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with regard to 后面接的是介词词组 名词词组 动词词组 等一类的词组 而regarding 后面接的是句子


这两个句型没区别, 都是表建议的, 而且后面都接动词ING形式 表建议的还有why not /why don"t you +动原

表关于,as to ,about,regarding.有什么区别,可以互换吗

这三个都是介词,而且都表达同样的意思,但名称略有不同:as to ,复杂介词(或短语介词)例如 in front of,at the back ofabout,介词(普通介词)例如 for,on,withregarding 分词介词(由分词形式演变来的介词),例如 including但是,它们这几个用法一般可以互换,并没有多大区别。只是注意:as to可以放在句首,其他两个一般放在句中。例如:As to the problem of air pollution,we have paid great attention to it.=Great attention has been paid to the problem of air pollution.祝你开心如意!

请问regarding to 以及 regarding 的区别





英语regarding后面一般跟to,并常作为宾语使用。宾语,又称受词,是指一个动作(动词)的接受者。宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语两大类,其中直接宾语指动作的直接对象,间接宾语说明动作的非直接,但受动作影响的对象。 英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。




差不多!regarding相当于about sb/sth 关于;至于Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。

regarding 和regarding to 哪个做开头是对的

Regarding 或者 with regard to


  regarding的中文意思: 关于;就…而论;至于  读音:英 [ru026au02c8gɑ:du026au014b] 美 [ru026au02c8gɑ:rdu026au014b]  v. regard的现在分词  【双语例句】  He refused to divulge any information regarding the man"s whereabouts.  关于那个人的行踪他拒绝透露任何信息。  Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public"s confidence in thegovernment.  工会将此次民意调查当作测试民众对政府信心的一种方式。    A spokesman said: "We have no comment regarding the publication of thesephotographs."  一位发言人说,“对于这些照片的公之于众,我们不予置评。”  We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our patio.  我们经常听人称赞我们的露台非常干净。  The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.  关于维生素C的争议短期内不可能平息。    Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.  盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。    There, after some discussion, it was agreed to consult the astronomers regardingthat part of the enterprise.  然后,经过了一番讨论,关于计划的那部分,大家同意去请教天文学家。    I have had discussions with the students regarding proper and improper behavioras well.  我已经和学生们讨论了适当和不适当的行为。    In this section I discussed general concepts regarding strategy.  在此部分中,我讨论了关于战略的一般概念。    Corresponding proposed own viewpoint and the countermeasure regarding theseloopholes and the question.  对于这些漏洞和问题相应的提出了自己的观点和对策。    We believe you have sent more than one email regarding this issue.  我们相信你有一个以上的电子邮件发送有关这一问题。    Several key improvements were made regarding performance and scalability inV6.2.  在V6.2中实现了多个关于性能和可伸缩性的重要改进。    Last, we discussed some important social considerations regarding the involvementof the users and their retraining.  最后,讨论了一些重要的社会考虑因素,包括用户参与和再培训。    This article has presented some guidelines regarding when to extend Lombok anddescribed how to do it.  本文提供了一些关于扩展Lombok的指导,并描述了如何进行操作。    This approach would also raise specific requirements regarding the standards andguidelines from which the evaluation points are drawn.  该方法也会提出关于评估点所出自的标准和指导方针的具体需求。    Get clarity regarding your role and the expectations from you.  要搞清楚你应扮演的角色和你对新工作的期待。    Members needed to have more detailed information regarding the scope and thefunctions of such offices.  成员国需要有更多的关于这种办公室的范围和职能的详细信息。    The policy and procedures regarding government procurement provided for thereinwere consistent with international practice.  其中规定的有关政府采购的政策和程序是与国际惯例相一致的。    What"s your company"s policy regarding discrimination?  你们公司对歧视的政策是怎么样的?    Current standards regarding digital certificates have identifying information includedalong with the key.  目前关于数字证书的标准中都有一些标识信息,在密钥中也都包含了这些信息。    If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding USPAP, pleasecontact the ASB.  您对USPAP有任何的批评意见、疑问或建议,都请与ASB联系。    We have seen some cases regarding "disk quota".  我们已经看到一些情况下是和“磁盘配额”有关的。    DataPower provides a variety of information regarding general system health as wellas consumption of resources and services.  DataPower提供了大量关于一般系统健康状况以及资源与服务消耗的信息。  These, regarding formulate our country area development strategy and theindustrial structure adjustment relate closely.  这些,对于制定我国区域发展战略和产业结构的调整都关系密切。  There have been innumerable books that have been written regarding the unusualphenomenon which take place in this area.  关于在这个地区发生的不寻常现象已经写了无数的书。  Government agencies and regulated industries may also have laws or regulationsregarding spending and expense reporting.  政府机构和受管理的产业可能也有关于花费和开支报告方面的法律或规则。  I have no advice for you regarding that problem.  对于这个问题,我没有任何建议。  But we often fail in successfully conducting and following through regarding theseconcepts.  但是我们经常在执行和遵守这些概念之后却失败了。    Additional information regarding directory creation can be found in the DatabaseCreation and Maintenance Tools chapter of this document.  创建目录的其它相关信息可以在本文档的“资料库创建和维护工具”一章中找到。    I wrote a letter regarding my daughter"s school examinations.  我写了一封关于我女儿学校的信。

regardless of什么意思

regardless of [英]riu02c8ɡɑ:dlis u0254v [美]ru026au02c8ɡɑrdlu026as u028cv 不管, 不顾;无;不拘 [例句]The future is now with respect to bitcoin , regardless of marijuana or any business ."无论是大麻还是其他行业,未来都系于比特币一身。”

如何分清despite和regardless of的区别


regardless of后面接什么?

regardless of 指 不管,无论例一:Christmas has become a global festival, regardless of religion or location. 【无论是什么宗教或者地区,圣诞节已成为一个国际性的节日。】例二:Sharks are caught on long lines, or in nets, regardless of size or species.【无论大小或种类,都是用长线或网来钓/抓】

regardless of 有那些用法


regardless of是无论的意思?


regardless of后面接什么

regardless of 无论,不论,无论...是什么Regardless of the outcome, the players will be long remembered for their professionalism.无论(比赛的)结果是什么,竞赛者的良好的表现将长久被记住。Today Christmas is a global festival, regardless of religion or location.现在,圣诞节是一个全球性的节日,不论宗教或地区。第一例句 regardless of = whatever第二句 regardless of = without regard to我是加拿大人,前英语老师。

regardless of后面接什么?

regardless of 无论,不论,无论...是什么Regardless of the outcome, the players will be long remembered for their professionalism.无论(比赛的)结果是什么,竞赛者的良好的表现将长久被记住。Today Christmas is a global festival, regardless of religion or location.现在,圣诞节是一个全球性的节日,不论宗教或地区。第一例句 regardless of = whatever第二句 regardless of = without regard to我是加拿大人,前英语老师。

regardless of的用法?

regardless of 指 不管,无论例一:Christmas has become a global festival, regardless of religion or location. 【无论是什么宗教或者地区,圣诞节已成为一个国际性的节日。】例二:Sharks are caught on long lines, or in nets, regardless of size or species.【无论大小或种类,都是用长线或网来钓/抓】

in spite of与regardless of有什么区别?

in spite of 与regardless of都表示不管、即使的意思,但是二者在侧重点上有所不同。1、in spite of一般是主观上故意去忽视,有时往往是好的条件,因素或他人的建议很可能导致不好的结果。如:In spite of these insults, I managed not to get angry.尽管遭到了这些侮辱,我尽力控制住自己没有发怒。2、regardless of一般用于客观上无法避免的事实,往往是不利的条件,因素,需要主语去正确面对和处理,并不是避而远之。如:Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it.不管是谁造成的,你都需要对你面对的每个问题负全责。扩展资料表示即使、不管的同义词1、despite一般用于表达转折和意料之外的涵义,但是“despite” 是介词,并非连接词。也不能在句子中取代 “but” 。如Despite his lack of experience, he got the job.他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。2、although“although” 是 “虽然/尽管” 的意思,用来表示转折的语气,往往含有意料之外的惊讶意味。如Although Jane was a good student, she hasn"t found a job yet.即使简是个好学生,但是她还没有找到一份工作。3、Whereas连接词 “whereas” 用来对比或比较两个事实。如He had never done anything for them, whereas they had done everything for him.他从未为他们做过任何事,反之他们却为他做了所有事。

regardless of 的用法

“regardless of”可以单独用作宾语从句;“regardless of”可以在句子中用作定语;“regardless of”也可在句子中作谓语。 扩展资料   The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.   不管有没有孩子,每个人都会得到相同的金额。   Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions.   不管他正确与否,我们都得服从他的决定。   Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay.   无论支付能力如何,每个人都有权得到良好的医疗。



regardless of的区别是什么?

regardless of 无论,不论,无论...是什么Regardless of the outcome, the players will be long remembered for their professionalism.无论(比赛的)结果是什么,竞赛者的良好的表现将长久被记住。Today Christmas is a global festival, regardless of religion or location.现在,圣诞节是一个全球性的节日,不论宗教或地区。第一例句 regardless of = whatever第二句 regardless of = without regard to我是加拿大人,前英语老师。

regardless of的区别是什么?

regardless of 无论,不论,无论...是什么Regardless of the outcome, the players will be long remembered for their professionalism.无论(比赛的)结果是什么,竞赛者的良好的表现将长久被记住。Today Christmas is a global festival, regardless of religion or location.现在,圣诞节是一个全球性的节日,不论宗教或地区。第一例句 regardless of = whatever第二句 regardless of = without regard to我是加拿大人,前英语老师。





regardless of是什么意思

prep.不管;不顾;不理会paying no attention to sth/sb; treating sth/sb as not being importantThe club welcomes all new members regardless of age.俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequences.他说干就干了,没有考虑后果。The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.不管有没有孩子,每个人都会得到相同的金额。





regardless 与 in spite of 和despite 区分

despite意为“不管”“任凭”,相当于in spite of,后接名词、代词或动词,但语气比后者轻,不如后者常用。如: ① He went out despite bad weather. 他不管天气恶劣出发了。② Despite the fogs we went out for a walk. 尽管有雾,我们还是外出散步。 【注】despite后可接what引导的从句如: ① Despite what she says, I"ll go.不管她怎么说,我也要去。② I would support him despite what he did. 不管他做什么,我都支持他。 despite = in spite of,故不能再与of连用; in spite of / despite + 名词 = although + 从句in spite of= despite; regardless of = without considering or taking notice of regardless of 不管;不顾;不理会.后常接名词或者接从句 in spite of与regardless of区别前者:一般是主观上故意去忽视,有时往往是好的条件,因素,或他人的建议,很可能导致不好的结果 后者:一般用于客观上无法避免的事实,往往是不利的条件,因素,需要主语去正确面对和处理,并不是避而远之

regardless of什么意思?

regardless of 无论,不论,无论...是什么Regardless of the outcome, the players will be long remembered for their professionalism.无论(比赛的)结果是什么,竞赛者的良好的表现将长久被记住。Today Christmas is a global festival, regardless of religion or location.现在,圣诞节是一个全球性的节日,不论宗教或地区。第一例句 regardless of = whatever第二句 regardless of = without regard to我是加拿大人,前英语老师。

regardless 与 in spite of 和despite 区分


sugar maroon5 歌词中文翻译

Sugar - Maroon 5 I"m hurting baby, I"m broken down 我受伤了啦宝贝,我心碎了一地呀 I need your loving, loving 我需要你的爱,你的爱 I need it now 我现在就要你的爱 When I"m without you 当我失去了你 I"m something weak 感觉像失去身体的一部份一样虚弱 You got me begging, begging 你让我乞求,乞求你 I"m on my knees 我都给你跪了 I don"t wanna be needing your love 我不想表现得像是我想要你的爱 I just wanna be deep in your love 我只是想沉浸在你的爱之中 And it"s killing me when you"re away 而当你不在身边简直让我想死 Ooh baby,cause a bullet don"t care where you are 喔宝贝,因为你就像枪弹一样无论你身在何处 I just wanna be there where you are 我只想到达你的所在地而已 And I gotta get one little taste 而我想先浅尝一口 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上 Oh right here, cause I need 喔就是这里,因为我需要 Little love and little sympathy 一点爱与一点同情 Yeah you show me good loving 你就是爱的典范 Make it alright 你让一切变得完美 Need a little a sweetness in my life 我的人生真的需要一点甜心 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上 My broken pieces 我那破碎的心 You put them up 你将那些碎片捡起 Don"t leave me hanging, hanging 别让我陷入迷惘之中 Come get me some 过来给我点糖甜心 When I"m without ya 当你不在我身边 So insecure 是如此不安 You are the one thing, one thing 你是唯一一个,唯一一个 I"m never full 我想要活下去的理由 I don"t wanna be needing your love 我不想表现得像是我想要你的爱 I just wanna be deep in your love 我只是想沉浸在你的爱之中 And it"s killing me when you"re away 而当你不在身边简直让我想死 Ooh baby,cause a bullet don"t care where you are 喔宝贝,因为你就像枪弹一样无论你身在何处 I just wanna be there where you are 我只想到达你的所在地而已 And I gotta get one little taste 而我想先浅尝一口 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上 Oh right here, cause I need 喔就是这里,因为我需要 Little love and little sympathy 一点爱与一点同情 Yeah you show me good loving 你就是爱的典范 Make it alright 你让一切变得完美 Need a little a sweetness in my life 我的人生真的需要一点甜心 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上 Yeah 是啊 I want that red velvet 我想要那红丝绒蛋糕 I want that sugar sweet 我想要那糖甜心 Don"t let nobody touch it 不让任何人触碰 Unless that somebody is me 除非那个谁是我 I gotta be a man 我要变成男子汉 There ain"t no other way 已无其他办法 Cause girl you"re hotter than southern california bae 因为美眉你可是比南加州的任何女孩都要火辣 I don"t wanna play no games 我不想玩任何没有结果的游戏 I don"t gotta be afraid 我不想变的胆怯 Don"t give all that shy sh-t 别管那些脸红心跳 No make up on 没有任何伪妆 That"s my 那就是我的 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上 Oh right here, cause I need 喔就是这里,因为我需要 Little love and little sympathy 一点爱与一点同情 Yeah you show me good loving 你就是爱的典范 Make it alright 你让一切变得完美 Need a little a sweetness in my life 我的人生真的需要一点甜心 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上 Oh right here, cause I need 喔就是这里,因为我需要 Little love and little sympathy 一点爱与一点同情 Yeah you show me good loving 你就是爱的典范 Make it alright 你让一切变得完美 Need a little a sweetness in my life 我的人生真的需要一点甜心 Sugar 糖甜心 Yes please 没错 请来吧 Won"t you come and put it on on me 你要不要来我身边 将糖到在我身上


regardless[英][ru026au02c8gɑ:dlu0259s][美][ru026au02c8gɑ:rdlu0259s]adv.不顾后果地; 不管怎样,无论如何; 不惜费用地; adj.不重视的,不尊敬的; 不顾虑的,不关心的; 不受注意的,毫无价值的; 例句:1.Regardless, a lot can happen in 5000 years. 无论如何,5000年的时间可以发生很多事情。2.Regardless, the reinvented michigan remains only an idea. 无论如何,彻底改造后的密歇根目前还只是个想法。

逗号后面跟 regardless of是什么语法现象?

regardless of是一个介词短语,放在逗号后面,通常做句子的状语。意思是,不管,不顾。例如,Jim goes on running in the morning regardless of rain and snow. 不管是下雨还是下雪,吉姆都坚持在早上跑步。Regardless of what you say I will insist on my opinion. 不管你说什么,我都会坚持自己的意见。

regardless of是什么意思,它的近义词是?

不管 不问

Irrespective/Regardless of 的词性

阁下似乎一个很重视语文结构和系统分析的人 但先劝导一句文字的组合和句子的写法不是因为词性配对而是意思表达的选择来决定。 Irrespective/Regardless都是adjective(形容词) 因为它们of的东西(即后面跟住要表达的)是名词(stock cost)而不是动词(动作/行为),这是文法归纳的测试原则。 我也查字典Irrespective标明是adj(只有一类);regardless则有adj 和 adv,adv注明"口语 省略用法" - 意思有时在句尾加上regardless以表示强调或感叹/反话等表达句子中讲述的动作或行为。例如:He loves her regardless.意思不是他不理她是谁也爱,而是表达他无条件地爱她(形容的是爱这动作-所以是副词adv)。 同理full of/out of等后面都是形容物件=形容词片语(用你的理解名称) out of cost你觉得怪是因为英语没有out of cost这phrase; because of something由于because of这phrase是较为普遍(可以百搭),所以Because of COST we will have the work done.你从填上字句感觉上顺,但其实理解意思的逻辑和前后文上并不合理。Because of COST意思是「因为要使钱」,所以我们的工作便将会完成。句意上「要花钱/有价钱」跟「工作完成」的因果关系不成立,所以一样不合理的错句子。句子的成立不单是结构和文法规则(词性位置对)便了,最重要是词的意思跟句子组合要表达的情况/情节/意思是否成立。 你问有那些类同adj of noun唯有你自己多看书,但留心不是所有xxxx of 的phrase都是这种的,因为这类用presposition phrase的结构不是单一的。 regardless (adverb) We carried on regardless. regardless of (preposition) We will continue the race regardless of the weather. irrespective of (preposition) We consider all qualified job applicants irrespective of sex or age 虽然有字典列 irrespective 为副词 但无例子. 因全用 ”irrespective of” 当前置词用. 2014-03-15 04:21:48 补充: irrespective of regardless of out of because of 这种类名称 plex preposition or group preposition ~ bination of 2 or 3 words that functions as a preposition. 其他的例子: in addition to in spite of instead of in case of in front of on account of by way of.... 不是 prepositional phrases. 2014-03-15 05:12:11 补充: 不是形容词 无形容名词或代名词功能 1. It is + adjective. It is irrespective (regardless) ~ 错 2. adj. + noun (生物 东西 事件) regardless (irrespective) thing ~ 错 3. noun + linking verb + adj. The thing is regardless (irrespective) ~ 错 英汉与少数字典列形容词 是无意义 失去形容词功能 最新字典 牛津 剑桥 Longman Merriam Webster 不列为形容词

regardless of造句

regardless of造句有:The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. 扩展资料 It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed任何人,不论宗教、肤色或信仰,都可以加入;The club welcomes all new members regardless of age俱乐部对新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。"

regardless of 后能跟句子吗?


regardless of和regardless用法区别 because of和because区别


no matter 和 regardless的区别

no matter 是不管怎样,无论如何的意思。regardless 是不加理会的意思。两者意思相近,要看用在什么地方。

regardless of是无论的意思?


regardless of和regardless用法区别 because of和because区别

regardless 和 because 后面加句子,是从句regardless of 和 because of 由于of在这里是介词,后面要加名词、代词或者名词性短语



英语方面的问题;regardless和in spite of 的区别?



regardless of固定搭配,意思是不管怎样...。regardless of cold weather 形容词短语,作状语,整句意思是,他热衷跑步,不管天气多冷 。

regardless of 的用法 带两句例句

不管, 不顾;无;不拘e.g1.Still, we should consolidate our powers regardless of the three.2.Regardless of what authority figures say and do to us


regardless是个副词,但是,它本身是不能构成介词短语的,而是regardless of构成介词短语。类似结构:instead ofNow I can walk to work instead of going by car. 现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。《牛津词典》

regardless 可以直接接从句吗?

造句就可以明白,The work is done regardless it"s raining. 意思是尽管下雨,这工作还是完成。所以regardless 接著从句没有问题。


1、regardless是副词,而despite是介词,所以 one carried on regardless 是正确的表达,而 despite 不能这样使用,毕竟词性不同嘛. 2、但 regardless 可与 of 形成固定搭配并当作介词使用,所以 you insist on putting it regardless of regular rules.而 despite = in spite of,因此,不能与 of 搭配使用. 3、regardless of 常使用 how,what,why 即 w- 系引导的从句,而despite 通常接名词或名词性短语,当然再来个同位语从句也行,如 ...despite the fact that ...,较少使用what之类的名词性从句. 4、despite可以接反身代词,而regardless (of) 却不能.所以,Almost despite himself,as he jumped into the terribly cold river to save the drowning boy.但是 He ever jumped into the river for saving life of a boy,regardless (regardless of ...).却也不错啥. 其它的,一时半会也想不起来了哈.

英语方面的问题;regardless和in spite of 的区别

regardless 用英语翻译在作副词是指In spite of everything,给你看个例句看看能否说明问题:例句:anyway:continues to work regardless.没有对象,一切而In spite of 属于短句,也表达了不顾的意思.例句:They kept on in spite of their fears.通常有具体所指的东西所以区别就能看出虽是一个意思,但是用法不同,如果想简明笼统一点就用regardless,如果想强调特定的,你不顾忌的东西就用in spite of,也只有后者才能让人明了究竟什么是不顾的,至于regardless则有大小通吃的意思,任何事,任何人,任何情况都可以不管.


我不知道有什么话可以无所顾忌地去说.1. what there was to say regardless是know 的宾语从句;2. what是say 的宾语,即:说什么;3. regardless和regardlessly都是副词,但是意思大相径庭,前者“不顾后果”,而后者“不受注意地, 毫无价值地”



大神来帮忙 Which of the following novels can be regarded as typically belonging to

76.(2001.4,选择39)Which of the following novels can be regarded as typically belonging to the school of literary modernism? ( ).  A. The Sound and the Fury.  B. Uncle Tom"s Cabin.  C. Daisy Miller.  D. The Gilded age.  【答疑编号30203105:针对该题提问】  答案:A  分析:只有A项《喧嚣与骚动》是现代文学的代表。

chris garneau的So far歌词

很抱歉的告诉你 .没有.除你找个会英语的翻译.翻译我做不了.我给你一首和你说的类识的歌给你. Muse-Unintended资料很多哦.

chris garneau 的 so far 歌词 中文翻译

Chris Garneau - So Far(如此遥远) Like the touch of my mother"s hand on my head 就像印象中妈妈手的触感 i"ll miss you, too. when i go to bed 当我上床睡觉时,我会想起你的 we"ve ruined all the new pots 我们打碎全部的新罐子 and the metal in the egg crate cots 装蛋箱中的金属冒出了头 but we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so far但我们离电视里说的美好一天还不太远 but we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so far但我们离电视里说的美好一天还不太远The dishwasher"s on now洗衣机正工作中 cleaning somehow 洗净一切 the baby bits of hamburger helper that dried too soon 小孩子吃起汉堡永远那么快 we leave out the milk and it rots 我们舍弃了牛奶任由它腐败 and the mayonnaise that we get from Tops 还有那顶级的蛋黄酱 but we haven"t missed a day of eating good food yet so far但我们离电视里说的美好一天还不太远 but we haven"t missed a day of eating good food yet so far但我们离电视里说的美好一天还不太远You love good 你喜欢奢侈 but i think you should 但我想你应该 go home, honey回家了,宝贝 cuz we haven"t got any money 因为我们没有一分钱Like the touch of my mother"s hand on my head 就像印象中妈妈手的触感 i"ll miss you, too. when i go to bed 当我上床睡觉时,我会想起你的 we"ve ruined all the new pots 我们打碎全部的新罐子 and the metal in the egg crate cots 装蛋箱中的金属冒出了头 but we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so far但我们离电视里说的美好一天还不太远 but we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so far但我们离电视里说的美好一天还不太远

chris garneau 的 so far 歌词 中文翻译


Chris Garneau的《So Far》 歌词

歌曲名:So Far歌手:Chris Garneau专辑:Music For TouristsSo FarChris GarneauLike the touch of my mother"s hand on my headi"ll miss you, too. when i go to bedwe"ve ruined all the new potsand the metal in the egg crate cotsbut we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so farbut we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so farThe dishwasher"s on nowcleaning somehowthe baby bits of hamburger helper that dried too soonwe leave out the milk and it rotsand the mayonnaise that we get from Topsbut we haven"t missed a day of eating good food yet so farbut we haven"t missed a day of eating good food yet so farYou love goodbut i think you shouldgo home, honeycuz we haven"t got any moneyYou love goodbut i think you shouldgo home, honeycuz we haven"t got any moneyLike the touch of my mother"s hand on my headi"ll miss you, too. when i go to bedwe"ve ruined all the new potsand the metal in the egg crate cotswe haven"t missed a good day of television yet so farwe haven"t missed a good day of television yet so far we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so far

Niagara Falls是什么意思


Well regarded是啥意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: In an old house, this friendly, well-regarded backpackers is clean and homely and offers winning free extras like Inter, breakfast, and wine in the evening. It"s down-to-earth and chilled. 解析: 文章不太全,不知道backpackers在此处是否是背包的意思。如果是的话,那我认为well-regarded是倍受喜爱的

overlook ignore neglect disregard omit有什么区别

一、词义侧重不同:1、overlook :忽视或没有注意到;因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.漂亮舒适的房间俯视着花团锦簇的花园。2、ignore : 通常指故意忽略或忽略明显的东西。故意强调忽略,知道做什么,不要认为是不必要的,而是故意不做。If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow.如果你忽视自己的饮食,必然会遇到麻烦。3、neglect : 指粗心或疏忽。强调不经意的疏忽,懂得去做,却因疏忽,导致不去做。You shouldn"t neglect your health.你不该忽略你的健康。4、disregard : 多指有意或自觉地不顾某事。We cannot disregard his coming late to work so often.对他上班经常迟到,我们不能不管。5、omit : 有意或无意地忘记做某事,或省略被认为不重要或不受欢迎的事情。强调遗漏。知道要做什么,但不要因为觉得没有必要就去做。I could omit the overseas section at this point.我可以暂时把海外部分省略掉。二、用法不同:1、overlook :可以用来指对不良现象的盲目性。可以用来指及物动词后接表示被忽视对象的名词。The mother overlooked her little boy"s bad behavior.那位母亲忽视了她的小儿子的不良行为。2、ignore v:忽视,不理睬,指有意识地拒绝。She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但是装作没看见。3、neglect :指因不留心或遗忘而疏忽。可接不定式结构,形成neglect to do sth 固定结构,表示因疏忽而忘记干某事。如:He neglected to make repairs in his house.他忘记了修理房子。4、disregard:指有意不顾某事。及物动词,后接名词作宾语。I have no way not to disregard his feelings.我没有办法不去不顾及他的感受。5、omit:指由于“疏忽”而忘记,也可以表示因不利或不好而被忽略等。She omitted several steps in the experiment and it failed.她在实验中遗漏了几个步骤,结果实验失败了。三、除“忽视”外的含义不同:1、overlook可用于指俯瞰。及物动词,后接名词作宾语。Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.那些漂亮、舒适的房间俯瞰着一个花团锦簇的花园。2、ignore可用于指不理睬,及物动词,后接表示不理睬的对象的名词。She said her husband ignored her.她说她丈夫对她置之不理。3、Neglect 可作名词,指疏于照管。The town"s old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect.这座小镇的旧码头区在多年疏于保养后快要坍塌了。4、disregard可作名词,指无视、不尊重。后接for +名词结构,表示不尊重某事物。He has the greatest disregard for all formality.他全然不顾一切礼节。5、omit可指删节、 省略, 及物动词,后接名词作宾语。Omit the salt in this recipe.去掉这个食谱中的盐。

请问Edgar Allan Poe的“To Helen”的中文翻译,要经典和权威的那种,谢谢!

TO HELEN Edgar Allan Poe Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicean barks of yore, That gently, o"er a perfumed sea, The weary, wayworn wanderer bore To his own native shore. On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome. Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand, The agate lamp within thy hand! Ah, Psyche, from the regions which Are Holy Land! 致海伦 海伦,你的美在我的眼里, 有如往日尼西亚的三桅船 船行在飘香的海上,悠悠地 把已倦于漂泊的困乏船员 送回他故乡的海岸。 早已习惯于在怒海上飘荡, 你典雅的脸庞,你的鬈发, 你水神般的风姿带我返航, 返回那往时的希腊和罗马, 返回那往时的壮丽和辉煌。 看哪!壁龛似的明亮窗户里, 我看见你站着,多像尊雕像, 一盏玛瑙的灯你拿在手上! 塞姬女神哪,神圣的土地 才是你家乡!

chino garden 唱的im yours的歌词

Chino Grande - Im Yours (Ft. Troub Nasty & Big Dave)Big Dave & Chino Grande (Intro):A Little Something For The LadiesA Little Something For The LadiesWhy Can"t You Be With Me Baby?YeahYou Got Me Going Outta My MindI Think I Met You Somewhere Before (A Little Something For The Ladies)Oh Baby GirlI Need You To Follow Me LadyYou"re The Only OneThat"s Worth My TimeGirl Don"t Be ShyGirl You Know I"m YoursChino Grande:I Saw You Walking GirlyAnd You Caught My EyeYoung, Beautiful & TenderBut You Walk With PrideKept Your Head Held HighSophisticated & FineI Throw The Warmth Of Your BodyRight Next To MineSo I Approach Real SlowWhit A Platinum StareI"m LikeMan Baby Girl I Can"t Believe That You"re ThereStanding Before My EyesIs The Prettiest ThingI"ve Ever SeenKinda Like LightningWhen It"s StrikingI"m So Appealing To YouYou"re So Appealing To MeAnd I Can See It In Your SmileWe Were Meant To BeNow Baby GirlLet Me See You On The Dance FloorGot The Body Of A GoddessMake Me Glance MoreAnd Everything So SmoothWith Your Sexy WaysI"m Just GladThat We"re Both On The Same PageStep A Little BitWiggle ItImma Finish ItI"m C.G. BabyCertified With A GBig Dave (Chorus):Why Can"t You Be With Me Baby?YeahYou Got Me Going Outta My MindI Think I Met You Somewhere Before (A Little Something For The Ladies)Oh Baby GirlI Need You To Follow Me LadyYou"re The Only OneThat"s Worth My TimeGirl Don"t Be ShyGirl You Know I"m YoursTroub Nasty:I"m On The Scene With A DrinkBout" Chase A ShotScooping Out The Dance FloorTill I Spot A FlockOf Top Notch FemalesGotta Double TakeThan The Crowd Narrowed DownTo a Single FaceFlashbacks Of RomancePlaying In My HeadBubble BathsLots Of LaughsLaying In My BedMade A Path Through The ClubFor A Closer LookJammed PackedOff The HookCan"t Just Shove & PushYou Were Sitting By YourselfAnd I Caught Your EyeGave A WinkMade You BlushGuess You Kinda ShyI Approach Like WassupDid You Notice Me?Across The Room NoticingThat You Notice MeShe Was Like "Yeah"Than She Giggled A BitI Was Thinking Of How You LookedAnd The Vibe That You GiveGot The Feeling That We MetWhat You Say Your Name Was?Forgive My Manners Cause I"m BuzzedBut They Call Me Young TroubsBig Dave (Chorus):Why Can"t You Be With Me Baby?YeahYou Got Me Going Outta My MindI Think I Met You Somewhere Before (A Little Something For The Ladies)Oh Baby GirlI Need You To Follow Me LadyYou"re The Only OneThat"s Worth My TimeGirl Don"t Be ShyGirl You Know I"m YoursBig Dave:Oh Yeah GirlSeeing You One Time SmileChilling With Your GirlsBaby Looking So HotThe Way You Get DownWhen You Move Your Body Round NowI Seen You BabyAnd The Way You Move The Crowd NowI Never Thought I"d FindA Girl Could Blow My MindJust Like A Heart CheckFingazz Hand RewindI Never Thought I"d FindA Girl So FineCould Be Worth My TimeCause Your My Sun ShineBig Dave & Chino Grande (Outro):Why Can"t You Be With Me Baby?I Think I Met You Somewhere Before (A Little Something For The Ladies)Oh Baby GirlI Need You To Follow Me Lady (Oh Yeah)You"re The Only OneThat"s Worth My TimeGirl Don"t Be ShyGirl You Know I"m Yours (A Little Something For The Ladies)Ohh Baby Baby Baby Baby BabyA Little Something For The LadiesHahahahaYeah That"s RightC-Row And We Out


Error作词:メイリア作曲:toku歌:GARNiDELiA壊れてしまったモノを见るようにkowarete shimatta mono wo miru youniおかしなことだと谁もが言うokashi na koto dato dare moga iuそれでも信じたい その手を掴みたいsore demo shinjitai sono te wo tsukamitaian Error code Error code Error code Erroran Error code Error code Error No Error!!仆らの未来が正解というカタチになれなくてもbokura no mirai ga seikai toiu katachi ni nare nakute mo今触れたいと想う 気持ちだけでいいima furetai to omou kimochi dake de ii谁かが描いたプログラム通りに决められないでdareka ga egaita puroguramu toori ni kimerarenaide『意味』なら繋ぐ手の中『imi』nara tsunagu te no naka错覚だらけの この世の中でsakkaku darake no kono yo no naka de正しいことなど 谁が决めたの?tadashii koto nado dare ga kimeta no?目の前の真実さえ ツクリモノかもねmenomae no shinjitsu sae tsukuri mono kamo ne结局谁にもわかりはしないkekkyoku dare nimo wakari wa shinaiそれなら信じたい その手はあたたかいsore nara shinjitai sono te wa atatakaian Error code Error code Error code Erroran Error code Error code Error No Error!!君とのコタエが间违いというカタチになるとしたらkimi tono kotae ga machigai toiu katachi ni naru to shitaraこの世界もういっそ 裏切ってしまえばいいkono sekai mou isso uragitte shimaeba ii谁かが描いたプログラム通りに决められないでdareka ga egaita puroguramu toori ni kimerarenaide『意味』なら繋ぐ手の中『imi』nara tsunagu te no naka何を気にして 何が怖くてnani wo ki ni shite nani ga kowakute自分のことまで误魔化して生きてるの?jibun no koto made gomakashite ikiteru no?どんなふうに见られたっていいんだってdonna fuuni miraretatte iindatteただ大事なモノ守りたいだけだってtada daiji na mono mamoritai dake datte忘れないで What is precious to you?wasurenaide What is precious to you?仆らの未来が正解というカタチになれなくてもbokura no mirai ga seikai toiu katachi ni nare nakute mo今触れたいと想う 気持ちだけでいいima furetai to omou kimochi dake de ii谁かが描いたプログラム通りに决められないでdareka ga egaita puroguramu toori ni kimerarenaide『意味』なら繋ぐ手の中『imi』nara tsunagu te no naka



garage attendnts怎么读?(要音标~)

这样好累。下载一个 有道词典,你的烦恼都会解决。平时也可以学习。garage【ɡu0259"rɑu0292】 车库的意思 attendnts这个好像打错了吧是这个吧?attendants服务员。(attendant的复数)车库管理员。

boot cook coon kangaroo o读音哪个不一样

这两个oo的发音是不一样的。cook 音标是: 英[ku028ak] 美[ku028ak] 。room 音标是:英[ru:m] 美[rum, ru028am]。所以oo发音不同。在英语单词中,字母组合oo多数读长音/u:/,少数读短音/u028a/。另外,还有极少数的特殊情况读/u028c/,下面为了方便记写整理了这些单词和记忆方法。首先按发音分类:1、字母组合oo读/u:/的单词:food, mood 心情、语气roof , proof n. 证明, water proof 防水的, shock proof 防震的,--------- hoof (牛、马的)蹄子, woof n. 低吠声fool 傻瓜, foolish 愚蠢的, pool 池塘, swimming pool 游泳池--------- tool 工具, school, school master 校长, stool 凳子broom 笤帚, boom (商业等的)繁荣, loom 织机, bloom(花)盛开,--------- gloomy昏暗的moon, noon, afternoon, soon, spoon 调羹, cartoon 卡通,--------- balloon 气球, typhoon台风troop, loop n.环、圈, hoop n.铁环, droop v.低垂, scoop 勺,--------- snoop v. 探听, swoop猝然下降、猝然攻击,--------- whoop n. 哮喘声, whooping-cough 百日咳choose v. 挑选, goose n. 鹅, loose 松的,--------- moose麋鹿, noose 绞索boost vt.吹捧、促进, rooster公鸡boot 长靴, root 根, shoot 射击、投篮, loot v. 掠夺,--------- hoot v. 鸣笛、狂笑, scooter 小轮摩托车--------- shooting star 流星tooth, toothpaste 牙膏, toothpick 牙签, smooth 光滑的,--------- telephone booth 公共电话亭,--------- sooth n./adj.抚慰(的) , soothe vt.安慰groove n.凹槽、沟; snooze n./vi. 小睡too, zoo 动物园, zoology 动物学, bamboo 竹子, moo 牛的叫声,--------- shoo (驱赶禽类的)嘘声, kangaroo 袋鼠2、字母组合 oo 读 /u028a/ 的单词:book, cook, hook 钩子, look, took, shook, brook 溪流、小河,----- cookies 小点心, notebook 笔记本, handbook 手册, good, hood n. 兜帽、防护罩, wood, wooden, stood, understood,----- goods 商品、货物, woods 树林,----- neighborhood 邻里, childhood 童年时代wool 羊毛, woolen,foot, football, foot step 脚步, soot 煤烟、烟灰3、字母组合oo在极少数情况读/u028c/音:1. blood 血液----- blood pressure 血压, blood vessel 血管, blood type 血型,----- blood plasma 血浆, bloodshed n. 流血、杀戮,2. flood 洪水、水灾, flooding 充溢、泛滥----- floodlight 泛光灯, flood tide 涨潮

Art Garfunkel的《All I Know》 歌词

歌曲名:All I Know歌手:Art Garfunkel专辑:The Art Garfunkel AlbumI bruise youYou bruise meWe both bruise soEasilyToo easilyTo let it showI love youAnd that"s all I knowAnd all my plansKeep fallin" throughAll my plans, theyDepend on youDepend on youTo help them growI love youAnd that"s all I know


Tigarah一个擅长唱RAP的女歌手.. to Day, June 22, 2006 · Japanese rapper Tigarah infuses her music with a distinctly Brazilian brand of funk. The artist is gaining a global following for her fresh new take on the baile funk genre -- a street music with roots in Brazil, which she spices up with rap lyrics in her native tongue.MS她的歌和某游戏的歌曲有关...NFS10(NFS Carbon Music)完美原声大碟 里面有一首Tigarah - Girl Fight (Mr. D Hyphy Mix)另外..和FIFA07有关...倒数第5行.....也有这一首...在公布了FIFA的众多球星封面后,按照惯例,EA在游戏正式发布之前又公布了《FIFA 07》原声音乐带的曲目列表,包括来自不同国家艺术家的40首作品。 在这40首作品中,英国艺术家贡献了11首之多,来自美国的也有6首,法国、英国、德国、巴西、荷兰、墨西哥等在足坛上赫赫有名的国家也均有作品上榜,还有韩国的Epik High和日本的Polysics、Tigarah,中文歌曲仍然无缘。《FIFA 07》预计9月22日在英国发布,10月3日在美国发布,登陆PS2、Xbox、GC、NDS、GBA、PSP、PC等平台,Xbox 360版预计要等到年底,PS3版则仍无消息。《FIFA 07》原声音乐带曲目列表如下(艺术家-标题-国家):Angelique Kidjo - Wele Wele - 贝宁Belasco - Chloroform - 英国Bersuit Vergarabat - O Vas a Misa... - 阿根廷Bitman Roban - Get On The Floor - 智利Blasted Mechanism - Blasted Empire - 葡萄牙Boy Kill Boy - Civil Sin - 英国caBas - La Cadena de Oro - 哥伦比亚Carlos Jean - Get Down - 西班牙d.o.c.h.! - Was in der Zertung Steht - 德国Elefant - Uh-oh Hello - 美国Epik High - Fly - 韩国The Feeling - Sewn - 英国Fertig, los! - Sie ist in mich verliebt - 德国Infadels - Can"t Get Enough (Mekon Remix) - 英国Keane - Nothing In My Way - 英国Malibu Stacy - Los Angeles - 比利时Mellowdrone - Oh My - 美国Mobile - New York Minute - 加拿大Morning Runner - Gone Up In Flames - 英国Muse - Supermassive Black Hole - 英国Nightmare Of You - Dear Scene, I Wish I Were Deaf - 美国Outlandish - Kom Igen - 丹麦Paul Oakenfold - Beatiful Goal - 英国Persephone"s Bees - Muzika Dlya Fil"ma - 美国/俄罗斯The Pinker Tones - TMCr Grand Finale - 西班牙Plastilina Mosh - Peligroso Pop - 墨西哥Polysics - Tei! Tei! Tei! - 日本The Prototypes - Kaleidoscope - 英国Ralph Myerz and The Jack Herren Band - Deepest Red - 挪威Seu Jorge - Tive Razao - 巴西The Sheer - Understand - 荷兰Shiny Toy Guns - You Are The One - 美国Stijn - Gasoline Matches - 比利时Suferosa - Royal Uniform - 挪威Tahiti 80 - Big Day - 法国Tigarah - Girl Fight - 日本Trash Inc. - Punk Rock Chick - 黎巴嫩Us3 - Kick This - 英国Young Love - Discotech - 美国The Young Punx - You"ve Got To... - 英国


扑通扑通 - lucite tokki



Secret Garden的《Sleepsong》 歌词

歌曲名:Sleepsong歌手:Secret Garden专辑:EarthsongsSleepsongSecret gardenLay down your head,And I""ll sing you a lullaby Back to the years,Of loo-li lai-lay;And I""ll sing you to sleep…And I""ll sing you tomorrow…Bless you with love,For the road that you go.May you sail fair,To the far fields of fortune,With diamonds and pearls,At your head and your feet;And may you need neverTo banish misfortune;May you find kindness,In all that you meet.May there always be angels,To watch over you;To guide you each step of the way;To guard you and keep youSafe from all harm;Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay.May you bring love,And may you bring happiness;Be loved in return,To the end of your days;Now, fall off to sleep,I""m not meaning to keep you,I""ll just sit for a while,And sing loo-li, lai-lay.May there always be angels,To watch over you;To guide you each step of the way;To guard you and keep youSafe from all harm;Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay.Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay.

英语作文yu garden

【参考文章】Yu GardenYu Garden is a famous garden of classical style in the south of the Yangtze River. Initially built under the reign of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty and up to now it has a history of over 500 years. In 1853, when the Small Sword Society rose in uprising in response to the Taiping Heavenly Revolution the Spring Hall in the Yu Garden was used as its headquarters.Yu Garden is a key cultural unit under the state protection. The major scenic attractions in the Yu Garden include the Mountain and Forest in City, Pretty Woods and Elegant Dale, Charming Spots by the Spring Hall, Eye-catching Scenes of Water and Rockeries, Great Happiness in the Middle and Garden within the Garden (inner garden) as well.

due to the food contained excessive sugar, contained 后面可以看做是后置定语吗?

应该用containing,因为这是主动的。相当于:which contains …

a kindergartner怎么读?

kindergarten英 [u02c8ku026andu0259gɑ:tn] 美 [u02c8ku026andu0259rgɑ:rtn]n.幼儿园,学前班1. Children graduate to the kindergarten, then pre-school, and then school. 孩子们先上幼儿园,然后上学前班,再接着上小学。来自柯林斯例句2. She"s in kindergarten now. 她目前在上幼儿园。来自柯林斯例句









Gartner 有线无线局域网接入架构综合排名可以作为公开招标的入围资格条件么

不可以,这类排名是不被政府认可的,而且有歧视、排斥其他潜在投标人的嫌疑。比如A B C在排名里,D不在,ABCD产品都符合招标要求,如果用排名作为资格条件就排斥了D,违法。


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