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共同点:都是保存在浏览器端,且同源的。区别:1、数据有效期不同,sessionStorage:仅在当前浏览器窗口关闭前有效,自然也就不可能持久保持;localStorage:始终有效,窗口或浏览器关闭也一直保存,因此用作持久数据;2、作用域不同,sessionStorage不在不同的浏览器窗口中共享,即使是同一个页面;localStorage 在所有同源窗口中都是共享的;

java 怎么使用localstorage

在HTML 5中,localstorage是个不错的东西,在支持localstorage的浏览器中, 能持久化用户表单的输入,即使关掉浏览器,下次重新打开浏览器访问,也能读出其值, 下面给出的例子是使用jquery 在每次表单加载的时候,读localstorage的值,而在表单每次提交时则清楚其值的例子 首先是一个表单: 搜索  复制代码 代码如下:  <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>HTML5 Local Storage Example</title> <!-- include Bootstrap CSS for layout --> <link rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>HTML5 Local Storage Example</h1> <form method="post" class="form-horizontal"> <fieldset> <legend>Enquiry Form</legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="type">Type of enquiry</label> <div class="controls"> <select name="type" id="type"> <option value="">Please select</option> <option value="general">General</option> <option value="sales">Sales</option> <option value="support">Support</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="name">Name</label> <div class="controls"> <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" maxlength="50"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="email">Email Address</label> <div class="controls"> <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" maxlength="150"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="message">Message</label> <div class="controls"> <textarea class="input-xlarge" name="message" id="message"></textarea> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <label class="checkbox"> <input name="subscribe" id="subscribe" type="checkbox"> Subscribe to our newsletter </label> </div> </div> </fieldset> <div class="form-actions"> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Send" class="btn btn-primary"> </div> </form> </div> 然后是js部分代码:   复制代码 代码如下:  <script src="///jquery-latest.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { /* * 判断是否支持localstorage */ if (localStorage) { /* * 读出localstorage中的值 */ if (localStorage.type) { $("#type").find("option[value=" + localStorage.type + "]").attr("selected", true); } if ( { $("#name").val(; } if ( { $("#email").val(; } if (ssage) { $("#message").val(ssage); } if (localStorage.subscribe === "checked") { $("#subscribe").attr("checked", "checked"); } /* * 当表单中的值改变时,localstorage的值也改变 */ $("input[type=text],select,textarea").change(function(){ $this = $(this); localStorage[$this.attr("name")] = $this.val(); }); $("input[type=checkbox]").change(function(){ $this = $(this); localStorage[$this.attr("name")] = $this.attr("checked"); }); $("form") /* * 如果表单提交,则调用clear方法 */ .submit(function(){ localStorage.clear(); }) .change(function(){ console.log(localStorage); }); } });


共同点:都是保存在浏览器端,且同源的。区别:cookie数据始终在同源的http请求中携带(即使不需要),即cookie在浏览器和服务器间来回传递。而localStorage不会自动把数据发给服务器,仅在本地保存。cookie数据还有路径(path)的概念,可以限制cookie只属于某个路径下。存储大小限制也不同,cookie数据不能超过4k,同时因为每次http请求都会携带cookie,所以cookie只适合保存很小的数据,如会话标识。localStorage 虽然也有存储大小的限制,但比cookie大得多,可以达到5M或更大。数据有效期不同,localStorage:始终有效,窗口或浏览器关闭也一直保存,因此用作持久数据;cookie只在设置的cookie过期时间之前一直有效,即使窗口或浏览器关闭。作用域不同,localStorage 在所有同源窗口中都是共享的;cookie也是在所有同源窗口中都是共享的。Web Storage 支持事件通知机制,可以将数据更新的通知发送给监听者。Web Storage 的 api 接口使用更方便。

cookie session 和localStorage的区别详解






前端 自定义网址功能 localStorage 本地存储?



localStorage: 可以在同一域名下的不同页面之间相互访问,与Cookie略有不同。周期:直到通过js删除或者清楚浏览器缓存为止。sessionStorage:只能在一个标签页下访问(个人认为这里用标签页更准确),一个标 签页下进行刷新或者是打开新的网页(也得是同一域名下)也可以访问(比如超链接)。周期:关闭标签页后即失效。






初中所有的, 自己归纳的make: make / 形 make money make the bed make a mistake make sentences make friends Let"s make it… make a decision做决定 make progress取得进步 make sb. feel at home使某人宾至如归  make编写;组成 make faces make a noise / make much noise make sure make a living谋生take: take care of take some medicine吃药 take time花时间 take…to把…带到… take pride in 为...而自豪  take exercise锻炼 take off起飞;脱下 take part in 参加 take notes记笔记 take out take a bus take it easy放轻松 take a vacation度假 take a shower take a walk take photos拍照  take away 拿走 take after相像 take an interest in    take care 当心put: put on穿上 put it away把…收起来 put off doing推迟 put up张贴 put out扑灭 put down 放下.get: get sth. +p.p. get on(a bus) get off get together团聚 get home到家 get married结婚 get to get over 克服 get along / on with get back to过一会再和某人通话 get into troublego: go swimming/shopping/boating/hiking/sightseeing go by时间消逝 go off (闹钟)响 go on a trip go for a walk go to bed go out of one"s way to to go to college go ongive: give up doing 放弃做某事 give out发放 give away赠送 give …to… give in 投降



general audiences是什么意思


请问 large audience还是请问 large audiences

large audience

Single Language指的是什么语言,与简体中文有什么区别?

【IT168 资讯】微软Windows 8的版本被传出好多种,近日,据国外媒体称,微软Windows 8系统又有新版本被曝光,新版本为“Windows 8 Single Language”。估计就是提供一个单语言版本的Windows 8系统,最新的版本针对销售国家采用不同的语言。微软 Windows 8亚马逊:¥319|1号店:¥458|京东商城:¥459更多商家 然而,这个版本没有Windows Media Center,应该仅仅只是最基础的Windows 8。据透露,微软将Windows 8的发布日期定在5月底6月初这段时间,具体目前所有的SKU还不是很确定。更多交流,请到 ChinaUnix【IT业界新闻与评论论坛】:

请帮我列举一些英语 动词+副词 结构且代词放中间的如give it away,还有 动词+介词 结构的如get on it

look after himtake care herput it ontake it off

求音乐keep me in mind--Patti Page下载!


求tennessee waltz 和声简谱 patti page版本


Patti Page的《Detour》 歌词

歌曲名:Detour歌手:Patti Page专辑:Patti Page"s Greatest HitsDetour- Patti PageDetour, there"s a muddy road ahead, detourPaid no mind to what it saidDetour, oh these bitter things I find,Should have read that detour signHeaded down life"s crooked road,lots of things I never knowedBecause of me not knowin", I now pineTrouble got in the trail,spent the next 5 years in jailShould have read that detour signDetour, there"s a muddy road ahead, detourPaid no mind to what it saidDetour, oh these bitter things I find,Should have read that detour signWhen I got right to the placewhere it said "About Face"I thought that all my worries were behindBut the farther I go, more sorrow I knowShould have read that detour signDetour, there"s a muddy road ahead, detourPaid no mind to what it saidDetour, oh these bitter things I find,Should have read That detour signWhen I got stuck in the mudall my hopes dropped with a thudI guess that my heart strings are made of twineHave no willpower to getfrom the hole that I"m in yetShould have read that detour signDetour, there"s a muddy road ahead, detourPaid no mind to what it saidDetour, oh these bitter things I find,Should have read that detour signShould have read that detour signShould have read that detour sign


你去这家网店看看就知道了 这里边有。美橙名表折扣,。

how to live longer英语作文?谁会啊.

How to Live LongerLiving a long and healthy life is something that many people aspire to. While there are no guarantees, there are several lifestyle practices that can increase your chances of living longer. Here are some tips on how to live longer:1. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial to good health. Aim to consume a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit your intake of processed and high-sugar foods.2. Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise is key to overall health and longevity. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day, such as brisk walking, hiking, swimming, or cycling.3. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can be detrimental to your health. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature.4. Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep can lead to numerous health issues. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to allow your body to rest and repair.5. Stay Connected: Social connections help to promote emotional and psychological well-being. Make time for friends and family, and actively seek out new social connections.6. Avoid Risky Behaviors: Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and other risky behaviors that can have negative effects on your health.In conclusion, living a long and healthy life requires making conscious choices about our lifestyles. By maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, managing stress, getting enough sleep, staying connected, and avoiding dangerous behaviors, you can increase your chances of living a long and fulfilling life.



Imogen Heap的《Half Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Half Life歌手:Imogen Heap专辑:EllipseImogen Heap - Half LifeI knew that I"d get like this againThat"s why I try to keep at bayBe a hundred percentwhen I"m with you and thenA perfect heart"s length awayThe stickler is you"ve playednot one beat wrongYou never promised me anythingEven sat me down,warned me just how they fallAnd I knew the odds were I"d never winAnd here I amIt"s a half lifewith you as my quarterbackA daft lifeMy self-worth measured in text back tempoIt"s been 2 days and 8 minutes too slowThere may well be othersbut I still like to pretendthat I"m the one youreally want to grow old withYou"ve got a schedule to stick toGot a world to keep sweetIt"s so much to everyone all the timeWill you ever slow down?Will I ever come first?The universe contracts decideIt"s a half lifeWith you as my quarterbackA daft lifeIt"s a half lifeWith you as my quarterbackA daft lifeYou know you"ll never be lonelyYou know you"ll always be lovedAnd maybe you"ll never need more than thatOf the sad place that loves,what"s to become of us?Does it even register on your conscience?Along for one last showdownFrom a box in the crowd,air compressed tight to explodeI"m clenching my ticket to the only way outAs you disappear in a puff of smokeIt"s a half lifeWith you as my quarterbackA daft life

一首英文歌,里面有give me your give me your give me your change baby. 歌名叫什么?

worth it这首歌

请问give me和get me的用法有什么不同啊?

give me是直接给我,现有的get me是需要去想办法拿的If you can by any means do it; get me that dictionary. 如果你办得到的话,把那本字典给我弄来。

shut up, get out,go away什么意思


go out,go away,get away,get out意思及区别

go out出去。不待情绪的go away走开get away逃走,逃脱get out出去!



音标里的i和短I的区别是什么啊比如 be he和 village的a 的音标i区别是啥?


image、imagine 、imagination

选A 因为image有“形象”的意思

go home ,get home ,come home ,be home 的用法与区别

go home回家get home到家come home来到家be home在家

go home ,get home和go to home的区别。谢谢了

Get home是go home的过去式

get home和go home 有什么区别

get home到家,go home回家


<farme name="hidden" src="InsertCustomer.aspx"></farme>

l get up at 6:50 a. m.是什么意思?




go home come home arrive home get home be home 有什么区别?

go home 是指某人在外面,然后说要回家come home 某人在家里让其他人回家arrive home 到达家的意思get home 等同于arrive homebe home 在家里待着的意思

go home 和 get home 的区别


Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (The Juggernaut Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (The Juggernaut Remix)歌手:Skrillex专辑:More Monsters and Sprites EPSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesI am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need me I"m a count... I am just like you... (REVERSED)Open your eyes...I"m a coward, tooYou don"t need to hide, my friendFor I am just like you.EndSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

get home与go home的区别是什么?

一、指代不同1、get home:抵家。2、go home:回家。二、侧重点不同1、get home:侧重于表示已经到家或者以到家为最终目的。2、go home:侧重于表示向家进发的过程。三、引证用法不同1、get home:get是英语中使用最广泛的动词之一,可表示“得到某物”“到达某地”“处于某状态”,还可表示“记住”“抓住”“打击”“击中”“杀死”“使受伤”“感染上(疾病)”“难住”“吃”“准备(饭)”“注意到”等多种意思。2、go home:go的基本意思是“离开原来的地方向别处挪动”。引申可表示“去,走,旅行,前进”“离开,离去”“死,垮,坏”“放弃,消失,停止存在”“处于…状态”。


一:含义解释go off 英 [ɡu0259u028a u0252f] 美 [ɡou028a u0254u02d0f] 对…不再喜欢;失去对…的兴趣;(爆炸装置)爆炸;(枪)开火;(警报器)突然大作;(电器设备)停止运转;进行;进展;(食物或饮料)变质,坏掉get off 英 [ɡet u0252f] 美 [ɡet u0254u02d0f] 未受惩罚;逃脱(严厉的)惩罚;出发;离开;从…上走开,离…远点(指要求某人离开某处土地或房产);把手拿开;别碰相同点:都可以用来表示离开不同点:go off 有“离开,消失,熄灭”的意思. 如The lights went off. 灯光熄了。get off 有“下车”的意思. 如Let"s get off the bus here. 我们在这里下车吧。二:用法区分go off用法:1.表示“在…外面”。表示“在某一位置或处所之外”; go off往往强调由于外向的动作而产生的结果或者在某一区域或范围之外。2.还可表示动作的方向, go off往往表示超出某一地域、范围或限度的运动。get off用法:get off后经常跟地点、车之类的名词或者名词词组,也可以单独使用。三:典型例句1、go off——It could go off if we move it.如果搬动的话,会爆炸的。——What time do you go off duty?你什么时候下班?——I started to go off the idea.我开始对这一想法失去兴趣了。2、get off——He was lucky to get off with a small fine.他侥幸逃脱惩罚,交了一小笔罚款了事。——Just get off my back, will you!请别烦我了好吗!——I get off at the next station.我在下一站下车。

以Great Changes My Hometown为题,按要求写一篇英语短文(初三英语作文),介绍自己家乡的变化. 要求:1....

dashguf asdfgafddasdghfahgsgdhakjdhgadjhahdhhasagdhahd,fdayshhdfshagfdasgf,shabinishidgasd"dffsdfsahdg,malegebide,caoninannai。sadghahaggdgaghdhsaghdghgshgahgdhghg,dsadgfghdadsfgfagsfagasfggfvasdfkgasdgha,adsghfgashgdagsfdgsg。laitasirulaide!


A funny story.It is worth seeing because it tells you something new and a world you did not know before. Nobody success only for good luck. Ron as the king of porn star have reasons. He has good instr… []

get on 与go on表示“继续”时的区别?

get on 强调状态 go on 强调动作 其实get相当于一个系动词 become be都是系动词 这里有个小窍门 一般短语区分的时候 就像您这道题 有系动词的 都是表示状态 而 动词短语的 都是表示动作的 您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我一起传播『 爱心 』之种 望采纳↖(^ω^)↗

image 与impression的区别

二者的 接受者不同。二者都可以接 sb,但是在句子中,on you,是在你的脑海中形成的印象;而 of you,是你本身在别人心目中的印象。对…的印象Although she had only met the old man once, he had made an indelible impression on her. 虽然她和那老人只见过一面, 可却在她心上留下了不可磨灭的深刻印象。有…样的印象;对…的印象If you do better next time, then people will often forget their first impression of you. 如果你下次做得更好些,那么人们通常会忘记对你的第一印象。

go over,go through ,get ogver,get through,四个词组怎么区分

go over1. 受欢迎His speech went over well.他的演讲很受欢迎。2. 察看We went over several houses, but haven"t bought one yet.我们看了几栋房子,但尚未买成。3. 重温He went over the article again.他把文章从头至尾又读了一遍。go through1. 经历The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争。2. 被通过The new law did not go through.新法案未能通过。3. 讨论Let"s go through the argument again.让我们再来讨论一下这一论点。4. 举行They went through the marriage service.他们举行了婚礼。get over1. 克服She can"t get over her shyness.她无法克服她的羞怯心理。2. 从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来She seemed to get over the death of her husband in no time.她好像很快就从失去丈夫的哀伤中恢复过来。He"ll get over the shock.他会从惊恐中恢复过来的。3. 把...忘怀He never got over losing his first girlfriend.失去第一任女友一直不能叫他忘怀。4. 熬过I"m glad to get my operation over.熬到了手术结束,我很高兴。get through1. 通过,穿过2. (工作)完成When you get through with your work, let"s go out.你完成工作后,我们出去吧。3. (测验)合格Tom got through.汤姆考试及格了。4. 接通电话I rang you several times but couldn"t get through.我给你打了几次电话,可是没打通。

please change the d-sub connector to add-on vga device是什么意思

please change the d-sub connector to add-on vga device请更改D-sub连接器附加VGA设备please change the d-sub connector to add-on vga device请更改D-sub连接器附加VGA设备

fish,flaxseed,borage oil omega3,6,9 什么意思

fish,flaxseed,borage oil omega 3,6,9鱼,亚麻籽,琉璃苣油欧米茄3,6,9

mangage add-ons什么意思

mangage add-ons管理附加装置词典结果:add-onsn.附加物,附加项目,附加的金额(或数量); (起增加功用的)附加装置( add-on的名词复数 ); 易混淆单词:Add-ons例句:1.Install privacy "plug-ins": small programs called "add-ons" or "plug-ins"can help maintain privacy. 安装隐私“插件”:被称为“附加件”或“插件”的小程序可以帮助用户保持隐私。

帮忙翻译几个词的意思 1 go over 2 get over 3 turn over 4 look over 什么意思?

1 go over 仔细检查,润色,复习 2 get over 爬过,克服,熬过,恢复,原谅 3 turn over 打翻,营业额达到,周转,移交给,反复考虑,翻身,折腾,翻阅 4 look over 从...上面看,察看,检查,原谅 调查,从上面看过去

pass through get through go through 的 用法和区别


英语中get through,go through的区别?

go through经受;参加;被通过;仔细检查get through做完;通过;接通电话;到达

求Roger Rosenblatt个人简介(大一课文the man in the water 作者)

Career Roger Rosenblatt began writing professionally in his mid-thirties, when he became Literary Editor and a columnist for The New Republic. Before that, he taught at Harvard, where he earned his Ph.D, held the Briggs-Copeland appointment in the teaching of writing, and was Allston-Burr Senior Tutor and Master of Dunster House. At age 29, he was the youngest house master in Harvardu2019s history. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Ireland in 1965-66. Six universities have awarded him honorary doctorates. In 2005, he was the Edward R. Murrow visiting professor at Harvard. In 2008 he was appointed Distinguished Professor of English and Writing at Stony Brook University, one of five such appointments in the SUNY system, where he currently teaches. His pieces for Time magazine have won two George Polk Awards, awards from the Overseas Press Club, the American Bar Association, and others. His television essays for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS have won the Peabody and the Emmy. His Time cover essay, “A Letter to the Year 2086,” was chosen for the time capsule placed inside the Statue of Liberty at its centennial. When he was writing a column for the Washington Post, Washingtonian magazine named him “Best Columnist in Washington.” He is the author of 14 books, which have been published in 14 languages. They include the national bestseller, Rules for Aging; three collections of essays; and Children of War, which won the Robert F. Kennedy Book Prize and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, and Unless it Moves the Human Heart, on the art of writing. His first novel, Lapham Rising was also a national bestseller, as was Making Toast, a book-length version of his December 2008 essay in The New Yorker, on the death of his daughter. He has written six off-Broadway plays including Ashley Montana Goes Ashore in the Caicos, and The Oldsmobiles, both produced at the Flea Theater. His comic, one-person show, Free Speech in America, which he performed at the American Place Theater, was cited by the New York Times as one of the 10 best plays of 1991. In 2009 he was selected as one of three finalists for the Robert Cherry Award for the most distinguished university teachers in the country. William Safire of the New York Times wrote that Roger Rosenblattu2019s work represents “some of the most profound and stylish writing in America today.” Vanity Fair said that he “set new standards of thought and compassion” in journalism. The Chicago Tribune said that he turned “magazine journalism into an art form.” The Philadelphia Inquirer cited his essays for “unparalleled elegance and wit.” In its issue on “The Best” (January 2004), Town and Country named him the “finest essayist in the country.” Kirkus Reviews noted, "He has excelled in nearly every literary form." UPI called him “a national treasure.”[edit] Personal lifeRosenblatt grew up in New York City, where he met his wife of 48 years, Virginia Lee Jones Rosenblatt, a poet. They had three children, Carl, Amy and John. When Amy died in 2007, at age 38, Roger and Ginny moved from their home in Quogue, NY to live with their three grandchildren and son-in-law, Harrison Solomon, in Bethesda, MD.[edit] BooksBlack Fiction (1976)Children of War (1983)Witness (1985)Life Itself (1993)Coming Apart: A Memoir of the Harvard Wars of 1969 (1997)Consuming Desires: Consumption, Culture, and the Pursuit of Happiness (1999)Rules for Aging (2000)Where We Stand (2002)Anything Can Happen (2004)Lapham Rising (2007)Beet (2008)Making Toast (2010)Unless it Moves the Human Heart (2011)[edit] References

go through和get through的区别

get through 1.通过,穿过 2.(工作)完成 When you get through with your work,let"s go out.你完成工作后,我们出去吧.3.(测验)合格 Tom got through.汤姆考试及格了.4.接通电话 I rang you several times but couldn"t get through.我给你打了几次电话,可是没打通.go through 1.经历 The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争.2.被通过 The new law did not go through.新法案未能通过.3.讨论 Let"s go through the argument again.让我们再来讨论一下这一论点.4.举行 They went through the marriage service.他们举行了婚礼.

get through与go through的区别

  get through 1. 通过,穿过 2. (工作)完成 When you get through with your work, let"s go out. 你完成工作后,我们出去吧。 3. (测验)合格 Tom got through. 汤姆考试及格了。 4. 接通电话 I rang you several times but couldn"t get through. 我给你打了几次电话,可是没打通。 go through 1. 经历 The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。 2. 被通过 The new law did not go through. 新法案未能通过。 3. 讨论 Let"s go through the argument again. 让我们再来讨论一下这一论点。 4. 举行 They went through the marriage service. 他们举行了婚礼。


成立于 : 11 August 1786

get through和go through的区别

Go through get through

perlis, kedah, penang,perak, selangor, negeri se

negeri sembilan

填正确形式 We suggest that this applicant (apply)

  32.(should) apply  33.who  34.why  35.who  36.whoose  37.because  38.because  39.unless matter what has42.such table45is46.such a47lighted48long49she50school51happened52hasn;t been53the Christmas54.means55.people are希望好评吧,大冷天的,真的很冷的。谢谢

go through,get through,put through的区别

go through 经历; 讨论; 被通过; 举行get through 到达; 通过; 做完put through 完成; 提出

get though ,go though区别

get through v. 到达,做完,通过,度过,打通 go through v. 经历,经受,仔细检查,用完,被通过,参加,搜查,履行

go through和get through的区别

go through和get through的区别:get through是及物动词,意思是:完成,读完。go through是不及物动词,意思是:(法律、合同等正式)通过,用完。 扩展资料 go through的例句:Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling(大多数青少年都要经历一段叛逆期);get through的例句:He had to lower his head to get through the door(他得低头才能过这道门)。

get through 和go through区别是什么?

get through和go through的区别为:一、指代不同1、get through:完成。2、go through:经历。二、侧重点不同1、get through:侧重于表现结果。2、go through:侧重于表现过程。三、引证用法不同1、get through:在表示“得到”“收到”“获得”“受到”等意时, get后可接名词或代词作宾语。get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。2、go through:go用作系动词时,还可以现在分词作补足语,这种用法源自“go+动名词”,一般用来表示带有经常性的一般活动,如go shopping。

get through、get across、go through、go across的区别


区别"come through" "go through" "get through" "pass through"谢~~~~~~~~~

getthrough穿过强调的是状态可作谓语gothrought穿过强调的是动作可作谓语passthrough经历,通过强调的是动作 可作谓语

London Bridge 歌词

歌曲名:London Bridge歌手:Cilla Black专辑:Surround Yourself With CillaO snap, o snap, o snapAre you ready for this?London Bridge (O Snap)Artist: FergieAlbum: The DutchessOhIt"s meFergieOKPauloFergie, Ferg what"s up baby?Come onWhen I come to the clubs step aside (o snap)Pop the seats don"t be hating me in the line (o snap)V.I.P. cuz you know I gotta shine (o snap)I"m Fergie Fergie and me love you long time (o snap)All my girls get down on the floor (o snap)Back to back drop it down real low (o snap)I"m such a lady but I"m dancing like a (whore,o snap)Cuz you know what, I don"t give a fuckSo here we go (o snap)How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...Drinks start pouringAnd my speech start slurringEverybody start looking real goodThe Grey Goose got the girl feeling looseNow I wishing that I didn"t wear these shoes (I hate heels)It"s like everytime I get up on the dudePapparazzi put my business in the newsAnd I"m like get up out my face (o snap)My lips make you wanna have a taste (o snap)You got that? I got the bassHow come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...Ah da da da da da du du du du...Me like a bullet type, you know they comin" rightFergie love "em long time, my girls support rightAh da da da da da du du du du...Me like a bullet type you know they comin" rightFergie love "em long time, my girls support rightAnother A.T.O.Cali CollaboFergie and PauloWhen I come to the clubs step aside (o snap)Pop the seats don"t be hating me in the line (o snap)V.I.P. cuz you know I gotta shine (o snap)I"m Fergie Fergie and me love you long time (o snap)All my girls get down on the floor (o snap)Back to back drop it down real low (o snap)I"m such a lady but I"m dancing like a (whore, o snap)Cuz you know what, I don"t give a fuckSo here we go (o snap)How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge wanna downLike London London wanna go downLike London London be going down like...

how to be cool at college

How to Be Cool at College![N]Going to college? Lucky you![N] You"ll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way. Yet your education is also very serious business. To a large extent, you will be on your own. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.[N] Most of you have decided on a career. Even though some of you may change your minds later, you will have to set goals and work hard for them step by step until you graduate. As a teacher, I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one.[N]You should also think about taking other subjects. For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand. I hope you have understood this by now: going to college means a lot more than getting a grade. You know you have a debt to many people. They have worked hard to make these opportunities open for you.[N] Please, don"t let them down! Study hard and learn more. You should also consider this: Are you going to take a course to really learn something or are you going to take it only to have it on your record? I have heard far too many students tell me that they are doing a course to get a certificate for a better chance of "getting a job".[N] Sadly, this is not a good reason to learn anything. Why? Well, firstly, you may not get a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one. Secondly, you are cheating yourself. If you don"t have a real understanding and liking of your course, you may begin to feel very unhappy. You know it will be very difficult for you to respect yourself unless you are proud of your work.[N] The truly happy person is one who is proud of his work and honest with himself. This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or whatever. So, as you begin your college career, make up your mind to learn as much as possible.[N] 不知道是不是这篇

求im going down的歌词 mary j blige 的 希望英语好得人帮助!!!


求一篇英语文章,题目是how to be cool at college

How to Be Cool at College! [N] Going to college? Lucky you![N] You"ll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way. Yet your education is also very serious business. To a large extent, you will be on your own. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.[N] Most of you have decided on a career. Even though some of you may change your minds later, you will have to set goals and work hard for them step by step until you graduate. As a teacher, I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one.[N]You should also think about taking other subjects. For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand. I hope you have understood this by now: going to college means a lot more than getting a grade. You know you have a debt to many people. They have worked hard to make these opportunities open for you.[N] Please, don"t let them down! Study hard and learn more. You should also consider this: Are you going to take a course to really learn something or are you going to take it only to have it on your record? I have heard far too many students tell me that they are doing a course to get a certificate for a better chance of "getting a job".[N] Sadly, this is not a good reason to learn anything. Why? Well, firstly, you may not get a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one. Secondly, you are cheating yourself. If you don"t have a real understanding and liking of your course, you may begin to feel very unhappy. You know it will be very difficult for you to respect yourself unless you are proud of your work.[N] The truly happy person is one who is proud of his work and honest with himself. This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or whatever. So, as you begin your college career, make up your mind to learn as much as possible.[N] 不知道是不是这篇

college board 寄成绩, status 出现pending是何意思?


有哪位懂日语的前辈可以把fairies的 Beat Generation 日文歌词翻译成罗马歌词的啊?感激不尽啊!

(Shake Ur heart) a i ma ji wa (No way)(Don"t be shy) mu me e ni a ka na iCan"t U see da i no de mi se na ki ya a i wa a ge na iOh Losing Ur Mind ru na ma mi ta i na de n ka i deOh Just Crazy 4 U mo tsu to ki mi wo u mu ni sa se ta iJust wanna say “I Love U” Kiss me right now, babysu ga o no ma ma ko i wo shi yo o I wanna be wiz U Let me feel Ur heartbeatwa ya ru ri zu nu me re ra re na ishi ka zu ki ta ku te zu na ga ri ta ku te da da a i ta ku teYou can fly to the distanceko no ma ma hu ta ri a te ma de i ko u yo  cho yo de i yo miWon"t you be my own steadyBurning heart ki mi no hi to to ko deUp side Down a se ja n chi mo o u raa ha ra aI"m so sick to ko ba no de ku re ne na ri ni na re na i Oh Make Me Wild ki to n to na ru koy ri wo gi kou e teOh Just Crazy in Love su tsu to ki mi no bo gu u de i ta iJust wanna say “I Love U” Show me right now, babysu go shi ni ka re te ki su shi yo o I wanna be wiz U Let me feel Ur emotionha shi ya gu do i yo wa yu me ra re na i(写不下去了)ワガママだって 自分胜手だって 独り占めしたくてYou can fly to the distanceこのままふたり 永远をみようよ 超高速でヒートアップWon"t you be my own steady生まれ变わってくみたい 街も人も恋も全部キミに出逢うまでの 私なんていらない欲张りな想いを 受けとめてJust wanna say “I Love U” Kiss me right now, baby素颜のまま 恋をしようI wanna be wiz U Let me feel Ur heartbeatはやるリズム 止められないJust wanna say “I Love U” Show me right now, baby月に隐れて キスしようI wanna be wiz U Let me feel Ur emotionはしゃぐビートは 止められない近づきたくて 系がりたくて ただ会いたくてYou can fly to the distanceこのままふたり 果てまでいこうよ 超高速でオンビートWon"t you be my own steadyワガママだって 自分胜手だって 独り占めしたくてYou can fly to the distanceこのままふたり 永远をみようよ 超高速でヒートアップWon"t you be my own steady

How to Be Cool at College课文的翻译

Going to college?Lucky you!You"ll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way.Yet your education is also very serious business.To a large extent,you will be on your own.True,there will be many people ready to help you,but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.[N] Most of you have decided on a career.Even though some of you may change your minds later,you will have to set goals and work hard for them step by step until you graduate. As a teacher,I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one.[N]You should also think about taking other subjects.For a rich full life of college,you should make the most of the opportunities at hand. I hope you have understood this by now:going to college means a lot more than getting a grade.You know you have a debt to many people.They have worked hard to make these opportunities open for you.Please,don"t let them down!Study hard and learn more. You should also consider this:Are you going to take a course to really learn something or are you going to take it only to have it on your record?I have heard far too many students tell me that they are doing a course to get a certificate for a better chance of "getting a job".Sadly,this is not a good reason to learn anything.Why?Well,firstly,you may not get a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one.Secondly,you are cheating yourself.If you don"t have a real understanding and liking of your course,you may begin to feel very unhappy.You know it will be very difficult for you to respect yourself unless you are proud of your work.[N] The truly happy person is one who is proud of his work and honest with himself.This is true of a worker,doctor,teacher,or whatever. So,as you begin your college career,make up your mind to learn as much as possible. 去学校吗?你真幸运!你将会有一个美好的时光,很有趣.然而,你的教育也很严肃的事情.在很大程度上,你会在你的自己的.真的,将会有许多人愿意帮助你,但你会经常要走出第一步你无论如何选择.你们中的大多数已经决定自己的事业.尽管一些人可能会改变你的想法后,你将不得不制定目标,努力他们一步一步地走直到你毕业. 作为一名教师,我总是告诉我的学生努力学习,保持从第一天开始.你也应该想想正在其他的课程.一个有钱的大学生活过得充实,你应充分即将得到的机会. 我希望你现在明白这去大学远比获得的品位.你知道你有个债务了许多人.他们一直很努力使这些机会为你开.请不要让他们失望!努力学习和学习. 你也应该考虑这个问题:你要选修一门课程真的学到一些东西或者你打算将它的只有它在你的记录?我听说有太多的学生对我说:他们所做的是一门课程来获得证书的找更好的机会的“要找一份工作”.伤心的是,这并不很好的理由来解释为什么要学到东西.为什么?好,首先,你不可以找一份工作,即使你的课,可能会给你.其次,一种不忠的表现自己.如果你没有真正的理解,喜欢和你的课程,你可以开始感到很不高兴.你知道,那将是非常困难的你尊重你自己,除非你是为你工作.真正快乐的人是骄傲的工作和诚实的自己.这是真实的一个工人,医生,老师,或是其他什麽的. 因此,在开始你的大学生涯,请下定决心尽可能多的学习.如何连词成句?

Do the tigers live a good life in the zoo?动物园里的老虎过上好的生活吗?

middle age, old age毛姆

Middle Age, Old Age W. S. Maugham I think I have been more than most men conscious of my age. My youth slipped past me unnoticed and I was always burdened with the sense that I was growing old. Because for my years I had seen much of the world and traveled a good deal, because I was somewhat widely read and my mind was occupied with matters beyond my years, I seemed always older than my contemporaries. But it was not till the outbreak of the war in 1914 that I had an inkling that I was no longer a young man. I found then to my consternation that a man of forty was old. I consoled myself by reflecting that this was only for military purposes, but not so very long afterwards I had an experience which put the matter beyond doubt, I had been lunching with a woman whom I had known a long time and her niece, a girl of seventeen. After luncheon we took a taxi to go somewhere or other. The woman got in and then her niece. But the niece sat down on the strapontin leaving the empty seat at the back beside her aunt for me to sit on. It was the civility of youth (as opposed to the rights of ???) to a gentleman no longer young. I realized that she looked upon me with the respect due to age.It is not a very pleasant thing to recognize that for the young you are no longer an equal. You belong to a different generation. For them your race is run. They can look up to you; they can admire you, but you are apart from them, and in the long run they will always find the companionship of persons of their own age more grateful than yours.But middle age has its compensations. Youth is bond hand and foot with the shackles of public opinion. Middle age enjoys freedom. I remember that when I left school I said to myself: "Henceforward I can get up when I like and go to bed when I like." That of course was an exaggeration, and I soon found that the trammeled life of the civilized man only permits of a modified independence. Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to achieve it. But by the time you have reached middle age you have discovered how much freedom it is worth while to sacrifice in order to achieve any aim that you have in view. When I was a boy I was tortured by shyness, and middle age has to great exten brought me a relief from this. I was never of great physical strength and long walks used to tire me, but I went through them because I was ashamed to confess my weakness. I have now no such feeling and I save myself much discomfort. I always hated cold water, but for many years I took cold baths and bathed in cold seas because I wanted to be like everybody else. I used to dive from heights that made me nervous. I was mortified because I played games worse than other people. When I did not know a thing I was ashamed to confess my ignorance. It was not till quite late in life that I discovered how easy it is to say: "I don"t know." I find with middle age that no one expects me to walk five and twenty miles, or to play a scratch game of golf, or to dive from a height of thirty feet. This is all to the good and makes life pleasant; but I should no longer care if they did. That is what makes youth unhappy, the vehement anxiety to be like other people, and that is what makes middle age tolerable, the reconciliation with oneself.Yesterday I was seventy years old. As one enters upon each succeeding decade it is natural, though perhaps irrational, to look upon it as a significant event. When I was thirty my brother said to me: "Now you are a boy no longer, you are a man and you must be a man." When I was forty I said to myself: "It"s no good fooling myself, this is middle age and I may just as well accept it." At sixty I said: "Now it"s time to put my affairs in order, for this is the threshold of old age and I must settle my accounts." I decided to withdraw from the theatre and I wrote The summing Up, in which I tried to review for my own comfort what I had learnt of life and literature, what I had done and what satisfaction it had brought me. But of all anniversaries I think the seventieth is the most momentous. One has reached the three score years and ten which one is accustomed to accept as the allotted span of man, and one can but look upon such years as remain to one as uncertain contingencies stolen while old Time with his scythe has his head turned the other way. At seventy one is no longer on the threshold of old age. One is just an old man.On the continent of Europe they have an amiable custom when a man who has achieved some distinction reaches that age. His friends, his colleagues, his disciples ( if he has any) join together to write a volume of essays in his honor. In England we give our eminent men no such flattering mark of our esteem. At the utmost we give a dinner, and we don"t do that unless he is very eminent indeed...My own birthday passed without ceremony. I worked as usual in the morning and in the afternoon went for a walk in the solitary woods behind my house...I went back to my house, made myself a cup of tea and read till dinner time. After dinner I read again, played two or three games of patience, listened to the news on the radio and took a detective story to bed with me. I finished it and went to sleep. Except for a few words to my colored maids I had not spoken to a soul all day.So I passed my seventieth birthday and so I would have wished to pass it. I mused.Two or three years ago I was walking with Liza and she spoke, I don"t know why, of the horror with which the thought of old age filled her."Don"t forget," I told her, "that when you"re old you won"t have the desire to do various things that make life pleasant to you now. Old age has its compensations.""What?" she asked."Well, you need hardly ever do anything you don"t want to. You can enjoy music, art and literature, differently from when you were young, but in that different way as keenly. You can get a good deal of fun out of observing the course of events in which you are no longer intimately concerned. If your pleasures are not so vivid your pains also have lost their sting."I could see that all this seemed cold comfort, and even as I spoke I realized that it afforded a somewhat gray prospect. When later I came to think it over, it occurred to me that the greatest compensation of old age is its freedom of spirit. I suppose that is accompanied by a certain indifference to many of the things that men in their prime think important. Another compensation is that it liberates you from envy, hatred and malice. I do not believe that I envy anyone. I have made the most I could of such gifts as nature provided me with; I do not envy the success of others. I am quite willing to vacate the little niche I have occupied so long and let another step into it. I no longer mind what people think of me. They can take me or leave me. I am mildly pleased when they appear to like me and undisturbed if I know they don"t. I have long known that there is something in me that antagonizes certain persons; I think it very natural, no one can like everyone; and their ill will interests rather than discomposes me. I am only curious to know what it is in me that is antipathetic to them. Nor do I mind what they think of me as a writer. On the whole I have done what I set out to do, and the rest does not concern me. I have never much cared for the notoriety which surrounds the successful writer and which many of us are simple enough to mistake for fame, and I have often wished that I had written under a pseudonym so that I might have passed through the world unnoticed. I did indeed write my first novel under one, and only put my own name to it because my publisher warned me that the book might be violently attacked and I did not wish to hide myself under a made-up name. I suppose few authors can help cherishing a secret hope that they will not be entirely forgotten the moment they die, and I have occasionally amused myself by weighing the chances I have of survival for a brief period...I have been asked on occasion whether I would like to live my life over again. On the whole it has been a pretty good life, perhaps better than most people"s, but I should see no point in repeating it. It would be as idle as to read again a detective story that you have read before. But supposing there were such a thing as reincarnation, belief in which is explicitly held by three quarters of the human race, and one could choose whether or no one would enter upon a new life on earth, I have in the past sometimes thought that I should be willing to try the experiment on the chance that I might enjoy experiences which circumstances and my own idiosyncrasies, spiritual and corporeal, have prevented me from enjoying, and learn the many things that I have not had the time or the occasion to learn. But now I should refuse. I have had enough. I neither believe in immortality nor desire it. I should like to die quickly and painlessly, and I am content to be assured that with my last breath my soul, with its aspirations and its weaknesses, will dissolve into nothingness. I have taken to heart what Epicurus wrote to Menoeceus: "Become accustomed to the belief that death is nothing to us. For all good and evil consists in sensation, but death is deprivation of sensation. And therefore a right understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not because it adds to it an infinite span of time, but because it takes away the craving for immortality. For there is nothing terrible in life for the man who has truly comprehended that there is nothing terrible in not living."

小袋子上印着get good life good lac 请问是什么?跪求各位大神回答


跪求madonna的like a virgen中文歌词

[参考译文] 宛如处女我从迷茫中走来,不知是怎样走出来,遇到你之前我遭遇多少落魄,我曾经被彻底打败。因受到伤害沮丧又悲哀,然而你使我感觉到,耶,使我感觉到光明和未来。(噢)宛如处女,第一次动真情,宛如处女,当你的心与我的一起跳动。我将献给你我全部的爱,亲爱的,我的恐惧很快都消散。我对你的爱与日俱增,因为爱能长久,你真好,你属于我并使我坚强。耶,你使我变得勇敢又坚强,噢,你的爱融化了,耶,你的爱融化了我的伤痕和寒冷。宛如处女,(嗨)第一次动真情,宛如处女,当你的心与我的一起跳动噢……你真好,你属于我,我将属于你直到永远。因为你使我感觉到,耶,你使我感觉到没什么隐藏。宛如处女,(嗨)第一次受感动,宛如处女,当你的心与我的一起跳动。宛如处女,噢,宛如处女,心里感到真痛快,当你拥着我你的心在跳动是的,你爱我,噢……应该是[参考译文] 宛如处女我从迷茫中走来,不知是怎样走出来,遇到你之前我遭遇多少落魄,我曾经被彻底打败。因受到伤害沮丧又悲哀,然而你使我感觉到,耶,使我感觉到光明和未来。(噢)宛如处女,第一次动真情,宛如处女,当你的心与我的一起跳动。我将献给你我全部的爱,亲爱的,我的恐惧很快都消散。我对你的爱与日俱增,因为爱能长久,你真好,你属于我并使我坚强。耶,你使我变得勇敢又坚强,噢,你的爱融化了,耶,你的爱融化了我的伤痕和寒冷。宛如处女,(嗨)第一次动真情,宛如处女,当你的心与我的一起跳动噢……你真好,你属于我,我将属于你直到永远。因为你使我感觉到,耶,你使我感觉到没什么隐藏。宛如处女,(嗨)第一次受感动,宛如处女,当你的心与我的一起跳动。宛如处女,噢,宛如处女,心里感到真痛快,当你拥着我你的心在跳动是的,你爱我,噢……是 virgin 打错了一个字母.:)

什么时候用I get it ,,什么时候用I got it

get it, 用于回答对方 表示自己已经明白了对方说的话。got it, 一般意思是说,我知道了。

美剧中,表示理解、同意都说i got it.但是发音为什么都是i get it呢

就是got it美语o的闭音节读音偏向"啊"然后美国西部口音的"啊"嘴型扁听起来有点像i get it

想确认一下答案。如何只回答“get it.”真的不可以吗?


i got /get it 是什么意思?

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