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refurbished 什么意思

refurbished vt. (refurbish的动词过去式或过去分词形式) ,再磨光,刷新; v. 整修; 刷新( refurbish的过去式和过去分词 ); 擦亮; 使清洁; [例句]It was completely refurbished in 1987, with the addition of a picnic site.它在1987年经过了彻底翻修,加盖了一个野餐点。

你好,恳请相助苹果6S背后印有 Refurbished by Asurion 的问题









Factory-Reconditioned是指由于各种原因退回到工程,但完全可以使用的,经过工厂或指定第三方重新翻新、包装,基本接近新机。 Refurbished是指出售后的产品返回工厂经过维修、翻新、包装出售,可以定义为二手翻新。


美国联想对Refurbished机器的定义和说明:* Product returned with factory seal broken (产品退回时,原厂封条打开过)* Product may or may not have been turned on (产品可能开过机,也可能未开过机)* Product may or may not have been used (产品可能使用过,也可能未使用过)请注意:虽然国内笼统地把美行Refurbished机器和Scratch & Dent机器都直译为“官翻”,但根据联想的说明(请仔细阅读下面的官网截图):只有Scratch & Dent机器才被官方整修或翻新过(Product has been refurbished);而Refurbished机器,根本没有经历官方翻新,官方的处理主要是重新质检、重新防伪封装。但即使美行Scratch&Dent机器,也与某些以次换好、以假充真的个人翻新、非官方渠道翻新机有本质的区别。





refurbished 什么意思

refurbish 英[u02ccri:u02c8fu025c:bu026au0283] 美[u02ccri:u02c8fu025c:rbu026au0283] vt. 刷新; 使重新干净; [网络] 电梯大修; 翻新; 再磨光; [其他] 第三人称单数:refurbishes 现在分词:refurbishing 过去式:refurbished过去分词:refurbished 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科refurbished机是指顾客购买拆封又退回商家的机器。一般来说,这种机器可能是全新的,甚至是从未使用过的;也有可能是因为小毛病退货后商家维修后重新出售的。如果直接在美加网上购物,电器注明REFURBISHED,质量是有保证的,(尤其是出名的,大的商家)价格也便宜很多。但如询问前一顾客为什么退货,商家几乎不会告诉你真正的原因。

refurbished 什么意思



CMainFrame *pMain=(CMaimFrame *)AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd就行

Snow having melted the whole villages is brimful of happy children帮忙分析一下句子结构

Snow having melted the whole villages 主语 is 系动词 brimful 表语 of happy children 表语补足语。翻译雪花漫天的村庄充斥着孩子们的欢乐


首先解释幂等,幂等是数学的一个用语,对于单个输入或者无输入的运算方法,如果每次都是同样的结果,则称其是幂等的对于两个参数,如果传入值相等,结果也等于每个传入值,则称其为幂等的,如min(a,b)POST用于提交请求,可以更新或者创建资源,是非幂等的举个例子,在我们的支付系统中,一个api的功能是创建收款金额二维码,它和金额相关,每个用户可以有多个二维码,如果连续调用则会创建新的二维码,这个时候就用POSTPUT用于向指定的URI传送更新资源,是幂等的还是那个例子,用户的账户二维码只和用户关联,而且是一一对应的关系,此时这个api就可以用PUT,因为每次调用它,都将刷新用户账户二维码比如一个接口用于用户生成,接收的数据是用户名、密码等相关信息,则用POSTRESTful建议所有的URI都是对应资源,所以创建用户不应该理解为一个行为,在此将此接口命名为:/user/creation每次调用它都会新建一个用户(假定用户名可以重复)而PUT方法更加关心一个具体资源对应的URI,比如更新当前用户信息,这里可以用PUT/user/me/update这里用me来指代当前用户,如果是针对更多用户适用的接口,可以考虑/user/{uid}/update注意多次调用同一接口,只要提交的数据一致,用户信息每次结果就会一致,即产生同样的结果:服务器端某个具体的资源得到了更新当需要以更新的形式来修改某一具体资源的时候,如何判断用PUT还是POST呢?很简单,如果该更新对应的URI多次调用的结果一致,则PUT比如更新某个blog文章,因为该文章具有单一的具体URI,所以每次更新提交相同的内容,结果都一致/blog/{document_id}/update在每次更新提交相同的内容,最终的结果不一致的时候,用POST举个很常见的例子,一个接口的功能是将当前余额减一个值,每次提交指定该值为100,接口如下/amount/deduction调用一次,你的余额-100,调用两次,余额-200这个时候就用POSTRESTful的4种层次Representational status transfer个人理解为:表现形式的状态传递1、只有一个接口交换xml来实现整个服务目前我们的移动站点的服务就是类似的结构,我们有两个URI接口/mapp/lead和/msdk/safepay2、每一个资源对应一个具体的URI,比1好维护,但是问题依然很明显,资源版本更新会引入时间戳维护,资源的获取和更新修改必须对应不同的URI目前PC主站和移动站点的静态内容(包括html文件)都是这种形式3、在2的基础上使用了http verb,每个URI可以有不同的动作,充分利用了http协议,所以自然居然http协议的完整优势,比如缓存和健壮性HTML4.0只支持POST和GET,所以无论DELETE还是PUT操作,都用POST去模拟了在WEB开发者看来,就是如果有数据变动,就用POST,如果没有,就用GET所以目前中国用户来看,PC端实现RESTful很困难,只有移动端支持Html5的浏览器,才能让前端做出尝试4、现在似乎更加无法实际应用,Hypemedia control,也就是RESTful的本意,合理的架构原理和以网络为基础的设计相结合,带来一个更加方便、功能强大的通信架构

英语作文:What may happen in the future?

It would be foolhardy to venture technological predictions for 2050. Even more so to predict social and geopolitical changes. The most important advances, the qualitative leaps, are the least predictable. Not even the best scientists predicted the impact of nuclear physics, and everyday consumer items such as the iPhone would have seemed magic back in the 1950s.But there are some trends that we can predict with confidence. There will, barring a global catastrophe, be far more people on Earth than today. Fifty years ago the world population was below 3 billion. It has more than doubled since then, to 6.7 billion. The percentage growth rate has slowed, but it is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. The excess will almost all be in the developing world where the young hugely outnumber the old.If population growth were to continue beyond 2050, one can"t be other than exceedingly gloomy about the prospects. And the challenge of feeding such a rapidly growing population will be aggravated by climate change.The world will be warmer than today in 2050; the patterns of rainfall and drought across the world will be different. If we pursue "business as usual",CO2 concentration levels will reach twice the pre-industrial level by around 2050. The higher its concentration, the greater the warming - and, more important still, the greater the chance of triggering something grave and irreversible: rising sea levels due to the melting of Greenland"s icecap; runaway release of methane in the tundra.Some technical advances - information technology, for instance - surprise us by their rapidity; others seemingly stagnate. Only 12 years elapsed between the launch of Sputnik and Neil Armstrong"s "one small step" on the moon. Many of us then expected a lunar base, even an expedition to Mars, within 30 years. But it"s more than 36 years since Jack Schmitt and Eugene Cernan, the last men on the moon, returned to Earth. Since that time, hundreds of astronauts have been into orbit, but none has ventured further.The Apollo programme now seems a remote historical episode: young people all over the world learn that America landed men on the moon, just as they learn that the Egyptians built the pyramids; the motivations seem almost as bizarre in the one case as in the other. The race to the moon was an end in itself - a magnificent "stunt", driven by superpower rivalry. Thereafter, the impetus for manned flight was lost. But, of course, we now depend on space in our everyday lives (GPS, weather forecasting and communications). And robotic exploration has burgeoned. Unmanned probes to other planets have beamed back pictures of varied and distinctive worlds.I hope that by 2050 the entire solar system will have been explored and mapped by flotillas of tiny robotic craft. Robots and "fabricators" may enable large construction projects, using raw materials that need not come from Earth. But will people follow them? The practical case for sending people into space gets ever-weaker with each advance in robots and miniaturisation. But I"m nonetheless an enthusiast for manned missions - to the moon, to Mars and even beyond - simply as a long-range adventure for (at least a few) humans.Each mobile phone today has far more computing power than was available to the whole of Nasa in the 1960s. And advances proceed apace. Some claim that computers will, by 2050, achieve human capabilities. Of course, in some respects they already have. For 30 years we"ve been able to buy calculators that can hugely surpass us at arithmetic. IBM"s "Deep Blue" beat Kasparov, the world chess champion. But not even the most advanced robot can recognise and move the pieces on a real chessboard as adeptly as a five-year-old child.Deep Blue didn"t work out its strategy like a human player: it exploited its computational speed to explore millions of alternative series of moves and responses before deciding an optimum move. Likewise, machines may make scientific discoveries that have eluded unaided human brains - but by testing out millions of possibilities rather than via a theory or strategy.But will we continue to push forward the frontiers, enlarging the range of our consensual understanding? Some aspects of reality - a unified theory of physics, or a theory of consciousness - might elude our understanding simply because they"re beyond the powers of human brains, just as surely as quantum mechanics would flummox a chimpanzee.We can with some confidence predict continuing advances in computer power, in IT, in techniques for sequencing and interpreting and modifying the genome. But there could, by 2050, be qualitatively new kinds of change. For instance, one thing that"s been unaltered for millennia is human nature and human character. But in this century, mind-enhancing drugs, genetics, and "cyborg" techniques may start to alter human beings themselves.And we should keep our minds open, or at least ajar, to concepts on the fringe of science fiction. Flaky American futurologists aren"t always wrong. They remind us that a superintelligent machine is the last instrument that humans may ever design - the machine will itself take over in making further steps. Another speculation is that the human lifespan could be greatly extended, something that would wreak havoc on all population projections. At the moment this hope leads some to bequeath their bodies to be "frozen" on their death, in the hope of some future resurrection. For my part, I"d still opt to end my days in an English churchyard rather than a Californian refrigerator.We can make one firm forecast that"s important for all "citizen scientists". There will surely be a widening gulf between what science enables us to do, and what applications it"s prudent or ethical to pursue.It"s sometimes wrongly imagined that astronomers, contemplating timespans measured in billions, must be serenely unconcerned about next year, next week and tomorrow. But a "cosmic perspective" actually strengthens my own concerns about the here and now.Ever since Darwin, we"ve been familiar with the stupendous timespans of the evolutionary past. But most people still somehow think we humans are necessarily the culmination of the evolutionary tree. No astronomer could believe this.Our sun formed 4.5bn years ago, but it"s got 6bn more before the fuel runs out. And the expanding universe will continue - perhaps for ever - becoming ever colder, ever emptier. As Woody Allen said, "Eternity is very long, especially towards the end". Any creatures who witness the sun"s demise, here on Earth or far beyond, won"t be human. They will be entities as different from us as we are from a bug.But even in this "concertinaed" timeline - extending millions of centuries into the future, as well as into the past - this century is special. It"s the first in our planet"s history where one species - ours - has Earth"s future in its hands, and could jeopardise not only itself, but life"s immense potential.Suppose some aliens had been watching our planet for its entire history. Over nearly all that immense time - 4.5bn years - Earth"s appearance would have altered very gradually. But in just a tiny sliver of its history - the last few thousand years - the patterns of vegetation altered much faster than before. This signalled the start of agriculture. The pace of change accelerated as human populations rose.Then there were other changes, even more abrupt. Within the last 50 years - little more than one hundredth of a millionth of the Earth"s age - the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere began to rise anomalously fast. The planet became an intense emitter of radio waves (TV, cellphone, and radar transmissions.) And something else unprecedented happened: small projectiles launched from the planet escaped the biosphere. Some were propelled into orbits around the Earth; some journeyed to the moon and planets.If they understood astrophysics, the aliens could confidently predict that the biosphere would face doom in a few billion years when the sun flares up and dies. But could they have predicted this unprecedented spike less than halfway through the Earth"s life - these human-induced alterations occupying, overall, less than a millionth of the elapsed lifetime and seemingly occurring with runaway speed?If they continued to keep watch, what might these hypothetical aliens witness in the next few decades? Will final spasm be followed by silence? Or will the planet itself stabilise? And will some of the objects launched from the Earth spawn new oases of life elsewhere?The outcome depends on political choices. But those choices can be influenced by effective and idealistic scientists, environmentalists and humanists, guided by the knowledge and technology that the 21st century will offer.自不量力地对2050年作技术预测是愚蠢的尝试。打算预测社会和地理政治的变化更是自不量力。事实上,最重要的发展,最重要的质的跨越,也是最不可能预言的。即使是最优秀的科学家也没预料到核物理的冲击力如此巨大,而回溯到上世纪五十年代,像iPhone这样的日常消费品一定会被看作不可思议的东西。不过,我们能满怀信心地预言某些趋势。比如,除非爆发一场全球性大灾难,将来地球上一定会有比今天多得多的人口。五十年前,地球人口还不到三十亿;而五十年后的今天,地球人口已经翻了一番多,达到六十七亿。虽然人口增长的速度已经减缓,但是,由此类推,到2050年地球人口将达到九十亿,而且新增加的人口几乎都将出自发展中国家,因为现在那里年轻人的数量远远超过了老年人。如果2050年之后人口继续增长,那么前景无疑会极其暗淡。由于气候变化的影响,要养活如此迅速增长的人口,我们必将面临更加严峻的考验。到2050 年,全球气候将比今天更暖和;世界各地的降雨及干旱的形式也将有所变化。如果我们继续“处之泰然”,到2050年左右,大气中二氧化碳的浓度级别将达到工业化以前的两倍。而二氧化碳的浓度越高,气温就会越高——更重要的是,还可能引发某些更严重、更不可逆转的变化:格陵兰冰盖的融化造成海平面上升;冻土地带的甲烷失去控制释放出来。如今,某些技术(比如信息技术)的发展速度快得令人吃惊;而其它方面却似乎停滞不前了。苏联发射史波尼克人造卫星和尼尔·阿姆斯壮在月球上迈开“一小步”前后只过了十二年。我们许多人因此都期待着在三十年内完成月球基地的建设,甚至实现火星探险。然而,自从杰克 ·施密特和尤今·塞尔南最后登上月球又返回地球以来,已经过去三十六年多了。从那时起,已经有数百名宇航员进入轨道,但是,没有人再做进一步的尝试。阿波罗计划如今看起来如同遥远的历史事件:全世界的年轻人听美国人登陆月球的故事,就好像听埃及人建造金字塔的故事一样;其动机无外乎是为了在一个又一个事件中猎奇。其实争先恐后地登上月球才是登陆月球的真正目的——这不过是受超级大国相互竞争驱使的壮丽的“特技”表演。从那以后,载人飞行的动力就消失了。当然了,我们今天的日常生活,比如GPS,天气预报和通讯等都离不开太空。机器人的探险活动已经迅速发展起来。针对其它星球的无人驾驶探测器也已经传回各种各样独特世界的图片。我希望,到2050年,各种微型小机器人飞行器能够完成对整个太阳系的探测,并绘制出图谱。机器人和“制造者”也许能够使利用必要的非地球产原材料来建造大型建筑项目成为现实。可是,人们会遵照执行吗?把人送上太空的实际情况,使得机器人和小型化的每次改进都更缺乏说服力。尽管如此,我依然热心支持把载人飞行——去月球、去火星,甚至其它星球——仅仅作为人类(至少几个人)的远程冒险。如今,每部移动电话的计算能力都比二十世纪六十年代整个美国宇航局可用的计算能力都强得多。移动电话的发展进程非常迅速。有人声称,计算机将在 2050年之前达到人的智力水平。其实,在某些方面它们无疑已经达到了人的智力水平。早在三十年前,我们就能够买到计算能力大大超过人类的计算器。IBM 的“深蓝”计算机就打败了国际象棋世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫。但是,即使是现在最先进的机器人,也还不能像五岁大的孩子一样熟练地识别或移动现实生活中棋盘上的棋子。“深蓝”并不是像人类棋手那样计算棋着,而是利用自己快速的计算能力研究数百万条走法以及对策,再从中选定最佳的走法。同样,机器也能获得令人类大脑无法理解的科学发现,不过,它不是通过什么理论或策略,而是通过测试数百万条的可能性来完成任务的。那么,我们是否能够继续推进这些尖端科学,扩大我们的交感理解力范围呢?现实的某些方面,比如,我们难以理解物理的统一理论或认知理论,也许只是因为它们超出了人类大脑的理解能力,正如量子力学必定会令黑猩猩大惑不解一样。我们能颇为自信地预言计算机的性能、IT、技术等将继续发展,可以用于为基因组测序,理解并修改基因组。但是,至2050年,定然会出现新的变化。举例来说,人类的本性和人类的性格千年以来没有变化。而在本世纪,增智药物、基因和“半机器人”技术也许会开始改变人类本身。我们应该向处于科学幻想边缘的观念开放我们的头脑,或至少是半开放。古怪的美国未来学家也有对的时候。他们提醒我们,具有超常智慧的机器是人类所能设计的终极仪器——机器将接管其本身以后的发展历程。还有一种推测,即人类的寿命将大大延长,这将对各种人口预测造成巨大的破坏性影响。目前,这种希望已经导致一些人留下遗言,要将他们的尸体“冷冻起来”,希望将来能够复活。至于我,宁愿选择在英国的教堂结束自己的一辈子,也不想进入加利福尼亚的冰箱。我们能够确切地做出一个对所有“科学家公民”而言很重要的预言。那就是,科学能让我们做什么和科学所追求的明智或道德的应用之间肯定存在着宽大的鸿沟。有时,人们会错误地想像,以数十亿的标准来衡量时间间隔的天文学家们一定很冷静,不会在乎明天、下周甚至明年。但是,“宇宙的观念”确实加深了我自己对眼前的关注。自达尔文以来,我们已经熟悉了进化历史惊人的时间间隔。然而,不知为什么,大多数人仍然以为我们人类必然是进化树的顶点。而天文学家没人相信这一点。我们的太阳形成于四十五亿年前,而六十亿年后它的燃料才能耗尽。膨胀的宇宙将继续——也许会永远——越变越冷、越变越空。正如伍迪·艾伦所说,“永远是很长的,尤其是通往终结”。任何能见证太阳死亡的生物,无论是在当今的地球上或是遥远的它方,都不会是人类。它们将是某种实体,其不同于我们,就好像我们不同于臭虫一样。不过,即使在这张向未来,向过去延伸数百万世纪的“折叠式”时间表上,本世纪也是特别的一个世纪。在我们地球的历史上,这是第一次有一个物种——我们的人类——掌握了地球的未来,不仅可能危及其本身,而且可能危及生命的巨大潜力。假设某些外星人一直观察着我们地球的整个历史。随着那段极长的时间过去——四十五亿年——地球外貌必定一直都在逐渐地改变着。但是,在其历史的一小段时间内——即过去的几千年——植物的模样比以前变化得快得多。这标志着农业的出现。随着人类数量的增长,这种变化的速度也越来越快。接着,出现了其它变化,更突然的变化。在过去的五十年里 ——只比百万分之一地球年龄的百分之一多一点——大气中的二氧化碳浓度开始反常地迅速上升。地球成了无线电波(电视、手机以及雷达传输器)的密集发射器。另外一些前所未有的事情也发生了:从地球上发射出去的小型抛射体逃离了我们的生物圈。其中一些被推入环绕地球的轨道,另一些则飞向月球和其它星球。如果外星人懂得天体物理学,他们可能会自信地预测到,当太阳突然燃烧起来然后灭亡的时候,这个生物圈将在几十亿年之内面对厄运。他们会不会已经预测到地球生命过去了一半的信号?——总的来说,这些人类引发的变化占据了不到百万分之一已经过去的生命期,而表面来看却似以失控的速度在发生着变化。如果这些假设的外星人继续监视着我们,他们在今后几十年内会见证到什么?会是在最后的痉挛之后归于静寂吗?或者地球本身将稳定下来?从地球上发射出去的某些东西会不会在其它地方孕育出新的生命绿洲?这个结果取决于政治选择。而二十一世纪将要提供的知识和技术,可能会引导有影响、有理想的科学家、人类生态学专家和人类学者,对这些选择产生影响。

tasty 与tasteful的区别

用tasty 较好,口语多指美味可口。tasteful 一般多指品位高的,高雅的,美味的意思极少用到,是罕用语

get successful 后面的动词用什么形式?


tickle a funny bone

一个贺卡能温暖一颗心,支撑一只手,借一只耳朵,轻拍背面, 点燃一个脸 ,胳肢一个尺骨之端 , 弄干一个眼睛 , 使一个孩子吃惊 , 恳求一个情人, 敬酒一位新娘 ,欢迎一个陌生人, 波动一再见, 呼喊一个喝彩声,吹一个吻,修改吵架,减轻一种痛苦, 士气自豪, 停止烦恼而且开始传统.

tickle your funny bone

there那里 must be一定有 some way to.的方法 tickle使.痒 your你的 funny有趣的 bone 骨头 那里一定有使你的骨头痒的有趣方法. 英文不太好,只能做到这地步了.

subject 和fun “u”读音一样吗?




《you are beautiful》歌词及翻译

我的生活阳光灿烂。 我的爱纯洁无暇。 我看到一个天使。 我确定我看到了。 她在地铁里冲着我笑。 她却和另一个男孩在一起。 我睡意全消。 因为我有一个新计划。 你是美丽的。 你是美丽的。 你是美丽的, 我确信。 在这拥挤的地方我看到了你的容颜, 我不知道何去何从,因为我永远不会和你在一起。 是的,她吸引了我的目光, 当我们擦肩而过时。 她可以从我脸上看到我是多么的兴奋,我想我不会再见到她了。 但是我们相遇的那一刻就是永恒。




这个。。。。就是我也要“做”的意思 ^^

当别人说You are beautiful可以用Youtoo来回答吗?

可以,但是这是中国式英语,当别人夸赞你的时候应该说Thank you!


他早年和soraru、天月、伊东歌词太郎、kony五人有个小团体叫「circle of friends」,简称cof,也有出碟.但个人活动和这个分开进行.现在才和soraru一起组成了「After the Rain」(简称atr).总之mfmf的个人活动和组合/团体活动分开,他不是才开了mfmf的one man live么U0001f602偶尔也会作为XYZ的嘉宾演出.

fust for you什么意思


beautiful mystic defenders怎么玩

Beautiful Mystic Defenders(美丽的神秘防御者)是一个战术塔防,浪漫新视觉游戏,在那里你是神秘王国的绝世美女们们的救世主。


a busy street是说一条忙碌繁华的街,这样的街当然就是吵闹的

求不二周助(甲斐田ゆき)《peaceful time》歌词

【】内为台词Black RainDon"t Stop The Rain黒(くろ)い雨(あめ)の中(なか) 静(しず)かな微笑(ほほえ)みをDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよ【确(たし)かにでたらめなスピード(すぴーど)だねでも、仆(ぼく)に胜(か)つのはまだ早(はや)いよ。】なくすモノ(もの)を恐(おそ)れないで挑(いど)んでくるでもこの一线(いっせん)は超(こ)えさせはしない望(のぞ)むモノはただ仅(わず)かの翳(かげ)りも无(な)く时(とき)に罪深(つみぶか)くも完璧(かんぺき)な强(つよ)さDon"t Stop The Rainこの胸(むね)の中(なか)の野性(やせい)が目(め)を覚(さ)ますDon"t Heal My Pain络(から)み出(だ)す运命(とき)の悪戯(いたずら)が见(み)たいDon"t Stop The Rain渇(かわ)いた心(こころ)が 求(もと)める楽园(オーシス)よDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよ【どんなに突(つ)き放(はな)してもあっという间(ま)に追(お)いついてくる、こんなスリル、灭多(めった)に味(あじ)わえないよ】ただ一途(いっと)にこだわってるその姿(すがた)がぶつかってくる程(ほど) 突(つ)き上(あ)げるスリルざわめき出(だ)す鸟(とり)たちは気付(きづ)いていた新(あたら)しい岚(あらし)が近(ちか)づいた事(こと)をDon"t Stop The Rain黒(くろ)い雨(あめ)の中(なか) 静(しず)かな微笑(ほほえ)みをDon"t Heal My Pain喜(よろこ)びにも似(に)た 感覚(かんかく)が走(はし)るDon"t Stop The Rain走(はし)るイナズマ(いなずま)に 解(と)き放(はな)つ覚醒(かくせい)をDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよDon"t Stop The Rainこの胸(むね)の中(なか)の野性(やせい)が目(め)を覚(さ)ますDon"t Heal My Pain络(から)み出(だ)す运命(とき)の悪戯(あくぎ)が见(み)たいDon"t Stop The Rain走(はし)るイナズマ(いなずま)に 解(と)き放(はな)つ覚醒(かくせい)をDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよThe Ache of My Heart眠(ねむ)れない夜(よる)が続(つづ)き见上(みあ)げた白(しろ)い月(つき)今(いま)も鲜(あざ)やかに浮(う)かぶ褪(あ)せない记忆(きおく)に胸(むね)の痛(いた)み缲(く)り返(かえ)す手(て)を伸(の)ばしても届(とど)かないキミの背中(せなか)それでもボクは梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)追(お)いかけていた何(なに)もなかったかのように振舞(ふるま)ってしまうけど出来(でき)るなら全(すべ)てを忘(わす)れられたら…きっと I"ll be with a smile知(し)らない道(みち)を选(えら)んで歩(ある)いた帰(かえ)り道(みち)远回(とおまわ)りでもいいから仅(わず)かな期待(きたい)をこの胸(むね)から消(け)したくて雑踏(ざっとう)の中(なか)で 空(から)回(まわ)ってる ボク(ぼく)の想(おも)いシグナル(しくなる)が変(か)わってもまだ踏(ふ)み出(だ)せないよ何(なに)もなかったかのように微笑(ほほえ)んでいるけど弱(よわ)い自分(じぶん)なんて断(た)ち切(き)れたなら…もっと I"ll be with a smile何(なに)もなかったんだよと嗫(ささや)いてくれたらどんなに今(いま)ボクは救(すく)われるだろう…だけど still love you何(なに)もなかったかのように振(ふ)る舞(ま)っているけどそれでもまだキミを思(おも)い出(だ)すんだ…今(いま)は少(すこ)し泣(な)かせて

turn down/refuse的区别?尽量扼要。谢谢

turn down 相当于及物动词,refuse 是及物动词兼不及物动词。refuse作为不及物动词的例子:A: did he accept your gift?B: No, he refused.都作为及物动词时,refuse 的意思比较广泛,而 turn down 的意思不那么广泛。turn down 通常指拒绝一个“提案、建议”。也可以有 turn sb down 的说法,但是实质上 还是拒绝了某个人的 提案。例如:He asked Helen to marry him but she turned him down.refuse 的意思中包含了 turn down。同时还有很多其它意思,不仅是拒绝一个 提案,还可以是很多别的事物。例如:refuse a fact(不承认事实), refuse sb(拒绝某人), refuse sb money 拒绝借钱给某人。refuse a gift 拒受礼物。refuse to burn (柴等)烧不着。 refuse to shut (门等)关不上。

Turn down和rufuse有什么样的区别?(详细一些O(∩_∩)O谢谢)

turn down 相当于及物动词,refuse 是及物动词兼不及物动词。 refuse作为不及物动词的例子: A: did he accept your gift? B: No, he refused. 都作为及物动词时,refuse 的意思比较广泛,而 turn down 的意思不那么广泛。

Without You (Desde El Dia Que Te Fuiste) 歌词

歌曲名:Without You (Desde El Dia Que Te Fuiste)歌手:Il Divo专辑:An Evening With Il Divo - Live In BarcelonaIl Divo - Without You (Desde El Dia Que Te Fuiste)Me dijiste que te ibas不,我无法忘记今夜y tus labios sonreian你那离去时的脸庞mas tus ojos eran trozos del dolor但我想那就是结局,关于我们的故事No quise hablar你一直保持着笑容,但在你眼里sólo al final te dije adiós却流露出哀伤sólo adiós是的,那是哀伤Yo no sé si fue el orgullo不,我无法忘记明日o a que cosa lo atribuyo当我想到自己的哀愁te deje partir sintiendo tanto amor我拥有了你,却又让你溜走Tal vez hacia falta sólo un现在我唯一可以做的事"por favor, detente amor"就是让你知道一些你该知道的事No se vivir sino es contigo我活不下去,如果生命中没有了你No se, no tengo valor我活不下去,我再也无法付出No se vivir sino es contigo我活不下去,如果生命中没有了你no se, no se ni quien soy我活不下去,我再也无法付出Desde el dia que te fuiste没错,我无法忘记今夜tengo el alma más que triste你那离去时的脸庞y manana sé muy bien va a ser peor但我想那就是结局,关于我们的故事como olvidar ese mirar desolador你一直保持着笑容,但在你眼里,却流露出哀伤queda amor是的,那是哀伤No se vivir sino es contigo我活不下去,如果生命中没有了你no se, no tengo valor我活不下去,我再也无法付出no se vivir sino es contigo我活不下去,如果生命中没有了你no se, no se ni quien soy我活不下去,我再也无法付出no se, no tengo valor我活不下去,我再也无法付出No se vivir sino es contigo我活不下去,如果生命中没有了你no se, no tengo valor我活不下去,我再也无法付出no se vivir sino es contigo我活不下去,如果生命中没有了你no se, no tengo valor我活不下去,我再也无法付出http://music.baidu.com/song/8734044

You are careful with moneny and work to budget.



fa ni--汉语拼音重音在fa

be careful与notice的区分

be careful 可以跟不定式 和从句 be careful to do sth be careful 加名词性从句其他跟介词 的用法 是介词本身的用法 除了 be careful with 和 be careful for以外还有 be careful in doing ,be careful about sth, be careful of sth notice用法:notice sb .doing sth注意到某人做某事短语:take notice of 注意到come to one"s notice引起某人注意bring sth.to sb."s notice提醒某人注意某事give sb.notice向某人发出解雇、停租通知until further notice直至另行通知派生:noticeable a.显而易见的;显著的notify v.(正式地)通知,告知

Slipknot的《Sulfur 》 歌词

歌曲:Sulfur歌手:Slipknot专辑:antennas to hell发行时间:2012-07-24发行公司:RoadRunnermy guilt and my shame always sell me short - always feel the sameand my face and my soul always wear me thin - always under controlbut the longest hours you"ll have in your lifeare the ones you sit through to know if you"re rightso i"ll wait, but i pray that i"m wrongbecause i think i know what"s going onso let me get this straight… the only will is my owni do whatever i want and stay aloneall my decisions make it untouchable and taintedi"m gonna suffer for the rest of my lifebut i will always find a way to survivei"m not a failure, but i know what it"s likei can take it or leave it… or diestay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…my life is undoneand i"m a sinner to most but a sage to someand my gods are untruei"m probably wrong, but i"m better than youand the longest hours i"ve had in my lifewere the ones i went through to know i was rightso i"m safe, but i"m a little outsidei"m gonna laugh when i"m buried alivestay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…like breathing in sulfurstay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…like breathing in sulfur

英语问题 to make her beautiful 和 to make herself beautiful 哪个对 ?




What a beautiful river and breathtaking mountains! -Yeah. They make me think I___on an a

arrive是瞬间性动词,意思就是说“到达”这个动作是瞬间性的,不是持续性的,因为你总不能说“我一直到达,我持续到达”,这在逻辑上是不通的。再来看你这道题,“就好像我到达了外星球”,“到达”是瞬间性动词,“我到达”这个动作在我说“Yeah. They make me think I___on an alien planet”之前已经发生了,换言之,在我说这句话之前,我已经到达了,所以就要用完成时态,因为我已经完成“到达”这个动作了。





福克斯1.8 仪表显示Engine malfunction 是什么意思?显示了这个应该怎么办?

福克斯1.8 仪表显示Engine malfunction的意思是:发动机故障,显示了这个当然得赶紧去维修了啊,别自己下手去修。福克斯1.8 仪表显示了英文单词Engine malfunction,这个单词的意思就是发动机故障,显示了这个应该赶紧去维修发动机,不要置之不理。发动机是一辆车的心脏,出现问题是很严重的,最好马上维修。福克斯仪表上会显示Engine malfunction即为发动机故障的意思。福克斯,英文名为Focus,它是福特公司旗下,一款A级家用轿车。图为高端大气好看的福克斯。1991年,福特公司展出名为GHIA的概念车,这台车后来就成为了福克斯的原型车。1998年,第一代福克斯正式在欧洲开始量产。高性能福克斯的突然问世让震惊业界,福克斯也自此一鸣惊人,开始不断收获汽车大奖的历程。 @2019

福克斯的引擎故障Engine Malfunction


the sea refuse no river

这就是一种句式,就像I have no idea一样,当然你也可以说成the sea doesn"t refuse any river,一个意思但就不简洁明了,显得罗嗦。 再说一下,原句应该是the sea refuses no river.

stata软件做网状meta时,出现op.sys.refuses to provide memory是什么意思


I can’t stand ____ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ____ talking whileshe works. ..

C 试题分析:考察动词固定搭配。固定搭配:Can"t stand doing sth无法容忍做某事;refuse to do sth拒绝做某事;句意:我无法容忍和Jane在一个办公室。在工作的时候,她说个不停。故C正确。点评:固定搭配是学习语言的重要环节。要掌握好英语,记忆相当数量的词组是必不可少的。英语中的每一个词组,不仅表达一定的概念,具有一定的词汇意义,而且在语音、拼法、语法等方面都有自己的特点。在学生学习英语的过程中,单词、词组记忆是基础。解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项词组的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。

英语谚语:The sea refuses no river 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The sea refuses no river 中文意思: 大海有能容之量。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Write down the advice of him that loves you though you like it not at present 爱你的忠言且记下,即使你目前不爱它。 Write it on your heart every day is the best day of the year 要记住,每天是一年中最好的一天。 Years bring wisdom 年长智也增。 Yesterday is dead forget it; tomorrow does not exist don"t worry; today is here use it 昨天已经消逝,把它忘掉;明天还未来到,不必烦恼;今天就在眼前,把它用好。 Yesterday will not be called again 光阴一去不复返。 You are the greatest enemy if you are a coward but if you are brave you are your greatest friend 如果你是胆小鬼,你就是自己最大的敌人;如果你是勇敢者,你就是自己最好的朋友。 You can do more than strike while the iron is hot; you can make the iron hot by striking 铁热时,你能做的不止是锤打,而锤打可使铁热。 You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time; but you can"t fool all of the people all the time 你可以一直愚弄一些人,甚至可以在某个时期愚弄所有的人;但不能一直愚弄所有的人。 You cannot clap with one hand 孤掌难鸣。 You cannot flay the same ox twice 一头牛不能剥两次皮。 英语谚语: The sea refuses no river 中文意思: 大海有能容之量。


refuse: 语气较重,指态度坚决,肯定无疑的拒绝。reject: 多指由于某物某事某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝。


1. 从语气上看:refuse 属普通用词;而 reject 则属于正式用词,多用于较正式的场合。2. 从意思上看:refuse 表示“拒绝”,强调态度的肯定和坚决;而 reject 则强调摈弃、不采用或不使用。They refused him admittance. 他们不允许他入场。They rejected all the bad apples. 他们扔掉了所有的坏苹果。注:若不严格区分,有时(如表示拒绝接受时)两者也可换用。如:He refused [rejected] her offer of help. 他拒绝了她的援助提议。The editors refused [rejected] this article. 编辑拒不采用这篇文章。3. 从是否及物来看:refuse 可用作及物或不及物动词,而 reject 通常只用作及物动词。比较下面两句动词后宾语的有无:I asked him to lend me his car, but he refused. 我请求他把车借给我,但他拒绝了。I proposed to her but she rejected me. 我向她求婚,但被她拒绝了。4. refuse 后可接不定式表示“拒绝做某事”,而 reject 通常不这样用。如:He refused to come to the meeting. 他拒绝来参加会议。The door refuses to open. 这门打不开。 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油

refues to do sth

refues to do sth拒绝做某事


behaviour 英[bu026au02c8heu026avju0259(r)] 美[bu026au02c8hevju025a] n. 行为;举止;(人、动植物、化学药品等的)表现方式;态度 refuse 英[ru026a"fju:z] 美[u02c8refjus] n. 废物,垃圾 第三人称单数:refuses;过去分词:refused;现在分词:refusing; argue 英["ɑ:ɡju:] 美[u02c8ɑrɡju] vt. 坚决主张;提出理由证明;说服,劝告;表明,证明 vi. 争论,辩论;提出理由 第三人称单数:argues;过去分词:argued;现在分词:arguing;

refuse 和 reject 后面各加什么



1、She hadn"t enough strength of mind to refuse. ——她意志力不够坚强,无法拒绝。 2、He refused treatment. ——他拒绝治疗 3、She dumped all the refuse into the garbage can. ——她将全部垃圾倒入垃圾桶。 您好!很高兴第一时间为您解答,如有问题请及时追问,如果满意,请采纳!

refuse后面是选择so 还是neither

前边是否定句时,后边才用neither,nor 之类的否定词,但这个句子前边是肯定句,所以后边要用so will I.不能因为refuse是拒绝的意思就认为前边是否定句阿




refuse 英 ["refjuu02d0s] 美 ["refjus]谐音:瑞 feel 丝动词. 拒绝,不肯(承认,服从等),拒婚,否认名词. 垃圾,废物



我就想问“fuck the popo”的“popo”到底是什么意思?口语吗?


有首男唱的英文歌开头是清唱后面是RAP 开头是you Beautiful girl 清唱一下后中间是RAP 说唱的 求歌词


have fun的近义词


FusionCharts Amcharts Highcharts jscharts哪一个用起来比较好,推荐一下吧?


Don T Look Any Further 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Look Any Further歌手:Dave Koz&Zelma Davis专辑:Lucky ManWhoa, oh, well well well well wellOhhh,hmmmmSomeone to count onIn a world of changeHere I am, stop where you"re standin"What you need is a loverA man to take overOh girl, don"t look any furtherStrange, when you think of the chancesThat we"d both be in a state of mindToo cool to be carelessLookin" for the right thingOh baby, don"t look any furtherTonightTonight, we"re gonna taste a little, paradiseRock you all night long, babyAll night longDaylightDaylightI"ll still be lookin" in your ebony eyesAnd we"ll go on and on and onday-o day-o, mombajee ai-o, wellDon"t look any furtherday-o day-o, mombajee ai-o, wellDon"t look any furtherSomeone to count onIn a world of changin"Here I am, stop where you"re standin"What you need is a loverYou need a loverTo love you all overLove me all overOh baby, don"t you look any further, furtherTonightTonight, we"re gonna taste a little, paradiseRock you all night longRock you all night longDaylightDaylightI"ll still be lookin" in your ebony eyesAnd we"ll go on and on and onday-o day-o, mombajee ai-o, say itDon"t look any furtherday-o day-o, mombajee ai-o, wellDon"t look any further, don"t you ever lookday-o day-o, mombajee ai-o,Don"t look any further, furtherhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2807996

life is beautiful ——TIM MCMORRIS求这首歌歌词

life is beautiful ——TIM MCMORRISHey nowCome onLet"s goThe music"s playin"I"ve gotTo move onTo go outNo more delayin"Pack myThings upCare freeAdventure"s waitin"I"m headin" outHeadin" out to see the rest of the worldYeah, yeahSo kick it up to stir it upAlive will make you feelPress reset with no regretMake sure to keep it realThe possibilities, right in front of meOh all the things that I can beGot me feelin" freeYeahSo turn it up and shout it outCause you got something to shout aboutAnd let the world just spin aroundAs you go on and make more groundAnd throw your hands up, ya put em up highWalk a new path, and go onAnd let the cares fly byAnd if you take some time to ask me whyYou always see me with a smileI"ll tell you thatLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulYa gotta give it all ya gotEverything you got to giveTime to shine, time to liveLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulNow your living out your dreamWith your hopes up highYour only limit is the skyHey, hey, hey, heyStanding in a brand new placeI feel the sun shine on my faceThe weather"s good, the day is brightI watched it turn from dark to lightAnd keep the music goingKeep the good times rollin"And now I"ll never let it stopYou"ll only find me growin"Come onSing out a songAnd don"t be shyCause you"ll never knowTill you give it a tryColourful like a work of artA brand new day, a brand new startAnd once you go up, you"ll never come downLike your walking right on the air, with your feet far off the groundAnd if I take some time to ask you whyI always see you with a smileYou"ll tell me thatLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulYa gotta give it all ya gotEverything you got to giveTime to shine, time to liveLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulNow your living out your dreamWith your hopes up highYour only limit is the skyHey, hey, hey, hey



healthy 和 healthful 有什么区别

一.两者作为“卫生的”、“有益于健康的”意思是相同的That book is not healthy reading for a child.对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物。healthy country air有益于健康的农村的空气Regular exercises are healthful.经常运动有益于健康。二.但是healthy还可以作为:1.健康的、健壮的The children look very healthy.孩子们看来很健康。2.看起来健康的His cheeks have healthy glow.他的双颊有着健康的红晕。3.健全的The country"s economy is not very healthy.该国的经济不很景气。

healthy and wonderful life怎么读

healthy and wonderful life健康精彩的生活

The foreigners want to know how they can learn Chinese Kongfu well.(改为同义

The foreigners want to know,"How can they learn Chinese Kungfu well

dolefulest pleasures





Colourful读音:英 [u02c8ku028clu0259fl],美 [u02c8ku028clu0259rfl]。adj.富于色彩的;颜色鲜艳的;富有趣味的;生动的;绘声绘色的;丰富多彩的;不光彩的;粗鲁无礼的;放浪形骸的;粗俗的。短语搭配:colourful character,鲜明的性格。colourful language,丰富多彩的语言。近义词:adj.vivid telling live反义词:colorless colourless同根词:coloured,adj.有色的;着色的;n. 混血人;有色人种的人;vt. 给…着色(colour的过去式和过去分词)。colorless,adj.无色的;苍白的;无趣味的。colourless,adj.无色的;不生动的;颜色黯淡的。colour,n. 颜色;风格;气色,面色;外貌;vi. 变色;vt. 把…涂颜色,粉饰;歪曲;使脸红。colorist,n. 善用色彩者;五彩画家。双语例句:He regaled her with a colourful account of that afternoon"s meeting.他把那天下午会面的事绘声绘色地讲给她听。Choose from a colourful array of mango, starfruit, and raspberries, to name but a few.从一堆五颜六色的水果中选择,有芒果、星果和覆盆子,这里仅举几个例子。The financier had had a colourful career in the more maverick corners of the Euromarkets.这个金融家曾在欧洲市场的阴暗角落干过不光彩的行当。A vast backdrop with the colourful logo highlighted with lasers.用激光突现彩色标识的巨幅背景幕布。The monuments act as guidelines through the country"s colourful past.这些纪念碑是这个国家灿烂历史的指南。

有首英文歌求歌名when i was youg ,make love for fun


I Ve Just Begun (Having My Fun) 歌词

歌曲名:I Ve Just Begun (Having My Fun)歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Can You Handle MineHere is a little story that I made upso let"s make believeFour years ago I had a partyThat was too much work for meBoy there"s a sexy guyHe said he"d give me everything I needSometimes I let temptation go too farand get the best of me.All I gotta say isI just wanna have some funand I"ll do it until I"m doneI"m tellin" you....I"m just a crazy kinda girlI"ll tell it to the worldI"ve just begun havin" my fun (yeah!)inside there"s somethin I foundI wanna shop aroundI"ve just begundon"t wanna settle downThe conversation wasn"t goin" no where "til I turned my hairHe started touchin" me and kissin" melike he didn"t careI thought at first I should go homebut then fell asleep in the chairAll I gotta say isI just wanna have some funand I"ll do it until I"m doneI"m tellin" you......I"m just a crazy kinda girlI"ll tell it to the worldI"ve just begun havin" my fun (yeah!)Inside me there"s somethin" I foundI wanna shop aroundI"ve just begundon"t wanna settle downI just wanna have a good timeI just wanna be myselfand don"t let nobody tell you any differentlyI wanna enjoy the sunshineand do the things that I needTo see what feels good to meI"m just so crazy!I"m just a crazy kinda girlI"ll tell it to the worldI"ve just begun havin" my fun (yeah!)Inside me there"s somethin" I foundI wanna shop aroundI"ve just begunDon"t wanna settle downI"ve just begunI"ve just begunhavin" my fun (yeah!)I just begunhavin" my fun (yeah!)http://music.baidu.com/song/1353657

求一首歌名!反复重复i just want to have fun with you.

Cool For The Summer——Demi Lovato

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 歌词

歌曲名:Girls Just Wanna Have Fun歌手:Lolly专辑:SleepoverGirls Just Wanna Have FunAloha from HellCome home in the morning lightMy mother says “when you gonna live your life right?”Oh, mother dear, we"re not the fortunate onesAnd girls, they wanna have funOh girls just wanna have funThe phone rings in the middle of the nightMy father yells “what you gonna do with your life?”Oh, daddy dear, you know you"re still number oneBut girls they want to have funOh girls just want to haveThat"s all they really wantSome funWhen the working day is doneOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to have funSome boys take a beautiful girlAnd hide her away from the rest of the worldI wanna be the one to walk in the sunOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to haveThat"s all they really wantSome funWhen the working day is doneOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to have fun,Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Wanna have.Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Girls just wanna have funCome home in the morning lightMy mother says “when you gonna live your life right?”Oh, mother dear, we"re not the fortunate onesAnd girlsGirls just wanna have funWhen the working day is doneOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to have fun,Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Wanna have.Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Girls just wanna have funGirls, they wanna, (girls, girls, girls)Wanna have funGirls,Wanna have.Girls, they wanna, (girls, girls, girls)Wanna have funGirls,Girls just wanna have funFor people who love Aloha from Hellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8558420

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 歌词

歌曲名:Girls Just Wanna Have Fun歌手:Aloha From Hell专辑:No More Days to WasteGirls Just Wanna Have FunAloha from HellCome home in the morning lightMy mother says “when you gonna live your life right?”Oh, mother dear, we"re not the fortunate onesAnd girls, they wanna have funOh girls just wanna have funThe phone rings in the middle of the nightMy father yells “what you gonna do with your life?”Oh, daddy dear, you know you"re still number oneBut girls they want to have funOh girls just want to haveThat"s all they really wantSome funWhen the working day is doneOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to have funSome boys take a beautiful girlAnd hide her away from the rest of the worldI wanna be the one to walk in the sunOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to haveThat"s all they really wantSome funWhen the working day is doneOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to have fun,Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Wanna have.Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Girls just wanna have funCome home in the morning lightMy mother says “when you gonna live your life right?”Oh, mother dear, we"re not the fortunate onesAnd girlsGirls just wanna have funWhen the working day is doneOh girls, they want to have funOh girls just want to have fun,Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Wanna have.Girls, they wanna,Wanna have funGirls,Girls just wanna have funGirls, they wanna, (girls, girls, girls)Wanna have funGirls,Wanna have.Girls, they wanna, (girls, girls, girls)Wanna have funGirls,Girls just wanna have funFor people who love Aloha from Hellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2144622

We will play just____fun.

forfor fun:为了好玩

Hacked by ring04h, just for fun!这是什么意思??

该论坛被入侵首页被黑客恶意更改Hacked by ring04h, just for fun黑客:ring04h,开玩笑

When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun 翻译


It is great fun doing是什么意思

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