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电脑出现NTLDR is compressd是什么意思


求蔡依林《花蝴蝶》原版《Pointless Talking》试听地址


it is pointless to do与it is pointless doing 的区别

to do 将来 目的 开没做 要做xx事是没有有意义的doing 已经在做一件没有意义的事

C# using directive is unnecessary

原因: There are a few reasons you"d want to take them out.It"s pointless. They add no value. It"s confusing. What is being used from that namespace? If you don"t, then you"ll gradually accumulate pointlessusingstatements as your code changes over time. Static analysis is slower. Code compilation is slower. On the other hand, there aren"t many reasons to leave them in. I suppose you save yourself the effort of having to delete them. But if you"re that lazy, you"ve got bigger problems! 出处: stackflow链接

make it pointless翻译

make it pointless让它毫无意义使之毫无意义。



what l said was selfish and pointless




有首英文歌的歌词好象有far away on the other adress这句,是什么歌啊

歌手: Dana Winner歌词制作:sanguo_gfThe last that ever she saw himcarried away by a moonlight shadowHe passed on worried and warningcarried away by a moonlight shadowLost in the riddle last Saturday nightfar away on the other sidehe was caught in the middle of a desperate fightand she couldn"t findhow to push throughThe trees that whisper in the eveningcarried away by a moonlight shadowSing the song of sorrow and grievingcarried away by a moonlight shadowAll she saw was a silhouette of a gunfar away on the other sidehe was shot six times by a man on the runand she couldn"t findhow to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heavenone dayFour a.m. in the morningcarried away by a moonlight shadowI watched your vision formingcarried away by a moonlight shadowStarsmoon was glowing in a slivery nightfar away on the other sidewill you come to talk to me this nightbut she couldn"t findhow to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heavenone dayCaught in the middleof a hundred and fiveThe night was heavy and the air was aliveBut she couldn"t findhow to push throughFar away on the other sideThe night was heavy and the air was aliveBut she couldn"t findhow to push throughshe couldn"t findhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push through

绝地求生出现Error In Essential Dll Files是什么意思?



  歌曲:Someday  歌手:Jessica  英文版歌词:  When my life has passed me by  I"ll lay around and wonder why you werealways there for me  One way  In the eyes of a passerby  I"ll look around for another try  And"ll fade away  (Chorus)  Just close your eyes and I"ll take youthere  This place is war without a care  We"ll take a swim in the deep blue sea  I go to leave as you reach for me  Some say  Better things will come our way  No matter what they try to say you werealways there for me  Someway  When the sun begins to shine  I hear a song from another time  And"ll fade away  And"ll fade away  (Chorus)  Just close your eyes and I"ll take youthere  This place is war without a care  We"ll take a swim in the deep blue sea  I go to leave as you reach for me  So far, so long, so far away  So far, so long, so far away (away, away)  Someday  When my life has passed me by  I"ll lay around and wonder why you werealways there for me  One way  In the eyes of a passerby  I"ll look around for another try  And"ll fade away  And"ll fade away  And"ll fade away  And"ll fade away  And"ll fade away  And"ll fade away  (someday)  And"ll fade away  中文版歌词:  有一天当我的生活已经过去了,我要  我会躺在四周,不知道你为什么总是对我有  一个办法,在一个路人的眼  我环顾四周,再尝试他们会逐渐消失  只要闭上眼睛,我带你去  这个地方是温暖的,没有照顾  我们将在深蓝色的大海游泳  我去给你我到达  有人说,更重要的事情是指日可待的事  不管别人怎么说你尝试总是对我有  某种程度上,当太阳开始照耀  我听到一首歌曲从另一个时间,他们会逐渐消失  而他们远离褪色  只要闭上眼睛,我带你去  这个地方是温暖的,没有照顾  我们将在深蓝色的大海游泳  我去给你我到达  Ohhh,来吧  有人说你想长(你擦肩而过)  有人说,我们都搞错了(所有的错)  有人说,我们试图长(你擦肩而过)  每一个认为是正确的属于  到目前为止,只要那么远  到目前为止一切错误的距离如此遥远距离  有一天当我的生活已经过去了,我要  我会躺在四周,不知道你为什么总是对我有  一个办法,在一个路人的眼  我环顾四周,再尝试逐渐消失  而消逝......

斯柯达全新明锐行车电脑显示TYRE PRESSURE表示什么?



Many college students say that they are facing so many pressures in their lives that they are on the go from morning till night. What, then, are the pressures on college students? There are generally three kinds of pressures on college students. The first pressure comes from the students themselves. In order to become top students and to win a scholarship, many students spend more time on studying but less time on recreation or rest. The second pressure stems from their peer groups. Finding that their classmates are staying up late, many students will feel guilty if they do something else. They think the only way to overcome the fear of being left behind the others is to study even harder. The last pressure derives from the competition in finding a job after graduation. There is a sharp increase in the number of college graduates in job markets in recent years, making it hard for college students to find jobs. Many students believe that the more knowledge they learn now at college, the more chance they will have in finding a job in the future on the job market. A certain amount of pressures is not necessarily a bad thing. It stimulates students to make continuous efforts with their studies. However, too much pressure is certainly harmful to one's well being. College students ought to come to terms with themselves and the world around them. Moreover, they ought to learn how to relieve themselves of unnecessary pressures in their daily lives.

i am under a lot of pressure,复数为何不用s?

需要加s pressure在不同情况下分为可数和不可数 两种.1.在物理意义中“压力”可数 ,可用pressures.2.像血压等blood pressure,这种则不可 数.




Pressure is force that you produce when you press hard on something. N-UNCOUNT She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it. The pressure of his fingers had relaxed. The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure. The pressure in a place or container is the force produced by the quantity of gas or liquid in that place or container. N-UNCOUNT also N in pl The window in the cockpit had blown in and the pressure dropped dramatically. Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea. If there is pressure on a person, someone is trying to persuade or force them to do something. N-UNCOUNT also N in pl He may have put pressure on her to agree. + "on" Its government is under pressure from the European Commission. The political pressures to do something are pretty enormous. If you are experiencing pressure, you feel that you must do a lot of tasks or make a lot of decisions in very little time, or that people expect a lot from you. N-UNCOUNT also N in pl Can you work under pressure? Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn"t stand the pressure. The pressures of modern life are great. + "of" If you pressure someone to do something, you try forcefully to persuade them to do it. VERB He will never pressure you to get married. V n to-inf The Government should not be pressured into making hasty decisions. "be" V-ed + "into" Don"t pressure me. V n His boss did not pressure him for results. V n + "for"



请大家看看我写的英语短文有没有语法错误,求教了! Student pressure My idea is you not put too much pr

My idea is that you do not put too much pressure(既然知道用much形容pressure,就应该知道pressure是不可数名词,不可加”s“) on your(用代词所有格) daughter, and you should reduce mind gap with your daughter. Because it is possible that too much pressure would have bad influence on your daughter. For example, she can not sleep at night which would cause a lot of spiritual(spirit形容词形式) problems. It is hoped that less pressure would make better health. Why students have enormous depression? The first reason is that parents(复数) give students too much achievement pressure.The second reason is that parents deal with child very seriously(形容词变副词). There are several measures for us to adopt. First, you can reduce your daughter exam result pressure. Second, you have to let your daughter have more spare time. Third, you have to patiently(改成副词) communicate with you daughter to (加了个to) know her mind(不可数名词). My name is Li Hua, a middle school student too. If you want to reduce mind gap with your daughter. I have a good advice which(that改成which从句) is to become her friend. In conclusion, best wishes to you and your daughter.我只把语法改了。在用词上和其他方面有很多不够准确的,所以作文读上去会很别扭。若有疑问欢迎追问。

新明锐长按胎压监测键显示TYRE PRESSURES STONED 是什么意思


新世纪大学英语系列教材第二版综合教程1college pressures翻译

A teacher who studies education has done a lot of research on students with excellent grades, and found that the most intelligent students can always get high scores if they don"t see them. According to the professor, other education experts and top students, it is more important for students to know how to give full play to their potential.一位研究教育的老师针对成绩优异的学生做过重点研究,发现最聪明的学生不见的总能得高分。根据这位教授、其他教育专家以及优等生们自己的观点,懂得如何充分发挥自己的潜能对于学生来说更为重要。The top students in the class are excellent because they have mastered several basic principles. First of all, top students know how to prioritize. They never sacrifice their study time to make a phone call, watch TV or eat snacks. In other words, learning is always before entertainment.在班上名列前茅的学生之所以学习优秀,是因为他们掌握了几个基本原则。首先,优等生知道如何决定轻重缓急。他们从来不会为了打电话、看电视或者吃零食而牺牲学习时间。换言之,学习总是摆在娱乐之前。In addition, top students always pay attention to learning anytime, anywhere. A student with excellent performance is also an excellent athlete. He uses outdoor training time to recite biology terms every day. Another student used the time of brushing his teeth every morning to remember a new word. Without exception, all the students interviewed believed that when to study was a matter of personal preference.另外,优等生们总是注意随时随地学习。有位成绩优异的学生同时也是优秀的运动员,每天利用户外训练时间背生物学术语。而另一位学生则利用每天早上刷牙时间记一个新单词。所有受访的学生无一例外都认为,在什么时间学习完全是个人偏好问题。Some people learn well in the dead of night, while others like to start learning when they can clearly remember what they say in class. Nevertheless, all the top students agree that if you want to perform well at any time, one of the main factors is perseverance.有些人在夜深人静时学习效果好,有些人则喜欢趁着自己还能清晰地记得上课所讲的内容,-放学回家就开始学习。尽管如此,所有优等生都一致认为,如果想任何时候都表现优秀,一个主要的因素就是要持之以恒。Students must also learn to be organized. For example, there is a top student who is active in school bands, track and field teams, rugby associations and debate groups. He revealed that he kept things in order because he couldn"t afford to waste time looking for things everywhere.学生还必须学会有条理。举个例子,有一位优等生在学校乐队、田径队、橄榄球协会和辩论小组里都很活跃。他透露,他之所以把东西放得井井有条是因为他浪费不起到处找东西的时间。Another student likes to organize the notes of the day immediately and put them in the folders marked with different colors so that they can be used for review at any time near the exam. Another skill that the top students advocate is effective reading, which includes fast reading, improving memory and asking questions to fully understand the author"s meaning.还有一位学生喜欢把当天的笔记马上整理出来并放进用不同颜色标记的文件夹里,以便临近考试时能随时用来复习。优等生们提倡的另一个技巧是有效的阅读,其中包括快速阅读,提高记忆能力以及主动提出问题以便充分理解作者的意思。扩展资料这部分内容主要考察的是表语从句的知识点:可以由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当表语的成分。然而要注意,表语从句属于名词性从句,只是表语的其中一种情况——由名词充当表语。常见的引导表语从句的从属连词(Subordinating Conjunction)有when,where,why,who,how,that。它们都有代词(Pronoun)词性,即具备名词(Noun)性质,所以可以引导主语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句、表语从句全部四种名词性从句。用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be, become, appear, seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。如果句子的表语也是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就叫做表语从句。

路虎chack all tire pressures是什么意思

chack all tire pressures检查所有的轮胎压力双语对照例句:1.Alan is tired of all the pressures on him at work. 艾伦对他工作中的所有压力感到厌倦。2.If you really are interested and you think that you can handle and manage all thepressures that prospective law students may have to face then go for it. 如果你真有兴趣,你认为你可以处理和管理所有的压力,准法学生可能要面对那么买账.


blood-pressures网络飙血压;初始速度网络释义1. 飙血压飙血压 (Blood Pressures) / 杀手乐团 (The Kills)推荐人:北部HITO LATE NIGHT SHOW/奇哥 一直以来,对於一女一男的组合颇情有独|基于2个网页2. 初始速度...能以选定速度与长途接见办事器的调制解调器精确地协商。对付任一可能性,都应降隆重制解调器的初始速度 (blood pressures),然后

英语高手帮下忙,帮我翻译并随意写几句话what pressures do you have now?how do you deal with them?

1.Now for me ,the pressure is that i am a freshman.Many learning methods can not be accept very well.But i will try my best to adjust it and adapt to the envrionment.2.Of course there are some difficulties.For example sometimes i had to finish the work of our department .It had effect on my studies more or less.I did the department"s work with my free time as possible as i can.3.We had more free time than before.But we should devote ourslves heart and soul to our studies.4.The winter vacation is longer than us in high school.So i plan to find a part-time job.I can gain some experirence through it.By the end of the work time,maybe i will use the money to buy something for my parents.

most of us have lots of pressures改错?

most of us have lots of pressure.


错误拼法。pressure 压力pleasure 乐趣

Slipknot的《Eyeless》 歌词

歌曲名:Eyeless歌手:Slipknot专辑:Voliminal Inside The NineEyelessSlipknotSlipknot - EyelessInsane - Am I the only muthafucker with a brain?I"m hearing voices but all they do is complainHow many times have you wanted to killEverything and everyone - Say you"ll do it but never willYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesI am my Father"s sonHe"s a phantom, a mystery and that leaves meNothing!How many times have you wanted to die?It"s too late for me. All you have to do is get rid of me!You can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headI tried - You lied to me for so longEverywhere I go, there"s a sense of itFreak on my antics and give me a choiceDoesn"t matter if I give a shitIt"s shit that you gave meYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headDo you wanna feel pain? Takin" my name in vainCaring never felt so lame insideAnybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life?Maybe I"ll reverse my rideWho the hell are you? Fuck you!Better suck it up cuz you bled throughBetter get away from meStay the fuck away from me!I feel safe - Seems your savedI feel safe - Seems your savedLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eye(Motherfucker)Look me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand newChab ; )Enjoy the Slipknot

Slipknot的《Eyeless》 歌词

歌曲名:Eyeless歌手:Slipknot专辑:Antennas to HellEyelessSlipknotSlipknot - EyelessInsane - Am I the only muthafucker with a brain?I"m hearing voices but all they do is complainHow many times have you wanted to killEverything and everyone - Say you"ll do it but never willYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesI am my Father"s sonHe"s a phantom, a mystery and that leaves meNothing!How many times have you wanted to die?It"s too late for me. All you have to do is get rid of me!You can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headI tried - You lied to me for so longEverywhere I go, there"s a sense of itFreak on my antics and give me a choiceDoesn"t matter if I give a shitIt"s shit that you gave meYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headDo you wanna feel pain? Takin" my name in vainCaring never felt so lame insideAnybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life?Maybe I"ll reverse my rideWho the hell are you? Fuck you!Better suck it up cuz you bled throughBetter get away from meStay the fuck away from me!I feel safe - Seems your savedI feel safe - Seems your savedLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eye(Motherfucker)Look me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand newChab ; )Enjoy the Slipknot

his bookishness, curiously little is known abo...

D 考查despite的用法,是介词后面接名词或动名词,A是连词,不能接名词,B用于倒装句才表示让步,C应该是in spite of,句意是:尽管他的书呆子气,奇怪的是他却不知道知道戈登·布朗, 第一个在几十年被说成是一个真正的知识英国首相的世界观,。选D

Jess的《Rising Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Rising Up歌手:Jess专辑:All Hands Filled With JoyThe Roots - Rising Up (Feat. Wale and Chrisette Michele)Yesterday I saw a B-girl crying,yesterday I saw a B-girl cryingI walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longso I told her I got something you"ve been waiting for,I got something you"ve been waiting forYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong, she told me thatthe radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up in the toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe not the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itWe getting paper like John Travolta niggaWell I"m a downtown shoota who that?The crown ruler is backHe congruent to the shape of a mackLook how I do it yo I"m takin you backThis how you rise down to the foundation how sacred is that?I"m from the number one place on the mapThe generational gap with yet another sensational trackAnd we don"t stress for nothing I just press the buttonIt"s as simple as just makin it hapTo all the frauds stop fakin relaxAnd to the broads if you cakinThen clap then shake it without breakin your backI know the world been waitin for that you been aching fa thatCause what they playin on the station is wackAnd I"m a legend in the flesh that dress to impressThe best is that which I accept and nothing lessMy stacks is grotesque my squad is so freshYou know its Black Thought and your boy the Bro Quest, ButYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up and in toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe got the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itYou getting paper like John Travolta nigga so lets goHip-Hop aint dead casue the pulse is in usI got the everclear flow they mimosa wit itWe are the hope of the culture they posed to listenAnd I"m posed ta pivot like i"m a forward in the league, im oden wit ityet dont owe them niggaz nottin but potent lyricsBut if you aint gotta dance they revoke your spinninSo good rappers aint eatin they olsen twininbut im so committed, they have grown familiarWith the counterfit hitters they soso wit it but they a sosa wit it.they Mark McGuire wit the writtin I"m Rodriguezon the road to riches this is the fork im hittinthis is the trial and error era no co defendantI push the seed every time like I"m Cody wit itI said they one hit wonders pneumonia to usI don"t know you niggas hit the road my niggaYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up and in toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe got the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itYou getting paper like John Travolta nigga so lets gowhere my grimey figures at? look lively addressing the captainshow me where your first impression is atAnd where your dedication to the true profession is atHow you laugh answer me what kind of question is thatI"ll show you where my rare essence is at the adolescence of rapThe real muscle in the message of thatmy name trouble I"m a blessin to rapand you can check my stats cause worldwide they attesting to thatso nigga listen you can probably learn a lesson perhapshow I"m like bobby DeNiro Joe Pesc and them catsam I the unsung hero oh yes if you askin anybody that"s aware of the classicsthey"ll tell you I"m a legend in the flesh that dress to impressThe best is that which I accept and nothing lessMy stacks is grotesque my squad? so freshYou know its Black Thought and your boy the BroQuest, ButYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up in the toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe not the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itso lets goKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

teddy bear tossess是什么意思

teddy bear tossess 泰迪熊tossessbear 英[beu0259(r)] 美[ber] n. 熊; (在证券市场等) 卖空的人; 蛮横的人; vt. 承担; 忍受; 支撑; 生育; vi. 生(孩子); 结(果实); 与…有关; [例句]They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table.他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。[其他] 第三人称单数:bears 复数:bears 现在分词:bearing 过去式:bore过去分词:borne


今天是周六,积累了很多天的内容都要在今天来释放了,因为最近想弄一个自己的主页,查看网上之后,都说wordpress很不错,他是一个开源的后台程序,可以用来搭建自己的博客,论坛等功能。但是有一个蛋疼的地方,他是php写的,之前只弄过JavaWeb相关的后台程序,php不太熟呢,以前也是搭建过Linux+Apache+Tomcat+JavaWeb+MySql,那么这次也正好是一个机会学习一下如何搭建后台PHP系统,这里也是网上比较流行的后台系统组合:Linux+Nginx+MySql+Php。下面我们就先来看看这个如何搭建,以及搭建完成之后,如何把wordpress程序部署到服务器上,然后运行。二、工具我们在搭建系统的时候可以选择在本地,也可以选择在服务器上弄,因为我之前买了一个服务器,所以就没有在本地折腾了,就直接在服务器上开搞了。本地的话其实操作方便点。如果在服务器上直接操刀的话,还需要借助两个工具:SecureCRT,SecureFX。这两个工具主要用于和服务器进行交互的,其中SecureCRT主要是连接服务器终端,执行命令的,SecureFX主要是连接服务端进行文件传输的。但是可惜的是,这两个软件是要收费的,所以需要去弄一个破解版的,其实这个网上有很多了,这里还是贴出来我用的吧:;安装了这两个软件之后,我们可以进行连接服务器了,如下图:那么接下来我们就来一一安装所需要的软件(这里统一将所有的软件包放到服务器上的/usr/local/work目录下面,其中work目录是我新建的,你们可以随意起名称,然后将所有的软件都安装在/usr/local/XXX目录中,XXX代表软件目录):三、安装Nginx1、安装openssl软件下载地址,后面给出使用SecureFX软件将下载下来的tar.gz包传到服务器上的/usr/local/work下面这时候使用SecureCRT输入命令行进行解压tar.gz包:>cd /usr/local/work>tar -zxvf openssl-1.0.2a.tar.gz解压完成之后,进入解压目录,进行安装:>cd openssl-1.0.2a>./config --prefix=/usr/local/openssl --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl/conf这里./config是设置安装前的配置信息,后面都是用这个命令的,其中:--prefix是用来配置安装目录的运行之后,在执行编译和安装操作>make && make install这里make是编译,make install是安装,我们这里都是用源码来安装软件的,所以需要释放源码,编译,安装这三个步骤。安装完成之后,需要检验一下安装释放成功:>cd/usr/local/openssl/bin>./openssl version -a注意,Linux中一般安装软件之后,都会在指定目录下的bin或者sbin等目录下有对应的执行命令,一定要注意前面有一个点号,在运行命令的时候。2、安装pcre软件下载地址,后面给出下载完成之后,使用SecureFX将文件传递到服务端的:/usr/local/work目录下这时候使用SecureCRT输入命令行进行解压tar.gz包:>cd /usr/local/work>tar -zxvf pcre-8.34.tar.gz解压完成之后,进入解压目录,进行安装:>cd pcre-8.34>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pcre/>make && make install3、安装zlib软件下载地址,后面给出下载完成之后,使用SecureFX将文件传递到服务端的:/usr/local/work目录下这时候使用SecureCRT输入命令行解压tar.gz包:> /usr/local/work>tar -zxvfzlib-1.2.8.tar.gz解压完成之后,进入解压目录,进行安装:>cdzlib-1.2.8>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/zlib/>make && make install4、安装nginx软件上面三个软件其实都是为nginx安装做好准备条件的,所以上面的三个软件一定要安装成功,不然下面的安装就不能进行了。下载地址,后面给出下载完成之后,使用SecureFX将文件传递到服务端的:/usr/local/work目录下知识后使用SecureCRT输入命令行解压tar.gz包:>/usr/local/work>tar -zxvf nginx-1.8.0.tar.gz解压完成之后,进入解压目录,进行安装:>cd nginx-1.8.0.tar.gz这里还需要建立一个用户组和用户:>groupadd jiangwei>useradd -g jiangwei jiangwei>./configure --user=jiangwei --group=jiangwei --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_ssl_module --with-openssl=/usr/local/openssl --with-pcre=/usr/local/pcre --with-zlib=/usr/local/zlib --with-http_stub_status_module --with-threads这里我们看到:--with-openssl,--with-pcre,--with-zlib 这三个参数是依赖关系,指定的是上面三个软件安装之后的目录,编译nginx的时候,需要这三个依赖,我们运行,出现了如下错误:/bin/sh: ./configure: No such file or directorymake[1]: *** [/usr/local/services/lib/pcre/Makefile] Error 127说找不到pcre的.configure文件,然后我仔细查看错误信息,之后发现./configure 没有找到,这时候我们意识到了,nginx在安装的时候需要自己从新编译pcre,所以这里--with-pcre 应该指定的是pcre的源码目录,为了防止后面两个依赖包出现类似错误,我们都将使用源码目录:./configure --user=www --group=www --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_ssl_module --with-openssl=/usr/local/work/openssl-1.0.2a --with-pcre=/usr/local/work/pcre-8.34 --with-zlib=/usr/local/work/zlib-1.2.8 --with-http_stub_status_module --with-threads再次运行,OK了,然后在编译安装:>make && make install好了,这里nginx就安装成功了,这里遇到问题需要注意的是,nginx编译安装的时候会自己去编译依赖包,所以需要指定依赖包的源码目录,不是安装目录,这里我们发现,上面三个软件其实只要解压即可,都不需要安装了。安装之后,我们可以检验一下:>cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin>./nginx -V运行结果:当然nginx作为一个http服务器,他肯定有相应的配置信息,那么下面我们就来看看配置信息文件:/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf我们这里主要看两个信息,1> 一个是端口和host这里我们将端口改成8888,因为之前弄的是apache+tomcat,80这个默认端口被占用了,现在又不想全部使用nginx,所以只好想用8888这个端口来操作了。2>一个就是后台程序的根目录和首页信息,这个和当初配置tomcat都是类似的。其中location是表示后台程序的配置信息:root:表示项目的路径index:表示项目的默认首页include:表示可以包含的其他配置信息看完配置信息之后,我们就可以运行我们的nginx了,进入sbin目录下,运行nginx命令即可>cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin>./nginx运行完毕,这时候我们可以使用ps命令查看nginx是否启动成功:>ps -ef |grep nginx这里看到有两个进程,一个是master,一个是worker,我们后面想停止nginx的话,就是用:kill -QUIT master进程号来停止nginx的。nginx运行成功之后,我们可以输入网址:其中www.wjdiankong.cn是我的域名:好了,到此,nginx就配置成功啦啦啦。四、安装PHP下面我们还需要在安装php1、安装libmcrypt下载地址,后面给出下载完成之后,使用SecureFX传输到服务器上的:/usr/local/work 目录中然后进行解压:>cd /usr/local/work>tar -zxvf libmcrypt-2.5.8.tar.gz解压完成之后,进入目录进行安装:>cd /usr/local/work/libmcrypt-2.5.8>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libmcrypt>make && make install2、安装mhash下载地址,后面给出下载完成之后,使用SecureFX传输到服务器上的:/usr/local/work 目录中然后进行解压:>cd /usr/local/work>tar -zxvf mhash-解压完成之后,进入目录进行安装:>cd /usr/local/work/mhash->./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mhash>make && make install3、安装libxml2下载地址,后面给出下载完成之后,使用SecureFX传输到服务器上的:/usr/local/work 目录中然后进行解压:>cd /usr/local/work>tar -zxvf libxml2-2.6.32.tar.gz解压完成之后,进入目录进行安装:>cd /usr/local/work/libxml2-2.6.32>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libxml2>make && make install4、安装php5上面三个软件安装完成之后,下面就来安装一下php了,下载地址,后面给出下载完成之后,使用SecureFX传输到服务器上的:/usr/local/work 目录中然后进行解压:>cd /usr/local/work>tar -zxvfphp-5.5.33.tar.gz解压完成之后,进入目录进行安装:>cd /usr/local/work/php-5.5.33>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-mysql=/usr --enable-fpm --enable-fastcgi --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/libxml2 --disable-fileinfo --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/work/zlib-1.2.8这里的配置信息还是需要解释一下的:1>、--with-mysql这个一定要带上,因为后面php需要扩展mysql,因为wordpress程序需要,如果没有的话,后面会出现这样的错误:所以,我当时忘记加上这个参数,结果从新安装的,网上有人说可以后续添加扩展,但是我尝试了好几次失败了,最后无奈从新安装php的。2>、--enable-fpm和--enable-fastcgi这个参数也很重要,如果没有开启的话,后面nginx是不能搭建php的,访问也是失败的,具体fpm是干啥的,下面就简单解释一下说白了,就是nginx解析php的一个中间程序。Nginx是个轻量级的HTTP server,必须借助第三方的FastCGI处理器才可以对PHP进行解析,因此Nginx+spawn-fcgi的组合也可以实现对PHP的解析,这里不过多讲述。PHP-FPM也是一个第三方的FastCGI进程管理器,它是作为PHP的一个补丁来开发的,在安装的时候也需要和PHP源码一起编译,也就是说PHP-FPM被编译到PHP内核中,因此在处理性能方面更加优秀;同时它在处理高并发方面也比spawn-fcgi引擎好很多,因此,推荐Nginx+PHP/PHP-FPM这个组合对PHP进行解析。3>、--disable-fileinfo这个参数也是很重要的,如果没有添加的话,我们在编译的时候会出现如下错误:virtual memory exhausted Cannot allocate memorymake:*** [ext/fileinfo/libmagic/apprentice.lo] Error 1编译这个fileinfo扩展至少要700M内存。这个也算是php的一个bug了,就是你在编译的时候,感觉php会提示内存不足的情况,官方也给出了详细解释:>、--with-libxml-dir这个是依赖libxml安装包目录5>、--with-zlib-dir这个是依赖zlib的源码包目录好了,我们开始执行命令,但是事情总不是那么顺利的,我们还是遇到了错误:configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under yes.Note that the MySQL client library is not bundled anymore.这是由于安装mysql时没有安装mysql头文件,或者是路径指定不正确,php找不到mysql的头文件引起的错误提示。解决方法:1>查看你的系统有没有安装mysql headerfind / -name mysql.h如果有。请指定--with-mysql=/跟你的正常路径。如果没有。请看下一步。2>安装mysqlicientapt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev这时候我们可以进行编译安装了:>make && make install到这里我们的php就安装完成了,但是我们还需要做两件事才能运行php1、拷贝php.ini配置文件我们需要手动将php的源码目录中的php.ini-production拷贝到php的安装目录lib下,并且修改名称为:php.ini>cd /usr/local/work/php-5.5.33>cp php.ini-production /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini这个配置文件很重要,后面就是用来配置php的各种参数信息的2、修改php-fpm-default.conf文件名在php的安装目录下的etc目录中,将php-fpm-default.conf改成php-fpm.conf上面的工作都做好了,这时候我们可以启动php了,进入sbin目录下,执行php-fpm命令即可>cd /usr/local/php/sbin>./php-fpm运行完之后,我们也是通过ps命令查看是否启动成功:这里我们看到了有一个master进程,启动成功了,后面在停止php的时候我们也是用同样命令停止:kill -QUIT php进程号五、运行上面安装了nginx+php之后,下面我们就将他们两个关联起来,然后用一个测试的php页面来跑一下:首先我们还是需要打开nginx的配置文件:把这部分注释打开,参数信息如下:root:php的工程目录fastcgi_pass:fgi的地址,就是我们的php-fpm进程的地址,我们可以查看一下php-fpm.conf文件:fastcig_index:php项目的默认首页include:包含的配置信息文件这时候我们用一个php测试页面来跑一下:在project中新建一个test.php文件:>cd /usr/local/nginx/project>echo "<?php phpinfo();" > test.php这时候,我们访问一下:这里我们看到了我们安装的php信息,都可以看到,而且这个页面我们最好在每个项目中都保留一下,后面我们在修改php的配置信息的时候,可以从这里来查看一下,后面会使用到这个功能。六、安装wordpress好了,到这里我们就搭建好了LNMP后台了,因为本生买了服务器,可以选择Linux系统,所以这里就不会再介绍如何安装Linux系统了,因为之前在弄Apache+tomcat+JavaWeb+mysql的时候,服务器上已经安装了mysql了,所以这里也没有介绍了,安装mysql还是很简单的。那么下面我们就来搭建一下wordpress程序了,我们可以去wordpress官网去下载这个程序,后面我会给出下载地址的,使用SecureFX将程序上传到:/usr/local/nginx/project中解压:>cd /usr/local/nginx/project>tar -zxvf wordpress-4.4.2-zh_CN.tar.gz这时候,我们就可以直接访问:出现了wordpress的安装界面,这个安装也是很简单的,直接点击就可以了,但是这里需要注意的一个问题就是:我们需要手动的去创建一个数据库:wordpress,不然后面wordpress程序会提示连接不到这个数据库。这里我们可以使用navicat客户端快速的创建一个数据库即可。当然这里的数据库名称和下面图片中的数据库名称要一致呀,然后就是连接mysql的用户名和密码了wordpress程序会连接这个数据库,创建对应的表。我们写的文章,用户信息都会存在这个数据库中的对应表中。当我们设置完成之后,就可以进入wordpress系统了:这里看到这个页面还是很兴奋的,当然我们第一步是要定制自己喜欢的样式了,wordpress还是很强大的,可以选择主题和各种插件,具体什么功能网上都是有的,这里就不做太多的解释了:下面在说一下我在使用的过程中遇到的两个问题:1、wordpress搭建成功登陆出现403和404403的问题:我直接修改了整个wordpress项目的权限:chmod 777 -R wordpress404的问题:修改nginx.conf配置文件信息,将下面的代码粘贴进去:location / {try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;}rewrite /wp-admin$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent;2、在写大文本的博客的时候,出现内存不足Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes)网上有很多人说修改php.ini中的memory_limit参数,但是我发现不管怎么修改 php.ini 里的memory_limit 都无法修改成功,phpinfo() 里显示还是原来的数值。今天早上随手vim一下 php-fpm.conf 文件,发现 php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 64M,修改为128M,从新运行php-fpm程序,修改成功!可以使用phpinfo函数查看php配置信息。所有的安装软件下载地址:七、总结好了,到这里,我们就说完了如何搭建LNMP环境来运行wordpress程序,开发一个属于自己的网站,成为一名小小的站长,因为这篇文章是属于工具类的文章,所以各个人的环境不一样,所以遇到的问题肯定也是不一样的,所以遇到什么问题最后自己去搜索解决即可。最后在给出我的网站:我的个人主页也顺便搭建完成:http://www.wjdiankong.cn首页用的是html5+css3,后面会写一些关于前端技术开发的文章PS: 关注微信,最新Android技术实时推送



It S Only Money (John Peel Session) 歌词

歌曲名:It S Only Money (John Peel Session)歌手:Robin Trower专辑:John Peel Session (28Th January 1975)Album:FreeTitle:Its Only MoneyYou don"t believe in loveYou don"t believe in hatredPut your money in the bankIt"s the only way to save itYou try to make a buckBut you haven"t made a pennyYou need a little luckBut you know you won"t get anyYou don"t believe in GodYou don"t believe in gloryYou"ve got a brother in the clinicTells the same kind of storyIf he had another lifeHe"d know what would be waitingIf he had another soulHe could sell it all to SatanIsn"t that a pity...for moneyYou don"t believe in warYou don"t believe in JesusGot a sister in New YorkShe knows how she pleasesWalking the streetsOn the south side of the cityTrying to make ends meetIsn"t that a pity...for money

关于职位前的冠词省略 为什么第一句是director 而第二句是a professor

director是职务名称;professor是职称,不是职务。若句子指出某人担任某职务时,职务名词前不加冠词,如图1例句;若不知何人担任某职务时,职务名词前要加冠词。如: The director is going to give us a rise. 职称名词前不受上述影响。如: He is a professor of the college. The professor is giving us a lecture tomorrow. Professor Peter is in the hall.

关于职位前的冠词省略 为什么第一句是director 而第二句是a professor

在这句话的情景当中:director of the coal mine只有一个,Mr Brown就是唯一的这个主管。可以认为director是一个职位、头衔的名称,用这个职位、头衔的名称来介绍Mr Brown,不需要加冠词a(同样的,比如说Mr Brown, president of the association 组织的主席 或者 CEO of this company 公司的CEO 都只有一个,都不需要加冠词a)而professor有很多个,Alice只是其中一个教授,所以需要加冠词a

address whild in the united states 是什么意思

怀疑笔误把while写成第二个单词whild了吖!如是,则意为“在美国时演讲”the United States:美国,美联邦合众国address此处为动词“演讲”而不做名词“地址”。

OGNL expression: starTime> [ognl.ParseException: Encountered "" at line 1, column 9.


ERROR 1606. Could not access network location 0


PostgreSQL 就是progress吗


Vanessa-Mae的《Solace》 歌词

歌曲名:Solace歌手:Vanessa-Mae专辑:Subject To ChangeSOLAデーモン阁下作词:H.E.Demon Kakka作曲:H.E.Demon Kakka世界のどこかと 世界のどこかで今も谁かが 同じソラを见てる明日が来れば 今日の日はオヤスミ サヨナラ 涙も微笑みも遍く星も それぞれは燃えてる 生きてる 太阳だから明けない夜などないと目を瞑り暮れない朝などないと胸に拳ぶつけ地球は地球で地球のまんまにオレはオレのままに だた今を讴おう世界のどこかと 世界のどこかで今も谁かが 同じソラを见てる风がどんなに変わっても思い出どんなに夺われたとしても惑星(ほし)がどんなに変わっても自由がどんなに虚构(うそ)だとしてもどんなにどんなに どんなに変わってもオマエの愿いを変えることはないさ 决して世界がどんなに変わったとしてもオレはオレのままに 虹を超えてゆこう世界がどんなに変わったとしても今も谁かが 同じソラを见てるオマエはオマエで オマエのまんまに梦は梦のままに 光る命になれ世界のどこかと 世界のどこかできっとオマエが 同じソラを见てる

lower your stress什么意思


序列提交到NCBI之后,获得accession number 需要多长时间


what valid host range is the IP address a part of?

答案是 E: ~子网掩码尾240化为二进制是(1111,0000)。前面24+4位已经固定, 网络号28位,主机号4位。22换成二进制是 (0001.0110 ), 0001 为固定数码,只剩后面四位来安放IP,所以最多可以有16个,然后再除去一个网络地址和一个广播地址。合法主机地址范围即是:到172.16.10.30

How do you take care of your body (i.e. fitness, nutrition, etc.) 作文题,大家尽情发挥~

I amd a health conscious person and take care of my body in many ways. Firstly, i am cautious about having a healthy diet, with balanced nutritions.There is a saying that "you are what you eat". Thus i do believe that a healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy diet. What is being consumed is very important.I make sure that i follow the food pyramid and do not consume too much fats or junk food, and take in sufficient vitamins and mutritions by eating sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. This is one way which i take care of my body.I also do regular excercises, not only for weight control, but at the same time, to keep fit and healthy so that i will be safe from illnesses like heart diseases. By excercising regularly,apart from keeping fit, i am also able to study more efficiently, due to the endorphines produced which stimulates brain functions. Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has also been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease.There are many other factors which contributes to how i take care f my body but the above mentioned are two main ways which helps to keep my body fit and strong.O.O楼上的你太神了吧


开迪 途安大众开迪 Life 1.9TDI: 77kW,前轮驱动,0~100km/h加速时间13.2秒,最高车速:166km/h,18 160欧元 雷诺 Kangoo 1.5 dCi: 60kW,前轮驱动,0~100km/h加速时间13.7秒,最高车速155km/h,14600欧元 大众开迪 Life 1.9 TDI 普鲁士和法国为争夺欧洲霸权进行了这场战争,促使普鲁士完成了德意志统一,德法之间的关系也是仇恨深重。如今,德法在汽车市场上也是针锋相对,包括这里要给大家介绍的多功能车。像雷诺Kangoo这样的家用多功能车越来越受到了人们的欢迎,面对这种一片大好的形势,德国大众集团也恰逢时机地推出了它的新产品开迪。 雷诺 Kangoo 1.5 dCi 它们既不是真正意义上的运货车,也不是象夏朗那样的小客车,驾驶它们既不会使你颜面倍增,也不会让你精神振奋,无论是雷诺的Kangoo,还是大众开迪。而它们的真正的魅力,也仅仅在于他们巨大的装载容积。无论想运输车轮,洗衣机,或者干脆是来自IKEA时尚家居的一组壁柜,都不是问题,他们中最大的装载容积已经达到了3000多升。 我们不妨把它们称为家庭小货车和家庭小客车的结合体:从2004年的1月到10月这款法国车分别在德国取得了将近11000辆新车注册,这追平了福特Galaxy的销量,而德国大众推出的这款开迪,更是被誉为城市小型运输车和家庭紧凑型小客车的融合。长达4.40米的开迪是大众汽车在高尔夫的生产平台上开发出来的全新产品,它50%的车身零部件都是来自于同属于一个平台的途安。 车身 我们可以把他们称为小型运输车与紧凑型小客车的完美过渡 开迪的侧面门为拉门,即使是当它停在一个很狭窄的停车位里的时候,乘客也可以自如地上下车,后座可以向前折叠,折叠后车内的装载容积最大可以达到3020升。加价597欧元,可以选装第二排后座椅,这样开迪就变成了可以搭乘7人的紧凑型小客车了。 这款法国车上也配备的是侧面拉门,它们的后排座椅也是可以分别向前折叠的。对于雷诺来说,尽管它拥有着3000升的装载容积,但是最多仅能承受400公斤的载重能力显得不成比例。与它相比,大众开迪则能够多承受200多公斤的重量。 对比二款车的内饰,人们首先会产生一个同样的想法,就是它们都把内饰的设置几乎节约到了极限:方向盘、换档杆、仪表,但是它们排列的层次分明。 大众开迪的内饰看起来很饱满,同时在整个后备舱都覆盖着地毯,使整车看起来有一种温馨的味道,与此形成鲜明对比的是在法国车中,它们只有裸露的塑料地板,两个金属后轮罩上也没有任何护板,从这两点可以很容易地看出它们与货车之间的亲缘关系,尽管便于清洁,却缺少了必要的隔音功效,大大降低了驾驶的舒适程度。


senseless[英][u02c8senslu0259s][美][u02c8su025bnslu026as]adj.无知的; 愚蠢的; 无意义的; 无感觉的; 最高级:most senseless比较级:more senseless例句:1.Senseless loans for new luxury residences won"t help anyone. 为新建豪宅提供毫无意义的贷款不会帮助任何人。hesitate[英][u02c8hezu026ateu026at][美]["hezu026ateu026at]vi.犹豫,踌躇; 不愿; 支吾; 停顿; vt.对…犹豫; 不情愿; 第三人称单数:hesitates过去分词:hesitated现在进行时:hesitating过去式:hesitated例句:1.Companies might hesitate before sacking an it adviser. 企业要解雇it顾问的话会犹豫再三。but you are not toblame但是你不能怪例句:1.I hope you are not punishing yourself for this. 我希望你不是对于你自己的惩罚。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!


A: injustice (名词):不公正1. They will continue to fight injustice.2. I don"t want to do an injustice 滥用to what I"ve recorded.3. You do me an injustice if you think I could tell such a lie. 使某人受屈B: "unjustice": 同"injustice". 1913年英语词典 Websters 仍然使用; 现在已经没有使用!C: Unjust; unjustified (形容词)= 不公 (unfair): (1) Your suspicions are unjust. (2) The police action was unjustified.


Robustness 被音译为鲁棒性,已经成为历史级的笑柄了。不必在意,我们还是译为“健壮性”“抗扰性”“耐操性”就可以了,待这个鲁班的棒槌慢慢消失在历史中即可……


less /lɜs/medicine /mɜd(ɪ)s(ɪ)n/healthy/"hɜlθi/secret/"si:krɪt/以上是这些单词的英式读音,如果需要美式读音的可以采纳答案后加追问

business blue ribbon 什么意思


收到一个约稿,InTech Open Access publisher 是什么机构


XPSP2 Professional是什么版本

2楼大哥 你好牛!

access 中的函数fix什么意思

语法Int(number)Fix(number)必要的 number 参数是 Double 或任何有效的数值表达式。如果 number 包含 Null,则返回 Null。说明Int 和 Fix 都会删除 number 的小数部份而返回剩下的整数。Int 和 Fix 的不同之处在于,如果 number 为负数,则 Int 返回小于或等于 number 的第一个负整数,而 Fix 则会返回大于或等于 number 的第一个负整数。例如,Int 将 -8.4 转换成 -9,而 Fix 将 -8.4 转换成 -8。Fix(number) 等于:Sgn(number) * Int(Abs(number))



Can Get a Witness 歌词

歌曲名:Can Get a Witness歌手:Brian Auger专辑:The Mod Years 1965 - 1969Give me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me

Dance with Madness 歌词

歌曲名:Dance with Madness歌手:Shakra专辑:InfectedGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me

Daylight MAdness 歌词

歌曲名:Daylight MAdness歌手:Robert Fox专辑:MayaGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me

All Nite Madness 歌词

歌曲名:All Nite Madness歌手:Mousse T专辑:All Nite MadnessGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me


在ACCESS中创建查询 像表向导、窗体向导等其他向导一样,Access查询向导能够有效地指导用户顺利地 进行创建查询的工作,详细地解释在创建过程中需要做出的选择,并能以图形的方式显示结果。 Access还为用户提供了查询“设计"窗口,在查询设计视图中,可以完成新建查询的设计,或修改已有的查询,也可以修改作为窗体、报表或数据访问页记录源的SQL语句。在查询设计视图中所做的更改,也会反映到相应的SOL语句。 对创建查询来说,设计视图功能更为丰富,但使用向导创建基本的查询比较方便。可以先利用向导创建查询,然后在设计视图中打开它,加以修改。 1.简单查询向导的使用 简单查询向导只能生成一些简单的查询,如果在所查询的表中没有计算字段,该向导就只有两个对话框,一个用于选择查询所包含的表和字段,另一个用于命名查询。下面创建一个简单的查询。 (1)打开Northwind数据库,并将数据库窗口切换到“查询”对象类型。 (2)双击“使用向导创建查询"快捷方式,弹出简单查询向导的第一个对话框, 4.为查询选择字段 查询中可只添加要查看其数据的字段,以及对其设置准则、分组、更新或排序的字段。本例中创建客户邮件表,故添加组成客户邮寄地址的字段。 (1)在设计视图中打开查询,单击窗口下部网格第一列“字段""行的下拉列表按钮,显示“查询字段"列表。 (2)选择列表中的“联系人姓名"字段作为第一个字段标题。 将“公司名称"、“地址"、“城市”、“地区""、“邮政编码"和“国家""字段添加到查询设计网格的第2~7列。 (3)执行“视图”菜单的“数据表视图""命令,或单击工具条上“数据表视图”按钮,或单击“运行",对客户表进行查询。 在显示的查询结果集中,将包含“客户""表的所有记录,原因是还未设置选择准则。 5.按准则选择记录和排序显示 准则是查询中用来识别所需特定记录的限制条件。 上述示例查询是要为发给中国华北地区客户的邮件创建一个邮件清单,故希望在查询中只包含那些“地区"字段为“华北"的记录。基于字段的值来选择记录,其依据的准则是创建查询过程的核心。 返回查询的设计视图,如图4—1 0所示。在地区的“准则""列键人“华北""(Access自动加引号),清除“国家""列的“显示"行复选框;并在“邮政编码"的“排序"行的下拉列表中选择“升序"。 最后,运行查询。查询结果集中只包含地区为“华北""的客户的记录,不再包含“国家“字段,且记录按“邮政编码”升序排列。



C# vs winfrom连接access数据库代码 增删改查

程序代码: using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; string strConnection="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;"; strConnection+=@"DataSource=C:BegASPNETNorthwind.mdb"; OleDbConnection objConnection=new OleDbConnection(strConnection); objConnection.Open(); objConnection.Close(); 解释: 连接Access数据库需要导入额外的命名空间,所以有了最前面的两条using命令,这是必不可少的! strConnection这个变量里存放的是连接数据库所需要的连接字符串,他指定了要使用的数据提供者和要使用的数据源。 “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;”是指数据提供者,这里使用的是Microsoft Jet引擎,也就是Access中的数据引擎,asp.net就是靠这个和Access的数据库连接的。 “Data Source=C:BegASPNETNorthwind.mdb”是指明数据源的位置,他的标准形式是“Data Source=MyDrive:MyPathMyFile.MDB”。 PS: 1.“+=”后面的“@”符号是防止将后面字符串中的“”解析为转义字符。 2.如果要连接的数据库文件和当前文件在同一个目录下,还可以使用如下的方法连接: strConnection+="Data Source="; strConnection+=MapPath("Northwind.mdb"); 3.要注意连接字符串中的参数之间要用分号来分隔。 “OleDbConnection objConnection=new OleDbConnection(strConnection);”这一句是利用定义好的连接字符串来建立了一个链接对象,以后对数据库的操作我们都要和这个对象打交道。 “objConnection.Open();”这用来打开连接。至此,与Access数据库的连接完成。


在ACCESS中创建查询 像表向导、窗体向导等其他向导一样,Access查询向导能够有效地指导用户顺利地 进行创建查询的工作,详细地解释在创建过程中需要做出的选择,并能以图形的方式显示结果。 Access还为用户提供了查询逗设计"窗口,在查询设计视图中,可以完成新建查询的设计,或修改已有的查询,也可以修改作为窗体、报表或数据访问页记录源的SQL语句。在查询设计视图中所做的更改,也会反映到相应的SOL语句。 对创建查询来说,设计视图功能更为丰富,但使用向导创建基本的查询比较方便。可以先利用向导创建查询,然后在设计视图中打开它,加以修改。 1.简单查询向导的使用 简单查询向导只能生成一些简单的查询,如果在所查询的表中没有计算字段,该向导就只有两个对话框,一个用于选择查询所包含的表和字段,另一个用于命名查询。下面创建一个简单的查询。 (1)打开Northwind数据库,并将数据库窗口切换到逗查询地对象类型。 (2)双击逗使用向导创建查询"快捷方式,弹出简单查询向导的第一个对话框, 4.为查询选择字段 查询中可只添加要查看其数据的字段,以及对其设置准则、分组、更新或排序的字段。本例中创建客户邮件表,故添加组成客户邮寄地址的字段。 (1)在设计视图中打开查询,单击窗口下部网格第一列逗字段""行的下拉列表按钮,显示逗查询字段"列表。 (2)选择列表中的逗联系人姓名"字段作为第一个字段标题。 将逗公司名称"、逗地址"、逗城市地、逗地区""、逗邮政编码"和逗国家""字段添加到查询设计网格的第2~7列。 (3)执行逗视图地菜单的逗数据表视图""命令,或单击工具条上逗数据表视图地按钮,或单击逗运行",对客户表进行查询。 在显示的查询结果集中,将包含逗客户""表的所有记录,原因是还未设置选择准则。 5.按准则选择记录和排序显示 准则是查询中用来识别所需特定记录的限制条件。 上述示例查询是要为发给中国华北地区客户的邮件创建一个邮件清单,故希望在查询中只包含那些逗地区"字段为逗华北"的记录。基于字段的值来选择记录,其依据的准则是创建查询过程的核心。 返回查询的设计视图,如图4—1 0所示。在地区的逗准则""列键人逗华北""(Access自动加引号),清除逗国家""列的逗显示"行复选框;并在逗邮政编码"的逗排序"行的下拉列表中选择逗升序"。 最后,运行查询。查询结果集中只包含地区为逗华北""的客户的记录,不再包含逗国家逗字段,且记录按逗邮政编码地升序排列。




DoCmd.OutputTo acQuery, "查询1", "Microsoft Excel 97-2003(*.xls)", "", False, "", 0以上是将ACCESS中的查询导出EXCEL,如果是表的话,就换成actable

有一首英文歌 里面唱的一句 just one less day..哪位知道叫什么名字,,貌似是女生独唱

just one last dance ?曲名:Just One Last Dance 歌手:Sarah Connor 专辑:Key To My Soul Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance 最后一曲 哦 亲爱的 最后一曲 We meet in the night in the Spanish café 那个夜晚 我们在西班牙咖啡馆相遇 I look in your eyes just don"t know what to say 望着你的双眸 心有千言竟无语 It feels like I"m drowning in salty water 泪水已令我尽陷沉溺 A few hours left "til the sun"s gonna rise 几个时辰过后 阳光便要升起 tomorrow will come an it"s time to realize 明日终将到来 our love has finished forever 爱情永远分离 how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you) 多想和你一起(和你一起) how I wish we make it through 多想共同继续   Just one last dance 最后一曲 before we say goodbye 再说别离 when we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次挥手转身 it"s like the first time 初次相遇般难舍难离 Just one more chance 最后一曲 hold me tight and keep me warm 紧紧拥抱 充满爱意 cause the night is getting cold 因夜已渐冷 and I don"t know where I belong 我意乱情迷 Just one last dance 最后一曲 The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar 夜光美酒 琴声(吉它)响起 I"ll never forget how romantic they are 浪漫之夜 永难忘记 but I know, tomorrow I"ll lose the one I love 我知道明日将痛失吾爱 There"s no way to come with you 永远不能再相偎相依 it"s the only thing to do 舍此无它 Just one last dance 最后一曲 before we say goodbye 再说别离 when we sway and turn round and round and round 一次次挥手转身 it"s like the first time 初次相遇般难舍难离 Just one more chance 再多一次机会 hold me tight and keep me warm 紧紧拥抱 充满爱意 cause the night is getting cold 因夜已渐冷 and I don"t know where I belong 我意乱情迷 Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance 最后一曲 最后一次 最后一曲


总变差 (TSS):被解释变量Y的观测值与其平均值的离差平 方和(总平方和)(说明 Y 的总变动程度) 解释了的变差 (ESS):被解释变量Y的估计值与其平均值的 离差平方和(回归平方和) 剩余平方和 (RSS):被解释变量观测值与估计值之差的平方 和(未解释的平方和)

needless to say与not to mention的区别,懂山东高中英语课标的来

needless to say不必说表示没有必要not to mention更不要说,表理所当然

needless to say后边加不定时还是动名词

要加东西 只能是that从句

Needless op2 歌词 《Scarlet Bomb》 残念な仕草と反対で 欲望の行方はマイノリティー 飞び散るモラルの雫

虽然是一件令人遗憾的动作和反对欲望的结果是少数飞散的道德之水滴不知,因此抗议scarlet bomb !lip in the scarlet bomb !最大的失败是感伤不习惯互相承认了熵俄吞下惊险之中不要因为记者采访时称:“偷scarlet bomb !你把刀子的视线痛的夏娃和苹果罪宁静而激烈。这实在可惜这是第几次了?热的确很冷不可能永远的夜晚指甲咬住星比较近我想看不拘小节you make up endless and no life美国不可能存在的魔鬼sisters梦欺骗时间就出现了几分fallin"to love !在废墟或vienna waltz廻れ融化一样过错名单也有来…动机不纯,就一定要离开早就知道没有想过要疯狂garnet ring手臂银的子弹很满足了吗?爱是乐园再见,狱门岛好,我后悔,其中低声私语数吗?


2130年,受第三次世界大战的影响,日本各地均出现了被称为“BS(Black Spot)”的巨大污染区域。“BS”被作为废墟用巨大墙壁隔离,然而不久,这荒芜的大地出现了居民。他们被住在“城市(City)”里的人称为“无用者(Needless)”,而当中也有特殊能力者存在。故事的开端是名为库鲁斯·西尔特的少年,他与他的姐姐亚路佳·西尔特所属的反抗组织的目标是从西美翁的暴力统治中解放“BS”。在一次埋伏亚当·阿库莱特的战斗中反抗组织被反埋伏且被全数攻破,在逃亡过程中库鲁斯的姐姐因保护弟弟不幸阵亡,库鲁斯只身一人逃进地下水道。眼看追兵将至,已放弃希望的库鲁斯遇到了与阿库莱特相貌及其相似的亚当·布雷特,后者将他救出,后库鲁斯和布雷特后来来到了教会,并且遇见了众多同伴,以此为契机,库鲁斯开始了在教会的生活和战斗。


needless不必要的例句:Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged.不用说,理论和实践有时候并不相符。Needless to say, I agree.无须说,我是同意的。“needless to say”的同义词:certainly读音:英 [u02c8su0259u02d0t(u0259)nli] 、美 [u02c8su025cu02d0rtnli]表达意思:adv. 当然;行(用于回答);必定相关短语:Sure Certainly 当然可以Certainly others 的确有一些 ; 当然其他人 ; 当然其他of certainly 的肯定 ; 定的 ; 肯定certainly 当然 ; 一定 ; 无疑 ; 无疑地We certainly 对我们的肯定Certainly promising 肯定有前途needless to say:vi. 不用说例句与用法: Needless to say, he kept his promise.不用说,他信守了他的诺言。 Needless to say, learning without thinking is useless.不用说,学而不思则罔。 Needless to say, I survived.不用说, 我得救了.


直接去百度NEEDLESS贴吧找就能在线观看。。我也很喜欢NEEDLESS。。原来还有高清的= =24集就12多G。。。结果前天我把电脑给格式化了呜呜。。。。所有的东西全都没有了。。包括我下的NEEDLESS漫画= =不过你可以去NEEDLESS贴吧去看那24集动画。。不过就是画质有点渣。。。还有问题可以追问我哦~以及有关NEEDESS的相关问题也可以哦

needless to say the secon list can be remembered more easily than the first one


needless to say是状语吗

状语,和generally,actually,in a word,first of all等词一样的成分. 英语语法演变过程中产生了许多类似needless to say的用法,不必刻板的追究它到底是什么结构.每种语言中都有一些固定的看似没有规律的说法. 传统说法It"s needless to say that you are a good man.经过简化后: Needless to say,you are a good man.最初简化时显然没人理睬needless to say是什么成分,就是为了方便,研究语言的人非要给它一个身份,哪只能说是状语了.


NEEDLESS死刑判决.zip 请及时转存或下载 你的采纳是我前进的动力! 记得好评和采纳,答题不易,互相帮助, 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点满意即可. 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击采纳为满意回答按钮!



超能力大战 needless 男主角有什么用


NEEDLESS(死刑判决)ED 假名歌词

  不一定准确,在网上找的,假名括号里都有~  NEEDLESS【死刑判决】ED - Aggressive zone 歌词  おまかせ Girl style (Hi!)  强(つよ)い方(ほう)でしょ? 认(みと)めなさい (Hi!)  いかさま Boys attack (Hi!)  やり直(なお)してよ もっとちゃんと kiss  NEEDLESS【死刑判决】ED - Aggressive zone  作词:畑 亜贵  作.编曲:高田 暁  vocal:ニードレス★ガールズ+  イヴ(喜多村英梨),セツナ(后藤沙绪里),クルス(远藤绫),未央(牧野由依),ディスク(加藤英美里)  毎日(まいにち)どーしたい?(wao!) テンポいいじゃん  その调子(ちょうし)ついて来(こ)い☆ (Go.go.go.go!)  ボコボコになっちゃえ(なっちゃう?)  甘(あま)えたキモチ Bye-bye-bye (あ.ま.え.る.な!)  まだOK? (Give up?) 次(つぎ)の人(ひと)が狙(ねら)ってるよ  こわがりさんっ(Ya.ya.ya.ya!)  この辺(へん)でよしとこう(よしとく?)  一撃(いちげき)でアウト!  割(わり)とスルーなキミガ  意地悪(いじわる)な 言叶(ことば)で戸惑(とまど)うトコが新鲜(しんせん)  退屈(たいくつ)させたら おしおきしちゃうぞ(So,I do!)  偶然(ぐうぜん)飞(と)び込(こ)んだ Aggressive Zone  メチャクチャ大変(たいへん) トラブルが舞(ま)い降(お)りて  Jumping free zone 私(わたし)たちメイクミラクル  纳得(なっとく)してないね? でも気(き)にしないもーん  おまかせ Girl style(Hi!)  强(つよ)い方(ほう)でしょ? 认(みと)めなさい (Hi!)  いかさま Boys attack(Hi!)  やり直(なお)してよ もっとちゃんと kiss  先日(せんじつ)なんでだい?(why?) 点差(てんさ)ちょっぴー  あの感(かん)じ続(つづ)けなさいu266a (Hey.hey.hey.hey)  コテコテがだいすき(すきだ!)  半端(はんたん)なやんちゃ No-no-no (ば.か.ば.か.しぃ!)  でもJK? (じゃんけん?) グーを选(えら)ぶ押(お)しの弱(よわ)さ  ざんねんくんっ(Say.say.say.say.!)  后(あと)出(だ)しで胜(か)っとけ (负(ま)けるな!)  禁(きん)じ手のゴール!  时(とき)にタブーなことが  降(ふ)ってきたら 力(ちから)で解决(かいけつ)なんて野蛮(やばん)  口先(くちさき)だけでも かかってきなさい (Who try me?)  騒然(そうぜん)狙(ねら)い打(う)ち Profusion heart  ハチャメチャ成功(せいこう) ロマンスも命(いのち)がけ  Rock"n roll heart キミの中(なか)チェンジパワフル  说得(せつとく)してないよ? ほら他人事(ひとごと)だもーん  ☆。。。u2669。。。u266a。。。u266c。。。☆  そしてスルーなキミが  意地悪(いじわる)な 言叶(ことば)で戸惑(とまど)うトコが新鲜(しんせん)  退屈(たいくつ)させたら おしおきしちゃうぞ  偶然(ぐうぜん)飞(と)び込(こ)んだ Aggressive zone  メチャクチャ大変(たいへん) トラブルが舞(ま)い降(お)りて  Jumping free zone 私(わたし)たちメイクミラクル  纳得(なっとく)してないね? でも気にしないもーん  おまかせ Girl style (Hi!)  强(つよ)い方(ほう)でしょ? 认(みと)めなさい (Hi!)  いかさま Boys attack (Hi!)  やり直(なお)してよ だってそうじゃない?  だってそうでしょ? もっとちゃんと kiss!  ~终わり~


unnecessary还有多余的意思 needless没有

needless to say是什么意思?

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