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Take the first turn on the right and keep walking straight on.


詹妮弗洛佩兹有一首歌曲,歌词只记得有一句i keep walking,节奏很慢的一

Artistuff1ajennifer lopezSongs Titleuff1aget rightAlbum by: RebirthArtist by: Jennifer LopezYou lookinuff07 just a little too hard at meStandinuff07 just a little too close to meYou sayinuff07 uff07Not quite enough to meYou sippinuff07 just a little too slow for meNo doubt youuff07re playinuff07 real cool homeyGot me thinkinuff07 what is it you do for meTrippinuff07 (trippinuff07) a little more than I should beSo let yourself go and get right with me!Chorus:Iuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightYour lips talkinuff07 about I play too muchCanuff07t a woman take advantage of what she wants?My hips movinuff07 oh so slow (so slow)Bar tab lookinuff07 like a car note (car note)All I need is you here right by my sideTake whatever you want baby letuff07s rideAnd whatever you want you let me decideJust put your name on the dotted lineIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightSo much we got to say, but so little timeAnd if tonight ainuff07t long enough, donuff07t leave love behindBaby take my hand Iuff07ll show you whyIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right

sleep like a rock, sleep like a dog是正确的表达吗

睡眠像一块石头 ,睡眠像一只狗OK

Keep walking--johnnie walker有什么区别于其他的白酒品牌?

JOHNNIE WALKER品牌系列: Ⅰ.尊尼获加<红牌>威士忌JOHNNIE WALKER RED LABEL <红牌>是全球销量最高的苏格兰威士忌,其销量较最近对手几乎每年多一百万箱.<红牌>混合了约四十种不同的单纯麦芽威士忌和谷物威士忌,调配技术考究并紧随一九零九年之原创配方酿制.每一瓶<红牌>都各具独特味道,因而享誉全球.在一九九六年全球最权威的国际洋酒大赛,<红牌>更赢得苏格兰调配威士忌的金奖. Ⅱ.尊尼获加<黑牌>威士忌JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK LABEL <黑牌>是全球首屈一指高级威士忌,采用四十种优质单纯麦芽的威士忌,在严格控制环境的酒库中蕴藏最少十二年.<黑牌>是全球免税店销量高的高级威士忌,在国际间更屡获殊荣.一九九四年及一九九六年,<黑牌>在全球最权威的国际洋酒大赛中均获得高级调配威士忌的金奖,故此<黑牌>确是独一无二的佳酿,芬芳醇和,值得细意品尝. Ⅲ.尊尼获加<金牌>威士忌JOHNNIE WALKER GOLD LABEL <金牌>威士忌酒龄十八年,是尊尼获加家族于一九二零年为庆祝一百周年而创制,当时只供少数贵宾享用.<金牌>采用的天然泉水,源于含金岩层,金光闪闪,使<金牌>酒质醇和而不带泥煤烟薰味.黄金源流的背景,更能彰显<金牌>饮家的卓越成就. Ⅳ.尊尼获加<蓝牌>极品威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER BLUE LABEL <蓝牌>是尊尼获加系列的定级顶级醇酿,精挑细选自苏格兰多处地方最陈年的威士忌调配而成,当中包含了年份高达六十年之威士忌.酒质独特,醇厚芳香,为威士忌鉴赏家之选. Ⅴ.尊尼获加<绿牌>威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER GREEN LABEL <绿牌>威士忌精选苏格兰各地15年以上的大麦芽威士忌调制而成,蕴含层次丰富的自然风味,烟熏泥煤,花果清香。清净海盐与纯麦香味的层次,先后纷涌。苏格兰各地自然风味,尽收瓶中。每一口,都是味觉的自然之旅。 Ⅵ.尊尼获加<尊豪>威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER SWING 20世纪初,大西洋上的豪华客轮,已成为了重要的社交场合之一。尊豪其有如不倒翁造型的独特瓶底设计,就是为了这些航海者及旅客设计的,不管风浪多大,瓶身都可以前后晃动而不失去平衡。由25种顶级威士忌调制而成,口感香甜,带点谷物威士忌所特有的清新香草味。 Ⅶ.尊尼获加<尊爵>威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER PREMIER 严选28种在雪莉及波本橡木桶储存成熟中,口感最香醇、年份最完美的威士忌基酒来加以调和。其风味平顺圆融,充分表现出苏格兰各地各酿风味且及其大成。还有啊,威士忌和白酒怎么一样??明明就是两种不同的酒嘛,还有他们的酿造材料,制作流程,调配方式都不同啊!!

keep walking是尊尼获加一个什么级别的酒牌子。

JOHNNIE WALKER 是混合型苏格兰威士忌 其精湛的 勾兑技术 是一般威士忌酒场望尘莫及的 混合了40种不同的单纯麦芽威士忌和谷物威士忌 勾兑而成的 平衡口感 旗下品级是按照各个年份区分的 其中有 红牌威士忌 (7年)黑牌威士忌 (12年)绿牌威士忌 (15年)金牌威士忌 (18年)蓝牌威士忌 (由于是特级混合型威士忌所以酒液中会存在不同年份的酒 其中最低也要50年而最高年份可达60年之久 所以该品级没有表示年份)尊爵威士忌、尊号威士忌(是由20几种特级威士忌混合而成 其勾兑工序有些像白兰地 所以没有年份标示) 混合威士忌中除了JOHNNIE WALKER 还有很多相对来说不错的品牌 芝华士 百龄坛 这些都是国际上的大牌子 因为是混合威士忌所以口感很大众化 因此销量也很好 至于你所说的keep walking指的则是JOHNNIE WALKER 品牌的核心精神 并是不某一品级的酒 这也是JOHNNIE WALKER 家族所创造的这一切的原动力 “永远向前 keep walking”的精神

Rough sleepers, casual workers...都是疫情中哪些人群?

疫情之下,看到弱势群体受到一些关注并且得到一些帮助,总是非常感动人心。在外媒报道中,经常出现的弱势群体就是:refugees, victims of domestic abuse, rough sleepers, casual workers 等。 前两者没什么疑问, refugees-难民,victims of domestic abuse -家暴受害者。倒是后面两个,似乎英语的词汇更简单,但很多人反而不知道确切是指什么群体。Rough sleepers Rough sleepers——“粗燥的睡眠者”,看起来有点像“睡眠质量很差的人”? 来点语境,看一下英文报道:(目前已有超过5400名 rough sleepers 在一个月内得到了安全的住宿安排,从而保障了这部分最脆弱人群在疫情中的安全。) 不知道你猜出来了没, rough sleepers 是指“露宿街头者” 。露宿街头的人,很多是因为无家可归,但在疫情中,也有很多人是被迫露宿街头。 动词的用法就是: sleep rough ;而名词就是 rough sleeping 。Casual workers Casual workers——“随意的工人”,看起来有点像“工作态度吊儿郎当的人”? 还是来看原文报道: 城市中的大部分 casual workers 已退回他们在农村的老家。而在小地方找工作,就更难了。) 你应该猜出来了, casual workers 是指“临时工” ,甚至可以简称为 " casuals "。 “Casual" 的这个义项跟我们更熟悉的“随意”义项很不一样。比如 casual friends 等也指人,但意思更多源自“随意”这个义项,表示“不太熟未深交的朋友”。

求翻译keep walking歌词

你毫不在乎你不敢尝试人生将要溜走你不知道时间将会证明生命将会溜走每天都要进取无论何地都要尝试加油 前进 一路进取前进 不要犹豫你的梦想终有一天会实现每天努力,无处不努力加油 前进 一路进取...加油不要犹豫你的梦想终会实现

keep walking的酒是哪个国家的?


求saosin 的sleepers歌词中文翻译

怎么大家我们没有睡过通过以点击过表面它太硬吞下去判决书是集中包揽下文. [ prechorus ] 它足够长的,还是他从梦中叫醒,从你的睡眠? [合唱] 我所掌控,一旦它这已经对前它仍然是一个在同一(我们占) 我们似乎这么远的距离这些东西用我们知道我们似乎那么远,从我们身边的一切都是每个动作在我身边他们在说什么这使得火烧伤咀嚼东西,没有人愿意听他们知道这一切都是金子[ prechorus ] 它足够长的,还是他从梦中叫醒,从你的睡眠? [合唱] 我所掌控,一旦它这已经对前它仍然是一个在同一(我们占) 我们似乎这么远的距离这些东西用我们知道我们似乎那么远,从我们身边的一切都是所有我们是金(金) 这并不意味着事情我们都知道,是金(金) 这并不意味着事情

求翻译keep walking歌词

keep walking纵然无人鼓舞,我依旧要朝梦想迈步。对满怀梦想的人而言,终点也是起点。------------------------------------keep walking(永往直前)You don"t care你莫不关心You don"t try你不去尝试Life will pass by生命匆匆流逝You won"t know你不会知道Time will show可时间会证明If life gonna go如果每天的生活Gotta keep on pushing你不断向上前进Pushing every day每天前进Try it every where无限去闯Keep moving on永往直前Keep going now努力尝试Keep pushing all your way...全力以赴Keep going now永往直前Don"t hesitate不在犹豫Your dreams will come one day有一天你会实现梦想Will come one day某天你会实现梦想

Saosin - sleepers中文意思是什么?


Keep Walking 是什么意思?


keep walking是什么意思?


keep walking是什么意思

keep walking and keep on walking 意思分别—— keep walking是向前行、永不止步,动词、形容词;keep on walking是继续向前。 扩展资料   例句:   Shall we keep walking?   要继续走吗?   Keep walking until you see a sign for the trail.   一直走下去直到你看到小径的.标志牌。   Greta always said, "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!"   葛丽塔常说:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!”

Kottonmouth Kings的《Sleepers》 歌词

歌曲名:Sleepers歌手:Kottonmouth Kings专辑:Rollin StonedSleepSo, sing your song for all the children and walk away a saviour,Or a madman and polluted from gutter institutions.Don"t you breathe for me, undeserving of your sympathy,Cos there ain"t no way that I"m sorry for what I"ve done.And through it all how could you cryFor me?Cos I don"t feel bad about it.So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye,And sleep.Just sleep.The hardest part is letting go of your dreams.A drink for the horror that I"m in, for the good guys,And the bad guys, for the monsters that have been.Three cheers for tyranny, unapologetic apathy,Cos there ain"t no way that I"m coming back again.And through it all how could you cryFor me?Cos I don"t feel bad about it.So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye,And sleep.Just sleep.The hardest part is the awful things that I"ve seen.Just sleep x6Cue screaminghttp://music.baidu.com/song/2584465

keep walking什么意思


keep walking什么意思




full participation与eployee involvement有什么不同

full participation 是完全参与,充分参与。eployee involvement 是全员参与。


glass-epoxy 英[ɡ"lɑ:sep"u0252ksu026a] 美[ɡ"lɑ:sep"u0252ksu026a] [词典] 玻璃纤维环氧树脂; [例句]Study of dynamic compression performance of glass-epoxy 3-D Braided Composites玻纤/环氧三维编织复合材料动态压缩性能研究


《酒吧长谈》([秘鲁] 马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GFx2zQn582or1pLVgvROZw 提取码:qnk3书名:酒吧长谈作者:[秘鲁] 马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨译者:孙家孟豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:人民文学出版社出版年份:2011-4页数:566内容简介:他是一个在独裁政权中当过保镖和密探的人,谁给他钱,他就为谁做事。他可以为上司到妓院去收“月钱”,镇压妇女游行,甚至为了帮上司搞社交而甘心充当喜好同性的大资产家费尔民·萨瓦拉的泄欲工具。他是司机、打手;是受害人,也是凶手。他目睹上层社会种种丑行,了解各种政治阴谋和腐化生活,最后在狗场以捕狗打狗为生。他是一个默默无闻的失意记者,也大资产家费尔民·萨瓦拉的宝贝儿子,却和一个“本应做他仆人的女人”结婚。他一生一事无成:闹革命时没有信仰,谈恋爱时失败,写社论时净写狂犬病问题,调查凶杀案时凶手和父亲有染……用他自己的话说,他一生倒霉。这样的两个人偶然相遇了,一起去酒吧饮酒忆旧,两人的谈话贯穿了整部小说,独特的“对话波”结构牵动层层故事和情感,史诗般宏阔波谲、戏剧般生动诡异的巨幅长卷就此展开:黑暗时代的独裁统治下,被席卷的日常生活、爱情和梦想……一一浮现。作者简介:马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨(Mario Vargas Llosa),著名作家,世界小说大师,被誉为“结构现实主义大师”和拉美“文学大爆炸”主将之一。1936年3月28日生于秘鲁第二大城市阿列基帕。早在出生前父母即已离异,出生后一年随母去玻利维亚的柯恰潘帕,与外祖父住在一起。1945年其父母重归于好,他随母返回秘鲁,在皮乌拉定居。1946年全家迁居利马。1957年他毕业于利马圣马可大学文学系,1959年到法国深造。略萨的第一部小说获得1962年简明丛书奖和1963年西班牙文学批评奖。1965年他的第二部小说《绿房子》问世,并获得西班牙文学批评奖和首届罗慕洛·加列戈斯国际小说奖(1972年马尔克斯以《百年孤独》成为第二位得主)。又发表了小说《酒吧长谈》、《潘达雷昂上尉与劳军女郎》、《胡利亚姨妈与作家》、《世界末日之战》、《公羊的节日》、《天堂在另一个街角》和《坏女孩的恶作剧》等。略萨1985年获海明威文学奖,1986年获西班牙阿里图里亚斯王子文学奖,1988年获美洲金质奖章,1994年获西班牙文学的最高荣誉——塞万提斯文学奖,1999年获以色列耶路撒冷文学奖,2000年获第13届梅嫩德斯·佩拉约国际奖,多次获诺贝尔文学奖提名。在1976年第41届国际笔会代表大会上,略萨被推选为主席。2010年10月,略萨因其“对权力结构的制图般的描绘和对个体人物的反抗、反叛和挫败的犀利描写”获得诺贝尔文学奖,是1990年以来第一位获得该奖项的拉丁美籍作家。

请问opening report可以吗, Proposal呢?

综述:opening report可以,用Proposal更正式点。重点词汇:Proposal英[pru0259'pu0259u028azl]释义:n.提议,建议;(计划、建议等的)提出;求婚[复数:proposals]短语:The Proposal假结婚;爱情限时签;求婚的恶魔;弄假成真词语使用变化:proposaln.(名词)1、proposal表示“提议,建议”时,其后可接介词短语或动词不定式作定语,也可接that从句作同位语。2、proposal所接由that引起的表语从句或同位语从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气。3、proposal作为名词时,后面通常跟带to的不定式和名词。


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一、什么是CocoaPodsCocoaPods是iOS项目的依赖管理工具,该项目源码在Github上管理。开发iOS项目不可避免地要使用第三方开源库,CocoaPods的出现使得我们可以节省设置和第三方开源库的时间。在使用CocoaPods之前,开发项目需要用到第三方开源库的时候,我们需要1.把开源库的源代码复制到项目中2.添加一些依赖框架和动态库3.设置-ObjC,-fno-objc-arc等参数4.管理他们的更新在使用CocoaPods后,我们只需要把用到的开源库放到一个名为Podfile的文件中,然后执行pod install.Cocoapods就会自动将这些第三方开源库的源码下载下来,并且为我们的工程设置好响应的系统依赖和编译参数。二、CocoaPods的原理CocoaPods的原理是将所有的依赖库都放到另一个名为Pods的项目中,然后让主项目依赖Pods项目,这样,源码管理工作都从主项目移到了Pods项目中。Pods项目最终会编译成一个名为libPods.a的文件,主项目只需要依赖这个.a文件即可。三、CocoaPods的安装CocoaPods可以方便地通过Mac自带的RubyGems安装。打开Terminal,然后键入以下命令:$ sudo gem install cocoapods执行完这句如果报告以下错误:ERROR: Could not find a valid gem "cocoapods" (>= 0), here is why:Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - Errno::ETIMEDOUT: Operation timed out - connect(2) (https://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz)ERROR: Possible alternatives: cocoapods这是因为ruby的软件源rubygems.org因为使用亚马逊的云服务,被我天朝屏蔽了,需要更新一下ruby的源,过程如下:$ gem sources -l (查看当前ruby的源)$ gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/$ gem sources -a https://ruby.taobao.org/$ gem sources -l如果gem太老,可以尝试用如下命令升级gem$ sudo gem update --system升级成功后会提示: RubyGems system software updated然后重新执行安装下载命令$ sudo gem install cocoapods这时候应该没什么问题了接下来进行安装,执行:$ pod setupTerminal会停留在 Setting up CocoaPods master repo 这个状态一段时间,是因为要进行下载安装,而且目录比较大,需要耐心等待一下.如果想加快速度,可使用cocoapods的镜像索引.(文章末尾附使用镜像索引的方法)

there 什么three什么inthepark

正确可填为:There are three people in the park.中文翻译为:在公园里有三个人。in the park在公园里例句:1、On Saturdays we hang about in the park.每到星期六我们都在公园里闲逛。2、With that, I would stroll with my grease-stained bag across the street, sit under the large oaks in the park and enjoy my meal.拿到吃的以后,我就会带着油渍四溢的纸袋走到街对面,坐在镇公园的大橡树下享受我的晚餐。3、They wandered in the park.他们在公园里遛了遛。

be deep in 和be hooked on 相同吗?有什么区别?

be deep in 深陷入…;埋头于…be deep in debt债台高筑be deep in thought陷入沉思be deep in a book埋头读书be hooked on 1. 沉溺于,对…入了迷2. 吸食…上了瘾3. 上钩


be deep in 深陷入…;埋头于…be deep in debt债台高筑be deep in thought陷入沉思be deep in a book埋头读书be hooked on 1.沉溺于,对…入了迷2.吸食…上了瘾3.上钩be deep in 一般指好的方面,如埋头读书,而be hooked on 一般指不太好的方面,如迷上吸毒

求SHINEE keeping love again 的歌词。罗马拼音那种。最好每句都对应上中日文!!!

我只有拼音的 ki米打开哦魔豆 啊头你哇一开耐一后都魔豆 啊ki来唔后都一米那都耐撒 一gi太够够头楼有你他打爱一席子字开带哭头一带大系等莫 ki扣为耐hi等莫那来都 啊没一你来一偷偷ki搜哦den莫 头都看耐几看嗯吗reverse oh唔来撒三忒有森弄heart噶扣卡尼混太都卡ki米打开哦魔豆 啊头你哇一开耐一后都魔豆 啊ki来唔后都一米那都耐撒 一gi太够够头楼有你扣扣咯弄难吗你oh i love you一马keeping love again莫一机头again,and keeping love again一他孙啦你一米那都耐赛 一ki太哟苦苦都楼有你他打哈衣系图读开带哭那ki带来哭那也 啊一代哭也ki米no哈将来你 那ki你有太(啊ki你咯太)tt一带哭den莫 t他哦啦那一扣扣咯哇reverse ohki卡塞带哟搜noheart马季哇来哟都空吗内ki米打开哦魔豆 啊头你哇一开耐一后都魔豆 啊ki来唔后都一米那都耐撒 一gi太够够头楼有你扣扣咯弄难吗你oh i love you一马keeping love again莫一机头again,and keeping love again一他孙啦你一米那都耐赛 一ki太哟苦苦都楼有你他打哈衣系图读开带哭内卡户那拉 no哭咯他那一几ki咋木 哦都卡那带努他比一字字 胡子子 ki莫我比那啊带你卡唔达弄完纳呆 啊一哇爱一爱米ki米打开哦魔豆 啊头你哇一开耐一后都魔豆 啊ki来唔后都一米那都耐撒 一gi太够够头楼有你扣扣咯弄难吗你oh i love you一马keeping love again莫一机头again,and keeping love again一他孙啦你都耐赛 一ki太哟苦苦都楼有你他打哈衣系图读开带哭ki米袋开唔

Keeping Love Again 歌词

歌曲名:Keeping Love Again歌手:SHINee专辑:Sherlock EP「Keeping Love Again」作词∶Sara Sakurai作曲∶Darren Martyn/Shikita歌∶SHINee収録∶Sherlock/発売日∶2012/05/16君だけを もっと後には退けないほどもっと あきれるほど意味などないさ生きてゆくことのようにただ爱し続けてく问いただしても 聴こえない人の流れと 雨に濡れ届きそうでも 届かないジカンは reverse oh触れさせてよ そのheart过去か未来で どうか君だけを もっと後には退けないほどもっと あきれるほど意味などないさ生きてゆくことのようにココロのままに Oh I love you今 keeping love again もう一度Again, and keeping love again ひたすらに意味などないさ生きてゆくことのようにただ爱し続けてく泣きたいくらい 逢いたくて梦の狭间に 泣き濡れて伝えたくても 伝わらないココロは reverse oh聴かせてよ そのheartまじわれる场所まで君だけを もっと後には退けないほどもっと あきれるほど意味などないさ生きてゆくことのようにココロのままに Oh I love you今 keeping love again もう一度Again, and keeping love again ひたすらに意味などないさ生きてゆくことのようにただ爱し続けてく愿うなら この鼓动が生命 刻む音 奏でるたびひとつ ふたつ 希望になってひとりが ふたりになって爱は永远に君だけを もっと後には退けないほどもっと あきれるほど意味などないさ生きてゆくことのようにココロのままに Oh I love you今 keeping love again もう一度Again, and keeping love again ひたすらに意味などないさ生きてゆくことのようにただ爱し続けてく-君だけを-终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15709004

Love To Keep You Warm (Radio 1 Session Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Love To Keep You Warm (Radio 1 Session Version)歌手:Whitesnake专辑:LovehunterLove to Keep You Warm (Andy Peebles Radio 1 Session)WhitesnakeLove HunterIf you want love, you gotta be coolAnd if you deny it, then baby you"re a foolI"m telling you now, don"t you hide it awayBecause you need to keep you warm both night and dayI could come home late at nightAnd after some loving, baby, it would be alrightI"ve given up trying lying my wayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayI said, baby, if you need my loveYou better come home with meMaybe if you want my loveYou know you got it easilyBut, when the sun goes down, and the night is coldYou know I won"t be far awayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayIf you want schooling baby, I"ll be aroundI"m ready for fooling, but, don"t hang aroundAnd every morning I know you will sayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayI said, baby, if you need my loveYou better come home with meMaybe if you want my loveYou know you got it easilyBut, when the sun goes down, and the night is coldYou know I won"t be far awayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayI said you need love to keep you warm both night and dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10414184



求Epik High的Love love Love的歌词,翻译,及罗马发音.

楼主大人,我只找到韩文和中文的……Epik High - love love love ubc24 uc5f4ub450uc2dc uc220 ucde8ud574 uc9c0uce5c ubaa9uc18cub9ac零点醉酒后疲乏的话音 uc0c8ubcbd ub450uc2dc ucc28uac11uac8c uaebcuc9c4 uc804ud654uae30凌晨2点冷漠沉寂的电话uc544ubb34ub3c4 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 I can`t stop love love love谁都不明白我的心I can`t stop love love loveuc544ud30cub3c4 uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 I can`t stop love love love无止境地反复痛苦着吧I can`t stop love love loveuc788ub098uc694 uc0acub791ud574ubcf8 uc801 uc601ud654ucc98ub7fc uccab ub208uc5d0 ubc18ud574ubcf8 uc801有过吗 相爱的瞬间 如同电影的一见钟情uc804ud654uae30ub97c ubd99ub4e4uace0 ubc24uc0c8ubcf8 uc801 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uc790ub791ud574ubcf8 uc801 曾手持电话度过的整夜 向全世界炫耀的时刻uc3dfuc544uc9c0ub294 ube44 uc18duc5d0uc11c uae30ub2e4ub824ubcf8 uc801 在倾盆大雨中的等待uadf8ub97c ud5a5ud574 ubbf8uce5cub4efuc774 ub2ecub824ubcf8 uc801 向着他疯狂奔跑的时刻ubab0ub798 uc9c0ucf1cubcf8 uc801 ubbf8uccd0ubcf8 uc801 ub2e4 ubcf4uba74uc11cub3c4 ubabbubcf8 ucc99 偷偷看着他的时刻 疯狂的时刻 在眼前却装作看不见的时刻uc788uaca0uc8e0 uc0acub791ud574ubcf8 uc801 uae30ub150uc77c ub54cubb38uc5d0 uac00ub09cud574ubcf8 uc801一定有吧 相爱的瞬间 因为纪念日而囊涩的过去uc798ud558uace0ub3c4 ubbf8uc548ud574 ub9d0ud574ubcf8 uc801 uc5f0uc560ud3b8uc9c0ub85c ub0a0 uc0c8 ubcf8uc801即使没错也说对不起 用情书打动我的时刻uac00uc871uacfcuc758 uc57duc18duc744 ubbf8ub904ubcf8uc801 uc544ud504uc9c0ub9d0ub77c uc2e0uaed8 ube4cuc5b4ubcf8uc801不顾与家人的约定 求神祈福我们平安的时刻uce5cuad74 ud53cud574ubcf8 uc801 uc783uc5b4ubcf8 uc801 uac00ub294 ub4b7ubaa8uc2b5 uc9c0ucf1cubcf8 uc801避开朋友 继而失去 看着那离去背影的时刻(can`t stop love love oh love)ubbf8uce5c ub4ef uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c uc815ub9d0 ub09c uc798ud574uc92cub294ub370 uc65c发疯似的相爱过 可是为什么 我一直用心对你 可是为什么ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 uc92cuc5c8ub294ub370 you"ve got me going crazy把一切都奉献出来you"ve got me going crazy(can`t stop love love oh love)uc8fdub3c4ub85d uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c ub0b4 ubab8uacfc ub9d8uc744 ub2e4 uc92cub294ub370致死不渝地爱过 可是为什么 我的肉体和灵魂都给了你ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub838ub294ub370 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c 却失去了一切 我该怎么办uc544ubb34ub3c4(go go) ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 (nobody know)所有人(go go) 不明白我的心(nobody know)I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love loveuc544ud30cub3c4(go go) uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 (oh here we go)即使心痛(go go) 不停的反复着(oh here we go)I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love loveuc788ub098uc694 uc774ubcc4ud574ubcf8 uc801 ube57ubb3cuc5d0 ud654uc7a5uc744 uc9c0uc6ccub0b4ubcf8 uc801有过吗 离别的霎那 妆容在被雨水弄花的时刻uae34 uc0dduba38ub9b4 uc798ub77cub0b4ubcf8 uc801 ub04auc740 ub2f4ubc30ub97c uc950uc5b4ubcf8 uc801 剪去长发 重拾起已戒的烟ud639uc2dcub77cub3c4 ub9c8uc8fcuce60uae4c uc790ub9b4 ud53cud574ubcf8 uc801 避开那或许易于相见的地点ubcf4ub0b4uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud560 ud3b8uc9c0 uc801uc5b4ubcf8 uc801继续写着无法寄出的信件uc220uc5d0 ub9ccucde8ub418uc11c uc804ud654 uac78uc5b4ubcf8uc801 uc5ecubcf4uc138uc694 uc785uc774uc5bcuc5b4ubcf8uc801酒醉后拿起电话“喂”嘴巴却僵硬的时刻uc788uaca0uc8e0 uc774ubcc4ud574ubcf8 uc801 uc0acub791ud588ub358 ub9ccud07c ubbf8uc6ccud574ubcf8 uc801一定会有吧 离别的时刻 爱到痛恨uc77duc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud55c ud3b8uc9c0 ucc22uc5b4ubcf8 uc801撕碎连看也没看的信uc78auc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud560 uc804ud654ubc88ud638 uc9c0uc6ccubcf8 uc801 删掉那根本忘不掉的电话号码uae30ub150uc77cuc744 ud63cuc790 ucc59uaca8ubcf8 uc801 uc0acuc9c4ub4e4uc744 ub2e4 ubd88ud0dcuc6ccubcf8 uc801独自度过的纪念日 还有将所有照片都烧毁的时刻uc774 uc138uc0c1uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uc774ubcc4 ub178ub798uac00 ub2f9uc2e0uc598uae38uac70ub77c uc0dduac01ud574ubcf8 uc801觉得这世上所有离别歌曲都关于你的时刻(can`t stop love love oh love)ubbf8uce5c ub4ef uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c uc815ub9d0 ub09c uc798ud574uc92cub294ub370 uc65c发疯似的相爱过 可是为什么 我一直用心对你 可是为什么ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 uc92cuc5c8ub294ub370 you"ve got me going crazy把一切都奉献出来you"ve got me going crazy(can`t stop love love oh love)uc8fdub3c4ub85d uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 uc65c ub0b4 ubab8uacfc ub9d8uc744 ub2e4 uc92cub294ub370致死不渝地爱过 可是为什么 我的肉体和灵魂都给了你ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub838ub294ub370 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c 却失去了一切 我该怎么办uc544ubb34ub3c4(go go) ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 (nobody know)所有人(go go) 不明白我的心(nobody know)I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love loveuc544ud30cub3c4(go go) uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 (oh here we go)即使痛(go go) 不停的反复着(oh here we go)I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love loveI LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc6b8uace0 ub610 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud558uace0 像个傻瓜一样哭着再次喝醉uce5cuad6cub97c ubd99uc7a1uace0 uadf8 uc0acub78cuc744 uc695ud558uace0抓着朋友不停骂着那个人uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uace0 ub610 uc220uc5d0 ucde8ud558uace0时间流逝着 又再一次喝醉uc804ud654uae30ub97c ubd99uc7a1uace0 say love 却又拿起电话say loveuc544ubb34ub3c4(go go) ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 (nobody know)所有人(go go) 不明白我的心(nobody know)I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love loveuc544ud30cub3c4(go go) uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 (oh here we go)即使痛(go go) 不停的反复着(oh here we go)I can"t stop (don"t stop) love love loveuc544ubb34ub3c4 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 uc0acuc2e4uc740 ub2f9uc2e0ub9cc ubaa8ub974uc8e0谁都不明白我的心 其实 只是你不明白而已吧uc544ud30cub3c4 uacc4uc18d ubc18ubcf5ud558uc8e0 uc774ub7ecub2e4 uc5b8uc820uac00 ub2e4uc2dc ub9c8uc8fcuce58uaca0uc8e0即使痛还是不断重复着 这样下去总会有再相遇的一天吧

love love love epik high中文音译歌词 不要罗马音 就要中文 谢谢

Epik High - Love Love Love盘鸟读析素追黑起亲某搜力赛表读析恰噶不给购进 冲话gi阿母都 内麻么某路就I can"t stop love love love阿帕都 gi搜半bou卡就I can"t stop love love lovegin拿哟 撒狼诶波恩就giu我求冷球怒嫩把内部恩就球呐gi里不的够帮sei布恩就sei桑饿将乐恩布恩就艘大及嫩比素给素gi打愣蹦就苦得航一迷几呢系打愣蹦就木类其坑蹦就 米奇蹦就他bou miang搜都某蹦球一各丘撒狼诶蹦桥ki鸟米带木内噶拉类蹦求恰拉古读米压黑 买海布恩桥要耐票几楼乃sei布恩桥卡窘外压素木你冷布恩就阿布季满拉信给批楼布恩就请顾皮耶蹦就 一楼蹦求卡那宾摸素起kiao蹦就(Can"t stop love love oh love)米亲得撒狼诶嫩giu为求么(er)那恰两就嫩内为某den各他住扫能得You"ve got me going crazy(Can"t stop love love oh love)出购龙撒狼诶嫩得为内梦把嘛么的抽名得某den够一楼把流嫩得 凹都kei阿母都 你麻么某路就I can"t stop love love love阿帕都 gi搜半bou卡就I can"t stop love love love因拿哟 一表类布恩桥闭幕了画将呢起我内布恩桥皮僧么路恰拉内布恩桥苦len堂北路需有蹦较呼息拉都嘛住起噶拉力皮阿布恩较部内几都某他票几就更蹦就素类麻吉对丝球那口啦蹦桥一笔傲冷蹦较一个球一表类布恩较撒狼黑豆满哭密我黑布恩就一季豆某他piang几几较蹦就一季豆某他求那我那几我蹦就gi那米乐红家请噶蹦就撒仅得了噶不太我蹦就一塞桑内么度你be no类噶躺西nia gi高拉sing噶kei蹦就(Can"t stop love love love)米亲得撒狼诶嫩giu为求么那恰两就嫩呢为某den各他住扫能得You"ve got me going crazy(Can"t stop love love oh love)出购龙撒狼诶嫩得为内梦把嘛么的抽名得某den够一楼把流嫩得 凹都kei阿母都 内麻么某路就I can"t stop love love love阿帕都 gi搜半bou卡就I can"t stop love love loveI LOVE YOU把梦求老木够都素类气压够请木类不恰够古撒狼么流卡够细噶你起那够都素类气压够桥那gi了不加够Say love阿母都 你麻么某路就I can"t stop love love love阿帕都 gi搜半bou卡就I can"t stop love love love阿母都 你麻么某路就撒西len 他喜满谋求阿帕都 gi搜半不卡就hi楼答红井噶他喜那就桥楼就

Epik High的Love Love Love中的女声是谁唱的?


Epik High Love Love Love 中女主唱是谁啊???

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 英国圣女天团NicoleScherzinger会韩文么S.B.一个《LOVELOVELOVE》里面的女声是韩国二人电子组合Casker(uce90uc2a4ucee4)里面的女主音uc735uc9c4(LeeYoongJin(李融真))韩国二人电子组合Casker成员包括:女主音LeeYoongJin(李融真)和男性成员LeeJuno(负责唱片的制作、作曲、编曲、合成等)。Casker出版过三张专辑,第一张专辑《ThePlanetBuiltWithSteel》是在2003年出版的,第二张专辑是2005年出版的《Skylab》和2006年底出版的《Between》。https://gss0.b***.com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/tablo520/pic/item/ac2934f42b4465e67709d71a.jpg

申请美国本科,Secondary School Report具体指什么?


求《September 1st》的罗马歌词!急!

September 1st作词:西野カナ作曲:田中直No matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne当り前に目の前にいる 思い返してるatari mae ni menomae niiru omoi kaeshi teruNo matter what happened, be together.歩幅、横颜も、ちょっかい、JOKEもho haba , yokogao mo , chokkai , JOKE mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.歩く早さ合わないaruku hayasa awa nai小走り追い付くのがやっとkobashiri oitsuku nogayattoソワ(you)ソワ(me)ソワ(Ah)sowa ( you ) sowa ( me ) sowa ( Ah )Hold on me.出しかけ引っ込めたdashi kake hitsu meta手はまだ君の温度でさえte hamada kimi no ondo desae知らなかったshira nakattaすれ违う恋人达みたいにsure chigau koibito tachi mitaini早く…hayaku ...言えないよギュッとしてなんてie naiyo gyutsu toshitenanteキスして…まさかねkisu shite ... masakaneAll day long.出会った顷はまだdeatta goro hamadaぎこちなかったねgikochinakattaneNo matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いでよく行く店いつものもオーダーshizen ni tsunai deyoku iku mise itsumonomo o^da^No matter what happened, be together.癖、好き嫌いも、Sign、Ruleもkuse , suki kirai mo , Sign , Rule mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.休日が合わないkyuujitsu ga awa naiまたバイトなのいつ会えるの?mata baito nanoitsu ae runo ?So what?(you), So what?(me), Oh why?(Ah)Come to meet.言いかけ引っ込めたii kake hitsu meta顽张れも言えない素直じゃないganbare mo ie nai sunao janai知らかった三ヶ月目のshira katta sankagetsu menoサプライズsapuraizu精一杯のリングseiippai no ringuただ涙 言叶にならないくらいtada namida kotoba ninaranaikurai嬉しすぎたからureshi sugitakaraAll night long.困った颜をしてkomatta kao woshite抱きしめてくれたねdaki shimetekuretaneNo matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いだ手に二つ光るのは宝物shizen ni tsunai da teni futatsu hikaru noha takaramonoNo matter what happened, be together.歩幅、横颜も、ちょっかい、JOKEもho haba , yokogao mo , chokkai , JOKE mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.No matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いでよく行く店いつものもオーダーshizen ni tsunai deyoku iku mise itsumonomo o^da^No matter what happened, be together.癖、好き嫌いも、Sign、Ruleもkuse , suki kirai mo , Sign , Rule mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.No matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いだ手に二つ光るのは宝物shizen ni tsunai da teni futatsu hikaru noha takaramonoNo matter what happened, be together.歩幅、横颜も、ちょっかい、JOKEもho haba , yokogao mo , chokkai , JOKE mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.



SAT Geometric Perception是什么?这种题怎么解?

这是指SAT的几何概念。主要包括:Points and Lines  There is a unique line that contains any two distinct points. Therefore, in the following diagram, line l is the only line that contains both point A and point B.  The midpoint of a line segment is the point that divides it into two segments of equal length. The diagram below shows the midpoint M of line segment AB.  Because M is the midpoint of AB, you know that AM=MB.Angles in the Plane  Vertical angles and supplementary angles. Two opposite angels formed by two intersecting lines are called vertical angles. Vertical angles have the same measure. Two angles whose measures have a sum of 180°are called supplementary angles.  Parallel lines. When two parallel lines are crossed by another line, all acute angles are equal, and all obtuse angles are equal. Also, every acute angle is supplementary to every obtuse angle (that is, they add up to 180°).  Right angles and perpendicular lines. A right angle is an angle with a measure of 90°. If two lines intersect and one of the four angles formed is aright angle, the lines are perpendicular. In this case, all four angles that are formed are right angles.Triangles  The sum of the measures of the three interior angles in any triangle is 180°.  An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the remote interior angles.  The three exterior angles of a triangle add up to 360°.  Equilateral triangles: The three sides of an equilateral triangle (a, b, c) are equal in length. The three angles are also equal, and they each measure 60°.  Isosceles triangles: An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two sides of equal length. The angles opposite the equal sides are also equal.  Right triangles and Pythagorean Theorem: A right triangle is a triangle with a right angle. Pythagorean Theorem: the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides. The hypotenuse is the longest side of the triangle and is opposite the right angle. The other two sides are usually referred to as legs. If c represents the length of hypotenuse, and a and b are the lengths of two legs, respectively, then the Pythagorean theorem leads to the equation:  a2+b2=c2  Special right triangles:(30°-60°-90°, 45°-45°-90°, 3-4-5)  ◆ 30°-60°-90° Triangles: the lengths of the sides of a 30°-60°-90°triangle are in the ratio of x:x3:2x.  ue0c3Short leg=x  ue0c3 Long leg=x3  ue0c3 Hypotenuse=2x  ◆ 45°-45°-90° Triangles: the lengths of the sides of a 45°-45°-90° triangle are in the ratio of x:x:x2.  Short leg=x  Long leg=x  Hypotenuse=x2  ◆ 3-4-5 Triangles: The sides of a 3-4-5 right triangle are in the ratio of 3x:4x:5x. For example, if x=5, the sides of the triangle have lengths 15, 20 and 25.  Congruent triangles: are triangles that have the same size and shape. Two triangles are congruent if any of the following is true:  ◆ Each pair of corresponding sides has the same length.  ◆ Two pairs of corresponding sides each have the same length, and the angles formed by these sides have the same measure.  ◆ One pair of corresponding sides has the same length, and two pairs of corresponding angles each have the same measure.  Similar triangles. Similar triangles have the same shape. Each corresponding angles are equal and corresponding sides are directly proportional.  The triangle inequality. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side.  Parallelograms. A parallelogram, a special quadrilateral, has two pairs of parallel sides. Opposite sides are equal. Opposite angels are equal. Consecutive angles add up to 180 degrees.  Rectangles and Squares. A rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram with four right angles. A square is a special case of a rectangle in which the lengths of all the sides are equal.Areas and Perimeters  Rectangle: Area=length×width, Perimeter=2(length+width)  Square: Area=(side)2, Perimeter=4×(side)  Triangle: Area=12(baseu2022height), Perimeter=add up three sides  Parallelogram: Area=length×height  Polygons. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a polygon=(n-2)×180, where n (≥3) is the number of sides. The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360 degrees.Circles  Diameter and Radius. The diameter of a circle is a line segment that passes through the center and has its endpoints on the circle. The radius of a circle is a line segment extending from the center of the circle to a point on the circle.  Diameter=2×Radius  Circumference and Area. The circumference is the distance around a circle:  Circumference=2πr  where r is the radius of the circle. The area of a circle is equal to π times the square of the radius:  Area=πr2  Arc. An arc is a piece of the circumference. In the figure above, the points on the circle from A to B form an arc. If r is the radius and n is the degree measure of the arcue10bs central angle, then the formula to figure out the length of an Arc is:  Length of an Arc =n3602πr  Tangent to a circle. A tangent to a circle is a line that intersects the circle at exactly one point. In the figure, line ACue03b is a tangent. A tangent to a circle is always perpendicular to the radius that contains the one point of the line that touches the circle. In this case, OA⊥ACue03b.  Central angle, arc, area proportional theorem. For any pie slice of a circle, the central angle, arc, and area are in proportion to the whole circle. For example, if n equals to 60 degrees in the figure above, n360=60360=16, so arc AB is 16 of the circumference, and pie slice AOB is 16 of the total area.  Solid figures and volumes. The basic types of solids include cubes, rectangular solids, prisms, cylinders, cones, spheres and pyramids.  Cubes and Rectangular solids. Every edge of a cube has the same length. If the edge length of a cube is s, then the volume of the cube is s3. In a rectangular solid, the length, width and height may be different. The volume is given by the formula:  V=length×width×height.  Prisms and Cylinders. A right prism is a solid in which two congruent polygons are joined by rectangular faces that are perpendicular to the polygons. The congruent polygons are called the bases of the prism, and the length of an edge joining the polygons is called the height. The volume of a prism is given by the product of its height and the area of its base. A right circular cylinder is a solid in which two congruent circles are joined by a curved surface that meets the circles at a right angle. The volume of a right circular cylinder is given by the formula: V=πr2h, where r is the radius of the circular base, and h is the height of the cylinder.  Spheres, Cones and Pyramids. A sphere is the solid analogue of a circle. All radii of a sphere are equal. A circular cone has a circular base, which is connected by a curbed surface to its vertex. If the line from the vertex of the circular cone to the center of its base is perpendicular to the base, then the cone is called a right circular cone. A pyramid has a base that is a polygon, which is connected by triangular faces to its vertex. If the base is a regular polygon and the triangular faces are all congruent isosceles triangles, then the pyramid is called a regular pyramid.  Surface area. To find the surface area of a solid, just find the area of each face of the solid, and then add them up.  Geometric Perception. The SAT may ask you questions that require you to visualize a plane figure or a solid from different views or orientations. These are questions in geometric perception.  Slopes. Every line has a slope. The slope is simply the Rise divided by the Run.  Using two points to find the slope:  slope=riserun=y2-y1x2-x1  Using an equation to find the slope: put the equation into the slope-intercept formula: y=mx+b, then the slope is m.  If two lines in the xy-plane are parallel exactly, their slopes are equal.  If two lines in the xy-plane are perpendicular, the product of their slopes is -1.  Line equations  Slope-intercept formula: y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.  Slope-point formula: y-y0=m(x-x0), where P(x0,y0) is a point on the line, and m is the slope.  Two-points formula: y-y1y2-y1=x-x1x2-x1, where P(x1,y1) and P(x2,y2) are two points on the line.  Midpoint formula, Distance formula  Midpoint Formula. If A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) are two points in the xy-plane, the midpoint (xm,ym) of the line segment AB is given by the formula:  Midpoint (xm,ym)=x1+x22,y1+y22  Distance Formula. If A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) are two points in the coordinate plane, the distance between them is given by the formula:  AB=(x2-x1)2+(y2-y1)2  Transformations. Transformations include translations, rotations, and reflections.  Translations: a translation moves a shape certain units up, down, to the left, or to the right without any rotation or reflection.  Rotations: rotating an object means turning it around a point, which is called the center of rotation.  Reflections: reflecting an object means to produce its mirror image with respect to a line, which is called the line of reflection.


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iTEP国际英语水平测试(International Test of English Proficiency)是由美国波士顿大学研发,评估非母语人群英语水平的国际测试。目前,iTEP考试分为三种类型,分别是iTEP学术(Academic)、iTEP商务(Business)和iTEP SLATE(Secondary Level Assessment Test of English)iTEP学术,特别适合高中毕业生,攻读本科以上学位iTEP商务,专为驰骋商界人士量身定制iTEP SLATE,适合中学生或更为年轻的英语学习者以上三种考试都拥有相同的基本考试结构,评分标准,以及标准化的流程。本册子专注于iTEP SLATE类型的考试指导。iTEP学术和iTEP商务考试是专门针对继续接受高等教育和从事商务工作所需英语水平的评估;iTEP SLATE(英语二级评估测试)是专为母语不是英语的中学生设计的测试,评估其英语水平。

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《The Unwanted》(Kien Nguyen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1j4jdKObXK1xi3s4N1_ZDbQ 提取码:u7tw书名:The Unwanted作者:Kien Nguyen出版社:Back Bay Books出版年份:2002-04-08内容简介:Kien Nguyen grew up an outsider in his native land. His once prosperous family, thrust into poverty at the dawn of a new political regime, lived among neighbors who treated them as an unwelcome remnant of the colonialist past. Kien himself, a child of mixed race (his father was American), was among the most unwanted.Told with a stark, poetic brilliance, Kien"s account of his early years-from the fall of Saigon, when at age eight he watched the last U.S. Army helicopter leave without him and his family, to his eventual escape-is a work of profound emotional resonance, at once harrowing and inspiring. The Unwanted unforgettably records a universal human experience played out in extreme circumstances: the forging of an identity, a life.


Unit 5 My New Room单元教学目标:1、 能力目标(1) 能够简单描述家具陈设的名称、数量及位置等,如There are two end tables near the closet.(2) 能够运用句型:Is this your bedroom? Where"s the trash bin?等询问,并能简单表达情感。(3) 能够按要求用简单的英语较好地完成活动。(4) 能够听懂、会唱歌曲。2、 知识目标(1) 能够掌握A、B部分的四会单词,做到会听、说、读、写。(2) 能够听、说、认读A、B部分的三会单词和句型。(3) 能够了解字母组合的发音规律并读出例词。(4) 能够了解Story time Good to know等部分的内容。3、 情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1) 情感态度:有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与活动。(2) 学习策略:注重观察,比较,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(3) 文化目标:了解几种住宅的英语名称及差异。单元教学课时安排:第一课时:Main scene Let"s start A Let"s learn Let"s play C Let"s sing第二课时:A Let"s try Let"s talk Talk and draw C Good to know第三课时:A Read and write Let"s play C Pronunciation第四课时:B Let"s learn Let"s find out C Story time第五课时:B Let"s try Let"s talk Let"s practise C Task time第六课时:B Read and write Let"s find out C Let"s check第一课时教学目标与要求:1、 能够听、说、读、写本课主要单词:mirror, curtain, closet, end table, trash bin。2、 能够听、说、认读单词air-conditioner以及句型:Is this your……?I have ……并能在情景中运用。3、 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Small Bedroom”。教学重、难点:重点:掌握六个四会单词。难点:单词air-conditioner的发音。课前准备:录音机、磁带、词卡、数枚硬币教学过程:1、 热身做“低声传句子”活动。2、 预习(1) 放录音,学生做出相应的动作。(2) 做“演一演”游戏,学生做动作,其他学生猜短语。(3) 快速拼词。3、 新授Let"s learn(1) 教师在黑板上简单画一个房间,画上床、书架等家具。然后说:Look! This is my new room. I have a bed and a shelf. What else do I have? 教师在床头的位置画一面镜子,说:I also have a mirror. 然后拿出一面镜子,示范朗读mirror, 学生跟读。教师分别问几个学生:Do you have a mirror in your bedroom?如果学生的回答是肯定的,教师则有意再次重复一下“mirror”一词,说:Oh, you have a mirror.如果学生的回答是否定的,教师可以说:Oh, sorry. You don"t have a mirror. 导出其他单词,示范朗读,注意发音及口型。(2) 做“冷暖”游戏。(3) 教师在黑板上示范书写单词:mirror, curtain, closet, end table, trash bin,让学生在词卡反面或练习本上拼写、记忆单词。(4) 播放本课录音,让学生在书上手指相应单词并跟读。巩固延伸:做句型接龙游戏;做“找同伴”活动;学唱歌曲;完成练习;练习书写单词教学反思:第二课时教学目标与要求:1、 能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2、 能够听、说、认读句型There is a ……/There are …并能在情景中正确运用。3、 了解Good to know内容。教学重、难点:本课重点句型为:There is ……和There are……难点句型为:I have my own room now. What"s it like?课前准备:卡片教学过程:1、 热身做“念单词接力赛”活动。2、 预习(1) 做Let"s try 练习,放录音,学生听音、选择。录音原文如下:Mike: I have a new room.John: What"s it like?Mike: There is a big shelf and a big desk. There are blue curtains.Which is Mike"s room?(3) 让学生说说两幅图画的不同之入,引导学生运用句型:I can see a …in picture 1/2.3、新授Let"s talk(1) 教师在黑板上画一个大房间,再在房间里面画一个简笔画小人,然后介绍说:Look, this is me. I have my own room now.让学生跟说。教师继续出示自己的书本等物品,并介绍说:my own book/pen……,引导学生出示他们的物品并说出:my own……。(2) 教师拿出mirror的卡片贴在黑板上的房间里并向学生介绍说:In my room there is a mirror.让学生跟说。教师依次学习closet, air-conditioner,然后在窗户两边画上蓝色的窗帘并介绍说:There are blue curtains. 让学生跟说。(3) 做翻卡活动。(4) 打开课本59页,听录音,跟读。(5) 做替换练习。巩固延伸:做“Talk and draw”活动;做练习教学反思:第三课时教学目标与要求:1、 能够听、说、读、写句子:There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and living room. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.2、 了解字母组合ir, ur, th的拼读规律并熟练读出例词。教学重、难点:重点:熟练掌握There be句型的简单表达法,掌握四会句子的正确书写难点:帮助学生区分使用There is 和There are的表达法。课前准备:词卡教学过程:1、 热身播放歌曲“My Small Bedroom”,学生跟唱。2、 预习做“炸弹游戏”。复习四会单词。3、 新授Read and write(1) 教师在黑板上简单画一个房间,然后将两张end table的词卡贴在房间里,介绍说:There are two end tables.让学生跟说,然后换其他相同的两张卡片做替换练习。(2) 做“听一听,贴一贴”活动。(3) 教师指黑板上的房子问学生:What"s it like?学生用There is/are句子来描述,如:There are two big bedrooms.(4) 教师课前在一边画一座公寓楼,向学生介绍说:This is a flat.让学生装跟说flat一词。(5) 看Read and write 图片,带领学生阅读。(6) T:Look! This is a rabbit. He has a new flat. What"s it like? What"s in it? Listen.(7) 放录音,学生看课本听录音。(8) 学生就不懂的地方提问,教师解答。(9) 指导学生完成“Finish the sentences”。(10) 指导学生书写四会句子。Pronunciation看图片,带领学生读三个字母组合下面的例词。读的时候有意强调几个字母组合的读音,引导学生总结其发音规律。然后教师放该部分的录音,让学生跟读单词。放三句绕口令的录音,学生认真听,然后试着跟录音学说绕口令。本课字母组合的常见单词:ir skirt , shirt , girl ,bird, birghday ,first ,thirdur purple , nurse, curl ,surf , burn, turn , fur, hurtth voiced: these , those ,then, there , this , that, clothesunvoiced: three , thin ,Thursday ,cloth, breath, bath, thank , think , thick ,youth ,month, third,巩固延伸:Let"s play;做宾果游戏;做练习教学反思:第四课时教学目标与要求:1、 能够听、说、读、写单词:in, on, under, behind, near。2、 能够听、说、认读单词:over, in front of 和句子Where"s the ……? It"s ……并能在情景中正确运用。教学重、难点:重点:熟练掌握七个方位介词的用法,其中in front of 是个难点。课前准备:1、教师准备一个盒子和本课的词卡。2、学生准备词卡。教学过程:1、热身学生两人一组,把所带词卡面朝上放在课桌上,教师说一句话,如:“There is a …/There are …”学生试着找到相应的卡片,用手拍一下,并迅速拼出单词。2、预习(1)做“猜猜盒子里有什么?”游戏:教师出示一个盒子,盒子里面藏好一面小镜子或其他物品,教师放音乐,让学生传递盒子,当音乐停下时,拿到盒子的学生猜出盒子里是什么:There is a …如果猜不对,接着放音乐传盒子,直到有学生猜出盒子里的物品为止。(2)教师从盒子里取出镜子,然后再把镜子放进盒子里,问学生:Where is the mirror?引导学生说出It"s in the box .教师继续演示镜子在盒子上面和下面的动作,复习单词on, under. 3、新课呈现Let"s learn(1)教师把镜子放在盒子的旁边,并介绍说:Near. It"s near the box. 让学生跟说。学生两人一组用自己的文具摆放出不同的位置关系并做问答练习,如: Where is the pencil? It"s near the eraser.(2) 师利用学生的文具或教室中的其他物品的位置呈现,教授其他单词:behind ,over ,in front of等。(3) 做“按我说的做”游戏:教师发指令,如:Stand behind the chair.学生按照指令站到自己的椅子后面。教师注意发口令时要穿插使用几个方位介词(短语),重点操练第一次出现的介绍:near, over behind和in front of。(4) 学生把学习用口放在桌上,两人一组,然后根据老师有关方位发指令将物品的相对位置摆放好。(5) 学生两人一组将自己的文具摆放出不同的位置关系并做问答练习,如:Where is the……?It"s ……(6) 做“看谁记住了”游戏。(7) 做“低声传句子活动。”(8) 板书四会单词,让学生在卡片反面或练习本上仿写、记忆。巩固延伸:听故事录音,做练习教学反思:第五课时教学目标与要求:1、 能够听、说、认读句子:There is a …near/…the…和The …is near/…the…,并能在情景中运用。2、 能够运用所学语言对房间摆设作介绍。教学重、难点:重点是熟练掌握There be结构较长句式的表达法,同时这也是本课的教学难点。The books are on the shelf.一句为复数句式,在教学中教师不应过多强调语法,而重在结合图画让学生理解语意。课前准备:词卡、蜡笔、纸教学过程:1、 热身做“少了什么”游戏。2、 预习(1) 做“按我说的做”游戏。Let"s try(1) 放录音,学生听音做题。录音原文如下:Woman: The mirror is over the end table. The toys are in the closet. The trash bin is in front of the shelf. The sofa is under the picture.(2) 做好之后,同桌之间对各物品的位置进行问答练习,看图描述各物品的位置。3、 新授Let"s talk(1) 教师把一支铅笔放在一个铅笔盒上,并介绍说:The pencil is on the pencil-case.学生跟说句子。教师用其他学习用品摆出不同的位置关系让学生练习描述。(2) 做“走迷宫”活动。在黑板上写下两排单词,一排为房间物品,一排为方位介词。两排之间空出距离,并用粉笔将物品与介词一一相连,。在第三排写上bed?让学生根据路线图迅速找出物品与床的相对位置,并用The…is…/…the bed表述。(3) 在黑板上写句子,如:There is a the 。教师把相应物品和介词图片贴进空格里。教师先说句子的最后一个词,学生跟读,然后说最后两个词,学生重复,用同样的方法,每次增加一个词,直至学生能流利重复整个句子。(4) 做替换练习。(5) 做“看谁记住了”活动。(6) 听录音,学生跟读。巩固延伸:Let"s practise; 做Task time;看图描述房间;做练习教学反思:第六课时教学目标与要求:1、 能够听、说、读、写句子:The closet is near the table. The trash bin is behind the door. Many clothes are in the closet.并在情景中运用。2、 能够听懂、理解:What"s on the computer? I work with it。等句子。教学重、难点:重点:三个四会句型,能熟练运用There be 长句形式作介绍。难点:句子Many clothes are in the closet.教师重点讲解意思,不宜强调语法。课前准备:词卡、图片教学过程:1、 热身做“慢动作”游戏。2、 预习(1) 翻卡游戏。(2) 做“我的错误”活动,故意做一些错误的描述,让学生根据自己的回答跑向角落。3、 新授Read and write(1)教师左手拿一张air-conditioner的卡片,右手一张mirror的卡片,左手在上,右手在下,即air-conditioner的卡片在mirror的正上方。引导学生说句子描述空调和镜子的相对位置:The air-conditioner is over the mirror.然后教师换卡片并调整卡片的相对位置继续带领学生操练。学生熟悉操作方法后,也可以请一名学生上台摆放卡片,其他学生描述。(2) 做“找位置”活动。(3) 看图片,说:Do you remember Robot. He has his own room. What"s it like? What"s in it? Listen.放录音,学生看短文听录音。(4) 学生就不懂的地方提问,教师解答。(5) 放录音,指导学生完成“Finish the passage”的练习。(6) 教师指导学生书写四会句子。巩固延伸:Let"s find out;做Let"s check练习;做配套练习录音原文如下:① Man: There are three rabbits in the hat.② Woman: There is a long snake on the hat.③ Man: There are five rats behind the hat.④ Woman: A small hat is beside the big one.⑤ Man: There is a hat in the monkey"s hand.教学反思:



Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequateu2026u2026O




consequence 和 repercussion 的区别是什么

consequence ["ku0254nsi,kwu0259ns] n.1. 结果,后果;影响2. 【逻辑学】(逻辑上的)结论,推论,推理3. 因果关系4. 重要性;重大意义5. 重要地位;显要,卓越;举足轻重6. 趾高气扬,自命不凡近义词:effect . importance . 短语1. as a consequence因而;结果2. in consequence=as a consequence3. in consequence of因为…的缘故,由于4. of consequence重要的,重大的;有地位的,有声望的5. of no consequence不重要的,无足轻重的6. take the consequences (of)承担(某事的)后果;对(某事的)后果负责例句与用法General what talent can get melancholia, what consequence can serious word cause?一般什么人才会得忧郁症,严重的话会导致什么后果?"Incidentally, the commentary ignores Iran altogether, as if it is not a factor of consequence on the Afghan chessboard".“顺便说一下,评论完全忽视伊朗,好像它在阿富汗棋盘上不是一个重要因素”。This paper analyses several questions and consequence in the using process of belt conveyor, puts some methods to solve these questions.分析了带式输送机使用过程中易出现的几个问题及后果,提出了解决这些问题的方法。repercussion [,ri:pu0259"ku028cu0283u0259n; re-] n.1. 击回;弹回;反冲2. (光、声等的)反射;回声3. [常用复数]反响;反应;影响4. 【音乐】(音调、和弦的)反复例句与用法Many rural families violate the nation"s one-child policy and often turn down hospital care for fear of repercussion.很多农村家庭违反了国家独生子女政策害怕受处罚而拒绝在医院生产。Spontaneous art expression in a non-judgmental atmosphere allows the person to express repressed thoughts or feelings without the threat of repercussion.在自由自在的氛围中,自主性艺术表达使得参加者无拘束的情况下表露自己压抑的情感。The results showed that the blood of goats and its complex prescription have significant effects on repercussion, analgesia and have long time of drug action.结查显示山羊血及其小复方具有明显的消肿镇痛作用,而且具有药效作用维持时间长的优点。

为什么Balance Sheet 里的Current assets 项的金额大部分都写在depreciation列下?

depreciation不是在current assets下的,而是在固定资产下,流动资产是不计提折旧的。一般在long term assets下面 会有accumulated depreciation/amortization,因为固定资产随着使用时间增长而折旧.一般算的时候PPE这项乘折旧率时间(根据折旧方法),PPE减去accu.depr. 就是net PPE。举个简单的例子,实际的报表项目会比我打的多一些。Current Assets 下面是分类的流动资产 Cash And Cash Equivalents Short Term Investments Net Receivables Inventory Other Current Assets Total Current Assets 流动资产汇总下面是固定资产。有时有无形资产,比如goodwill这种。Long Term Investments Property Plant and Equipment(PPE) Accumulated Depreciation /Amortization Other Assets Total Assets 所有资产(流动+固定) 像你说的大部分都在depreciation说明这个公司的固定资产使用时间长已经比较旧了。

Harder Better Faster Stronger (The Neptunes Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Harder Better Faster Stronger (The Neptunes Remix)歌手:Daft Punk专辑:Harder Better Faster Strongerharder better faster strongerWork ItMake ItDo ItMakes UsHarderBetterFasterStrongerMore ThanHour HourEverWork is everAfterWork is OverWork ItMake ItDo ItMakes UsHarderBetterFasterStrongerWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork ItMake It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never OverHour Work Is Never OveWork It HarderDo It FasterrMore Than EverHour Work Is Never OverWork It Harder Make It BetterDo It Faster Makes Us strongerMore Than Ever Hour AfterHour Work Is Never Overhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3481645







keep it up是什么意思中文翻译

keep it up:坚持下去;继续努力; 例如:Keep it up by doing the things that work. 扩展资料   I knew you would make it! Just keep it up!   我就知道你能行的!坚持下去!   You did well, keep it up!   你干得不错,继续好好干!   Don"t do it if you can"t keep it up.   如果不能坚持下去就不要去做。

make up with、get along with、keep up with和put up with的区别及意义,要全哦

1.make (it) up (with sb) 与某人和解或和好 例句:Has he made it up with her yet?他和她和好了吗? 2.get along with (sb)与某人合得来,与某人和睦相处 例句:Do you get along with your boss?你跟老板合得来吗? get along with (sth) a.尤其接副词或用于疑问句的how之后) 取得进展 例句:How is your son getting on with his French?你儿子的法语学得好吗? b.继续做某事(尤指中断以后)例句:Be quiet an get on with your work. 3.keep up(with sb/sth) 跟上某人(某事物) 例句:I can"t keep up with you.我跟不上你了。 I can"t keep up with all the changes in the computer technology.计算机技术的各种改进,有些我已经跟不上来了。 keep up (with sth)以某事物的同样速率上升 例句: Workers" incomes are not keeping up with inflation. 工人的收入赶不上通货膨胀。 keep up with sb 保持与某人的联系 例句:How many of your old school friends do you keep up with? 你和中学时的老同学保持联系的有多少? keep up with sth 知悉(消息) 跟上(形势)She likes to keep up with the latest fashion.她喜欢穿戴入时。

Promises To Keep 歌词

promiss don"t come easy歌手:caron nightingale i should have known all along there was something wrongi just never read between the linesthen i woke up one day and found you on your way leaving nothing but my heart behind what can i do to make it up to you promises don"t come easybut tell me if there"s a way to bring you back home to staywell I"d pomise anything to youi"ve been walking around with my head hanging downwondrin what i"m gonna docause when you walked out that door i knew i needed you morethen to take a chance on losing youwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easyyou Know i"ve made up my mind to make it work this timethat"s the promise that i give to youyou never thought i loved youi guess you never thought i caredi was just too proud to say it out loudnow i know to let my feeling go so tell youwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easy you dnow i"ve made up my mind to make it work this timethat"s the promise that i give to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22677539

Benjamin Franklin was the epitome of the____________ .

A. American Enlightenment 富兰克林在美国历史上以理性,开明,富有前瞻而著称。所以说他是美国启蒙运动的缩影


《心捕》(五里珑)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/12B7QSj9hG9SIcFcR8Ul9Cg 密码:leyo书名:心捕作者:五里珑豆瓣评分:6.9出版社:天津人民出版社出版年份:2018-9页数:379内容简介:湾州市发生了一起案件,受害者为湾州师范大学学生李姗姗,她是一家网店的兼职模特。刑警队长沈德立让见习女刑警岑晰溪访问精神病医生费大雷,希望对方帮助分析凶手的作案动机。费大雷接受任务之后,走访了案发现场,他利用自己的专业知识对凶手进行了心理画像,并分析认为凶手带走了受害者的小腿。时隔不久,技术人员在现场的河里打捞起了那条缺失的小腿,让沈德立对费大雷失去了信心。后来,案件的结果证明费大雷的判断是对的。就这样,费大雷协助刑警队长沈德立和见习女刑警岑晰溪不断地侦破了一系列的案件,也不断地陷入到了不同的麻烦之中……作者简介:五里珑,原名叶家喜,毕业于华中科技大学同济医学院法医学系,在刑侦一线从事法医工作数年。现就职于由国际知名刑事技术鉴识专家李昌钰博士担任总顾问的杭州市华硕司法鉴定中心。在天涯发表并签约的《心捕》《避风所》,引发数万粉丝追更。

There are several ways for booking a hotel, such as online booking, telephone booking, etc..

There are several ways for booking a hotel, such as online booking, telephone booking, etc.. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A

请问make out keep out hand out work out各是什么意思?

make out 书写,拼凑,填写 keep out 不许入内,挡在外面 hand out 把...拿出来; 施舍; 分发 work out 可以解决; 作出; 设计出

请问make out keep out hand out work out各是什么意思?

make out 书写, 拼凑, 填写keep out 不许入内, 挡在外面hand out 把...拿出来; 施舍; 分发work out 可以解决; 作出; 设计出

the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tody 的英文解释

Do one thing at a time, and do well.Never forget to say "thanks" . Keep on going. never give up. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Believe in yourself. I can because I think I can. Action speak louder than words. Never say die. Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.



请问哪位高手知道哪里可以看2PM dream team2 ep33 10- 06- 13的完整版吗?就是和SJ在美国的那集



QP 质量程序EQP 质量环境程序EP 环境程序

求帮忙翻译下Alex Hepburn的under,因为是歌词最好翻译的优美点,谢啦~

Don"t bury Me不要埋葬我Don"t let me down别让我失望Don"t say its over不要说一切已然结束Cause that would send me under因为那会让我沉沦Underneath the ground沉沦到万劫不复Don"t say those words不要说出那些话I wanna live and your words can murder 我意欲存活,而你的只言片语却能将我抹杀Only you can send me under, under, under只有你,会让我沉沦I die everytime you walk away每一次你的离开我生不如死Don"t leave me alone with me不要让我形单影只See, I"m afraid of the darkness and my demons你看,我是多么恐惧那无尽的黑暗和我内心的恶魔And the voices, say nothing"s gonna be okay, Anyway还有那倾吐着一切都不会好起来的声音I feel it in my heart, soul, mind that I"m losing我能感觉到我的内心,我的灵魂,我的意识正离我远去You, me, you"re abusing every reason I have left to live..而你,我....你还在诋毁着每一个我为之存活的理由Don"t bury Me不要埋葬我Don"t let me down别让我失望Don"t say its over不要说一切已然结束Cause that would send me under因为那会让我沉沦Underneath the ground沉沦到万劫不复Don"t say those words不要说出那些话I wanna live and your words can murder 我意欲存活,而你的只言片语却能将我抹杀Only you can send me under, under, under只有你,会让我沉沦Lost trust, 21 grams of soul失去了信仰和21克的灵魂(取自电影《21grams》,意思是指人死后减轻的重量是21克,意指灵魂离体的重量)All the sanity I"ve ever owned... gone所有我曾拥有理智,全都烟消云散But I"m still breathing但我却还依然残存着Through the thunder, and the fire, and the madness穿过了闪电,穿过了火焰,穿过了那层层阴霾Just to let you shoot me down again只是为了让你再驳倒我一次But I"m still breathing但是,我却还活着I feel it in my veins, skin, bones that I"m losing我能感觉到我的血脉、我的皮肤、我的骨头都在预示着我的迷失You, me, you"re confusing every reason that I"ve left to live你,我...你让我怀疑着每一个我可以为之存活的理由Don"t bury Me不要埋葬我Don"t let me down别让我失望Don"t say its over不要说一切已然结束Cause that would send me under因为那会让我沉沦Underneath the ground沉沦到万劫不复Don"t say those words不要说出那些话I wanna live and your words can murder 我意欲存活,而你的只言片语却能将我抹杀Only you can send me under, under, under只有你,会让我沉沦Chasing you but you don"t look back追逐着你,你未曾回首Words I threw that I can"t take back一言既出,却覆水难收Reaching out but I can"t hold on to you, no张开怀抱,却再也感受不到你的体温Chasing you but you don"t look back追逐着你,你未曾回首Words I threw that I can"t take back一言既出,却覆水难收Reaching out but I can"t hold on to you, no张开怀抱,却再也感受不到你的体温Don"t bury Me不要埋葬我Don"t let me down别让我失望Don"t say its over不要说一切已然结束Cause that would send me under因为那会让我沉沦Underneath the ground沉沦到万劫不复Don"t say those words不要说出那些话I wanna live and your words can murder 我意欲存活,而你的只言片语却能将我抹杀Only you can send me under, under, under只有你,会让我沉沦PS. 纯手打。 我也是想找这首歌的中文翻译,翻了好多网页,全是翻译器的渣渣翻译,实在看不下去了,自己手打了一份,很多大意微词我有所更改,但本色没变。好歌应该大家分享。

alex Hepburn 的under中文歌词

Don"t bury meDon"t lay me downDon"t say it"s overCause that would send me underUnderneath the groundDon"t say those wordsI wanna live and your words can murderOnly you can send me under under underI die every time you walk awayDon"t leave me alone with meSee, I"m afraidOf the darknessOf the voicesSaying nothing"s going to be okI feel it in my heartSoul mind that I"m losingYou meYou"re abusing every reasonI have left to liveDon"t bury meDon"t lay me downDon"t say it"s overCause that would send me underUnderneath the groundDon"t say those wordsI wanna live and your words can murderOnly you can send me under under underLost trust 21 grams of soulAll the sanity I ever owned goneBut I"m still breathingThrough the thunderAnd the fire and the madness<a href="http://pop.yinyueabc.com/lyrics_alex-hepburn_song_under/">Under 歌词<a> <a href="http://www.yinyueabc.com">音乐 ABC<a>Just to let me shoot you down againBut I"m still breathingI feel it in my veins skin bonesThat I"m losing you meYou"re confusingEvery reason I have left to liveDon"t bury meDon"t lay me downDon"t say it"s overCause that would send me underUnderneath the groundDon"t say those wordsI wanna live and your words can murderOnly you can send me under under underChasing you but you don"t look backWords I threw that I can"t take backReaching out but I can"t hold on to youChasing you but you don"t look backWords I threw that I can"t take backReaching out but I can"t hold on to youDon"t bury meDon"t lay me downDon"t say it"s overCause that would send me underUnderneath the groundDon"t say those wordsI wanna live and your words can murderOnly you can send me under under under不要把我 埋不要你躺我下来 不要说它已超过 导致,会的发送我下 地面下方不说那些话 我想活着和你的话语可以谋杀 ,只有你可以给我下 死每次你走开 不要离开我跟我见 ,我是怕 的声音黑暗的说什么都不会没事 我感觉到它在我的心 灵魂心灵我失去了 你我 你滥用每个原因 活 忘了别埋葬我 别的躺我下来 不要说是在 因为那会的发送我下 地面下方不说那些话 我想活着和你的话语可以谋杀 只有你可以给我发送下在 失去信任 21 克的灵魂 下所有的理性养过走了 但我仍然在呼吸 通过迅雷 和火和<a href="http://pop.yinyueabc.com/lyrics_alex-hepburn_song_under_zh-CN/">Under 歌词<a> <a href="http://www.yinyueabc.com">音乐 ABC<a>只是为了让我疯狂再把你打下来 但我仍然在呼吸 我感觉到它在我的血管里皮肤骨头我失去你我你是令人困惑的 每个让我离开到活 不要把我 埋不放下我 不能说它已超过 导致,会的发送我下 地面下方不说那些话 我想活着和你的话语可以谋杀 只有你可以给我发送下 追着你,但你不要回头我扔了 字我不能带回 摘出来,但不是能拥有你 追着你,但你不要回头我扔了我不能带回 字伸出手但我不能给你 等等不要把我埋 不放下我 不能说它已超过 导致,会的发送我下 地面下方不说那些话 我想活着和你的话语可以谋杀 只有你可以给我发送下

his failure to reply amounts to refusal为啥amount加s?

由于主语是failure,是三单,所以amount用三单形式:amounts词组:amount to 意思是:相当于;His failure to reply amounts to refusal.他未予回答相当于拒绝。

如何从SharePoint Content DB中查询List数据

  1. 查询[dbo].[AllLists]找到ListId。  select *  from [dbo].[AllLists]  where tp_Title = "Country"  由于整个网站集都是共用一个Content DB数据库,所以可能会出现在多个网站中都创建了Country这个List的情况,那么就会返还多条结果,这个情况下,就需要关联AllWebs表,根据网站的Url来判断到底哪个ListId才是我们需要的。  select w.FullUrl,l.tp_ID  from [dbo].[AllLists] l  inner join [dbo].[AllWebs] w  on l.tp_WebId=w.Id  where l.tp_Title = "Country"  在找到了ListId后,接下来所有查询都会用到这个Id。  2. 查询[dbo].[AllUserData],找到需要查询的列,并命名为别名。  假设第一步我们查询出来的ListId是"F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691",那么我们查询Country这个列表的所有数据的SQL就是:  SELECT *  FROM AllUserData  where tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691"

如何从SharePoint Content DB中查询List数据

Case 1简单数据类型的自定义列表查询假设我们现在有一个Country列表,记录了全球200多个国家和地区的中文名,英文名,建国日期,面积,人口等信息,整个列表只有字符串、日期、数字等简单类型,没有User,Lookup等数据类型,则整个List的数据都可以从[dbo].[AllUserData]查询获得,具体查询步骤:1. 查询[dbo].[AllLists]找到ListId。select *from [dbo].[AllLists]where tp_Title = "Country"由于整个网站集都是共用一个Content DB数据库,所以可能会出现在多个网站中都创建了Country这个List的情况,那么就会返还多条结果,这个情况下,就需要关联AllWebs表,根据网站的Url来判断到底哪个ListId才是我们需要的。select w.FullUrl,l.tp_IDfrom [dbo].[AllLists] linner join [dbo].[AllWebs] won l.tp_WebId=w.Idwhere l.tp_Title = "Country"在找到了ListId后,接下来所有查询都会用到这个Id。2. 查询[dbo].[AllUserData],找到需要查询的列,并命名为别名。假设第一步我们查询出来的ListId是"F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691",那么我们查询Country这个列表的所有数据的SQL就是:SELECT *FROM AllUserDatawhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691"这个表的列非常多,在SharePoint 2013的环境中会更多,但是存储数据的列都是用“数据类型+数字”来命名的。所以如果要找建国日期这个字段对应的列,那么就去看datetime1 datetime2等,如果要找面积,人口等数值类型的列,那就去看float1 float2等;如果要找中文名,英文名之类的字符串列,那就要看nvarchar1 nvarchar3等列。这里基本上都是靠眼睛来看的,根据查询的结果推断哪些字段存储了哪些数据。在得知每个字段的对应后,即可修改查询,将别名加上。SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691"【注意:SharePoint并没有在数据库中以很方便的结构展现哪些列表字段对应哪个数据库字段,在AllLists表中,虽然有个字段tp_Fields,但是在SharePoint2010及之后,该字段是压缩的二进制,使用SQL是无法读取的。所以根本不可能通过查询数据库得知哪个字段的别名是什么。】参考:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8988098/how-could-i-find-the-fields-of-a-sharepoint-list-from-database-in-sharepoint-2013. 过滤掉已删除的数据。如果数据经过删除,然后又重新录入,那么我们就会发现,第2步的查询结果会把删除的和重新录入的数据都查询出来。SharePoint采用的删除方法都是软删除,通过设置一个标志位来表示一条数据已经被删除,所以我们只需要将删除标识tp_DeleteTransactionId=0添加到where条件中,即可将未删除的数据返回。SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691" and d.tp_DeleteTransactionId=04. 过滤掉历史版本的数据。如果这个列表开启了版本控制,那么我们查询的结果可能包含多个版本的数据,而我们只需要最新版本的数据,不希望历史版本数据出现在查询中。AllUserData表中,使用tp_IsCurrentVersion字段来标识这条数据是最新的当前版本还是历史版本。于是,查询最新版本的SQL改为:SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691" and d.tp_DeleteTransactionId=0 and d.tp_IsCurrentVersion=15. 过滤掉内容审批未通过的数据。如果这个列表开启了内容审批,那么就会出现多个最新版本的情况,一个是已经被审批通过的版本,另一个是修改后还没有进行审批的版本。一般来说,我们是希望只有审批通过的才查询出来,用户进行修改后,只要审批状态不是Approve,那么就不应该出现在查询结果中。在AllUserData表中,使用tp_ModerationStatus字段来标识这行数据是否已经被审批通过。这是一个枚举类型,其值为:0 The list item is approved.1 The list item has been denied approval.2 The list item is pending approval.3 The list item is in the draft or checked out state.4 The list item is scheduled for automatic approval at a future date.这里,我们只要审批通过的数据,所以我们的SQL更新为:SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691" and d.tp_DeleteTransactionId=0 and d.tp_IsCurrentVersion=1 and tp_ModerationStatus=0


你写得有问题吧,应该是AMOUNT TO BE PAID.吧




百事可乐最初于19世纪90年代(1890-1900)由美国北加洲一位名为 Caleb Bradham 的药剂师所造,以碳酸水、糖、香草、生油、胃蛋白酶 (pepsin) 及可乐果制成。该药物最初是用于治理胃部疾病,后来被命名为“Pepsi”,并于1903年6月16日将之注册为商标。 是美国百事公司推出的一种碳酸饮料,也是可口可乐公司的主要竞争对手 是他的全称



Keep equity up your sleeve for rewarding commitme

你好,Keep equity up your sleeve :keep sth up one"s sleeve,意思是“心里藏有...的妙计”“对...有技巧”。在这里,equity是equity stock的简称,也就是产权股票的含义。整句翻译:聪明地用股票来奖励员工的忠诚。

胃蛋白酶活力单位 FIP-U 什么意思?具体文献中写的是:pepsin (10 FIP-U/mg protein)

去买的地方问问 她们一定知道

pepsin digestibility的翻译

pepsin digestibility-胃蛋白酶消化率希望可以对你有所帮助, 谢谢。

Keep Yourself Alive 歌词

歌曲名:Keep Yourself Alive歌手:Queen专辑:Deep CutsI was told a million timesOf all the troubles in my wayHow I had to keep on tryingLittle better evry dayBut if I crossed a million riversAnd I rode a million milesThen Id still be where I startedBread and butter for a smileWell I sold a million mirrorsIn a shop in alley wayBut I never saw my faceIn any window any dayWell they say your folks are telling youTo be a super starBut I tell you just be satisfiedTo stay right where you areKeep yourself alive keep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and a moneyHoney youll surviveWell Ive loved a million womenIn a belladonic hazeAnd I ate a million dinnersBrought to me on silver traysGive me evrything I needTo feed my body and my soulAnd Ill grow a little biggerMaybe that can be my goalI was told a million timesOf all the people in my wayHow I had to keep on tryingAnd get better evry dayBut if I crossed a million riversAnd I rode a million milesThen Id still be where I startedStill be where I startedKeep yourself alive keep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and money honeyYoull surviveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and moneyTo keep me satisfiedDo you think youre better evry dayNo I just think Im two steps nearer to my graveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself alive mmYou take your time and take your moneyKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveAll you people keep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveItll take you all your time and a moneyTo keep me satisfiedKeep yourself aliveKeep yourself aliveAll you people keep yourself aliveTake you all your time and money honeyYou will survivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52742013

求迈克尔杰克逊keep your head up 歌词

She"s looking for a job and a finer place to stay,She"s looking for the hope and the empty promises,She"s working two jobs, keeping alive,She works in a restaurant during day,She waits her life away,She wipes her tears away.She hides inside every time she feels this way,And she"s …inside, every time her baby cries.Keeping your head up to the sky!Keeping your mind stay alive,Keeping your wings so we can fly,Keep your head up, tonight!Keeping your head up to the sky,Are we could just rise up, tell me now?Give me your wings so we can fly!Killing up the life in the birds and the trees,And sucking up the air in the earth from under me,It"s never too late!I can"t even breathe!I can"t even see!Keep your head up, don"t give up, today!How long can we wait?I wish that love would come today!All you need is love,Tell you I always come and…And all you need is just a moment wanting toKeep your head up!Keeping your head up to the sky!Keeping your mind stay alive,Keeping your wings so we can fly,Keep your head up, tonight!Keeping your head up to the sky,Are we could just rise up, tell me now?Give me your wings so we can fly!Everybody say that time is borrowed,And hanging down your head is no good,And if your day arrives…tomorrowJust give yourself a chance,Fight the circumstance,Rising too, again!Keeping your head up to the sky!Keeping your mind stay alive,Keeping your wings so we can fly,Keep your head up, tonight!Keeping your head up to the sky,Are we could just rise up, tell me now?Give me your wings so we can fly!
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