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求一篇英语作文 How to make friend

How to Make FriendsEveryone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don"t agree someone, please discuss with him.Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend"s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.是什么意思


make a friend 的用法

主语为单数的时候he wants to make a friend with mei want to make a friend with youdo you want to make a friend with me ?主语为复数的时候有make friends withthey make friends with each otherlet"s make friends with each other

can you made friend什么意思

应该是错误表达,提问用助动词 can,后面made应该用原型make。Can you make friend? 应该理解为:你会交朋友吗? (语气有点反问)

can we make friend什么意思??


英语交朋友词组是make friends with ,能不能写成make a friend with ?为什么




有make a friend 吗

make friends with 更常见,表示“交朋友”。而make a friend with很少见,很多英语语法书上视为不规范的用法,或者错误的用法。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)请采纳答案,支持我一下。

make friends with sb

make friends,这里要加s,因为交朋友是双向的,或者是多向的,在你成为别人的朋友的同时,别人也成为了你的朋友,因此这个朋友就是复数的,得加s。

用make friend with 造句


以 Ways of Making Friends 为题目写一篇英语作文

Everyone needs friends.A good friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness.But how can we make friends?I think the best way is to keep on good turn with your roommates. Then,es the second question.How to keep on good turn with your roommates?I have a good idea. Frist,you must friendly to every body.for example,if you borrow a pen to somebody,you must say do you mind if I lend this pen?When he say yes please,then you can do it.In conclusion,you should be very polite. Second,you have to be generosity,thus your friends will think you are so recognition to them. Third,friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don"t agree someone,please discuss with him. Finally,you need to realize your friends or some people.Know about theirs hobby,habitat or living conditions and so on.Such as their acmodation,folk,likes doing something. This is my magic weapon,do you agree?

make friend with somebody是什么意思?




英语交朋友词组是make friends with ,能不能写成make a friend with ?为什么

两句完全不同意思。make friends with 是 : 与(某某等人) 交上朋友。make a friend with 用 (一个甚麼....方式 / 办法 / 手段) 交个朋友。

和某人成为朋友的英语短语是make friend with somebody吗?


回答就采纳 交朋友 英文 是make a friend with sb 还是make frien

make friend with sb

How to make friends?

How to Make Friends(如何交朋友)Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel. When you don"t agree someone, please discuss with him.Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend"s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.点评:我推荐它是因为这篇文章有一点很出色:条理性很好。这对我们写英语作文很重要。英语作文很重视写作的条理性。希望大家多多注意。

make friend with是什么意思谢谢


make friends with sb.

额。。。。。。还真是make friends with sb.啊,我也有这样的疑问,我还以为我的笔记抄错了呢

英语作文,make friends .不少于40个词

Everyone needs friends.A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness.But how can we make friends? First,to make friends,you must be friendly to others.Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be.Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second,friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.

make friends with的用法?

可以这么用,但是make friends with her是对的也更地道,1,make friends with的用法 列如:I want to make friends with her.这句话对了吗? 我认为:her是一个单数啊.可以用make a friend with her.吗?

make friends to sb

没有make friend这种表达,交朋友可以说: make friends with sb. be a good friend to sb. develop a friendship with sb



make friends和make a friend有什么区别

  make friends和make a friend的区别主要是:make friends指交多个朋友,强调多数;make a friend指交个朋友,强调相互了解,成为朋友。例如:  1.He has a pleasant manner, and finds it easy to make friends.  他态度随和, 因此交友很容易。  2.You"ll find us all wanting to make friends with you.  你会发现我们都希望与你交朋友。  3.John never bothered to make a friend of his daughter.  约翰从未费心去和女儿交朋友。

make friend能用现在完成时吗

不能,因为make是短暂性动词,不能跟“一段时间”搭配.而since ten years ago = for ten years ,表示“时间段”.因此,要改成be动词的形式. 即:We have been friends since ten years ago.

make friends等于make a friend吗?




make friend是什么意思

英文:make friend 中文:交朋友 例句: It will not hurt to make friend with them. 同他们交朋友不会有什么坏处的. I want make friend with you. And we can talk often. 我希望能够和外国的昵称为经常联系的好朋友. Pretty girl, could you make friend with? 漂亮的女孩请和我做朋友好吗? Like to knot to make friend, love to read a book, sport. 喜欢结交朋友,爱好看书、运动. Each person is used to passivity, very few person likes a circumstance to make friendactively. 每一个人都习惯被动,很少人喜欢到一个场合主动交朋友.

make friend 和make friends的区别

要么make a friend,要么make friends

make friend 还是make friends?

make friends


make friends和make a friend的区别主要是:make friends指交多个朋友,强调多数;make a friend指交个朋友,强调相互了解,成为朋友。例如:1.He has a pleasant manner, and finds it easy to make friends.他态度随和, 因此交友很容易。2.You"ll find us all wanting to make friends with you.你会发现我们都希望与你交朋友。3.John never bothered to make a friend of his daughter.约翰从未费心去和女儿交朋友。

make friend加s吗

加s,一般情况下可数名词单数在句子中不能单独使用。可以写成make a friend 也可以make friends. 但是不能用friend.

make friend是不是不完全爆破现象?

是的,make friend不是不完全爆破现象。Make friends指的是两个人建立友谊,而不完全爆破更多地强调了通过互相了解和尊重来促进友谊


要加s,一般情况下可数名词单数在句子中不能单独使用,不能直接用在动词后面。可以写成make a friend 也可以make friends. 不能单独用friend.

make a friend 与make friends 区别

前面的说法固定搭配是没有的,因为交朋友本身是两个人或者以上,一个人怎么交的了朋友?所以交朋友的说法只有后面一种.make a friend 搭配语法就是错误的.除非你把它用在句子里不表达交朋友的含义.如:you make a friend cry?

make friends的中文意思是什么


make friend是什么意思



Friend是一个英文单词,是名词,作为名词使用的时候意思是:朋友、助手、赞助者。 如何正确使用Friend这个英语单词,给刚学习英文的朋友造成了不小的困扰,因为Friend这个英文单词有多种用法,下面让我们一起去了解Friend这个英文单词的正确用法吧。 详细内容 01 单词发音: 英[frend];美[frend] 。 02 Forever Friend 柯有伦 ; 永远的朋友 ; 永远的朋友演唱会 ; 柯有纶。 03 Extraterrestrial Friend 外星朋友 ; 外星冤家。 04 A friend 一个朋友 ; 朋友 ; 一位朋友 。 05 Why do you like your friend? 你为什么喜欢你的朋友? I have some other friend. 我还有其他一些朋友。 I have no friend but he. 除他以外,我没有别的朋友。

有首歌的歌词是home is like a friend ,kiss me like a friend,你知道是什么歌吗??

forever friends

开头是Hold me like a friend的这首歌叫什么名字?

forever friend

有没有人听过一首歌?第二句的歌词好像是kiss me like a friend,曲调挺优美的

forever friendHold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll believe you Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll believe you Some people handle love and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher Some day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye we"ll always be forever friends Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll believe you When the river flows Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows I"ll be a boat to sail arround you Melody never say good-bye I"ll be near you Some people handle love and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher One day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands till the river ends……


更新1: no 歌词: 1....-.... 2....-.... 3....-.... ...... Twins 和平日 分飞燕 朋友仔 友谊第一 Cookies 最后一块 Forever Friends Fiona Fung Forever Friend 梁咏琪 Today BOY'Z 手足 男生围 参考: meme 1.歌词:Forever Friends 作曲:林一峰 主唱:Cookies 填词:林一峰 + 朱治良 记得当天一起唱着[告别校园时]  那些愉快动人琴声 仍像奏到面前 让我轻闭着眼睛 记住同学每张脸 这感觉 仿佛更新鲜 这天翻开这本记念册再想到你  小心用胶纸封了表 来让我更希冀 若照片有日退色 你在文字里给我  好天气 应该也很美 曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起  共你担心功课 赶不到限期 班房里放影机 逐格愉快记忆  在倒退 让我看真你 明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起  学过数理经济 通通都抛弃 一想到你笔迹 或满载我记忆  在心里没有忘掉你 得到过 我心中有你 若有一天翻开记念册 你可会笑  有些造作一点句子 其实心丝不少 my pen is blue,my friend is you  今天再看 也可使我微笑 网址 听歌city88/ 按歌曲 然后按乐队组合 然后到C按Cookies 就会有不同的大碟 其实不同的碟都有 2. 朋友仔 作曲:陈辉阳@好好笑 填词:林夕 编曲/监制:陈辉阳@好好笑 最多握握手 一起散散步 你大量 你宽容 你是未来滨崎步 无论是为什么都好 首先最错我的态度 懊悔昨日那么嘈 然后在霎时之间想起我父母 我也不想记起 为当天衬衫似你 便心急妒忌 其实我 都很小器 对不起 只因常常在你附近 便拿着你出气 ◎原来朋友仔感情再天真 亦是我永远也会爱惜的人 明日爱他人 也记住学会不要紧 原来朋友比恋人更高分 亦让我开始懂得不记恨 若大家 都敏感 我更要永远记得拒绝再因小事怪人 为何没有这条校训 再次握握手 只想你以后 有眼泪 放心流 冷淡令人很难受 无论日后路怎么走 彼此老友角色似旧 以后在动气关头 回望着这场争吵想想 也很丑 REPEAT◎ 像望着自己的至亲 往往太奋勇斗嘴 以后再不懂事过人 如何共我恋人热吻 3. 我们的纪念册 作曲/编曲/监制:伍乐城 填词:林夕 读白:a.十个有7个祝我地友谊万岁 咁行既 b.不过,要做到友谊万岁难D 定系生活快乐难D呢 c.定系百尺竿头、学业进步、万事如意、明天会更好 愿我们愉快三个 友谊万岁7个 小马自称怀勉我 但无法解释牵挂我什么 在这记念册之中 大傻成熟了很多 他竟祝福我未来要突破 临别要在这间愉快的班房起舞 愿我愉快三个 友谊万岁七个 小马自称怀勉我 但无法解释牵挂我什么 在这记念册之中 大傻成熟了很多 他竟祝福我未来要突破 * 同学骤变老友 都想有前程锦绣 从前未算老友 也突然想握o下手 * # 谁在悼念 快速接近成年 谁告诫我 放心不要睡眠 在临别就似明星给我签名 对我表演 还未学习怎么记念从前 便发觉要懂得拥抱明天 祝福都当诺言 以后不知会点 大个当然会善变 # 就算忘了功课 我们记得怎坐 考试罚抄尝试过 但谁会记得怎去唱校歌 愿你也后悔当初 为何胡乱唱这歌 卡拉OK里面无法直播 (repeat * #) 从此怎偷看校草 才深深悔恨常常迟到 他给我们支撑过每个清早 临别要在这间愉快的班房起舞 (repeat #) 4.友谊第一 作曲:黄丹仪 填词:林夕 编曲/监制:黄丹仪/舒文 我对波鞋好”娘”咩?? 点解佢地呀..系道细声讲,大声笑,玩针对呀?? 不过,好彩佢地咁对你咋~ 如果唔系?!你呀..都唔知咩叫做>真正朋友<   的确好~极 自我赢了锦标赛 友好都变脸喝采 冷淡散开 还以为会被赞赏天才 却竟发现我 再不可爱 但你是拿第一个 说恭喜我夺了奖 友善拍掌 但却难过在我的好同窗 忽然 都指点 我的衫 太夸张 ◎没有管他们是非 敢与我嬉戏 叫我发现谁是我的真知己 在我给别人猜忌 肯替我出气 无论竞赛怎样残酷 友谊第一是你 学会面对小心眼 小圈子背着我玩 我落了单 让我们结伴探访许留山 感情不必分你高班我低班 repeat◎ 笑那些小圈子 吃甚么也是错 那管多数少数 是谁制造 当周遭那样嘈 人人怎讲我都知道 我很好 记忆良好 repeat* 神奇在我孤立无援先 看清楚你 来年若可再夺殊荣 在台上多谢你 5. 〝Today〞 作曲: 陈光荣 填词: 周礼茂 编曲: Snowman 监制: 江勇 a 离开 这一刻感觉不会忘记 朋友 抱拥告别明天各自远飞 难得 并没伤感依依不舍顾虑 重拾昨天 乐趣一堆 曾经 每一天相约找美丽去 陶醉 美的故事互相勉励去追 曾经 望着天空一起哭泣至睡 临别说起 亦笑相对 b 别了依然相信 以后有缘再聚 未曾重遇以前 要珍惜爱自己 在最好时刻分离不要流眼泪 就承诺在某年 某一天某地点 再见 c Today while the blossoms Still cling to the vine I'll taste your strawberries I'll drink your sweet wine A million tomorrows Shall all pass away Ere we fet all the joy That is ours today Repeat b c b 6.岁月如歌 歌手:陈奕迅 | 作曲:徐伟贤 填词:刘卓辉 | 编曲:刘志远 爱上了 看见你 如何不懂谦卑 去讲心中理想 不会俗气 犹如看得见晨曦 才能欢天喜地 抱着你 我每次 回来多少惊喜 也许一生太短 陪着你 情感有若行李 仍然沉重待我整理 *天气不似如期 但要走 总要飞  道别不可再等你 不管有没有机  给我体贴入微 但你手 如明日便要远离  愿你可以 留下共我曾愉快的忆记  当世事再没完美 可远在岁月如歌中找你* 再见了 背向你 回头多少伤悲 也许不必再讲 所有道理 何时放松我自己 才能花天酒地 抱着你 我说过 如何一起高飞 这天只想带走 还是你 如重温往日邮寄 但会否疲倦了嬉戏 REPEAT* 7.最佳损友 歌手:陈奕迅 | 作曲:Eric Kwok 填词:黄伟文 | 编曲:Eric Kwok/Jerald 朋友 我当你一秒朋友 朋友 我当你一世朋友 奇怪 过去再不堪回首 怀缅 时时其实还有 朋友 你试过将我营救 朋友 你试过把我批斗 无法 再与你交心联手 毕竟 难得 有过最佳损友 从前共你 促膝把酒 倾通宵都不够 我有痛快过 你有没有 很多东西 今生只可给你 保守至到永久 别人如何明白透 实实在在 踏入过我宇宙 即使相处到 有个裂口 命运决定了 以后再没法聚头 但说过去 却那样厚 *问我有没有 确实也没有  一直躲避的借口 非什么大仇  为何旧知己 在最后 变不到老友  不知你是我敌友 已没法望透  被推著走 跟着生活流  来年陌生的 是昨日最亲的某某* 生死之交 当天不知罕有 到你变节了 至觉未够 多想一天 彼此都不追究 相邀再次喝酒 待 葡萄成熟透 但是命运入面 每个邂逅 一起走到了 某个路口 是敌与是友 各自也没有自由 位置变了 各有队友 REPEAT* 早知解散后 各自有 际遇作导游 奇就奇在 接受了 各自有路走 却没人像你 让我 眼泪背着流 严重似情侣 讲分手 有没有 确实也没有 一直躲避的借口 非什么大仇 为何旧知己 在最后 变不到老友 不知你又有没有 挂念这旧友 或者自己 早就想通透 来年陌生的 是昨日最亲的某某 总好于 那日我 没有 没有 遇过 某某 各大影碟铺有售

This is Forever Friendship 是什么意思?


friend forever中文是什么


有首歌,只记得歌词有句是call me like a friend,kiss me like friend 这首歌叫什么名字

08奥运会主题曲《Forever Friend》Forever Friends Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I will be near you Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I will be near you Some people handle love in and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher Some day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye we"ll always be forever friends Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I will believe you When the river flows Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows I will be a boat to sail arround you Melody never say good-bye I will be near you Some people handle love in and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher One day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands till the river ends……

岩井俊二《烟花》片尾曲Forever Friends的中文翻译 Forever friends Hold me like a friend Kiss me l

永远的朋友 象朋友般握紧我, 象朋友般吻我, 告诉我,我们不会结束 寻找彩虹的颜色, 美妙的旋律不会说再见 我会在你身边. 象朋友般握紧我, 象朋友般吻我, 告诉我,我们不会结束 寻找彩虹的颜色, 美妙的旋律不会说再见 我会在你身边. 有些人掌握爱情却没有去尝试 凭借你的翅膀我几乎飞翔,并飞得更高, 有一天我们将看到整个世界, 走过灰暗,信心在我们手中. 象朋友般握紧我, 象朋友般吻我, 告诉我,我们不会结束 寻找彩虹的颜色, 美妙的旋律不会说再见 我们将会是永远的朋友. 象朋友般握紧我, 象朋友般吻我, 告诉我,我们不会结束 寻找彩虹的颜色, 美妙的旋律不会说再见 我会在你身边. 当时间长河流动, 把我们彼此分开, 只有上帝知道, 我将成为小船在你身边漂游. 美妙的旋律不会说再见 我会在你身边. 有些人掌握爱情却没有去尝试 凭借你的翅膀我几乎飞翔,并飞得更高, 有一天我们将看到整个世界, 走过灰暗,信心在我们手中. 直到时间长河停顿.

求Dew的君へ~forever friend歌词,要求汉字用假名注释

君へ~forever friend目指(めざ)した海(うみ)の向(む)こう 恐(おそ)れや戸惑(とまど)いを覚(おぼ)えても踏(ふ)み出(た)した仆(ぼく)ら 今(いま)は立(た)ち止(ど)まってる暇(ひま)もない喧哗(けんか)して 泣(な)いて 笑(わら)いあって互(たが)いの梦(ゆめ)を语(かた)ったあの日(ひ)ふとして见上(みあ)げた君(きみ)の笑颜(えがお)が君(きみ)の笑颜(えがお)が好(す)き大(おお)きな梦(ゆめ) 手(て)のひらで仆(ぼく)ら上(うえ)に掲(かか)げ前(まえ)を向(む)くやがてあなたに降(ふ)りかかる悲(かな)しみは歩(ある)いてくためにある大人(おたな)になってく今(いま) すべてが変(か)わりつつあるようで见(み)えない未来(みらい)に今(いま) 素直(すなお)に踏(ふ)み出(だ)せない喧哗(けんか)して 泣(な)いて 笑(わら)いあって不安(ふあん)な思(おも)い 语(かた)ったあの日(ひ)ひとりじゃないと君(きみ)はいつでも仆(ぼく)のそばにいた大(おお)きな梦(ゆめ)忘(わす)れずに仆(ぼく)ら胸(むね)をはって歩(ある)きたいいつか君(きみ)とまためぐり合(あ)える日(ひ)にあの日(ひ)のように笑(わら)いたい现実(げんじつ)の波(なみ)にのまれ 灯火(ともしび)をさらってゆくけど隣(となり)で支(ささ)えてくれた笑颜(えがお)にかけて谛(あきら)められない 今(いま)は大(おお)きな梦(ゆめ)手(て)のひらで仆(ぼく)ら上(うえ)に掲(かか)げ前(まえ)を向(む)くやがてあなたに降(ふ)りかかる悲(かな)しみは歩(ある)いてくためにある一绪(いっしょ)に见(み)たあの海(うみ)も 辉(かがや)いてたあの雪(ゆき)も一生忘(いっしょうわす)れたりしないから勇気(ゆうき)を出(だ)して今踏(いまふ)み出(だ)そうMy friend素敌(すてき)な君(きみ)のその笑颜(えがお)にこの歌(うた)が届(とど)くように

Forever friends 歌词

Forever Friends作词:林一峰、朱治良 作曲:林一峰演唱:林二汶记得当天一起唱着告别校园时那些愉快动人琴声仍像奏到面前 让我轻闭着眼睛记住同学每张脸 这感觉 彷佛更新鲜这天翻开这本记念册再想到你小心用胶纸封了表 来让我更希冀若照片有日褪色 你在文字里给我好天气 应该也很美曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起共你担心功课 赶不到限期班房里放映机 逐格愉快记忆在倒退 让我看真你明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起学过数理经济 通通都抛弃一想到你笔迹 或满载我记忆在心里没有忘掉了得到过 我心中有你曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起共你担心功课 赶不到限期班房里放映机 逐格愉快记忆在倒退 让我看真你明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起学过数理经济 通通都抛弃一想到你笔迹 或满载我记忆在心里没有忘掉了得到过 我心中有你若有一天翻开记念册 你可会笑有些造作一点句子 其实心思不少My pen is blue My friend is you今天再看 也可使我微笑

Forever Friends 歌词

Forever Friends作词:林一峰、朱治良作曲:林一峰演唱:林一峰、林二汶记得当天一起唱着告别校园时那些愉快动人琴声仍像奏到面前 让我轻闭着眼睛记住同学每张脸 这感觉 彷佛更新鲜这天翻开这本记念册再想到你小心用胶纸封了表 来让我更希冀若照片有日褪色 你在文字里给我好天气 应该也很美曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起共你担心功课 赶不到限期班房里放映机 逐格愉快记忆在倒退 让我看真你明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起学过数理经济 通通都抛弃一想到你笔迹 或满载我记忆在心里没有忘掉了得到过 我心中有你曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起共你担心功课 赶不到限期班房里放映机 逐格愉快记忆在倒退 让我看真你明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起学过数理经济 通通都抛弃一想到你笔迹 或满载我记忆在心里没有忘掉了得到过 我心中有你若有一天翻开记念册 你可会笑有些造作一点句子 其实心思不少My pen is blue My friend is you今天再看 也可使我微笑

冯曦妤forever friends歌词的中文意思?


a forever friend中文翻译

Your have a forever friend for pfe , 你拥有了一个真正的朋友, You have a forever friend for pfe , 你拥有了一个真正的朋友, Because you need not worry , you have a forever friend for pfe 你没必要担心,因为你有一个真正的朋友 You have a forever friend for pfe , and forever has no end 你又有了一个真正的朋友,永远永远,永无止境。 Because you need not worry , your have a forever friend for pfe 因为你无需再忧虑,你拥有了一个真正的朋友。 Your have a forever friend for pfe , and forever has no end 你拥有了一个真正的朋友,永永远远,永无止境。 A forever friend a friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out . "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。 ” A forever friend 永远的朋友 Cause you need not worry you have a forever friend for pfe and forever has no end 因为你不需要担心,你生活中拥有一个永远的朋友,永远没有终点。 And if you find such friend , you feel happy and plete , because you need no worry , you have a forever friend for pfe , and forever has no end 如果你找到了这样的朋友,你会快乐,觉得人生完整,因为你无需再忧虑。你拥有了一个真正的朋友,永永远远,永无止境。 And if you find such a friend , you feel happy and plete , because you need not worry , you have a forever friend for pfe , and forever have no end 如果你找到了这样的加朋友,你会快乐,觉得人生完整。因为你无需再忧虑。你拥有了一个真正的朋友,永永远远,永无止境。

forever friends 中英文歌词,最好一句一翻译,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

forever friends永远的朋友 的意思believe I can love 相信我的爱,You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱,I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱。I don"t know where I would be 如果没有你,Without you staying with me 我将迷失自己。Sometimes, I"m lost in misery 有时我也弥晃失措,You will take me all the way, 但你为我指引方向,I"m not afraid 于是我不再害怕。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你携手To everywhere amazing 共走天涯与海角,Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一I believe I can love 我相信我的爱You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱You will take me all the way, 你将一直带领我as day by day 日复一日Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你To everywhere amazing 携手共走天涯海角Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一!

Forever Friends 歌词

Forever friends演唱:冯曦妤I believe I can loveYou give me your loving careI believe in what we areI don"t know where I would beWithout you staying with meSometimes, I"m lost in miseryYou will take me all the way, I"m not afraidOh, you and me, hand in handTo everywhere amazingBe my friend, on friendWe are forever friendsOh baby, you give me all the love I needYou are the only oneI believe I can loveYou give me your loving careI believe in what we areYou will take me all the way, as day by dayOh, you and me, hand in handTo everywhere amazingBe my friend, no friendWe are forever friendsOh baby, you give me all the love I needYou are the only oneYou will take me all the way, as day by dayOh, you and me, hand in handTo everywhere amazingBe my friend, no friendWe are forever friendsOh baby, you give me all the love I needYou are the only one

求《Forever Friends》歌词???

I believe I can love You give me your loving care I believe in what we are I don"t know where I would be Without you staying with me Sometimes, I"m lost in misery You will take me all the way, I"m not afraid Oh, you and me, hand in hand To everywhere amazing Be my friend, oh friend We are forever friends Oh baby, you give me all the love I need You are the only one 冯曦妤-Forever Friend I believe I can love You give me your loving care I believe in what we are You will take me all the way, as day by day Oh, you and me, hand in hand To everywhere amazing Be my friend, oh friend We are forever friends Oh baby, you give me all the love I need You are the only one 词:Anders Lee/冯曦妤 曲/编曲:陈光荣 You will take me all the way, as day by day Oh, you and me, hand in hand To everywhere amazing Be my friend, oh friend We are forever friends Oh baby, you give me all the love I need You are the only one


“荷兰friend”----应该是“好愣friend”意思是:“关系很铁” 或 “非常好的朋友”

岩井俊二《烟花》里插曲《Forever Friend》作曲是谁?

Remedios此曲来自93年的日剧《烟花》,(少男少女间朦胧的感情,遗憾带来的感伤,《烟花》简直可以称为《情书》的雏形。)一支木吉他作伴奏,音色却清纯饱满,动人的女生吐字清晰,“Hold me like friend,Kiss me like a friend……”,是典型的Remedios风格了。 Remedios。这是岩井俊二御用的电影配乐班底,由《烟花》开始,Remedios即迎合岩井的电影风格,编写出精湛的音乐,无论优美的旋律,悬疑的气氛,缤纷灿烂的情景,与细腻的感情,Remedios的音乐均具有衬托作用,能够带出相对的意境,而每一部电影亦显出Remedios对故事之深刻理解。 其中如英语歌《Forever Friends》,《Platform》的优雅,《Island》的欢快灵动,Remedios均泡制出触动心灵之感觉。

forever friend 英文原唱者是谁?

李玟 孙楠

Forever Friend 歌词

believe I can love 相信我的爱,You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱,I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱。I don"t know where I would be 如果没有你, Without you staying with me 我将迷失自己。Sometimes, I"m lost in misery 有时我也弥晃失措,You will take me all the way, 但你为我指引方向,I"m not afraid 于是我不再害怕。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你携手To everywhere amazing 共走天涯与海角,Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一I believe I can love 我相信我的爱You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱You will take me all the way, 你将一直带领我as day by day 日复一日Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你To everywhere amazing 携手共走天涯海角Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友 We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一!

求冯曦妤forever friend歌词翻译

forever friends永远的朋友 的意思believe I can love 相信我的爱,You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱,I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱。I don"t know where I would be 如果没有你, Without you staying with me 我将迷失自己。Sometimes, I"m lost in misery 有时我也弥晃失措,You will take me all the way, 但你为我指引方向,I"m not afraid 于是我不再害怕。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你携手To everywhere amazing 共走天涯与海角,Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一I believe I can love 我相信我的爱You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱You will take me all the way, 你将一直带领我as day by day 日复一日Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你To everywhere amazing 携手共走天涯海角Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友 We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一!

求冯曦妤forever friend歌词翻译


Forever Friend 歌词


forever friends 冯曦妤 mp3下载 believe I can loveYou give me your loving careI believe in what we are I don"t know where I would beWithout you staying with meSometimes, I"m lost in misery You will take me all the way, I"m not afraidOh, you and me, hand in handTo everywhere amazing Be my friend, oh friendWe are forever friendsOh baby, you give me all the love I needYou are the only one I believe I can loveYou give me your loving careI believe in what we are *You will take me all the way, as day by dayOh, you and me, hand in handTo everywhere amazing Be my friend, oh friendWe are forever friendsOh baby, you give me all the love I needYou are the only one

求奥运歌曲,国外的;记得在CCTV上听过的,其中有句we are friends forever

<Forever friends>

大家谁能帮我翻译一下英文歌曲Forever Friends 这首歌,英译汉。

Who can help me to the English translation of this song “Forever Friends”

forever friends 歌词的意思


有人知道《forever friends》是谁唱的?


求dew君へforever friend 中文歌词翻译,非常感谢!

因为-先生。而为了达到了大海的面向前方活这样恐怖的汽车和困惑,记得也踏之人的我)等现在是立了让人买了吗?”“没有空闲打架()。着的别嘲笑了通过相互的梦想,像传达的那一天,他忽然想到了你是否也正仰望着你的笑容故作)男:你的笑容故作就喜欢有一只巨大的梦的手掌上我)等上面掲颤抖地前面向前方活。终于被你,大概要花! ! 2008-8-18 12:24:47最近走着去做。大人声势浩大的)现在! ! !一切都变,实在令人感到看不到未来啊!完全踏叔母人不打架()。着的别嘲笑了不安的我像传达的那一天,一个人吗?”“你是要用我的荞麦面,有一只巨大的梦我忘了,我)等胸口上,而想要走总有一天你又围绕合(可以日子)那一天,别嘲笑一样想变成现实的海浪一样,吞噬灯去了。邻座,支辛辣课的笑容故作)期间放弃无法现在怎么成了有一只巨大的梦的手掌上我)等上面掲颤抖地前面向前方活。终于被你,大概要花! ! 2008-8-18 12:24:47最近走着去做。一起去见过那个海也闪烁的那个下雪的)一生忘来了?而且开始起来! ! !现在踏现在之人是因为挺棒的你的那份笑容故作

我要fiona fung首forever friends歌词

中英文歌词: Fiona Fung - Forever friends I believe I can love 我相信我可以爱 You give me your loving care 你给予我深情的~爱的关心 I believe in what we are I don"t know where I would be Without you staying with me 我相信无论我们在那里~~~只要是没有你与我在一起~~~我们都不知道我们会变成怎样 Sometimes I"m lost in misery 有时候我可能会遇到痛苦 不幸 悲惨 穷困 苦难 You will take me all the way I"m not afraid 只要有你在我的身边~我就不会害怕 Oh you and me hand in hand to everywhere 你与我手牵手至天涯海角 amazing Be my friend oh friend 十分惊喜的~我们能做朋友 We are forever friends 你们永远都是我最好的朋友 Oh baby you give me all the love I need 亲爱的~你给予了我所需要的爱 You are the only one 你就是我的唯一 I believe I can love 我相信我可以爱 You give me your loving care 你给予我深情的~爱的关心 I believe in what we are You will take me all the way as day by day 我相信不论在那里~日复日~你都会与我同在 Oh you and me hand in hand to everywhere 你与我手牵手至天涯海角 amazing Be my friend oh friend 十分惊喜的~我们能做朋友 We are forever friends 你们永远都是我最好的朋友 Oh baby you give me all the love I need 亲爱的~你给予了我所需要的爱 You are the only one 你就是我的唯一 You will take me all the way as day by day 日复日~你都会与我同在 Oh you and me hand in hand to everywhere 你与我手牵手至天涯海角 amazing Be my friend oh friend 十分惊喜的~我们能做朋友 We are forever friends 你们永远都是我最好的朋友 Oh baby you give me all the love I need 亲爱的~你给予了我所需要的爱 You are the only one 你就是我的唯一 佢系咩国家既就唔知..不过都可以禁下面个网check check佢其他既资料: .geocities/proudoffionafung/ hope can help u~^^

冯曦妤forever friends歌词的中文意思?

forever friends永远的朋友 believe I can love 相信我的爱, You give me your loving care你把你的爱给了我, I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱。I don"t know where I would be我不知道要去到哪里, Without you staying with me 如果没有你在左右。Sometimes, I"m lost in misery 有时,我会掉进痛苦的悬崖, You will take me all the way, 你一直陪着我, I"m not afraid 我不再害怕。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你,手牵手, To everywhere amazing 去到每一个神奇的地方, Be my friend, oh friend 做我的朋友,哦,朋友, We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友 。Oh baby, 哦,宝贝,you give me all the love I need 你给了我所需要的所有爱, You are the only one 你是那个唯一。I believe I can love 我相信我的爱 ,You give me your loving care 你把你的爱给了我,I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱, You will take me all the way, 你一直陪伴着我, as day by day 日复一日 。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你,手牵手To everywhere amazing 去到每一个神奇的地方 Be my friend, oh friend 做我的朋友,哦,朋友,We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友 。Oh baby, 哦,宝贝 you give me all the love I need 你给了我所需要的所有爱, You are the only one 你是那个唯一。

《Forever Friends》的歌词

作曲:林一峰 作词:林一峰 + 朱治良 编曲:四方果@POO RECORDS 监制:四方果 + EVI YANG 记得当天一起唱着[告别校园时] 那些愉快动人琴声 仍像奏到面前 让我轻闭着眼睛 记住同学每张脸 这感觉 仿佛更新鲜 这天翻开这本记念册再想到你 小心用胶纸封了表 来让我更希冀 若照片有日退色 你在文字里给我 好天气 应该也很美 曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起 共你担心功课 赶不到限期 班房里放影机 逐格愉快记忆 在倒退 让我看真你 明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起 学过数理经济 通通都抛弃 一想到你笔迹 或满载我记忆 在心里没有忘掉你 得到过 我心中有你 若有一天翻开记念册 你可会笑 有些造作一点句子 其实心丝不少 Stephy:My pen is blue,My friend is You 今天再看 也可使我微笑 英文 You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success You want it all and you settle for nothing less You"ve tried harder than the rest You"ve become one of the best This is the time you"ll remember for all you life Forever friends In harmony As the whole world joins and sees Days of unity and peace Forever through the years We"ll hear the cheers Joy and laughter everywhere We"re together here to share Forever friends You"ll meet all races see faces you"ve never seen People from parts of the world where you never been And you"ll feel it in your heart We spent too much time apart This is the time when all dreams of man come alive No matter where we are or go No matter what we hope for or know No matter how we word our prayer There is one dream we share One world one dream Forever friends In harmony Forever friends One dream we dream One world we share希望采纳

forever friends的歌词

记得当天一起唱告别校园时那些愉快动人琴声仍像奏到面前让我轻闭着眼睛记住同学每张脸这感觉仿佛更新鲜这天满翻开这本记念册再想到你小心用胶纸封了边来让我更兴奋若照片有日退色你在文字里给我好天气应该也很美曾共你天天相对失恋也一起共你担心功课赶不到限期班房间里放影机逐格愉快记忆在倒退让我看真你明日我翻开笔记即使记不起学过数理经济通通都抛弃一想到你笔迹或满载我记忆在心里没有忘掉你得到过我心中有你若有一天翻开记念册你可会笑有些造作一点句子其实心丝不小my pen is bluemy friend is you今天再看也可使我微笑

forever friends的歌词中文意思是什么

believe I can love 相信我的爱,You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱,I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱。I don"t know where I would be 如果没有你, Without you staying with me 我将迷失自己。Sometimes, I"m lost in misery 有时我也弥晃失措,You will take me all the way, 但你为我指引方向,I"m not afraid 于是我不再害怕。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你携手To everywhere amazing 共走天涯与海角,Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一I believe I can love 我相信我的爱You give me your loving care 是你给了我爱I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱You will take me all the way, 你将一直带领我as day by day 日复一日Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你To everywhere amazing 携手共走天涯海角Be my friend, oh friend 朋友,我的朋友 We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友Oh baby, 哦,亲爱的朋友you give me all the love I need 是你给了我爱You are the only one 你是我的唯一!

Ever lover,forever friend中文是什么意思

我觉得可以这么理解:“一日夫妻 百日恩”


Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll believe you Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll believe you Some people handle love and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher Some day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye we"ll always be forever friends Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll believe you When the river flows Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows I"ll be a boat to sail arround you Melody never say good-bye I"ll be near you Some people handle love and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher One day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands till the river ends……

请问一首英文歌的名字?里面的歌词有"you are my friend,kiss me like a friend,searching for the......"

这个或许是你要找的岩井俊二——forever friendHold me like a friendKiss me like a friendSay we"ll never endSearching for the colors of the rainbowMelody never say good-byeI"ll believe youHold me like a friendKiss me like a friendSay we"ll never endSearching for the colors of the rainbowMelody never say good-byeI"ll believe youSome people handle love and never tryI can almost fly with your wings to set me higherSome day we"ll see the worldand through the grey have faith in our handsHold me like a friendKiss me like a friendSay we"ll never endSearching for the colors of the rainbowMelody never say good-byewe"ll always be forever friendsHold me like a friendKiss me like a friendSay we"ll never endSearching for the colors of the rainbowMelody never say good-byeI"ll believe youWhen the river flowsOff to part us bothOnly HEAVEN knowsI"ll be a boat to sail arround youMelody never say good-byeI"ll be near youSome people handle love and never tryI can almost fly with your wings to set me higherOne day we"ll see the worldand through the grey have faith in our handstill the river ends……我很惊讶,长这么大,还没有一个朋友KISS过我是我没有Forever的吸引吗?我不清楚或许,一个拥抱也可以姐姐说我太天真,全世界也只有她才会这样说我但有那么一天,她看见我给她买回的生日礼物也说出了那句--你长大了,成熟了是吧,长大了可是,即使是这样,也该有几个forever friends吧这样吧,为了证明你心,从今日起,见到我就Hold me like a friendKiss me like a friendSay we"ll never end

forever 是形容词还是副词?forever friend是错误的吗

谁说一定要按字典来?尽信书不如无书native speaker就经常说字典上没有的词,或者对字典有异议!forever是绝对可以用来做形容词的!相当于everlasting王力宏就有首歌叫《Forever Love》,他的英文很溜~歌名和歌词不会错的

Forever Friend 的歌词翻译~快来帮忙翻译呀~

全天下都是朋友你是我的朋友他是我的朋友……都是朋友是送给全天下最好的朋友是全天下最好的朋友喔接下来本人为你表演一个脱口 scratch听说有一种难过要经历多年以后才知道是谁的错找不到所谓的理由解释更好的生活它叫做什么有时候开始怀念大伙闯祸骑着单车一起挥汗早已早已伸缩有多久没联络有多久也没去联络whenever you goforever 朋友相约的夜游呼啸街头babyforever 朋友 oh yeah时间它在走回忆想要上锁 now不管你到哪里哪里去我一定在这里陪你我一定在这里陪着你陪着你

英文歌 forever friend确实很好听,谁有这首歌的英文歌词加上中文翻译吗?


Forever Friends 歌词

Forever Friends 中英歌词歌曲:Forever friends (In Harmony)作曲:莫洛德尔、孔祥东作词:Michael Kunze演唱:李玟、孙楠You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success.你已经尝过失败的痛苦和成功的甜蜜You want it all and you settle for nothing less.你想要的莫过于此You"ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力You"ve become one of the best.你已经成为最好的一个This is the time you"ll remember for all your life.这是值得你一辈子铭记的时刻Forever friends永远的朋友In harmony和谐无间As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子Forever through the years多年过后We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦Forever friends永远的朋友You"ll meet all races, see faces you"ve never seen.你会遇到不同种族 各种面孔的人们People from parts of the world where you"ve never been.它们来自世界各地 彼此素昧平生And you"ll feel it in your heart你将用心去感受We spent too much time apart我们已经分开的太久This is the time when all dreams of man come alive.这是人类所有梦想成真的时刻Forever friends永远的朋友In harmony和谐无间As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子Forever through the years多年过后We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦Forever friends永远的朋友(No matter where we are or go)无论我们身在何处前往何方(No matter what we hope for or know)无论我们心怀何种梦想(No matter how we word our prayer)无论我们用何种语言祈祷(There is one dream we share)这是我们共同分享的梦想Forever friends永远的朋友In harmony和谐无间As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子Forever through the years多年过后We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦One world One Dream同一个世界 同一个梦想Forever friends永远的朋友In Harmony!和谐无间Forever Friends永远的朋友(One dream we dream,One world we share.)我们拥有同一个梦想,我们分享同一个世界。中文版歌词永远的朋友(2008北京奥运会歌曲)作曲:乔治奥·莫洛德尔 孔祥东作词:黄小茂演唱:张惠妹 孙楠合十的一双手紧紧贴在胸前让风儿也带走这动人的祈愿红白黑黄的皮肤一样相同的温度世界在我脚下爱种在我心田祥云浮现 沐浴人间喜悦着你的喜悦呼吸着我的呼吸让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天直到永远穿越过悲与喜站在了你的面前久久的凝望着不用任何的语言有梦才会有明天有爱就会再相见骄傲吧为了这荣耀的一瞬间祥云浮现 沐浴人间为爱虔诚的许愿凝聚不朽的信念让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天直到永远【童声】(风儿啊轻颂云儿祥蔚蓝的星空我的梦乡花儿吐芬芳鸟儿唱纯真的心 晴朗)祥云浮现 沐浴人间喜悦着你的喜悦呼吸着我的呼吸让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天One World One DreamForever FriendsIn harmony直到永远主创成员简介:作曲:乔吉奥·莫罗德尔先生,意大利著名作曲家,好莱坞著名音乐人,曾经三获奥斯卡奖、两获格莱美奖、39次获得奥斯卡提名,其代表作有1984年洛杉矶奥运会主题曲《Reach Out》、1988年汉城奥运会主题曲《手拉手》、1990年意大利足球世界杯主题歌《意大利之夏》、《壮志凌云》电影配乐。 并于1993年北京申奥时创作过《好运北京》。作曲、制作:孔祥东先生,著名音乐家,1986年莫斯科柴可夫斯基国际钢琴大赛与1987年的西班牙桑坦德尔国际大赛中,他两度成为最年轻的获奖者,从而引起世界乐坛的注目;1988年他成为了美国吉纳·巴考尔国际比赛金奖得主;1992年他一举获得第五届悉尼国际钢琴比赛的第一名大奖以及四项特别奖。代表作有:《西藏梦》、《和谐花园》、《永远的朋友》。作词:米歇尔·昆茨(Michael Kunze),德国词作家,代表作有:著名德语音乐剧《伊丽莎白》,《吸血鬼之舞》,《莫扎特》,《蝴蝶梦》以及音乐剧《猫》,《歌剧魅影》,《艾薇塔》,《歌舞线上》,《恐怖小店》,《拜访森林》,《蜘蛛女之吻》,《爱的观点》,《日落大道》,《钟楼怪人》,《狮子王》,《妈妈米呀》,《阿依达》和《邪恶怀女巫》的德语歌词翻译。制作人:乔吉奥·莫罗德尔、何健民(Thomas Ho,已故)、孔祥东。

孙楠Forever friends 的中文歌词和英文歌词

[ti:forever friends][ar:李玟 孙楠][al:奥运歌曲精选1][by:丁嗅毛♀潴华]李玟 孙楠- forever friends 歌曲:forever friend (in harmony)作曲:莫洛德尔 孔祥东作词:michael kunze演唱:李玟 孙楠专辑:forever friends孙:you"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet successyou want it all and you settle for nothing less玟:you"ve tried harder than the restyou"ve become one of the best合:this is the time you"ll remember for all your life forever friends in harmony as the whole world joins and sees days of unity and peaceforever through the years we"ll hear the cheersjoy and laughter everywherewe"re together here to share forever friends 孙:you"ll meet all races,see faces you"ve never seenpeople from parts of the world where you"ve never been玟:and you"ll feel it in your heart we spent too much time apart 合:this is the time you"ll remember for all your life forever friends in harmony as the whole world joins and sees days of unity and peaceforever through the years we"ll hear the cheersjoy and laughter everywhere we"re together here to share forever friends (no matter where we are or go)(no matter what we hope for or know)(no matter how we word our prayer)(there is one dream we share)forever friends in harmony as the whole world joins and sees days of unity and peaceforever through the years we"ll hear the cheersjoy and laughter everywherewe"re together here to share 玟:one world one dream孙:forever friends合:in harmonyforever friends(one dream we dream)(one world we share)
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