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在一个正规的外企里,Account Manager和Inside Sales Manager之间有什么关系,工作分工是怎样的呢?

网上可以查到 泽匠

超磐手 SUPoX AMD770 Series主板能支持怎样的cpu和显卡?

SUPoX 770,如果是DDR2内存版本的话只要他们支持AM3的CPU,功耗在95W以下的CPU对支持,但是你的主板具体是什么型号以及是否支持AM3 的CPU你需咨询磐正厂家,因磐正770有还几个版本至于显卡,没有限制,只要是PCIE 的显卡都支持

compound verb具体指哪些词?

verb compounds are ot common as the other two classes(noun and adj)the limited number of verbs are created either through conversion or through back formation 合成动词是通过派生和逆向够词法生成的nickn...

销售相关,NSM是什么的缩写呀??N 什么 Sales Manager吗??急求!


GSM(General Sales Manager)是什么意思啊??

General Sales Manager销售总经理希望可以帮到你,祝国庆节快乐!

招聘一名 sales manager 英语作文

before us in the constant panorama

mac os x system preferences 在哪

点击左上角苹果图标,你会找到系统偏好设置(System Preferences)

销售部经理的英语怎么翻译?要区分开Sales Manager

manager of marketing

sales manager和 marketing manager 那个比较高级啊?


销售部经理的英语怎么翻译?要区分开Sales Manager


sales manager和business manager什么区别,请详述

Commercial management-- is a term used to describe the non-technical business disciplines within a company or organization, particularly the administration of revenue and expenses to generate a financial return. Its origins appear to go back to the defence and construction industries in the United Kingdom in the 1950s.Business managerIn a general context, a business manager is a person who manages the work of others in order to run a business efficiently and make a large profit. He or she should have working knowledge of the following areas, and may be a specialist in one or more: sales, marketing, and public relations; research, operations analysis, data processing, mathematics, statistics, and economics; production; finance; accounting, auditing, tax, and budgeting; purchasing; and personnel.[citation needed] Other technical areas in which a business manager may have expertise are law, science, physics, and computer programming.[citation needed]In many businesses, the role of business manager may grow out of a small business-owner"s desire to shed some of the multiple roles mentioned above to focus on specific aspects of company expansion or market penetration. The business manager for a time may share duties with the owner, as the owner gains trust in the business manager. Ideally, the business manager and the owner work synergistically to ensure that the business of running a successful business is attended to. This can often be a process of the owner relinquishing the functions for which there is a comparative disadvantage for his or her continued involvement.In the context of the music industry, a business manager is a representative of musicians and/or recording artists, whose main job is to supervise their business affairs, and the proper handling of their financial matters. The role as it is understood today was largely originated (and the term coined) by Allen Klein, who represented numerous performers through the years, helping them to both invest their incomes wisely and to recover unpaid (or underpaid) royalties and fees.K. Blanchard writes that a good manager does not necessarily need to spend a lot of time with his or her employees. Good managers make every minute count, and do their best to make sure everyone at the company is successful.

windows更新后,植物大战僵尸总是提示:resource file not found:properitiees esources.xml


we got here safe and sound 语法问题?

safe and sound应该是形容词啊

sales manager和maketing manager的区别

sales manager 销售经理;营业主任maketing manager市场经理称呼不同。销售经理主要负责销售这块。市场经理主要负责调研市场。愿你采纳 祝你好运!

外资企业中operation manager 和sales manager 是什么关系

operation manager相当于总经理助理,工作面比较广一些 ;sales manager 就是销售经理。他们各自工作的侧重面不同。operation manager和sales manager 都是向总经理负责和汇报工作。相互之间应该是平等合作的工作关系。

sales director和sales manager的区别

sales manager销售经理sales director 要高于sales managersales director 是销售部的总监,是销售部里最高的职务。

catering manager和sales manager的区别


windows更新后,植物大战僵尸总是提示:resource file not found:properitiees\resources.xml


system verilog 如果信号x态能不能force成0

不能。X表示可能是任意值。比如下面的语句,X和零的结果是不同的。casex (a):1"b0: ...;1"bx: ...;endcase

sales director和sales manager的区别

sales manager销售经理sales director 要高于sales managersales director 是销售部的总监,是销售部里最高的职务。




sales manager的意思:指导产品和服务的实际销售。销售经理(Sales Manager),指导产品和服务的实际销售。通过确定销售领域、配额、目标来协调销售工作,并为销售代表制定培训项目。分析销售数据,确定销售潜力并监控客户的偏好。工资待遇:销售经理的薪资和团队销售指标直接挂钩,根据销售业绩,薪资会有很大的差别。销售经理的一般年薪范围在8-50万左右。从主观因素来看,工作年限、是否精通英语成为左右薪酬高低的重要因素;而客观条件上,不同地区和不同性质的企业提供的薪酬有相当大的差距。外商独资企业提供的最高年薪超过25万元,比民营企业高出约三分之一。从业要求:企业经理要求的教育背景相差很大,多数拥有文科或管理的本科学位。营销、商业、金融、会计、计算机、心理学课程也是对这一职位的很好的准备。国际贸易知识和外语水平对这一职位非常重要。需要接受市场营销、产品知识、公共关系、管理技能的开发等方面的培训。可参考的专业证书包括:中国市场学会颁发的《中国销售经理业务资格证书》和美国ATA公司颁发的《销售经理业务技能水平证书》。销售经验8年以上,业绩良好,渠道资源丰富,能够独当一面,能够担负起区域、大区、或做过全国市场的人员。5年以上销售一线工作经验,对市场营销有深刻认知,有良好的市场开拓能力及判断能力,以及较强的组织管理能力。

It gave me quite a shock to be told I was seriously ill.为什么to be told前面为什么不加i was

【主It】【谓 gave】【间接宾语 me】 quite 【直接宾语a shock】【宾补 to be told I was seriously ill】这个知识点是动词不定式作宾语补足语.例如: I tell you to buy it .希望能帮到你.

服务器:IBM System X系列, Windows Server2003,Raid1 如何在服务器做进行备份? 我用ghost11.0.2版本备

可以备份, ghost 执行不下去的原因是因为ghost本身识别不了raid卡驱动, 你可以使用那种在系统中一键备份的软件,可以直接ghost。 2 可以使用Windows自带的ntbackup命令备份系统状态。

Cumulative Average-Time Learning Model是什么意思啊?

Cumulative Average-Time Learning Model累积平均时间学习模型-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Cumulative Average-Time Learning Model是什么意思啊?



造句:My father often works on the computer.我爸爸常常在电脑上工作。




computer[英][kəmˈpju:tə] [美][kəmˈpjutɚ]

一首韩文歌,里面有every day every night这样的歌词,是哪首歌呢?

东方神起的begin ever day ever night with you ```

Chaber(巧帛) 的秋装一般什么价格之间???





computer不能加er。computer 英[ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)] 美[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a] n. (电子) 计算机,电脑;

有一首歌 *** 是tell me why什么什么nothing but.I never

有一首歌 *** 是tell me why什么什么nothing but.I never backstreet boys - i want it that way 有一首歌是tell me why什么什么 tell me why 男生唱的 英文名:Tell me why 演唱者:Declan Galbraith 有一首歌 *** 是什么什么幽梦 一帘幽梦 作词:琼瑶 作曲:刘家昌 演唱:同恩 我有一帘幽梦 不知与谁能共 多少秘密在其中 欲诉无人能懂 窗外更深露重 今夜落花成冢 春来春去俱无踪 徒留一帘幽梦 谁能解我情衷 谁将柔情深种 若能相知又相逢 共此一帘幽梦 窗外更深露重 今夜落花成冢 春来春去俱无踪 徒留一帘幽梦 谁能解我情衷 谁将柔情深种 若能相知又相逢 共此一帘幽梦 窗外更深露重 今夜落花成冢 若能相知又相逢 共此一帘幽梦 有一首歌,歌词是Tell me why why why 您说的应该是首天籁童音 英国最畅销的 10岁天使的声音 tell me why 很好听的一首歌 我也很喜欢听 你只需要在kugou 里面搜寻就可以了 有一首歌 *** 是so i see什么的,跪求! 西城的my love so i see a little prayer all my dreams will take me there 可有名的一首歌, *** 是tell me why~~~~~~ 是啥歌啊 歌名:tell me why 演唱者:迪克兰·加尔布雷斯 歌词及中文翻译: In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌. The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I have to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) just tell me why! 仅仅告诉我为什么! tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it have to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I have missed? 有什么我错过了? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos" I don"t understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don"t give a helping hand 我们不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) (为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么,为什么,我们让子弹射出枪膛) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) (为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) (为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (why, why, do the dolphins cry) (为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣) Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we"re all the same) (为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) (为什么,为什么,我们却在互相谴责) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) (为什么,为什么,这些永无休止) Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法解? Why,why?? 为什么,为什么? 有一首歌 *** 是什么上什么 《藏经阁》? 你听听看是不是 有一首歌 *** 部分是 i can be your friend什么的 歌曲:i can"t be your friend 歌手:d.h.t. 专辑:listen to your hear u2022 搜寻"i can"t be your friend"LRC歌词 u2022 搜寻"i can"t be your friend"mp3 [ti:i can"t be your friend] [al:listen to your heart] d.h.t.- i can"t be your friend you can run to me you can laugh at me or you can walk right out that door but i can"t be your friend anymore this might e as quiet a shock but i"ve given it a lot of thought this thing that"s e beeen us can"t be ignored i"ve taken all i can this is where its got to end "cause i can"t be your friend anymore and i can"t be aused of not being there for you how many night have you shown up at my door i hope you understand that this wasn"t in my plans but i can"t be your friend anymore and its killin" me to know you without having a chance to hold you and all i wanna do is show you how i really feel inside you can run to me you can laugh at me or you can walk right out that door... but i can be your friend anymore so baby, now its up to you do i win or do i lose will my heart fly or lie broken on the floor well take me as i am "cause i want you to be my man but i can"t be your friend anymore and its killin" me to know you without having a chance to hold you and all i wanna do is show you how i really feel inside you can run to me you can laugh at me or you can walk right out that door but i can"t be your friend anymore and its killin" me to know you without having a chance to hold you and all i wanna do is show you how i really feel inside you can run to me you can laugh at me or you can walk right out that door but i can"t be just friends anymore end 有一首歌 *** 时ALL I.For you.什么的 The last goodbye,霍位元人也是整个中土电影终结之曲。I bid you all a very fond farewell 有一首歌歌词 *** 是远方远方什么什么梦啊 与你相随 演唱:朱桦 离别的夜晚, 太多的喜和悲 身边的故事 用一生体会 山,为你流泪 河,为你心碎 头上的国徽 因你更美 脚下的路 不再后退… 我会铭记 永远的阳光 你的善良 我在远方想你 与你相随…… 我在远方想你 与你相随……



申请国立大学 cumulative average point 是不是指加权平均分?100满的那个?


hi Could u plz tell me the different between bond, share, equity, shock and security??


It give me quite a shock to be told I was serious



读音: 肯piou特

after shock really shock me.

after shock可能是指余震即地震发生后的出现的较轻微地震但通常的写法是 aftershock要是余震原文可译为余震真叫我吃惊


[英][ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259] [美][ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a]



Better Than That 歌词

歌曲名:Better Than That歌手:Darius专辑:Dive InDarius - Better Than ThatI thought I knew you,Better than I knew myself, girl,I thought I found you,Hiding in the strength that"s in your eyes,But now I see you,Burning all the bridges in your world,And now I feel you,Sinking in the quicksand of your lifeCan"t you see that you"re slipping away (Oh)Can"t you hear what I"m trying to say(Better than that)Better than thatStronger than that(You"re worth much more)You"re better than thatAnd you can turn back(What"s tried is torn)Better than thatStronger than that(You"re worth much more)I"m telling you it"s killing youIt"s drowning you, it"s spilling you over(What"s tried is torn)I thought you knew how,To chase away the demons of blind trust,I thought you knew now,It"s all about temptation changed by choice,You know you"re crazy,You"re hanging on to reasons turned to rust,Your eyes are hazy,You"ve gone and lost the velvet in your voiceCan"t you see that you"re slipping away (Oh)Can"t you hear what I"m trying to say(Better than that)Better than thatStronger than that(You"re worth much more)You"re better than thatAnd you can turn back(What"s tried is torn)Better than thatStronger than that(You"re worth much more)I"m telling you its killing youIt"s drowning you, it"s spilling you over(What"s tried is torn)I told you once, I told you twice,I told you, baby,Now there"s nothing more to say.I"m missing the girl I knew,While I"m kissing the broken you,And can"t you see you"ll be...So don"t back, face up to the factsAnd you can turn back -You"re better than that.Better than that, stronger than that,Wiser than that, bigger than thatYou"re better than the devil in youTellin you how, pulling you down,Spilling you out- but it"s up to you

computer 的音标.

computer的音标是[k_m_pju_t_(r)]。computer的音标是[k_m_pju_t_(r)],可以根据音标拼读,作为名词表示计算机、电脑、电子计算机的意思。相关例句:The computer is out of order, so the business of writing checks is not available now电脑出故障了,因此现在不提供开支票这项业务。

分区助手上为什么那么多磁盘,带*的可以删除吗 文件系统FAT32跟Other的作用是什么?如图

1、FAT32那个是ESP分区,该分区在 Windows 操作系统下一般是不可见的。支持 EFI 模式的电脑需要从 ESP 启动系统,EFI 固件可从 ESP 加载 EFI 启动程序或者应用,这个不能删除。2、MSR分区是Microsoft 保留 (MSR) 分区。是每个 在GUID 分区表 (GPT) 上的 Windows操作系统(windows7以上)都要求的分区,这个也不能删除。3、WRE分区是恢复分区,存放WindowsRE预安装环境,用于修复或恢复系统,这个也不能删除。这些分区在系统中都是隐藏的,不要在意,如果删除了,系统就无法正常进入了。


computer的音标是[k_m_pju_t_(r)]。computer的音标是[k_m_pju_t_(r)],可以根据音标拼读,作为名词表示计算机、电脑、电子计算机的意思。相关例句:The computer is out of order, so the business of writing checks is not available now电脑出故障了,因此现在不提供开支票这项业务。


在英语中,电脑的通用名称为“computer”,发音为/k_m_pju_t_r/,其中,“com”发/k_m/的音,“pu”发/pju_/的音,“ter”发/t_r/的音。如果需要描述电脑的种类或品牌,还需要根据具体的名称进行发音。例如,“Macbook”发/m_k b_k/的音,“ThinkPad”发/θ__k p_d/的音,等等。

my father is study on the computer in the working

1. What is; doing 2. is listening to 3. Are; s inging 4. isn"t drinking any 5. What can; see

there were on computer

there be 句型的意思是 有……,不是什么都要用there be 句型的.例如: There is an apple on the table. There are some apples on the table. There will be a party tonight. There was a party last night. There were some apples on the table.

我为什么打不开gelbooru的图片啊 ,只有字体。我用的是OPERA


I still remember the shock that rooted me flat against the wall


计算机( Computer)俗称电脑,是现代一种用于高速计算的电子计算机器

Stop:0x00000001  0x00000001 不正确的函数。(主要是驱动问题)  请考虑以下情形:您正在使用基于 Windows 7 的计算机。主题方案设置为 Windows Aero。  报错原因:出现此问题的原因在 Compositebus.sys 驱动程序。 MTP或WPD设备连接到计算机、 复合总线枚举器检测到该设备,并尝试安装 WPD 复合驱动程序。 在安装过程中第三方应用程序可能会运行一个 USB 设备重置命令。 如果重置命令出现在一段中,就会发生争用条件。 此段是 MTP 和 USB 驱动程序或 MTP 和 IP 驱动程序已安装并且 MTP 复合之前安装了多个传输驱动程序之后。这时 Compositebus.sys 驱动程序错误地释放 Windows 驱动程序基础 (WDF) 锁时 Compositebus.sys 驱动器没有锁定。 在APC_INDEX_MISMATCH停止错误发生时释放函数会使当前线程的异步过程调用 (APC) 状态不一致。解决方案: 下载微软修复补丁程序。(机器翻译的看着别扭了点)  解决方法: 驱动程序未经数字签名,这说明该驱动程序没有通过 Microsoft 的 Windows 硬件质量实验室(WHQL)测试。安装未经数字签名的驱动程序,会引起操作系统运行不稳定,出现蓝屏死机现象。您可以从硬件设备的制造商那里获取 WHQL 签名的驱动程序。计算机(computer)俗称电脑,是现代一种用于高速计算的电子计算机器,可以进行数值计算,又可以进行逻辑计算,还具有存储记忆功能。是能够按照程序运行,自动、高速处理海量数据的现代化智能电子设备。由硬件系统和软件系统所组成,没有安装任何软件的计算机称为裸机。可分为超级计算机、工业控制计算机、网络计算机、个人计算机、嵌入式计算机五类,较先进的计算机有生物计算机、光子计算机、量子计算机等。计算机发明者约翰·冯·诺依曼。计算机是20世纪最先进的科学技术发明之一,对人类的生产活动和社会活动产生了极其重要的影响,并以强大的生命力飞速发展。它的应用领域从最初的军事科研应用扩展到社会的各个领域,已形成了规模巨大的计算机产业,带动了全球范围的技术进步,由此引发了深刻的社会变革,计算机已遍及一般学校、企事业单位,进入寻常百姓家,成为信息社会中必不可少的工具。计算机的应用在中国越来越普遍,改革开放以后,中国计算机用户的数量不断攀升,应用水平不断提高,特别是互联网、通信、多媒体等领域的应用取得了不错的成绩。1996年至2009 年,计算机用户数量从原来的630万增长至6710 万台,联网计算机台数由原来的2.9万台上升至5940万台。互联网用户已经达到3.16 亿,无线互联网有6.7 亿移动用户,其中手机上网用户达1.17 亿,为全球第一位。

cumulative average是什么平均值啊,请解释一下

cumulative average释义累加平均累计平均,累加平均,平均累积


SAE认证号、SAE标准号SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers(美国机动车工程师学会) 美国机动车工程师学会( SAE)成立于1905年,是国际上最大的汽车工程学术组织。研究对象是轿车、载重车及工程车、飞机、发动机、材料及制造等。SAE所制订的标准具有权威性,广泛地为汽车行业及其他行业所采用,并有相当部分被采用为美国国家标准。 SAE认证:美国机动车工程师学会(SAE)的认证,规定了市场上销售的汽车配件(SAE认证)的标准。

英语作文 my computer

您好,范文:现在电脑越来越普及了。我也有一台自己的电脑,它是浅绿色的。有了电脑我学习更方便了。更重要的是,通过电脑我极大地扩大了自己的知识面,它真的是我的好帮手,而且也是我值得信赖的好朋友。 My Computer Computer is more and more popular at present. I have my own computer and its color is light green. It"s more convenient for me to study with a computer. And the best of all is that computer can tell me almost everything I want to know. It really helps me a lot and has become a trustworthy friend of mine.

But the shock left me nervous and depressed for the next few days.里的the shock left me是什么意思

the shock,这个冲击/这个打击/这件事情对我的打击“但是这件事情对我冲击很大,令我惴惴不安,在接下来的几天里都情绪低沉。”


computer电脑 letter信

No Waivers, Cumulative Remedies.什么意思

No Waivers, Cumulative RemediesNo Waivers 不许弃权Cumulative Remedies积累(附加)解决方案(补救措施)No Waivers, Cumulative Remedies不得弃权,无附加补救措施(方案)没有上下文不好说具体的意思,只能从字面理解

英语作文《should we study on the internet》

We should study on the internet. There are two main points which must be included when we analyse the Internet. The first is its value for people who are looking for information. The second is our ability to relate to others through the Internet. When people need information, from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Interact is now the first source they turn to. With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world at his or her command. Internet users can communicate with experts on all sorts of topics, and read articles written by people who are leaders of their fields.您采纳,我很开心。

computer 是什么意思


gelbooru 出现这个Search is overloaded! Try again later...要怎麼办? 意思是我ip被封了吗?



电脑   dian nao   computer  用电子等部件模拟的具有运算能力的物体,学名计算机。  最初由约翰·冯·诺依曼发明(那时电脑的计算能力相当于现在的计算器),有三间库房那么大,后逐步发展而成。   是一种能够按照指令对各种数据和信息进行自动加工和处理的电子设备  他由多个零配件组成,如中央处理器、主板、内存、电源、显卡......  电脑学名计算机,是由早期的电动计算器发展而来的。1945年,世界上出现了第一台电子数字计算机“ENIAC”,用于计算弹道。是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学莫尔电工学院制造的,但它的体积庞大,占地面积500多平方米,重量约30吨,消耗近100千瓦的电力。显然,这样的计算机成本很高,使用不便。1956年,晶体管电子计算机诞生了,这是第二代电子计算机。只要几个大一点的柜子就可将它容下,运算速度也大大地提高了。1959年出现的是第三代集成电路计算机。   从20世纪70年代开始,这是电脑发展的最新阶段。到1976年,由大规模集成电路和超大规模集成电路制成的“克雷一号”,使电脑进入了第四代。超大规模集成电路的发明,使电子计算机不断向着 小型化、微型化、低功耗、智能化、系统化的方向更新换代。   20世纪90年代,电脑向“智能”方向发展,制造出与人脑相似的电脑,可以进行思维、学习、记忆、网络通信等工作。   进入21世纪,电脑更是笔记本化、微型化和专业化,每秒运算速度超过100万次,不但操作简易、价格便宜,而且可以代替人们的部分脑力劳动,甚至在某些方面扩展了人的智能。于是,今天的微型电子计算机就被形象地称做电脑了。  世界上第一台个人电脑由IBM于1981年推出。 device for processing, storing, and displaying information.文字


computer [k05m"pju:t05]n. 电脑, 电子计算机 【计】 计算机 【经】 电子计算机, 电脑

Eric Bibb有关的他的一切信息,介绍!快快快!

  蓝调天皇Eric Bibb以一把极富感染力的歌声,  唱出多首感性歌曲,  配合精湛的吉他技巧及众乐手倾力相助,  精彩万分。  其中的人声、吉他、口琴、  手风琴等巧妙地展现在我的耳边,  传真、传神,极品发烧制作!  生于1951年的 Eric Bibb 家传正宗  美国布鲁斯和乡村音乐。  他的父亲Leon Bibb是  60年代的民谣和歌剧院歌手,兼玩电视业。  他舅舅是鼎鼎大名爵士钢琴师和  作曲家 John Lewis,  Modern Jazz Quartet里的核心人物。  他干爹是Paul Robeson ,歌唱家加名演员。  生长在触手可及的音乐环境了。      Eric7岁开始玩吉他,  到了初中已经彻底迷恋音乐。  18岁(69年)他进了纽约的“全黑伙伴”  (“Negro Ensemble Company”)  开始表演吉他。19岁去了巴黎闯天下,  先是餐馆里弹弹。然后跑到瑞典,  在70年代基本就呆在那里。      Eric Bibb头次签约是  80年代初期给瑞典BMG当词曲创作。  后来,他签约独立的瑞典唱片公司 Opus3,  留下了他最著名的一些唱片。  这些唱片给他在国际上获得认可铺平了道路,  此后可谓一帆风顺。  Bibb的歌喉温和淳厚的呼应着他完美的指尖技艺,  加上他对福音和灵乐的融会贯通,  他可以毫不费力地在自己的表演中  混合各个音乐类型。  就像评论写的:  “Eric的歌声和千变万化的吉他  融入了广泛的风格和音乐类型,  创造了属于他的新的布鲁斯世界!”  2003年的葛莱美奖与W.C.Handy蓝调大奖,  他共获得3项提名,  因此这位年过半百的乐手也步入  音乐生涯的全新格局。  2004年加盟Telarc的首张专辑  《Friends 蓝调好友》,  可算是他的言志之作。  专辑中他特别邀请到影响他音乐成长的  前辈泰吉·玛哈共同演出抒情慢板  「Goin" Down Slow」;  另外还有他改编灵魂乐曲的独特诠释  「Six O"Clock Blues」  与为大儿子婚礼特别谱写的情歌  「Dance Me To The End Of Love」。  当然为专辑共同献出心力的艺人还有  口琴高手Charlie Musselwhite、  女歌手Ruthie Foster与  Odetta等十多位知名乐手。


computer [k?m"pju:] 基本翻译 n.计算机 网络释义 Computer:计算机|电脑|计算器 computer t:电脑技术员 Biocomputer:生物计算机

you were shock me这样说对吗,说过去的事情的时候

All the above are correct.




computer 英[ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)] 美[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a] n. (电子)计算机,电脑 名词复数:computers [例句]I feel like I "m a slave to my computer.我感觉自己都成了计算机的奴隶了。


computer是个可数名词,表示计算机;计算器;电脑;计算者。 ”computer“是办公室必不可少的一个电器,工作上网少不了它,那它到底是什么呢?让我带你一起学习吧! 详细内容 01 computer: n. 电脑,计算机,电子计算机;;计算器,计量器;计算者,计算员。 它的动词是compute,意思是计算。 02 短语: computer bug 计算机程序错误。 computer virus 计算机病毒。 computer room 计算机机房;电脑室;计算机室。 on a computer 用电脑。 03 例句: 1,A system designed to offload the text on to a host computer. 为将文本切换至主机而设计的系统。 2,In the trade this sort of computer is called ‘a client-based system". 这种计算机被业内人士称为“客户机系统”。 3,I"m getting a new computer for birthday present. 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。

computer怎么读 computer的读法

1、computer 英[ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259(r)] 2、美[ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259r] 3、n. 计算机; 电脑; 4、[例句]The data are then fed into a computer 5、数据随后被输入电脑。 6、[其他] 复数:computers

Miley Cyrus的Super Girl的歌词。

when i feel all aloneand nobody knowsstill gotta smile for a whilei can"t let it showdry my tears, have no fearsand when i"m backstage, feeling downand the lights come onno time to worry, gotta hurrytime to sing my songgonna shake it offstike a posesnap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantand that"s a factsnap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantjust "cause i want iti"m super cool, super hotlivin like a rock staryou think i"m superyou think i"m superon the cover of your magazinewherever i go, they make a scenei"m super superi"m super-duperso you wanna be just likeso you wanna be just likethink you wanna be just like meeverybody"s watching menever as easy as it seemsto be super superto be super super girlwhen i walk in the roomeverybody stopscameras flashingpeople fighting for the best shotthey like my hairthe clothes i weareverybody wants to knowwhat i"m doin nextsometimes i wish i couldstay and homejust be by myselfi wanna bewhat the world can"t seecan"t you see?snap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantand that"s a factsnap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantjust "cause i want iti"m super cool, super hotlivin" like a rock staryou think i"m superyou think i"m superon the cover of your magazinewherever i go, they make a scenei"m super, superi"m super-duperso you wanna be just likeso you wanna be just likethink you wanna be just like meeverybody"s watching menever as easy as it seemsto be super, superto be super, super girlwish you could seei"m like everybody elsestruggling to let goand always be myselfi"m super cool, super hotsuperi"m super, superi"m super, superon the cover of your magazinewherever i go, they make a scenei"m super superi"m super superso you wanna be just likeso you wanna be just likethink you wanna be just like meeverybody"s watching meit"s never as easy as it seemsto be super, superto be super, super girl

Oh, Jerusalem 歌词

歌曲名:Oh, Jerusalem歌手:Odetta专辑:Christmas Spirituals"Oh Jerusalem--Lauryn Hill"Oh Jerusalem yeah, oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem...Realizing that there"s no place else to goAnd there"s nobody I know who can help meText book solutions are so improbableCuz everybody else is just as emptyNaked as the day that I was born, I tried to hide...behind education and philosophyHopeless explanation to describe a situationI can"t see because the world"s on top of meOh wretched man that I am, who will deliver meFrom the body of this deathFreeing me from dust, and the superficial trustOf an enemy that seeks to take my breathFailing to connect, cuz I"m morally defectBy reason of the God inside my headCausing me to see, only what pertains to meBelieving I"m alive when I"m still deadLimited to earth, unable to find out my worthCuz I... can"t see past my own vanityIf I"m not included, then I just have to remove itFrom my mind because it has to be in sanityOh wretched man that I am, who will deliver meFrom the body of this deathCan I even factor, that I"ve only been an actorIn this staged interpretation of this dayFocused on the shadow, with my back turned to the lightToo intelligent to see it"s me in the wayWhat a paradox, having God trapped in a boxAll this time professing to be spiritualNaturally pretending, that I"m actually defendingGod (?) don"t need materialOh Jerusalem, wash thy heart from wickednessThat thou may be saved from thy deceptionHow long, shall thy face those lies within theeOh Jerusalem, keeping thee from perfectionSubmit to truth, leave the deception of thy youthSo we could walk in the council of authorityForget the proof, our generation so aloofOnly follow in the steps of the majorityTrust in the Lord, with all thy heartAnd lay not to thine, oh an understanding in all thy waysAcknowledge Him, and He shall correct our pathsBe (?) you can follow himWe judge and condemn, just as ignorant as themWho religion tells us that we should ignorePerpetrating we"re in covenant with HimExposed by the very things that we adoreWe grin and shake hands, then lay ambush for the manWho has a different point of view then usInfuriated cuz he doesn"t understandBringing up those things we don"t want to discussWhy still do evil, we don"t know how to do goodWalking on in darkness running from the light, eyLed to believe, because we live in neighborhoodsTelling us what"s going on will be alrightOh so repressed, so convinced that I was blessedWhen I played with my game of MonopolyOh to suggest, that my life is still a messWho reveal the pride I"m hiding is what"s stopping meOh Jerusalem, wash thy heart from wickednessThat thou may be saved from thy deceptionHow long, shall thy face those lies within theeOh Jerusalem keeping them from perfectionAbide in me and I in you, as the branch cannot bare...fruit of itself except in the vineI am the vine, ye are the branches, He"s in live in meAnd I in him, the same bring forth much fruitWithout me, you can do nothingOh Jerusalem, you"re traditions have deceived youI"ve chosen you, you haven"t chosen meDo whatsoever, you asking my name he may give to youBut in vain they call my nameteaching doctrines just the sameJustified among themselvesBut God know with the heart, what man esteemed as smartIs an abomination to EmmanuelJust repent, turn from selfish motivationSo iniquity will not cause your demiseMake you a new heart and a new spirit for why would he dieOh Jerusalem, please tell me whyI have no pleasure in the death of him to dieSays the Lord God where forth turn yourselves and liveIt"s not the talkers, but the walkers and his wordAre the only ones the Father will forgiveOh Jerusalem, wash thy heart from wickednessThat thou may be saved from thy deceptionHow long, shall thy face those lies within theeOh Jerusalem, providing you no protectionOh Jerusalem...(The end)

man undercover歌词中文翻译



《Home (Cover)》Ash / JadAlabama, Arkansas阿拉巴马州,阿肯色州I do love my Ma & Pa我的确爱我的妈妈和爸爸But not the way that I do love you但也没有我爱你爱的那么深Holy roly, me, oh my, you"re the apple of my eye天哪,我,天哪,你是我的掌上明珠Girl, I"ve never loved one like you女孩,我从没像爱你那样爱过别人Man, oh man, you"re my best friend, I scream it to the nothingness老兄啊 老兄,你是我最好的朋友,我再怎么大声喊出来There ain"t nothin" that I need也无法表达我对你的感情Well, hot & heavy, pumpkin pie, chocolate candy, Jesus Christ好吧,刚出炉分量又足的南瓜派,巧克力糖果,上帝耶稣There ain"t nothin" please me more than you这些都无法给予我你给予我的快乐Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my Ma & Pa阿拉巴马州,阿肯色州,我的确爱我的妈妈和爸爸But not the way that I do love you但也没有我爱你爱的那么深Holy roly, me, oh my, you"re the apple of my eye天哪,我,天哪,你是我的掌上明珠Girl, I"ve never loved one like you女孩,我从没像爱你那样爱过别人I"ll follow you into the park, through the jungle, through the dark我跟随你到公园,跟随你穿过丛林,穿过黑暗Girl, I"ve never loved one like you女孩,我从没像爱你那样爱过别人Moats & boats & waterfalls, alley ways & pay phone calls河道,小船,瀑布,幽静小道,甚至付电话费I"ve been everywhere with you我到哪儿都和你在一起Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家

Larry Mohr&Odetta的《Water Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Water Boy歌手:Larry Mohr&Odetta专辑:The Tin Angelランランララ君が漏らすメロディゆらめいて仆まで届く裸足で跳ねた飞んだ空気优しく走るリズムあいしてる、を言える人も 言われる人もほら みるみる笑颜になるしあわせになるよパジャマの裾にもぐった风ふわふわ 夏の足音透明なグラスに光る水映った仆の天使ありがとう、を言える人も 言われる人もほら キラキラ辉いてく结晶になるよ君と仆とが寄り添い重なり人とゆう风景が作り出す世界ありがとう、を言える人も 言われる人もほら キラキラ辉いてく结晶になるよラララ~生きとし生けるすべてのものしあわせであれ...

谁有usher的I need a girl的歌词?谢啦!

yeah, YeahI need a, I want a[Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my life[P. Diddy]Yo, I"m internationally known on the microphoneI got it all, but I really need a wife at homeI don"t really like the zone, never spend the night aloneI got a few, you would like to boneBut, chicks don"t romance me, don"t tickle my fancyOnly Tiffany, Nancy; that"s not what my plans beI need a girl that could stand me, raise me a familyGo to trips at the Lancy, trip to the Grammy"s causeMost of these girls be confusin meI don"t know if they really love me or they usin meHere"s the money, or maybe you ain"t used to meCause you was depressed and now you abusin meThat"s why I need a girl that be true to meKnow bout the game, and know how to do to meWithout a girl on my side, shit I ruin meForget the word, it"s just you and me[P. Diddy & Usher]Now let"s ride.....[Chorus.:.Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my life[Loon]Yo, now I have had a lot of women in my lifetimeBut see it"s not a lot of women that got the right mindI done had pretty chicks with all the right featuresAnd hoodrat chicks that only rock sneakersCellphones and beepers, and know how to treat yaYou break her heart, she"ll walk out and leave yaI find a girl, I"ma keep herCuz now I"m gettin money and the game gettin deeperI want some real shit, I need somebody I can chill withI need somebody I can build withI need somebody I can hold tightWith the time and no full limits, no rightAnytime we together would feel so rightYou the girl I been lookin for my whole lifeGod bless me, I"m glad I got the insightIt"s cuz of you girl, now I understand life[Loon & Usher]I need a girl...[Chorus.:.Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my life[P. Diddy]I had a girl that would"ve died for meDidnt "preciate her so I made her cry for meEvery night she had tears in her eyes for meQuarter K"s, shorty took the whole ride for meFirst we were friends then became loversYou was more than my girl, we was like brothersAll night we would play fight under coversNow you gone, can"t love you like I really wannaBut everytime I think about your pretty smileAnd how we used to drive the whole city wildDamn I wish you would"ve had my childA pretty little girl wit Diddy"s smileThis shit is wildAll dem days that I reminisceAbout the way I use to kiss dem pretty lipsBut as long as you happy, I"ma tell you thisI love you girl and you"re the one that I will always missI love you, yeah[Chorus.:.Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my life


computer 英[kəmˈpju:tə(r)] 美[kəmˈpjutɚ] n. (电子)计算机,电脑 名词复数:computers [例句]I feel like I "m a slave to my computer.我感觉自己都成了计算机的奴隶了。中文谐音:卡蒙皮哦特

Another Man Done Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Another Man Done Gone歌手:Odetta专辑:Livin With The BluesOdetta - Another Man Done Gone(Sings Ballads and Blues)Another man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.I didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameDidn"t know his nameHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHad a long chain onThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manKilled another manAnother man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.

Another Man Done Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Another Man Done Gone歌手:Odetta专辑:Best Of The Vanguard YearsOdetta - Another Man Done Gone(Sings Ballads and Blues)Another man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.I didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameI didn"t know his nameDidn"t know his nameHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHad a long chain onThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manKilled another manAnother man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.


i play computer every day.我每天玩电脑