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keep up与with搭配吗?是必须得还是可以不

这是两个词组:1、keep up 的意思是:保持;继续;不低落;不落后Keep up the struggle till you succeed. 继续战斗直到你们取得胜利。2、keep up with 赶得上;和…保持联系You try to keep up with the latest and make the smartest choices—but are they as healthy as you think? 尝试去保持最新的营养观念和做出最精明选择,但是你觉得它们带来的是你所认为的健康吗?

keep up with的意义及用法

keepupwith动词词组,跟得上,不落后的意思。Youarewalkingtoofast.Icannotkeepupwithyou.你走得太快了,我跟不上你。We havetoworkhardtokeepupwiththepaceoftheage.我们必须努力,才能跟上时代的脚步。

keep up with是什么意思


keep up with是个什么意思?

牛津高阶字典:keep up (with sb/sth), to move, make progress or increase at the same rate as sth/sb.(与……)齐步前进,并驾齐驱;跟上。keep up with sb ,to continue to be in contact with sb 与某人保持联系keep up with stn,1. to learn about or be aware of the news, current events,etc.熟悉,了解(消息,形势等)。2. to continue to pay or do sth regularly.继续支付,继续做。

keep up with什么意思


keep up with是什么意思?


keep up with是什么意思


keep up with什么意思

keep up with跟上;赶上



求问water repellent是什么意思

water repellent[英][u02c8wu0254:tu0259 ru026au02c8pelu0259nt][美][u02c8wu0254tu025a ru026au02c8pu025blu0259nt]憎水剂; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Thread and twine, mildew resistant or water repellent treated. 线程和缠绕,抗白粉病或拒水治疗。

求救!water proof, water repellency和water resistance的区别!急!!


如何区别Waterproof Water Repellent Water Resistant

区别:一)疏水——Water Repellent“疏水”是指在AATCC(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists,美国纺织化学师与印染师协会)技术规范(AATCC Technical Manual)里定义的Water Repellent。按照AATCC的定义,“疏水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿的能力,而“抗水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿及防止水透过的能力。对于疏水性通常使用两种测试方法,AATCC TM 22(TM:Test Method,测试方法,下同)里定义的“喷雾测试(Spray Test)”和TM 70里定义的“滚筒动态吸收测试(Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test)”。通过测试,可以评估出面料相对的疏水性,通常用一个0~100的值来表示。一般来说,疏水性到80~90的面料,就可以挂上“Water Repellent ”的标签了。关键的一点是,疏水性度量的是面料吸收的水的多少,而不是面料透过的水的多少。二)、抗水——Water Resistant“抗水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿及防止水透过的能力。AATCC定义了3种测量拒水性的方法:TM 35 “雨测试(Rain Test)”,TM 42 “冲击渗透测试(Impact Penetration Test)”和TM 127 “流体静压力测试(Hydrostatic Pressure Test)”。冲击渗透测试用一定分量的水在一定高度落下冲击面料表面,最终是以透过织物的水的重量来衡量。至于流体静压力测试,则反倒是最熟悉的测试方式,也就是在面料一侧加压,以在面料另一侧出现水珠时的压力作为面料的抗水性指标,也就是通常说的,防水能力为…毫米水压。这个测试的重要意义在于明确区分了面料的“抗水性”和面料/纤维的疏水性。面料的抗水性和纤维或纱线的疏水性、粗细、形状、织法、面料的空间结构、微孔大小等多方面因素共同相关。三)、waterproof(防水) 一般是指在布料底面做胶底,分coating和lamination两种,coating就是常说的涂层,lamination是复合一层防水料在后面。这个才是真正的防水,一般防水布料表面也有分做 W/R和不做W/R的,W/R+W/P当然就比单纯的W/R或W/P好。防泼水没有水压指标,一压就全面渗水。欧洲的能够称为waterproof的是1000mm。一般最低防水度600mm勉强叫防水。 应该说,防水的衣服必须有seam taping(在衣服里面缝骨处烫一条防水压胶)。


《War and Peace》(Leo Tolstoy)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nmpPcBVySNCq7AnIke3cRA 提取码:hgjh书名:War and Peace作者:Leo Tolstoy豆瓣评分:9.6出版社:Oxford University Press出版年份:2010-11-10页数:1440内容简介:Published to coincide with the centenary of Tolstoy"s death, here is an exciting new edition of one of the great literary works of world literature. Tolstoy"s epic masterpiece captures with unprecedented immediacy the broad sweep of life during the Napoleonic wars and the brutal invasion of Russia. Balls and soirées, the burning of Moscow, the intrigues of statesmen and generals, scenes of violent battles, the quiet moments of everyday life--all in a work whose extraordinary imaginative power has never been surpassed. The Maudes" translation of Tolstoy"s epic masterpiece has long been considered the best English version, and now for the first time it has been revised to bring it fully into line with modern approaches to the text. French passages are restored, Anglicization of Russian names removed, and outmoded expressions updated. A new introduction by Amy Mandelker considers the novel"s literary and historical context, the nature of the work, and Tolstoy"s artistic and philosophical aims. New, expanded notes provide historical background and identifications, as well as insight into Russian life and society.


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the weather report says it will be much ---[hot]later on

Hotter~It"s comparative form of the adjective.

“keep……on a lead"什么意思?

应该是 keep ...on a leash保持XX被约束,管束住XX




《Myths to Live By》(Joseph Campbell)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Vi8AfaFejKLcekiw5bxteA 提取码:rif6书名:Myths to Live By作者:Joseph Campbell出版社:Penguin (Non-Classics)出版年份:1993-02-01页数:276内容简介:What is a properly functioning mythology and what are its functions? Can we use myths to help relieve our modern anxiety, or do they help foster it? In Myths to Live by, Joseph Campbell explores the enduring power of the universal myths that influence our lives daily and examines the myth-making process from the primitive past to the immediate present, retuning always to the source from which all mythology springs: the creative imagination.Campbell stresses that the borders dividing the Earth have been shattered; that myths and religions have always followed the certain basic archetypes and are no longer exclusive to a single people, region, or religion. He shows how we must recognize their common denominators and allow this knowledge to be of use in fulfilling human potential everywhere.


这句话是主谓句,没有宾语!主语为The poor little girl,谓语是died。die是一个不及物动词(vi.)后面不可以接宾语!

nonexclusive representative是什么意思?


intensive repair是什么意思

intensive repair强修intensive[英][u026anu02c8tensu026av][美][u026anu02c8tu025bnsu026av]adj.加强的,强烈的; [农]精耕细作的; [语]加强语意的; (农业方法)集约的; n.加强器; [语]强义词,强调成份; repair[英][ru026au02c8peu0259(r)][美][ru026au02c8per]vt.修理; 纠正; 恢复; 弥补; n.修理; 修理工作; 维修状态; 经修理的东西; 第三人称单数:repairs过去分词:repaired复数:repairs现在进行时:repairing过去式:repaired


《那多三国事件簿之桃园三结义》(那多)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/10_FstvtdqcEgqB_hwOtXww 提取码:5te0书名:那多三国事件簿之桃园三结义作者:那多豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:春风文艺出版社出版年份:2003-09页数:143内容简介:图文书大家一定不会感到陌生,近年来,无论是艺术书、生活书,还是儿童书,以图代文的形式越来越普遍,人们呼吁读图时代正在来临。而作为一部小说,能够将文字与图画从内容到形式都结合得如此之巧妙,《那多三国事件簿之桃园三结义》不能不说是一个成功的典范。如果只是一般的图画或是照片,《那多三国事件簿之桃园三结义》也不过是符合了时 代潮流而已,但该书的图画一律选用皮影戏的形式来表现小说中的人物和种种场景,以一种极其犀利的方式衬托出人物的个性和心理,令人不得不赞叹其构思的巧妙。尤其难得的是,皮影戏这种形式恰恰保持了与小说完全协调一致的基调。如果说国画是历史的参照,照片是真实的反映,那么皮影戏――这种通俗而又极负个性的艺术形式正好将小说诙谐、幽默、与众不同的特质挖掘出来。作者那多将想象力发挥至极,赋予书中人物刘备、关羽、张飞种种超人之能,将传统三国中刘备卖草鞋、关羽与红枣、张飞卖肉、桃园三结义等故事进行了重新阐释,赋予了完全不同的涵义,真正体现了现代人的幽默和智慧。如果戏说的只是普通的帝王将相,那多不会有如此的成功。但他偏偏选择了三国,选择了中国最为战乱纷繁、风云变幻、英雄群起的年代。英雄的故事无论在何时都会引起人们的关注,更何况是在现实生活越来越沉闷的今天。可以说,是三国成就了那多。如果只是普通的戏说,翻出些野史,给古代英雄身边加上些红粉佳人,这部小说也不会有如此的吸引人。那多完全抛弃了各种各样的正史、野史,突破了前人的窠臼,将戏说发挥到极点。如果是在以前,这部小说一定会引起众多学者的不满,但在戏说如此泛滥的今天,将戏说发挥到极至也正是作者的成功之处。小说中无处不在的想象力和幽默也许会令最为严肃的人也领略到搞笑的艺术,用爆笑来形容一点也不为过。如果只是搞笑,这部小说也不会引得人们如此竞相传看,也不会引发网上如此众多的议论。尽管将传统抛弃得如此彻底,该部小说仍然继承了三国时代的某种精神,英雄的特立独行,成名之前的隐忍和寂寞,对逐鹿天下的渴望,也许这部小说的实质也正在于此。无论怎样,这都是一部很好看、很令人开心的小说。据说《那多三国事件簿之曹操登场》、《那多三国事件簿之天下英雄会汜水》、《那多三国事件簿之汜水关三英战吕布》也即将出版,看来我们不必等得太久就可以再次领略到那多精彩的想象力和幽默。也许现在要做的,就是回家再重头翻一遍三国演义,免得对其中的某些情节感到陌生。1800年前的英雄们,在明代成就了一位书生――罗贯中,在现代成就了一位幻想家――那多。

英语作文 How to keep your own privacy 拒绝复制粘贴 求原创

Nowadays, privacy has become an important issue in our life. For example, if our mother read our diary, we will be very angry and say why you read my diary that my privacy. So, keeping our own privacy is being a problem for us. First, we can use password for our computer to keep our privacy or install some privacy software. That a good way to avoid this promble.Second, respect each other is another way to keep our privacy. Maybe we can tell our parents and friends "please don"t touch my privacy things". In conclusion, if we want to protect our privacy, we should do it by ourselves to use some system or improve the quality of the people around them.






《The Gates of November》(Chaim Potok)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ypV3DwFxIfUB9BbRxiabcg 密码:3d0e书名:The Gates of November作者:Chaim Potok出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:1997-09-08页数:272内容简介:REMARKABLE . . . A WONDERFUL STORY.--The Boston GlobeThe father is a high-ranking Communist officer, a Jew who survived Stalin"s purges. The son is a "refusenik," who risked his life and happiness to protest everything his father held dear. Now, Chaim Potok, beloved author of the award-winning novels The Chosen and My Name is Asher Lev, unfolds the gripping true story of a father, a son, and a conflict that spans Soviet history. Drawing on taped interviews and his harrowing visits to Russia, Potok traces the public and privates lives of the Slepak family: Their passions and ideologies, their struggles to reconcile their identities as Russians and as Jews, their willingness to fight--and die--for diametrically opposed political beliefs."[A] vivid account . . . [Potok] brings a novelist"s passion and eye for detail to a gripping story that possesses many of the elements of fiction--except that it"s all too true."--San Francisco Chronicle


《The Brothers Karamazov》(Fyodor Dostoevsky)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Cm1xMpi-V1BvbvQ9nUZTRw 提取码:n4yb书名:The Brothers Karamazov作者:Fyodor Dostoevsky译者:Larissa Volokhonsky豆瓣评分:9.5出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux出版年份:2002-6-14页数:796内容简介:The award-winning translation of Dostoevsky"s last and greatest novel.作者简介:陀思妥耶夫斯基(Ф.М.Достоевкий,1821~1881),俄国19世纪文坛上享有世界声誉的一位小说家,他的创作具有极其复杂、矛盾的性质。陀思妥耶夫斯基生于医生家庭,自幼喜爱文学。遵父愿入大学学工程,但毕业后不久即弃工从文。在法国资产阶级革命思潮影响下,他醉心于空想社会主义,参加了彼得堡进步知识分子组织的彼得拉舍夫斯基小组的革命活动,与涅克拉索夫、别林斯基过往甚密。1846年发表处女作《穷人》,继承并发展了普希金《驿站长》和果戈里《外套》写“小人物”的传统,对他们在物质、精神上备受欺凌、含垢忍辱的悲惨遭遇表示深切同情。唤醒他们抗议这个不合理的社会制度。《双重人格》(1846)、《女房东》(1847)、《白夜》(1848)和《脆弱的心》(1848)等几个中篇小说使陀思妥耶夫斯基与别林斯基分歧日益加剧,乃至关系破裂。后者认为上述小说流露出神秘色彩、病态心理以及为疯狂而写疯狂的倾向,“幻想情调”使小说脱离了当时的进步文学。1849~1859年陀思妥耶夫斯基因参加革命活动被沙皇政府逮捕并流放西伯利亚。十年苦役、长期脱离进步的社会力量,使他思想中沮丧和悲观成分加强,从早年的空想社会主义滑到“性恶论”,形成了一套以唯心主义和宗教反对唯物主义和无神论,以温顺妥协反对向专制制度进行革命斗争的矛盾世界观。他流放回来后创作重点逐渐转向心理悲剧。长篇小说《被伤害与被侮辱的人们》(1861)继承了“小人物”的主题。《穷人》里偶尔还能发出抗议的善良的人,已成了听任命运摆布的驯良的人;人道主义为宗教的感伤主义所代替。《死屋手记》(1861~1862)记载了作者对苦役生活的切身感受,小说描写了苦役犯的优秀道德品质,控诉了苦役制对犯人肉体的、精神的惨无人道的摧残,无情揭露了沙皇俄国的黑暗统治。《罪与罚》(1866)是一部使作者获得世界声誉的重要作品。《白痴》(1868)发展了“被侮辱与被损害的”主题,女主人公娜斯塔西亚强烈的叛逆性和作为正面人物的梅什金公爵的善良与纯洁,使小说透出光明的色调。但一些用以攻击革命者的“虚无主义者”形象,削弱了小说的揭露力量。在《鬼》(1871~1872)中已没有被伤害与被侮辱者的形象,而只有对革命者的攻击了。最后一部作品《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》(1880)是作者哲学思考的总结。作者以巨大的艺术力量描写了无耻、卑鄙的卡拉马佐夫家族的堕落崩溃。对颠沛流离、生活在水深火热之中的人们表示深厚同情,但也流露出消极的一面,例如认为只有皈依宗教才能保全道德的价值,只有宽恕和仁慈才能拯救人类社会等说教。陀思妥耶夫斯基擅长心理剖析,尤其是揭示内心分裂。他对人类肉体与精神痛苦的震撼人心的描写是其他作家难以企及的。他的小说戏剧性强,情节发展快,接踵而至的灾难性事件往往伴随着复杂激烈的心理斗争和痛苦的精神危机,以此揭露资产阶级关系的纷繁复杂。矛盾重重和深刻的悲剧性。陀思妥耶夫斯基的善恶矛盾性格组合、深层心理活动描写都对后世作家产生深刻影响。

zaki took a deep breath and let it out slowly


How to prepare for interviews ..3分钟演讲. 要容易懂的,

It"s really very excited if someday you received a call to attend a interview from one company.However,just a while after the exciting news,you have to face the fact on how to prepare the coming interview,and how to show your best sides to the people who will be present as judges during the interview. The interview is so important for your life and career that you must do all your best to plan it.To make sure you will pass the interview successfully,the following works shold be done, a.collect the informations about the interview as possible as you can,list all the questions maybe asked.Of courseanswers shall be fully prepared liberately . b.design your dress and behavior.If you want to give a good inpression at first sight to others,it"s better to have suitable clothes and behave properly for the interview. c.full of confidence.Confidence is the source of success.Anytime,anywhere,don"t feel fear and just be confident to face any problems.Believe yourself,you will win. If you have fully prepare youself before you step into the interview room,I think the lucky and fortune will be with you all the time.

How to prepare for interviews

1.Before the InterviewThese basics all contribute to a professional demeanor that is fundamental in the interview process. Be on Time - You should arrive at least 5-10 minutes prior to the interview. Nothing leaves a worse first impression than keeping the interviewer waiting, regardless of the reason. If you are late due to an emergency, phone ahead.Know Where You Are Going - If you have not been to the place where your interview will be, it is a good idea to visit before the day of your interview so that you can plan what route you will take and where you will park. Once you know where you are going then you can make sure to give yourself sufficient time to get there. Get Food and Rest - Equip your body with enough food and rest before the interview. This will help you to feel your best, which in turn will help you to look and perform your best.Dress Properly - Dress for success - you will be judged by your appearance. As a general rule you should dress one stage up from what the position itself would require or suggest. For most office-type positions, both males and females should wear formal business attire. Also make sure that your clothing is clean and that you are well groomed with natural looking make-up and hair.Bring the Necessities - If possible, prepare a portfolio of your best work to show the employer. This is more relevant for certain occupations, but can be appropriate in many different circumstances. Before the interview you should prepare a list of references to bring with you. You may also want to bring letters of recommendation. Finally, extra copies of transcripts, resumes, or other relevant documents will be handly. You will look professional if you can save your employer the trouble of photocopying.2.On the Interview day Non-verbal Messages: Non-verbal language speaks larger than words. As you walk in the interview room, here are a few things that you must keep in mind: Start it off like a winner. The handshake: Offer your hand, and give a firm handshake, a pleasant smile and a positive and confident attitude. Introduce yourself. Posture: Stand and sit erect Don"t Fidget: There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops, tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body.Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye Move your hands: Gesturing or talking with your hands is very natural, but keep it in moderation.Be comfortable. Take a seat facing the interviewer, however, slightly off center. Be sure that you are in a comfortable positionListen attentively. Look at the interviewer directly, but don"t get into a stare down! Sit up straight. Try to relax. It"s okay to take a few notes if the questions are lengthy, or you need to remind yourself of something you want to stressAvoid nervous mannerisms. Pay attention to nervous mannerisms. Everyone is nervous to some extent, the key is to appear calm and composedSpeak clearly. Use good grammar and a friendly tone. Never answer just "yes" or "no" to a question. Always clarify, expand on your answers. Be sure not to go on ramblingBe positive and enthusiastic.Pump up your enthusiasm prior to the interview. Never whine, gripe or complain about past employers, jobs, classes etcAsk pertinent questions. Be prepared to ask a few questions. Do not monopolize the interviewer"s time, particularly if you know they have appointments scheduled following your interview. Do ask thoughtful questions. Don"t ask about salary and benefits, this can be discussed when the company is definitely interested in youWhile giving answers to questions: Be Concise: Listen to the questions carefully and answer to the point. An interviewee rambling on is likely to turn off the interviewer. Provide Examples: Support your contentions with examples. Think of recent strong strategic examples of work you"ve done, then when the question is asked, answer with specifics, not in generalities. Be Honest: It is always better to state the truth than beating about the bush. If you don"t know something then state the fact. Keep Your Guard Up: Always maintain your professionalism. Don"t get swayed by the friendly behaviour of the interviewer and disclose everything. For all you know it might be a trap laid out by him. 3.After the Interviews Say thanks. The next day write the interviewer a brief note reiterating your interest in the job. Spell his or her name correctly! Follow up. If you haven"t heard from the interviewer within the time frame indicated at the close of the interview, call them to relay a polite reminder that you"re still interested in the job. Ask when they plan to make a hiring decision.






CSEP:Canadian Society Of Exercise Physiology 加拿大社会运动生理学CSEP:Certified Special Event Professional 注册特别活动的专业CSEP:Call Setup Error Probability 电话安装误差概率CSEP:Child Support Enforcement Program 执行程序支持孩子CSEP:Childhood Sexual Experience with Peer 童年经历性久远CSEP:Certified System Engineering Professional 注册系统工程专业CSEP:Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability Collaboratory地震预测研究中CSEP:Confined Space Entry Program 空间入口程序CSEP:Communications Standardization and Evaluation Program (USAF) 交通标准化和评估程序(美国空军)CSEP:Community Social Enterprise Partnership 社区社会企业合作CSEP:Connecticut Society of Eye Physicians 康涅狄格眼科医师协会CSEP:Commercial Sexual Exploitation Project 商业化性剥削的项目CSEP:Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff -sponsored exercise program (US DoD) 美军参谋长联席会议主席-sponsored锻炼计划(美国国防部)CSEP:Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (Illinois Institute of Technology) 研究中心的职业道德标准的(伊利诺斯州理工学院)CSEP:Connected System Exit Point 连接系统出口点CSEP:Cooperative Special Education Program 合作的特殊教育项目CSEP:Confined Space Entry Permit (OSHA) 封闭空间的签证(职业健康安全局)CSEP:Certified Special Events Professional 注册特别活动的专业CSEP:Certified Systems Engineering Professional 注册系统工程专业CSEP:Certified Specialist in Estate Planning (National Institute for Excellence in Professional Education) 认证的专业房地产规划(国家优秀的职业教育)CSEP:Career Soldier Education Program 职业军人的教育计划CSEP:cortical somatosensory evoked potential 皮层体感诱发电位CSEP:COMSEC Education Program COMSEC教育计划


《在绝望中寻找希望》(俞敏洪)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jpIo1N4cSePWHfrFLtV54A 提取码:43ke书名:在绝望中寻找希望作者:俞敏洪豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:中信出版社出版年份:2014-5-1页数:304内容简介:《在绝望中寻找希望》——俞敏洪亲笔书写50年心路历程,20载创业风云。俞敏洪每天晚上12点之后会坚持写一篇文章,《在绝望中寻找希望》就是这些记录文字的呈现。全书精选了104篇文章,针对当下年轻人面临的一系列困扰,按青春、理想、心态、亲情、友情、人生、教育等主题,呈现出他对世界的看法和态度。在这个充斥着不安感的浮躁社会,给年轻人内心坚强的力量,让每个人思考应该怎样更积极地度过人生。俞敏洪的文字有种朴实而坚定的力量,阅读他的文字,你能感受到向上的张力,昂扬的态度和智慧的人生哲学。作者简介:俞敏洪江苏省江阴市人,北京大学西语系毕业。1980年考入北京大学西语系,本科毕业后留校任教;1991年从北大辞职,进入民办教育领域,1993年创办北京新东方学校,从最初的几十个学生开始了创业生涯。2006年9月7日,“新东方”在纽约证券交易所上市,成为第一家在美国上市的中国大陆教育机构。俞敏洪现任新东方教育科技集团董事长、中国青年企业家协会副会长、中华全国青年联合会委员等职。被媒体评为最具升值潜力的十大企业新星之一,21世纪影响中国的25位企业家之一。


CSEP:Canadian Society Of Exercise Physiology 加拿大社会运动生理学CSEP:Certified Special Event Professional 注册特别活动的专业CSEP:Call Setup Error Probability 电话安装误差概率CSEP:Child Support Enforcement Program 执行程序支持孩子CSEP:Childhood Sexual Experience with Peer 童年经历性久远CSEP:Certified System Engineering Professional 注册系统工程专业CSEP:Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability Collaboratory地震预测研究中CSEP:Confined Space Entry Program 空间入口程序CSEP:Communications Standardization and Evaluation Program (USAF) 交通标准化和评估程序(美国空军)CSEP:Community Social Enterprise Partnership 社区社会企业合作CSEP:Connecticut Society of Eye Physicians 康涅狄格眼科医师协会CSEP:Commercial Sexual Exploitation Project 商业化性剥削的项目CSEP:Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff -sponsored exercise program (US DoD) 美军参谋长联席会议主席-sponsored锻炼计划(美国国防部)CSEP:Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (Illinois Institute of Technology) 研究中心的职业道德标准的(伊利诺斯州理工学院)CSEP:Connected System Exit Point 连接系统出口点CSEP:Cooperative Special Education Program 合作的特殊教育项目CSEP:Confined Space Entry Permit (OSHA) 封闭空间的签证(职业健康安全局)CSEP:Certified Special Events Professional 注册特别活动的专业CSEP:Certified Systems Engineering Professional 注册系统工程专业CSEP:Certified Specialist in Estate Planning (National Institute for Excellence in Professional Education) 认证的专业房地产规划(国家优秀的职业教育)CSEP:Career Soldier Education Program 职业军人的教育计划CSEP:cortical somatosensory evoked potential 皮层体感诱发电位CSEP:COMSEC Education Program COMSEC教育计划

pie jesu joseph歌词


Pie Jesu (Reprise) 歌词

[ti:Pie Jesu] [ar:Charlotte Church] [al:Prelude: The Best Of Charlotte Church] [by:Van] [offset:500] [00:00.00]Charlotte Church - Pie Jesu [00:15.81] [01:07.07][00:17.81]Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu, [01:18.20][00:29.69]Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu, [01:29.63][00:42.60]Qui Tollis peccata mundi; [01:36.85][00:50.32]Dona eis requiem, [01:44.66][00:58.04]Dona eis requiem, [01:53.02][01:05.99] [02:07.61]Agnus Dei,Agnus Dei [02:19.60]Agnus Dei,Agnus Dei [02:31.76]Quit Tollis peccata mundi; [02:38.99]Dona eis requiem, [02:46.51]Dona eis requiem, [02:54.42] [02:55.55]Sempiternam, sempiternam requiem. [03:20.39] [03:20.89] [03:21.29]END


produce 是 产生; 生产; 制作; 创作 的意思。 其名词形式product 就是产品。reproduce 根据 merriam-webster词典,英文解释:: to make a copy of (something) 【复制】: to produce something that is the same as or very similar to (something else) 【以相同或相似的方式生产】: to cause (something) to happen again in the same way 【以相似的方式导致某事发生】


TEP是三个流程的简称,其中T即Translation(翻译),这是第一个阶段,译者要把原文翻译成目标语言,当然要求尽可能地准确、完整、通畅地表达原文的含义。从事这一流程的译者可称为Translator。第二个阶段是E即Editing(编辑),在这个阶段,由另一位译者来对照原文检查上个流程生成的译文,修订错误,提升译文质量。此时译者可以称为Editor。最后一个阶段P即Proofreading(校对),在这个阶段,由最后一位译者对译文进行通读,检查译文中的明显问题和错误,一般不需要对照原文。与之对应的译者称为 Proofreader。文本翻译了解了TEP背后的含义后,我觉得该流程定义得非常好:这三个步骤的组合,既能有效保证翻译质量,又有助于按时完成。这也太棒了吧!然而,在我接触过的实际项目中,几乎没有哪个翻译任务是按照TEP 流程去做的。最常见的是 TR 两个步骤,也有的是TRQ,还有的干脆是TQ。英语交流

Which of the two cows ___you keep produces more milk?A.that B.which C.whm D.what

选A句意:你养的两只奶牛里面哪只产奶多? Which of the two cows (that you keep) produces more milk? that you keep是cows的定于从句,你养的奶牛.去掉以后句子仍然是完整的.


歌曲名:LOVE RUNS DEEP(演奏版)歌手:辛晓琪专辑:领悟英文单曲Lindsey Buckingham - Love Runs DeeperWell you came to me you cooled my mindThe stakes were high impossible to describeI loved you little child how you mystifiedJust a blinding flash we were parallel linesLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from a broken homeBlack angel can"t be aloneLove runs deeper from the undergroundIn the shadow moon steel tears I criedYou were out of tune it seemed to suit my dark sideYou had a prophet"s pose and two states of mindI was sure we"d go we were parallel linesLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from a broken homeBlack angel can"t be aloneLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from a broken homeBlack angel can"t be aloneLove runs deeper from the undergroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19612302

When the wolf comes in at the door , love creeps out of the window.


分析(语法结构、句意等各方面)Which of the two cows ___that___ you keep produces more milk?

你养的两只奶牛,哪只产奶更多?that you keep是定语从句,修饰cows

Love Runs Deep 歌词

歌曲名:Love Runs Deep歌手:辛晓琪专辑:领悟英文单曲Lindsey Buckingham - Love Runs DeeperWell you came to me you cooled my mindThe stakes were high impossible to describeI loved you little child how you mystifiedJust a blinding flash we were parallel linesLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from a broken homeBlack angel can"t be aloneLove runs deeper from the undergroundIn the shadow moon steel tears I criedYou were out of tune it seemed to suit my dark sideYou had a prophet"s pose and two states of mindI was sure we"d go we were parallel linesLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from a broken homeBlack angel can"t be aloneLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from the undergroundLove runs deeper from a broken homeBlack angel can"t be aloneLove runs deeper from the undergroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13748920

求Onerepublic乐队的Love runs out无损FLAC

这首音乐可以在这里下, 这个就是flac格式的, 有问题继续追问, 没错的话请采纳一下.


EPOLL 的API用来执行类似poll()的任务。能够用于检测在多个文件描述符中任何IO可用的情况。Epoll API可以用于边缘触发(edge-triggered)和水平触发(level-triggered), 同时epoll可以检测更多的文件描述符。以下的系统调用函数提供了创建和管理epoll实例: 边缘触发(edge-triggered 简称ET)和水平触发(level-triggered 简称LT): epoll的事件派发接口可以运行在两种模式下:边缘触发(edge-triggered)和水平触发(level-triggered),两种模式的区别请看下面,我们先假设下面的情况: 如果rfd被设置了ET,在调用完第五步的epool_wait 后会被挂起,尽管在缓冲区还有可以读取的数据,同时另外一段的管道还在等待发送完毕的反馈。这是因为ET模式下只有文件描述符发生改变的时候,才会派发事件。所以第五步操作,可能会去等待已经存在缓冲区的数据。在上面的例子中,一个事件在第二步被创建,再第三步中被消耗,由于第四步中没有读取完缓冲区,第五步中的epoll_wait可能会一直被阻塞下去。 下面情况下推荐使用ET模式: 相比之下,当我们使用LT的时候(默认),epoll会比poll更简单更快速,而且我们可以使用在任何一个地方。 先简单的看下EPOLL的API epoll_create() 可以创建一个epoll实例。在linux 内核版本大于2.6.8 后,这个 size 参数就被弃用了,但是传入的值必须大于0。 epoll_create() 会返回新的epoll对象的文件描述符。这个文件描述符用于后续的epoll操作。如果不需要使用这个描述符,请使用close关闭。 epoll_create1() 如果 flags 的值是0,epoll_create1()等同于epoll_create()除了过时的size被遗弃了。当然 flasg 可以使用 EPOLL_CLOEXEC,请查看 open() 中的O_CLOEXEC来查看 EPOLL_CLOEXEC有什么用。 返回值: 如果执行成功,返回一个非负数(实际为文件描述符), 如果执行失败,会返回-1,具体原因请查看error. 这个系统调用能够控制给定的文件描述符 epfd 指向的epoll实例, op 是添加事件的类型, fd 是目标文件描述符。 有效的op值有以下几种: event 这个参数是用于关联制定的 fd 文件描述符的。它的定义如下: events 这个参数是一个字节的掩码构成的。下面是可以用的事件: 返回值: 如果成功,返回0。如果失败,会返回-1, errno 将会被设置 有以下几种错误: epoll_wait 这个系统调用是用来等待 epfd 中的事件。 events 指向调用者可以使用的事件的内存区域。 maxevents 告知内核有多少个events,必须要大于0. timeout 这个参数是用来制定epoll_wait 会阻塞多少毫秒,会一直阻塞到下面几种情况: 当 timeout 等于-1的时候这个函数会无限期的阻塞下去,当 timeout 等于0的时候,就算没有任何事件,也会立刻返回。 struct epoll_event 如下定义: 每次epoll_wait() 返回的时候,会包含用户在epoll_ctl中设置的events。 还有一个系统调用epoll_pwait ()。epoll_pwait()和epoll_wait ()的关系就像select()和 pselect()的关系。和pselect()一样,epoll_pwait()可以让应用程序安全的等待知道某一个文件描述符就绪或者捕捉到信号。 下面的 epoll_pwait () 调用: 在内部等同于: 如果 sigmask 为NULL, epoll_pwait()等同于epoll_wait()。 返回值: 有多少个IO事件已经准备就绪。如果返回0说明没有IO事件就绪,而是timeout超时。遇到错误的时候,会返回-1,并设置 errno。 有以下几种错误:

Keep on walking怎么翻译



epoll的两种触发模式分别是ET(edge trigger)边缘触发和LT(level triggered)水平触发。 epoll的默认触发模式是LT,select、poll都是LT触发。 缓冲区只要有数据未读就会导致epoll_wait返回。 上次读数据未读完仍会导致epoll_wait返回。 水平触发模式下阻塞和非阻塞并没有什么区别,因为没有可读时间就绪的话epoll_wait不会返回。 缓冲区出现新未读数据才会导致epoll_wait返回。 上次读数据未读完不会导致epoll_wait返回。 边缘触发模式下事件就绪只会通知一次,为了保证数据成功被读取或写入,在非阻塞模式下,采用循环的方式进行读写,直到完成或出现异常时退出。 如果不采用循环的方式进行读写,就会造成数据读/写不完的情况,因为下一次再调用epoll_wait就不会再通知了,所以职能采用循环的方式进行读写。但是如果尝试采用循环的方式进行读写,则会造成永久阻塞。 造成阻塞的原因只有没有数据可读/可写,在非阻塞模式下出现没有数据可读/可写可以返回相应的错误信息设置errno(EWOULDBLOCK),但是阻塞模式就会进入阻塞状态,而处理的该fd永远也不可能再有可读数据了,所以就被永久阻塞了。

reinforcememt drawing for pipe sleepers和 reinforc

reinforcement drawing for pipe sleepers加固管枕木图纸reinforcement drawing for pile caps and water-seal well of main oil taken area给桩帽和主要石油采取地区水井封抽加固图纸

Love is for the Foolish-Sleep for Sleepers


初三英语作文how tokeepsafewhenanearthquakehappens

. How to Keep Safe on the Way to School In our communities now, we often walk, bike, or drive to school. But how can we keep ourselves safe? If we walk, the cars and the street gangs might cause us some trouble. If we bike, we might cause accidents like crashing into somebody walking. If we drive, there might be a car accident or it might have traffic problems. If we look closer into this situation, we could make out that we should have someone walking with you when you"re walking, a clean street when we"re biking or driveing, and stay away from gangs and trouble. that"s how we can keep ourselves safe when we"re walking to school.

《How to Keep safe?》范文

As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions. First, you have to be careful about the persons you want to make friends with especially online friends . Not everyone around you is friendly to you . Second,if you are in danger ,you should call the police for help as soon as possible. Because you ought to be protected safely before being done harm to by the bad man. Also ,it is very important for us to eat healthily bad safely .Don"t eat food that has gone bad. Last but not least ,we should pay more attention to the traffic ,we aren"t allowed to swim in the rivers or swim outside alone without permission.How to Keep Safe on the Way to School In our communities now, we often walk, bike, or drive to school. But how can we keep ourselves safe? If we walk, the cars and the street gangs might cause us some trouble. If we bike, we might cause accidents like crashing into somebody walking. If we drive, there might be a car accident or it might have traffic problems. If we look closer into this situation, we could make out that we should have someone walking with you when you"re walking, a clean street when we"re biking or driveing, and stay away from gangs and trouble. that"s how we can keep ourselves safe when we"re walking to school. 2. How to Get on With Our Parents Our parents are the ones that love us most, but it"s also hard to commuicate with them because they are olders than you and they went through different things than you. But if we don"t know how to communicate with our own parents, then how could we communicate with others? Communicating with our parents didn"t seemed to be that hard, there"s only three rules. Rule number one is to calm down and don"t speak in a hurry. Rule number two is to not fight back if you don"t need to. Rule number three is to stay quiet most of the times. If you can follow theses three rules, we would be able to communicate with our parents very well.

How to keep healthy

To maintain good health, here are some general tips:1. Eat a balanced diet: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive salt and saturated fats.2. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and support its functions.3. Exercise regularly: Engage in physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week. Choose activities you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or dancing.4. Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to rest and rejuvenate.5. Manage stress: Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as practicing mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.6. Maintain a healthy weight: Strive for a healthy body weight by balancing your calorie intake with physical activity.7. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption: Quit smoking if you smoke, and drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.8. Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and keep your living environment clean.Remember, it"s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific health needs.

keep on doing sth是什么意思



是现在进行时吧,不是现在分词。be动词+动词ingam,is ,are 原型是be,也叫be动词。walk是动词+ing。are walking就是现在进行时。

keep on与continue on的区别.具体是:They ()on walking until they foun?

首先用keep on 恩,continue on 是指(稍有条件,有前提才...)的继续,例如:打电玩游戏失败它会(显示continue on)让你投币继续.. keep on则强调.继续,坚持下去 楼主平时遇到英语翻译的可以借用有道词典,相信对你会有所帮助的,呵呵,1,没有continue on 这个词组啊。用keep on,2,keep on continue是vt 通常后面都直接加doing 或 sth 好像to do都行..,2,keep on与continue on的区别.具体是:They ()on walking until they found a lake.前文是说两好朋友在沙漠中走,一个人打了另一个人的脸,被打的人在沙上写了”我最好的朋友今天打了我“.这是下一段的开头,填KEPT还是CONTINUED.或者是”lasted""tried"(. 但查 continue on 也有这个词组啊?

C语言 epoll和多线程有什么关系?


keep up with somebody walking fast的意思

跟上走的快的人 支持选举做总统


连词成句:Keep to the right when you are walking. 走路时要沿着右边行走。

walking____ ____ ____ ____tokeephealthy.

is a good idea


分类: 教育/学业/考试 >> 学习帮助 解析: 及物动词 vt. 保持;保存 continue to have or hold,esp.for future use or for a long time I kept myself warm by walking up and down. 我踱来踱去以暖和身子。 Don"t keep it too long. 别在你那儿搁得太久了。 及物动词 vt. 保留,保藏 retain, not lose or throw away Keep your temper, not get angry,please. 请扼制住不要发脾气。 Will you keep these documents for us? 你帮我们保存一下这些文件好吗? 及物动词 vt. 维持 cause(deliberately)to continue in a certain position or condition Although it is a cheap one,this watch keeps good time. 虽然这块表便宜,但走得倒挺准。 People don"t like to be kept waiting. 人们不喜欢别人让他们干等着。 Keep the fire burning. 照看好,别让火灭了。 He couldn"t keep his eyes shut to all this. 他不能对这一切视而不见。 That will keep you busy for some time. 那可够你忙一阵子的了。 These things should be kept in order. 这些东西应该整理好。 He helped to keep us in touch with what was going on there. 他帮助我们了解那儿的情况。 I"m sorry you"ve been kept waiting. 很抱歉,一直让你等着。 及物动词 vt. 赡养,供养;饲养 take care of someone or an animal; give food,clothes and a home to someone He has a wife and family to keep. 他要养活妻子和一家人。 We were forbidden to keep a single bird of our own. 我们哪怕只喂养一只鸟儿也不允许。 I once asked him if he had any difficulty in keeping five children in school. 有一次我问他供五个孩子上学是否有困难。 及物动词 vt. 经营;管理 carry on;manage; conduct His mother helped to keep house for him. 他妈妈帮助他管家。 Mr. Brown keeps a shop. 布朗先生开了一家店铺。 及物动词 vt. 存(货以便售卖) have regularly in stock and for sale I"m sorry, but we don"t keep them. 对不起,我们这儿不卖(或没有)。 Do you keep postcards? 你们这儿有明信片吗? 及物动词 vt. 忠于;现实;履行 be faithful to; pay regard to; fulfil Keep this matter to yourself; don"t let anybody know. 这件事你知道就行了,不要对别人讲。 及物动词 vt. 庆祝;纪念 observe with due ceremonies,celebrate Let"s keep Christmas. 我们庆祝圣诞节吧。 Most of Americans keep birthdays every year. 大多数美国人每年庆祝生日。 及物动词 vt. 防卫,防守 guard, protect, prevent The soldiers kept a town against the enemy. 战士防止敌人侵入城来。 及物动词 vt. 制止;使远离 hold back; withhold; reserve An iron case will keep the earth"s magi *** away from the pass. 铁箱子能使地球磁力不影响指南针。 We must keep these bustibles away from the fire. 我们一定不要使这些可燃物与火接近。 及物动词 vt. 保密 not tell(a secret), conceal We must keep them from getting to know our plans. 一定不要让他们知道我们的计划。 及物动词 vt. 阻止做(某事) prevent from doing sth. The rain kept us from going out. 下雨使我们没法出去。 This is used to keep the rain out. 这是用来挡雨的。 及物动词 vt. (食物)保鲜 stay fresh or good 及物动词 vt. 记入;记录 make entries in or records of But we have to keep a record in the office. 但我们得在办公室登个记。 不及物动词 vi. 保持状况 remain in a certain condition We must keep fit. 我们必须身体好。 It must find a place where it can keep fairly warm. 必须找到一个可以保暖的地方。 I wish those children would keep quiet. 那些孩子若能保持安静就好了。 In those days they could hardly keep alive. 那时候,他们简直没法活下去。 Danger!Keep out! 危险!不要进入! We kept in during the cold weather. 天冷时我们就不出去。 The sports keep him in good health. 运动使他健康。 We"re keeping in very good health. 我们身体非常好。 I have kept in contact with my mother by telephone for many years. 许多年来我一直与母亲保持电话联系。 不及物动词 vi. 继续不断的做 continue in action The prices keep rising. 物价不断上涨。 News of successes keeps pouring in. 捷报频传。 不及物动词 vi. 维持良好状况 remain in a sound condition · This fruit will keep till spring. 这水果可以保存到春天。 不可数名词 n.[U] 衣食;生计 the cost of food,home,clothes, e · The gardener works hard for his keep. 园丁努力干活以维持生计。

keep in doing 和keep on doing 的区别?


Sleepy Sleepers的《Jimi》 歌词

歌曲名:Jimi歌手:Sleepy Sleepers专辑:PahimmatMartha Wainwright - JimiSometimes I feel like there is no oneNo one at allThat life is a mythAnd I won"t be missedWhen I"m goneBut they say that you are no oneWithout the peopleWho love and know you aroundAnd sometimes I feel like my DadFor leaving her sad and aloneIn this big houseThese are the thoughts that I haveWhen I"m alone at home in my bedAnd I get scaredAnd it takes up so much timeAnd it makes up for nothingAnd some people ask why I can"tRemember the pastThere is this dead woman in my laneShe"s eating my brainHer skin is soft and white and brightAgainst the nightThere is this man in my houseWhen I"m not thereHe says he knows me from somewherehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2743716

Reckless Sleepers的《This Heart》 歌词

歌曲名:This Heart歌手:Reckless Sleepers专辑:Big Boss SoundsThis Heart(Piano Ver)作词:natsuP作曲:natsuP编曲:natsuP呗:初音ミク翻译:Cildeby:CHHKKEいつの日からこんなに/究竟是从何时开始的呢あなたの事でいっぱいに/不自觉的心中已满满的なってしまったんだろう/充斥著你的身影日记の中はあなたの事だらけだよ/日记里的每一天都有著你的存在黒でも白でもない/既非黑色也非白色透明な毎日に/透明的每一天あなたという虹色の光を受けて/被名为你的虹色光芒照耀著ウレシイ色 カナシイ色/欣喜的颜色 悲伤的颜色知る事出来たね/我全都体会过了呢揺れる想いは苦しくて/虽苦於摇摆不定的思念でも飞び出す勇気はなくて/却没有飞奔而出的勇气明日 明後日 来周 延びて/明天 後天 下星期 不断延後伝えるのが怖かったから/总是畏惧著不能好好传杂这份心意気付いているのに/明明早就已经察觉気付かない フリしているの?/还刻意装作 完全不知情的样子?避けてる気がするのは気のせい?/总觉得你在避著我是我多心了吗?电话する事も出来ずに/连拨通电话也无法做到伝える事もためらってた顷に/连是否该传达这心意都在犹豫之时友达で満足と思ってたのに/原本觉得做朋友就已经足够もう一歩 先にいきたくて/但却已经 踏出前进的一步了私だけ见て欲しくて/希望你能只注视著我心を决めた夜/这般下定决心的夜晚この无力で小さな私の/若我这双无力又瘦小的手手に何か出来るとしたら/能够做到什麼的话あなたの愿い叶えるための/就算只有一颗也好请赐给流れ星ひとつだけください/能够实现你的愿望的流星吧会っても冗谈ばかりで/即使见了面却总是开著玩笑私の话 真面目に闻いてくれているのかな?/我的话语 你是否有认真的在倾听呢?そんなとこも好きだけど/虽然我也很喜欢这样的你今だけは真剣に话闻いてね/但现在希望你能够认真地听我说优しすぎるからどんな时も/正因为无论何时都过於温柔だから涙さえ出なくて/所以就连眼泪流不出来なんだか実感涌かないよ/为什麼一点实感都没有呢もう止めた方がいいのか/是不是就此打住会比较好最高の友达目指すよ/以成为最棒的朋友作为目标揺れる想いは苦しくて/虽苦於摇摆不定的思念でも飞び出す勇気はなくて/却没有飞奔而出的勇气明日 明後日 来周 延びて/明天 後天 下星期 不断延後伝えるのが怖かったから/总是畏惧著不能好好传杂这份心意この无力で小さな私の/若我这双无力又瘦小的手手に何か出来るとしたら/能够做到什麼的话あなたの愿い叶えるための/就算只有一颗也好请赐给流れ星ひとつだけください/能够实现你的愿望的流星吧-END-http://music.baidu.com/song/2879255

100分求歌词加翻译!2pac的sleepers(hold on be strong )挺难找的,先谢谢您,找到后给您加100!


Sleepy Sleepers的《Jimi》 歌词

歌曲名:Jimi歌手:Sleepy Sleepers专辑:Livet I BordellMartha Wainwright - JimiSometimes I feel like there is no oneNo one at allThat life is a mythAnd I won"t be missedWhen I"m goneBut they say that you are no oneWithout the peopleWho love and know you aroundAnd sometimes I feel like my DadFor leaving her sad and aloneIn this big houseThese are the thoughts that I haveWhen I"m alone at home in my bedAnd I get scaredAnd it takes up so much timeAnd it makes up for nothingAnd some people ask why I can"tRemember the pastThere is this dead woman in my laneShe"s eating my brainHer skin is soft and white and brightAgainst the nightThere is this man in my houseWhen I"m not thereHe says he knows me from somewherehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2558728

Sleep for Sleepers的《Foreign》 歌词

歌曲名:Foreign歌手:Sleep for Sleepers专辑:The ClearingSleep for Sleepers - ForeignTake me to the right.I like to pretend I?ve got this all figured out.When we step into the light?My nerves start to shake, but I feel I?ve wanted to.Let?s keep this foreign. Let?s keep this safe and sound.Just like each lie we?ve told within each town.I?ve heard them whispering of love and grace.And they?ve always called my name.If I would have known I could have come better prepared for this.Just move from left to right, I swear that you?ll get it.If I would have known I could have come better prepared for this.Just move from left to right, I swear that you?ll get it.Take me to the left.I know it hurts to speak with fire beside your voice.Step into the light.My legs tend to shake when they are aching to move.What was it like?My hands were shaking, hands were shaking.And I?ll always know where I stand.We?ve seen the dark, we?ve seen the light.And I think it?s time we find ourselves within this light.If I would have known I could have come better prepared for this.Just move from left to right, I swear that you?ll get it.If I would have known I could have come better prepared for this.Just move from left to right, I swear that you?ll get it.If I would have known I could have come better prepared for this.Just move from left to right, I swear that you?ll get it.Just move from left to right (Hands were shaking!)Just move from left to right (Hands were shaking!)Just move from left to right, I swear that you?ve got it in you.We?ve all got it in us too!http://music.baidu.com/song/55025600

The late sleeper is a skinflint.


歌曲Saosin - sleepers 翻译

发生在我们身上了全部的做了被睡过它的我们在表面外海拿点击数它的太难忍受它审判是集中在下面的每件事物上。 [Prechorus]它够长的,否则他从你的睡眠叫醒你吗? [合唱]我已经无意中听到它一次这已经继续在它仍然是一在相同的(我们被解释)我们在如此远处似乎从我们过去一直知道的这些事物我们在如此远处从每件事物似乎我们是到处移动我的每一个人他们正在什么也没说那制造火烧伤品尝某事没有人想要听到他们知道每件事物是金色的[Prechorus]它够长的,否则他从你的睡眠叫醒你吗? [合唱]我已经无意中听到它一次这已经继续在它仍然是一在相同的(我们被解释)我们在如此远处似乎从我们过去一直知道的这些事物我们在如此远处从每件事物似。全部我们是金的 (金的)这将不意指一件事物全部我们知道是金的 (金的)这将不意指一件事物]乎我们是给赏金 啊

Sleep for Sleepers的《The Sea》 歌词

歌曲名:The Sea歌手:Sleep for Sleepers专辑:The ClearingSleep for Sleepers - The SeaListen to my voice and let the sound invite.The sea will take you in.Will take you in by night.I?ll be the first to arrive.We?ll be the last to go.I?ll be the first to arrive.We?ll be the last to go.I?ll be the first to arrive.We?ll be the last to go.I?ll be the first to arrive.I will never let you go.You are everything that I have ever dreamed of.My love, my love was resting in your arms, but now it?s yours.Open the doors, just to let her in.She walks down the rows.A new life waits to begin.My dear, oooh, how does this make you feel?A man after your own heart?As I uncover the veil.http://music.b***.com/song/55025255

急 求Saosin-sleepers 鼓谱


Sleep for Sleepers的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Sleep for Sleepers专辑:The ClearingSleep for Sleepers - TwilightWe drove out of this town.We looked back but quickly turned around.We stayed until the moon had morning light, yet never still.And it?s everything, everything!It?s not a dream, not a dream!We?re safe away, away!And it?s the energy, energy!Stop looking back, baby.We?re safe away, away!We drove into the night.The cold had met her breath, but we were fine.And She said, ?Boy let?s get away.We can start a life in a different place.?And it?s everything, everything!It?s not a dream, not a dream!We?re safe away, away!And it?s the energy, energy!Stop looking back, baby.We?re safe away, away!Isn?t falling in love so simple?It?s so simple.Let?s be brave.And baby it?s the things they don?t know that keep me wishing.That keep me guessing.And it?s the energy, energy!Stop looking back, baby.We?re safe away, away!http://music.baidu.com/song/55025373

《keep on walking》 jem歌词中英准确的对照翻译 谢谢

  支持原创答案哦!  1、The world"s got so dark.  世界变得如此黑暗。  2、I need some guidance to see,because this pain in my heart is taking everything from me.  因为在我心中的苦楚正从我身上带走所有的东西,所以我需要一些引导以帮助我去看见(世间的实物)。  3、It is true that love makes the world go round.  爱让世界变得转动,这是千真万确的。  4、Please give some love to me,because I"m feeling so alone right now.  请给我一点爱,因为我现在感到十分孤单。  5、It"s suffocating me.  (这种孤单)让我感到窒息。  6、God give me strength to keep on walking.  上帝给予我力量,让我继续走下去。  7、God give me strength to keep on, keep on...  上帝给予我力量,让我继续,继续......  (6、7重复一次)  8、The air"s got so thick.  空气变得如此浑浊  9、I find it hard to breathe.  我觉得难以呼吸。  10、And therefore before have,I felt so desperately in need.  因此在我拥有(爱)之前,我在困难中感到很绝望。  11、I know that I must start listening to the voice inside of me.  我明白我必须开始倾听自己的内心声音。  12、The truth is that when I speak to you,I hope you to speak to me.  事实是当我与你交谈的时候,我希望你也能与我交谈。  13、God give me strength to keep on walking.  上帝给予我力量,让我继续走下去。  14、God give me strength to keep on, keep on...  上帝给予我力量,让我继续,继续......  (13、14重复一次)  15、oooh, oooh, my darling.  噢,噢,我亲爱的.  16、god is you.  你就是(我的)上帝。  17、God give me strength to keep on walking.  上帝给予我力量,让我继续走下去。  18、God give me strength to keep on, keep on...  上帝给予我力量,让我继续,继续......  (17、18重复3次)完。

什么是“short sleepers”和“long sleepers”?

short sleepers是指睡眠时间短的人 long sleepers是指睡眠时间长的人

汉译英 歌曲(sleepers0

我们发生了什么事所有的做我们睡过了它在表面外海拿点击数它的太难忍受它审判正在集中在下面的每件事物上。 [Prechorus]它够长的,否则他从你的睡眠叫醒你吗? [合唱]我已经无意中听到它一次这已经继续在它在一样的中仍然一(我们被解释)我们在如此远处似乎从我们过去一直知道的这些事物我们在如此远处从每件事物似乎我们是到处移动我的每一个人他们正在什么也没说那使火成为烧伤品尝某事没有人想要听到他们知道每件事物是金色的[Prechorus]它够长的,否则他从你的睡眠叫醒你吗? [合唱]我已经无意中听到它一次这已经继续在它在一样的中仍然一(我们被解释)我们在如此远处似乎从我们过去一直知道的这些事物我们在如此远处从每件事物似乎我们是全部我们是金的 (金的)这将不意指一件事物全部我们知道是金的 (金的)这将不意指一件事物]


When you keep walking to the right.当你一直走向右边时。


《Sleepers》(Carcaterra, Lorenzo)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qdpRXmiUNHIBhGEWw_b_AA 提取码: ih39书名:Sleepers作者:Carcaterra, Lorenzo出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:1996-3页数:384内容简介:Undeniably powerful, an enormously affecting and intensely human story.--The Washington Post Book World"A GUT-WRENCHING PIECE OF WORK. . . Carcaterra"s graphic narrative grips like gunfire in a dark alley."--The Atlanta Journal & Constitution"In his controversial memoir SLEEPERS, Carcaterra remembers harrowing months in the Wilkinson Home for Boys and the elaborate vengeance he and his friends exacted against the guards. He tells it all in spare, stylish prose . . . [with] relentless momentum and sheer drama. . . . SLEEPERS is a thriller, to be sure, but it is equally a wistful hymn to another age."

Saosin的《Sleepers》 歌词

歌曲名:Sleepers歌手:Saosin专辑:SaosinSaosin-Sleepers英文歌词第一站We have been in tune with luckWe slept through itTaking hits off the surface (surface)Its too hard to swallow itThe judgement is concentratingOn everything below.(Was it long enoughor did he wake you up from your sleeping?)I"ve overheard it onceThis has gone on beforeIt"s still one in the same(We are accounted for)We seem so far away fromThese things we used to knowWe seem so far away from everythingEveryone that moves around meThey"re saying nothingThat makes the fire glowSavor something that no one needs to knowThey all think everything is gold(Was it long enoughor did he wake you up from your sleeping?)I"ve overheard it onceThis has gone on beforeIt"s still one in the same(We are accounted for)We seem so far away fromThese things we used to knowWe seem so far away from everythingAll we are is golden (golden)This won"t mean a thingAll we know is golden (golden)This won"t mean a thinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/3458094

C语言 epoll和多线程有什么关系?



sleeper n.卧车;轨枕;睡觉(呈某种状态)的人;冬眠动物,变形,复数:sleepers英文释义 sleeper[ "sli:pu0259 ] a rester who is sleeping同义词:slumberera spy or saboteur or terrorist planted in an enemy country who lives there as a law-abiding citizen until activated by a prearranged signal an unexpected achiever of success.
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