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作文!!! My Best Friend

When you are in a bad time and thinking of your good friends you will feel warm and miss them so much. Friends share your happiness and sadness. Everyone should at least have one friend! It is difficult for us to measure friendship beeen you and your friends. I also agree that a long-lasting friendship must sustain many challenges over a long time. Friendship never es by instantly and it is untouchable. Therefore we have to use our true heart to treat our friends and should care about their feelings. Over time we should keep a good relationship beeen our friends. Only by doing that you will then have more close friends. I think it is the most valuable things that we can earn from the world. How do we start a friendship and make it grow? How can we keep a good friendship? There are few points to be advised:- (1) When a friend talks to you about her sadness never be scared of her. You should bee her listener and share her sadness. Besides you should show your empathy to her and let her know that you understand her situation and will always be by her side. Be sincerely! (2) When a friend made a mistake never blame him at the beginning. You should put yourself into his shoes and try to help him. Also you should encourage him and put confidence on him although he still made mistakes. Let him feel that you are his supporter. (3) When you find your friend doing a good job you should told him that you are proud of what he did. He may feel shy in front of people but he will appreciate you from his heart. You may find unconsciously that he also feels that he was so lucky to have a good friend just like you! (4) If you want your friend treat you well you should treat your friends in a similar way first. One you consider your friends sincerely and do not take advantage on them you will soon bee a be-loved person. To build up a long-lasting friendship you should learn to be a considerate person and give help to your friends in their difficult times. The most essential thing is to give your true heart to your friends. Friendship needs a long time to built up but can be destroyed in a second!

my best friend作文

My best friendMy best friend"s name is lily. We have known each other from high school. She wears long hair, and she looks most beautiful when laughing.I still remember the most moving thing that she has done for me. One night in high school, I had a fever and felt uncomfortable, but I did not know what to do. She saw my state not very well, then woke the dorm supervisor up to send me to the hospital and accompany me until my parents came. After that, she also helped me with my courses.A friend in need is a friend indeed. Though we do not study in the same university , we still keep in a good touch with each other. I will always be friends with her.

my best friend 英语作文 250词

Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often plained.Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively. LiNan is very clever.She is good at her school subjects. She has won the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in study. She tells me that we should make good use of time. Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help. But she doesn"t like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is ordinary. I feel proud to have such a friend.

my best friend作文

My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i"m more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don"t want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study. I think our friendship will last forever.

My best friend 翻译


英语作文《my best friend and I》

I have a best friend ,her name is .she is taller than me,but i am more outgoing than she.i thank a good friend is popuiar in schooi and make me laugh. and we think a good friend likes to do the same things as me.简介:英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。写作能力:一 丰富学生词汇量,培养学生遣词造句的能力词汇是组成语言最基本的单位,是写作的必需材料。词汇量不足或掌握得不好,都会给写作带来困难。众所周知,作文是信息的输出,一定要以输入为前提;只有头脑中储备有一定数量的词汇,才有可能写出好作文。因此,加强词汇教学、扩大和丰富学生的词汇量是提高学生写作能力的基础工作。因而,在进行词汇教学时,教师应通过例句讲清楚常用词的意义、使用条件、用法及搭配关系,然后再让学生模仿造句。此外,英语有自己的固定短语、固定搭配、特殊句型等,如果学生能在作文中恰到好处地使用它们,那将会大大地提高作文档次 。因此,平时必须加强这方面的基本训练,还要督促学生课后多多记忆。二 适时传授语法知识,注意由浅入深其实,在教学实践中,学生作文中的语法错误屡见不鲜,诸如名词的形式、动词的时态、代词的格、形容词的形式,乃至于语态、主谓搭配等多方面常会出现错误。如果学生不了解语法,写出的文章就会错误百出,显得档次很低。如果说高级词汇是珍珠,它们在文章中闪耀着夺目的光芒,那语法就一定是丝带,把珍珠有序地串联组合起来,这样才能使之成为精彩的文章。由此可见,语法在英语作文中占有重要的地位。所以,在教学过程中,教师应设法将语法由浅及深、由易到难地渗透到课堂教学中去。其步骤第一,针对高一新生,可先介绍简单句的五个基本句型及存在句句型,即:S+V;S+V+O;S+V+O1+O2;S+V+O+OC;S+link-v+P;There be+S+…几乎所有的英语句型都是这些句型扩大、延伸或变化而来,如果学生能够掌握这些句型,并运用自如,就为后面的复合句和非谓语动词的学习奠定了基础。不过,同时也要注意动词时态的引入。第二,加强时态练习,训练学生正确使用动词形式。三 依托教材多形式地训练新课标教材的内容、题材和体裁丰富多彩,学生课文中有人物传记、剧本、科普文章、英美国家概况等,这些不仅开拓了学生视野,也为学生写作提供了写作素材和模板,在学习完一个单元后教师可根据不同内容对学生进行相应的训练,如复述课文、缩写课文、续写课文、扩写课文或改写课文等,还可模仿课文仿写。我个人体会改写和仿写是写作训练的好形式。基本要求:英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺。如小写字母i ,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的竖笔连在一起,显得十分别扭。字形t应为两笔。不少人却将两笔合成一笔,看上去不像t,倒像l或是e,难以辨认。另外,把r写成v,把q写成把g,把k写成h等等,都是中学生书写中常见的毛病。不少人在四线三格的练习纸上书写尚有规矩,能按字母的占格、高低和大小要求书写,但在白纸或横线纸上书写,却显得十分幼稚拙劣。字母或跳上跳下,或一律写成同一高度,占上中两格的字母与占中下两格的字母完全没有高低之别。这些现象都要防止。

my best friend英语作文


my best friend英语作文

I am [...],My Best Friend is [...] .He/She is a boy/girl...HahA

My Best Friend是什么意思


my best friend是什么意思


《My best friend》 英语作文

Hello! Everyone. I"ll introduce my best friend to you. Her name is Zhou Xun. Her English name is Zoe. I like her English name better. Zoe likes it, too.  Zoe is a lovely girl. She is not tall. She is very thin. She has a round face and two small eyes. Her hair is short. She often wears a pink dress, because pink is her favorite color. She always has a smiling face, so everyone likes her very much.  Zoe is a clever girl. She"s our monitor. She works hard at school everyday. She likes to ask and answer the questions. Her copybooks are clean and tidy. Her handwriting is very beautiful. She is good at English and math. She is a top student in our class.  Zoe is a versatile girl. She can play the piano. She can draw pictures. She can tango. She can swim. She can do everything very well.  Zoe has a big dog. Its name is Xiao Xiong. They are good friends. I like it, too.  Do you like my best friend, Zoe?来源查字典作文网

my best friend英语作文初二

  一路走来我们会结交很多的朋友,你的朋友是什么性格的呢?你知道怎么写一篇我最好的朋友的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家整理的my best friend英语作文初二,供你参考!   my best friend英语作文初二篇1   A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed.I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if i got in trouble.I will help he as much as I can.I hope our friendship will forever and ever.This is my best friend.A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed.I have many friends.However I only have one best friend and it"s XXX.He is the same age as me.He is taller than me.Basketball is his favourite sport.We are in the same class.He likes studying and is good at it,so he gets high marks.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if I ever get into troubles.So will I.I hope our friendship will last forever and ever.This is my best friend.   my best friend英语作文初二篇2   A good friend can teach you a lot and he is a such a friend who has a great influence on me.   He is not only short,but also very fat.The round face wears smile all the time.A sweet mouth always makes people laugh.He is a blazing sun,driving sadness away,bringing warm to me.He is my deskmate who often makes me happy and gradually he turns to be my best friend.He gets through a lot of hardship on the way of growing up,but he is not the kind of person who gets upset easily.The bright smile on his face proves this.I think what I learn most from him is to maintain a positive attitude towards life.What"s more,he encourages me to be brave enough to conquer difficulties.Supported by him,I"m always full of confidence to do anything.   He is a sincere friend to me and I am very lucky to have such an optimistic and energetic friend.   my best friend英语作文初二篇3   I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like her,but I am her only best friend.We share everything we have and we nearly talk everything with each other.We both learn well,and we always learn together and help each other.She was very out-going and cute.She likes tell jokes and funny things.She likes smiling,you could always find simil blooming in her face.I like her not only because she is cute but also she is very kind inside.Well that is my best friend

my best friend英语作文

My best friend My best friend is lily, she is my deskmate. Lily is very friendly to people, in class, she often help classmates, is a helpful "red scarf", lily is very serious about anything, also very hard on learning. Because lily ratio I big, so often take care of me. The two of us, like good sisters, than blood sisters. When I was bullied, she would be the first block in front of me; When I was sad, she always in the side silently to comfort me. She is like a big sister, kind to me. I am very happy, I and lily can become the friend, the best the best of friends. Lily is my best friend in my life. 我最好的朋友 我最好的朋友是lily,她是我的同桌。 lily对人都很友善,在班级里面,她经常帮助班上同学,是个乐于助人的“红领巾”,lily对任何事都很认真,在学习上也很努力。因为lily比我大,所以经常照顾我。我们两个就像好姐妹一样,比亲姐妹还要亲。 在我受欺负的时候,她会第一个挡在我前面;在我伤心难过的时候,她总会在身边默默地安慰我。她就像个大姐姐,对我无微不至。 我很高兴,我和lily能成为朋友,最好最好的朋友。 lily,是我这辈子最好的朋友。 因为还是个菜鸟,所以可能写得不怎么好,望见谅。

以my best friend为题的英语作文

  在生活中,朋友是很重要的,它能给你带来温暖,你最好的朋友是谁呢?现在我为大家搜集整理有关my best friend的优秀英语作文,希望可以帮助到大家!  关于my best friend英语作文   I have a very good friend. His name is Philip. As far as I"m concerned, he"s very kind-hearted and generous. Once I was in high school, he treated me friendly and sincerely. When I was happy, he was also happy with me. When I was sad, he always comforted me. When I was defeated, he always encouraged me. When I stumbled, he always pulled me up. Although we quarreled at times, we were still in good relationships. We could know each other better after the argument. When my birthday came, he always sent me a special present.   He"s very hard-working and intelligent. He always studied hard at school. Because of his hard work, he always did very well in exams. His oral English was better than mine. Most of the time, he was willing to chat with me in English. Owing to his help, I made a lot of progress in oral English.   我有一个很好的朋友。他的名字叫菲利普。我觉得他是非常善良和慷慨的。当我在高中的时候,他对我很友好、很真诚。我高兴的时候,他也和我一起开心。当我难过时,他总是安慰我。当我失败时,他总是鼓励我。当我迷茫时,他总是拉我一把。尽管有时候我们会吵架,我们关系仍然很好。争吵之后我们可以更好的了解对方。我生日的时候,他总是送我一份特别的礼物。   他非常勤劳也很聪明。在学校他总是很努力学习。由于他的努力,他总是能在考试中取得好成绩。他的英语口语比我好。大多数时候他都愿意用英语和我聊天。由于他的帮助,我在英语口语方面取得了很大的进步。   优秀作文my best friend   My best friend is Mary. And yesterday was Maryu2019s birthday. After class, we walked home together. We talked for a long time and had an appointment. We would be friends forever. We all said that no matter what happens in the future, we will be friends forever. We were neighbors and we played together when we started to remember things. We often heard the adults say that many things will change as we grow up. But we believe our friendship will not change forever, so we have our deal.   我最好的朋友叫玛丽。而且昨天是玛丽的生日。下课后,我们一起走回家。我们聊了很久,并且有了一个约定。我们永远都是朋友。我们都说,无论将来发生什么事,我们永远都会是朋友。我们是邻居,在我们开始记事时就一起玩了。大人们常说,等我们长大了很多东西都会变的。但我们相信,我们的友谊永远都不会改变,所以我们有了这个约定。   描写my best friend英语作文   I have a lot of friends in Simon English School. One of them is my best friend. His name is boyd.   He and I are both thirteen years old. but I am older than he, and I am fatter than he too. He is shorter than I, and he is thinner than I. He wears a pair of glasses but I donu2018t.   He likes to eat pocket-food, and he is a gentleman in a sense that when he has pock-food he will share them with us.   He and I are in the same school and in the same class. So, we can help each other. We always play in the school together. he likes to do things that I like. He lives in the Ningbo Jiangdong, so he hardly came to my home in Zhenhai but I alway go to his home on weekends and he sometimes will come to my home on weekends. Sometimes we will fight but we always get along well.   His mother is a doctor in the Li-Hui-Li hospital and I know where her office is. His father is a worker in the Bei-Lun power plant. He is a head of a group. So, his father has a lot of work to do.   He and I are in the same school. We usually have a good time so he is my best friend.   在西蒙英语学校我有很多朋友。其中一个是我最好的朋友。他的名字是博伊德。   他和我都是十三岁。但我比他年长一点,我也比他胖一点。他比我矮,也比我瘦。他戴着一副眼镜,但我不戴眼镜。   他喜欢吃零食,当他把他的零食和我们分享的时候,在某种意义上他是一个绅士。   他和我在同一所学校同一个班。所以,我们可以互相帮助。在学校我们总是玩在一起。他喜欢做的事情我也喜欢。他住在宁波江东,所以他很少到我在镇海的家,但我总是在周末去他家,他有时会在周末来我家。有时我们会争吵,但我们总是会和好如初。   他的母亲是一名医生在李慧丽医院,我知道她的办公室在哪里。他的父亲是一个工人在贝伦发电厂。他的父亲是一个研究小组的负责人。因此他的父亲有很多工作要做。   他和我在同一所学校。我们通常玩得很开心,所以他是我最好的朋友。  猜你喜欢: 1. 高中英语作文友谊my friend啦 2. my friend初二英语作文80词 3. best friend英语作文范文 4. my pet为题的英语作文100字 5. my good friend初三英语作文100词 6. my good friend初二英语作文

My Best Friend_300字

Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in schooland we"re in the same grade. My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides thathe"s honest and reliable.I trust him pletely and we share secrets all the time. My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased mehe came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with.He tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finallyhe is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when I"m down. My best friend is really one of a kind.I hope we"ll stay friends forever.

my best friend 英语作文


小学英语作文范文:My best friend

  My best friend_我的好朋友   My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.   My best friend_我的好朋 友   I have many friends, but my best friend is Li Hua, she is a girl, we get to know each other when I am four. Now I am ten years old, Li Hua is also the same age with me, we have been together for seven years. We share happiness and sorrow, I will tell her my secret and she will also tell me her secret. We will be best friends forever.   我有很多朋友,但是我最好的朋友是李华,她是一个女孩,我们认识的时候我只有四岁。现在我已经十岁了,李华也和我一样大,我们在一起已经有7年了。我们分享喜怒和哀乐,我会告诉她我的秘密,她也会告诉我她的秘密。我们永远都是最好的朋友。   My best friend_我的好朋友   Linda is my best friend. She is 15 years old. She is a pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes. She always has a smile on her face. She is taller than I.   Every morning, we go to school together. She studies quite well and she""s a top student in our   class. She is modest in her behaviour. When I have difficulty in English, I always ask her for help. We are both interested in music. At weekends, we join the same hobby group and play the violin together.   We like each other. 小学英语作文范文:My best friend

My Best Friend 英语作文


my best friend作文带翻译【三篇】

范文一 MybestfriendiscalledTom.Heis14yearsold.Heisahandsomeboy.Heistallandhasamediumbuild.Hishairisshortblackandstraight.Wealwaysplaytogether.Heisfriendlyandfunnyboy.Healwayshelpsothers.WhenIgetintoatroublehealwayshelpsme.ThatismybestfriendTom.我的朋友叫汤姆。他是14岁。他是一个英俊的男孩。他个子高,中等身材。他的头发是短的黑色和直。我们总是一起玩。他是友好和有趣的男孩。他总是帮助别人。当我陷入麻烦时他总是帮助我。那是我的朋友汤姆。 范文二 LiMingismybestfriend,whogrowsupwithme.Wehavebeenfriendsforsixyearssincewewereinprimaryschool.Wehavemanyincommons.Forexample,webothlikeplayingfootballandwatchingsportgames.Besides,welikecartoonsandwealwayswatchcartoonprogramstogether.Weplayfootballveryoften.Afterclass,wedonotgohomebutplayfootballwithclassmates.Weusuallyhavegreattime.However,westillpaymuchattentiononstudy,becauseit"sourpriority.Wehelpeachotherinstudyandmakeprogresstogether.Tosomeextend,wearefamilies.李明是我的朋友,他和我长大。我们做了六年的朋友是在小学。我们有许多在下议院。例如,我们都喜欢踢足球和看体育比赛。此外,我们喜欢漫画,我们总是一起看卡通节目。我们经常踢足球。下课后,我们不回家,但和同学们一起踢足球。我们通常有很大的时间。然而,我们仍然关注研究,因为它是我们的首要任务。我们在学习中互相帮助,共同进步。一些扩展,我们的家庭。 范文三 Ihavemanyfriends,butJimisoneofmybestfriends.Heisnothandsome,butkind-hearted.Weknoweachotheratprimaryschool.Hewasthetallestinourclassatthattime.Heisgoodatstudyandplayingbasketball,whilebadatplayingtabletennis.Everytimehehasdeliciousfood,hewillgiveittome.Moreover,wheneverIfeelsad,hewillplaywithmeandcomfortme.However,heisnotspoiltme.Forexample,everytimeImeetdifficultiesinstudy,Iwouldliketocopyhis,butnomatterwhatIsay,henevergivehishomeworktometocopy.Insteadheteacheshowtodoit.Allinall,nomatterwhatdifficultiesImeet,hewillhelpme.Itishimmakemerealizethatafriendinneedisafriendindeed.我有很多朋友,不过吉姆是我的朋友之一。他长得不帅,但是很善良。我们在小学的时候就互相认识了。那时,他是我们班里的。他的学习成绩很好。他很擅长打篮球但是乒乓球却打得很烂。每次有好吃的他都让给我吃。而且每次我不开心的时候他都会陪我玩,安慰我。但是他并不宠溺我,比如说,在做作业的时候我遇到不懂的就总想抄他的,那个时候不管我怎么求他,他从来都没给我抄过作业,而是教我如何去写。总之不管我遇到什么困难,他都会帮助我。他让我明白了患难见真情。

my best friend英语作文

  导语:茫茫人海中,会让你得到一份珍贵的友谊,就看你愿不愿意珍惜,也许友谊就是这样,来的意想不到。下面是我为您收集整理的my best friend英语作文,欢迎阅读!   My Best Friend 1   I have a good friend. His name is Chin Daibe. He is 15 years old. We both want to be detectives. He is very clever. He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student. I think he is as clever as a university school student. His favorite detective is Kindalchi Hajime. He wants to be just as famous when he grows up. He is as helpful and brave as Sherlock Holmes. He is generous to his friends, too. When he has some new detective books, he always shares with me. So I am willing to lend him books, too. His favorite writers are Jinguchi Lanbu and A.E.W. Mason. His favorite book is "At the Villa Rose". I think it is a good detective book, too. I really think he will be a very good detective. He is my best friend.   有一个好朋友。他的名字是Chin Daibe。他已经15岁了。我们都想当侦探。他是非常聪明的。他只是一个中学生,但他比任何其他学生都聪明。我认为他和一所大学的学生一样聪明。他最喜欢的侦探是Kindalchi Hajime。他长大后想要出名。他和夏洛克福尔摩斯一样有帮助和勇敢。他对他的朋友也很慷慨。当他有一些新的.侦探小说时,他总是和我分享。所以我也愿意把书借给他。他最喜欢的作家是Jinguchi Lanbu和a.e.w梅森。他最喜欢的书是“玫瑰庄园”。我认为这也是一本很好的侦探书。我真的认为他会是个很好的侦探。他是我最好的朋友。   My Best Friend 2   My best friend and I Every one needs friends, so do I. I have many friends, but ling ling is my best friend. Let me tell you something about her. Ling ling is very funny,she likes telling jokes, and she often makes me laugh . We are both outgoing in our class. And I am a little more outgoing than she is. We both like sports, though she is stronger than me. I"m thinner than her. We both like math. She is smart. And I am smarter than her. She is good at playing tennis, so she always beats me in tennis. However we both enjoy playing computer games. I think friends are like books, you don"t need a lot of them as long as they are good. So I hope we can be friends forever.   我和我最好的朋友每个人都需要朋友,我有很多朋友,但是玲玲是我最好的朋友。让我告诉你一些关于她。玲玲是很有趣的,她喜欢讲笑话,她经常让我笑。我们在教室传出。我比她更外向一点。我们都喜欢运动,虽然她比我坚强。我比她瘦。我们都喜欢数学。她是聪明的。我比她聪明。她擅长打网球,所以她总是在网球上击败我。但是我们都喜欢玩电脑游戏。我认为朋友就像书,你不需要很多他们只要是好的。所以我希望我们能成为永远的朋友。



火影忍者疾风传主题曲第一句“you are my friend"叫什么?

是you are my friend吧。You are my friend 呜呼、あの日の梦、今でもまだ忘れないんでしょう? You are my dream 呜呼、初めてばっか、君がmy long lost friend わおっ、今旅立つよ! Every day, この先のshineで I wanna see you, 光るmy soul on fire これで见纳めのfun days To be the future, 目指しtake over, だから I"ll dream on! I"ll go the distance! 见张ってる空 so full 乗り込んだ starting オレが最高の power, full tilt! You are my friend 呜呼、あの日の梦、今でもまだ忘れないんでしょう? You are my dream 呜呼、初めてばっか、君がmy long lost friend わおっ、今旅立つよ! Thank you my friend 呜呼、あの日の事、今でもまだ覚えてるから You are my friend 呜呼、もう今度こそ守る my way わおっ、the distance! You"re my friend aa ano hi no yume ima demo mada wasuretenain desho You"re my dream aa hajimette bakka kimi my long lost friend Oh ima tabidatsu yo Everyday kono saki no shining day I wanna see you hikaru my soul on fire Kore de miosame no fun days To be the future mezashi take over dakara i"ll dream on I"ll go the distance mihateru sora so full Norikonda starting ore ga saigo no power full tilt You"re my friend aa ano hi no yume ima demo mada wasuretenain desho You"re my dream aa hajimette bakka kimi wa my long lost friend Oh ima tabidatsu yo Thank you my friend aa ano hi no koto ima de mo mada oboeteru kara You"re my dream aa mou kondo koso mamoru my way Oh the distance Kakushikirenai kurai no ooki na uso wo tsuite Nomikomareru honne kore wa saigo no trip Maketsuzuke no geemu kore kara hajimatteku one dream You"re my friend aa ano hi no yume ima demo mada wasuretenain desho You"re my dream aa hajimette bakka kimi my long lost friend Oh ima tabidatsu yo Thank you my friend aa ano hi no koto ima de mo mada oboeteru kara You"re my dream aa mou kondo koso mamoru my way 翻译: 你是我的朋友你还是记得我们昔日的梦想,对吗? 你是我最向往的人我们只是刚刚开始. 你是我永远的朋友现在是时候前进了谢谢你. 我的朋友我永不会忘见那天发生的事 你是我最向往的人下一次就由我来保护你. 这距离 你是我的朋友你还是记得我们昔日的梦想,对吗? 你是我最向往的人我们只是刚刚开始. 你是我永远的朋友! 现在是时候前进了每一天也被阳光照亮我想见你. 这事点亮了我的灵魂但现在. 我们要和这些快乐的日子说再见. 在未来. 我会尝试取会昔日的时光. 所以我现在继续向往我会去克服那疏远的关系 直接的注视着那天空. 我现在才刚开始我会用我最大的力量,全力攻击 Oh the distance

I like pop music,so do my friends

前半句不用说了,最简单的主谓宾,和i like dog,i like u没什么区别。下半句是:So+do+主语 形式 这种句型为倒装结构,联系你的问题,可以发现其主语(my friends)与上文句子中的主语(I)是不同的,这也是此类句型要注意的地方。so代表上句中陈述的肯定内容。do可以是连系动词、情态动词或助动词,且必须与上句中的谓语动词保持时态的一致,意思为“…也是如此”---我喜欢流行音乐,我朋友也是。至于用法,一般都是来表达相同的观点,一般对话里用的最多:比如一个人告诉你:I love Michael Jordan同时你也非常喜欢,你就可以回答他So do i(我也是)。这里的so=love Michael Jordan,总之用法很灵活,是英文口语中常用到的一种句型

阅读回答问题: John Smith,an English young man,is my good friend.He is a waiter in a

1 he works in a restaurant.2. It is far from john"s home3. John goes to an art school in his free time.4 John wants to be a singer.


《Free!》是由京都动画制作的一部运动与青春的日本动画作品。由于你没有指明是哪一季的Free!,我认为你可能是在问第2季的其中五集的顺序。以下是第2季Free!的五集顺序:1. 第1集 - Stormy Dash2. 第2集 - Stroke of Chance!3. 第3集 - The Distance Between Victory and Defeat4. 第4集 - A Graceful Party!5. 第5集 - Prelude of Friendship以上便是第二季Free!其中五集的顺序,希望能够帮到你。

I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to……

I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, ‘You mean fortunately." He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to grumble as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally as I wend my way up the incline I console myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationary exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free. I have a smug smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill.One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents, afflictions and difficulties. Some are of our making but many confront us through no fault of our own. Whilst we cannot choose the adversity we can choose our attitude towards it.Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated following a flying accident. He was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces in the Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over the Germans. He was an inspiration to others during the war. He said, “Don"t listen to anyone who tells you that you can"t do this or that. That"s nonsense. Make up your mind, you"ll never use crutches or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible.”The biographies of great people are filled with examples of howthey took kinds of steps to overcome the difficulties they faced.The common thread is that they did not become defeatist ordepressed. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive.They took on the challenge. They won.如果满意,请采纳,有任何疑问也欢迎提问,谢谢。

Best Friend歌词 中文 (BoA)

BoABest Friend - 『THE FACE』作词:HIRO 作曲:HIROwould you be my friend? (listen...)先が见えなくて挫けそうなときいつでも君はその笑颜で勇気をくれたよね辛く寂しいとき笑わせてくれる君なしじゃきっと今の私いなかったかないいときも悪いときもいつだって一绪だったね离れていても(ふたりは)助け合えるひとりじゃないよYou are always my best friend変わらずこのまま 支えたいよずっとI wanna be there for you泣きたい时いつだって 侧に居てくれる大切なyou"re my best friend君だけがmy only best friend二人で过ごした思い出の日々はなによりもずっと心深く刻まれている疑うことすらひとつもなくて何より固い二人の绊で壁越えて行けたいいときも悪いときもいつだって一绪だったね长い夜も(ふたりなら)大丈夫きっとset us freeYou are always my best friend辛い时目を闭じて 思い出して欲しいI wanna be there for youひとりよりもきっと ふたりが强い永远にyou"re my best friend君だけがmy only best friend突然予定を変えてしまった日も真夜中の3时に电话したときも怒らなかったよね きみがいて良かったきみの优しさ忘れないずっとYou are always my best friend変わらずこのまま 支えたいよずっとI wanna be there for you泣きたい时いつだって 励ましてくれる大切なyou"re my best friend(※くり返し)终わり

friends for always 歌词

歌曲名:friends for always 歌手:def tech专辑:UPfriends for alwaysDef Tech作词:Def Tech作曲:Def Tech, Ryohei ShimoyamaAnytime you"re in need of a friendAnywhere I"ll be right by your sideNo matter the need, you"re important to meI"ll be with you wherever you go今は别々の道をゆく (仲间たち)相も変わって どうしてる今顷?きみのことだから心配なんかしてないよ だけどAs the waves crash "round, the wind will protect youAs the rain pours down, let it inJust feel it now, the sun will light the wayLike so many times before you can always count on meAnytime you"re in need of a friendAnywhere I"ll be right by your sideNo matter the need, you"re important to meI"ll be with you wherever you goBetween you and I we can say we"ve done it allTaking our time to ensure adventure"s always on our mindAnd as we find ourselves in such different placeson this journey of life I"m always here for you, yoたとえ 何があってもなくても远虑はいらない心にいつも君が见てくれているそう思えるだけで 乗り越えていけるAnytime you"re in need of a friendAnywhere I"ll be right by your sideNo matter the need, you"re important to meI"ll be with you wherever you goIf we can"t be together, float in the wind like a featherOur paths will cross again someday and so it will beFree as a bird in 风 I can feel your 呼ぶ声Oceans apart will never drown this bond we share in our heartIf we can"t be together floating in the wind like a featherOur paths will cross again someday and so it will beFree as a bird in 风 仲间の呼ぶ声Oceans apart will never drown this bond we share in our heartIf we can"t be together floating in the wind like a featherOur paths will cross again someday and so it will beFree as a bird in 风 I can feel your 呼ぶ声Oceans apart will never drown this bond we share in our heart

Do you think fireis our friend or enemy? 作文 Free talk 100个单词以上,110个单词以下

in the sense,one thing always have two sides,but fire that play vital role in origin of human being was more in advantage than in disadvantage,particularly it was used to heat the food by our ancestor,make them really realize the importance of fire,until now,people"s life still can"t be without fire. of course,the fire is also too dangerous,if you are not careful,you will be wounded by fire,even die.every year,the fire will cause heavy casualties and losses,the fact warn us that we not only should be careful to use them,bus also should treat them well共计105个字.

Be My Friend 歌词

歌曲名:Be My Friend歌手:Free专辑:All Right Now - The Best Of FreeBemyfriend这首歌我想送给我最最最最要好的朋友OH FRIEND OH FRIEND 天气晴朗心朝一个方向OH FRIEND OH FRIEND 用心的鼓励停止了哭泣OH FRIEND OH FRIEND 坚持我们信仰梦想在前方OH FRIEND OH FRIEND 我们的明天一定充满阳光(PaL)天气多么晴朗心朝一个方向手牵手我们不怕世界再大的风浪(Lil"5)你在用心的鼓励我也停止了哭泣心靠心我们的未来紧紧连在一起(PaL)HEY,在我心里一直住着一个朋友每当我坏了心情每当出了问题她会第一时间给我全都摆平她说你喜欢音乐就要继续做下去再大的风雨也要挺过去她还说有一天我站在台上她会给我打气送鲜花给我鼓励她只希望我能把短暂压力变成勇气(合)OH FRIEND你就是好天气有你就不下雨在每个潜水的日期都有你给的氧气FRIEND青春写进日记再远再累也有你永远守在一起音乐铺满了回忆(Lil"5)坚持我们信仰梦想就在前方路再远我们手牵着手勇敢的闯荡(PaL)不怕未来会受伤心里要有座天堂心贴心我们的明天一定充满阳光(Lil"5)HEY,在我心里一直住着一个朋友当我遇到自己解决不掉的压力当我需要人帮忙把阴霾打理她的出现让我感动给我增添臂力再大的风雨也要走过去不会因为小问题就放弃友情是我的原动力她总是给我暗暗鼓励好朋友音乐知己一起为了我们的梦想就要终生努力(合)OH FRIEND你就是好天气有你就不下雨在每个潜水的日期都有你给的氧气FRIEND青春写进日记再远再累也有你永远守在一起音乐铺满了回忆用心鼓励停止哭泣在潜水的日期 有你给的氧气青春日记再远再累也有 你守在一起音乐铺满了回忆(合)我说我笑我的生命真的真的是那么那么的晴朗也许有一天有那么的一天我们会暂时离开SAY GOODBYE MY FRIEND可是你必须知道无论再多的问号在你心中我永远永远对你笑就算人世间在累 也不让自己苦恼看着你一天天~~WE SAY AWAYLS BE MY FRIENDOH FRIEND你就是好天气有你就不下雨在每个潜水的日期都有你给的氧气FRIEND青春写进日记再远再累也有你永远守在一起音乐铺满了回忆


Ted holds a party for his friends . 特德为他的朋友们举行了一次聚会。 I want to search out an old school friend . 我想寻找我的一个老同学。 I hope your friend es here all right . 我希望你朋友顺利来到这儿。 I must go to the station to meet my friend .. 我该到车站去接朋友了。 A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难中的朋友,才是真正的朋友。 He miserated his friend willoughby . 他为他的朋友威洛比感到遗憾。 Bright pght is the painter"s best friend . 明亮的光线对画家最有利。 A friend of mine is running for office . 我的一个朋友也参加竞选了。 We are glad to count you as a friend . 我们高兴地将您当作我们的朋友。 Soon the o girls were fast friends . 两个姑娘很快成了忠实的朋友。 He went off with his best friend "s wife . 他与至友之妻一起逃走了。 She "s had three letters from her friend . 她已经收到朋友的三封来信。 He whistled to his friend to keep hidden . 他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。 He made free with all his girl friend "s money . 他随便花女朋友的钱。 He enjoyed the love and esteem of his friends .. 他受到朋友们的爱戴。 As it happened, fortune stood our friend . 偏巧命运帮助了我们的朋友。 Emma felt the bad taste of her friend . 爱玛察觉到了她朋友的俗气。 The sage gave advice to his friends . 那位圣贤向他的朋友提出忠告。 My american friends have been working on me . 我的美国朋友们教会了我。 She has no close friends other than him . 她除了他以外没有好朋友。 He is not a friend , only an acquaintance . 他不是朋友,只是相识。 This friend of hers is said to be very rich . 她的这个朋友据说很有钱。 Toby"s confidence heartens his friend . 托比的自信使他的朋友精神大振。 They left the child in a friend "s care . 他们把孩子交给朋友照看。 Neither of the marys were close friends . 这两个玛丽不是亲密朋友。 Do you have friends in the educational set ? 你在教育界有朋友吗? I went to the station to see my friend off . 我到车站给朋友送行。 He does n"t deign to acknowledge his old friends . 他连老朋友也不理了。 A quarrel dissevered the o friends . 一场争吵使两个朋友绝交了。 Hugh is a friend, a dear good friend . 休是我的朋友,一个难得的好朋友。 Separation from his friends made him sad . 与朋友们分离使他伤心。 Your friend prieto can keep his mouth shut . 你的朋友普列托能守口如瓶。 My friend was an enthusiastic musician . 我的朋友是个热情奔放的音乐家。 "don"t vow anything, friend dick. " “还是别起誓了吧,我亲爱的狄克!” My friend ralph had kept me poor . 我的朋友拉尔夫曾使我囊空如洗。 Italy would have no friend left in the war . 意大利在战争中将无一友邦。 I arranged to meet a friend at 1 o"clock . 我约好朋友在一点碰头。 One day he was out hunting with his friends . 有一天他同朋友们外出狩猎。 She spotted her friend in the crowd . 她在人群中认出了她的朋友。 She pves in seclusion apart from her friends . 她远离朋友,过隐居生活。 Which of the boys is your best friend ? 哪个男孩是你最好的朋友? The author was entertaining friends at his home . 作者正在家中宴请朋友。 The three friends held by the . 三位朋友继续紧紧地抓著网眼。 In the afternoon , she usually sees her friends . 下午,她通常看望朋友。 My shyness here is my best friend . 我的靦腆在这里对我很有好处。 We love to see our friends estabpshed . 我们喜欢看到我们的朋友成家立业。 She had lots of boy friends before she got married . 她婚前有许多男朋友。 The o children have bee friends again . 这两个孩子又好了。 Settle your differences and be friends again . 你们消除分歧,言归于好罢。

求Free Friend 2动漫版


求フリフレFree Friend汉化硬盘版全CG存档

翻译一下Thank you for being such a good friend.




ask for pen friend作文

Hi, everyone! This is my pen friend from U.S, her name is Susan. As you can see, Susan is a very beautiful girl. She is much taller than me. And she"s thinner, too. I have longer hair than she (has/ does).Though we look different, we both like music, we always listen to music together in our free time. And we are bothoutgoing.Susan likes telling jokes. And she can always make me laugh. She also cares about me very much. That"s why I like her.Ms Zhang thNov 16, 2013

boyfriends hate me 歌词

(Refrain:)All the boyfriends hate me"Cause their girlfriends love meThey love me, they love meThey hate me "cause they love meAnd the boys can"t stand itWhen their girls go crazyGo crazy, go crazyThat"s why their boyfriends hate me(Intro:)If you got a girlfriend, ooh oohThat"s too too bad, too badAnd if your girlfriend loves meMore than you, too bad, too badIf you got a girlfriend, ooh oohThat"s too too bad, too badAnd if your girlfriend loves meMore than you, too bad, too bad(Verse 1:)She noticed me from the veryFirst time that I walked inShe whispered in my earThat I look so much hotter than himDoesn"t matter if she meantIt or not, noAll I wanna do is drinkAnother shot, ohAt the very same time sheSays the same line to you, my friend, so ohIf your girlfriend"s following meThen don"t feel bad, no no"Cause there"s a million girls outHere you never had, woahDon"t be mad cuz she hittin on me, noGo and find another girl like her thoughAt the very same spotWhere the girls them hot, way-oh(Refrain:)All the boyfriends hate me"Cause their girlfriends love meThey love me, they love meThey hate me "cause they love meAnd the boys can"t stand itWhen their girls go crazyGo crazy, go crazyThat"s why their boyfriends hate me(Verse 2:)She had my heart from theVery moment that I walked byShe walked me to the danceFloor forgetting all about that guyTold me that she liked my accentAnd now you wanna knowWhere she wentWell she"s comin with meWhere the drinks are freeWith table service, soIf your girlfriend"s hittin on meThen don"t be mad, no no"Cause there"s a million girlsOut here you"ve never had, way-ohI know it"s just the alcohol talkinBut all I wanna do is keep barrin"Fillin up another glassThen I"m feelin on her ass, way-oh(Refrain:)All the boyfriends hate me"Cause their girlfriends love meThey love me, they love meThey hate me "cause they love meAnd the boys can"t stand itWhen their girls go crazyGo crazy, go crazyThat"s why their boyfriends hate me(Chorus:)I"m not saying if it"s wrongOr right, oh yeahAnd Im not here just to startAnother fight, oh noBut your girlfriends standing byMy side, oh yeahAnd all I wanna do is to spend the night(Refrain:)All the boyfriends hate me"Cause their girlfriends love meThey love me, they love meThey hate me "cause they love meAnd the boys can"t stand itWhen their girls go crazyGo crazy, go crazyThat"s why their boyfriends hate meAll the boyfriends hate me"Cause their girlfriends love meThey love me, they love meThey hate me "cause they love meAnd the boys can"t stand itWhen their girls go crazyGo crazy, go crazyThat"s why their boyfriends hate me(Outro:)If you got a girlfriend, ooh oohThat"s too too bad, too badAnd if your girlfriend loves meMore than you, too bad, too badIf you got a girlfriend, ooh oohThat"s too too bad, too badAnd if your girlfriend loves meMore than you, too bad, too bad

my friends 年龄,身高,体重,脚,鞋码写一篇不少于5句话的英语作文?

永远先开始介绍另外一个人,你自己永远都是第二,三位。I have a friend named________, he is _____cm/foot tall/ ___cm/foot/inch taller/shorter than me/ roughly the same height as me. He is ___years older/ younger than me/ the same age as me. Unlike me, he is a more ______ sporty/ quiet/ hot blooded/ noisy/ more of a smart ass person. He likes __________ reading books/ playing soccer. He is _____ a bit chubby(胖)/ skinny and weights about/ only_______. Because of his weight/ unlike/ just like his weight he has a ________ big/ small/ normal/ tiny feet, wearing a shoe size about_______. Now i am a _____ years old boy/ girl/ women/ man, that is ______cm tall, and weight around________. I am _______ a bit chubby/ fat/ skinny, and my shoe sizes are around _____________. Unlike _______(your friend) i am more ________sporty/ quiet/ hot blooded/ noisy/ more of a smart ass person. During my freetimes I like_______ reading books/ studying/ playing a sport. this is me and my friend______(name)

一首英文歌曲 歌词里有"friend friend you are my forever friend oh baby........"的 歌曲

forever friends - 冯曦妤

my friend英语作文要用小学五年级PEP版英语书上册的知识来写。


Free、iris - Friendzone Ft. The Eden Project 求歌词?

Don"t look back were here to stayA life we knew gone one dayAnd this is it the border lineTo where the future leaves us behindThe fire will burn and never dieLook in through the eye of a brand new lifeAnd so just find me, just find meSparks will fly if we scream nowThis is not how were gonna goWe are the worlds to never let goJust watch you swirl to where no one knowsWe"ll never growWe"ll never growDon"t look back were here to stayA life we knew gone one dayAnd this is it the border lineTo where the future leaves us behindThe fire will burn and never dieLook in through the eye of a brand new lifeAnd so just find me, just find meSparks will fly if we scream nowThis is not how were gonna goWe are the worlds to never let goJust watch you swirl to where no one knowsWe"ll never growWe"ll never growWe"ll never grow

you for your free friend dinner and are连词成句

you and your friend are free for dinner




以see friend 可有很多不同造句就有不同意思,We are going to see friend.我们去探访朋友;You can see friend while studying.你去读书时能找到朋友;We will see friend and gathering.我们会见到朋友还要聚聚;









free friend是什么意思?

不是,是一款游戏。《Free Friends2》(日文名フリフレ2,)是2011年Noesis制作的一款美少女游戏,由杉菜水姬担任总监,神乐坂ナオ担任编剧,优稀澪担任配音。于2011年11月22日发行,背景音乐为折仓俊则,人设·原画由珈琲贵族制作。剧情:主人公一边走在回家的路上,一边掏出手机,登陆了那个论坛,就是这数年之间,成为了网上热议之焦点的那个论坛。离家出走的少女以及逃课的少女,和素昧平生的男人发生肉体上的关系,以这样一夜的关系来换取金钱。这个论坛也正是因为这样的功用而开放。在这种地方的话,就算是主人公这种不善于构筑深切的恋人关系的人,也能够通过使用金钱来满足自己的欲望。那个论坛的名字就是——“Free Friends(フリフレ)



we are best friends.best前要加the吗?什么时候加the呢?

we are best friends不需要加the 这个定冠词。因为best friends 可数名词的复数本身无须前置冠词,即前面是零冠词。第一次提到的事物,可以是零冠词加可数名词加复数s, 或 不定冠词a/an加可数名词单数,都表示泛指。而当再次提及的时候,用the 定冠词,表特指。此外,专有名词前加定冠词,如the Great Wall ,类指加the ,如the rich ,the poor富人、穷人。

艾薇儿长的《GIRL FRIEND》的歌词是什么 ?


艾薇儿girlfriend 的歌词


boyfriend ill be there卢珉宇裤子因为跳舞撕坏了,赵光敏在笑,那是在什么节目上


the dirty girl is lily friends的就划线部分提问应该是什么答案

1.Who is your friend? 2.What are there in the sky? 3.What color of shirt do you like? 4.What does Lily have? 5.Where are you from?

The picture()on the wall is painted by my friend

B是省略句,which is hanging


  朋友能在你最无助的时候,感到有所依靠;能在你最痛苦的时候,帮你分担忧愁;朋友就是这样一个人,你知道7年级的学生如何写一篇朋友的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的myfriend英语作文7年级,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   myfriend英语作文篇1   Where does happiness come from? Some people say that happiness comes from books, and some people say that happiness comes from life, and I think that happiness is what friends give.   A bosom friend will give you a lot, and happiness is essential. That was before the exam, everybody is nervous review, all kinds of test, I was nervous to get up to the pole, if take an examination of early, to relieve my stress. Due to tension, connect my grades are not ideal, many times test, pressure increased bit by bit, after a test I seem to be completely disappointed to myself, dull looking out of the window, the wind rages on the ground, overcast, frustrated I was just about to leave, it is time the chasing up and said to me: "failed the exam this time, it doesn"t matter, hard next time we will be able to test good. Don"t lose heart."   I said angrily, "it doesn"t matter if I didn"t do it at one time, but I didn"t do it the second time!"   She smiled and said: "it is your mind too much pressure, afraid to take an examination of is not good, only for this kind of result. In fact, you don"t have to be so nervous, as long as easily in the face of every exam, exam review learn knowledge is good, all knowledge has mastered, don"t all-night review, such sacrifice rest time to review it will not achieve the desired result."   Puzzled me for a long time so easily solved, I am happy, all kinds of pressure and burden already flew to cloud nine went outside, I no longer nervous, sorrow for the exams.   Played under light rain, the sky we run on the road, hand in hand together at underground, pissing pouring rain turned silver cross from the front, we laugh together, gradually clear up in the sky the sun ourtenant looked at us, long this laughter echoed in the ear.   快乐从何而来?有人说,快乐从书中而来,有人说,快乐从生活中来,我认为,快乐是朋友所给予的。   一个知心朋友,会给予你很多,而快乐是必不可少的。那是考试前,大家都在紧张的复习,各种测验接连不断,那时我紧张得到达了极点,巴不得早点考完,以减轻我的压力。由于紧张,连接许多次测验我的成绩都不理想,这样,压力一点点地加重,在一次测验后我似乎彻底对自己失望了,呆呆的望着窗外,狂风肆虐着大地,天阴沉沉的,心灰意冷的我正准备黯然离开,这是时追了上来,对我说:“这次没考好没关系,下次努力了就一定能考好。不要灰心。”   我愤怒地说:“一次没考好没关系,可我次次都考不好!”   她笑着说:“那么就是你思想压力太大,生怕考不好,才造成这样的结果。其实,你不必这么紧张,只要轻松面对每一次考试,考前回顾一下学过的知识就好,所有的知识都已经掌握了,不要通宵达旦的复习,这样牺牲休息时间来复习反而不会达到理想的成绩。”   困扰了我许久的问题就这样轻松的解决了,我高兴不已,各种压力和负担已经飞到了九霄云外去了,我也不再为考试而紧张、忧愁。   天空下起了小雨,我们手拉手在路上狂奔,一起看着小雨淅淅沥沥地下着,一道道银丝从面前划过,我们一起放声大笑,渐渐放晴的天空中太阳笑吟吟的望着我们,这笑声久久回荡在耳边。   myfriend英语作文篇2   Books, like a silent friends, accompany me to grow, it not only broadened my horizons and enrich my knowledge, but also brought me endless happiness.   On one occasion, the grandmother planted a few of towel gourd on the balcony, the towel gourd grow particularly fast, are stretched neck and a long cane, clutching a bamboo pole and volume. But the bamboo poles were blown away by the wind. Grandma is to worry about right now, I faced this situation, a brainwave, said: "grandma, you know a the alkaloids in? I saw the book in a science experiment." Say that finish, I let my grandmother sat on the bed, I reached out a finger to resist grandma"s skull, call my grandmother tried to stand up, however, the grandmother tried best, how to also cannot stand. I happily laughed and said, "see, this is a magic. As long as the right protection, even if only a small effort, also can support very heavy things. We according to this principle to take a loofah tent!" So my grandmother and I took a bamboo pole and used two bamboo poles to hold the head of a swinging bamboo pole and then we tied it with a rope. The work is done. As I shook my steady bamboo pole, I proudly said, "the science of science works!"   Another time, I saw a few classmates who were talking passionately about who was the biggest dinosaur in the world, and who was the youngest? They"re not sure what the real answer is, they"re arguing for their answers, and one even says they"re blushing. I thought to myself: this is too easy. I"ll tell them! I stood up together in the past, the side face satisfiedly say: "I know the right answer! I"ve seen Jurassic big adventure, it write: the dragon is one of the biggest dinosaur, 40 to 50 miles in length, known as" football dinosaurs", the smallest dinosaurs were the jaw dragon, only 18 to 19 cm, and the bird." As I answered, the students realized, "oh," the voice of "oh," I admire their eyes. It made me feel a little smug, and I also thank the book for bringing me joy.   Now, books have become an indispensable part of my life. I think of books as a good friend and I think reading is a joy in life.   myfriend英语作文篇3   Friends should not be so important, but friends are so important. There may be no touching, no victory in life... There is nothing but friends.   A friend can walk in the rain with an umbrella. You can make a roll on the beach. You can indulge in some kind of music. You can hang out in the book sea. Friend is sad I accompany you to fall tears, have joy I with you silly smile...   Friends don"t always have to be in touch, but they don"t forget, every once in a while, still feeling warm, affectionate and tender. A friend is to put care in his heart and to hide his concern in the eye. A friend is one after another, together, one after another. Friends are the ones who bring joy, remember, and gentleness. Friends are like wine, they are strong and they are drunk. Friends as flowers, quietly elegant and fragrant; Friends are autumn rain, exquisite and poetic;   Friends are the may of December, pure and proud. A friend is not a painting; it is more beautiful than a painting. Friends are not songs; they are more beautiful than songs; A friend should be a meaningful essay, writing yesterday and looking forward to the future.   The beauty of a friend is not the length of the day; A friend is a moment of eternity, a moment of awareness; The value of a friend is not because of the years that have gone through together, but the rarest of friends will still be remembered, still remember: you are my friend.   A friend"s day is always sunny and bright; You find yourself having everything when you have friends. We can lose a lot, but we can"t lose friends. Friends may not become a permanent friends, perhaps only a certain period of time in your life a traveler, but because this originated because, makes life beautiful

有没有人知道06世界杯,名字叫《a time to make friends》歌!!

Hips Do Not Lie Bambooshakira



be friendly of是什么意思


All of them are very friendly to me。什么意思


All of them are us to their new friends 对吗?

All of us are their new friends. 我们全部都是他们的新朋友。

All of they还是All of them are my friends.


I,who (am还是is)your friend,will go all out to help you。用am 还是is?

am 因为这是句强调句,强调 I 。本身原句可以是:It is I who am your friend. 因为如果去掉结构 It is...who...就剩一个完整的句子,则这就是强调句。你这句去掉结构后是"I am your friend" 所以后面就是am。 ps:我有认真听老师讲课的!

Boyfriend 少女时代 歌词

Boyfriend - Girls" Generation give it 2me so many boys wanna give to me but i want you boy give it to me cuz i"m so ready boy give it me so many boys wanna give to me but i want you boy give it to me cuz i"m so ready boy give it me [Taeyeon] sumaneun namjadeuri shiseo hanmo nega badeodo [Seohyun] nowa nimyeon andwae gwanchim jocha ubsuh [Jessica] gaseuman niya peh nan seomyon soshim daeni dweneunji ( dwae aeroji ) [Seohyun] gwanchim manbeon jeo wonbyeonhaneun nae joman maldeul miwo [Sunny] naega molla jingyeo jigga meonjeo miwo [Tiffany] hajiman dol keunyo jakku ni semyeon mannal ohh ~ [Taeyeon] onjenga nayeh [All] boyfriend [Yuri] jakkuman jimyeon nayeh boyfriend [Sunny] neo negoya nego nego boyfriend [Jessica] gidaryeo joolkeh nayeh boyfriend [Taeyeon] nega mondae apeugehae [Yuri] jakkum nayeh monaeh ou ilayin oldeuldo ( [Hyoyeon] danwan shigeun nabwa dangeul shinhan nabwa ) [Sooyoung] jogeuman yeonye ineun chorom meoaraedo sero hesal ([Tiffany] like tv stars ) [ ( taeyeon ) yeah yeah ye ~] [Jessica] dareun namja deuri shiseon napiryeo ubsuh ( [Yoona] naneun neomeo isseumyeon dwae neomao isseumyeon dwae ) [Seohyun] jakkuni hajimalgo ijen soljilkae jabwa [Tiffany] ooh ~ [Taengsic]onjenga nayeh [All] boyfriend [ Tiffany] jakkuman jimyeon nayeh boyfriend [Jessica] neo negoya nego nego boyfriend [Hyoyeon] gidaryeo joolkeh nayeh boyfriend nega mondae apeugehae [ taeyeon : napeugeh ae ~ ] [Jessica] ooh malhaede oopjiman [Seohyun] poojinki maraebwa [ ( sica ) ooh ~] [Tiffany] i wanna be your love [Taeyeon] nan nowa nimyeon andwae [All] jakku jingineun niga miweo niga miweo ( 3 ) [ (fany) oooh woah ha ~] jakku jingineun niga joha niga joha [ (taeyeon) i want u now ] [Yuri] dwaenchiseul kimyeon namja nal miwo [Sunny]naeneun piya jimeunmalgo opparecho malgo [ (sica) love me baby ] [Tiffany] jomeondeo ireun goya gwaechang gonmoreul joolkeh [Jessica] and i know you"ll be mine [all] boyfriend [Yuri] jakkuman jimyeon nayeh boyfriend [Sunny] neo negoya nego nego ( [Taeyeon] wait for you ) boyfriend [Jessica] gidaryeo joolkeh [ (fany) ahh gidaryeo joolkeh ] nayeh boyfriend nega mondae apeugehae [Taeyeon] onjenga nayeh boyfriend [Tiffany] jakkuman jimyeon [ (sica) looking for you boy ~ ] nayeh boyfriend [Jessica] neo negoya nego nego [ (fany) waiting for you ] boyfriend [Hyoyeon] gidaryeo joolkeh nayeh boyfriend nega mondae apeugehae so many boys wanna give to me [ (taeyeon)ooh baby ] but i want you boy to give it to me cuz i"m so ready boy to give it me[ (taeyeon) oh be my baby baby ] so many boys wanna give to me but i want you boy to give it to me cuz i"m so ready boy to give it me [Taeyeon] onjenga nayeh boyfriend ( [sica] ooh baby be my boy ) boyfriend , boyfriend ( [Tiffany] boyfriend ) nayeh boyfriend [Taeyeon] onjenga nayeh boyfriend满意请采纳

to a friend 歌词

歌曲名:to a friend歌手:alexisonfire专辑:crisisI"m thinking that it"s time to get outMy patients are fading fastthe mind bruises just a little bit easierDark times and shadows castWhat are you suffering for?Your pride or some kind of personal war?And will you throw it away?For nothing more than the simple taste?I"ll stay in time and watch you pass byand ill draw this line (breath slow)and hope you take my side (breath slow)you shouldn"t have to fight aloneits nobody"s battle but your ownpanic holds me like a gunfirm and steadfast bleak and coldI think its time to kill the dramaThis life style"s getting oldFaces threaten from behind closed doorseyes spy from dark windowsplotting minds that seek to harm me, or maybe noti dont really knowThere is something waitingfor mein the darkest Part ofmy ima gi na-tionI"ll stay in time and watch you pass byand ill draw this line (breath slow)and hope you take my side (breath slow)you shouldn"t have to fight aloneits nobody"s battle but your ownThis is just self-induced terrortheres more to comethis is just a glimpsei tell myself that its all in my headbut im pretty hard to convinceOh, there"s no reliefOh, this world can offerOh, there"s no reliefOh, this world can offer meI stay in time and watch you pass byI draw this lineand hope you"ll take my sideYou shouldn"t have to fight aloneIt"s nobody"s battle but your own

You with me are good friends这句话对么?错了的话,怎么错了?

错了,应该讲with换成and 前者是介词 后者是并列连词

A boy, called Tom, is my friend.called做什么成分

called Tom是后置定语修饰A boy。相当于who iscalled TOM。至于再过去分词短语called TOM中,call是动词,带有自己的宾语TOM。

The boy is called Tom is my best friend?


one of my friends sent me a message just now.改为同


I sent my friend some story books.一般疑问句怎么改变?

Did you send your friend any story books?

手机iphone的find my friends 查找我的朋友,为什么位置不可用?

原因如下1未打开定位系统2在对方有网络情况下,必须在隐私 定位下 共享位置才可以 定位对方。3开启了“查找我的iPhone”功能,设备有打开GPS服务,且移动蜂窝数据有打开。IPhone是苹果公司旗下研发的智能手机系列[1],它搭载苹果公司研发的iOS手机操作系统。

online friend 用a还是an


strangers,friends,best friends,lovers,strangers怎么理解


(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers 歌词

歌曲名:(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers歌手:Merle Haggard And The Strangers专辑:The Very Best Of Merle HaggardStrangers / 行者 (浪人)Raj RamayyaWe"ve found a kind of paradise in a flowers bloom./我们在一处鲜花盛开的地方找到一个“乐园”We"ve seen the end of a mystic land so close it meets the parting sun./我们已近神秘大地的尽头,太阳升起的地方We"ve shared the thoughts that two could share,/我们两人尽默契和全力we feel the truth, magic that we send.../我们感受真谛,感受发出的魔力Searching for something new/寻找着某种新的事物Isle of Gold in flowers bloom/绽放鲜花中的金色岛屿We"ve heard a kind of paradise beyond the desert"s dunes./我们在沙丘之巅听到那“天籁”灵音We"ve walked the earth in solitude,/我们穿过孤寂的大地,so cold we need the warmth of sun./它的冰冷让我们需要太阳的温暖We"ve lived the life that we could live,/我们想尽办法,坚持到底we see the truth magic that begins.../我们看见真谛,看见奇迹...Searching for something new/寻找着某种新的事物Isle of Gold in flowers bloom/绽放鲜花中的金色岛屿We"ve found a kind of paradise, below a sky so new./在一处极尽湛蓝的天边,我们找到一个“乐园”We"ve weaved a web of mystery so wide, we need the light of day./我们编织了如此宽广的神秘之网,我们需要光昼We"ve worn the cloak of secret lives,/我们身披秘密生灵的斗篷we"ve seen the truth, magic that we send.../我们感受真谛,感受发出的魔力Searching for something new/寻找着某种新的事物Isle of Gold in flowers bloom/绽放鲜花中的金色岛屿so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?so when will it end?/何时才是结局?so when, when will we meet, my friend?/何时,何时我们相见,我的朋友?

Strangers,Friends.Best friends.Lovers.Strangers.是什么意思


Strangers,Friends,Bestfriends,Lovers,Strangers. 求


I did buy something for my best friend.为什么这里有了buy还要加多个did?

I did buy something for my best friend.这里用do强调确实做过例子:I did do my homework.我真的写了作业。

初中英语作文my best friend5篇

  下面是我整理的 初中 英语 作文 my best friend,以供大家学习参考。   初中英语作文my best friend:   Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and we"re in the same grade.   My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides that,he"s honest and reliable.I trust him completely and we share secrets all the time.   My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased me,he came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with.He tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when I"m down.   My best friend is really one of a kind.I hope we"ll stay friends forever.   初中英语作文my best friend:   I have many friends. Linda is my best friend. I like to play games with Linda. Linda has 2 small eyes, 2 small ears, long hair and a round face. In my eyes, Linda has a kind heart.   Lindau2019s favorite color is blue, because blue is a beautiful color. Her favorite food is chicken. Chicken is very tasty. Her favorite fruit is orange. Orange is healthy and juicy.   Linda and I help each other. When I need a crayon but donu2019t have any. Linda shares her crayon. When Iu2019m sick in bed, Linda visits me. We often play together and study together. I like to play with her. I like to kick shuttlecock with her.   This is my best friend, Linda. We are friends in both good and bad times.   初中英语作文my best friend:   My Best Friend   Hello, everyone! My name is Xing Xiaoqing. You can call me Cherry.   Iu2019m in Class 0506. Li Nan is my best friend. Sheu2019s thirteen years old. Her birthday is on 3rd October and she was born in Shen Zhen. She lives with her family in Haimen. Sheu2019s 1.60 metres tall. She has black hair and she wears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty.   She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, sweets and green tea.   She loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and writing. She is the newest member of the Maths Club. She has many hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing computer games. Her favorite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colors. It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them. The Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.   We always have fun. We sit under the trees at lunchtime and have a good chat. Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop. On Sunday, we usually go to the bookshop. We often study together.   My best friend is really great!   初中英语作文my best friend:   my best friend   My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.   Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?   初中英语作文my best friend:   My Best Friend   Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with others.   I also have a best friend. Her name is 姓名。We met in my Primary school, and we were in the same class. She is a very caring person and she always helps others who have difficulties. Even though her body has a little fat, she is also a lovely girl in my heart. She helped me a lot. I can remember one of the things. On that day, weu2019ll have a music lesson that every classmates are get ready except me. I canu2019t find my music book. I am very worried because the teacher is strict with us. At this moment, she handed me a music book who is my best friend. She smiled to me and said:” Donu2019t worry and let us to learn with the one book.”   A friend in need is a friend indeed. I am proud of having a kindly friend like her. We are the best friends forever.   每个人都有最好的朋友来分享一些事情。   我也有一个最好的朋友。她的名字叫XXX。我们是在小学认识的,而且是同一班。她很有爱心,总是喜欢帮助有困难的人。尽管他有些胖,但是在我心里她是一个很可爱的女孩儿。她帮助我很多。还记得有一天上音乐课时,班上的每位同学都准备好了除了我。我找不到我的音乐书,非常的着急,因为这个音乐老师很严厉。就在这时我最好的朋友递给我一本音乐书。她笑着对我说:“不用担心,让我们共用一本吧!   真正的朋友是出现在你有需要的时候。我为有个如此有爱心的朋友而骄傲。我问永远是最好的朋友。

I did buy something for my best friend.为什么有个did又有个buy?

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