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The strongest(最强)的英文缩写是什么?

Tst 就这样

get on和go on和get along有什么区别?

像这种辨析要在例句中比较分析,体味其区别,干巴巴的记忆意思是事倍功半的,因为下次遇到的时候 是在句子中。get along:1.前进; 进行下去Let"s get along and tell him the good news.咱们去把这个好消息告诉他吧。2.离去, 走开It"s rather late. I"d better be getting along.时候不早了, 我还是走吧。3.渐晚, 上年纪It is getting along towards sundown.已近日落时分了。Although he is getting along in years, he can work hard as usual.虽然他年岁已大, 但他还能像往常一样努力工作。4.继续生活; 活下去I"m getting along well recently.近来我很好。5.进展; 进行Is she getting along all right in her new job?她在新的工作岗位上情况不错吧?6.相处; 相处融洽Now we get along just well.现在我们相处得很好。go along:1.进行How is your work on that novel going along?你那本小说写得怎样了?2.兜风I don"t really want to go to the grocery store but I"ll go along for the ride.我不是真的要去杂货店, 而是去兜风。3.陪伴, 陪同前往, 同行You go along with him.I"ll come shortly.你陪陪他, 我马上就来。4.赞同; 一致I can"t go along with you in this matter.在这件事情上我不能同意你的意见。He could go along with it most of the way, but not entirely.他大部分同意, 但不能完全赞同。5.走开, 去你的Go along with you! What you say is all nonsense!去你的!你说的全是废话!Go along with you! Mind your own business!去你的!少管闲事!

get on和get along有什么区别

get onv.生活, 融洽相处, 进展, (使)前进, <口> 赶快, 发迹, 进展get alongv.生活, 融洽相处, 进展, 有起色

get on your knee是什么意思

跪下 的意思

strongest和the strongest的区别

程度不一样,前面是强壮的.,后面是最强壮的. 没有the most strongest 这种写法吧,strong是双音节,直接est就好了,不用most

strongest king什么意思

strongest生词本去背诵英 [stru0252u014bgu026ast] 美 [stru0254:u014bɡu026ast]adj.强的( strong的最高级 ); 坚强的; 强烈的; 强壮的网 络最强;最强壮;最强大;最强烈双语例句更多资料1. He was not perhaps physically the strongest in the class. 他可能不是全班身体最壮的。2. Support for monogamy and marriage was strongest among the professional classes. 专业人士阶层最支持一夫一妻制。3. England intend fielding their strongest team in next month"s World Youth Championship. 英格兰意欲在下月的世界青年锦标赛中推出他们的最强阵容。

请问 get on 与 get into 的区别

get on (上车)公共汽车 get into(上车(小汽车)

get on的意思是什么?

"Get in" 和 "get on" 都可以表示上车或登机的意思,但具体使用时有一些区别。"Get in" 通常用于汽车、出租车、小型船只等可容纳人数较少的交通工具中。例如,我们可以说 "get in the car/taxi/boat(上车/上出租车/上船)"。另一方面,"Get on" 更多用于大型的运输工具,如公共汽车、飞机、火车等。例如,我们可以说 "get on the bus/train/plane(上公交车/上火车/上飞机)"。此外,"get in" 还可以表示进入某个位置,例如 "get in the house(进入房子)"。而 "get on" 则没有这个含义。因此,"get in" 和 "get on" 的使用区别在于前者更多用于容量较小的交通工具,后者则更适用于大型的公共交通工具。

get on 除了相处的意思还有什么意思?




英语短语之get on &get 在接交通工具时,get on和into有何区别?请具体指出宾语

1 get on和get into的区别 get off和get out of的区别 以及它们的用法 答:get on骑上(马等),骑上马等;登上(公共汽车、火车等),登上公共汽车、火车等 When I got on the bus,I saw my teacher sitting there.我一上汽车看见老师在车上坐着 get into进入;渗透进 How did the thief manage to get into the house?这贼是怎样设法闯入屋子的?get off下去,下来;下(公共汽车、火车、飞机等),下(马等) Never get off while the car is moving.车在行驶时切勿下车.get out of 从…下来 We got out of the trolley bus at Yan"an Road.我们在延安路下了电车

get on/ get.../ get off/ get...?

Get on:进行 "Tom is sluggish. I wonder how he is getting on in his new work." ?? Get through:完成 "There isn"t much time left. How can one get through all this work before the office closes? " Get over:恢复过来 "The rich woman was so upset at the loss of her beloved puppy that it was hard for her to get over the shock." Get...down:使……消沉 "Miss Lim told me that his poor academic performance got her down. Get down to:认真做 "It is sometimes difficult to get down to serious work after a long holiday ." Get round/around:回避 "What will happen will happen. I see no way of getting round the imponderables." Get on for:(常以进行时态出现)将近 "No one knows about that film star"s actual age, but it must be getting on for 50 years old." Get away/off with:逃避处罚 "The police have not let anyone get away with his or her illegal act." Get...across:把(讯息等)传达给 "The minister tried to get his ideas across to the masses of people. " Get back at:向……报仇 "I notice that people often get back at whoever is unkind to them." Get back to:再与……联络 "Sorry , I am busy at the moment. Let me get back to you later" Get in with:与……保持良好关系 "James joined a high-class club to get in with influential people there."寄出 "The manager asked his secretary to get all the letters off before 5p.m." Get...out:推出产品、出版 "As a rule, manufacturers will get their new products out before Christmas. / Jason will get another book out soon ." Get on with:继续进行 "It is time to turn off the TV and get on with your unfinished home work." Get at:(常以进行式出现)批评、暗示 "Henry"s wife is getting at him for not helping with the household chores . / I don"t know what Peter was getting at when he said that his secretary could be more successful as a fashion model." Get by:应付 "In Singapore, some people cannot get by on only one source of income." Get in:被选 "Which party will get in this time, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party?" Get along:继续过话、相处 "I think all can get along quite well without being rich. / Do you get along well with your new colleagues?" Get out of:摆脱、获利 "You should get out of your smoking habit, the sooner the better. / Michael organised the holiday trip, but I don"t know what will he get out of it. get even with...:向……报复 “Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day.” get a grip on oneself:控制自己的情绪 “Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself.” get...nowhere:使……不会有进展 “What is the use of such nonsense? It gets us nowhere.” the ground:使……开始进行 “Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students, but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground.” get on someone"s nerves:使人厌烦 “She is used to complaining some other people in my presence; this really gets on my nerves.” get...straight:把……弄清楚 “Let us get this straight: David needs a car and I lend it to him, not you.” get the better of...:胜过…… “David is a bilingual. No wonder he got the better of Kate in handling some tricky problems.” get a feel of...:尝试 “In this country, it is good for you to get a feel of living among various races.” get the hang of...:懂得……的窍门 “You have to have some practical experience before you get the hang of managing this kind of office work.” get the picture clear:准确地了解情况 “To get the picture clear, you must read the annual report in detail.” get the message:了解人家所说的 “As no one asked any question, I assume all got the message.” get to grips with...:努力对付…… “One has to get to grips with new technology, the sooner the better.” get to the bottom of...:弄清……的真相 “Something seems to have gone wrong with Nancy; let"s get to the bottom of it.” get wind of:得到密报 “Please keep the plan secret; no one is supposed to get wind of it prematurely.” get...wrong:误解…… “I don"t object to your idea, but I doubt it is practicable. This is my position, so don"t get me wrong./ The newspaper apologised that it had got the fact wrong.” get down to business:认真办事 “Time is running short; let"s get down to business now. ” get a move on:赶快 “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.” get one"s head down:静静地工作 “His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam.” get one"s hands on...:要得到…… “They all want to get their hands on the old man"s money.” get someone"s back up:使……讨厌 “You will just get your friend"s back up if you keep on being nasty.”

get on和get in有什么区别呢?

"Get in" 和 "get on" 都可以表示上车或登机的意思,但具体使用时有一些区别。"Get in" 通常用于汽车、出租车、小型船只等可容纳人数较少的交通工具中。例如,我们可以说 "get in the car/taxi/boat(上车/上出租车/上船)"。另一方面,"Get on" 更多用于大型的运输工具,如公共汽车、飞机、火车等。例如,我们可以说 "get on the bus/train/plane(上公交车/上火车/上飞机)"。此外,"get in" 还可以表示进入某个位置,例如 "get in the house(进入房子)"。而 "get on" 则没有这个含义。因此,"get in" 和 "get on" 的使用区别在于前者更多用于容量较小的交通工具,后者则更适用于大型的公共交通工具。

get off和get on的区别

Get on:进行 "Tom is sluggish. I wonder how he is getting on in his new work." ?? Get through:完成 "There isn"t much time left. How can one get through all this work before the office closes? " Get over:恢复过来 "The rich woman was so upset at the loss of her beloved puppy that it was hard for her to get over the shock." Get...down:使……消沉 "Miss Lim told me that his poor academic performance got her down. Get down to:认真做 "It is sometimes difficult to get down to serious work after a long holiday ." Get round/around:回避 "What will happen will happen. I see no way of getting round the imponderables." Get on for:(常以进行时态出现)将近 "No one knows about that film star"s actual age, but it must be getting on for 50 years old." Get away/off with:逃避处罚 "The police have not let anyone get away with his or her illegal act." Get...across:把(讯息等)传达给 "The minister tried to get his ideas across to the masses of people. " Get back at:向……报仇 "I notice that people often get back at whoever is unkind to them." Get back to:再与……联络 "Sorry , I am busy at the moment. Let me get back to you later" Get in with:与……保持良好关系 "James joined a high-class club to get in with influential people there."寄出 "The manager asked his secretary to get all the letters off before 5p.m." Get...out:推出产品、出版 "As a rule, manufacturers will get their new products out before Christmas. / Jason will get another book out soon ." Get on with:继续进行 "It is time to turn off the TV and get on with your unfinished home work." Get at:(常以进行式出现)批评、暗示 "Henry"s wife is getting at him for not helping with the household chores . / I don"t know what Peter was getting at when he said that his secretary could be more successful as a fashion model." Get by:应付 "In Singapore, some people cannot get by on only one source of income." Get in:被选 "Which party will get in this time, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party?" Get along:继续过话、相处 "I think all can get along quite well without being rich. / Do you get along well with your new colleagues?" Get out of:摆脱、获利 "You should get out of your smoking habit, the sooner the better. / Michael organised the holiday trip, but I don"t know what will he get out of it. get even with...:向……报复 “Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day.” get a grip on oneself:控制自己的情绪 “Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself.” get...nowhere:使……不会有进展 “What is the use of such nonsense? It gets us nowhere.” the ground:使……开始进行 “Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students, but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground.” get on someone"s nerves:使人厌烦 “She is used to complaining some other people in my presence; this really gets on my nerves.” get...straight:把……弄清楚 “Let us get this straight: David needs a car and I lend it to him, not you.” get the better of...:胜过…… “David is a bilingual. No wonder he got the better of Kate in handling some tricky problems.” get a feel of...:尝试 “In this country, it is good for you to get a feel of living among various races.” get the hang of...:懂得……的窍门 “You have to have some practical experience before you get the hang of managing this kind of office work.” get the picture clear:准确地了解情况 “To get the picture clear, you must read the annual report in detail.” get the message:了解人家所说的 “As no one asked any question, I assume all got the message.” get to grips with...:努力对付…… “One has to get to grips with new technology, the sooner the better.” get to the bottom of...:弄清……的真相 “Something seems to have gone wrong with Nancy; let"s get to the bottom of it.” get wind of:得到密报 “Please keep the plan secret; no one is supposed to get wind of it prematurely.” get...wrong:误解…… “I don"t object to your idea, but I doubt it is practicable. This is my position, so don"t get me wrong./ The newspaper apologised that it had got the fact wrong.” get down to business:认真办事 “Time is running short; let"s get down to business now. ” get a move on:赶快 “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.” get one"s head down:静静地工作 “His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam.” get one"s hands on...:要得到…… “They all want to get their hands on the old man"s money.” get someone"s back up:使……讨厌 “You will just get your friend"s back up if you keep on being nasty.”

请说说get on 的意思和用法

get on 的常见用法1.上(车、船、飞机等)1)They got on the plane at Cairo.他们在开罗上了飞机。2)I"ll hold your horse while you get on.你上马时我来牵住它。2.放上,安装上1)I can"t get the lid on,the box is too full.盒子装得太满了,我盖不上盖子。

get in和get on有什么区别呢?

"Get in" 和 "get on" 都可以表示上车或登机的意思,但具体使用时有一些区别。"Get in" 通常用于汽车、出租车、小型船只等可容纳人数较少的交通工具中。例如,我们可以说 "get in the car/taxi/boat(上车/上出租车/上船)"。另一方面,"Get on" 更多用于大型的运输工具,如公共汽车、飞机、火车等。例如,我们可以说 "get on the bus/train/plane(上公交车/上火车/上飞机)"。此外,"get in" 还可以表示进入某个位置,例如 "get in the house(进入房子)"。而 "get on" 则没有这个含义。因此,"get in" 和 "get on" 的使用区别在于前者更多用于容量较小的交通工具,后者则更适用于大型的公共交通工具。

get along与get on的区别?

get along和 get on在表示“和.相处”,或“在.进展如何”时,用法相同. 不过,get on这个短语的一个常见用法是“上车".

Get in和get on有什么区别吗?

"Get in" 和 "get on" 都可以表示上车或登机的意思,但具体使用时有一些区别。"Get in" 通常用于汽车、出租车、小型船只等可容纳人数较少的交通工具中。例如,我们可以说 "get in the car/taxi/boat(上车/上出租车/上船)"。另一方面,"Get on" 更多用于大型的运输工具,如公共汽车、飞机、火车等。例如,我们可以说 "get on the bus/train/plane(上公交车/上火车/上飞机)"。此外,"get in" 还可以表示进入某个位置,例如 "get in the house(进入房子)"。而 "get on" 则没有这个含义。因此,"get in" 和 "get on" 的使用区别在于前者更多用于容量较小的交通工具,后者则更适用于大型的公共交通工具。

get on与get in的区别?

on 是指上面,get on一般表示到什么上面去。in是指里面,get in一般是指进入到里面去。

请说说get on 的意思和用法


get on的反义词是什么?

反义词:get off。意思是:下车。重点词汇:get英[ɡet]释义:vt.使得;获得;受到;变成n.生殖;幼兽vi.成为;变得;到达短语:get to 到达;开始;接触;达到扩展资料:近义词:away英[u0259'weu026a]释义:adv.离去,离开;在远处短语:Cast Away 荒岛余生;浩劫重生;扔掉;抛弃

I am the strongest in the world这句英文什么意思


get on的反义词是什么?

反义词是:get off重点词汇:off英[u0252f]释义:adv.离开;脱掉;出发,起跑;结束,取消;(电)未连接;没有;下班;减价;在剧院舞台的后面prep.离开;偏离;从……去掉;下班;削价;戒除;不在;(非正式)远离;(非正式,一般是暂时)厌恶adj.远离的;空闲的;(食物)不新鲜的;不能接受的;发挥失常的;n.(非正式)起跑;(板球)击球手对面的半场;(非正式)休息日;v.(非正式)杀死(某人);(非正式)离开短语:Face Off 变脸;特效化妆师大对决;夺面双雄;使平滑扩展资料:词语使用变化:getv.(动词)1、get是英语中使用最广泛的动词之一,可表示“得到某物”“到达某地”“处于某状态”,还可表示“记住”“抓住”“打击”“击中”“杀死”“使受伤”“感染上(疾病)”“难住”“吃”“准备(饭)”“注意到”等多种意思。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,还可用作系动词。2、在表示“得到”“收到”“获得”“受到”等意时,get后可接名词或代词作宾语。3、get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。

get on与get in的区别

get on 上车get in 上车(比较大的车);进入

get in get on都有上车的意思但是他们的区别


get on什么意思?

get on是相处的意思

the strongest subject和 the best subject的区别


get in 和 get on有什么区别

get on 上公交车 ,火车 ,有阶梯,比较高的交通工具 get in 一般指上小汽车 ,即car 底盘比较低,不用费力抬腿。

请问一下get on 等于什么

当get on为穿上、戴上的含义时,同义于put on。肯定对哦,求采纳么么哒 o(∩_∩)o

get on .carry on的区别


thestrongest 什么意思


get on和get into用法什么区别!get off和get out of的区别呢!

get on 1.(cause to)be placed on top of 登上*Get on my shouders and have a look over the fence.爬上我的肩膀,看看围墙那边。2.advance;make progress 进步;进展*You are getting on nicely with your English.你的英语进步很大。*I"m afraid she isn"t getting on very well at school.我担心她在学校的成绩不太好。*How"s your broken leg getting on ?你那受伤的腿怎么样了?*Did you get on all right in the exam?你考试顺利吗?3.advance in age or grow older 变老*His white hair and wrinkles are enough to show that he is getting on.他的白发和皱纹足以说明他上岁数了。*They are all getting on, but won"t admit it.他们都在变老,但就是不服老。*Your parents are getting on in years;you should take good care of them.你的父母已经上了年纪,你得好好照顾他们。*She is not very young;she is getting on to middle age.她不很年轻,快到中年了。4.(cause to) take a place on(a horse, bicycle,etc.)or in(a vehi cle)骑上(马);上(车等)*Only one person at a time is allowed to get on the horse.一次只能让一个人骑上这匹马。*She got on her bicycle and cycled off quickly.她跨上自行车,飞快地骑走了。*When the old lady got on the bus, a young man stood up to offer her his seat.那位老太太上车后,一位年轻人立刻站了起来给她让坐。 on good terms 意气相投;相处融洽*They got on with each other very well.他们彼此相处得很好。*It"s hard to get on with a suspicious man.和一个多疑的人相处很难。*They get on well at work but not privately.他们在工作上处得不错,但私人关系不好。*How do you get on with him?你跟他相处得怎么样?*We get on extremely well.我们相处得很融洽。6. be on one"s way 赶路*I must be getting on;I"m late already.我必须要赶路,我已迟了。*We"d better get on while there is still light.我们最好趁亮赶路。7.advance in time;become late (时间)消逝;晚了*Time is getting on.Shall we go now?时间不早了,我们现在走好吗?*It"s getting on. We"d better go home.天色渐晚了,我们回家吧。*It"s was getting on towards eight o"clock when he came back home.他到家时已经快8点钟了。8.fare;manage 过日子*How are you getting on?你近来日子过得怎样?*9.continue doing sth.继续做某事*Don"t sit there talking;get on with your work.不要坐在那里聊天,继续干活吧。*They couldn"t get on for lack of materials.他们由于缺少材料干不下去了。10.manage to live or work 设法对付;设法过下去;设法干下去*I can hardly get on without your support.没有你的支持我简直干不下去了。*You can"t get on without money in this world.在这个世界上没有钱你休想过下去。11.put on 穿上;戴上*It was cold outside; she got her hat and coat on.外面很冷,她戴上帽子,穿上外衣。12.cause to go forward or make progress使前进;使进步*She is an outstanding teacher,good at getting her pupils.她是位优秀教师,很善于引导学生进步。13.achieve success取得成功;发迹*She is sure to get on in life.她一定会很有出息。14. used as an exclamation of disbelief,surprise,etc.用作表示惊讶或不相信*“Guess how far I walked yesterday?”“Ten miles?” No,thirty two miles!”“Get on!”“你猜我昨天走了多少路?”“10英里?”“不对,32英里!”“我不信!”get into 1.enter 进入*How did the thieves get into the house?这些窃贼怎么进入室内的?2.put on;fit 穿上;适合*As I have gained weight, I can"t get into my best suit.因为体重增加,我无法穿我那件最好的西装。3.arrive at 到达*The ship got into the harbour safely.船平安地驶进了海港。4.learn or start 学习;着手*I must get into training soon;the cricket season starts next month.我得马上投入训练,板球季节下个月就开始了。*You"ll soon get into the way of doing it.你很快就能学会做这件事。5.fall into or suffer;become a victim of (trouble,difficulty,debt,etc)陷入(麻烦、困难、债务等)*It"s easier to get into debt than to get out of it again.借债容易还债难。*He wouldn"t take advice,and now he has got into difficulties.他不听忠告,结果现在陷入困境。*How on earth did Mary get herself into such a ridiculous situation?玛丽究竟是怎样使自己陷入如此荒唐可笑的境地的?*I promise never to get into debt again.我保证今后永不借债。*Please don"t make so much noise.You"ll get me into trouble.请不要这么吵闹,你们会使我感到很烦躁。6.acquire;develop;get into (a habit,etc.)养成;染上(习惯等)*The children got into the bad habit of switching on the television as soon as they came back from school.孩子们养成了坏习惯,从学校一回来就打开电视机。*Don"t let yourself get into the bad habit of smoking.不要让自己染上抽烟的坏习惯。7.enter involuntarily;cause sb. to enter a certain emotional state;be affected by 不自觉地陷入或使某人陷入某种精神状态;受…影响*When John found that his wife had gone out without waiting for him, he got into a blind fury and smashed the furniture up.当约翰发现他妻子不等他就外出时,便莫名奇妙地勃然大怒并且砸坏了家俱。*You shouldn"t let yourself get into a stew about nothing.It"s bad for your blood pressure.你不应无事自扰,这对你的血压不利。*He gets into a terrible rage if you just mention money.你只要一提到钱,他就大怒起来。8.(cause to) be elected 当选;使选入*He got into Parliament with an overwhelming majority.他因获得绝大多数票而被选入议会。*The Conservatives got into office, but with a small majority.保守党上台了,不过是以微弱多数上台的。9.succeed in obtaining;gain possession or control of 获得;赢得;支配*The new measures are fast getting into favour with the students.这些新举措迅速得到了学生们的拥护。*I don"t know what has got into my son.He doesn"t come back home until six.我不知道什么东西使我儿子着了迷,他不到6点不回家。get off 1.(cause to) leave(a vehicle)(使)下(车)*The bus driver got the passengers off in time.公共汽车司机让乘客及时下了车。*Sue got off the train at the wrong station.苏下错了火车站。2.leave;start 离开;出发*We got off early and arrived be fore lunch.我们出发得早,所以午饭前就赶到了。*The plane got off on time.飞机准时起飞了。*We got off immediately after breakfast.早饭后,我们立即就出发了。3.clean or remove(a mark, dirt,etc.)擦去(污渍等)*There"s a dirty mark on the wall that I can"t get off.墙上有个污渍我无法擦掉。*I couldn"t get the coffee stains off my shirt.我无法去掉我衬衫上的咖啡污迹。4.tabe off 脱掉*His mother told him to get his wet clothes off.他妈妈要他把湿衣服脱掉。5.(cause to)leave; not remain on (使)离开;不要停留在…之上*That grass is newly seeded;please get off.草地刚播种,请走开。*Getting children off to school is tiring work.催促孩子们去上学是件烦人的事情。*We got him off on the evening train.我们送他搭晚车走了。; rescue救出*The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank. 最后3名水手刚得救船就沉了。*The crew of the stranded yacht were in danger but we got them off,那艘搁浅帆船上的船员处于危险之中,但我们把他们救出来了。7.escape or nearly escape punishment;save from punishment逃避惩罚;使免遭惩罚*The thieves got off lightly,as the judge was not severe with them.由于法官对窃贼不那么严厉,他们轻易地就逃避了惩罚。*He got off with a warning.他受了一次警告就完事了。*The judge got him off, but he wouldn"t have got him off so easily if it hadn"t been a first offence.法官从轻发落了他,若不是初犯,他是不会这么轻而易举地放过他的。*The lawyer got his client off.律师使他的委托人免遭惩罚。*It was his youth and inexperience that got him off.他因年幼无知而受到从宽处理。8.escape from;free from 逃避;摆脱*No one should get off paying his taxes.任何人都不应逃税。*He managed to get off doing this kind of dirty work.他设法逃避干这类脏活儿。9.escape or nearly escape injury in an accident 在事故中免受伤害或损失*Fortunately the two cars didn"t crash head on,so Bill got off with nothing worse than a bad fright.幸好这两部车没有迎头相撞,所以比尔只是受了一场惊吓。10.send; go; dispatch by post (把信件等)邮寄出去I want to get this package off at once.我想把这个包裹马上寄走。*Please get the letter off by the five o"clock post.请把这些信件通过5点的那趟邮次发出去。*We got the orders off promptly.我们准时发出了订单。11.make a joke说笑话*The lecturer got off one or two very amusing jokes.演讲者讲了一两个极有趣的笑话。12.learn by heart;memorize 背诵*The teacher asked his students to get off the passage by heart.老师要学生把这段文章背下来。get out of 1.move out of a space, building,etc.离开*The door locked accidentally, and I couldn"t get out of the bathroom.门无意中锁上了,结果我无法从浴室里出来。2.remove 取出;拔出*Can you get this nail out of the wall?你能拔出墙上这颗钉子吗?3. descend from(a vehicle)从(车上)下来*They can"t get the cases and bags out of the plane faster. 他们无法更快地从飞机上把这些箱子和包裹搬下来。4.copy 复制;抄袭*His story isn"t original;he got it out of a book.他讲的故事并不新鲜,他是从一本书上看来的。5.escape from 从…逃脱*Why don"t you get out of the country if you don"t like it?既然你不喜欢这个国家,那为什么不离开它呢?6.gain from; obtain from 获取*The children are always trying to get more money out of their father.那些孩子总想从父亲手里多弄到几个钱。*There"s nothing to be got out of this book;it"s years out of date.从这本书里得不到什么,它已经过时多年了。*Unfortunately,I got nothing out of his poor lecture.糟糕的是,我从他那差劲的讲座中什么也没有学到。7.forget or lose sth.such as a habit 忘掉或去除(习惯等)*Joining a group will help to get you out of the habit.加入一个小组将有助你改掉这种习惯。8.avoid doing sth.;be excused from;evade避免做某事;逃避;摆脱*I wish I could get out of going to that ceremony.我希望我能不参加那仪式。*Everyone of us must take turns to wash up;no one will be allowed to get out of it.我们大家都得轮流洗碗,任何人不得逃避。*He is trying to get out of paying his share of the bill.他试图逃避支付账单上的他的那一份钱。*I have an engagement for tonight, but I will try to get out of it.我今晚有个约会,但我将设法不去。*Never try to get out of doing your duty.不要逃避你的责任。*get out or bed(on) the wrong side be in a bad mood or temper(from the moment one gets up)(从一起床起)心情不好;发脾气*What"s the matter with you?You are cursing at everyone this morning.You must have got out of bed on the wrong side.你怎么啦?一早上你一直在骂人,你一定是心情不好。

解释get in和get on的区别。

get in. get on

get on是什么动词

get on [词典]上车; 进行; 变老; 对付.get on 是动词+介词结构,后面跟动名词形式或者名词.不能直接跟动词原形.

用作穿衣讲 put on与 get on区别

put on 穿衣服 get on 有前进,发展;时间变迟,人变老;继续;与人相处的意思put it on是穿上衣服的意思get it on是美国俚语,make love的意思.



get on和get into的区别是什么?

get on和get into的区别为:一、指代不同1、get on:登上。2、get into:进入。二、侧重点不同1、get on:侧重于表示各种密闭的可移动空间,例如飞机、汽车、火车等。2、get into:侧重于表示进入狭小的密闭空间,例如电梯等。三、引证用法不同1、get on:on表示“在物体的表面上”,而in表示“在其中”。2、get into:into介词,它引导介词短语,在句中用作状语,表示“进入...之中”或“变成”之意。

get on和go on的区别?我们有个题是我想知道他们是否过得很好,翻译为英


get on 的用法?


get on和got on有什么不同?哪位哒人知道请告诉一下。


get in还是get on

"Get in" 和 "get on" 都可以表示上车或登机的意思,但具体使用时有一些区别。"Get in" 通常用于汽车、出租车、小型船只等可容纳人数较少的交通工具中。例如,我们可以说 "get in the car/taxi/boat(上车/上出租车/上船)"。另一方面,"Get on" 更多用于大型的运输工具,如公共汽车、飞机、火车等。例如,我们可以说 "get on the bus/train/plane(上公交车/上火车/上飞机)"。此外,"get in" 还可以表示进入某个位置,例如 "get in the house(进入房子)"。而 "get on" 则没有这个含义。因此,"get in" 和 "get on" 的使用区别在于前者更多用于容量较小的交通工具,后者则更适用于大型的公共交通工具。

get on单独用可以表示上车吗?


get on与get in的区别用法 举例对比

get on与get in的意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。下面是这两个短语的具体区别,供大家查阅了解。 get on与get in的区别 一、意思不同 1、get on:(同…)和睦相处,继续做。 2、get in:当选,挤出时间做。 二、用法不同 1、get on:get是英语中使用最广泛的动词之一,可表示“得到某物”“到达某地”“处于某状态”,还可表示“记住”“抓住”“打击”“击中”“杀死”“使受伤”“感染上(疾病)”“难住”“吃”“准备(饭)”“注意到”等多种意思。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,还可用作系动词。 2、get in:get在表示“请求”“命令”“吩咐”“说服”某人做某事或使某人进入某种状态时,可接以带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,在表示“使得某事被做的”,可接以过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。 三、侧重点不同 1、get on:get on上公交车,火车,有阶梯,比较高的交通工具。 2、get in:get in一般指上小汽车,即car底盘比较低,不用费力抬腿。 get on与get in的例句 Get some more wood on, the fire is dying. 再添些木柴,火要熄灭了。 Before you can learn to ride a horse, you have to be able get on it. 你要学会骑马,必须先会上马。 Get on, we shall miss the plane at this rate. 快点吧,照这样的速度我们要误飞机了。 Help me to get the washing in, it"s raining. 帮我把洗晒的衣服拿进屋,天在下雨了。 We must mend the roof,the rain is getting in. 我们一定要修理屋顶,雨水渗进来了。 We should get some wine in for the banquet. 我们应买一些酒以备宴会用。

请说说get on 的意思和用法

geton的常见用法 1.上(车、船、飞机等) l)They got on the plane at Cairo.他们在开罗上了飞机.2)I"11 hold your horse while you get on.你上马时我来牵住它. 2.放上,安装上 1)1 ean"r get the lid on,rhe box 15 too full.盒子装得太满了,我盖不上盖子.2)To get the light on.把这灯装上. 3.过日子 You ean"t get on well at all with a low pay of 40 yuan.靠40元的低收入,你日子根本无法过. 4.进展,继续 1)The builders eouldn"t get on for laek of materials.缺少材料,建筑工人干不丁去了.

get on;get off;get up;get to有什么区别?

ge t on上车 get off下车 gat up起床 get up到达


get on 可以用来表示:“发迹”、“取得成功”、“出人头地”。 get on可以表示“同…和睦相处”。 get on表示“继续做、始做”。 get on取得进展;有起色。 get on表示“上年纪”。 扩展资料   She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages.   她觉得很难与她相处,这可能是因为她们年龄上的差距。   Stop dithering and get on with it.   别再犹豫了,继续干吧。   Stop faffing about and get on with it!   别瞎摆弄了,干正事!   The word was finally given for us to get on board   终于通知我们登乘了。   I"d better leave you to get on with it, then   那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。

get in和get on的区别

get in和get on的区别get on1.穿上(衣服等);戴上(帽子等);盖上(盖子等):例句:Get on your rubbers,we have to go out in the rain.穿上你的胶鞋,我们必须在雨天外出.I can"t get the lid on,the box is too full.我盖不上盖子,箱子太满了.2.开(灯、开关等);放上;安上:例句:Get some more wood on,the fire is dying.

get on 的用法?

可以用get on,但是get要变形成getting,不能直接加get on。be getting on用进行时表示一种状态例句:I am getting on well with my classmates.我和同学相处的很好。I am getting on very well with the new job.新工作做着还不错。She is getting on in years.她上岁数了。

get in get on都作为上车的意思时 有什么区别

taxi,car等小型交通工具上车用get in,下车用get out ship,bus,train,plane等大型交通工具上去用get on,下去用get off

get on 翻译

三个常用意思吧 年龄增长 和谐相处 识破了解 第三个意思可以有个例句就是got on the con game比较标准的美式口语指识破骗局

what makes a good class leader?等等的作文3个suggested points


get on和get in分别是上什么车?【谢谢】

get in小轿车


get on意为“上(汽车、飞机、火车等)”其反义词为get off.该句的时态为一般过去时,所以when引导的时间状语从句和主句都用的是一般过去时。老师在这里提一下主句中的found的动词原形find的另一个意思“寻找”经常和look for“寻找”作对比。Find着重指“找到”的结果;look for着重强调“寻找”的过程。)

口语课考试,how to learn foreign language,上台演讲

how to learn a foreign language well It is not difficult to learn a foreign language well as long as you get the keys. There are four most important things in learning a foreign language that are reading, writing, listening and speaking. Reading is a process of accumulating knowledge and words and from reading articles we get not only the main idea of the article but also the rules of writing. During reading we can feel the writing habits of local writers and make clear how the sentences are composed. And as you read on and on, you will become a fast reader that means you can read fast and you can get the meaning quickly. After having become a good reader, you can try to write on your own. To write doesn"t mean simply to use your pen, before you write you must get an idea of what you want to express or what you want to tell the reader. It is not easy to be an excellent writer but if you can make everybody understand your purpose you win. Moreover, writing can help training your thought. The same as talking to others, writing needs to choose proper words and organise them in a certain way, and during writing your thought can be improved. listening is also a nacessary part of learning a foreign language, besides, it is an important way of getting information. A lot of people like to listen to tapes, and this is a good way that I want to introduce to all of you. Don"t be dumb when learning a foreign language. When you communicate with other people you need to speak out. But some research show that most learners are afraid of opening their mouths especially at the very begining of their study. How to conquer it?Remember how did you write? Then just calm down and think and organise your sentences quietly and say it out just as you read from your mind. Easy? As a conclusion, to learn a foreign language is not difficult.Just try to be brave and self-confident and keep the above words in mind.

get on 怎么读

盖特 噢嗯。。。。

get on是什么意思

  get on意味着事情还在发展变化之中,就像是时间永远不会停下来一样。下面是我给大家整理的get on是什么意思,供大家参阅!   get on是什么意思   英 [ɡet u0254n] 美 [ɡu025bt ɑn]   进行; 变老; 上车; 对付;   get on的英语例句   We do not get on well together.   我们相处得不融洽。   Here comes the bus. Let"s get on.   公共汽车来了,咱们上去吧。   I get on well with others.   我和别人相处得很好。   Only then did it get on to your computer.   直到那时你才能从你的电脑上看到它。   Do the laundry and get on with your duties.   把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。   What should you do if you really cannot get on with your boss at work?   如果你在工作中实在无法和老板处好,你应该怎么办?   They all get on, and we are friends with both our former spouses again.   他们相处的很融洽,我们也和双方以前的配偶重新成了朋友。   They tell us all the same thing and hope we get on with it.   学校教育我们同样的事情,并希望我们照他们说的做下去。   I get on with the rest of my day.   之后我就继续做一天中其他的事情了。   “Itu2019s interesting learning how to get on with women, ” he says.   他说,“学习如何讨女人的欢心是件非常有趣的事情。   Do you mind if I come along too and see how you get on?   要是我也跟你一起去看看你怎么办,你不介意吧?   If you see any discrepancies, get on the phone immediately.   如果你看到任何不符点,马上打询问电话。   They tell us all the same thing and hope we get on with it.   他们灌输给我们同样的“知识”,并希望我们按这个思路走下去。   Check out how other people get on with him by asking subtle questions u2013 do not rant about how awful he is and see if others agree.   问问其他人一些微妙的问题,调查他们和约翰相处如何——不要在痛骂老板是多么的可恶后再看那些人的反映。   I get on with the rest of my day.   然后我便开始渡过余下下的一天。   get on的双语例句   1. You"ll need to get on the right side of Carmela.   你得讨卡梅拉的欢心。   2. I wouldn"t like to get on the wrong side of him.   我不想激怒他。   3. I"lltry to get on the flight down to Karachi tonight.   我尽量赶上今晚去卡拉奇的航班。   4. I was able to get on with my work without interruption.   我可以不受打扰继续我的工作了。   5. Don"t try to get on or off a moving train!   火车运行时请勿上下车!   6. What are your neighbours like? Do you get on with them?   你的邻居怎么样?跟他们相处得好吗?   7. I"d better leave you to get on with it, then.   那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。   8. The Professor was beginning to get on Molly"s wick.   教授快要把莫莉惹毛了。   9. Get on with life and don"t sit back and mope.   活跃一些享受生活,不要闲呆着闷闷不乐的。   10. The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.   重型机器发出的刺耳的摩擦声会让他们心烦意乱。   11. People will talk, but you have to get on with your life.   人们会有议论,但日子还得过下去。   12. The Macedonian question had failed to get on to the agenda.   马其顿问题没能列入议事日程。   13. She claimed that women "use their feminine wiles to get on."   她声称女人“靠她们的小聪明来达到目的”。   14. Stop whingeing and get on with it.   别抱怨了,继续做吧。   15. The host fears the guests won"t get on.   主人担心客人们会相处得不愉快。   

get on中文是什么意思


get on什么意思


Soler的《Bridge》 歌词

歌曲:Bridge歌手:Soler专集:X2作词:Dino Acconci作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton编曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao猪鼻插葱 制作You hit home one at a timeYou light it up like a neon signAnd it hurts meIt hurts meWe push and pull under the sunWe fight it out till the battle"s wonGotta build a bridge across this ocean"Coz I have no notion of what you"re feelingGotta build a bridge across this ocean of liesYeahYou hit it home one at a timeLooking through the eye of the woundI realize that I spoke too soonCoz I have no notion of what you"re feelingGotta build a bridge

get out 的过去式是什麼?

got out出来满意还望采纳

当别人对你说GET OUT 的时候 应该怎么回?

get out是不太客气的语气,翻译起来,就是“出去!”,有的地方甚至翻译成“滚出去!”,你觉得你应该怎么办

come put与get out 的区别

come put 把某某东西归纳整理放置在一起等等get out 出去

get out of是什么意思(get out)

您好,我就为大家解答关于get out of是什么意思,get out相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、滚的意思,比较直接。2、... 您好,我就为大家解答关于get out of是什么意思,get out相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、滚的意思,比较直接。 2、例如你很讨厌某人,想要他走开,就可以说。

get out 与get away 分别是什么意思?

get out 泄露; 传出; 胡说; 去你的get away 外出度假; 走开, 离开; 逃脱

请问"Get out"和"Get away"哪一个短语更加不礼貌?

get out

英语、 Get on. Get into.Get down. Get off.Get up .Get out 分别是什么意思。 谢啦~

get on 接近,上车(马),穿上,等于get along , 识破,困扰,打扰,发迹,出人头地。get into 进入,染上习惯,穿上鞋袜,学会,懂得,习惯于。get down 从什么下来,下车,咽下,吞下,写下,使沮丧,使抑郁,开始认真考虑和对待。get off 从什么下来,下车,脱衣服,动身,开始,飞机起飞,离开,发出电报信件,逃脱处分,被容忍,和异性交好,说笑话。get up 起床,起立,登上,上马,风浪猛烈,到达赶上,修整外表,打扮,安排组织,致力于,温习,地位提高,产生感情,命令马快跑增加知识

get on ,get off, get out区别

get on:1.上(车船等);eg.Where did you get on?2.进展情况,(健康,生活等)情况和get along意思相近;eg.How are you getting on?3.相处得好;eg.How are you getting on with your friend.get off;1.下车;They got off the bus and walked away.2.(飞机)起飞;The plane got off on time.get out1. 泄漏If the news gets out, there"ll be trouble.如果消息泄漏出去,就会有麻烦。2. 出版Will they get out the book?他们会出版此书吗?

get in、get into、get out、get away有什么区别

get in= 进入(形式/状态); get into=进入(实体空间); get out =出来, 离开, 泄漏(消息);get away= 逍遥法外;(做了错事而)安然无事 以上片语都必须配合前后文判断实际用法

外国人说get out 是骂人吗


求get out的延续性动词!求专家!

be away

get out 和go away有什么区别

get out 能翻译成滚!情绪是激动+愤怒的。go away 只是比较平和地说:走开

get out 与get away 分别是什么意思

go away

get away与get out区别

get out of 和get away都有“躲避、逃避”的意思。但get away不能跟宾语

get off 和 get out 在“出去”这层意思上是什么区别?

get off 和 get out 在“出去”这层意思上是什么区别?Get off :下车Get out :出去

get out 为什么是滚蛋的意思


英语:get out 和go out有什么区别?英语书上的离开是get out 但我练习书上的是go out啊

差不多啊就像get back=go back啊,没有什么特明确的规定

everybody get on the floor. everybody wanna uh uh 是什么歌

是hey willpower的《uh-uh-uh》我也想找这首歌,找了好长时间才找到

英语“get out”有骂人的意思吗?


get out 与get out of的区别 具体一点 要本质的区别 百度词典的太笼统,不易懂

get out of是个介词短语,不可单用,后面要加名词或代词构成介宾结构get out 是个副词短语,可单用

get in、get into、get out、get away有什么区别

get in= 进入(形式/状态); get into=进入(实体空间); get out =出来, 离开, 泄漏(消息); get away= 逍遥法外;(做了错事而)安然无事 以上片语都必须配合前后文判断实际用法
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