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go through,get through,put through的区别

2023-07-11 22:17:54

go through经过,通过,经历痛苦或磨难。

get through通过,电括接通了,议案通过。

put through渡过难关,指生病等活下来了。




经历; 讨论; 被通过;




到达; 通过;




完成; 提出



  go through的意思如下:  1. 通过;穿过;透过  The rain has gone through my overcoat.  雨水淋透了我的外衣。  2. 审查,检查;讨论  We shall go through these papers together.  我们将在一起审阅这些论文。  3. 翻找;搜寻;查看  Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater.  妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。  4. 从头到尾看(或做、说、排练)一遍  John went through the magazine quickly.  约翰快速地把杂志从头到尾看了一遍。  5. 经历(痛苦、困难等);遭受;忍受  You didn"t know what I have gone through.  你不知道我遭受了什么苦难。  6. 经过,度过  His relationship with Mary went through four stages.  他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段。  7. 用完,用尽,花完  I"ve gone through too much money this month.  这个月我已花了许多钱。  8. (法律、方案等)被通过  The bill has now gone through.  这个提案现在已经通过。  9. (生意)成交;达成协议  If this deal doesn"t go through, we"re ruined.  如果这笔买卖不能成交,我们将破产。  10. 履行;实行;参加;完成  You have to go through certain formalities before you can emigrate.  在你移居国外前必须履行某些手续。  11. 通过(考试等);修完(课程)  He has gone through the examination.  他已通过考试。  12. (书)发行(…版),重印(…次)  In the next twenty years it went through fourteen editions.  在后来的二十年里,该书再版了十四次。  13. 穿破;磨穿,用破  A child can go through three pairs of shoes in a month.  孩子可在一个月内磨破三双鞋。  14. 经由(某人)处理;通过(某人)请求(帮忙)  If you want a special favour, you have to go through the director.  你如果想特殊照顾,你必须求助于主任。
2023-07-11 16:48:201

英语中go through的具体用法有哪些?

go through是动词短语
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2023-07-11 16:49:081

go though什么意思

DREYE词典 go through KK: [ ] DJ: [ ] 1. 经历 The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。 2. 被通过 The new law did not go through. 新法案未能通过。 3. 讨论 Let"s go through the argument again. 让我们再来讨论一下这一论点。 4. 举行 They went through the marriage service. 他们举行了婚礼。
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释义:1.经历 (尤为艰难时期)例:He was going through a very difficult time.他在经历一段非常艰难的时期。2. 检查例:It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.显然有人翻过我的物品。3. 通读; 查阅例:Going through his list of customers is a massive job.查阅他的客户名单是一项繁重的工作。4. (法律、协议、决定) 获得通过例:The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.如果经济保持增长的话,那个议案或许已经获得通过了。
2023-07-11 16:49:351

go through和go across的区别

across 侧重从平面空间穿越through 则侧重从立体空间闯过比如go across the road 只是从马路一边到另一边go through则是从马路一端到另一端
2023-07-11 16:49:434

go through英语造句

The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水淋透了我的外衣.
2023-07-11 16:50:012

go through 和go across的区别

go through ( going, went, gone, goes )[英国英语]1. PHRASAL VERB If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it. 经历 (尤为艰难时期)例:He was going through a very difficult time.他在经历一段非常艰难的时期。2. PHRASAL VERB If you go through a lot of things such as papers or clothes, you look at them, usually in order to sort them into groups or to search for a particular item. 检查例:It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.显然有人翻过我的物品。3. PHRASAL VERB If you go through a list, story, or plan, you read or check it from beginning to end. 通读; 查阅例:Going through his list of customers is a massive job.查阅他的客户名单是一项繁重的工作。4. PHRASAL VERB If a law, agreement, or official decision goes through, it is approved by a legislature or committee. (法律、协议、决定) 获得通过例:The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.如果经济保持增长的话,那个议案或许已经获得通过了。go across横穿马路;越过水域(或空间等):He went across the bridge.他走过桥了。被接受;被理解:Did your speech go across to the crowd all right?你的演讲大家理解了吗?精锐五角场
2023-07-11 16:50:301

区别"come through" "go through" "get through" "pass through"谢~~~~~~~~~

getthrough穿过强调的是状态可作谓语gothrought穿过强调的是动作可作谓语passthrough经历,通过强调的是动作 可作谓语
2023-07-11 16:50:392

suffer from 和go through的区别

虽然两个都有“遭受”的意思,但是go through强调"经历",一般翻译为“经历”,suffer from一般指“因(疾病)而痛或不舒服;因...而更糟;受...之苦”,指的是遭受不幸或疾病
2023-07-11 16:50:471

go through the street/ road这样用正确吗

不正确,要使用go acrossgo through 从中间穿过(被包围)go across 从表面穿过Go throught the forest. 穿过森林go throught the tunnel 穿过隧道go across the street. 穿过大街可用动词形式 cross cross the streetcross the forest
2023-07-11 16:50:553

go through英语造句

The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水淋透了我的外衣.
2023-07-11 16:51:052

go through 不用被动的吗?

2023-07-11 16:51:462

through和go through的区别?

through 和 go through 表示“通过(某地、议案等);用完”时可互换使用。
2023-07-11 16:51:559

go aross,cross,go through区别

go across 和cross意思差不多,一般都指横过马路,指穿过一条横的路go through呢,就是纵向穿过的意思,比如go through the forest穿过丛林
2023-07-11 16:52:172

get through、get across、go through、go across的区别

2023-07-11 16:52:271

get through 和go through区别是什么?

get through和go through的区别为:一、指代不同1、get through:完成。2、go through:经历。二、侧重点不同1、get through:侧重于表现结果。2、go through:侧重于表现过程。三、引证用法不同1、get through:在表示“得到”“收到”“获得”“受到”等意时, get后可接名词或代词作宾语。get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。2、go through:go用作系动词时,还可以现在分词作补足语,这种用法源自“go+动名词”,一般用来表示带有经常性的一般活动,如go shopping。
2023-07-11 16:52:591

go through和get through的区别

go through和get through的区别:get through是及物动词,意思是:完成,读完。go through是不及物动词,意思是:(法律、合同等正式)通过,用完。 扩展资料 go through的例句:Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling(大多数青少年都要经历一段叛逆期);get through的例句:He had to lower his head to get through the door(他得低头才能过这道门)。
2023-07-11 16:53:151

谁能告诉我是“穿过沙漠”翻译后是go through the dessert还是go across the dessert啊?

go across the dessert
2023-07-11 16:53:249

get though ,go though区别

get through v. 到达,做完,通过,度过,打通 go through v. 经历,经受,仔细检查,用完,被通过,参加,搜查,履行
2023-07-11 16:53:392

go through的衍生义

2023-07-11 16:53:521

go across与go through的区别和用法

2023-07-11 16:54:113

go through和go across的区别

2023-07-11 16:54:3813

举例说明go through的用法

o through 经历;经受。大多指痛苦的事情。例如:The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。 How can she keep smiling after what she"s gone through? 在她经历了这一切之后怎么还能保持满脸笑容?【拓展】go through 还表示如下含义:1) 仔细检查;审查 I always start the day by going through my e-mails. 我总是每天一早就仔细查阅我的邮件。2)(指法律、法案等)被正式通过或接受 The bill went through two months later. 两个月之后,该法案被正式通过。3)通过(考试) He went through the driving test and bought a new car last year. 去年他通过了驾驶测试,并购买了一辆新车。【巩固】用go through翻译下列句子:1)大家都对Anne在二战中的遭遇感到震惊。 __________________________________________________________________________2)在老师的帮助下,他去年通过了高考。 __________________________________________________________________________3)交卷之前,你们必须仔细检查试卷。 __________________________________________________________________________【猜猜看】“go through” 是一常见短语,读下面的句子,猜猜看“go through”在下面句子中的意思有何不同?1.The train went through some tunnels.2. Have you gone through all your money already.3. The country has gone through too many wars.4. I went through the papers looking for Jane"s letter.5. The early pioneers had to go through many hardships to settle on the new land.6. The dictionary has gone through ten editions.7. The bill has gone through without a vote.Keys:1. 穿过 2. 用掉;花掉 3. 经历 4. 仔细检查 5. 遭受 6.(指书) 发行(若干版) 7. (法律等)被通过【试试看】试着用短语“go through” 翻译下面句子1. 我把所有的口袋都找遍了,就是找不到我的钥匙。2. 随着青春期的临近,我们需要经历许多身体上和情感上的变化。3. 她的申请获得通过,她被录用了。4. 他们已通过了那个危险、荒无人烟的沙漠。5. 她按时完成了任务。6. 在治疗癌症中,你还得遭受极大的痛苦。7. 海关人员检查了我们的行李。Keys:1. I"ve gone through all my pockets but I can"t find my keys.2. As we approach our teenage years, we have to go through many physical and emotional changes.3. Her application went through and she was hired.4. They"ve gone through that dangerous and lonely desert.5. She went through her task just on time.6. You"ll have to go through tremendous pain in treating the cancer.7. They went through our luggage at the customs.【仔细看】看动词go 用法全拓展go after 追求go ahead 开始;进行go along with 赞同;支持go by (时光)逝去;过去go down 下降;减少go for 袭击go in for 从事;爱好go into 调查go off 变坏;衰退go on 发生go out 熄火;停止运转;过时go over 仔细察看; 复习go up 上升;增长go with 适合;与…一致go on doing sth. 继续做某事go on to do sth. 接着做另件事
2023-07-11 16:55:052

go through的意思

go through [05g05u 04θru:]仔细检查,详细讨论;经历;通过,被批准 北京盛世汇点企业品牌形象设计 时尚 专业 雨田兄弟企业形象画册 专注中国中小企业海词在线词典 go through a. 通过例句:He"s amazingly cheerful considering all that he"s been through.鉴於他经历过的种种遭遇,他的乐天达观令人惊叹。I"ve gone through the elbows of my sweater.我的毛衣的肘部都磨破了。海词广告: 年终大奖快来抢! 学外语,交外国真朋友本文章的内容选自, 并有 "互动在线" 授权许可句酷双语例句 It"s a formality that we have to go through.这是我们必须办理的手续。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句It"s a formality which we have to go through.它是我们必须办理的一项手续。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句All the banking transactions go through the computer.全部银行业务都由计算机完成。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句go through due formalities办理正式的手续((乘坐飞机的手续等))-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Go through the door on your right and into the office.穿过右边门到办公室去。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句There was no salvation: she would have to go through with it.她看不出哪里有救星,她必须硬着头皮苦撑下去。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句We shall have to go through customs at the airport.我们必须在机场办理海关手续。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句You must go through customs in order to pass across the border.你过边境就必须在海关办理手续。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句go through strange adventures经历种种奇遇-- 英汉 - 辞典例句He is willing to go through the mill.
2023-07-11 16:55:271

意思与go through相近的单词

go through 经历; 讨论; 通过; 举行carry out, experience, pass, follow out, follow through, follow up, go across, put through, run through, work through.
2023-07-11 16:55:362

go through和go across的区别

go through参加;经受;仔细检查;通过He was going through a very difficult time.他在经历一段非常艰难的时期。Going through his list of customers is a massive job.查阅他的客户名单是一项繁重的工作。The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.如果经济保持增长的话,那个议案或许已经获得通过了。go across穿过,横过;走过He went across the bridge.他走过桥了Did your speech go across to the crowd all right?你的演讲大家理解了吗?go across有横穿过的意思,倾向于实际动作。go through 有从头到尾的走过,经历过,尤其是指经历过苦难。另外还有通过,查阅等意思。
2023-07-11 16:55:572

英语be through和go through的区别

be through 是结束,破裂go through是通过,完成be through是强调一种状态,而go through 则是强调结果
2023-07-11 16:56:051

go through什么意思

  go through的意思如下:  1. 通过;穿过;透过  The rain has gone through my overcoat.  雨水淋透了我的外衣。  2. 审查,检查;讨论  We shall go through these papers together.  我们将在一起审阅这些论文。  3. 翻找;搜寻;查看  Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater.  妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。  4. 从头到尾看(或做、说、排练)一遍  John went through the magazine quickly.  约翰快速地把杂志从头到尾看了一遍。  5. 经历(痛苦、困难等);遭受;忍受  You didn"t know what I have gone through.  你不知道我遭受了什么苦难。  6. 经过,度过  His relationship with Mary went through four stages.  他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段。  7. 用完,用尽,花完  I"ve gone through too much money this month.  这个月我已花了许多钱。  8. (法律、方案等)被通过  The bill has now gone through.  这个提案现在已经通过。  9. (生意)成交;达成协议  If this deal doesn"t go through, we"re ruined.  如果这笔买卖不能成交,我们将破产。  10. 履行;实行;参加;完成  You have to go through certain formalities before you can emigrate.  在你移居国外前必须履行某些手续。  11. 通过(考试等);修完(课程)  He has gone through the examination.  他已通过考试。  12. (书)发行(…版),重印(…次)  In the next twenty years it went through fourteen editions.  在后来的二十年里,该书再版了十四次。  13. 穿破;磨穿,用破  A child can go through three pairs of shoes in a month.  孩子可在一个月内磨破三双鞋。  14. 经由(某人)处理;通过(某人)请求(帮忙)  If you want a special favour, you have to go through the director.  你如果想特殊照顾,你必须求助于主任。
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2023-07-11 16:57:011

go through的中文意思是什么?

go through 意为(法律、合同等正式)通过;用完;检查;完成;穿过
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2023-07-11 16:57:311

求翻译,最好能解释一下go through 在句中含义

2023-07-11 16:57:394

go through的用法总结

go through的用法总结: 1. 检查, 审查, 搜查 2. 完成, 做完 3. 练习 4. 遭受, 经受, 经历 5. 穿过, 通过 6. 用完, 用掉 7. 看完 8. 讨论 9. (法律、合同等正式)通过,接受,达成 扩展资料   go through 经历;经受。大多指痛苦的事情。例如:   The country has gone through too many wars.   这个国家经历了太多的战争。   How can she keep smiling after what she"s gone through?   在她经历了这一切之后怎么还能保持满脸笑容?   【拓展】go through 还表示如下含义:   1) 仔细检查;审查   I always start the day by going through my e-mails.   我总是每天一早就仔细查阅我的`邮件。   2)(指法律、法案等)被正式通过或接受   The bill went through two months later.   两个月之后,该法案被正式通过。   3)通过(考试)   He went through the driving test and bought a new car last year.   去年他通过了驾驶测试,并购买了一辆新车。   go through这个短语的用法:   1.表示仔细查看的意思   eg: Lily goes through the book quickly.   Lily 很快地把这本书仔细看了一遍。   2.表示找什么东西,搜什么东西的意思   eg:I went to the wardrobe looking for my sweater.   我在衣柜找我的毛衣。   3.表示遭受什么痛苦、忍受的意思   eg:You didn"t know what I have gone through.   你不知道我到底遭受了什么。   4.表示 审查,检查的意思   eg:We should go through those papers togeter.   我们一起来审这些论文吧。
2023-07-11 16:57:581

go through和go across的区别

介词across指横过一个直线、平面、一片开阔地,总之要从表面经过,同源介词是on,但涉水而过也用across  through指从中穿过、穿透,总之要穿过一个立体空间同源介词是in,  e.g.walkacrossthestreetrunacrossthefinishingline  goacrossthebridgegrassland  swimacrosstheriver  gothroughthefirstdoorgothroughthevalley  shinethroughtheglass(太阳光)透过玻璃  第一句指从大道的中间穿过,而且是从交叉路口穿越,因此用through,而第二句只是横过大街(到大街对面去)不是,并非是十字路口,因此用across.
2023-07-11 16:58:111

英语中go through的具体用法有哪些?

2023-07-11 16:58:201

go through和through的区别

在两者都表示"通过、经历"的意思时,go through更强调过程的艰难,而get through只说明是通过了的结果get throughphr. 到达;做完;接通电话;通过例句:到达 Will my email messages get through to the inbox? 我的电子邮件信息是否能到达用户的收件箱?做完 We wish to get through the thing quickly. 我们期望赶快把这件事做完。打通电话 Calls a number which will never get through. 打一个从未接通的电话。通过 This handy step-by-step guide should help you get through even the most nerve-wracking introductions.方便的一步步的引导将帮助你通过甚至是让人头疼的介绍。go throughphr. 被通过;翻阅;翻找;彻查;例行做;经历;用完例句:被通过,被批准 Applications for leave must go through proper channels. 请假必须通过适当的途径翻阅,通读;翻找,整理;彻查,仔细检查 Let"s go through the arguments again.我们再研究一下这些论据吧重复,例行做 Surely they will go through with the plan.他们肯定会把计划执行到底。经历,经受,参加 This has been the worst weather that I go through since the beginning of this year. 这是今年年初以来我所经历的最坏的天气。
2023-07-11 16:58:291

go across与go through的区别和用法

2023-07-11 16:58:374

get through和go through的区别

Go through get through
2023-07-11 16:58:465

go through的用法是什么?

1、get through通过考试;接通。I got through everything except English.除英语外我别的都及格了。I can"t get through to Beijing.The line is busy.我打不通北京的电话,占线。2、go through检查;看一遍;经历(困难,痛苦)。Go through the text from the beginning.把课文从头看一遍。She must have gone through a lot.她一定吃了不少苦。词义辨析across,along,over,through这些前置词均有“横过、穿过”之意。across指“从……的一边到另一边”,强调横过,多与动态动词连用。along指沿着一条直线在水平方向上运动。一般表动态,有时也与静态动词连用。over常和动态动词连用,指“从……上面越过”或“横越”;表静态时,指“在彼处”。through侧重从一端穿到另一端。
2023-07-11 16:59:061

过桥是用 go through 还是 go across

across是穿过的意思。不能这么连用,只能用across from,所以用go through
2023-07-11 17:00:031

through和go through的区别?

through 是介词go through 是动词与介词组合 We go out of the room through the window.我们通过窗户走出这间房子。
2023-07-11 17:01:351

区别"come through" "go through" "get through" "pass through"谢~~~~~~~~~

2023-07-11 17:01:453

go through和go across的区别?

go through和go across的区别:go through是指从事物内部穿过,比如“穿过森林”go through the forest;go across是指从事物表面通过,比如“穿过大街”go across the street。 扩展资料   1、go through   through作介词时意为:从…一端至另一端;穿过;贯穿;透过…看到;隔着…听到;自始至终;从头到尾   through作副词时意为:从一端到另一端;通过;自始至终;从头至尾;通过(障碍、阶段或测试)   through作形容词时意为:(交通旅行)直达的,直通的,联运的,全程的;(火车)直达的.;(道路或路线)直通的   例句:   The theatre was evacuated when rain poured through the roof at the Liverpool Playhouse.   雨从利物浦剧院的屋顶倾泻而入,剧院的观众被疏散了。   We made our way through the crowd to the river.   我们挤过人群,来到河边。   2、go across   across作介词时意为:从…一边到另一边;横过;在…对面;在…对过;在(身体某部位)上   across作副词时意为:从一边到另一边;横过;宽;从…的一边向…;在对面;在对过   例句:   Anyone from the houses across the road could see him   马路对面房子里的任何一个人都能看见他。   Go straight and then go across the bridge .   直直走然后走过一座桥。
2023-07-11 17:02:021

go through 有哪些含义

1go through sth经受,经历(坏事,苦难) 2用光,花完。3 (法律)被通过 4(交易或协定)获得正式认可 5 磨穿,磨破 6练习,排练 7仔细检查(寻找) 8从头到尾
2023-07-11 17:02:341

  gothrough和goacross的区别:  goacross就是从表面过,像over那样,是在物体之外的。但和over又不同,over是悬于物体上方一定距离,而across就可以理解为贴着物体表面过去,从物体上面过去..across是平面上的意义。  gothrough就有点立体上的意味了,是指穿过,透过..例如,子弹透过窗户可用through,一个人穿越大森林也可用through...一般就是说是从某个物体内部过去。  试比较:  goacrosstheroad(穿过马路)只是从马路一边到另一边。  gothroughtheroad(穿过马路)则是从马路一端到另一端。  另外,街一般用沿着XX街行走比较好,用gostraightalongtheWallStreet吧。意为“沿着那条沃尔街一直笔直走下去”。
2023-07-11 17:02:421

get through与go through的区别

  get through 1. 通过,穿过 2. (工作)完成 When you get through with your work, let"s go out. 你完成工作后,我们出去吧。 3. (测验)合格 Tom got through. 汤姆考试及格了。 4. 接通电话 I rang you several times but couldn"t get through. 我给你打了几次电话,可是没打通。 go through 1. 经历 The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。 2. 被通过 The new law did not go through. 新法案未能通过。 3. 讨论 Let"s go through the argument again. 让我们再来讨论一下这一论点。 4. 举行 They went through the marriage service. 他们举行了婚礼。
2023-07-11 17:02:514