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坐求September的Until I Die歌词……


翻译:To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup,children from different countries and more than 60...


adam lambert亚当兰伯特december 歌词



Observe 和 remember 有一些相似的意思,但也有很大的区别。Observe 的意思是:观察,观测(例如:She observed the birds flying in the sky.)注意,留心(例如:Observe the rules of the game.)Remember 的意思是:记得,回忆(例如:I remember you telling me about it.)想起,想念(例如:She remembered her childhood days with fondness.)所以,observe 和 remember 的区别是:observe 是观察或注意的意思,而 remember 是记得或想起的意思。

一首歌。开头是I remember,remember……很着急

God is a girl

电脑每次开机出现lease re-enter cpu settings in the cmos setup and rember to save before quit!

进BIOS里恢复默认设置试试 顺便看看是不是主板电池没电了 开机时按DEL,进入CMOS设置,将CMOS恢复为最初的默认设置值,按F10,保存,退出! 在BIOS中有两个简单的选项,可以让你回到它最初的默认设置值。 在BIOS设置主菜单中,你会看到Load Setup Defaults与Load Turbo Defaults两个选项。虽然这两个选项都是为恢复默认值而设,但它们也是有区别的: Load Fail-Safe Defaults:它是将主板BIOS各项设置设在“最佳”状态下,便于发生故障时进行调试工作。如果你不小心修改了某些设置值而发生问题,便可以选择此项来恢复成主板出厂时的初始状态。 Load Optimized Defaults:这项是装入系统较高性能的BIOS设置。但是,如果你在使用中感觉到系统不稳定或是不正常,请先撤消到上一项,再了解问题的起因。 以上两项的设置很简单,只要将光标移动到Load Fail-Safe Defaults或Load Optimized Defaults设置项上,然后按下回车键,就会出现询问你上否要装入这个默认的设置值时,接着按下“Y”键即可 改完设置之后重起,如果还是原样子的话,差不多就是电池没电了,既然没电了就换电池吧 开机需要按下F1键才能进入,主要是因为BIOS中设置与真实硬件数据不符引起的,可以分为以下几种情况: 1、实际上没有软驱或者软驱坏了,而BIOS里却设置有软驱,这样就导致了要按F1才能继续。 2、原来挂了两个硬盘,在BIOS中设置成了双硬盘,后来拿掉其中一个的时候却忘记将BIOS设置改回来,也会出现这个问题。 3、主板电池没有电了也会造成数据丢失从而出现这个故障。 4、重新启动系统,进入BIOS设置中,发现软驱设置为1.44M了,但实际上机箱内并无软驱,将此项设置为NONE后,故障排除。 曾经有很多人问过这样的问题,下面将我遇过的此类问题做一下总结,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、Hareware Monitor found an error,enter POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP for details,Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 中文:监视功能发现错误,进入POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP察看详细资料,按F1键继续开机程序,按DEL键进入COMS设置。 解释:有的主板具备硬件的监视功能,可以设定主板与CPU的温度监视、电压调整器的电压输出准位监视和对各个风扇转速的监视,当 上述监视功能在开机时发觉有异常情况,那么便会出现上述这段话,这时可以进入COMS设置选择POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP,在右面的**Fan Monitor**、**Thermal Monitor**和**Voltage Monitor**察看是哪部分发出了异常,然后再加以解决。 2、pri slave drive-ATAPI LNCOMPatible press F1 to Resume 可能是你的光驱没接好或有故障,最好在CMOS中将各IDE口设为自动。 3、Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 开机后 按DEL 进入 BIOS ,在选择软驱中选择 NONE 后按F10保存就可以了 4、CMOS checksum error-Defaults loaded Press F1 to contnue?DEL to enter SETUP 08/09/2000-i810-ITE8712-6A69ME1CC-00 cmos电池没电。 5、Warning!CPU has been changed!Please Enter CPU speed CMOS setup and Remember to save Before Exit! 这说明BIOS设置被冲掉了,要重新设置BIOS(又叫做CMOS设置)。开机按住“Del”键进入设置,看你的主板说明书。你的CPU频率是多少?在BIOS中要选好外频,倍频反正是锁定的。外频总是66、100或133,要看CPU型号,从低往高设置。如果是AWARD的BIOS设置,在首页就选Frequency/Voltage Control (频率/电压的控制),使用此菜单可以对频率、电压进行特别的设定。其中“Clock By Slight Adjust(时钟频率微调)”允许你选择CPU时钟频率。各种主板的BIOS设置有差别,可以参考自己的主板说明书进行调整。 6、cpu has been changed please re-enter cpu settings in the cmos setup and remember to save before quit! 有些主板上有个外频跳线,默认为100MHZ,还有些主板不支持自动调频.你只要进BIOS里把外频设置成你的CPU标准外频就可以了,倍频方面一般是自动设置,最好不要超频。 如果上述解决办法都不能解决的话,你可以检查CMOS旁边电路是否有烧坏的迹象,我的机器就是因为CMOS旁边的电路有问题,上述机决方法都试过了也没用,最后一烙铁就搞定。呵呵,不妨你也试试!

I remember you YUI 中文 歌词


请问大家谁有YUI的I remember you的日文歌词,歌词里的中文标上平假名啊,谢谢,

风はもう 冷たいけれど懐かしい そらの匂いがしたんだホームから海が见えるこの场所で 君を捜してる季节はずれの サーフボードにあの夏はきっと生きてる太阳はずっと 覚えていたはずさねぇ 闻こえてる?涙はみせないって 君はそう言って仆たちは ふたり手をふったさよならは言わない だから手をふった夕焼けに消えた I remember you锖びたギター抱えるたびにあの歌が 胸の奥を掴むけど今もまだ さえない日々この场所で 仆は过ごしてるだけど思うんだ 谁かのためにきっと仆らは生きてる太阳がきっと 教えてくれたんだねぇ 闻こえてる?涙はみせないって 君はそう言って仆たちは ふたり手をふったさよならは言わない だから手をふった夕焼けに消えた I remember youあれからの仆は 相変わらずだけどほんの少し自信があるんだ yeah…涙をこらえてる 约束だから谁よりも强くならなくちゃさよならは言わない だって目を闭じてすぐに会える I remember youI remember you Kaze wa mou tsumetai keredoNatsukashii sora no nioi ga shitandaHOOMU kara umi ga mieruKono basho de kimi wo sagashiteruKisetsu hazure no SAAFUBOODO niAno natsu wa kitto ikiteruTaiyou wa zutto oboete ita hazu saNee kikoeteru?Namida wa mise nai tte kimi wa sou itteBoku-tachi wa futari te wo futtaSayonara wa iwa nai dakara te wo futtaYuuyake ni kieta I remember youSabita GITAA kakaeru tabi niAno uta ga mune no oku wo tsukamu kedoIma mo mada sae nai hibiKono basho de boku wa sugoshiteruDakedo omounda dareka no tame niKitto bokura wa ikiteruTaiyou ga kitto oshiete kuretandaNee kikoeteru?Namida wa mise nai tte kimi wa sou itteBoku-tachi wa futari te wo futtaSayonara wa iwa nai dakara te wo futtaYuuyake ni kieta I remember youAre kara no boku wa aikawarazu dakedoHonno sukoshi jishin ga arunda yeah...Namida wo koraeteru yakusoku dakaraDare yori mo tsuyoku nara nakuchaSayonara wa iwa nai datte me wo tojiteSugu ni aeru I remember youI remember you就算吹来的风变得再冷也好 我仍能感到那片熟识的天空从家里仍旧的看著海的方向 在那里寻找著你就算是不适时节也好 那日的冲浪板和那个夏天都会一直生存我永远都不会忘记那日的太阳你能听到吗?"我不会让眼泪逞现"你是这样说的 然后我俩向著对方挥手没有把"再见"说出口 所以只是用挥手取代你在夕阳之中消失 I Remember you当抱住那个弘线已生锈的结他时 心里觉得难受是因为我仍能记起那首歌现在那段迷蒙的日子 就在这里 在我身边流逝而过 但我想 "每个人都会为了谁人而生存" 太阳告知了我这些你能听到吗?"我不会让眼泪逞现"你是这样说的 然后我俩向著对方挥手没有把"再见"说出口 所以只是用挥手取代你在夕阳之中消失 I Remember you我仍旧是昨天的我 没有改变到 但是只是多了少许的一份自信 yeah…我不会让泪水掉下 因为我们彼此的承诺我要变得比谁人都坚强没有说"再见" 但只要把眼睛轻闭便能很快与你会面 I remember you



一首很老的英文歌,有一句do you remember


一首英文歌 歌词中有“妈妈(不知道是什么 只是类似这个音)”do you remember

日本电影 人证 的主题曲 草帽歌

英语翻译Keep *** ile forever!Remember your will always be my angel?

一直要保持微笑哦!记住,你永远是我的天使! 望采纳~,2,永远保持微笑!记住,你永远是我的天使!,2,永远都要保持微笑。请牢记你永远都会是我的天使,2,请一直保持微笑,记住你永远是我的天使!,2,笑口常开,你永远是我的天使,2,永远微笑,记住,你是我的天使!,2,保持微笑,你永远是我心中的天使。,1,英语翻译 Keep *** ile forever!Remember your will always be my angel!

skip to main content_close searchkyc updatesdecember 6, 2022pi kyc: n

跳至页面导航主要内容,跳转到主要内容关闭搜索12月更新为了允许SO_LINGER,应用程序应将l_onoff设为非零,将l_linger设为零或需要的超时值(以秒为单位),然后调用 setsockopt()。为了允许SO_DONTLINGER(亦即禁止SO_LINGER),l_onoff应设为零,然后调用 setsockopt()。缺省条件下,一个套接口不能与一个已在使用中的本地地址捆绑(参见bind())。但有时会需要"重用"地址。因为每一个连接都由本地地址和远端地址的组合唯一确定,所以只要远端地址不同,两个套接口与一个地址捆绑并无大碍。为了通知WINDOWS套接口实现不要因为一个地址已被一个套接口使用就不让它与另一个套接口捆绑,应用程序可在bind()调用前先设置SO_REUSEADDR选项。请注意仅在bind()调用时该选项才被解释;故此无需(但也无害)将一个不会共用地址的套接口设置该选项,或者在bind()对这个或其他套接口无影响情况下设置或清除这一选项。(此处就是最关键的重绑定说明了)一个应用程序可以通过打开SO_KEEPALIVE选项,使得WINDOWS套接口实现在TCP连接情况下允许使用"保持活动"包。一个WINDOWS套接口实现并不是必需支持"保持活动",但是如果支持的话,具体的语义将与实现有关,应遵守 RFC1122"Internet主机要求-通讯层"中第4.2.3.6节的规范。如果有关连接由于"保持活动"而失效,则进行中的任何对该套接口的调用都将以WSAENETRESET错误返回,后续的任何调用将以WSAENOTCONN错误返回。

Suicide的《I Remember》 歌词

歌曲名:I Remember歌手:Suicide专辑:SuicideI remember the way you glance at me yes I rememberI remember when we caught a shooting star yes I rememberI remember all the things that we sharedand the promise we made just you and II remember all the laughter we sharedall the wishes we made upon a roof that timeDo you remember when we were dancing in the rain in that December ?And I remember when my father thought you were a burglarI remember all the things that we sharedand the promise we made just you and II remember all the laughter that we sharedall the wishes we made upon a roof that timepa pa pa pa pa...Yes I remember all the things that we sharedand the promise we made just you and II remember all the laughter we sharedall the wishes we made upon a roof that timeI remember ..the way you read your books yes I rememberthe way you tied your shoes coz I rememberthe cake you love the most coz I rememberthe way you drank your coffee I rememberthe way you glance at me yes I rememberwhen we caught a shooting star yes I rememberwhen we were dancing in the rain in that decemberAnd the way you smile at meyes I remember ..http://music.baidu.com/song/2740230

求,remember 儿子的战争,韩剧百度云!我要疯了!我只能看到12集!求分


ARASHI里面member都有昵称嘛。。。那么matsu jun叫Sakurai是叫什么。。。小时候叫的是sho君。。



《The Door to December》(Koontz, Dean)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1x2gUinE_j01oOVqzToKgxw 密码:brce书名:The Door to December作者:Koontz, Dean出版年份:2007-2内容简介:Six years ago, Laura McCaffrey"s three-year-old daughter Melanie was kidnapped by Laura"s estranged husband, Dylan, and seemingly vanished from the face of the earth. Now, Melanie has been found, a nine-year-old wandering the Los Angeles streets with blank eyes and a secret in her soul she will not or can not reveal. Dylan has been found too -- or at least his mangled remains. Melanie is home again. But can she ever truly be safe -- as the floodgates of terror open and the bloody torrent comes pouring through!? This book was originally published under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols.

there is more than one member who has protest

解析:句中的主语由more than one修饰,故应为单数;



英语口语演讲:We Are a Normal Member of the Big Family of Nature

12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 We Are a Normal Member of the Big Family of Nature By Wang Yonghui(主永晖 北京对外经济贸易大学) 专家点评:演讲者围绕环境污染的严重性作了一次次的说明。文章的结构严谨,也很有层次感。 Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen. Today,we are gathering here to discuss a very hot issue. how to find harmony in a new age between man and nature? Where modern science and technology are concerned I am only a layman I have to say. However, living in this "new age" , seeing my dear ones suffering from respiratory diseases from time to time, finding the beautiful colors of green and blue are being replaced by that of gray and pale, and realizing that our mother planet is getting more and more unhealthy; I can"t help trying to offer my idea and my trivial efforts to look for the answer of the question. As the ancient Greek oracle goes: know thyself. I think in answering this above-mentioned question, this precondition is also very important. Who are we? This is a question, which should be answered not only by those specialists, but also by every one of human beings. Some people may proudly say: we are the masters of nature. It is true that the idea of "man can conquer nature" has dominated people"s mind for years, and it is true, man has kept acting like a master and doing whatever things he wants for thousands of years. However, as the consequence of this kind of "leadership" , now the "master" seems to be confronted with problems that are far beyond his control. Facts are really very ample. The green house effect leaves islands and cities along the coast, such as this oriental pearl-Shanghai, in danger of the disaster of being drowned; the holes of the ozone layer make the earth less suitable to live for some creatures including human beings; the phenomena of EL Nino and La Nina leave the land with serious flood and drought, and the diseases, caused by pollution, are increasing at an incredible speed... Seeing all these facts, can we still ignore the counterattack of nature? We are not the masters of nature. Facing all the disasters made by ourselves, we, mankind as a whole should realize that we are just a normal member of the big family of nature. Any mistreatment towards nature will meet only with the revenge from her. By saying so, I do not mean we should give a sudden stop to any development. Because that will result in a threat to the existence of human society. I mean we should treat nature equally, leaving the chance of existence and development to nature as we are obtaining the same thing, and thus we will get the situation of win-win. 译文:我们只是自然大家庭中普通的一员 尊敬的评委,女士们、先生们。今天我们聚在一起讨论一个热门的话题:如何在新时代找到人与自然的和谐?谈到科学技术,我必须承认,我是个门外汉。但是,生活在这个“新时代”,看着自己亲爱的人时刻遭受呼吸疾病的折磨,看着美丽的蓝色和绿色被灰色和苍白所代替,意识到我们的地球母亲正越来越不健康,我忍不住要提出自己的主张,奉献微薄的力量,去寻找这一问题的答案。共2页,当前第1页12 liuxue86.com常识普及:演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点、见解和主张的文稿。演讲稿的好坏直接决定了演讲的成功与失败。12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 古希腊有这样一个神谕:了解自己。我想在回答上述的问题时,这一先决条件是很重要的。 我们是谁?这是一个间题,不仅应由专家来回答,而且应该由每一个人来回答。 也许有人会自豪地说:我们是自然的主人。许多年来,“人定胜天”这一观念已在许多人心中根深蒂固,这是事实。长期以来,人类以主人的姿态随心所欲、为所欲为,这也是事实。不过,这种“主导”的后果是,今天所谓的“主人”面临着自己无法控制的问题。证据是充足的。温室效应使岛屿和沿海城市,比如上海这颗东方明珠等,处于被海水侵吞的灾难危机之中;臭氧层的空洞使得地球不再适宜于居住,对其他动物如此,对人类也一样;厄尔尼诺现象和拉尼那现象使地球早涝成灾;污染所导致的疾病正以惊人的速度传播着……看到这些现象,我们还能无视这自然的反击吗?我们不是自然的主人。面对着自己造成的灾难,我们,整个人类,应该意识到我们只是自然大家族中普通的一员。任何对自然的虐待只能遭到来自自然的报复。 我这样说,并不是指我们应该马上停止发展。因为这会导致对人类社会生存的威胁。我指的是我们应该平等地对待自然,给自然以生存和发展的机会,就像我们自身所寻求的一样。只有这样,我们才会有一个皆大欢喜的境况。 我很高兴地发现来自地球各个地方的越来越多的人,正逐步意识到与自然的和谐是不断繁荣进步的出路。这就是今天我们从全国吝地汇集在此讨论这一话题的原因。 我想引用尼克松先生的话来结束我的发言:“我们的命运给予的不是失望之杯,是机遇之博。”当然,未来不是我们能够预测的。不过,紧紧抓住机遇,清楚地了解自己,我们人类,就一定能达成与自然的和楷,谢谢。共2页,当前第2页12 liuxue86.com常识普及:演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点、见解和主张的文稿。演讲稿的好坏直接决定了演讲的成功与失败。

求超时空要塞7 remember sixteen的歌词

来到这里就想起只有在梦里才有的情境绵延的风将我从星际带回昨天(remember)华丽的碧蓝天空(sixteen)映出你的笑容我俩描绘著千年后的未来并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中,remember 16沉落在天边的夕阳及挥手道别的你在绵绵的细雨中消失在林立的大楼缝之间(remember)草木萌芽的气息(sixteen)初吻(的感觉)像是我俩听见的雷声般的鼓动并没有失去那份专一的爱依然在失落的时候总是想起,remember 16满是尘埃的银色吉他不断地发出(因)梦想实现(而感动)的哭声并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中并没有失去那份专一的爱依然在失落的时候总是想起并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中…… ——百度上找的

remember the name歌词的中文意思


bemember the name的中文歌词

You ready?! Lets go! Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we"re all about It"s like this y"all (c"mon!) 准备好了?一起来吧! 为了那些想知道我们都是什么样的人 就像这样 [Chorus] This is ten percent luck, Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure, Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name! 10%的运气 20%的技巧 15%的集中注意力 5%的欢愉 50%的痛苦 和100%地记住这个名字 [Mike] Mike He doesn"t need his name up in lights He just wants to be heard whether it"s the beat or the mic He feels so unlike everybody else, alone In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him But fuck em, he knows the code It"s not about the salary It"s all about reality and making some noise Makin the story - makin sure his clique stays up That means when he puts it down Tak"s pickin it up! let"s go! Mike 他不需要他的名字闪耀光芒 他只希望他的声音通过节奏或者麦克被人们听到 他的感觉和每个人都不一样 尽管事实上有些人仍然认为他们了解他 但他们错了 他知道规则 不是关于薪水 都是关于现实 那么来点欢呼 写下一个故事 确信他的团队还在 就是说 当他写完 Tak接下去 [Tak] Who the hell is he anyway? He never really talks much Never concerned with status but still leavin them star struck Humbled through opportunities given to him despite the fact That many misjudge him because he makes a livin from writin raps Put it together himself, now the picture connects Never askin for someone"s help, or to get some respect He"s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach And now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist 他到底是怎样的人? 他从来话都不多 也从不关心什么身份地位 虽然人们都崇拜他 他谦逊地等待机会的到来 尽管很多人都误解他 因为他以创作rap为生 他自己把歌曲组合 于是画面展现 他从不寻求别人的帮助 或者为了获得什么尊重 他只专注于他的创作 他的意志超越了极限 现在一切都呈现出 一个艺术家的技巧 [Ryu] This is twenty percent skill Eighty percent beer Be a hundred percent clear cause Ryu is ill Who would"ve thought that he"d be the one to set the west in flames And I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "Name Of The Game" Came back dropped Megadef, took em to church I like bleach man, why you had the stupidest verse? This dude is the truth, now everybody givin him guest spots His stock"s through the roof I heard he"s fuckin" with S. Dot! 这是20%的技巧 80%的啤酒 100%明显的Ryu很棒 他曾想成为燃烧西部的一个人物 我听说他和Crystal Method乐队创作了歌曲《游戏之名》 回来之后发行了专辑《Megadaf》,去教堂祈祷吧 我喜欢《bleach》这首歌,伙计,你的歌词怎么这么愚蠢? 对!(但是)现在每个人都请他(Ryu)合作 他的人气直线上升 我怎么听说他正和Jay-Z一起工作 [Chorus] [Ryu] They call him Ryu, he"s sick And he"s spittin fire with Mike Got him out the dryer he"s hot Found him in Fort Minor with Tak What a fuckin" nihilist porcupine He"s a prick, he"s a cock The type woman want to be with, and rappers hope he get shot Eight years in the makin, patiently waitin to blow Now the record with Shinoda"s takin over the globe He"s got a partner in crime, his shit is equally dope You wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid"s throat 他们说 Ryu他很棒 他正和Mike一起‘喷火" 看得出他现在很火 在Fort Minor里和Tak一起配合 什么他妈的 他是个*巴 这类型的女人喜欢,说唱乐手希望他被枪杀 8年的‘修炼",耐心地等待着爆发 现在和正Shinoda带着专辑走向国际 他和搭档一起,做出的东西酷毙 你不会相信这样(棒)的歌曲出自他的口中 [Tak] Tak He"s not your everyday on the block He knows how to work with what he"s got Makin his way to the top He often gets a comment on his name People keep askin him was it given at birth Or does it stand for an acronym? No he"s livin proof, Got him rockin the booth He"ll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice Him and his crew are known around as one of the best Dedicated to what they do and give a hundred percent Tak 他不像你们每天在街头晃悠 他知道如何利用他所得到的 用他的方式达到顶峰 他常听到对他名字作出的评论 人们不断地问他出生就有 还是象征一种简称? 不,他就是这样生活,人们都欣赏他的歌曲 他的语言会让你沉醉 他和他的伙计组成众所周知的最棒的团队之一 一心一意为他们所做的付出100%的努力 [Mike] Forget Mike Nobody really knows how or why he works so hard It seems like he"s never got time Because he writes every note and he writes every line And I"ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind It"s like a design is written in his head every time Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme And those motherfuckers he runs with, The kids that he signed? Ridiculous, without even trying, How do they do it?! 忘记了Mike 没有人真正知道为什么他如此努力 好像他从没有休息的时间 因为他写下了每一个音符,写下了每一句歌词 我看到过他工作时灵感闪现的那一刹那 每次在他豁然开朗,或者唱出韵律的时候 就像在脑中预先设计好 那些和他一起的家伙 还有他签下的歌手 天哪,甚至没有尝试 他们怎么就做出了这样(棒)的东西? [Chorus - repeat 2x] [Outro - Mike Shinoda] Yeah! Fort Minor M. Shinoda - Styles of Beyond Ryu! Takbir! Machine Shop!


及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.记得; 牢记 She was from Henan, if I remember correctly. 她是河南人, 如果我没记错的话。 I have never had this kind of experience since I can remember. 自我记事以来, 我从来没有这样的经历。 I don"t remember him. 我记不起他了。 I will always remember your kindness to me. 我将永远记住你对我的好意。 Then he remembered a poem that he had learned when he was a child. 这时他记起小时候学过的一首诗。 Please remember to give her the book. 请记着把这本书给她。 Please remember to give me a phone call when you get there. 请记住你到那儿时给我来个电话。 Remember to mail the letter for me. 记住帮我把信寄出。 Remember to post the letter for me. 别忘了替我把信寄出。 Remember to use postal code. 勿忘使用邮政编码。 Do you remember getting some medicine for her last week? 你还记得上星期给她买药的事吗? I remember having asked her to come. 我记得曾经要她来。 I remember having seen someone take it away. 我记得曾看见有人把它拿走。 I remember having heard you speak on that subject. 我记得曾听你谈论过那个题目。 I never remember having come across a man like that. 我怎么也记不起碰到过这样一个人。 I remember that I wrote to him. 我记得给他写过信了。 She remembers that he visited her but she can"t remember when. 她记得他曾来看过她, 但记不清是什么时候了。 Can you remember where he lives? 你记得他住在哪里吗? He could not remember where he had seen her before. 他记不起在什么地方见过她了。 及物动词 vt. 1.送钱[礼物]给… She always remembers me at Christmas. 每逢圣诞节她总给我送礼品。 2. 回想起;记得;记起 3.记着,不忘(去做);动手做(必须做的事) 4.纪念;缅怀;思念




remember (somebody/something) This is Carla. Do you remember her?remember doing something remember somebody/something doing something I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards.remember (that)… I remember (that) we used to go and see them most weekends.remember how, what, etc…it is remembered that… It should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home.remember to do somethingbe remembered for something, be remembered as something:to be famous or known for a particular thing that you have done in the past


remember的用法1.remember to do sth. 记住去做某事,表示“事未做”;remember doing sth. 记得做了某事,表示“事已做”。forget 也有此用法。如:Please remember to bring my book to school tomorrow. 请记住明天把我的书带到学校来。I remembered giving the book back to him. 我记得已经把书还给他了。2.remember的基本意思是“记得”,即凭记忆(非有意努力)而对某人或某事留有深刻印象。当接人作宾语时,常常转义为“给…送钱〔礼物〕”以表示酬谢礼仪等。3.remember既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that从句或以疑问词引导的动词不定式及从句作宾语。用作remember宾语的动名词前常有名词、代词的所有格或宾格表示其逻辑主体,此时通常不用于被动结构。4.remember还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。5.remember用作不及物动词时,表示“记住”“记起”“记得”。6.remember是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,不用于进行体,也不用于现在完成时态。




remember的用法是用作动词,意思是回想起;记得;记起;想起;记住;把…牢记在心。remember既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that从句或以疑问词引导的动词不定式及从句作宾语。词形变化:第三人称单数:remembers 现在分词:remembering过去式:remembered 过去分词:remembered同义词:recognize、remind、recollectrecall反义词:forgetremember的常见句型如下:1、I remember his objecting to the scheme.我记得他曾经反对该计划。2、Remember to write us when you get there.到了那儿别忘了给我们写信。3、It"s something we should always remember.这是我们应经常记在心里的。4、I will always remember your kindness to me.我将永远记住你对我的好意。5、I remember clearly to have met her before.我很清楚地记得曾经见过她。





英文 remember 用法与中文意思!看例句搞懂

remember 中文意思是指「记得、记起」的意思,remember只当动词用。remember当作动词用的时候,三态分别为:过去式:remembered、过去分词:remembered、现在分词:remembering 。 下面列举出remember的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.remember 记得、记起 remember + 某件事/某个人,中文意思表达为:记得这件事/这个人。这是最基本的remember 用法。 例:I don"t remember her telephone number. 我不记得她的电话。 2.remember + Ving 记得(已经做过某事,而且也记得) remember + Ving ,中文意思表达为:已经做过某事,而且也记得。 例:That"s weird. I remember locking the door. 好怪!我记得有锁门。(事情已发生,记得自己有锁门) 例:I remember writing a letter. 我记得自己写了一封信。 3.remember+ to 记得去做某件事 (事情还未做) remember + to 也是常见的一种用法,中文意思为:记得去做某件事 (事情还未做)。 例:Please remember to write a letter. 请记得去写一封信(意思是还没写。) 例:Please remember to lock the door. 记得锁门。(门还没锁,但提醒要记得去锁门) 例:Did he remember to do the shopping? 他记得去商店买东西了吗? remember, remember 中文, remember 中文意思, remember 意思, remember 用法, remember 翻译, remember 英文例句, remember 英文文法, 英文 remember 意思, 英文 remember 用法


remember to do:记得做某事(还没做)remember doing:已做过某事,(动作已完成)例:Remember to close the door,please.记着要关门哦.I remember closing the door.我记得我关了门了.

remember do sth 是什么意思

Remember to do something (记住去做某件事)or remember doing something (记着做了某件事)

remember什么意思 记得的含义和用法?

remember的意思是“记得,想起”。它可以表示回忆过去,提醒他人做某事,或表示感慨或感谢。例如:I remember the first time I saw you.Remember to buy milk on the way home.I will always remember your kindness.记得还可以加上介词to,表示让某人记住某件事情:Please remember to lock the door when you leave.remember还可以接动词+ing形式,表示记得正在发生的事情:I remember seeing him yesterday.另外,remember还可以接that从句或wh-从句,表示记得或意识到某件事情:I remember that he was wearing a red shirt.Do you remember when we first met?


remember doing sth.


remember的意思:回想起1、I can remember the precise moment when my daughter came to see me and her new baby brother in hospital 我能清楚地回想起我女儿来医院看我和她刚出生的弟弟的那一刻。2、I"m just glad he"s not going to remember this. 很高兴他不会再回想起这一幕了。3、I don"t remember my first day at school. 我已经忘了第一天上学的情景。4、I can"t remember his taking a single day off work. 我不记得他请过哪怕一天假。5、I can only remember the first two lines of that song. 我只记得那首歌的头两句歌词。6、If you remember anything at all, please let us know. 如果你还记得点儿什么请告诉我们。


1、remember的基本意思是“记得”,即凭记忆(非有意努力)而对某人或某事留有深刻印象。当接人作宾语时,常常转义为“给…送钱〔礼物〕”以表示酬谢礼仪等。2、remember既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that从句或以疑问词引导的动词不定式及从句作宾语。3、用作remember宾语的动名词前常有名词、代词的所有格或宾格表示其逻辑主体,此时通常不用于被动结构。扩展资料1、We"ll give everyone a night to remember我们将带给大家一个难忘的夜晚。2、I certainly don"t remember talking to you at all我当然完全不记得和你讲过话。3、I don"t remember you asking me about that我不记得你问过我那件事情。4、I can"t remember what I said我记不起来自己说了什么。5、It should be remembered that this loss of control can never be regained.要记住这种失控可能永远无法恢复。


remember表示回想起;记得;记起;想起;记住;把……牢记在心。memorize只是单纯地表示记忆;记住等。remember指把东西记下来,但并没有强调是已经记下来或者没有记下来,它强调客观的结果。memorize表示把什么东西背下,记在记忆力当中。 扩展资料 memorize的`例句:I don"t try to memorize speeches word for word(我不会试图一字不落地记住讲话要说的内容);remember的例句:I did remember to take the present(我的确记得拿了礼物)。


remember的读音是[ru026a"membu0259(r)]。v. 记得,想起,记住,铭记,回忆,提及例句:Remember to write us when you get there.翻译:到了那儿别忘了给我们写信。短语:remember sb"s name记得某人的名字用法1、remember既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that从句或以疑问词引导的动词不定式及从句作宾语。用作remember宾语的动名词前常有名词、代词的所有格或宾格表示其逻辑主体,此时通常不用于被动结构。2、remember还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。3、remember用作不及物动词时,表示“记住”“记起”“记得”。


Man Always Remember Love,Because Of Romance Only意为男人总是记得爱,只因为浪漫。重点词汇解释:1、Alwaysadv. 永远,一直;总是;常常双语例句:He has always been the family solicitor.他一直是这个家的律师。2、remembervt. 记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好vi. 记得,记起双语例句:I can"t remember what I said.我记不起我说过什么了。remember的用法:remember的基本意思是记得,即凭记忆而对某人或某事留有深刻印象。当接人作宾语时,常常转义为给……送钱,礼物以表示酬谢礼仪等。remember既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词,代词,动词不定式,动名词,that从句或以疑问词引导的动词不定式及从句作宾语。remember用作动词,有记得,纪念等含义表示记住将要做的事时,后接不定式;表示记得曾经做过的事时,后接动名词。




remember 和 memorize 都可以翻译为“记,记住,记忆” remember 用法比较广泛,可以指任何任何对过去进行回顾的思想活动,不论是自愿的、有意的还是不自愿的、无意的,而且常常暗含过去某事物的生动形象给自己留下的深刻印象。x0dx0afinally remembered the address.x0dx0a最后终于想起了那个地址x0dx0aI can"t remember what I said.x0dx0a我记不得自己说了些什么。x0dx0aI can still remember the special looks in her eyes the first time we met.x0dx0a我仍然记得第一次见面时她那特别的眼神。memorize 通常指有意识的、努力的、费神的记忆活动。x0dx0aI tried to memorize the speech word for word.x0dx0a我竭力一字不差地记住演讲稿。x0dx0aHe studied the map, trying to memorize the route to Fragrant Hill.x0dx0a他细看地图,尽力记住到香山的路线。x0dx0aMemorize the password, they burn up the paper.x0dx0a记住密码,然后把密码纸条烧掉。


REMEMBER(音译歌词) 演唱:Apink   夏荣 do you remember屋里比求deng对呀内高普冷巴大马气呀几求隆  波密 洗gean你莫求破铃ki有苦苏ge  初珑 马呀莫类为冷han ge高等吗gi呀geng那有  夏荣 cang ge啦有 奥能怕ge扫gen扫道道liao几几安那大  娜恩(pa du sai)奥能撒一老ke强健嘛动毛类ge奥sueng米撒拉肚嘎够类  南珠(pa du sai)皮都啦不苏都啊普内嘎不苏动奥洗交亲那万嘛一特  恩地 汉ge他那有气万啦嘛了son ge哦你冷那一够ke带屋里求隆  波密 Do you remember屋里都qu等de呀内高普冷巴大马气呀几求隆  恩地 夕干宁毛cho跟洗 ang等那怕更西 remembe×3  初珑 嫩不德呀一几能苦老领巴米en呀古来油  夏荣 奥等一哈领嘎奥破乌苏楼爆领 讨巴嘎更eng领更  娜恩 (pa du sai)哈那路毛足糖吗巴冷bo冷go cangcang你吗路嘎go  南珠(pa du sai)气干米嘛禁几哈领几等路你 西奥不扫ge求金那万那破西  恩地 汉ge他那有气万啦嘛了son ge哦你冷那一够ke带屋里求隆  波密 Do you remember屋里都qu等de呀内高普冷巴大马气呀几求隆  恩地 夕干宁毛cho跟洗 ang等那怕更西 remembe×3  娜恩 you 莫啊几够 忙扫刘油  夏荣 you  初珑 哈一go那万han ge嘎(久)  南珠 ke kem巴那ye他大家巴啦油  恩地 屋里都 你ge久那  夏荣 ki有卡那有 忙苏ge go ge大奥ze求隆 你 嘎几你 孙干  波密 Do you remember屋里都qu等de呀内高普冷巴大马气呀几求隆  恩地 夕干宁毛cho跟洗 ang等那怕更西 remembe×3==========================================================望采纳


remember [ri"memb?] vt. 1. 想起;记得: I remember meeting you one evening at the Capital Theatre. 我记得有一天晚上在首都剧场遇到你。 2. 回忆;忆起: We often remember the pleasant old days we had with you. 我们时常忆起与你共同度过的愉快的往日。 3. 记住,别忘记;没忘: Remember to shut the windows. 别忘记关窗户。 Remember to wait for me at the school gate tomorrow morning. 别忘了明天早晨在校门口等我。 4. 深深记在心里,铭记: Lei Feng"s spirit should be remembered. 雷锋精神应铭记在心。 5. 馈赠财物给…;送礼(或付小费)给…: My elder brother always remembers me at the spring festival. 我哥哥每到春节都送给我礼物。 She remembered her maidservant by leaving her a huge sum in her will. 她在遗嘱中写明留给女仆一大笔钱作为遗赠。 6. 代…问候(或致意): Please remember me to your father. 请代我向令尊问好。 7. [古语]提醒,使记起: The dark clouds remembered me to take my raincoat along. 乌云提醒我带上雨衣。 8. 记载;纪念;为…祈祷: They held a commemoration meeting to remember those fighters who had died gloriously in the war. 他们召开了纪念大会纪念在战争中光荣牺牲的战士。 She often remembers the old and the poor in her prayers. 她在祈祷中经常为老人和穷人祈祷。 vi. 1. 记得;回忆: Oh,yes.Now I remember. 啊,对啦。现在我想起来了。 2. 记住;有记忆力: Now remember!If you fail the exams again,you"ll be punished. 喂,记住!如果你考试再不及格,你将受到惩罚。 3. [古语]记起;想起(与 of 连用): I remember of that disgusting old man. 我想起那个糟老头子来了。 O(∩_∩)O~


remember [ri"memb?] vt. 1. 想起;记得: I remember meeting you one evening at the Capital Theatre. 我记得有一天晚上在首都剧场遇到你。 2. 回忆;忆起: We often remember the pleasant old days we had with you. 我们时常忆起与你共同度过的愉快的往日。 3. 记住,别忘记;没忘: Remember to shut the windows. 别忘记关窗户。 Remember to wait for me at the school gate tomorrow morning. 别忘了明天早晨在校门口等我。 4. 深深记在心里,铭记: Lei Feng"s spirit should be remembered. 雷锋精神应铭记在心。 5. 馈赠财物给…;送礼(或付小费)给…: My elder brother always remembers me at the spring festival. 我哥哥每到春节都送给我礼物。 She remembered her maidservant by leaving her a huge sum in her will. 她在遗嘱中写明留给女仆一大笔钱作为遗赠。 6. 代…问候(或致意): Please remember me to your father. 请代我向令尊问好。 7. [古语]提醒,使记起: The dark clouds remembered me to take my raincoat along. 乌云提醒我带上雨衣。 8. 记载;纪念;为…祈祷: They held a commemoration meeting to remember those fighters who had died gloriously in the war. 他们召开了纪念大会纪念在战争中光荣牺牲的战士。 She often remembers the old and the poor in her prayers. 她在祈祷中经常为老人和穷人祈祷。 vi. 1. 记得;回忆: Oh,yes.Now I remember. 啊,对啦。现在我想起来了。 2. 记住;有记忆力: Now remember!If you fail the exams again,you"ll be punished. 喂,记住!如果你考试再不及格,你将受到惩罚。 3. [古语]记起;想起(与 of 连用): I remember of that disgusting old man. 我想起那个糟老头子来了。 O(∩_∩)O~




  有关Remember的用法大家清楚吗?下面我为大家简单介绍:   1、remember to do sth.记得要干某事 比如:Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave.请离开时记得关灯.   2、remember doing sth.记得做过某事 比如:I remember turning off the lights when i left home.出门时,我记得把灯关了.   另外remember的 反义词 forge的用法跟它一模一样.   Remember双语例句:   1、You may remember the way each scene ended with someone looking pensive or significant.   你或许还记得,每一场的结尾要么是某人作沉思状,要么是某人故作深沉。   2、Some of us are sensitive to smells, others find colours easier to remember.   我们当中的一些人对气味很敏感,而其他一些人则更容易记住颜色。   3、These cookies seem to recapture all the textures and flavors we remember from childhood.   这些饼干似乎重新唤回了我们记忆中童年时代的那种口感和味道。




remember [ri"memb?] vt. 1. 想起;记得: I remember meeting you one evening at the Capital Theatre. 我记得有一天晚上在首都剧场遇到你。 2. 回忆;忆起: We often remember the pleasant old days we had with you. 我们时常忆起与你共同度过的愉快的往日。 3. 记住,别忘记;没忘: Remember to shut the windows. 别忘记关窗户。 Remember to wait for me at the school gate tomorrow morning. 别忘了明天早晨在校门口等我。 4. 深深记在心里,铭记: Lei Feng"s spirit should be remembered. 雷锋精神应铭记在心。 5. 馈赠财物给…;送礼(或付小费)给…: My elder brother always remembers me at the spring festival. 我哥哥每到春节都送给我礼物。 She remembered her maidservant by leaving her a huge sum in her will. 她在遗嘱中写明留给女仆一大笔钱作为遗赠。 6. 代…问候(或致意): Please remember me to your father. 请代我向令尊问好。 7. [古语]提醒,使记起: The dark clouds remembered me to take my raincoat along. 乌云提醒我带上雨衣。 8. 记载;纪念;为…祈祷: They held a commemoration meeting to remember those fighters who had died gloriously in the war. 他们召开了纪念大会纪念在战争中光荣牺牲的战士。 She often remembers the old and the poor in her prayers. 她在祈祷中经常为老人和穷人祈祷。 vi. 1. 记得;回忆: Oh,yes.Now I remember. 啊,对啦。现在我想起来了。 2. 记住;有记忆力: Now remember!If you fail the exams again,you"ll be punished. 喂,记住!如果你考试再不及格,你将受到惩罚。 3. [古语]记起;想起(与 of 连用): I remember of that disgusting old man. 我想起那个糟老头子来了。 O(∩_∩)O~


remember的用法是用作动词,可翻译为“记得;想起;记住,铭记;回忆;提及”。remember既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词、that从句或以疑问词引导的动词不定式及从句作宾语。常见句型I remember his objecting to the scheme我记得他曾经反对该计划。Remember to write us when you get there.到了那儿别忘了给我们写信。It"s something we should always remember.这是我们应经常记在心里的。I will always remember your kindness to me.我将永远记住你对我的好意。I remember clearly to have met her before.我很清楚地记得曾经见过她。词形变化:第三人称单数:remembers 现在分词:remembering;过去式:remembered 过去分词:remembered;词义辨析:memorize,remember,recall,recollect和remind的区别这些动词均有“记忆、记住、回忆”之意。memorize指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。remember含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。recall比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。recollect指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。remind指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。


remember意思是:记得;牢记;记着;纪念;回想起;送钱[礼物]给…同义词辨析:remember、memorize、recall。1、remember v. 记得,想起;记住。〔辨析〕普通用词,指记得(做过)某事时,通常后接名词、动名词、that 从句;指记得要做某事时,通常后接动词不定式。〔例证〕He still remembers the days when he worked in the country.他依然记得在乡下劳动的日子。2、memorize (亦作memorise) v. 记住,熟记,背熟。〔辨析〕指将所有细节都牢牢记住或背熟。〔例证〕The professor had his students memorize a short poem of Yeats.教授让他的学生背熟一首叶芝的短诗。3、recall v. 回想,回忆起。〔辨析〕指设法想起发生在过去的事情。〔例证〕Can you recall who gave that document to you?你能记起谁给你的那份文件吗?


remember指记得;回忆起;赠给(或留给)…财产;为…预作安排;代…向…问好。remember的变形:第三人称单数:remembers;现在分词:remembering;过去式:remembered;过去分词:remembered.remember的短语:be remembered for因...而被铭记;remember to do记住做...;切记...;remember doing记得做过...;remember to记住;记得要;remember of想起;派生词:remembrance n.回忆;纪念品;记忆力remember的造句:I can"t remember what I said.我记不起我说过什么了。remember的用法:remember的基本意思是记得,即凭记忆而对某人或某事留有深刻印象。当接人作宾语时,常常转义为给……送钱,礼物以表示酬谢礼仪等。remember既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词,代词,动词不定式,动名词,that从句或以疑问词引导的动词不定式及从句作宾语。remember用作动词,有记得,纪念等含义表示记住将要做的事时,后接不定式;表示记得曾经做过的事时,后接动名词。同义词及辨析(记忆;回忆):1.remember含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。2.memorize指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。3.recall比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。4.remind指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。5.recolect指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。




Remember[英][ru026a"membu0259(r)][美][ru026au02c8mu025bmbu025a]vt.& vi.记得;牢记vt.记着;纪念;回想起;送钱[礼物]给…第三人称单数: remembers 过去式: remembered 过去分词: remembered 现在分词: remembering双语例句1.She had a blackout and couldn"t remember anything about the accident.她眼前一黑,那场事故就怎么也想不起来了。2.I can"t remember any more—I must have lost consciousness .我想不起来了—我当时一定是失去了知觉。3.The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember.这家机构把它那复杂累赘的名称改得好记一些了。4.I definitely remember sending the letter.我记得这封信肯定发出去了。5.Dreamers do not always remember their dreams.做梦的人并不总能记住自己的梦。

remember怎么读 英语remember怎么读

1、remember英[ru026au02c8membu0259(r)]美[ru026au02c8membu0259r],v.回想起; 记得; 记起; 想起; 记住; 把…牢记在心。 2、[例句]The waiter remembered his experience as a young high school prudent.侍者回想起了他当高中生时年轻、谨慎的样子。



remember 用法、词性 后跟什么?急急 加悬赏 啊哇哇

remember+doing sth 表示做过什么但忘了remember+to do sth 表示记得要去做的

remember 是什么意思



remeber to do something/doing sth



I remember(remember的过去式和过去分词)

全文翻译如下:I remember/我记得I remember many things/我记得很多事情Trying to be on time for morning readings/试着准时开始晨读Running when the lunch bell rings/午餐响起时的奔跑I remember the excitement/我记得那些兴奋的时刻Of the school sports day each year/在每一年学校的运动会上The many long hours of training/长时间训练的时光Pride of overcoming fear/克服恐惧的骄傲I remember starting day one/我记得开学第一天The shyest in my whole class/我是班上最害羞的Never speaking to anyone/没给任何人讲过话And thinking I would not pass/感觉自己将无法度过Then slowly I made some new friends/慢慢的我交了新的朋友To remember forever/永生难忘Helping each other with homework/互相帮忙做家庭作业Getting better together/互相进步Preparing for art festivals/一起准备艺术节And making a great big mess/制造了很大的混乱Having fun at New Year"s parties/在新年聚会上玩的很开心Wishing everyone the best/希望彼此都好We have learned a different language/我们学习了不同的语言That is from a foreign land/这是一个外国的土地English brings many challenges/英语带来了很大的挑战We work hard to understand/我们很努力的理解彼此And now it"s time to graduate/现在要毕业了We will leave our lovely school/我们将离开亲爱的学校I can"t believe it"s been three years/我不敢相信已经三年了I"m trying to keep my cool/我试图保持平静But it"s difficult not to cry/但我还是没忍住哭了I"ll miss the school trees and flowers/我会想念学校的花草树木And our kind and caring teachers/想念对我们无微不至的老师Wonderful memories of ours/记忆永存扩展资料:这篇课文主讲述了即将毕业的时候,作者回忆上学的这三年,三年里所有的时光如同画卷一般在面前铺展开来,所有的事情作者都记得,不管是初开学时羞怯的小心思,还是交到朋友后一起准备艺术节,全文充满了一种淡淡的离别的之情,相信经历过毕业的人都能够感同身受,学校的一草一木都无比亲切,所有的同学也都可爱起来,永生不忘,我上学的时光!


动词remember to do记住去做某事,还没做remember doing记住做某事,已经做了


很高兴为你解答: remember可直接加动词原型吗?不可以remember to do或者remember doing 例句:when you leave ,please remember to close the light 当你离开的时候,记住关灯good luck!



apink remember音译歌词

remember夏(なつ)の终(お)わりを知(し)らせるように道端(みちばた)にそっと 并(なら)んで咲(さ)いた夕(ゆう)にも染(そ)まらず风(かぜ)も知(し)らない青(あお)い、青(あお)い、リンドウ伤(きず)つくことを恐(おそ)れながら心(こころ)を隠(かく)したりしたけれど谁(だれ)かが傍(そば)にいてくれる温(あたた)かさを教(おし)えてもらったからさよならじゃない名(な)も知(し)らない远(とお)い场所(ばしょ)へ离(はな)れたとしても 记忆(きおく)の中(なか)で息(いき)をし続(つづ)ける夜(よる)に埋(う)もれて谁(だれ)も知(し)らない远(とお)い场所(ばしょ)へ迷(まよ)ったとしても 记忆(きおく)の中(なか)の温(ぬく)もりでずっと今(いま)を照(て)らせるよう远(とお)くで闻(き)こえる祭(まつ)りの声(こえ)は関系(かんけい)ないんだって そう思(おも)っていた见(み)たくもなかった境界线(きょかいせん)が寂(さび)しかった日々(ひび)谁(だれ)の背中(せなか)も追(お)わなかった时(とき)には嘘(うそ)もついたけれど守(まも)りたいものがここにできたことそれがただ嬉(うれ)しくてさよならじゃない向(む)かい合(あ)えずいた寂(さび)しさも帰(かえ)りたい场所(ばしょ)がここにあるだけでそれだけで 强(つよ)さに変(か)わる爱(あい)されたいと本当(ほんとう)はもがいていたこの孤独(こどく)も涙(なみだ)も包(つつ)むような优(やさ)しさに出逢(であ)えたからさよならじゃない例(たと)えばもう 会(あ)えなくなってもきっとどこかで笑(わら)っていると心(こころ)繋(つな)げてさよならじゃない名(な)も知(し)らない远(とお)い场所(ばしょ)へ离(はな)れたとしても 记忆(きおく)の中(なか)の温(ぬく)もりを ずっとずっと忘(わす)れないよ






remember doing sth.


  remember有记得; 牢记等意思,那么你知道remember的近义词有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来remember的近义词及辨析,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   remember近义词:   memorize, remember, recall, recollect, remind   remember近义词辨析:   这些动词均有"记忆,记住,回忆"之意。   memorize 指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。   remember 含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。   recall remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。   recollect 指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。   remind 指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。   remember的英语例句:   1. Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.   记住:保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。   2. When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.   当生活很艰难,你想要放弃的时候,请记住,生活充满了起起落落,如果没有低谷,那站在高处也失去了意义。   3. Remember, happiness doesn"t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie   请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态!   4. I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.   我清楚地记得希望自己没有被牵扯进去。   5. I try to remember all the good times I"ve had here.   我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。   6. I remember being very young and being totally enamored of him.   我记得当时很年轻,非常迷恋他。   7. Remember, stick to the issues and don"t take it personally.   记住,就事论事,不要把问题个人化。   8. I remember the village full of American servicemen riding around in jeeps.   我记得当时村子里满是开着吉普到处转悠的美国兵。   9. I remember her as a quiet, hard-working and well-spoken girl.   我记得她是个安静、勤奋并且谈吐优雅的女孩子。   10. I can remember where and when I bought each one.   我记得每一件东西是在何地何时买的。   11. If you remember these three golden rules you won"t go far wrong.   记住这三条金律,就不会错到哪儿。   12. I couldn"t remember ever having felt so safe and secure.   我从未有过如此安全的感觉。   13. I can"t remember the last time we went to the cinema.   我记不得上次我们去看电影是什么时候了。   14. I remember now. He arrived just at the moment it happened.   现在我想起来了,他恰恰在事情发生的时候到了。   15. I"m sure you will remember from the hellish years of your boyhood.   我相信你一定记得自己梦魇般的童年时代的事情。


remember是一个英语单词,动词,意为回想起;记得;记起;想起;记住;把…牢记在心。 remember是一个很常见的单词,使用频率也是非常高的,所以掌握这个单词的意思和用法还是很有必要的,那么下面我就来跟大家说说remember什么意思。 详细内容 01 remember 英 [ru026au02c8membu0259(r)] 美 [ru026au02c8membu0259r] v.回想起;记得;记起;想起;记住;把…牢记在心 第三人称单数: remembers 现在分词: remembering 过去式: remembered 过去分词: remembered 02 同义词辨析 remember v. 记得,想起;记住 普通用词,指记得(做过)某事时,通常后接名词、动名词、that 从句;指记得要做某事时,通常后接动词不定式。 He still remembers the days when he worked in the country. 他依然记得在乡下劳动的日子。 memorize (亦作memorise) v. 记住,熟记,背熟 指将所有细节都牢牢记住或背熟。 The professor had his students memorize a short poem of Yeats. 教授让他的学生背熟一首叶芝的短诗。 recall v. 回想,回忆起 指设法想起发生在过去的事情。 Can you recall who gave that document to you? 你能记起谁给你的那份文件吗? recollect v. 记起,想起 较正式用词,指力图想起有些许印象的事。 As far as he can recollect, that tall man was not there when the party began. 据他回忆,聚会开始时那个高个男子不在场。 03 双语例句 You wouldn"t remember me. I was in another group 你不会记得我。我那时在另外一组。 She remembered that she was going to the social club that evening 她记起来那晚她正要去社交俱乐部。 I did remember to take the present 我的确记得拿了礼物。 It is important to remember that each person reacts differently 重要的是要记住每个人的反应不同。 "Remember me to Lyle, won"t you?" I said “代我问候莱尔,好吗?”我说。 We"ll give everyone a night to remember 我们将带给大家一个难忘的夜晚。 I certainly don"t remember talking to you at all 我当然完全不记得和你讲过话。


1. 记得,想起,回忆起[(+as)][+(that)][+wh-][+v-ing][O4]I remember telling you about it once.我记得这事和你谈过一次。Do you remember her telephone number?你记得她的电话号码吗?2. 记住,牢记,不忘[+to-v]Remember to write us when you get there.到了那儿别忘了给我们写信。3. 【婉】给...送礼;遗赠财产给;付...小费4. 代...致意,代...问好[(+to)]5. 纪念vi.[W]1. 记得,记起,记住If I remember correctly, your brother went to Canada ten years ago.如果我记得不错的话,你兄弟十年前就到加拿大去了。




remember[英][ru026au02c8membu0259(r)][美][ru026au02c8mu025bmbu025a]vt.& vi.记得; 牢记; vt.记着; 纪念; 回想起; 送钱[礼物]给…; 第三人称单数:remembers过去分词:remembered现在进行时:remembering过去式:remembered例句:1.I must remember to read the book. 我必须记得去读这本书。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮









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Walk Away (Remember Me) 歌词

歌曲名:Walk Away (Remember Me)歌手:paula deanda专辑:Walk Away (Remember Me)I"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meYeah, I"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meYeah, you"re gonna remember me booI"m gonna remember you tooI can"t forget all the crazy shh we used to doYou was doing too much, I wasn"t doing enoughThat"s what your friends say, you got a man anywayI can"t explain them either, I don"t wanna leave yaHell yeah, it"s hard to walk away when I see youWhen I see you I remember when the dayYou put your shoes on before and moved on before I could sayI saw you with your new girl just yesterdayAnd I feel that I must confessEven though it kills me to have to sayI"ll admit that I was impressedI guess I"d call it show of affectionGotta commend you on your selectionThough I know I shouldn"t be concernedIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes she rub your feetWhen you"ve had a long dayAnd scratch your scalpWhen you take out your braidsDoes she know you like to play PS2"Til 6 in the morning like I doI can"t explain this feeling (yeah)I think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved on (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meWalk awayWalk away(Forever you will live in my memory)Walk away(I"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember me)I guess I have to live my life from day to dayHoping maybe you"ll come backI know I tell myself not to be afraid to move onBut it seems I can"tThough my new man is giving me attentionBut it ain"t the same as your affectionI know that I should be contentIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes he kiss me on my foreheadBefore we layShow up on my doorstepWith a bouquetDoes he feel me in the middle of the dayJust to say baby I love you like you used toI can"t explain this feeling (I can"t explain) (yeah)I think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on) (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meWalk awayWalk away (walk away)Walk away(I can"t forget how we used to be)I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember meThe things we did, the way we share our fantasiesJust you and me, my friend, my love, my familyHow did we lose the love that was meant to beSometimes I kiss her, wish that it was you that I"m kissin"Sometimes I miss him, wish that it was you that I"m missin"Sometimes I hug her, wish that it was you that I"m huggin"And I realize how much I"m bugginI miss youSo how do I express this feeling"Cause nobody compares to youAnd you know that she"ll never love you like I do(Yeah) I can"t explain this feeling (uh huh)I think about it everyday (everyday) (yeah)And even though we"ve moved on (yeah)It gets so hard to walk awayWalk away (walk away)Walk away (walk away)Walk awayI can"t explain this feelingI think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on)It gets so hard to walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meWalk away (walk away)Walk away (walk away)Walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7489542
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