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take after和look like的区别


take after是什么意思

take after 照顾

take after和look after的区别和用法


take after与look like和be like的区别

如: How is your sister,是不会混用的,比如。但真正讲究精确用语的人,也有时会用在其他动物(泰半是宠物)上;s going to rain soonlook like与t**e after和be similar to的主要区别 look like 应用范围最广? She is very friendly to me,look like 也能够用来表达 t**e after 的意思.2) That bicycle looks just like the one I u**d to h**e。除了人之外,也能够用在性格脾气这些内在特质上.3) It looks like it",也能抽象表达事件或现象;除了描述人、物之外:1) He looks like a famous movie star,外貌用的最多.** t**e after 最常见的是用在有血缘关系的亲子之间。Be like 问性格。** be similar to 用法一般都是在相近似的物品和情境的对比上追问t**e after 可以用look like 代替吗?从比较广泛的用法来说

NAU是什么组织的缩写,Amero Currency是什么意思?

南京审计学院Nanjing Audit University

look like be like 和 take after 的区别(用英语咋翻译)


take after和look like的区别

第一个遗传 第二个看清起来表面很想像

网上有北美联盟的2 Amero塑料钞,是真的吗?


look after 和 take after 都是照顾的意思吗?还有那些词也是照顾的意思?

look after 是照顾 take after 是相像的意思 照顾还有take care of/take good care of

general housekeeping 是什么意思

general housekeeping综合家务(内务)管理例句筛选1.Is general housekeeping acceptable (clean and tidy)?厂内整洁是可被接受的吗(干净)?2.General (housekeeping, lighting, ventilation, etc. )?总体情况(厂容管理、光线、通风系统等)?3.Be sure to have good footing and maintain good balance.This is difficult in some situations, but general goodhousekeeping should help.确保有良好的立足点,并保持良好的平衡。这在某些情况下很困难,但完善的内务管理能够提供帮助。

Take after、be like、look like区别。品格像时用什么?

take after

look like和take after的区别

take after 意为“长得像”,一般表示行为、长相、性格等相像。主要指有血缘关系的亲子之间外貌相似;也可指性格、脾气这些内在特质上的相像。 look like 可用来表达“take after”的意思,但look like多指视觉上的相似,可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,只指外表看上去像。 扩展资料   Mary really takes after her mother.   玛丽的确长得像她的.妈妈。   The man looks like our headmaster.   那个人看起来像我们的校长。   The photo doesn"t look like her at all.   那张照片看起来完全不像她。


  year(), month(), concat() 是 mysql 特有的函数,其他数据库也有对应的函数,而 hibernate 存在的意义就是屏蔽这些数据库特有的东西,这样的话:  如果数据库的 datetime/date 之类的字段并没有和 Java 的 Date 或 Calender 属性进行映射的话,无论你使用 HQL 还是Criteria 都无法实现对日期的操作,因为 HQL 和 Criteria 都是基于对象的查询方式。  基于对象的查询,如下,先做映射  @Entity  @Table(name="PREFERRED_CUSTOMER")  public PCustomer {  @Column(name = "EXPIRATION_DATE")  @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE)  protected java.util.Date expirationDate; // only day, month, year  }  可以使用 HQL 这么查询:  List<PCustomer> list = session  .createQuery("from PCustomer pc where pc.expirationDate = :edate")  .setParameter("edate", new java.util.Date(), TemporalType.DATE)  .list();  hibernate 屏蔽了数据库特有的东西,是为了方便移植,但有的老项目较多地使用了数据库特有的东西,如MSSQL 的 T-SQL,这时,就需要使用 hibernate 对 SQL 的原生支持,Session 提供了 createSQLQuery() 这样的方法,此时的 hibernate 就相当于一个简单的 mapper,只提供对象关系映射,当然,一旦你在代码中使用了对 SQL 的原生支持,移植性就不好了。  此种方式可以使用你所说的 MySQL 函数

housekeeping 和housekeeper有什么不同

housekeeping 是家务,家政,是指事情housekeeper 是管家,主妇,是人

take after 等于什么

look like ,behave like

Take after能否用于同辈


take after同意词组 在线等

take after 意为像;与...相似 可以用look like resemble 三个 词的话 用短语吧 be similar to

to take after是什么意思?


英文片语 | take after/ tell off / look up to 中文意思与用法!

你知道英文片语: take after/ tell off / look up to 的中文意思跟用法吗?本篇文章教学这三个英文片语,这三个英文片语意思都不一样喔,但有时你在西洋电影里会听到这三个英文片语,如果你还不知道它们的意思,那就赶快学起来吧! 下面教学英文片语take after/ tell off / look up to 中文意思与用法! 1.tell *** off 斥责某人 tell *** off 是指斥责某人的意思,这个片语常用在大人斥责小孩,因为小孩做了大人认为不应该做的事。 例: Their teacher told them off for chattering in the lesson. 老师因为他们上课聊天而斥责他们。 例: My dad told me off for swearing. 我爸因为我骂脏话而训斥我。 2.take after *** 跟某人相似、很像某人(外表或个性) 当你要说某人跟谁很像的时候,可以用take after 这个英文片语。 例: You took after your father. 你跟你爸很像。 例: You took after your mother. 你跟你妈很像。 3.look up to 敬重、尊敬(某人) Look up to *** 这个英文片语也很常见,意思是你很敬重某人的意思。 例: He"d always looked up to his uncle. 他一直很敬重叔叔。 例: I"ve always looked up to my younger brother. 我一直都很敬佩我弟弟。 look up to, look up to 中文, look up to 意思, take after, take after 中文, take after 意思, tell off, tell off 中文, tell off 意思

take after和be similar to的区别

take after 长得像be similar to 同什么类似

take after与look after区别

take after相像look after照顾



take after和look like有什么区别?

take after和look like的区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同。一、词性不同1、take after:take after侧重于行为、性格等像。2、look like:look like侧重于外表看上去像。二、指向不同1、take after:take after只可指人,不可指物。2、look like:look like既可指人也可指物。三、用法不同1、take after:take after不能修饰程度。Ted"s always been difficult, Mr Kemp — he takes after his dad.肯普先生,特德一直很难相处——像他爸。2、look like:look like能用very much修饰程度。Lily looks like your sister very much.莉莉看上去很像你妹妹.


take,after两个单词读音不相同take [teu026ak]n. 拿, 收成, 取v. 拿, 抓, 取; 拿, 起作用, 取after ["ɑu02d0ftu0259]adv. 以后, 之后; 在后面, 随后prep. 在...以后; 随...之后; 在...后面; 低于#在...之后#以后, 之后; 在后面, 随后#以后的; 后部的conj. 在...之后adj. 以后的; 后部的

take after 与be similar to 有什么不同?

take after (在长相或性格上)象某人(尤指象父母或某亲属): be similar to 与……相似,用途很广泛。


近义词组 take after和look like take after意为长得像,行为、性格等像尤其是像自己的长辈look like可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,只指外表看上去像

take after代词放哪

如下:代词作宾语放在take after的后面, 就是take after her,因为after是介词。如果是动词+副词的短语,代词放中间take after 词典释义(在外表、举止、性格方面)像(某家庭成员)

take after是动副词组还是动介词组


take after为什么是长得像的意思

乐意为你解答。Take after是个固定搭配,就是与谁长得像,相貌与谁长得相仿的意思。

take after , take off ,take out ,take place 各是什么意思


take after和look like的区别是什么?

take after和look like的区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同。一、词性不同1、take after:take after侧重于行为、性格等像。2、look like:look like侧重于外表看上去像。二、指向不同1、take after:take after只可指人,不可指物。2、look like:look like既可指人也可指物。三、用法不同1、take after:take after不能修饰程度。Ted"s always been difficult, Mr Kemp — he takes after his dad.肯普先生,特德一直很难相处——像他爸。2、look like:look like能用very much修饰程度。Lily looks like your sister very much.莉莉看上去很像你妹妹.

take after怎么用?i take after my father,性格像,外貌像,还是都像

take after (在相貌、体格、性情等方面)像(父、母等);与…相像 多指遗传如 He takes after his father in being weak-minded.他优柔寡断,像他爸。

take after是动副词组还是动介词组


请告诉我take after的意思

意思:照顾,长得像,性格类似于,效仿 例句:He and his wife are always fighting about who will take after the children.他与他妻子总是在为由谁来照看孩子而吵架。 My daughter does not take after me in any way.我女儿一点也不象我。 He is going to take after his brother and join the army.他将学他哥哥的榜样,也去参军。 (效仿某人)

take after 什么意思? 急 ..


take after是什么意思

take after和look like 是一对近义词组,它们的区别是:1.take after意为“长得像,行为、性格等像”,尤其是像自己的长辈,可解释为be similar to.如:Mary really takes after her mother.玛丽的确长得像她的妈妈.2.look like可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,只指外表看上去像.如:The man looks like our headmaster.那个人看起来像我们的校长.The photo doesn"t look like her at all.那张照片看上去一点儿也不像她


Barovier & Toso 等于 Barovier and Toso,音标是 ["ba:rəvɪə ənd "təʊsə],可谐音为 “巴若维尔/恩德/头瑟”,按中文译名可读作 “巴洛韦尔/恩德/托索”。

take after的用法归纳

take after意为“长得像,行为、性格等像”,尤其是像自己的长辈,可解释为be similar to。 take after是take的短语动词,在句中搭配用法:take after sb,不用于进行时。 扩展资料   My daughter does not take after me in any way.   我女儿一点也不象我。   People usually say I take after my father on a large scale.   大家都说,我在很大程度上像我爸爸。   The children take after their father in his way of speaking.   这些孩子说话时后的`样子活像他们的父亲。   You must take after him.   你一定是遗传自他。   I wish you to take after the best examples.   我希望你学最好的榜样。

take after有哪些意思??(最常见的)


just as every coin has two sides什么意思


every coin has two sides 的意义和用法

直译:每个硬币都有两面 意译:凡事都有两面(有利也有弊) 用法:在写作时,一般作名言使用 例:As an old saying goes:"Every coin has two sides. "On one hand,. On the other hand,.

英语句式分析:they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of "goods and ……

they tend to pay much closer attention 【to the value of "goods and services" 】than males. 这样分清楚了吧他们比男性更倾向于注重“商品和服务”。



after the war ,he went back home () 为什么选safe,不选safely?

safe safe在这里做宾补,是形容人的。


歌曲名:WING OF ZERO歌手:KOTOKO专辑:バルドスカイゼロ 特典CD「WING OF ZERO」作词∶KOTOKO作曲∶高瀬一矢编曲∶高瀬一矢歌∶KOTOKOどっちを选んでも戦うしかないならチャンスだと弾をこめてbig profit 祈るだけさ…どっちが先かなんて今更知りたくもないさっき目覚めた そのままで脳を奋い立たせろ!!何故 仆らは"ここにいる"だけじゃ物足りなくて夺い合ってしまうんだろう?ゼロから始まる未来生命(いのち)はいつか消えるから时间と引き换えに存在を刻んで走れ! 误解したままで良い掴め! それが欠片でも理由とは いつも透明な自称の翼どっちも正しくてどちらも正しくない结局は自分の目で分けるしかないのさボタンひとつで再起动それが许されるなら全て受け入れてゼロから始まる未来伤ならいつか消えるから触(さわ)る度に増える痛みも収集(あつ)めよう抱(いだ)け! 理解などいらない止まれ! 敌が见たいなら自由とは重く果てない言责の翼PCゲーム戯画「バルドスカイ ゼロ」主题歌筑いた価値観それだってくだらない事なんだろう?言うよりも进め!ゼロから始まる未来生命(いのち)はいつか消えるから时间と引き换えに存在を刻んで走れ! 误解したままで良い掴め! それが欠片でも意识とは存在をひも解く自证の翼终わり



every coin has two sides是什么意思

every coin has two sides每个硬币都有两面例句:1、So, every coin has two sides, we should choose the right one.总之,一个硬币有它的两里,我们要选择好的那边。2、However, every coin has two sides, and home computer is no exception.然而,凡事都有两面,电脑也不例外。3、But every coin has two sides: autumn is also the"golden season"for fruit harvests.但凡事都有利弊,如双面的硬币一样,秋天也不例外。


你好!解答:more safely 和safer 两个都是比较级,更安全;区别:more safely 是副词比较级,修饰动词;safer是形容词比较级,作表语或宾补。如:Wearing masks while going out makes us safer . The new plane landed more safely than the old one .希望可以帮到你!答题不易,满意请采纳!祝学习进步,笑口常开!

The ladder doesn’t look safe.为什么用safe,不用safely?

你好,这是英语中的固定搭配,look/taste/smell / feel 这一类的动词,后面跟形容词, 不跟副词。比如: look safe 看起来安全,taste good 味道很棒, 不是用 taste well .feel smooth 感觉光滑,不是用 feel smoothly请采纳!


  take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于look after,如:  ① I believe that neighbors can take care of your son while you are out.  相信我外出期间我的邻居们会照顾我的儿子的。  ② The boy is very young. He can"t take care of himself.   这男孩很小,不可以照顾自己。  take care of作“保管、保护”解,如:  ① The teacher told the students to take care of the new books.  老师告知学生要保护好新书。  ② Can you take care of your thing?  你会保管你的物品吗?  take care of与look after都能作“照顾、照料”解,可以互相替换,但look after没有“保管、保护”的意思,如:  ① She stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday.  =She stayed at home and looked after her mother yesterday.  昨天她呆在家里照料她母亲了。  ② Who is going go take care of the wounded person in the hospital?  =Who is going to look after the wounded person in the hospital?  谁去医院照料那个受伤的人?  ③ Children must take good care of their eyes.  ≠Children must look after their eyes well.  孩子们要好好保护眼睛。  take good care of和look after…well意义相同,都是“好好照料、好好照顾”的意思,但要注意,take care of用的是good一词,而look after则用well,如:  ① Don"t worry. I can take good care of your pet while you are away.  =Don"t worry. I can look after your pet well while you are away.  放心,你不在时,我会照料好你的宠物的.  ② The nurses took good care of the children.  =The nurses looked after the children well.  保育员把孩子照料得很好。

请问一下every coin has two sides 在英语作文中怎么用。

girls are always

take care of 和look after 到底有什么区别

take care of 和look after一般是可以互换的。 1)take care of 有两个意思: 1. 照顾 Please take care of the baby for me for a while, will you? 请替我照顾一下这孩子,好吗? 2. 处理 Better devices are needed in many countries to take care of the waste from factories. 很多国家需要更先进的装置来处理工业废物。 而look after只有一个意思: 1. 照顾 Who will look after your children while you go out to work? 你上班时谁来照料你的孩子?look after就是行为上比较具体的照顾,比如说The mother is looking after her sicky son.就不能翻译成 is taking care of……因为take care of是比较广义的照顾,一般都用来嘱咐说,照顾好自己或是自己的东西,比如Take good care of your handbag!而care of则更多的表示操心、关心之类的意思。且在这里care是动词,再take care of里,care 是名词。

与every coin has two sides(凡事都有两面性)相同的表达还有哪些?


their female counterparts这个结构放在句子中,那个 counterparts有必要加上吗?可以去掉吗?

应该要加上。因为their female一般不这么说。female作形容词修饰更好

帮忙翻译“Every corn has two sides.”感激不尽!



这个函数是用来连接字符串,sqlserver中没有,可以使用 + 连接符号搞定

every coin has two sides 还是 every coins have two sides

every coin has two sides

Every coin has two sides. 请根据这个例子用英文造句,谢谢。

Every coin has two sides 事物都有两面性;凡事有利弊;事物都是一分为二的例句:Don"t find fault with her, she is still just an 18-year-old girl. Every coin has twosides. 别挑她的毛病,她还是个18岁的女孩。对她要一分为二嘛。希望帮到你哦

just as every coin has two sides什么意思


Every coin has two sides 这句太俗了,有没有相似意思的其他表达

Everything has its cons and pros


完全不同的两个函数,concat函数是把参数转化成字符串然后连接起来返回,如果有参数中有一个是Null的话就返回null,concat("A","B")返回结果就是"AB",Nvl函数是返回Null的替代值,有两个参数,例如 Nvl(Parameter1,Parameter2)

every coin has two sides 的意义和用法


什么是every coin has two sides


Every coin has two sides是什么意思

Every coin has two sides每个硬币都有两面双语例句1So, every coin has two sides, we should choose the right one.总之,一个硬币有它的两里,我们要选择好的那边。2However, every coin has two sides, and home computer is no exception.然而,凡事都有两面,电脑也不例外。

Every coin has two sides是什么意思


Every coin has two sides是什么意思



你好,本来程序数据库用的是mysql,后来转为sql server2005,其中一个sql为:select * from dbo.sys_person_info t where t.VALID_FLAG>0and t.dept_id in(select a.dept_code from sys_dept a,sys_dept bwhere a.sort_no like concat(b.sort_no,"%") and b.dept_code ="37010001")程序报错:说concat函数不是内置的函数,原来是sql server没有concat这个函数,把代码做了一下修改代替了concat函数,希望对大家有所帮助:select * from dbo.sys_person_info t where t.VALID_FLAG>0and t.dept_id in(select a.dept_code from sys_dept a,sys_dept bwhere a.sort_no like b.sort_no + ""+"%" and b.dept_code ="37010001")在oracle里的用法(没有测试):select * from dbo.sys_person_info t where t.VALID_FLAG>0and t.dept_id in(select a.dept_code from sys_dept a,sys_dept bwhere a.sort_no like b.sort_no || ""|| "%" and b.dept_code ="37010001"

every coin has two sides什么意思

every coin has two sides每个硬币都有两面事情都有其两面性双语对照例句:1.The benefit and risk of finance are two sides of one coin. 金融的益处和风险是一件事的正反两个方面。2.Mahler"s life and his music were two sides of the same coin. 马勒的生活和他的音乐是一个硬币的2面。



英语词汇学中reference concept sense什么意思

Reference是单词与指代物之间的关系(linguistic sigh and referent),又叫指代关系,比如说在特定的语境下,the cute little thing,she,this,Jassy都可以指代一只猫。concept是单词在人脑中的抽象概念,同一个概念可以用不同的词来表达:比如说你脑子里想到争吵这个概念时,你可以表达为quarrel或argue不一定每个单词都有concept,但是每个单词都有sense。比如说:five,if,but,当你提到它们时,你知道他们是什么,但在客观世界里是找不到它们具体的对应物的,所以它们有sense,却没有concept。


concept 是概念 perspective 是看法 观点 Outlook 是未来的宏观

Thomas A. Pugel: Understanding Foreign Exchange

【The Foreign Exchange Market】 It introduces the real-world institutions of currency trading. Much of the study of exchange rates is like a trip to another planet. It is a strange land, far removed from the economics of an ordinary household. It also happens that competition prevails in most international financial markets despite a folklore full of tales about how wealthy speculators manage to corner those markets. Monopoly(垄断/专利) and oligopoly(卖方市场) are evident in much of the direct investment activity as well as in the cartels. Ordinary demand and supply curves would not do justice to the facts in those areas. Foreign exchange is the act of trading different nation`s moneys.The moneys take the same forms as money within a country. An exchange rate is the price of one nation s money in terms of another nation s money. The spot exchange rate is the price for "immediate" exchange. The forward exchange rate is the price set now for an exchange that will take place sometimes in the future. The foreign exchange market is not a single gathering place where traders shout buy and sell orders at each other. Rather, banks and the traders who work at banks are at the center of the foreign exchange market. These banks and their traders use computers and telephones to conduct foreign exchange trades with their customers and with each other. The trading done with customers is called the retail part of the market. Some of this is trading with individuals in small amounts. Most of the retail part of the market involves nonfinancial companies, financial institutions, and other organizations that undertake large trades as the customers of the banks that actively deal in the market. The trading done between the banks active in the market is called the interbank part of the market. Yet the number of people employed as foreign exchange traders in banks in this industry is several thousand for the world as a whole. -- Using the Foreign Exchange Market: Spot foreign exchange serves a clearing function, permitting payments to be made between entities who want to hold or use different currencies. The exchange rate is determined by supply and demand, within any constraints imposed by the governmental choice of an exchange-rate system or regime. In the customer or retail part of the spot foreign exchange market, individuals, businesses, and other organizations can acquire foreign moneys to make payments, or they can sell foreign moneys that they have received in payments. The spot foreign exchange market thus provides clearing services that permit payments to flow between individuals, businesses, and other organizations that prefer to use different moneys. These payments are for all of the types of items included in the balance-of-payments accounts, including payments for exports and imports of goods and services and payments for purchases and sales of foreign assets. As with most payments that are purely domestic, demand deposits are used in this foreign exchange trade and in completing the international payment for the airplane. The British firm uses the pounds in its demand deposit account to acquire the dollars needed. The U.S. producer uses its demand deposit in its correspondent bank in New York for two purposes: (1) as the dollars that it sells to its customer in the foreign transaction and (2) as the same dollars that are then transferred to the U.S. producer as payment. -- Interbank Foreign Exchange Trading: Most interbank trading occurs through electronic brokering systems, with only a small remaining role for voice brokers who function by telephone. The use of brokers provides anonymity to the traders until an exchange rate is agreed on for a trade. A small amount of interbank trading involves traders at different banks in direct contact to negotiate the exchange rate and to book the transaction. A little less than 40 percent of foreign exchange trading is trading among the banks themselves in the interbank part of the foreign exchange market. What`s being traded is still the same - demand deposits denominated in different currencies. But each deal is between one foreign exchange trader and another trader, not an "outside" customer. Interbank trading allows a bank to readjust its own position quickly and at low cost when it separately conducts a large trade with a customer. For instance, if Citigroup may be unwilling to continue holding the yen. Citigroup then can sell the yen to another bank to speculate on exchange-rate movements in the near future. Such speculative positions are usually held only for a short time, typically being closed out by the end of the day. To understand what makes the exchange-rate value of a country"s currency rise and fall, you should proceed through the same steps used to analyze any competitive market. First, portray the interaction of demand and supply as determinants of the equilibrium price and quantity, and then explore what forces lie behind the demand and supply curves. U.S. exports of goods and services create a supply of foreign currency and a demand for U.S. dollars to the extent that foreign buyers have their own currencies to offer and U.S. exporters prefer to end up holding U.S. dollars and not some other currency. Importing goods and services correspondingly tends to cause the home currency to be sold in order to buy foreign currency. U.S. imports goods and services create a demand for foreign currency and a supply of U.S. dollars to offer and foreign exporters prefer to end up holding their own currencies. U.S. capital outflows create a demand for foreign currency and a supply of U.S. dollars to the extent that the investors begin with dollars and a desire to invest in foreign financial assets that must be paid for in foreign currencies. U.S. capital inflows create a supply of foreign currency and a demand for dollars to the extent that investors begin with foreign currency and desire to invest in U.S. financial assets that must be paid for in $. -- Floating Exchange Rates The simplest system is the floating exchange-rate system without intervention by governments or central bankers. The spot price of foreign currency is market-driven, determined by the interaction of private demand and supply for that currency. The market clears itself through the price mechanism. To see the likelihood of the downward slope, imagine that exchange rate has just shifted from a larger number to a less one. The demand curve for foreign exchange can be shifted to the right or raised by either of the following changes related to balance of payments. (A shift of U.S. demand toward the goods and services of other countries; A rise in U.S. willingness to lend money to or invest in other countries. ) If the demand curve shifts to the right, then the market equilibrium exchange-rate value of the pound rises. -- Fixed Exchange Rates Officials strive to keep the exchange rate virtually fixed or pegged even if the rate they choose differs from the current equilibrium rate. Their usual procedure is to declare a narrow "band" of exchange rates within which the rate is allowed to vary. Under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price of a currency is called a depreciation of that currency; a rise is an appreciation. We refer to a discrete official reduction of otherwise fixed par value of a currency as a devaluation; revaluation is the antonym describing a discrete raising of the official par. Devaluation and revaluations are the main ways of changing exchange rates in a nearly fixed-rate system, a system where the rate is usually, but not always, fixed. -- Current Arrangements Here is an overview, without getting into everything now. First, most major currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, the British pound, the Swiss franc, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, and the Swedish krona, have floating exchange rates relative to each other. Second, the governments of a large number of other countries sat they have floating exchange rates, though many use some amount of official exchange market intervention to "manage" the float. Third, some countries/regions have fixed exchange rates between their currencies and the U.S. dollar. The urban includes HONG KONG and Saudi Arabia. Fourth, some countries, including Denmark, Bulgaria, and former French colonies in Africa, fix the exchange-rate value of their currencies to the euro. Yet we have also noted that trading occurs in different locations around the world. For instance, for a period of time each day, trading is occurring in both New York and London as well as in other money centers in Europe. Arbitrage, the process of buying and selling to make a nearly riskless pure profit, ensures that rates in different locations are essentially the same, and that rates and cross-rates are related and consistent among themselves. Although it is more subtle, there is also an opportunity to make a riskless profit by arbitraging through the three rates-a process called triangular arbitrage. To see this, start with some number of dollars, say 150 buys 300 francs (100/0.50). Use these francs to buy pounds at the cross-rate, and you have 100 pounds (300/3). Convert these pounds back into dollars and you end up with 10 profit for each $150 you started with. This profit occurs almost instantly and with essentially no risk if you establish all three spot trades at the same time.

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The Blue Tiger fund was started shortly thereafter, on Aug . 22, 1995. He and his henchmen steal a luck-granting blue tiger from a *** all village. There is also subgroups pke Blue Tigers , Joint Union, Urban Corps, Stari Grad and Vendetta. The ""Lincoln Blue Tigers ""are the sports teams of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. Blue tigers have also been reported in Korea. There are five main market-makers for Blue Tiger . Blue tigers have also been reported from Burma. Parrish eventually served as head coach of the Blue Tigers football team from 2004 to 2009. I want to create a page for the revival of an 80"s rock band Blue Tiger . For June, the Blue Tiger gained 35.93 percent pared to 36.00 percent rise in the ROS index. It"s difficult to see blue tiger in a sentence. 用 blue tiger 造句挺难的 Kareena is a fepne apen with blue hair, white fur with blue tiger stripes and red eyes. Blue Tiger Investment Company Ltd . is incorporated in the Cayman Islands, making it an offshore fund. The Blue Tigers participate at the NCAA Division II level in Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association ( MIAA ). A variety of *** allfrys were available ranging from normal bears and rabbits to blue tigers and purple giraffes. On September 26, 2014, Tara was awarded the Blue Tiger Award; an award only awarded to Miptary service dogs. The Blue Tiger fund spd by 20.97 percent, spghtly better than the 21.22 percent fall in the ROS index. Although by this point he doubts whether the blue tiger exists, he instinctively looks down at the ground for tracks. The man claimed that his father sighted a blue tiger in the mountains near what is now the Demiptarized Zone. For June, the Blue Tiger gained 35 . 93 percent pared to 36 . 00 percent rise in the ROS index. My favorite monster was a translucent blue tiger -triceratops, the product of P . J . Harvey"s " Rid of Me ." To be sure, Blue Tiger "s performance has been relatively volatile in recent months, reflecting the sharp shifts in the underlying Russian equity market. The Blue Tiger fund spd by 20 . 97 percent, spghtly better than the 21 . 22 percent fall in the ROS index. Bombardier took over AdTranz in 2001, subsequently the Blue Tiger lootive was shown at InnoTrans in 2002 with a view to European orders. The "" Blue Tiger ""( manufacturer designation : ""DE-AC33C "") is a type of high powered diesel-electric lootive developed by ADtranz in association with General Electric. She has signed a contract with Fresno, Capf .-based Blue Tiger Records, and was planning to return to the States in September to plete her album. Assets of Blue Tiger Investment Co . grew 119 percent, followed by White Tiger Investment Co ."s 117.2 percent increase and Red Tiger Investment Co ."s 99.1 percent. The village elders are at first suspicious of his presence, but when he explains that the purpose of his visit is to capture the blue tiger , they are repeved. For offshore investors seeking to participate in the volatile world of Russian equities, Regent Kingpin Capital Management"s Blue Tiger Investment Company offers outstanding performance bined with a long-term perspective. The "" Blue Tiger ""( " Tirumala pmniace " ) is a butterfly found in India that belongs to the crows and tigers, that is, the migratory behaviour in southern India. The average age of the " Blue Tigers " was 26 years of age, as well, with goalkeeper Sandip Nandy the oldest at 38 and Sandesh Jhingan the youngest at 20. It"s difficult to see blue tiger in a sentence. 用 blue tiger 造句挺难的 Page of non-important Argentine club by know Hoax fan [ contrib ] . ( see : Wikipedia : Votes for deletion / Rana lechuza, or his 3 meter long Blue tiger ) In the case of Blue Tiger , 2 milpon shares were placed at launch on Aug . 22, 1995, at a price of $ 10.00 per share, psted on the Irish Stock Exchange. Third, being on Veterans"Day 2011 when they used a red, white, and blue tiger hawk on one side and left the other side blank in honor of our fallen heroes against Michigan. Assets of Blue Tiger Investment Co . grew 119 percent, followed by White Tiger Investment Co ."s 117 . 2 percent increase and Red Tiger Investment Co ."s 99 . 1 percent. She later assists the Saturdays in reclaiming a village"s stolen blue tiger from Shoji Fuzen, Wadi helping to defeat him by steapng a ponent from Shoji"s high-tech armor that controls its fpght capabipty. Vanguard introduced updated shaders for all stations and outposts, multi-buy, " Blue Tiger " SKINs, a new Guristas burner mission, changes to Entosis Links and the " Crimson Harvest " Halloween in game event. In the case of Blue Tiger , 2 milpon shares were placed at launch on Aug . 22, 1995, at a price of $ 10 . 00 per share, psted on the Irish Stock Exchange. He states that, since childhood, he has been fascinated by tigers, and when he hears of reports that a brilpantly colored blue tiger has been seen in the Ganges delta, he sets out to investigate. In 2003, My Linh signed a contract with the American record pany, Blue Tiger , to release an Engpsh-language album, attracting wide media attention in Vietnam . " Coming to America " was released in 2004. Examples : non existent country Vandera, 3 meter long Blue tiger article in Spanish slang, Pumpkin spoof with Argentine swearing, Rana lechuza, etc, *** ographic pnks, and more .-Mariano 16 : 20, 28 July 2005 ( UTC) Samuels founded the Blue Tiger Democrats in 2004, a research project that studied in Michigan and Albany and provided the initial funding for a pberal blog that runs issue and advocacy campaigns known as the Albany Project. There are only three clans of tigers within the United States, White tigers, Black tigers, and Red tigers there are also Blue tigers and Gold / yellow tigers, But the only ones in the USA are clan less. She was a panion on expeditions in Central Asia over the next few years _ with a " perilous " honeymoon in bandit-infested central China in search of an elusive blue tiger _ but the marriage would eventually fail. The introduction of DB Raipon lootives of Classes 233 and 241 ended on 31 March 2006, because the " Fels-Werke " factory switched all its contracts from 1 April 2006 to the " hvle " and its Blue Tiger fleet. "As has been the case for the majority of this year, the poptical landscape has dominated the market in recent weeks, " said Dominic Bokor-Ingram, manager of the $ 44.7 milpon Blue Tiger Investment Company, controlled by Regent Kingpin Capital Management. "As has been the case for the majority of this year, the poptical landscape has dominated the market in recent weeks, " said Dominic Bokor-Ingram, manager of the $ 44 . 7 milpon Blue Tiger Investment Company, controlled by Regent Kingpin Capital Management. He is responsible for the asset-allocation decisions in the Blue Tiger , as well as its sister fund, the Red Tiger Investment Company Ltd ., which is the fifth highest-rated closed-end fund in Russian equities, relative to the 12 such funds rated by Lipper. I didn"t set a speedy delete tag to make it clear what kind of things this user does ( see : Wikipedia : Votes for deletion / Rana lechuza, or his 3 meter long Blue tiger )-Mariano 15 : 01, 28 July 2005 ( UTC) All That Remains, Escape The Fate, Cavo, Hail the Villain, Taddy Porter, New Medicine, Art of Dying, Electric Touch, One Less Reason, Gypsy Pistoleros, Apas, Wildstreet, The Gptter Boys, Gunner Sixx, Black Tora, Mad Max, Aura Surreal, Firstryke, Aska, Arena, Blue Tiger , Bad Things, Cutlass and Mock Star. And Blue Tiger offers the highest year-to-date percentage return for all international closed-end funds investing in Russian equities, according to Lipper Analytical International Corp . As measured by the rise in its asset value, Blue Tiger gained 138.38 percent by the end of June, the latest full-month figure available. It"s difficult to see blue tiger in a sentence. 用 blue tiger 造句挺难的



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  concern有涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与的意思,那具体要怎么使用concern呢?以下是由我整理关于concern的用法的内容,希望大家喜欢!   concern的用法   一、concern作动词   1.关系到;影响   The World Cup taking place in Germany concerns all the fans throughout the world.   在德国举行的世界杯足球赛影响到全世界所有的球迷们.   注意:其过去分词concerned常用来作表语,意为“和u2026u2026有关;牵涉”;而作定语,则意为“有关的”.   It is reported that the pop singer is concerned with selling drug.   据报道,那个流行歌手涉嫌贩毒.   He asked all concerned to take an active part in helping the girl.   他要求所有相关的人积极帮助那个女孩.   2.使担心;使关心;使烦恼   The boy"s poor performance at school concerned his parents.   这个男孩在学校很差的表现,使他父母很担心.   注意:其过去分词concerned通常作形容词用,意为“担心的;烦恼的;忧虑的”.The concerned parents were all concerned for the children"s safety.忧心忡忡的家长们都为孩子们的安全担忧.   二、concern作名词   1.有关u2026u2026的事(可数)   That"s my concern,so I"ll do as I like about it.   那是我的事,因此,我想怎么做就怎么做.   2.关怀;关心(不可数)   Some people don"t show much concern for our environment.   有些人不太关心我们的环境.   3.焦急;忧虑(不可数)   There is now considerable concern for their illness.现在对他们的病相当担心.   4.对某人来说最重要或最感兴趣的事(可数)   What are your main concerns as a golf player?作为一个高尔夫球员,你最关心什么?;公司;商行(可数)   TCL is a large concern in our country.TCL 是我们国家的一个大企业.   6.股份(可数)   Many managers have concerns in their businesses.许多经理在企业中都占有股份.   三、concern常用的习惯搭配   1.concern oneself with / in / about sth.忙于某事;关心某事   There"s no need to concern yourself with this matter; we"re dealing with it.你不用管这事,我们正在处理它. / as far concerned就u2026u2026来说 / 而论   So far as I am concerned the second arrangement is more suitable.   对我来说,第二种安排更恰当. concerned with / in...与u2026u2026有关   Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment.她最近的一部纪录片与青年人失业有关. concerned 在牵扯到u2026u2026的时候 / 情况下   Where work is concerned,I always try to do my best.在涉及到工作的时候,我总是尽我的最大努力.   concern的例句   1、The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa.   该团体对有关非洲政治暴力的报道表示关切。   2、The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies.   到泰国寻求庇护的人日益增多,这开始引起了西方援助机构的不安。   3、His concern was that people would know that he was responsible.   他担心大家会知道是他的责任。   4、Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites.   女权主义解决的问题不能仅仅局限于中产阶级白人妇女所关心的问题。   5、Without her care and concern, he had no chance at all.

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