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message的意思是:消息。message是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“消息;差使;启示;预言;广告词”,作及物动词时意思是“通知”,作不及物动词时意思是“报信,报告;通信报文”。短语搭配:message passing消息传递、讯息传递、消息传送。advertising message广告信息、广告讯息、告白信息、广告消息。MSG Message信息、留言、电文、提示信息。双语例句1、The message is coming through loud and clear.消息传达得清楚明白。2、A message is just coming through.刚有消息传来。3、Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her?我可以给她留个话儿吗?4、What sort of message is that sending to young people?这给年轻人传达的是什么样的信息呢?5、As you were out, I left a message.你不在,所以我留了一张字条儿。6、Send a text message to this number to vote.请发短信到此号码参加投票。

歌词together forever,you broke up with me over text message 是哪首歌?

是"Selena Gomez"唱的"Together Forever".

已解决 求短信铃声“excuse me boss you have a text message ” 有的兄弟发到我的邮箱里面 835594452@...


you send a text message to a friend on your mobile phone的翻译



message读作英[u02c8mesu026adu0292];美[u02c8mesu026adu0292]。message是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“消息;差使;启示;预言;广告词”,作及物动词时意思是“通知”,作不及物动词时意思是“报信,报告;[通信] 报文”。短语搭配:message passing消息传递;讯息传递;计][通信]消息传送。双语例句1、The message is coming through loud and clear.消息传达得清楚明白。2、A message is just coming through.刚有消息传来。3、Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her?我可以给她留个话儿吗?4、What sort of message is that sending to young people?这给年轻人传达的是什么样的信息呢?5、As you were out, I left a message.你不在,所以我留了一张字条儿。6、Send a text message to this number to vote.请发短信到此号码参加投票。

text a message存在吗?什么意思?


短信提示音“excuse me boss,you have a text message” 不加其他打入这个网站,可以下载,希望采纳。


Charles4.5.6,在Windows运行时Contents出现如图乱码:图1二、解决1、打开Charles,点击菜单栏Help->SSL Proxying->Install Charles Root Certificate;图22、安装证书:按照证书导入向导导入,存储为受信任的根证书颁发机构即可;图3图43、打开Charles,点击菜单栏 ->Proxy ->SSL Proxy Settings ->Add,输入*和443,*代表任何网址都可以抓取;图5三、结果1、重新访问,结果如下:


message的意思是:消息。message是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“消息;差使;启示;预言;广告词”,作及物动词时意思是“通知”,作不及物动词时意思是“报信,报告;通信报文”。短语搭配:message passing消息传递、讯息传递、消息传送。advertising message广告信息、广告讯息、告白信息、广告消息。MSG Message信息、留言、电文、提示信息。双语例句1、The message is coming through loud and clear.消息传达得清楚明白。2、A message is just coming through.刚有消息传来。3、Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her?我可以给她留个话儿吗?4、What sort of message is that sending to young people?这给年轻人传达的是什么样的信息呢?5、As you were out, I left a message.你不在,所以我留了一张字条儿。6、Send a text message to this number to vote.请发短信到此号码参加投票。


仿真实验中message是什么意思, 便条, 口信, (书面或口头的)消息,音信 2.要旨, 主题思想; (书籍、演讲等的)要旨, 要点, 教训

澳洲移民SOL里2339 Other Engineering Professionals 指哪些专业

ANZSCO 2339 其他工程专业人员职业列表u2022 233911 航空工程师 Aeronautical Engineeru2022 233912 农业工程师 Agricultural Engineeru2022 233913 生物医学工程师 Biomedical Engineeru2022 233914 工程技师 Engineering Technologistu2022 233915 环境工程师 Environmental Engineeru2022 233916 造船工程师(澳洲)和造船设计师(新西兰)Naval Architect (Aus) / Marine Designer (NZ)u2022 233999 工程专业人才 Engineering Professionals nec233911 航空工程师 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER u2022 执行并监督与飞机设计、研发、制造及维修相关的工程工作。可能要求注册和执业证书 Performs and supervises engineering work concerned with the design, development, manufacture,maintenance and modification of aircraft for flight. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1u2022 具体职业 Specialisations:u2022 航空工程人员 Aeronautical Engineering Officer (Navy)u2022 航天工程师 Aerospace Engineeru2022 航天工程人员-航空(空军)Aerospace Engineer Officer - Aeronautical (Air Force)u2022 航天工程人员-军备(空军)Aerospace Engineer Officer - Armament (Air Force)u2022 航天工程人员-电子设备(空军)Aerospace Engineer Officer - Electronics (Air Force)u2022 航空电子系统工程师 Avionics Systems Engineer u2022 兵器航空工程人员(海军) Weapons Aeronautical Engineering Officer (Navy)233912 农业工程师 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERu2022 可替换职位 Alternative Title:u2022 自然资源工程师 Natural Resources Engineeru2022 执行并监督与农业用地,建筑,机械设备利用开发相关的工程工作。或许要求注册证或执业证书 Performs and supervises engineering work related to the use and development of agricultural land, buildings, machines and equipment. Registration or licensing may be required. Skill Level: 1233913 生物医学工程师 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER u2022 运用物理,工程,数学,计算机,物理化学及材料学知识解决生物方面和人类疾病预防的问题。或许要求注册证或执业证书 Applies knowledge and methodology of physics, engineering, mathematics, computing, physical chemistry and materials science to problems in biology and the treatment and prevention of human disease. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1u2022 具体职业 Specialisations:u2022 生物工程师 Bioengineeru2022 临床工程师 Clinical Engineeru2022 医药工程师 Medical Engineer233914 工程技师 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGISTu2022 分析并修正新的和现有的工程技术,并将技术用于工程项目测试和实施。或许要求注册证或执业证书 Analyses and modifies new and existing engineering technologies and applies them in the testing and implementation of engineering projects. Registration or licensing may be required. Skill Level: 1u2022 具体职业 Specialisations:u2022 航空工程技师 Aeronautical Engineering Technologistu2022 农业工程技师 Agricultural Engineering Technologistu2022 生物医学技师 Biomedical Engineering Technologistu2022 化学工程技师 Chemical Engineering Technologistu2022 工业工程技师 Industrial Engineering Technologistu2022 采矿工程技师 Mining Engineering Technologist233915 环境工程师 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER u2022 评估工程项目对空气,水,土壤和噪音的影响,规划并设计设备和安全处理废料方法的,评估造成长期环境问题的原因。可能要求注册证或执业证书 Assesses the impact on air, water, soil and noise levels in the vicinity of engineering projects, plans and designs equipment and processes for the treatment and safe disposal of waste material, and assesses what may cause problems for the environment in the long-term. Registration or licensing is required.Skill Level: 1233916 造船工程师(澳洲)和造船设计师(新西兰) NAVAL ARCHITECT (AUS) / MARINE DESIGNE R (NZ )u2022 设计并监督轮船和浮式结构物的建造与修理。可能要求注册证或执业证书 Designs and oversees the construction and repair of marine craft and floating structures. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1233999 工程专业人员(其他未分类) ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS NECu2022 该类别包括其他未分类的过程技术人员 。可能要求注册证或执业证书 This occupation group covers Engineering Professionals not elsewhere classified. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1u2022 该类职业 Occupations in this group include:u2022 机电一体化工程师 Mechatronics Engineeru2022 产品设计工程师 Product Design Engineer


你好,具体代码可以参考下面的:import javax.jms.Connection;import javax.jms.DeliveryMode;import javax.jms.Destination;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.MessageProducer;import javax.jms.ObjectMessage;import javax.jms.Session;import javax.jms.TextMessage;import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy;import org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsMessage;import org.apache.xbean.spring.context.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;//发送TextMessagepublic class SendMessage { private static final String url = "tcp://localhost:61616";; private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "choice.queue"; protected String expectedBody = "<hello>world!</hello>"; public void sendMessage() throws JMSException{ Connection connection = null; try{ ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(url); connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); connection.start(); Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); Destination destination = session.createQueue(QUEUE_NAME); MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination); TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(expectedBody); message.setStringProperty("headname", "remoteB"); producer.send(message); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ connection.close(); } }***************************************************************************************import;import;import;import javax.jms.BytesMessage;import javax.jms.Connection;import javax.jms.DeliveryMode;import javax.jms.Destination;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.MessageProducer;import javax.jms.Session;import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;//发送BytesMessagepublic class SendMessage { private String url = "tcp://localhost:61616"; public void sendMessage() throws JMSException{ ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(url); Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); connection.start(); Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); Destination destination = session.createQueue("test.queue"); MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination); producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT); BytesMessage message = session.createBytesMessage(); byte[] content = getFileByte("d://test.jar"); message.writeBytes(content); try{ producer.send(message); System.out.println("successful send message"); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); e.getMessage(); }finally{ session.close(); connection.close(); } } private byte[] getFileByte(String filename){ byte[] buffer = null; FileInputStream fin = null; try { File file = new File(filename); fin = new FileInputStream(file); buffer = new byte[fin.available()];; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { fin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return buffer; }发送完消息后可以访问 http://localhost:8161/admin/queues.jsp 看到相应的queue中是否有消息 适用收取TextMessage消息 import javax.jms.Connection;import javax.jms.Destination;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Message;import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;import javax.jms.Session;import javax.jms.TextMessage;import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;public class ReceiveMessage { private static final String url = "tcp://"; private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "szf.queue";public void receiveMessage(){ Connection connection = null; try{ try{ ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(url); connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); }catch(Exception e){// ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(url);// connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); } connection.start(); Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); Destination destination = session.createQueue(QUEUE_NAME); MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination); consumeMessagesAndClose(connection,session,consumer); }catch(Exception e){ } } protected void consumeMessagesAndClose(Connection connection, Session session, MessageConsumer consumer) throws JMSException { for (int i = 0; i < 1;) { Message message = consumer.receive(1000); if (message != null) { i++; onMessage(message); } } System.out.println("Closing connection"); consumer.close(); session.close(); connection.close(); } public void onMessage(Message message){ try{ if (message instanceof TextMessage) { TextMessage txtMsg = (TextMessage)message; String msg = txtMsg.getText(); System.out.println("Received: " + msg); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String args[]){ ReceiveMessage rm = new ReceiveMessage(); rm.receiveMessage(); }}

请问手机的“短消息”英文是什么?short message? text message?还是其它?


text message的text是什么意思

文本。text message文本信息

text message是什么意思





[ti:]almost [ar:]Tamia [al:] [by:]lyrics by wylouise [00:00.99]Can you tell me [00:01.95]How can one miss what she"s never had [00:05.00]How could I reminisce when there is no past [00:08.76]How could I have memories of being happy with you boy [00:13.36]Could someone tell me how can this be [00:16.36]How could my mind pull up incidents [00:20.09]Recall dates and times that never happened [00:23.96]How could we celebrate a love that"s to late [00:27.51]And how could I really mean the words I"m bout to say [00:30.69]I missed the times that we almost shared [00:33.71]I miss the love that was almost there [00:37.29]I miss the times that we use to kiss [00:41.00]At least in my dreams [00:42.42]Just let me take my time and reminisce [00:45.46]I miss the times that we never had [00:48.35]What happened to us we were almost there [00:52.13]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [00:58.16]Never almost had you [01:07.02]I cannot believe I let you go [01:10.05]Or what I should say I should"ve grabbed you up and never let you go [01:15.18]I should"ve went out with you [01:17.15]I should"ve made you my boo boy [01:19.74]Yes that"s one time I should"ve broke the rules [01:22.94]I should"ve went on a date [01:24.42]Should"ve found a way to escape [01:26.19]Should"ve turned a almost into [01:27.83]If it happened now its to late [01:30.35]How could I celebrate a love that wasn"t real [01:33.57]And if it didn"t happen why does my heart feel [01:37.40]I missed the times that we almost shared [01:40.43]I miss the love that was almost there [01:43.75]I miss the times that we use to kiss [01:47.47]At least in my dreams [01:48.75]Just let me take my time and reminisce [01:51.99]I miss the times that we never had [01:54.81]What happened to us we were almost there [01:58.62]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [02:04.59]Never almost had you [02:07.67](sometimes I wanna rub ya, some nights I wanna hug ya) [02:12.72]And you seem to be the perfect one for me [02:14.67]You (some nights I wanna touch ya but tonight I wanna love ya) [02:18.64]You"re all that I ever wanted [02:20.78]And you"re my everything yes its true [02:24.61]Boy its hard to be close to you [02:28.26]My love [02:32.54]I know it may sound crazy [02:34.49]But I"m in love with you [02:37.18]I missed the times that we almost shared [02:39.71]I miss the love that was almost there [02:43.46]I miss the times that we use to kiss [02:46.57]At least in my dreams [02:48.07]Just let me take my time and reminisce [02:50.82]I miss the times that we never had [02:53.92]What happened to us we were almost there [02:57.77]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [03:03.67]Never almost had you [03:05.67]I missed the times that we almost shared [03:08.68]I miss the love that was almost there (sometimes I wanna rub ya) [03:12.52]I miss the times that we use to kiss [03:16.11]At least in my dreams [03:18.04]Just let me take my time and reminisce (but tonight I wanna love ya) [03:21.22]I miss the times that we never had [03:23.46]What happened to us we were almost there [03:27.17]Whoever said its impossible to miss when you never had [03:34.99]Never, never almost had you (but tonight I wanna love ya)

if you can figure out the Word in a text message.


请教,new text message 是什么



看权限有没有设置到。写法没有问题的。 SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault(); List<String> texts = sms.divideMessage(smsContent); for (String text : texts) { sms.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, text, null, null); }




看权限有没有设置到。写法没有问题的。 SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault(); List texts = sms.divideMessage(smsContent); for (String text : texts) { sms.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, text, null, null); }

给你发短信 可不可以说 type you a text message ??

text sb

public static String textMessageToXML(TextMessage textMessage)问题

是一个方法,textMessageToXML是方法名,括号内的是形参列表,参数类型是TextMessage 参数名是textMessage

Just think of it as if you’re reading a long text-message什么意思?有人帮忙翻译下嘛?

好好想想,你就像在读一条长短信吧 就是讥讽现在的小孩只懂科技不知道看文学作品

苹果手机短信显示text message怎么改成中文


CanTxMsg TxMessage 是什么意思?

回答和翻译如下:Can Tx Msg Tx Message?可以发送消息吗?

苹果手机总是收到1text message?




texting message是什么

text message是在美国英语中常用的的短语。直译就是“文字信息”,就是国内说的发手机短信。text这里做动词,整个短语就是“发短信”的意思。所以有动名词形式。国内一般都用SMS表示手机短信服务(Short Messaging Service)。


text message是指短信,文本信息message仅指信息,

text message可数吗

message是可数名词 意思是information,news,request,sent to writing speech by radio 释义n.(手机)短信v.发(手机)短信例句Send a text message to this number to vote.请发短信给此号码参加投票。Enter your query as a text message.输入你的查询。The text message she sent just tickles me to death.她发给我的短信让我笑破了肚皮。You will not be charged for this text message.您不用为这个文本信息支付费用。Produces a clip containing a text message.生成包含文字消息的剪辑。Yesterday evening I made a text message to her Lak.昨兲晚丄莪发叻一个短信给她.

text message是什么意思

text 文本 课文message 信息 短信

text message 为什么是短信的意思?

文本消息...短信就是文本消息 message就是媒体消息,就是彩信了...呵呵.有点误导

blessed rainy day 是什么节?



The American education systemPrimary schoolSecondary schoolUndergraduate schoolGraduate schoolPrimary Schoolu2022 Also called elementary school or grammar schoolPrimary Schoolu2022 Students learn reading, math, science, history, spelling, art and penmanship u2022 The class stays together all day and has one teacher for all of their subjectsPrimary SchoolPrimary Schoolu2022 Students also have recessPrimary Schoolu2022 Students eat lunch at schoolPrimary Schoolu2022 Students are picked up and taken home by the school busMiddle Schoolu2022 Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and artMiddle Schoolu2022 Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art u2022 Begin to study computer and have P.E. classMiddle Schoolu2022 Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art u2022 Begin to study computer and have P.E. class u2022 The class stays together all day and changes rooms for their different teachers


cookie 和session 的区别: 1、cookie数据存放在客户的浏览器上,session数据放在服务器上。 2、cookie不是很安全,别人可以分析存放在本地的COOKIE并进行COOKIE欺骗 考虑到安全应当使用session。 3、session会在一定时间内保存在服务器上。

In Press,Corrected Proof,是什么意思


In Press,Corrected Proof,是什么意思

在出版社,校正的证明,双语对照例句:1.They seem to think that it is mostly a matter of makingcarefully worded statements in press conferences. 他们似乎认为,那充其量只需在新闻发布会上做一些措辞精心的发言。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

In Press,Corrected Proof,是什么意思

In Press,Corrected Proof在出版社,更正的证明

In Press,Corrected Proof,是什么意思

corrected proof 已改好的校样

At the fancy-dress party,jack( )like an animal.(dress/is)



message1. a written or spoken piece of information, ect. that you send to sb or leave for sb when you cannot speak to them yourself(书面或口头的)信息,消息,音信eg:There were no messages for me at the hotel.2.<usually single>an important moral, social or political idea that a book ,speech, trying to communicate(书籍或演讲等的)要旨,要点,教训eg:a film with a strong religious messege(有强烈的宗教启示的电影)3.(messages)<pl>shopping购物,买东西(苏格兰英语)eg:You can leave your messages here.(你可以把你买的东西放在这儿.)information1.facts or details about sb/sth信息;消息;情报;资料;资讯eg: to collect/gather/receive/obtain information收集/搜集/接收/得到信息Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest.(我们得到的情报是,警察不久就要逮人了)2.用做informational<only before noun>eg: the informational content of a book(书的信息内容)

in the dark / in darkness / in the darkness 都有吗?有何区别?


in the dark/in the darkness 的区别及其含义 关键是含义,区别可以简略点

dark用作名词本义是“黑暗、无光”,用作比喻义是“愚昧、无知”,所以短语in the dark 应有两种意思,一是“在黑暗中”,一是“毫无所知、蒙在鼓里”的意思. darkness 的意思是“黑暗、阴暗”,所以它的用法比较简单,没有dark具有的比喻意思了..

请问英语词组dark 和darkness 在此一和用法上面有没有什么区别。有无in the darkness 这个词组,如果

dark 大多指的是具体意义的黑暗,是形容词,而darkness 则强调抽象意义的黑暗,当然也指具体的黑暗,是名词,有in the darkness 这用法…

Secret Message的剧情简介

网络剧《Secret Message》讲述了活在不同世界的韩国男子“宇铉”和日本女子“はるか”之间克服初恋的疼痛寻找新的爱情的过程 。

secret message怎么读


secret message软件安全吗

secret message软件安全。secret messenger是一款主打私密聊天的软件,用户双方发送的所有信息全部采用加密传输,且云端不会缓存备份。

in the dark/in the darkness 的区别及其含义



一、详细释义: , n. , 猜测;推测 [C] , 例句: ,Make a guess at the answer.,猜一下答案。, 例句: ,As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess.,关于这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。, v. , 猜测,推测 [I,T] , 例句: ,I can guess what will happen next.,我能推测出接着会发生什么事。, 例句: ,We can only guess at the result.,我们只能猜测结果。, 猜出,猜着,猜中 [I,T] , 例句: ,I guessed his thoughts.,我猜着了他的想法。, 例句: ,To look at her, you"d never guess that she was a university teacher.,从外表判断,你绝不会猜到她是位大学教师。, 想,认为 [I,T] , 例句: ,I guess you do get wiser as you get older.,我想你年纪越大,真是变得越聪明。, 例句: ,I guess the boy has been inspired by somebody else.,我猜这个孩子是受别人唆使的。, 二、词义辨析: , assume,presume,suppose,guess,postulate ,这些动词均含为“假设,猜想,推测”之意。assume指有很少或完全无根据的武断推测或不合逻辑的推理。presume侧重以过去经验或根据现实的某些感觉把某事认定为是事实。suppose常用词,意义较广泛,指缺乏确切事实,根据一些现象进行的推测,也可指为论证而提出合乎逻辑推理的某种假定,有时仅表示自己的意见。 guess常用词,指毫无根据仅凭个人主观臆断或碰运气的猜测。postulate指为证实一个理论的正确性而进行的假设。, 三、参考例句: ,Guess what,结果呢?,I guess not.,我猜不是。,Have a guess.,猜一猜。,Guess! What"s that?,猜!那是什么?,I can guess your age.,我能猜测你的年龄。,I guess that counts too.,我想那很重要。,But guess what It will!,但猜猜会怎样?会好起来的!,Can you guess the meaning,你能猜出其中的意思吗?,Guess what I did yesterday.,猜一猜我昨天干什么了。,Guess who I stumbled across!,猜猜我碰到谁了!



新概念4 Lesson33 帮忙分析两个句子

第二句拆分成:No necessity of making a living away from home + results in neglect of children。这是对的。只是你的汉语理解就不对了。应为:没有任何一种必要会导致孩子无人照管。也就是书上所讲的,“人们没有必要离家谋生,所以不会产生孩子无人管的问题”。而的汉语翻译(没有离家谋生的必要导致了孩子无人管),其英文应是:Necessity of not making a living away from home results in neglect of children.至于第一句,其实没有什么好讲的。除主句“what would civilization be like without its benefits?”外,前面的所有内容,其实就是一个名词,而不是句子。一个名词用逗号隔开没有什么好奇怪的,这在中英文中都是常见现象。比如:孩子,知道爸爸很爱你吗?这有什么语法错误吗?所以,第一句,除开修饰成份,其实意思就是:教育,如果不受其惠,文明将会如何呢?因此,书上弄出一个什么单元句来,实在没有必要。前面就是一个大名词而已。

The following___my phone number and email address. C.are 在线等!

C.are ARE用复数

shortcoming disadvantage weakness三个词哪个可数哪个不可数,还有意思上的区别是啥?

三者都可数的disadvantage n. 不利,不利条件,损害,损失.。主要形容事shortcoming n. 短处,缺点。一般指向人。Weakness 一般都是指 某个人/某个东西 的弱点。就是指人指事都行

The following my phone number and e-mail address. 应该用is还是are,为什么?

is句子是主系表结构,the following作主语,单数形式。

The following my phone number and e-mail address.应该用is还是are,为什么?

is 句子是主系表结构,the following作主语,单数形式.

drawback shortcomings weakness 三者有什么区别 应对考试= =


oh,my god 和oh,my godness的区别


我的声卡是micu solo,下了个liveprofessor机架,可是用了效果器后出来声音只有一

输入设置为1+1 通道.别设置为1+2的.

_(在帮助下 the teacher,he made great progress.(help)

With the help of the teacher,he made great progress在老师的帮助下,他取得巨大的进步。with the help of做介词


不一样它们的音标是guess [ges]blue[blu:]

When is it appropriate to take a mobile phone call during a business dinner?

It is generally considered impolite to take a mobile phone call during a business dinner, as this can disrupt the flow of the dinner and suggest that the caller is more important than the person they are meeting with. However, there may be some exceptions to this rule. For example, it may be appropriate to take a call if it is urgent and cannot be postponed until after the dinner. In this situation, it is best to inform the person you are meeting with ahead of time and apologize for any disruption the call may cause. You can also ask for permission to take the call before doing so.Another exception may be if you are expecting an important call related to the business or deal being discussed at the dinner. In this case, it is best to inform the other party at the start of the dinner that you are expecting a call, and politely excuse yourself to take the call when it comes. It is important to keep the call brief and return to the dinner as soon as possible.Overall, taking a mobile phone call during a business dinner should be avoided whenever possible, as it is often seen as disrespectful to the person you are meeting with. Exceptions should be made sparingly and handled with care.

the key to success是什么意思


appropriateness 是什么意思啊 ?

适当的 adj

英国房产税Council Tax和Business Rates是怎么征收的

房利美国际海外房产投资专家表示:英国房产税是地方政府征收的用于支持地方性公共服务的地方税,是地方政府重要的财政来源。地方政府为居民提供了消防、垃圾处理等公共服务,征收税款理所当然。房产税按房产用途不同分为居住房屋税(Council Tax)和营业房产税(business rates)。 居住房屋税又称议会税、市政税或家庭税(Domestic rate),其前身是1988年《地方政府财政法》设立的社区费(community charge),又称“人头税”(Poll Tax)。因为人头税很不公平,住豪宅与住棚屋享受的公共服务显然是不同的,许多地方出现了抵制人头税的抗税活动,所以1992年《地方政府财政法》废止了人头税,代之以针对居民住房按照房产价值开征居住房屋税。课税对象为居住房屋,包括自用住房和租用住房。纳税人为年满18周岁的住房所有人或承租人(包括地方政府房屋的承租人)。例如,大学生承租的宿舍也要交纳居住房屋税,但对于每周平均课时21小时以上,每年超过24周的“全日制”学生,可以免交。中国留学生一般都是“全日制”学生,所以可以免交。 课税依据是房屋的评估价值。房屋价值的评估由国税与海关总署(HMRC)下属的评估办公室负责。征收管理上,先由纳税人向地方政府申报,并提供与住房有关的资料。地方政府对住房进行评估后在每年的4月1日向纳税人发出税单,通知纳税人应缴纳的税额,并且允许纳税人在10个月内分期支付。英格兰平均每年每一房产的征收额约为2000英镑。居住房屋税约占地方政府财政收入的25%左右。 营业房产税(business rates)依1988年《地方政府财政法》设立的税种,也称非居住房屋税或非家庭税(non-domestic rates),其前身是普通税(general rate)。纳税人为非居住房屋(营业房产)所有人,包括自然人和法人。课税对象为不用于居住的房屋,包括法人营业用房和自然人营业用房,如工厂、商店、仓库、写字楼等。课税依据为房屋租金收益。该税种虽然由地方政府征收,但地方政府无权直接处置,征收的税款全额上交中央政府,再由中央政府根据各地人口等情况按一定标准返还给地方,这部分返税也是地方政府的一项重要收入来源,如布罗姆雷区营业房产税占到该区总收入的近20%。

council congress区别!

n.委员会;(郡、镇等)政务会;(尤指旧时讨论特定步骤的)协商会议;市政(或地方管理)服务机构 n.国会;代表大会;(用于某些国家的政党名称)国民大会;社交vi.开会,集合

求Love Of The Loveless的中文的歌词


what areo ur lessonson monday


不锈钢管中的Thickness: SCH 10 对应实际厚度是多少?

Length: 6m 表示 长度6米 OD: 19 - 27 mm Thickness: SCH 10 外径为: 19-27毫米,壁厚为SCH10标准,相对应的 DN15 壁厚2毫米,DN20 壁厚 2毫米, DN25 壁厚2.9毫米 Finish: BA/ 2B Material: 430 材质 不锈钢430 Standard: ASTM ASTM 标准

A well dressed man goes into


请用英语回答:What should a busincess plan include?

Business Plan OutlineHere"s an expanded full business plan outline, with details you might want to include in your own business plan.1.0 Executive Summary1.1 Objectives1.2 Mission1.3 Keys to Success2.0 Company Summary2.1 Company Ownership2.2 Company History (for ongoing companies) orStart-up Plan (for new companies)2.3 Company Locations and Facilities3.0 Products and Services3.1 Product and Service Description3.2 Competitive Comparison3.3 Sales Literature3.4 Sourcing and Fulfillment3.5 Technology3.6 Future Products and Services4.0 Market Analysis Summary4.1 Market Segmentation4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy4.2.1 Market Needs4.2.2 Market Trends4.2.3 Market Growth4.3 Industry Analysis4.3.1 Industry Participants4.3.2 Distribution Patterns4.3.3 Competition and Buying Patterns4.3.4 Main Competitors5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary5.1 Strategy Pyramids5.2 Value Proposition5.3 Competitive Edge5.4 Marketing Strategy5.4.1 Positioning Statements5.4.2 Pricing Strategy5.4.3 Promotion Strategy5.4.4 Distribution Patterns5.4.5 Marketing Programs5.5 Sales Strategy5.5.1 Sales Forecast5.5.2 Sales Programs5.6 Strategic Alliances5.7 Milestones6.0 Web Plan Summary6.1 Website Marketing Strategy6.2 Development Requirements7.0 Management Summary7.1 Organizational Structure7.2 Management Team7.3 Management Team Gaps7.4 Personnel Plan8.0 Financial Plan8.1 Important Assumptions8.2 Key Financial Indicators8.3 Break-even Analysis8.4 Projected Profit and Loss8.5 Projected Cash Flow8.6 Projected Balance Sheet8.7 Business Ratios8.8 Long-term Plan

a well-dressed man完形答案




a well-dressed man完形答案?

A well-dressed (衣着很好) man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter es up to him and says ,"Can I help you , sir?" The man says. "Yes. please. Can I see the menu (菜单)?" "Certainly," answers the waiter. The man .wants a good meal .and he Wants a lot office dishes. After a moment, the waiter brings them to him. The man is having his meal happily. At this time, a boy es in and sits down besides the man. He asks the waiter to give him an ice cream. The man says, "I will be back in 5 minutes. "Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream,the boy stands up ad goes to the door. "Excuse me, your father did not give the money for the meal and your ice cream, "The waiter stops him and says . "Father? You are wrong. He is not my father. I do not know him. I met him in the street. He said he would give me an ice cream if I came here at twelve o"clock.",1,一位盛装打扮的男士,2,

seid ihr das essen nein wir sind der jager用中文怎么读,求音译


test message这个什么意思?

test message1.试验报文2.测试讯号3.测试信息4.短消息test message monitor1.试验电报监控器stm send test message1.发送测试通报sltmsignaling link test message1.信令链路测试通报signaling link test message1.信令链路测试报文

the voice of voiceless 是什么意思


oracle的v$process里有200多个ORACLE.EXE (SHAD)进程,不断增长,直到到达最大process,怎么回事儿?


class 和 course lesson 做课讲时的区别?请用最简单的方法说明,

class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have class 而course是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用course 而lesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是 前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容.比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容. currilum则侧重于总体学科,是一个概括性的词汇
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