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system idle process是什么进程?

最近,估计是天气炎热了,很多网友开始关注起CPU占用率的问题了。这不,有网友问我们system idle process是什么进程,电脑中经常出现system idle process占用99%该怎么办。其实大家都将这个理解错了,这个system idle process表示系统空闲资源,system idle process占用99%就表示CPU还有99%的资源可以使用,所以这是虚惊一场啦。system idle process是什么进程那么,有网友还是要问,到底这个system idle process是什么进程呢?不要着急,下面巨盾安全工程师就来为大家解答。system idle process叫做Windows系统空闲进程,这个进程做为单线程运行在每个处理器上面,并在CPU不处理其他线程的时候计算CPU的空余资源,占用比越大表示CPU空闲资源越多,所以有这些疑问的网友都不要紧张了,另外这个进程不能被禁止的,有想结束system idle process进程的网友趁早打消这个念头。当然也有不少网友的电脑是确实有问题的,这就表现在system idle process进程所占百分比很低,通常都在5%以下了,这说明你电脑处于高负载状况了,如果你没有运行大型程序,那么就要检查下电脑是否中毒或者有其他异常了,可是使用木马专杀工具或者杀毒软件扫描下电脑,看看是否是病毒在做怪。好啦,降到这里,相信大家对system idle process是什么进程都清楚了,以后再见到system idle process占用99%可不要惊慌失措了,这是电脑负载低的表现,夏天到了,大家多看看CPU使用率是否居高不下,关掉一些没必要的软件,这样电脑温度也会有所降低的。

system idle process是什么进程,可以关闭吗


system idle process是什么程序,可以关闭吗

system idle process是什么程序,可以关闭吗 System Idle Process是一个系统程序,其表示的是CPU的空闲率。也就是说System IdleProcess程序占用的越多,说明CPU的越闲。不要想去删除它。 "System Idle Process" 中的 idle 是“空闲”的意思 "System Idle Process" 即“系统空闲程序” System Idle Process占用越多CUP时间,说明电脑越空闲。 实际上System Idle Process 是WIN2000/XP以及Vista/WIN7作业系统都有的一个程序,其作用都是一样的。 就是在CPU空闲的时候,发出一个IDLE命令,使CPU挂起(暂时停止工作),可有效的降低CPU核心的温度,在作业系统服务里面,都没有禁止它的选项;预设它是占用除了当前应用程式所分配的处理器(CPU)百分比之外的所有占用率;一旦应用程式发出请求,处理器会立刻响应的。在这个程序里出现的CPU占用数值并不是真正的占用而是体现的CPU的空闲率,也就说这个数值越大CPU的空闲率就越高,反之就是CPU的占用率越高。如果在刚刚开机的情况下就发现SystemIdle Process的CPU占用值很低的话应该就注意后台有什么大的程式在执行或者感染病毒了。System Idle Process 不是一个真正的程序,是核心虚拟出来的,多工作业系统都有的。在没有可用的程序时,系统处于空执行状态,此时就是System Idle Process 在执行。故它占用97%CPU时间,说明机器负荷很轻。可以用WINZIP解压一个大的档案时,就可看到SystemIdle Process 占用CPU时间变化。 System Idle Process SYSTEM不是一个真正的程序,是核心虚拟出来的,多工作业系统都有的!在没有可用的程序时,系统处于空执行状态,此时就是System Idle Process SYSTEM在执行!故它占用97%CPU时间,说明你的机器负荷很轻!你用WINZIP解压一个大的档案时,就可看到,System Idle Process SYSTEM占用CPU时间变化。 system idle ……是表示你系统剩余的CPU资源! 不要想去结束它! 要是他占的CPU资源为0估计你该重新启动了! 当“System Idle Process”程序占用资源为2%时,说明机器目前只有2%的资源是空闲的,即机器可能感染了病毒或被其他程式占用了98%的资源。换句话说,“System Idle Process”程序占用资源占用资源越大则系统可用资源越多,其字面意思是“系统空闲程序” --- 机器宕机并不一定是病毒嘛 可能CPU过热 记忆体太小 系统错误太多等等的原因 不能终止。 如何关闭system idle process程序 你好朋友,那个不能关闭,如果你把它强制关闭了那你系统就崩溃了,那个是一个很重要的系统程序 程序中的System Idle Process占记忆体92%,System Idle Process是什么? 程序档案:system idle process或者system idle process 程序名称:system idle counter 描述: systemidle不是一个程序,更多用于是显示剩余的cpu资源情况。无法删除该程序。 出品者:microsoft 属于:windows系统 系统程序:是 后台程序:是 使用网路:否 硬体相关:否 常见错误:未知 记忆体使用:未知 安全等级:0 间谍软体:否 广告软体:否 病毒:否 木马:否 System Idle Process.exe是什么程序 系统空闲程序 比方说现在的CPU利用率是45% 那么这个程序应该显示55 不用担心。

进程项 System Idle Process 是什么东西?



在EXCEL中address函数获取工作表单元格的地址。例如,ADDRESS(2,3) 返回 $C$2。在另一个示例中,ADDRESS(77,300) 返回 $KN$77。可以使用其他函数(如 ROW 和 COLUMN 函数)为 ADDRESS 函数提供行号和列号参数 。 语法  ADDRESS(row_num, column_num, [abs_num], [a1], [sheet_text]) ADDRESS 函数语法参数  address函数语法参数如下: row_num 必需。一个数值,指定要在单元格引用中使用的行号。   column_num 必需。一个数值,指定要在单元格引用中使用的列号。   abs_num 可选。一个数值,指定要返回的引用类型。deliver表示直接投递 或者说直接发表

Like A Star (Itunes Session) 歌词

歌曲名:Like A Star (Itunes Session)歌手:Corinne Bailey Rae专辑:Live Session - EpTitle: Like a starArtist: Corinne Bailey Rae(First heard this song from radio in UK about in Nov-2005)(^_^)/Just like a star across my skyJust like an angel love the pageYou have been to my lifefeel like I"d never be the sameJust like a song in my heartJust like all along my handsOh a little love youI still wonder why it isI don"t argue like thiswith anyone but youYou do it all the timeblowing out my mindYou got this look I can"t describeYou made me feel I"m alivewhen everything else is so fadewithout a doubt you"re on my sideHeaven has been away too longgonna find the words to write this songOh your loveI still wonder why it isI don"t argue like thiswith anyone but youYou do it all the timeblowing out my mindyeah~ da~ da~I"ve got to understand the way it isIt"s not the secret anymorecause we"ve been through that beforeFrom tonight and only you the only oneI"ve been confused and in the darkNow I understandyeah~ooo~I wonder why it isI don"t argue like thiswith anyone but youI wonder why it isI won"t let my god downfor anyone but youYou do it all the timeblowing out my mindJust like a star across my skyJust like an angel love the pageYou have been to my lifefeel like I"d never be the sameJust like a song in my heartJust like all along my hand

delta goodrem - possessionless中文歌词

All the things that I have collected   我收集的所有东西   Stones and shells   仅仅是石头和贝壳而已   Every word in every book upon my shelves   每句话每本书都在我的书架上   Only form a brief description of myself   在它们当中只有短短几句是关于我的描述   But they don"t define who I am   但是它们却没有给我是谁下定义   I don"t think anything can, No   我不觉得有什么东西能下这个定义   If I stripped away the non-ecessities   如果我把不必要的东西脱掉   All the damage, all the mess surrounding me   所有的伤害,所有的烦恼都会把我包围起来   I don"t crave what I have not   我并不渴望我所没有的东西   I don"t need more than I"ve got   我的需要不会多于我所拥有的   Its just me that I offer you   我所能奉献给你的只有“我”   All I got is my body   我的所有就只有一个身躯   and it"s naked for you   而我把它裸露在你的面前   All I got is this heart   我所拥有的就只有这一个真诚的心   that I"m willing to loose   我愿意让它在你面前自由表达   I know in this life   在这个世界上   I give it everything   我把我的全部都给了你   All I got is this soul   我所拥有的就是这个灵魂   and it"s shedding it"s clothes   而且它正脱去它的外壳   Do you see who I am   你知道我的感受了吗?   now you"re standing this close   现在你离我这么近   You know in these arms   你知道吗,在你的双臂之间   you"re feeling everything   你触摸到了我的全部   I"m learning what to give what to protect   我正在了解什么应该奉献出去,什么应该留下   To look into the mirror though I"m not perfect   我看着镜子,尽管我并不完美   It"s a work in progress hasn"t finished yet   但它在进步,而且还没有终止   Wanna be transparent see through   我希望它是透明的,可以让人透视的   Not gonna hide me from you   那样的话,就它就不会是你看不见我内心的感受了   I"m completely undressed   我一丝不挂   but I couldn"t care less   但我不能什么都不想   I"m standing here possessionless   我毫无保留的站在这里   It"s the only true test   这是对真爱的考验   when the only thing left   然而唯一留下来的东西   Is a love that is possessionless   是那份毫无保留的爱

腾讯Tencent Messenger是什么?


开机提示:"Failed to decompress data!"错误.怎么解决?

一个是你的C盘在用PQ软件分区的时候 没有设为作用! 还有一个就是你的分区表有问题! 如果是第一个好解决。再用PQ进去设个作用就可以了! 如果是第二个你得用DESKGEN这个软件来做一个分区表的修复!

thank you for your blessing wish you happy every bay是什么意思


The Blessing 歌词

歌曲名:The Blessing歌手:Gonzalo Rubalcaba专辑:The BlessingThe BlessingCeltic Womanby:JemimaIn the morning when you riseI bless the sun, I bless the skiesI bless your lips, I bless your eyesMy blessing goes with youIn the nighttime when you sleepOh I bless you while a watch I keepAs you lie in slumber deepMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooWhen your weary heart is tiredIf the world would leave you uninspiredWhen nothing more of love"s desiredMy blessing goes with youWhen the storms of life are strongWhen you"re wounded, when you don"t belongWhen you no longer hear my songMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooI bless youAnd you bless me, tooThe end

long time no see ,would see you soon, blessing me怎么翻译好一些


The Blessing 歌词

歌曲名:The Blessing歌手:Don Cherry专辑:Art DecoThe BlessingCeltic Womanby:JemimaIn the morning when you riseI bless the sun, I bless the skiesI bless your lips, I bless your eyesMy blessing goes with youIn the nighttime when you sleepOh I bless you while a watch I keepAs you lie in slumber deepMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooWhen your weary heart is tiredIf the world would leave you uninspiredWhen nothing more of love"s desiredMy blessing goes with youWhen the storms of life are strongWhen you"re wounded, when you don"t belongWhen you no longer hear my songMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooI bless youAnd you bless me, tooThe end

The Blessing 歌词

歌曲名:The Blessing歌手:Celtic Woman专辑:A New JourneyThe BlessingCeltic WomanIn the morning when you riseI bless the sun, I bless the skiesI bless your lips, I bless your eyesMy blessing goes with youIn the nighttime when you sleepOh I bless you while a watch I keepAs you lie in slumber deepMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooWhen your weary heart is tiredIf the world would leave you uninspiredWhen nothing more of love"s desiredMy blessing goes with youWhen the storms of life are strongWhen you"re wounded, when you don"t belongWhen you no longer hear my songMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooI bless youAnd you bless me, tooThe end

The Blessing 歌词

歌曲名:The Blessing歌手:Don Cherry专辑:Verve Impressions: BrassThe BlessingCeltic Womanby:JemimaIn the morning when you riseI bless the sun, I bless the skiesI bless your lips, I bless your eyesMy blessing goes with youIn the nighttime when you sleepOh I bless you while a watch I keepAs you lie in slumber deepMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooWhen your weary heart is tiredIf the world would leave you uninspiredWhen nothing more of love"s desiredMy blessing goes with youWhen the storms of life are strongWhen you"re wounded, when you don"t belongWhen you no longer hear my songMy blessing goes with youThis is my prayer for youThere for you, ever trueEach, every day for youIn everything you doAnd when you come to meAnd hold me close to youI bless youAnd you bless me, tooI bless youAnd you bless me, tooThe end

you have my sincernly blessing

you have my blessing to do what you feel is right with the piece 的意思 中文意思就是: 若果你认为所做是对的话,你不论怎样去利用它也会得到我的祝福. 很希望会对你有帮助.

you have my blessing!什么意思!



1u3001The more firecrackers, the more fortune and blessing.2u3001"and Esau said to his father, Is that the only blessing you have, my father? give a blessing to me, even me! and Esau was overcome with weeping."3u3001So I thought of Flower, Flower Carnation is the blessing, I chose it.4u3001Not to do it, at whatever cost, is to miss the blessing.5u3001The so-called plain sailing is just the heart"s praying and blessing, strong and faith.6u300116from the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.7u3001Cloning could be a blessing for the infertile, who otherwise could not experience biological parenthood.8u3001I write the missing and blessing to you from the blooming orchid petals and wish you a happy birthday!9u3001Some users regard it as a blessing for those too shy or too tongue-tied to speak their love.10u3001The Israelites certainly hoped to secure the perpetual aid and blessing and protection of a well-disposed deity.11u3001Yes, a small ailment is a blessing, and I think I need to drink some herbal soup now.12u3001So I think I should take time everyday to think about and ponder about blessing in my life.13u3001They say fewer people may be a blessing: growth in living standards will continue while congestion and pressure on the environment will be eased.14u3001Redundancy could be a blessing in disguise for City workers who have fallen victim to the credit crunch, the Bishop of London said yesterday.15u3001All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them when he blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him.

Blessed Be Your Name 歌词

歌曲名:Blessed Be Your Name歌手:Newsboys专辑:Double Take - NewsboysBlessed Be Your Name Robin Mark Revival in Belfast IITitle: Blessed Be Your NameArtist: Robin MarkAlbum: Revival in Belfast IIBy: RecyclerXBlessed Be Your NameIn the land that is plentifulWhere Your streams of abundance flowBlessed be Your nameBlessed Be Your nameWhen I"m found in the desert placeThough I walk through the wildernessBlessed Be Your nameEvery blessing You pour outI"ll turn back to praiseWhen the darkness closes inStill I will sayBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious nameBlessed be Your nameWhen the sun"s shining down on meWhen the world"s "all as it should be"Blessed be Your nameBlessed be Your nameOn the road marked with sufferingThough there"s pain in the offeringBlessed be Your nameEvery blessing You pour outI"ll turn back to praiseWhen the darkness closes inStill I will sayBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious nameYou give and take awayYou give and take awayMy heart will choose to sayLord Blessed be your nameYou give and take awayYou give and take awayMy heart will choose to sayLord Blessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your nameBlessed be the name of the LordBlessed be Your glorious name

Has your news I to be very happy, I pray for heavenly blessing you


blessing you....... may your day be filled

祝福你 希望你的每一天充满祝福 就像照亮天空的太阳 希望你总是有勇气展开翅膀飞翔

bless you还是blessing you?(不加God)

汗 总有个主语吧 ...

god blessing you是什么意思


..blessing you..这段中文是什么意思..



i blessing you 我祝福你blessing 英[u02c8blesu026au014b]美[u02c8blu025bsu026au014b]n. 祝福(上帝的); 好事; 福分; 因祸得福;[例句]Not to do it, at whatever cost, is to miss the blessing.你如果不肯出任何代价去做的话,你就会失去顶宝贵的祝福。

Blessing you.什么意思?


somewhat less 意思

somewhat 副词 意思是 多多少少有点somewhat less 稍微有点少的意思somewhat unhappy 多多少少有点不开心 -------------------------------------------原来是这样你不能把less 和 Extensive分开啊less extensive 是 延展性差的意思再加个somewhat在前面表示程度,差得不远,但还是多多少少差一点的意思。那这句话的意思就是:肺表面的突起部分比起壁胸膜的外层表面的延展性(其实就是弹性伸缩性)较小。


impressive的读法是:英 [u026am"presu026av],美 [u026am"presu026av].adj.(形容词)感人的,令人感动的。令人钦佩的,使人敬畏的,令人肃然起敬的。威严的。给人深刻印象的,令人难忘的。神气的,有气派的。短语搭配:1、very impressive.印象很深刻;非常的感人;非常可观。2、impressive performance.令人印象深刻的表现。3、impressive record.令人印象深刻的记录;令人赞叹的记录。4、impressive list.令人印象深刻的清单;清单令人印象深刻。5、impressive collection.印象深刻的……收藏;大量,惊人的收藏。6、impressive example.印象深刻的例子;难以忘怀的例子。7、impressive library.令人印象深刻的图书馆。双语例句:1、The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in magazines.这建筑物看上去和在杂志上一样让人印象深刻。2、It is a Potemkin party; there is little behind the impressive parliamentary group seen on television.这是一个装点门面的政党,除了电视上看到的议会党团翩翩外表并无实质内容。3、The cathedral is impressive in its austere simplicity.大教堂朴实简单,给人印象深刻。4、To Katherine, the house was trebly impressive.对凯瑟琳来说,这房子极其壮观。5、His team played some impressive football.他的球队踢法令人印象深刻。6、Communal pride in impressive local buildings.全社区对于予人深刻印象的当地建筑的自豪。7、A good English dictionary is a golden key to an impressive command of English.一本好的英语词典是学好英语的金钥匙。8、He has real style. / He has an impressive bearing.他真有气派。9、The interest on this principal will be quite impressive.这笔本金的利息会相当可观。10、He looks quite impressive in this suit.他穿上这身衣裳,多气派。

Tennessee [Live] 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee [Live]歌手:The Wreckers专辑:Way Back Home: Live From New York CityTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennessee



请教德语翻译 ich will schokolade essen das glaube ich nicht,du hast gerade deutsch gesprochen


我要Heartless-kanye west歌词。(中英文)

In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心? How could you be so Cold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo? Just remember that you talkin to me hoe You need to watch the way you talkin to me hoe I mean after all the things that we"ve been through I mean after all the things we got into Ayo I know there"s some things that you aint told me Ayo I did some things but that"s the old me 当微风吹过时你怎么可以这样 像寒风一样的冷? 你只要记住,当你和我说话的时候 婊子 我想你必须注意你和我谈论的方式 婊子 我的意思是,在我们已经经历所有的事情后, 我的意思是,所有的事情我们已经进入之后 Ayo 我知道有一些东西,你并没有告诉我 Ayo 我是做了些事,不过那是过去的我 And now you wanna get me back and you gonna show me So you walk around like you don"t know me You got a new friend, but I got homies But in the end, still so lonely 现在你想我回来,你一定要告诉我 所以,你走来走去就像你并不了解我一样 你有新朋友,但我却多了很多兄弟(或者是女人) 但是归根结底,我还是那么孤独 In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心? How could you be so doctor evil? You bring out a side of me that I don"t know I decided we weren"t gonna speak so Why we up 3am on the phone 你怎么能这么邪恶的像个邪恶博士? 你让我知道了我的另一面, 我决定,我们不需要说话,那正是为什么 我们凌晨3点还在电话里....... Why would you be so mad at me for Homie I don"t know, she"s hot and cold I won"t stop, won"t mess my groove up Cause I already know how this thing goes 为什么你会为我而如此的疯狂 兄弟我不知道,她的热与冷 我不会停下来,不会乱了我的习惯 因为我已经知道这个事情会发生 You run and tell your friends that you leavin me They said they don"t see what you see in me You wait a couple months, then you gonna see You never find nobody better than me 你走了,并告诉你的朋友,你和我分手了 他们说,他们没有看到你看到我 你等了一两个月,那么你一定清楚 你永远也找不到任何人比我好更好的了 In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心 Talkin, talkin, talkin, talk Baby lets just knock it off They don"t know what we"ve been through They don"t know bout me and you 谈论,讨论,接着说吧 宝贝,让它结束吧 他们并不知道我们之间发生了什么 他们也不知道有关于你我之间的事 So I got something new to see And you just gonna keep hatin me And we just gonna be enemies 现在我要去看看新的事 你们继续讨厌我吧 让我们成为敌人吧 I know you can"t believe I could just leave it wrong And you can"t make it right I"m gonna take off tonight Into the night 我知道你不相信,我是对的 你也不会是对的,让我们融入今夜 In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心


from“die for you”to“heartless”从“为你而死”到“没心”

Kanye West的《Heartless》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartless歌手:Kanye West专辑:my story (live)Kanye West - HeartlessIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?How could you be soCold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo?Just remember that you talkin to me hoeYou need to watch the way you talkin to me hoeI mean after all the things that we"ve been throughI mean after all the things we got intoAyo I know there"s some things that you aint told meAyo I did some things but that"s the old meAnd now you wanna get me back and you gonna show meSo you walk around like you don"t know meYou got a new friend, but I got homiesBut in the end, still so lonelyIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?How could you be so doctor evil?You bring out a side of me that I don"t knowI decided we weren"t gonna speak soWhy we up 3am on the phoneWhy would you be so mad at me forHomie I don"t know, she"s hot and coldI won"t stop, won"t mess my groove upCause I already know how this thing goesYou run and tell your friends that you leavin meThey said they don"t see what you see in meYou wait a couple months, then you gonna seeYou never find nobody better than meIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?Talkin, talkin, talkin, talkBaby let"s just knock it offThey don"t know what we"ve been throughThey don"t know about me and youSo I got something new to seeAnd you just gonna keep hatin" meAnd we just gonna be enemiesI know you can"t believeI could just leave it wrongAnd you can"t make it rightI"m gonna take off tonightInto the nightIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?

Frankie Vaughan的《Heartless》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartless歌手:Frankie Vaughan专辑:The Best Of The Emi YearsKanye West - Heartless / 坎耶·维斯特 — 绝情的女人翻译:金佳野 审校:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?How could you be so / 你怎么可以哟Cold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo? / 冷如冬日寒风当它刮起的时候Just remember that you talkin to me hoe / 要知道你就是那样跟我讲话哟You need to watch the way you talkin to me hoe / 你可要当心跟我讲话的方式哟I mean after all the things that we"ve been through / 我是说当我们经历过这些事后I mean after all the things we got into / 我是说当我们陷入了这些事后Ayo I know there"s some things that you aint told me / 哎哟我知道有些事你没告诉我Ayo I did some things but that"s the old me / 哎哟我也一样可那是过去的我And now you wanna get me back and you gonna show me / 现在你回心转意想向我表心迹So you walk around like you don"t know me / 故作不识你在我身边转来转去You got a new friend, but I got homies / 你有新交,可我也有兄弟But in the end, still so lonely / 可到最后,却还一样孤寂In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?How could you be so doctor evil? / 你怎么可以如此残忍如此邪恶You bring out a side of me that I don"t know / 为何要无情地揭穿另一面的我I decided we weren"t gonna speak so / 何苦凌晨三点还要对着电话说Why we up 3 a.m. on the phone / 我已决定今后不再与你有瓜葛Why would you be so mad at me for / 我不明白她为何总对我大动肝火Homie I don"t know, she"s hot and cold / 兄弟我真不懂,她总是忽冷忽热I won"t stop, won"t mess my groove up / 我不会停止脚步打乱快乐的生活Cause I already know how this thing goes / 因为结局注定我们必定东西相隔You run and tell your friends that you leavin me / 你四处奔走对你朋友说打算离开我They said they don"t see what you see in me / 他们说看到的并非你眼中的那个我You wait a couple months, then you gonna see / 等过了个把月之后你可要好好看着You never find nobody better than me / 你再也找不到哪个男人能优秀如我In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?Talkin, talkin, talkin, talk / 谈吧,谈吧,谈吧,谈Baby let"s just knock it off / 宝贝就让我们做个了断They don"t know what we"ve been through / 他们既不知你我经历的They don"t know about me and you / 他们也不真了解你与我So I got something new to see / 所以我要找我的新生活And you just gonna keep hatin" me / 你可一如既往地痛恨我And we just gonna be enemies / 干脆我们从此就做仇人I know you can"t believe / 我知道你决不会相信I could just leave it wrong / 我偏会这样一错到底And you can"t make it right / 你已经无力挽回一切I"m gonna take off tonight / 今晚我将要离你远去Into the night / 消失于黑夜In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?

Kanye West的《Heartless》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartless歌手:Kanye West专辑:HeartlessHeartlessKanye WestIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?How could you be soCold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo?Just remember that you talkin to me hoeYou need to watch the way you talkin to me hoeI mean after all the things that we"ve been throughI mean after all the things we got intoAyo I know there"s some things that you aint told meAyo I did some things but that"s the old meAnd now you wanna get me back and you gonna show meSo you walk around like you don"t know meYou got a new friend, but I got homiesBut in the end, still so lonelyIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?How could you be so doctor evil?You bring out a side of me that I don"t knowI decided we weren"t gonna speak soWhy we up 3am on the phoneWhy would you be so mad at me forHomie I don"t know, she"s hot and coldI won"t stop, won"t mess my groove upCause I already know how this thing goesYou run and tell your friends that you leavin meThey said they don"t see what you see in meYou wait a couple months, then you gonna seeYou never find nobody better than meIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?Talkin, talkin, talkin, talkBaby let"s just knock it offThey don"t know what we"ve been throughThey don"t know about me and youSo I got something new to seeAnd you just gonna keep hatin" meAnd we just gonna be enemiesI know you can"t believeI could just leave it wrongAnd you can"t make it rightI"m gonna take off tonightInto the nightIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?

Heart的《Heartless》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartless歌手:Heart专辑:MagazineKanye West - Heartless / 坎耶·维斯特 — 绝情的女人翻译:金佳野 审校:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?How could you be so / 你怎么可以哟Cold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo? / 冷如冬日寒风当它刮起的时候Just remember that you talkin to me hoe / 要知道你就是那样跟我讲话哟You need to watch the way you talkin to me hoe / 你可要当心跟我讲话的方式哟I mean after all the things that we"ve been through / 我是说当我们经历过这些事后I mean after all the things we got into / 我是说当我们陷入了这些事后Ayo I know there"s some things that you aint told me / 哎哟我知道有些事你没告诉我Ayo I did some things but that"s the old me / 哎哟我也一样可那是过去的我And now you wanna get me back and you gonna show me / 现在你回心转意想向我表心迹So you walk around like you don"t know me / 故作不识你在我身边转来转去You got a new friend, but I got homies / 你有新交,可我也有兄弟But in the end, still so lonely / 可到最后,却还一样孤寂In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?How could you be so doctor evil? / 你怎么可以如此残忍如此邪恶You bring out a side of me that I don"t know / 为何要无情地揭穿另一面的我I decided we weren"t gonna speak so / 何苦凌晨三点还要对着电话说Why we up 3 a.m. on the phone / 我已决定今后不再与你有瓜葛Why would you be so mad at me for / 我不明白她为何总对我大动肝火Homie I don"t know, she"s hot and cold / 兄弟我真不懂,她总是忽冷忽热I won"t stop, won"t mess my groove up / 我不会停止脚步打乱快乐的生活Cause I already know how this thing goes / 因为结局注定我们必定东西相隔You run and tell your friends that you leavin me / 你四处奔走对你朋友说打算离开我They said they don"t see what you see in me / 他们说看到的并非你眼中的那个我You wait a couple months, then you gonna see / 等过了个把月之后你可要好好看着You never find nobody better than me / 你再也找不到哪个男人能优秀如我In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?Talkin, talkin, talkin, talk / 谈吧,谈吧,谈吧,谈Baby let"s just knock it off / 宝贝就让我们做个了断They don"t know what we"ve been through / 他们既不知你我经历的They don"t know about me and you / 他们也不真了解你与我So I got something new to see / 所以我要找我的新生活And you just gonna keep hatin" me / 你可一如既往地痛恨我And we just gonna be enemies / 干脆我们从此就做仇人I know you can"t believe / 我知道你决不会相信I could just leave it wrong / 我偏会这样一错到底And you can"t make it right / 你已经无力挽回一切I"m gonna take off tonight / 今晚我将要离你远去Into the night / 消失于黑夜In the night, I hear them talk / 深夜里我听他们讲起The coldest story ever told / 漫漫旅途上曾流传着Somewhere far along this road / 一段寒心彻骨的传说He lost his soul / 他把精力都给了To a woman so heartless / 一个如此绝情的女人How could you be so heartless? Oh / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?噢How could you be so heartless? / 你怎是如此绝情的女人?


heartless 英[u02c8hɑ:tlu0259s] 美[u02c8hɑ:rtlu0259s] adj. 无情无义; 无情的,狠心的; 没良心; 薄情无义; [例句]I couldn"t believe they were so heartless我无法相信他们竟如此狠心。

those who are heartless,once cared too much.什么意思

those who are heartless,once cared too much 那些无情的人,曾经都太过在意


In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心? How could you be so Cold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo? Just remember that you talkin to me hoe You need to watch the way you talkin to me hoe I mean after all the things that we"ve been through I mean after all the things we got into Ayo I know there"s some things that you aint told me Ayo I did some things but that"s the old me 当微风吹过时你怎么可以这样 像寒风一样的冷? 你只要记住,当你和我说话的时候 婊子 我想你必须注意你和我谈论的方式 婊子 我的意思是,在我们已经经历所有的事情后, 我的意思是,所有的事情我们已经进入之后 Ayo 我知道有一些东西,你并没有告诉我 Ayo 我是做了些事,不过那是过去的我 And now you wanna get me back and you gonna show me So you walk around like you don"t know me You got a new friend, but I got homies But in the end, still so lonely 现在你想我回来,你一定要告诉我 所以,你走来走去就像你并不了解我一样 你有新朋友,但我却多了很多兄弟(或者是女人) 但是归根结底,我还是那么孤独 In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心? How could you be so doctor evil? You bring out a side of me that I don"t know I decided we weren"t gonna speak so Why we up 3am on the phone 你怎么能这么邪恶的像个邪恶博士? 你让我知道了我的另一面, 我决定,我们不需要说话,那正是为什么 我们凌晨3点还在电话里....... Why would you be so mad at me for Homie I don"t know, she"s hot and cold I won"t stop, won"t mess my groove up Cause I already know how this thing goes 为什么你会为我而如此的疯狂 兄弟我不知道,她的热与冷 我不会停下来,不会乱了我的习惯 因为我已经知道这个事情会发生 You run and tell your friends that you leavin me They said they don"t see what you see in me You wait a couple months, then you gonna see You never find nobody better than me 你走了,并告诉你的朋友,你和我分手了 他们说,他们没有看到你看到我 你等了一两个月,那么你一定清楚 你永远也找不到任何人比我好更好的了 In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心 Talkin, talkin, talkin, talk Baby lets just knock it off They don"t know what we"ve been through They don"t know bout me and you 谈论,讨论,接着说吧 宝贝,让它结束吧 他们并不知道我们之间发生了什么 他们也不知道有关于你我之间的事 So I got something new to see And you just gonna keep hatin me And we just gonna be enemies 现在我要去看看新的事 你们继续讨厌我吧 让我们成为敌人吧 I know you can"t believe I could just leave it wrong And you can"t make it right I"m gonna take off tonight Into the night 我知道你不相信,我是对的 你也不会是对的,让我们融入今夜 In the night, I hear them talk The coldest story ever told Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul To a woman so heartless 在那天晚上,我听到他们谈论 是我听说的最冷酷的事 从某处沿着这条道路,他失去了他的灵魂 为了一个女人如此无情 How could you be so heartless? Oh How could you be so heartless? 你怎么这么狠心?噢 你怎么这么狠心

Heartless -傀儡情侣网名是什么?

Heartless -傀儡情侣网名是什么? Affettuoso -诗人 Heartless的意思是无情的 冷酷的 Affettuoso是情感丰富的 相对傀儡而说 诗人是比较多请的 和善的 希望能帮到你 uff817uffab2 傀儡 puppet▼的情侣网名 uff817uffab2 傀儡 puppet▼ 意思相近的: uff817uffab2 玩物 toy▼ uff817uffab2 木偶 puppet▼ uff817uffab2 奴仆/奴隶 servant▼ uff817uffab2 棋子 ches *** an▼ 意思相反的: uff817uffab2 主导/支配/统治 dominant▲ uff817uffab2 操纵/控制 control▲ uff817uffab2 把握 hold▲ 想不出了。。暂时就这么多。望采纳。 爱情的傀儡 起个情侣网名 爱情的傀儡为你而动 爱情的奴隶为你展颜 跟傀儡 just° 对应的情侣网名 魑魅 must° 和 傀儡 情侣的网名 木偶 ℡死魂灵·Wǒ-.→傀儡网名的另一半我想做个情侣网名 ℡死魂灵·Wǒ-.→傀儡┃℡腐躯壳·Wǒ-.→傀垒 ℡死魂灵·Wǒ-.→傀儡┃℡亡魂灵·Wǒ-.→咒语 ℡死魂灵·Wǒ-.→傀儡┃℡故魂灵·Wǒ-.→冥想 ℡死魂灵·Wǒ-.→傀儡┃℡逝魂灵·Wǒ-.→幻术 ℡死魂灵·Wǒ-.→傀儡┃℡朽魂灵·Wǒ-.→木偶 ℡死魂灵·Wǒ-.→傀儡┃℡殇魂灵·Wǒ-.→占卜 capricorn情侣网名是什么 capricorn是摩羯座的意思,那得看他的情人是啥星座了 星座 日期(公历) 英文名 魔羯座 (12/22 - 01/19) Capricorn 水瓶座 (01/ 20- 02/18) Aquarius 双鱼座 (02/19- 03/20) Pisces 白羊座 (03/21 - 04/20) Aries 金牛座 (04/21 - 05/20) Taurus 双子座 (05/21 - 6/21) Gemini 巨蟹座 (06/22- 07/22 Cancer 狮子座 (07/23 - 08/22) Leo 处女座 (08/23 - 09/22) Virgo 天秤座 (09/23 - 10/23) Libra 天蝎座 (10/24 - 11/21) Scorpio 射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius calm情侣网名是什么? crazy Calm丨如风 Calm丨似冰 Calm丨如雨 Calm丨晓风 Calm丨雪若 (若雪如果是名字,你也可以起你的名字) 还有calm为冷静的意思,把calm换成sane或crazy也行 Calm°前せ╮ Calm°寻寻╮ Calm°今玍╮ Calm°觅觅╮ Calm°缘起╮ Calm°勿失╮ Calm°缘灭╮ Calm°勿忘╮ Calm°相依╮ Calm°缠绵╮ Calm°相惜╮ Calm°悱恻╮ Calm°痴情╮ Calm°岛屿╮ Calm°情痴╮ Calm°亡屿╮ ? honey 情侣网名是什么 honey 是蜜的意思,那就用甜吧sweet,组成“甜蜜”或“比蜜还甜”都好啊! honey是对亲爱的称呼!而sweet谐音sweater是毛衣的意思!带温暖之意!寓意能给你亲爱的温暖和甜蜜只有你能! Sunshine 情侣网名是什么 ________【 Sunshine 】________ ________【Moonshine】________


In the night, I hear "em talk, 在夜晚,我听他们说the coldest story ever told 史上最冷酷的故事Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless.. 在某个地方,这条路的远处,失去了一个灵魂,因为一个狠心的女人How could you be so heartless? 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?Oh.. How could you be so heartless? oh 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?How could you be so, cold as the winter wind when it breeze, yo 你怎么会这样,冷得像冬天刮的寒风,你啊Just remember that you talkin" to me though 但是记住,你正在跟我讲话You need to watch the way you talkin" to me, yo 你需要注意跟我讲话的方式,你啊I mean after all the things that we"ve been through 我的意思是我们经历了这么多,I mean after all the things we got into 我的意思是我们一起投入了这么多Hey yo, I know of some things that you ain"t told me 喂你,我知道一些你不打算告诉我的事Hey yo, I did some things but that"s the old me 喂你,我做过一些事但那已经是以前的我了And now you wanna get me back and you gon" show me 而现在想报复我,给我看So you walk around like you don"t know me 所以你在我周围走装作不认识我You got a new friend, well I got homies 你有新朋友,但是我有死党But in the end it"s still so lonely 只是最后,还是太孤单 In the night, I hear "em talk, 在夜晚,我听他们说 the coldest story ever told 史上最冷酷的故事Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless.. 在某个地方,这条路的远处,失去了一个灵魂,因为一个狠心的女人How could you be so heartless? 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?Oh.. How could you be so heartless? 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?How could be so Dr. Evil, you bringin" out a side of me that I dont know.. 怎么可以这样Dr.魔鬼(魔鬼博士),你让我所不知道的最坏的一面显露出来I decided we weren"t gon" speak so 我决定我们不再通话Why we up 3 A.M. on the phone 为什么我们凌晨三点时还在电话上Why does she be so mad at me fo" 为什么她会生我的气?Homie I dont know, she"s hot and cold 死党我不知道,她既热又冷I won"t stop, I won"t mess my groove up 我不会停,我不会搅乱我的节拍"Cause I already know how this thing go 因为我知道这种事情的去向You run and tell your friends that you"re leaving me 你跑到你朋友那里去说你会离开我They say that they don"t see what you see in me 他们说不知道你为什么会看起我You wait a couple months then you gon" see 你等两个月你就会知道You"ll never find nobody better than me 你再也找不到比我更好的人In the night, I hear "em talk, 在夜晚,我听他们说the coldest story ever told 史上最冷酷的故事Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless.. 在某个地方,这条路的远处,失去了一个灵魂,因为一个没心的(残酷)女人How could you be so heartless? 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?Oh.. How could you be so heartless? oh 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?Talkin", talkin", talkin", talk 说着,说着,说着,说,Baby let"s just knock it off 宝贝让我不要管 They don"t know what we been through 他们不知道我们一起经历了什么They don"t know "bout me and you 他们不知道你和我So I got something new to see 我有些新东西让你看And you just gon" keep hatin" me 但是你继续憎恨我And we just gon" be enemies 而我们只能继续做敌人 I know you can"t believe 我知道你无法相信I could just leave it wrong 我也可以就让它错下去And you can"t make it right 而你不能纠正它 I"m gon" take off tonight 今晚我就会离开 Into the night... 到夜晚的深处In the night, I hear "em talk, 在夜晚,我听他们说the coldest story ever told 史上最冷酷的故事Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless.. 在某个地方,这条路的远处,失去了一个灵魂,因为一个狠心的女人How could you be so heartless? 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?Oh.. How could you be so heartless? oh 你怎么可以这样没良心呢?

Kanye West的《Heartless》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartless歌手:Kanye West专辑:R&B Love Songs 2010Kanye West - HeartlessIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?How could you be soCold as the winter wind, when it breeze yo?Just remember that you talkin to me hoeYou need to watch the way you talkin to me hoeI mean after all the things that we"ve been throughI mean after all the things we got intoAyo I know there"s some things that you aint told meAyo I did some things but that"s the old meAnd now you wanna get me back and you gonna show meSo you walk around like you don"t know meYou got a new friend, but I got homiesBut in the end, still so lonelyIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?How could you be so doctor evil?You bring out a side of me that I don"t knowI decided we weren"t gonna speak soWhy we up 3am on the phoneWhy would you be so mad at me forHomie I don"t know, she"s hot and coldI won"t stop, won"t mess my groove upCause I already know how this thing goesYou run and tell your friends that you leavin meThey said they don"t see what you see in meYou wait a couple months, then you gonna seeYou never find nobody better than meIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?Talkin, talkin, talkin, talkBaby let"s just knock it offThey don"t know what we"ve been throughThey don"t know about me and youSo I got something new to seeAnd you just gonna keep hatin" meAnd we just gonna be enemiesI know you can"t believeI could just leave it wrongAnd you can"t make it rightI"m gonna take off tonightInto the nightIn the night, I hear them talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this road, he lost his soulTo a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless? OhHow could you be so heartless?

Hear tless是什么意思?

heartless [英] [04hɑ:tl01s] [美] [04hɑrtl01s]02形容词 adj.1.无情的;狠心的 heartless cruelty无情的残暴行为You couldn"t be so heartless as to disown him.你不能那么没心肝,连认都不认他。

Powerless (Say What You Want) 歌词

歌曲名:Powerless (Say What You Want)歌手:Nelly Furtado专辑:The Best Of Nelly FurtadoPaint my face in your magazinesMake it look whiter than it seemsPaint me over with your dreamsShove away my ethnicityBurn every notion that I may have a flame inside to fightAnd say just what is on my mindWithout offending your mightCuz this life is too short to live it just for youBut when you feel so powerless what are you gonna doSo say what you wantSay what you wantI saw her face outside todayWeatherworn, looking all the rageThey took her passion and her gaze and made a posterNow it"s moccasins we sportWe take the culture and contortPerhaps only to distort what we are hidingCuz this life is too short to live it just for youBut when you feel so powerless what are you gonna doBut say what you wantSay what you wantSay say...Hey you, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in, get inHey you, the one that don"t fit in, how ya, how ya gonna get inHey you, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in with yourBroken teeth, broken jaw, broken mojoYeah, this life is too short to live it just for youBut when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna doCuz this life is too short to live it just for youBut when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna doLife is too shortJust for youFeel powerlessGonna do

Kristinia Debarge的《Powerless》 歌词

歌曲名:Powerless歌手:Kristinia Debarge专辑:ExposedPOWERLESS--- Jamelle Fraleyby ma晓柒why do i feel this way for you (baby can you tell me)how is this dream coming true (can you tell me)why does it always seem to be (maybe its )be close to you you close to mecan you feel the yearning with 2 hearts emergingoh I know you do (I know you do)it takes only youwhy baby whyis this the way i feelwhen you need me when you hold meyou know i can"t even try to pretend its not realthat you leave me helpless and breathless and speechlessyou leave me powerlesswhy does my heart skip a beatwhy does my mind always repeatall of the things that you do everyday and everywayyou captured me along the waycan you feel the yearning with 2 hearts emergingI know you do (I know you do)it takes only youwhy baby whyis this the way i feelwhen you need me when you hold meyou know i can"t even try to pretend its not realthat you leave me helpless and breathless and speechlessyou leave me powerlessI must confess my strength is gonewhat have you donepowerless its saplessthe way you smile drives me wildI can"t deny this fire insideOh I know you see it takes over meTell me why is this the way I feelWhen you"re near me when you hold meyou know I can"t even try to pretend its not realyou leave me helpless and breathless and speechlessyou leave me powerless

powerless 歌词翻译


林肯公园的 《powerless》谐音歌词谁有呀,各位大哥哥大姐姐

You hid your skeletons, when I had shown you mineu2028我对你执手箴言,你却未能如实相告(应电影情景,看过的应该知道XX其实是吸血鬼)You woke the devil that I thought you left behindu2028如今崩退的心魔已开始在你的心里作怂I saw the evidence the crimson soaking throughu2028浸血的证词亦浮出水面Ten thousand promisesu2028一万个承诺背后Ten thousand ways to lose就有一万个借口And you held It allu2028是你最终得到了这一切But you were careless to let it fallu2028又是你将其玩忽葬送You held it allu2028你已拥有了一切And I was by your sideu2028就这样看着你失去Powerlessu2028而爱莫能助I watched you fall apartu2028眼看你为此一步步崩溃离析u2028And chased you to the endu2028坠入地狱亦不放手I"m left an empty messu2028我所剩下的只有几句空话That words can not defend而美妙残影随触即灭u2028You"ll never know what I became,because of youu2028因你看不出我为此做出的让步Ten thousand promises万句承诺Ten thousand ways to lose换来万种搪塞u2028And you held It allu2028你拥有的这些But you were careless to let it fall你就这样任它不经意溜走You held it allu2028彼时你已坐拥所有And I was by your sideu2028而我只能眼看着这一切发生u2028Powerlessu2028无力而为之And you held It allu2028你拥有的这些But you were careless to let it fall你就这样任它不经意溜走You held it allu2028彼时你已坐拥所有And I was by your sideu2028而我只能眼看着这一切发生u2028Powerlessu2028无力而为之Ohhh.....Powerlessu2028无能为力


私はあなたが私のものを示していたときには、あなたのスケルトンを隠したあなたは、私はあなたが置き去りにしようと思いました悪魔の目が覚めた私は、真红ソーキングを通しての证拠を见た十千约束、失う1万方法そして、あなたはそれをすべてを开催しましたしかし、あなたはそれが落下させることが不注意だったあなたはそれをすべてを开催そして、私はあなたの侧であった无力な私はあなたがバラバラに见て、最後まであなたを追いかけ私は言叶ができないことをemptynessが残さ 守るあなたは、私があなたのためになったか知っていることは决してないだろう十千约束、失う1万方法そして、あなたはそれをすべてを开催しましたしかし、あなたはそれが落下させることが不注意だったあなたはそれをすべてを开催そして、私はあなたの侧であった无力なそして、あなたはそれをすべてを开催しましたしかし、あなたはそれが落下させることが不注意だったあなたはそれをすべてを开催そして、私はあなたの侧であった无力な无力な无力なТыскрываласвоисекреты、втовремякакятебеоткрыл 自身。あなたは、私が过去にあると思い鬼を、目を覚ますように、私は以上の血で饱和されていることの证拠を见てきました。十千约束、失う1万方法...、あなたはすべてを持っていたが、あなたはうっかりそれをすべてクラッシュしてみましょうあなたはすべてを持っていた、と私はあなたの隣にあった - 何かをすることができません...私は、あなたが一番下に行く见て、最後にあなたの後ろに走った。で 私の言叶を正当化しないような空间。あなたは、私があなたのためにあったかを知ることは决してないだろう、十千约束、失う1万方法...、あなたはすべてを持っていたが、あなたはうっかりそれをすべてクラッシュしてみましょうあなたはすべてを持っていた、と私はあなたの隣にあった - 何かをすることができません...、あなたはすべてを持っていたが、あなたはうっかりそれをすべてクラッシュしてみましょうあなたはすべてを持っていた、と私があった - あなたと何かをすることができません...无力な无力な  超高画质


You hid your skeletons, when I had shown you mine 满意请采纳,谢谢.


powerless英 [u02c8pau028au0259lu0259s] 美 [u02c8pau028au0259rlu0259s]adj.无力的,无能的; 无权力的; 虚弱的; 无资源的无能为力;无力的;无能为力的;软弱的派生词:powerlessly powerlessness 双语例句1. They feel scared and powerless in conveyor-belt hospital wards. 在千篇一律的病房里,他们感到恐惧而又无能为力。2. Despite its lack of formal power the nobility was not powerless. 尽管没有正式的权力,贵族阶层并非没有权势。3. If you don"t have money, you"re powerless. 如果你没有钱,就寸步难行。4. He was sympathetic, but powerless to help. 他表示同情,但爱莫能助。5. When the enemy attacked, we were completely powerless against them. 敌人进攻的时候,我们毫无抵御能力。

Perfect (Vanessa Amorosi ) 歌词

Stay forever who you are dont change a thing because you"re perfect you Sway gently in the breeze In between my dreams It kind of makes me nervous Youre storm, yeah, the lightning striking down To only strike me once, would still be worth it In my dreams you were perfect when I woke you were perfect Love, as scaring as it is Tell me is it real, If it aint perfect? I pray with the sounding of you faith My colours bleed to one Nothing grows when your love is gone In my dreams you were perfect when I woke you were perfect Hmm, even when you run youre still worth it Here and now, the moments perfect Youre perfect So perfect When you run Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby Oh run, yeah Even when youre gone, even when youre here, even when youre not Youre still, youre still, youre still Perfect

Princess Of The Night 歌词

歌曲名:Princess Of The Night歌手:Modern Talking专辑:Original Album ClassicsOh, I"m waitingIn the darknessHesitating in the darknessFollow all your shadows in the nightI"m feeling it"s burningThe point of no return, babeModern TalkingIt"s easy for twoBaby, it"s so hard for onePrincess of the nightI"m drowning in the lightPrincess of my dreams"Cause fire I feelingPrincess of nightWhat have you donePrincess of nightPrincess of dayWhen the night will fade awayGot a date, babeWith an angelWith a hot child of the cityFollow all your shadows in the nightOh, somewhere, there"s someoneWhen two hearts are beating as oneIt"s easy for twoIt"s so hard for one

请问有谁知道这首歌的歌词?不需要中文翻译,英文的就好了,先在这里感谢了 Portrait of Princess

Portrait of a Princess lyricsA Princess is, A Princess isA Disney princess yes, yes, yesAnd a Princess knowsThat the story goesOnce upon a timeAnd after that it sucks. BlowsMy skin as white as snowIn floral curtains head to toeI daily twitter ‘oh, oh, oh"But just in a Disney wayOh, just in a Disney wayYes, just in a Disney wayI never get obeseI talk to ducks and geeseThey wipe themselves on the mantelpieceBut just in a Disney wayAnd Oh! Isn"t it grandMy prince is gonan ride here from a far off landAnd so, maybe its cornyBut a princess is a girl, you know we get a little...hornyMy house is made of treesI sweep it free of leavesSing along with a song about the birds and the beesBut just in a Disney wayI dance around and humPoke spindles with my thumbFall asleep while I wait for my prince to comeBut just in a Disney way(Ah ah ah ah etc)My prince was on his wayTo breach me from the frayAnd later on we"d hey hey heyBut just in a Disney wayHe knelt for me I looked at himWe drank ourselves to oblivionHe rode me home, I took him inBut just in a Disney wayOh, wasn"t he swellAlthough in truth he got it wrong, he thought that I was CinderellaOh why is it soAll I wants" a wealthy heir to climb my hair and say helloThis prince, well he"s a bumHe swings ad nauseumAs far as fairies go this prince he sure is oneHe"d rather ride his horse than meHe"d rather sit him on his kneeThis isn"t how meant to be no dammit, not in a Disney wayWell I"ve got dwarves, dwarves, little people, little people, little people, dwarves, little people, little people, dwarves, dwarves, little people, little people, dwarves, dwarves, dwarves, sweep, sweep, clean, clean, clean, sweep, sing, cook, clean, sweep, tweet tweet, tweet tweet, sing, sing, sleep, sleep, sing, sing, sleep sleep, sleep!Shalom! Good evening, my friendsI"d like to introduce you to example twoA girl we knewIt"s sad but trueCinderellaShe"s a bit of a messA pumpkin is her carriageAnd she"s slipperlessBut still she caught a prince! She got a dressShe caught a coupla" other things we probably shouldn"t readdressBut she"s a princess, yesAnd I gotta live with these seven randy little f- aaaaaaaa-ah-ah etcSo, it wasn"t meant to beNo prince was sent for meNo love to last eternallyAnd not in a Disney wayBeen knocked up by a trollWho has no heart or soulBut fell right down my rabbit holeAnd not in a Disney wayAnd Oh! Isn"t it blissEven Shirley temple never had to deal with shit like thisAnd Oh! Couldn"t I cryUs older girls don"t stand a chance, we"re not enhanced by CGI. CGI!I"ve got dwarves, dwarves, little people, little people, dragons, witches, swords, but I want loveAnd not in a Disney waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Okay!

请问有句歌词叫 i am not the princess 歌名是什么

Taylor Swift-White House

求一首欧美男声歌 开头很短的钢琴。歌词princess princess in my heart,princess in my heart i knew。

I Love You-WoodkidWhere the light shivers off shoreThrough the tides of oceansWe are shining in the rising sunAs we are floating in the blueI am softly watching youOh boy your eyes betray what burns inside youWhatever I feel for youYou only seem to care about youIs there any chance you could see me too?u2018Cos I love youIs there anything I could doJust to get some attention from you?In the waves Iu2019ve lost every trace of youOh where are you?After all i drifted ashoreThrough the streams of oceansWhispers wasted in the sandAs we were dancing in the blueI was synchronized with youBut now the sound of love is out of tuneWhatever I feel for youYou only seem to care about youIs there any chance you could see me too?u2018Cos I love youIs there anything I could doJust to get some attention from youIn the waves Iu2019ve lost every trace of youOh where are you?Whatever I feel for youYou only seem to care about youIs there any chance you could see me too?u2018Cos I love youIs there anything I could doJust to get some attention from youIn the waves Iu2019ve lost every trace of youOh where are you?

东方神起 《my little priness》中文歌词?

我的小公主 东方神起 [hide]]My little princess [MICKY]How can I forget all the special memories of you ,stili remeber,My litter princess [HERO]也许是爱情 萦绕在我心里 想隐藏真心 不知不觉露出笑意 [MAX]一直想着你 来度过每一天 心像有了重病 告诉我该怎么做 [HERO]从此以后我要改变 懒惰的自己 [MAX]想把一切变的完美 呈现给你 [HERO] 展开双臂 飞翔在夜空里 为你我愿意 飞到宇宙屋脊 [MAX]对着世界大声说出我爱你 GIRL 愿成为那颗星 照亮在你的夜空里YOU ARE MY LOVE [MICKY]未来的日子里 决不要说分离 我们要约定 永远都不能提起 [XIAH]从这一刻起 爱在彼此心里 相信你已知道 我不是那么完美 [U-KNOW]希望你能一直等待 我变的成熟 [XIAH]我会努力成为与你 最合适般配的男人 [MICKY]无论在何时 请你答应我 让我永远都可以留在你的心中 [HERO]也许 你会愿意和我一样 [U-KNOW]不让你伤心 [HERO]就让我来 [XIAH]守护你 [MAX]FOR YOU [MICKY]你知道我有多么爱你吗 [XIAH]My little princess隐藏对你的爱 想对你表白 你是否会明白 [MICKY]用我一生不变的心来爱你 GIRL [U-KNOW]我想要告诉你 我比爱自己更爱你 [MICKY]YOU ARE MY LOVE [ALL]我会永远

李敏镐my little princess的中文音译歌词

My little princess uc0acub791uc774uaca0uc8e0 uc774ub7f0 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc740 sa lang i get jo i ren ne ma um un uc228uae30ub824 ud574ub3c4 uadf8ub300 uc785uac00uc5d0 ubbf8uc18cub9cc sum gi ria hae dao gu dae ip ga ae mi sao man ud558ub8e8ub3c4 uc548ub418 ub610 ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc5b4uc838 ha ru dao an dia dao bao gao si pe jie uc5b4uca4cuc8e0 ub0b4ub9d8uc740 uae4auc740 ubcd1uc5d0 uac78ub9b0uac78 e jie jo nae mam un gi pun baeng ae gel lin gel uac8cuc73cub978 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5 uc774uc820 uc5c6uc744uac70uc5d0uc694 gae u run nae mao sup i jaen up sul ge ae yo uc88buc740uac83ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740uac78uc694 jo un get man bao yo zu gao sip un gel yo uc800uae30 ub192uc740 ud558ub298ub85c ub0a0uc544uac00 ze gi nao pun ha nul lao na la ga uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub9d0ud560ub798 sa lang han da gao sae sang ae mal hal lai uae4auc740 ubc24ud558ub298uc5d0 uaebcuc9c0uc9c0 uc54aub294 girl gi pun bam ha nul ae ge ji ji an nun girl ub108ub9ccuc744 uc9c0ud0a4ub294 ube5bub098ub294 ubcc4uc774 ub420uaed8uc694 You"re my love ne man ul ji ki nun bit na nun bae li del ge yo You"re my love ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc794 ub9d0 ud589ubcf5ud558ub780 uadf8ub9d0 hae ae ji zan mal haeng bok ha ran gu mal uc601uc6d0ud788 uc6b0ub9ac uc808ub300 ud558uc9c0 uc54auae30ub85cud574 yeong won hi wu li zel dae ha ji an ki rao hae uc9c0uae08ucc98ub7fcub9cc ub0b4uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc918 ji gum ce rem man nae gae tae i se zuo ubd80uc871ud55c ub098uc778uac78 uc774ud574ud574uc8fcuae38 ubc14ub798 bu zok han na in gel i hae hae zu gil ba rae uc5b4ub978uc2a4ub7f0 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 uae30ub300ud574uc918uc694 e run su ren nae mao sub ul gi gae hae zuo yo ub124uac8c uac00uc7a5 uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 ub0a8uc790uac00 ub418uace0 uc2f6uc740uac78 nae gen ha zang e ul li nun nam za ga dae gao sip un gel uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0ub098 uadf8ub300 ub9d8uc18duc5d0 ub0b4uac00 un jie ga ji na gu dae mam sao ge nae ga ub4e4uc5b4uac08uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85d ud5c8ub77dud574uc918 du le gal su it gao laok he lak hae zuo ub9ccuc77c uadf8ub300ub3c4 ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4uba74 man il gu dae dao na wa gat da maen uc544ud514uc740 uc5c6uc8e0 uc774uc820 uadf8ub308 ub098 uc9c0ud0acuaed8 for you a pum un up jo i jen gu dael na ji kil ge for you My little princess uc774uc81cuaecf uc228uaca8uc628 My little princess i je get sum gie on ub098ub9ccuc758 uc0acub791 ub298 ubcf4uc5ecuc904uaebcuc57c na ma ni sa lang nul bao yie zul ge ya uc601uc6d0ud1a0ub85d ubcc0uce58uc54aub294 ub9d8uc73cub85c girl yeong wen tao laok bien qi an nun mam wu lao girl ub0b4 uc790uc2e0ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub354 uc0acub791ud574uc904uac70ub77cuace0 You"re my love nae za sin bao da de de sa lang hae zul ge ra gao you`re my love 翻译(实际上是中文版的歌词,但这个基本是按照韩文版写的)

东方神起my little princess的歌词

[神起歌词]My little Princess 中文歌词+韩文 有仟How can i forget all the special memories of you still remember,my little princess在中也许是爱情 萦绕在我心里想隐藏真心 不知不觉露出笑意昌珉一直想著你 来度过每一天心像有了重病 告诉我该怎麼做在中从此以后我要改变 懒惰的自己昌珉想把一切变的完美 呈现给你在中展开双臂 飞翔在夜空里为你我愿意 飞到宇宙屋脊昌珉对著世界大声说出我爱你 Girl愿成为那颗星 照亮在你的夜空里 You"re my love有仟未来日子里 决不要说分离我们要约定 永远都不能提起俊秀从这一刻起 爱在彼此心里相信你已知道 我不是那麼完美允浩希望你能一直等待 我变的成熟俊秀我会努力成为与你最合适般配的男人有仟无论在何时 请你答应我让我永远都可以留在你的心中在中也许你会愿意和我一样允浩不让你伤心在中就让我来俊秀守护你昌珉For you有仟你知道我多麼爱你吗?俊秀My little princess隐藏对你的爱想对你表白 你是否会明白有仟用我一生不变的心 来爱你 Girl允浩我想要告诉你 我比爱自己更爱你有仟You"re my love我会永远 My little princess(uc788uc796uc544uc694)Micky How can I forget all the special memories of you still remember, My little princessHero uc0acub791uc774uaca0uc8e0 uc774ub7f0 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc740 uc228uae30ub824 ud574ub3c4 uae08uc0c8 uc785uac00uc5d4 uc774uc18cuc548Max ud558ub8e8ub3c4 uc548ub3fc ub610 ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc5b4uc838 uc5b4uca4cuc8e0 ub0b4uc554uc740 uae4auc740 ubcd1uc5d0 uac78ub9b0uac78Hero uac8cuc73cub978 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5 uc774uc820 uc5c6uc744 uac70uc608uc694Max uc88buc740 uac83ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740uac78uc694Hero uc800uae30 ub192uc740 ud558ub298ub85c ub0a0uc544uac00 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub9d0ud560ub798Max uae4auc740 ubc24ud558ub298uc5d0 uaebcuc9c0uc9c0uc54aub294 girl ub108ub9ccuc744 uc9c0ud0a4ub294 ube5bub098ub294 ubcc4uc774ub420uac8cuc694you"re my loveMicky ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc794 ub9d0 ud589ubcf5ud558ub77d uadf8ub9d0 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc6b0ub9ac uc808ub300 ud558uc9c0uc54auae30ub85cud574Xiah uc9c0uae08ucc98ub7fcub9cc ub0b4 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc918 ube0cuc871ud55c ub098uc778uac78 uc774ud574ud574uc8fcuae38ubc14ub798Uknow uc5b4ub978uc2a4ub7f0 ub0b4ubaa8uc2b5uc744 uae30ub300ud574uc918uc694Xiah ub124uac8c uac00uc7a5 uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 ub0a8uc790uac00 ub418uace0uc2f6uc740uac78Micky uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0ub098 uadf8ub300 ub9d8uc18d uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 ub4e4uc5b4uac08uc218uc788ub3c4ub85d ud5c8ub77dud574uc918Hero ub9ccuc77c uadf8ub300ub3c4 ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4uba74Uknow uc544ud514uc740 uc5c6uc8e0Hero uc774uc820 uadf8ub308Xiah uc9c0ud0acuac8cMax for youXiah My little princess uc774uc81cuaecf uc228uaca8uc628 ub098ub9ccuc758 uc0acub791 ub298 ubcf4uc5ecuc904uaebcuc57cMicky uc601uc6d0ud1a0ub85d ubcc0uce58 uc54aub294 ub9d8uc73cub85c girlUknow ub0b4uc790uc2e0ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub354 uc0acub791ud574uc904 uac70ub77cuace0Micky you"re my love

东方神起《my little princess》的中文歌词

My Little Princess 中文版歌词 有仟: How can i forget all the special memories of you still remember,my little princess 在中: 也许是爱情 萦绕在我心里 想隐藏真心 不知不觉露出笑意 昌民: 一直想着你 来度过每一天 心像有了重病 告诉我该怎么做 在中: 从此以后我要改变 懒惰的自己 昌民: 想把一切变的完美 呈现给你 在中: 展开双臂 飞翔在夜空里 为你我愿意 飞到宇宙屋脊 昌民: 对着世界大声说出我爱你 GIRL 愿成为那颗星 照亮在你的夜空里 YOU"RE MY LOVE 有仟: 未来日子里 决不要说分离 我们要约定 永远都不能提起 俊秀: 从这一刻起 爱在彼此心里 相信你已知道 我不是那么完美 允浩: 希望你能一直等待 我变的成熟 俊秀: 我会努力成为与你最合适般配的男人 有仟: 无论在何时 请你答应我 让我永远都可以留在你的心中 在中: 也许你会愿意和我一样 允浩: 不让你伤心 在中: 就让我来 俊秀: 守护你 昌民: FOR YOU 有仟: 你知道我多么爱你吗? 俊秀: MY LITTLE PRINCESS隐藏对你的爱 想对你表白 你是否会明白 有仟: 用我一生不变的心 来爱你 GIRL 允浩: 我想要告诉你 我比爱自己更爱你 有仟: YOU"RE MY LOVE All: 我会永远

东方神起my little princess的歌词


东方神起唱的my little princess的歌词是什么(和韩文发音一样)

My little princess uc0acub791uc774uaca0uc8e0 uc774ub7f0 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc740 uc228uae30ub824 ud574ub3c4 uadf8ub300 uc785uac00uc5d0 ubbf8uc18cub9cc ud558ub8e8ub3c4 uc548ub418 ub610 ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc5b4uc838 uc5b4uca4cuc8e0 ub0b4ub9d8uc740 uae4auc740 ubcd1uc5d0 uac78ub9b0uac78 uac8cuc73cub978 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5 uc774uc820 uc5c6uc744uac70uc5d0uc694 uc88buc740uac83ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740uac78uc694 uc800uae30 ub192uc740 ud558ub298ub85c ub0a0uc544uac00 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub9d0ud560ub798 uae4auc740 ubc24ud558ub298uc5d0 uaebcuc9c0uc9c0 uc54aub294 girl ub108ub9ccuc744 uc9c0ud0a4ub294 ube5bub098ub294 ubcc4uc774 ub420uaed8uc694 You"re my love ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc794 ub9d0 ud589ubcf5ud558ub780 uadf8ub9d0 uc601uc6d0ud788 uc6b0ub9ac uc808ub300 ud558uc9c0 uc54auae30ub85cud574 uc9c0uae08ucc98ub7fcub9cc ub0b4uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc918 ubd80uc871ud55c ub098uc778uac78 uc774ud574ud574uc8fcuae38 ubc14ub798 uc5b4ub978uc2a4ub7f0 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 uae30ub300ud574uc918uc694 ub124uac8c uac00uc7a5 uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 ub0a8uc790uac00 ub418uace0 uc2f6uc740uac78 uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0ub098 uadf8ub300 ub9d8uc18duc5d0 ub0b4uac00 ub4e4uc5b4uac08uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85d ud5c8ub77dud574uc918 ub9ccuc77c uadf8ub300ub3c4 ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4uba74 uc544ud514uc740 uc5c6uc8e0 uc774uc820 uadf8ub308 ub098 uc9c0ud0acuaed8 for you My little princess uc774uc81cuaecf uc228uaca8uc628 ub098ub9ccuc758 uc0acub791 ub298 ubcf4uc5ecuc904uaebcuc57c uc601uc6d0ud1a0ub85d ubcc0uce58uc54aub294 ub9d8uc73cub85c girl ub0b4 uc790uc2e0ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub354 uc0acub791ud574uc904uac70ub77cuace0 You"re my love

东方神起《my little princess》的中文歌词


my little princess 李敏镐 歌词中文翻译


my little princess中文翻译是什么

您好!意思是:我的小公主little 小的princess 公主my 我的若有帮助,望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!



我对她说:my you。算不算表白?


goodbye my princess 这首歌的中文翻译




《Goodbyemy princess》的歌词

歌手:Monday kiz歌词:[00:01.37]Goodbye My Princess - uba3cub370uc774 ud0a4uc988(Monday Kiz)[00:04.94]uac80uc0ac ud504ub9b0uc138uc2a4 (SBS uc218ubaa9ub4dcub77cub9c8) OST韩剧《检察官的公主 OST》[00:07.08]LRC 制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间(千千静听)更爱(凤凰天使)[00:08.30]2010.04.13[03:10.83][01:57.38][00:14.15]Good bye, good bye, my princess[03:15.53][02:02.28][00:18.94]uc774uc820 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空[03:23.97][02:10.67][00:27.22]Good bye, good bye, my princess[03:28.93][02:15.62][00:32.27]ud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc624ub798ub3c4ub85d ub110 uc9c0ucf1cuc8fcub358 ub098ub97c good bye/但是请你记得 一直以来守护着你的我good bye[00:43.46][00:47.74] ub3ccuc544ubcf4uba74 uc190uc744 ub0b4ubc00ub358 uac74 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098uc600uc5b4 ub108ub294 uafc8ub9cc uafb8uc9c0/仔细想想 总是我对你伸出手 你只是做着梦[01:01.08]uc65c ub0b4uac8c ub2c8uac00 uafb8ub294 uafc8uc5d4 ub0b4 uc790ub9b0 uc5c6ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub9ac uc27duac8c ub9d0ud558ub2c8/你怎么能够 轻易的告诉我 在你的梦里没有我[02:26.82][01:15.81][02:31.01] [01:17.63]uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼[02:37.61][01:24.50]uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 ub110 uc6b8ub9acuae34 uc2ebuc5b4/别哭 不要哭 我讨厌看到你的泪水[02:44.24] [01:30.89]uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼[02:50.97][01:37.62]uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uadf8ub798 ub110 uc704ud574uc11c ub09c uadf8ub798uc57c uadf8ub798uc57cub9cc ud55cub2e4uba74/别哭 不要哭 如果只能如此 为了你 我愿意[01:56.88][03:10.11][03:39.63][03:40.63]uc0acub791ud574, uc0acub791ud574, ub098uc758 Princess/爱你 我爱你 我的 Princess[03:46.14]ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空[03:54.04]Good bye, good bye, my love[03:59.15] ud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc5ecuc804ud788 ub108ub97c uae30ub2e4ub9acub294 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574/但是请你记得 一直以来等候着你的我 我爱你[04:11.70][04:18.16] 转载时必带LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间 我爱韩剧更爱(凤凰天使)感谢翻译:yimuGoodbye My Princess 完整-Monday kiz文本歌词[下载]Goodbye My Princess - uba3cub370uc774 ud0a4uc988(Monday Kiz)uac80uc0ac ud504ub9b0uc138uc2a4 (SBS uc218ubaa9ub4dcub77cub9c8) OST韩剧《检察官的公主 OST》LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间(千千静听)更爱(凤凰天使)2010.04.13Good bye, good bye, my princessuc774 uc820 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my princessud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc624ub798ub3c4ub85d ub110 uc9c0ucf1cuc8fcub358 ub098ub97c good bye/但是请你记得 一直以来守护着你的我good byeub3ccuc544ubcf4uba74 uc190uc744 ub0b4ubc00ub358 uac74 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098uc600uc5b4 ub108ub294 uafc8ub9cc uafb8uc9c0/仔细想想 总是我对你伸出手 你只是做着梦uc65c ub0b4uac8c ub2c8uac00 uafb8ub294 uafc8uc5d4 ub0b4 uc790ub9b0 uc5c6ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub9ac uc27duac8c ub9d0ud558ub2c8/你怎么能够 轻易的告诉我 在你的梦里没有我uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 ub110 uc6b8ub9acuae34 uc2ebuc5b4/别哭 不要哭 我讨厌看到你的泪水uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uadf8ub798 ub110 uc704ud574uc11c ub09c uadf8ub798uc57c uadf8ub798uc57cub9cc ud55cub2e4uba74/别哭 不要哭 如果只能如此 为了你 我愿意uc0acub791ud574, uc0acub791ud574, ub098uc758 Princess/爱你 我爱你 我的 Princessub108 ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my loveud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc5ecuc804ud788 ub108ub97c uae30ub2e4ub9acub294 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574/但是请你记得 一直以来等候着你的我 我爱你

m princess谐音歌词

  呢(r)几可租的(n)那日goodbye  到啦包灭(n)骚呢(r)内米(r)吨跟  嗯贼那那有色呢嫩滚(m)漫顾几  外内给你噶顾嫩顾咩(n)  乃扎林up大go个里ship给马(r)哈你  俗攒诶给带几嫩hat撒里noon不秀  俗累去嘿的了进noon木里noon不秀  无(r)几骂无(r)几骂呢(r)无(r)里给(n)西乐  俗攒诶给带几嫩hat撒里noon不秀  俗累去嘿的了进noon木里noon不秀  无(r)几骂无(r)几骂个累呢(r)为害色难  个勒呀个勒呀漫汗大灭(n)  Goodbye,goodbye,myprincess  一贼(n)呢日包内给那(r)该日瞥go  泽哈呢(r)闹屁那拉尬  Goodbye,goodbye,myprincess  哈几漫给额(g)嗨左哦勒刀lock  呢(r)几可租的(n)那日goodbye  俗攒诶给带几嫩hat撒里noon不秀  俗累去嘿的了进noon木里noon不秀  无(r)几骂无(r)几骂呢(r)无(r)里给(n)西乐  俗攒诶给带几嫩hat撒里noon不秀  俗累去嘿的了进noon木里noon不秀  无(r)几骂无(r)几骂个累呢(r)为害色难  个勒呀个勒呀漫汗大灭(n)  Goodbye,goodbye,myprincess  一贼(n)呢日包内给那(r)该日瞥go  泽哈呢(r)闹屁那拉尬  Goodbye,goodbye,myprincess  哈几漫给额(g)嗨左哦勒刀lock  呢(r)几可租的(n)那日goodbye  撒郎黑撒郎黑那诶princess  呢日包内给那(r)给日瞥go  泽哈呢(r)闹屁那拉尬  Goodbye,goodbye,mylove  哈几漫给额(g)嗨左也泽(n)黑  呢日给大里嫩那日撒郎黑

you are my princess这是什么意思

you are my princess你是我的公主例句:1.Maybe all I control here are my own intentions. 也许我能控制的只有我自己的意愿。

求检察官公主插曲《Goodbye My Princess》拼音歌词

Goodbye, goodbye, my princessYi jie nuo nen pu ta gieNa die nen kia guoQuo ha nen nu bi ma na gaGoodbye, goodbye, my princessHa ji man ki your kie juoHuo lie duo wu no xi kio ji duo na li good byeDu ta bu mio su nen mie mi nen guoOng jie na na ye suo nuo nen gu man gu jiWie nie gie yi luo gu lin gu mieMie jia wu nuo da guoKe li xi kie man ha niSi qiang lie ge lie ji lie hei suo li lie bu xio Su li ji lie duo nuo ji nen wu li lie bu xioWu ji mo wu ji moNou nen we gi xi luoSi qiang lie ge lie ji lie hei suo li lie bu xio Su li ji lie duo nuo ji nen wu li lie bu xioWu ji mo wu ji moKe die nuo we hei suo naKe die a pi die a naHan da mio Goodbye, goodbye, my princessYi jie nuo nen pu ta gieNa die nen kia guoQuo ha nen nu bi ma na gaGoodbye, goodbye, my princessHa ji man ki your kie juoHuo lie duo wu no xi kio ji duo na li good byeSi qiang lie ge lie ji lie hei suo li lie bu xio Su li ji lie duo nuo ji nen wu li lie bu xioWu ji mo wu ji moNou nen we gi xi luoSi qiang lie ge lie ji lie hei suo li lie bu xio Su li ji lie duo nuo ji nen wu li lie bu xioWu ji mo wu ji moKe die nuo we hei suo naKe die a pi die a naHan da mio Good bye, good bye, my princessYi jie nuo nen pu ta gieNa die nen kia guoQuo ha nen nu bi ma na gaGood bye, good bye, my princessHa ji man ki your kie juoHuo lie duo wu no xi kio ji duo na liCa lang hei ca lang hei nuo ye princessNuo nen pu nie gieNa die nen kio guoQuo ha nen nu bi ma la gaGoodbye goodbye my ~~~Ha ji man ki your kie juoKuo juo nen nuo nenYi tuo di nen na nenCa lang heiGood bye, good bye, my princess我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my princess但是请你记得 一直以来守护着你的我good bye仔细想想 总是我对你伸出手 你只是做着梦你怎么能够 轻易的告诉我 在你的梦里没有我拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼别哭 不要哭 我讨厌看到你的泪水拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼别哭 不要哭 如果只能如此 为了你 我愿意Good bye, good bye, my princess我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my princess但是请你记得 一直以来守护着你的我good bye拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼别哭 不要哭 我讨厌看到你的泪水拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼别哭 不要哭 如果只能如此 为了你 我愿意Good bye, good bye, my princess我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my princess但是请你记得 一直以来等候着你的我 我愿意爱你 我爱你 我的 Princess我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my love但是请你记得 一直以来等候着你的我 我爱你

《Oh!My princess》最新txt全集下载



在我的公主旁边,比如sit by my princess就是坐在我的公主旁



goodbye my princess的歌词

歌手:Monday kiz歌词:[00:01.37]Goodbye My Princess - uba3cub370uc774 ud0a4uc988(Monday Kiz)[00:04.94]uac80uc0ac ud504ub9b0uc138uc2a4 (SBS uc218ubaa9ub4dcub77cub9c8) OST韩剧《检察官的公主 OST》[00:07.08]LRC 制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间(千千静听)更爱(凤凰天使)[00:08.30]2010.04.13[03:10.83][01:57.38][00:14.15]Good bye, good bye, my princess[03:15.53][02:02.28][00:18.94]uc774uc820 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空[03:23.97][02:10.67][00:27.22]Good bye, good bye, my princess[03:28.93][02:15.62][00:32.27]ud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc624ub798ub3c4ub85d ub110 uc9c0ucf1cuc8fcub358 ub098ub97c good bye/但是请你记得 一直以来守护着你的我good bye[00:43.46][00:47.74] ub3ccuc544ubcf4uba74 uc190uc744 ub0b4ubc00ub358 uac74 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098uc600uc5b4 ub108ub294 uafc8ub9cc uafb8uc9c0/仔细想想 总是我对你伸出手 你只是做着梦[01:01.08]uc65c ub0b4uac8c ub2c8uac00 uafb8ub294 uafc8uc5d4 ub0b4 uc790ub9b0 uc5c6ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub9ac uc27duac8c ub9d0ud558ub2c8/你怎么能够 轻易的告诉我 在你的梦里没有我[02:26.82][01:15.81][02:31.01] [01:17.63]uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼[02:37.61][01:24.50]uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 ub110 uc6b8ub9acuae34 uc2ebuc5b4/别哭 不要哭 我讨厌看到你的泪水[02:44.24] [01:30.89]uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼[02:50.97][01:37.62]uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uadf8ub798 ub110 uc704ud574uc11c ub09c uadf8ub798uc57c uadf8ub798uc57cub9cc ud55cub2e4uba74/别哭 不要哭 如果只能如此 为了你 我愿意[01:56.88][03:10.11][03:39.63][03:40.63]uc0acub791ud574, uc0acub791ud574, ub098uc758 Princess/爱你 我爱你 我的 Princess[03:46.14]ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空[03:54.04]Good bye, good bye, my love[03:59.15] ud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc5ecuc804ud788 ub108ub97c uae30ub2e4ub9acub294 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574/但是请你记得 一直以来等候着你的我 我爱你[04:11.70][04:18.16] 转载时必带LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间 我爱韩剧更爱(凤凰天使)感谢翻译:yimuGoodbye My Princess 完整-Monday kiz文本歌词[下载]Goodbye My Princess - uba3cub370uc774 ud0a4uc988(Monday Kiz)uac80uc0ac ud504ub9b0uc138uc2a4 (SBS uc218ubaa9ub4dcub77cub9c8) OST韩剧《检察官的公主 OST》LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间(千千静听)更爱(凤凰天使)2010.04.13Good bye, good bye, my princessuc774 uc820 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my princessud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc624ub798ub3c4ub85d ub110 uc9c0ucf1cuc8fcub358 ub098ub97c good bye/但是请你记得 一直以来守护着你的我good byeub3ccuc544ubcf4uba74 uc190uc744 ub0b4ubc00ub358 uac74 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098uc600uc5b4 ub108ub294 uafc8ub9cc uafb8uc9c0/仔细想想 总是我对你伸出手 你只是做着梦uc65c ub0b4uac8c ub2c8uac00 uafb8ub294 uafc8uc5d4 ub0b4 uc790ub9b0 uc5c6ub2e4uace0 uadf8ub9ac uc27duac8c ub9d0ud558ub2c8/你怎么能够 轻易的告诉我 在你的梦里没有我uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 ub110 uc6b8ub9acuae34 uc2ebuc5b4/别哭 不要哭 我讨厌看到你的泪水uc220uc794uc5d0 uae30ub300 uc9c0ub294 ud587uc0b4uc774 ub208ubd80uc154 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud574 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub208ubd80uc154/拿着酒杯的你 是这么的耀眼;醉酒的你落下的泪水 是这么的耀眼uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uc6b8uc9c0ub9c8 uadf8ub798 ub110 uc704ud574uc11c ub09c uadf8ub798uc57c uadf8ub798uc57cub9cc ud55cub2e4uba74/别哭 不要哭 如果只能如此 为了你 我愿意uc0acub791ud574, uc0acub791ud574, ub098uc758 Princess/爱你 我爱你 我的 Princessub108 ub97c ubcf4ub0bcuac8c ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3b4uace0 uc800 ud558ub298 ub192uc774 ub0a0uc544uac00/我要放手让你走 请你展开翅膀 飞向远远的天空Good bye, good bye, my loveud558uc9c0ub9cc uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 uc5ecuc804ud788 ub108ub97c uae30ub2e4ub9acub294 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574/但是请你记得 一直以来等候着你的我 我爱你

goodbye my princess 什么意思

再见了 我的公主

good night,my princess.什么意思呢,

good night,my princess.意思就是:晚安,我的公主。

my princess charming是什么意思

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