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fuji xerox是什么牌子

fuji xerox是富士施乐。富士施乐公司是全球最大数字与信息技术产品生产商,是一家全球500强企业。是复印技术的发明公司,具有悠久的历史。富士施乐公司在复印机市场占有率,特别是彩色机器的市场占有率,占据全球第一的位置;其彩色的技术方面是全球领袖企业。 演示机型:富士施乐C328dw 系统版本:win10 fuji xerox是富士施乐。富士施乐公司是全球最大数字与信息技术产品生产商,是一家全球500强企业。是复印技术的发明公司,具有悠久的历史。富士施乐公司在复印机市场占有率,特别是彩色机器的市场占有率,占据全球第一的位置;其彩色的技术方面是全球领袖企业。

fuji xerox是什么牌子

演示机型:富士施乐C328dw 系统版本:win10 fujixerox是富士施乐。富士施乐公司是全球最大数字与信息技术产品生产商,是一家全球500强企业。是复印技术的发明公司,具有悠久的历史。富士施乐公司在复印机市场占有率,特别是彩色机器的市场占有率,占据全球第一的位置;其彩色的技术方面是全球领袖企业。打印机:打印机是计算机的输出设备之一,用于将计算机处理结果打印在相关介质上。衡量打印机好坏的指标有三项:打印分辨率,打印速度和噪声。打印机的种类很多,按打印元件对纸是否有击打动作,分击打式打印机与非击打式打印机。按打印字符结构,分全形字打印机和点阵字符打印机。按一行字在纸上形成的方式,分串式打印机与行式打印机。按所采用的技术,分柱形、球形、喷墨式、热敏式、激光式、静电式、磁式、发光二极管式等打印机。


fuji xerox是富士施乐牌。富士施乐公司是全球最大的数字与信息技术产品生产商,是一家全球500强企业。是复印技术的发明公司,具有悠久的历史。公司经营范围包括开发、设计、生产激光打印机、热墨喷射式打印机等。作为入门级彩色激光打印机,富士施乐CP105b标配192MHz处理器与64MB内存,具备10ppm彩色打印速度,黑白的打印速度更是高达12ppm,而其输出效果能达到最高2400x1200dpi的打印分辨率。富士施乐CP105b体积规格为394×304×234mm,重量仅11kg。支持手动双面打印功能,按键设计在机身的顶部,方便用户的使用。富士施乐牌的研究技术介绍:为了帮助客户在现有和未来的市场中进行竞争,施乐公司必须开发多种技术专长。这就是施乐研究和技术部(XR&T)的任务。在一个不断变化的数字化、网络、基于知识的世界中,XR&T研究并开发施乐客户所需的新技术。XR&T研究的范围包括四个主要的领域:材料、纸张成像、数字式成像和系统。XR&T的研究内容具有以下的特点:风险,从高度不确定性到确定的数量时间,从支持现有产品的技术,到未来多年以后才能应用的技术业务需要,从在当前的市场中获得竞争优势,到在未来的市场中树立领导地位。以上内容参考百度百科-富士施乐

富士施乐的英文发音? 富士施乐的英文 Fuji Xerox的发音是什么?谁知道它的音标?

`fU:dVi:5ziErCks 你可以去找下如何显示音标,就知道上面的 音标是什么了.


fujitsu富士通是日本全球领先的信息和通信技术企业。fujitsu富士通是一家在日本的跨国信息技术公司,它的电子设备包括半导体、显示器和其他电子设备。以富士通S6311N为例,富士通产品线丰富,经典机型层出不穷,广泛覆盖便携商务,炫彩时尚与家庭娱乐等领域。fujitsu富士通特点fujitsu富士通强调“精益‘智"造”,主张利用ICT技术,重塑制造业。2008年4月1日,富士通发布了全新改版的 Fujitsu Way。FujitsuWay 由企业理念、企业方针、行动指南、行为规范四个要素构成,清晰的表达出整个集团的价值观,企业方针,和每位员工日常工作中都要遵守的行为规范。以上内容参考:百度百科-富士通

FUJI XErOX这是什么牌子打印机?

富士 施乐

fuji xerox是什么牌子


Heartful Song完整的歌词(中文音译)

『Heartful song』 歌:星那歌呗(水树奈々)/作曲:市川淳/作词:斉藤恵/编曲:上杉洋史 谁もぃなぃ Stay 谁也不在哪里 (daremo inai Stay) 梦の时间はもう幕が降りてゆく 美梦的时间犹如幕布一般徐徐降下 (yumeno shigan wamouna kuga oliteyuku) 昨日同じ同昨日一样 (kino o to o nachi) 明日は二と度こないと気つくの 我应经察觉到昨天的明天将不会再次到来 (asu wanitodo kona i to kitsukuno) なぜど神话いつも切なく美しいけど 为什麽神话故事总是那么悲伤和美好 (nazetoshinwa itsumozetsunaku uzukushiikedo) 涙拭ふいで 扉敲こう 拭去眼泪 寻找另一扇门扉 (namidashi fuite tobiretadako o) 新しい私に 生うまれかわる 崭新的我 重生於此 (a tarashini wakashini oumarekawaru) 缓きを出して 耻ずかしいからないね 缓缓地迈出脚步 没有什麽害羞的 (yurukiwo dashite hazukashiiga ranaine) My Heartful Song My Heartful Song 歌うよ 何时までも あなたに届けますよるに 歌唱吧 总有一天会传达到你的心扉 (utauyo itsumademo anatanitodolimasu yoruni) 怀かしいに思いれに 在难忘的回忆中 (razugashii omoireni) 优しさが目觉 めるように 再次唤醒自己的温柔 (yasashisaga menazumeru youni) 素直になめくるよ 坦白地去面对 (sunaolini na mekuruyo) My Heartful Song My Heartful Song 歌うよ 何时までも あなたに届けますよるに 歌唱吧 总有一天会传达到你的心扉 (utauyo itsumademo anatanitodolimasu yoruni)

fuji xerox是什么牌的打印机,这种打印机性能好不好?






fuji xerox是什么牌子?

富士施乐。富士施乐(Fuji Xerox)是一家数字与信息技术产品生产商,于1938年成立,总部位于美国。公司旗下产品包括:静电复印机、普通纸复印机、桌面传真机和激光打印机等。1999年9月是施乐914(因为它所使用的纸张为9x14英寸而得名)复印机的四十周年庆典。从1959年到914复印机停产的1976年,施乐公司一共生产了超过200,00台这个型号的复印机。1985年,推出914复印机的26年之后,施乐公司宣布不再续签914复印机的全保维修合同。对于仍然在运行之中的6,000台914机器,施乐公司将采取材料和人工单独收费的维修服务方式。今天,施乐914复印机已经成为Smithsonian中的展示品,成为美国历史的一部分。在世界的有些地方,914机器仍然在客户的公司中使用,在南美洲,施乐公司还在维修着若干台914复印机。


stablediffusion保姆级安装教程1安装软件环境先把三个软件按上图步骤安装完以后( 建议不安装到C盘里)2正式安装stable先解压安装包,再启动依赖,点击sd启动输入(我已阅读并同意)左上角点击文件-保存,然后等待运行出现网址自动跳转到浏览器里3导入模型没有模型,就把安装包里的模型按上图所示导入到D: ovelai-webuimodelsStable-diffusion 里


self-funded词性是形容词,意思是:自费的。例句:1、Self-funded students are responsible for any expenses on medical treatment, medicine and hospitalization. 自费留学生医疗费、药品费和住院费全部自理。2、Therefore, most school clubs are self-funded, mostly from membership fees. 因此,多数社团只能自己承担费用,大部分来源于会费。3、There is no reason to sell because we are self-funded and it works. 没有理由出售公司,因为用的是自有资金,而且效果不错。4、Pinkberry so far has been entirely self-funded. 到目前为止,pinkberry资金完全自给。5、The firm is self-funded and distribution of online orders occurs from its Indianapolisheadquarters. 该公司自筹资金,由位于印第安纳波利斯的总部负责在线订单的配送。6、Australia has since proved to be one of the very destinations for self-fundedChinese travelers. 自从澳大利亚成为中国公民自费旅游目的国。

连词成句:all fun are have you cards do playing when可以一词多用


求一篇关于World Wild Fund for Nature的英文简介!

The world natural foundation (WWF) was founded September 11, 1961 aSwiss scenery beautiful small town - Mole each Si (Morges), thefounder was the English renowned biologists, once was appointed UnitedNations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization firstgeneral manager Zhu Lian Mr. Huxley. Its basic goal is protects theEarth the biological resources. The last four decades and more, underin every way support, the WWF growth have been extremely have theinfluence the independent non- government international environmentalprotection organization. WWF is enjoys the high reputation in the whole world, one of biggestindependent non- government environmental protection organizations,has nearly 5 million supporters and in the world are enlivening inmore than 90 countries the network. In 1980, WWF officially arrivedChina, in 1996 has set up the office in Beijing, hereafter hasestablished seven projects offices one after another; The developmentuntil now, altogether has more than 70 staffs, has developed includingthe species, the forest, the fresh water, the energy and the climaticchange, the environment education and the wild trade and so on thevarious work. The WWF mission is suppresses the Earth naturalenvironment the worsening, creates glorious future which the humanityand the nature harmoniously is together. Devotes for this WWF to: Protection world biodiversity; Guarantees the renewable natural resource the sustainable use; The impetus reduction pollutes and the waste expense motion.


歌词翻译全文: HIM--beautiful Just one look into your eyes 仅仅是直视你的眼睛 One look and I"m crying 仅一眼便让我哭泣 "Cause you"re so beautiful 因为你是如此美丽 Just one kiss and I"m alive 仅仅是一个吻遍我让我苏醒 One kiss and I"m ready to die 仅一个吻 我便可以随时死去 "Cause you"re so beautiful 因为你是如此美丽 Just one touch and I"m on fire 仅仅是一个触碰遍让我燃烧 One touch and I"m crying 仅一个触碰遍让我哭泣 "Cause you"re so beautiful 因为你是如此美丽 Just one smile and I"m wild 仅仅一个微笑便让我疯狂 One smile and I"m ready to die 仅一个微笑 我便可以随时死去 "Cause you"re so beautiful 因为你是如此美丽 Oh and you"re so beautiful 喔. 你是如此的美丽 My darling 亲爱的 Oh you"re so beautiful 你是如此的美丽 You"re so beautiful 你是如此的美丽 Oh my baby 我的宝贝 You"re so beautiful 你是如此美丽 And you"re so beautiful 你是如此美丽 Oh my darling 喔 亲爱的 Oh my baby 宝贝 And you"re so beautiful 你是如此的美丽


在Windbg中可以通过.dump命令保存进程的dump文件。比如下面的命令把当前进程的镜像保存为c: estdump.dmp文件:.dump /ma C: estdump.dmp其中的/ma参数表示dump文件应该包含进程的完整信息,包括整个用户态的内存,这样dump文件尺寸会比较大,信息非常全面。如果不使用/ma参数,保存下来的dump文件只包含了部分重要资料,比如寄存器和线程栈空间,文件尺寸会比较小,无法分析所有的数据。在Windbg中,通过File→Open Crash Dump菜单可以打开dump文件进行分析。打开dump文件后,运行调试命令看到的信息和状态,就是dump文件保存时进程的状态。通过dump文件能够方便地保存发生问题时进程的状态,方便事后分析。dump还是oracle及SQL数据库中导出的数据文件。可以备份数据,并可以实现后期的导入。下载BlueScreenView,运行它就会自动读取 C:Windowsminidump*.dmp 操作系统蓝屏记录转储文件.

Bouncing on the trampoline is fun. 这个英语为什么用ing阿? on the trampoline是定语吗?

Bouncing on the trampoline is fun. 这是动词ing做主语 on the trampoline是定语


怎么判断是否是氨基酸洁面乳1. 从成分上看氨基酸洗面奶的通用公式为xx酰+xx氨酸+钠/钾。常用的成分为椰油酰谷氨酸钠、月桂酰谷氨酸钠、肉豆蔻酰谷氨酸钠、月桂酰谷氨酸钾、椰油酰甘氨酸钠等,而且这些成分越靠前,是氨基酸洁面乳的可能性越大。2. 看泡沫氨基酸的泡沫是非常绵密与细腻的,因为氨基酸洗面奶比较温和,正是因为泡沫可以组隔对皮肤的直接摩擦,让皮肤不会在洗脸中受到损害。3. 看温和度氨基酸洗面奶得PH值接近人体肌肤,不会对皮肤造成敏感,相反可以保护我们的皮肤,洗后不紧绷。尤其对敏感肌肤是非常友好的。只有我们掌握辨别氨基酸洗面奶,才可以挑选出一款真正氨基酸洗面奶。我现在使用的花印云朵洁面就是一款真正的氨基酸洗面奶。但它与以往的氨基酸洗面奶不同的是,它可以深层清洁,但不会过度清洁,它会掌握好那个度。而且它含有天然植萃,可以改善肤质,只要坚持使用,我们的皮肤自然就会变好。所以我觉得这款氨基酸洗面奶还是值得回购的。



求教:电脑开机时出现Bus No.Device No. Func No. Vendor ID Device ID Device Class后不动了是什么原因




一首韩语歌,里面的英文歌词:shot me take me so hot so fun/ like this,like that/I can be the one


America the beautiful 歌词

O beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain America America God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife Who more than self their country loved And mercy more than life America America God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears America America God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea

3d 左右格式 half side by side 和 full side by side 有什么区别???

我们知道高清视频的画幅是1920x1080的。到了3D时代,如果要按side by side方式排布画面的话其合成后的视频文件水平分辨率将达到3840x1080,因此full side by side的3D文件一帧的画面将是普通高清的2倍,其文件会很大,但这才是符合播出标准的质量。为了使3D文件能够小一点,half side by side在画面合成时,将每一只眼的画面水平分辨率压缩到了原来的一半,即960x1080,这样合成的3D文件一帧是1920x1080大小,在用播放器播放时,播放器会将每只眼的960x1080的画面通过拉伸复原成1920x1080的画面,因此这样的画面质量是有损失的,也就不符合播出标准了。所以需要需要3D文件具有广播级的质量,就需要将其生成full side by side的,而对于一般人来说,half side by side就能满足日常需求。


oh la la ,Merde!天哪,操!

i certify under penalty ofu3002u3002u3002u3002

i certify under penalty of perjury that all information provided above in items 1though 9 was completed before i signed this form and is ture and correct.我保证根据伪证处罚法,所有上述资料在项目完成之前,虽然我签署这种形式,是自然和正确的

黑执事【The slightly chipped full moon】求歌词

The full moon slightly chippedThat"s so meSo pleaseSave me and hold me tightJust make me all rightUnder the dark cloudsWingless swans in my soulFrom the fortress, a pessimistMy howl in the night,To the isolated starDon"t drive me crazyEverything seems too farThe sky so deepSpread endlesslyHow on earth can I get to the strawberry field?The full moon slightly chippedUncertainOh pleaseSave me and let me smileJust make me all rightOver the bed of treesMy heart spins aroundMy howl in the dawnTo the isolated starI dare to forgive youEverything seems too farBut care for me tenderlyHow on earth can I get to the strawberry field?中文The full moon slightly chipped 满月稍微碎裂That"s so me 这样的我So please 所以求求你Save me and hold me tight 拯救我,抱紧我Just make me all right 让我做什么都可以Under the dark clouds 在乌云之下Wingless swans in my soul 我的灵魂没有翅膀在闲荡The full moon slightly chipped 满月稍微碎裂That"s so me 这样的我So please 所以求求你Save me and hold me tight 拯救我,抱紧我Just make me all right 让我做什么都可以Under the dark clouds 在乌云之下Wingless swans in my soul 我的灵魂没有翅膀在闲荡From the fortress, a pessimist 来自堡垒的悲观主义者My howl in the night, 我在这黑夜里咆哮To the isolated star 孤立的明星Don"t drive me crazy 别让我疯狂Everything seems too far 一切似乎过于久远The sky so deep 这么深沉的天Spread endlessly 没完没了地传播How on earth can I get to the strawberry field? 在这个地球上我怎样才能行走进那紫红色的田间(或者草莓田间)The full moon slightly chipped满月稍微碎裂Uncertain 不确定Oh please oh~请Save me and let me smile拯救我,让我微笑Just make me all right让我做什么都可以Over the bed of trees 在树下合适的位置My heart spins around 我的心在附近旋转My howl in the dawn 我在这黎明里咆哮To the isolated star 孤立的明星I dare to forgive you 我不惧宽恕你Everything seems too far 一切似乎过于久远But care for me tenderly 但是你温柔的为我护理How on earth can I get to the strawberry field?在这个地球上我怎样才能行走进那紫红色的田间



are you fucking serious


are you fucking serious with this shit?!怎么翻译,谢谢


Way To The Future 歌词

歌曲名:Way To The Future歌手:Katie Herzig专辑:Grey"s AnatomyKatie Herzig - Way to the Future.She could be, easy to find you seeShe writes her songs, only for you to singShe digs the words, out of the skyShe leaves them there, for you to find.The way that you love dear,the fate of the world you leave behindA way to the future, making a moment built to lastYou want to love, well now""s your chance.You hear the beat, over the radioYou see the scene, a satellite picture showYou take her words, out of the skyShe left them there, for you to find.The way that you love dear,the fate of the world you leave behindA way to the future, making a moment built to lastYou want to love, well now""s your chance.The way that you love dear,the fate of the world you leave behindA way to the future, making a moment built to lastYou want to love, well now""s your chancehttp://music.baidu.com/song/31428307

learning can be lote of fun.是什么意思


求funk guitar的音色使用 以及效果器的介绍(比如红辣椒的很多歌)很多切音是不是原音色

红辣椒的现任吉他手 John Frusciante 用的主要效果器如下:失真单块 BOSS DS-1 和 DS-2合唱单块 BOSS CE-1延迟单块 Digitech PDS-8000哇音单块 Digitech Whammy主要的是这些,如果有这些的话应该可以调出和他差不多的音色了。但这些的缺点是价格加在一起可能会比较高。如果想省钱的话可以考虑买一块综合效果器,比如 LINE 6 POD XT-LIVE 性价比比较高。用综合效果器的缺点是需要比较长的时间摸索才能调出自己想要的音色。

Renegades Of Funk 歌词

Renegades of Funk演唱:Rage Against The MachineNo matter how hard you try, you can"t stop us nowNo matter how hard you try, you can"t stop us nowWe"re the renegades in this atomic ageThis atomic age of renegadesRenegades in this atomic ageThis atomic age of renegadesSince the Prehistoric ages and the days of ancient GreeceRight down through the Middle AgesPlanet earth kept going through changesAnd then the renaissance came, the times continued to changeNothing stayed the same, but there were always renegadesLike Chief Sitting Bull, Tom PaineDr. Martin Luther King, Malcom XThey were renegades of their time and ageThe mighty RenegadesWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkFrom a different solar system many many galaxies awayWe are the force of another creationA new musical revelationAnd we"re on this musical mission to help the others listenAnd groove from land to land singin" electronic chants likeZulu nationRevelationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsNow renegades are the people with their own philosophiesThey change the course of historyEveryday people like you and meWe"re the renegades we"re the peopleWith our own philosophiesWe change the course of historyEveryday people like you and meC"monWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkPoppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hopBecause where we"re goin" there ain"t no stoppin"Poppin", sockin", puttin" a side of hip-hopBecause where we"re goin" there ain"t no stoppin"Poppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hopCause we"re poppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hopPoppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hopWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re teachers of the funkAnd not of empty poppingWe"re blessed with the force and the sight of electronicsWith the bass, and the treble the horns and our vocalsCause everytime I pop into the beat we get freshThere was a time when our musicWas something called the Bay Street beatPeople would gather from all aroundTo get down to the big soundYou had to be a renegade in those daysTo take a man to the dance floorSay jam suckerSay jam suckerSay groove suckerSay groove suckerSay dance suckerSay dance suckerSay groove suckerNow move suckerSay jam suckerSay jam suckerSay groove suckerNow move suckerSay dance suckerSay dance suckerSay groove suckerNow move suckerWe"re the renegades of funkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8688419

Ash的《Kung Fu》 歌词

歌曲名:Kung Fu歌手:Ash专辑:Intergalactic Sonic SevensKung fu do what you do to meI haven"t been the same since my teenage lobotomyFull on, I moved to hong kongWith bruce lee"s brother and johnny wongI think it"s strangeHe"s friends with fu manchuAnd he thinks he knows youUh uh uh uh uh ohOh daniel san made in taiwanCome on jackie chanUh uh uh uh uh ohLast night jackie chan came aroundI played pool with him and we hung outMr. miagi and the x-menCalled in for a while as wellI think it"s strangeHe"s friends with fu manchuAnd he thinks he knows youUh uh uh uh uh ohOh daniel san made in taiwanCome on jackie chanUh uh uh uh uh ohKung fu do what you do to meI can"t live without my kung fu movies"shanghai killers" and "deadly road"My life was ruined when the green dragon closedOh I think it"s strangeHe"s friends with fu manchuAnd he thinks he knows youUh uh uh uh uh ohOh daniel san made in taiwanCome on jackie chanUh uh uh uh uh ohI think it"s strangeHe"s friends with fu manchuAnd he"s in love with youUh uh uh uh uh ohOh daniel san made in taiwanCome on jackie chanUh uh uh uh uh ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2142427

Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different

Ten years later, i think the way my life wiil be different is going abroad for further study. I think I can get some different educations from hte foreign college. And can earn the life for my family. The successful man will be me. So, i change mylife in the future by continuing to studying abroad.


你好,很高兴为你解答:both of us together我们俩在一起词汇释义both of两者都; 两个; 两个都together在一起; 共同; 以使接触; 到一起; 关系密切; 有婚姻关系; 自信而妥实的

求有律动感的英文歌。如what makes youbeautiful这样的。

a little story



enter full pathname of shell or return for/bin/sh: 问题求具体操作方法

楼上的朋友,Carlos Santana可是玩吉他的,朋友,错了吧,楼主要的是嘻哈圈子的东西。我对嘻哈还是小有些了解,楼主喜欢的是Delinquent Habits,他们是1991年成军於南加州洛杉矶的,是首开融合英语和西班牙语创作的拉丁嘻哈先锋团体之一。风格属于West Coast Rap、Latin Rap .1996年推出了巧妙融合放克与传统拉丁节奏的首张同名专辑,在美国一鸣惊人的卖破35万张,全球超越百万张。单曲"Return Of The Tres"取样了知名小喇叭演奏家Herb Alpert的畅销金曲"The Lonely Bull",顺利攻占流行与R&B单曲榜.和他们乐风相似的团体不是很多,因为他们比较前卫一些,不过还是给楼主找了几个团,自己去听听吧,风格类似,不过名气没有他们大。乐风相似艺人:Big Punisher、Sen Dog、Don Cisco、The Fugees、Mellow Man Ace 拉丁说唱 (Latin Rap) 自从说唱一开始,就有来自拉丁圈子的说唱。但是它直到很晚才闯入流行主流。Mellow Man Ace 的 "Mentirosa" 和 Kid Frost 的 "La Raza" 的双重成功标志着拉丁说唱--用多种语言(尤其是西班牙语)的说唱,拉丁韵律和拉丁裔人的都市生活形象 -- 在流行乐坛的成功。Mellow Man Ace 的兄弟,Sen Dog是最著名的拉丁说唱行动 Cypress Hill 的创建成员之一。 Big Punisher作为第一个取得白金成绩的拉丁裔rapper,原名 Christopher Lee Rios 的Big Punisher也是Hip-Hop乐坛又一位英年早逝的人物--只不过他的死是由于健康问题而非暴力事件。与他庞大的身体相反,Big Punisher拥有惊人的优雅与灵性。他于1971年生于Christopher Rios,并生长与BRONX南部的波多里哥人居住区。他童年生活动荡,十几岁的时候他还是一个健壮的运动员,自高中辍学后,他开始对说唱和街舞产生兴趣。他在1989年以Big Moon Dog的名义与朋友首次组成在街边表演的饶舌团体Full a Clips Crew,改名为Big Punisher后,他有幸得到了同样出身BRONX的著名饶舌艺人FAT JOE赏识,并在他的两首歌曲中献声,随后又在Mix Tape之王Funkmaster Flex的《The Mix Tape, Vol. 1》中出现,不久,他便成为了当时地下Hip Hop圈最炙手可热的人物。 作为Big Punisher的首张专辑,Capital Punishment是一张聚集了纽约最具实力的饶舌核心阵容。与一队超级明星做阵的制作人--TrackMasters, the Beatnuts, RZA, Show Biz, Rockwilder以及Buckwild的跨刀下,Big Punisher展现出的是他沙哑的FUNKY之音,虽然这样的声音更适合街头完全是在街头,但足够的DEEP GROOVE和HOOKS也令他拓展出更加广泛的听众。此外,他震撼有力的声线以及叙述才华也令《Capital Punishment》成为毋庸置疑的经典专辑。此外,其中出现的嘉宾还包括了B-Real, Inspectah Deck, Fat Joe & Terror Squad, Black Thought, Wyclef Jean, Noreaga, Kool G Rap以及Busta Rhymes这些耳熟能详的名字。 不幸的是,在他专心于第二张专辑并即将发表的时候,长期的过食和肥胖终于过早的夺走了他的生命。据FAT JOE说,他在加州的治疗中心已经成功的减掉了80磅,但当他回到纽约准备他的第二张专辑的时候,他有把所有减掉的体重恢复了回来,在他生命的最后几年中,他的体重一直在450到700磅之间摇摆不定。不可避免的悲剧最终还是发生了,2000年2月7日,年仅28岁的他终于因心脏病离开了自己妻儿和众多支持他的乐迷。 试听 组合名称: Cypress Hill 音乐风格: Latino Hip Hop Cypress Hill 是第一支备受瞩目的拉丁风格的 Hip Hop 组合.当初 Cypress Hill 的原型是一支叫 DVX 的组合,1986年组成,成员有 Sen Dog,Mellow Man Ace,DJ Muggs 和 B-Real,自从 Mellow Man Ace 退出后他们才改名为 Cypress Hill.91年发行第一张专辑同名专辑《Cypress Hill》的几个月后,推出了成名单曲"How Could I Just Kill a Man"专辑下载 Mellow Man Ace乐团试听 The Fugees 乐团试听专辑下载 希望楼主满意,如果楼主也喜欢说唱我们可以互相交流,我一直比较喜欢这些文化,拉丁说唱加funk非常不错。

It is bad (manners ) to speak with your mouth full of food.为什么 manner要加S呢



有些例子 你看了就明白了perfume:n. 香水,香气v. 洒香水于,薰香What does the perfume smell like?这种香水闻起来怎样?The smell of her perfume lingered in the empty house.空屋里仍然飘溢著她的香水味.The room reeked of cheap perfume.房间里弥漫著劣质香水的呛鼻气味.A mist of perfume hung in the air.空气中飘溢著香水的雾气。Can you smell the perfume of the roses?你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗?The roses perfumed the air.玫瑰花的芳香四溢。spicc:n. 药料,香料,情趣Variety is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。Have you spiced this cake?这蛋糕中加香料了吗?His conversation is spiced with humor.他的谈话有风趣。Please add more spices to the cake.请给蛋糕多加点香料。flavor:n. 滋味,香料v. 加味于Something with an especially delicious flavor or fragrance.美味食品;珍馐美味特别美味或芳香的东西Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty.乏味的缺少味道或滋味;无味的This bread has plenty of flavor.这面包味道真好。I don"t like the flavor of onion.我不喜欢洋葱的味道。


有些例子 你看了就明白了perfume:n. 香水,香气v. 洒香水于,薰香What does the perfume smell like?这种香水闻起来怎样?The smell of her perfume lingered in the empty house.空屋里仍然飘溢著她的香水味.The room reeked of cheap perfume.房间里弥漫著劣质香水的呛鼻气味.A mist of perfume hung in the air.空气中飘溢著香水的雾气。Can you smell the perfume of the roses?你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗?The roses perfumed the air.玫瑰花的芳香四溢。spicc:n. 药料,香料,情趣Variety is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。Have you spiced this cake?这蛋糕中加香料了吗?His conversation is spiced with humor.他的谈话有风趣。Please add more spices to the cake.请给蛋糕多加点香料。flavor:n. 滋味,香料v. 加味于Something with an especially delicious flavor or fragrance.美味食品;珍馐美味特别美味或芳香的东西Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty.乏味的缺少味道或滋味;无味的This bread has plenty of flavor.这面包味道真好。I don"t like the flavor of onion.我不喜欢洋葱的味道。

Green Day的《Fuck Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck Time歌手:Green Day专辑:iDOS!Fuck TimeGreen DayI"ll drop your laundry and slam the doorI don"t want your luck so give me moreI"m a begger but I don"t wanna dieAahhhOh baby baby, it"s fuck timeYou know I really wanna make you mineOh baby baby, it"s fuck timeThere"s nothing left to say yeahTake a look into my eyesI wanna hold you til you"re paralyzedHow a man can touch your holy grace?Come on and stroke it til you"re blue in the faceGot dirty thoughts and a dirty mindAahhhOh baby baby, it"s fuck timeYou know I really wanna make you mineOh baby baby, it"s fuck timeThere"s nothing left to say yeahTake a look into my eyesI wanna hold you til you"re paralyzedTake a look into my eyesI wanna hold you til you"re paralyzedTake a look into my eyesI wanna hold you til you"re paralyzedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/30993085

AJ&ALY版Walking On Sunshine伴奏 急求。。。pingdufuwuqu@163.com拜托了。。。

The littlest things that take me thereI know it sounds lame but its so trueI know its not right, but it seems unfairThat the things are reminding me of youSometimes I wish we could just pretendEven if for only one weekendSo come on


thank的用法有:thank sb for sth / doing sth 感谢某人做某事appreciate的用法有:appreciate it if...appreciate doing sthgrateful是形容词:be grateful to sb for sth感激某人某事


young:英 [ju028cu014b] 美 [ju028cu014b]n. 年轻人;(动物的)崽,仔adj. 年轻的;初期的;没有经验的n. (Young)人名;(中)杨(广东话·威妥玛);(柬)永;(英、葡)扬。funny:英 ["fu028cnu026a] 美 ["fu028cni]n. 滑稽人物;笑话,有趣的故事;滑稽连环漫画栏;(英)(比赛用)单人双桨小艇adj. 有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的;(口)稀奇的,古怪的,奇异的;有病的,不舒服的;狡猾的,欺骗(性)的,可疑的,不光明。tind:英 [tind] 美 [tind]vt. 使燃着。vi. 点燃。strict:英 [stru026akt] 美 [stru026akt]adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的。


姓名: 孙权英文名:Leakey生日:1985.12.31星座:魔羯座血型:A型身高:175 cm体重:不断变化中出生地:上海籍贯:上海生肖:牛语言:国语排行:无兴趣:写歌 读书 游戏 绘画志向:用心写好歌学历:中专最爱的颜色:白色 蓝色最爱的宠物:狗最爱的音乐:真诚简单直白最爱的运动:踩单车 羽毛球最爱的歌手:李宗盛 手茑葵 Chris Martin最爱的食物:香蕉 葡萄 甜品静态活动:游戏 看书口头禅:还好啦 姓名:董敏昵称:大敏生日:1985.9.8星座:处女座血型:O型身高:176 cm体重:65 kg出生地:上海籍贯:宁波生肖:牛语言:国语 上海话排行:老大兴趣:画画 摄影 运动 设计 弹吉他 不断学习新的事物 看书志向:永远别长大学历:大专最爱的颜色:黑色 白色最爱的宠物:我家的Dudu最爱的音乐:British Rock,JAZZ以及一切打动人的音乐最爱的运动:篮球 滑冰最爱的歌手: 李宗盛,戴佩妮,Oasis, Coldplay, Keane, John Mayer,Jason Mraz,Daniel Powter,Damien Rice,L"Arc En Ciel,还有很多……最爱的影星:Mr. Bean 陈国庆最爱的电影:宫崎骏的所有动画 恐怖片最爱的食物:拉面 香蕉静态活动:设计 上网口头禅:莫名其妙 姓名:陶步升昵称:陶陶生日:1985.01.21星座:水瓶血型:O型身高:171cm体重:53KG出生地:上海籍贯:浙江宁波生肖:鼠语言:国语,英语,一些日语排行:独生子兴趣:创作,吃……志向:成为受到大家肯定的词曲人学历:大专最爱的颜色:黑,宝石蓝最爱的宠物:狗最爱的音乐:英式摇滚最爱的运动:足球最爱的歌手:OASIS,L"Arc~en~Ciel,Dir en grey,徐若瑄最爱的影星:Johnny Depp最爱的电影:国王与小鸟(Le Roi et l"oiseau),毕加索的奇异旅行(The Adventures Of Picasso)最爱的食物:烤肉静态活动:一动不动……口头禅:哦最爱的书籍:唐吉诃德(Don Quijote de la Mancha) 姓名:董捷昵称:小捷生日:1985.9.8星座:处女座血型:O型身高:174 cm体重:56 kg出生地:上海籍贯:上海生肖:牛语言:国语排行:老二兴趣:打鼓 电玩 睡觉志向:成为了不起的鼓手学历:高中最爱的颜色:黑色 白色 红色最爱的宠物:狗最爱的音乐:能打动人的音乐最爱的运动:滑冰最爱的歌手:张震岳最爱的影星:周星驰 Rowan Atkimsom最爱的电影:Mr. Bean最爱的食物:牛肉拉面静态活动:电玩 做梦口头禅:哈!搞笑!

I like movies are funny, such as “Mr. Bean”. How about you? --- Oh, no, I don’t. I really lik




my life in the future作文

My life in the future   My life in the future will be colorful and meaningful.   I"m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from the university. I believeI"ll bring my parents health and happiness. In my spare time, I"ll stay with myfamily. We"ll travel a lot and do lots of sports. I"ll also read as many books asI can for I want to improve myself. Even if I work, I will never give up studing.   I"m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life inthe future will get better and better.

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The island full of treasures中的full of为什么没有is


风のRhythm(Full ver.) 歌词

歌曲名:风のRhythm(Full ver.)歌手:ゆうか专辑:遥かに仰ぎ、丽しの オリジナルサウンドトラックPC ゲーム「遥かに仰ぎ、丽しの」 OpeningThema『风のRhythm (Full ver.)』作词:ドン.マッコウ/作编曲:石井裕树歌:ゆうか风(かぜ)のRhythmで踊(おど)る自由(じゆう)な海鸟(うみどり)は手(て)を伸(の)ばせば触(ふ)れられそうでも指(ゆび)に羽(はね)は高(たか)くて遥(はる)かな梦(ゆめ)は波(なみ)の背(せ)で揺(ゆ)れるLullabyまだ幼(おさな)い祈(いの)りだけど运命(うんめい)を信(しん)じるリボンの端(はし) 古(ふる)びた本(ほん)ガラス玉(だま)と杏(あんず) 季节(きせつ)告(つ)げる匂(にお)い制服(せいふく)に忍(しの)ばせて舞(ま)い落(お)ちて行(ゆ)くサクラ色(いろ)の花(はな)びらの中(なか)あなたと歩(ある)き始(はじ)めたいな淡(あわ)い予感(よかん)は岬(みさき)をめぐるバス通(どお)り绿(みどり)の丘(おか)の向(む)こうからゆっくりと云(くも)は流(なが)れて哀(かな)しい事(こと)がどうぞ访(おとず)れないように愿(ねが)う心(こころ)は懐(なつ)かしい歌(うた)を口(くち)ずさんで机(つくえ)の伤(きず) しおりの花(はな)书(か)き残(のこ)しのポエム 校舎裏(こうしゃうら)の子猫(こねこ)大切(たいせつ)な宝物(たからもの)きらめいていく新绿(しんりょく)の叶影(はかげ)木漏(こも)れ日(び)を抱(だ)きしめて二人(ふたり)今(いま) 生(う)まれ変(か)わるBrand-New-Dayリボンの端(はし) 古(ふる)びた本(ほん)ガラス玉(だま)と杏(あんず) 季节(きせつ)告(つ)げる匂(にお)い制服(せいふく)に忍(しの)ばせて舞(ま)い落(お)ちて行(ゆ)くサクラ色(いろ)の花(はな)びらの中(なか)歩(ある)きたいなきらめいていく新绿(しんりょく)の叶影(はかげ)木漏(こも)れ日(び)を抱(だ)きしめて二人(ふたり)今(いま) 生(う)まれ変(か)わるBrand-New-Day终わるhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53811790

fail gracefully with an open circuit是什么意思

fail gracefully with an open circuit开路时优雅地失败

connction closed gracefuiiy 是什么意思

connction closed gracefully优雅关闭的连接例句:1.Textbook version of growing old gracefully. 怎样优雅的长大的教科书.2.Why is it that old women can"t age gracefully? 老女人为什么老地这么快?


beautifully的意思是优美地、美丽地、漂亮地、很好地。“beautifully”在英语中常用作修饰形容词或动词,用来强调某种行为或特点;在句子中“beautifully”所修饰的词会放在副词的后面,作为修饰语;“beautifully”可以用来描述某项工作或任务完成得很出色、完美;“beautifully”可以在谈论某个人时,表示其表现非常优秀或出色。在日常中,“beautifully”是十分常见且精美的词汇,可以用于形容很多具有优美和完美的特点和情境。beautifully的例句:1、She sings beautifully.(她的唱歌声音美妙动听。)2、The dancers moved beautifully.(舞者们舞动得很优美。)3、He played the piano beautifully.(他演奏钢琴漂亮极了。)4、The project was beautifully executed.(这个项目做得十分出色。)5、She played soccer beautifully.(她打足球非常出色。)beautifully的近义词1、gracefully:优美地、得体地。2、elegantly:优雅地、文雅地。3、exquisitely:精致地、细腻地。4、superbly:出色地、非常优秀地。5、perfectly:完美地、无瑕疵地。6、splendidly:壮观地、华丽地、豪华地。

Court Yard Hounds的《Gracefully》 歌词

歌曲名:Gracefully歌手:Court Yard Hounds专辑:Court Yard HoundsCourt Yard Hounds - GracefullyYou, you wanna stayBaby, I wish you would goPlease don"t make it so hard on meIt tears me to pieces, you knowWe"re no good togetherWe settle like oil and waterI, I just wanna smile againBut you wanna drown in the bottleAnd I can already see what our life would beLife would beYeah, it plays out in my mind like a tragedyIt"s not pretty, you seeSo let me go gracefullyAnd I can already see what our life would beLife would beYeah, it plays out in my mind like a tragedyIt"s not pretty, you seeSo let me go gracefullyOh, leave with a vision of me from when we were in loveYeah we are on fire...Yeah, it plays out in my mind like a tragedyIt"s not pretty, you seeSo let me go gracefullyOh, let me go gracefullyLet me go gracefullyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/652173

age graceful的中文意思






How ____he plays the violin!au3001graceful bu3001grace cu3001gracefully du3001gracefulness


音乐术语p lightly and gracefully是什么意思

1.P(1)=piano小声:微弱:“弱”(2)=pedale踏瓣2.lightly轻轻的:安静3.gracefully优雅 p lightly and gracefully轻声、微弱并优雅(地演奏)这...不算什么音乐术语吧,都是英文


graceful : adj. 优雅的;优美的gracefully : adv. 优雅地;温文地



royalty-based crowdfunding 什么意思

Royalty-based Crowdfunding,收益权众筹Crowdfunding(众筹) (同类英文翻译:crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd-sourced fundraising) 是通过向不定向个人集资,通常通过因特网,以支持某些个人或群体的想法和努力。在国外,Crowdfunding被用于多类活动,包括灾难救助,公民新闻,支持艺术,政治游行,创业融资,软件开发,科学研究等等。


[krau028ad u02c8fu028cndu026au014b ]、指:众筹是通过向不定向个人集资,通常通过因特网,以支持某些个人或群体的想法和努力。1用途在国外,Crowdfunding被用于多类活动,包括灾难救助,公民新闻,支持艺术,政治游行,创业融资,软件开发,科学研究等等 同类英文翻译:crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd-sourced fundraising

kubectl version 安装失败了? connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused?


keep beautiful keep elegant 如何翻译的漂亮?



elegant:优雅的 高雅的 讲究的; 多用于年轻的姑娘和少妇;通常强调举手投足之动感的优雅美graceful:优雅的 优美的;多用于老妇人;指外表和静止的美感望采纳

elegant 和 buautiful什么区别?

elegant 英[u02c8elu026agu0259nt] 美[u02c8u025blu026aɡu0259nt] adj. (人或其举止)优美的; 漂亮的; 简炼的; 简洁的 [例句] Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world and will make you think in more precise , elegant English. 阅读经典小说会改变你的世界观,会让你用更简洁、更优美的英语思维来思考。beautiful 英[u02c8bju:tu026afl] 美[u02c8bjutu0259fu0259l] adj. 美丽的,美好的; 极好的 [例句] We are surrounded by lots of beautiful countryside. 我们周边是大片美丽的乡村地区。


两者在中文上的意思都是 优雅的,高贵的.但在英语使用中有很大不同.elegant 一般用于年轻的姑娘和少妇,形容貌美,有气质,高贵.graceful 通常是指老妇人,有慈祥,和蔼之意.

elegant和 graceful的区别?

两者在中文上的意思都是 优雅的,高贵的.但在英语使用中有很大不同. elegant 一般用于年轻的姑娘和少妇,形容貌美,有气质,高贵. graceful 通常是指老妇人,有慈祥,和蔼之意.

英语作文:Future house(未来房子) 120字左右

My future house is wide and spacious。 It contains a lot of room such as swim pool, exercise room which contains a plenty of exercise machines, and a big play land so I can play inside the house no matter what time i play, it always open for me。 Everything inside the house will be clean of themselves so I don"t have to wash them。 The tables are new, the 。puter is the coolest and the tv channels are enjoyable to watch。 I want the background of the wall is mysterious and pretty and different in every single room。 My future house will prevent the volcano blow and the tsunami or flood attack。 It has the emergency exit and security alarm so everything will be safe!我未来的房子是广泛和宽敞。它包含了很多房等的泳池,健身室,包含丰富的运动机器,和一个大的发挥土地这样我就可以玩屋内,不论是什么时候我玩,它总是为我开放。里面的房子会干净的自我我没有洗。表是新的,最酷的。电脑和电视频道是愉快的观看。我想要的背景墙是神秘和美丽,在每一个不同的单人房间。我未来的家将防止火山和海啸或洪水攻击。它有紧急出口和安全报警,一切都是安全的!




God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

No longer confused.什么意思?henceforth.什么意思?



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