make a wish in?Is she the one that you"ve been missin", baby?Well whose bed have your boots been under?Come on boots...So next time you"re lonelyDon"t call on meTry the operatorMaybe she"ll be freeWhose bed have your boots been under?And whose heart did you steal I wonder?This time did it feel like thunder, baby?Whose bed have your boots been under?And whose heart did you steal I wonder?This time did it feel like thunder, baby?And who did you run to?And whose lips have you been kissin"?And whose ear did you make a wish in?Is she the one that you"ve been missin", baby?Well whose bed have your boots been under?I wanna know whose bed, babyWhoa baby, tell meWhose bed, yes I wanna knowYou better start talkin"Or you better start walkin"...http://music.baidu.com/song/8525941

so that,such that,too to之间的区别和各自的用法

在英语中,to一词用法及其灵活。除了常见“to do”结构外,to还有介词和副词的用法。但我们大都是听过记忆类似“be devoted to doing”这种所谓的固定搭配学习,却不知其中的to到底是何意。1. 向,对着(某方向或某处):He walked to the school.他朝学校走去。2. 位于…方向:There are many buildings to the north of mountains. 山北面坐落着很多楼房。3. 到,达(某处):Her long hair fell to the ground.她的长发垂到地上。4. 到,达(某状态):He always tries to work to perfection. 他总是努力将工作做到完美。5. 至(表示范围或一段时间的结尾或界限):The museum is open from 9:00 to 17:00.博物馆开放时间为9:00到17:00。6. 差,离:It is ten to ten. 现在是十点差十分。(9:50)7. 给(引出接受者):My mother gave a birthday present to me. 妈妈送我生日礼物。8. 对于,关于(引出受事者):What have done to the little boy? 你对这个小男孩做了什么?9. 表示两件事物相接:The printer is connected to the computer. 打印机与电脑相连。10. 属于,归于(表示两事物或两人之间的关系):the key to the door门的钥匙11. 指向:Terrorism is a threat to peace. 恐怖主义是对和平的威胁。12. 表示引出比较的第二部分:My mother prefer swimming to walking. 比起散步,妈妈更喜欢游泳。China won the game by six goals to two.中国以六比二赢得比赛。13. 等于,每(表示数量或比率):There are 60 seconds to a minute. 一分钟六十秒。14. 向…表示敬意:We will build a monument to the soldiers who died in the earthquake.我们将为地震中牺牲的战士修建纪念碑。15. 伴随:Everybody danced happily to the music. 所有人随音乐换新起舞。16. 为了给(用于表示动作的动词后):The little boy rushed to his father. 小男孩向他爸爸冲过去。17. 适合,致使:To my surprise, Jack could pass the exam. 令我惊讶的是,杰克竟能通过考试。18. 按照…看法:To me, whether it"s right doesn"t matter. 对我而言,对错都不重要。以上是to 作为介词的主要用法,另外,to用作副词还有“关着”之意:1. Please push the door to. 请推门关上。2. to and fro 来来回回:He couldn"t calm down and walked to and fro in the room.他难以冷静下来,在房里走来走去。以上是环球教育小编为大家介绍的托福口语常用介词to的用法,希望对大家的备考有帮助。


haali media splitter是:1、Haali Media Splitter 原名是 Haali Matroska Splitter,从2005年4月2日起,Haali Matroska Splitter 更名为 Haali Media Splitter。 2、 Haali Media Splitter的作者是俄罗斯人Haali ,它是另外一个版本的Matroska Directshow Splitter,该版本是一个能处理mkv中AVC/H.264视频的一个directshow splitter。3、新版本增加了对AVI、OGG/OGM、MPEG TS、MP4 DirectShow splitter的支持。4、 最新的Haali Media splitter支持TS流中的DTS音轨以及PS流里的LPCM音频,包括了针对损坏的TS流文件的工作区,支持BT.709色彩转换和Full Luma Range,并且修复了一些错误。

haali media splitter是什么东西?能卸载么?有危险么?


怎么关闭Haali Media Splitter


Haali Media Splitter是什么,很烦人

能说的详细点吗.Haali Media Splitter是一个什么程序.怎么个烦人法.是关不掉还是怎么了

英语hanger sword什么意思?

hanger sword有些类似cutlass的弯刀剑。A cutlass is a short, broad sabre or slashing sword, with a straight or slightly curved blade sharpened on the cutting edge, and a hilt often featuring a solid cupped or basket-shaped guard. It was a common naval weapon during the Age of Sail.短剑是一种短的、宽的刀剑或削尖的剑,刀刃上有一个直的或稍微弯曲的刀刃,刀柄通常有一个实心的杯状或篮子状的防护装置。它是帆船时代的一种常见的海军武器。U0001f923U0001f923U0001f923U0001f923U0001f923

The salesman scolded the girl caught ____ and let her off. A.to have stolen B.stealing  C

B 试题分析:句意是:销售员责备了被抓住偷东西的女孩,让她走了。这里过去分词caught是定语修饰the girl,而“抓住某人正在做什么”是:catch sb doing,用现在分词做宾语补足语,选B。

He was seen____into the bedroom.A.steal B.to be stealing C.had stolen D.stealing.


词汇学题目,what is conversion

1. Conversation between two or more persons to dialog kill time 2. Both or multiple contacts or talks between the two countries engaged in a dialogue on trade issues 1. 两个或两个以上的人之间的谈话以对话消磨时间2. 双方或多方之间接触或会谈两国就贸易问题进行对话

真心求N首好听的英文歌。抒情/R&B,重金属的摇滚的就拉倒吧~ 例子:i never have a dream come true.

我喜欢because of you和burning,很多人都喜欢哦最近在听flowers (feat. kaori natori),也很好听哦

have medicine可以表示用药吗


what preparations do you think you should make before you go abroad?

Most people have such a doubt: have a few months went abroad, should spend some time cramming: following oral or vocabulary?, in fact, not exactly, English is the need for a gradual process, it can be improved, also when you are in, you will find your language ability is fast, this progress is the ability to read every day, so it"s very likely that in the country to spend a summer vacation and studied English in foreign countries a week to raise up. Recommends that you can concentrate on other aspects, such as learning to Cook, learn how to use the washing machine, vacuum cleaners and other home appliances, have time and you can learn to ride a bicycle or even driving, and other life skills. In addition is the item on the preparations, because foreign Barber than domestic will be expensive, it is recommended that before leaving the country to cut point. Clothes as long as the seasons have on it, because foreign discount when you absolutely can buy many inexpensive clothing. The other is the drug, the drug purchasing many prescription, although many local doctor not money, but some small flu if any band often eat drugs in the side still very convenient. And then there is the rice cookers, electronic dictionaries, convert plugs and drag-and-Board, glasses, contact lens care solution. The other is positive, for those eager students overseas employment experience, can bring a positive response. Although foreign dress up very cheap discount, but in general due to foreigners in shape, so in order to meet both discount, but also your own size dress was full of difficult. If you choose to go to Britain to study, the umbrella or raincoat are essential. The United Kingdom has very often are hazy weathe. And then there is the luggage compartment, different airlines for baggage weight are not the same, General overseas student votes can be taken to 40 kilograms of baggage, branch borer suggested that they prepared two suitcases, and the two suitcases best a, avoid two identical boxes, so that in the short-distance travel abroad for vacation, you can use small boxes, and in the room to store the boot or smaller is placed in the larger, more convenient.

have preparations for对不对?

你是想表达:为…做准备。吗?有点小问题。应该用:make preparations forpreparations的谓语不能用have。望采纳~

shipping charge是什么意思

shipping charge[英][u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b tu0283ɑ:du0292][美][u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b tu0283ɑrdu0292]运送费,装船费用; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:双语英语1.How much is the shipping charge to taiwan? 寄到台湾的运费是多少?2.If we later decide to make an order, would you be able to credit us that shipping charge? 若我们稍后决定定货,你们能将运输费打到我们帐户上么?3.Shipping logistics recommended by taobao calculated in real charge sheet. 按淘宝推荐物流运费表计算按实收取。4.Do we charge for shipping and handling? 我们要收取运费和处理费吗?5.On tuesday, cardboard technologies responded to the donors ( or lack thereof) by lowering the bike"s cost to$ 135 ($ 95 plus a$ 40 shipping charge). 周二,纸板科技公司将自行车的售价下调至135美元(95美元加40美元运费),以回应捐助者的质疑(又或许是希望能够改变捐助者人数寥寥的局面)。

shipping charge是什么意思


亚马逊的shipping and handling 收费是什么意思

shipping&handing是运费,你要免运费的话必须满足两个条件 1-购买亚马逊自营的东西大于25刀(Ships from and sold by Amazon.com)2-运输选择5-8工作日的免费运输。 FREE Super Saver Shipping (5-8 business days)。

ShowHand 是什么意思啊

在中文中,传统上将扑克俗称为梭哈[梭哈(又称沙蟹)是英文ShowHand的音译。梭哈属于扑克的一种变化。 ],有时会称为美式扑克与其他使用扑克牌的游戏作为区隔。 扑克有无数种的变化型,多半使用一副、部分或者多副扑克牌来进行游戏,但不必要使用扑克牌。反之,并不是所有使用扑克牌进行的纸牌游戏或者赌博都可以称为扑克。玩家在游戏过程中要有增加注码和退出的机会。而二十一点、百家乐、桥牌等常见的使用扑克牌的游戏不属于扑克 showhand就是电影赌王赌圣之流的大侠们所常玩的游戏,以五张牌的排列及花色定胜负: 同花大顺(Royal Flush) 五张牌为10JQKA,黑桃为最大,其次为红桃方块梅花。 四条(Four of kind) 五张中有四张牌同一数字。 葫芦(Full House) 三张同一数字,另外两张同一数字。 同花(Flush) 五张牌同一花色。 顺子(Straigh) 五张牌数字连续,但不同花色。 三条(Three of kind) 五张中有三张牌同一数字。 两对(Two Pair) 有两对同一数字的牌。 一对(One Pair) 有一对。 五烂(High Card) 五张牌完全不搭,但还是可以比最大一张牌的大小



show hand 是什么意思




what did you say是怎么演变成wuz

是这样的:w-whatu-youz-say,谐音did 省略





mechanics, technique, and skill 区别? 请指教!

mechanics 机械学、力学 一般指学科;technique 技术, 技巧 一般指科技方面的;skill 技能,技巧 一般是针对人物的技能。。。。仅供参考

mafan kankan youzhege xinghao ma watfr resist st.steel 2510 s75101 cwt 200752 gn-o-s->5


what is a kitten?


what is encourages?

I don"t think there is a noun called “encourage” So encourages cannot be a noun. Maybe you just find it in some sentences such as He encourages graduates from universities and colleges to find work in grassroots regions/ Shanghai Encourages Replacement of Old Cars…etc In the above sentences “encourage” is a verb after he/she/it so “encourage” must be added “s”. Then it bees “encourages”. Encourage is a verb which me to give someone the courage or confidence to do something. When someone is worried and depressed you may want to encourage or fort him/her. This word has another meaning which is “to persuade somebody to do something” Imagine that you were a football team member and you would like to play with more people so that you would like to encourage (persuade) him/her to join. Encouraged / Encouraging (adj) Encouragement (n.) Do you need further help? 参考: scintillating 英 : what is encourages? 中 : encourges是干什么的 verb (动词) : encourage 支持;鼓励;激励 "VN" = 动词+名词 例如 : My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career。 在我选择职业时父母总是鼓励我。 adv (副词) : encouragingly 鼓励地; 勉励人地 opp (相反词) : discourage 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运! You have all the meaning in Chinese . Encourage usually is a verb. Your proper questioni should be : what does encourages mean? what is the meaning of encourages ? encourage is a verb - I we you they encourages is also a verb for He or she or third person singular form 1 鼓励;怂恿 2促进 助长;激发 3支持 1 鼓励;怂恿 2促进 助长;激发 3支持 参考: me/yahoo dictionary 1. 鼓励;怂恿[O2] She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 2. 促进 助长;激发 Don"t encourage her laziness by doing things for her. 别替她做事 这会助长她的懒惰。 3. 支持

What is the pot life and what is the shelf life? Can you give me the example of this two terms?


四大海中为什么渤海英语翻译时要Bohai Sea 而不是和黄河一样直接就Yellow S

Bo 是单音节,yellow 是双音节。根据中英翻译规则,专名是单音节,通名也是单音节,这时通名应视作专名的组成部分,先音译并与专名连写,后重复意译,渤海就翻译成the Bohai Sea ; 黄河就翻译成Yellow River 或the Huanghe River

谁有求实英语的全套啊? 有的话帮忙奉献下拉! 我的邮箱地址 zhaoyun006@163.com

我有全套的求实英语光盘email tianmad@126.com


shorthair意为短毛猫。重点词汇解释:1、shortadj. 短的;不足的;矮的,低的n. 短;缺乏;短路;短裤adv. 不足;突然;唐突地2、hairn. 头发;毛发;些微扩展资料:short的用法:1、作形容词short的基本意思是短的,既可指持续的时间短,也可指长度短,高度矮或在重量、数量等方面短缺的,不足的,未达标的。short指持续时间短时,有不完全、缩短或突然停止的意味。short和表示时间的time,hour,year等连用,可表示不足,不到,短暂的,修饰动作或声音,可表示短促的。short也可作简称的,简略形式的,简单粗暴的,唐突无礼的,少而浓的,烈性的,短音的,短期的,即将兑现的等的意思。2、作副词short用作副词的意思是突然地,唐突地,有时也可作达不到目的地的意思。short在句中多用作状语。

请问 darwin had a phrase to describle those ignorant of wvolution:they"look at an organic being

翻译过来就是:达尔文这样描述那些对进化论一无所知的人:“他们看到有机生物,就如野人看到商店,如同看到一个远超出他们理解能力的东西一样。”后面那个句子,补充起来就是as a savage looks at something wholly beyond his comprehension.

求 comprehand的名词形式?


Shaggy的《Mission》 歌词

歌曲名:Mission歌手:Shaggy专辑:Midnite Lover「Mission」作词∶MIZUE作曲∶GEN歌∶VANNESS君は mission everlasting missionthank you for this mi-mi-mi-mission(I got love for you)君は mission 呼び合う mission运命 感じた瞬间 生まれ変わる世界寝ても覚めても 想い出に囚われたまま 君は 何故心を knockする 鼓动を 拒み続けるの?永远(とわ)のfiction 闭ざされたpassion伤ついた羽根 愈すように溢れてる孤独を 抱き缔めたいI wanna hold you tight君は mission everlasting missionthank you for this mi-mi-mi-mission(I got love for you)君は mission 呼び合う mission运命 感じた瞬间 生まれ変わる世界e-e-e-every month (every month)e-e-e-every week (every week)no matter where, know that I"ll be there.e-e-e-every day (every day)e-e-e-every way (every way)it"s time, it"s now, I"ll show you.応えが「No」でも 构わない 距离も时间も関系ない心は 缚れない 近くの仆でも 谁でも愿いと 自由に 羽ばたける どこまででも君は mission everlasting missionthank you for this mi-mi-mi-mission(I got love for you)君は mission 呼び合う mission运命 感じた瞬间 生まれ変わる世界e-e-e-every month (every month)e-e-e-every week (every week)no matter where, know that I"ll be there.e-e-e-every day (every day)e-e-e-every way (every way)it"s time, it"s now, I"ll show you.can you hear me now? can you feel me now?every day and night I"m waiting for you call...you can call... you can call love call your true love君は mission everlasting missionthank you for this mi-mi-mi-mission(I got love for you)君は mission 呼び合う mission运命 感じた瞬间 生まれ変わる世界Here we go yo, no mo sorrow.Now you know so, new tomorrow"s【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/3468989

《what make you beautiful》歌词解释

You"re insecure Don"t know what for 不知道为何 你会觉得没安全感You"re turing heads When you walk through the door 你总是别过头Don"t need make-up To cover up 别掩饰了Being the way thay you are is enough 做你自己就足够了Everyone else in the room can see it 你身旁所有人都看得出 你是如此美好Everyone else but you 除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝,只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人You don"t know 你不知道OH OH OH You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If noly you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会知道我为什么如此疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视你 美好得让我不敢相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢 噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人噢~噢~That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~So c-come on 来吧~You got it wrong 用这一曲to prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ng 来证明我是对的 你是错的I don"t know why 我不明白You"re being shy 为什么你总是害羞And turn away when I look into you eyes 当我注视你的时候 你总是避开Everyone else in the room can see it 你身边所有人都看得出 你是如此美好everyone else but you 除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢·You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我会疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好得让我无法相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 噢~噢~That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~NA NA NA NA...... Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我那么疯狂地想要得到你Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好的让我无法相信You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~

Charice 《did it for you》歌词和伴奏

Charice - Did It For You Minutes turn to hours Hours turn to days Knew what I have to do Couldn"t find the words to say We had the perfect story Stories have an end Had to turn the page Cause to keep you was a sin,oh You know I loved you with everything that I had But what you needed, I couldn"t be, had you bad I cared enough about you, to give you the chance To find someone who cares I broke your heart I did it for you Tore us apart I did it for you Just walked away I did it for you Oh, for you You wanted more than my everything, I did it for you Someone you knew I couldn"t be, I did it for you Why don"t you ever understand me But it"s true, it"s true I did it for you, for you I could say I"m sorry, wouldn"t mean a thing Tell you what you wanna hear Baby, what you wanted wasn"t from me Held you by a string, had to cut you loose Cause forever is something we can"t be You know I loved you with everything that I had But what you needed, I couldn"t be, had you bad I cared enough about you, to give you the chance To find someone who cares I broke your heart I did it for you Tore us apart I did it for you Just walked away I did it for you Oh, for you You wanted more than my everything, I did it for you Someone you knew I couldn"t be, I did it for you Why don"t you ever understand me But it"s true, it"s true I did it for you, for you They say the ones that you love Are the ones that you hurt the most For all the pain that I"ve caused you Baby, I"m sorry I did it for you I did it for you Tore us apart I"m so sorry babe I did it for you Just walked away I did it for you For You You wanted more than my everything, everything I did it for you Someone you knew I couldn"t be, I did it for you Why don"t you ever understand me But it"s true, it"s true I did it for you

Do you usually challenge the idea an author represents? What do you think is active reading?


表示去世的现在完成时有has gone away这种说法吗?

has passed away.

What is Rebate Agreement?

Things like this are available in SAP Help Files. Please refere them first for basic understanding. I"m quoting the necessary information from help files itself. The path is SAP Library > SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components > Logisitcs > Sales & Distribution > Billing > Rebate AgreementsRebate AgreementA rebate is a special discount which is paid retroactively to a customer. This discount is based on the customer"s sales volume over a specified time period. You define the details of the rebate in a rebate agreement. In the agreement you specify, for examplewho receives the rebate payment on what criteria the rebate is based (customer, customer and material, and so on).how long the rebate agreement is validWithin the rebate agreement you create separate condition records for each product the customer buys. These records specify the rebate amount or percentage for each product. You can also specify a pricing scale so that the customer can earn a better rebate by ordering more. Because rebates are always paid retroactively, the system keeps track of all billing documents (invoices, credit and debit memos) that are relevant for rebate processing. The system can, if you wish, automatically post accruals so that the accumulated value of a rebate is recorded for accounting purposes. A rebate agreement is finally settled when you issue a credit memo to the customer for the accumulated rebate total. You can set up rebates at any level just like pricing. The following rebates have been set up in the standard version of the SAP R/3 system:Rebate based on a material Rebate based on a customer Rebate based on a customer hierarchy Rebate based on a group of materialsPrerequisites for Processing RebatesYou can process rebate agreements when the following prerequisite conditions are met:The sales organization in which you are processing sales orders must be relevant for rebate processing. Your system administrator sets this indicator in Customizing for Sales. The payer must be relevant for rebate processing. In many cases, the payer is the same as the customer. You indicate whether a customer can receive rebates by marking the Rebates field in the Billing view of the customer master record. The billing type (invoice, credit memo, and so on) you are using must be relevant for rebate processing. Your system administrator sets this indicator when defining billing types in Customizing for Sales.

What is Rebate Agreement?

Things like this are available in SAP Help Files. Please refere them first for basic understanding. I"m quoting the necessary information from help files itself. The path is SAP Library > SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components > Logisitcs > Sales & Distribution > Billing > Rebate AgreementsRebate AgreementA rebate is a special discount which is paid retroactively to a customer. This discount is based on the customer"s sales volume over a specified time period. You define the details of the rebate in a rebate agreement. In the agreement you specify, for examplewho receives the rebate payment on what criteria the rebate is based (customer, customer and material, and so on).how long the rebate agreement is validWithin the rebate agreement you create separate condition records for each product the customer buys. These records specify the rebate amount or percentage for each product. You can also specify a pricing scale so that the customer can earn a better rebate by ordering more. Because rebates are always paid retroactively, the system keeps track of all billing documents (invoices, credit and debit memos) that are relevant for rebate processing. The system can, if you wish, automatically post accruals so that the accumulated value of a rebate is recorded for accounting purposes. A rebate agreement is finally settled when you issue a credit memo to the customer for the accumulated rebate total. You can set up rebates at any level just like pricing. The following rebates have been set up in the standard version of the SAP R/3 system:Rebate based on a material Rebate based on a customer Rebate based on a customer hierarchy Rebate based on a group of materialsPrerequisites for Processing RebatesYou can process rebate agreements when the following prerequisite conditions are met:The sales organization in which you are processing sales orders must be relevant for rebate processing. Your system administrator sets this indicator in Customizing for Sales. The payer must be relevant for rebate processing. In many cases, the payer is the same as the customer. You indicate whether a customer can receive rebates by marking the Rebates field in the Billing view of the customer master record. The billing type (invoice, credit memo, and so on) you are using must be relevant for rebate processing. Your system administrator sets this indicator when defining billing types in Customizing for Sales.

Corbin Fisher - ACS0430 - Steve Fucks Harper & Ashley.wmv高清完整版下载地址有么?有发必采纳拜托各

Corbin Fisher - ACS0430 - Steve Fucks Harper & Ashley.wmv高清完整版下载地址: 鄙视拿种子就走滴人!!!


1、生物丰富度是指这一地区的某个生物的数量多或少。2、生物多样性,生态学术语,是一个描述自然界多样性程度的一个内容广泛的概念,不同学者提出了多种定义。3、在《保护生物学》一书中,蒋志刚等(1997)给生物多样性所下的定义为:"生物多样性是生物及其环境形成的生态复合体以及与此相关的各种生态过程的综合,包括动物、植物、微生物和它们所拥有的基因以及它们与其生存环境形成的复杂的生态系统"。4、香农-威纳指数是一个专业术语。费歇尔和普雷斯顿的方法所表示的多样性指数仅包括种的多寡一方面。香农-威纳指数和辛普森指数则包括了测量群落的异质性。香农-威纳指数借用了信息论方法。信息论的主要测量对象是系统的序( order)或无序(disorder)的含量。5、辛普森多样性指数(Simpsonindex)该指数描述从一个群落种连续两次抽样所得到的个体数属于同一种的概率。扩展资料shannon指数(香农-威纳指数)和simpson)辛普森指数)则包括了测量群落的异质性。香农-威纳指数借用了信息论方法。信息论的主要测量对象是系统的序( order)或无序(disorder)的含量。进行预测,预测信息中下一个是什么字母,其不定性的程度有多大。例如,b b b b b b b这样的信息流,都属于同一个字母,要预测下一个字母是什么,没有任何不定性,其信息的不定性含量等于零。如果是a,b,c,d,e,f,g,每个字母都不相同。那么其信息的不定性含量就大。在群落多样性的测度上,就借用了这个信息论中不定性测量方法,就是预测下一个采集的个体属于什么种,如果群落的多样性程度越高,其不定性也就越大。




Does Lishan have many toys?

豪门小说。男主姓洛女主姓苏。 女主是一个设计师,开了一间公司叫lisha“结婚当天老公丢下她自己



在安装Hadoop集群的时候,我们在yarn-site.xml文件中配置了MapReduce的运行方式为yarn.nodemanager.aux-services=mapreduce_shuffle。本节就来详细介绍一下MapReduce的shuffle过程。 shuffle,即混洗、洗牌的意思,是指MapReduce程序在执行过程中,数据在各个Mapper(Combiner、Sorter、Partitioner)、Reducer等进程之间互相交换的过程。 关于上图Shuffle过程的几点说明: 说明:map节点执行map task任务生成map的输出结果。 shuffle的工作内容: 从运算效率的出发点,map输出结果优先存储在map节点的内存中。每个map task都有一个内存缓冲区,存储着map的输出结果,当达到内存缓冲区的阀值(80%)时,需要将缓冲区中的数据以一个临时文件的方式存到磁盘,当整个map task结束后再对磁盘中这个map task所产生的所有临时文件做合并,生成最终的输出文件。最后,等待reduce task来拉取数据。当然,如果map task的结果不大,能够完全存储到内存缓冲区,且未达到内存缓冲区的阀值,那么就不会有写临时文件到磁盘的操作,也不会有后面的合并。 详细过程如下: (1)map task任务执行,输入数据的来源是:HDFS的block。当然在mapreduce概念中,map task读取的是split分片。split与block的对应关系:一对一(默认)。 此处有必要说明一下block与split: block(物理划分):文件上传到HDFS,就要划分数据成块,这里的划分属于物理的划分,块的大小可配置(默认:第一代为64M,第二代为128M)可通过 dfs.block.size配置。为保证数据的安 全,block采用冗余机制:默认为3份,可通过dfs.replication配置。注意:当更改块大小的配置后,新上传的文件的块大小为新配置的值,以前上传的文件的块大小为以前的配置值。 split(逻辑划分):Hadoop中split划分属于逻辑上的划分,目的只是为了让map task更好地获取数据。split是通过hadoop中的InputFormat接口中的getSplit()方法得到的。那么,split的大小具体怎么得到呢? 首先介绍几个数据量: totalSize:整个mapreduce job所有输入的总大小。注意:基本单位是block个数,而不是Bytes个数。 numSplits:来自job.getNumMapTasks(),即在job启动时用户利用 org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf.setNumMapTasks(int n)设置的值,从方法的名称上看,是用于设置map的个数。但是,最终map的个数也就是split的个数并不一定取用户设置的这个值,用户设置的map个数值只是给最终的map个数一个提示,只是一个影响因素,而不是决定因素。 goalSize:totalSize/numSplits,即期望的split的大小,也就是每个mapper处理多少的数据。但是仅仅是期望 minSize:split的最小值,该值可由两个途径设置: 最终取goalSize和minSize中的最大值! 最终:split大小的计算原则:finalSplitSize=max(minSize,min(goalSize,blockSize)) 那么,map的个数=totalSize/finalSplitSize 注意: 新版的API中InputSplit划分算法不再考虑用户设定的Map Task个数,而是用mapred.max.split.size(记为maxSize)代替 即:InputSplit大小的计算公式为:splitSize=max{minSize,min{maxSize,blockSize}} 接下来就简答说说怎么根据业务需求,调整map的个数。 当我们用hadoop处理大批量的大数据时,一种最常见的情况就是job启动的mapper数量太多而超出系统限制,导致hadoop抛出异常终止执行。 解决方案:减少mapper的数量!具体如下: a.输入文件数量巨大,但不是小文件 这种情况可通过增大每个mapper的inputsize,即增大minSize或者增大blockSize来减少所需的mapper的数量。增大blocksize通常不可行,因为HDFS被hadoop namenode -format之后,blocksize就已经确定了(由格式化时dfs.block.size决定),如果要更改blocksize,需要重新格式化HDFS,这样当然会丢失已有的数据。所以通常情况下只能增大minSize,即增大mapred.min.split.size的值。 b.输入文件数量巨大,且都是小文件 所谓小文件,就是单个文件的size小于blockSize。这种情况通过增大mapred.min.split.size不可行,需要使用FileInputFormat衍生的CombineFileInputFormat将多个input path合并成一个InputSplit送给mapper处理,从而减少mapper的数量。增加mapper的数量,可以通过减少每个mapper的输入做到,即减小blockSize或者减少mapred.min.split.size的值。 (2)map执行后,得到key/value键值对。接下来的问题就是,这些键值对应该交给哪个reduce做?注意:reduce的个数是允许用户在提交job时,通过设置方法设置的! MapReduce提供partitioner接口解决上述问题。默认操作是:对key hash后再以reduce task数量取模,返回值决定着该键值对应该由哪个reduce处理。这种默认的取模方式只是为了平均reduce的处理能力,防止数据倾斜,保证负载均衡。如果用户自己对Partition有需求,可以自行定制并设置到job上。 接下来,需要将key/value以及Partition结果都写入到缓冲区,缓冲区的作用:批量收集map结果,减少磁盘IO的影响。当然,写入之前,这些数据都会被序列化成字节数组。而整个内存缓冲区就是一个字节数组。这个内存缓冲区是有大小限制的,默认100MB。当map task的输出结果很多时,就可能撑爆内存。需将缓冲区的数据临时写入磁盘,然后重新利用这块缓冲区。 从内存往磁盘写数据被称为Spill(溢写),由单独线程完成,不影响往缓冲区写map结果的线程。溢写比例:spill.percent(默认0.8)。 当缓冲区的数据达到阀值,溢写线程启动,锁定这80MB的内存,执行溢写过程。剩下的20MB继续写入map task的输出结果。互不干涉! 当溢写线程启动后,需要对这80MB空间内的key做排序(Sort)。排序是mapreduce模型的默认行为,也是对序列化的字节做的排序。排序规则:字典排序! map task的输出结果写入内存后,当溢写线程未启动时,对输出结果并没有做任何的合并。从官方图可以看出,合并是体现在溢写的临时磁盘文件上的,且这种合并是对不同的reduce端的数值做的合并。所以溢写过程一个很重要的细节在于,如果有很多个key/value对需要发送到某个reduce端,那么需要将这些键值对拼接到一块,减少与partition相关的索引记录。如果client设置Combiner,其会将有相同key的key/value对的value加起来,减少溢写到磁盘的数据量。注意:这里的合并并不能保证map结果中所有的相同的key值的键值对的value都合并了,它合并的范围只是这80MB,它能保证的是在每个单独的溢写文件中所有键值对的key值均不相同! 溢写生成的临时文件的个数随着map输出结果的数据量变大而增多,当整个map task完成,内存中的数据也全部溢写到磁盘的一个溢写文件。也就是说,不论任何情况下,溢写过程生成的溢写文件至少有一个!但是最终的文件只能有一个,需要将这些溢写文件归并到一起,称为merge。merge是将所有的溢写文件归并到一个文件,结合上面所描述的combiner的作用范围,归并得到的文件内键值对有可能拥有相同的key,这个过程如果client设置过Combiner,也会合并相同的key值的键值对,如果没有,merge得到的就是键值集合,如{“aaa”, [5, 8, 2, …]}。注意:combiner的合理设置可以提高效率,但是如果使用不当会影响效率! 至此,map端的所有工作都已经结束! 当mapreduce任务提交后,reduce task就不断通过RPC从JobTracker那里获取map task是否完成的信息,如果获知某台TaskTracker上的map task执行完成,Shuffle的后半段过程就开始启动。其实呢,reduce task在执行之前的工作就是:不断地拉取当前job里每个map task的最终结果,并对不同地方拉取过来的数据不断地做merge,也最终形成一个文件作为reduce task的输入文件。 1.Copy过程,简单地拉取数据。Reduce进程启动一些数据copy线程(Fether),通过HTTP方式请求map task所在的TaskTracker获取map task的输出文件。因为map task早已结束,这些文件就归TaskTracker管理在本地磁盘。 2.Merge过程。这里的merge如map端的merge动作,只是数组中存放的是不同map端copy过来的数值。Copy过来的数据会先放入内存缓冲区中,这里缓冲区的大小要比map端的更为灵活,它是基于JVM的heap size设置,因为shuffler阶段reducer不运行,所以应该把绝大部分的内存都给shuffle用。 merge的三种形式:内存到内存、内存到磁盘、磁盘到磁盘。默认情况下,第一种形式不启用。当内存中的数据量达到一定的阀值,就启动内存到磁盘的merge。与map端类似,这也是溢写过程,当然如果这里设置了Combiner,也是会启动的,然后在磁盘中生成了众多的溢写文件。第二种merge方式一直在运行,直到没有map端的数据时才结束,然后启动第三种磁盘到磁盘的merge方式生成最终的那个文件。 3.reducer的输入文件。不断地merge后,最后会生成一个“最终文件”。这个最终文件可能在磁盘中也可能在内存中。当然我们希望它在内存中,直接作为reducer的输入,但默认情况下,这个文件是存放于磁盘中的。当reducer的输入文件已定,整个shuffle才最终结束。然后就是reducer执行,把结果存放到HDFS上。



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算法用流程图(Flowchart)来表示,开始/结束框是用来表示算法的开始和结束,以下哪个表示开始/结束框 (



1、chart,n. 图表;这个词除了图表的意思还有名词海图;图纸;排行榜和动词绘制…的图表;在海图上标出;详细计划;记录;记述的意思。采用分类或平均方式简化数据,固定时间点,两个变量2、diagramn ,n. 图表;图解vt. 用图解法表示。偏向于示意。“Diagram”通常与数据无关,示意居多。3、graph,n. 图表;曲线图vt. 用曲线图表示。关注原始数据,显示数值时间趋势,通常有横纵【x、y】坐标轴,包含点、直线或曲线,多用于分析,如股市。4、figure,n. 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色vt. 计算;认为;描绘;象征。扩展资料:其他有图表含义的单词:Bar chart或bar graph:条形图。可横可竖。Gantt chart:甘特图、横道图。进度计划常用。Histogram:直方图。Line chart或line graph:折线图。Area chart或area graph:面积图。Pie chart或circle chart:饼图。用于显示划分情况。Flowchart:流程图。Mathematical graph:数学图形,由点和边组成。Blueprint:蓝图。如工程设计。


1、chart,n. 图表;这个词除了图表的意思还有名词海图;图纸;排行榜和动词绘制…的图表;在海图上标出;详细计划;记录;记述的意思。采用分类或平均方式简化数据,固定时间点,两个变量2、diagramn ,n. 图表;图解vt. 用图解法表示。偏向于示意。“Diagram”通常与数据无关,示意居多。3、graph,n. 图表;曲线图vt. 用曲线图表示。关注原始数据,显示数值时间趋势,通常有横纵【x、y】坐标轴,包含点、直线或曲线,多用于分析,如股市。4、figure,n. 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色vt. 计算;认为;描绘;象征。扩展资料:其他有图表含义的单词:Bar chart或bar graph:条形图。可横可竖。Gantt chart:甘特图、横道图。进度计划常用。Histogram:直方图。Line chart或line graph:折线图。Area chart或area graph:面积图。Pie chart或circle chart:饼图。用于显示划分情况。Flowchart:流程图。Mathematical graph:数学图形,由点和边组成。Blueprint:蓝图。如工程设计。






1、chart,n. 图表;这个词除了图表的意思还有名词海图;图纸;排行榜和动词绘制…的图表;在海图上标出;详细计划;记录;记述的意思。采用分类或平均方式简化数据,固定时间点,两个变量2、diagramn ,n. 图表;图解vt. 用图解法表示。偏向于示意。“Diagram”通常与数据无关,示意居多。3、graph,n. 图表;曲线图vt. 用曲线图表示。关注原始数据,显示数值时间趋势,通常有横纵【x、y】坐标轴,包含点、直线或曲线,多用于分析,如股市。4、figure,n. 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色vt. 计算;认为;描绘;象征。扩展资料:其他有图表含义的单词:Bar chart或bar graph:条形图。可横可竖。Gantt chart:甘特图、横道图。进度计划常用。Histogram:直方图。Line chart或line graph:折线图。Area chart或area graph:面积图。Pie chart或circle chart:饼图。用于显示划分情况。Flowchart:流程图。Mathematical graph:数学图形,由点和边组成。Blueprint:蓝图。如工程设计。


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