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first twitch depression是什么意思?

twitch 是“抽搐、抽动、抽筋”的意思。depression 的意思比较多,主要是指“压低、低落的什么东西”,如抑郁、低洼、曲线“凹”的部分等等。这3个次方在一起从医学专业翻译的话考虑“抽动抑郁症”,好理解,但是加个FIRST,我就说不准了,我没听说过,也不理解。猜测一下,和“量效曲线”有关的话,估计是指曲线的第一个,或者开始阶段曲线振动的下降部分。

Happy Depression 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Depression歌手:The Adventures专辑:Theodore And FriendsHAPPY ENDING电 话 声 一 声 声   声 声 回 荡 在 我 耳 边雨 一 阵 一 阵   忘 了 把 窗 关 上电 视 里 播 放 著 让 人 挣 扎 的 爱 情很 像 我 的 画 面   不 到 心 碎 不 肯 再 见期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏(music)渴 望 今 生 有 次 恋 爱 至 少 由 我 导 演不 管 好 与 坏 我 不 会 有 怨 言思 念 像 潮 水 般 卷 走 我 所 有 缠 绵不 怕 爱 没 有 终 点就 怕 幸 福 溜 过 眼 前期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏故 事 已 开 始我 等 你 开 始别 让 我 泪 流 不 止http://music.baidu.com/song/2932874

装系统时总是出现depression error ,GHO文件重新下了很多次还是不行,求大神指教

装系统时总是出现depression error,应该是你的硬盘待安装系统分区存在损坏磁道,建议在PE下,使用DiskGenius软件检测你的硬盘磁道,主要是系统分区,在完全排除硬盘坏道因素后,再重新安装系统。

develop depression?

专家说,女性在生活中面临压力时患上抑郁症的几率是男性的三倍。development depression 就是患抑郁症 的意思。

angle of depression是什么意思



同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  an economic depression(slump, recession),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:经济萎缩。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。  高顿祝您生活愉快!

求depression 歌词 就是纪念张国荣离世所写的现在的浮夸发一下给我


great depression是什么意思

great depression英[ɡreit diu02c8preu0283u0259n]美[ɡret du026au02c8pru025bu0283u0259n]释义大萧条网络大萧条时期双语例句 He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s.他永远不会忘记20世纪30年代经济大萧条时期他所亲眼目睹的困苦情形。

要一篇作文关于depression and recession to describe economic landscape


great depression英文介绍

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the 1930s. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; however, in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s.[1] It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century.[2]Worldwide GDP fell by 15% from 1929 to 1932.[3] In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world"s economy can decline.[4] The depression originated in the United States, after the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929, and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday).The Great Depression had devastating effects in countries rich and poor. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped, while international trade plunged by more than 50%. Unemployment in the U.S. rose to 25%, and in some countries rose as high as 33%.[5]Cities all around the world were hit hard, especially those dependent on heavy industry. Construction was virtually halted in many countries. Farming communities and rural areas suffered as crop prices fell by approximately 60%.[6][7][8] Facing plummeting demand with few alternate sources of jobs, areas dependent on primary sector industries such as mining and logging suffered the most.[9]Some economies started to recover by the mid-1930s. In many countries, the negative effects of the Great Depression lasted until the beginning of World War II.[10]

clinical depression是什么意思


The Gre(A)T Depression 歌词

歌曲名:The Gre(A)T Depression歌手:Anti-Flag专辑:The People Or The GunAnti-Flag--The Gre(a)t DepressionClose your eyes and shield your ears.Shut your mouth and conceal all your fears.Greed it"s not going anywhere.They should put that on a billboard in Times SquareIt could say “The great depression is over my friends.”What we want and what we need engineered.I can smell the bullshit right from here.Because greed it"s not going anywhere.They should put that on a billboard in Times SquareAnti-Flag QQ群52280959全国首发It could say “The great depression is over my friends.”Blinding your eyes, burning your ears.T.V. images are selling.Through the static on the radio you can"t hear.One pill if you"re too big (Your ass is too big).One pill if you"re too small (your dick is too small).On one your life is a mess.On one you"re nothing at all.I hate a song that makes you think you are no good.I hate a song that makes you think you are just born to lose.Bound to lose.No good to nobody.Too young or too fat or too this or too that.喜欢Anti-Flag的朋友请加入Anti-Flag中国FANS群52280959“The great depression is over my friends.”“The great depression is over my friends.”http://music.baidu.com/song/2143242

depression 的缩写是什么




sadness stress哪个和depression意思更近?


depression 浮夸,就是为张国荣写的那个 就是


英语作文:How To Deal With Depression

Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness, and can interfere with daily life. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, there are steps you can take to manage the condition and improve your overall well-being.Firstly, it"s important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can provide a diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, such as therapy or medication. They can also offer support and guidance throughout the recovery process.In addition to seeking professional help, there are several self-care strategies that can help manage depression. Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are also important for overall well-being.Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can also help manage depression. This could include hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or volunteering in the community. It"s important to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that promote happiness and well-being.Finally, it"s important to remember that recovery from depression is a process. It may take time and effort to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. It"s important to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process, and to seek support from loved ones and mental health professionals as needed.In conclusion, depression is a serious mental health condition that requires professional help and self-care strategies to manage. By seeking help, prioritizing self-care, and being patient with the recovery process, it is possible to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.

depress的所有形式。包括形容词 名词之类的


前缀de-反义词是什么? 比如说depression沮丧,那么它的反义词是什么?

depression的反义词为prosperity繁茂,繁荣 这个没有固定的,按照中文的意思找到相应的英文就可以了


了解抑郁症Depression关注身边的抑郁症患者「英语阅读」   哈佛健康杂志介绍说抑郁症的原因并不是大脑中某一种化学物质过低或者过高,而往往是因为多种化学物质工作异常。我们大脑中有数以百万计甚至更多的化学反应,决定了我们的情绪以及我们的生活感受。    What is depression? 什么是抑郁症?   Feeling sad, or what we may call "depressed", happens to all of us. The sensation usually passes after a while. However, people with a depressive disorder - clinical depression - find that their state interferes with daily life.   任何人都会有感觉不快、郁闷或者悲伤的经历,但是这些感受都是暂时的。然而,有depressive disorder - clinical depression -抑郁症的.人,却终身受到抑郁的折磨。   For people with clinical depression, their normal functioning is undermined to such an extent that both they and those who care about them are affected by it.   Melancholia - clinical depression is a fairly modern term. Hippocrates, known as the father of Western medicine, described a syndrome of "melancholia". He said melancholia was a distinct disease with specific physical and mental symptoms. Hippocrates characterized it as "(all) fears and despondencies, if they last a long time" as being symptomatic of the illness.    抑郁症怎么得的?   Depression is an extremely complex disease. It occurs for a variety of reasons. Some people experience depression during a serious medical illness. Others may have depression with life changes such as a move or the death of a loved one. Still others have a family history of depression. Those who do may experience depression and feel overwhelmed with sadness and loneliness for no known reason.    What Are the Main Causes of Depression?   诱发抑郁症的主要原因   There are a number of factors that may increase the chance of depression, including the following:   Abuse. 虐待 Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause depression later in life.   Certain medications. 某些药物 Some drugs, such as Accutane (used to treat acne), the antiviral drug interferon-alpha, and corticosteroids, can increase your risk of depression.   Conflict. 争吵(人际关系困扰) Depression in someone who has the biological vulnerability to develop depression may result from personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends.   Death or a loss.丧亲 Sadness or grief from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, may increase the risk of depression.   Genetics.遗传 A family history of depression may increase the risk. It"s thought that depression is a complex trait that may be inherited across generations, although the genetics of psychiatric disorders are not as simple or straightforward as in purely genetic diseases such as Huntington"s chorea or cystic fibrosis.   Major events.重大事件 Even good events such as starting a new job, graduating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring.   Other personal problems.其他个人困扰 Problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses or being cast out of a family or social group can lead to depression.   Serious illnesses.严重疾病 Sometimes depression co-exists with a major illness or is a reaction to the illness.   Substance abuse.滥用药物等 Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also have major or clinical depression.   What causes depression?   Nobody is sure what causes depression. Experts say depression is caused by a combination of factors, such as the person"s genes, their biochemical environment, personal experience and psychological factors.   抑郁症的起因很复杂,很难有确切的定论。   A study published in Archives of Psychiatry found that MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans showed patients with clinical depression had less brain volume in several regions, including the frontal lobe, basal ganglia and hippocampus. They also found that after treatment the hippocampus returned to normal size.   The Stanford School of Medicine says that genes do play a role in causing depression. By studying cases of major depression among identical twins (whose genes are 100% identical) and non-identical twins (whose genes are 50% identical) they found that heritability is a major contributory factor in the risk of developing depression.   斯坦福医学院说基因起了很大作用。通过对同卵双胞胎和异卵双胞胎的观察研究,发现遗传因素可能是导致抑郁的主要原因。   An article in Harvard Health Publicaitons explains that depression is not caused simply by the level of one chemical being too low and another too high. Rather, several different chemicals are involved, working both within and outside nerve cells. There are "Millions, even billions, of chemical reactions that make up the dynamic system that is responsible for your mood, perceptions, and how you experience life."   An awful experience can trigger a depressive illness. For example, the loss of a family member, a difficult relationship, physical sexual abuse.   哈佛健康杂志介绍说抑郁症的原因并不是大脑中某一种化学物质过低或者过高,而往往是因为多种化学物质工作异常。大脑中有数以百万计甚至更多的化学反应,决定了你的情绪以及你的生活体验。   抑郁症非常常见,女性患病的几率大大高于男性。很多抑郁症患者不会或者不愿寻求治疗。   According to the National Institutes of Health, a significant percentage of people with depressive illness never seek medical help. This is unfortunate, because the vast majority, even those with very severe symptoms, can improve with treatment.   How common is clinical depression? - Nobody is sure exactly how many people are affected by depression. Health authorities from country to country and even within the same nation publish different figures:   The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 6.7% of American adults have had depressive illness during the last 12 months, and 30.4% of these cases (2% of the whole adult population) have severe symptoms.   While the National Institute of Mental Health says women are 70% more likely to develop depressive symptoms during their lifetime, an article published in JAMA Psychiatry (August 2013 issue) showed thatdepression affects 30.6% of men and 33.3% of women, not a statistically significant difference.   The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) estimates that in the United Kingdom 21 in every 1,000 16-to-65 year olds live with major depression (17/1000 males and 25/1000 females). If "mixed depression and anxiety", a less specific and broader category is included, the prevalence rises to 98 per 1,000.   In Australia only 1 in every five people with clinical depression is accurately diagnosed, according to theState Government of Victoria, "because depression can mask itself as a physical illness like chronic pain, sleeplessness or fatigue."    抑郁症的种类Types of depression   There are several forms of depression (depressive disorders). Major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder are the most common.   Major depressive disorder (major depression)   Major depressive disorder is also known as major depression. The patients suffer from a combination of symptoms that undermine their ability to sleep, study, work, eat, and enjoy activities they used to find pleasurable.   Experts say that major depressive disorder can be very disabling, preventing the patient from functioning normally. Some people experience only one episode, while others have recurrences.   Dysthymic disorder (dysthymia)   Dysthymic disorder is also known as dysthymia, or mild chronic depression. The patient will suffer symptoms for a long time, perhaps as long as a couple of years, and often longer. The symptoms are not as severe as in major depression - they do not disable the patient. However, people affected with dysthymic disorder may find it hard to function normally and feel well.   Some people experience only one episode during their lifetime, while others may have recurrences.   A person with dysthymia might also experience major depression, once, twice, or more often during their lifetime. Dysthymia can sometimes come with other symptoms. When they do, it is possible that other forms of depression are diagnosed.   For a patient to be diagnosed with dysthymia he or she must have experienced a combination of depressive symptoms for at least two years.   Psychotic depression   When severe depressive illness includes hallucinations, delusions, and/or withdrawing from reality, the patient may be diagnosed with psychotic depression. Psychotic depression is also referred to as delusional depression.   Postpartum depression (postnatal depression)   Postpartum depression is also known as postnatal depression or PND. This is not to be confused with "baby blues" which a mother may feel for a very short period after giving birth.   If a mother develops a major depressive episode within a few weeks of giving birth it is most likely she has developed postpartum depression. Experts believe that about 10% to 15% of all women experience this type of depression after giving birth. Sadly, many of them go undiagnosed and suffer for long periods without treatment and support.   Postpartum depression can start any time within a year of giving birth, according to the National Library of Medicine.   SAD (seasonal affective disorder)   SAD is much more common the further from the equator you go, where the end of summer means the beginning of less sunlight and more dark hours. A person who develops a depressive illness during the winter months might have SAD.   SAD symptoms go away during spring and/or summer. In Scandinavia, where winter can be very dark for many months, patients commonly undergo light therapy - they sit in front of a special light. Light therapy works for about half of all SAD patients. In addition to light therapy, some people may needantidepressants, psychotherapy, or both. Light therapy is becoming more popular in other northern countries, such as Canada and the United Kingdom.   The National Health Service9, UK, suggest that sunlight may stimulate the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that controls sleep, appetite and mood.   Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness)   Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness. It used to be known as manic depression. It is not as common as major depression or dysthymia. A patient with bipolar disorder experiences moments of extreme highs and extreme lows. These extremes are known as manias.    抑郁症的迹象和症状   Signs and symptoms   epression is not uniform. Signs and symptoms may be experienced by some sufferers and not by others. How severe the symptoms are, and how long they last depends on the individual person and his illness. Below is a list of the most common symptoms:   A constant feeling of sadness, anxiety, and emptiness   A general feeling of pessimism sets in (the glass is always half empty)   The person feels hopeless   Individuals can feel restless   The sufferer may experience irritability   Patients may lose interest in activities or hobbies they once enjoyed   He/she may lose interest in sex   Levels of energy feel lower, fatigue sets in   Many people with a depressive illness find it hard to concentrate, remember details, and make decisions   Sleep patterns are disturbed - the person may sleep too little or too much   Eating habits may change - he/she may either eat too much or have no appetite   Suicidal thoughts may occur - some may act on those thoughts   The sufferer may complain more of aches and pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems. These problems do not get better with treatment. ;






以下仅为个人看法,供参考:depression最能代表“经济衰退、萧条”这个术语 。1933的Great Drepression既是一例,并且它能形容人的衰退沮丧之情。recession就是单纯的“倒退,经济衰退”,没有感情色彩,不能形容人的沮丧。slump是骤降、锐减的意思居多,萧条期不是最主要的含义。depression:特指“经济萧条”,正式严肃,同时可以形容人的感情(用它绝对是社会的大危机,含有人们的普遍感受),一般不常用。recession:可指“经济萧条”,不能用来形容人的感情(所以没有DEPRESSION看来严重)。slump:看似口语,多用于产量、销量的下降场合,常见于各种报纸的标题,含有玩笑意(可以随便用),比较大众,也比较生僻。但是,从应用来看,三者几乎没有含义的区别,属于搭配和习惯上的区别,随便用哪个是没问题的。除此,还有这些搭配<economic depression> <shakeout> <business setback> <business recession> <economic decline> 没什么区别,字面意思就能理解。

oppression, depression, repression 之间的区别?!

oppression,压迫,持久的残酷的无法抵抗的不公的待遇。 depression,沮丧,抑郁症,经济萧条。 repression,抑制,强迫使某人某事受到控制的行为。


1.衰退:recessionEconomists fear a similar wave of protectionism today could plunge the world back into recession。经济学家担心类似的保护主义会使得世界经济再次衰退。所以 recession 多用于经济报道中,表示“(经济)不景气”,slump可以用作动词和名词,表示“(经济)滑坡,(物价等)暴跌”的意思。意思相差不多但是depression 表示萧条,而不是上述的衰退,下滑,1929-1933的美国大萧条即为一例




in depression抑郁depression[英][du026au02c8preu0283n][美][du026au02c8pru025bu0283u0259n]n.萎靡不振,沮丧; 下陷处,坑; 衰弱; 减缓; 复数:depressions双语例句1If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.如果你常常因为沮丧而暴饮暴食,首先应该设法找到悲伤的原因。


  depression表示萎靡不振,沮丧的意思,那么你知道depression的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理depression的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   depression的同义词辨析:   despair, desperation, depression, disappointment   这些名词都有"绝望,沮丧"之意。   despair : 普通用词,指因灾难等因素而丧失希望和信心,陷入沮丧,绝望的境地。   desperation : 语气强烈,指因绝望而使人采取无所顾忌的疯狂行动。   depression : 侧重指因遭受重大失利或挫折而产生的低落情绪。   disappointment : 多指愿望或期望的落空。   词组习语:   be the despair of   1. 是使(别人)感到绝望   这种学生让尽心尽责的老师们感到绝望。   such students can be the despair of conscientious teachers.   depression的例句:   1. The movie sees Burton psychoanalysing Firth to cure him of his depression.   在电影中伯顿对弗思进行了精神分析,想要治愈他的抑郁症。   2. Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.   抑郁症会降低人体对疾病的抵抗力。   3. Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion.   缺乏锻炼会导致抑郁和疲劳。   4. Depression is the third thing that works to my patients" disadvantage.   抑郁是威胁我的病人健康的第三大杀手。   5. She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, anddepression.   她仍然患有严重的胃痉挛,感觉疼痛、疲乏、抑郁。   6. Did you notice any unusual depression or dullness of mind?   你有没有觉察到抑郁、反应迟钝等反常现象?   7. The result later in life may be feelings of emptiness and depression.   之后对生活产生的影响可能会是空虚感和沮丧感。   8. More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide.   抑郁症使他不止一次地企图自杀。   9. In late 1975, she fell into a black depression.   在1975年底,她陷入了情绪的低谷。   10. An observant doctor can often detect depression from expression, posture, and movement.   善于观察的医生常常能从人的表情、姿势以及动作诊察出抑郁症。   11. I slid into a depression and became morbidly fascinated with death.   我陷入消沉,开始对死亡有种病态的迷恋。   12. I have been on sick leave for seven months with depression.   我因抑郁症休了7个月的病假。   13. He expected me to do something to ameliorate his depression.   他希望我做点什么好让他不那么沮丧。   14. Labour support remained strong and unbroken by the depression.   工党的支持率依然很高,并未受到经济萧条的影响。   15. Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression.   慢性疲劳也是抑郁症的显著特点之一。   depression的同义词例句:   1. Don"t let yourself despair; this will only make matters worse.   不要想不开,这样只能使情况变得更糟。   2. I would overcome any weakness, any despair, any fear.   我要克服所有的软弱、绝望和恐惧。   3. As his energy drained away, his despair and worry grew.   当他的精力耗尽时,他的绝望和担心也增加了。   4. I was in the depths of despair when the baby was sick.   孩子生病时我陷入了绝望的深渊之中。   5. The night before the test I was overcome by fear and despair.   考试前的晚上,恐惧和绝望让我内心无比惊慌。   6. Ellen felt both despair and anger at her mother.   埃伦对她的母亲感到既绝望又生气。   7. "Oh, I despair sometimes," he says in mock sorrow.   “啊,我有时会感到绝望,”他假装悲伤地说。   8. They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness, humiliation and despair.   他们常常陷入孤独、屈辱和绝望的深渊。   9. Here and there, husbands sit in wordless despair.   丈夫们各处坐着,默默无言,绝望至极。   10. Hard luck, chaps, but don"t despair too much.   真不走运,伙计们,不过别太灰心。   11. She threw up her hands in despair.   她绝望地举起双手表示放弃。   12. People are rejecting this constant diet of despair.   人们开始拒绝这种没完没了的绝望情绪。   13. He was prey to a growing despair.   他被与日俱增的绝望折磨着。   14. I looked at my wife in despair.   我绝望地看着妻子。   15. Alex was almost speechless with rage and despair.   亚历克斯又生气又绝望,几乎说不出话来。   1. Frustration, anger and desperation have led to a series of wildcat strikes.   挫败感、愤怒和绝望引起了一系列自发性的罢工。   2. In desperation I changed tack.   我走投无路,于是改变了策略。   3. In desperation I joined a physical exercise class.   在绝望中我参加了一个健身班。   4. In desperation , she called Louise and asked for her help.   在走投无路的情况下,她给路易丝打了个电话请她帮忙。   5. In his desperation to escape, Tom had slipped and broken a leg.   汤姆在拼命逃跑时滑倒摔断了一条腿.   6. In desperation, I decided to try acupuncture.   我别无出路, 就决定试试针刺疗法.   7. In desperation, he finally broke down the door.   最后,他横了心把门砸开.   8. These uprisings come from desperation and a vista of a future without hope.   发生这些暴动是因为人们被逼上了绝路,未来看不到一点儿希望。   9. This feeling of desperation and helplessness was common to most of the refugees.   大多数难民都有这种绝望和无助的感觉。   10. In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.   绝望之际,琼斯夫人只好同意在其右膝上做手术以减轻疼痛。   11. At the end of the film, the man becomes a thief out of sheer desperation.   在电影的结尾, 这个人由于彻底绝望而成了小偷.   12. In general, desperation guided treatment of the deranged.   总之, 绝望指导着精神错乱病人的治疗方案.   13. Disruptions borne of desperation are cropping up in food - deficit areas.   由于绝望而铤而走险的破坏活动,常发生在粮食不足地区.   14. Finally, in desperation, she wrote directly to Mrs. Roosevelt.   最后, 在绝望中她直接写信给罗斯福夫人.   15. The Deputy"s discreet answers were at last driving him to desperation.   国会议员那种谨慎的答话,终于使得他大失所望.   1. If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary.   即便有点儿失望,也肯定是暂时的。   2. The city proved to be something of a disappointment.   结果这座城市有点儿令人失望。   3. For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment.   对许多人来说,他们期盼已久的还乡之行却令他们大失所望。   4. Andy"s face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.   安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤。   5. The resolution had been received with great disappointment within the PLO.   巴解组织内部对决议表现出极大失望。   6. We expressed in the clearest possible way our disappointment, hurt and anger.   我们清楚明白地表达了我们的失望、伤心和愤怒。   7. Book early to avoid disappointment.   趁早预订以免落空。   8. This comes as a bit of a disappointment.   这有点儿让人失望。   9. Trish"s face clouded with disappointment.   翠茜一脸失望。   10. Book early for the show to avoid disappointment.   欲看演出,从速订票,以免失望。   11. She was still gloating over her rival"s disappointment.   她仍在为对手的失望而幸灾乐祸。   12. In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.   尽管他很失望,他还是勉强露出一丝淡淡的微笑。   13. Her spirits remained up in spite of her disappointment.   尽管她很失望,但她的情绪依然高昂.   14. She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.   她经历了失望的巨大痛苦.   15. He was aware of sharp disappointment and betrayal.   他意识到绝望和被出卖.

depression 短语

以下是几个常用的有关“depression”的短语:Clinical depression:指临床上确认的重度抑郁症,需要医生进行诊断和治疗。Major depression:也称为“unipolar depression”,是严重的抑郁症状,常常对患者的生活和工作造成严重影响。Postpartum depression:产后抑郁症,是女性在生育后出现的一种抑郁症状,通常在分娩后的几个月内出现。Seasonal affective disorder (SAD):季节性情感障碍,通常在冬季出现,与光照不足有关。Bipolar disorder:双相情感障碍,是一种严重的心境障碍,患者会经历情绪高涨和情绪低落两个极端。这些短语描述了不同类型的“depression”,不同类型的抑郁症状有不同的病因、症状和治疗方法,因此需要精确地进行诊断和治疗。同时,对于患者来说,了解不同类型的抑郁症状,可以更好地了解自己的情况,接受正确的治疗和管理。

什么是抑郁症?What is depression?

This topic covers depression in adults. For information on depression in young people, see the topic Depression in Childhood and Adolescence. For information on depression following childbirth, see the topic Postpartum Depression.本文探讨的主要关于成年人的抑郁症。若需查询关于末成人的抑郁症,请查看“儿童和青年人的抑郁症。产后抑郁症请查看”产后抑郁“。   What is depression?   什么是抑郁症?   Depression is a mood disorder that causes you to feel sad or hopeless for an extended period of time. More than just a bout of "the blues" or temporary feelings of grief or low energy, depression can have a significant impact on your enjoyment of life, your work, your health, and the people you care about.抑郁是在一段时间内持续的一种精神絮乱,它让人感觉悲伤,对生活失去希望。不止发作一次的悲伤心情,或没有精力,抑郁对人们的生活,工作,健康,甚至对周围的人们都会产生很大的影响。   Depression affects people differently. Some feel down for extended periods of time; for others the feelings of depression come and go. If you have short episodes of mild depression, you may be able to continue to work and take care of daily activities. However, if you do not seek some form of treatment for your depression, you are at risk for getting more depressed or becoming physically ill. In severe cases, depression can cause people to become incapable of communicating, unable to do routine activities, or suicidal. In these cases, it is essential to seek medical attention.抑郁对人们的影响是不同的。有些人经常情绪失落,而有些人只是偶尔有这种情绪。如果你偶尔有这轻微的抑郁,可能你能继续工作,应付日常工作。但,如果不对你的抑郁寻求一些治疗,你可能就会变得更加抑郁,或生病的风险。严重抑郁会导致人无法正常交流,不能进行日常的活动,甚至自杀。在这种情况下,寻求药物治疗就非常重要。   People with depression may be reluctant to seek help because they feel that it is a sign of personal weakness or a character flaw or that they should be able to "pull out of it" on their own. We now know that depression, like other medical conditions, has a chemical and biological basis. Treatment for depression is safe and usually effective even for severely depressed people.患抑郁的人通常认为它是个人性格上的弱点,或是性格上的缺陷,他们认为能够通过自身的努力消除,从而他们不愿意寻求帮助。我们知道,抑郁和其它的疾病一样,都有生物和化学基础。治疗是安全的,对于患有严重抑郁的人,它通常是非常有效的。   If you think you may have depression, take a short quiz to evaluate your symptoms:如果你认为你可能有抑郁的话,填写一份简短的测试问卷来分析你的症状。   Are you depressed?   你抑郁吗?   What causes depression?   什么引起抑郁?   Depression may be triggered by stressful life events, other illnesses, certain drugs or medications, or inherited traits. Although causes of depression are not entirely understood, we know it is linked to an imbalance in brain chemistry. Once the imbalance is corrected, symptoms of depression generally improve.过高压力的生活事件,其它疾病,一些药物或治疗,或遗传因素等都有有可能引发抑郁。虽然抑郁的起因不能完全搞清楚,但我们知道它和大脑内某种化学物质的失衡有联系。一旦这种失衡被纠正之后,抑郁就会大大的改善。   What are the symptoms?   抑郁有哪些症状?   Depression is more than just the normal, temporary feelings of sadness and hopelessness associated with difficult life events. Common symptoms include:抑郁是一种和困难生活事件相关的,自然的,临时性的,伤心,失望的一种感受。一般的症状包括:Depressed mood.情绪抑郁。   Inability to enjoy activities.不能享受运动。   Problems concentrating.注意力无法集中。   Poor memory.记忆力差。   Difficulty making decisions.很难做决定。   Changes in eating habits.饮食习惯改变。   Weight gain or weight loss.体重增加或减少。   Changes in sleeping habits.睡眠习惯改变。   Difficulty going to work or taking care of your daily responsibilities.无法正常地进行日常工作和生活。   Feelings of guilt and hopelessness; wondering if life is worth living (common)。   有罪恶感,感觉没有希望;怀疑生命存在的价值(普遍现象)   Slowed thoughts and speech.思考缓慢,表达缓慢。   Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide.常常想到死亡,或自杀。   Complaints that have no physical cause (somatic complaints) such as headache and stomachache.抱怨不存在的身体病痛,例如,头痛,胃痛。   All of these symptoms can interfere with your quality of life. Even if you don"t have major depression, if you have experienced a few of these symptoms for at least 2 weeks you may have a less severe form of depression that still requires treatment.所有的这些病症都会影响生活质量。即使没有这些主要的症状,如有这其中这些部分现象持续超过二周时间的,可能就患有轻度的抑郁,仍然需要治疗。   How is it treated?   如何治疗?   Depression is usually treated successfully with professional counseling or antidepressant medication. Often a combination of the two is most effective. People with depression usually can be treated as outpatients, but in severe cases a period of hospitalization may be necessary.通过专业的开导或服用抗抑郁药物,都可能成功的治疗抑郁。通常将二者结合治疗效果更佳。通常抑郁患者不需住院治疗,但情况严重的,需要住院一段时间。   If you have mild or moderate depression, you may be diagnosed and treated by your family health professional and a therapist or psychologist. If you have severe depression or other psychological disorders or do not respond to treatment, a psychiatrist, a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems, may be helpful.如果患有轻微或中度的抑郁,可以通进家庭医生或临床医师或心理专家进行诊断和治疗。严重的抑郁,或其它的精神絮乱,或治疗无效的,精神健康专业医生可能会提供帮助。   Let your health professional know if you suspect that you have depression, because it is often overlooked. If you are diagnosed with depression, you and your health professional can decide on the best treatment. The earlier you are treated, the more quickly you will recover. 1   如果你怀疑自已有抑郁,一定要让你的健康医生知道,因为它通常会被忽略。如果你被诊断患有抑郁,一起和你的健康医生决定治疗方案。越早治疗,越早恢复。   How common is depression?   抑郁普遍吗?   If you have symptoms of depression, you are not alone. In the United States, an estimated 15% of people will have depression at some point in life, and chances of becoming depressed are even higher for certain people. For example:如果你有抑郁的症状的话,你并不孤单。在美国,预计15%的人都有抑郁,某些有患抑郁的有可能性还要高些。例如:Women experience depression twice as often as men, although men are more likely to commit suicide as a result of depression.女性患抑郁的可能性是男性的两倍,虽然,男性在患抑郁之后比女性更易自杀。


在谈到一个国家的经济时,常会用到“繁荣”或“萧条”这样的字眼。下面我们将通过2个例句掌握Boom和Depression这2个商务词汇: Boom n. 高涨;繁荣、兴旺 例:Our company is enjoying a sales boom at the moment. 我们公司目前的销售额大增。 Depression n. 萧条,不景气 例:Begger-my-neibour policy is a policy adopted by many countries during the great depression of the 1930s. 以邻为壑的政策是30年代经济大萧条时期许多国家所采取的政策。

oppression, depression, repression区别

oppression压迫,苦恼, depression沮丧,意气消沉,抑郁, repression 压制,镇压。oppression强调的是压迫和被压迫,depression强调的是内心主观上的压抑,repression是指来自外界的压制镇压。有时候英语单词要靠自己的感受来理解。下面是具体的释义:oppression名词 n. 1.压迫,压制[U][C]the social, economic and religious oppressions 社会的、经济的和宗教的压迫2.压抑;沉闷[U]depression名词 n. 1.沮丧,意气消沉[C][U]The trip to the seashore brought her out of her depression. 到海边旅行使她不再抑郁。2.不景气,萧条(期)[C]He lost his job during the great depression. 他在大萧条时期失业了。3.凹地,洼地[C]Water filled the depressions in the ground. 地上的坑里积满了水。4.【气】低气压[C]A depression usually brings bad weather. 低气压往往带来坏天气。5.压低;降低,下沉[U][C]repression名词 n. [U]1.抑制,压制;镇压;制止They wanted to fight all forms of injustice and repression. 他们要与各种形式的不公正和压制行为作斗争。2.【心】压抑

《白鲸》为什么是史诗? (Why Moby Dick is an epic)..追加50.~

故事背景是美国资本主义上升时期 其中的小情节于现实生活相互照应 作者遇事于理 揭示人生真谛无论是在鲸鱼还是在航海上这部影片都为科学研究提供丰富的资料是捕鲸领域的百科全书 是抒情浪漫的记叙小说 是寓意深刻的故事 所以 《白鲸》 被称之为是一部史诗 。

这句话“keep juggling through”是什么意思?



1.pending 当...的时候,在...期间,有“事情由于悬而未决而等待解决”的意味,但事情发生/结果的具体时间并不明确 A decision on this case is pending now - 而今此事即将作出决定. 2.until 直到...为止,事情发生/结果出现有明确时间截点. I didn"t wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹铃为止我才醒来.



“Form my deep heart ,nobody know it” 的翻译是?

长发公主《Constant as the Stars Above》歌词:Constant as the stars aboveAlways know that you are lovedAnd my love shining in youWill help you make your dreams come trueWill help your dreams come trueThe lamb lies down and rests it headOn its mother"s downy bedDolphin plays in the moonlight"s glowAnd butterfly dreams of a violet roseDreams of a violet roseI"ll cradle you in my arms tonightAs sun embraces the moonlightThe clouds will carry us off tonightOur dreams will run deep like the seaOur dreams will run deep like the seaConstant as the stars aboveAlways know that you are lovedAnd my love shining in youWill help you make your dreams come trueWill help your dreams come true 天鹅湖:《Leslie Mills》Good Life Leslie Millis Skip down Mistic street Have a smile, it"s on me Cross-town traffic days And Jimi is singing (Jimi is singing) Wonder Bread Factory, surplus stores and Maybelline Hold my hand, I hold my own Gotta get me out of the junkyard heap Kicking back in marigold summertime dream It"s a good, good life, we got the good life Falling in love under the raspberry sun Turn up the stereo, baby have some fun It"s a good, good life, we got the good life Fortune jackpot blues What"s an empty pocket do? Climb the nearest dream and start demanding(start demanding) Bean bags, bobby pins, glitter gel, I"m home againg Where"s my shiny golden key? Gotta get me out of the junkyard heap Kicking back in marigold summertime dream It"s a good, good life, we got the good life Falling in love under the raspberry sun Turn up the stereo, baby have some fun It"s a good, good life, we got the good life Roll down the window (the rearview window gleams) See you waving (waving back at me) Find change under (the sofa cushion seat) As long as you are here, with me Gotta get me out of the junkyard heap Kicking back in marigold summertime dream It"s a good, good life, we got the good life Falling in love under the raspberry sun Turn up the stereo, baby have some fun It"s a good, good life, we got the good life Gotta get me out of the junkyard heap Kicking back in marigold summertime dream It"s a good, good life, (we got got the good life) Falling in love under the raspberry sun Turn up the stereo, baby have some fun It"s a good, good life, we got the good, we got the good life good life we got the we got good life Falling in love under the raspberry sun Turn up the stereo, baby have some fun Gotta get me out of the junkyard heap Kicking back in marigold summertime dream We got the good, good life 魔幻飞马 Barbie and the Magic of the pegasus(2005)[芭比之魔幻飞马] 片尾曲 Hope has wings when I"m stuck on the ground, there"s no up, only down, every slap sends me falling. not sure how to begin, how to rise like the wind, So the soon I"ll be soaring. I just breathe and let myself believe. Cause hope has wings, to carry you. anything is possible, just might be, a miracle waiting to come true. so I lift my eyes, and see the sky, feel my heart, begin to fly. I will be carried by my dreams. Cause hope has wings.(hope has wings*2times) I could climb through the clouds, for away form the down, that was be so amazing. feel the sun on my face, such a beautiful place, yeah, I know that it"s waiting. skating safe, encouraging with faith. Cause hope has wings(hope has wings), to carry you. anything is possible, just might a miracle waiting to come true (come true), so I lift my eye. and see the sky, feel my heart, begin to fly. I will be carried by my dreams(by my dreams). Cause hope has wings, like a flame, like a spark, I"m amazed by the change. there"s a star in the dark, calling out my name, follow me, I can see, now I"m on my way (now I"m on my way). Cause hope has wings (hope has wings), to carry you, any things(any things) is possible, just might be, a miracle waiting to come true (come true). so I lift my eyes(lift my eyes), and see the sky, feel my heart and, begin to fly, I will be carried by my dreams (by my dreams, la*6time). I have a new hope that lives in me, anywhere I go it sets me free, it shines a light, its everywhere(When they fly), from north to south, it takes me there. I have a new hope that lives in me, anywhere I go it sets me free(la*4times), it shines a light, its everywhere, from north to south, it takes me there. la la la la la hope has wings~美人鱼历险记《Holly Lindin summer sunshine》April, May, June, JulySummer sunshineHot guys on the beach and getting a tanSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineFalling asleep with my toes in the sandSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohWashing, dreaming, hoping, cravingHating that I always gotta wait all yearOn the daily going crazyPlaying time was racingBut it"s finally hereDitch the books and run outside, yeahGrab a suit and catch a rideDown to the pierThe perfect timeThe perfect placeI can"t be lateThree more days, two more daysOne more day, nowSummer sunshineHot guys on the beach and getting a tanSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineFalling asleep with my toes in the sandSummer sunshineSunshine, oh, ohGet up late, don"t need a dateI take a walk and talk with everyone I seeGoing glam or as I amI break the rules or play it coolIt"s up to meDoesn"t matter what we doI got my girls around meMaking memoriesIt"s finally realI finally freeSo much to seeThere"s one more guy, two more guysThree more guy, wowSummer sunshineI know this feeling like the back of my handSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineHot guys on the beach and getting a tanSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineFalling asleep with my toes in the sandSummer sunshineSunshine, oh, ohGet up late, don"t need a dateI take a walk and talk with everyone I seeGoing glam or as I amI break the rules or play it coolIt"s up to meDoesn"t matter what we doI got my girls around meMaking memoriesIt"s finally realI finally freeSo much to seeThere"s one more guy, two more guysThree more guy, wowSummer sunshineI know this feeling like the back of my handSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineI"d give anything to stay where I amSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohI"m still reelingNothing beats this feelingApril, May, June, JulySummer sunshineHot guys on the beach and getting a tanSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineFalling asleep with my toes in the sandSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineI know this feeling like the back of my handSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineI"d give anything to stay where I amSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineI know this feeling like the back of my handSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohSummer sunshineI"d give anything to stay where I amSummer sunshineOh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh

immaculate conception是什么意思

immaculate conception圣母无染原罪圣母无染原罪(英语:Immaculate Conception),又称圣母无原罪始胎、圣母始胎无染原罪,是天主教有关圣母玛利亚的教义之一,正式确立于1854年12月8日。东正教[1]和几乎所有的新教教派,都不接受这个教义。天主教相信耶稣的母亲玛利亚,在灵魂注入肉身的时候,即蒙受天主的特恩,使其免于原罪的玷染。希望我的回答有帮到你~

项目概念 和 概念项目的区别 英文是 project concept

conceptn概念 观念例句与用法:whooriginatedtheconceptofstereosound? 立体声是谁发明的?thepowerofagodordemontotransformaconceptintoanelementofthesensibleworld. 空幻境界神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量conception 概念 观念受精ihavenoconceptionofwhatyoumean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。youhavenoconceptionofwhatitwasliketobethere. 你完全不知道在那里是什么滋味。其实很多时候这两个瓷可以互换。后者更强调一种内心的,自然的,感性的认识而前者多是科学术语


concept 的同义词:conception constructconcept 的反义词:misconception detrimental的同义词:damaging, detrimental, prejudicial, prejudiciousdetrimental的反义词:profitablebeneficialusefulhelpful

concept 的同义词有哪些? detrimental的同义词,或词组,反义词及词组有哪些?

concept 的同义词:conception construct concept 的反义词: misconception detrimental的同义词:damaging, detrimental, prejudicial, prejudicious detrimental的反义词:profitablebeneficialusefulhelpful


conception和perception的区别:conception 是大家都达成共识的观念,比较客观点。perception 是自己认为如何,比较主观。



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conceive conception区别?



动漫名:《CONCEPTION》 又名:受孕请为我生孩子吧!;产子救世录;为我而生CONCEPTION 外文名:俺の子供を产んでくれ! 导演:元永庆太郎 编剧:柿原优子 主要配音:小野友树,加藤英美里,远藤绫,藤田咲,下田麻美,藤井雪代,杉山里穂,阿澄佳奈,大本真基子,小林沙苗,山口由里子,喜多村英梨,荒浪和沙,内藤千晶,加隈亚衣,松田健一郎,平川大辅 集数:12全话结局 类型:喜剧,动画 播放时间:2018年10月10日(日本) 首播电视台:SUN电视台、BS11 制片地区:日本 动画制作:GONZO 为我而生/CONCEPTION剧情简介: 电视动画《CONCEPTION》改编自Spike Chunsoft发行的RPG游戏《CONCEPTION 为我而生!》 子我简介 ,动画由GONZO负责制作 子我简介 ,于2018年10月10日至12月25日每周三在SUN电视台和BS11首播,全12话。 为我而生/CONCEPTION动画图片 弓削斋宫(小野友树 配音)是一个各方面都十分平凡的男子高中生,虽然嘴巴很毒,但内心里其实充满了正义感。一次偶然之中,他穿越来到了名为古兰巴尼亚的异世界之中,在这里,人类遭到了污秽的侵蚀,想要净化污秽,只有依靠十二星座的巫女。当然,只有巫女还不够,真正能够驱逐污秽的,其实是“稀人”和巫女们所生下的孩子“星之子”,而弓削斋宫恰好就是稀人。 成熟稳重拥有读心术的露卡(大本真基子 配音)、有着不为人知的一面的亚莉(远藤绫 配音)、任性而又自负的千金大小姐菲米露娜(藤田咲 配音),在这些巫女们的围绕下,弓削斋宫会做出怎样的选择呢?


根据其各自的英英释义,assumption 是指在没有确凿证据的情况下所做的设想,而conception 是指根据对一个事情的了解所得出的结论,概念或者其过程,进一步的理解你可以看一下权威字典的例句。


concept 概念,指对事物已有一定的认识的观念notion是一种主观的想法主意的观点


perception是理解感知的意思 conception是构想构思的意思conception是你自己的创造性思维,设计、构思 perception是外部世界给你的感知。perception是感官。 conception是概念。例如:talent in any age is just as great.our____of what talent is may change. 填perception 而不是conception

concept, conception有何不同?

conceptn.1. 概念,观念,思想[C]He presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe.他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。conceptionn.1. 概念,观念;想法[U][C][(+of)]The study of astronomy gives you some conception of what the universe is like.学习天文学能使你对宇宙有所了解。2. 设想;构想;概念的形成[U]We studied the automobile from its earliest conception.我们从其最初的构想着手研究了汽车。3. 怀孕;胚胎[U][C]This drug can increase the chance of conception.这种药物可以提高怀孕的机率。4. 开始,创始[U]The conception of the United Nations was in 1945.联合国创始于一九四五年。


perception是理解感知的意思 conception是构想构思的意思conception是你自己的创造性思维,设计、构思 perception是外部世界给你的感知。perception是感官。 conception是概念。例如:talent in any age is just as great.our____of what talent is may change. 填perception 而不是conception


concept n 概念 观念例句与用法:Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world. 空幻境界神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量conception 概念 观念 受精I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。You have no conception of what it was like to be there. 你完全不知道在那里是什么滋味。concept 可用于表示哲学上的“概念”,而conception 强调“概念”形成的过程。此外,conception 可以表示“构思”或“看法”(其同词根动词为conceive)。如:a poetic conception (诗歌的构思),a clear conception of the meaning ofexistence(存在含义的清晰见解)concept 有两层含义:一为概念,一为“思想”或“观念其实很多时候这两个瓷可以互换。后者更强调一种内心的,自然的,感性的 认识而前者多是科学术语


牛津词典英文释义:concept:an idea or a principle that is connected with sth abstract 是指某个具体明确的客观的抽象概念,比如公平的概念,社会的概念conception:the process of forming an idea or a plan构成一个概念的过程,也就是构想,是指主观概念,比如我有一个构想想一下你想表达的这个概念、思想,中文能不能翻译成构想,如果能就用conception,如果不能就用concept


concept和conception的区别:concept是一个具体的概念,比如,下定义就是列出几条逻辑清晰的说明,这就是concepts;而conception则是指观念性、认识性的指导思想,比如中国人讲的学而优则仕就是一个conception。 扩展资料 concept的例句:It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato popularized the concept(亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念);conception的.例句:The other fundamental consideration in the conception of a plan is function(在构思设计图时要考虑的另一个基本因素是功能)。


conception[英][ku0259nu02c8sepu0283n][美][ku0259nu02c8su025bpu0283u0259n]n.受精,怀孕; 胚胎; 概念; 设想,构想; 复数:conceptions例句:1.This conception of photography as a mechanical recording medium never fully died away.摄影作为一种机械记录的媒介的概念从未完全消失。2.In this respect he follows the aristotelian conception of a teleological or purpose drivennatural world. 在此他服从了亚里士多德对于目的论和驱动自然世界的意图的观念。

you keep what matters口语啥意思?

重要的东西你留着,这个句子可以转换成You keep all that matters,all that=what




《京味儿(增订版)》(崔岱远)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1on-Ti-xJd_g-NZA555Z-Ag 提取码: skxd书名:京味儿(增订版)作者:崔岱远豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:生活·读书·新知三联书店出版年份:2018-10页数:248内容简介:“京味儿”说起来面儿挺广,北京人说话、北京的老胡同、北京的曲艺杂耍儿……这些个东西搁一块儿就是“京味儿”。今儿个这本书说的是“京味儿”的吃食。春天的春饼,夏天离不开的芝麻酱,初秋吃的烧茄子,冬天上得了大席面的大白菜……其实也没什么特别的东西,可就是不特别的东西,北京人吃起来可特有讲究。怎么讲究?您慢慢看。作者简介:崔岱远,生于上世纪60年代末,地道的北京人,打小儿在紫禁城边儿的南池子长大,做过工程师,现为某出版社编辑,编辑过百十来本书,在《光明日报》《北京晚报》等媒体上发表过多篇怀念北京的文章。2007年出版了《看罢西游不成精》一书,曾在中国国际广播电台连播。近些年,他积极倡导人们多读书,读好书,应邀担任中央电视台、中央人民广播电台多档栏目学者嘉宾,连续担任第十二届、第十三届、第十四届北京国际图书节“名家大讲堂”主讲专家,被第十四届北京国际图书节授予“北京读书形象大使”称号。

if you need your ass kick step step down是什么意思


飞秒激光和epi-lasik sbk lasik哪个好




go to sleep 歌词

歌曲名:go to sleep歌手:The Avett Brothers专辑:emotionalismLay back, lay back, go to sleep my manWipe the blood from you face and your handsForgive yourself if you think that you canGo to sleep, go to sleep my manTwenty-one days lost at sea I foughtFor twenty-two years non-stop I"ve talkedThrough the desert, pissed drunk, and confused I walkedI spit a tooth in the palm of my handThe Avett BrothersLay back, lay back, go to sleep my manWipe the blood from you face and your handsForgive yourself if you think that you canGo to sleep, go to sleep my manWell the wind and the trees are ganging up on meThey sing my funeral song in harmonyWell I just want to walk home on the drunk I needBut they keep singing and singing and singing to me...La, La, La, La, La, La (I hear them singing)La, La, La, La, La, La (Singing for me)Well I wish things were different, true, and deepBut everything that"s so shallow is everything about meIf only I could just take all my money and leaveI hope the people on the ground will understandI hope the people out there will understandLay back, lay back, go to sleep my manWipe the blood from you face and your handsForgive yourself if you think that you canGo to sleep, go to sleep my manLa, LaGo to sleep, go to sleep my manLa, LaGo to sleep, go to sleep my manhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14113091

为什么是keep your healthy all the time不是make your hee

keep保持的意思 固定搭配吧

跪求OneRepublic新专辑单曲《All this time》中文歌词

All this time - OneRepublic始终。Six on the second hand till new year"s resolutions(*)离要许下新年决心,还有六秒钟There"s just no question what this man should do 只是并没有一个疑问说这个男人到底应该做些什么(就是他已经决定好了的意思)Take all the time lost all the days that I cost 拿回所有早已逝去的时间所有我已度过的岁月Take what I took and give it back to you 拿出那些我曾从你那里拿走的,然后将它们全部还与你All this time we were waiting for each other 一直以来我们都在等待着对方All this time I was waiting for you 这么久我都在等待着你We got all these words can"t waste them on another 我们心中所有所有这些歌词情话它们怎能浪费在另一个人的身上So I"m straight in a straight line running back to you 所以我直接沿直线向你奔回I don"t know what day it is, 我不清楚今天是何日I had to check the paper 我需要拿出日历来查看I don"t know the city but it isn"t home 我不认识这个城市,我只知道它不是故乡You say I"m lucky to love something that loves me 你说我很幸运 因为我爱的人她也爱我But I don"t as I could be wherever I roam 但是我不觉得自己幸运 因为我一直在到处流浪All this time we were waiting for each other 一直以来我们都在等待着对方All this time I was waiting for you 这么久我都在等待着你We got all these words can"t waste them on another 我们心中所有所有这些歌词情话它们怎能浪费在另一个人的身上So I"m straight in a straight line running back to you 所以我直接沿直线向你奔回yeah Oh, running back to you Oh, running back to you Yeah 是啊,向你奔回。Oh, I would travel so far 哦,我旅行了那么那么远I would travel so far 旅行了那么那么远To get back where you are 只是为了能回到你所在的地方All this time we were waiting for each other 一直以来我们都在等待着对方All this time I was waiting for you 这么久我都在等待着你Got all this love 我所有所有的爱can"t waste it on another 它怎能浪费在另一个人的身上?So I"m straight in a straight line running back to you 所以我直接沿直线向你奔回Straight in a straight line running back to you Straight in a straight line running back to you 立刻沿直线向你奔回立刻沿直线向你奔回--------------------------翻译by芊魅飞-----------------------------------(*)注:首先第一句话,很多网站用的是revolution但我的耳朵告诉我这是resolution~ 并且有个短语new year"s resolutions是新年决心的意思,况且“革命”的话也不合逻辑挖~所以我就擅自把找到的英文歌词校正了~恩~~~然后呢,我是刚刚才听了这首歌 真的好深情>< 也谢谢你推荐了这么一首好歌让我淘到。

epik high揭幕的中文歌词

Epik High - 开幕I didn"t realizeThat the show wasoverNo I didn"trealizeThat the show wasoverI didn"t realizeThat the show wasoverNo I didn"trealizeThat the show wasover普累夸黑波尅啊四啦四兰太够内撒里poetry南苏慢岁哦都累破久可够赛都久gimio 大有黑几哦给搜破内汗久But I only got atanI"m goodI smile for mydear mama阿爸哇被大len 内噶无mio无都可噶破一噶怕And I smile for mydad他新内怒木得木内吗吗破几啊可也久求咯那几莫他mio 诺得I survived it都大噶内聊啊那撒因够四特累死啊您吗一里几赛桑恩吗累几The show"s over内搜哇久搜大莫特了求And I came through有就你普他嫩内久特累 hate都内有苏累得噶So fark you andthank youCurtain call怕米忒将米啊您话撒But I"ll neverfallCome onI didn"t realizeThat the show wasoverNo I didn"trealizeThat the show wasoverI didn"t realizeThat the show wasoverNo I didn"trealizeThat the show wasoverAs time goes by汗苏慢岁够哦介那哈嫩他死啦mio大恩七够胡为慢哈你噶南那几都够几都那几都够几都莫谈够那你噶 赛为里几那够内皮久嫩噶mio 噶苏咯介加里够len困恰那搜一搜都内新将恩嫩对够den那慢大啦对 mio 对内新将吗久莫求gi 久内汗带吗新你工gi嫩可苦了米咯对嫩孙干都一米那噶撒嫩票四带有那有够七普给皮嫩够破mio怕苏几嫩可特len内撒累撒普内一都得哦噶那吗累几土够怕久普无力噶西切因久啦够 帕拉得赛gi den 大fuck youWe backI didn"t realizeThat the show wasoverDon"t you tell meThat it"s overNo I didn"trealizeThat the show wasoverLook at me nowYou know that I"mhere to stayI didn"t realizeThat the show wasoverThank you It wasnice to know yaNo I didn"trealizeThat the show wasoverThe show goes onI didn"t realizeThat the show wasoverNo I didn"trealizeThat the show wasoverI didn"t realizeThat I was wrongMy babyAnd I didn"trealizeThat the show wasoverI didn"t realizeThat the show wasover

independent film是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:independent film独立电影;独立制片电影;独立制作影片;独立电影里祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

sleep disruption是什么意思

sleep disruption睡眠中断双语对照例句:1.Sleep disruption is also associated with mental illnesses such asdepression and bipolar disorder. 而睡眠障碍也会引起精神方面的疾病,如抑郁症,躁郁症。2.As for why this happens, cohen believes that sleep disruption interferes withthe immune system"s ability to regulate itself. 对于出现这种现象的原因,科恩相信睡眠不足妨碍了免疫系统的自我调节。

The Pretty Reckless这张EP中4首歌的歌词!!

Zombie-The Cranberries 僵尸(卡百利) Another head hangs lowly. 另一颗头颅谦卑地垂下。 Child is slowly taken. 儿童在缓缓死去。 And the violence caused such silence. 暴行造成了可怕的安静。 Who are we mistaken 我们中谁做错了什么? But U see it"s not me. 但你知道那不是我。 It"s not my family. 那不是我的家庭。 In Ur head,in Ur head ! 在你的头脑中! They are fighting. 他们在战斗。 With their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。 And their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪。 In Ur head ! 在你的头脑中 In Ur head they are crying. 在你的脑中他们在哭泣。 Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 僵尸! What"s in Ur head,in Ur head 到底有什么在你的头脑中? Another mother"s breaking.另一个母亲被夺去生命。 Heart is taking over.灵魂被带走。 When the violence causes silence.当暴力造就了安静时。 We must be mistaken.我们一定做错了什么。 It"s the same old theme since 1916.这是1916年以来从未改变过的话题。 In Ur head they"re still fighting.在你的头脑中他们在战斗。 In Ur head they are dying.在你的头脑中他们已经死去。

To better design curriculum and keep the subjects that really can address your problems请问是什么意






phone 和 telephone 意思一样吧?


在动漫剪辑中,MAD AMV MEP 各有什么特点跟区别

MAD是同人作品系列的MEP是多人合作的意思Multi-Editor ProjectAMV是是类似动漫剪辑的感觉MMD则是MikuMikuDance,是一种3D动画编辑软件

有关phrase verb, prep. phrase的分别

phrasal verb中文是片语动词,即一个verb+Prep.而成片语的动词,而其功用仍然作为动词,如: e roud苏醒 e.g.The wounded soldier soon came round. take off起飞 e.g.The plane will take off soon 但Prep. phrase就是介词片语,是介词+补语(Preposition+plement)而成的片语 如:We saw a girl with a *** all dog(with a *** all dog就是介词片语) He writes well on the whole(其中on the whole就是介词片语) I must admit I felt very sorry for her(for her就是介词片语) 希望帮到你!


prep 是介词的缩写 phrase是短语的意思结合起来就是介词短语 像get up等等



Jeremy Lin is a man with a strong will. After repeated_______ he finally succeeded in his caree...

D 试题分析:考查名词:A. announcements宣布,通知,B. decision决定,C. remarks评论,D. attempts尝试,句意:Jeremy是一个有坚强意志的人,在多次重复的尝试后,他最终事业成功了。选D。


C语言标准库中没有sleep这个函数,它实际上是一个系统API函数。函数功能: 执行挂起一段时间1、在VC中使用带上头文件,而且全称为Sleep(),第一个字母需要大写。  #include <windows.h> //需要添加头文件  Sleep(unisgned long); //函数声明  Windows中,Sleep()里面的单位,是以毫秒为单位,所以如果想让函数滞留1秒的话,应该写成: Sleep(1000);2、在gcc中,使用的头文件因gcc版本的不同而不同,一般来说,linux系统需要添加的头文件为:  #include <unistd.h>应该是Sleep(1000);  在Linux下,sleep()里面的单位是秒,而不是毫秒。

keep on ,carry on , go on , hold on都有继续之意,有什么区别?(


System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A1200): 数值超出范围

公共语言运行库将已知的 HRESULT 转换为 .NET 异常,这使得 COM 对象能够将有意义的错误信息返回给托管客户端。HRESULT 到异常的映射也可以反方向使用,将特定的 HRESULT 返回到非托管客户端。有关映射的详细信息,请参见 如何:映射 HRESULT 和异常。当运行库遇到未知的 HRESULT(没有特定对应异常的 HRESULT)时,将引发 COMException 类的一个实例。此通用异常将公开与任意异常相同的成员,并包含一个公共 ErrorCode 属性,其中包含由被调用方返回的 HRESULT。如果运行库获得错误信息(从 IErrorInfo 接口、Visual Basic 中的 Err 对象,或某些情况下从操作系统获得),则该信息将被返回到调用方。但是,如果 COM 组件开发人员没能提供错误信息,则运行库将返回 8 位的 HRESULT 替代消息字符串。获得 HRESULT 使调用方可以确定一般异常的起因。虽然可以使用 COMException 类将特定的 HRESULT 返回到非托管客户端,但引发特定 .NET 异常比使用一般异常要好。考虑到托管客户端与非托管客户端一样可以使用 .NET 对象,向托管调用方引发 HRESULT 就不如引发异常更利于理解。
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