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申请美国本科,Secondary School Report具体指什么?

2023-07-10 08:37:35
















secondary school在美国是指初中还是高中?

2023-07-10 02:36:314

Secondary School ,High School , Middle School有什么不同?

2023-07-10 02:37:064

secondary school的意思

在英国,初中:junior middle school,高中:senior middle school,中学统称为middle school. 在美国,初中:middle school(注意英美的不同),高中:high school(不要错误地理解为是“大学,高校”的意思,高等教育应该说成是higher education). junior/senior high school是中国人“发明”的不地道的英语.当然理解对这些词汇的理解存在偏差由各国教育制度、学制安排不同的原因. by the way,elementary school基础教育,在欧美国家一般从1年级到8年级;secondary school指9年级到12年级.
2023-07-10 02:37:231

secondary school是什么意思

secondary school英[u02c8seku0259ndu0259ri sku:l]美[u02c8su025bku0259nu02ccdu025bri skul]n. 中学名词复数:secondary schools[例句]Eight out of ten youths now finish secondary school.现在,十个年轻人其中八个完成中学课程。
2023-07-10 02:37:301

secondary school的美式英语是什么?

Middle School or High School
2023-07-10 02:38:255

Secondary school是属于初中还是高中

高中senior high school初中junior high school中学secondary school两者都包括,泛指中学
2023-07-10 02:39:013

secondary school 和high school 的区别

secondary school 翻译成中文为:中等学校,简称中学,为紧跟着小学教育之后的学历教育机构,通常也称为中等教育(Secondary Education)机构。此阶段的教育是为了之后的更深等的教育或是职业训练而设。中学和小学之间的界限随着国家的不同而有差异。high school 是美国英语的用法,高级中学,简称高中,与之相对应的为——middle school 初中。高级中学是中等教育的阶段之一,许多国家的教育主管机关将普通中学划分初级中学(初中)和高级中学(高中)。高级中学亦往往是学生进入大学之前的最后一个教育阶段。
2023-07-10 02:39:092

secondary school什么意思

2023-07-10 02:39:364

secondary school与middle school的区别

2023-07-10 02:39:445

英文翻译 secondary school 是什么

secondary school 是中学的意思,指9年级到12年级I am a secondary school teacher of English。是说我是中学的英语老师,我在中学教英语
2023-07-10 02:40:001


  中学分为初级中学与高阶中学,属于中等教育的范畴。初级中学一般是指九年义务教育的中学,高阶中学是指高中非义务教育阶段的中学。那么你知道吗?下面跟着我学习一下吧!   中学的英语拼写1:   middle school    中学的英语拼写2:   secondary school    有关中学的英语例句:   该学院附设一所中学。   There is a middle school attached to the institute.   她在一所中学学习。   She studies in a high school.   老师帮助他上完了中学,但他无法完成大学的学业。   The teacher helped him through high school, but he couldn"t cut the buck in college.   他在一所中学工作。   He works in a secondary school.   我在中学就已经学过生理学。   We had studied physiology in middle school.   我在中学就学过代数学。   We"ve learned algebra in middle school.   这所中学附属于一所师范院校。   This middle school is attached to a teachers" college.   中学又叫高阶中学。   Another name for secondary school is high school.   他十六岁时进中学。   He entered high school at the age of sixteen.   她的孩子们在当地的综合中学上学。   Her children go to the local p.   你毕业于哪所中学?   Which middle school did you graduate from?   她在一所中学教历史。   She taught history at a secondary school.   被误称为“智多星”的中学老师   A high school teacher who was misnamed Mr. Witty   大学委员会的杰克·乔伊斯说,“从产科病房开始到上中学这个阶段的任何时候都行。”   “ Sometime,” says Jack Joyce of the College Board,“ between the maternity ward and middle school. ”   我想感谢这些年来教我语法的中学英语老师。   I want to express my gratitude to my middle school English teachers who taught me grammar over the years.   为了确保儿子能够升入重点中学,她现在正在考虑是否做出妥协。   She is now considering a promise to ensure that he can win a place at a top-ranked middle school.   英国孩子在学校里学法语,但当他们从中学毕业时,常常并不真能讲法语。   The British kids study French at school but often can " t actually speak French when they graduate from middle school.   对于后者,我逐渐失去了和他们交流的热情,因为这不是在中学。   我的这本小说中有不少文字还是前些年我不太忙的时候写的,写的是一支小镇的中学篮球队,一次锦标赛和一个谜。   I wrote a chunk of my tale about a *** all-town high school basketball team, a championship, and a mystery during a less busy time in my life years ago.   In the latter case, I gradually lose the passion for municating with them because this isn " t middle school.
2023-07-10 02:40:061

Secondary School ,High School ,Middle School有什么不同?

Secondary School指中学教育,包括后面两个. High School ,Middle School两个基本一样, high school在英式英语中表示初中 middle school在美式语中表示初中 high school也可以表示高中,但Senior High School比较好.
2023-07-10 02:40:201

secondary school与middle school的区别

不是高点,是出处不一样,secondary school是美国英语对中学的叫法,而middle school是英国英语对中学的叫法。
2023-07-10 02:40:512

secondary school是指的什么?

secondary schoool中学的意思!
2023-07-10 02:41:309

middle school,secondary school,junior high school之间的区别?请务必详细说一下,万分拜谢。

2023-07-10 02:41:473

英语middle school和secondary school区别是什么?

在美国,初中:middle school(注意英美的不同),高中:high school(不要错误地理解为是“大学,高校”的意思,高等教育应该说成是higher educatio... ... 答:Secondary school的英文:初中,中学。 是属于初中。英国的:5—11岁,通常 primary school 11-16. Secondly school/high school ,相当于国内初中。最后毕业时,需要过一个考10门科目的考试—GCSE. 16-18.上两年的college.之后可以选择离开学校还是读大学。读大学的话需要参加考试,需要得到3个a level 19-21university
2023-07-10 02:42:073

申请美国College他要求提供secondary school文凭,在我国是指的初中吗

high school是高中Secondary school给你个英语解释 自己看吧 不帮你翻成中文了 觉得满意的话要加分奥 呵呵Secondary school is a term used to describe an educational institution where the final stage of compulsory schooling, known as secondary education, takes place. It follows on from primary or elementary education.There are many different types of secondary school, and the terminology used varies around the world. Children usually transfer to secondary school between the ages of 11-14 years, and finish between the ages of 16-18 years, though there is considerable variation from country to country.In North America, the term secondary school generally refers to grades 7 to 12, which includes junior high school and high school. In Ontario and British Columbia, secondary school is synonymous with high school and refers only to grades 9 to 12.In England and Wales, secondary school is for children from the ages of 11 to 16 or 18.[1] Secondary school incorporates Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 of the National Curriculum (or years 7 to Year 11 ) and can also include sixth form. After 16, compulsory education ends, and young people can decide whether to continue their studies further, either at school or sixth form college, or enter the world of work.NomenclatureThe names used to describe the institutions used for secondary education vary from country to country. Sometimes, the same terminology is used in different countries but with very different meanings.
2023-07-10 02:42:173

secondary school和middle school有什么区别

junior high school = junior middle school = middle school 初中 high school = secondary school 高中
2023-07-10 02:42:262

secondary school 是初中 高中还是全部

secondary school a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college
2023-07-10 02:42:334

求助,急!!!外国的secondary school 相当于中国的什么学校?中国的大专在国外又怎么讲?

secondary school 中学大专 junior college
2023-07-10 02:42:447


博罗县有4所公立高中。1、博罗中学博罗中学(Boluo Secondary School)是惠州市首批国家级示范性高中。博罗中学创建在1926年,初名“博罗县立初级中学”,几经更名,于1978年改名为博罗中学。学校有育英校区老校区初中部和博中校区三个校区,是一所实行封闭式管理的全寄宿学校。2、华侨中学博罗县华侨中学,始建于1992年。2004年7月,被评为市一级学校。学校占地210亩,至2013年教学楼五幢,课室150间,还有一幢4500平方米的美术教学楼和一幢正在筹建的共七层建筑面积约11000平方米的美术馆。学校有两个排球场、20个兵乓球台、一个体育器材室和一个45平方米的健身室;铺设了8个水泥地面篮球场,设置了5个灯光球场及一个2200平方米的室内篮球训练馆,校园有凉亭、小桥、假山、荷花桥、荷花池、曲径、垂柳。3、博罗高级中学博罗县高级中学前身为创办于1959年的博罗师范学校。其办学历史悠久,文化积淀丰厚。四十多年来,它培养了五千多名中小学教师,有力地促进了当地教育事业的发展。2000年7月为适应社会发展和教育改革的需要,转型为普通高中。现为博罗县属重点中学,广东省一级学校,国家级示范高中。4、黄冈中学惠州学校黄冈中学惠州学校,创办于2005年,是惠州市直属重点学校,也是广东省一级学校。 是由黄冈中学与惠州市英才教育投资有限公司联合创办的一所普通中学,是黄冈中学在全国的第一所分校。学校坐落于惠州城区风景秀丽的东江之滨,与国家级著名风景名胜区惠州西湖隔江相望,门接惠博公路,毗邻市府广场。
2023-07-10 02:42:591

Secondary school是属于初中还是高中

secondary school[英][u02c8seku0259ndu0259ri sku:l][美][u02c8su025bku0259nu02ccdu025bri skul]n.中学; 网络中学教育; 专科学校; 中等学校; 既可以指初中也可以指高中
2023-07-10 02:43:522

请问加国移民中的Secondary school中文意思是高中还是中专呢

2023-07-10 02:44:003

junior secondary school

2023-07-10 02:44:091

关于secondary school问题(2)

更新1: 厂商会中学(深水埗) ㄑ---- 呢个唔系呀...........打错野 何明华会督银禧中学(九龙城) band1,难入 中国香港布厂商会朱石麟中学(观塘) band3,劲差 何文田官立中学(九龙城) band1中-尾,全中文中学,中六同中七都系中文 赛马会官立中学(九龙城) band2 九龙塘学校(中学部)(九龙城) band2 观塘官立中学(观塘) band1 玛利诺中学(观塘) band2-3 慕光英文书院(观塘) band3 宁波公学(观塘) band3,校风唔好 礼贤会彭学高纪念中学(九龙城) band 2尾band3头 校风一般 2007-09-01 16:42:31 补充: 排名:何明华会督银禧中学(九龙城)观塘官立中学(观塘)何文田官立中学(九龙城)赛马会官立中学(九龙城)九龙塘学校(中学部)(九龙城)玛利诺中学(观塘)礼贤会彭学高纪念中学(九龙城) 慕光英文书院(观塘)中国香港布厂商会朱石麟中学(观塘)宁波公学(观塘)
2023-07-10 02:44:291

请教关于middle school,secondary school,senior high school,junior high school等之间的区别?

以美国的体制为例Junior School表7~8年级Middle School表6~8年级以上都属于Primary EducationSecondary Education主要指High School,表9~12年级和中国的不一样,中国初中一般是7~9年级,高中10~12年级,经常把高中翻成Senior High School,但事实美国没有这种用法的。
2023-07-10 02:46:351


2023-07-10 02:46:4612

美国的elementary school,secondary school,以及high school 是怎么划分的?

2023-07-10 02:47:123


2023-07-10 02:47:211


  列治文公立教育局(Richmond School District)下属有10所中学,37所小学。该教育局具备优良师资和教学环境。列治文公立教育局所有教师都是经过专员训练,并持加拿大政府的教师执照。列治文学区提供完整的服务,接受8到12年级的国际学生申请进入中学就读,公立学校约有12500 位小学生,和11000 位中学生。列治文公立教育局拥有最新颖和最完善的资源,并拥有最高的中学毕业率。除此之外,中学提供学术、商业、艺术和资讯科技等课程。教职人员积极的给予学生个人学习、寄宿家庭或职业规划等方面的指导。   下属中学   1. 博依德中学 Hugh Boyd Secondary School   学生人数:850   学校地址:9200 No. 1 Rd. Richmond, BC V7E 6L5, Canada   博依德中学(Hugh Boyd Secondary School)有超过1000人学生,教职员工60人左右。该中学的学生, 教职员工和家长彼此鼓励, 互相尊重, 负责任, 有爱心, 守承诺,致力于使每个人在将来复杂多变的世界中充分发挥自己的潜能, 养成终生学习的习惯。学校于1990年重新翻建一新。提供各种激励项目和AP(Advanced Placement)课程,学校自称”Home of the Trojans”。   2. 伯内特中学 Burnett Secondary School   学生人数:850   学校地址:5011 Granville Ave. Richmond, BC V7C 1E6, Canada   拨内特中学(Burnett Secondary School)是一所校舍全新翻新的学校, 学校有学生将近2000人左右,教职员工63人左右,有8-12年级课程,并提供大量的AP(Advance Placement)课程, 例如: 微积分12AP, 英语12AP, 计算机科学12AP和艺术工作室12AP等课程。该校以他的羽毛球项目著称,该校的网球项目也很成功。拨内特中学的数学和化学也很有名。   3. 堪碧中学 Cambie Secondary School   学生人数:1000   学校地址:4151 Jacombs Road, Richmond, BC V6V 1N7, Canada   堪碧中学(Cambie Secondary School)是一所位于列治文教育局北东区的综合中学,邻近东列治文小区中心。该校有学生超过1000人,教职员工64人左右,提供8-12年级课程。Cambie提供完善学术课程,包括艺术或英语晋级分班课程、微积分、法语、西班牙文、日文、地球科学。另外还提供生涯规划课程,包括商业教育、健康科学、时装设计、土木工程。本校在桌球、女子排球等体育活动拥有非常好的成绩。    4. 列治文中学 Richmond Secondary School   学生人数:1200   学校地址:7171 Minoru Blvd. Richmond, BC V6Y 1Z3, Canada   列治文中学(Richmond Secondary School )始建于1920年,有学生1228人左右,教职员工64人左右,提供8-12年级课程。除了Cambie Secondary School外,是属于第二有悠久历史的学校。该校是列治文唯一提供International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,(IB课程)因此该校是列治文很受欢迎的学校。列治文中学一学年10个月,分为3个学期。除了IB课程之外,还提供“Global Perspectives Program”,“AVID program”和“Pre-employment and Career-prep program”等等各种项目提供给不同需要的学生,为了学生上大学做准备。
2023-07-10 02:47:281

secondary high school是指高中还是包括初中和高中

2023-07-10 02:47:372


2023-07-10 02:50:111

high schoool和secondary school有什么区别

2023-07-10 02:50:193


泛指中学英国:secondary school指初中,high school是高中美国:secondary school指9年级到12年级,偏向高中
2023-07-10 02:50:262

My ideal secondary school

My Idea Secondary School I am a Primary 6 student now so I have to choose a secondary school to study. And I wonder my secondary school is… My idea secondary school is large and many things to do after school for example: play basketball and learn English. I never mind that secondary school is not famous but it is band one and it is English secondary school. Also there are three playgrounds because I want one for playing football one for playing basketball and one for other sports. I want the students in that school are all be-having. I wonder there are a school like I said. 参考: me i love your school. I am helpful.because I always to help the teachers to carry books. i am generous.because I always share the food with my clas *** ates. i am tmtellingent.i always get high marks in my class. first. 写边间系你最 ideal o的school... second . 写一下果间school 有d咩好处 3. 写一下果间school 点解系你最 ideal o的school 4. 写一下果间school 有d咩帮到你 .... 5. 果间school 同其他果d school有咩唔同o的地方 参考: me
2023-07-10 02:50:321

The First Secondary School in Yongxing是什么意思

2023-07-10 02:50:404


secondary school是接受secondary education的地方 secondary education是相对于primary education来说的 primary education初等教育或者说基本教育,大致相当于我国的九年义务制基本教育的意思,是人人都要上的,secondary education就好象我们在九年义务教育之后要上的学校 middle school在我们的课本里教做“中学”,其实middle school准确的来说是初中,不包括高中 高中在国外通常叫做high school 所以你看的文章中,这个美国小孩就是先读初中再读高中,完全正常
2023-07-10 02:50:471

secondary school是初中还是高中

2023-07-10 02:50:543


  中学分为初级中学与高阶中学,属于中等教育的范畴。初级中学一般是指九年义务教育的中学,高阶中学是指高中非义务教育阶段的中学。那么你知道吗?下面跟着我学习一下吧!   中学的英语拼写1:   middle school    中学的英语拼写2:   secondary school    有关中学的英语例句:   该学院附设一所中学。   There is a middle school attached to the institute.   她在一所中学学习。   She studies in a high school.   老师帮助他上完了中学,但他无法完成大学的学业。   The teacher helped him through high school, but he couldn"t cut the buck in college.   他在一所中学工作。   He works in a secondary school.   我在中学就已经学过生理学。   We had studied physiology in middle school.   我在中学就学过代数学。   We"ve learned algebra in middle school.   这所中学附属于一所师范院校。   This middle school is attached to a teachers" college.   中学又叫高阶中学。   Another name for secondary school is high school.   他十六岁时进中学。   He entered high school at the age of sixteen.   她的孩子们在当地的综合中学上学。   Her children go to the local p.   你毕业于哪所中学?   Which middle school did you graduate from?   她在一所中学教历史。   She taught history at a secondary school.   被误称为“智多星”的中学老师   A high school teacher who was misnamed Mr. Witty   大学委员会的杰克·乔伊斯说,“从产科病房开始到上中学这个阶段的任何时候都行。”   “ Sometime,” says Jack Joyce of the College Board,“ between the maternity ward and middle school. ”   我想感谢这些年来教我语法的中学英语老师。   I want to express my gratitude to my middle school English teachers who taught me grammar over the years.   为了确保儿子能够升入重点中学,她现在正在考虑是否做出妥协。   She is now considering a promise to ensure that he can win a place at a top-ranked middle school.   英国孩子在学校里学法语,但当他们从中学毕业时,常常并不真能讲法语。   The British kids study French at school but often can " t actually speak French when they graduate from middle school.   对于后者,我逐渐失去了和他们交流的热情,因为这不是在中学。   我的这本小说中有不少文字还是前些年我不太忙的时候写的,写的是一支小镇的中学篮球队,一次锦标赛和一个谜。   I wrote a chunk of my tale about a *** all-town high school basketball team, a championship, and a mystery during a less busy time in my life years ago.   In the latter case, I gradually lose the passion for municating with them because this isn " t middle school.
2023-07-10 02:51:031

求助一下 Primary School和Secondary School

1. primary school 小学1) primary school is a school for children between the ages of 5 and 11. 2) a school for young children; usually the first 6 or 8 grades2. secondary school 中学1) a secondary school is a school for pupils between the ages of 11 or 12 and 17 or 18.2) a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12
2023-07-10 02:51:212

secondary school的美式英语是什么? 还有rubber,film.

secondary school 美式 high school rubber 美式 eraser film 美式 movie 希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-10 02:51:371


bachelordiplomahigh school/collegetechnical secondary schoolVocational high School TAFE(Technical and Further Education)junior school
2023-07-10 02:51:472

Higher Secondary School是什么意思?

2023-07-10 02:51:564

填国外大学申请表上SecondarySchool的Name of Diploma应该填什么?

Name of Diploma上应该填所学专业
2023-07-10 02:52:032

primary and secondary school什么意思啊

2023-07-10 02:52:113


一、基本信息 南澳州总人口:163万 南澳州首府阿德雷德市人口:118万 高中总数:159所 公立高中总数:79所 招收国际学生的公立高中数量:40所 私立中学总数:80所 入学学历要求:初中毕业生或者高一、高二在读学生 10年级学费:9,500澳元(2010年) 11年级和12年级学费:10,500澳元(2010年) 二、招收国际学生的部分公立中学名单和基本情况介绍 ·AdelaideHighSchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德市区西面的WestTerrace,开设中学语言预备课程。 GlenungaInternationalHighSchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德东南面的Glenunga,开设中学语言预备课程。 MarryatvilleHighSchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德东面的Marryatville,开设中学语言预备课程。 NorwoodMorialtaHighSchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德东面的Magill,开设中学语言预备课程。 UnleyHighSchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德南面的Netherby。 SeaviewHighSchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德西南面的SeacombeHeights,开设中学语言预备课程。 AustralianScienceandMathematicsSchool 中学10-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德南面的BedfordPark。 BanksiaParkInternationalHighSchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德东北面的BanksiaPark,开设中学语言预备课程。 BrightonSecondarySchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德市西南面的NorthBrighton,开设中学语言预备课程。 CharlesCampbellSecondarySchool 中学8-12年级,混校,位于阿德雷德东北面的Paradise,开设中学语言预备课程。
2023-07-10 02:52:181


Vision To aspire, strive and dare to be active creators of a better age for allMission Nurturing the high ability girl to be a leader who will realise her talents in service of nation and communityGoals Developing fine character.Developing Well- Being.Nurturing the Intellect.Firing the Imagination.Values People-Centred We put people first. Respect, care and trust underpin all our interactions.Principled We are fair-minded, take responsibility for our ideas and actions, and demonstrate integrity and moral courage in our behaviour.Passionate We believe that conviction, commitment and drive enable us to achieve excellence in all our endeavours.Professional We take pride in our work, accept responsibility for our own learning and exercise discernment and open-mindedness in our interaction with others.详细的自己去看吧人才我知道的是孙燕姿是RGS毕业的
2023-07-10 02:52:284


2023-07-10 02:52:372


学历:degree本科:Bachelor degree大专:college中专:Technical secondary school
2023-07-10 02:52:594

加拿大素里教育局semiahmoo secondary school学校怎么样?

我回答!给我分 !哦~!不错!别我们国家的好多了!
2023-07-10 02:53:252