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power是什么意思 power中文意思

  power有很多种意思:1、power翻译成汉语:作名词意为控制力;影响力;操纵力;统治;政权;能力;机会。作动词意为驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进。2、电脑的POWER键是电源的意思,POWER键可以对电脑进行开机操作。3、POWER函数的主要作用是返回给定数字的乘幂。    power   英 [u02c8pau028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8pau028au0259r]   n.控制力;影响力;操纵力;统治;政权;能力;机会   v.驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进   第三人称单数: powers   复数: powers   现在分词: powering   过去式: powered   过去分词: powered    power键   Power在电脑中默认是电源的意思,按一下电脑上的Power键就可以开启电脑了。如果关机的时候还按这个键则属于非法关机,对系统有损坏。所以开机按POWER键,关机要在电脑里开始下的关机进行。    POWER函数   POWER函数的主要作用是返回给定数字的乘幂。POWER函数的语法为:POWER(number,power),其中参数number表示底数;参数power表示指数。两个参数可以是任意实数,当参数power的值为小数时,表示计算的是开方;当参数number取值小于0且参数power为小数时,POWER函数将返回#NUM!错误值。



注册的英文到底应该用 register 还是 sign up?







电器上power是电源开关。开关让人操作的机电设备,其中有一个或数个电子接点。接点的“闭合”表示电子接点导通,允许电流流过;开关的“开路”表示电子接点不导通形成开路,不允许电流流过。选用接点金属时需考虑其对抗腐蚀的程度,因为大多数金属氧化后会形成绝缘的氧化物,使接点无法正常工作。选用接点金属也需考虑其电导率、硬度、机械强度、成本及是否有毒等因素。有时会在接点上电镀抗腐蚀金属。一般会镀在接点的接触面,以避免因氧化物而影响其性能。有时接触面也会使用非金属的导电材料,如导电塑胶。开关中除了接点之外,也会有可动件使接点导通或不导通,开关可依可动件的不同为分为杠杆开关、按键开关、船型开关等,而可动件也可以是其他型式的机械连杆。扩展资料电器上power主要参数:1、额定电压:是指开关在正常工作时所允许的安全电压. 加在开关两端的电压大于此值,会造成两个触点之间打火击穿。2、额定电流:指开关接通时所允许通过的最大安全电流,当超过此值时,开关的触点会因电流过大而烧毁。3、绝缘电阻:指开关的导体部分与绝缘部分的电阻值,绝缘电阻值应在100MΩ以上。4、接触电阻:是指开关在开通状态下,每对触点之间的电阻值。一般要求在0.1-0.5Ω以下,此值越小越好。5、耐压:指开关对导体及地之间所能承受的最高电压。6、寿命:是指开关在正常工作条件下,能操作的次数。一般要求在5000-35000次左右。

用i my she her he his it its mr. ms. mis

My name is Dora, and I am a first-year college student. My best friend is Lily, but she likes people to call her - Mis.Lilia. We both go to the same college becaus it is the closet to our house. My favorit teacher is my Algebra teacher, Mr. Thomas.He is an old man, but his class is always fun. Lily"s favorite teacher is her Biologey teacher, Ms. Miller. Since Biology is my greatest weakness, I don"t like its instructor.

altium designer10中画pcb时如何用键盘上的pageup/down实现zoom i

测量距离显示转换:q测量距离:RM单层显示:shift+s鼠标捕捉网格精度切换:g刷新:end取消所有图件的被选取状态:x+a、eea将浮动图件左右翻转:x将浮动图件三下翻转:y走线:PT点选删除元件:ED设定原点位置(很有用):EOS显示全部元件:VF再画线过程中切换走向状态:SPACE、SHIFT+SPACE(这里有很多种类)显示网络:VCN显示元件网络:VCC全部网络显示:VCS全部网络隐藏:VCHenter——选取或启动esc——放弃或取消f1——启动在线帮助窗口tab——启动浮动图件的属性窗口pgup——放大窗口显示比例pgdn——缩小窗口显示比例end——刷新屏幕del——删除点取的元件(1个)ctrl+del——删除选取的元件(2个或2个以上)x+a——取消所有被选取图件的选取状态x——将浮动图件左右翻转y——将浮动图件上下翻转space——将浮动图件旋转90度crtl+ins——将选取图件复制到编辑区里shift+ins——将剪贴板里的图件贴到编辑区里shift+del——将选取图件剪切放入剪贴板里alt+backspace——恢复前一次的操作ctrl+backspace——取消前一次的恢复crtl+g——跳转到指定的位置crtl+f——寻找指定的文字alt+f4——关闭protelspacebar——绘制导线,直线或总线时,改变走线模式v+d——缩放视图,以显示整张电路图 v+f——缩放视图,以显示所有电路部件home——以光标位置为中心,刷新屏幕esc——终止当前正在进行的操作,返回待命状态backspace——放置导线或多边形时,删除最末一个顶点delete——放置导线或多边形时,删除最末一个顶点ctrl+tab——在打开的各个设计文件文档之间切换alt+tab——在打开的各个应用程序之间切换a——弹出editalign子菜单b——弹出view oolbars子菜单e——弹出edit菜单f——弹出file菜单h——弹出help菜单j——弹出editjump菜单l——弹出editset location makers子菜单m——弹出editmove子菜单o——弹出options菜单p——弹出place菜单r——弹出reports菜单s——弹出editselect子菜单t——弹出tools菜单v——弹出view菜单w——弹出window菜单x——弹出editdeselect菜单z——弹出zoom菜单左箭头——光标左移1个电气栅格shift+左箭头——光标左移10个电气栅格右箭头——光标右移1个电气栅格shift+右箭头——光标右移10个电气栅格上箭头——光标上移1个电气栅格shift+上箭头——光标上移10个电气栅格下箭头——光标下移1个电气栅格shift+下箭头——光标下移10个电气栅格ctrl+1——以零件原来的尺寸的大小显示图纸ctrl+2——以零件原来的尺寸的200%显示图纸ctrl+4——以零件原来的尺寸的400%显示图纸ctrl+5——以零件原来的尺寸的50%显示图纸ctrl+f——查找指定字符ctrl+g——查找替换字符ctrl+b——将选定对象以下边缘为基准,底部对齐ctrl+t——将选定对象以上边缘为基准,顶部对齐ctrl+l——将选定对象以左边缘为基准,靠左对齐ctrl+r——将选定对象以右边缘为基准,靠右对齐ctrl+h——将选定对象以左右边缘的中心线为基准,水平居中排列ctrl+v——将选定对象以上下边缘的中心线为基准,垂直居中排列ctrl+shift+h——将选定对象在左右边缘之间,水平均布ctrl+shift+v——将选定对象在上下边缘之间,垂直均布f3——查找下一个匹配字符shift+f4——将打开的所有文档窗口平铺显示shift+f5——将打开的所有文档窗口层叠显示shift+单左鼠——选定单个对象crtl+单左鼠,再释放crtl——拖动单个对象shift+ctrl+左鼠——移动单个对象按ctrl后移动或拖动——移动对象时,不受电器格点限制按alt后移动或拖动——移动对象时,保持垂直方向按shift+alt后移动或拖动——移动对象时,保持水平方向1、 设计浏览器快捷键:鼠标左击 选择鼠标位置的文档鼠标双击 编辑鼠标位置的文档鼠标右击 显示相关的弹出菜单Ctrl+F4 关闭当前文档Ctrl+Tab 循环切换所打开的文档Alt+F4 关闭设计浏览器DXP2、 原理图和PCB通用快捷键:Shift 当自动平移时,快速平移Y 放置元件时,上下翻转X 放置元件时,左右翻转Shift+↑↓←→ 箭头方向以十个网格为增量,移动光标↑↓←→ 箭头方向以一个网格为增量,移动光标SpaceBar 放弃屏幕刷新Esc 退出当前命令End 屏幕刷新Home 以光标为中心刷新屏幕PageDown,Ctrl+鼠标滚轮 以光标为中心缩小画面PageUp, Ctrl+鼠标滚轮 以光标为中心防大画面鼠标滚轮 上下移动画面Shift+鼠标滚轮 左右移动画面Ctrl+Z 撤销上一次操作Ctrl+Y 重复上一次操作Ctrl+A 选择全部Ctrl+S 保存当前文档Ctrl+C 复制Ctrl+X 剪切Ctrl+V 粘贴Ctrl+R 复制并重复粘贴选中的对象Delete 删除V+D 显示整个文档V+F 显示所有对象X+A 取消所有选中的对象单击并按住鼠标右键 显示滑动小手并移动画面点击鼠标左键 选择对象点击鼠标右键 显示弹出菜单,或取消当前命令右击鼠标并选择Find Similar 选择相同对象点击鼠标左键并按住拖动 选择区域内部对象点击并按住鼠标左键 选择光标所在的对象并移动双击鼠标左键 编辑对象Shift+点击鼠标左键 选择或取消选择TAB 编辑正在放置对象的属性Shift+C 清除当前过滤的对象Shift+F 可选择与之相同的对象Y 弹出快速查询菜单F11 打开或关闭Inspector面板F12 打开或关闭List面板3、 原理图快捷键:Alt 在水平和垂直线上限制对象移动G 循环切换捕捉网格设置空格键(Spacebar) 放置对象时旋转90度空格键(Spacebar) 放置电线、总线、多边形线时激活开始/结束模式Shift+空格键(Spacebar) 放置电线、总线、多边形线时切换放置模式退格建(Backspace) 放置电线、总线、多边形线时删除最后一个拐角点击并按住鼠标左键+Delete 删除所选中线的拐角点击并按住鼠标左键+Insert 在选中的线处增加拐角Ctrl+点击并拖动鼠标左键 拖动选中的对象4、 PCB快捷键:Shift+R 切换三种布线模式Shift+E 打开或关闭电气网格Ctrl+G 弹出捕获网格对话框G 弹出捕获网格菜单N 移动元件时隐藏网状线L 镜像元件到另一布局层退格键 在布铜线时删除最后一个拐角Shift+空格键 在布铜线时切换拐角模式空格键 布铜线时改变开始/结束模式Shift+S 切换打开/关闭单层显示模式O+D+D+Enter 选择草图显示模式O+D+F+Enter 选择正常显示模式O+D 显示/隐藏Prefences对话框L 显示Board Layers对话框Ctrl+H 选择连接铜线Ctrl+Shift+Left-Click 打断线+ 切换到下一层(数字键盘)- 切换到上一层(数字键盘)* 下一布线层(数字键盘)M+V 移动分割平面层顶点Alt 避开障碍物和忽略障碍物之间切换Ctrl 布线时临时不显示电气网格Ctrl+M 测量距离Shift+空格键 顺时针旋转移动的对象空格键 逆时针旋转移动的对象Q 米制和英制之间的单位切换PCB制图规则整理:在画pcb的过程中首先要确定边框的尺寸,然后放置固定孔.TOPLAYER-顶层,走线的时候尽量在顶层走线,避免在铺地的时候把地分开(红色)BOTTOMLAYER-底层,铺地用,或者在顶层走不开线的时候在底层走,在底层走线尽量要短,如果需要很长,那么最好用过孔在顶层和底层之间穿插走线.还有在顶层的元件,有地就要打过孔,在底层的不用打.KEEPOUTLAYER-禁止布线层,设定图纸的边框,边框内部可以放置元件和走线,边框和外部禁止走线.TOPOVERLAY-顶层丝印层,用来定义顶层的丝印字符MULTILAYER-多层,在设置过孔的时候用这个层,可以贯穿顶层和底层布局的时候尽量参考原理图,把相应的模快集中到一块布局,布局的过程中以走线最短,交叉最少为标准,在这个过程中像,排组和跳线是可以在原理图里调整,使得交叉最少.当然每一次更改都要重新生成网标导入.走线的时候,普通的数据线用8mil,电源线我用的是20mil走线过程中的过孔数据线的用25/15mil的,电源的50/25mil的.在画USB的时候,USB口的D+和D-与CH372的连接要最短,并且走圆弧线,晶振的放置也以最短为标准,走圆弧线.走线的过程中线尽量紧凑,整齐!电源线以最短为原则,尽量走星形线!对于芯片单独供电的电源线可以相应的窄一点如15mil,给整个电路供电的电源线要宽一些,用20mil或者更宽.安全间距(Routing标签的Clearance Constraint)它规定了板上不同网络的走线焊盘过孔等之间必须保持的距离。一般板子可设为0.254mm,较空的板子可设为0.3mm,较密的贴片板子可设为0.2-0.22mm,极少数印板加工厂家的生产能力在0.1-0.15mm,假如能征得他们同意你就能设成此值。0.1mm 以下是绝对禁止的。走线线宽(Routing标签的Width Constraint)整个板范围的首选项一般取0.2-0.6mm,另添加一些网络或网络组(Net Class)的线宽设置,如地线、+5 伏电源线、交流电源输入线、功率输出线和电源组等。网络组可以事先在Design-Netlist Manager中定义好,地线一般可选1mm 宽度,各种电源线一般可选0.5-1mm 宽度,印板上线宽和电流的关系大约是每毫米线宽允许通过1安培的电流,具体可参看有关资料。当线径首选值太大使得SMD 焊盘在自动布线无法走通时,它会在进入到SMD 焊盘处自动缩小成最小宽度和焊盘的宽度之间的一段走线,其中Board 为对整个板的线宽约束,它的优先级最低,即布线时首先满足网络和网络组等的线宽约束条件。自定义线宽:普通信号线:最小:0.2mm一般:0.254mm最大:0.3mm电源线: 最小:0.5mm 一般:0.7mm 最大:1mm地线: 最小:0.5mm 一般:0.8mm 最大:1mm



原谅我无知,zoom in super 是什么啊?


5 fine frokner歌手gabrielle是男的女的?

I Will Be Fine歌词 歌手:顺子 我还是会好好的过因为我爱你啊把口中再见说出口我能接受也只有在这一刻我们的爱情啊有种一生一世般的感受我曾经对你说某天你疲倦的时候尽管转身的离开我i will be fine 绝不在你面前泪流分手了我还是感觉幸福在最爱的时候最依恋的时候这爱我们都牢牢记在明日心中别回头慢慢放开手我对你充满著感激你深爱我当我再一次与你深深拥抱著这是最后一次了谁都不愿松手余生都停在这一刻我知道你心中也有千万般的不舍为了让你放心离开我喔i will be fine 绝不在你面前泪流分手了我还是感觉幸福在最爱的时候最依恋的时候这爱我们都牢牢刻在心中喔别等到彼此伤害了带著更大的悲哀分手说i will be fine 会坚强的活著爱过你我就感觉很幸福了我们的爱慢慢放开手


以中心竖轴线为基准旋转。$(obj).rotate(30); //即正上向右偏转30度




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【 #英语资源# 导语】power有力量;力;能力;权力等意思,那么你知道power的用法吗?下面跟着 考 网一起来学习power的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】power的用法   power的用法1:power的基本意思是“力,力量”,可指人的体力、思维能力,也可指机器的功力、动力或功率,还可指人或国家甚至是某个机构的权力、势力或影响力。这种权力或影响力可由法律、规章所赋予,也可由于本身力量的强大而自然产生的。power作“强国”解时,一般指在政治、经济或军事等方面对世界有一定影响的大国或强国。power还可用于数学方面,作“幂,乘方”解。   power的用法2:power作“权”“权力”“势力”“政权”“功力〔率〕”解是不可数名词; 表示“强国”“幂,乘方”时是可数名词; 表示“能力”时有时可用于复数形式,表示“体力,力量”解时通常用作不可数名词。   power的用法3:power作“权力”“能力”“动力”解时后面可接动词不定式作定语。   power的用法4:power的基本意思是指向飞机、雷达、汽车等提供原动力,此时是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。引申可表示“飞速行驶”,此时作不及物动词。 【篇二】power的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   do a power of good   the powers that be 【篇三】power的用法例句   1. Generosity is its own form of power.   别低估了慷慨的力量。   2. The military regime in power was unpopular and repressive.   当权的军政府压制人民,不得人心。   3. Many of the leaders have become hooked on power and money.   很多领导人都变得贪恋权力和金钱。   4. Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.   军官们昨天夺权未遂。   5. The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.   建设电站的资金本该足够了。   6. High winds have knocked down trees and power lines.   大风刮倒了树木和电线。   7. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.   发电站烧的煤产自鲁尔地区。   8. Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people.   父辈们有能力支配孩子们和年轻人的生活。   9. The old-timers and established families clutched the reins of power.   久居此地的居民和根基稳固的家族牢牢掌控着权力。   10. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power.   失业者没法罢工——他们没有这种实力。   11. Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in will-power.   有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。   12. Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance.   外国人必须动用他们的力量促使这个国家变得更加宽容。   13. The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.   银行有能力让该工程终止。   14. He scares teams to death with his pace and power.   他的速度之快、力量之大让其他队胆战不已。   15. This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power.   这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。


  3.也指能量   4.Pascal的一个系统单元保留函数:Function Power ( base, expon : Real) : Real;用于计算base^expon,相当于Pascal中Exp ( expon * Ln ( base));   用于Free Pascal,在TP中为:**运算   5.指IBM公司开发的一种精简指令集处理器。   6.POWER含有自动的意思。   IBM POWER是RISC处理器架构的一种,由IBM设计,全称为Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC。POWER系列微处理器在不少IBM服务器、超级计算机、小型计算机及工作站中,广泛作为主CPU使用。而PowerPC架构也是源自POWER架构,并应用在苹果的麦金塔计算机及部份IBM的工作站上。此外,IBM通过Power.org网站,向其它开发者及制造商推广POWER架构及其它衍生产品。   POWER同样也是一系列实施了同样架构指令集的微处理器的名字。POWER系列微处理器用于IBM的服务器,微电脑,工作站,超级电脑的主处理器。POWER3以及随后的POWER系列微处理器均全部实施了64-bit PowerPC架构。   从POWER3开始及其之后的POWER处器都不再具备与支持更早之前的旧POWER指令集架构(Instruction Set Architecture,ISA),包括PowerPC指令集架构或任何POWER2所追加延伸的指令,如lfq或stfq等,都不再具备与支持。



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power这个词我们在日常生活中经常会见到,那么,你知道power这个单词的意思吗?下面是我为大家整理的关于power是什么意思_power的知识,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习! 目录 power的意思 power的英语音标 power的英语例句 power的意思 n.力量;力;能力;权力;【数】幂;电力 v.使有力量;给 ... 提供动力 adj.电力的;力量的;权力的 <<< power的英语音标 英 ["pa??(r)]     美 ["pa??r] <<< power的英语例句 Such things aren"t within the compass of my power. 这些事不在我力可能及的范围之内。 I intend to release my karma to give power away. 我意愿释放我送给别人力量的业力。 Not that I don"t want to help you, but that it"s beyond my power to do so. 并不是我不想帮忙,而是我能力有限。 The powers of the police need to be clearly defined. 必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定。 So you need to power up your lymph system. 因此你需要增强淋巴系统的功能。 To power your camera you will need some rechargeable batteries. 要为你的相机供电,你需要一些可充电电池。 用作形容词 (adj.) She"s gone to some power lunch to discuss the deal. 她赴巨头午餐会商讨此事。 Generosity is its own form of power 别低估了慷慨的力量。 The military regime in power was unpopular and repressive 当权的军政府压制人民,不得人心。 Many of the leaders have become hooked on power and money 很多领导人都变得贪恋权力和金钱。 Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power 军官们昨天夺权未遂。 The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient 建设电站的资金本该足够了。 High winds have knocked down trees and power lines 大风刮倒了树木和电线。 The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region 发电站烧的煤产自鲁尔地区。 Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people 父辈们有能力支配孩子们和年轻人的生活。 The old-timers and established families clutched the reins of power 久居此地的居民和根基稳固的家族牢牢掌控着权力。 The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power 失业者没法罢工——他们没有这种实力。 Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in will-power 有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。 Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance 外国人必须动用他们的力量促使这个国家变得更加宽容。 The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project 银行能让该工程下马。 He scares teams to death with his pace and power 他的速度之快、力量之大让其他队胆战不已。 This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power 这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。 A lot of this has to do with power and greed 凡此种种都和权力与贪欲有关。 Jackson had been a major power-broker in the Presidential elections 杰克逊是年总统选举中举足轻重的权力经纪人。 Any number to the power of nought is equal to one 任何数的次方等于。 The whole car shuddered with an almost frightening surge of power 油门猛然加大到几乎让人恐惧的程度,整个汽车剧烈震颤着。 They are only interested in preserving the power of the privileged 他们只对维护特权阶层的权力有兴趣。 <<< power是什么意思知识相关 文章 : ★ power的用法 ★ power是什么意思 ★ power的详尽释义 ★ power有什么意思 ★ excel里power是什么意思 ★ power的用和短语例句 ★ power的短语有哪些意思 ★ 什么是powerbuilder ★ 怎么在excel函数中使用POWER函数 ★ 局域网安全设置 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();

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power的意思是:n.权力;力量;动力;能力;v.推动(机器或车辆);快速前进power的英汉例句:1、Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have.除非你想用它来做大事,否则有多少回报或有多大的力量都没有什么意义。2、The speed, power, and ammo of the Orca also makes it a prime choice for taking out husks.奥卡的速度,火力和弹药使它成为清除外壳的最佳选择。3、In such a situation, it would be easy for the mine to exploit the power station by suddenly jacking up the price of coal.在这种情况下,煤矿很容易通过突然推高煤价而剥削发电站。4、Even Spain, with its new Anglo-Saxon business culture, tried to stop a German utility from taking over a Spanish power company.甚至西班牙在新盎格鲁萨克森商业文化影响下,也阻止德国公用事业公司插手西班牙电力企业。5、Yet Markus Willeke has found a way of investing watercolour painting with a new task, up-to-date relevance and astounding power.然而马克斯·威勒克已经找到致力于水彩画的方式,那就是新任务、不断更新的相关性和惊人的力量。6、All sports coaches believe passionately in the power of the team to lift performance not by just a little, but by 100%.所有体育教练都满怀激情地认为集体的力量有助于提高成绩,不是提高一点点,而是100%地提高。

power是什么意思 解析power的含义和用法?



power英 ["pau028au0259]美 ["pau028au025a]n. 电源 ;功率;力量;能力;政权;势力;[数] 幂vt. 激励;供以动力;使…有力量vi. 快速前进adj. 借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的n. (Power)人名;(英、葡)鲍尔过去式 powered过去分词 powered现在分词 powering


“power”的中文意思是“能力,权力,力量”。“power”这个词汇在英语中是一个多义词,根据其使用的场合不同,有着不同的含义。以下是比较常见的几种含义和用法:1、能力,技能。这“power”最常用的含义,可以指某种能力、技术或才华,例如:“I have the power to solve this problem。”(我有解决这个问题的能力。)2、权力,统治。“power”也可以指行使某种权力、统治身份或以此获取利益,例如:“He was driven by the lust for power。”(他被权力的欲望所驱使。)3、影响力,势力。“power”也可以指某个人或组织的影响力、势力范围,例如:“The media wields enormous power over public opinion。”(媒体对公众舆论有着巨大的影响力。)4、能源,电力。“power”还是用于描述能源或电力方面的物理量单位,例如:“This car has a power output of 200 horsepower。”(这辆汽车的输出功率是200马力。)“power”还可以作为动词使用,其含义则是“提供动力,驱动,激励",例如:“The engine powers the car。”(发动机驱动汽车。)“The music powered his workout。”(音乐激励他的锻炼。)power在日常生活的应用在日常生活和工作中,我们经常会使用“power”这个词汇,例如在商务场合中表示一些商业实力和市场影响力,例如:“The company has a lot of bargaining power。”(这家公司有很强的谈判力。),或者在社交场合中,表示主动权或者对话优势,例如:“She holds the power in the conversation。”(她掌握了对话的主动权。)

power是什么意思 解析power的含义和用法?

"Power" 一词可以有多种含义和用法,具体解析如下:名词:力量;能力;权力"Power" 可以表示一种能够产生影响、改变事物的力量或能力。也可以指某人或某组织所拥有的权力或控制力。例如:The engine has a lot of power.(这台引擎很有力量。)The company has a lot of power in the industry.(这个公司在这个行业里有很大的权力。)动词:控制;驱动;运转"Power" 作为动词可以表示控制、驱动或运转某物。例如:He powered the machine with electricity.(他用电驱动了这台机器。)The president powered his way to the top.(这位总统靠自己的力量爬上了巅峰。)名词:能源"Power" 还可以表示能源,如电力、核能等。例如:The city gets its power from a hydroelectric dam.(这个城市的电力来源于一座水电站。)名词:统治;统治集团在某些语境下,"Power" 还可以指统治、政治力量或者统治集团。例如:The power was overthrown in a military coup.(政权在一次军事政变中被推翻了。)The ruling party has been in power for over a decade.(执政党已经执政十多年了。)总的来说,“power” 一词具有多义性,其具体含义取决于具体的语境。

Lilian (Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lilian (Single Version)歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:John The RevelatorLILIA词·曲 Falcom Sound Team J.D.K.编·兼崎顺一リリア 虹色の瞳澄んだ心のプリズム远い异国 可怜な少女君の微笑みに 草原も ほら 笑ってる柔らかな髪 游ばせながらまっすぐ 仆を 见つめていた青い空高く そよ风が优しく舞うためらいがちに差し出す君の白い指が眩しくて今 君に触れたいはにかんだその頬时が过ぎ 流れてくまま君が変わっていく前にうららかな木漏れ日の中で君とまどろんでいたいやがて旅立つ日がきても今 君を抱きたい震るわせたその肩悲しみに溺れたままで君が染まっていく前に日の光浴びて辉いた君を见つめていたいやがて旅立つ日がきてもリリア 梦见る唇甘い铃の音响かせ青い风をまとう少女リリア 虹色の瞳リリア 梦见る唇远い异国 可怜な少女リリア 梦见る唇甘い铃の音响かせ青い风をまとう少女おわり




Power的中文含义是能力、电源、权力、功率等。1.Power作为能力Power在某些上下文中可以指一个人、公司、组织或国家所拥有的能力。比如,经济、政治和军事实力都被称作power,另外对于个人而言,强大的知识和技能也被称作power。这种理解通常被用于形容一个人或者一个团队在某个领域的强大能力,例如:She is a woman with power and influence in the business world.2.Power作为电源Power也可以指电源或能量源,如电池或燃料电池等。在计算机和电子设备中,power也被用来表示电源。比如“power button”就是电源按钮的意思。还有一些常见的场合,用到了这个词,例如:“Please make sure your laptop is connected to a power source.”3.Power作为权力Power还可以指代权力或掌控力,特别是以金钱、社会地位等为基础的权力。这种理解通常是指一个人、组织、政府或企业拥有的特权,对其他人或组织有显著的影响力。比如,“The new president wants to consolidate his power over the government.”综上所述,英文单词Power有多种不同的含义。从语境中或者场景上来理解翻译可以帮助我们更好地理解这个单词。在很多情况下,需要根据具体情况来判断Power的具体意思。另外,最好能够结合相关的背景知识进行分析,从而准确表达自己的意思。以下为拓展知识:1.Power在数学中的含义在数学中,Power表示一个数的幂。比如,“2的3次方”可以写成“2^3”,也可以读作“two to the power of three”。2.Power在机械领域中的应用在机械工程和物理学中,Power通常指动力和功率概念。power通常被用来表示一个机械或者电子设备的输出能力、工作效率或者性能。比如:“This car has a lot of power under the hood.”3.Power在音乐中的含义在音乐中,Power有时候会被用于形容一个表现强劲动感或者高能量的歌曲或艺术家。简单而言power就是表达“强力”的意思。比如:“The band"s new album has a lot of power and energy.”


“Power" 这个词具有多种意思,其中常见的有能力、权力、电力、数学中的幂次。1、能力:这个意思指一个人或事物的能力或潜力,例如 "He has the power to succeed." 这句话就意味着他有取得成功的能力。2、权力:这个意思指拥有控制、支配或决定某些事情的权利,例如 "The government has the power to regulate the industry."3、电力:这个意思是指来自电网或其他电源供应的电能,例如 "The city has suffered a power outage due to severe weather."4、影响力:这个意思指通过说服、启发或影响他人行为的能力,例如 "The book has the power to change people"s lives."5、数学中的幂次:这个意思是指数学中表示一个数乘以自己若干次的符号,例如 3 的二次方可以写成 3^2。Power的特殊用法:1、Power up/down: 这个词组表示打开或关闭电子设备,例如 "Don"t forget to power down your computer before leaving the office."2、Flower power: 这个短语起源于1960年代美国社会运动中的一种思潮,表示对和平、爱与社会平等的追求和支持,例如 "The hippie movement was known for their love of flower power and non-violence."3、Willpower: 这个词表示意志力,即一个人坚定达成目标的能力,例如 "She had the willpower to quit smoking and improve her health."4、Horsepower: 这个词通常用于描述汽车或机械设备的动力大小,例如 "This car has a powerful engine with 300 horsepower."5、Solar power: 这个词表示太阳能,即通过太阳能电池板或其他设备转换太阳能成为供电能源,例如 "Many households are now using solar power as a more environmentally-friendly energy source."


  power有很多种意思:1、power翻译成汉语:作名词意为控制力;影响力;操纵力;统治;政权;能力;机会。作动词意为驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进。2、电脑的POWER键是电源的意思,POWER键可以对电脑进行开机操作。3、POWER函数的主要作用是返回给定数字的乘幂。    power   英 [u02c8pau028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8pau028au0259r]   n.控制力;影响力;操纵力;统治;政权;能力;机会   v.驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进   第三人称单数: powers   复数: powers   现在分词: powering   过去式: powered   过去分词: powered    power键   Power在电脑中默认是电源的意思,按一下电脑上的Power键就可以开启电脑了。如果关机的时候还按这个键则属于非法关机,对系统有损坏。所以开机按POWER键,关机要在电脑里开始下的关机进行。    POWER函数   POWER函数的主要作用是返回给定数字的乘幂。POWER函数的语法为:POWER(number,power),其中参数number表示底数;参数power表示指数。两个参数可以是任意实数,当参数power的值为小数时,表示计算的是开方;当参数number取值小于0且参数power为小数时,POWER函数将返回#NUM!错误值。




power作名词意为控制力;影响力;操纵力;统治;政权;能力;机会,作动词意为驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进。 相信大家对power这个单词都是很熟悉的,平时在很多地方都可以看到,以前某些手机开机也会有power by之类的字样,那么这是什么意思呢?下面来说说power是什么意思。 详细内容 01 power 英 [u02c8pau028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8pau028au0259r] n.控制力;影响力;操纵力;统治;政权;能力;机会 v.驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进 第三人称单数: powers 复数: powers 现在分词: powering 过去式: powered 过去分词: powered 02 同义词辨析 energy n. 能源,能量;精力 物理学中指能量、能源,用于人时则指体力和精力。 Potential energy can be used to do work. 势能可以用来做功。 We should devote our energy to the career. 我们应该致力于这项事业。 force n. 力,力量 通常指外力,如物体相撞时产生的力量。 The force of her fall was broken by the straw mats. 草垫的缓冲作用减弱了她下落的冲击力。 The torrents of water rushed ahead with a terrifying force. 急流汹涌奔腾。 power n. 力,力量 普通用词,泛指一切力量、能力等。 Adults know the power of love. 成年人懂得爱的力量。 The propelling power of trains is usually made of steam or electricity. 火车的动力通常来自蒸汽或电。 strength n. 力气,力量 通常指体力或人、事物等拥有的实力。 He had hardly enough strength left to move his feet. 他连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。 Our national strength has increased since 1982. 自1982年以来,我们的国力增强了。 03 双语例句 She interviewed six women who have reached positions of great power and influence 她采访了6名身居高位,并且颇具影响力的女士。 Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them 人类社会有能力解决面临的问题。 Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it 你的债务情况只是暂时的,你有能力解决好。 The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers 首相有权任免高级部长。 In 1964 Labour came into power 工党于1964年上台。 In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance. 在西方人眼里,伊拉克是位于具有重要战略意义的地区的一个重要强国。 The Roadrunner had better power, better tyres, and better brakes. “路行者”汽车的性能、轮胎和刹车都更好。

estimates of english speakers from 1950 to 2050 是什么意思







衣服价位问题悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时luka 羽绒背心 大概多少钱 reserved 皮革的黑色上衣 短裙 分别大概什么价位 ohlala 冬天穿的很厚的长的大衣 大概多少还有人知道kuhle一件夏天短袖什么价位么 考进大学了 人家送我几件衣服算是祝贺 我很白痴的以为不值钱 貌似我错了 谁来告诉我多少钱啊


power意思是力量;力;能力;权力;【数】幂;电力;使有力量;给 ... 提供动力;电力的;力量的;权力的。一、读音:英 ["pau028au0259(r)],美 ["pau028au0259r]    二、例句:A man should rely upon his own power.人类应该依靠自身的力量。词义辨析:power,force,strength:这组名词都有力量的意思。power指身体上、精神上或心理上的力量, 不管是表现出来的还是潜在的。force指运用或发挥出来的力量,可以克服阻力,使人或物按要求方向运动。strength指内部固有的力量,表示物质力量时,着重体格或构造健全、完善等方面的力量, 如体力强度等;表示精神力量时, 指持久、坚定、无畏、坚韧等。




power [英]u02c8pau028au0259(r) [美]u02c8pau028au025a n. [机]动力,功率;力量;政权,权力;强国,大国 vt. 运转;用发动机发动;使…有力量 vi. 靠动力行进;快速行进

求一篇关于《Estimates of English Speakers from 1950 to 2050》英语作文150字左右这里面有一个doc文件,你下下来看,可以的。

So do I和So I do的区别 如题,还有Neither do I 和So do I有什么区别〉?

一、So do I的用法 该结构主要用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,[意为“……也一样”].该结构中的助动词 do 根据前文的情况也可换成 is,am,are,was,were,does,did,can,could 等.如: He passed the exam,and so did I. =He passed the exam,and I passed the exam,too. =Both he and I passed the exam. =He and I both passed the exam. 他通过了考试,我也通过了考试./ 他和我都通过了考试. 又如: They went to the zoo yesterday.So did we.他们昨天去了动物园,我们也去了. 但是如果前面所述情况为否定式,则用neither,nor引出倒装句(此时不能用so).如: He couldn"t do it,and neither could she.他做不了这事,她也做不了. He never comes late.Nor do I.他从不迟到,我也从不迟到. 二、So I do的用法 该结构主要用于加强语气,其意为[“的确如此、确实如此”],表示后者赞同前者的话或意见,只是进一步强调并重复前句所述的内容.前后句的主语指的是同一个人或物.该结构中的助动词 do 根据前文的情况也可换成 is,am,are,was,were,does,did,can,could 等.如: —He has done a good job.他干得不错. —So he has.他的确干得不错. PS: Neither do I 则意为【我也不】 简单例一句: You don"t know,and neither do I. 你不懂,我也是.



请大师帮忙把leonalewis的better in time 的歌词翻译成谐音,我想唱,谢谢大


有什么好听的蓝调的英文歌?就是像“Better in time”那样的。不要节奏强的 也不要说唱的。谢谢!

Because of you


对的,you are round中,round是副词。重点词汇:round。英[rau028and]释义:adj.圆的;球形的;丰满的;完整的;整数的;不确切的;大量的;坦率的;严厉粗暴的。adv.环绕地;周长;调转方向;依次;到某处。prep.围绕;在另一侧;四处。n.一局(轮);常规活动;巡视;圆形物;(由一人给大家买的)一巡饮料;一整片面包;一阵(掌声);一发(子弹)。v.绕行;弄圆;使成为整数例句:用作形容词(adj.)He put the apples on a round plate.他把苹果放在一个圆盘子里。词语使用变化:v.(动词)1、round的基本意思是“(使)成圆形”,引申可表示“丰满起来”“环行”“拐弯”“使集拢”“围捕”,在表示“使圆满结束”“使文体完美”时,多与off连用。2、round既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。

偶尔听到一首英文歌,女声,很多句子都是以I开头,好像隐约听到个have it all和better

rolling in the deep?

either do I和so do I的区别!!!

neither/ nor +助动词+主语 表示 某人同样不助动词+主语 表示 某人同样...

better in time的类似歌曲

You gave me lifeWinter in my heartImagine me without you


dry and reefer 干燥冷冻柜,货柜的一种.整句的意思大概是:请概述干燥冷冻柜所所装货物内容,以便能准确的缮制单据,不知是不是这个意思,请高手们指正.

neither do i, either do i, so do i的区别


std error of the Estimate是什么意思


Estimates range anywhere from 1 million to 3 mill

estimates 是主语,本来就是名词“估值”。range才是谓语动词。(这些物品的)估值大体都在一百万到三百万之间。

类似,tik tok,stay here forver,better in time,it s m

I know you were trouble

SPSS一般线性模型中Parameter Estimates结果的解释


it will all better in time。最近看朋友的说说,我觉得句子错了少be动词,但不确定啊

是少个be动词修改如下it will be all better in time若有疑问及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

Eminem的Better in time 表达了什么?谢谢


求埃米纳姆better in time歌词、

[ti:better in time][ar:leona lewis][by:594-king]曲名:better in time歌手: leona lewis 专辑:spirit- music -oooh ooohhmmmmhit"s been the longest winterwithout youi didn"t know where to turn tosee somehow i can"t forget youafter all that we"ve been throughgoing ,comingthought i heard a knockthinking that (i deserve it)now i have realised that i really didn"t knoooooowif you didn"t noticeyou mean everything (quickly i"m learning)to love again (all i know is)i"m be ooooookthought i couldn"t live without youit"s going to hurt when it heals too oh yeaah (it"ll all get better in time)even though i really love youi"m gonna smile because i deserve too oooh(it"ll all get better in time)i could of turned on the tvwithout something that would remind me was it all that easy?to just put us out your feelingif i"m dreamindon"t want to let it (hurt my feelings)but that"s the past (i believe it)and i know that, time will heal itif you didn"t notice well you mean everything (quickly i"m learning)oooh turn up again (all i know is)i"m be okthought i couldn"t live without youit"s gonna hurt when it heals too oooh yeah(it"ll all get better in time)even though i really love youi"m gonna smile because i deserve too ooh(it"ll all get better in time)since there"s no more you and me(no more you and me)this time i let you go so i can be freeand live my life how it should be(no no no no no no)no matter how hard it isi will be fine without youyes i willthought i couldn"t live without youit"s gonna hurt when it heals toooooh(it"ll all get better in time)even though i really loved youi"m gonna smile cos i deserve too yes i do(it"ll all get better in time)thought i couldn"t live without youit"s gonna hurt when it heals too yeaaaah ooooh oooooh (it"ll all get better in time)even though i really loved yougoing to smile cos i deserve too ooooooh * over * thank you !!!

eminem唱的那首better in time 求中文翻译

额。。那首歌不是remix的?Leona lewis原版ft.Em的mockingbird ft. 2 pac的dear mama?要找中文翻译分别找就好了吧。。祝你成功 -------------------------------Eminem部分 mockingbird部分中文歌词我知道有些事情对现在的你而言并不总是有意义 但是``嘿~~老爸总是告诉你什么? 振作起来,小斗士 咬紧你的嘴唇 你哭什么呢?你还有我 Halie 我知道你想念你的妈妈,想念你的爸爸 可是``我却被迫离开,但是我在尽力给你一种我从未有过的生活 我真能看见你的悲伤,甚至在你强装着微笑,摆出一副笑脸的时候 我真能从你眼眸的最深处察觉你想哭的冲动因为你惊恐万分,是我没在那儿的原因? 我其实就在你虔诚的祈祷声中所以请别再哭泣, 拭干泪水罢爸爸就在那儿,不会再有梦魇了 我们携手度过暗夜,我们能够做到的 Laney 叔叔疯了,是吗? 是的,可是他是爱你的,你应该知道 在这世界上,我们拥有的只有我们自己的灵魂 当它旋转,当它环绕 当它周转,当它萦绕 两个可爱美丽的小女孩看上去很困惑,很迷茫 我知道它扰乱了你们的心智 爸爸总徘徊在流浪的旅途中,妈妈总出现在时髦的新闻上 我尝试着把你荫庇在我的保护中,可是不知道为什么 我越是竭尽全力,越是事与愿违 他的爸爸亲身经历的那些苦痛使他成长起来 爸爸不愿你再承受,但是你亲历的却和他一样坎坷 我们并不想为你设计如此前途的,我和你妈妈都不想 但是事情却无情的在我们之间导演得这么糟糕 我再也寻不回曾经共享天伦的美妙时光了 就象我和她曾经的豆蔻年华 但是所有的错误的发生全只在一个原因 我想,这个错误从未打算被修正 有些东西是我们自己无法去操控的,这便是命运的定义 还是别难过了,放松你的神经去好好睡一觉罢 也许某天当我们苏醒时,发现昨天的苦闷不过只是一场梦

谁知道《better in time》这首歌歌词的中文意思!

let"s go back 让我们回到过去吧 back to the begining 回到刚刚开始的地方 back to when the earth,the sun,the stars all aligned "cause perfect didn"t seem so perfect 回到当地球,太阳,星星都在一条直线上的时候。因为完美看起来并不是那么完美 trying to fit a square into a circle 尝试(求与圆面积相等的正方形)做办不到的事情,妄想 was no life 那并不是生活 i defy 我否认 CHORUS 合唱 Hilary Duff 希拉里-达芙 let the rain fall down 就让雨降落吧 and wake my dreams 好把我从梦中冲醒 let it wash away 让它冲走一切吧 my sanity 我清醒的头脑 "cause i wanna feel the thunder 因为我想感受到雷击的感觉 i wanna scream 我想大声尖叫 let the rain fall down 让雨降落吧 im coming clean, im coming clean 我坦白一切,我坦白一切 im shedding 我要脱去 shedding every color 脱去我的所有的颜色 trying to find a pigment of truth 为了找出真相的颜色 beneath my skin 在我的皮肤下面 doesn"t feel so different 没有什么感觉不一样的 and goin out is better 释放出来会更好 then always staying in 然后总是躲在家里不出门 feel the wind 感受风吹过我的皮肤 CHORUS Im coming clean 我坦白一切 let the rain fall 下雨吧 let the rain fall 下雨吧 im coming clean CHORUS Lets go back 让我们回到过去 back to the beginning 回到最初

谁知道《Better in time》的中文歌词?谢谢

Oooh oooh Hmmmmh It"s been the longest winter without you 没有你的寒冬漫长难过 I didn"t know where to turn to 我不知道我该上哪儿 See somehow i can"t forget you 无法将你从我的记忆中抹掉 After all that we"ve been through 毕竟我们经历过很多 Going ,Coming 无助的徘徊 Thought i heard a knock 原以为有人敲门 Thinking that (I deserve it) 却发现门口却空无一人 Now i have realised 我现在才知道 that i really didn"t knooOooOw 我根本就没有将其放下 If you didn"t notice 也许你根本就没发现 You mean everything 你就是我得一切 (quickly I"m learning) 而我将会很快学会 To love again (all i know is) 再爱一次 I"m be oooOook 我会好起来的 Thought i couldn"t live without you 原以为没有你,我该怎么活下去 It"s going to hurt when it heals too 我会从悲痛中好起来 Oh yeaah (It"ll All get better in time) 一切都会好起来的 Even though i really love you 即便我是真的真的爱你 I"m gonna smile because i deserve too 我也应该用微笑面对,因为我本该如此 Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) I could of turned on the TV 电视也看不进去 Without something that would remind me 设么也不能使我保持清醒 Was it all that easy? 哪有这么容易? To just put us out your feeling 将对你的感情置之不理? If i"m dreamin 我是否在做梦 Don"t want to let it 不想再让它伤害我的感情 (hurt my feelings) But that"s the past (i believe it) 但我想我必须学会面对 And i know that, time will heal it 我知道,时间可以愈合一切 If you didn"t notice 也许你根本就没发现 Well you mean everything 你是我的一切 (quickly I"m learning) 而我将会很快学会 To love again (all i know is) 再爱一次 I"m be oooOook 我会好起来的 Thought i couldn"t live without you 原以为没有你,我该怎么活下去 It"s going to hurt when it heals too 我会从悲痛中好起来 Oh yeaah (It"ll All get better in time) 一切都会好起来的 Even though i really love you 即便我是真的真的爱你 I"m gonna smile 我会微笑面对 because i deserve too ooh 因为我本该就如此 (It"ll all get better in time) 一切都会好起来 Since there"s no more you and me 我们早已无法再继续 (No more you and me) This time i let you go 我是该早早放你走 so i can be free 我也可以得到自由 And Live my life how it should be 过我该过的生活 (No No No No No No) No matter how hard it is 不管它有多艰难 I will be fine without you 没有你的日子,我也可以很好 Yes i Will 是的 我会好起来的 Thought i couldn"t live without you 即便我的生活里 再有没有你 It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 虽然伤口愈合时,还是会很痛 Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) 但时间可以愈合一切 Even though i really loved you 即便我是那么那么的爱你 I"m gonna smile 我还是会用微笑来面对 cos i deserve too yes i do 我本该如此 (It"ll all get better in time) 时间可以愈合一切 Thought i couldn"t live without you 即便我得生活里再有没有你 It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 虽然伤口愈合时,还是会很痛 yeaaaah Ooooh oooooh (It"ll all get better in time) 时间可以愈合一切 Even though i really loved you 即便我是那么那么的爱你 Going to smile 用微笑面对吧 cos i deserve too Ooooooh 因为生活本该如此

Better in time艾米纳姆说唱版的中文翻译

Yeah  I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now  我知道有时候事情并不能如你所愿  But hey, what"d daddy always tell you?  但是嘿,爸爸怎么跟你说来的?  Straighten up little soldier  挺起身来,小战士。  Stiffen up that upper lip  坚强些!  What you crying about?  你哭什么?  You got me?  听懂我说什么了吗?  Hailie, I know u miss your mom  海莉(女儿名字),我知道你想你妈妈  And I know u miss your dad when I"m gone  也知道我离开的时候你想念爸爸  But I"m tryin" to give you the life that I never had  但是我正在努力给你一个我从来没有享受过的生活  I can see your sad  我看到你的悲伤  Even when you smile  就算你微笑时  Even when you laugh  就算你大笑时  I can see it in your eyes  我可以从你眼里看到  Deep inside you wanna cry  你心里很想哭  Cuz you"re scared  因为你害怕  I ain"t there?  可是我不是在这儿吗?  Daddy"s with you in your prayers  只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起  No more cryin"  不要再哭了  Wipe them tears  擦掉眼泪  Daddy"s here  爸爸在这儿  No more nightmares  不再有噩梦  We gonna pull together through it,We gon" do it  我们一起度过长夜,我们可以做到  Lainie"s uncle"s crazy ain"t he, yeah  lainie叔叔挺疯狂的吧,嗯(指lainie的叔叔开枪自杀)  But he loves you girl and you better know it  但是你要知道,他很爱你们。(这里的“你们”指“Hailie和Lainie<EM的侄女>”)  We"re all we got in this world  我们都会明白一些道理  When it spins  当世界旋转的时候  When it swirls  快速的旋转  When it whirls  飞快的旋转  When it twirls  急速的旋转  Two little beautiful girls  两个漂亮的小女孩  Lookin" puzzled, in a daze  看得眼花缭乱  I know it"s confusing you  我知道这让你们很迷惑  Daddy"s always on the move  爸爸总是不在家  Mama"s always on the news  妈妈总是出现在新闻上  I try to keep you sheltered from it  我一直试图遮掩不让你接触到  But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that,The more it backfires on me  我努力的想让你们远离这些,但是好象我越努力这么做,就越事与愿违  All the things, growin" up  成长时遇到的一切  As daddy, daddy had to see  我是爸爸,爸爸必须去面对  Daddy don"t want you to see  爸爸不想让你了解这些  But you see just as much as he did  但是你却知道得跟我一样多  We did not plan it to be this way ,Your mother and me  妈妈和我都不希望这样  But things have got so bad between us  有些事情已经使我们之间的感情恶化  I don"t see us ever being Together ever again  我再也不会看到我们在一起  Like we used to be like when we was teenagers  就像我们年轻时候的那样  But then of course  但是当然  Everything always happen for a reason  总是事出有因  I guess it was never meant to be  我从没想过我们会变成现在这样  But it"s just something  然而这就是就是那些  We have no control over  我们没办法控制的东西  And that"s what destiny is  而这就是命运  But no more worries  但是,不用担心  Rest your head and go to sleep  躺下,睡觉吧  Maybe one day we"ll wake up  或许某天醒来  And this will all just be a dream  我们发现这一切只是一个梦  Leona Lewis那段:  I couldn"t turn on the TV 我不能打开电视  Without something there to 不需要什么东西  remind me 来提醒我  Was it all that easy? 一切都很简单?  To just put aside your feelings 就是将"我们"排除在你的感情之外  If I"m dreaming 如果我是在做梦  Don"t wanna laugh 我不想让它  (hurt my feelings) (伤害我的感情)  But that"s the path (I believe it) 但它已经是过去 (我相信它)  And I know that time will heal it 而且我知道, 时间会使它痊愈  If you didn"t notice 如果你没注意过  boy you mean everything 你意味着一切  (quickly i"m learning) (我很快认识到)  Oooh to love again (All i know is)(我都知道)  I"m gon" be OK 我会过得很好  Thought I couldn"t live without you 只是不能没有你  It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛  Oooh yeah  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  And even though I really love you 尽管我是真的爱你  I"m gonna smile 我会微笑  cause I deserve too ooh 因为我值得  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  最后,2Pac那段:  Pour out some liquor and I reminsce, cause through the drama  I can always depend on my mama  And when it seems that I"m hopeless  You say the words that can get me back in focus  When I was sick as a little kid  To keep me happy there"s no limit to the things you did  And all my childhood memories  Are full of all the sweet things you did for me  And even though I act craaazy  I gotta thank the Lord that you made me  There are no words that can express how I feel  You never kept a secret, always stayed real  And I appreciate, how you raised me  And all the extra love that you gave me  I wish I could take the pain away  If you can make it through the night there"s a brighter day  Everything will be alright if ya hold on  It"s a struggle everyday, gotta roll on  And there"s no way I can pay you back  But my plan is to show you that I understand  You are appreciated  倒些酒,我开始回忆  喝一杯我仍可以继续  哦,我的妈妈  每当我看起来失望无助  你说些话来让我重燃希望  当我病了,像个小孩  为了让我高兴起来,似乎被限制的所有事情  你都做到  所有那些童年岁月的回忆  填满你给的甜蜜  甚至当我发狂  我都要感谢你让我找回自尊  已经找不到词语,可以表达我的感受  你从不掩饰,你总是保持真实  我感激你如此将我带大  这所有额外的你给我的爱  我希望用它们将痛苦驱赶  如果你可以这样出现在我人生的黑夜  那将是个明亮的白昼  所有的一切都会好起来的,只要你坚持下去  每天都在挣扎,我们要继续  而我没有任何的方式来回报你  但是我的行动告诉你我知道了  你是如此的伟大

求eminem版本的better in time歌词。

Better In Time (Remix) Lyrics EminemI know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now But hey, what daddy always tell you? Straighten up little soldier Stiffen up that upper lip What you crying about? You got me Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad Well I"m gone but I"m trying to give you the life that I never had I can see you"re sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry Cause you"re scared, I ain"t there? Daddy"s with you in your prayers No more crying, wipe them tears Daddy"s here, no more nightmares We gon" pull together through it, we gon" do it Laney uncles crazy, ain"t he? Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it We"re all we got in this world When it spins, when it swirls When it whirls, when it twirls Two little beautiful girls Lookin" puzzled, in a daze I know it"s confusing you Daddy"s always on the move, mamma"s always on the news I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me All the things growing up his daddy that he had to see Daddy don"t want you to see but you see just as much as he did We did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me But things have gotten so bad between us I don"t see us ever being together ever again Like we used to be when we was teenagers But then of course everything always happens for a reason I guess it was never meant to be But it"s just something we have no control over and that"s what destiny is But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep Maybe one day we"ll wake up and this will all just be a dream (Tupac) Was it the liquor, that makes me act blind, times that I"m with her Anonymous pictures of other niggaz tryin to kiss her Will I love her or shall I diss her? I"m sick of this scandalous shit I deal wit Tryin to paint a perfect picture My memories of jealousy no longer carefree Cause so much bullshit your girlfriends keep tellin me I"m on tour, but now my bedroom"s an open door So it got me thinkin, what am I tryin for? When I was young I was so very dumb, eager to please a lil", trick on a mission tryin to get (((him a peace))) Me and my niggaz is thug niggaz, former known drug dealers We don"t love bitches and believe, they don"t love niggaz I gotta blame my attraction But you became a distraction, a threat to my paper stackin I thought you changed but now I know Can"t turn a hoe into a housewife, baby (Leona Lewis) Thought I couldn"t live without you It"s gonna hurt when it heals too Oooh yeah(It"ll all get better in time) Even though I really love you I"m gonna smile because I deserve too oooooh(It"ll all get better in time) (Bridge) Since there"s no more you and me (No more you and me) This time I let you go so I can be free And Live my life how it should be(No No No No No No) No matter how hard it is I will be fine without you Yes I Will (Chorus) Thought I couldn"t live without you It"s gonna hurt when it heals too Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) Even though I really loved you I"m gonna smile cos I deserve too yes I do(It"ll all get better in time) Thought I couldn"t live without you It"s gonna hurt when it heals too yeaaaah Ooooh oooooh (It"ll all get better in time) Even though I really loved you Going to smile cos I deserve too Ooooooh (It"ll all get better....)

谁能告诉我better in time 的歌词?谁唱的?

曲名:Better In Time歌手: Leona Lewis 专辑 ★ 594-King 制作- Music -Oooh ooohHmmmmhIt"s been the longest winterwithout youI didn"t know where to turn toSee somehow i can"t forget youAfter all that we"ve been throughGoing ,ComingThought i heard a knockThinking that (I deserve it)Now i have realised that i really didn"t knooOooOwIf you didn"t noticeYou mean everything (quickly I"m learning)To love again (all i know is)I"m be oooOookThought i couldn"t live without youIt"s going to hurt when it heals too Oh yeaah (It"ll All get better in time)Even though i really love youI"m gonna smile because i deserve too Oooh(It"ll all get better in time)I could of turned on the TVWithout something that would remind me Was it all that easy?To just put us out your feelingIf i"m dreaminDon"t want to let it (hurt my feelings)But that"s the past (i believe it)And i know that, time will heal itIf you didn"t notice Well you mean everything (quickly i"m learning)Oooh turn up again (All i know is)I"m be okThought i couldn"t live without youIt"s gonna hurt when it heals too Oooh yeah(It"ll all get better in time)Even though i really love youI"m gonna smile because i deserve too ooh(It"ll all get better in time)Since there"s no more you and me(No more you and me)This time i let you go so i can be freeAnd Live my life how it should be(No No No No No No)No matter how hard it isI will be fine without youYes i WillThought i couldn"t live without youIt"s gonna hurt when it heals tooOooh(It"ll all get better in time)Even though i really loved youI"m gonna smile cos i deserve too yes i do(It"ll all get better in time)Thought i couldn"t live without youIt"s gonna hurt when it heals too yeaaaah Ooooh oooooh (It"ll all get better in time)Even though i really loved youGoing to smile cos i deserve too Ooooooh

hyper kit mode 开不开

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better in time 是什么意思


《Better in time》的中文歌词

Oooh ooohHmmmmhIt"s been the longest winter 这是最漫长的冬季without you 因为你不在I didn"t know where to turn to 我不知道该去哪里See somehow i can"t forget you 没有道理就是忘不了你After all that we"ve been through 但我们已经成为过去Going ,Coming 来来往往Thought i heard a knock 我听见一阵敲门Thinking that (I deserve it) 想着 (我值得)Now i have realised 我现在才懂that i really didn"t knooOooOw 其实我并不知道If you didn"t notice 如果你没注意过You mean everything 你意味着一切(quickly I"m learning) (快点我在听)To love again (all i know is) 再爱一次 (我都知道)I"m be oooOook 我会过的很好Thought i couldn"t live without you 只是不能没有你It"s going to hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛Oh yeaah (It"ll All get better in time) (一切都会好起来)Even though i really love you 尽管我是真的爱你I"m gonna smile 我会微笑because i deserve too 因为我也值得Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) oooh (一切都会好起来)I could of turned on the TV 我可以换台Without something that would 不需要什么东西remind me 来提醒我Was it all that easy? 一切都很简单?To just put us out your feeling 就是将"我们"排除在你的感情之外If i"m dreamin 如果我是在做梦Don"t want to let it 我不想让它(hurt my feelings) (伤害我的感情)But that"s the past (i believe it) 但它已经是过去 (我相信它)And i know that, time will heal it 而且我知道, 时间会使它痊愈If you didn"t notice 如果你没注意过Well you mean everything 你意味着一切(quickly i"m learning) (快点我在听)Oooh turn up again (All i know is) (我都知道)I"m be ok 我会过得很好Thought i couldn"t live without you 只是不能没有你It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛Oooh yeah (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)Even though i really love you 尽管我是真的爱你I"m gonna smile 我会微笑because i deserve too ooh 因为我也值得(It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)Since there"s no more you and me 自从你我结束之后(No more you and me) This time i let you go 这一次我让你离开so i can be free 于是我也可以自由And Live my life how it should be 去过我该过的生活(No No No No No No) No matter how hard it is 无论有多困难I will be fine without you 没有你我也会很好Yes i Will 是的我会Thought i couldn"t live without you 然而我不能没有你It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)Even though i really loved you 即使我是真的爱你I"m gonna smile 我会微笑cos i deserve too yes i do 因为我也值得 是的我会 (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)Thought i couldn"t live without you 尽管我不能没有你It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛yeaaaah Ooooh oooooh (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)Even though i really loved you 尽管我是真的爱过你Going to smile 微笑cos i deserve too Ooooooh 因为我也值得

Better In Time中文歌词?

 Leona Lewis - Better In Time    歌词:  It"s been the longest winter 这是最漫长的冬季  without you 因为你不在  I didn"t know where to turn to 我不知道该去哪里  See somehow i can"t forget you 没有道理就是忘不了你  After all that we"ve been through 但我们已经成为过去  Going ,Coming 来来往往  Though i heard a knock who"s there no one我听见一阵敲门  Thinking that (I deserve it) 想着(我值得)  Now i realise 我现在才懂  that i really didn"t know 其实我并不知道  If you didn"t notice 如果你没注意过  You mean everything 你意味着一切  (quickly I"m learning) (我很快认识到)  To love again (all i know is) 再爱一次(我都知道)  I"m gon" be OK 我会过的很好  Though I couldn"t live without you 只是不能没有你  It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛  Oh yeaah   (It"ll all get better in time)(一切都会好起来)  And even though I really love you 尽管我是真的爱你  I"m gonna smile 我会微笑  cause I deserve to 因为我值得  Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) oooh (一切都会好起来)  I couldn"t turn on the TV 我不能打开电视  Without something there to 不需要什么东西  remind me 来提醒我  Was it all that easy? 一切都很简单?  To just put aside your feelings 就是将"我们"排除在你的感情之外  If I"m dreaming 如果我是在做梦  Don"t wanna let 我不想让它  (hurt my feelings) (伤害我的感情)  But that"s the path (I believe it) 但它已经是过去(我相信它)  And I know that time will heal it 而且我知道, 时间会使它痊愈  If you didn"t notice 如果你没注意过  boy you mean everything 你意味着一切  (quickly i"m learning) (我很快认识到)  Oooh to love again (All i know is)(我都知道)  I"m gon" be OK 我会过得很好  Though I couldn"t live without you 只是不能没有你  It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛  Oooh yeah   (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  And even though I really love you 尽管我是真的爱你  I"m gonna smile 我会微笑  cause I deserve too ooh 因为我值得  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  Since there"s no more you and me 自从你我结束之后  (No more you and me)   This time I let you go 这一次我让你离开  so i can be free 于是我也可以自由  And live my life how it should be 去过我该过的生活  (No No No No No No)   No matter how hard it is 无论有多困难  I"ll be fine without you 没有你我也会很好  Yes i Will 是的我会  Though I couldn"t live without you 然而我不能没有你  It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛  Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  And even though I really love you 即使我是真的爱你  I"m gonna smile 我会微笑  cause I deserve to yes i do 因为我值得 是的我会  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  Though I couldn"t live without you 尽管我不能没有你  It"s gonna hurt when it heals too 痊愈的同时也会痛  yeaaaah Ooooh oooooh  (It"ll all get better in time) (一切都会好起来)  And even though I really love you 尽管我是真的爱过你  I"m gonna smile 微笑  cause I deserve to…因为我值得

Eminem - better in time remix 歌词

Better In Time (Remix) Lyrics EminemI know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now But hey, what daddy always tell you? Straighten up little soldier Stiffen up that upper lip What you crying about? You got me Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad Well I"m gone but I"m trying to give you the life that I never had I can see you"re sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry Cause you"re scared, I ain"t there? Daddy"s with you in your prayers No more crying, wipe them tears Daddy"s here, no more nightmares We gon" pull together through it, we gon" do it Laney uncles crazy, ain"t he? Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it We"re all we got in this world When it spins, when it swirls When it whirls, when it twirls Two little beautiful girls Lookin" puzzled, in a daze I know it"s confusing you Daddy"s always on the move, mamma"s always on the news I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me All the things growing up his daddy that he had to see Daddy don"t want you to see but you see just as much as he did We did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me But things have gotten so bad between us I don"t see us ever being together ever again Like we used to be when we was teenagers But then of course everything always happens for a reason I guess it was never meant to be But it"s just something we have no control over and that"s what destiny is But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep Maybe one day we"ll wake up and this will all just be a dream (Tupac) Was it the liquor, that makes me act blind, times that I"m with her Anonymous pictures of other niggaz tryin to kiss her Will I love her or shall I diss her? I"m sick of this scandalous shit I deal wit Tryin to paint a perfect picture My memories of jealousy no longer carefree Cause so much bullshit your girlfriends keep tellin me I"m on tour, but now my bedroom"s an open door So it got me thinkin, what am I tryin for? When I was young I was so very dumb, eager to please a lil", trick on a mission tryin to get (((him a peace))) Me and my niggaz is thug niggaz, former known drug dealers We don"t love bitches and believe, they don"t love niggaz I gotta blame my attraction But you became a distraction, a threat to my paper stackin I thought you changed but now I know Can"t turn a hoe into a housewife, baby (Leona Lewis) Thought I couldn"t live without you It"s gonna hurt when it heals too Oooh yeah(It"ll all get better in time) Even though I really love you I"m gonna smile because I deserve too oooooh(It"ll all get better in time) (Bridge) Since there"s no more you and me (No more you and me) This time I let you go so I can be free And Live my life how it should be(No No No No No No) No matter how hard it is I will be fine without you Yes I Will (Chorus) Thought I couldn"t live without you It"s gonna hurt when it heals too Oooh(It"ll all get better in time) Even though I really loved you I"m gonna smile cos I deserve too yes I do(It"ll all get better in time) Thought I couldn"t live without you It"s gonna hurt when it heals too yeaaaah Ooooh oooooh (It"ll all get better in time) Even though I really loved you Going to smile cos I deserve too Ooooooh (It"ll all get better....)

better in time是哪个电影插曲

《无欲不爱》。《Better In Time》是丽安娜·刘易斯演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由J. R. Rotem和安德里亚·马丁编写,由J. R. Rotem制作,收录于丽安娜·刘易斯的首张录音室专辑《Spirit》中。并作为推广专辑的第二支单曲同《Footprints In The Sand》作为双主打单曲于2008年3月9日通过Syco唱片和J唱片发行。创作背景:《Better In Time》是由J. R. Rotem和安德里亚·马丁合作创作,由J. R. Rotem独立制作。这首歌是两位作者量身为丽安娜·刘易斯的声线特质和她的音域打造的 。这首歌讲述了“一个女孩分手后无法从这段感情的阴影中走出来,但是她相信随着时间的流逝最后一切都会变得更好”的故事。丽安娜·刘易斯及其团队发行单曲的时候决定将这张单曲和《Footprints In The Sand》做成双主打单曲一同发行。

Leona Lewis的《better in time》歌词中文意思.?


--The situation was in a mess.--What a pity!It__________ in a dramatically different way.

【答案】:D考查情态动词。前者说:“情况现在一团糟。”后者说:“多遗憾!这件事本来可以以截然不同的方式发展的。”could have done“本可以,本能够”,表示对过去的推测.故选D。

The American Civil war lasted four years before the North won in the end.

可以的。before 是过去完成时的标志。过去时和过去时在这个句子里都是可以的。过去完成时更强调一段时间。

The American Civil War lasted four years ________ the North won in the end.



terie, has sailed away, “itu2019s not to be understoo

求Love Never Felt So Good中文歌词

Love Never Felt So Good爱情从未如此美妙[Justin Timberlake] Dance起舞吧! Let me see you move, come on让我看看你的舞姿,来吧! Dance起舞吧! Let me see you move让我看看你的舞姿![Michael Jackson] Baby, love never felt so good亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙 And I doubt if it ever could我还在想这是不是真的美妙过? Not like you hold me, hold me这种感觉不像你抱着我,抱着我. Oh baby, love never felt so fine亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙 And I doubt if it"s never mine我还在想这是不是真的属于我 Not like you hold me, hold me这种感觉不像你抱着我,抱着我 And the night is gonna be just fine亲爱的,长夜从未如此浪漫 Gotta fly, gotta see, can"t believe让我飞翔,让我张望,不敢相信! I can"t take it让我按捺不住"Cause baby, every time I love you亲爱的,每一次爱上你 It"s in and out of my life, in out baby爱情都在我生命中来回穿梭,进进出出 Tell me, if you really love me告诉我,如果你真的爱我 It"s in and out of my life, in out baby爱情在我生命中来回穿梭,进进出出 "Cause baby, love never felt so good亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙[Justin Timberlake] Baby, love never felt so fine亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙 And I"d doubt if it was ever mine我还在想这是不是真的属于我 Not like you hold me, hold me这种感觉不像你抱着我,抱着我 Oh baby, love never felt so good亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙 And I doubt if it ever could我还在想这是不是真的美妙过? Not like you hold me, hold me这种感觉不像你抱着我,抱着我 And the night through the thick and thin无论如何,这个晚上 Gotta fly, gotta see, can"t believe让我飞翔,让我张望,不敢相信! I can"t take it cause让我按捺不住Baby, every time I love you亲爱的,每一次爱上你 In and out of my life, in out baby爱情都在我生命中来回穿梭,进进出出 Tell me, if you really love me告诉我,如果你真的爱我 It"s in and out of my life, in out baby爱情在我生命中来回穿梭,进进出出 Baby, love never felt so good亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙[Justin Timberlake] Dancin"舞动 Let me see you move, come on让我看看你的舞姿,来吧 Let me see you move让我看看你的舞姿 Dancin"舞动 Let me see you move, come on让我看看你的舞姿,来吧 I said let me see you move我说,让我看看你的舞姿 Michael迈克尔[Michael Jackson] And the night, that is good长夜多么浪漫 Gotta fly, gotta see, can"t believe让我飞翔,让我张望,不敢相信! I can"t take it "cause让我按捺不住Baby, every time I love you亲爱的,每一次爱上你 In and out of my life, in out baby爱情都在我生命中来回穿梭,进进出出 Tell me, if you really love me告诉我,如果你真的爱我 It"s in and out of my life, Driving me crazy 爱情在我生命中来回穿梭,让我痴狂 "Cause Baby, love never felt so good亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙Baby, every time I love you亲爱的,每一次爱上你 In and out of my life, in out baby爱情都在我生命中来回穿梭,进进出出 Tell me, if you really love me告诉我,如果你真的爱我 It"s in and out of my life, Driving me crazy 爱情在我生命中来回穿梭,让我痴狂 "Cause Baby, love never felt so good亲爱的,爱情从未如此美妙 So good, oh feel good多么美好,如此浪漫 It never felt so good从未如此美妙 Love never felt so good爱情从未如此美妙 It never felt so good从未如此美妙 It never felt so good从未如此美妙 It never felt so good从未如此美妙见是MJ的歌所以连夜做了!非机器翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~

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