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park 是公园 garden是花园 谢谢

Garden 的意思





语法标注解释 garden英音:["gɑ:dn]美音:["gɑrdn] 名词 n. 1.花园;菜园;果园;庭院[C] 2.游乐场;公园[P] 3.(用于地名中)园,街,广场[P] 4.露天饮食店 形容词 a.[Z] 1.花园的;庭院的 2.生长在园中的,栽培的 3.园圃中使用的 不及物动词 vi. .从事园艺,在园中种植 He likes to garden because it keeps him out of doors. 他喜欢园艺,因为可以常在户外. 及物动词 vt. 1.使成为花园,使园林化 网络释义 garden 1.花园 2.庭院


  garden英 [u02c8gɑ:dn] 美 [u02c8gɑ:rdn]  n.公园; 花园,菜园; 供应点心的露天设施; 大型公共礼堂;  vt.造园,开辟(一小片土地)作为花园; 以花园装饰;  vi.从事园艺;  [例句]The school is facing a beautiful garden.  1那所学校面对着一个美丽的公园。  [其他]第三人称单数:gardens 复数:gardens 现在分词:gardening 过去式:gardened 过去分词:gardened 形近词: harden gardan warden








garten和garden的区别:garten和garden的区别:意思不同、读音不同。 garten美 [?gɑrt?n] 加滕。 garden 英 ["ɡɑ?dn]美 ["ɡɑ?rdn]     n.园地(用于种植花、果、菜)。 v.从事园艺活动。



yard 和garden 的区别


at the garden对不对



garden英 ["gɑu02d0d(u0259)n] 美 ["ɡɑrdn] n. 花园;菜园vt. 栽培花木vi. 从事园艺;在园中种植n. (Garden)人名;(英、意、巴基)加登

garden 怎么读







garden的中文意思是公园、从事园艺。具体释义如下:garden 英[u02c8gɑ:dn] 美[u02c8gɑ:rdn] n.公园;花园,菜园;供应点心的露天设施;大型公共礼堂vt.造园,开辟(一小片土地)作为花园;以花园装饰vi.从事园艺adj.花园的,园艺的;普通的,平凡的1、garden指住宅内种植花、草、果木或蔬菜的园地,可译作“宅旁园圃,花园;菜园;果园”。2、garden也可作“公园”解,常用复数形式,而其谓语动词在指“一个公园”时用单数形式,指“多个公园”时用复数形式。3、garden是不及物动词,意思是“从事园艺;种植花木”。扩展资料近义词区分garden,farm,field这三个词的共同意思是“…场”。其区别是:1、farm指农场,也可指饲养场、畜牧场、养殖场等。2、garden指公共娱乐或观赏场地,如公园、花园等,也可指菜园、果园、园地、园圃,还可指露天饮食店。3、field指田地、牧场,也可指作特殊用地的场地、场所,还可指战场、作战训练场、运动场、田赛场地。例如:itwasgettingdarkwhentheyarrivedatthefarm.他们到达农场时,天已渐渐黑下来了。anoldcoininthegardenwasdugup.花园里一枚古铜币被挖掘出来。thisfieldneedstobedugup.这块田需要翻。




  garden英 [u02c8gɑ:dn] 美 [u02c8gɑ:rdn]  n.公园; 花园,菜园; 供应点心的露天设施; 大型公共礼堂;  vt.造园,开辟(一小片土地)作为花园; 以花园装饰;  vi.从事园艺;  [网络]梦花园; 花园酒店; 花园心事;  [例句]Jim gardened at the homes of friends on weekends.  吉姆周末帮忙打理朋友家的花园。  [其他]第三人称单数:gardens 复数:gardens 现在分词:gardening 过去式:gardened 过去分词:gardened 形近词: harden gardan warden


garden 英[u02c8ɡɑu02d0dn]美[u02c8ɡɑu02d0rdn]n. (住宅旁或周围的)花园,果园,菜园; 庭园,园子; 公园; 公园; (住宅旁或周围的)园圃; (用于街名)园,街,广场;v. 做园艺工作,从事园艺活动; 种植花木,(在园中)栽培植物; 使成为花园; 用花园点缀;adj. 花园的,菜园的,果园的; 生长在园圃中的,非野生的; 园圃中使用的; 普通的, 平常的; 周围有园圃(或绿化地带)的; 耐寒的;短语搭配:in the garden 在花园里tea garden 茶叶种植场;茶室botanical garden 植物园rose garden 玫瑰园;蔷薇园garden design 园林设计;庭园设计;园艺设计landscape garden 园林;风景园garden of eden [圣经]伊甸园;清白无罪(的状况)roof garden 屋顶花园flower garden 花园;庭园vegetable garden 菜园city garden 城市花园private garden 私家园林,私家花园garden furniture 花园家具;庭院家具imperial garden 御花园garden party n. 游园会;露天招待会little garden 小花园garden architecture 庭园建筑;园林建筑学botanic garden 植物园common or garden adj. 平凡的;普通的

有关于gareth gates(葛瑞盖斯)的生平事迹?

年仅19岁的葛瑞·盖斯,自从2002年在英国“Pop Idol”比赛上赢得亚军荣衔后,一路走来积累了超高人气。17岁时便以《奔放的旋律》荣登英国金榜冠军宝座并蝉联三周,因此而成为了吉尼斯纪录上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手。随后盖斯再凭单曲《我们都会错》、《猜疑的心》拿下英国金榜冠军,被英国媒体看作是英国乐坛未来的超级巨星。而他在2003年全英音乐奖获得的两项提名及4座Smash Hits奖无可质疑地向世人宣告了他作为英国全民偶像地位的确立!      小葛的首张个人专辑《我心声处》于2002年10月推出,再度在英国专辑销售榜上创下佳绩。在台湾《我心声处》连霸G-Music销售榜12周冠军,更是2003年台湾地区唯一销售冲破10万大关的欧美专辑。2003年末葛瑞·盖斯推出他的第二张大碟《走自己的路》,以一种介乎于流行、节奏蓝调、放克类型的动感歌声出现,让人不禁想起上世纪80年代时期的迈克尔·杰克逊。   2004年4月,盖斯造访亚洲,在汉城、雅加达、吉隆坡、台湾举行了个唱。葛瑞·盖斯此次的亚洲之行掀起了一场犹如热带风暴般的“小葛热潮”,也许这场难以抵挡的热旋风还将随着葛瑞·盖斯两张专辑的引进发行而席卷中国内地,《走自己的路》由美卡音像引进现已经全面上市,紧接着也将发行他的首张专辑《我心声处》。 乍一听葛瑞盖斯的声音,总觉得他好像还没有完全变好声,那一份青涩和稚气正是这个19岁男孩特别吸引人注意的地方。这个男孩曾经患有严重的口吃,说出自己的名字要用3分钟时间,但是他却创造了英国唱片业的奇迹,成为吉尼斯世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手,并成为百事可乐英国地区广告代言人,还曾经为英国女王献唱。在亚洲,他被歌迷亲切地称呼为“小葛”,他所引发的热潮被称为“小葛旋风”。这张唱片是他的第2张大碟,不过却先于首张唱片被引进。专辑中收录了富于活力的《Sunshine》、深情小品《Say It Isn't So》、翻唱自美国迷幻派民谣男歌手Norman Greenbaum的《Spirit In The Sky》等。小葛的演唱和迈克尔·杰克逊颇有几分神似,但更具阳光气息。 答案补充 GarethGates葛瑞盖斯-概述 一个曾经患有口吃的男孩从歌声中找回自信,并藉由歌声感动全球乐迷,葛瑞盖斯创造了21世纪的歌声奇迹,自从2002年从英国选秀节目"Pop Idol"比赛赢得亚军荣衔后,葛瑞盖斯歌声传情的功力所向披靡。17岁的他便以超龄的纯熟情感重唱正义兄弟合唱团经典歌曲"Unchained Melody"而改写金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手纪录,并获百事可乐选为英国地区广告代言人。2002年首航专辑「What My Heart Wants To Say」进占英国金榜亚军,连创"Unchained Melody"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)"、"Suspicious 答案补充 经典曲目:《What My Heart Wants To Say》《Anyone of Us》《Say It Isn"t So》《With You All The Time》

she needs a bag of sugar,对a bag of提问用英语如何提问?

she needs a bag of sugar,对a bag of提问:用英语提问:What package of sugar does she need?

Hungarian Rhapsody 歌词

歌曲:Bohemian Rhapsody作词:freddie mercury作曲:freddie mercury王菲个人资料:王菲(十五岁前随母亲姓,叫夏林Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用)艺名:王靖雯(已弃用)出生日期:1969年8月8日出生地点:北京身高:57及(172cm)近:400 度左右家庭状况:父亲王佑林 母亲夏桂影(去世)哥哥,王弋 女儿童童教育程度:中学毕业就读小学:北京地坛小学就读中学:北京市东直门中学宗教信仰:佛教(密宗)mama,just killed a man ,put a gun a against hishead.pulled my trigger, now hes dead.mama, life had just begun,but now ive goneand throw it all away .mama,ooo,didnt mean to make you cry,if im not back againthis time tomorrow.carry on carry on,as if nothong really matters.too late my time has came,sends shivers down my sprine.bodys aching all the time .goodbye,everbody.ive got to gogotta leave you all behindand face the truth.mama,ooo, i dont want to die ,i sometimes wish id neveer beenborn at all.....继续歌手介绍:王菲,1987年底由北京到港定居经父亲朋友介绍拜戴思聪为师学唱歌89年加入宝丽金旗下的新艺宝唱片公司并成功的推出来首张个人同名专辑《王靖雯》91年年初王菲决定暂停歌曲事业远赴美国修读音乐92年陈家瑛成为王菲经理人陈家瑛当时还对周围的友人感叹道:我打到了一个嗓子好得不得了的女孩子94年改用原名王菲并举办了首个个人演唱会创下新人开演唱会18场的最高纪录96年,王菲与窦唯结婚留京安养并孕下了可爱的女儿--窦靖童同年,王菲越洋与英国的骚灵组合Cocteau twins合作推出另类专辑《浮躁》受到外界一致好评同年并登上了美国《TIME》时代杂志封面是继巩利后第二个登上《TIME》杂志的华人女艺人97年,向乐坛告别一年多的她她复出歌坛,并以6000万的天价加盟EMI科艺百代唱片公司推出了加盟EMI的首张同名大碟《王菲》一曲《你快乐(所我快乐)》更是唱到街知巷闻98年底,王菲展开她的个人巡回演唱会首站是广州,但广州演唱会刚过便传来了不幸的消息王菲的母亲因癌症而去逝了之后,王菲重新振作起来在香港连开了38场的唱游大世界王菲演唱会之后与窦唯的感情亮起红灯翌年,两人离婚收场窦靖童抚养权归王菲99年,王菲凭《Eyes on me》夺得日本金唱版大赏....nothing really matters,anyone can see.nothing really matters,nothing really matters to me.王菲个人部份资料就介绍到这有事Q我一下哦~32791311

thank you very much(Margaret演唱歌曲)详细资料大全

《thank you very much》是21岁(2013年)波兰籍女歌手Margaret(马格丽特)的首张单曲。此张单曲MV,找来近30名临时演员 *** 入镜,扮演她的家人与朋友。MV一经推出,造成轰动,引发歌迷热议。自放上YouTube点击人次已超过1800万。 基本介绍 中文名称 :非常感谢你 外文名称 :thank you very much 歌曲时长 :03:27 歌曲语言 :英语 创作背景,歌曲歌词,播放次数, 创作背景 21岁(2013年)波兰籍女歌手Margaret的一张单曲mv,因找来30名临时演员 *** 出境,扮演她的家人与朋友,凸显她的离经叛道。 歌曲歌词 Space calling earth again Say what Houston this is the end We"re lost Tick tick tick tackTime"s up Station is shutting down A Bad luck Barberalla meets godzilla Since you invited both, cling to your pantyhose… I want to Thank you much Thank you very Much Thank you very much I wanna say I"m sorry but I"m really not Guess I"ve had enough I"m feeling Dangerous I wanna say I care, but I"m gonna say Fresh out of graitude It"s gone You suck, like your attitiude I won Flake, flakey flakey flake So sad I am stirred, but I will not shake It"s rad Barbarella she"s a killer Run to your nanny go, cling to your pantyhose I want to Thank you much Thank you very Much Thank you very much I wanna say I"m sorry but I"m really not I guess I"ve had enough I"m feeling Dangerous I wanna say I care, but I"m gonna say no no no no/no thanks oh oh oh oh/nothanks "bout this thrilla" in Manilla" What goes around my friend, bites you right at the end..... oh oh oh oh oh i don"t the more 播放次数 截至2013年5月9日9:44:53youtube上播放达2410355次




男的对女的一般用:sweet.sweetheart. 女的对男的一般用:dear. honey排除darling,只有女人这样称呼男人。剩下的四个: Sweetheart, sweet(y),

Candies sweet sugar candy,这四个单词都表示糖,那应该分别在什么情况下用呢




Gary Jules的《Boat Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Boat Song歌手:Gary Jules专辑:Trading Snakeoil For WolfticketsKenny Chesney - BoatsOl" Joe"s got a Boston whalerhe bought in Key BiscaneHe swears since the day he got hershe"s been nothing but a painwhen the sun"s at his backand the winds in his faceit"s just him and the wheelhe wouldn"t take a million for theway it makes him feelboatsvessels of freedomharbors of heelingboatsNewport is where John hung his hattil he lost his wife Jonow forty feet of sail antiqueis where Ol" John calls homehe watched his life pass before his eyesin the middle of a hurricanecame out alive on the other sidethat"s where "the other side" got its nameBoatsvessels of freedomharbors of heelingboatstwenty years of a landlocked jobwas all that tom could takesitting at his deskall alone and depressedsays this just cant be my fatewent home that night and told his wifeyou can tell all of your friendsit"s been real but it ain"t been fungonna get us one of themboatsvessels of freedomharbors of heelingboatsvessels of freedomboats



Candies sweet sugar candy,这四个单词都表示糖,那应该分别在什么情况下用呢

(Candies) candy 负数, (sweet) 甜 (sugar)食用糖 (candy)糖果



Candies sweet sugar candy,这四个单词都表示糖,那应该分别在什么情况下用呢





一、侧重不同1、candy:表糖果时,为美国英语用词。2、sweet:表糖果时,为英国用词。3、sugar:指用甘蔗或甜菜制成的糖。二、释义不同1、candy 英?["k?ndi]? ? ?美?["k?ndi]? ? n.?糖果v.?用糖煮;使结晶为砂糖2、sweet 英?[swi?t]? ? ?美?[swi?t]? ? adj.?甜的;芳香的;悦耳的;漂亮的n.?甜食;糖3、sugar 英?["??ɡ?(r)]? ? ?美?["??ɡ?r]? ? n.?糖,食糖;糖缸;甜言蜜语,阿谀奉承;宝贝,心肝v.?使甜;在...上撒糖三、词性不同1、candy与sugar:名词与动词。2、sweet:形容词与名词。

好听的歌曲 类似 sugar ,take me to your heat ,


Gary Lawyer的《Riding》 歌词

歌曲名:Riding歌手:Gary Lawyer专辑:Nights On Fire: The Best Of Gary LawyerChamillionaire Ft. Jae Millz & Papoose - Ridin (Remix)Sound of Revenge (Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Cheea)Remix!! Jae Millz, Papoose and Chamillionaire (Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Cheea)Chamilitary man (Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Cheea)From the dirty south to the east coastSame thing folksThe N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)Chamillionaire:I"m a millionaire(yeah)I deserve some respectThe reason you was hiredWas to serve and protect(don"t serve and protect)but burn up your chequeTake you a year to make what I earn in a secOld white lady said i was disturbin her rest(Yup)Let me put you on to some current eventsLast two times that i saw the policeI got served a sapina and served an arrest(Yup)Who the hell said the suburbs was the bestHe a liar I gotta bring "em back to the streetsJae millz got beef I"m comin back to the eastPapoose got beef I"m comin back with my piece(uh!)I own my chrome not rentin itThe police know I"m gettin itI roll 4 dough InfinitySo they pull me over tell me show identityContinental drop roll like Kennedy"Cept you can minus the assassinationI know cats be hatin"I know that you waitin"To catch me slippin"while I"m tippinIsn"t that amazin"Cuz you Can"t drink gon be tough to findPolice tryin take me down like I"m Busta RhymesWe"re tryn"a bust da rhymesThats why they bustin down the doorsIn the club tellin us to touch the ground(huh)The N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)Jae Millz:I know the one time watchin me"Cuz everywhere I go they followinAnd they stoppin me(Why?)"Cuz they think I"m ridin dirtyBut you know I"m too smart for thatAnd as far as the tint what as dark as thatI got "em midnight she be black on both sidesProbably over city size so our boys rideI know they hate to see a young G ridin"Pretty ass vehicle with a neck full of diamondsBut get too close and I"ll blind "emI"ll show the strip girls what Harlem likeWhen I"m at Harlem Nights bag the wildest DivasMake "em take me shopping in the GalleriaFrom H-town to H-town we ride outBurn money, shine and pull "em rides outHit the block post up and grind outWhen you hit cops the only time you call a time outIt"s your boy Jae Millz in hereI gotta keep it trill in here"Specially when I"m on the remix ridin dirtywith the homie ChamillionairePut it in the air!The N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)Papoose:Papoose Papoose that"s who pass youBad news that dude parked dead on the strip(uh)Keep a hot hun ridin shotgunWhen I"m makin my runs gettin" head in the whip(uh)Blow my gun "til the cops comeKeep it on cock son put lead in the clipCame to a road block, man that"s a bitchi can make a u-turn, fled on "em quickAutomatic, won"t be caught dead with a stickPut the pedal to the medal I"m wreckless with this oneOn the I-95, hand full of piffGot the wild eye"s whyI"m takin the riskYou sideline guys beggin" don"t snitchHope the canine can"t find the bread or the bricksNone of ya"ll rappers ain"t F"in with thisYa"ll movin" backwards like 7 to 6(uh)wheels goin" and goin"I stay smokin" and blowin"I"m steady blowin" and blowin" that straight BuddhaSip Crys like Chris brown,Christopher Wallace,Chris Reeves, Christon and LudaKeep the gat cocked stashed in the stash boxLocked up with padlocks I"m a straight shootaA future billionaire runnin" with ChamillionaireI"m outta here homie here come the state troopersThe N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)The N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtybut tell em to try againEndChamillionaire Ft. Jae Millz & Papoose - Ridin (Remix)

Gary Burton的《Move》 歌词

歌曲名:Move歌手:Gary Burton专辑:For Hamp, Red, Bags And CalMims - Move (If You Wanna)(Chorus)Move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna move-move if you wanna moveMove if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wanna move(Verse 1)I don"t undrestand how can I have so many ha-tersKnowin I"m there father like my name is darth va-derI can get you hemmed up while I"m bein tay-loredThen I slide off to the side like a fa-derHomey I"m the president, governor and ma-yor!I control everything, like a dic-tator!Get you biz marked up, turn you into va-pors!If you got a problem get you swallowed like a cha-ser!Model on my arm no homey I don"t have to pay-herAll I have to do is tell her where I wanna take-herCatch us out in italy, then we in jamai-caCaught up in the rapture, like anita ba-kerWhen I roll up to you niggas like a ska-ter!Move if you wanna when you see that red la-ser!No matter how you move and that infrared will chase ya!Then I keep it movin, homey see you la-ter! mims!(Chorus)Move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna move-move if you wanna moveMove if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wanna move(Verse 2)I"m tryin to keep it cool, if you wanna, you can move, if you wannaTryin to have a little fun, maybe move a couple numbers butWhen you movin numbers, all the haters start to wonderThen they talk behind your back, in the breath they speakin underMan I"m hot, like the sun, like the middle of the summer!Strike down in a flash, nigga you can call me thunder!Chicks call me phil drummond "cause I give "em diff"rent strokes!Bahh, bahh, bahh, bahh, bahh, beat it up, like a drummer!They can call it one-hit wonder, but I guess that means I"m one-upLight a match, play with fire, that just means you gon" get burned upIn the river, where you turn up, "cause thye see I"m on the come-upBut it"s our, turn, now, if you want it, take it from usI don"t need no goons by me, if you want it come and try me!We can do this broad day, in the middle of the lobby!Niggas say that they the shit, when they barely just a potty!When they problems turn to prol"ly and they prol"ly turns to sorry!Tell "em!(Chorus)Move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna move-move if you wanna moveMove if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wannaMove-move if you wanna if you wanna if you wanna move

plain dyed和garment dyed分别指什么?二者有什么区别




Sugarcubes的《Planet》 歌词

歌曲名:Planet歌手:Sugarcubes专辑:The Great Crossover Potentialcrystal planecrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空The windows for sleeping rearrange带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚And I"m nobody所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚Well who"s laughin now所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站

pack of cigarettes造句 pack of cigarettesの例文

At 300 yards, he can hit a pack of cigarettes . Just buying a pack of cigarettes required a convoy of jeeps. I felt pke a cellophane wrapper on a pack of cigarettes . Each pack of cigarettes that I saw contained one C-note. The AC adapter is about the size of a pack of cigarettes . The federal tax on a pack of cigarettes is currently 24 cents. A pack of cigarettes costs about 220 yen in Japan. He was *** oking eight packs of cigarettes per day . . .. I was *** oking a couple packs of cigarettes a day. There, a pack of cigarettes costs just a buck. It"s difficult to see pack of cigarettes in a sentence. 用 pack of cigarettes 造句挺难的 Baggy jeans are banned and every pack of cigarettes is thoroughly searched. The class costs $ 85, or about 25 packs of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes in Greece is 6.4 percent higher. Well, crack was about as cheap as a pack of cigarettes . That bale makes about 16, 000 packs of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes costs about 35 santims ( 58 cents ). David and Mepnda Hastings were hoping for a few packs of cigarettes . They want each pack of cigarettes to contain a printed insert psting ingredients. You just take the pack of cigarettes and throw them in the garbage. Currently, the federal excise tax is 24 cents per pack of cigarettes . The battery must be recharged after each pack of cigarettes that is *** oked. _How much the price of a pack of cigarettes would be increased. Russians swapped packs of cigarettes for luxuries available only through the black market. One of them greedily grabbed a pack of cigarettes . Benso pulls out a pack of cigarettes , pghts one and sits down. It"s generically labeled and es wrapped pke a pack of cigarettes . The card is about the size and color of a pack of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes now costs about $ 5. That pack of cigarettes he bought o hours ago? Health officials say breathing in haze is pke *** oking several packs of cigarettes . It"s difficult to see pack of cigarettes in a sentence. 用 pack of cigarettes 造句挺难的 One takes a pack of cigarettes from a glass display case without paying. An airport custodian once found a hummingbird stuffed in a pack of cigarettes . He stood outside the nursing home, fidgeting with a pack of cigarettes . Off the ice, Lemieux *** oked a half a pack of cigarettes daily. In early episodes, packs of cigarettes are detectable in his shirt pocket. It is spghtly larger than a pack of cigarettes . He *** okes three packs of cigarettes a day. I *** oked at least three packs of cigarettes . "I"ve never seen a kid buy a pack of cigarettes . On it, pke a declaration of war, lay his pack of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes and a beer can left at the Vietnam War Memorial? He began drinking, using cocaine and *** oking o packs of cigarettes a day. I only needed enough for a bottle of wine and a pack of cigarettes . She had been *** oking a pack of cigarettes a day since she was 15. She would go through a pack of cigarettes . She once wrote that for years she *** oked six packs of cigarettes a day. You can use a pack of cigarettes to lure your enemy into an ambush. A pack of cigarettes went for dlrs 25. Another friend gave me a pack of cigarettes . O"Connor said he *** oked 4 packs of cigarettes a day during filming. It"s difficult to see pack of cigarettes in a sentence. 用 pack of cigarettes 造句挺难的

读英语单词时怎么区分第几声啊 比如 vocation vinegar vitamin volleyball


vulgar 是什么意思


《Gardensofthe Moon》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Gardens of the Moon》(Steven Erikson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 3vpa书名:Gardens of the Moon作者:Steven Erikson豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:Tor Books出版年份:2004-6-1页数:496内容简介:he Malazan Empire simmers with discontent, bled dry by interminable warfare, bitter infighting, and bloody confrontations with ancient and implacable sorcerers. Even the imperial legions, long inured to the bloodshed, yearn for some respite. Yet Empress Laseen"s rule remains absolute, enforced by her dread Claw assassins. For Sergeant Whiskeyjack and his squad of Bridge-burners, and for Tattersail, their lone surviving mage, the aftermath of the siege of Pale should have been a time to mourn the many dead. But Darujhistan, last of the Free Cities, yet holds out. It is to this ancient citadel that Laseen turns her predatory gaze. However, the Empire is not alone in this great game. Sinister, shadowbound forces are gathering as the gods themselves prepare to play their hand . . . Conceived and written on a panoramic scale, Gardens of the Moon is epic fantasy of the highest order-an enthralling adventure by an outstanding new voice.作者简介:【加拿大】史蒂芬u2022埃里克森加拿大当代著名奇幻作家,毕业于爱荷华作家工作室,此前曾系统学习过考古学及人类学。《玛拉兹英灵录》是他最为重要的作品,刻画了一个庞大而复杂的世界,人类、不朽者与神祇共存其中,彼此争斗。《月之花园》是系列的第一部。正是这本书,奠定了埃里克森在奇幻小说界的地位。

garmin insights不能用



brave, I tried to go into the water many times, finally I made it


bahadurgarh是【印度】的。Bahadurgarh, known as the "Gateway of Haryana",Subdistrict/Tehsil, a city and a municipal council located in Jhajjar, a district in the state of Haryana, India, which comprises 31 wards. Bahadurgarh is approximately 2 km from Delhi (Tikri Border). It is also one of the major cities of National Capital Region.

clothing ,clothes, garment, cloth 这几个词有什么区别?

现说garment , 主要做动词,表示一种衣装,garment 多指成衣,用这个词,给人印象如形容人穿衣考究。cloth 布clothes 衣服的复数clothing 衣服的总称 不可数。

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Secret Garden的《Reflection》 歌词


Near the house is a garden, ___ owner seated in it is having a cup of coffee. A.whose B.its 选择题


最近疯狂长痘,听说soya garden的护肤品可以祛痘,效果怎么样?


It is _____ to look after a garden.

1.a hard work不好意思,凭语感,解释不清

Sugar And Spice 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar And Spice歌手:Split Enz专辑:DizrythmiaSugar And Spice -- The Ditty BopsI never want to marry or to dieI just want to build a kite and fly it in the skyI only live in castles made of sandI don"t care for many things untouched by human handThese are the dreams of little girlsWho don"t want to grow upSugar and spice, all things niceSo they say we"re made ofIs that trueIs that trueI"ll put on my pretty face, tuck away my bluesAll dressed up nowhere to goSomeone stole my shoesThese are the dreams of different timesThey"re not mine they"re made upI won"t act like a lady as I"m toldI will have adventuresI"ll be scarred and boldWill I be a sailor off to foreign landsWill I fly an airplane cross the desert sandsThese are the dreams of little girlsWho don"t want to grow upSugar and spice all things niceSo they say we"re made ofIs that trueIs that true

tom ___ in the garden while i ___ in the sun.

Tom(was )(working )in the garden while I was( )in the sun. As I was(walking )down the street,I( met )Charlie. 3.These two(sisters )have been into the ( custom ) (house ) 4.Jane(woke ) ( up ) the children(early )this morning 5.Don"t(worry ).The cup is(full )of water 1.汤姆在花园工作,我晒太阳.2.当我走在街上时遇到了查理 3.她们姐妹俩已经进了海关 4.早上珍很早叫醒了孩子们 5.别担心,杯子中充满了水加油!不明白再问!

Gary Burton的《Syndrome》 歌词

歌曲名:Syndrome歌手:Gary Burton专辑:GenerationsChoColat - SyndromeOh Yeah~

托福核心词汇Regard for的意思

   托福核心词汇Regard for的意思   regard英[ru026au02c8gɑ:d] 美[ru026au02c8gɑ:rd]   vt.认为;注视;涉及;尊敬   vi.凝视;留意   n.凝视;留意;尊敬;问候   网络 尊敬;关心;注重;尊重   词形变化:   复数:regards 复数:regarded 复数:regarded 复数:regarding 复数:regards   派生词: regardable   双语例句词组习语同反义词更多资料   1 . English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.   英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。   来自金山词霸 每日一句   2 . Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.   要尽量客观地分析情况,尤其是在工作上。   来自柯林斯例句   3 . He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.   他说过不管资历如何,任何我人员他都有可能解雇。   来自柯林斯例句   4 . I may have made a mistake in that regard .   我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。   来自柯林斯例句   5 . There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life.   到处都是武装分子,视人命如草芥。   来自柯林斯例句   网络释义   -regard   1 . 尊敬   refuse vi. 拒绝,不愿regardv. 看待,尊敬regret n.& vt. 可惜,遗憾;痛惜;哀悼   2 . 关心   REG (radioencephalogram) 放射脑电图regard考虑,注意,关心regarding 关于,有关   3 . 注重   regaining loss 重新漏失regard注重regasification 再蒸发   4 . 尊重   reception 招待会regard尊重;敬意regards 问候   相关词条-as regards   1 . 至于   in the regard 在这点上,关于此事as regards 关于,至于辨析 regard 强调从外表形象得到的认识.   -regard for   1 . 对   轻松英语论坛 > 学员交流 > *四级*高频*短语... ... reference to 提及,参考 regard for 对...的注意,尊重 remedy for 补救,解决.   -this regard   1 . 这方面   a : we a study on the development of the Internet as a department , we a responsibility in this regard , and hope for the country or make policy recommendations is a think tank of such a work .回答:一个我们作为互联网的发展研究这么一个部门,我们有这方面职责,希望为国家提出政策建议或者是一个思想库这样一个工作。   -RGDS regards, best regards   1 . 真诚的祝愿   外贸缩略语(第二周) ... MIN = MINIMUM 最小 RGDS = regards, best regards 真诚的祝愿TPND = Theft, Pilferage & Non-Delivery Risks 偷窃提货不着险.

regard+形容词 to do sth

regarding sb/sth把……当成…… Regard you as my best friend.把你当成我最好的朋友。 in/with regard to sb/sth关于 With regard to the money, we"d better be careful.对于钱,我们还是小心一点好。 with regard to 和as regards 以及in regard to 都是一样的,是副词词性,意思是“关于,至于,提到”的意思。

regarding the above mentioned questions

谢谢你2007年11月13日关于不要更新(即延期,译者注)XXXXX号商标注册的指导,我们注意到了. 有关上述事情你所提到的问题,特提示如下: 请你搞清楚,XXXXX号商标注册已于2006年2月9日更新,由于在意大利TMO积压了大量的工作,很不幸,我们还没有收到延期证明.一旦我们收到延期证明,我们自然会立即转寄给你. 对于XXXXX 和 XXXX的注册延期,由于繁重的事物,意大利商标办公室正在2002年存档的申请,因此,我们预计这些商标的注册延期会在两年内签发. 如果你还有进一步的问题,请和我们联系,不要犹豫.

Regard to 放在句首怎么用呢?取关于之意。是regarding to doing? 还是其他形式呢?

我想你问的应该是with regard to 翻译作对于讲时置于句首的情况。with regard to 无论放在句中、句末。还是句首,后接要么是名词,要么是现在分词的形式。给你举个例子,你或许就会明白的。With regard to (his) crying, the father didn"t care at all. 就是这样了吧。祝你学习进步。


没有看到regard 在哪儿

regarding sb/sth和in/with regard to sb/sth有什么区别

regarding sb/sth把……当成……Regard you as my best friend.把你当成我最好的朋友。in/with regard to sb/sth关于With regard to the money, we"d better be careful.对于钱,我们还是小心一点好。

Regarding to可以接动词原形吗

Regarding to 后面必须跟名词或者动名词。不能跟动词原形。例如:Regarding to his description,Regarding to irrelevant saying,

regarding as用法

A : regard sb as a 把某某当作,视为的意思,用进行时表示一直持续的一种状态

regarding to , as regard , in regard to

我只能说,对于“关于,提及”这个表达 as regards in/with regard to regarding 这3个都是标准的表达.至于楼主提出的另2种也有人用,明白意思即可,用作考试不行. 而单独说regards是“问候,慰问”的意思,想必楼主也知道.

regarding 和in term of 的区别

regard 一般和as搭配,有“把。。。。当作”之意in term of 有“就。。。。而言”之意


应该是regarding to 吧! *因为后面的to表示连接 还有with reference to = regarding 啊(可以) 而referring to意思好像是“引用”不是“关于”啊(不可以) 后面的as regarding 应该是 as regards 才对吧!(不可以) 而 concerning 和 concerning to 和上面打*的理由是一样的(选concerning to啊) 献丑了啊,有疑问尽管问啊!

in regarding to, in regards to,和in regard to,3者有什么不同


in regarding to, in regards to,和in regard to,3者有什么不同


请问regarding和with regards to有什么区别?

都啥年代了当老师的怎么还喜欢出这种钻牛角尖的题。好吧试着说说。这个题想弄晕你的主要是 concern 的两个用法:1) concerning, “关于”,这个用法跟 regarding 是同义词。2) (someone is) concerned,关注,担心。A 可以排除,因为其第二个空只能用 concerned 才能表示家属为之担心。B 可以排除。因为第一个空只能用 concerning 才能表示“关于”(托马斯的失踪)C 可以排除,因为其“正确”形式是 with regard to (没有 s)。Regards 是用在书信结尾的敬语,相当于汉语的“XX敬书”。为了表示敬意多多,就用复数形式。regarding 和 concerning 是同义词,都表示“关于”。所以选D




差不多!regarding相当于about sb/sth 关于;至于Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。


considering prep. 就...而论,照...说来,鉴于 That is not so bad,considering (the circumstances). 照(实情)说,那还算不错(从多方面说来,还过得去). adv. [口]细想起来,认真说; 概括而论; 总而言之 Yes,her speed was really quite good,considering. 是的,认真地说,她的速度相当不错了. conj. 考虑到 C -he"s only been learning English a year,he speaks it very well. 考虑到他只学了一年英语,他说得是很好的. regarding prep. 关于; 有关 regarding the future of reform 关于改革的前途 regarding比较正式~

regarding 和regarding to 哪个做开头是对的



regarding的意思及用法:1、regarding的基本意思是指通过了解以后,将某人或某物看成是某一个人或事物,即“认作”。还可指将目光或注意力集中在某人或某物上来彻底地进行观察,即“注视,注意”。2、regarding引申还可指“尊重”“和…有联系”。3、regarding多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有时可接由as短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,其中as不可以省略。可用于被动结构。4、regarding作“注意,重视”解时,一般只用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。5、当regarding作“和…有关”解时,后面常跟代词,特别是人称代词作宾语。扩展资料【regarding词汇解析】regarding英文发音:[ru026au02c8ɡɑu02d0du026au014b]中文释义:认作;注视,注意例句:Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public"s confidence in the government.工会将此次民意调查当作测试民众对政府信心的一种方式。【regarding的同根词】regardless英文发音:[ru026a"gɑu02d0dlu026as]中文释义:adj. 不管的,不顾的;不注意的例句:Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on regardless.尽管她最近动了手术,她却一直在不顾一切地继续工作。

regarding(关于) 与about, of有什么区别?

regarding应该是“考虑到”的意思 不只是“关于”

regarding sb/sth和in/with regard to sb/sth有什么区别



With regard to advertising aimed at children, I think they are more harm than good

Regarding below email 其中Regarding below都是介词?

regarding是介词,below是副词,错误用法,应该写成regarding following email,不过人家这么些也看的明白。
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