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Gossip Girl中Serena和Dan最后在一起了吗


gossip girl 中Nate和Serena有没有在一起


gossip girl最后一集里,Serena和谁在一起了?


Gossip girl 里的Serena原名是什么以及个人资料

姓名:布莱克-克里斯蒂娜-莱弗利(Blake Christina Lively) 生日:1987年8月25日 出生地:美国加州 身高:1米78 作品一览: 《Sandman》(1998) 《牛仔裤的夏天》(2005) 《录取通知》(2006) 《我说你做》(2006) 《Elvis and Anabelle》(2007) 《八卦天后》(2007,电视剧) 《牛仔裤的夏天2》(2008)

在gossip girl(绯闻少女)中演Vanessa的演员是谁啊???

Jessica Szohr 《绯闻少女》剧中人物Vanessa Abrams 生日:1985年3月31日 出生地:美国,威斯康辛州,Milwaukee 种族:拉丁裔 乳名:Jessica Karen Szohr 身高:165cm 三围:32B-25-32

求Gossip Girl里的VANESSA的人物介绍和剧情介绍,还有扮演者的资料,谢谢。

剧里 VANESSA 的人物介绍http://baike.baidu.com/view/1547979.htm扮演者 Jessica Szohr 的资料http://baike.baidu.com/view/2072109.htm剧情直接看片!

gossip girl XOXO开头那段歌词的英文是什么?

where is she 她在哪儿and who i am 我是谁that"s a secret and i never tell这是密码我永远不会说you know you love我知道你爱我xoxo gossip girl XOXO 八卦天后

gossip girl第五季中的LOLA是谁,谢谢


gossip girl 第四部 演Juliet的女星资料


英语:the sheriff made suspect by vicious gossip

这句话的意思是:这个州长因为道德丑闻被人们所怀疑。make suspect:被人怀疑。

gossip girl中朱丽叶为什么要整serene啊


gossip girl里scott的真名及资料

演员的名字叫 Chris Riggi 相片 http://images.google.cn/images?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=Chris+Riggi&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=iQuESubKNqjW6gP06cTUAw&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4出演《gossip girl》前,Chris Riggi在《Brotherhood》,《Human Giant》,《The Guiding Light》,《红唇宣言》,《Toe to Toe》以及最新电影《Dare》中都有戏份。 Beware the Gonzo (2010) (filming) .... Ryan "Gossip Girl" .... Scott Ronsson (2 episodes, 2009) - Episode #3.1 (2009) TV episode .... Scott Ronsson - The Goodbye Gossip Girl (2009) TV episode .... Scott RonssonToe to Toe (2009) .... Jason Dare (2009) .... Josh "Lipstick Jungle" .... Paul (1 episode, 2008) - Chapter Seventeen: Bye, Bye Baby (2008) TV episode (as Christopher Riggi) .... Paul"The Guiding Light" .... Sleazy (1 episode, 2008)... aka "Guiding Light" (USA: new title) - Episode #1.15530 (2008) TV episode .... Sleazy"Human Giant" .... Brandon Stillman (1 episode, 2008) - I Want More Corn Chowder (2008) TV episode .... Brandon StillmanBrotherhood (2008) .... Jared

gossip girl(绯闻少女)的主题曲(剧中经常出现的)是什么


求绯闻女孩gossip girl 中所有的歌的目录


gossip girl 的旁白

推荐个网站 沪江影英这个空间里也有剧本http://hi.baidu.com/%BE%C5%CF%B2%B6%F9

求gossip girl 的英文剧本台词,要全的


gossip girl 的作者介绍(详细点的),英文也可以,谢谢大家啦!

  Cecily von Ziegesar (born Cecily Brooke von Ziegesar on 27 June 1970)[1] is an American author best known for the young adult Gossip Girl books.  Contents  [hide]  * 1 Biography  o 1.1 Early life and education  o 1.2 Gossip Girl  + 1.2.1 Book series  + 1.2.2 Television series  o 1.3 Personal life  * 2 Books  o 2.1 Gossip Girl  o 2.2 The It Girl  o 2.3 Gossip Girl: The Carlyles  o 2.4 Cum Laude  * 3 Notes  * 4 External links  [edit] Biography  [edit] Early life and education  Von Ziegesar was born in Norwalk, Connecticut.[2] Her childhood dream was to grow up to be a ballerina; she began lessons at age 3 and auditioned for the School of American Ballet at age 8, but was rejected.[3] As a teenager, she commuted to Manhattan at 6 a.m. to attend The Nightingale-Bamford School.[4] After graduating from Nightingale, Von Ziegesar attended Colby College. Then she spent a year in Budapest working for a local radio station. She then returned to the United States to study creative writing at the University of Arizona, only to drop out shortly thereafter.[4]  [edit] Gossip Girl  [edit] Book series  In New York City, while working at book-packaging firm Alloy Entertainment, she became inspired to create the Gossip Girl series, which present a view of high-end teenage lifestyles. The series climbed to the top of The New York Times Best-Sellers list in 2002. The spin-off, The It Girl, made the list in 2005.  The Constance Billard School for Girls is based on an exaggerated version of her alma mater, Nightingale.  [edit] Television series  Gossip Girl was adapted for television in 2007. The show premiered to mixed reviews and lost more than a million viewers from episode one to two, from 3.65 million[5] to 2.55 million.[6] The rest of the season"s viewers went up and down, the highest being 3 million viewers for the season finale and the lowest being 1.80 million viewers for episode eleven.  Controversy and criticism surrounding the show surfaced due to the fact that it failed to show much of the books" plots, character personalities, and other major and minor facts, thus disappointing many fans of the novels. However, von Ziegesar told ABC News that her major plot lines were there and that "at least it takes place in New York".[7]  [edit] Personal life  She resides in Brooklyn with her husband Richard, the Deputy Director of the Public Art Fund,[8] their children, Agnes and Oscar,[9] and their two Cornish Rex cats.[10]  [edit] Books  [edit] Gossip Girl  Main article: Gossip Girl  1. Gossip Girl  2. You Know You Love Me  3. All I Want Is Everything  4. Because I"m Worth It  5. I Like It Like That  6. You"re the One That I Want  7. Nobody Does It Better  8. Nothing Can Keep Us Together  9. Only In Your Dreams  10. Would I Lie To You  11. Don"t You Forget About Me  12. It Had to Be You  13. I Will Always Love You  [edit] The It Girl  Main article: The It Girl  1. The It Girl  2. Notorious  3. Reckless  4. Unforgettable  5. Lucky  6. Tempted  7. Infamous  8. Adored  9. Devious  10. Classic  Note: This series is Ghostwritten  [edit] Gossip Girl: The Carlyles  Main article: Gossip Girl#Gossip Girl: The Carlyles  Note: This series is actually written by Annabelle Vestry, though Cecily von Ziegesar"s name appears on the spine and front cover.  1. Gossip Girl: The Carlyles  2. You Just Can"t Get Enough  3. Take A Chance On Me  4. Love the One You"re With  [edit] Cum Laude  1. Cum Laude (June 1, 2010 from Hyperion)[11][12]

Gossip Girl中的演Penelope(佩内洛普)的演员叫什么?

这个人真的好边缘哦 居然都找不到跑龙套真是不容易啊

跪求Gossip Girl的分集剧情。最好是到目前22集的,谢谢谢谢谢。

第1集  在巴黎畅游。B和S在巴黎度过了一个美好的夏天,不知道她以前的情人C正经受枪伤的痛苦。正当B决定忘记C时,C在巴黎神秘现身,还带来一位美貌高贵的“法国新情人”。与此同时,S正享受着新的“单身女郎”身份,与B及一群性感的巴黎男孩混在一起,不去想她究竟该接受哪位情郎:D还是。纽约上东区,N遇到一个叫Juliet的金发美女,就此展开意想不到的剧情。  第2集  Chuck Bass和Blair在巴黎重逢。Blair在巴黎过得有声有色。Lily则焦急万分,请S帮着找到Chuck,他已经几个月杳无音讯了。其实我们见到他的时候简直有点认不出来,他在巴黎的新生活全然不同,而他身边则有一个神秘的美女Eva。朱丽叶主动想要帮着Nate把S抢回来,想要重燃D和V的爱火。想不到Juliet的真正目的还在S身上......  第3集    开学去到哥伦比亚大学第一天,Blair就想要挤进一家奢华社交俱乐部,叫做汉密尔顿之家,这样她就能一步步攀上高枝,重获自己的人气地位,不过事情没有她想象地那么简单。与此同时,Serena开始怀疑Juliet干涉她感情生活的动机。Rufus则因为Georgina的事儿担心Dan,想要自己亲自插手。  第4集  Nate怀疑Juliet有什么事儿瞒着他,决定跟她当面对质。Blair计划着暗中破坏Chuck现在美满的恋情。Dan又夹在S和V之间一边是友情,一边是爱情,左右都不是,为难了自己……  第5集  绯闻女孩爆出一条关于哥伦比亚新生S毁灭性的传言,而消息来源是个不愿透露姓名的人士。而B继续在朝着功成名就的道路上行进,她决定和一位来哥伦比亚客座讲座的商业女强人Martha一起去上课,可却有一位同学却阻碍了她成为Martha助手的机会。  第6集  尽管Blair早已表示Jenny不再受曼哈顿欢迎,Jenny还是回来了。她不愿意放弃与Tim Gunn见面的机会--这种一生只有一次的机会可能永远改变她的命运。与此同时,Serena发现新男友Colin隐瞒了一个秘密,他们的关系可能因此而彻底结束。  第7集  一位特殊客人来到Blair的生日宴会,令毫无准备的Blair大感惊讶。这件事显然不是什么好事。Serena和Nate已经看够了Blair和Chuck的游戏,决定主动干预。瑞典著名女歌手Robyn将在本集中亮相并献唱。  第8集  Chuck和Blair达成共识:他们应该让过去的事情过去,结束“敌对状态”。但他们真的能成为朋友嘛?Nate发现Juliet隐瞒了一个重要秘密,决定找她当面对质。Dan和Nate发现他们都还对Serena有感情。  第9集  Chuck在帝国酒店举办一个名为“圣人与罪人”的化装舞会。Serena在舞会上的行为举止十分怪异,Dan和Nate都不能理解Serena 要表达的意思。Blair想成为Anne Archibald女性基金会的新代言人,但是Anne担心Blair与Chuck Bass的关系会带来一些问题。与此同时,Juliet、Vanessa将联合Jenny Humphrey再次挑战Serena,Serena能抵挡住三个“坏女孩”的进攻吗?  第10集  因为某人的家人住院治疗,Chuck、Serena、Blair、Dan、Jenny和Eric全都面临危机,与此同时,Nate试图帮助父母忘记过去,重新建立感情。  第11集  Blair和Dan共同寻找失踪的Juliet。Chuck怀疑Lily没有把全部真相告诉他。  第12集  Chuck老爸的前合伙人Russell,带着自己的女儿又回到了曼哈顿,来处理先前东区贵族间未完成的生意。而Serena和Chuck则联合起来反对莉莉,同时Blair开始发现:自己的老妈Eleanor,或许就是那个能帮她成为未来CEO的关键人物。另外,Nate开始担心自己的老爸或许根本没把他的话当真  。  第13集  Blair迫切希望得到去《W》杂志实习的机会,可当她发现Dan早已获得这令人垂涎的职位后,她的热情快速消退了。Russell Thorpe和女儿Raina回到纽约上东区后,Chuck发现自己遇到了真正的对手。Nate听说他父亲的生意前景不妙。第四季14-20集  第14集  Blair经过种种经历成功在《W》杂志当上助理,Serena和Ben在一起,Nate和Den将达利恩贩毒的事告诉了他父亲。Chuck想通过与Raina的关系,组织Thorpe收购Bass集团。     第15集  Russell Thorpe试图控制Bass集团,Chuck Bass为挽救家族产业决定孤注一掷。在《W》杂志工作的Blair面临一项富有挑战性的任务,如果成功的话可能得到升职。Serena纠结于自己对Ben的感觉。     第16集     Eric的十八岁生日到了,但筹备生日聚会的过程却充满戏剧性。Blair下决心当一个女强人,她想快速达成愿望,但却缺乏必要的力量。Serena被迫在家庭和Ben之间做出选择。Chuck和Lily的关系继    第17集  Ben的妈妈来到城里,令Ben和Serena之间深藏的矛盾逐渐暴露出来。Russell Thorpe下决心毁掉Chuck的家族遗产,但这很可能危及他和女儿Raina的关系。Billy Baldwin将再次在剧中扮演Lily的前夫William van der Woodsen(Eric和Serena的爸爸)。该剧将连续停播六周,四月份回归。    第18集  Serena的妈妈Lily的姐姐和她的女儿来到城里,Lily的前夫也被西西(Lily的母亲)叫来。一家人矛盾与甜蜜交杂。B和D因为一个吻而烦恼,C想挽回B,谁会是B的选择?  第四季第20集  Blair正努力让自己变成王妃,努力得到王后的认可,可是Serena却成了告密者,她认为Blair是属于曼哈顿,她的王子就在帝国。Dan和Charlie关系越来越暧味,让DAN不得不叫停,不希望再陷入新恋情中。Chunk一直在阻止Raina追查她母亲的事,不希望有更多的秘密被找出,同一时间,他崩溃的无法接受Blair将在成为LOUIS的新娘子。22就结尾在b的房间发现一直验允棒

missy elliot - gossip folks歌词

[people in background chatting]Yo, yo yo move out of the wayWe got missy elliott coming throughGirl that is missy elliott she lost a lot of weightGirl I heard she eats one cracker a dayOh well I heard the bitch was married to tim and started fucking with trinaI heard the bitch got hit with three zebras and a monkeyI cant stand the bitch no way[missy]When I walk up in the pieceI aint gotta even speakIm a bad mamajama goddammit motherfucker you aint gotta like meHow you studying these hoesNeed to talk what you knowAnd stop talking bout who Im sticking and licking jus mad it aint yoursI know yall poor yall brokeYall job jus hanging up clothesStep to me get burnt like toastMuthafuckas adios amigosHalves halves wholes wholesI dont brag I mostly boastFrom the va to the la coastIffy kiffy izzy oh[chorus]Musi quesI sews on bewsI pues a twos on que zatPue zooMy kizzerPous zigga ay zeeIts all kizzaIts always likeIts all kizzaIts always likeNa zoundWa zeeWa zoom zoom zee[missy]When I pull up in my whipBitches wanna talk shitIm driving Im glad and Im stylingIn these muthafuckas eyes did you see it? Im gripping these curbsSkuur, did ya heardI love em, my fellas, my fursI fly like a birdChicken heads on the prowlWho you trying fuck nowNaw you aint getting loudBetter calm down for I smack your ass downI need my drums bass highHas to be my snare strings horns andI need my tim soundRight, leftIzzy kizzy looky here[chorus][missy]I dont go out my house shortyYou just waiting to seeWho gon roll up in the club and then report that next weekJust wanna see who I am fucking boySniffing some cokeI know by the time I finish this line Im a hear this on the radio[ludacris]Yeah, uh huh, okayOnce upon a time in college parkWhere they live life fast and they scared of darkThere was a little nigga by the name of crisNobody paid him any mindNo one gave a shitKnowing he could rapNo one lifted a handsSo he went about his business and devised a planMade a cd and then he hit the block50 thousand soldSeven dollars a popHold the phoneThree years laterSteeped out the swampWith ten and a half gatorsAll around the world on the microphoneLeaving the booth smelling like burberry cologneStill riding chromeGot bitches in the kitchenNever home aloneAnd hes on the grindPlease let me know if hes on your mindAnd respect youll give meLudacris I live loud just like timmyFuck, have to clear these rumorsI got a headache and its not from tumorsGet up on my lap and get my head sucked tightSprayed so I never let the bed bugs bightHard to the coreCore to the rightDrop down turn around pick a bale of cotton[chorus][people in the background chatting]Yo, straight up missy killed that shit tonight for realI know I know, I dont even care about her beign preganant by michael jacksonYou know what we should doWe should go get her alvum when it comes outThere she go, there she go, there sheHeeeey misssy[missy]Hi missy? Whats up fools? You think I aint knowin yall broke milli vanilliJay jay fan wannabes aint over here gossiping bout me? Yo how bout you buff these pumas for 20 cents so your lights wont get cut offYou soggy breasts, cow stomachsYo take those baby gap shirts off, tooYou just mad cuz payless ran out of plastic pumps for the after partyYo by the way, go get my albumDamn!

gossip girl里面有个歌曲,歌词有i am a bitch ,还有一句有b-i-t-c-h,

Plastiscines - Bitch在qq音乐里可以搜到

Among English women,it is understood that to be a "good gossip"requires more than a lively tone

回答和翻译如下:Among English women,it is understood that to be a "good gossip"requires more than a lively tone and attention to detail:You also need a good audience,by which they mean appreciative listeners who give plenty of appropriate feedback.The feedback rule of female gossip requires that listeners be at least as animated and enthusiastic as speakers.The reasoning seems to be that this is only polite;the speaker has gone to the trouble of making the information sound surprising and scandalous,so the least one can do is to reciprocate by sounding suitably shocked.English men,according to my female informant,just don"t seem to have grasped this rule.They do not understand that"You are supposed to say "NO!Really?"and "Oh my GOD!""对于英国女性来说,要成为“流言蜚语”不仅需要活泼的语气和对细节的关注:你还需要一个好的听众,也就是说,欣赏的听众会给出足够的反馈。女性流言蜚语的反馈规则要求听众至少和说话者一样充满活力和热情。老调重弹似乎只是出于礼貌,说话人费尽心机让信息听起来令人惊讶和丑闻,所以最起码能做的就是用适当的震惊来回敬。据我的女线人所说,英国男人似乎没有掌握这个规则。他们不理解“你应该说”“不!真的吗?“哦,天哪!”


以本人有限的听力来说第一句不清楚的可能是Where has she been,Serena?后面就是很明白的and who am I? that"s a secret I"ll never tell , you know you love me xoxo Gossip girl



rainbow 的 gossip girl 韩语歌词


gossip girl目前所有精品笔记+经典语录

Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan"s elites. And who am I? That"s a secret I"ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。 Hey,上东区的贵族们,绯闻少女在此,我是你们唯一得到曼哈顿精英们丑闻的渠道。至于我是谁,那是一个我永远也不会说的秘密。你知道你是爱我的,XOXO,绯闻少女。 (每集都会有的话,每次听都撩人心弦、) Chuck: I love it when you talk dirty. Serena: You just love when a girl talks to you. Chuck: Actually, I prefer them when they"re not talking. ——我喜欢你说脏话的样子。 ——只要是女孩子跟你说话你都喜欢。 ——其实,我更喜欢她们不说话的样子。 (噢噢,chuck,chuck//、) Lily: Stay outta my life, Rufus R,离开我的生活。 (这话真的像欲擒故纵、) Blair: It"s enuff when I say it"s enuff. 我说够了才是够了。 (QUEEN B,气势出来喽、) Gossip girl: We all know one nation can"t have two queens. 我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王(一山不容二虎)。 (S,B因为太近,所以容易烧身、) Gossip girl: Here is an inside tip, little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall. Little J,给你一个小忠告,爬得越快,跌得越疼。 (小J,越往上爬,失去的越多,这叫"代价"、) Blair: No more excuses. Serena must have the hottest date ever. If he"s got plans, he"ll change them. If he"s got a girlfriend, he"ll dump her. If he"s out town, he"ll charter a G5 and fly home. Make it happen. 没有任何借口。S必须有最好的男伴。如果他有计划,他就必须改变计划;如果他有女朋友,他就必须甩了她;如果他不在NY,他就必须找一架G5然后飞回来。 (我喜欢这样的B,够味,够姐们儿、) Gossip girl: What is that we said about appearances? Yeah, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get. 他们怎么说表象来着?对了,表象可是具有欺骗性的。但是大多时候,眼见为实。 (我其实一直在纠结一句话,叫‘看见的卜是真的,听到的卜是真的"那何谓‘真"、) Chuck:Bdmit it,even for me,this is good. Blair:If you weren"t such aperv,i"m sure the DIB would hire you in asecond. Chuck:Defending my country?There"s afuture Inever imagined. Blair:With good reason. C:我觉得这太棒了。 B:如果你不是一个性欲成瘾者,我相信情报局会马上雇用你的。 C:保卫国家?我没想过。 B:可以理解。 (这样的C,让人著迷、) Dhuck:In the face of true love,you don"t just give,even if your object of your affection is begging you to,Bnd one day,I hope I"ll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me. D:在真爱之前,请不要放弃,就算你爱的人恳求你放弃。我希望有那么一天,我也能够幸运的找到肯为我做一样事情的人。 (这样的C,让人沉迷、) Chuck:I was scared.I was scared that if we spent the whole summer together,just us,then you"d see. C:我很害怕,我怕如果我们在一起一整个夏天后.你会发现. Blair:See what? B:发现什么? Chuck:Me.Please don"t leave with him. C:发现我。请不要和他走。 Blair:Why?Give me areason and"I"m Dhuck Bass"doesn"t count. B:为什么?给我个理由而"I am chuck bass"不算。 Chuck:"Because you don"t want to. C:因为你不想跟他走。 Blair:Not good enough. B:不够好。 Chuck:"Because Idon"t want you to. C:因为我不想你跟他走。 Blair:That"s not enough. B:还不够。 Chuck:What else is there? C:还有什么呢? Blair:The true reason,I should stay right where Iam and not get in the car.Three words.Eight letters.Say it.and I"m Dhuck:I was scared.I was scared that if we spent the whole summer together,just us,then you"d see. B:正真的理由啊,我应该不上车的理由!三个字,八个字母,说出来,那我就是你的了。 Dhuck:I.I. D:我.我. Blair:Thank you.That"s all Ineeded to hear. B:谢谢,我要听的已经够了。 (CHUCK,在真爱面前,伱又为何要畏惧、) B:whatever you"re going through,I want to be there for you. B:不管你去哪里,我都会跟随着你的。 C:you are not my girlfriend. C:你不是我的女朋友。 B:but Iam me,you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck.The worst thing you"ve ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything. B:但是我是我,而你是你。我们是恰克和布莱尔,布莱尔和恰克。你做过的最坏的事情,你有过的最黑暗的时刻,我都会伴随着你。 C:why would you do that? C:你为什么要这样做? B:because Ilove you. B:因为我爱你啊! C:well,that"s too bad. C:噢,那太糟糕了。 (chuck,我卜只一次想说,伱还是个孩子,还害怕爱,关怀对伱来说还太陌生,但请卜要拒绝爱、) Blair:Well you won.Pop the champagne. B:好,你赢了,开香槟庆祝去吧。 Chuck:I didn"t win. C:我没有赢。 Blair:Then why does it feel like Ilost? B:那为什么我会觉得我输了一样呢? Chuck:The reason we can"t say those three words to each other,isn"t because they aren"t true. C:我们无法对对方说出那些字的原因不是因为那些话是假的。 Chuck:Look i"d rather wait.Maybe in the future. C:我宁愿再等等,也许在未来. Blair:I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that. B:我猜那一定是极度痛苦的快乐吧。 (C,我相信,等伱真正意识到爱,伱会是最痴心的,後面,可以看出来、) S:Chuck,why did you do that? S:恰克,你为什么要那么做? C:{大大的深呼吸}Because Ilove her.Bnd Ican"t make her happy. C:因为我爱她,而我自己不能带给她快乐。 (没有人能代替了你,C、) Blair:I know you told Serena you love me. B:我知道你告诉司琳娜你爱我。 Dhuck:Serena heard wrong. D:司琳娜听错了。 Blair:Last year you told Nate,this year you told Serena.You tell everyone but me,why can"t you tell me? B:去年你告诉奈尔,今年你告诉司琳娜,你告诉所有人除了我,为什么你不可以告诉我呢? Blair:You can"t run,you have to stay here and here it this time.Dhuck Bass,I love you.I love you so much it consumes me.I love you and Iknow you love me too.Tell me you love me and everything we"ve done,all the gossip and the lies and the hurt will have been for something.Tell me it was for something. B:你不可逃走。你此时此刻必须流下来。恰克柏斯,我爱你。我如此爱你,以致快要被爱耗尽。我爱你而且我知道你也爱我。告诉我你爱我那一切都如我们所愿了。绯闻少女的谎言和伤害会变成某事而已。告诉我,告诉我那些事情。 Chuck:Maybe it was,but it"s not anymore. C:也许曾经我有爱过,但,再也没有了。 Chuck:You were right.I was acoward running away again,but everywhere Iwent,you caught up with me.So Ihad to come back. C:你是对的。我是一个一次次逃跑的懦夫,但无论我去到那里,我都在想你,所以我必须回来。 Blair:I want to believe you,but Ican"t.You hurt me too many times. B:我想要相信你,但是我无法做到。你伤害我太多次了。 Chuck:You can believe me this time. C:你这一次可以相信我。 Blair:Oh.That"s it? B:哦?就这样? Chuck:I love you too. C:我也爱你。 Blair:But can you say it twice?No i"m serious,say it twice! B:可不可以在说两次,我是认真的,再说两次。 Chuck:I love you,I love you,that"s three,four,I love you. C:我爱你,我爱你,这是第三次。第四次,我爱你。 (我发誓这段我看喽N+N遍,就哭喽N+NN遍,我爱这样的你,CHUCK/) C:I want you to be happy.However that"s achieved. C:我只要你快乐。不管用什么方法来实现。 B:What if we need game?What if without them we are boring? B:其实如果我们需要游戏怎么办?万一没了游戏我们会对彼此厌烦怎么办? C:We could never be boring. C:我们永远不会彼此生厌。 B:You say that but iknow you,you are chuck bass. B:你虽然这么说,但是我了解你,你是恰克柏斯。 C:I am not chuck bass without you. C:没有你我不是恰克柏斯。 (我没有语言来形容咯,我只是被感动、) B:Are you Ok? B:你好吗? {C一把拉住B的手.} C:I am now. C;现在好了。

gossip girl中的jordan是谁演的~

Lindsay Lohan

gossip girl中dan的个人简介

Penn Badgley 姓名:佩恩-贝格利(Penn Badgley) 出生年月:1986年11月1日 出生地:美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市 个人简介: 佩恩童年的时候加入了西雅图儿童剧院,为一个儿童广播节目作画外音工作。从这个工作中,佩恩发现他非常喜欢演戏。对于演戏的热衷使得他来到了好莱坞,找到了经理人,并在著名情景喜剧《威尔与格蕾丝》(Will and Grace)中客串演出。与妈妈在洛杉矶安顿下来后,佩恩又得到了一些演出机会,如出演《年轻而骚动的一族》(The Young and The Restless)、《兄弟加西亚》(The Brothers Garcia)。 没有演出工作时,佩恩就到圣莫尼卡城市大学完成他的高中课程。他拥有音乐上的天赋,非常享受唱歌、创作和弹吉他的状态。在闲暇时,佩恩喜欢冲浪和滑雪。 个人语录: “我是一个做事坚定的人,只要我认定要做一件事情,我就会一直坚持下去。” “无论我是否会成功,我都会在演艺道路上一直走下去。” 主要作品列表: 《威尔和格蕾丝》(Will And Grace)(1999) 《兄弟加西亚》(The Brothers Garcia)(2000-2002) 《贝德福德日记》(The Bedford Diaries)(2006) 《八卦天后》(Gossip Girls)(2007) 《永远坚强》(Forever Strong)(2007) 《继父》(The Stepfather)(2008) 《八卦天后》第二季(Gossip Girls)(2008)

gossip girl 第四季查莉的演员

叫Kaylee DeFer,出生在图森,亚利桑那州。生日是1986年 9月23日2003年离开洛杉矶开始演艺生涯。她曾经演过的电影有(2011): Gossip Girl as Charlotte "Charlie" Rhodes(2011): Red State(2010): Mattie(2010): How I Met Your Mother (1 episode) - "Big Days"(2010): CSI: Miami (1 episode) - "Getting Axed"(2009):Bones (1 episode) - "The Gamer in the Grease" as Tory Payne(2009): Ghost Whisperer (1 episode) - "This Joint"s Haunted" as "Angie"(2006): Flicka (2006)(2005 - 07): The War at Home as Hillary Gold(2005): Underclassman(2005): Listen Up!(2004 - 05): The Mountain(2004 - 05): North Shore(2004): Quintuplets(2004): Drake & Josh in Nickelodeon

求gossip girl所有好听插曲

young folks /绯闻少女 gossip girl viking/everytime /tell me /circus /teenage hustling 以上是我觉得好听的

gossip girl第三季 插播的歌曲

第一集:《No Sex For Ben》 - TheRapture (第一集开场时的背景音乐)《Something we‘re Becoming》 - Time Machine (N乘坐直升机出场时的背景音乐)《Plastic Jungle》 - Miike Snow (马球赛现场的场景音乐)《Don"t Slow Down》 - Matt & Kim (S骑着马打第一球马球时候的音乐)《Oh!Forever》 - Brakes (本集结束时的背景音乐)第六集《Home》 - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros 《I‘m in Love with Your Rock"n" Roll》 - Kish Mauve《Achin" to be》 - The replacements《We"re All the Same》 - Meeting Places《Wings Undone》 - Meeting Places《Strangers》 - Dirty Secrets《Unfinished Business》 - White Lies《The Gentle Rain》 - Astrudo Gilberto第9集沙龙舞会Plastiscines - I Am Down Plastiscines - BitchAnya Marina - Whatever You Like第11集感恩节吃饭时的插曲 jason derulo-whatcha say 第12集车祸时vane The Raveonettes - Suicide

托福考试。想看美剧学美音,请问是vampire diaries还是gossip girl口语好些呢?该模仿里面的谁呢?

vampire diaries比较好吧 个人认为 主要是更有吸引力 但里面哩语居多 不是很接近生活 还是老友记最好 另外 绝望主妇也不错

托福考试。想看美剧学美音,请问是vampire diaries还是gossip girl口语好些呢?该模仿里面的谁呢?


gossip girl 全部插曲

第一季 Episode 1 "The Pilot" 61 "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John 61 "If It"s Lovin That You Want" by Rihanna 61 "What Goes Around Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake 61 "Diamond Hipster Boy" by Washington Social Club Diamond 61 "Back To Black" by Amy Winehouse 61 "Hang Me Up To Dry" By Cold War Kids 61 "Photograph" by Air 61 "Hard To Live In The City" by Albert Hammond Jr. 61 "The Way I Are" by Timbaland 61 "Go" By Hanson 61 "Don"t Matter" by Akon 61 "The Gift" by Angels and Airwaves Episode 2 "The Wild Brunch" 61 "Hit Me Up" by Gia Farell 61 "Shut Up And Drive 1" by Rihanna 61 "When Did Your Heart Go Missing" by Rooney 61 "Ballad of Gus and Sam" by Ferraby Lionheart 61 "Tell Me About It" by Joss Stone 61 "The Queen And I" by Gym Class Heros 61 "Shut Up And Drive 2" by Rihanna 61 "Believe" by The Bravery Episode 3 "Poison Ivy" 61 "Glamorous" by Constance Billard Choir 61 "I Got It From My Momma" by will.I.am 61 "Can"t Be Happening" by The Marlows 61 "Raise Your Hand" by The Lights 61 "I feel It All" by Feist 61 "Dusk Till Dawn" by Ladyhawke Episode 4 "Bad News Blair" 61 "Moon River" by Henry Mancini 61 "Make It Bounce" by Invisible Men 61 "The Focus" by X5 61 "Tambourine" by Eve 61 "Candy Store" by Miss Eighty6 61 "Till The Sun Comes Up" by Miss Eighty6 61 "Until You Can"t" by Alana D 61 "Bounce Back" by Miss Eighty 6 61 "Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston Episode 5 "Dare Devil" 61 "There"s A Pot Brewin" by Little Ones 61 "Rockstar LP" by Prima J 61 "Came To Dance" by Cadence Blaze 61 "Ringing In My Eyes" by Two Hours Traffic 61 "Whine Up" by Kat Deluna 61 "I"m Doing It Again" by All Wrong & The Plans Change 61 "Mama I"m Coming Home" by Ozzy Osbourne 61 "Get Ur Party On" by Zooland

gossip girl原著结局


求gossip girl 第二季几个演员资料

演英国贵族Marcus Beaton--Patrick Heusinger Name : Patrick Heusinger Born : 1981 Jacksonville, Florida, Florida, United States Notable roles : Young Lars in Sweet Land Marcus BeatonPatrick Heusinger人物特性:18-22. A handsome, British young man with a royal upbringing. Mysterious, smart, charming, and affable. A British accent. Guest StarFilmographyActor: Skin-Deep (2007) .... Jared The Nanny Diaries (2007) .... Carter Tie a Yellow Ribbon (2007) .... Joe Mason Sweet Land (2005) .... Young LarsAdditional DetailsOther Works2006) The U.S. national tour of "Spamalot" as Sir Lancelot, Tim the Enchanter, the French Taunter, and the Knight of Ni. more Genres:Drama | Romance more Patrick Heusinger is an actor who made his debut in the 2006 film, Sweet Land as Young Lars and subsequently appeared in Tie a Yellow Ribbon and The Nanny Diaries. In 2006, he joined in the national touring company of Spamalot as Lancelot, the homocidally brave knight. Patrick has been quoted as loving extra crispy bacon and chocolate chip pancakes. He graduated from Douglas Anderson School of the Arts in Jacksonville,FL in 1999. 演Scott的演员的名字叫 Chris Riggi 出演《gossip girl》前,Chris Riggi在《Brotherhood》,《Human Giant》,《The Guiding Light》,《红唇宣言》,《Toe to Toe》以及最新电影《Dare》中都有戏份。 可能不是太红。资料很少。演Grbriel的生于1986年8月28日,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚,美国本名:Armand Douglas Hammer身高:1.96 m曾在《绝望的主妇》中有客串演出。Armie has appeared in Arrested Development, Veronica Mars "Gossip Girl (TV series),and Desperate Housewives. He was hand-picked by George Miller, after a long search, to be Batman/Bruce Wayne in Justice League: Mortal, which was to be directed by George Miller but he has since left the project.Armie Hammer plays legendary evangelist Billy Graham in Billy: The Early Years which is set to premiere in October 2008.He is the great-grandson of oil tycoon and philanthropist Armand Hammer.Justice League: Mortal (2011) (pre-production) (rumored) .... Batman / Bruce Wayne 2081 (2009) (post-production) .... Harrison Bergeron "Reaper" .... Morgan (5 episodes, 2009)- My Brother"s Reaper (2009) TV episode .... Morgan- The Home Stretch (2009) TV episode .... Morgan- The Good Soil (2009) TV episode .... Morgan- I Want My Baby Back (2009) TV episode .... Morgan- The Favorite (2009) TV episode .... Morgan"Gossip Girl" .... Gabriel Serrano (2 episodes, 2009)- Seder Anything (2009) TV episode .... Gabriel Serrano- Remains of the J (2009) TV episode Spring Breakdown (2009) .... Abercrombie Boy Billy: The Early Years (2008) .... Billy Graham "Desperate Housewives" .... Barrett (1 episode, 2007)- Distant Past (2007) TV episode .... BarrettBlackout (2007/II) .... Tommy Flicka (2006) .... Male Prefect "Veronica Mars" .... Kurt (1 episode, 2006)- Wichita Linebacker (2006) TV episode .... Kurt"Arrested Development" .... Student #2 (1 episode, 2005)- The Immaculate Election (2005) TV episode .... Student #2Jack Bass是chuck的叔叔,Bart Bass是chuck的父亲。Jack是Bart的弟弟。

有谁有Gossip Girl 的角色简介?


哪位能提供gossip girl完整演员表


Gossip Girl 里饰演B和小J的两位演员的名字?有演过其他片子吗?

B:莉顿·梅斯特 Leighton Meester 她那部电影 室友 还不错J:泰勒·摩森 Taylor Momsen 她唱歌真是不错 JUST TONIGHT很赞

Gossip Girl 的when you re gone歌词中文?


gossip girl中片头曲是什么?


求权志龙gossip man的中文和拼音的对照歌词!!!

Gossip Man - G-Dragon (权志龙)Emergency, emergency, emergencyE-mer-gen-cyHey man oneurui gossip georineun tto mwondeHarudo jamjamhal suga eobseo waeNan waeEverybody attention pleaseI am gossip man (what"s up)Ladies and gentlemen hoThey call me gossip man, you knowAlmanhan saramdeureun da aljyoSasireun geuge daga anindeOneureun nan kapeeseo yeojahanteEolgure mureul majatdaeEojeneun nan golmogeseo eotteon namjahanteBallo geodeochayeotdaeNuga, naega?No lieNae somuneun museonghaeSumanheun nundeuri neomu museomneIje mwo I jeongdoneun useumne (haha)Yejeoneneun ulgido manhi ureonneGeureolsurok gippeumeun deo bupureonneSaenggageun gilge mareun jullyeonneSesangeun nae insaeng ureonneBecause you"re cool, coolYes I am cool, coolEojjeomyeon jeulgil sudoGeurae jaemiisseul sudoYeah shimshimhan sesang na hanaro jeulgeowojindamyeonSay superman, batman cheoreom xo gossip manHey man oneurui gossip georineun tto mwondeHarudo jamjamhal suga eobseo waeNan waeEverybody attention pleaseI am gossip manHakgyoeseo hoesaeseo ilteoeseo ttoneun jipkkajiVcd radio mp3 hot news magazinekkajiMwongareul gidarigo isseoJiruhan ilsang sogeseoJa, oneul junbihan iyagi geori nagamnidaOneul buro gijanimdeurui peneun burinaShilshigan geomsaek sunwiga boinaManheun netijeun songaragen murigaSataeneun simgak geu isang (yes)Urinaraneun tteugeoun naembiNun kkamjjakhamyeon shigeul tejiYuhaeng do your thangPumhaeng zero, do my thangBecause you"re coolYes I am cool, coolEojjeomyeon jeulgil sudoGeurae jaemiisseul sudoYeah salgi himdeun sesang na hanaro wiroga doesindamyeonSay superman, batman cheoreom xo gossip manHey man oneurui gossip georineun tto mwondeHarudo jamjamhal suga eobseo waeNan waeEverybody attention pleaseI am gossip manMwon maldeuri geuri manheunjiDaeche mwoga geureoke gunggeumhangeonjiGakjaui insaeng (ay)Bulpillyohan nonjaeng (ay)Sanggwan malgo ireonara go on let him goHey man oneurui gossip georineun tto mwondeHarudo jamjamhal suga eobseo waeNan waeEverybody attention pleaseI am gossip manAlrightI"m done yoWhat"s my name?Say gossip manYou know what it isEverybody attention pleaseI am gossip man、亲是VIP呀、

gossip girl 中的插曲one week of danger歌词

Gossip Girl Music > Songs > One Week of DangerOne Week of DangerArtist: The VirginsEpisode: Chuck in Real LifeLyricsWe"re best friendsWe hold handsWe"re in loveYou"re my manDarling, noThat"s not meI"m a ghostIn the sheetsWell is there something that you like about her?Yes. I like the way that her body bends in half.And is there something that you love abour her?No. There ain"t a woman in this world I wont" let go.Come on baby,We get alongPlease don"t just spoil itDon"t steer us wrongLet"s get togetherAnd get it onLet"s get those clothes offBefore I"m goneYou talk about me like you own meBaby, that"s not fairI told you that I had somebody elseYou did not careAnd now you"re talking on the phoneYou"re telling all of your friends:"We love each other!" (x8)Well is there something that you wanted from her?Yes. I want her legs, her body and her cash.And is there something that you needed from her?No. And if she"s playing hard to get, I"m out the door.Oh no, babyDon"t say it"s truePlease say you love meLike I love youCome on baby,We get alongOne week of dangerIs not very longLet"s get togetherAnd get it onLet"s get those clothes offBefore I"m goneYou talk about me like you own meBaby, that"s not fairI told you that I had somebody elseYou did not careAnd now you"re trying to make me outTo be some kind of a squareYou"re talking on the telephoneYou"re telling all of your friends:"We love each other!" (x8)"We love each other!" (x8)http://www.gossipgirlinsider.com/music/songs/one-week-of-danger-1.html

求gossip girl 中的插曲one week of danger这首歌的中文歌词

考验你的听力 自己听吧

求:Gossip Girl中英文剧本【全】(第一季/第二季皆可,最好都有)


Gossip Girl中,演员名单(完整)

Serena van der Woodsen 布莱克·莱弗利/Blake Lively 87episodes,2007-2011 Blair Waldorf 莉顿·梅斯特/Leighton Meester 87episodes,2007-2011 Dan Humphrey 佩恩·贝格利/Penn Badgley 87episodes,2007-2011 Nate Archibald 切斯·克劳福/Chace Crawford 87episodes,2007-2011 Chuck Bass 爱德·维斯特维克/Ed Westwick 87episodes,2007-2011 Jenny Humphrey 泰勒·摩森/Taylor Momsen 87episodes,2007-2011 Rufus Humphrey 马修·塞特尔/Matthew Settle 87episodes,2007-2011 Vanessa Abrams 杰西卡·斯佐尔/Jessica Szohr 57episodes,2007-2010 Eric van der Woodsen 康勒·帕奥罗/Connor Paolo 38episodes,2007-2010 Lily Bass 凯莉·卢瑟福/Kelly Rutherford 87episodes,2007-2010 Eleanor Waldorf 玛格丽特·柯林/Margaret Colin 21episodes,2007-2010 Aaron Rose 约翰·帕特里克·阿梅多利/John Patrick Amedori 6episodes,2008 Carter Baizen 塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦/Sebastian Stan 11episodes,2007-2010 Georgina Sparks 米歇尔·崔切伯格/Michelle Trachtenberg 11episodes,2008-2010 Dominique 琳赛·伊万斯/Lindsey Evans 4episodes,2007-2008 Stephanie 乔爱尔·滕丹/Joelle ten Damme 4episodes,2008 Agnes Andrews 薇拉·贺兰德/Willa Holland 4episodes,2008-2010 Cyrus Rose 华莱士·肖恩/Wallace Shawn 7episodes,2008-2010

gossip girl 《secret》 中文歌词

歌曲: Secret 歌手: Sugar 所属专辑:《Songs About Jane》【歌词】翻译成中文秘密魔力红看日出你要说“再见了”我们走一些对话没有思考上路车子过热跳出我的座位在公路边的婴儿我们的路是漫长的你持有的是强请不要放手我知道我不知道你但我想你这么坏每个人都有一个秘密哦,他们能保持哦不,他们不能我开的很快我不知道如何去慢你现在在哪里我感觉到你在那里这些发动机冷却这些飞机的平静我问你怎么能得到热当你擦拭汗珠慢慢的你说“我没有!”我知道我不知道你但我想你这么坏每个人都有一个秘密但他们能保持哦,他们不能我知道我不知道你但我想你这么坏每个人都有一个秘密但他们能保持哦,他们不能

gossip girl(绯闻少女)第2季四集饰演AMANDA的是谁啊??


Gossip girl第二季第三集中阿曼达Amanda扮演者资料及其发型图片

她是guest star,客串的影星 Laura Leigh

gossip girls第二季从10集以后的剧情

你可以到gossip girls中文网www.gossipgirl.cn上看!有剧透!现在十三集了!越来越精彩!chuck的爸爸over了!serena和Dan即将复合。

关于Gossip Girl里Blair和Serena原型的问题 看过全集的进!了解的进!

各人眼光不同 不能因为你喜欢B 就说S不可以一直被人搭讪。B确实比S长的精致 但是S气场太强了 不是B能比的 更何况还有性格原因 S比B开朗很多 被搭讪被关注 并不只是看长相。演戏 演员必然都要找漂亮的 为什么要因为演员长相而这么较真呢?

Gossip Girl第一季结局那个Amelia

LZ是想问第一季结局勾引chuck的那个室内设计师吗?她是客串一下而已哦,不过大有来头!叫Lydia Hearst,是Serena van der Woodsen 的原型。==================================================Serena van der Woodsen 的原型就是这位绿眼睛美女,纽约上流社会名媛Lydia Hearst !她的职业是模特,诱人的身材+姣好的容貌+显赫的家庭背景,莉迪亚·赫斯特 (Lydia Hearst) 是绝对的“Gossip Girl”! Lydia Hearst——美国传媒业巨头William Randolph Hearst的曾外孙女 。 媒体常将Lydia与Amanda Hearst这对姐妹双姝与希尔顿姐妹相提并论,比外貌,比家世。Lydia的妈妈Patty Hearst小时候被绑架,还和绑匪一起去革命的超级头条新闻,后来还被搬上银幕,主演自己的传记式电影,知名度不输希尔顿家的明星祖母Zsa Gabor。而Lydia是美国公司旗下的招牌名模,比姐姐更灵动、更有活力。 Lydia Hearst 1984年9月19日出生,是曾经的革命激进分子、演员和作家Patty Hearst的女儿,美国最富有和最有权势的家族之一、报业大亨William Randolph的曾孙女,她的家族出版业每年的年收入高达50亿美元,这恐怕是她成名的最大起因。Lydia在职业模特里不算最漂亮的,但胜在格外上镜,也格外会穿。Lydia Hearst总是刻意地与社交圈保持着距离,保守的天性令她总是喜欢呆在家中而非吵闹喧哗的派对。同时她也是社会活动家,凭借关系大办慈善,援助非洲国家。另外,她还与Anand Jon合作设计手袋和牛仔裤,Puma还专门为她度身设计了一款Lydia包,全世界总共只有限量100个。

求 gossip girl 里演Dan 父亲和Serena 母亲的资料


gossip girl演员里的两个长辈


Gossip Girl里从第一季到第三季的所有插曲

第一季Episode 1 "The Pilot" u2022 "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John u2022 "If It"s Lovin That You Want" by Rihanna u2022 "What Goes Around Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake u2022 "Diamond Hipster Boy" by Washington Social Club Diamond u2022 "Back To Black" by Amy Winehouse u2022 "Hang Me Up To Dry" By Cold War Kids u2022 "Photograph" by Air u2022 "Hard To Live In The City" by Albert Hammond Jr. u2022 "The Way I Are" by Timbaland u2022 "Go" By Hanson u2022 "Don"t Matter" by Akon u2022 "The Gift" by Angels and Airwaves Episode 2 "The Wild Brunch" u2022 "Hit Me Up" by Gia Farell u2022 "Shut Up And Drive 1" by Rihanna u2022 "When Did Your Heart Go Missing" by Rooney u2022 "Ballad of Gus and Sam" by Ferraby Lionheart u2022 "Tell Me About It" by Joss Stone u2022 "The Queen And I" by Gym Class Heros u2022 "Shut Up And Drive 2" by Rihanna u2022 "Believe" by The Bravery Episode 3 "Poison Ivy" u2022 "Glamorous" by Constance Billard Choir u2022 "I Got It From My Momma" by will.I.am u2022 "Can"t Be Happening" by The Marlows u2022 "Raise Your Hand" by The Lights u2022 "I feel It All" by Feist u2022 "Dusk Till Dawn" by Ladyhawke Episode 4 "Bad News Blair" u2022 "Moon River" by Henry Mancini u2022 "Make It Bounce" by Invisible Men u2022 "The Focus" by X5 u2022 "Tambourine" by Eve u2022 "Candy Store" by Miss Eighty6 u2022 "Till The Sun Comes Up" by Miss Eighty6 u2022 "Until You Can"t" by Alana D u2022 "Bounce Back" by Miss Eighty 6 u2022 "Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston Episode 5 "Dare Devil" u2022 "There"s A Pot Brewin" by Little Ones u2022 "Rockstar LP" by Prima J u2022 "Came To Dance" by Cadence Blaze u2022 "Ringing In My Eyes" by Two Hours Traffic u2022 "Whine Up" by Kat Deluna u2022 "I"m Doing It Again" by All Wrong & The Plans Change u2022 "Mama I"m Coming Home" by Ozzy Osbourne u2022 "Get Ur Party On" by Zooland Episode 6 "The Handmaiden"s Tale" u2022 "Kiss Kiss" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs u2022 "Guess Who" by Nekta u2022 "Take It To The Top" by 5 Alarm u2022 "The La La Song" by Sofi J u2022 "Nasty Funky Crazy" by Becca Styles u2022 "Ring a Ling" by Miss Eighty 6 u2022 "Timebomb" by Beck u2022 "Happy Ending" by Mika Episode 7 "Victor, Victrola" u2022 "With Me" By Sum 41 u2022 "Stripper" By Soho Dolls u2022 "So The Say" By Classic u2022 "Ballad Of An Easy" By David McConnel u2022 "Release" By Miss Eighty 6 u2022 "Second Hand Lovers" John Ralston u2022 "Just Love" By Warren u2022 "Photograph" By Air u2022 "Girl I Told Ya" By Valeria Ft. Aria u2022 "Whatever" By Elliot Smith Episode 8 "Seventeen Candles" u2022 "One Week Of Danger" By The Virgins u2022 "Your Birthday" By The Shapes u2022 "Love Is Colder Than.." By The Virgins u2022 "Rich Girls" By The Virgins u2022 "Feathers" By Two Hours Traffic u2022 "Nice Buddy" By Puffy Ami Yumi u2022 "How We Breathe" By Pinback u2022 "Fernando Pando" By The Virgins u2022 "Freebird" By CAST u2022 "Inside Out" By Miss Eighty 6 u2022 "How Does It Feel" By Eskimo Joe u2022 "Kissing Song" By Dawn Landes u2022 "Radio Christine" By The Virgins Episode 9 "Blair Waldorf Must Pie" u2022 "Promiscuos" By Nelly Furtado u2022 "Recurring" By Bonobo u2022 "Here It Goes Again" By OK GO u2022 "Grand Opening" By Will Dailey u2022 "La Ritounelle Dan Mix By Sebastian Tellier u2022 "Today" By Stick Boy u2022 "Nolita Fairytale" By Vanessa Carlton Episode 10 "High Society" u2022 "Comin" Home Baby" By Mel Torme u2022 "Secret Piano Version" By The Pierces u2022 "You"re a Wolf" By High Society u2022 "Pretty Please" By Lissa u2022 "What For" By Rooney u2022 "Secret" By The Pierces u2022 "3 wishes" By The Pierces u2022 "Apologize" By Timbaland ft. Episode 11 "Roman Holiday" u2022 "Santa Baby" By CAST u2022 "O Christmas" By The Plush Interiors u2022 "Making Good Time" By Two Hours Traffic u2022 "Christmas Alphabet" By McGuire Sisters u2022 "Christmaskwanakah" By The Dan Band u2022 "Deck The Halls" By The Republic Tigers u2022 "The General Specific" By Band of Horses u2022 "All That I Want" By The Weepies Episode 12 "School Lies" u2022 "Oh Yeah" By Moby u2022 "Someone Great" By LCD Soundsystem u2022 "Come Flash All..." By The Filthy Youth u2022 "Orange" By The Filthy Youth u2022 "Breakfast in NYC" By Oppenheimer u2022 "Come Home" By One Republic u2022 "Cross The River" By La Rocca Episode 13 "A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate" u2022 "Got Ur Number" By Nadia Oh. u2022 "The Dark Side Of Indoor Track Meets" By Falling Up. u2022 "You"ll Change" By Machine Translations. u2022 "Where There"s Gold" By Dashboard Confessional. u2022 "The Air We Breathe" By Figurines. u2022 "Goodbye" By Dan Cray Trio. u2022 "Happily Never After" By Nicole Scherzinger. Episode 14 "The Blair Bitch Project" u2022 "Moon River" by Henry Mancini. u2022 "Eucalyptus" by The Deadly Syndrome. u2022 "Feeling Better" by The Teenagers. u2022 "Back Seat Taxi" by Silver Moneyl. u2022 "Drive Me Crazy" by Miss Eighty 6. u2022 "On The Run" by Classic. u2022 "Rippin" Up The Disco" by Kylie Minogue. u2022 "Sour Cherry" by The Kills. Episode 15 "Desperately Seeking Serena" u2022 "Panic" by Phantom Planet. u2022 "Campus" by Vampire Weekend. u2022 "Crimewave" by Crystal Castles VS HEALTH. u2022 "Nice Sweet Sexy" by Difx Ft. Imperio & Cru. u2022 "Elevator" by Flo Rida. u2022 "We Started Nothing" by The Ting Tings. Episode 16 "All About My Brother" u2022 "Say All I need" by One Republic. u2022 "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven. u2022 "U.R.A. Fever" by The Kills. u2022 "Shut Up Let Me Go" by The Ting Tings. Episode 17 "Woman On The Verge" u2022 "Cities in the Dust" by Junkie XL. u2022 "Off the Wall" by Cham Pain. u2022 "Fight Song" by The Republic Tigers. u2022 "Stay" by The Lisa Loeb. u2022 "Hook and Line" by The Kills. Episode 18 "Much "I Do" About Nothing" u2022 "Beautiful World" by Carolina Liar. u2022 "Do You Wanna" by The Kooks. u2022 "Time To Pretend" by MGMT. u2022 "The Ice Is Getting Thinner" by Death Cab For Cutie. 第二季 Episode 1 "Summer Kind of Wonderful" u2022 "Buzzin"" by Shwayze. u2022 "Fell In Love Without You" by Motion City Soundtrack. u2022 "Crazy" by Jem. u2022 "Google Me" by Teyana Taylor. u2022 "Papparazzi" by Lady Gaga. Episode 2 "Never Been Marcused" u2022 "Boy In A Rock N" Roll..." by The Pierces. u2022 "Tell Me A Lie" by The Fratellis. u2022 "Cat Piano" by Seabear. u2022 "Creator" by Santogold. u2022 "New York I Love You..." by LCD Soundsystem. Episode 3 "The Dark Night" u2022 "Lights Out" by Santogold. u2022 "It"s A Lot" by The 88. u2022 "Like Knives" by The Fashion. u2022 "I Can Feel A Hot One" by Manchester Orchestra. u2022 "Closer" by NeYo. Episode 4 "The Ex Files" u2022 "My Morning Tide" by The Little Ones. u2022 "Good Day" by Nappy Roots. u2022 "The Observer" by Chris Chavez. u2022 "Buildings And Mountains" by The Republic Tigers. u2022 "Electric Feel" by MGMT. u2022 "Please Remain Calm" by Cloud Cult. u2022 "Shove It" by Santogold. Episode 5 "The Serena Also Rises" u2022 "Conor Oberst" by The NYC Gone Gone. u2022 "The Republic Tigers" by Made Concrete. u2022 "Lady Gaga" by Poker Face. u2022 "Duke Spirit" by This Ship Was Built to Last. u2022 "Nous Non Plus" by Fille Atomique. u2022 "Phantom Planet" by Raise the Dead. Episode 6 "New Haven Can Wait" u2022 "The Wake Up Song" by The Submarines. u2022 "White Diamonds" by The Friendly Fires. u2022 "Wooden Heart" by The Duke Spirit. u2022 "Time Is Running Out" by The Section Quartet. u2022 "Dragstrip Girl" by Jamie Blake. Episode 7 "Chuck in Real Life" u2022 "Snowflakes" by White Apple Tree. u2022 "Lies" by The Black Keys. u2022 "City Nights" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "NYC Streets" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "Martini Lounge" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "One Week of Danger" by The Virgins. u2022 "Hard Times" by Mildred Anderson. u2022 "Sea Out" by Guillemots. Episode 8 "PretAPoorJ" u2022 "Crash & Burn Girl" by Robyn. u2022 "Partie Traumatic" by The Black Kids. u2022 "With Light Therels Hope" by Princess One Point Five. u2022 "Walking In The Streets" by Mad Staring Eyes. u2022 "Robot Talk" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "How Soon Is Now" by Tatu. u2022 "Dark Is One Fire" by Turin Brakes. Episode 9 "There Might Be Blood" u2022 "Robot Talk" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "How Soon Is Now" by Tatu. u2022 "Dark Is On Fire" by Turin Brakes. u2022 "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker" by Thurston Moore and Jemina Pearl. u2022 "The Host"s A Parasite" by The Henry Clay People. u2022 "The Air Is All Around You, Baby" by Porterville. u2022 "Somos Un Papel" by Kinky. u2022 "At The Club" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "The Moment"s Over" by Death Ray. u2022 "No New Tales To Tell" by Love an Rockets. Episode 10 "Bonfire of the Vanity" u2022 "Let You Down" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "Sex On Fire" by Kings Of Leon. u2022 "Wake Up There"s A..." by Doug Burr. u2022 "Closer" by Kings Of Leon. u2022 "Echo" by Cyndi Lauper. u2022 "Be Somebody" by Kings Of Leon. u2022 "Manhattan" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "What Is A Life" by Youth Group. u2022 "Shooting War" by We Know Plato. Episode 11 "The Magnificent Archibalds" u2022 "My Only Offer" by Mates of State. u2022 "Bad Man"s World" by Jenny Lewis. u2022 "Ice Cream Shout Version" by Sound of Arrows. u2022 "I"m A Slave For You" by Britney Spears. u2022 "Reasons to Sing" by The Crash. Episode 12 "It"s A Wonderful Lie" u2022 "Lady jesus" by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour. u2022 "Sexual Riot" by The Metros. u2022 "Steady" by Alain Whyte. u2022 "The Sun Ain"t Shining..." by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour. u2022 "Breakdown" by Dearheart. u2022 "I Had To Turn Out All..." by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour. u2022 "Hero" by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour. Episode 13 "Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?" u2022 "Signs" by Bloc Party. u2022 "The Mourning Son" by Xu Xu Fang. u2022 "Everytime" by Lincoln Hawk. u2022 "Biko" by Bloc Party. u2022 "These Days" by Xu Xu Fang. u2022 "Slow Show" by The National. Episode 14 "In the Realm of the Basses" u2022 "No One Does It Like You" by Department of Eagles. u2022 "Who"s Crying" by The Temporary Thing. u2022 "Like A Spoke on a Wheel" by The Little Ones. u2022 "Scarlet" by Magic Bullets. u2022 "I"m Not Cool" by Sohodolls. u2022 "Mayday" by Unkle feat. The Duke Spirit. u2022 "Ricochet" by Shiny Toy Guns. u2022 "My Crown" by The Sugar Migration. u2022 "E.S.T." by White Lies. Episode 15 "Gone with the Will" u2022 "Mirror Error" by The Faint. u2022 "No, You Girls Never Know" by Franz Ferdinand. u2022 "Watchmen, What"s Left..." by Greycoats. u2022 "If You Could See Me Now" by Dan Crey Trio. Episode 16 "You"ve Got Yale" u2022 "Mexican Dogs" by Cold War Kids. u2022 "Against Privacy" by Cold War Kids. u2022 "The Double" by We Fell To Earth. Episode 17 "Carnal Knowledge" u2022 "A New Day" by Will.I.Am. u2022 "Evil In" by AN. u2022 "Mission Control" by Dandy Warhols. u2022 "Coming Home Again" by Needers & Givers. u2022 "Kiss Me Again" by Jessica Lee Mayfield. u2022 "Cut From Your Existence" by Brighton, MA. u2022 "With A Heavy Heart" by Doss It Offend You, Yeah? Episode 18 "The Age of Dissonance" u2022 "Hong Kong Garden" by Siouxsie & The Banshees. u2022 "North London Trash" by Razorlight. u2022 "Kiss Me at the Gate" by The New Monarchs第三季Apologize - Timbaland Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John with me - sum 41 What Goes Around Comes Around - Justin Timberlake PAPARAZZI - lady gaga The Way I Are - Timbaland shut up and drive - Rihanna The queen and I - Gym class heroes Glamorous - fergie beautiful girls - sean kingston Don"t Matter - Akon The Gift - Angels and Airwaves time won t let me go - The bravery GO - Hanson whine - Kat Deluna the sweet escape - gwen stefani MIKA - HAPPY ENDING photograph - Air Girl I Told Ya - VALERIA feat ARIA the soho dolls nolita fairytale - vanessa carlton promiscuous - nelly furtado Feat Timbaland

Gossip Girl里的插曲

这个gossip girl 有这么好吗?谁都在找她!

《Gossip Girl》里面的Gabriel是谁演的,就是差点和Serena结婚的那个人。

Armie Hammer艾米·汉莫百科链接http://baike.baidu.com/view/6769540.htm

gossip girl 的经典语录

我就和你一个人说/你不要去告诉别人。 So let"s keep this between us.有消息我会联系你的。 We will be in touch.我刚转学过来的。 I just transferred in.起来啦!起来啦!东区的社会精英们。 Wakey-wakey! Upper east siders! 你现在还是不要我一起去么? You still positive that you don"t want me to tag along? 外表冷淡,内心热情似火。 The cool exterior. The fire below. 我当初可不是为了恶心三角恋而和你在一起。 I didn"t sign up for some creepy love triangle.真不能相信 / 真没想到Nate Archibald是个吃软饭的。 I cannot believe that Nate Archibald is a gigolo. 我没得选。 I don"t really have a choice. 嗯,不好意思。 Hmm, Look, I"m sorry.你们俩又偷偷地在一起了。 You two have rekindled your love in secret. 我没有什么浪漫细胞。 I don"t have a romantic bone in my body. 水往低处流。 Water always finds it own level. 她和Blair非常要好。 She and Blair are fast friends. Gossip girl: Spotted, lonely boy can"t believe the love of his life has returned. If only she knew who he was.目击——寂寞男孩不敢相信他一生挚爱回来了,只是如果她知道他的存在的话。* Gossip的经典转折..哈哈..Blair: I love you, Nate Archibald, always have, always will.我爱你,N,一直是,永远会。* 出现两次,相似的第三次是C说的。Serena: I didn"t come back for you.我又不是为你回来的。* 自作多情的N。。Gossip girl: There"s nothing gossip girl like more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.在这世界上绯闻少女最喜欢的莫过于女人之间的战争,而这个将是个十分经典的战役。* 女人之间的战役一般都用cat fight,因为女人打架都像猫一样又叫又抓。。Chuck: But happiness does not seem on the menu, so smoke up, and seal the deal with Blair.幸福并不在你的选项之内,你还是先搞定B吧。* 这句话,灰常悲凉哈。。上东区贵族的苦衷。。Serena: I don"t wanna take anything, it"s just...Blair: Because it"s yours to take if you want.——我并不想从你那里抢走什么,只是……——因为只要你想要你就可以拿走。* 艾。。。当时觉得B好可怜。。Chuck: I love it when you talk dirty.Serena: You just love when a girl talks to you.Chuck: Actually, I prefer them when they"re not talking.——我喜欢你说脏话的样子。——只要是女孩子跟你说话你都喜欢。——其实,我更喜欢她们不说话的样子。* C的XX可见一斑。。S的反击也很有力。。Chuck (to Serena): Best friend and the boyfriend, that"s pretty classy, S.* 这句话在12集也出现了。GG的风格就是前后呼应。。很多话,比如这句,比如I"m chuck bass以及 I love you, N 都是出现了好几次的。Dan: You"d really go out with some guy you don"t know?Serena: Well you can"t be worse than the guys I do know.——你真的要和一个你不认识的人出去吗?——恩,你总不会比我认识的那些家伙坏。Lily: Stay outta my life, RufusR,离开我的生活。* 这句Lily说得很温柔,很美,不过个人感觉这句话是欲擒故纵。。Ep2.Gossip girl: I bet you"re wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early. Truth is, I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better.我敢肯定你们都在疑惑绯闻少女大清早的在干吗。其实我根本就没有睡觉。在醒着的生活是如此美好的时候,为何要把时间浪费在做梦上呢。这句话非常之bitchy。。Eric (to Serena): No man in the history has ever hated you.历史上没有人讨厌过你。* S真是nice到家的人~Serena (to Blair): It"s not tradition if it"s new.如果是新的那它就不是传统了。* 这句话之后B没有说出相应的反击了。。Ep3.Blair: It"s enuff when I say it"s enuff.我说够了才是够了。* queen阿~Gossip girl: Choose your side or run & hide.选择你的阵营,或者干脆躲起来吧。* 这里是BS大战开始,GG这句话说得很漂亮。Chuck: Why should be chosen to be an usher? I"m Chuck Bass.为什么我要做接待员呢?因为我是Chuck Bass.* 囧~这句话万能~Gossip girl: We all know one nation can"t have two queens.我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王(一山不容二虎)。* 其实我更倾向前一种翻译,虽然后一种更地道,但是前一种更贴切queen B。。Ep5Gossip girl: Here is an inside tip, little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall.Little J,给你一个小忠告,爬得越快,跌得越疼。B"s mother: Fashion knows not of comfort.时尚永远不会考虑舒适。* 爱漂亮的女孩子应该知道哈。Rufus: This better not be my wife.Lily: Rufus you always answer the phone like this?——你最好不是我老婆。——Rufus你总是这么接电话的吗?* 太可爱了。。Jenny: I guess there are firsts for everything.我想任何事情都有第一次吧。* J初露锋芒,B快被气死。Ep6.Blair: No more excuses. Serena must have the hottest date ever. If he"s got plans, he"ll change them. If he"s got a girlfriend, he"ll dump her. If he"s out town, he"ll charter a G5 and fly home.Make it happen.没有任何借口。S必须有最好的男伴,如果他有计划,他就必须改变计划;如果他有女朋友,他就必须甩了她;如果他不在NY,他就必须找一架G5 然后飞回来。* 女王B。。服了她了。。Rufus: I"m sorry that I kissed you, but I did it, because I thought he should know how it feels to lose you. Trust me, it was not fun.很抱歉我吻了你,这么做是因为我觉得他应该知道失去你的滋味,相信我,那一点也不好玩(愉快)。Gossip girl: Call us old schools, but sometimes the fairy tale ending requires the knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.叫我们守旧派,但是有时童话的结局是需要骑士亲力亲为的。* 对这里的翻译不确定,达人翻下。。Gossip girl: What is that we said about appearances? Yeah, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.他们怎么说表象来着?对了,表象可是具有欺骗性的。但是大多时候,眼见为实。Ep7.Gossip girl: As you may"ve guessed, upper east siders, prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition, it"s human nature to be free.正如你们所知,上东区的贵族们,“阻止”在“表现”面前是无力的,人天性就向往自由。Ep8Blair: Do you like me?Chuck: Define “like”.——你喜欢我?——定义“喜欢”。* 最可爱的C在这里出现了~~Gossip: B turning a year older, but not necessarily wiser.B已经长大一岁了,但是心理上却还是那么幼稚。ps,同学有个更好的版本,后句为“未必聪明一倍”,谢谢姜茜同学~Ep10Gossip: Spotted, Nate Archibald learning you don"t know a good thing till it"s gone, and found someone else.目击——N终于明白直到失去一样好东西并且看到她属于另外一个人了,你才会明白。Rufus: Hello, Celia, I"d say it"s nice to see you, but I know how you hate dishonesty.你好,Celia,我很想说很高兴见到你,不过我很清楚你不喜欢被欺骗。* 气死这老太婆。。。Rufus: Your money was no good for me then and still no good for me now.你的钱以前对我就没用,现在还是。* 有骨气!Gossip: Spotted Chuck Bass losing sth no one knew he had begin with—his heart.目击——C失去了一样没人知道的东西,他的心。Gossip: It"s often said no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. Some people might take a step back and find out they were lookin at the same big picture all along.常言道,不管事实如何,人们总是只看到他们想看到的。有些人可能会退一步,然后发现他们一直都在原地。* 这里的翻译也不确定。。水平实在有限。。Ep11Lily (to Blair): Oh, hello. Goodbye!* ^ ^Eric: He only has one facial expression. He scares me.Serena: And he raised Chuck. That scares me.——他只有一个面部表情,那很可怕。——他养育了C,那也很可怕。* 这里很搞笑。。Rufus:I miss you, and I"ve been missing you for a while.我很想你,想你很久了。* 多么希望RL在一起。。Ep12Nate: If you"re ready to forgive me, then nothing can tear us apart, I promise.Blair: What you said before, I love you too, always have, always will.——如果你已经准备原谅我了,那么没有任何东西可以将我们分离,我保证。——对于你之前说的(之前他说了I love you) ,我也爱你,一直是,永远会。* 痴情的小孩,怎么就信了N呢。。Ep13.路人甲:Best friend and boy friend.路人乙:Pretty classy.(实在不记得这些小人物的名字,知道Kati还是因为她辞演。。)——最好的朋友和男朋友。——真是经典阿。* 第一集C说过的话重现。Dan:There. That"s why. Because I actually like it when you interrupt me ,Which is often , by the way. I love you because you make no apologies about being exactly who you are--Beautiful, smart, sexy as hell.因为我喜欢你经常地打断我,我喜欢你从不为自己是谁而道歉,你是如此地美丽聪明而性感。Serena: Now you"re embarrassing me. 你让我不好意思了。Dan: That"s another reason. You"re completely unaware of your affect on me. You"re also completely unaware that you laugh like a 4 year old. Just like that. And I love you because you can be with someone like me, and still be best friends with someone like Blair. 这也是原因之一。你一点也没有感觉到你对我的影响,你也一点都不知道你笑起来就像一个4岁的小孩一样——对,就是那样。我喜欢你可以跟我这样的人约会,也可以跟B那样的人做好朋友。Serena: Yeah, well, I tried to be. 嗯,我尽力去做了。Dan: I know you do, and that"s not easy. But you never give up on her. That is how amazing you are. 我了解,那可不简单。但是你从来没有放弃。你是如此地迷人。Serena: Well, you"re amazing, too .For being able to say all of those things .You just are你也是,你可以说出这些话来,你就是很棒。* 一段长长的发自内心的对话,当时的SD是那么好。Blair: Everything"s horrible. My whole life is falling apart. 一切都那么糟糕,我的生活被毁了。Serena: So rebuild it. You"re a Waldorf, remember? 那就重新开始啊,你是Waldorf,记得吗?People don"t tell you who you are. You tell them. Stay and fight. I"ll fight with you. 人们不记得你是谁,你就要告诉他们。留下来和我一起战斗。Blair: I"m so embarrassed. I"m so...... 我太尴尬了,我。。Serena: So what? Start over. It can be done. 那又怎么样?重新开始,一切都会好的。I should know. We"ll get through this together. 我知道,我们会一起度过这次难关的。Blair: You promise? 真的吗?Serena: Promise. 真的。Ep14Gossip: One may be the loneliest number, but sometimes only the lonely can play.Wake up, little Jenny, the bitch is back“一”也许是最孤单的数字,但是有时候只有孤单的人才玩得起来。快醒醒,little J,贱人回来了。* queen B is back!终于回归了,实在不喜欢B那么颓丧的样子。Ep15Serena: If I go down, you go down with me.如果我会被毁灭,你会和我一起被毁灭。* G,表太得意噢~Ep16Blair: Hey, hey, we"re sisters. You"re my family, what is you is me. There"s nothing you could ever say to let me go. I love you.喂,我们是好姐妹阿,你是我的家人,你的事情就是我的事情,你说什么都不能把我赶走的。我爱你。* 感动阿~闺蜜~Ep17Nate: She"s right Serena, none of us are saints.S,她是对的。我们之前没有圣人。Blair: Yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo.对,我和他在豪华轿车的后座发生过关系。Chuck: several times.有好几次。Nate: I had sex with you at the wedding while I was her date.(Turn to Chuck)Once.我和你在婚礼上发生过关系,当时我还是她的男朋友。(对C说)只有一次。(这句话N很强调。。^ ^) Chuck: I"m Chuck Bass.我是Chuck Bass.(经典再现。。)Blair: You can tell us anything, we don"t judge. We"re the non-judging breakfast club.We are your best friends; anything you do is sth we did too.你什么都可以告诉我们的,我们不会妄加论断的。我们是“不评论早餐俱乐部”的。我们是你最好的朋友,任何你做的事我们都(以其他的方式)作过。Chuck: What has got into you?Blair: what if I told you where Georgina sparks was right now?Chuck: I"d say, let"s get the bitch.——你在想什么?——如果我告诉你G现在在哪里你会怎样?——我会说,那婊子死定了。* 帅~以上两段话只能用GG下面这句话来点评,有这样的朋友,谁还要什么军队?Gossip: Spotted, Blair and chuck reunited to defend Serena"s honor. With friends like this, who needs an army?有这样的朋友,谁还需要什么军队呢。*相信很多人对这句灰常有印象~ps,同学补充.这句翻译成谁还需要千军万马.也不错噢 ~Ep18Blair (to Chuck, after realizing C was slept in her bed): Who? What? When? Where? Why?这究竟是怎么回事?* 一连串的WH。。强。。Blair: Before you landed on my bed, we actually landed on a good idea.在你爬上我的床以前我们已经想到了一个好主意。Blair: Don"t worry; I can be bitch enough for both of us.别担心,我一个人可以顶两个人的贱噢。* 这句的B,可爱疯了。。注意她的表情~超级可爱~Gossip girl: They say love conquers all, but maybe love never meet Georgina Sparks.人们说“爱”所向无敌,也许“爱”从来没有遇见过G。* 这句太经典了。。Gossip: The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan? Mom and dad.Leave to Blair Warldof to know that bitches don"t just happen.They"re made, by parents even more wicked than their offspring.撒旦之子最怕什么呢?当然是父母拉。这也使得B明白贱人并非凭空产生,而是由更为邪恶的父母抚养长成的。* Bitches don"t just happen..^ ^Blair: Haven"t you heard? I"m the crazy bitch around here.你没听说吗,我才是这里的疯女人。*G,get your ass kicked by queen B .!Lily:Those twenty years—they have to count for sth, don"t they?这二十年,总是有些意义吧。Rufus: Here we go, are u sure bout this?Lily: Ask me again and I"ll change my mind.——要走了,你确定(要嫁给他)吗?——再问我一次,我就要改变主意了。Vanessa: Blair, I"m with Nate and you"re at the single"s tableDeal with it.B,我和N在一起,而你是单身那桌的,面对现实吧。* 好像一切和N有关事情都可以打倒B女王。。。Blair: Though, falling for someone who"s in love with Serena—you already know how that feels, don"t you?不过,为一个喜欢S的人倾倒,我猜你已经知道那是种什么感觉了,不是吗。* Queen B不愧是Queen B,一石二鸟。把V的过去和现在一起打击了。。。 Chuck: In the face of true love, you don"t just give, even if your object of your affection is begging you to,And one day, I hope I"ll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me.在真爱面前,不要放弃,哪怕你喜欢的人要求你放弃。希望有一天,我能够幸运地找到能为我做这一切的人。* 这时C温柔地望向B。在这个时候多么希望BC可以一直在一起阿。。Chuck: You don"t belong with Nate, never have, never will.Blair: You don"t belong with anyone.——你不属于N,从未属于,永远不会。——你不属于任何人。Amelia: And who are you?Chuck: I"m Chuck Bass.——你是谁? ——我是Chuck Bass.

求gossip girl的中英文台词

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  《绯闻女孩》Gossip Girl是由Cecily von Ziegesar所写的系列小说改编的美国青春偶像剧,于2007年CW电视台正式开播第一季,全剧共六季,播出后引发全球时尚风潮!造就捧红了剧中的各位男神女神, 故事 地点设在纽约曼哈顿上东区,纸醉金迷、锦衣玉食,精致奢华的生活里,青春危机四伏。以下是我为大家准备的gossipgirl第二季13 经典台词 ,希望大家喜欢!   gossipgirl第二季13经典台词(一)   1. Gossip: Spotted Chuck Bass losing sth no one knew he had begin with—his heart.   目击——C失去了一样没人知道的东西,他的心。   2. Eric: He only has one facial expression. He scares me.   Serena: And he raised Chuck. That scares me.   ——他只有一个面部表情,那很可怕。   ——他养育了C,那也很可怕。   3. Gossip: One may be the loneliest number, but sometimes only the lonely can play.   “一”也许是最孤单的数字,但是有时候只有孤单的人才玩得起来。   4. Blair: Hey, hey, weu2019re sisters. Youu2019re my family, what is you is me.   Thereu2019s nothing you could ever say to let me go. I love you.   喂,我们是好姐妹阿,你是我的家人,你的事情就是我的事情,你说什么都不能把我赶走的。我爱你。   5. Gossip: Spotted, Blair and chuck reunited to defend Serenau2019s honor. With friends like this, who needs an army?   有这样的朋友,谁还需要什么军队呢。   6. Gossip girl: Here is an inside tip, little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall.   Little J,给你一个小忠告,爬得越快,跌得越疼。   7. Fashion knows not of comfort.   时尚永远不会考虑舒适。   8. Jenny: I guess there are firsts for everything.   我想任何事情都有第一次吧。   9. Gossip girl: What is that we said about appearances? Yeah, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.   他们怎么说表象来着?对了,表象可是具有欺骗性的。但是大多时候,眼见为实。   10. Blair: Do you like me?   Chuck: Define “like”.   ——你喜欢我?   ——定义“喜欢”。   11、你们俩又偷偷地在一起了。   You two have rekindled your love in secret.   12、我没有什么浪漫细胞。   I don"t have a romantic bone in my body.   13. Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattanu2019s elites.   And who am I? Thatu2019s a secret Iu2019ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。   Hey,上东区的贵族们,绯闻少女在此,我是你们唯一得到曼哈顿精英们丑闻的 渠道 。   至于我是谁,那是一个我永远也不会说的秘密。   你知道你是爱我的,XOXO,绯闻少女。   * 翻译出来怪怪的。。   14、水往低处流。   Water always finds it own level.   15. Thereu2019s nothing gossip girl like more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.   在这世界上绯闻少女最喜欢的莫过于女人之间的战争,而这个将是个十分经典的战役。   女人间的战役一般都用cat fight哦~因为女人打架一般都像猫一样又抓又挠又叫的~   16. Eric (to Serena): No man in the history has ever hated you.历史上没有人讨厌过你。   17. Blair: Itu2019s enough when I say itu2019s enough.我说够了那才是够了。   18. Gossip girl: Choose your side or run & hide.   选择你的阵营,或者干脆躲起来吧。   这个硝烟味好浓啊~   19. Chuck: Why should be chosen to be an usher? Iu2019m Chuck Bass.   为什么我要做接待员呢?因为我是Chuck Bass.   被誉为是万能的一句话~   20. Gossip girl: We all know one nation canu2019t have two queens.   我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王(一山不容二虎)。   gossipgirl第二季13经典台词(二)   1、 我就和你一个人说/你不要去告诉别人。   So let"s keep this between us.   2、有消息我会联系你的。   We will be in touch.   3、我刚转学过来的。   I just transferred in.   4、起来啦!起来啦!东区的社会精英们。   Wakey-wakey! Upper east siders!   5、你现在还是不要我一起去么?   You still positive that you don"t want me to tag along?   6、外表冷淡,内心热情似火。   The cool exterior. The fire below.   7、我当初可不是为了恶心三角恋而和你在一起。   I didn"t sign up for some creepy love triangle.   8、真不能相信 / 真没想到Nate Archibald是个吃软饭的。   I cannot believe that Nate Archibald is a gigolo.   9、我没得选。   I don"t really have a choice.   10、嗯,不好意思。   Hmm, Look, I"m sorry.   11. Chuck: But happiness does not seem on the menu, so smoke up, and seal the deal with Blair.   幸福并不在你的选项之内,你还是先搞定B吧。   12."If two people are meant to be together, eventually they"ll find their way back."   如果两个人注定在一起,最终他们总会找到重温旧梦的路。   13.Sometimes the biggest surprises are the ones you spring on yourself.   有时最大的惊喜就是自我突破。   14.One thing about being on top of the world-- it gives you a long, long way to fall.   站在世界之巅的一个好处是,你将拥有很长一段降落之旅。   15. She and Blair are fast friends她和Blair非常要好   16.Everything old can be new again.   风水轮流转,故人终复还。   17.Sometimes the hero finally makes the choice but the timing is always wrong.   有时候英雄终于选对了人,却选错了时间。   18.Looks like our resident moral compass isn"t such a straight arrow after all.   看上去我们的道德标是准指南针的指针,毕竟也不是那么直。   19.Sometimes you have to let things go,so there"s room for better things to come into your life.   有些事情我们必须放弃,才有经历迎接更美好的生活。   20.On the Upper East Side, appearances are often deceiving, from friends to hair color, there"s always more than meets the eye.   在上东区,表面这些东西通常都是骗人的,从朋友到头发颜色.表面之下,总有很多看不到的事。   21.The people you know best are the ones most capable of surprising you.   最熟悉的人才最出乎意料

gossip girl 经典台词

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看Gossip Girl学英语(6)

在Gossip Girl第二季第四集里,我会继续介绍一些日常生活中实用的东西。因为对大部分人来说,学习太多的习语和俚语并没有太大好处。这些最基本的知识可能才是最需要的。 1. Wakey-wakey! Upper east siders! 起来啦!起来啦!东区的社会精英们。 Wakey-wakey! 是一个感叹词,通常连在一起,是让人起床的一种幽默调皮的说法。很适合Gossip Girl一向的语气。我们熟悉的感叹词还有“Watch out!Voila!”,“Whoa whoa whoa.” 另一个让人赶紧从床上滚下来的幽默的说法是“Rise and Shine!”这个往往是确实有事情要做,催促对方赶紧起床的比较强势的说法,对方通常很不情愿,因为本来你打算周六睡到11点钟,可是你的朋友却对你说:“懒鬼,太阳晒*了,还不起来!” 当然最普遍最通用的让人起床或者描述起床的短语是get up或者be up。例如:I wonder what some of those campus queens look like when they get up in the morning. Upper。 Wake someone up就是“叫醒某人”,例如:Mom, wake me up at 7:00. I don"t want to be late for work. 补充:起床后的“洗漱”用freshen up表示。 这里的upper就是upper class / crust(上流社会)里的upper。East siders地处纽约曼哈顿区的中央公园和东河之间,是上流社会聚居的地方,有着全美最昂贵的房子。既然这电视剧每集都出现elite(精英,请查字典注意其读音),这里不妨翻译成精英们,如果你喜欢,也可以说是东区的上等人,上流社会的东区人。 2. Every time we"d go for a walk… 每次我们出去散步…… “散步”怎么说?就是go for a walk。一个男生要和一个女声散步,还可以说 Perhaps I can walk you home。(要么我陪你走到家?)当然可能醉翁之意不在散步了,那个男生可能会要你请他上楼坐一下,然后么……请大家发挥想象力。 如果是walk the dog呢?那就是“遛狗”了。说到狗,记起以前在城市学院的校园路上,看到一些买一些花里胡哨五彩缤纷的廉价货的,并毫无混搭细胞的女生招摇过市,常会对室友说:感恩节还没到,这些女人怎么就迫不及待穿得像火鸡一样了。这种穿衣方式叫做:dressed up like a dog"s dinner。如果你说一个人写的文章或者书不忍卒读,你会说This article is a dog"s breakfast。 另外再说一个片语walk the streets,就是我们所说的“扫大街”(street-walker或者street-walking whore/hooker则是我们所说的流莺或者说站街女(就是妓女)。

求绯闻女孩(gossip girl)第三季第九集bitch的歌词


gossip girl第六季恰克和巴特为什么反目成仇

chuck花了很大的力气才把bart救回来,但是bart一回到曼哈顿就对外宣称他要继续掌管公司大权。 因此chuck 不服,所以就想把掌权夺回去, 所以他就努力寻求当初bart要离开的原因,和要躲避的人来把bart压下去。总而言之,父子俩就因为公司掌权的原因而闹矛盾~~

绯闻女孩第六集完结到底gossip girl是谁

绯闻女孩第六季的gossip girl就是**Dan Humphrey**。他的妹妹Jenny从第一季开始就知道他是绯闻女孩的身份,而其他角色则在最后一集才得知。

idle gossip中文翻译

You call a friendly conversation idle gossip ? 您把友谊的闲谈当作空话吗? Stop idle gossip , and do something useful instead 停止无用的闲聊,做些有意义的事。 She " s too fond of idle gossip 她太爱听飞短流长的话了


B:Just cos u"re dressed poorly doesn"t mean u"re not Chuck bASS.C:Why would I want to be him?B:U should have told me u"ve got shot.C:I"m surprised u didn"t shoot me urself.B:I HAVE,many times in my dreams,the good ones.BUT if u were really hurt, i would want to know.C:When i woke up, my ID was gone.Nobody knew where i was.Nobody was coming to look for me.I realized i may be alive but Chuck bass didn"t have to be.B:Changing ur name doesn"t change who u r.C:it"s a good start.A CHANCE to live simply,earn people"s respect.Maybe become a person someone could love.B:Someone did love you.And...u owe it to her and everyone else u"re leaving behind not to run away, which is what u"re doing.AND i don"t think the great man u"re talking about wanting to be Is a coward.i think he would face up to what he did.C:I destroyed the only thing i ever loved.B:I don"t love u anymore. BUT IT takes more than even you to destory Blair wALDOrF.C:Ur world would be easier if I didn"t come back.B:That"s true.But it wouldn"t be my world without you in it.


Dan他不想成为局外人。Gossip Girl成为在这个世界上的另一个别人所不知道的他,他能以Gossip Girl的身份或得他所以Dan身份而得不到的东西。剧中的神秘人物“绯闻女孩”也最终揭晓,竟然是男主角之一、“布鲁克林男孩”丹!或许是为了回馈支持它的中国粉丝,在电视剧快结束时,布莱尔打了一通电话,最后用中文说道:谢谢,再见。大结局也正如观众对它的评价,集惊艳、感动、凌乱、失望、狗血于一身。恰克在被全境通缉的情况下和布莱尔举行了婚礼。而六年来,最大的谜题莫过于那个冤魂不散的爆料者“绯闻女孩”到底是谁。原来那个一直以牙尖声音出场的“绯闻女孩”竟然不是女孩,是丹!好在大结局没让众多粉丝失望,瑟琳娜在知道了真相之后还是嫁给了丹,布莱尔和恰克也终成眷属,他们的孩子也出生了。全剧在浪漫的婚礼中结束。

gossip away 怎么解释?


Gossip | 扎堆IPO的新势力选手,威马汽车或将登陆科创板


gossip girl 是什么意思?


实用口语:看美剧Gossip Girl学口语(18)

在这篇文章里,我依旧注重了实用英语的介绍,帮助你们在工作和生活中更加简洁地道地表达自己。想再次重申对是,虽然我介绍了大量的俚语,习语,并不表示我鼓励你们花大量精力去学习。以我的经验,正确又能让人明白的简明实用的英语是最重要的。在工作中,有时候掌握一些大词也是非常关键的。还有一定的词汇量和对于不同口音的熟悉对于你听懂、看懂全世界各地非英语国家的稀奇古怪的英语也会大有裨益。而俚语和习语可以当成纯粹的兴趣。 本文的对话和句子来自Gossip Girl第二季第四集的第12到15分钟。 1. Rufus: What brings you down here, Lily? Rufus:哎呀,你怎么来了 Lily: Oh, I just thought it would be nice to, um, to say hello, maybe catch up. Lily:哦,我就想过来问声好,叙叙旧什么都。 Rufus: Actually I was on my way out. Rufus: 太不巧了。我正要出门呢。 Lily: Of course. I should have called first. You"re busy with work and– Lily: 没关系。我应该先打个电话的。你要忙工作的,而且…… Rufus: No, I just…"Repo Man" is playing at the Sunshine. You know how I love my Harry Dean Stanton. Rufus::不是啦,Repo Man正在Sunshine上演呢。你知道我多么喜欢我的Harry Dean Stanton。 Lily: Playing hooky? Lily:翘班? Rufus: Yeah, don"t tell anyone. Rufus: 是啊,别跟人说。 1) What brings you down here 就是我们中文所说的“那阵风把你吹来了”,“今天怎么有这雅兴啊”,英文里,为了表示对来客的到来表示欢迎和惊喜,可以说“what a pleasant surprise”,相当于 “哎呀,你怎么来啦!真没想到会在这里见到你。” 2) Catch up Catch up with someone的意思是“和某个有段时间没见面的熟人见面,看看最近他们都做了些什么”,差不多就是“聊聊天,叙叙旧”,我们可以体会一下,catch的原意是“追赶”,这里由于你们很久没见,对于对方发生什么事情你很久没了解了,这个时候为了keep posted,你就要“迎头赶上”去获取对方的消息。而我们平时所说的I"ll catch up with you later 或者I will catch you later,可以用来替代I will see/talk to you later,也正是源于此。 Catch up on the news/gossip 的意思是 “获知最新的消息”。我们平时所说的“补觉”则是“catch up on sleep”,在特定语境下,你只要说 “just go get some sleep”或者 “get some Z"s”,也差不多。 3) I should have called first. 这是虚拟语气。不做详解,造几个例句让你慢慢体会可能更好: 1. I should have killed that scumbag in the first play. (now he comes back to compromise my plan) 2. You shouldn"t have disclose our company"s secret to her last time. Now rumors spread all over the China branch. 3. I should have known she only cared about my money (obviously you are devastated and regret for not knowing that earlier). 4) Play hooky? Play hooky (BrE play truant)是“翘课,逃课,旷工(翘班),不参加一些会议,活动”等意思。这里指的是Dan的爸爸Rufus正事不干溜走去看Repo。例句:I played hook today and did not go to work. 事实上,play hooky 还有“爽约(to not keep an appointment)”的意思。例句: I don"t want to see her today, ‘cause I look like ---- today. So I think I will just play hooky. I don"t have time for the sales meeting today, so I think I"ll just play hooky. 读大学的时候曾经看过一部片子叫“翘课天才”,英文名叫“Ferris Bueller"s Day Off ”,这里day off的实际意思并不是指“逃课”,而是休息一天,不用去上班,可能是你今天轮休啊,或者今天放假啊,生病了啊。如果是请病假,还可以说take a sick leave, 请事假可是说take a casual leave 或者take a compassionate leave,如果是准假则是“be given a leave of absence”。 综上所述,play hooky几乎可以用于任何表示你不参加某活动的情况。对应的英式英语是play truant。说到play,突然想到了我们平时说上海杭州的女生很“俏皮”,英文对应的说法是“play hart-to-get”。什么叫hard to get 呢?《肖申克的救赎》里面,坏蛋想Andy给他BJ,Andy严词拒绝,坏蛋说了句:hart to get,也就是“很难搞定”,“很难上”的意思。 从词源上分析,俚语中,hook有depart hastily的意思(匆匆离开),比如:We"d better hook for home. 俚语中有 “hook it”则有“to run away, depart, flee”的意思,这个hook it也就等于play hooky。例句:He hooked it when he saw the truant officer.(查课员,通常来自可怕的教导处。) 而我们平时所说的 “逃课”,还可以说skip class,而如果是上课的时候偷偷从后面或者窗户溜出去,则叫bunk off school。

gossip girl 是贬义词吗

gossip girl 是绯闻女孩的意思,不算贬义词,算中性词吧。《绯闻女孩》(英语:Gossip Girl)是由Cecily von Ziegesar所写的系列小说改编的美国青春偶像剧,于2007年CW电视台正式开播第一季,全剧共六季,于2012年12月18日正式播毕。该剧所讲述的是曼哈顿的上流社会阶层,展示富家子弟的生活。而其中的Gossip Girl是曼哈顿上东区最神秘的人物,她是了解上流贵族巨细无遗的生活的唯一来源,且拥有一众随时随地为她提供八卦的公子哥千金女。

Gossip Girl And Boy是什么意思


dialogue talk conversation chatgossip这 四个词语的区别是什么 请说的

dialogue是对话,必须有两个人在互相说话,一般用在书里,口语不怎么用 (The dialogue between Harry and Ron is really funny) talk可以使任何形式的说话,一个人对一群人的讲话也可以用talk (The teacher"s talk annoys me) conversation是一个人以上的说话,一般是讨论一个主题 (They are having a conversation) chat是聊天,不一定有个主题,就是随便说话 (She is chatting with her friend on qq) gossip是绯闻,八卦等,是在人群中传播的 (She is gossiping about Brittany Spear"s divorce)

少女时代Gossip Girls中文歌词


gossip boy什么意思


Gossip (From "Sunday In The Park With George") 歌词

Gossip作词:Toro、柯呈雄、VJ-Victor作曲:VJ-Victor演唱:K OneK One-Gossip我真的受够到底又犯了什么错为何我爱上一个人却得偷偷又摸摸什么都没说我什么也都没有做但嘴巴对着我耳朵疲劳逼供oh谁比我清楚谁比谁痛苦谁比我无助oh没有人在乎Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对谣言已太多我的爱迷失在路口一双双尖锐的眼眸正盯着我喔喔喔不想再多说说再多也不会有用我选择像一阵狂风离远一点乌鸦飞满天满天在乱飞想看我崩溃我不掉半滴泪Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对Girl why U gotta talk behind my back那些流言流语真的Oh treat me badCause U know I did what I did not because Of U我相信说谎的人必定会下十八层地狱Now all my friends看到我却一直的躲避Girl your gossip像野火一直烧不停我的爱 goes around,comes around等着瞧最后你将一步步的crash and bumOh Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对K One-Gossiphttp://music.baidu.com/song/8398662


1、gossip的性能有哪些2、gossip的意思3、gossip是什么意思啊??4、gossip是什么意思gossip的性能有哪些gossip的性能是:在Gossip性能中gossip,gossip我们可以认为: β=b/nβ=b/n(因为对每个节点而言gossip,被其他节点选中的概率就是b/nb/n)。我们令t=clog(n)t=clog(n),可以得到y≈(n+1)_1ncb_2y≈(n+1)_1ncb_2。这表明,仅需要O(log(n))O(log(n))个回合,gossip协议即可将信息传递到所有的节点。根据分析可得,Gossip协议具有以下的特点:1、低延迟。仅仅需要O(log(n))O(log(n))个回合的传递时间。2、非常可靠。仅有1ncb_21ncb_2个节点不会收到信息。3、轻量级。每个节点传送了cblog(n)cblog(n)次信息。Gossip的缺陷是:分布式网络中,没有一种完美的解决方案,Gossip 协议跟其他协议一样,也有一些不可避免的缺陷,主要是两个。1、消息的延迟:由于 Gossip 协议中,节点只会随机向少数几个节点发送消息,消息最终是通过多个轮次的散播而到达全网的,因此使用 Gossip 协议会造成不可避免的消息延迟。不适合用在对实时性要求较高的场景下。2、消息冗余:Gossip 协议规定,节点会定期随机选择周围节点发送消息,而收到消息的节点也会重复该步骤,因此就不可避免的存在消息重复发送给同一节点的情况,造成了消息的冗余。同时也增加了收到消息的节点的处理压力。而且,由于是定期发送,因此,即使收到了消息的节点还会反复收到重复消息,加重了消息的冗余。gossip的意思gossip ["ɡ_sip]n.(尤指涉及私人、私事的)闲话,流言蜚语,小道消息,内幕新闻喋喋不休,闲谈,闲聊;漫谈社会新闻(或他人隐私)的文章饶舌者;爱议论别人长短的人;传播流言蜚语的人[亦作 gossiper, gossipper][主英国方言]教父;教母[古语]密友,同伴;亲密女友vi.闲聊,闲谈;漫谈式地写作传播流言蜚语;说长道短;散布小道消息vt.以流言蜚语的方式传布[废语]作的教父(或教母)gossip是什么意思啊??gossip一、意思:n.流言飞语;闲言碎语;说长道短;闲聊;喜欢传播流言蜚语的人;爱说长道短(或说三道四)的人v.传播流言蜚语;说三道四;说长道短二、例句:We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night 我们交谈着,争论着,闲聊着,一直持续到晚上。三、词性:第三人称单数: gossipsn.流言飞语;闲言碎语;说长道短;闲聊;喜欢传播流言飞语的人;爱说长道短(或说三道四)的人复数: gossipsv.传播流言飞语;说三道四;说长道短现在分词: gossipingv.传播流言飞语;说三道四;说长道短过去式: gossipedv.传播流言飞语;说三道四;说长道短派生词: gossipyadj.(书等)记述轶事的,野史的,闲谈的;喜欢说长道短的;爱议论是非的扩展资料gossip近义词tattle v. [旧]闲聊,谈论他人隐私〔辨析〕既指闲谈,也指背后谈论他人的隐私。〔例证〕They were tattling about pets endlessly.他们在没完没了地谈论宠物。Some women like tattling on others.有些妇女喜欢说别人的闲话。gossip是什么意思gossip[英][_g_s_p][美][_gɑ:s_p]n.流言蜚语,谣言; 爱讲闲话的人; 谈话,闲话; 关系亲密的伙伴; vi.传播流言,说长道短; 第三人称单数:gossips复数:gossips现在进行时:gossiping过去式:gossiped易混淆单词:Gossip例句:1.We don"t need more gossip sites from celebrity magazine editors. 我们不需要从明星杂志的编辑那里得到更多的八卦。2.Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. 诽谤是道德制造的乏味的流言。

Kone的《Gossip》 歌词

Gossip作词:Toro、柯呈雄、VJ-Victor作曲:VJ-Victor演唱:K OneK One-Gossip我真的受够到底又犯了什么错为何我爱上一个人却得偷偷又摸摸什么都没说我什么也都没有做但嘴巴对着我耳朵疲劳逼供oh谁比我清楚谁比谁痛苦谁比我无助oh没有人在乎Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对谣言已太多我的爱迷失在路口一双双尖锐的眼眸正盯着我喔喔喔不想再多说说再多也不会有用我选择像一阵狂风离远一点乌鸦飞满天满天在乱飞想看我崩溃我不掉半滴泪Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对Girl why U gotta talk behind my back那些流言流语真的Oh treat me badCause U know I did what I did not because Of U我相信说谎的人必定会下十八层地狱Now all my friends看到我却一直的躲避Girl your gossip像野火一直烧不停我的爱 goes around,comes around等着瞧最后你将一步步的crash and bumOh Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对Gossip 让爱情变得痛苦Oh Gossip 是伤人的音符Oh Gossip 不要再口是心非Oh Gossip 让我无言以对K One-Gossiphttp://music.baidu.com/song/2067321
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