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cee lo green 怎么把Fuck you这首歌 改成了forget you?

  forget you 是另外一个版本 歌上写着 PO clean edit 干净编辑的版本意思  see you driving around town  看见你开着车在城里溜达  With the girl I love and I"m like  还搂着我心爱的女孩  Fuck you! Ooh, ooh, ooh  我就想~fuck 你 哦哦哦  I guess the change in my pocket  Wasn"t enough, I"m like  Fuck you and uh, fuck her too!  我想我口袋里面的钱满足不了你 我就想~ fuck 你 连她也一起  Said, if I was richer, I"d still be with you  Ha, now ain"t that some shit?(Ain"t that some shit?)  我以为当我有了钱以后我们就不会分手 现在看来简直是放屁 [难道不是放屁吗?]  And although there"s pain in my chest  still wish you the best with a...fuck you。。oooooo。。。  虽然我很心痛但是还是祝福你能找到更好的.......  Yeah, I"m sorry I can"t afford a Ferrari  抱歉,我没有法力里~  But that don"t mean I can"t get you there  但不代表我顶不到你的那儿~  I guess he"s an Xbox and I"m more Atari  我猜他是XBOX{就当今比较好的游戏机}我就是Atari{就好比当今早就淘汰的小霸王其乐无穷}  Ooh, but the way you play your game ain"t fair、  你玩的手段不公平啊~  I pity the fool that falls in love with you  我同情爱上你的那个傻X  (Oops, she"s a gold digger)  哦她是一个势利货~  Well, (just thought you should know nigga)  如何,{我认为该上你知道的 黑鬼}  Ooooooh, I"ve got some news for you  oooooooh我必须告诉你个事儿~  Yeah, go on and run, tell your little boyfriend  对,快跑去找你的小男朋友  {重复部分}  Now I know that I had to borrow, ha  Beg and steal and lie and cheat  现在,我知道我要去借用 :坑,蒙,拐,骗,偷~  Trying to keep you, trying to please you  试着挽留你 讨好你  Cause being in love with you ass ain"t cheap  因为爱上你的屁股可不便宜  Now, I pity the fool that falls in love with you  现在,我同情那个爱上你的傻X  (Oops, she"s a gold digger)  哦她是一个势利货~  Well, (just thought you should know nigga)  如何,{我认为该上你知道的 黑鬼}  Ooooh, I"ve got some news for you  我必须告诉你个事  Ooh! I really hate your ass right now  哦! 我现在恨死了你的屁股~  Now baby, baby, baby  哦宝贝宝贝宝贝  Why you want to, want to hurt me so bad?  为什么你要伤我伤的这么深~  So bad, so bad, so bad)  非常深,非常深 非常深~}  I tried to tell my mama  我娘知道后告诉我:  But she told me "this is one for your dad"  这都怪你老子‘  Your dad, your dad, your dad)  你老子,你老子,你老子  Yes she did, and I"m like  哦是的 她是这么说的 我想也是  Uh!) Why? (Uh! ) Why? (Uh!)  哦 为什么 为什么!  Why, lady? (oh!)  女士! 为什么啊~!  I love you (oh!)  我爱你啊~!哦!  I love you, ohhhhh!  我依然爱你啊~哦哦哦啊啊啊啊!  {重复}、

求forget you和fuck you的英文歌词,中英对照也更好。发我邮箱。

I see you driving "round town With the girl i love and i"m like, Fuck you! Oo, oo, ooo I guess the change in my pocket Wasn"t enough i"m like, Fuck you! And fuck her too! I said, if i was richer, i"d still be with ya Ha, now ain"t that some shit? (ain"t that some shit?) And although there"s pain in my chest I still wish you the best with a... Fuck you! Oo, oo, ooo Yeah i"m sorry, i can"t afford a ferrari, But that don"t mean i can"t get you there. I guess he"s an xbox and i"m more atari, But the way you play your game ain"t fair. I pity the fool that falls in love with you (oh shit she"s a gold digger) Well (just thought you should know nigga) Ooooooh I"ve got some news for you Yeah go run and tell your little boyfriend Now i know, that i had to borrow, Beg and steal and lie and cheat. Trying to keep ya, trying to please ya. "Cause being in love with you ass ain"t cheap. I pity the fool that falls in love with you (oh shit she"s a gold digger) Well (just thought you should know nigga) Ooooooh I"ve got some news for you Yeah go run and tell your little boyfriend (chorus) Now baby, baby, baby, why d"you wanna wanna hurt me so bad? (so bad, so bad, so bad) I tried to tell my mamma but she told me "this is one for your dad" (your dad, your dad, your dad) Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy lady? Oh! I love you oh! I still love you. Oooh!

we are什么fun together?

你好,根据你的提问,我认为可以是we are have fun together.


关于Fuck我只能找到 他妈的 这一种意思。。。


Furla的中文名是芙拉。芙拉(Furla)是来自意大利的皮革品牌,于1927年由Furlanetto家族创立。Furla让女性对手题袋态度轻松一点,特别一点。其它精品包括钱包、手表、珠宝手饰等均是女士们每季热切搜罗的目标。芙拉(Furla)国家或地区:意大利创建时间:1926年创建人:Mr.Furlanetto◆芙拉(Furla)品牌简介芙拉(Furla)是来自意大利的品牌,于1927年由Furlanetto家族创立,是意大利少有仍然保持家族经营与现代管理架构结合的公司之一。芙拉(Furla)总部设在充满人文情怀又精致优雅的意大利城市博洛尼亚。严格坚持意大利本质风格及创作成就了品牌的独特标志。意大利皮革品牌芙拉(Furla)以优良品质见称,吸引讲潮流也重品质的都市女性。芙拉(Furla)经营的品牌形像是:成熟、女人味,带点幽默好玩的个性态度。芙拉(Furla)让女性对手题袋态度轻松一点,特别一点。芙拉(Furla)在意大利、日本、美国、法国、西班牙、香港、中国、英国、澳大利亚及德国均设有分支机构。◆芙拉(Furla)产品类别:手提包、钱包、小皮具、腰带、成衣、珠宝、手表、鞋履、钥匙扣◆芙拉(Furla)所属集团:Furla公司◆喜欢芙拉(Furla)的明星:在时尚界,芙拉(Furla)也许倍受许多名媛淑女的推崇,女明星伊莉莎白·赫莉(ElizabethHurley)和RubyWax都很喜欢芙拉(Furla)的皮包。美国现任第一夫人劳拉·布什(LauraBush)在出访时,也手挽着黑色芙拉(Furla)Chelsea绅包。◆芙拉(Furla)官方网站:http://www.furla.com/◆芙拉(Furla)品牌故事芙拉(Furla)的诞生正值第一次世界大战之后,创始人ProtagonistsAldo和MargheritaFurlanetto将主要目标定位于为女性消费者提供各式各样的皮革饰品和配饰,以满足她们在战后对于这类商品日益高涨的需求。从最初的商业化,到其后的工业化历程,芙拉(Furla)产品的多变讲述了不同时代的生活方式和社会节奏的变迁。1955年,Aldo在博洛尼亚核心地段的ViaUgoBassi开设了芙拉(Furla)第一家店铺。上世纪70年代,公司由他的子女GiovannaFurlanetto,CarloFurlanetto和PaoloFurlanetto接管,第一个印着芙拉(Furla)标记的手袋系列诞生。得益于他们前卫的风格定位,选用非常规的制作工艺,采用特殊材料如尼龙、橡胶等,经过一系列创新,芙拉(Furla)很快便受到广泛认可。新社会中被解放的独立女性更加注重新的时尚趋势,这个决定性的公司战略转变正契合了这部分女性的需求。公司发展也随着新产品的推出不断革新。那是80年代的拂晓。Giovanna融合了父亲的传统和自我风格。同时,Carlo和Paolo执掌品牌战略。芙拉(Furla)创立了令每个女人触手可及的奢侈品概念,立即成为在全球被热切追捧的品牌。高品质、经典与功能性是他们手袋产品的鲜明特色。继博洛尼亚之后,芙拉(Furla)在罗马、巴黎和纽约的麦德逊大街开设了专门店。1980年代,芙拉(Furla)开始探索一个长远的分销网络建设计划。2012年,公司实现2.12亿欧元营业额,这个目标的实现得益于在做每一个决定时本着对意大利设计的由衷尊重。2014年5月20日,芙拉(Furla)广州首家概念店于在广州丽柏广场正式开幕。◆芙拉(Furla)购买方式前往Shopbop购买Furla目前品牌分布于全球91个国家,开设了328间精品店,其中有153间为直营店铺,超过1290个百货公司及专门店销售点,以及5家子公司分别位于美国、法国、日本、香港和韩国,并且设有网上购物商店。罗马、伦敦、香港和北京开设的旗舰店也充分体现了芙拉(Furla)的国际扩展计划。(截至2013年)芙拉(Furla)专卖店在中国地区城市分布:北京、重庆、杭州、哈尔滨、合肥、济南、昆明、上海、沈阳、深圳、天津、武汉、郑州、香港、澳门、台湾。北京:北京国贸商城SB122B号店电话:+86 10 65055978北京新光天地三楼精品A区电话:+86 10 65331977北京老佛爷百货1楼1.15号店 电话:+86 10 63624535北京金融街购物中心L231号店 电话:+861066220289上海:上海国金中心商场L3-28号店 电话:+86 21 38681568上海恒隆港汇广场238/239号店 电话:+86 21 54355025上海环贸iapm商场L2-225号店 电话:+86 21 54268095沈阳:沈阳卓越购物中心2楼 电话:+86 24 22761608沈阳尚泰百货1楼沈阳盾安新一城1楼 电话:+86 24 31655960杭州:银泰城1楼1F020号店 电话:+86 57187971882杭州万象城尚泰百货1楼深圳:京基百纳KKMALL123号店电话:+8675522905989天津:乐天百货1-1-02号店 电话:+86 22 58068538重庆:远东百货1楼 电话:+86 23 89180659合肥:万千百货1楼 电话:+86 55162879691济南:恒隆广场162B号店电话:+86 53186011513武汉:武汉广场1楼 电话:+86 15727021106郑州:丹尼斯百货2楼 电话:+86 18039238868西安:世纪金花珠江时代广场L271号店 电话:+86 29 89538051成都:仁恒置地广场2楼L221号店 电话:+86 28 61322387哈尔滨:远大购物中心2楼 电话:+86 45153603610广州:丽柏广场2楼216号店 电话:+86 20 83315971南京:南京金鹰国际购物中心新街口店1楼JW007号店 电话:+86 2588816046


镜头上的full,是指这支镜头的对焦距离范围。这个对焦距离范围,是指从最近对焦距离,直到最远对焦距离之间的范围。每一支镜头的对焦距离范围都是不同的。对于宾得DFA 70-200镜头来说,其对焦距离范围就是1.2米-无穷远。如果将镜头上的对焦距离设置为full,就可以从最近对焦距离(1.2米)到最远对焦距离(无穷远)之间的任意一个距离位置上对焦、拍片。但是,这样的设置有个缺点:对焦行程太长,对焦速度相对较慢。所以,在那个full旁边,还会有另外的档位,1.2米-4米,4米-无穷远。这样可以将镜头的对焦距离范围进行细化。这样可以缩短对焦行程,提高对焦速度。这样一来,用户就可以根据自己拍片的距离进行针对性设置,提高对焦速度,不错过任何一个精彩瞬间。aqui te amo。

抖音上的my fullen 是啥意思

大概是wannabe吧,你去听听看,那个unlike pluto的那个版本。我经常在抖音上听到这首,不知道是不是你要的那个

truffle by fuente 大概多少钱一瓶?


为什么我的小米手机没有wipe data fuctory reset

 对于经常刷机的朋友们来说,wipe data factory reset这个选项大家一定不会陌生。而对于想要学习刷机的朋友们来说,它也是您必须了解的一个操作。今天,巴士MOTO小编就跟大家说说,什么是wipe data factory reset,想要学习刷机的朋友们务必看一看。  和诺新手朋友在刷机的时候都会碰到这么个问题,刷机教程中往往会让用户进行wipe操作,而wipe的操作就是进入您的手机recovery模式,执行wipe data factory reset这个选项的意思了。那么,对于不少英文不好的朋友们来说,这一长串的英文选项到底是什么意思呢?wipe的本质和作用又是什么呢?  首先,在刷机过程中的双wipe,其实指的就是刷机模式中Recovery界面的两个前缀带有wipe的选项,他们的作用分别是清空缓存与还原出厂设置。而有些手机两个选项会合并在一起,就是wipe data factory reset了,点击并且确认之后,清空了手机中的垃圾信息,才能进行之后的刷入系统的操作。  对于刷机来说这个步骤可以说是相当重要的,因为如果不爽wipe的话,就有可能造成手机刷机失败。  那么,现在您是否知道了双wipe的意思了呢?更多刷机小知识,尽在巴士MOTO手机攻略。



life is a wonderful journey make it your journey and not someone else·s是什么意思

你好!life is a wonderful journey make it your journey and not someone else·s生命是一个精彩的旅程让你的旅程而不是别人


美丽人生释义:Life Is Beautiful美丽人生举例:They teach us to take life and its problems with a dash of humor and you will realize thatlife is beautiful. 这些名言教会我们要以幽默达观的态度面对生活及生活上遇到的困难,这样就会发现人生是如此美好。

life is fucking movie的谐音?


life is a fucxking movie是什么意思

life is a fuxking movie的意思是人生如戏。解析:life的意思有:生命、人命、人的存活、生物。movie的意思是:电影。fucking在这句英文中是形容词,可以译为该死的,表示生气、愤怒等情绪。因为在抖音和b站上有各种恶搞视频,然后这个词就火起来了。life is a fuxking movie重点词汇简介life释义:n.寿命,一生;(某事物的)存在期;生命,性命;人命;生物,活物;生活,人生;adj.生命的,与生命有关的;一生的,终身的短语Second Life 第二人生Life expectancy 平均寿命The Tree of Life 生命之树例句The operation saved her life.手术挽救了她的生命。My life seems empty without you.没有你,我的生活似乎就没有了意义。movie释义n.<美>电影;<美>电影院(the movies);<美>电影业(the movies);<美>电影(总称)(the movies)短语Sad Movie 悲伤电影movie star 电影明星Movie theater 电影院例句We missed the beginning of the movie.我们错过了电影的开头部分。Where was the movie shot?那部电影是在哪儿拍的?It"s a really neat movie.这真是一部极好的电影。

life is a fucking movie


respectful respectable respective区别是什么?

一、意思不同“respectable”意思是:adj. 体面的、值得尊敬的,人格高尚的,相当数量的;n. 可敬的人“respective”意思是:adj. 分别的,各自的“respectful”意思是:adj. 恭敬的;有礼貌的二、用法不同1、respectable:通常在句子中用作宾语或定语,用来表示人格高尚、体面。例句:He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.译文:他来自一个非常体面的中产阶级家庭。2、respective:通常在句子中作定语,用来表示分别、各自。例句:Steve and I were at very different stages in our respective careers.译文:史蒂夫和我处在各自事业的迥然不同的阶段。3、respectful:通常在句子中作定语,用来表示恭敬。例句:The children in our family are always respectful to their elders.译文:我们家的孩子们总是很尊敬他们的长辈



求一首英文女声歌,歌词有什么see for you,什么beautiful很高昂,很唯美,很好听.

Sissel 的Should it matterI look at youPlease don"t walk awayI see you"re about toThere is just something I"d really like to saySo please don"t walk awayI know that you"re thereStill you pretend you"re notYes I know it hurtsI have also felt the painSo should it matterWhat I do or what I"ve doneAs long as in my heartYou"re still the only oneI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I canIt"s been a yeara memory from my pastI know what I did wrongI wish to changeJust to make it lastBut I guess it"s been too longEasy to move onTo forget to about it allIs that what you do, hoping I will be goneSo should it matterWhat I do or what I"ve doneAs long as in my heartYou"re still the only oneI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I canIf you got to know me againMaybe then -- maybe thenWe could see what what we should doBut that"s all up to youI"ll be waiting for youSo should it matterWhat I do or what I"ve doneAs long as in my heartYou"re still the only oneI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I canI hear you say itBut I don"t think you understandI can be trusted now, I swear to you I can



Never before in China __________ so carefully concerned about the food safety. A.people have..

B 考查倒装。Never,表否定意义,表否定意义的词放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装,排除A,D;根据时间状语before,可知不能用一般现在时态,排除D。所以选B。


您好。。。Beautiful-Christina Aguilera (CA)Don"t look at me.不要看着我。 Every day is so wonderful.每一天都是如此精彩。 And suddenly,it"s hard 2 breathe.但是突然间,呼吸就变得困难了。 Now & then,I get insecure.我时不时的没有安全感。 From all the fame,I"m so ashamed.对于名望,我感到羞愧。 I am beautiful no matter what they say.无论他们怎么诽谤我依然美丽。 Words can"t bring me down.流言蛮语不会击倒我。 I am beautiful in every single way.无论从哪个方面来说我都无懈可击。 Yes,words can"t bring me down.是的,流言蛮语不会击倒我。 So don"t U bring me down today ? 难道你也想击垮我吗? To all Ur friends,U"re delirious.你所有的朋友都认为你神智力不清。 So consumed in all Ur doom.厄运吞噬着你的生命。 Trying hard 2 fill the emptiness.努力去填补生命的空白。 The piece is gone & the puzzle undone.岁月的碎片飘散,留给你未解的疑惑。 That"s the way it is.这就是你的人生道路。 U are beautiful no matter what they say.无论他们怎么说你仍然如此美丽。 Words can"t bring U down.流言蛮语不能把你击倒。 U are beautiful in every single way.无论从哪个方面来说你都无懈可击。 Yes,words can"t bring U down.是的,流言蛮语不能击倒你。 Don"t U bring me down today ? 难道你想击垮我吗? No matter what we do(no matter what we do).无论我们做什么。 No matter what they say(no matter what they say).也不论他们说什么。 When the sun is shining through.当阳光普照的时候。 Then the clouds won"t stay.乌云将被驱散。 And everywhere we go(everywhere we go).无论我们去哪里。 The sun will always shine(sun won"t always shine).总会阳光普照。 But tomorrow will find a way.但明天将找到一个方式。 All the other times.所有的另一次。 We are beautiful no matter what they say.无论他们怎么说我们依旧美丽。 Yes,words won"t bring us down.是的,流言蛮语不会把我们击倒。 We are beautiful in every single way.无论从哪个方面来说我们都无懈可击。 Yes,words can"t bring us down.是的,流言蛮语不能把我们击倒。 ————————希望我的回答能够帮到您,如有疑问,请继续对我追问、如果满意,请五星采纳我的答案。您的好评是对我们的鼓励,谢谢。


fulfillment名词,解释为履行,词组如fulfillment of promise履行承诺,fulfillment company履约商Fulfillment of promise is the first rule in this company. 履行承诺是这公司的第一原则。

wonderful u 英文谐音的歌词

爱啦问陆 问啦克拉斯达爱啦露可来you 爱啦份萨拉米萨卖来克油 撒嘛来发得安流哦哦 爱啦门you 爱西的fu拉桑菲五的比吹油 baby因老在啦搜油吐you 忙在啦闹爱秀丢 搜外 外 外 外秀为未未的。因来爱爱爱秀比未得 为林佛搜歪流。因否都到里哇色流 baby no大里丝袜的否 因夸的波baby因歪秀no 爱啦否油因否搜撒先no 爱得no份流一问苏比呜呜呜呜呜 baby因菲哦加丝袜的否。因跨的波baby因哇秀no 爱啦分油一否搜谁。姐搜谁 杭走sorry 一份啦爱姐四k啦菲油 you菲哦米 嗯嗯嗯嗯 嗯嗯嗯嗯 搜歪歪歪 歪秀为未得 嗯来来来 爱秀比未ing得 为林佛搜歪流 因否都到里哇色流 baby no大里丝袜得否 因夸得波baby因哇秀no 爱啦芬流因问搜撒先弄 安的啦分牛因未四素无物物物 baby因菲哦加丝袜的否。因跨的波baby因哇秀no 爱啦分油一否搜谁。姐搜谁 杭走sorry 一份啦爱姐四k啦菲油 you发啊咯里否no爱秀you 未佛米 因问啦啊九四k啦滴那啊姐厚那撒特呀醒you问啦拉文k杯 啊 哇能佛 因夸得波baby因哇秀no 爱啦芬流因问搜撒先弄 安得啦分牛一文谁撒线no 安得啦分牛因问素苏万吐you谈米吐。baby因菲哦加丝袜的否。因跨的波baby因哇秀no 爱啦分油一否搜谁。姐搜谁 杭走sorry 一份啦爱姐四k啦菲油 you菲哦米 哈恩恩

youme--beautifulgirl的歌词 金雅中的

You"re beautul girl beautiful girl 그대는 아름다운 나의 beautiful 你是漂亮的我的美丽 나는 너무 이뻐 我非常高兴 난 참 섹시해 我真是性感 미모는 나의 무기 外貌是我的武器 I"m a beautiful girl 다 나를 보면 모두들 쓰러지네. 谁看到我都会摔倒 나는 beautiful girl 我是 美丽的女孩 신사숙녀 여러분 미녀를 소개합니다. 绅士淑女 大家 介绍个美女 얼굴은 말할 것 없고 脸是没的说的 몸매도 정말 환상이지요. 身材真是幻想的 Hello hello~ 나는 너무 이뻐 我非常开心 난 참 섹시해 我真性感 미모는 나의 무기 外貌是我的武器 I"m a beautiful girl 다 나를 보면 모두들 쓰러지네. 谁看到我都会摔倒 나는 beautiful girl 我是 나는 beautiful girl 我是 나는 beautiful girl 我是 나는 beautiful girl 我是 音译把拉掉滴,查拉呼度哭。如K乃拉查哭,拉也把为路。啊度拉给,票滴地路。卡特几屋出乃一部。乃里呀爬几吗,乃哭嘎拉节。他都票出秒查查拉。为都海秋 奶油。靠积木他乃哭 黑妹给我啊怕娃度。内木里呀陪嘎腰娃度。卡几猫他 乃萨拉拉派度。拉路色来优呛西拉度秒态 海哭开刀K腰地绿卡苏卖嘎七卡开喔~~~ 秃屋里苏木哇七抄秒滴 抄漏 呀路

one reason why Hamlet is such a successful play is that

Appeal 是呼吁的意思。所以在这里选C 是对的。你看看所有的翻译,有的根本就不通顺A。它对人们呼吁不同的点B. 不同的人被呼吁了C。它呼吁很多不同的人D。人们觉得它很呼吁他们

Leonard Cohen的《The Future》 歌词

歌曲名:The Future歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Natural Born Killers (A Soundtrack For An Oliver Stone Film)Give me back my broken nightmy mirrored room, my secret lifeit"s lonely here,there"s no one left to tortureGive me absolute controlover every living soulAnd lie beside me, baby,that"s an order!Give me crack and anal sexTake the only tree that"s leftand stuff it up the holein your cultureGive me back the Berlin wallgive me Stalin and St PaulI"ve seen the future, brother:it is murder.Things are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantYou don"t know me from the windyou never will, you never didI"m the little jewwho wrote the BibleI"ve seen the nations rise and fallI"ve heard their stories, heard them allbut love"s the only engine of survivalYour servant here, he has been toldto say it clear, to say it cold:It"s over, it ain"t goingany furtherAnd now the wheels of heaven stopyou feel the devil"s riding cropGet ready for the future:it is murderThings are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantThere"ll be the breaking of the ancientwestern codeYour private life will suddenly explodeThere"ll be phantomsThere"ll be fires on the roadand the white man dancingYou"ll see a womanhanging upside downher features covered by her fallen gownand all the lousy little poetscoming roundtryin" to sound like Charlie Mansonand the white man dancin"Give me back the Berlin wallGive me Stalin and St PaulGive me Christor give me HiroshimaDestroy another fetus nowWe don"t like children anyhowI"ve seen the future, baby:it is murderThings are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENThttp://music.baidu.com/song/60684895

Leonard Cohen的《The Future》 歌词

歌曲名:The Future歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:The Essential Leonard CohenGive me back my broken nightmy mirrored room, my secret lifeit"s lonely here,there"s no one left to tortureGive me absolute controlover every living soulAnd lie beside me, baby,that"s an order!Give me crack and anal sexTake the only tree that"s leftand stuff it up the holein your cultureGive me back the Berlin wallgive me Stalin and St PaulI"ve seen the future, brother:it is murder.Things are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantYou don"t know me from the windyou never will, you never didI"m the little jewwho wrote the BibleI"ve seen the nations rise and fallI"ve heard their stories, heard them allbut love"s the only engine of survivalYour servant here, he has been toldto say it clear, to say it cold:It"s over, it ain"t goingany furtherAnd now the wheels of heaven stopyou feel the devil"s riding cropGet ready for the future:it is murderThings are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantThere"ll be the breaking of the ancientwestern codeYour private life will suddenly explodeThere"ll be phantomsThere"ll be fires on the roadand the white man dancingYou"ll see a womanhanging upside downher features covered by her fallen gownand all the lousy little poetscoming roundtryin" to sound like Charlie Mansonand the white man dancin"Give me back the Berlin wallGive me Stalin and St PaulGive me Christor give me HiroshimaDestroy another fetus nowWe don"t like children anyhowI"ve seen the future, baby:it is murderThings are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENThttp://music.baidu.com/song/31358751

我下了个IFUNBOX,但是我又找不到com.apple.springboard.plist 这个文件啊 怎么去找啊

照文件夹名称顺序打开var/mobile/library/preferences里的com.apple.springboard.plist 找到 </dict> <key>SBParentalControlsPIN</key> <string>0000</string> <key>SBRecentDispalys</key> 这个0000的位置就是你的访问设置密码,记住这个密码登陆后,修改即可。

有一首英文歌的歌词是I wanna fuck you. fuck you you already know 是什么歌

i wanna fuck you

child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling,life-enriching experience 求翻译

养孩子绝不是一件愉悦,让生活充实的事。 less than是绝不的意思。




中文翻译为:insightful[英][u02c8u026ansau026atfu028al][美][u02c8u026anu02ccsau026atfu0259l, u026anu02c8sau026at-]adj.富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的; 例句:She offered some really interesting, insightful observations.她给出了一些非常有趣又富有洞察力的评论。He also wrote an insightful book called how to work for an idiot: survive and thrive without killing your boss.他还写过一本具有深刻见解的书:《如何为白痴工作:不炒老板照样成功》(How to Work for an Idiot:Survive and Thrive Without Killing Your Boss)。


adj. 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的; 全部释义>>[例句]Aren"t you insightful?你不是很有洞察力么?






谁知道有MP4格式的《FULL HOUSE(SJ)》和《泰熙慧乔智贤》的下载地址?




《美女们的唠叨》中竟然有《Full house》的Elva难道sj没发现么


mobb的full house百度云。谢谢,最好是链接

Mobb---FULLHOUSEMP3 百度云下载地址: 满意的话请采纳哦,谢谢~



玩SHOWHAND牌的时候,有一种牌型叫FULL HOUSE什么意思?


急求SJ的full house的超详细介绍!!!


full house歌词

开始我去QQ音乐找full house歌 出来的是伴奏 找了很多都没歌词 看了你的第一句举例:uadf8ub300 uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ub4e4uc5b4uc640 uc0acub791uc744 ub9d0ud558uace0 uc788uc8e0. 我才知道搞错了 这首歌名字叫做《你现在》下面是中文谐音 望采纳库带机 古来各速麦徒路喔 撒拉努马赫木黑周 不米哈密K路 那了黑度海马幼 古码米采枯苦带路擦拉 努机马拉古哈乃由 努喜怒代当有 怕不卡太马类那来哟 补养黑他嘎奥苦带擦拉尼 文机那SOL及啊那兆 怕机马那SO办以酿以K业 撒拉以台者末拉周 古根枯要枯探 古乃亚哈腾代 苦door擦洗尼要周 *那后喽以东古擦泥录擦杂 一赛故拉代不宁代 怕要那给等耐 文马米要普恩招 苦带握那根擦拉呢擦杂 一赛故拉代不宁代 汉目卡苦带路 布苏要普乃亚哈乃代* 乃努代抛目要马哈周 速乔来擦拉里奇马 一速干那能恼目汉保看要 马起不门啊故高草牢 一再亚哈来扫要 扫古套普里 擦拉开速大能考 *那后喽以东古擦泥录擦杂 一赛故拉代不宁代 怕要那给等耐 文马米要普恩招 苦带握那根擦拉呢擦杂 一赛故拉代不宁代 汉目卡苦带路 布苏要普乃亚哈乃代

在Full House中,韩庚基范他们在车上玩石头剪刀布,他们念的那段话是什么意思?


《full house》中希澈生日,东海送的是什么礼物?


full house韩语歌词

《你现在》的歌词: 韩文VS中文版: 初次和你相遇 (LEE BO RAM) . 现在,你进入我的心里,诉说着爱恋。 我祈望这不是梦境。 . 我的心底在说,千万不能错过你。 . 可我也许像个贪得无厌的傻瓜吧。 那么偶然间出现在我身边的你的爱 为何竟然让我感到如此习惯。 然而这一切都不过是一场交易, 谁料到竟然会真的陷入爱恋。 , 再过不久就要把你送走, 可是,我真的没自信能够做到。 我去寻找过去的自己, 现在,就要恢复到过去的自己,这是理所当然的事情, 可为何心却在不停地作痛。 你要寻找你所希望的爱情, 现在,就应该离去, … 我应该微笑着送走即将得到幸福的你, 可你为何却看着我的眼睛,对我诉说着爱恋。 , 虽然是已经逝去的爱, 却在这一瞬间,觉得那么幸福。 仿佛是在做梦一样, 终于明白了, 我们是从一开始就爱上了对方。 我去寻找过去的自己, 现在,就要恢复到过去的自己,这是理所当然的事情, 可为何心却在不停地作痛。 你要寻找你所希望的爱情, 现在,就应该离去, .. 我应该微笑着送走即将得到幸福的你。 真的不可以爱上我么? 你,真的不可以么? .. 就算现在,我是这样地爱你。。。 <你现在>歌词拼音发音: ko ga ji gu la go su mel tou→long a sa la mu ma la pu pei jo gu miha ni pi lu na lu B dou fei hual yo mei ma mi cei ke ku dei lou ca la nu ji ma la mu ha mei yo no xi nu mei la miao ba bu,ka ta ma de ra dei yo bu yo ni ka ga wong,ku dei sa la ni wan ji na so ji a na jo ha ji ma mia su puei hei niang ni ki ye sa la ni tuei jo mu la jo jo go gu mong ku zei gu nei ya ha tui nuei ku nuo ca xi yi yo jo na hu lu yi dong go ca ni lv ca za yi zei tu ra du bup mi tei ha miao nuei ni li nei wer ma mi yo bup jo du bei wo na gu ca la lv ca za yi zei tu ra du bup mi tei hei mu kua ku dei lu mu su miao bu nei ya han den tei nei mu lel pu miao sa la nv bal ba jo si qio gei sa la yi ji ma a yi su gang na lo nuo mu hen guo kei yo ma ji gu mu gong go co lo yi zei yong a la so yo so lo mu to bu li sa la hei su dunl puo na hu lu yi dong go ca ni lv ca za yi zei tu ra du bup mi tei ha miao nuei ni li nei wer ma mi yo bup jo du bei wo na gu ca la lv ca za yi zei tu ra du bup mi tei hei mu kua ku dei lu mu su miao bu nei ya han den tei wer gei sa la mia qo miao han den na yo ku dei cong ma lua dui nua yo ye qie ne pu dei lu yi pu tu sa la ka rn tei



Super Furry Animals的《Mario Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Mario Man歌手:Super Furry Animals专辑:Fuzzy LogicLet me love youMariohum, ha, hum, yeah, umhum, yeah, yeah, yeahhum, ha, hum, yeah, umhum, yeah, yeah, yeahbaby i just don"t get itdo you enjoy being hurti know you smell the perfumethe make-up on his shirtyou don"t believe his storiesyou know that their all liesbad as you are you stick aruond and i just don"t know whyif i was you man (baby you)never worry bout (what i do)i"ll be coming home (back to you)every night doing you rightyour the type of woman (that deserves good thangs)fist full of diamonds (hands full of rings)baby your a stari just wanna show you you areyou should let me love youlet me be the one togive you everything you want and needbaby good love and protectionmake me your selectionshow you the way loves suppose to bebaby you should let me love you,love you,love you, lo-oove you, yea-eahListen, you true beauty"s descriptionlooks so good that it hurtsyour a dime plus ninety-nine and its a shame don"t even kno what your wortheverywhere you go they stop and stare cuz your bad and it showsfrom you head to your toesout of controlbaby you knowif i was yo man (baby you)never worry bout (what i do)i be comin home (back to you)every night doing you rightyour the type of woman (that deserves good thangs)fist full of diamonds (hands full of rings)baby your a stari just wanna show you you areyou should let me love youlet me be the one tobaby good love and protectionmake me your selectionshow you the way loves suppose to bebaby you should let meyou deserve better girl (you know you deserve better)we should be together girl (baby)with me and you it"s whatever girl, heyso can we make this thing oursyou should let me love youlet me be the one togive you everything you want and needbaby good love and protectionmake me your selectionshow you the way loves suppose to belet me love you, that"s all you need babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8446130

reading brings me great fun英语作文九年级


Give me a beautiful place enjoy in的表达对吗?

这个句子的表达是不正确的,正确的表达应该为:Give me a beautiful place to enjoy .而且这个句子中的enjoy,本身就是及物动词,后面不需要加介词

谁有《kung fu beat(bonus track)》的歌词

歌名:kung fu beat song I can do kung fu Do the moves I do I must be sedate(?) So I can do karate Answer to the land of the rising sun Asia is the place where it all begun Look at all the fires and the metals they"ve won Come and make a rising fall everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master? Who will take a lead? everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master in the street? everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master? Who will take a lead? everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master in the street? I can play the master I"m the master blaster Can you do it faster? How long can you last here? Answer to the land of the rising sun Asia is the place where it all begun Look at all the fires and the metals they"ve won Come and make a rising fall everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master? Who will take a lead? everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master in the street? I can take it high and low You can come and watch the show This is what I"ve learnt to do You can also do kung fu If this is what you want to be with me Answer to the land of the rising sun Asia is the place where it all begun Look at all the fires and the metals they"ve won Come and make a rising fall everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master? Who will take a lead? everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master in the street? everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master? Who will take a lead? everybody kick to the kung fu beat Who will be the master? Who will be the master in the street?

Not My Funeral 歌词

歌曲名:Not My Funeral歌手:Children Of Bodom专辑:Relentless, Reckless ForeverChildren of BodomNot My Funeral武汉大学:Lye,耶律蠢材,の,炀帝Let me get this one flat out straightIlluminate please it"s not too lateSince when did you become a god?You might be right, I"ve been tattered"n torn,Self destructing since I was bornSo what"s that got to do with you?Close yet far – I"ve gone nowSafe and sound – I don"t know howKnuckled under – never giving upSo much fun when you can tell me I"m dunSuch a sweet unchaining soundWhisper me softly that I"m gonna die youngBefore you do take a look into the groundIt"s not my funeralGo!If you rip my life apart in no timeI"ll put it back together in 2.5How"s that for punctuality?Since you wanna fuck me overAnd I know you doBetter be aware I"m gonna fuck you tooBut you should by now be schooled in that very piece of my mind"s obscurity珞盟与博子同在!Close yet far – I"ve gone nowSafe and sound – I don"t know howKnuckled under – never giving upSo much fun when you can tell me I"m dunSuch a sweet unchaining soundWhisper me softly that I"m gonna die youngBefore you do take a look into the groundSo much fun when you can tell me I"m dunSuch a sweet unchaining soundWhisper me softly that I"m gonna die youngBefore you do take a look into the groundIt"s not my funeral珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/5555182

You are my Beautiful girl是哪首英文歌的歌词?

如果没错的话应该是《Beautiful Girls》, Sean Kingston唱的 ,17岁,牙买加人,去年在美国电台很红的一首歌 我也很喜欢这首歌!!!! you"re way too beautiful girl 你实在太美了 that"s why it will never work 因此无人可及 you had me suicidal, suicidal 你令我走向毁灭,毁灭 when you say it"s over 当你说我们缘分已尽 damn all these beautiful girl 这些该死的漂亮女孩 they only wanna do you dirt 她们只会伤害你 they"ll have you suicidal suicidal 她们将让你走向毁灭,毁灭 when they say it"s over 当她们说分手的时候 see it started at the park,used to chill after dark 故事从公园开始,黄昏后有些冷 oh,when you took my arm, that"s when we fell apart 哦,当你挽着我的手臂,我们迷失了自己。 cuz we both thought,that love last forever 因为我们都认为,爱会永恒。 they say where too young,to get are self"s sprung 人们都说我们太年轻,太冲动 oh we didn"t care,we made it very clear 哦,我们不曾在乎,我们都明白 and they also said, that we couldn"t last together 人们也说,我们不会长久 see it"s very define,your one of a kind 很明显,你是无与伦比的 but your much on my mind, you often get decline 但我太挂念你,你常常被否定 oh lord my baby your driving me crazy 哦 神啊 宝贝你令我疯狂

fucking hilarious什么意思


求一首英文歌 男声 歌词如下i am look at you,i can not believe my eyes,you are beautiful。。。。。


suck 和 fuck 什麼意思

fuck [f05k] n. 性交, 杂种vt. 欺骗, 利用, 诅咒int. 他妈的 suck英音:[s05k]美音:[s05k] suck的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt. 1. 吸,吮,啜,[O8]The baby is sucking its finger. 婴儿在吮吸手指。 2. 吸收(水分);吸取(知识);获取(利润)[(+in/up)]Plants suck up moisture from the earth. 植物从地里吸收水分。 3. 使卷入,吸引,吞没[O]The boat was sucked down into the whirlpool. 船被漩涡吞没了。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 吸,吸食,吸吮,吸奶[(+away/at)]The old man sucked at his pipe. 老人吸着烟斗。 2. 【俚】烂;令人讨厌This job sucks. I"m quitting. 这工作烂透了。我不想干了。 This movie sucks. Let"s leave right now. 这部电影真烂。我们现在就走,不看了。 名词 n. 1. 吸吮,吸食[C]The baby took one suck at the milk bottle and pushed it away. 婴儿吸了一下奶瓶就将它推开了。 2. 一口[C][(+of/at)]She had a suck of orange juice. 她吸了一口橘子汁。

C语言 编程为什么出现 pointer required on left side of -> in function main

建议这样写 :把“struct fan *p,*pend”改为struct fan *p[30],这样p就是一个指针类型的数组,为题就能解决!

谁有黄丽玲【A - lin】的【beautiful】的歌词中文版啊?好好看题目。。。要中文版~~~

Beautiful 歌词两罐 喝不完的啤酒午后 屋顶上的Girls"s Talk脸颊 染上微热彩虹 心情该不错你却 一直锁着眉头从你的口中实况转播爱惊心动魄一万个笑容换一场失落为什么 遗失了Beautiful我心中 你魔法的源头看你笑 是这样Beautiful迎着风 自由的错过呐喊 在逆风的时候吞下 对王子的诅咒碎花 长裙当作斗蓬 长剑在手中你是 潇洒的女英雄那爱情总是让人聋了瞎了又疯了错过的太多 结局太心痛闭上眼 却看见Beautiful你拥有 最体贴的朋友你知道 什么是Beautiful你嘴角 不自觉的牵动闭上眼 会看见Beautiful你拥有 最体贴的朋友你知道 什么是Beautiful失落时 温暖的双手两罐 喝不完的啤酒 午后 屋顶上的Girls"s Talk 脸颊 染上微热彩虹 心情该不错 你却 一直锁着眉头 从你的口中实况转播 爱惊心动魄 一万个笑容换一场失落 为什么 遗失了Beautiful 我心中 你魔法的源头 看你笑 是这样Beautiful 迎着风 自由的错过 呐喊 在逆风的时候 吞下 对王子的诅咒 碎花 长裙当作斗蓬 长剑在手中 你是 潇洒的女英雄 那爱情总是让人聋了瞎了又疯了 错过的太多 结局太心痛 闭上眼 却看见Beautiful 你拥有 最体贴的朋友 你知道 什么是Beautiful 你嘴角 不自觉的牵动 闭上眼 会看见Beautiful 你拥有 最体贴的朋友 你知道 什么是Beautiful 失落时 温暖的双手

女装有个品牌好象是全英文,很长,只记得最后三个字母是KAFU ,是什么牌子啊

KEKAFU(珂卡芙) 是做鞋子的 不是女装

国外骂人有句什么fuck you 什么pussy的



Firstly I know I myself well.And always try to follow the world, advance with the times.I always believe that self-confidence is the key of success.But what"s even more important?--Goal,yes,that"s it.No matter how hard you work,how capable you are,you need to know what you are eager for.I"m glad that I"ve set up my goals already,and I"m experiencing all of my wildest dreams.I seek there for I am.And I still remember a very sucessful person ever said that "rudeness never enrich any man,so try to be polite,you"ll gain more."

求卫诗『funny jealousy』歌词解析

开始:"You think I envy you?But in the end,I wanna thank youCause you make me that much of a friend."最后:“oh...i think it"s funny i think it"s crazyPromise not to let a little dispute ruin what we haveBecause you are always my friend oh...i think it"s funny i think it"s crazy ”(天啊,她说的英语真是,我听了4,5遍才听出来第一句话在说什么)


funny是有意思的意思jealousy 是嫉妒的意思

卫诗 - Funny Jealousy, Jealousy解什么

Jealousy: 1. 妒忌;猜忌[U][C] He is above jealousy. 他不会妒忌别人。 2. 戒备 警惕[U] Funny Jealousy 作曲:雷颂德 主唱:卫诗 填词:林夕 你这晚来穿得最闪 绝在脸妆这样艳 若这是场淘汰战 真不知我怎出线 自问大家不会变 若妒忌你极肤浅 恨我仍然还好胜 别要真的高过我半边天 若是有人赞扬你 我也应 会替你暗喜 我老实问自己 若我在各样也没法及你 这友情 也会悄悄考起 *如死党有暗涌 也要各扮不懂  若男孩同看中 情谊仍在心中  情感彷似填充 遗留秘密不通  姊妹有情意结 最终 还是知道轻重* oh...i think it"s funny i think it"s crazy 你我有谊比天更高 手拖手走出大路 但你共男孩跳舞 好景比我更加早 羡慕着你跟他好 现在若我未得到 未免自蚕和懊恼 令我小小憎你太 *** 旧日我和你没有 嗌过交 暗里纵赛跑 发过誓别绝交 亦会和你夜半谈笑睡觉 所有人 却永远怕比较 REPEAT** oh...i think it"s funny i think it"s crazy oh...i think it"s funny i think it"s crazy Jealousy: 1. 妒忌;猜忌[U][C] He is above jealousy. 他不会妒忌别人。 2. 戒备 警惕[U] jealousy 标示解释 n. 1. 妒忌;猜忌[U][C] He is above jealousy. 他不会妒忌别人。 2. 戒备 警惕[U] 妒忌;猜忌 n. 1. 妒忌;猜忌[U][C] He is above jealousy. 他不会妒忌别人。 2. 戒备 警惕[U] 参考: yahoo字典 Jealousy n. 1. 妒忌;猜忌[U][C] He is above jealousy. 他不会妒忌别人。 2. 戒备 警惕[U] 2006-12-21 16:37:30 补充: 在卫诗这首歌中,Jealousy解妒忌。 参考: Dr eye 即时辞典

Billy Fury的《Jealousy》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealousy歌手:Billy Fury专辑:Love Songs作词:Linda Hennrick作曲/编曲:入江纯It"s the same old story over againMy baby"s fallen in love with another manI thought we were happy, what a surpriseTo wake and find she was gone now I realizeHe"s the one she"ll kiss goodnightAs he holds her tightI just can"t stand itHow can love be so unfairJealousy, why should it be him instead of meI"m torn apart my jealous heart won"t set me freeJealousy, dreamin" of the love that used to beOh can"t you see this jealousy is killin" meJealousyI keep hearin" rumors all over townThey"re sayin" ain"t it shame how she put me downI tell myself forget her, she"s just no goodDon"t let her get to you, boy, find somebody newBut when I pass them on the street I start to cryI still remember when I was her guyWoh....http://music.baidu.com/song/8579641

-What do you think of the World Cup in South Africa? -Wonderful!All the players have never played__




A successful scientist should

1. Inquisitive [好追根究底]– They possess an inquisitive mind. In their mind they always ask the questions: ~ What? Why? How? 2. Innovative [创新的] - Being observant they are conscious of what is happening around. They adopt a scientific approach in problem solving. They always e up with new ideas so they design innovative experiments to test their hypothesis. They systematically and methodically test a theory against what is known as facts. In certain way they are also critical thinkers and don"t take things at their face value. 3. Perseverance [不屈不挠毅力] – They are hard-working and patient. They are not afraid of failure. They work with single-minded determination to keep on trying to achieve something in spite of great difficulties. 4. Well-educated [良好教育与训练] - They have insatiable desire and great intellectual capacity to learn. Besides having first-class education they are usually trained to do innovative research under supervision of an excellent mentor. [名师出高徒] 5. Truthful [诚实 忠于真理] – Having desire to know the truth about things they develop a lifelong passion for investigating and experimenting. They are honest in recording and reporting experimental data and take a stand on what they believe is true. (~ unlike some lawyers politici and businesspeople nowadays). They are willing to listen to other peers who have different opinion from theirs. Successful scientists study counter argument or experimental evidence carefully before drawing any conclusion. Above all they have the courage to admit a mistake if it is proven scientifically wrong at that time. 总括上述五点 我想一个 successful scientist 应该持有. 以上纯是个人意见 2011-09-25 08:33:38 补充: Hi 敏琳: 其际 你可以参考获得物理 化学 医学诺贝尔奖各得主 看看他们有什么共通处 参考: Longman English Dictionary Inter friends and me 1. able to make observation 2. able to make hypothesis 3. able to do experiments repeatedly until he / she succeeds 4. able to make conclusion from the results of the experiments 5. intelligent and creative 参考: me

是driving carefully还是drive carefully

当然是carefully啦,小心地,而不是小心的. 小心地,是副词,修饰动词和形容词 小心的,是形容词,修饰名词. carefully修饰drive,因为drive是动词,很简单的.祝你学习愉快. 再一个,你的driver写错了,应该是drive.而driver是名词,司机的意思.

形容词+ing 例子 be safe driving ,be careful driving,safe 和careful是什么性质的形容词?


关于 what is your ideal career in the future 的作文,最好是原创,关于旅行家的这种最好,速求,快!

My ideal career in the futureI have been dreamed to be a teacher since I was a kid. Everyday when I arrived at school, my lovely teacher would give me a warm hug with a big shining smile. It made me felt like a flower which had been taken good care by the gardener and I felt comfortable. Not only me, but also the other kids had the same feeling, and this feeling helped us grow happy and healthy. So I thought, teacher was such a job that full of significance. I do should be a teacher.I have studied so hard since then, and I believe the solid basis of the job is build on it. I will stick to my faith and work even harder. I believe my dream will come ture sooner or later.

FUJI XEROX打印机显示面板上出现13〃是什么意思?而且每次打印都要按手动纸盒才能打印


Fuji xerox屏幕显示J1是什么意思


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黑色的硒鼓用完了 要换新的了彩色硒鼓的颜色分别用这四个字母表示C 蓝色K 黑色M 红色Y 黄色

FUJL XEROX这个牌子的打印机要通过什么程序怎样才能打印?

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fuji xerox是什么牌的打印机,这种打印机性能好不好?

是 富士施乐 一般简称为施乐 性能看具体是什么型号
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