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很高兴为你解答 Sincerely yours 一般表示“您最诚挚的朋友”,可以在后面加上你的名字,Best Regards表示最好的祝福,一般在书信的结尾用一个就可以了,你也可以先用Best Regards,然后在落款的时候写上 Sincerely yours +名字、 希望能够帮到你,祝你成功!

英语书信,落款用best regards还需要yours吗?顺序是什么

不用,best regards就可以了如果是更正式的书信的话还是推荐使用yours sincerely

best regards,b和r大写



BEST REGARDS用于信末,表示献上美好的祝福BEST 英 [best]     美 [best]    REGARDS 英 [rɪ"gɑːdz]     美 [rɪ"gɑːdz]    

信件署名是用的yours ever,yours respecfully,best regards分别是什么意思?

信件署名越长代表越尊敬yours ever:你永远的XXX(写信人的名字)yours respecfully:恭敬的XXXbest regards献上最真挚的问候(这个best可以根据语意自己翻译)

Best Regards与Best wishes for you的区别


英文信件最后Sincerely,Regards,Best Wishes 有什么区别


英文邮件结尾除了Best Regards就没有其他了么


请翻译Best Regards


best regard与best regards


best wishes和best regards的区别是什么?

"Best wishes" 和 "Best regards" 都是英文书信或电子邮件中用于表示问候和祝愿的常见用语。虽然它们的含义很相似,但它们的使用略有不同:"Best wishes" 更常用于个人和非正式场合,通常用于表示对某人的祝愿和良好的愿望,如祝愿某人生日快乐、愿某人旅途愉快等等。"Best regards" 更常用于商业和正式场合,通常用于书信或电子邮件的结尾,以表达对收信人的尊重和问候,如感谢某人的关注或合作等等。总之,虽然这两个用语的意义非常接近,但它们的使用环境略有不同,具体用哪个取决于你的用途和场合。

best regards 什么意思


【Best regards 中文】英文书信结尾除了Best regards还可以怎么用?

Best regards ,中文意思是指「致上最高的问候」,除了 Best regards 之外,常见的英文书信结尾还有Warm regards、Sincerely Yours、Cheers …等等。 下面列举出,当你要用英文写Email时,除了Best regards,你还可以用哪些英文来当作书信结尾。 1.Best regards 致上最高的问候 Best regards 用作英文书信结尾的时候,中文意思是指「致上最高的问候」的意思。 当然,这里的 Best regards,可以替换如下: Kind regards 致上亲切的问候 Warm regards 致上温暖的问候 Best regards 致上最高的问候 Regards 致上问候 2.除了Best regards,你还可以这样说 a.Regards 问候 这里把Best 省略了。这里可以看你与收件人之间的关系,可用于商业上的邮件往来或者非正式的邮件。当然,用Best regards 应该是比较好的。 b.Thank you So much 非常感谢你 表示你为对方为你所做的一切觉得感激,传达真诚的谢意。 c.Looking forward 我很期待见到你 你很期待见到收件人。邀约对方参加聚会或者是找工作时,都可以用这个做为结尾。 d.Sincerely Yours 你诚挚的 鄙弃Best regards,Sincerely Yours 虽然有些老土,但很适用于商业信函。 e.Cheers 干杯 跟Best regards不同,Cheers 为非正式用法,但若信件的主题是庆祝某件事便适用。 f.Ciao 你好、再见 这个单字来自于义大利,有你好、再见的意思。 g. XOXO 拥抱、亲吻 表示拥抱和亲吻的意思, 可用于非正式的电子邮件,这个要特别注意,不能乱用。 当然,一般英文书信结尾,你大多都会看到Best regards居多,但还是看你跟对方的关系以及交情如何,你可以用上述的其他用法来替代。 Best regards, Best regards 中文, Best regards 意思, Best regards 用法, Best regards 缩写, nice and warm, regards, Regards 中文, Regards 意思, Regards 用法, Warm regards, Warm regards 意思, 英文 Best regards, 英文书信 Best regards


best最好的( good和well的最高级); 最愉快的; 最幸福的; 最合适的regardsn.问候;关于,至于v.关系( regard的第三人称单数 );注意;(尤指以某种方式)注视;尊敬如果可以的话,希望您能给我好评,我真的很需要,谢谢了!

英文信件结尾 Best regards 用法与意思是?各种 Email 书信结尾用法

英文信件结尾 Best regards 用法跟意思 是? Best regards, 在英文书信结尾当中超级常见,很多人都会用 Best regards, ,然后后面再接自己的名字。Best regards, 虽然可以用在正式场合跟非正式场合,不过一般用于工作上的书信往来中。 如果你还不知道 Best regards, 在英文书信往来当中怎么用,本篇文章会有完整教学。 Best regards 用法、中文意思 下面教学 Best regards 的用法,以及可以替代 Best regards 的其它用法。 文章目录 1.Best regards, 2.Regards, 3.Best, 4.Kind regards, 5.Warmest regards, 6.Sincerely (yours), 7.Best regards 的其他替代用法 8.Best regards, 书信结尾范例 1.Best regards, Best regards 中文意思是指「致上最高的问候」,常常用于英文书信的结尾,以示尊敬的意思。 Best regards 可以使用的场合包含如下: 一、用于跟老板还有主管往来的信件 二、用于跟客户往来的信件 三、用于跟同事交流、团队沟通的信件 四、用于过去的客户、商业伙伴的信件 当然,这里的 Best regards,可以替换如下: Kind regards 致上亲切的问候 Warm regards 致上温暖的问候 Best regards 致上最高的问候 Regards 致上问候 基本上上面这些范例,意思上有点小差异,可以视场合不同来使用。 2.Regards, Best regards 有时候也会直接省略为 regards,不过要注意的是, regards 并没有那么正式。regards 比较适合用在较为不正式的交流书信当中,例如跟同事之间的 Email 往来,或是工作之外你跟朋友之间的书信连系时,就可以用 regards。 3.Best, 没有想到吧!Best regards 竟然也可以省略为 Best 。Best 也是 Best regards 的省略用法,可以用在你很频繁用 Email 往来的人身上。Best 并不会给人不尊敬的感受,也是一种可以被接受的形式。 4.Kind regards, 除了 Best regards,有时候你也会看到有人用 Kind regards,Kind regards 也是一种可以被接受的形式,也表达尊敬的意思。 当你想要跟某人在书信中介绍你自己,或是你想要 Email 给你公司的主管时,也可以用 Kind regards。 5.Warmest regards, Warmest regards 跟 Best regards 不大一样,Warmest regards 比较适合用在熟人身上,也就是你对对方已经有某种程度的了解,例如朋友或家人,你就可以用 Warmest regards。 6.Sincerely (yours), Sincerely, 也是 Best regards 的替代用法之一,Sincerely 可以用在商业合作洽谈的往来书信结尾,或是应征工作的时候。 7.Best regards 的其他替代用法 除了 Best regards 之外,你还可以视场合不同,来使用其它种用法。 一、Thank you So much 非常感谢你 表示你为对方为你所做的一切觉得感激,传达真诚的谢意。 二、Looking forward 我很期待见到你 你很期待见到收件人。邀约对方参加聚会或者是找工作时,都可以用这个做为结尾。 三、Sincerely Yours Sincerely Yours 虽然有些老土,但很适用于商业信函。 四、Cheers 干杯 跟Best regards不同,Cheers 为非正式用法,但若信件的主题是庆祝某件事便适用。 五、Ciao 你好、再见 这个单字来自于义大利,有你好、再见的意思。 六、XOXO 拥抱、亲吻 XOXO 表示拥抱和亲吻的意思, 可用于非正式的电子邮件,这个要特别注意,不能乱用。 当然,一般英文书信结尾,你大多都会看到Best regards居多,但还是看你跟对方的关系以及交情如何,你可以用上述的其他用法来替代。 8.Best regards, 书信结尾范例 至于 Best regards 在书信当中怎么用呢,下面列举两个例子。 范例一: Dear Kenny, 内文 Best regards, Mike Pense 以Dear… 开头,然后接上你的英文书信内文,最后则是 Best regards,(记得要加上逗号),然后最后再接自己的名字。 范例二: Jenny, 内文 Best regards, Frank 如果对方是同事,或是自己比较熟的人,可以不用 Dear 开头,可以直接以对方的人名开头。同样后面接 Best regards, 然后再加上自己的名字。 上面就是 Best regards, 的各种用法教学啦,赶快学起来吧! Best regards 用法总结 1.Best regards, 在书信当中很常见,通常用于书信结尾,然后记得后面要有逗号,下一行再接自己的名字。 【Best regards 中文】英文书信结尾除了Best regards还可以怎么用? 【Email 结尾】电子邮件应该怎么写?7 组超实用英文email结尾语! regarding 用法与中文意思!跟 with regard to 差在哪?来搞懂 【英文书信写作】英文电子邮件如何写得好? 英文书信写作-5个常用片语 英文书信常见的8个错误! 你能找出几个? 增进口说、写作能力,3种可以善加利用的开头方式!

best regards是什么意思


best regards什么意思

Best Regards最好的祝福; 诚挚的问候; 致敬; 易混淆单词:BEST REGARDS以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Please give my best regards to your parents. 请.请给我向你父母问好。

Best Regards 是什么意思

Best Regards诚挚的问候双语对照词典结果:Best Regards诚挚的问候; 最好的祝福; 致敬; 易混淆单词:BEST REGARDS以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Please give my best regards to your parents. 请.请给我向你父母问好。


O(∩_∩)O~ 谢谢 2 楼的朋友,您的回答对我的帮助很大 ,太有权威了 , 不错 !蔡军时刻想念杜美美,打电话得知,为了建设文明社区,清理社区环境,杜美美被派到街上捡烟头,蔡军很是心疼。大冷天的,蔡军跑到街上,在地上一根根的找着烟头,找了半天,找了一小袋,给美美送去了。美美看见烟头,看见蔡军手都冻僵了,很是心疼,俩人偷溜出来,去吃饭去了。俩人在公园吃着盒饭,很是甜蜜,看见萧淑云在参见相亲活动,举着大牌子,在给何小君相亲,杜美美在旁边监视,马上打电话给何小君。何小君急忙来到公园,把萧淑云拽到家,大吵了一架。一向神气的萧淑云,常常向人夸耀女儿,居然给女儿相亲,邻居知道后,都笑话她。萧淑云都是为了女儿好,这样一闹,心里不甘心,赌气就把相亲牌子,摆在客厅正中间,时刻提醒何小君



在(running man)四月六日那一期,Gary说为了你的主题曲是什么歌


regard as和classify as有什么区别

regard as 是认为是classify as 是分类

from kindergarten to high school

We are all students from kindergarten to high school,so you can say that we haven"t never been really separated. As the old saying goes:"All good things come feast."

Un Dia Llegara (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Un Dia Llegara (Album Version)歌手:Josh Groban专辑:You Are Loved EpLas hojas secas caeránY cuando llegue abrilMi alma tocarásTe acercarás...vendrás por míDespués de tanta soledadYo volveré a sentirEncontraré...mi paz...en ti...Cuando se duerma la ciudadY se despinte el solTe buscaré otra vezHasta alcanzar esta ilusiónTe encontraré...y me amaras así...Y escucharé en el silenciola voz del corazónY la tormenta se calmaráen tus brazosVale la pena esperar por tu amorporque un día llegarásTe encontraré...y me amarás así...Y escucharé en el silenciola voz del corazónY la tormenta se calmaráen tus brazosVale la pena esperar por tu amorel manana...Te abrazaré...en el silencioToda la vida esperé por tu amorY ese día llega, sé que vendrás a mí。。。。。。


1.regarding介词 prep. 1.关于;就...而论He knew nothing regarding the case. 关于这个案子他一无所知。concerning介词 prep. 1.关于We read stories concerning visitors from outer space. 我们读了关于天外来客的故事。with regards to关于In regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully. 关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论。concerned形容词有关的,参与的concerning偏重于关心,和“care”类似;ragarding偏重决策,和“demand”相近懂了吗


concerning prep.介词(表示论及)关于, 有关, 就…而论,涉及with regard toadv.副词1. 关于两者后跟的词语形式不同

Un Dia Llegara (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Un Dia Llegara (Album Version)歌手:Josh Groban专辑:AwakeLas hojas secas caeránY cuando llegue abrilMi alma tocarásTe acercarás...vendrás por míDespués de tanta soledadYo volveré a sentirEncontraré...mi paz...en ti...Cuando se duerma la ciudadY se despinte el solTe buscaré otra vezHasta alcanzar esta ilusiónTe encontraré...y me amaras así...Y escucharé en el silenciola voz del corazónY la tormenta se calmaráen tus brazosVale la pena esperar por tu amorporque un día llegarásTe encontraré...y me amarás así...Y escucharé en el silenciola voz del corazónY la tormenta se calmaráen tus brazosVale la pena esperar por tu amorel manana...Te abrazaré...en el silencioToda la vida esperé por tu amorY ese día llega, sé que vendrás a mí。。。。。。

regarding,concerning,with regards to,concerned都什么意思,有区别么

1.regarding介词 prep. 1.关于;就...而论He knew nothing regarding the case. 关于这个案子他一无所知。concerning介词 prep. 1.关于We read stories concerning visitors from outer space. 我们读了关于天外来客的故事。with regards to关于In regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully. 关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论。concerned形容词有关的,参与的concerning偏重于关心,和“care”类似;ragarding偏重决策,和“demand”相近懂了吗

Un Dia Llegara [Live] 歌词

歌曲名:Un Dia Llegara [Live]歌手:Josh Groban专辑:Awake LiveLas hojas secas caeránY cuando llegue abrilMi alma tocarásTe acercarás...vendrás por míDespués de tanta soledadYo volveré a sentirEncontraré...mi paz...en ti...Cuando se duerma la ciudadY se despinte el solTe buscaré otra vezHasta alcanzar esta ilusiónTe encontraré...y me amaras así...Y escucharé en el silenciola voz del corazónY la tormenta se calmaráen tus brazosVale la pena esperar por tu amorporque un día llegarásTe encontraré...y me amarás así...Y escucharé en el silenciola voz del corazónY la tormenta se calmaráen tus brazosVale la pena esperar por tu amorel manana...Te abrazaré...en el silencioToda la vida esperé por tu amorY ese día llega, sé que vendrás a mí。。。。。。

Sugar Ray的《Rivers》 歌词

歌曲名:Rivers歌手:Sugar Ray专辑:Fly Ep神思者 - RIVER作曲:神思者RIVER安慰了失恋朋友整整一夜听了朋友对爱整整一天的理解当我怀瑞着凄凉走过稀疏细雨街头又听到暗处有人抱着爱在哭泣此刻多么想紧紧搂住你的双肩不明白这个夜那么喜欢收聚破碎的恋不明白这个细雨那么喜欢受伤的爱陪伴这个世界那么容易扭曲年青的心虽然此时我感觉不到痛失爱人的心情却理解失去恋人的怅惘多怜希望时间不要狭杂在真爱中间让俩个人携手努力共筑情感原缘将分离驱赶至没有痛苦的边缘朋友说爱如果只在你一个人的心间不必天天念叨 不必把爱挂在床头当作风铃天天去聆听 天天去追忆旭日它只迎接两颗纯洁的心当初他把爱装在口袋 最后还不是出了意外此时此刻多么的希望 能够多看一会你的笑脸某天岁月推着我们离开了这个地方距离有可能就一辈子阻挡在我们面前车站一定装载的都是迷惘的目光啊啊人生就是这么多无奈啊啊生活就是这么多离散带不走的也只是有情人的依恋到那时哭声响起恐怕就不是你一个自己不要把伤感带进了回忆 悄悄藏在你身旁有些人可能一天做着相同的事重复着生活生命的相同节奏却有可能忘不掉曾爱过他的人看那忙忙碌碌的人群 熙熙攘攘的城市天空再也不会出现自己希望看到的忧影是否会埋怨今天的愚蠢呢当我看到朋友的难过才知道爱原来不可以去免强别人虽然我们不能得到她却可以真心的祝服她希望你过得比我好

Gary Go的《Open Arms》 歌词

歌曲名:Open Arms歌手:Gary Go专辑:Open ArmsGary Go - Open ArmsWhatever happened to truthLost without a traceWhatever happened to the mirrorThat showed me a happy faceWhatever happened to sorryYou know it"s never too lateWhatever happened to good things comingComing to those who waitWhatever happened to this cityIt"s not like it used to beWhatever happened to meWhatever happened to living without fear?Whatever happened to peace all over,It"s such a strong idea.Whatever happened to our future?"Cause I can see it in the rear viewWhatever happened to me?Whatever happened to you?Gotta look myself in the eyeAnd say it"s gonna be alrightMaybe everything won"t be alrightAll the timeI"ve gotta take these chances where they areIt"s gonna be alrightGotta see things for what they areAt the timeLost, with no place to beginI"ll slowly adjust to the sun, just face, I"m inBut whatever happened to the listOf things I wanted to beWhatever happened to youWhatever happened to meGotta look myself in the eyeAnd say it"s gonna be alrightMaybe everything won"t be alrightAll the timeI"ve gotta take these chances where they areIt"s gonna be alrightGotta see things for what they areAt the time, at the timeYeah, the words are on the seamReady to receiveI"m the ocean, you"re the streamReady to receiveIt"s like open arms to meReady to, ready to receiveI"ve gotta look myself in the eyeAnd say it"s gonna be alrightMaybe everything won"t be alright all the timeNo, I"ve gotta take these chances where they are,It"s gonna be alrightGotta see things for what they are at the timeOh, I"ve gotta see things for what they areAt the time, oh, at the time

garnering headlines 什么意思

garnering headlines获得标题garneringv.收集并(通常)贮藏(某物),取得,获得( garner的现在分词 )headlinesn.大字标题( headline的名词复数 ); 新闻提要双语例句1I"m Claudia Polley with the news headlines.我是克劳迪娅·波利,下面是新闻提要。

Borknagar的《Roots》 歌词

歌曲名:Roots歌手:Borknagar专辑:Urd群66032164:木偶、紫羽、野马The roots thrust into oblivionbeyond the verge of spaceThe erodent roots, the evolving loopsthrusts, yet free roamingThere is a horizon foldedblinding leaves of the universeThroughout the inner coremy quest, my loreWhere the seeds recoil and returnwhere the potency explodes to burnWhere the roots weave into the brancheswhere dimensions blend into infinityWhere the seeds recoil and returnwhere the potency explodes to burnThere is a path running freequintessential chemistryWhere the rivers recoil and returnfallen stars explode and burnThe branches reach into eternitybeyond the verge of stellar timeThe evolving tree, the revolving spreeanchored in me means floating freeNo time, no space can ever bemy hive, my homeI belong beyond the stellar domeBlinding leaves of the universe珞珈山梦境联盟

Sugar Ray的《Drive By》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By歌手:Sugar Ray专辑:Lemonade And Brownies-AtlanticAsked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!

Flo Rida的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Flo Rida专辑:R.O.O.T.S.Sugar (Featuring Wynter)Flo RidaDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavities.Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me.So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone.Shawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergency.Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss.Won"t smile this way, baby I rub it off.Put my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gram I A.I"m a fan all day.Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor.My manage behavior; I"m into your major.Sweeter so flavor, that"s good for this player.My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager.Pretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rush.Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush.Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, Shawty that"s what"s up.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some.Now and later, I don"t wanna have to wait, you the one.Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious.Can"t help my interest, candy addiction.Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece.I don"t know a piece, Give me all your sweets.Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast.Level with our trip, I"m a lip bitin" beast.Man for them things, all 42 teeth.Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must beat.Ain"t your mama slirp, stickin", usin" my tree.Like taffy but classy, get at me.I"m flyly Let you know I wanna kiss.But your lips, they"ll do me fine.Now baby don"t trip with the juicy kind.Get, get on the grip, Girl you ain"t lyin".My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daSugarYou like my sugar, my sugar.You so sweet, so sweet.Like my candy, my candyYou so sweet, so sweet.I got a good appetite with you on me, on me.I"ll wrap you out of them clothes.You my treat, my treat.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some sugar.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugar

sugar--Flo rida 中文歌词

(Wynter) Da double dee double di (x7) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Ive got a mouth full of cavities.我满嘴都是蛀牙 Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me. 我爱吃甜食因为小妞对我来说就像蜜糖 So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone. 我喜欢她的双唇 对她的耳朵说悄悄话 Shawty gotta kiss, its an emergency.小妞快来亲我 事态非常紧急 Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss. 她的味道让我流口水 被他的光滑所吸引 Wont smile this way, baby I rub it off. Put my tongue in your face 快向我微笑 也许我会用舌头拭去你脸上的泪水 A little mistletoe, sippin Grand Marnier Im a fan all day. 我喜欢那圣诞节装饰 喝着柑曼怡 一整天不会厌 Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor. 比我这个忙因为我喜欢你的味道 My manage behavior; Im into your major. 我要收敛一下自己 我已完全被你套牢. Sweeter so flavor, thats good for this player我这个大痞子需要最甜美的味道 My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager. 我身边的家伙们 就像寻呼机一样老套Pretty much, youre givin me a sugar rush. 而你就想一场糖心风暴 Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush. 小妞你脸红的样子能让我血压升高 Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, 你的双唇轻的就像羽毛 Shawty thats whats up. 小妞我要让你知道 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some. 我还想来有些 小妞请你不要介意 Now and later, I dont wanna have to wait, you the one. 无需再等待 你就是我的唯一 Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious. 你那坏坏的样子 实在是美丽 Cant help my interest, candy addiction. 勾起我的兴致 无法靠近你的魅力 Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece. 吃了一粒还想再吃一粒 I dont know a piece, Give me all your sweets. 没想到就一粒就能长今你的甜蜜 Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast. 从头到脚 甜蜜的大餐就在这里 Level with our trip, Im a lip bitin beast. 就像是狼吞虎咽的野兽 我兴奋不已 smile for them things, all 42 teeth. 我对着他们微笑 42颗牙齿排列整齐 Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must be. 你的嘴唇咬上去肯定甘露四溢 Aint your mama slirp, stickin, usin my Free. 小妞你甘甜爽口 你无与伦比 Like taffy but classy, get at me. 就像是上等的太妃奶糖 让我痴迷 Im flyly Let you know I wanna kiss. 我很高兴能让你狂野肆意 But your lips, theyll do me fine. 但你的双唇让我感觉很嗨 Now baby dont trip with the juicy kind. 宝贝不要为我的身材而如此兴奋 Get, get on the griD, Girl you aint lyin. 我的感觉很爽 你没有骗人 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) This candy got you sprung (x2) So call me your sugar (x2) You love you some (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di (x7) Sugar (Flo Rida) My lips like sugar 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 I got a good appetite with you on me, on me. 我食欲大增想要吃了你 吃了你 Ill wrap you out of them clothes. 我要把你的糖纸拨开 You my treat, my treat. 品尝你的身体 你的身体 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. get me some sugar. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar

sugar sugar的歌词

是这个吗? sugar sugarI wake up with the sunriseRise and shine is better lieLie down looking before I even seeSeed cakes freshly baked for meHe stand up and I"m thinkingKing you are not by no meansMeans I will never ever ever ever brewBrew a sales, a tea for twoSuch a precious toyBoy you"ll be my foilHang on, hold on, wait on till I decide whetherTo pretend or not I"ll shall mighty godOn a Sunday morningWith a stranger aimingRound my propertyI wake up with the sunriseRise and shine is better lieLie up and is my up and middle nameName shame me please please meYou take me for your new queenQueen cakes are beyond your meansMeans I will never ever ever ever brewBrew a sales, a tea for twoSuch a precious toyBoy you"ll be my foilHang on, hold on , wait on till I decide whetherTo pretend or not I"ll shall mighty godOn a Sunday morningWith a stranger aimingRound my propertyNo sugar, no coffee, no ice tea, no TV, no ice cream just a tease till you milk up and sit down, pleaseNo sugar, no coffee, no ice tea, no TV, no ice cream just a tease till you milk up and sit down, pleaseSuch a precious toyBoy you"ll be my foilOn a Sunday morning

Flo Rida的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Flo Rida专辑:R.O.O.T.S.Sugar (Featuring Wynter)Flo RidaDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavities.Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me.So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone.Shawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergency.Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss.Won"t smile this way, baby I rub it off.Put my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gram I A.I"m a fan all day.Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor.My manage behavior; I"m into your major.Sweeter so flavor, that"s good for this player.My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager.Pretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rush.Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush.Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, Shawty that"s what"s up.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some.Now and later, I don"t wanna have to wait, you the one.Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious.Can"t help my interest, candy addiction.Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece.I don"t know a piece, Give me all your sweets.Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast.Level with our trip, I"m a lip bitin" beast.Man for them things, all 42 teeth.Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must beat.Ain"t your mama slirp, stickin", usin" my tree.Like taffy but classy, get at me.I"m flyly Let you know I wanna kiss.But your lips, they"ll do me fine.Now baby don"t trip with the juicy kind.Get, get on the grip, Girl you ain"t lyin".My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daSugarYou like my sugar, my sugar.You so sweet, so sweet.Like my candy, my candyYou so sweet, so sweet.I got a good appetite with you on me, on me.I"ll wrap you out of them clothes.You my treat, my treat.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some sugar.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugar

Flo Rida的sugar歌词中文翻译。。求

(Wynter) Da double dee double di (x7) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Ive got a mouth full of cavities.我满嘴都是蛀牙 Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me. 我爱吃甜食因为小妞对我来说就像蜜糖 So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone. 我喜欢她的双唇 对她的耳朵说悄悄话 Shawty gotta kiss, its an emergency.小妞快来亲我 事态非常紧急 Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss. 她的味道让我流口水 被他的光滑所吸引 Wont smile this way, baby I rub it off. Put my tongue in your face 快向我微笑 也许我会用舌头拭去你脸上的泪水 A little mistletoe, sippin Grand Marnier Im a fan all day. 我喜欢那圣诞节装饰 喝着柑曼怡 一整天不会厌 Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor. 比我这个忙因为我喜欢你的味道 My manage behavior; Im into your major. 我要收敛一下自己 我已完全被你套牢. Sweeter so flavor, thats good for this player我这个大痞子需要最甜美的味道 My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager. 我身边的家伙们 就像寻呼机一样老套Pretty much, youre givin me a sugar rush. 而你就想一场糖心风暴 Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush. 小妞你脸红的样子能让我血压升高 Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, 你的双唇轻的就像羽毛 Shawty thats whats up. 小妞我要让你知道 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some. 我还想来有些 小妞请你不要介意 Now and later, I dont wanna have to wait, you the one. 无需再等待 你就是我的唯一 Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious. 你那坏坏的样子 实在是美丽 Cant help my interest, candy addiction. 勾起我的兴致 无法靠近你的魅力 Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece. 吃了一粒还想再吃一粒 I dont know a piece, Give me all your sweets. 没想到就一粒就能长今你的甜蜜 Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast. 从头到脚 甜蜜的大餐就在这里 Level with our trip, Im a lip bitin beast. 就像是狼吞虎咽的野兽 我兴奋不已 smile for them things, all 42 teeth. 我对着他们微笑 42颗牙齿排列整齐 Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must be. 你的嘴唇咬上去肯定甘露四溢 Aint your mama slirp, stickin, usin my Free. 小妞你甘甜爽口 你无与伦比 Like taffy but classy, get at me. 就像是上等的太妃奶糖 让我痴迷 Im flyly Let you know I wanna kiss. 我很高兴能让你狂野肆意 But your lips, theyll do me fine. 但你的双唇让我感觉很嗨 Now baby dont trip with the juicy kind. 宝贝不要为我的身材而如此兴奋 Get, get on the griD, Girl you aint lyin. 我的感觉很爽 你没有骗人 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) This candy got you sprung (x2) So call me your sugar (x2) You love you some (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di (x7) Sugar (Flo Rida) My lips like sugar 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 I got a good appetite with you on me, on me. 我食欲大增想要吃了你 吃了你 Ill wrap you out of them clothes. 我要把你的糖纸拨开 You my treat, my treat. 品尝你的身体 你的身体 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. get me some sugar. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar

florida 唱的sugar的中文歌词

温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖 弗洛里达 嘿,我有充分的腔口。 喜好甜食,充分的妈妈,像糖给我。 因此,我爱上了嘴唇,把错误的耳朵基调。 Shawty爱吻,这是紧急情况。 吐痰兴起的味道,沉迷于她的光泽。 不会微笑这样,婴儿我擦它关闭。 把我的舌头在你的脸 小槲寄生, sippin "革兰一A. 我喜欢整天。 这样做我认为赞成, cuz我喜欢你的味道。 我的管理行为我到你大。 所以味道更甜,这有利于该球员。 我国遮光罩,现在和以后,扔回到像一个寻呼机。 差不多,你givin "我糖高峰。 律妈妈,给我血压升高时,你脸红。 嘴唇手感柔软如鸿毛,当我们触摸 Shawty这是怎么了。 温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖 弗洛里达 嘿,你会记住Shawty , cuz我想我一些。 现在和以后,我不想再等待,您的一个。 叶先生叶先生您的视力。所以,所以好吃。 不能帮助我的兴趣,糖果上瘾。 要和平,要获得一块得一块。 我不知道一块,给我所有的糖果。 底部和顶部的嘴唇,比赛有一个糖盛宴。 水平与我们的访问,我是一个嘴唇bitin "野兽。 男子为他们的事情,所有42个牙齿。 挤压甘蔗对你的嘴,必须战胜的。 不是你的妈妈slirp , stickin " , usin "我的树。 像taffy但经典,让我。 我flyly让你知道我想亲吻。 但是,您的嘴唇,他们会尽我的罚款。 现在孩子不访问的多汁的实物。 取得,获得的抓地力 姑娘你不说谎的。 温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖 弗洛里达 你喜欢我的糖,我国食糖。 你的甜蜜蜜。 就像我的糖果,我的糖果 你的甜蜜蜜。 我得到了良好的食欲与你我,我。 我会总结你的衣服。 你我请客,我请客 女孩你我糖,我请你糖果 今晚我要去给我一些,给我一些 女孩你我糖,我请你糖果 今晚我要去给我一些,给我一些 糖 温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖

Julia Fordham的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Julia Fordham专辑:That S LifeFlo Rida - Sugar (Featuring Wynter)Da da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavities.Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me.So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone.Shawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergency.Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss.Won"t smile this way, baby I rub it off.Put my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gram I A.I"m a fan all day.Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor.My manage behavior; I"m into your major.Sweeter so flavor, that"s good for this player.My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager.Pretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rush.Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush.Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, Shawty that"s what"s up.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some.Now and later, I don"t wanna have to wait, you the one.Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious.Can"t help my interest, candy addiction.Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece.I don"t know a piece, Give me all your sweets.Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast.Level with our trip, I"m a lip bitin" beast.Man for them things, all 42 teeth.Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must beat.Ain"t your mama slirp, stickin", usin" my tree.Like taffy but classy, get at me.I"m flyly Let you know I wanna kiss.But your lips, they"ll do me fine.Now baby don"t trip with the juicy kind.Get, get on the grip, Girl you ain"t lyin".My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daSugarYou like my sugar, my sugar.You so sweet, so sweet.Like my candy, my candyYou so sweet, so sweet.I got a good appetite with you on me, on me.I"ll wrap you out of them clothes.You my treat, my treat.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some sugar.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugar

Gary Go的《So So》 歌词

歌曲名:So So歌手:Gary Go专辑:Gary GoGary Go - So SoI"m so soIt"s lateAnd I forgot to take my medicine I"m,Uptight and tiredIn my life its so mechanical and,Feeling feeling great,Till I realise all the mess I"m in I"m,So uninspired at a time that is so soI"m so soIt"s fateI"ve lost my antihistamine I"mFinding it hard to fill in the prose of my reasonsFor living this when it"s too late to be lateI don"t show up at allThe gaps in my diariesSpeak volumes about meI"ve done something wrongAt least I"ve done somethingTake me back to the London townThat brought me up"Cause its bringing me downAnd I will pay you solid gold my friend yeahWould you take me back to London townWhen it felt good to be aroundAnd I will pay you solid gold my friendMy friend (solid gold ...)I"m so so todayMy days are unaccounted forI found I found only too latethat I"m not alone but I"m lonelyFeeling great in a voice that didn"t suit the faceHe said he said they"re becoming your mistakesRemember that time is the time that it takesI"ve done something wrongAt least I"ve done somethingTake me back to the London townThat brought me upCause its bringing me downAnd I will pay you solid gold my friend yeah pleaseTake me back to the town I missNow morphed into antithesis ofEvery thing it used to be I"m so so

【急】Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport 歌词

歌曲:Tie Me Kangaroo Down,SportSPOKEN: There"s an old Australian stockman lying, dying. He gets himself up onto one elbow and "e turns to his mates, who are all gathered around and "e says:Watch me wallabies feed, mateWatch me wallabies feed,They"re a dangerous breed, mateSo watch me wallabies feedAltogether now!CHORUS:Tie me kangaroo down, sportTie me kangaroo downTie me kangaroo down, sportTie me kangaroo downKeep me cockatoo cool, Curl,Keep me cockatoo coolAh, don"t go acting the fool, CurlJust keep me cockatoo coolAltogether now!(CHORUS)"n" take me koala back, JackTake me koala backHe lives somewhere out on the track, MacSo take me koala backAltogether now!(CHORUS)Let me abos go loose, LewLet me abos go looseThey"re of no further use, LewSo let me abos go looseAltogether now!(CHORUS)And mind me platypus duck, BillMind me platypus duckAh, don"t let "im go running amok, BillJust mind me platypus duckAltogether now!(CHORUS)Play your didgeridoo, BluePlay your didgeridooAh, like, keep playin" "til I shoot thru, BluePlay your didgeridooAltogether now!(CHORUS)Tan me hide when I"m dead, FredTan me hide when I"m deadSo we tanned his hide when he died, ClydeAnd that"s it hangin" on the shed!!Altogether now!(CHORUS) 该歌曲视频



初中:This is the beginning of garden tour(为什么beginning前用the,还有它后面为什么加ing?理由谢谢)


谁告诉我Mad World / Gary Jules中文歌词表达的什么感情

GJ,是我比较喜欢的一位选手,我最近也在学这首歌,这首歌给我的第一感觉是一种 近乎窒息的绝望。这首歌的走向偏冷色调系,歌词的绝望再加上偏阴暗的曲风,给人一种不快乐的感觉。

原唱《lemon tree》下载 fools garden版的

fools garden 的我这里有百度云网页链接提取码:q3wb求采纳

Fool S Garden的《Lemon Tree》 歌词

歌曲名:Lemon Tree歌手:Fool S Garden专辑:High TimeLemon TreeFool"s GardenI"m sitting here in a boring room.It"s just another rainy Sunday afternoon.I"m waisting my time, I got nothing to do.I"m hanging around, I"m waiting for you.But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.I"m driving around in my car.I"m driving too fast, I"m drving too far.I"d like to change my point of view.I felt so lonely, I"m waiting for you.But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.I wonder how, I wonder why.Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.I"m turning my head up and down.I"m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree.I"m sitting here, and I miss the power.I"d like to go out taking a shower.But there"s a heavy clound inside my mind.I feel so tired, and put myself into bed.Where nothing ever happens, and I wonder.Isolation is not good for meIsolation I don"t want to sit on the lemon treeI"m stepping around in a desert of joyBaby, anyhow I get another toyAnd everthing will happen, and you wonderI wonder how, I wonder whyYesterday you told me about the blue, blue skyAnd all that I can see is just a yellow lemon treeI"m turning my head up and downI"m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning aroundAnd all that I can see is just another yellow lemon treeI wonder how, I wonder whyYesterday you told me about the blue, blue skyAnd all that I can seeAnd all that I can seeAnd all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree

Flat C, 18/F, Block 3,75 Tsing King Road,Tivoli Garden, Tsing Yi,Hong Kong 求翻译啊 急!



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