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仪表盘右侧下面有一个小黑钮,短按一下是切换时间/公里数。在显示时间时,长按小时显示闪烁,短按调小时数。再长按,分钟显示闪烁,短按调分钟数;再长按或不按,恢复正常时间显示,显示时间已经调定。开机用户界面文件需要更新。 卡罗拉(Corolla),曾用译名“花冠”,是丰田汽车的一个品牌。卡罗拉采用的是米其林轮胎215/45 R17轮胎、TRD Sportivo高性能减震器、TRD TF4 17寸运动型轮毂、强化离合器、高性能刹车片则保证其拥有比较理想的运动性能。 最大优点 油耗低;驾乘舒适,行驶较平稳;内饰人性化配置丰富。 作为最畅销家用车,在全球拥有4000万用户,卓越品质安心随行。 外观 外观中庸大气,稳重,没有什么突出的亮点,比较适合家用。 内饰 内饰整体风格简约,中控台设计中规中距,座椅宽大舒适,空调效果可以,做工不错。 空间 2014款卡罗拉也在车身尺寸方面进行了加长,加长后其轴距达到了2700mm,乘坐空间方面,身高177cm的体验者前排座椅调至最低,有一拳的头部空间,体验者移至后排,头部空间2指,腿部空间1拳3指,卡罗拉后排中间位置地板凸起很小 [5] 。 操控 重要细节说明 整体驾乘舒适,行驶平稳,网友称“开起来非常平稳,在高速路上行驶120公里/小时感觉更稳定”,但方向指向准确度低;顿挫感明显,有网友反映存在跑偏现象;噪音小,尤其是怠速时较安静;悬架调教偏软,可以过滤路上的颠簸,舒适性较好,但刹车偏软;受丰田全球召回风波的影响,2011款卡罗拉全系标配刹车优先系统,刹车效果有所提高。 (图/文/摄: 问答叫兽) 奔驰S级 问界M5 理想ONE 别克GL8 小鹏P5 小鹏汽车P7 @2019


方案1、修改Flexpublic var UserKey:Objectinternal var objUserKey:String;然后提取值objUserKey = UserKey.toString();这样才能提取方案二:在.Net修改类型public String UserKey{get{return value};set{value=(new GUID()).ToString()}}

翻译 vault guide

银行保管库 指南 向导

Guided Writing | 一套能“搞定”孩子英语作文的书,照着做就OK啦

假期来了,写作写作提高机会来了!! Guided Writing | 一套能“搞定”孩子英语作文的书,照着做就OK啦和语法朋友一样米黄道林纸 , 这套Guided Writing 是Compass出版社专门为学英语的小学生编写的“引导式写作”练习册,每篇作文分四步走,从词汇句型的积累,到思路、结构的组织,象搭建房屋结构一样,一点点把作文写出来。 Step1 U0001f49a: Warm-up 预热单词和主题 比如描述Feelings(感觉),除了happy, sad,还能用到这些词:angry(生气的), shy(害羞的), scared(害怕的), sleepy(困的) Step 2U0001f49a: Modeled Writing 看范文写作 Step 3U0001f49a: Gathering Ideas 头脑风暴,收集、整理思路 Step 4U0001f49a: Guided Writing 完成写作 U0001f31f1、对标欧盟标准,实现小学阶段的写作进阶 U0001f31f2.各种用途文章怎么写,一步步跟着走!我是彤彤妈妈zmfang2,是童书绘本一手货源代理,立志做一个有温度的童书搬运工,给大家最细心最贴心的推荐!

澳洲semester 1是指哪个学期? 我想明年七月入学,study guide应该看第几学期的?

7月的是semester2,截止日期是4月,study guide你要注意,semester2 有可能是往年,如果今年换老师的话,study guide是会换的。

ABS-GUIDE FOR NDT I. O.H.W.-2011 Class A

ABS标准-无损检测指导书,I. O. H. W.部分-2011年 A类注:ABS--美国船级社NDT--无损检测

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求高手解决会声会影X5安装问题:setupNewstup.cpp(140) pApp: PVENDOR PGUID: $ @Windows vista Serv



guide[英][ɡau026ad] [美][ɡau026ad] 生词本简明释义vt.引路;指导;操纵;影响n.指导者;向导;导游;有指导意义的事物复数:guides第三人称单数:guides过去式:guided过去分词:guided现在分词:guiding易混淆的单词:GUIDEGuide

guided tours是什么意思


guided tours是什么意思啊?

guided tours由导游带领的旅行

在C#中,请问 typeof(XXX).guid代表什么意思呢?初学C#,实在是不清楚,请高手指点一下

就是这个类的唯一标识,GUID(全局统一标识符)是指在一台机器上生成的数字,它保证对在同一时空中的所有机器都是唯一的。通常平台会提供生成GUID的API。生成算法很有意思,用到了以太网卡地址、纳秒级时间、芯片ID码和许多可能的数字。GUID的唯一缺陷在于生成的结果串会比较大。”1. 一个GUID为一个128位的整数(16字节),在使用唯一标识符的情况下,你可以在所有计算机和网络之间使用这一整数。2. GUID 的 格式为“xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”,其中每个 x 是 0-9 或 a-f 范围内的一个十六进制的 数字。例如:337c7f2b-7a34-4f50-9141-bab9e6478cc8 即为有效的 GUID 值。3. 世界上任何两台计算机都不会生成重复的 GUID 值。GUID 主要用于在拥有多个节点、多台计算机的网络或系统中,分配必须具有唯一性的标识符。4. 在 Windows 平台上,GUID 应用非常广泛:注册表、类及接口标识、数据库、甚至自动生成的机器名、目录名等。.NET中使用GUID 当Windows开发人员需要一个唯一数值时,他们通常使用到一个全局唯一标识符(GUID, Globally Unique Identifier)。微软采用GUID术语来表示这一唯一数值,而这一数值能够标识一个实体,比如一个Word文档。一个GUID为一个128位的整数(16字节),在使用唯一标识符的情况下,你可以在所有计算机和网络之间使用这一整数。这一篇文章将解释.NET框架如何尽其最大潜力地为你建立自己的GUID。你所看到的GUIDs被用于整个Windows环境。当你在一个Windows系统中仔细阅读注册表时,你可以看到GUIDs被广泛用于唯一识别程序。特别地,它们作为程序的Ids集中在HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT部分(AppID键)。这就是一个典型的GUID的格式:936DA01F-9ABD-4d9d-80C7-02AF85C822A8在.NET中生成一个GUID处理一个唯一标识符使得存储和获得信息变得更加容易。在处理一个数据库中这一功能变得尤其有用,因为一个GUID能够操作一个主键。同 样,SQL Server也很好地集成了GUID的用途。SQL Server数据类型uniqueidentifier能够存储一个GUID数值。你可 以通过使用NEWID()函数在SQL Server中生成这一数值,或者可以在SQL Server之外生成GUID,然后再手动地插入这一数值。在.NET中,后面一种方法显得更加直接。.NET Framework中的基本System类包括GUID数值类型。除此之外,这一数值类型包含了处理GUID数值的方法。特别地,NewGUID方法允许你很容易地生成一个新的GUID。以下的C#命令行程序说明这一使用过程:using System;namespace DisplayGUID {class GuidExample {static void Main(string[] args) {Console.WriteLine("GUID: " + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());}} }下面为这一程序的输出:(虽然不同系统之间的GUID是变化的。)GUID: 9245fe4a-d402-451c-b9ed-9c1a04247482在这一点上,你可以看到GUID是一个很好的功能,但在程序的什么地方使用到它们,并如何使用它们?在程序中使用一个GUID一个GUID可以在后台数据库中操作一个主键。以下代码使用一个GUID在一个后台数据库中存储信息,这一数据库包含以下的列:pk_guid—uniqueidentifier数据类型name—nvarchar数据类型这样出现一个包含文本框的简单Windows窗体。当选择按钮时,文本框中的数据被插入到数据库中。通过程序代码可以生成一个GUID并存储在其它列中:StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();strSql.Append("Insert into cs_Content(");strSql.Append("Log_guid, Log_Title, Log_Content, Log_PostTime, Log_ViewNums)");strSql.Append(" values (");strSql.Append("@Log_guid, @Log_Title, @Log_Content, @Log_PostTime, @Log_ViewNums)");DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(strSql.ToString());string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();// Add parametersdb.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Log_guid", DbType.String, guid);db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Log_Title", DbType.String, model.Log_Title);db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Log_Content", DbType.String, model.Log_Content);db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Log_PostTime", DbType.DateTime, model.Log_PostTime);db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Log_ViewNums", DbType.Int32, model.Log_ViewNums);int res = db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand);另一个GUID程序将一个唯一的标识符分配给一个.NET类或者接口,也就是说,GUID作为一个属性被分配给类或者接口。可以使用标准属性语法来实现这一过程我们可以扩展第一个范例来分配一个GUID。System.Runtime.InteropServices空间名称必须被引用来使用GUID属性。以下C#代码实现了这一过程:using System.Reflection;using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;// 有关程序集的常规信息通过下列属性集// 控制。更改这些属性值可修改// 与程序集关联的信息。[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Test")]// 将 ComVisible 设置为 false 使此程序集中的类型// 对 COM 组件不可见。如果需要从 COM 访问此程序集中的类型,// 则将该类型上的 ComVisible 属性设置为 true。[assembly: ComVisible(false)]// 如果此项目向 COM 公开,则下列 GUID 用于类型库的 ID[assembly: Guid("198cfad8-041f-4141-8961-776b29af7a06")]// 程序集的版本信息由下面四个值组成://// 主版本// 次版本 // 内部版本号// 修订号//// 可以指定所有这些值,也可以使用“内部版本号”和“修订号”的默认值,// 方法是按如下所示使用“*”:// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")][assembly: AssemblyVersion("")][assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]GUID永远是方便的对于程序开发的各个方面,.NET Framework简化了建立和处理GUID数值的过程。在.NET程序需要的地方,这一功能很容易地生成唯一的数值。------------1、Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") 结果为: 38bddf48f43c48588e0d78761eaa1ce62、Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D") 结果为: 57d99d89-caab-482a-a0e9-a0a803eed3ba3、Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B") 结果为: {09f140d5-af72-44ba-a763-c861304b46f8}4、Guid.NewGuid().ToString("P") 结果为: (778406c2-efff-4262-ab03-70a77d09c2b5)可见默认的为第2种效果将字符串形式的GUID:EF41A66B-25E1-46B2-964B-E4F70534807F转换为System.Guid类型System.Guid mGuid=new Guid("EF41A66B-25E1-46B2-964B-E4F70534807F");-----------------guid的每段位数:8+4+4+4+12-------------------GUID重复的可能性几乎为0,可放心使用,重复的机率比碰鬼的机率还小,在不同的机器上如此,在同一台机器上重复的机率更是几乎不可能使用C#Guid.NewGuid()生成的GUID长度为36位

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英语This Wizard will guide you怎么翻译?





MBR硬盘格式能管理2TB以下的磁盘,Guid硬盘格式(也就是GPT盘)能管理2TB以上磁盘。硬盘是电脑主要的存储媒介之一,由一个或者多个铝制或者玻璃制的碟片组成。碟片外覆盖有铁磁性材料。硬盘有固态硬盘(SSD 盘,新式硬盘)、机械硬盘(HDD 传统硬盘)、混合硬盘(HHD 一块基于传统机械硬盘诞生出来的新硬盘)。SSD采用闪存颗粒来存储,HDD采用磁性碟片来存储,混合硬盘(HHD: Hybrid Hard Disk)是把磁性硬盘和闪存集成到一起的一种硬盘。绝大多数硬盘都是固定硬盘,被永久性地密封固定在硬盘驱动器中。磁头复位节能技术:通过在闲时对磁头的复位来节能。多磁头技术:通过在同一碟片上增加多个磁头同时的读或写来为硬盘提速,或同时在多碟片同时利用磁头来读或写来为磁盘提速,多用于服务器和数据库中心。



How are Side Pots formed? – Zynga Poker guide

Side pots are formed when several players having unequal amount of chips stack call on an all-in. In Poker, each player matches each opponents" bet with as many chips as they have left. Players also must match, what the *** allest stack has contributed.Example:Player A with 25 chips, Player B with 75 chips, and Player C with 100 chips went all-in.A main pot of 75 chips is formed out of the 25 chips each from Players A, B, and C. Player B has 50 chips left (75 – 25 = 50), and this will have to be matched by Player C, forming the side pot of 100 chips. Player C"s remaining 25 chips (100 – 25 – 50 = 25) will not be wagered.If Player A has the best hand, he will only get the main pot. The side pot will be won by whoever has the better hand between Players B and C.If Player B has the best hand, he will get both the main pot and the side pot.

How do I take a screenshot or screen video on my computer? – Zynga Poker guide

Together with the description of your issue, screenshots or screen videos (for more complex issues) are a great way to help Zynga Player Support get a better understanding of your issue and find the correct solution for you. Your screenshot should always capture your entire screen , so that we can see your browser as well as other running programs that may be affecting your game experience. A screenshot can be attached as a file directly to your support ticket. The file format should be either .png or .jpg and the size should not exceed 5MB . A screen video is usually larger in size than a screenshot, therefore we suggest that you upload it to a free video hosting site and share the URL with us in your message . For the screen video, all your game information (e.g. Energy, Health, Coins, Cash, etc.) MUST be visible in the video . Note: Please do not capture any sensitive information (pass codes, passwords, billing info, etc.). In the event that you capture sensitive information, restart the capture process after hiding the sensitive information. If you are not familiar with how to capture a screenshot or a screen video, please click on the instructions below: How to capture and submit a screenshot: For PC users: Press the Prnt Scrn key on your keyboard. ** Open Microsoft Paint: Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories. Click Paint. Go to the Edit menu and click Paste . Click File > Save As . Change the Save As Type to JPG. Type a filename for your image. Choose a place to save, such as your Desktop, and click Save . Attach the picture when you create a support request. ** For some laptops, you may need to hold down the Fn (Function) key, then click PrtSc (Print Screen). For Mac users: Hold down the APPLE [Command] , and SHIFT keys. Press 3 for a screen shot of the entire screen. The screenshot appears as a file on your Desktop with the current date and time. Open the screenshot. Select FILE > SAVE AS from the top menu bar. In the Format dropdown, select JPG. Select SAVE. Attach the picture when you create a customer support ticket. How to capture and submit a screen video: Note: The suggested method of using Jing and Screencast is only one of many free options. It is not required to use Jing or Screencast to submit a screen video to Zynga Player Support. Download and install a free screen video software (Jing is commonly used: tech *** ith/jing-tool ). Locate the little yellow sun along the border of your primary monitor. Use the capture feature to designate the area of your screen you want to capture. Select ‘Capture Video/Film Icon" option to begin a screenvideo and start recording. Click the stop button to stop recording when you have captured the desired video. A new window with the screen video will be shown. Share the screen video via Screencast. Attach your UID to the end of the file name for customer support review. Check the history section (under the little yellow sun) to retrieve the URL link for the recorded screen video. Locate the saved screen video and select ‘Share" this will generate a new window with the URL located in the address bar . Submit the saved URL to your support incident for verification purposes.

雅思考试中minibus,guide book这些词到底连不连写

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guide: [ gaid ] n. 引导者,指南,路标v. 指导,支配,管理词形变化: 形容词:guidable 名词:guider 动词过去式:guided 过去分词:guided 现在分词:guiding 第三人称单数:guides 例句与用法: 1. These philosophical views serve as a guide in life. 这些哲学观点可以作为处世指南。 2. He guided the man through the streets to the railway station. 他带这个人走过街道到火车站。 3. His elder sister had been his guide, counsellor and friend. 他姐姐过去一直指导他,给他出主意,是他的朋友。 ------------------------------------------guide–verb (used with object) 1. to assist (a person) to travel through, or reach a destination in, an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person: He guided us through the forest. 2. to accompany (a sightseer) to show points of interest and to explain their meaning or significance. 3. to force (a person, object, or animal) to move in a certain path. 4. to supply (a person) with advice or counsel, as in practical or spiritual affairs. 5. to supervise (someone"s actions or affairs) in an advisory capacity. –noun 6. a person who guides, esp. one hired to guide travelers, tourists, hunters, etc. 7. a mark, tab, or the like, to catch the eye and thus provide quick reference. 8. a guidebook. 9. a book, pamphlet, etc., giving information, instructions, or advice; handbook: an investment guide. 10. a guidepost. 11. a device that regulates or directs progressive motion or action: a sewing-machine guide. 12. a spirit believed to direct the utterances of a medium. 13. Military. a member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest. —Related formsguid·a·ble, adjective guideless, adjective guider, noun guid·ing·ly, adverb


guide: [ gaid ] n. 引导者,指南,路标v. 指导,支配,管理词形变化: 形容词:guidable 名词:guider 动词过去式:guided 过去分词:guided 现在分词:guiding 第三人称单数:guides 例句与用法: 1. These philosophical views serve as a guide in life. 这些哲学观点可以作为处世指南。 2. He guided the man through the streets to the railway station. 他带这个人走过街道到火车站。 3. His elder sister had been his guide, counsellor and friend. 他姐姐过去一直指导他,给他出主意,是他的朋友。 ------------------------------------------guide–verb (used with object) 1. to assist (a person) to travel through, or reach a destination in, an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person: He guided us through the forest. 2. to accompany (a sightseer) to show points of interest and to explain their meaning or significance. 3. to force (a person, object, or animal) to move in a certain path. 4. to supply (a person) with advice or counsel, as in practical or spiritual affairs. 5. to supervise (someone"s actions or affairs) in an advisory capacity. –noun 6. a person who guides, esp. one hired to guide travelers, tourists, hunters, etc. 7. a mark, tab, or the like, to catch the eye and thus provide quick reference. 8. a guidebook. 9. a book, pamphlet, etc., giving information, instructions, or advice; handbook: an investment guide. 10. a guidepost. 11. a device that regulates or directs progressive motion or action: a sewing-machine guide. 12. a spirit believed to direct the utterances of a medium. 13. Military. a member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest. —Related formsguid·a·ble, adjective guideless, adjective guider, noun guid·ing·ly, adverb

Tony is __ the guidebook ,looking for information about Japan ,__he will travel soon.



"guide"的发音为 /ɡau026ad/,其中/g/表示清辅音,/au026a/表示双元音,/d/表示浊辅音。一、"guide"是一个常用的动词和名词,表示引导、指导、导游等含义。作为动词,它通常用于描述指导他人进行某项活动或帮助他人解决问题。例如:- The teacher guided the students through the difficult math problems.(老师引导学生解决了难题。)- The counselor guided the new employee on how to use the company"s software.(辅导员指导新员工如何使用公司的软件。)二、作为名词,"guide"通常指导游、指南或指导手册等含义。例如:- The tour guide showed us around the city"s famous landmarks.(导游带我们参观了城市的著名地标。)- The user guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the device.(用户指南提供了逐步设置设备的说明。)三、除此之外,"guide"还有一些常见的固定搭配,例如:- guidebook:指南,旅游手册- guide dog:导盲犬- guided tour:导游旅行- guidepost:路标,标志物- tour guide:导游





the social skills guidebook被翻译过吗?


tour guidebook什么意思

tour guidebook旅游指南双语例句1While learning about their world outlooks, she also shows them around her hometown, offering local insight and taking them to places no tour agency or guidebook could. 在了解他们对世界各地不同看法的同时,她也带他们到自己家乡周边走走,使他们领略到旅行社和旅游指南难以呈现的本土风景。

travel guidebook什么意思及同义词

travel guidebook的在线翻译:phr.旅游指南 同义词:itinerary. 英语解释x09 a guidebook for travelers 英语短语x09 travel guidebook phr.旅游指南x09 travel to vt.到...旅行x09 travel by phr.乘…旅行,坐x09 travel for 为…到各处推销商品x09 travel in 在…旅行,旅行推销…


guide toa guide book to sp


guide 后面可接的介词包括 to,for,on 等等 请看例句: The camera comes with a Guide To Operations manual. The guide for our tour to Guilin was not at the airport to meet us. All participants must read the guide on safe mountainering before setting out on the journey. guidebook 后面可接 of,on,for,with 等等. 例: The guidebook of U.S.coins is a must-read for all coin collectors. There are many excellent guidebooks on mountain climbing. Ken is writing a guidebook for new parents. It will be a guidebook with answers to many of the questions new parents are faced with.



guide book是什么意思

guide book[英][ɡaid buk][美][ɡau026ad bu028ak]入门书; 指南; 指导书; 参考手册;


guideline: A statement or other indication of policy or procedure by which to determine a course of action:指导路线,方针:对政策或路线的陈述或其它指示,用以决定行动的步骤:guidelines for the completion of tax returns.指导完成退税的方针guide:1.One who shows the way by leading, directing, or advising.领路人:在方法或道路上引导或指导另一人的人2.One who serves as a model for others, as in a course of conduct.导师:在行为等方面堪称他人楷模的人3.A person employed to conduct others, as through a museum, and give information about points of interest encountered.导游,向导:引导游览者游览博物馆等地并对所到的旅游点进行介绍的人4.Something, such as a pamphlet, that offers basic information or instruction:指南:提供基本信息及说明的东西,如小册子:a shopper"s guide.购物指南5.A guidebook.指南,手册6.Something that serves to direct or indicate.路标:用以指引或提示的东西

《The Complete Idiots Guide》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Complete Idiot"s Guide to Amazing Sex》(Sari Locker)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 3wd6书名:The Complete Idiot"s Guide to Amazing Sex作者:Sari Locker豆瓣评分:7.7出版社:Alpha Books出版年份:2005-8-1页数:454内容简介:Most people know that there"s more to sex than the missionary position. But to make sex really hot, some people need a little guidance. That"s where acclaimed sex educator—and WCBS-TV relationship correspondent—Sari Locker steps in. The Complete Idiot"s Guide to Amazing Sex, Third Edition, has fresh advice on how readers can make smart sexual choices, cast aside inhibitions, and keep their sex life exciting well into their golden years. Readers get new and updated chapters on:作者简介:Sari Locker is a sexuality and relationship educator and therapist, TV and radio personality, and lecturer who frequently appears on such programs as Today, CNN, Late Night With Conan O"Brien, and The Howard Stern Show. Her other books include Sari Says: The Real Dirt on Everything from Sex to School and The Complete Idiot"s Guide to Being Sexy.



Wildwood School Library Guide This will offer you some information about our school library.?

这篇短文中主要从借阅时间,借,还及损坏或者丢失四个方面介绍了一所学校的图书馆借阅说明。 小题1:根据短文第七八行More books can be borrowed only for class reading activities and school research.描述,可知如果是做研究,学生们可以借更多的书。故选B。 小题2:根据短文倒数第三四行Full price must be paid if a book is lost. 描述,可知如果书丢失了,必须全款赔付。故选C。 小题3:根据短文倒数第二三行We encourage students to carry their library books in plastic bags to protect them from rainy weather.描述,可知为了防雨,鼓励孩子们用塑料袋盛放图书馆的书。故选A。 小题4:根据标题Wildwood School Library Guide描述,可知这是写给Wildwood School 这所学校的学生们的。故选D。,5, Wildwood School Library Guide This will offer you some information about our school library.You can use this guide to help your kids use our library. Service hours: 3:00 pm—5:30 pm on school days;8:30 am—11:00 am on weekends On school days,your kids may borrow or return books during opening hours only when his classroom teacher allows him to.At the weekend,our library is open to both you and your kids. Borrowing Each student can borrow one or two books at a time:More books can be borrowed only for class reading activities and school research. Returning: Books borrowed from the library can be kept for 15 school days. The books must be returned before the due (到期的)date or the kid can not borrow other books. Damaged(受损的)or Lost Books When a book is returned in a damaged condition,the kid will have to pay three dollars for the damage.Full price must be paid if a book is lost. We encourage students to carry their library books in plastic bags to protect them from rainy weather. Please call us at 3362—1323 for more information. 小题1:Students can borrow more than two books at a time__________. A.for sending exams do school research C.for after-school activities read together with their parents 小题2:________must be paid when a student loses the book he borrows. A.Three dollars B.Half the price of the book C.Full price of the book D.Twice the price of the book 小题3:The students are advised to _________to prevent rain. A.carry their library books in plastic bags B.cover their library books with raincoats C.put their library books into their pockets D.keep their library books in their classroom 小题4:This library guide is for_______. A.teachers from Wildwood B.workers in Wildwood School Library . C.visitors to Wildwood School D.parents of the Wildwood School students 小题5:Which of the following is NOT true? A.The library is open for two and a half hours every day. B.Students parents can go to the school library on weekends. C.Students can go to the library during opening hours as they like.

We are going to write a ______(tour) guide.适当形式填空


Halloween Challenge Terms & Conditions – World Chef Game guide

Terms and Conditions Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) before participating in the “World Chef Halloween Challenge”(“Challenge”). Participation in the Challenge constitutes participant"s full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these terms (“Terms”) and represents that participant satisfies all of the requirements set forth below. THIS IS A CHALLENGE AND NOT A CONTEST. WINNER WILL RECEIVE VIRTUAL CURRENCY FOR USE ONLY IN THE GAME. THERE IS NO PRIZE OF MONETARY VALUE. 1. How to Participate. To participate in the Challenge, you must download the free mobile game entitled WORLD CHEF (“Game”) on your mobile device and take a screenshot of your Halloween themed restaurant (the “Submission”). During the Challenge Period (defined below), you must log into your Facebook accounts, access the World Chef Facebook Page located atfacebook/worldchef/, and upload your Submission to the post labeled “World Chef Halloween Challenge.”Limit one (1) entry into the Challenge per person . All participants must have a valid Facebook account. Facebook accounts are free. No automated entry devices and/or programs permitted. All entry information and Submissions become the sole and exclusive property of Sponsor and receipt of entry will not be acknowledged or returned. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, stolen, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, misdirected, technically corrupted or garbled entries, which will not be considered, or for problems of any kind whether mechanical, human or electronic. Only fully completed entries are eligible. Proof of submission will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify this Challenge in its sole discretion. 2. Eligibility. Open only to legal residents of the Eligible Countries, who are 18 or older as of the date of Challenge. Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor and its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, advertising and promotions agencies, manufacturers or distributors of materials used in connection with the Challenge and their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, spouse) or members of the same household (whether related or not) of such employees/officers/directors are not eligible to participate in Challenge.All federal, provincial, state and local laws and regulations apply. 3.Start/End Dates. Challenge begins at 12:00:01 AM PST on October 19,2018and ends at 11:59:59 PM PST on November 1, 2018. (“Challenge Period”). Sponsor"s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Challenge. 4. Winner Determination . Sponsor shall review all Submissions and will select five (5) winners based on the following equally-weighted judging criteria (“Judging Criteria”): (a) creativity and (b) use of Halloween theme. The highest scoring five (5) Submissions shall be designated as Winners. In the event of a tie, all tied entries will be re-judged by an additional judge selected by Sponsor who will break the tie using the Judging Panel Criteria.Sponsor"s decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to this Challenge, including, but not limited to, interpretation and application of these Official Rules.By entering the Challenge, participants fully and unconditionally agree to be bound by these rules and the decisions of the judges, which will be final and binding in all matters relating to the Challenge. 5. Reward(s) Each winner of the Challenge will receive 65 Gems (“Reward”). Virtual Currency has no monetary value, should not be used outside of the Game and should only be used in accordance with World Chef Terms, located at Rewards are non-transferable. No substitutions or cash redemptions. In the case of unavailability of a Reward, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value. Any tax obligations (if any) are the responsibility of the winner. 6. Notification. Winners will be notified via Facebook Messenger and will be required to sign and return, where legal, an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability/Publicity Release within five (5) days of notification. If any winner is considered a minor in his/her jurisdiction of residence, Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability/Publicity must be signed by his/her parent or legal guardian. If any winner cannot be contacted within five (5) calendar days of first notification attempt, if any Reward or Reward notification is returned as undeliverable, if any winner rejects his/her Reward or in the event of noncompliance with these Challenge rules and requirements, such Reward will be forfeited and may be awarded to the Submission with the next highest score. Upon Reward forfeiture, no compensation will be given. 7. Conditions. Any and all federal, state and local taxes (if any) are the sole responsibility of the winner. Participation in Challenge and/or acceptance of Reward constitutes each winner"s permission for Sponsor to use his/her name, address (city and state), likeness, photograph, picture, portrait, voice, biographical information, Submission and/or any statements made by each winner regarding the Challenge or Sponsor for advertising and promotional purposes without notice or additional compensation, except where prohibited by law. By participating, participants and winners agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor, and its advertising and promotion agencies and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors (collectively, “Released Entities”), from any and all liability, for loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense whatsoever including without limitation, property damage, personal injury and/or death which may occur in connection with, preparation for, travel to, or participation in Challenge, or possession, acceptance and/or use or misuse of Reward or participation in any Challenge-related activity and for any claims based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, trademark infringement or any other intellectual property-related cause of action. Participants who do not comply with these Official Rules, or attempt to interfere with this Challenge in any way shall be disqualified. Sponsor is not responsible if Challenge cannot take place or if any Reward cannot be awarded due to travel cancellations, delays or interruptions due to acts of God, acts of war, natural disasters, weather or acts of terrori *** . 8. Additional Terms. Any attempted form of participation other than as set forth in Section 1 above is prohibited; no automatic, programmed; robotic or similar means of participation are permitted. The Released Entities are not responsible for technical, hardware, software, telephone or other communications malfunctions, errors or failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, web site, Internet, or ISP availability, unauthorized human intervention, traffic congestion, incomplete or inaccurate capture of participation information (regardless of cause) or failed, incomplete, garbled, jumbled or delayed computer tran *** issions which may limit one"s ability to enter the Challenge, including any injury or damage to participant"s or any other person"s computer relating to or resulting from participating in this Challenge or downloading any materials in this Challenge. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify, extend or suspend this Challenge should (in its sole discretion) virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention, fraud or other causes beyond its control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or proper conduct of the Challenge. In such case, Sponsor will select the winners from all eligible entries received prior to and/or after (if appropriate) the action taken by Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds, in its sole discretion, to be tampering with the participation process or the operation of the Challenge or web site. Sponsor may prohibit an participant from participating in the Challenge or winning a Reward if, in its sole discretion, it determines that said participant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Challenge by cheating, hacking, deception, or other unfair playing practices (including the use of automated quick entry programs) or intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other participants or Sponsor representatives.CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN PARTICIPANT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEB SITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CHALLENGE MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. IN NO EVENT WILL THE RELEASED ENTITIES BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LOSSES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF ANY WEBSITE, SERVICE OR GAME ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CHALLENGE AND/OR PARTICIPATION IN THE CHALLENGE, DOWNLOADING FROM AND/OR PRINTING MATERIAL DOWNLOADED FROM ANY WEBSITES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHALLENGE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, THIS CHALLENGE AND ALL REWARDS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES SO SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LAWS FOR ANY RESTRICTIONS ORLIMITATIONS REGARDING THESE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS. 10. Disputes; Governing Law. As a condition of participating in this Challenge, participant agrees that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Challenge shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances will participant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages, or any other damages, including attorneys" fees, other than participant"s actual out-of-pocket expenses (e.g., costs associated with participating in this Challenge), and participant further waives all rights to have damages multiplied or increased. The arbitration shall be conducted in the State of New York, in the City of New York, County of New York, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered into any court having jurisdiction thereof.This Challenge is governed by US law and is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited by law. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Terms, or the rights and obligations of participant and Sponsor in connection with this Challenge, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, U.S.A., without giving effect to the conflict of laws rules thereof, and any matters or proceedings which are not subject to arbitration as set forth in Arbitration Section of these Terms and/or for entering any judgment on an arbitration award, shall take place in the State of New York, in the City of New York, County of New York. 11. Use of Data. Sponsor will be collecting personal data about participants online, in accordance with its privacy policy. Please review the Sponsor"s privacy policy attake2games/privacy/. By participating in the Challenge, participants hereby agree to Sponsor"s collection and usage of their personal information and acknowledge that they have read and accepted Sponsor"s privacy policy. Sponsor: Social Point S.L. (“Social Point”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The Sponsor"s address is Social Point SL, Calle Llacuna 166, Planta 10, 08018 Barcelona, Spain. THIS PROMOTION IS IN NO WAY SPONSORED, ENDORSED OR ADMINISTERED BY, OR ASSOCIATED WITH FACEBOOK. YOU ARE PROVIDING YOUR INFORMATION TO SPONSOR AND NOT FACEBOOK.

ethical guideline是什么意思

ethical guideline伦理准则真诚希望能够帮助您,如果满意请采纳,祝您好运常伴。

《A Students Writing Guide》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《A Student"s Writing Guide》(Taylor, Gordon)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: d899书名:A Student"s Writing Guide作者:Taylor, Gordon出版社:Cambridge University Press出版年份:2009-5-7页数:282内容简介:Are you struggling to meet your coursework deadlines? Finding it hard to get to grips with your essay topics? Does your writing sometimes lack structure and style? Would you like to improve your grades? This text covers everything a student needs to know about writing essays and papers in the humanities and social sciences. Starting from the common difficulties students face, it gives practical examples of all the stages necessary to produce a good piece of academic work: u2022 interpreting assignment topics u2022 drawing on your own experience and background u2022 reading analytically and taking efficient notes u2022 developing your argument through introductions, middles and conclusions u2022 evaluating and using online resources u2022 understanding the conventions of academic culture u2022 honing your ideas into clear, vigorous English. This book will provide you with all the tools and insights you need to write confident, convincing essays and coursework papers.


What roles does a tour a guy play in his her a job?导游在他的工作中扮演什么角色?

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travel guide旅游指南双语对照词典结果:travel guide导游; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He was buying books about offshore banking and a travel guide tocosta rica. 他正购买有关离岸银行业务的书籍和一本哥斯达黎加旅游指南。

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Guideline 4.3 - Design 解决方案记录

我们APP在之前版本迭代一直是通过审核的,然后在1.0.X版本升级的时候,加入了一次强制用户登录的功能,被 Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage 拒了。 之后去掉强制登录后,被 4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality 理由再次被拒。之后出现 Guideline 4.3 - Design 。 时间:2018年6月29日 上午9:41 理由: 5. 1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collection and Storage 处理方法:取消强制登录功能。 时间:2018年6月29日 上午9:41 理由: 4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality 处理方法:邮件回复,简单叙述自己APP内容的多样性,并寻求电联交流。 时间:2018年7月4日 上午10:22 事件:请求电话联系。 电话内容概括:我们从没提交过其他相似马甲APP,而且之前迭代一直都是顺利审核,本次版本也只是修改了部分bug,为什么4.3被认为是垃圾APP,苹果客服一直推辞说我们APP和其他APP相似,讨论过后苹果官方给出建议放弃APP,即时提交也会再次被拒,态度很坚决。 处理方法:做了两手准备,一方面准备新的开发者账号,另一方面准备在APP原来的基础上添加了两个新的tab,tab均为本地的小工具,同时对后台的市场图进行了调整。 时间:2018年7月2日 上午2:13 理由: Guideline 4.3 - Design 处理方法:虽然对APP增加了两个tab,更换了市场图,但还是被拒绝了。经过网上大量查找相关资料,做了如下处理: 时间:2018年7月20日 上午4:44 理由: 处理方法:虽然这么多被拒的理由,但是终于不是4.3了,也不再是延迟审核队列,终于看到了希望。 针对1. 1 Safety: Objectionable Content 我们已经下架资讯页面“女性”频道,并对APP内其他资讯内容进行了把控,避免出现使用户感觉到“讨厌和冒犯”。 针对3. 2.2 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable 我们已经取消了相关的阅读送金币的活动,严格按照苹果审核规则进行修改。 针对5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property 我们会在附件中提供相关的第三方合作商的授权协议。 针对5.3.2 - Legal - Gaming, Gambling, and Lotteries 我们在《用户协议》中添加了“通过本软件参加的任何商业活动或者奖励活动,由本公司提供,均与Apple Inc.无关。”的说明。并且在开发者后台调整等级为17+。 时间:2018年7月27日 上午0:30 结果:通过审核。 经历了一个月的提交和被拒,版本也从1.0.X到了1.1.X,再次深刻感觉到 苹果爸爸 的严格和对 苹果爸爸 的崇敬,下面给出对于回复和4.3的两点建议。 对于回复,我们一定要保持一个低姿态,回复内容态度一定要非常 友好 ,在下方我会给一个我的回复模板。 对于4.3,4.3的问题确实是很棘手,但并不是不可以解决。 首先我们要确定线上确实没有马甲包,其次,如果出现4.3,证明你已经进入了延迟审核队列和灰名单,不要抱侥幸心理,一定要 对后台相关信息大量修改 ,对 APP的UI和内容 做大量修改。

App提交审核被拒 Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content和Guideline 5.0 - Legal

1、发布活动显示金钱的页面 2、私聊需要金币解锁功能页面 3、上架图截图有个页面列表只有女士






System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()全球唯一标识符(GUID) 是一个字母数字标识符,用于指示产品的唯一性安装。在许多流行软件应用程序(例如 Web 浏览器和媒体播放器)中,都使用GUID。GUID的格式为“xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”,其中每个 x 是 0-9 或 a-f范围内的一个十六进制的数字。例如:6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF 即为有效的 GUID值。值。GUID 主要用于在拥有多个节点、多台计算机的网络或系统中,分配必须具有唯一性的标识符。在 Windows 平台上,GUID应用非常广泛:注册表、类及接口标识、数据库、甚至自动生成的机器名、目录名等。Guid.NewGuid()是指生成唯一码的规则System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(format);说明符 返回值的格式N 32位字符:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD 由连字符分隔的 32 位数字:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxB 括在大括号中、由连字符分隔的 32 位数字:{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}P 括在圆括号中、由连字符分隔的 32 位数字:




  MBR分区为常用分区模式  GUID分区不常用,为新分区模式,现今预装WIN8默认为GUID分区,  各有好处,及缺陷,下有文介绍  最关键的是MBR分区方案无法支持超过2TB容量的磁盘,也即3TB硬盘以MBR分区方案分区,有三分之一容量会认不到  ****以GUID 分区表(GPT)方案分区则可认到最大18 EB(18X1024GB) 容量的磁盘,新技术好是好,可是:现今大多电脑2TB以上硬盘只作数据盘用的话,在Windows 7/8系统下只需要将硬盘转换为GPT形式即可。但是如果将GPT硬盘作为系统盘,则必须使用采用了EFI BIOS的主板,同时南桥驱动还要求兼容Long LBA,还必须安装64位的操作系统

如何获得设备类guid c++

如果是系统的标准设备,可以在devguid.h文件中找到所对应的guid值,但如果是其它安装的驱动则可以查看其classguid值(系统设备也可以),如:USB的guid值可以在注册表路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/里面找到值{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}其对应的classguid值为:{0x36fc9e60L, 0xc465, 0x11cf, 0x80, 0x56, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00}对比下就可以用这两个字符串相互转换了。devguid.h中设备类型guid的定义:GUID_DEVCLASS_FDC 软盘控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_DISPLAY 显示卡 GUID_DEVCLASS_CDROM 光驱 GUID_DEVCLASS_KEYBOARD 键盘 GUID_DEVCLASS_COMPUTER 计算机 GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM 系统 GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE 磁盘驱动器 GUID_DEVCLASS_MEDIA 声音、视频和游戏控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_MODEM MODEM GUID_DEVCLASS_MOUSE 鼠标和其他指针设备 GUID_DEVCLASS_NET 网络设备器 GUID_DEVCLASS_USB 通用串行总线控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_FLOPPYDISK 软盘驱动器 GUID_DEVCLASS_UNKNOWN 未知设备 GUID_DEVCLASS_SCSIADAPTER SCSI 和 RAID 控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_HDC IDE ATA/ATAPI 控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS 端口(COM 和 LPT) GUID_DEVCLASS_MONITOR 监视器 对设备管理器的查询GUID ClassGuid = {0x96e73b6eL, 0x7a5a, 0x11d4, 0x9f, 0x24, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc8, 0x27, 0x27, 0xf4};HDEVINFO hDevInfo; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; DWORD i; CString temp; CString str; hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs((LPGUID) &ClassGuid, 0, 0,DIGCF_PRESENT); if (hDevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Insert error handling here. return ; } // Enumerate through all devices in Set. DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); for (i = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, i, &DeviceInfoData);i++) { DWORD DataT; char buffer[2048]; DWORD buffersize =sizeof(buffer); while (!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, &DataT, (PBYTE)buffer, buffersize, &buffersize)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // Change the buffer size. //if (buffer) LocalFree(buffer); //buffer = (PSP_INF_INFORMATION)LocalAlloc(LPTR,buffersize); } else { // Insert error handling here. break; } } if (buffer != NULL && i == 0) { temp.Format("<光盘驱动器>"); str += temp; } temp.Format("<VALUE>%s</VALUE>",buffer); str += temp; if (buffer) LocalFree(buffer); } if (i != 0) { temp.Format("</光盘驱动器>"); str += temp; } if ( GetLastError()!=NO_ERROR && GetLastError()!=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { return ; } // Cleanup SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);


win8及win8以上系统,建议用guid格式,其余都有MBR格式。 很多高版本系统安装低版本系统,不成功就是因为这个格式没有选好。——MBR,因为比较常用,GUID留着给微软体验。二者的弊端——MBR:不能开2048G以上的区。——GUID:分区不能多于128个、单区最大容量不能超过18EB。GUID分区表可否分配盘符,若可,样式/格式是怎样的?和MBR一样。分区表可分MBR:1个主分区+无限个逻辑分区。GUID:128个分区









android 怎么生成guid

使用java的UUID就可以了,UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();System.out.println(".{"+uuid.toString()+"}");


区别:1.MBR分区为常用分区模式,GUID分区不常用,为新分区模式,现今预装WIN8默认为GUID分区,各有好处,及缺陷。2.MBR分区方案无法支持超过2TB容量的磁盘,也即3TB硬盘以MBR分区方案分区,有三分之一容量会认不到,以GUID分区表(GPT)方案分区则可认到最大18EB(18X1024GB) 容量的磁盘,新技术好是好,可是:现今大多电脑2TB以上硬盘只作数据盘用的话,在Windows 7/8系统下只需要将硬盘转换为GPT形式即可。但是如果将GPT硬盘作为系统盘,则必须使用采用了EFI BIOS的主板,同时南桥驱动还要求兼容Long LBA,还必须安装64位的操作系统。一、全球唯一标识符(GUID,Globally Unique Identifier)是一种由算法生成的二进制长度为128位的数字标识符。GUID主要用于在拥有多个节点、多台计算机的网络或系统中。在理想情况下,任何计算机和计算机集群都不会生成两个相同的GUID。GUID 的总数达到了2^128(3.4×10^38)个,所以随机生成两个相同GUID的可能性非常小,但并不为0。GUID一词有时也专指微软对UUID标准的实现。二、在理想情况下,任何计算机和计算机集群都不会生成两个相同的GUID。随机生成两个相同GUID的可能性是非常小的,但并不为0。所以,用于生成GUID的算法通常都加入了非随机的参数(如时间),以保证这种重复的情况不会发生。



安装lion 提示这个磁盘没有使用GUID分区表方案











不是必须把硬盘转为mbr格式mbr格式和guid格式的区别:1、引导区位置不同。一般情况下系统装在哪个盘上,引导在哪里,一些品牌机自带RECOVER系统还原,即使系统坏了,可以使用不在操作系统所在区的启动程序进行还原恢复,但是GUID格式的硬盘装系统比较容易造成分区表错乱,这就是GHOST版系统装出来各种出问题的原因。另外隐藏的分区往往给病毒木马提供藏身之所,如果对分区操作不是很了解,建议使用MBR的硬盘格式分区。2、备份功能不同。GUID磁盘分区表自带备份功能,在磁盘的首尾部分分别保存了一份相同的分区表,假如其中一份被破坏后,可以通过另一份恢复。而MBR磁盘分区表一旦被破坏就无法恢复,需要重新分区。3、磁盘分区的最大容量支持。MBR磁盘分区只支持最大卷为2 TB(Terabytes)并且每个磁盘最多支持4个主分区(或3个主分区,1个扩展分区和无限制的逻辑驱动器)。而GUID磁盘分区支持最大卷为128 EB(Exabytes)并且每磁盘的分区数没有上限。扩展资料:硬盘的分区类型为:硬盘分区之后,会形成3种形式的分区状态:即主分区、扩展分区和非DOS分区。非DOS分区在硬盘中非DOS分区(Non-DOS Partition)是一种特殊的分区形式,它是将硬盘中的一块区域单独划分出来供另一个操作系统使用,对主分区的操作系统来讲,是一块被划分出去的存储空间。只有非DOS分区的操作系统才能管理和使用这块存储区域。主分区主分区则是一个比较单纯的分区,通常位于硬盘的最前面一块区域中,构成逻辑C磁盘。其中的主引导程序是它的一部分,此段程序主要用于检测硬盘分区的正确性,并确定活动分区,负责把引导权移交给活动分区的DOS或其他操作系统。此段程序损坏将无法从硬盘引导,但从软驱或光驱引导之后可对硬盘进行读写。扩展分区而扩展分区的概念是比较复杂的,极容易造成硬盘分区与逻辑磁盘混淆;分区表的第四个字节为分区类型值,正常的可引导的大于32mb的基本DOS分区值为06,扩展的DOS分区值是05。如果把基本DOS分区类型改为05则无法启动系统 ,并且不能读写其中的数据。如果把06改为DOS不识别的类型如efh,则DOS认为该分区不是DOS分区,当然无法读写。很多人利用此类型值实现单个分区的加密技术,恢复原来的正确类型值即可使该分区恢复正常。参考资料来源:百度百科-磁盘分区

windows guid 是唯一的吗

GUIDglobally unique identifier(全球唯一标识符) 分配给COM对象的标识符(ID)。它通过一种复杂的算法生成,该算法保证所有的COM对象都有着唯一的ID,而不会出现名字冲突。 GUID(全球唯一标识)是微软使用的一个术语,由一个特定的算法






guid和mbr格式区别:所支持的硬盘的最多分区与最大容量不同。1、MBR分区表:Master Boot Record,即硬盘主引导记录分区表,只支持容量在 2.1TB 以下的硬盘,超过2.1TB的硬盘只能管理2.1TB,最多只支持4个主分区或三个主分区和一个扩展分区,扩展分区下可以有多个逻辑分区。2、GPT分区表:GPT,全局唯一标识分区表(GUID Partition Table),与MBR最大4个分区表项的限制相比,GPT对分区数量没有限制,但Windows最大仅支持128个GPT分区,GPT可管理硬盘大小达到了18EB。只有基于UEFI平台的主板才支持GPT分区引导启动。所支持的隐藏分区不同1、ESP分区:EFI system partition,该分区用于采用了EFI BIOS的电脑系统,用来启动操作系统。分区内存放引导管理程序、驱动程序、系统维护工具等。如果电脑采用了EFI系统,或当前磁盘用于在EFI平台上启动操作系统,则应建议ESP分区。2、MSR分区:即微软保留分区,是GPT磁盘上用于保留空间以备用的分区,例如在将磁盘转换为动态磁盘时需要使用这些分区空间。


GUID(全局唯一标识符)是一个在计算机系统中用于标识对象的字符串。在 Windows 操作系统中,可以通过以下步骤查看电脑的 GUID:打开“运行”对话框:按下快捷键 Win+R,或者在开始菜单中搜索“运行”。输入“regedit”并按下回车键,打开注册表编辑器。浏览到注册表路径 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftCryptography。在该路径下,你应该能够找到一个名为“MachineGuid”的键值。双击该键值并查看其数值数据,即可获取电脑的 GUID。请注意,修改注册表可能会影响系统稳定性和安全性,因此在进行此类操作时,请务必小心谨慎。




如果是系统的标准设备,可以在devguid.h文件中找到所对应的guid值,但如果是其它安装的驱动则可以查看其classguid值(系统设备也可以),如:USB的guid值可以在注册表路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/里面找到值{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}其对应的classguid值为:{0x36fc9e60L, 0xc465, 0x11cf, 0x80, 0x56, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00}对比下就可以用这两个字符串相互转换了。devguid.h中设备类型guid的定义:GUID_DEVCLASS_FDC 软盘控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_DISPLAY 显示卡 GUID_DEVCLASS_CDROM 光驱 GUID_DEVCLASS_KEYBOARD 键盘 GUID_DEVCLASS_COMPUTER 计算机 GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM 系统 GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE 磁盘驱动器 GUID_DEVCLASS_MEDIA 声音、视频和游戏控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_MODEM MODEM GUID_DEVCLASS_MOUSE 鼠标和其他指针设备 GUID_DEVCLASS_NET 网络设备器 GUID_DEVCLASS_USB 通用串行总线控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_FLOPPYDISK 软盘驱动器 GUID_DEVCLASS_UNKNOWN 未知设备 GUID_DEVCLASS_SCSIADAPTER SCSI 和 RAID 控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_HDC IDE ATA/ATAPI 控制器 GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS 端口(COM 和 LPT) GUID_DEVCLASS_MONITOR 监视器 对设备管理器的查询GUID ClassGuid = {0x96e73b6eL, 0x7a5a, 0x11d4, 0x9f, 0x24, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc8, 0x27, 0x27, 0xf4};HDEVINFO hDevInfo; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; DWORD i; CString temp; CString str; hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs((LPGUID) &ClassGuid, 0, 0,DIGCF_PRESENT); if (hDevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Insert error handling here. return ; } // Enumerate through all devices in Set. DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); for (i = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, i, &DeviceInfoData);i++) { DWORD DataT; char buffer[2048]; DWORD buffersize =sizeof(buffer); while (!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, &DataT, (PBYTE)buffer, buffersize, &buffersize)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // Change the buffer size. //if (buffer) LocalFree(buffer); //buffer = (PSP_INF_INFORMATION)LocalAlloc(LPTR,buffersize); } else { // Insert error handling here. break; } } if (buffer != NULL && i == 0) { temp.Format("<光盘驱动器>"); str += temp; } temp.Format("<VALUE>%s</VALUE>",buffer); str += temp; if (buffer) LocalFree(buffer); } if (i != 0) { temp.Format("</光盘驱动器>"); str += temp; } if ( GetLastError()!=NO_ERROR && GetLastError()!=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { return ; } // Cleanup SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);






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