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Have A Nice Day 歌词

歌曲名:Have A Nice Day歌手:Carlos Jean专辑:Mr. DabadaBa badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,San Francisco bay, past pier thirty nine,Early p.m. can"t remember what time,Got the waiting cab, stopped at the red light,Address unsure of, but it turned out just right,It started straight off, "coming here is hell"That"s his first words, we asked what he meant,He said "where ya" from?" we told him our lot,"When ya" take a holiday, is this what you want?"So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Lie around all day, having drink to chase,"Yourself and tourists yeah, that"s what I hate",He said "we"re going wrong, we"ve all become the same,We dress the same ways, only our accents change",So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyy,Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyy,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Swim in the ocean, that be my dish,I drive around all day, and kill processed fish,Its all money gum, no artists anymore,You"re only in it now, to make more, more, more,So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,So have a nice day,Have a nice day,So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,So have a nice day,http://music.baidu.com/song/2610493

Have A Nice Day 歌词

歌曲名:Have A Nice Day歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Bon Jovi Greatest Hits - The Ultimate CollectionHave A Nice DayBon JoviWhy, you wanna tell me how to live my life?Who, are you to tell me if it"s black or white?Mama, can you help me try to understandIs innocence the difference between a boy and a manMy daddy lived a lieIts just the price that he paidSacrificed his life, just slaving awayOhhh, if there"s one thing I hang ontoThat gets me through the nightI ain"t gonna do what I don"t want toI"m gonna live my lifeShining like a diamondRolling with the diceStanding on the ledgeJust show the wind how to flyWhen the world gets in my faceI say, have a nice dayHave a nice dayTake a look around you, nothings what it seemsWe"re living in a broken home of hopes and dreamsLet me be the first to shake your helping handEverybody, brave enough to take a standI knocked on every door, on every dead end streetLooking for forgivenessWhat"s left to believe?Ohhh, if there"s one thing I hang ontoThat gets me through the nightI ain"t gonna do what I don"t want toI"m gonna live my lifeShining like a diamondRolling with the diceStanding on the ledgeJust show the wind how to flyWhen the world gets in my faceI say, have a nice dayHave a nice dayOhhhOhhh, if there"s one thing I hang ontoThat gets me through the nightI ain"t gonna do what I don"t want toI"m gonna live my lifeShining like a diamondRolling with the diceStanding on the ledgeJust show the wind how to flyWhen the world gets in my faceI say, have a nice dayHave a nice dayHave a nice dayNow when this world keeps trying, to drag me downI"ve gotta raise my handsGonna stand my groundI say, hey, have a nice dayHave a nice dayHave a nice dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7385466

have a nice day中文什么意思

“haveaniceday”的意思是:祝你今天快乐、过个愉快的一天吧!用“haveaniceday”造句:1、Iwishyouhaveaniceday.2、Haveaniceday,mydarling.3、If youhaveaniceday,sodoI.4、Shelookssohappybecauseshehaveaniceday.5、Youaregoingtopicnicnow,Iwishyouhaveaniceday.

外国人说have a nice day时应该怎么回复

- Have a nice day! 祝你有美好的一天!- Thanks, have a nice day. 谢谢你,祝你也有美好的一天!/ Thanks, you too. 谢谢,你也一样。或直接回复“Thanks/Thank you/Have a nice day”都是可以的。

thank you for your reply和have a nice day可以一起说吗


have a nice


当别人说Have a nice day该怎么回答?

说thank you或thanks就可以了!

have a nice day 一般怎么回答

句子的意思是:祝您有个美好的一天。 可以回答:Thank you!The same to you.谢谢,你也一样! 扩展资料   Hope you like it, and have a nice day.   希望你喜欢这个小窍门,祝你一天愉快。   Here"s your food and have a nice day!   这是你们叫的"食物,祝你们今天玩得愉快!   Did you have a nice day in school?   你在学校好吗?   Happy father"s day! Have a nice day!   父亲节快乐!祝你有美好的一天!   The State Patrol said, Have a nice day!   公路警察说:祝你今天愉快!

have a nice day.take care用德语怎么说

einen schoenen Tag! mach"s gut!(不是machts gut!)

have anice day一般怎么回答

回答:You too. 在国外,have a nice day是一种祝福语,其实这是美国人之间最最常见的道别语,并不是bye。面对这句话,我们只需简单地说You too(你也是哦)就可以了。 扩展资料   词语用法:   nice可用于会见某人时的客套语,刚见面时接动词不定式(to see you),告别时其后接动名词或动词不定式的`完成式(meeting〔to have seen〕)。   在“nice and+ adj”结构中,nice and是加强其后形容词的语气的,表示“很,非常”,通常用于口语中,置于所修饰词之后;还可用作反语,意思等于quite,very。

have a nice day 怎么回答

可以说Thanks for you.You too.谢谢你。你也是。 在国外,have a nice day是一种祝福语,其实这是美国人之间最最常见的道别语,并不是bye。面对这句话,我们只需简单地说You too(你也是哦)就可以了。 扩展资料   词语用法:   nice可用于会见某人时的"客套语,刚见面时接动词不定式(to see you),告别时其后接动名词或动词不定式的完成式(meeting〔to have seen〕)。   在“nice and+ adj”结构中,nice and是加强其后形容词的语气的,表示“很,非常”,通常用于口语中,置于所修饰词之后;还可用作反语,意思等于quite,very。



怎么回答have a nice day

可以说You too. 在国外,have a nice day是一种祝福语,其实这是美国人之间最最常见的道别语,并不是bye。面对这句话,我们只需简单地说You too(你也是哦)就可以了。 扩展资料   词语用法:   nice可用于会见某人时的客套语,刚见面时接动词不定式(to see you),告别时其后接动名词或动词不定式的`完成式(meeting〔to have seen〕)。   在“nice and+ adj”结构中,nice and是加强其后形容词的语气的,表示“很,非常”,通常用于口语中,置于所修饰词之后;还可用作反语,意思等于quite,very。

"have a nice day" 请翻译一下!

找到10条关于 have a nice day 的短句! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a nice day!祝你玩得愉快。And have a nice day.祝你们玩得愉快。Good. Have a nice day.祝你玩得愉快。Have a nice day, madam.祝您今天过得好,女士。Do you have a nice day.今天过得好吗?Have a nice day. Bye-Bye.祝你愉快,再见!Have a nice day, Good-bye!祝您愉快。再见。Bye, and have a nice day.接待员:祝您过得愉快,再见。Good-bye, and have a nice day!再见,今天愉快!Thank you. Have a nice day!谢谢,祝你愉快!

have a nice day什么意思

HAVE A NICE DAY这个是祝您今天过得愉快的意思have a good day, have a nice day,一样的.这个不算太过分的口语,书面也可以这样写.另外一个用得非常多的习惯用语是:Have a nice day! Have a nice day从字面上来解释,它的意思就是:有一个好的日子,现在,have a nice day已经成为每个人说的话,不管在那里,商店、办公室、马路上,人们在向对方很友好地告别的时候就说.

have a nice day是什么意思


have a nice day中文什么意思

看不惯百度知道上的很多回答,完全是误导别人,自己不懂就不要强答,也不怕被人笑话。水平不行就修炼好了再回答,别误人子弟。百度知道也是,完全没有审查机制,爱谁回答谁回答,提问者凭感觉选择自己觉得正确的回答,真是无语。这个have a nice/nice day字面是祝你度过愉快的一天不假,但是注意不同文化背景下的语言习惯,这话对说英语国家的人来说是很平常的,这是道别的时候说的,跟see you later, byebye在性质上一样的,只是更客气更热情的表达而已。你要结合语境翻译的话直接翻译为再见就是了,翻译为祝你度过愉快的一天不觉得别扭?中国人打招呼或者告别的时候哪有这么说话的。在一个类似的就是i am sorry。曾经个作家兼译者到乡下采访的时候听到一位妇女说起自己丈夫其实,他回了句我很抱歉(如果是在英语国家,听到别人说起不幸的消息,我们回一句i am sorry/to hear that是很合适的)。结果这名妇女直接反问他你抱歉什么?又不是你造成的。这位作家听后极为尴尬,时候反省了很久。细想一下这种场合跟一位没什么文化的农妇说我很抱歉确实不合适,也不是汉语的说话习惯。本来这个have a nice day对有英语底子的人来说应该是很常见很常用的,提问者在这里问肯定是不熟悉这个表达,你的回答肯定要切中要点,说什么度过美好的一天,这种回答对提问者来说有什么意义。误人子弟。



have a nice day什么意思


have a nice day什么意思

have a nice day祝您有个美好的一天、have a nice day祝您有个美好的一天


可以,have a nice day表示玩的高兴过的愉快相当于havefun 晚上也可以说

跪求妖精的尾巴Have a nice day 的平假名歌词

Have a nice day!爽やかにオイラ目觉めた朝はいつもの店まで Let"s goいつもの仲间 いつもの笑颜オイラの心を HappyHappy happy 笑颜でいたらHappy happy 素敌なのにさなんかいた いいえ何もちょっと ちょっと (夏露露:早くしなさいよね! 哈比:あい!)トキトキするは旅出す朝はちょいと早う気で Let"s go ※いつもの席で红茶を饮んで気合いを入れて行きましょシャルル シャルル きっとやれるわシャルル シャルル じょろいもん とはFight fight ちょっと默ってあいさ あいさ (夏露露:ほら!とっとと行くわよ! 哈比:あい!)青い空の向うがわり深い海の向うがわりどんな世界と时が待っているかしら次の街へ汽车に乗って次の岛へ船に乗って今日の梦の続きは见ていられるように翼広げて しっかりと手と手つないで 足じゃなく勇気を出して 负けないではばないすでいい 雄猫も ※いつまでも続くよねあの场所は迎てくれる フィート大変だオイラピンチですいま今度の旅はunhappyこんなくらいで口げるようじゃ先が思いやられちゃうわHappy happy 名前负けよねシャルル シャルル いい名前だねFight fight 负けないあいさぐっじょ ぐっじょ (夏露露:ほら!やればできるじゃない! 哈比:あい!)仕事终わり 乾杯して歌い踊り骚ぎながらでかい鱼たらふく食べてみたいなぁ幸せを星に愿ってタップルとお休みしたら明日次の仕事にまだ出挂けようよむねのがソリー まいかんで ※せふしょうしてね ビコビコ ※いいじいねむわ この歌で ※Happy birthday 最强よ 心からありがとうこの场所で出会いたことにThank you翼広げて しっかりと手と手つないで 放さずに力合わせて 负けないではばないすらぁ みんなをねいつまでも続くよねこの场所は迎てくれる フィート


美好的一天= =

Enchantment 歌词

歌曲名:Enchantment歌手:David Sanborn专辑:CloserEnchantmentHerrick Hayashi BenI wait for you.I don"t know why.all i know is i can"t hide.at this temperature you could take over my mind.like gossamer, you softly touch.he draws me in, i"m powerless.he possesses an enchantment.tell me i"m forgiven.he calls, don"t know how i fell under his spell.lately i"ve been driven. he smiles, an enchantment.i wait for you.I"m mesmerized this love is like a potion in disguise.i"d tightrope walk with a blindfold on my eyes.I can"t escape, or so it seems.I"d run away, he"s in my dreams.he possesses an enchantment.tell me i"m forgiven.he calls, don"t know how i fell under his spell.lately i"ve been driven.he smiles, an enchantment.it"s the kind of sleepwalk that never ends.a type of loan with no dividends.it"s a parlour game where you"re given chase.guess it could be called an acquired taste.i know, he knows, he calls, i go, i know.this could be an enchantment.why don"t you tell me i"m forgiven?he calls, don"t you know how i fell under his spell.i"m forgiven...lately i"ve been driven.he smiles and i give in,an enchantment.http://music.baidu.com/song/10288840

nice have day 是无法错误吗?

有,根据不是句子或短语应该是have a nice day玩得开心,过得愉快

高分求Stereophonics-have a nice day的中英双语歌词

圣佛郎西斯科港湾 ,39号码头凌晨,不记得具体的时间坐在红灯前的出租车里等候地址,不记得了,但事实证明是对的祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快直接来到地狱是什么意思?这是我们问他的第一句话他生活他来自哪里,我们告诉他许多关于我们的东西当你想的时候,就去度假吧祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快谎言遍布,整天只追逐醉饮的快乐你和你的旅客,是我讨厌的东西他说我们都错了,我们都变成了同类我们穿同样的衣服用同样的方式处事,只是我们的腔调不同祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快祝你过得愉快在海洋里恣意游泳我整天疯狂玩耍 ,吃腌制过的鱼整天粘附着钱,不再有艺术家的存在你置身其中,让快乐变得更多,更多,更多。。。

我们对别人说have a nice day还是having a nice day?


求《妖精的尾巴》里“Have a nice day!”歌词中文意思


英语中 have a nice day have a nice breakfast这种不可数名词单


求【妖精的尾巴】里“Have a nice day!”的歌词中文翻译,谢谢

Lyrics for: Have A Nice Day 祝您过得愉快Ba badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,San Francisco Bay, past Pier Thirty-Nine,旧金山海湾,经过39号码头Early p.m. can"t remember what time,下午还早的时分,具体时间已不记得Got the waiting cab, stopped at the red light,等到了出租,我们在一个红灯停下来,Address unsure of, but it turned out just right,我们并不清楚地址,不过找对了地方It started straight off, "coming here is hell"有个声音随即响起:“您来到了地狱”That"s his first words, we asked what he meant,这就是他的头一句话,我们问他什么意思,He said "where ya from?" we told him our lot,他问我们:“你们从哪里来?”我们就告诉他我们的使命,"When ya take a holiday, is this what you want?"(他说)“当你要度假的时候,这不正是你想要来的地方么?”So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,所以,愉快地享受这天吧,开开心心的玩,愉快的享受这天吧,开开心心的过。Lie around all day, having drink to chase,懒洋洋的躺一整天,喝着酒,追逐着"Yourself and tourists yeah, that"s what I hate",“你自己和那些观光客,是啊,这正是我痛恨的地方”,He said "we"re going wrong, we"ve all become the same,他说“我们错了,我们越来越相似,We dress the same ways, only our accents change",我们的衣着都是一个调调,只是口音不同罢了”,So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,所以,愉快地享受这天吧,开开心心的玩,愉快的享受这天吧,开开心心的过。Hey,Hey,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Ba badada ba ba babadub,Swim in the ocean, that be my dish,在海里游个泳,那才是我喜欢做的事,I drive around all day, and kill processed fish,我开着车跑上一天,捕杀那些被处理过的鱼,It"s all money gum, no artists anymore,全都是钞票说了算,再没什么艺术可言,You"re only in it now, to make more, more, more,你现在才开始,还要制造更多,更多,更多So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,So have a nice day,Have a nice day,So have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,Have a nice day,So have a nice day,Have a nice day所以,愉快地享受这天吧,开开心心的过,尽情的享受这一天吧,开开心心的过。题外话:这首歌没有什么实际的意义。是乐队在纽约时的作品。歌词的想法来自于Kelly Jones搭乘一台出租,下车的时候司机的一句“7.50美元,祝您今天愉快”

在国外购物时营业员说have a nice day,该怎么回答?

这是一句客气话 你可以说谢谢。 thanks and to you

Have A Nice Day 歌词

歌曲名:Have A Nice Day歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:East RutherfordBon Jovi - Have A Nice DayAlbum: Have A Nice DayWhy, you wanna tell me how to live my life?Who, are you to tell me if it"s black or white?Mama, can you help me try to understandIs innocence the difference between a boy and a manMy daddy lived a lieIts just the price that he paidSacrificed his life, just slaving awayOhhh, if there"s one thing I hang ontoThat gets me through the nightI ain"t gonna do what I don"t want toI"m gonna live my lifeShining like a diamondRolling with the diceStanding on the ledgeJust show the wind how to flyWhen the world gets in my faceI say, have a nice dayHave a nice dayTake a look around you, nothings what it seemsWe"re living in a broken home of hopes and dreamsLet me be the first to shake your helping handEverybody, brave enough to take a standI knocked on every door, on every dead end streetLooking for forgivenessWhat"s left to believe?Ohhh~Now when this world keeps trying, to drag me downI"ve gotta raise my handsGonna stand my groundI say, hey, have a nice dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1360275

hava a nice day

和have a good time 玩的愉快~差不多~就是玩的开心~

have a nice day是什么意思


have a nice day中文什么意思

“haveaniceday”的意思是:祝你今天快乐、过个愉快的一天吧!用“haveaniceday”造句:1、Iwishyouhaveaniceday.2、Haveaniceday,mydarling.3、If youhaveaniceday,sodoI.4、Shelookssohappybecauseshehaveaniceday.5、Youaregoingtopicnicnow,Iwishyouhaveaniceday.

have a nice days 什么意思


have a nice day 和 have a good day 有啥区别 请教


外国人说have a nice day时应该怎么回复

you too。。。。。。。。

have a nice day什么梗

have a nice day什么梗?have a nice day的意思是祝你有一个美好的一天,也是祝你今天愉快的意思,它是一个祝福语,一般是朋友告别时说的话,并不是bye再见的意思,have a nice day在书面上也可以用。当别人对你说have a nice day的时候,可以回复的有:1、Thanks, you too!2、Thanks, I hope you have a lovely day as well!3、Thanks, have a good week(weekend) too!然后这三句后面加上See you next time!或See you later!


have a nice day祝你有愉快的一天也是再见时的用语,表示再见,祝好等。望采纳


HAVE A GOOD DAY和HAVE A NICE DAY 意思同样,只是have a nice day 为非正式讲法,(have a good day 为正式讲法,说它正式是因为它不受天气影响的好心情)

have a nice day是什么意思


Have a nice day 是什么意思





这么跟你说吧,我身边的老外天天说,跟客户也这么说。have a good day, have a nice day,一样的。这个不算太过分的口语,书面也可以这样写。另外一个用得非常多的习惯用语是:Have a nice day! Have a nice day从字面上来解释,它的意思就是:有一个好的日子,现在,have a nice day已经成为每个人说的话,不管在那里,商店、办公室、马路上,人们在向对方很友好地告别的时候就说。

Have a nice day,请问中文这是什么意思




has it ever happened before



1. VERB (偶然)发生,出现 Something that happens occurs or is done without being planned. We cannot say for sure what will happen... 我们无法确定会发生什么事。The accident happened close to Martha"s Vineyard. 事故发生在玛莎葡萄园附近。2. VERB (作为结果)发生,产生 If something happens, it occurs as a result of a situation or course of action. She wondered what would happen if her parents found her... 她不知道如果父母找到自己会有什么结果。He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition. Nothing happened. 他匆匆走向卡车并转动点火开关,结果没有任何反应。3. VERB (尤指不愉快的事)发生(在…身上);(某人)遭到;遇到 When something, especially something unpleasant, happens to you, it takes place and affects you. If we had been spotted at that point, I don"t know what would have happened to us... 如果当时我们被发现了,我不知道会有什么后果。It"s the best thing that ever happened to me. 这是我所遇到的最好的事情了。4. VERB 碰巧;凑巧 If you happen to do something, you do it by chance. If it happens thatsomething is the case, it occurs by chance. We happened to discover we had a friend in common... 我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。I looked in the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail... 我仔细看了一下离自己最近的那份报纸,正巧是份《每日邮报》。If it happens that I"m wanted badly somewhere, my mother will take the call and phone through to me here. 如果凑巧有人着急找我,我母亲会接电话,然后再打电话到这里转告我。5. PHRASE 碰巧,恰恰(尤引出令人意外的事) You use as it happens in order to introduce a statement, especially one that is rather surprising. She called Amy to see if she had any idea of her son"s whereabouts. As it happened, Amy had. 她打电话给埃米,看她是否知道自己儿子的行踪。埃米还真就知道。

急求英语作文《我对人性的看法》,what is your attitude towards the human nature ?

As an AI language model, I don"t possess personal beliefs or emotions. However, I can provide a sample essay on the topic "What is your attitude towards the human nature?"Human nature is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been debated by philosophers, scholars, and scientists for centuries. Some argue that humans are inherently good, while others believe that they are inherently selfish and aggressive. In my opinion, human nature is a combination of both good and bad qualities, and it is shaped by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and culture.On one hand, humans have the capacity for kindness, empathy, and altruism. People are capable of great acts of compassion and generosity, and they often go out of their way to help others in need. This is evident in the many charitable organizations and volunteer groups that exist around the world. Furthermore, humans have the ability to create and appreciate beauty, whether it be through art, music, or literature. These qualities demonstrate the innate goodness of human nature.On the other hand, humans also have a darker side. They are capable of greed, jealousy, and violence. Conflict and war have been a part of human history since the beginning of time, and acts of cruelty and injustice continue to occur in many parts of the world. Additionally, humans have the tendency to prioritize their own interests over those of others, which can lead to selfishness and exploitation.Despite these negative aspects of human nature, I believe that people have the potential to change and improve themselves. Through education, empathy, and self-reflection, individuals can learn to overcome their negative tendencies and cultivate their positive qualities. By recognizing the complexity of human nature and striving to be the best version of ourselves, we can create a better world for everyone.

求高人扒陈奕迅 Nothing ever happen的吉他谱最好带指法

Key:F  右手基本指法是:F(6 5 32) F/E(6 4 32) Dm7(4 2 3 1 3 2 3) Bbsus2和C可自由发挥  F F/E Dm7  Hey, you once called me your baby  Bbsus2  say it for the last time  C  with all your strength and meaning it this time  F F/E Dm7  Hey, you once promised me the world  Bbsus2  but I never asked for it  C  but I never asked for it  F F/E Dm7  Hey, you once praised me beautiful  Bbsus2  why I`d get get weaker  C  why would I get weaker  F F/E Dm7  oh Please, please don`t,  Bbsus2  I am so scared, scared you`re too perfect for me  C 间奏:F F/E Dm7  or am I too naive for you  Am7 Dm7  either way it`s too late  Am7 Dm7 Bbsus2  too late for regrets, I`m hurrrrrrt  Bbm  leave me out of love  Bbm C  leave love out, leave me out  F F/E Dm7  hey, let`s just pretend  Bbsus2  nothing ever happened  C  nothing ever happened  F F/E Dm7  hey, let`s just pretend  Bbsus2  nothing ever happened  C 结尾:F F/E Dm7  nothing nothing never ever happened  转自bandsound

nothing much ever happened around here这里的much是什么词


陈奕迅的nothing ever happened,最后一句独白是什么?

hope to see you sometime,yeah.

为什么用have covered 而不用covers ?

have covered 是一个过去完成时态,因为对于你来说,看完这本书,这个状态永远都是多去完成时

Eason《Nothing Ever Happened》中文歌词

中文歌词:没有事情发生过嘿,你曾叫我baby现在你可以用全心全意再叫一次吗嘿,你曾答应我给我一个世界但我从来没有要求,我没有要求嘿,你曾夸我漂亮怎么我现在越来越虚弱。。噢,请不要这样,我非常害怕害怕你对我来说太完美害怕我对你来说太幼稚不过说来已经太迟了后悔也太迟了我受伤了让我离开爱吧,让我离开。。嘿,我们来假装吧假装所有事情都不曾发生嘿,我们来假装吧假装所有事情都不曾发生不曾,永未发生。。自己译的,有点恶搞。这首歌口味很淡,伤感也很淡,但作为专辑唯一一首英文歌,挺有新鲜感的。只是歌词不咋地。另外EASON的呼气声基本全消了,很不够自然。这张专辑其实有顺序的(第一首除外),我个人认为有点像一个从伪快活——不快活——真正快活的过程。这样一个麻烦:轻松的快乐和一点奇怪的负面情绪多少、Nothing Ever Happened:质问生活和气馁你为什么哭了呢、谋情害命:自暴自弃我甲你、心的距离:呐喊心中的不忿床头灯:反思和接受现实的残酷给你:燃点爱的希望从何说起:ending 所以专辑封面是黑暗中向希望之光的眺望。以上是我个人见解,有点扯,请见谅。

Nothing Ever Happened 歌词

歌曲名:Nothing Ever Happened歌手:陈奕迅专辑:上五楼的快活" 2Nd Edition陈奕迅 - Nothing ever happened作词: 林嘉欣 作曲: 林伟哲Hey, you once called me your babysay it for the last timewith all your strength and meaning it this timeHey, you once promised me the world,but I never asked for it, but I never asked for itHey, you once praised me beautiful,why I"d get get weaker,why I would get weaker?oh Please, please don"t, I am so scared,scared you"re too perfect for meor am I too naive for youeither way it"s too late,too late for regrets, I"m hurrrrrrtleave me out of love,leave love out, leave me outhey, let"s just pretend,nothing ever happened,nothing ever happenedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12410817

陈奕迅 Nothing Ever Happened 歌词



We have you covered.意思是:1) 我们把你也包括在内;2) (保险用语)我们把你保在内。3) 我们把你掩盖了。

有一首歌歌词里有i have i have bene

《即使说抱歉》melodia: i could be everything you needsay, what you wanna hearso don"t say sorryhow long i have to waiti could be everything you needchange, if you want to seeso don"t say sorrybaby take me away徐良: sorry oh baby can"t you seewhat can you do for meyou know what you mean to mesorry i can only say the sorryhow do you think. i don"t care.sorry oh baby can"t you seewhat can you do for meyou know what you mean to mesorry i can only say the sorryhow do you think. i don"t care.我已经不需要知道你的心情今天好不好一个人自由的无聊房间空荡荡荡荡的傻笑时间已不再重要咖啡店的下午刚好只是味道有点点点点点的糟糕也许该换一杯饮料也许该脱一件外套也许该找个朋友像你一样不停的吵闹为何我拼命寻找甩掉了所有的烦恼该来的快乐我却看不到听不到melodia: i could be everything you needsay, what you wanna hearso don"t say sorryhow long i have to waiti could be everything you needchange, if you want to seeso don"t say sorrybaby take me awayi could be everything you needsay, what you wanna hearso don"t say sorryhow long i have to waiti could be everything you needchange, if you want to seeso don"t say sorrybaby take me away徐良: sorry oh baby can"t you seewhat can you do for meyou know what you mean to mesorry i can only say the sorryhow do you think. i don"t care.sorry oh baby can"t you seewhat can you do for meyou know what you mean to mesorry i can only say the sorryhow do you think. i don"t care.我已经不需要知道你的心情今天好不好一个人自由的无聊房间空荡荡荡荡的傻笑时间已不再重要咖啡店的下午刚好只是味道有点点点点点的糟糕也许该换一杯饮料也许该脱一件外套也许该找个朋友像你一样不停的吵闹为何我拼命寻找甩掉了所有的烦恼该来的快乐我却看不到听不到melodia: i could be everything you needsay, what you wanna hearso don"t say sorryhow long i have to waiti could be everything you needchange, if you want to seeso don"t say sorrybaby take me awayi could be everything you needsay, what you wanna hearso don"t say sorryhow long i have to waiti could be everything you needchange, if you want to see

27.He hasn’t heard from his friend __________ last month.

A since,用现在完成时B by the end of在该题后面跟的是过去式,所以正确的应该是haven"t heard

l went to Hainan with my friend last year写出问句?

Where did you go with your friend last year?Who did you go to Hainan with last year?When did you go to Hainanwith your friend ?


这个句子应改为:She wrote to his friend last month.

has fallen是什么时态

has fallen是现在完成时。现在完成时态是由“have/has+过去分词”构成,主要有两个含义:1、表示动作发生在过去,但与现在的情况有联系,有时无时间状语,有时和一些表示不确定的过去时间状语连用,如:many times,just,yet,ever,never,already,before,so far, by now等连用。2、表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在并还可能继续延续下去的动作,用于延续性动词,且句中常带有表示一段时间的时间状语,如:for two months, so far等。现在完成时标志词4、already用在肯定句中(be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实意动词之前)常与yet进行转换。例如:I have already finished the work.我已经完成这项工作了。改为否定句:I haven"t finished the work yet.我还没有完成这项工作。改为一般疑问句:Have you finished the work yet?2、yet放在否定句和一般疑问句句末。其他的标志词:just,before,recently,still,lately,never,ever,twice,on several occasions,in the past/last few days/weeks/months/years,(up to)these few days/weeks/months/years,this morning/week/month/year(多用于一般过去时),up to present,so far,up to now,up till now,till now。3、since+时间点=for+时间段=since+时间段+agosince+一般过去时态的时间状语从句。例如:He has been here since he joined the army。自从他参军以来,他一直在这儿。

67. did , do, what , weekend,your,last,friend,(?)

A.What did you do last weekend? B.I(visited my pen pal). A.What about your friend,Carol? B.She(did her homework at home).What did you do? A.I(did some reading)and(stayed at home).

求Arthas,My Son 歌词中文翻译 大神们出来救命~


相比Haswell 第五代Broadwell英特尔处理器性能有何提升

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The Ting Tings的《Hang It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Hang It Up歌手:The Ting Tings专辑:Hang It UpHang It UpThe Ting TingsMy friends, they get me higher and higherThey"re killing me with friendly fireWe meet beneath the cactus treeThe walking on spikes just ain"t for meMy friends ain"t gotta worry moreThey meet outside the corner storeAnd walk the pavement, miss the cracksI"d join them if I could relaxLook for tricks when you don"t have a thingLive like a hermit if you wanna be kingPeople say it"s not worth the waitEverybody loves somebody to hateI"m not gonna go and rush this through my veinsBlow them up while looking for this againPunk rock ain"t in divisionSend all the weak ki-kids to prisonI wanna write about setting something freeAll the changes drive us back to seaAnd this is all about starting out againSame old, same old, never stay the sameMy friends one by one get a jobMeet boys and girls and get a dogThrow parties, we sit on the groundI"d rather they, just let me downPeople say it"s not worth the waitEverybody loves somebody to hateYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it upYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it upYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it upYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it upCould"ve been a lawyer, take what you canNever been happy since time beganIt"s getting kinda heavy, I"m a body full of bad bonesSpread it in the backyard, cover me in flagstonesYou got the time, they all can waitYou wanna start talking, cuz it"s not too lateAquarium, stare at ‘emEverybody loves somebody to hateBreak it, make it, you can make the breakBack and for f*ck"s sake just make it greatIntake, don"t fake, go on and let ‘emMake all the changes that you need to makeStand back, give it up, ain"t life a b*tchNo war making, you just hit and missInsane does as failure may takeTime for you to rearrangeYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it upYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it upYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it upYou can hang it up and you can hang it upThis time baby you can hang it uphttp://music.baidu.com/song/13673532

go to hell in a handbasket是什么意思?能具体些吗?


翻译:Disability two ticks symboltwo ticks logo What is the disability two ticks symbol?


Give It Up歌词 是Hard-Fi的那个。

Though the job is difficult,I will never give it up. 或者The job is difficult,but I will never give it up. 你的句子没有连词,实际上是2个

翻译happy birthday to my little princess! mom and


after i make a wishwe will have a big dinner特殊疑问句?

after I make a with, What shall we have for dinner?

I made a wish happily. 句中的wish可不可以用hope?

不可以wish->(名词)愿望hope ->(名词)希望可以说许愿没听过许希望

歌词中有happy birthday 和make a wish 是什么歌/拜托了各位 谢谢

Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Flipsyde feat t A t u 歌手:她兔组合 伴唱:唱片套乐队 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been 请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样 Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? 你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. 做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队 Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes? 还是做个倔强小男孩,有着漂亮的深褐色眼睛? I payed for the murder before they determined the sex 我为谋杀而祈祷,然后他们定下性别 Choosing our life over your life meant your death 选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌 And you never got a chance to even open your eyes 你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到 Sometimes I wonder as a foetus if you fought for your life? 有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗? Would you have been a little genius in love with math? 你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上? Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? 你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我着迷? Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? 你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲? Would you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters? 你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉? I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子 And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? 还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓? Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! I"ve got a million excuses to why you died 我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡 Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide 但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀 Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have? 谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢? I was young and strugglin" but old enough to be a dad 我年幼无知,挣扎于世,但年纪不小,够做个爹 The fear of being a father has never disappeared 害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过 Pondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer 再三思量,我痛饮啤酒 My vision of a family was artificial and fake 我对家庭的预想,不切实际 So when it came time to create I made a mistake 当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错 Now you"ve got a little brother maybe it"s really you? 如今你有了小老弟,这是真的吗? Maybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused? 也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑? Maybe every time that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin" that your father"s doin" the right thing now? 也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确? I never tell a woman what to do with her body 我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理 But if she don"t love children then we can"t party 如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起 Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了!

歌词中有happy birthday 和make a wish 是什么歌/

Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Flipsyde feat t A t u 歌手:她兔组合 伴唱:唱片套乐队 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been 请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样 Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? 你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. 做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队 Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes? 还是做个倔强小男孩,有着漂亮的深褐色眼睛? I payed for the murder before they determined the sex 我为谋杀而祈祷,然后他们定下性别 Choosing our life over your life meant your death 选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌 And you never got a chance to even open your eyes 你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到 Sometimes I wonder as a foetus if you fought for your life? 有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗? Would you have been a little genius in love with math? 你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上? Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? 你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我着迷? Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? 你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲? Would you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters? 你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉? I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子 And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? 还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓? Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! I"ve got a million excuses to why you died 我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡 Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide 但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀 Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have? 谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢? I was young and strugglin" but old enough to be a dad 我年幼无知,挣扎于世,但年纪不小,够做个爹 The fear of being a father has never disappeared 害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过 Pondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer 再三思量,我痛饮啤酒 My vision of a family was artificial and fake 我对家庭的预想,不切实际 So when it came time to create I made a mistake 当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错 Now you"ve got a little brother maybe it"s really you? 如今你有了小老弟,这是真的吗? Maybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused? 也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑? Maybe every time that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin" that your father"s doin" the right thing now? 也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确? I never tell a woman what to do with her body 我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理 But if she don"t love children then we can"t party 如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起 Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了!

一首英文歌歌词里有happy birthday

  这是第一首  The Magician"s Birthday  所属专辑:The Magician"s Birthday  演唱人:Uriah Heep  来源 From:http://music.163.com/#/song?id=21985409  分享:  歌词  In the magic garden, some were singing, some were dancingWhile the midnight moon shone brightly overheadThe stars so gayly glistened and the sphinx in silence listenedTo the magician tell of lives that he has ledLet the bells of freedom ringSongs of love to Friday"s kingLet"s all go to the magician"s birthdayIt"s in the forest but not so far awayMuch to do and so much to sayWhile we listen to the oaken orchestra playHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to youHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to youHappy birthday dear magician, happy birthday to youHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to youHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to youHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to youAnd at the dead of midnight, as we watched the dancing firelightThe air grew cold and seemed to dour the flameThe fire died, the music faded, filled with fear of death we waitedFor now we knew some evil was to blameI challenge you, I challenge you allFor all you own and all you knowAnd by all the powers of darknessI will steal what is mineSurrender now or face my spiteI catch you, it may be Friday nightBut did you know this day also number thirteenFirst, I give you fireI turn your fire into a sleepy streamYes, now I give you nightmaresFrom your horror I"ll create a dreamYou cannot fight me, for I have the sword of HadesBut one thing you can"t seeMy answer is simply an impenetrable fortress of love, loveThe fear went as quickly as it cameThe air was clear, the fire burned againThe flames leapt beyond the glade, the swan sang to greet the dayAnd then we knew thatLove will flyLove will flyLove will fly...  显示更多  来源 From:http://music.163.com/#/song?id=21985409  第二首Flipsyde - Happybirthday Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐。。。来许个愿Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been 请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? 你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使?Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. 做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes? 还是做个倔强小男孩,有着漂亮的深褐色眼睛?I payed for the murder before they determined the sex 我为谋杀而祈祷,然后他们定下性别Choosing our life over your life meant your death 选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌And you never got a chance to even open your eyes 你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到Sometimes I wonder as a foetus if you fought for your life?有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗?Would you have been a little genius in love with math? 你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上?Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? 你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我着迷?Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? 你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲?Would you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters?你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉?I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? 还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓?Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁Happy birthday… 生日快乐。。。What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实I made a mistake! 我错了!I"ve got a million excuses to why you died 我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide 但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have? 谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢?I was young and strugglin" but old enough to be a dad 我年幼无知,挣扎于世,但年纪不小,够做个爹The fear of being a father has never disappeared 害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过Pondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer 再三思量,我痛饮啤酒My vision of a family was artificial and fake 我对家庭的预想,不切实际So when it came time to create I made a mistake 当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错Now you"ve got a little brother maybe it"s really you?如今你有了小老弟,这是真的吗?Maybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused? 也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑?Maybe every time that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin" that your father"s doin" the right thing now? 也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确?I never tell a woman what to do with her body 我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理But if she don"t love children then we can"t party 如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实I made a mistake! 我错了!And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限Happy birthday… 生日快乐。。。From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限Happy birthday… 生日快乐。。。What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实I made a mistake! 我错了! 还有一首就是大家都知道的那首了

my princess charming是什么意思


歌词中有happy birthday 和make a wish 是什么歌/

Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Flipsyde feat t A t u 歌手:她兔组合 伴唱:唱片套乐队 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been 请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样 Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? 你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. 做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队 Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes? 还是做个倔强小男孩,有着漂亮的深褐色眼睛? I payed for the murder before they determined the sex 我为谋杀而祈祷,然后他们定下性别 Choosing our life over your life meant your death 选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌 And you never got a chance to even open your eyes 你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到 Sometimes I wonder as a foetus if you fought for your life? 有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗? Would you have been a little genius in love with math? 你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上? Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? 你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我着迷? Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? 你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲? Would you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters? 你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉? I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子 And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? 还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓? Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! I"ve got a million excuses to why you died 我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡 Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide 但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀 Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have? 谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢? I was young and strugglin" but old enough to be a dad 我年幼无知,挣扎于世,但年纪不小,够做个爹 The fear of being a father has never disappeared 害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过 Pondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer 再三思量,我痛饮啤酒 My vision of a family was artificial and fake 我对家庭的预想,不切实际 So when it came time to create I made a mistake 当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错 Now you"ve got a little brother maybe it"s really you? 如今你有了小老弟,这是真的吗? Maybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused? 也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑? Maybe every time that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin" that your father"s doin" the right thing now? 也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确? I never tell a woman what to do with her body 我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理 But if she don"t love children then we can"t party 如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起 Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了!


TOMBO HARMONIC A 24合成词。TOMBO是口琴的牌子,通宝。HARMONIC这个词在这里表示口琴。A代表口琴的调位是A调。24表示24孔,复音口琴。 通宝24孔A调复音口琴。
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