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苹果panic full故障代码是什么意思?

苹果panic full故障代码,意思是:主板的故障。panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff01953fc0c): "a freed zone element has been modified in zone turnstiles: expected 0xc0ffee68af69【故障分析:CPU空焊】panicString" : "panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff02a35fcd4): mbuf_watchdog: 9waiters stuck for 19 secs 37912/169298 mbufs in use: 1721 ....【故障分析:软件不兼容】panicString" : "panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff01cdfa3d0): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from com.apple.thermalmonitord 【故障分析:尾插、听筒功放、热传感电路】panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff020d3b520): "ApplePMGR: virtual void ApplePMGR::quiesceHW(...【故障分析:电池】苹果panic full故障代码怎么解决?苹果panic full故障代码意思是:主板的故障。当手机出现panicfull故障代码时,说明手机正在重启。一般手机重启可能是因为软件和系统不兼容,导致手机卡死。也可能是因为手机的主板芯片出现了问题,在手机出现panicfull故障代码时,可以分别按一下音量的加减键再长按五秒的关机键,这种系统问题一般可以解决。


线稿+参考图利用controlnet中的lineart和reference_only插件联合使用,在相同的prompt和线稿的情况下,只需要换参考图,就能画出不同风格的图片,且在参考风格和色彩的前提下,增加了更多的细节。这样做减少了学习成本,不用再费尽心思想风格,写prompt,只需要正常写prompt,其他的参考图帮你搞定。Prompt:(masterpiece, best quality, bright color, solo:1.3, girl:1.2), girl in street, punk, short white top, black denim skirt, choker, colored hair尺寸:512 x 768模型:stableDiffusion225


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Sly & The Family Stone的《Fun》 歌词

  Sly & The Family Stone的《Fun》 歌词:  歌名:Fun  所属专辑:Greatest Hits  演唱:Sly & the Family Stone  歌词:  [Girls:] Fun[Boys:] When I party I party heartyFun is on my mind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Put a smile on your faceLeave that bummer behind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] There"s a sister and there"s a brotherHavin" fun with each other[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Daddy always hangs up the boysHe just wants to party with mother[Freddie:] A private thought cannot be boughtBut you know what you have to do"Socketh unto othersAs you would have them socketh to you"[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] When I party I party heartyFun is on my mind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Put a smile on your faceLeave that bummer behind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] There"s a sister and there"s a brotherHavin" fun with each other[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Daddy always hangs up the voiceHe just wants to party with mother[Girls:] Fun [x8][Boys:] When I party I party heartyFun is on my mindPut a smile on your faceLeave that bummer behind

meteor 前端restful api 怎么传递数组

meteor 前端restful api 怎么传递数组指针 指针是C语言中广泛使用的一种数据类型。运用指针编程是C语言最主要的风格之一。利用指针变量可以表示各种数据结构;能很方便地使用数组和字符串;并能象汇编语言一样处理内存地址,从而编出精练而高效的程序。指针极大地丰富了C语言的功能。学习指针是学习C语言中最重要的一环,能否正确理解和使用指针是我们是否掌握C语言的一个标志。同时,指针也是C语言中最为困难的一部分,在学习中除了要正确理解基本概念,还必须要多编程,上机调试。只要作到这些,指针也是不难掌握的。10.1 地址指针的基本概念在计算机中,所有的数据都是存放在存储器中的。一般把存储器中的一个字节称为一个内存单元,不同的数据类型所占用的内存单元数不等,如整型量占2个单元,字符量占1个单元等,在前面已有详细的介绍。为了正确地访问这些内存单元,必须为每个内存单元编上号。根据一个内存单元的编号即可准确地找到该内存单元。内存单元的编号也叫做地址。 既然根据内存单元的编号或地址就可以找到所需的内存单元,所以通常也把这个地址称为指针。 内存单元的指针和内存单元的内容是两个不同的概念。 可以用一个通俗的例子来说明它们之间的关系。我们到银行去存取款时, 银行工作人员将根据我们的帐号去找我们的存款单, 找到之后在存单上写入存款、取款的金额。在这里,帐号就是存单的指针, 存款数是存单的内容。对于一个内存单元来说,单元的地址即为指针,其中存放的数据才是该单元的内容。在C语言中,允许用一个变量来存放指针,这种变量称为指针变量。因此,一个指针变量的值就是某个内存单元的地址或称为某内存单元的指针。图中,设有字符变量C,其内容为“K”(ASCII码为十进制数 75),C占用了011A号单元(地址用十六进数表示)。设有指针变量P,内容为011A,这种情况我们称为P指向变量C,或说P是指向变量C的指针。严格地说,一个指针是一个地址,是一个常量。而一个指针变量却可以被赋予不同的指针值,是变量。但常把指针变量简称为指针。为了避免混淆,我们中约定:“指针”是指地址,是常量,“指针变量”是指取值为地址的变量。定义指针的目的是为了通过指针去访问内存单元。 既然指针变量的值是一个地址,那么这个地址不仅可以是变量的地址,也可以是其它数据结构的地址。在一个指针变量中存放一个数组或一个函数的首地址有何意义呢? 因为数组或函数都是连续存放的。通过访问指针变量取得了数组或函数的首地址,也就找到了该数组或函数。这样一来,凡是出现数组,函数的地方都可以用一个指针变量来表示,只要该指针变量中赋予数组或函数的首地址即可。这样做,将会使程序的概念十分清楚,程序本身也精练,高效。在C语言中,一种数据类型或数据结构往往都占有一组连续的内存单元。 用“地址”这个概念并不能很好地描述一种数据类型或数据结构,而“指针”虽然实际上也是一个地址,但它却是一个数据结构的首地址,它是“指向”一个数据结构的,因而概念更为清楚,表示更为明确。 这也是引入“指针”概念的一个重要原因。10.2 变量的指针和指向变量的指针变量

fuck this shit on mouth是哪首歌的歌词

是fuck this shit i"m out.....


function.sav打开方式如下:1.sav文件一般是存档文件,就比如你游戏中途到一般的时候需要存档案,下次接着玩就是靠这个文件,可以用UltraEdit等编辑工具打开,但不能播放 .一般打开那个游戏或软件再打开试试。2. SAV 文件是游戏保存文件 ,可以删除,是原来你玩游戏留下的备份叫做:可储存文件。 一般游戏的文件里有,就是你所谓的“进度” 很多游戏的存盘文件其后缀名均为SAV,它实际上是一种数据格式,你只能用创建这些存盘文件的游戏读取这些文件,而不能通过第三方软件进行修改。即使你用编辑软件如EDIT打开,它也是一片乱码。 PAK文件使用中华压缩软件就可以打开. 中华压缩(ChinaZip) 10.8 。重要的压缩/解压缩文档请交给中华压缩【ChinaZip】 ★中华压缩【ChinaZip】——世界压缩解压缩软件领先者! ★支持28种压缩格式,是全球支持压缩格式最多的功能强大的中国压缩、解压缩软件! ★中国人自己开发的功能强大的压缩、解压缩软件!

void(*VisitFunc)(VertexType v);这样定义全局变量什么意思,高手指导一下啊

稍微拓展一下比如函数VisitFunc是这样的:void VisitFunc ( VertexType V ){printf("正在访问顶点%d ", V);}DFSTraverse传入函数VisitFunc的用途:这样使访问VisitFunc可以用户自己定义。不一定是printf,也许需要把结点的值累加起来

Rosemary Clooney的《Funny Face》 歌词

歌曲名:Funny Face歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:Mothers & DaughtersFunny face, I love youFunny face, I need youMy whole world"s wrapped up in youWhen the road I walk seems all uphillAnd the colors in my rainbow turn blueYou kiss the tears awayYou smile at me and say"Funny face (funny face) I love you"Funny face, I love youFunny face, I need youThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave meFunny face, believe meMy whole world"s wrapped up in youAnd when I hurt your feelings as I sometimes doAnd I say those mean things that we know are not trueYou forgive my childish wayYou hold me close and say"Funny face (funny face) I love you"Funny face, I love youFunny face, I need youThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave meFunny face, believe meMy whole world"s wrapped up in youFunny face, I love youFunny face, I need you FADEThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8255303

求Perfume 的spicy 歌词的罗马音。

mimi o sumashiteme o koraseba horatobira ga hirakebasubete ga mieruwashiranai hou ga iino kamonedemo omoi gakenai wakuwaku ga hoshiikoukishin no supaisu wanemeguri meguri nanika okosunomimi o sumashiteme o koraseba horatobira ga hirakebasubete ga mieruwakore ijyou washiranai hou ga iino kamonekoisuru hodo harahara suruwaonaji heya de furete itemokyori wa tookuni kannjite runoshiranai houga iino kamonedemo omoigakenai wakuwaku ga hoshiikoukishin no supaisu wanemeguri meguri nanika okosunomimi o sumashiteme o koraseba horatobira ga hirakebasubete ga mieruwadakedoshiranai houga iino kamonekosi suruhodo harahara suruwaonaji haya de furete itemokyori wa tookuni kanjite runoshiranai houga iino kamonedemo omoi gakenai wakuwaku ga hoshiikoukishin no supaisu wanemeguri meguri nanika okosu nomaybe aa meguri meguri nanika okosu nowakuwaku ga hoshiiharahara suruwaSpice


it"s responsibility ...

求beautiful pain歌词大意、

原版歌词翻译 上面的都是其他歌词Beautiful Pain 淡淡的忧伤 — Damian ParsTwo empty streets,hurricanesI tried to find the wayI close my eyes and see you smileLike perfect sunshine through the rainYou give happiness to faithBeautiful Pain你和我 就像寂静街上的两股风我在这头 你却在那头闭上眼 回忆里满是你的笑容仿佛大雨里洒下的阳光即使失落生活也要继续这只是我青春里淡淡的忧伤Even though it is overI still feel you closerMy heart is beating faster than beforeI don"t know what I"m supposed to, do to make you love meI just can"t let you goBeautiful Pain,save me again虽然一切都已结束却感觉你仍在身旁我心跳加速不知道怎样挽回只是不愿接受现实我怎样才能彻底忘却这青春里淡淡的忧伤You know that I"m sorry,don"t say it"s too lateBeautiful Pain, save me againHow much it mercy. what else could I sayBeautiful Painno matter what I tried to doAll I can see you stoodYou"re every person in the boomI hear your voice everywhere I dailOh it"s so hard to explainBeautiful Pain我想对你说声抱歉 你却说一切都已太迟我怎样才能彻底忘却这青春里淡淡的忧伤主啊 救救我让我忘却这青春里淡淡的忧伤暮然回首我仿佛看见你伫立在灯下耳边响起你的声音我不知道怎么解释这一切也许 这就是青春里淡淡的忧伤吧And even if it is overI still feel you closerMy heart is beating faster than beforeHow to know what I"m supposed to,do to make you love meI just can"t let you goBeautiful Pain,save me againYou know that I"m sorry,don"t say it"s too lateBeautiful Pain, save me againHow much it mercy. what else could I sayBeautiful Pain虽然一切都已结束却感觉你仍在身旁我心跳加速不知道怎样挽回只是不愿接受现实我怎样才能彻底忘却这青春里淡淡的忧伤Empty streets ,hurricanesIn the depth of my heart ohhLike perfect sunshine through the rain ,the very thought of youMakes me feel (you)Beautiful Pain,save me againYou know that I"m sorry,don"t say it"s too lateBeautiful Pain, save me againHow much it mercy. what else could I sayBeautiful PainNo don"t go noBeautiful PainNo don"t go noBeautiful Pain 寂静街道 你不在那头你在我的心头曾像大雨里洒向灵魂的阳光 让我感到温暖而如今只剩下淡淡的忧伤我真的很懊悔 不想听你对我说一切都已太晚或许这就是青春里不能承受之痛吧主啊 救救我让我忘却这青春里淡淡的忧伤不要带走我的幸福只留给我这青春里淡淡的忧伤不要带走我的幸福只留给我这青春里淡淡的忧伤

跪求eminem 新专集《Relapse》中《Beautiful》中文歌词!!

(Musical intro) im just so f**king depressed i just cant seem to get out this slump if i could just get over this hump but i need something to pull me out this dump i took my bruises took my lumps fell down and i got right back up but i need that spark to get psyched back up and in order for me to pick the mic back up i dont know how or why or when i ended up this position im in im started to feel dissin again so i decided just to pick this pen up and try to make an attempt to vent but i just cant admit or come to grips the fact that i may be done with rap i need a new outlet and i know some shits so hard to swallow but i cant just sit back and wallow in my own sorrow but i know one fact ill be one tough act to follow one tough act to follow ill be one tough act to follow here today gone tomorrow but you"d have to walk a thousand miles 我就是感到很压抑 似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去 除非我能把这座山头给翻过去 我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去 身上带着淤青和肿块 摔倒了也立刻爬起来 但我需要那种快(河蟹)感来使我的精神振作起来 这样才能回到麦克风前 不知道怎么做到因为什么或什么时候,我 告别了处在这种状态中的我 再次开始想要发难泻火 所以我便拿起笔来开火 但我真的无法承认一个事实 就是我可能会和饶舌一同去死 我要一个新的出口 并且我懂有些事情无法吞的下喉 但我会退后一步在我的伤感中颠簸 但我知道一个事实,那就是 跟随我的脚步可不是一件轻松的事 不用尝试 跟随我的脚步不是一件轻松的事 时光流逝但你会拥有自己的漫漫人生 Chorus: in my shoes, just to see what its like, to be me ill be you, lets trade shoes just to see what id be like to feel your pain, you feel mine go inside eachothers minds just to see what we"d find look at shit through eachothers eyes it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you 用我的眼,去发现 成为我是什么感觉 交换灵魂,我是你 看看我究竟能不能 感受你的痛,我的痛 深入彼此的灵魂中 试试看会有什么新发现 透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界 别人说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 i think im starting to lose my sense of humor everythings so tense and gloom i almost fee like i gotta check the temperature of the room just as soon as i walk in its like all eyes on me i try to avoid any contact cuz if i do that then it opens the door for conversation like i want that im not looking for extra attention i just want to be just like you blend in with the rest of the room maybe just point me to the closest restroom i dont need no f**king man servant tryin ta follow me around and try to wipe my a*s laugh at every single joke i crack and half of them aint even funny like hahhhhh "marshall your so funny man you should be a comedian god d**n" unfortunately i am i just hide behind the tears of a clown so why dont you all sit downn listen to the tale that im about to tell hell we dont gotta trade our shoes and you dont gotta walk no thousand miles 我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去 所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁 刚踏入房间就觉得气氛不对想把它给换的干干净净 就像所有人都在盯着我而我不想找麻烦 因为如果我开了口就好像我喜欢找麻烦 我不想过多惹人注目我只想成为你 和大多数人关系融洽或许只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪里 我TM不需要谁来做我的跟屁虫拍我马屁 对我说的每个笑话都“哈哈哈哈哈”笑到面部抽筋,尽管它们中有一半根本就无聊透顶 “marshall哥们你太逗了你TM该去当个喜剧演员” 不幸的是我只是个小丑我藏在自己眼泪的后面 所以说你们为什么不试试静静(河蟹)坐下来 聆听我将要诉说的故事 丫的我们不用互换角色 而你将无法知道我的苦涩 Chorus: in my shoes, just to see what its like, to be me ill be you, lets trade shoes just to see what id be like to feel your pain, you feel mine go inside eachothers minds just to see what we"d find look at shit through eachothers eyes it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get fxxked just stay true to you dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get fxxked just stay true to youuuuu 用我的眼,去发现 成为我是什么感觉 交换灵魂,我是你 看看我究竟能不能 感受你的痛,我的痛 深入彼此的灵魂中 试试看会有什么新发现 透过对方的眼 别人说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 nobody asked for life to deal us with these bullshit hands we"re dealt we gotta take these cards ourselves and flip em dont expect no help now i could have either just stayed at home sit on my ass and pissed and moaned or take this situation with which im placed in and get up and kick my own i was never the type of kid to wait by the door and pack his bags and sat on the porch and hope and prayed for a dad to show up who never did i just wanted to fit in in every single place every school i went i dreamed of being that cool kid even if it meant acting stupid and edna always told me keep making that face and it"ll get stuck like that meanwhile im just standing there holding my tongue trynwa twalk like dwis then i stuck my tongue on that frozen stop sign pole at 8 years old i learned my lesson then cuz i wasn"t trying to impress my friends no more but i already told you my whole life story not just based on my description cuz where you see it from where your sittin its probably 110% different i guess we would have to walk a mile in eachothers shoes at least what size you wear? i wear tens lets see if you can fit your feet 没有人要求生活给自己现在正在处理的棘手事情 我们得自力更生所以别对别人给你帮助寄于希望 现在我可以呆在家呆坐着无病呻(河蟹)吟 也可以面对我的狗屎事情振作自己 我从来不是那种在门(河蟹)口等待收拾书包的乖小孩 坐在走廊里并祈祷老爸出现尽管他一直没有来 我只是希望能融入我去的每一所学校 我梦想我能做个酷小孩即便要表现的很傻 EDNA告诉我要保持笑脸而我面部都快僵了 然后我就开始一言不发在哪里想要装酷 接着我如同坠入冰窟无法言语,那年我才8岁 那时我吸取了教训因为我不想在引起朋友的注意 但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事 不止是建立在我的笔墨文字上 因为换个角度看你的看法将会110%不一样 我猜我们至少该互换鞋子在彼此的生命里走上一英里 你鞋码多大?我穿10号 看看你的脚穿我的鞋能不能正正好 Chorus: in my shoes, just to see what its like, to be me ill be you, lets trade shoes just to see what itd be like to feel your pain, you feel mine go inside eachothers minds just to see what we"d find look at shit through eachothers eyes it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you so it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can all get f**ked just stay true to you so 用我的眼,去发现 成为我是什么感觉 交换灵魂,我是你 看看我究竟能不能 感受你的痛,我的痛 深入彼此的灵魂中 试试看会有什么新发现 透过对方的眼 别人说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 (music outro) em: yeah to my babies stay strong daddy will be home soon and to the rest of the world god gave you shoes to fit you so put em on and wear them be yourself man be proud of who you are and even if it sounds corny dont ever let anyone tell you you ain"t beautiful EM: yeah 献给我的宝贝们 要坚强 爸爸就快到家了 献给世上其他的人 上帝给了你属于你的鞋子 系好鞋带,整装待发 做你自己,兄弟 为你的本色而自豪 就算这话听着有点老土 不要让任何人说你不够美。(想到了Notorious BIG对他女儿说:dont let anyman call u a bi*tch) 此非原创 转自 eminem吧 作者:fyshady 不过没有前面那段

beautiful eminem创作背景

我和你说没创作背景你信吗?beautiful是relapse里的,eminem真正作为eminem是recovery,期间准备放出relapse2,后来改为recovery,在这之前他是slim shady,曲风冲击力很大,很冲但是没内容,你看看他生平就能感觉到,他是作为痞子SLIM SHADY出名的,但是他不愿意以痞子的身份被大家仍可,但是不做回痞子又怕失去一切,因为他的成就顶峰是作为痞子的时候。从recovery之后他做回eminem,曲风也接近国际化,冲击力却不足以前,所以最近的新专辑开始有很多不喜欢的声音,但是我喜欢现在的EM。PS relapse是再度堕落,recovery是痊愈归来。



Smells Like Funk 歌词

歌曲名:Smells Like Funk歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Elephunk (Ecopac)Black Eyed Peas - Smells Like FunkBy 天蓝@jiajia1215Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky,The Funk phenomenon, we Funk you on n" onThere"s no need to hold your nose,Cause this pong sing like a roseBig booty Funk, Toe jam Funk,Underarm Funk, like you headlocking a Skunk"Reekin" like diseased athlete"s feet,The stench didn"t come till after this beatSmellin" like droors no weezin no pausePut your hand up on the speakers get smelly ass pawsYou know we was coming before we entered the doorCause you could smell the rhyme when we was walking down the hallWe bring the Funk worse then a wet dogStinkin" like fat ladies shittin" out LogsWe drop enough shit to keep them toilets cloggedKeep the people jumpin" like them BullfrogsThe first one who smelt it ain"t the one who delt itBlack Eyed Peas keep the scent blind like deltaFunky like onions you fryin"(Sure is Funky) girl you ain"t lyin"If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky,Yo" you Funkin" with the Funk familyThe non fabricated factual faculty"We formulatin" up in a factoryFocusin" on the energid" of fluid flow free"We flawless, everything is for freeWe florish and we flaunt our flavour freshly, huh"Can you believe we flip them frequency"s andFreak MCs they leave all frantically but"Our intent is ought to be friendly but"They fightin" when we start the freestylin" frenzyI funk up ya" flat till your girlfriend beefFillin all anatomy, bringin" me flatery, huh"She"ll be diggin these rhymes that ease beatsLike celulite lyrics all flabbyWe bring the funk to your festivitiesIf you think something stank then it must be the peas!If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, cause we keep it Stinky(Funky, Funky, Funky, Funky)Celulite overweight stankin" MCsStench smells so strong it"s insanitaryCause you can sense me a mile away so ChankyWith the jungle Funk sound from SerengetiMeaty, Fat, Nasty like miss Fat booty"s tightsGettin" dirty like mudfights and dirtbikesTurning these droors black they used to be whiteAnd we shittin" on these tracks that you gonna" need to wipeThe odor"s so contagious that it shows up in your dream,Man, you could pick me out like food in betweenYour two front teeth cause you be lackin" the streetsWe got beefy ass beats that we bumpin" in the streetsWe so nice n" sweet like steak box n" feetSour underarm Funk you ain"t washed in a weekAnd, man, we be reekin" every day or weekendWe could all bounce to the Funk and the seasonBounce, bounce, bounce...Whoo!haha hahaYeah that"s Funky", Yeah that"s Funky"If you smellin" somethin funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause if you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" Fat Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" something Funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk than it must be usIf you smellin" elephants than it must be usIf you smellin" somethin Funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" elephant shit it must be us....http://music.baidu.com/song/8185218

英语作文《how do you have fun 》

Features periodical `Glamour" readers" response on how to enjoy lovemaking. Includes using the ABC game in foreplay; Making love on top of petals of roses; Using nontoxic body paints to draw on private body parts.


歌曲名:DEAR FUTURE by WATCHMAN 歌手:coaltar of the deepers专辑:DEAR FUTURE「DEAR FUTURE by SECRET SHINE」作词∶岩里祐穂/EMI K. Lynn作/编曲∶NARASAKI歌∶coaltar of the deepersI don"t know what to do,tell me where we are nowSomebody show us the way,where should we go from here?If we were born with fate,If we have our destinyWhy are we trying so hard?Why do we cry so much?Don"t worry you don"t have to cryDon"t worry nothing is your faultYou don"t have to feel sorryand alone now, no moreNow we are here alone,looking at each otherBut we still can"t realize the pain that we both feelSo we try to look inside and listen to our heartsThen we can hear words of love,sounding sweet and beautifulDon"t worry you can find the wayDon"t worry it won"t be the sameI can"t tell, I can"t tell you so well but I…Remember when we swamdeep in the ocean blueRemember starting our life,beginning life anewDon"t worry you don"t have to cryDon"t worry nothing is your faultYou don"t have to feel sorrowand alone now, no moreDon"t worry you can find the wayDon"t worry it won"t be the sameI can"t tell, I can"t tell you so well but I…DEAR MY FUTUREDEAR YOUR FUTURE【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/16651769


the poor fucking weather!


fun这个单词前面加most,fun 是作为名词用,表示“好玩的/有趣的事”,不是表示最高级,而是表示“非常”的意思。例如: It"s most fun to see him walk like this! 看他这么走路的样子,好玩极了/有趣极了!



Akon的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:Akon专辑:Hits 3BeautifulAkonWhen I see you i run out of words to sayI wouldn"t leave you cause your that type of girlthat makes mistakesI see the guys tryna" hollagirl I don"t want to bother youcause your independent and you got my attentionAnd I"ll be your baby father girl I just want to show you,that I love what you are doingI see you in the club you gettin" down"I wanna get with youI see you in the club you showin" thugs loveThat wanna get with youYou"re so beautiful So damn beautifulSaid your so beautiful So damn beautifulYou"re so beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful You"re so beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful Like the clouds you drift me away far away (far away) yeahAnd like the sun you brighten my day you brighten my day yeahI never wanna see you cry cry cryAnd I never wanna tell a lie lie lieSaid I never wanna see you cry cry cryAnd I never wanna tell a lie lie lieSaid your so beautiful (so beautiful)I see you in the club you gettin" downI wanna get with you yeahI see you in the club you showin" thugs loveI wanna get with youYou"re so beautiful So damn beautiful Said your so beautiful So damn Beautiful You"re so beautiful beautiful beautfiul beautifulYou"re so beautiful beautiful beautfiul beautifulWhy the sky blue yellow this fella aint that mellow if it aint about you (you)How "bout glass shake make the place go whooWaste line makes my soldier saluteIma Brooke hide from ya high heel gameHigh heels push up ya ass last nameAnd you neva need in the fast lane eyes like and angelGoddess watch my girl and now she addressSpotless atlas bad to the bone make me wana go put me in the triple x zoneLames don"t know how to talk to youSo let me walk with you hold my handIma spend them grands when after you undressNot like a hooker but more like a princess queenImpress president pull any way ya gonna love cos you"re beautifulI wanna get with you (you) uuuh yeahI see you in the club (ooh) you showin" thugs loveYou"re so beautiful So damn beautifulSaid your so beautiful So damn BeautifulYou"re so beautiful beautiful beautiful beautifulYou"re so beautiful beautiful beautiful beautifulYou"re so beautiful Where"d you come from you"re outta" this world, to me (aah)You"re a symbol of what a beautiful woman should be (oh wee)I never wanna see you cry cry cry (don"t cry)And I never wanna tell a lie lie lieSaid I never wanna see you cry cry cryAnd I never wanna tell a lie lie lieI see you in the club you gettin downI wanna get with you (oh yeah)I see you in the club you showin thugs loveI wanna get with youYou"re so beautiful So damn beautifulSaid your so beautiful So damn BeautifulYou"re so beautifulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8223901

歌词有一句you are so beautiful,so damn beautiful。是哪一首歌??

Beautiful歌手 Akon

sarah connor的《beautiful》的翻译~

中文找不到诶~Album:UnbelievableTitle:BeautifulVerse 1It"s bigger than the universe Be thankful for the miracles It seems so unconceivable That life gives birth We came in the exact same way That"s why we"re standing here today This one is dedicated for the ones that said climb You are alive I see the innocence in your eyes Whenever you cry or smile You"re such a wonderful child It"s like you"re heaven sent You stole the night replaced it with sunlight And that"s why we"re thankful that you came into our life Chorus Because you"re beautiful, so beautiful How special you are A creation of nature you are Because you"re beautiful, so beautiful How precious you are You"re like an angel that fell from a star A creation of nature you are Verse 2 You"re feeling so responsible Cause anything is possible I never needed anything Cause you were there A smile that changes everything The first step that makes you think This one is dedicated to the ones who said Bridge A miracle is when a child is born A living thing so fragile and so small Dependent on its parents will To do good and be strong I wanna dedicate this very simple song

英语you have a spotless future怎么翻译?


请一首歌,高潮是 呀 beautiful~~呀 beautiful

beautiful boy


Beautiful - AkonWhen I see you当我看到你I run out of words … to say (aaah)突然舌头打结 啊I wouldn"t leave you我不想离开cause ya"re that type of girl因为像你这种女孩make me stay最是麻烦I see the guys tryna holla看你身边招蜂引蝶girl I don"t want to bother you我可不想打扰你Cuz ya"re independent and you"ve got my attention因为你是那么独立 吸引了我的注意And I"ll be ya"re baby father我愿意做你的护花使者Girl I just wanna show you只想让你知道that I love what you are doing huh~我有多么欣赏你的一切 啊I see you in the club ya"re gettin"down girl在夜店遇见你 你正在放电I wanna get with you (you) yeah我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶I see you in the club you"ve shown thug"s love在夜店遇见你 你魅力四射That I wanna get with you (you)我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶Ya"re so beautiful你是如此美丽So damn beautiful美得过火Said ya"re so beautiful你就是如此美丽So damn beautiful美得过火Ya"re so beautiful beautiful你是如此美丽 美丽Beautiful beautiful Ya"re so beautiful美丽 美丽 你是如此美丽Beautiful美丽Beautiful beautiful Ya"re so beautiful美丽 美丽 你是如此美丽Like the clouds you drift me away far away (far away) yeah像云一样你从我身边飘走,远远地 远远地 你And like the sun you "ve brighten my day你像太阳你照亮了我的白天,you"ve brighten my day yeah你照亮了我的白天 耶I never wanna see you cry cry cry我不会让你哭哭哭And I never wanna tell a lie lie lie我也不会说谎 谎 谎Said I never wanna see you cry cry cry我不会让你哭哭哭And I never wanna tell a lie lie lie我也不会说谎 谎 谎I see you in the club ya"re gettin" down girl在夜店遇见你 你正在放电I wanna get with you (you) yeah我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶I see you in the club you"ve shown thug"s love在夜店遇见你 你魅力四射I wanna get with you (you)我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶Ya"re so beautiful你是如此美丽So damn beautiful美得过火Said ya"re so beautiful (so beautiful)你就是如此美丽 如此美丽So damn beautiful美得过火ya"re so beautiful beautiful你是如此美丽 美丽Beautiful beautiful ya"re so beautiful美丽 美丽 你是如此美丽Beautiful beautiful beautiful ya"re so beautiful美丽 美丽 美丽 你是如此美丽Why the sky blue or yellow红衣主教告诉了你,不管天是蓝的还是黄的this fella aint that mellow if it aint about you (you)如果不是为了你,这家伙不会如此甜言蜜语Hourglass shape make the place go (ooohhh)S型的玲珑曲线让一个地方轰然发出哦的声音Waistline makes my soldier salute腰围让我的小弟弟无法自己Ima Brute(Brute) hide from ya high heel game我是个禽兽,为你的高跟鞋把戏而疯狂High heels push up ya ass last name高跟鞋让你更显得TM的高贵And you"ve lived in the fast lane eyes like and angel你在快车道飞驰,眼睛就像天使Goddess watch my yelling as she undressed女神啊,看看我的女孩脱下衣服Spotless artless bad to the bone无可挑剔,无情,坏,坏到骨子里了make me wanna go put me in the triple x zone让我想要把你放到色情片中Lames don"t know how to talk to you差劲啊!不知道和你说什么So let me walk with you hold my hand所以就让我陪你一起走,握住我的手Ima spend them grands when after you undressed我付出大量金钱,但在你脱衣后Not like a hooker but more like a princess queen你不像妓女,而更像公主Impress president pull any way ya gonna love女王,女皇,总统 不管你走到哪里都吸引异性,cos ya"re beautiful Ok因为你美I see you in the club ya"re gettin" down girl在夜店遇见你 你正在放电I wanna get with you (you) uuuh yeah我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶I see you in the club (ooh) you shown thug"s love在夜店遇见你 哦 你魅力四射I wanna get with you (you)我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶ya"re so beautiful你是如此美丽So damn beautiful美得过火Said ya"re so beautiful (so beautiful)你就是如此美丽 如此美丽So damn beautiful美得过火ya"re so beautiful beautiful你是如此美丽 美丽Beautiful beautiful ya"re so beautiful美丽 美丽 你是如此美丽Beautiful beautiful beautiful ya"re so beautiful美丽 美丽 美丽 你是如此美丽Where"d you come from ya"re outta" this world to me (aah)不管你来自哪里 快进入我的世界啊ya"re a symbol of what a beautiful woman should be (oh wee)你的美已经成为一种指标 哦 我I never wanna see you cry cry cry我不会让你哭哭哭And I never wanna tell a lie lie lie我也不会说谎 谎 谎Said I never wanna see you cry cry cry我不会让你哭哭哭And I never wanna tell a lie lie lie我也不会说谎 谎 谎I see you in the club ya"re gettin" down girl在夜店遇见你 你正在放电I wanna get with you (you) yeah我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶I see you in the club you showin" thugs love在夜店遇见你 你魅力四射I wanna get with you (you)我想跟你 你一起摇摆 耶You"re so beautiful oh So damn beautiful oh你是如此美丽 美得过火 哦Said your so beautiful So damn Beautiful你就是如此美丽 如此美丽 美得过火You"re so beautiful..你是如此美丽 ...


boos的happy ending是结婚,bad是被控制做奴,good不清楚,sota的good是参加毕业典礼,bad是去当宠物了,另外三个的bad都去群p了

翻译一则笑话。 pass the fucking potatoes!



我有保过题 你可以加我


词性不同。nuisance. n.损害; 麻烦事;讨厌的人讨厌的东西awfuladj. 可怕的,吓人的;庄严的,威严 的;糟糕的,糟透的 adv. 十分,极其

Semblance Of Confusion 歌词

歌曲名:Semblance Of Confusion歌手:After Forever专辑:Prison Of DesireAfter Forever----Semblance of ConfusionfavorAs the light"s becoming more fierceand the heat is melting your heartThe fire is awakeningthere"s an ancient fear we all knowOminous, misleading,get entangled in yourselfIt"s a feeling, creeps up, deep withinSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionThe strength I need is now flowing awayThe choking feeling obstructs everythingSo erratic in search for the truthThe pain is strong and persistsSilence was just a diversion to come outon the hard truth againLeaving this world of illusionsseen through the eyes of the innocentConfronted with the infinity of chaos, forcing you to rearrangeSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionWhen your litanies are unheardPhantasm becomes coldly realThere"s a thin line between the worldof illusion and realityA purgatoric trip through the mirrors within youUnconsciousness beholden-----------Fear to face pass the border of painthat burning contagionTo break, conquer and find lost beautyRinse, the penance is overI know now where to find the answerConfronting unconsciousnessSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionAs the light"s becoming more fierceand the heat is melting your heartThe fire is awakeningthere"s an ancient fear we all knowOminous, misleading,get entangled in yourself------favor-------http://music.baidu.com/song/1623281

Rie Fu的《Voice》 歌词

歌曲名:Voice歌手:Rie Fu专辑:Life Is Like A Boat(Cccd) [Maxi]VoiceRie fuYou change the color of your eyeswhat you really mean isyou don"t really wanna be this way for goodYou pick up the stuff that"s just been laidwhat you really mean is you gotta havesome love for your day if you couldSo I ache, so I ache, it"s more than I can takeit only gets even worsewhen I sleep,when I awake and my belly keeps sinkinI wake up to the spiritual voice in my headand it says,"hey,won"t you listen?"It can easily be left unheard,be left unsaid,but I listen, listen. Maybe too hardYou pick up the stuff that"s just been laidwhat you really mean isyou wanna be the one to lay them out if you couldWould you say, "extra money would do?"Do you do it cuz you have to?Then who"s making you do it?So I ache, so I ache, it"s more than I can takeit only gets even worsewhen I sleep,when I awakeSo I ache, so I ache, it"s more than I can takeit only gets even worsewhen I sleep when I awake and my belly keeps sinkinI wake up to the spiritual voice in my headand it says,"hey,won"t you listen?"It can easily be left unheard,be left unsaidbut I listen, listen. Maybe too hardSo I ache, so I ache, it"s more than I can takeit only gets even worsewhen I sleep,when I awakeSo I ache, so I ache, it"s more than I can takeit only gets even worsewhen I sleep,when I awake and my belly keeps sinkinSo I wake up to the spiritual voice in my headand it says,"hey,won"t you listen?"It can easily be left unheard, be left unsaidbut I listen, listen. Maybe too hardhttp://music.baidu.com/song/850672

"这该死的/操蛋的生活”用英语怎么说? What a fucking world?

The damn/fucking life

今年格莱美获奖的那首英文歌曲,那个fun.乐队的《we are young》有没国语中文版本?


youwillbeaRBQafterfu*ck的中文是什么? 一个表情包里的




the future of the english的主要思想

主要思想:英语的未来,旨在促进关于全球英语未来使用和学习的知情辩论。重点词汇:future英['fju:tu0283u0259(r)]释义:n.未来,将来;前途,前景;期货;(动词的)将来时态adj.将来的,未来的;(动词)将来时态的[复数:futures]短语:in the future在将来;将来;在未来;未来词语使用变化:future1、future可以有in future,in the future和for the future等表达方式,但是没有for future一说:in future和for the future一般表示全部的将来,而in the future一般表示将来的某一时期。for the future常暗含“与以前不同”的意思。2、in future和in the future都是正确的表达方式,要注意in the near future,in the distant future等词组中的the不可省略。in future表示“从今以后”,常用于含告诫意味的句子中。

英语翻译 what will the future be like?


英语书面表达 孔子学院(Confucius Institute)

Confucius InstituteConfucius Institute is a nonprofit cultural institution which spreads Chinese and propagate Chinese culture. It is in order to provide the people learning Chinese all over the world with normed and authoritative modern Chinese courses and the most regular and the most important channel of Chinese teaching. Its aim is promoting exchange and fusion between Chinese and world"s culture, for building a balance world that be peace forever and bloom together. There has been 268 Confucius Institutes and 71 Confucius Schoolrooms built in the world by August,2009. And there will be 500 Confucius Institute and Confucius Schoolrooms built in the world in 2010.


bethankfulfor的意思是:感谢;对感激。bethankfulfor的意思是:感谢;对感激。bethankfulfor的例句是Iamfullofgratitudetoyouforhelpingme.我非常感激你对我的帮助。一、网络释义点此查看bethankfulfor的详细内容 感谢...knockover把某人撞倒bethankfulfor感谢......takeup开始从事... 感激...withoutregret不后悔bethankfulfor感激It的用法... 心存感激他说,赢得那张船票使他们相识,他为此心存感激(bethankfulfor),他要Rose发誓活下去,无论发生什么,无论多绝望(hopeless),永不背弃(gooff从 对...grasp把握bethankfulfor对...感激welcome欢迎...二、例句Iamfullofgratitudetoyouforhelpingme.我非常感激你对我的帮助。Heisgratefultousforourtimelyhelp.他非常感激我们及时的帮助。bethankfulfor的相关临近词be、Bejczi点此查看更多关于bethankfulfor的详细信息

举个例子说明英语短语"a self-fulfilling prophecy"的意思

解释如下a self-fulfilling prophecy自我实现的预言例句Fear of failure can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 害怕失败可能会真的导致失败。

【心理】自我实现预言Self-fulfilling Prophecy

许多研究已经发现图式越强大越发达,我们越会把更多的注意力放在与这些图式相符的信息和特征上。 同时,我们的心智自动过滤那些与图式不一致的特征和信息,在通过把更多注意力放在符合既定图式的信息上,图式的正确性也得到了确认(尽管我们不得不过滤很多不支持图示的信息来达到这种确认)。因为图式包括对于某种经历的预期,我们会无意识地塑造我们的行为以符合预期。 比如你的领导已经预设你是一个偷懒不好好工作的人,你汇报工作的时候他觉得你不用心,但是你用心做了这件事,他把他认为你不用心的这个情绪或者说这个预设通过一种微妙的言语或者其他途径的暗示使你感知到了这种情绪,于是你原本努力上进的动力就会打折扣,因为你不努力上进的印象已经在别人的印象中挂上号了,再怎么努力上进也不会扭转这个印象,于是你自暴自弃的工作,这样,在你的领导那里,他就形成了“自我实现的预言”人和环境两个因素共同决定了人的行为。 1.1唤起:你的存在本身就会对其他人产生影响,会唤起环境中其他人的回应,从而改变环境。 1. 2选择:把自己置于某种环境而非其他环境来影响环境。自己选择自己所处的环境。 1. 3行为操纵:比如那些试图使气氛活跃的人,煽动人们情绪的人的所作所为。 1. 4内隐行为:从思维上将环境的蕴涵由一种改为另一种,达到认知上的转换。将环境从认知上进行转换 1.5托马斯公理:在任何特定行为发生之前,总有一个检查和思考的阶段,称之为情景界定。如果人们将情景界定为真实的,那么它们在结果上也是真实的。 我们自己的界定决定了我们在该种情况下如何行动——一个错误的情景界定唤起一个行为,使得初始错误的情景界定变为现实,这个错误的界定是扎根于行为人本身的认知,这个界定无论对与错,都使得行为人以特定的方式行事。 行为人的行为实际上将客观情景与主观情景相协调,变成自我实现的预言。2.1行为确定效果(信念的客观现实) 一个人有一个信念或期望,使得他引发另一个人的行为,这个行为会确定第一个人的信念或期望,如皮格马利翁效应。 2. 2感知确定效果(信念的主观现实,先入为主) 大部分的行为所蕴含的真正意义很少被全部感知,我们面对一个模糊的行为,总是根据我们自己的信念来解释它。对他人行为的解释将根据自己的期待来形成。我们将行为对象所做的行为阐释为与我们的信念与期望相一致。 2. 3自我确认 行为对象知道进行的是怎么回事或者有特定的方式想表达自己,能够考虑到行为方行事,并改变了行为方的信念期待与感觉。 (验证实验:声波武器,同态复仇,交叉升级)社会心理往往不同于自然科学。 自然科学里,你有证据证明这个物质存在,这个物质就会存在——宏观上牛顿三定律对所有人都适用,自然法则任何人都不能违背。 而社会认知科学里,有人这个因素加进来,很多事情就会变成自我实现的预言。在社会现实方面,观念扮演了很重要的角色,创造了我们的现实。 我们与环境相互作用,如果人把情况定义成真实存在的实际情况,那么这种情景就会造成真实的影响。 对一个情境的定义会成为这个情境的一个组成部分,随之影响其后的发展。 你有可能开始有一个错误的定义或知觉,对情境的理解是不准确,有偏差的,接着你会以对这种情景的不准确理解为基础做出行为,你做出的行为会使情景符合你的不准确理解。 通过这种方法使你的理解变的准确。就社会现实而言,我们尝试理解的社会现实,至少有很大一部分是我们自己观念的产物。期望确认效果起作用时,知觉者对他们将感知的世界有某种期望,通过行为明显地表达出来,或者在他们的心理过程里秘密地表达出来,从而使世界符合他们的期望。 所以在行为确认这方面,我们可以从他人身上诱出确认我们对他们的期望的行为,这样我们就能创造出一个公共现实,如果我用某种行为对待某人,从而确认了我对他们的期望,他们展示出来的确认我的期望的行为是大家都能看得到的,大家会说,没错,他就是那样的人。 或者当目标的行为是模糊的时候,我们会有一套知觉确认的过程,我们可以把目标的行为解读成它们是符合我的期望的,在这个过程中,由于知觉确认,我创造了一个私人现实,我使我对现实的心理表征符合我的观念的期望。 不管我是创造了一个公共现实还是私人现实,都是我的观念创造了我们想要理解的现实。 社会知觉的本质是构建性的,刺激不会自动就让知觉者意识到它是什么,知觉者要做的就是超越刺激所提供的信息,填充缺失的信息,解读模糊的特征,这样一来,我们就构建了我们做出回应的现实。 你自己在对事情的发展方向和结果作出预测的那一瞬间,由于你自己本身就是置身于事件之中的,你是整个事件的一个组成部分,你的思想可以左右事件的进程——要命的东西来了——你就会把自己的预言进行自我实现。 还有另外一种现象,就是做出预言的人,只要是把这个预言公布于众,在预言里受到损害的人就会拼命阻止这个预言的发生,以至于这个预言不能被实现,而预言者做出预言的有效性也会受到质疑。 但是如果预言者做出预言而只有自己知道,那预言的意义又何在呢?典型的例子是马克思做出了对共产主义的预言,而使得资本家意识到无产阶级的巨大力量,资本家就会适当提高工人的待遇,使得预言不会实现。小白和小红是一对恋人,有天小红怀疑小白不喜欢自己了,于是带着这个信念想要给他一些考验,但是这个怀疑的念头催使着她对小白的各种各样的行为作出了错误的心理方面的解读(怀着一个信念,从而在现实生活中寻找支持这个信念的证据,从而陷入了一种叫“人类只相信他们自己愿意相信的东西”的怪圈”)比如小白提出一个问题的解决方案,小红觉得这个解决方案背后的动机其实是小白不再爱我了。 这样,小红就误会了小白的真实动机,这种误会的言语小红会通过对话传递给小白,小白觉得自己被无端误会之后,本来深爱着小红的小白,渐渐的也不会像当初那么爱着小红了,整个过程就像由一方打开了一个潘多拉魔盒,小红作出的预言,万万没想到最终是由自己的行为导致的预言成真,从而实现了自我实现的预言。你作为一个餐厅的服务员,觉得那个顾客面相不善,估计很小气,一会肯定给小费给的特别少(预设的观点,自己瞎想的预言),所以你给他提供的服务也有所懈怠(持有这种观点和认知的前提下,自己做出的行为),他当然感知到了这种懈怠(你的想法通过行为被对方捕捉),从而他只给了一点点小费。他的这种反馈更加加强了你之前认为这个人是小气鬼的认知,你在不知不觉的过程中实现了自己的预言。自我实现的预言包含了一个很重要的心里偏差,自证偏差,意思是你自己总是寻找能够证明你观念对的证据,不断强化,而对能够证伪你信念的证据视而不见。 所以说,把这种效应发挥到极致的做法是,找到你一个可以信赖的人选,你相信他说的每一句话,让他对你说,你将来会成功的。 一旦这个模式开启,你以后接收到的信息都是关于自己如何成功的,一定程度上也会避免一些负面消息。欣赏式探寻,你就会得到你想要的正能量。 质疑型探寻,你就会得到你质疑的负能量。 你探寻什么,你就会得到什么。你信念什么,它就会变成你自己预言的现实。

full cream奶粉的保质期英文怎么写的?大概在什么位置标记的?


comfortably full什么意思


comfortably full

为你解答. How do you feel when you are full? 译:当你吃饱了时,你是什么感觉? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. 当你吃东西时,留心一下你的身体感觉如何,还有当你的胃感到饱得很舒服时,……

fun things in school对不对?


请大家帮分析,would ... as 怎么理解,we前面有没有省略引导词呀?thinner the further咋理解?整句咋翻译

would 与 as...as... 没有任何关系。would 是 will 委婉形式,表示建议或不确定性。we 前面本身没有任何引导词,不存在省略。实际上是“越……就越……”句型的运用,相当于说:...the thinner the dust becomes, the further we travel towards....我越靠近太阳系的边缘,尘埃就越稀薄。全文: 为了寻找外太空的生命,望远镜应当架设的地方远至木星的位置,因为……

选不同类单词:A。funnier.B.heavier.C.thinner A还是C

C吧。。前两个单词的比较级形式都是先变Y为I,后加的er, C是后加了最后一个字母后加的er.


今天小编给各位玩家带来一个不幸的消息,《DOTA2》NESO比赛tongfu工作人员猝死,玩家们千万要注意身体,下面是事情详细介绍!2015年11月7日16:20 NESO已经给出官方回应:关于同福战队人员猝死的事情,具体如下:在NESO场地的旁边有一个踢足球的体验区,他在里面玩的时候突发急性心肌炎。在送去医院的路上不幸身亡。医生说急性心肌炎如果在5分钟内抢救还有希望,超过5分钟抢救希望就很小了。。这位同学他不是同福的领队,也不是同福的队员,他是同福的一位随行人员,并不在大赛的管理范围内。具体就是这样。从官方回应看,猝死的工作人员并非之前所说的Tongfu领队,同时官方透露这位随行人员年纪只有18岁,其他信息与传闻相符。根据官方说法,这位随行人员参加体育活动属于个人行为,并且运动区并不在NESO的管辖范围内。不管最终结果如何,小编希望俱乐部和赛事方能够处理好此事的善后工作。同时再次提醒广大年轻玩家,健康才是硬道理,通宵熬夜务必谨慎,毕竟生命是最可贵的。事件回顾2015年11月7日15:10据传闻,在NESO比赛现场,Tongfu的官博由于通宵后参加剧烈运动,当场“猝死”。据悉WE工作人员抢在第一时间救人,但是为时已晚,目前已经送往医院,Tongfu战队全队已经选择退赛到医院看望。小编也在第一时间与Tongfu官博联系,但至今没有回应。同时网络水友也提供了一定前方消息,但因为没有在第一现场,也不能下具体判断。根据传闻描述,Tongfu的官博君是在通宵的情况下在NESO场地内打篮球,直接猝死倒地,现场抢救已经来不及。虽然现在无法确认情况是否属实,但多方面消息在同一时间爆发,小编推测可信度较高。









Prana was a beautiful dog, whose name means "breath of life".文段翻译

普拉那是一个漂亮的狗,名字的意思是“生命的呼吸”。虽然它死了几年,但我还记得我们一起度过的日子,它教会了我很多关于爱的道理。我有两棵苹果树在花园里。它爱苹果。当它走到外面,它会抓住一个苹果,把它进带进屋里晚些再吃。苹果一直放在地上,常常很脏,所以我并不总是高兴它带苹果进了屋子。那是一天美国的秋日,但很冷。在那天下了大雪之前我们没有做任何的准备。在那个特殊的日子,普拉那到外面去,我看着它从窗户进来。我注意到他疯狂挖洞,使苹果到地面之上,所以他们可以看到雪。我不知道它为什么会这样做,它似乎想做一件特别的事。当我叫他回来,他通常一个苹果塞进嘴里。大约五分钟后,我向窗外望去。那花园完全被雪覆盖了。普拉那挖出了那些苹果让他的鸟朋友吃。他知道鸟朋友在即将来临的冬天没有储存足够的食物! (by the way, it"s really a good dog! ) Hope to help you!

《The Beautiful Necessity》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Beautiful Necessity》(Bruce Smith)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1S9giLQyt0wfWwminKCld2g 提取码: 51us书名:The Beautiful Necessity作者:Bruce Smith出版社:Gibbs Smith Publishers出版年份:1996-09页数:159

大家都喝过农夫果园吧!就是农夫果园的英文为什么是“NONGFU SPRING”?

Farmer"s Orchard.上海灵格风英语

full join和left join的区别


no,she is funny.的问句是什么?

Is she funnyuff1f




网络问题 你等等再刷新看看

dormitory furniture set是什么意思

dormitory furniture set宿舍家具集宿舍家具套装.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

求 beautiful creatures歌词,谢谢


里约大冒险2 "Beautiful Creatures"歌词


I really hope you’ll find these proposals useful.

可以find sth +形容词 【发现某物.....】我真希望你会发现这些建议管用。

eau parfumee vaporijateur是什么意思,雅顿绿茶香水

香水按其所含香精浓度划分,分为以下几种:   1、Parfum,即浓香精。香精含量为20%以上,最为高级,香气十分持久,价格也较贵。   2、Eau de Parfum (简称E.D.P.),也写作“Parfum de Toilette”,香精含量为15%,所用乙醇浓度在75%-90%之间,一般习惯称淡香精,留香时间可达6小时左右。   3、Eau de Toilette (简称E.D.T)即淡香水,又叫盥用水,香精含量为8%-15%,持续时间3-4小时。   4、Eau de Cologn,即古龙水,香精含量为4%-8%。男性香水多半属于此等级。   5、Eau Fraiche,即清淡香水,香精含量为1%-3%,市面上的剃须水、香水剂等都属于这一等级,可给人带来神清气爽的感觉,但留香时间较短。

我有四款迪奥香水,分别是Leau、Eau de Toilette、Eau de Parfum、Labsolu,请告诉我这几款香水的中文名



toilet water 花露水cologne 古龙香水

eau de parfum香水


toilette 和perfumeの 区别

香水是由香精(或香料)以及酒精混合而成。 1、Parfum,即浓香水。香精含量为20%以上,最为高级,香气十分持久,价格也较贵。 2、Eau de Parfum (简称E.D.P.),香精含量为15%,一般习惯称淡香精,价位较Parfum为低,而香精浓度不低,持续时间可达6小时左右,价格中等偏上,是香水爱用者极佳的选择,容量以30ml及50ml居多。 3、Eau de Toilette (简称E.D.T)即香露,香精含量为8%-15%,持续时间3-4小时,是目前消费量最大的香水种类,而且容量大,香型多种多样,价格中档,很受消费者欢迎。 4、Eau de Cologn,即古龙水,香精含量为4%-8%。男性香水多半属于此等级。 5、Eau Fraiche,即淡香水,香精含量为1%-3%,市面上的剃须水、香水剂等都属于这一等级,可给人带来神清气爽的感觉,但留香时间较短。

He is respectful to his elders

He is respectful to his elders句中的to his elders是介词短语,用来修饰表语respectful. 这样理解对吗?解答: 首先to his elders 这里to 是作介词用,表示对象,但并不是来修饰表语respecful,而是来补充说明表语,句子成分为表语补足语。 这个句子的结构是 主语+系动词+表语+表语补足语。他 (主语)+是(系动词)+尊敬别人的人+ 对他的长辈(表语补足语)。 翻译为他是一个尊敬长辈的人。

be respectful of是什么意思

be respectful of尊重At the same time, be respectful of clerks"efforts. 同时, 还是要对店员的努力表示尊重.

ful able结尾的形容词

ful able结尾的形容词: respectful 有礼貌的; forgettable 可忘记的; forgetful 健忘的; respectful 表尊敬的; respectable 令人尊敬的; unforgettable 令人难忘的; changeful 异变的; useful 有用的; usable 可用的 扩展资料   The children in our family are always respectful to their elders   我们家的孩子对长辈总是恭恭敬敬的`。   Bridge cards are never forgettable during the holiday.   节日大假自然少不了桥牌。   We were brought up to be respectful of authority.   我们从小就学会了尊重权威。   n the end, that Thanksgiving became an unforgettable experience.   最后,感恩节成了一次难忘的经历。


be respectful 可以跟很多介词,包括despite,in,of,towards,...例:In a civil society people may hold opposing views but are respectful despite their differences.For a marriage to endure both sides must be respectful in the relationship.For a marriage to endure both sides must be respectful to each other.For a marriage to endure both sides must be respectful towards each other.






respectful[英][ru026au02c8spektfl][美][ru026au02c8spu025bktfu0259l]adj.恭敬的; 有礼貌的; 殷勤的; 穆; 例句:1.That"s not respectful! 那一点也不尊重!2.But respectful, too. 但也值得尊重
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