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both of,all of,neither of,either of,none of怎么区分?

both of是指两者都. 用于肯定句 all of是指所有人(或物)都...(超过两个) 若all of用于否定句中(例如Not all of...),是“不全是”的意思,千万不要误认为是“全部都不是”. Not all of us went to school yesterday.昨天我们不全都来上学. neither of是指“两者都不...” 用于否定句 Neither of us speaks English. (上句中注意“speaks“) either of 是指“两者有其一.” Either of us speaks English. (上句中注意“speaks“) none of 是指“所有人(或物)都不...”(超过三个)(注意和not all of的区别) None of us speaks English. (上句中注意“speaks“)

this is big,s very tall是什么意思?



module aauff08a,b,c,d,out);Input a,b,c,d;Output out;wire an = a xor b;Wire notb = ~ b;wire and1 = an or notb;wire csb= notb & c & d;out = and1? csb: 0;Endmodule

为什么big ben不加the而the river thanes 加the



1、正品军刀背包有挂牌和中文品质保证卡(通过和厂家的认真沟通,终于搞清楚为什么有些瑞士军刀包的标牌有防伪标?其实这些包都是是诺普顿代理商拿到代理权后,通过拿到厂家样品然后自己生产销售,防伪标是代理商的行为,原厂生产的包,出厂时并没有防伪标)。 2、正品军刀背包使用的是正品NIFCO扣具,强弯曲180度及低温下表现出色,扣具光滑没有明显毛刺。 3、背包面料使用弹道尼龙布,PU层反复揉搓不泛白,不脱胶。 4、正品包表面美观,无歪包,无线头,针距合理。 5、品质保证卡上有祥兴集团的祥细地址及电话,有 任何问题可以咨询。 6.序列号识别. 其他细节问题整理补充 1、 扣具 所有的军刀包的扣具都是采用世界顶级供应商NIFCO的产品,强弯曲低温等恶劣条件下保证使用,保证使用十年。假货为了降低成本自然没有。 2、 拉链 这是大家都比较关心的问题,好多买家肯定都有疑惑,军刀包的拉链好像旧的一样,不亮且有些粗糙有划痕,大家一定认为这可能是假冒的。其实恰恰相反,拉链不亮且有划痕的为正品,亮而光滑的反而是假货。因为这是军刀包的一个特点,它采用的材料是软金属,包包本身的设计是防水的,拉链自然就要防锈。磨具在成型的的时候一定会在软金属上留有划痕,这是正常的,所以会出现前面的情况,大家可放心购买。而假货为了控制成本采用的是不防锈的硬金属一次成型,肯定发亮且光滑,但一遇水或时间长了就会生锈,从而失去原有的光泽。 3、 防水设计 所有型号的军刀包都经过严格的20升防泼水测试。保证物品不受水的侵害。弹道尼龙布( Ballistic Nylon )起源于美国,刚开始是运用在汽车轮胎及军用防弹背心的内里上,经历了长期的研发与改良,由于此一布料组织坚固、耐磨损、耐撕裂,比一般的尼龙布、聚乙烯布( POLYESTER)或是棉布(COTTON)耐磨度都高出数倍以上。再加上此布本身触感平滑、色泽亮丽持久且高质感,很快便取代其它布料成为旅行箱及背包等旅行用品界最高档、最受欢迎的布料。瑞士军刀包采用1680D面料。布料里面都有防水涂层。保证不漏一滴水。分辨真假布料的关键就是看看有没有防水涂层。 4、 背负系统 Multi-panel Arifow舒适背负系统,人体工程学设计舒适透气,最大减轻背负压力,增强背负舒适度,加厚垫肩设计背带,增强背负舒适度;该材料工艺设计卓越,透气不凝汗,并适合亚洲体形;背负材料不磨损衣物,胸扣可以有效的减缓背着重物时候的压力。假货只是一些粗糙的海绵. 5、 MP3保护袋 这同样也是军刀包的独特设计之处,储物袋中有专门放置MP3及CD机的小袋子,里料的设计很细致,是防磨的布料,仿制挤压意外划伤MP3。假货用料粗糙极易分辨.同时还有一个能从里面伸出耳机到包外不漏其他小物件的防水耳机孔。个别高端的型号在肩带上设计了耳机的延长线插孔,很不可思议。假的是不会做到这样细致的。 其实军刀包的真假很好判断,只看做工就有很大的差距,正品的包包做工非常棒,用料十足,给人一种沉甸甸的感觉。即便是高仿也做不到如此细致,要仿到这个水平,成本和正品也就没什么区别了。当然,要确保买到正品,最稳妥的方法就是要从有信誉,讲诚信的正品卖家处购买了包包了,这也是防假的另一大绝




你好瑞士军刀有应该有三个牌子,威戈wenger、维氏victorinox,和victorinox swiss army(瑞士部队)这三个是正宗的wenger威戈在北美的分公司曾经开发过一个名叫“swissgear”的产品系列,此系列专门针对低收入人群(例如学生),而且因为只是在此产品系列,该系列的所有产品上均会注明“swissgear by wenger”的标志各人要注重,正宗的“swissgear”只是产品系列的名称,没有注册商标(注重,这就是伶俐的盗窟者可以钻空子的处所)而我们在其他处所看到的“swissgear 威戈”是正式注册商标的了那就奇怪了,不过有一点可以肯定,这个商标和上边说的三个纯种没不论什么干系;这是归属中国人平易近的品牌,归属华夏平易近族的品牌,是真正的平易近族品牌,是中国人平易近用自己的智慧和汗水自创的品牌这么说吧,上次去印度,也见到一个牌子叫 swiss w.g.,也用的近是的红十字标牌,是卖男装的,你说他算什么?他也是印度人平易近的自满啊!“swissgear威戈”这个品牌到底怎么来的,从烧包网提供的权力委托证实可以看出,持有者叫beijing东辉威戈,没查到上面所说的三个瑞士正宗商家向beijing板爷转让商标的历史记录而且,beijing板爷的公司叫东晖威戈,读音用的是“weige”,也就是“威戈(伟哥)”,盗窟味十足!ps.目前大大都购物网站上出售的swissgear也为beijing东晖威戈生产的swissgear箱包victorinox和wenger是正品瑞士军刀包,wenger被victorinox从各处买进了,可是两家公式还是独自经营别的两个牌子是我们国内自己注册的牌子 希望能帮助你。谢谢






big~ben什么意思----大本钟 或者说是大笨钟哈哈 伊丽莎白塔(英语:Elizabeth Tower,旧称大本钟,BIG BEN),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报时钟的昵称。是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。tower~bridge什么意思----塔形桥楼 塔形桥楼塔桥(伦敦横跨泰晤士河的桥,因其及可竖起双塔以让大船通过的活动桁架而闻名;该桥于1894年完工)

none of是不是all of的否定形式,那neither of 和either呢




wenger swiss military是什么品牌


Brooke Waggoner的《So-So》 歌词

歌曲名:So-So歌手:Brooke Waggoner专辑:Fresh Pair of EyesSo-SoBrooke WaggonerFresh Pair Of EyesBrooke Waggoner-So-SoLyrics By Mochico无尽的战译LrC歌词组I bought an old home in Del RioThe status-quo stucco looked like the AlamoNeighbor Jethro brought by his frescoLo and behold he showed where good neighbors abodeHe offered tobacco to which I vetoedI said I only smoke alone separate and soloHe wanted to know how I liked Del RioAnd if the lack of snow had made it all perfectoAnd I replied...Oh, why here it"s so-sobut it is no, no ColoradoI miss my home and the cocoaI wanna go home...He helped me unload my pianoAnd then I played him oh a favorite concertoHe yelled profundo while I played allegroAnd then he tip-tap-toed through my accelerandosGave him a banjo and said "strum what you know"Then I pretended I was Dinos my old maestroHe kept in tempo and I said bravoHe picked the dearest notes that gave me thoughts of sweet hopeOh, why here it"s so-sobut it is no, no ColoradoI miss my home and the cocoaI wanna go home...After the song show I offered jam & toastHe said he"d forego and he left to tend his young goatsSo I unpacked soap, found my bathrobeAnd decided it"d be nice to sit and soakOn the backbone of the commodeI placed a family photo then let out a sad moanThen a new groan of hunger followed,And I bought two tacos and an H20 to goYeh there is no place no, no place quite like your homeYeh there"s no place no, no place quite like your homeOh, why here it"s so-sobut it is no, no ColoradoI miss my home and the cocoaI wanna go home...

请问Verilog RTL Coding是什么意思?如果从事这一行业一般做些什么工作.


neither of和 none of的区别

neither of是指“两者都不...” 用于否定句 Neither of us speaks English. (上句中注意“speaks“) either of 是指“两者有其一.” Either of us speaks English. (上句中注意“speaks“) none of 是指“所有人(或物)都不...”(超过三个)(注意和not all of的区别) None of us speaks English. (上句中注意“speaks“)

neither of和 none of的区别

neither of-两个都不是none of-没有



none of 和neither of有什么区别?




Forward And Reverse 歌词翻译


verilog “RTL仿真”是什么意思?



自己看是不一样的 都是一家产的基本一样 您可以去拍拍 SWISSWIN官方旗舰店 看看


很多人在市面上经常看到swisswin的箱包专柜,于是想了解,现在瑞士军刀威戈背包品牌关系官网就给大家介绍一下。Swisswin就是祥兴厂注册的牌子,广东某个公司经营.他们以前也自称是瑞士品牌,现在基本上不牵涉瑞士军刀品牌了!wenger威戈是正品瑞士军刀牌子。Swisswin是福建国产的牌子,以前是给正品威戈代工的,现在是自有品牌。wenger的品牌介绍,大家可以参看:瑞士军刀品牌威戈wenger百年发展历史本站为了分辨清楚swisswin和wenger的区别,以及swissgear与wenger的区别,写了不少文章,如果你翻看一下,品牌关系这个栏目的文章,你就会恍然大悟,找到你想了解的内容。 品牌关系2012/06/09



wenger saber和wenger noblr哪个是正品

wenger noblr我刚刚买了拉杆箱,宣传得不错,但是质量很差,用一段时间快散架了,现在售后推三阻四的。在京东上还在搞品牌店呢,坑我们消费者。



Remember The Times 歌词

歌曲名:Remember The Times歌手:Nas专辑:Street"S DiscipleKris Allen - Remember The TimePerformed on American Idol Season 8 Top 13 NightDo you rememberWhen we fell in loveWe were young and innocent thenDo you rememberHow it all beganIt just seemed like heaven so why did it end?Do you rememberBack in the fallWe"d be together all day longDo you rememberUs holding handsIn each other"s eyes we"d stare(Tell me) Do you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeWhen we first met girlDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeDo you rememberHow we used to talk(Ya know)We"d stay on the phone at night till dawnDo you rememberAll the things we said likeI love you so I"ll never let you goDo you rememberBack in the SpringEvery morning birds would singDo you rememberThose special timesThey"ll just go on and onIn the back of my mindDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeWhen we first met girlDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeThose sweet memoriesWill always be dear to meAnd girl no matter what was saidI will never forget what we hadNow baby!Do you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeOh Do you remember girlDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeDo do do you remember the timeThat we fell in loveDo you rememberWhen we fell in love girlThat we first metDo you rememberDo you do you remember the timeDo you rememberDo you rememberDo you remember

阿森纳主帅的简历 Wenger

阿尔塞纳·温格(Arsène Wenger)[1] 出生日期:1949.10.22 身高:1.91米(6尺3寸) 国籍:法国 项目:足球 位置:教练 昵称:教授(Professor) 温格拿到了斯特拉斯堡大学电气工程学学士和经济学硕士、赫特福德大学荣誉博士背景,会说5种语言,熟悉运动心理学,带着眼镜的法国人。因此帕洛尔给他起了一个绰号“教授”。同时教授还懂得建筑设计,酋长球场(现阿森纳主场)的更衣室就出自他的手笔。 球员时代位置: 后卫/清道夫 粤语译名:云加 年轻时英俊的教授1949年10月22日,出生在法国斯特拉斯堡; 1969年,签约缪泽格,开始球员生涯; 1979年,代表斯特拉斯堡队赢得法甲冠军; 1980年退役; 1984年在南锡队开始教练生涯; 1987年出任摩纳哥队主教练; 1988年,在引进了英格兰球员霍德尔与哈特利之后,带领摩纳哥队赢得法甲联赛冠军; 1991年,带领摩纳哥队1-0击败马赛队,赢得法国杯赛冠军; 1992年,带领摩纳哥队打入在葡萄牙里斯本举行的欧洲优胜者杯决赛,但是以0-2不敌德甲不来梅队屈居亚军; 1994年,带领摩纳哥队成绩不佳,跌至第九被解职; 1995年,来到日本J联赛,执教名古屋鲸八队;同年被评为日本J联赛最佳教练; 1996年,带领鲸八队赢得日本天皇杯、日本超级杯冠军;10月,登陆英超执教阿森纳队,在阿森纳的第一个并不完整的赛季中取得了联赛第三名; 1997-1998赛季,带领阿森纳队取得联赛、足总杯赛双料冠军;当年被评为英超年度最佳教练; 1998-1999赛季,英超联赛亚军; 1999-2000赛季,带领阿森纳队打入欧洲联盟杯决赛,但是在决赛中他们输给了土耳其的加拉塔萨雷队;英超联赛亚军; 2000-2001赛季,带领阿森纳队取得联赛亚军,足总杯决赛中1-2不敌利物浦再次屈居亚军; 2001-2002赛季,带领阿森纳队获得英超联赛冠军,在足总杯决赛中2-0击败切尔西队夺冠,获得第二个双冠王; 2002-2003赛季,阿森纳队连续第三次杀入足总杯决赛,并以1-0击败南安普顿队夺冠;9月,阿森纳在与曼联队的联赛中,双方球员发生冲突,赛后阿森纳队4名球员遭受停赛处罚; 2003-2004赛季,带领阿森纳队第三次赢得联赛冠军,并杀入冠军联赛四分之一决赛;10月24日,在联赛中被曼联以2-0击败,结束了49场不败的纪录。 2004~2005赛季,带领阿森纳获得联赛亚军,但在足总杯决赛中点球战胜曼联,获得冠军 2005~2006赛季,阿森纳在国内赛场表现不佳,获得联赛第四,但在冠军杯中高歌猛进,带领阿森纳一路杀进决赛,只可惜在大部分时间少一人的情况下,最后阶段输给了巴萨。 来鸟巢的温格2006~2007赛季,带领阿森纳获得第四名。 2007~2008赛季,带领阿森纳一度在绝大多数时间内位居英超榜首,遗憾的是,在后阶段表现不佳,最终获得联赛第三,欧冠8分之一决赛中客场战胜卫冕冠军AC米兰,在欧冠四分之一决赛中,因多次不公正的判罚遗憾止步八强。 2008~2009赛季,带领阿森纳获得再度获得联赛第四,但在足总杯和欧冠中都闯入了四强,连续四个赛季无法进入联赛前两名,并且未夺得任何冠军头衔。

WENGER 威戈和SwissGear 瑞士军刀哪个是中国品牌,哪个才是正宗的瑞士军刀牌子?

SwissGear 是中国品牌,WENGER 威戈才是正宗的瑞士军刀牌子SwissGear主要产品是箱包



WENGER包到底哪里生产的,我怎么看像是MADE IN CHINA呢?

威戈旅行箱公司成立多年,厂房面积5000多平方米,现有员工200多人,是一家专业设计、生产各式箱包手袋皮具的专业生产厂,公司有多年的内销外贸经验,合作国家有中东,沙特阿拉伯,伊朗等,埃及,英国,法国等许多国家,并且为国内各大品牌进行贴牌生产,款式新颖,价廉物美,质量可靠,欢迎进行咨询考察!公司生产正品威戈(瑞士军刀)WENGER旅行箱 电脑包 背包系列,请关注 这是我看到的介绍,看看能不能帮到你,


那么瑞士军刀wenger威戈是怎么回事?威戈是什么牌子?瑞士威戈品牌悠久,创立于1893年。Wenger威戈瑞士军刀是世界公认最好的军刀品牌,它的标志是方形中间一个十字。除了军刀之外,Wenger还有很多产品也很出名,其中包括手表和背包。Wenger代表着世界箱包的颠峰,因此每一个电脑包都符合国际标准,在全球众多的国家畅销,全球信赖倍受人爱。由于Wenger的背包对品质要求比较高,所以价格也不低,适合对背包要求时尚性、重要性和可靠性的朋友选购。   Wenger威戈背包采用世界知名扣具u2013NIFCO,强弯曲度及低温下表现出色,外观紧凑大方,功能划分合理,各种栏位分明,储物空间大,携带方便。瑞士军刀Wenger电脑包采用1680D防水面料,并已经成为世界电脑包销量第一的品牌。2011年wenger鞋进入中国,并在wengermall上销售。Wenger品牌的箱包也以其深厚的品牌文化、富有内涵的设计和优良的工艺而在国际享有很高的名誉。那么如何鉴别瑞士军刀威戈wenger真假?网友一:目前威戈在国内的唯一代理商是UTC,没有其他二级代理。所以你如果想买正品瑞士军刀WENGER包,可以去UTC实体店或者去淘宝威戈官方旗舰店买,淘宝上收到货确认没问题不须要退换货后可以跟他们联系,要求其开具****,一般15天内会挂号信件形式发给你,这样你就可以享受三年质保了。其他淘宝店经销的威戈都不敢保证是否正品,威戈以前的授权代工厂福建祥兴生产的,不过现在授权又转给了上海的一个代工厂,所谓福建假货一般较多,福建合约到期,继续生产的包就是官方意义上的假货。如需了解汉客拉杆箱的朋友也可以了解一下,性价比也是不错的!网友二:很简单的告诉你,是.而且只有UTC行家是wenger等大牌大陆总代,其余一些炒作。这个打假过程也很漫长。UTC行家是华美国际旗下销售wenger等大牌箱包的一个子项目,其实他们主要重心还是线下,所以网络上的销售及宣传就少了.大家比较难辨别.但是任意一家实体店,你去购买wenger包。你所看到的吊牌等等指向,只有utc行家。









The Times ,the River Thames明明字不一样,为什么会都是泰晤士(报/河)


The Times is a British daily newspaper错在哪


lysergic acid amides造句 lysergic acid amidesの例文 "lysergic acid amides"是什麼意思

These include the ergot, a lysergic acid amide ( LSA ), a precursor to LSD, and ergonovine. Lysergic acid and lysergic acid amide , LSD precursors, are both classified in Ergotamine tartrate, a precursor to lysergic acid, is regulated under the Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act. Sleepy grass plants harboring a fungal species ( of the genus " Neotyphodium " ), contain ergopne pounds, such as lysergic acid amide ( mon name, ergine ). The diethylamide moiety of LSD was found to be a key ponent for its activity, which is in accordance with the fact that the related lysergamide lysergic acid amide ( LSA ) is far less hallucinogenic in parison. Because studies on the presence of LSA in " Ipomoea violacea " do not specify the plete taxonomy of the plant, it cannot be certain that " Ipomoea violacea " contains d- lysergic acid amide . The seeds of these plants contain the psychoactive d- lysergic acid amide , or LSA . The preparation of the seeds involved grinding them on a " metate ", then filtering them with water to extract the alkaloids. The hallucinogenic properties of the seeds are usually attributed to ergine ( also known as " d- lysergic acid amide ", or Schedule III substance in the United States, parts of the plant itself are not controlled, and seeds and plants are still sold by many nurseries and garden supppers. Because of the existing Controlled Substance Act regulatory controls on the LSD precursors lysergic acid, lysergic acid amide , ergotamine, and ergonovine, clandestine laboratory operators have sought uncontrolled sources of precursor material for the production of LSD . This has led to the clandestine LSD laboratory ever, Wilpam Leonard Pickard and Clyde Apperson, that was seized by the DEA utipzed ergocristine as the LSD precursor. Common active ingredients ( among many others ) include caffeine, theobromine, other stimulant alkaloids, psychedepc agent lysergic acid amide ( illegal in many countries ), passionflower ( sedative which contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors ), Citrus aurantium ( contains *** all amounts of the stimulant synephrine ), glaucine ( plant derived pound usually used as cough medicine ), and geranamine ( alkylamine pound found in geranium oil ). The LSD It is possible that some of these studies may have mistaken " Ipomoea violacea " for " Ipomoea tricolor ", e . g ., works pubpshed in the scientific journal " Phytochemistry " and quoted by The " Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia ", which purportedly showed the presence of Ergine, also known as d- lysergic acid amide ( LSA ) in " Ipomoea violacea ". It"s difficult to see lysergic acid amides in a sentence. 用 lysergic acid amides 造句挺难的

so that,in order that,so...that..., such...that... so...that的用法

1. 比较so和 such such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much, little连用,形成固定搭配。so + adj. such + a(n) + + adj. + a(n) + n. such + n. (pl.)so + adj. + n. (pl.) such +n. (pl.) so + adj. + n. (不可数) such +n.(不可数)so foolish such a fool so nice a flower such a nice flowerso many/ few flowers such nice flowersso much/ little money. such rapid progress so many people such a lot of people so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 虽相当于 many,但 a lot of 为名词性的,只能用such搭配。so…that与such…that之间的转换即为 so与such之间的转换。 that 和 in order that 意思相同 “目的是 以便”引导目的状语从句 You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all. 你必须大点声,别人就能听见了。3. so…that 和 such…that 如此..以至于..结果状语从句常由so…that 或 such…that引导。so…that与such…that之间可以转换。例如: The boy is so young that he can"t go to school. 这男孩年龄太小,不能上学。 He is such a young boy that he can"t go to school

有首英文歌歌词everything佛瑞亚,give me 塞的,waiting to find

歌名:Girl of Your Dreams歌手:张靓颖Looking for placesWhere nothing reminds me of youTo stop me from thinkingAbout everything we used to doDid you give me everything just to take it again?I thought that I was more than your friendYou told me I was the one that you neededAnd that I was the girl of your dreamsEvery word that you said I believed inNow I am standing here with nothing at allYou made me see far beyond up the rainbowYou made my soul want to reach for the starsEvery word that you said I believed inNow I am standing here with nothing at allNothing at allBreaking the promiseThat I didn"t know how you"d keptCause every time I got strongerYou wanted me to be weakSo you gave me everything just to take it againI thought that I was more than your friendYou told me that I was the one that you neededAnd that I was the girl of your dreamsEvery word that you said I believed inNow I am standing here with nothing at allYou made me see far beyond up the rainbowYou made my soul want to reach for the starsEvery word that you said I believed inNow I am standing here with nothing at allNothing at allYou told me I was the one that you neededEvery word that you said, oh, I believed inSo why you wanted to leave me like beforeAnd leave me all aloneWithout a sound, without a clueTired of thinking of you…You told me I was the one that you neededAnd that I was the girl of your dreamsEvery word that you said I believed inNow I am standing here with nothing at allYou made me see far beyond up the rainbowYou made my soul want to reach for the starsEvery word that you said I believed inNow I am standing here with nothing at allYes I am standing here with nothing at all

Wake Up Everybody 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up Everybody歌手:Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes专辑:Total Soul Classics - Wake Up EverybodyJohn Legend - Wake Up EverybodyWake up everybodyNo more sleepin" in bedNo more backward thinkin"Time for thinkin" aheadThe world has changedSo very muchFrom what it used to beThere is so much hatredWar and poverty, whoa, ohWake up, all the teachersTime to teach a new wayMaybe then they"ll listenTo what"cha have to say"Cause they"re the ones who"s coming upBut the world is in their handsWhen you teach the childrenTeach "em the very best you canThe world won"t get no betterIf we just let it be, na, na, naThe world won"t get no betterWe gotta change it, yeahJust you and meWake up, all the doctorsMake the old people wellThey"re the ones who sufferAnd who catch all the hellBut they don"t have so very longBefore the Judgment DaySo wont"cha make them happyBefore they pass awayWake up, all the buildersTime to build a new landI know we can do itIf we all lend a handThe only thing we have to doIs put it in our mindSurely things will work outCause they do it every timeThe world won"t get no betterIf we just let it be, na, na, naThe world won"t get no betterWe gotta change it, yeahJust you and meIt"s the God hour, the morning I wake upJust for the breath of life I thank my makerMy mom say I come from hustlers and shakersMy mind builded on skyscrapers and acresHe said take us back to where we belongI try to write a song as sweet as the PsalmsThough I am the type to bear arms and wear my heart on my sleeveEven when I fell in God I believeWe the days atWeave through the maze and the season so amazingFeed them and raise themSeasons are asianEarthquakes, wars and rumorsI want us to get by but we more then consumersWe more than shootersMore than looters,Created in his image,So God live through us,And even in his generation living through computersOn love, love, love can reboot usWake up, everybody no more sleeping in bedWake up, everybodyCause they all need a little help, y"allYes I do, need a little helpNeed a little help, y"all ayNeed a little help, y"all ayWake up everybodyWake up everybodyWake up everybodymaxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选

Donna Summer的《Wasted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted歌手:Donna Summer专辑:A Love TrilogySeether - WasteVAN制作Go unnoticed, let the freedom wash away.Losing focus, the pretense is second nature.It"s a broken life that I cling too,Trying to make rightI feel dismayed, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allYes, I see you surrounded by the hopelessWhen they need you you"re much to good and bloated,By the hopeless life that you cling tooTrying to make rightI feel distained, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allGo away...Go away...And just leave me here..Just leave me here...Just leave me here...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)This wasted life...


关于send,diliver和transport三者的区别:transport运输,运送deliver投递,递送包裹等send 打发,派遣,寄信,送信,派人,一般与to 一起用。另外:transport一般指成批的发送,运输,输送,有固定的流程、制度、规范和协议。而send是一般意义上的发送,没有严格意义上的制度、流程要求,另外还有寄送,打发的意思!希望对你有帮助

Seether的《Waste》 歌词

歌曲名:Waste歌手:Seether专辑:Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces (Explicit)Seether - WasteVAN制作Go unnoticed, let the freedom wash away.Losing focus, the pretense is second nature.It"s a broken life that I cling too,Trying to make rightI feel dismayed, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allYes, I see you surrounded by the hopelessWhen they need you you"re much to good and bloated,By the hopeless life that you cling tooTrying to make rightI feel distained, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allGo away...Go away...And just leave me here..Just leave me here...Just leave me here...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)This wasted life...

windows server 2003的企业版最多支持多少个cpu?

win2003版本区别 1)Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (标准版) 针对中小型企业的核心产品,他也是支持双路处理器,4GB的内存。它除了具备 Windows Server 2003 Web Edition 所有功能外,还支持像证书服务、UDDI服务、传真服务、IAS因特网验证服务、可移动存储、RIS、智能卡、终端服务、WMS和 Services for Macintosh。 支持文件和打印机共享。 提供安全的网络联接。 2)Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (企业版) 这个产品被定义为新一带高端产品,它最多能够支持8路处理器,32 GB内存,和28个节点的集群。它是 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition 的扩展版本,增加了 Metadirectory Services Support、终端服务会话目录、集群、热添加( Hot-Add)内存和 NUMA非统一内存访问存取技术。这个版本还另外增加了一个支持64位计算的版本。 全功能的操作系统支持多达8个处理器。 提供企业级的功能例如8节点的集群,支持32GB内存。 支持英特尔 安腾Itanium 处理器。 将推出支持64位计算机的版本,可以支持8个64位处理器以及64GB的内存。 3)Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (数据中心) 像以往一样,这是个一直代表微软产品最高性能的产品,他的市场对象一直定位在最高端应用上,有着极其可靠的稳定性和扩展性能。他支持高达8-32路处理器,64GB的内存、2-8节点的集群。与 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition 相比, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition 增加了一套 Windows Datacenter Program 程序包。这个产品同样也为另外一个64位版本做了支持。 微软迄今为止提供的最强大、功能最为强劲的服务器操作系统。 支持32路处理器和64GB内存。 同时提供8点集群和负载均衡。 提供64位处理器平台,可支持惊人的64路处理器和512GB的内存。 4)Windows Server 2003, Web Edition (Web版) 这个版本是专门针对Web服务优化的,它支持双路处理器,2GB的内存。该产品同时支持ASP.NET、DFS分布式文件系统、EFS文件加密系统、IIS6.0、智能镜像、ICF因特网防火墙、IPv6、Mircrosoft.Net Framework、NLB网络负载均衡、PKI、Print Services for UNIX、RDP、远程OS安装(非RIS服务)、RSoP策略的结果集、影子拷贝恢复(Shadow Copy Restore)、VPN和WMI命令行模式等功能。Windows Server 2003 Web Edition 唯一和其他版本不同的是它仅能够在AD域中做成员服务器,而不能够做DC域控制器。 可以架构各种网页应用,XML页面服务。 IIS 6.0。 轻松迅速开发各种基于 XML以及 ASP.NET服务项目的平台。 5)Windows Server 2003,64-bit Edition (64位版本) 专门针对64位处理器 安腾Itanium而开发的版本。 包括两个版本: Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Server 64-bit Edition。 Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Server 64-bit Edition。 1 不支持Windows Server 2003 的64位版本。 2 可能会受到OEM厂商硬件限制。 3 在64位企业版中提供64 GB支持。512 GB 支持仅在64位数据中心版中提供。 allyesno注:各版本英文代号 标准版 S 企业版 E 数据中心版 D web版 W

作文 less pressure makes better life 为题

Less Pressure Makes Better Life Pressure is a serious problem in todayu2019s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students canu2019t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams too much. u3000u3000 I was always under pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the top student in my class. They always sent me to all kinds of after-classes on weekends. u3000u3000 I had a talk with my parents and told them I had done my best. Finally, they understood me. In this way, I feel less stressed out so that I can concentrate more on my studies.u3000u3000 Less pressure makes better life. Thank you u3002

things we can do make our city a better life作文?


the traffic is very convenient还是the transport is very convenient

transport更好Traffic: 主要指交通:流动中的车辆或行人; 还有别的意思是:运输,运输量,也可以用作贸易这词可以用作名词(比如贸易)也可以用作不及物动词(比如交易, 买卖)注意:traffic最常用法是指交通(塞车之类的)比如:traffic jamTransport: 主要指运输,也可以理解成交通(不过主要指车辆)别的意思包括:流放,驱逐出境, 还有[常用被动态]万分激动;心旷神怡与traffic一样,可以用作为名词(运输)也可以用作为不及物动词(比如传送,流放)不过要注意的是transport最常用法是指交通或交通系统(比如公车,火车之类的) 用

better city bitter life的歌词

BETTER CITY BETTER LIFE We"re gonna see the world together Ala nong,nong,nong-better city Gonna heal the world together Ala nong,nong,nong-better life We"re gonna teach the world together Ala nong,nong,nong-better city gonna bring the world together La nong,nong,nong-better life everything that we dream can come true If we do what we try-you and I Together we can do much more Than we could ever do alone we can make our planet green Make our water fresh and clean Oh, ee-bu, ee-bu, ee-bu We all can rise –better city better life Teach our children every day and they"II find a better way education is the key to help us learn from history Oh,ee-bu,ee-bu,ee-bu Teach our children every day and they"ll find a better way Education is the key to help us learn from history We"re gonna see the world together ala nong,nong,nong-better city Gonna heal the world together Ala nong, nong, nong Better city better life

better english better life什么意思

better english better life的中文翻译better english better life更好的英语生活

for the better life还是for better life

我认为用for better life如 He works hard to earn money for better life.为了更好的生活他努力工作挣钱。

work hard for a better life 英语作文

Hard work for a better lifeHave you ever heard about a story? It"s about a hard-working ant and a lazy grasshopper. It tells us not to be lazy. As we all know, laziness leads to failure. Therefore, it is awful to be lazy. To tell you the truth, if you want to have a better life, you must work hard. Firstly, we should listen to the teachers carefully. Secondly, we should do our homework correctly. Thirdly, we should follow our teachers" directions and make fewer mistakes. It is important to be hard-working. We must try our best to work as hard as possible. If you work hard, I"m sure that your life will be better and better.

以A Better Way to a Better life为题写一篇英语作文

oh year...oh .......yearend

a simple life,a better life什么意思


live a better life 不应该加介词吗


Have you a better life…是什么意思?

你好 !直译为:你有更好的生活。或意译:你生活得更好。

急,明天之内!英语作文“better english better life”


作文:Hard work for a better life 50字

Hard work for a better lifeHave you ever heard about a story? It"s about a hard-working ant and a lazy grasshopper. It tells us not to be lazy. As we all know, laziness leads to failure. Therefore, i...

作文:Hard work for a better life

Hard work for a better life Have you ever heard about a story?It"s about a hard-working ant and a lazy grasshopper.It tells us not to be lazy.As we all know,laziness leads to failure.Therefore,it is awful to be lazy.To tell you the truth,if you want to have a better life,you must work hard.Firstly,we should listen to the teachers carefully.Secondly,we should do our homework correctly.Thirdly,we should follow our teachers" directions and make fewer mistakes.It is important to be hard-working.We must try our best to work as hard as possible.If you work hard,I"m sure that your life will be better and better.

live a better life是什么意思


谁有Better city,Better life演讲稿

There is no doubt that we prefer to live in the city. The reason is that we enjoy our life to the fullest. What kind of city life do we need? We aspire for a better life in a better city.The better city life means living in the harmonious society with congenial atmosphere and unique cultural flavors; the better city life means sitting in a bar listening to the beautiful music and communicating with family members and friends over a cup of gourmet coffee giving out a fascinating and pleasing fragrance after a day of hard work. It can also be walking in a quiet park, or appreciating a fantastic view with neon lights lighting up the night of the city.How shall we savor the better city life?We need to slow down the pace of life.It is true that we often forget our true selves in the busy pursuit of living; it is a pity that we do not know who we are anymore. We are just like a bird which forgets its own danger of being a prey of another in pursuit of a mantis. We just lose ourselves. There are some people who we think are happy, who appear to be themselves, but they are actually not the way it seems. There are some people who we think are miserable, and it seems to us that they are not themselves, in fact, they are.A true self can not be seen by others, a true self lies in his mind. A person, who has his confidence, who has an earned pride and a genuine esteem, will be happy, and will be himself. Only when he is happy, can he do his best to achieve his values, to achieve his true self, and at last can he be a successful man. To live a simple life filled with confidence is the secret to be one true self.The better city life belongs to a person who has a true self; the better city life belongs to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values, and finds his joy in nothing but in his rational actions. What I care about is how to find a true self, how to make this true self better, and how to finally mold it perfect. What I care about is how this true self lives the better city life.This is our goal, our direction, our mission: better city, better life, for a better self!

谁能提供一篇《Better city better life》的作文

Live up to "Better City, Better Life" Tuesday"s winning of the bid to host the World Expo 2010 is expected to fuel Shanghai"s supersonic growth for at least the next eight years. Humiliated by Western powers for more than a century before 1949, Mao Zedong made Chinese people proud of themselves as Chinese by saying "The Chinese people have stood up!" Deng Xiaoping brought more confidence and self-esteem to the Chinese with a much stronger economy and greater national prowess. Beijing"s winning of the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games last year was a solid proof of the international recognition of China"s increasing status on the world stage. This time, Shanghai was no less outstanding, winning the "Olympics" in the field of economics, science and technology. With the World Expo, Shanghai will continue to be a leading city in China and an international economic, financial, trade and shipping centre in the near future. The Expo means great opportunities to all kinds of businesses, Chinese and foreign.

better medicine better life 最好的翻译!


英语作文 Better city better life

Better city better life Is not far away from us now - 2010 Expo May 1, 2010 is the opening of the World Expo in Shanghai. I lived in Shanghai, I should do a good job hosting the World Expo. So that foreign friends to pay tribute to the charm of Shanghai city. Let us, the masses of the Shanghai World Expo is more dazzling, more proud of ...... 2010 Please do not forget me, Even if I am for you to add a green leaf, Is also my sincere good wishes to you. 2010 please call me, I use my high-pitched voice, Awakened the sleeping corner of each. 2010, you bring me, Then use your immense wisdom, Led us to the World"s Fair, Five thousand years of Chinese civilization, The common aspiration of millions of people, Feelings of cohesion piece of the Expo. Today, we temper wings Tomorrow we will be wings and fly. Let Expo is the world"s people Acura, Let us use the most blood boiling, you sway a beautiful song. Shanghai, civilization Expo, happy life!翻译:更美好的城市更美好的生活 现在离我们不远的就是——2010世博会 2010年5月1日是世博会在上海的开幕。 我就住在上海, 我应该做好世博会的东道主。 让外国朋友赞扬我们上海这魅力都市。 让我们这些上海世博群众更耀眼、更自豪...... 2010年请别忘记我, 哪怕我为你增添一片绿叶, 也是我对你真诚的祝福。 2010年请你呼唤我, 我要用我最高亢的歌声, 震醒每个沉睡的角落。 2010年请你带上我, 用你那无比的睿智, 带领我们迎接世博, 五千年的中华文明, 亿万人的共同心声, 凝聚片片世博情怀。 今天我们磨练双翼, 明天我们将振翅高飞。 让世博被全世界人讴歌, 让我们用最沸腾的热血,为你挥洒一首最美的歌。 上海,文明世博,快乐生活!

英语作文more advice,better life

I know better.怎么翻译啊、老师说难


英语作文《less pressure makes life better》

Less Pressure Makes Better LifePressure is a serious problem in today"s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can"t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams too much.   I was always under pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the top student in my class. They always sent me to all kinds of after-classes on weekends.   I had a talk with my parents and told them I had done my best. Finally, they understood me. In this way, I feel less stressed out so that I can concentrate more on my studies.  Less pressure makes better life. Thank you .

英语作文 better health ,better life

My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Beause it"s very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city. So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie"s lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit

作文better mood better life


Better city, better life 的正确译文是 "更好的城市,更好的生活“,还是 ”城市让生活更美好“?


better city ,better life的英语作文

Better City,Better Life Have you ever thought over your life in the city?Is that comfortable or not?If possible,you could listen to me! The cities now are becoming more and more modernize,and the things in our lives are more and more advanced/先进的/now.But is that the real meaning of better life? I don"t think so.The better cities should include better environment,but not only modernize and advanced things. As we can know and see,the cities now are making more and more kinds of pollution and make the nature bear all of them. Now the nature is fighting back,such as the global warming,the acid/酸性的/ rain,well,I don"t want to list them any more. So if we want to have better lives,we have to protect the environment.That can surely make our cities better and more livable. Better environment causes better cities;better cities cause better life.Don"t you think so? Well,that"s all of my views.Perhaps all of you listened happily!Thanks

Better city Better life这种英语作文该怎么写?高手希望来指点一下噢~写一件小事来反映出上海人的精神风

Nowadays, with the fast development of economy of the world, many cities become bigger and bigger and many modern cities are appearing. Thus, we face the complex problem: Urbanization. Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long time. Some people are in favor, while others are opposed. In my opinion, urbanization benefits human beings rather than do harm to them. Two reasons may account for my conclusion. Firstly, urbanization enriches our life. We can imagine what will happen without convenient traffic system, without big department stores, without KTVs and many other entertainments? To some extent, it is impossible for human beings to live in this world. Urbanization make it possible for us to enjoy our life more than before, Also,urbanization quicken the pace of science, especially in the communication field, in the early time, if we want to connect with our family members or friends, the only way we can choose is writing letters. But urbanization changed this situation, we can talk with the friends in the foreign countries with our any difficulties through the Internet, we gain whatever information we need on the internet. These conveniences are brought by the urbanization. Secondly, urbanization also raise our country economy. As we all know, the policy of Reform and Opening give our country a golden opportunity to develop our economy, we have a direct feeling about the dramatic increasing of our living standard, many productions that we cannot afford in the past time can be owned in today. This phenomenon proves that urbanization benefits our life basically. With the fast step of urbanization, many job opportunities are supplied in the occupation market which make many rural migrant workers get a solid work in the urban area. They also contribute to the economic development in the urban area. These prosperities are definitely brought by the urbanization. I live in Shanghai, and it is a typical big city in China. I found that we also have many negative sides of urbanization. For instance, we can talk to the friends thousands miles away, but we don"t know our neighbours in the high-rises; many migrant workers do not enjoy the same profits and rights as the permanent unban residents and this will make their living without and insurance system. But we don"t need to be so pessimistic of the situation at hand. It is evident that the advantages of urbanization outweigh the disadvantages. What we should do is to remain the positive side , meanwhile to conquer the negative side. Our government will also introduce many effective policies to narrow this contradictory. So we have enough reasons to believe the situation will become better and better so that we can reach our aim ”better city, better life ” ! There is no doubt that we prefer to live in the city. The reason is that we enjoy our life to the fullest. What kind of city life do we need? We aspire for a better life in a better city.The better city life means living in the harmonious society with congenial atmosphere and unique cultural flavors; the better city life means sitting in a bar listening to the beautiful music and communicating with family members and friends over a cup of gourmet coffee giving out a fascinating and pleasing fragrance after a day of hard work. It can also be walking in a quiet park, or appreciating a fantastic view with neon lights lighting up the night of the city.How shall we savor the better city life?We need to slow down the pace of life.It is true that we often forget our true selves in the busy pursuit of living; it is a pity that we do not know who we are anymore. We are just like a bird which forgets its own danger of being a prey of another in pursuit of a mantis. We just lose ourselves. There are some people who we think are happy, who appear to be themselves, but they are actually not the way it seems. There are some people who we think are miserable, and it seems to us that they are not themselves, in fact, they are.A true self can not be seen by others, a true self lies in his mind. A person, who has his confidence, who has an earned pride and a genuine esteem, will be happy, and will be himself. Only when he is happy, can he do his best to achieve his values, to achieve his true self, and at last can he be a successful man. To live a simple life filled with confidence is the secret to be one true self.The better city life belongs to a person who has a true self; the better city life belongs to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values, and finds his joy in nothing but in his rational actions. What I care about is how to find a true self, how to make this true self better, and how to finally mold it perfect. What I care about is how this true self lives the better city life.This is our goal, our direction, our mission: better city, better life, for a better self!

less pressure,better life的英语作文 急

In modern society,people"s lives are becoming increasingly complex and fast-paced,especially for those who live in the city.(讲一些关于城市生活的繁忙景象)Living in the city can be a delight as well as a burden.Constant pressure from the environment can overwhelm those who aren"t easily adaptable.The lack of time to relax,take a break,and have some down-time in between working and studying hours is a sure sign of having too much external pressure,which will eventually will take its toll on a person"s physical,or even mental,health....Thus,it is crucial that one find a balance between work and leisure in order to minimize unnecessary stress and thus establish a healthier and better lifestyle.

better city better life歌词

中文歌词 上海世博会主题歌《Better City,Better Life》中文歌词 作 词:昆西·琼斯 席依达·盖瑞特 作 曲:谭盾 昆西·琼斯 我们一起看世界 (沪语[下同]:我们和你们)更美的城市 我们一起拯救世界 (我们和你们)更好的生活 我们一起教育世界 (我们和你们)更美的城市 我们将世界汇聚在一起 (我们和你们)更好的生活 我们所有的梦想都将成真 如果我和你共同努力 和一个人的力量相比 共同的力量将创造更多 我们将使地球变得更绿 将水变得更清澈 一步一步 我们将有所提升 城市让生活更美好 每天教育我们的孩子 他们将找到更好的方式 教育是关键 帮助我们从历史中学到更多 一步一步 每天教育我们的孩子 他们将找到更好的方式 教育是关键 帮助我们从历史中学到更多 我们一起看世界 (我们和你们)更美的的城市 我们一起拯救世界 (我们和你们) 城市让生活更美好英文歌词 上海世博会主题歌《Better City,Better Life》英文歌词 We"re gonna see the world together. Ala nong,nong,nong-better city. Gonna heal the world together. Ala nong,nong,nong-better life. We"re gonna teach the world together. Ala nong,nong,nong-better city. gonna bring the world together. La nong,nong,nong-better life. (伴奏) We"re gonna teach the world together. Ala nong,nong,nong-better city. Gonna heal the world together. La nong,nong,nong-better life. We"re gonna teach the world together. Ala nong,nong,nong-better city. Gonna bring the world together. La nong,nong,nong-better life. (伴奏) Everything that we dream can come true if we do what we try-you and I. Together we can do much more, when we could ever do alone. We can make our planet green, make our water fresh and clean. Oh, ee-bu, ee-bu, ee-bu, We all can rise –better city better life. Teaching our children every day and they"ll find a better way. Education is the key to help us learn from history. Oh,ee-bu,ee-bu,ee-bu, we all can rise-better city better life. Oh,ee-bu,ee-bu,ee-bu-bu-bu, ee-bu,ee-bu,ee-bu-bu-bu. Teaching our children every day and they"ll find a better way. Education is the key to help us learn from history. We"re gonna see the world together, ala nong,nong,nong-better city. Gonna heal the world together. Ala nong, nong, nong-better life. We"re gonna teach the world together. Ala nong,nong,nong-better city. Gonna bring the world together. Ala nong, nong, nong. Better city better life.

《阿拉侬Beter city Better life》歌词

阿拉和侬,就是上海话的我和你的意思,上海试图用最独有的上海特色吸引全球目光。简朴至于而不是创新!赞!阿拉侬:Better City Better Life作词:quincy jones siedah garrett作曲:谭盾 quincy jones刘德华+张靓颖阿拉到上海来看世博,ala nong,nong,nong-better city.希望城市更加美好,ala nong,nong,nong-better life.阿拉从上海来看世界,ala nong,nong,nong-better city.要让生活更加快乐,ala nong,nong,nong-better life.阿拉到上海来看世博,ala nong,nong,nong-better city.希望城市更加美好,ala nong,nong,nong-better life.阿拉从上海来看世界,ala nong,nong,nong-better city.要让生活更加快乐,ala nong,nong,nong-better life.我们每一个梦都会撑著要我们尽心努力有收获一起做实现更多一起做力量的横墙我们要让地球变绿我们要让河流变清oh..一步一步一步迎接未来better city better life.一起做年轻朋友一起做健康生活我们一代接一代我们一步接一步走oh..一步一步一步迎接未来better city better life.我们每一个梦都会撑著要我们尽心努力有收获ala nong,ala nong,ala nong, nong, nong.ala nong,ala nong,ala nong, nong, nong.ala nong,ala nong,ala nong, nong, nong.一起做实现更多一起做力量的横墙我们要让地球变绿我们要让河流变清oh..一步一步一步迎接未来better city better life.阿拉到上海来看世博,ala nong,nong,nong-better city.希望城市更加美好,ala nong,nong,nong-better life.阿拉从上海来看世界,ala nong,nong,nong-better city.要让生活更加快乐,ala nong,nong,nong-better life.better city better life

初中英语作文 《the better life》 字数70左右

The Better LifeWe are living in a happy time.Time makes our life happy. What should we do then? It is the better life. Now our life is good. But we know we must make our life better. In order to make a better life, we must work harder. As a student I am now, I must study harder than before. To study harder, we can work better in the future. To worker better, we can make our future life still better. Remember: good, better, best, never it rest.

Better health,Better life 英语作文,60字,当场写的

以下是本人按您的要求写的简单英语小作文, Better Health,Better Life As our lives are getting better and better,more and more people care about their health.We can live a better life only with better health.We should eat more vegetables and fruits during our daily lives.We should do more outdoor exercises every day.We should also get more fresh air and enough sleep.I believe our lives will be better if we are always healthy and happy.

bettercity betterlife是什么意思
