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请问事业成功的第一步为什么不能翻译成the first step of success in career




a big step to do 还是to doing


英语谚语:Discontent is the first step in progress 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Discontent is the first step in progress 中文意思: 不知足是前进中的第一步。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The leopard cannot change its spots 江山易改,本性难移。 The liar"s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else 说谎者所受到的惩罚决不是在于没有人相信他,而是在于他不会相信任何别人。 The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb 狼的生就是羔羊的死。 The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf 孤独的羊难免遭狼的危险。 The longest day has an end 天下没有不散的盛筵。 The longest way round is the shortest way home 绕道似最远,归程是捷径。 The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature 爱美是所有健康人天性中的一个重要部分。 The love of money and the love of learning rarely meet 爱财与好学,实难相共容。 The love of money is the root of all evil 爱财是万恶之源。 The maintaining of one vice costs more than ten virtues 保持一件坏事的代价超过十件好事。 英语谚语: Discontent is the first step in progress 中文意思: 不知足是前进中的第一步。

the first step in doing the first step to do 的区别

首先必须明确的是,在英语语法中,in doing 是现在进行时,something to do 是现在将来时,也就是说还没有进行但是将要进行的状态. 所以the first step in doing是说正在进行的第一步是…… the first step to do是说第一步将要去做的是…… 当然翻译要结合语境来翻译会更恰当,更美好

take the first step,是什么意思?


有at the fisrt step这样的用法吗,如果有是什么意思?

first step 是表达第一步, 加the 是特指, 用了介词at应该是前面有词组搭配吧~at the first step 并不是固定搭配我是老师,有问题可以交流~



take the first step是什么意思


"first step"除了指“第一步”还指什么


first step和first word是什么意思


first step是什么意思

first step[英][fu0259:st step][美][fu025ast stu025bp]第一级; 初步; 例句:1.The first step is admitting you have a problem. 第一步是承认自己有问题。2.First step: cleaning up j.p. morgan"s board 第一步:清理摩根大通董事会


《Parker Pyne Investigates》([英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fq6uU11c8mu2i40fAXJV-w 密码:i8qc书名:Parker Pyne Investigates作者:[英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂出版社:Minotaur Books出版年份:2002-07-14页数:288内容简介:Agatha Christie is more than the most popular mystery writer of all time. In a career that spans over half a century, her name is synonymous with brilliant deception, ingenious puzzles, and the surprise denouement. By virtually inventing the modern mystery novel she has earned her title as the Queen of Crime. Curious? Then you"re invited to read...PARKER PYNE INVESTIGATESThe personal ad posed a simple question: Are you happy? If not, consult Mr. Parker Pyne. The answer is a resounding no for a jealous wife who suspects her husband of infidelity...for a lonely widow driven to assume a new identity...for a distraught mother whose son has been kidnapped...and for the fianc of a strangely reclusive bride-to-be. But what sort of detective would solicit in the personals? The sort who has a knack for investigating affairs of the heart. For therein lie the darkest motives for murder. And they are proving most lucrative for the hopelessly romantic-and highly suspicious Inspector Parker Pyne.AUTHORBIO: AGATHA CHRISTIE is the world"s best known mystery writer. Her books have sold over a billion copies in the English language and another billion in 44 foreign languages. She is the most widely published author of all time in any language, outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare. Her writing career spanned more than half a century, during which she wrote 80 novels and short story collections, as well as 14 plays, one of which, The Mousetrap, is the longest-running play in history. Two of the characters she created, the brilliant little Belgian Hercule Poirot and the irrepressible and relentless Miss Marple, went on to become world-famous detectives. Both have been widely dramatized in feature films and made-for-TV movies.Agatha Christie also wrote under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. As well, she wrote four non-fiction books including an autobiography and an entertaining account of the many expeditions she shared with her archaeologist husband, Sir Max Mallowan. Agatha Christie died in 1976.作者简介:无可争议的侦探小说女王,侦探文学史上最伟大的作家之一。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂原名为阿加莎u2022玛丽u2022克拉丽莎u2022米勒,一八九○年九月十五日生于英国德文郡托基的阿什菲尔德宅邸。她几乎没有接受过正规的教育,但酷爱阅读,尤其痴迷于歇洛克u2022福尔摩斯的故事。第一次世界大战期间,阿加莎u2022克 里斯蒂成了一名志愿者。战争结束后,她创作了自己的第一部侦探小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》。几经周折,作品于一九二○年正式出版,由此开启了克里斯蒂辉煌的创作生涯。一九二六年,《罗杰疑案》由哈珀柯林斯出版公司出版。这部作品一举奠定了阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂在侦探文学领域不可撼动的地位。之后,她又陆续出版了《东方快车谋杀案》、《ABC 谋杀案》、《尼罗河上的惨案》、《无人生还》、《阳光下的罪恶》等脍炙人口的作品。时至今日,这些作品依然是世界侦探文学宝库里最宝贵的财富。根据她的小说改编而成的舞台剧《捕鼠器》,已经成为世界上公演场次最多的剧目;而在影视改编方面,《东方快车谋杀案》为英格丽u2022褒曼斩获奥斯卡大奖,《尼罗河上的惨案》更是成为了几代人心目中的经典。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂的创作生涯持续了五十余年,总共创作了八十部侦探小说。她的作品畅销全世界一百多个国家和地区,累计销量已经突破二十亿册。她创造的小胡子侦探波洛和老处女侦探马普尔小姐为读者津津乐道。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂是柯南u2022道尔之后最伟大的侦探小说作家,是侦探文学黄金时代的开创者和集大成者。一九七一年,英国女王授予克里斯蒂爵士称号,以表彰其不朽的贡献。一九七六年一月十二日,阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂逝世于英国牛津郡沃灵福德家中,被安葬于牛津郡的圣玛丽教堂墓园,享年八十五岁。

skin deep是什么意思?

You"re telling me that I"m your queen 你告诉我,在你心中,我是女王That nothing matches me.没有什么东西能配得上我You"re making me feel like a dream 你让我犹如置身梦中The way you flatter me你对我的奉承Are you just another fake 只是假装Or something special?还是我对你是特别的?(Yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah, yeah, yeah)You"re telling me that I"m too cool 你说我很有自己的风格You say I"m beautiful你说我很漂亮I gotta tell you I"m no fool 我只想说我不是笨蛋I"m kinda cynical我有些愤世嫉俗Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式You sit me on the top of your world 你说我太高贵让你必须仰望Can"t take your eyes of me无法移开你的视线You say that I"m your candy girl 你说我是你的甜心Well that"s oh so sweet真是很好听的甜言蜜语Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Get to the beauty within了解美女的内心世界Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Got to discover me发现我的可爱之处Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Open your mind and come in全心全意Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式




You"re telling me that I"m your queen 你告诉我,在你心中,我是女王That nothing matches me.没有什么东西能配得上我You"re making me feel like a dream 你让我犹如置身梦中The way you flatter me你对我的奉承Are you just another fake 只是假装Or something special?还是我对你是特别的?(Yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah, yeah, yeah)You"re telling me that I"m too cool 你说我很有自己的风格You say I"m beautiful你说我很漂亮I gotta tell you I"m no fool 我只想说我不是笨蛋I"m kinda cynical我有些愤世嫉俗Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式You sit me on the top of your world 你说我太高贵让你必须仰望Can"t take your eyes of me无法移开你的视线You say that I"m your candy girl 你说我是你的甜心Well that"s oh so sweet真是很好听的甜言蜜语Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Get to the beauty within了解美女的内心世界Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Got to discover me发现我的可爱之处Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Open your mind and come in全心全意Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式主楼祝天天开心o(∩_∩)o



以Beauty is only skin deep为主题,用英文写一段4分钟的二人对话

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 大约是4分钟的二人对话, 以Beauty is only skin deep为主题 用英文讨论这个话题 赞同或是反对该意见都可以口语课要用,大家帮帮忙了 谢谢 解析: i don"t think so. for example, Lindaiyu who is famous for her beauty but she is versatile.she can paly old music instrument and make marvellous poem. beauty, if it only refers to the apparence, maybe sometimes it is only skin deep for pretty women.




《Skin Trade》(Laurell K. Hamilton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1d3HkIzKlfI5ytk4mC-F72Q 提取码:o3zv书名:Skin Trade作者:Laurell K. Hamilton出版社:Berkley Hardcover出版年份:2009-6-2页数:496内容简介:A proven series with a hot new look. The #1 bestselling author returns with her most anticipated novel yet. When a vampire serial killer sends Anita Blake a grisly souvenir from Las Vegas, she has to warn Sin City"s local authorities what they"re dealing with. Only it"s worse than she thought. Ten officers and one executioner have been slain-paranormal style. Anita heads to Vegas, where"s she"s joined by three other federal marshals, including the ruthless Edward. It"s a good thing he always has her back, because when she gets close to the bodies, Anita senses "tiger" too strongly to ignore it. The weretigers are very powerful in Las Vegas, which means the odds of her rubbing someone important the wrong way just got a lot higher.

求助:com.alibaba.druid.sql.parser.ParserException: syntax error,expect )......


fastjson解析错误.JSONException: Rounding necessary

解析报错: com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException: Rounding necessary at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.DefaultJSONParser.parseObject(DefaultJSONParser.java:708) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.DefaultJSONParser.parseObject(DefaultJSONParser.java:677) at com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON.parseObject(JSON.java:245) at com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON.parseObject(JSON.java:217) at com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON.parseObject(JSON.java:187) at com.t3.network.helper.f.onNext(:5) at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableObserveOn ObserveOnObserver.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:255) at io.reactivex.android.schedulers.HandlerScheduler MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:245) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:921) Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Rounding necessary at java.math.BigDecimal.toBigIntegerExact(BigDecimal.java:2392) at java.math.BigDecimal.valueExact(BigDecimal.java:2869) at java.math.BigDecimal.intValueExact(BigDecimal.java:2454) at com.alibaba.fastjson.serializer.IntegerCodec.deserialze(IntegerCodec.java:107) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.DefaultFieldDeserializer.parseField(DefaultFieldDeserializer.java:73) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JavaBeanDeserializer.parseField(JavaBeanDeserializer.java:1012) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JavaBeanDeserializer.deserialze(JavaBeanDeserializer.java:770) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JavaBeanDeserializer.deserialze(JavaBeanDeserializer.java:118) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ListTypeFieldDeserializer.parseArray(ListTypeFieldDeserializer.java:214) 找了大佬,一针见血指出问题:边界出错;就是位数可能太多。网上找解决方法,有的是int 类型赋值了3.6这种float了,也会出现这种解析错误。 而我的主要是解析下面为double时造成 "lat":31.911295789937384, "lng":118.81761768130724, 返回位数太多,应该是超出android 中的double能容纳的位数了;直接改为String ,完美解决!!!

CommandLineParser是什么,字面翻译是命令行分析器?? C++中这样一句语句是什么意思


com.alibaba.druid.sql.parser.ParserException: TODO :IDENTIFIER


She is a independent girl

we all like the independent life.

beep bepp,I am sheep是什么梗?


the beep beep song 中文歌词 求翻译!

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beepbeep beep声go the horns in the cars in the street是在街道上汽车的喇叭声we walked away from the lover"s leap我们背离了情人的步调(就是说分手了)opposite directions往相反方向走去synchronised feet一致的步调wait wait wait wait wait wait wait等候 等候 等候for the time it takes a heart to mend a break静静等待时间治愈受伤的心how many moons are reflected in the lake湖水中倒影了多少个月亮can you wait forever if time is all it takes如果只需倾耗所有年华,你能永远为我守候吗despite all the warnings毫无预兆I landed like我宛如坠落的星辰a fallen starin your arms掉进你的怀里beat beat beat beat beat beat beat心跳声goes my heart on the side of my sleeve随我袖口而跳出whispering something I can hardly believe像是在低语我无法相信的那些事"let me take the lead交给我吧cos love is all we need因为,爱就是我们的所需


bebeiamsheep是歌曲《Beep Beep I"m a Sheep》。歌曲:《Beep Beep I"m a Sheep》歌手:black gryph0n、tomska、lildeucedeuce歌词:Beep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepYeah now some of you might be wondering,How exactly does one beep beep like a sheepTake it away,GabeStep one,Throw your hands upThen point them too the floor,Step twoHere"s what to do,Now get down on all foursStep three,Just bounce aroundIt"s easy follow me,Step fourGo crazy now,And beep beep like a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheep歌曲资料:《beep beep i"m a sheep》是由歌手:black gryph0n、tomska、lildeucedeuce演唱的一首歌曲,早在2017年就已经在网络上走红。唱片公司:Todd Bryanton,发行时间:2017-03-31,收录在专辑:beep beep i"m a sheep (feat. tomska & black gryph0n)。

Ketchup (O.T. Beep Beep) 歌词

歌曲名:Ketchup (O.T. Beep Beep)歌手:陈伟霆专辑:WOWKetchup(OT: Beep Beep)作曲:John Lundvik / Chris Meyer填词: John Lundvik / Chris Meyer不舍得分享的酸一触摸惹静电只准许点点嘴边新鲜得格外暖在滴汗 滴着大汗在动荡 极度动荡想追的倾家追赶应该一试难忘wo wo wo辣辣地 热辣味道慢慢地 慢慢大步wo wo wo目标总得到where is my ketchupoh my oh my ketchupoh my oh my oh my ketchupcatching you up为求爱你别着急where is my ketchupoh my oh my ketchupoh my oh my oh my ketchupcatching you up原来爱你是独一你意态我已看见你美态哪会看厌你意态我已看见你美态哪会看厌喜欢的应该追捧似我走势如虹只欣赏专心沟通oh oh oh 看不通你意态我已看见 (看你最纤巧的细心)你美态哪会看厌你意态我已看见 (我爱上新鲜的吸引)你美态哪会看厌 (oh…)where is my ketchup ketchupwhere is my ketchup ketchupwhere is my ketchup ( oh…)oh my oh my ketchupoh my oh my oh my ketchup (ketchup)catching you up为求爱你别着急 (catching you up)where is my ketchupoh my oh my ketchupoh my oh my oh my ketchup (太急 心里有秘密)catching you up原来爱你是独一(有秘密爱你独特 )你意态我已看见 (看你最纤巧的细心)你美态哪会看厌 (听你的呼吸声音)你意态我已看见 (要发生终于发生)你美态哪会看厌 (oh…)where is my ketchup ketchuphttp://music.baidu.com/song/9057463





翻译中文歌词Beep Beep LittleMix

歌名:Beep (Feat. Will.I.Am)歌手:Pussycat Dolls(小野猫)专辑:PCD发行时间:2005年9月12日(英国)类型:R&BIt"s funny how a man only thinks about the *BEEP* 如果一个男人祗想着*是多么的可笑 You got a real big heart, but I"m lookin" at ya *BEEP* 你有一颗伟大的心,但是我正在注意着你的* You got a real big brains, but I"m lookin" at ya *BEEP* 你有一颗很聪明的脑袋,但是我正在注意着你的* Girl it ain"t no pain, let me lookin" at ya *BEEP* 宝贝那是没有任何痛苦的,让我注意着你的* [Pussycat Dolls] I don"t give a *BEEP* 我不给* Keep lookin" at my *BEEP* 继续注意着我的* ‘Cos it don"t man a thing if you lookin" at my *BEEP* (Hah) 因为这不等于那东西如果你注意着我的* "m a do my thing, while you playin" with ya *BEEP* 我在做自己的份内事,当你正在玩你的*的时候 Hahahahahahaha 哈哈哈哈哈 Every boys the same, since I"ve been in seventh grade 每个男孩都是一样的,自从我在7年级开始 They been tryin" to get with me, tryin" to (hahaha hahaha) 他们都试着去接近我,试着去(哈哈哈哈哈哈) They always got a plan, to be my one ‘n" only man 他们经常计划好,去做我唯一的男人 Wanna hold me with their hands, wanna (hahaha hahaha) 想要用他们的双手去抱着我,想要(哈哈哈哈哈哈) I keep turnin" them down, but they always come around 我一直撇开他们,但是他们老是过来我的身边 Askin" me to go around, that"s not the way it"s goin" down 叫我去跟他们一起,我发现那不是可以撇开他们的方法 ‘Cos they only want, only want, my (nahaha nahaha) 因为他们都祗想要,祗想要我的(哪哈哈哈哈) Only want what they want, but (nahaha nahaha) 祗想要他们想要的东西,但是(哪哈哈哈哈) [Chorus] Do you know that ‘no" don"t mean ‘yes", means ‘no"? 你知不知道“不”不等于“是”,它的意思是“不”? So just hold up, wait a minute; let me put my two cents in it 所以请先忍耐着,等一等,让我先把2分钱放进去 n one, Just be patient, don"t be rushin" like ya anxioushin", two 第一, 给点耐心吧,不要那么仓促,不要像你那么的不安,第二, You"re just too aggressive, tryin" to get your (Ahh) 你是多么的爱挑衅,试图去得到你的(啊) Do you know, that I know? 你知不知道其实我是知道的呢? ‘N" I don"t, wanna go 而且我不想去实行 Yeh they only want, only want, my (hahaha hahaha) 是的他们都祗想要,祗想要,我的(哈哈哈哈哈哈) Only want what they want, but (nahaha nahaha) 祗想要他们想要的东西,但是(哪哈哈哈哈哈) [Chorus] Ooh, you got it bad, I can tell 噢,你理解得很烂,我可以了解 You want it bad, but don"t yell 你想要得很坏,但是请不要大叫 But what you got from me is somethin" I, somethin" I don"t need 但是你从我身上得到的是我不,我不,我不需要的 (Hey)

partial accepted在oj上是啥意思?

part,部分、局部。ial,常见的形容词后缀,更多例子还有:trial, colonial, editorial, etc.partial,部分的、不完全的、偏心的、偏向一方的、偏爱……的(此意跟在动词后,然而已过时,是一种正式说法)。其实意思很好理解对不对?学单词,只记住意思可不行,会用才行,小伙伴们可以在评论区造句,我们一起学习哦!我先来:造句:My stepmother was partial to her biological son.Partial的英文解释:not completeinfluenced by the fact that you personally prefer or approve of something, so that you do not judge fairlyhaving a liking for something



the person who you loved deeplly!求翻译



《春明外史(上下)》(张恨水)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1a2koc2spJ_o_QmO7sihT3w 提取码:4iaz书名:春明外史(上下)作者:张恨水译者:有2003年1月第2版豆瓣评分:8.1出版社:北岳文艺出版社出版年份:2000-1页数:960内容简介:此书是张恨水先生著名的代表作之一,通篇以爱情为主线,同时广泛描写党、政、军、警、学、商各阶层的生活动态,情节生动,活灵活现,引人入胜。男主人公杨杏国寄寓北平,以卖文编报为生。他结识了青楼雏妓梨云,两人情投意合,刻骨铭心。不幸,梨云因病而亡。才女李冬青,亦与杨杏园有深厚感情,经过一段复杂的感情纠葛,李冬青终因身有隐疾,佳期难成,黯然奉母南下。而杨杏园则因“文人病”缠身,吐血而亡。




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“轻”的英文是light.那么灯的英文呢?keep off,get over与get back的意思?


The Weepies的How do you get high的歌词和翻译

No money, no friends 没钱没朋友You just passed the end 你就这样走到头How do you get high? You don"t drink, don"t smoke 不喝酒不抽烟You"ll live long, you hope 你希望你能活得久How do you get high? I"m down with no plans 我有些失落也没什么计划One thing I don"t understand 有件事我搞不明白How do you get high? Long pipe, big bowl 长管子,大碗You feel good, you feel old 你感觉不错,你感觉老了How do you get high? You leave early, you stay late 你走很早,你留很晚You smile while your heart breaks 当你心碎时你微微笑How do you get high? Long past no hope 长长的过往,没什么希望You"re fixed, you"re broke 你被修好,你被损坏How do you get high? No money, no friends 没钱也没朋友You just passed the end 你就这样走到头How do you get high? 自己的渣翻,how do you get high的high我把它理解成一种兴奋高飞的感觉有不对的地方希望厉害的人帮我修正




没有这个字,只有woodpecker这个字,意思是啄木鸟。啄木鸟科(学名:Picidae):是鸟纲鴷形目的1科,约有221种。体长 90~560毫米。该科鸟类头亦大,但颈较长,嘴强硬而直,呈凿形,舌长而能伸缩,先端列生短钩;脚稍短,具3或4趾;尾呈平尾或楔状,羽干坚硬富有弹性,在啄木时支撑身体。共有约34属221种。除大洋洲和南极洲外,均可见到。啄木鸟可以在树上凿孔钩虫,它的嘴巴又长又尖又硬,能一直插进坚硬的木质部,舌头又长又细,长了许多倒刺,表面布满一层粘液,可以准确无误地把害虫钩出来。主要吃隐藏在树干内部蛀食的天牛、透翅蛾、吉丁虫等害虫。被称为“森林医生”。该科鸟类头亦大,但颈较长,嘴强硬而直,呈凿形,鼻孔裸露;角舌骨延成环带状,两侧自咽喉绕过枕部至上嘴基。舌长而能伸缩,先端列生短钩;脚稍短,具3或4趾;初级飞羽9片。头骨为蜥腭型,锄骨被一些成对的骨片所代替,颌腭骨细小远离两侧,胸骨后端每侧有2切刻,胸骨柄分叉。腿肌肉缺栖肌和副股尾肌;尾呈平尾或楔状,尾羽大都12枚,羽干坚硬富有弹性,在啄木时支撑身体。 啄木鸟最为常见的是绿啄木鸟和斑啄木鸟。绿啄木鸟体羽主要是绿色,下体污灰色带有绿色沾染。雄鸟的头顶为红色,非常鲜艳。斑啄木鸟的体形略小,上体羽色是黑底有白斑,以翅膀上居多,下体棕白色,尾下部是红色,雄鸟的头的后部也是红色。还有一种体形更小的啄木鸟叫蚁鴷,也较为常见,它的羽色比较特别,上体是淡银灰色的底色,密布着暗褐色的斑纹,好像蛇皮的花纹,下体近白色。它不会攀登树木,也不啄木捕虫,却在地上觅食蚂蚁,所以也叫地啄木鸟。啄木鸟有极为高超的捕虫本领,它的嘴强直而尖,不仅能啄开树皮,而且也能啄开坚硬的木质部分,很像木工用的凿子,它的舌细长而柔软,能长长地伸出嘴的外面,还有一对很长的舌角骨,围在头骨的外面,起到特殊的弹簧作用,舌骨角的曲张,可以使舌头伸缩自如,舌尖角质化,有成排的倒须钩和粘液,非常适合钩取树干上的昆虫及幼虫。它们用嘴敲击树干,在寂静的林中发出“笃,笃……”的声音,如果发现树干的某处有虫,就紧紧地攀在树上,头和嘴与树干几乎垂直,先将树皮啄破,将害虫用舌头一一钩出来吃掉,将虫卵也用粘液粘出。当遇到虫子躲藏在树干深部的通道中时,它还会巧施“击鼓驱虫”的妙计,用嘴在通道处敲击,发出特异的、使害虫产生恐惧的击鼓声,使害虫在声波的刺激下,昏头转向,四处窜动,往往企图逃出洞口,而恰好被等在这里的啄木鸟擒而食之。它们一般要把整株树的小囊虫彻底消灭才转移到另一棵树上,碰到虫害严重的树,就会在这棵树上连续工作上几天,直到全部清除害虫为止。啄木鸟啄食的害虫包括森林中鞘翅目的象甲、伪步行甲、天牛幼虫、金龟甲,鳞翅目的逼债蛾、螟蛾,以及花蝽象、臭蝽象、蝗虫、蚂蚁、蛴螬、小囊虫、天牛幼虫、蛴螬、白蚁等。啄木鸟每天敲击树木约为500—600次,啄木的速度极快,几乎是音速的两倍,这样它的头部则不可避免地要受到非常剧烈的震动,但它既不会得脑震荡,也不会头痛。原来在啄木鸟的头上至少有三层防震装置,它的头骨结构疏松而充满空气,头骨的内部还有一层坚韧的外脑膜,在外脑膜和脑髓之间有一条狭窄的空隙,里面含有液体,减低了震波的流体传动,起到了消震的作用。由于突然旋转的运动比直线的水平运动更容易造成脑损伤,所以在它头的两侧都生有发达而强有力的肌肉,可以起到防震、消震的作用。这种精妙的防震设置原理,给防震工程学提供了安全运动防护帽和防震盔的正确设计方案,现代的防护帽都具有一个坚硬的外壳,里面为一个松软的套具,它们之间留有一定的空隙,帽中再加上一个防护领圈,以防止在突然碰撞时造成旋转运动。由于啄木鸟为保护树木所作出的巨大贡献,人们称它们为“森林卫士”或“树木医生”。在k国的一些古书里,很早就有关于啄木鸟啄木食虫的记载,例如《禽经》中有“ 志在木”,《异物志》中有“穿木食蠹”的记载,明朝李时珍的《本草纲目》则指出:“此鸟斫裂树木取蠹食故名”,还指出:“(啄木鸟)刚爪利嘴,嘴如锥,长数寸,舌长于嘴,其端有针刺,啄得蠹,以舌钩出”。此外还有“南山有鸟,其名啄木。饥则啄树,暮则巢宿。无干于人,惟志所欲,性清者荣,性浊者辱。”,以及“丁丁向晚急还稀,啄遍庭槐未肯归。终日为君除蠹害,莫嫌无事不频飞。”等歌咏啄木鸟的诗作,可见啄木鸟自古就受到人们的喜爱和赞美。元音字母组合oo在单字里发短元音/u028a/的音,发音时,舌后部抬高,舌位中高,牙床半合,双唇呈圆形,小而突出,这个音大多出现在字中,也常出现在非重读的字末,但很少出现在字首,如:book 书wood 木头cookie 甜饼干,曲奇wool 羊毛foot 脚,英尺(英制长度单位)cook 烹调hook 钩住look 看希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


reptile 英[u02c8reptau026al] 美[u02c8ru025bptu026al, -u02cctau026al] n. 爬行动物;卑鄙的人 adj. 爬虫类的;卑鄙的 名词复数:reptiles [例句]Days before the year of the snake begins , there has been little affection for the slithering reptile.而在蛇年即将到来之时,人们对于这种蠕动的爬行动物却没什么喜爱之情。


does she have plates?




导演: 哈罗德·兹瓦特编剧: 斯科特·纽斯塔德 / 迈克尔·H·韦伯 / 史蒂夫·马丁 / 莫里斯·里奇林 / 布莱克·爱德华兹主演: 史蒂夫·马丁 / 让·雷诺 / 艾米莉·莫迪默 / 安迪·加西亚 / 阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳 / 类型: 喜剧 / 悬疑 / 犯罪 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2009-02-06(美国)片长: 92 分钟又名: 粉红豹:2有恶豹 该片讲述了自从三年前闹得整个巴黎鸡飞狗跳之后,探员杰奎斯·克鲁索(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)日常工作就是街边检查一下违规停放的车辆,但还是屡屡搞砸,几番折腾,他终于做出了最后决定:告别法国!突然世界各地,价值连城的文物一一失窃,而"粉红豹"钻戒也失窃了。顶头上司指名点姓,一定要勇破上回"粉红豹"疑案的克鲁索,总督察雷福斯(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)只好召回这个让人头疼的探长。于是老搭档波顿(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)、女秘书妮可(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)都被顺利召回,老队伍回来了,新一轮的摧毁行动也正式宣告开始。凡克鲁索所到之处,无不如台风过境般催枯拉朽,而在结识了漂亮的桑妮娅(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai 饰)后,他更是照旧神魂颠倒、手足无措、笑话百出。这一次他还能顺利完成任务吗?

Mobb Deep的《Get At Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Get At Me歌手:Mobb Deep专辑:InfamyI saw him, I saw himThere he is right over there, over there(I see him)Okay...I got a message for you infamousYou tell that son-of-a-bitch he"s made a big mistakeAnd you tell him personally...from me!And stay outta here!Yeah, that"s what I"m talkin about...Real loaded, in the fleshAnd we know where we aiminCheck me out...Yo, you"se a baby boy rapper, breast-fed niggaI"m a quiet murderer, in front the feds type niggaDo my dirt quicker from my early days swifterWith the gat, I"m like ?? paintin that pictureListen to the words, take it as a jewelIf I"m fuckin your "burb, just maintain coolCause I won"t take a el, whether in your crib or the outside worldCause the pound clap well, like fan mailChoose to ignore me, the warning that I gave "emGet at me, you and what army?Mobb DeepThe fashion-ass niggas you hang with, have a plate of graveshiftMan down, nigga it"s the same shitNiggas like kids and I don"t play with "emGo get your father, nigga, the smart decisionAnd I"m picking niggas off with the sharp precision (pow)Niggas need to see the wis" because they heart is missin(Get at me)Niggas wanna clap meSnitches wanna rap mePut it right where they back be(Get at me)Niggas wanna clap meSnitches wanna rap mePut it right where they back be(Get at me)Niggas wanna clap meSnitches wanna rap mePut it right where they back be(Get at me)Niggas wanna clap meSnitches wanna rap mePut it right where they back beShotties and macks, little two-shotsFour pounds and techs, arms and chestBag your strength, nigga them bombs and fistsKnives and forks, ain"t no time to think, it"s onJust move on them niggas with excessive forceAnd don"t stop "til them niggas don"t move no moreBroken hands, nuckles and gun handlesDunn got his gunshot wounds through his mantleInformers tell when snitches snitch,Fuck them, buck more shots, get out that bitchCribs is found, careful when the kids is outTorch your house, stalk your kin, bitches and friendsIt get deeper than deep, dirty and foulFuck liquor, for my nigga, we gon" pour some blood outIt"s fucked up how it goes down, innocent people blown downMy niggas is here, brace yourselfNow we all get to know what it"s like...when some asshole"s gonna step out of the darkand blow your head off...I want you to know what it"s like to live that wayFirst of all, we the one and only...infamous(It"s a dirty job but somebody"s gotta do it)First of all, we the one and only..."Til the name wear outhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31444220










《Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray》(Oscar Wilde)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vagMg57yU1qh-3XLqFDE8w 提取码:3zm4书名:Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray作者:Oscar Wilde出版社:Artemis & Winkler出版年份:2007-6-1页数:286


《The Picture of Dorian Gray》(Oscar Wilde)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ozXVpmLxmyV-6dfc1Xpecg 提取码:tkek书名:The Picture of Dorian Gray作者:Oscar Wilde豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:2003-2-4页数:304内容简介:在线阅读本书Enthralled by a portrait of himself, young Dorian Gray makes a Faustian bargain to exchange his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Thus he is able to indulge in his desires, as only the portrait bears the traces of his decadence and becomes a nightmarish picture of his soul.Edited with an Introduction by Robert MighallPreface by Peter Ackroyd作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德Oscar Wilde(1854—1900)英国作家、戏剧家、诗人王尔德一生创作颇丰,童话、戏剧、小说如今均已是文学经典。在他生活的维多利亚时代,世人将他的童话与安徒生相提并论,对他的剧作追捧至极,但小说《道林·格雷的画像》却因艺术观不被接受而备受争议。当一场同性恋爱使王尔德官司缠身,这本小说竟成为罪证之一,最终他被判“严重猥亵罪”入狱两年。出狱三年后,王尔德在巴黎一家小旅馆去世,年仅46岁。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------译者简介:孙宜学,博士,同济大学国际文化交流学院教授,博士生导师。现任中国比较文学学会理事、上海市比较文学研究会副会长等。主要从事比较文学与世界文学、海外汉学、汉语国际传播研究。已出版学术专著10余部,编、译著30余部。已出版作品:翻译:王尔德《狱中记》编译:《审判王尔德实录》《奥斯卡·王尔德自传》著作:《凋谢的百合——王尔德画像》《眩晕与跌落:王尔德评传》孙宜学教授将王尔德比喻成烈焰中炫羽的孔雀,华美、热烈而悲情。


《The Picture of Dorian Gray》(Oscar Wilde)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mTOJJhf9YAGCn_3d4uEYSQ 密码:vah6书名:The Picture of Dorian Gray作者:Oscar Wilde豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:2003-2-4页数:304内容简介:在线阅读本书Enthralled by a portrait of himself, young Dorian Gray makes a Faustian bargain to exchange his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Thus he is able to indulge in his desires, as only the portrait bears the traces of his decadence and becomes a nightmarish picture of his soul.Edited with an Introduction by Robert MighallPreface by Peter Ackroyd作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德Oscar Wilde(1854—1900)英国作家、戏剧家、诗人王尔德一生创作颇丰,童话、戏剧、小说如今均已是文学经典。在他生活的维多利亚时代,世人将他的童话与安徒生相提并论,对他的剧作追捧至极,但小说《道林·格雷的画像》却因艺术观不被接受而备受争议。当一场同性恋爱使王尔德官司缠身,这本小说竟成为罪证之一,最终他被判“严重猥亵罪”入狱两年。出狱三年后,王尔德在巴黎一家小旅馆去世,年仅46岁。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------译者简介:孙宜学,博士,同济大学国际文化交流学院教授,博士生导师。现任中国比较文学学会理事、上海市比较文学研究会副会长等。主要从事比较文学与世界文学、海外汉学、汉语国际传播研究。已出版学术专著10余部,编、译著30余部。已出版作品:翻译:王尔德《狱中记》编译:《审判王尔德实录》《奥斯卡·王尔德自传》著作:《凋谢的百合——王尔德画像》《眩晕与跌落:王尔德评传》孙宜学教授将王尔德比喻成烈焰中炫羽的孔雀,华美、热烈而悲情。

v+adv v+prep 比如 give in give out 需要 60 个这样的词组 还有对应的中文意思

哇,这个一翻OED(牛津词典)一大堆啊,一般这样的动词有:take , get, give, push, put, bring, break, look, hit, snap, strip, tie, etc.不过常见的就是这些,你把这些翻了看看,能记就记考专八都可以了。


《大败局2》(吴晓波)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CiTwL4p_khoURLbjlxWoRg 提取码: yjp4书名:大败局2作者:吴晓波豆瓣评分:8.4出版社:浙江大学出版社出版年份:2013-12-1页数:263内容简介:《大败局2》解读九大著名企业盛极而衰的失败原因:“中国第一饮料品牌”是如何陨落的?家电业最具现代气质的公司,是怎样被肢解和蹂躏的?中国民营企业的航母,为何会彻底沉没?股市庄家如何布下资本迷局?最具想象力的汽车革命为什么会一夜流产?房地产最大的黑马失陷何处?最低调的钢铁公司如何迎来最致命的打击?中药业的领头兵因何溃不成军?资本狂人究竟是在点燃全民的热情,还是在玩火自焚?在《大败局2》中,我们更多地看到了一种“工程师+赌徒”的商业人格模式。他们往往有较好的专业素养,在某些领域有超人的直觉和运营天赋,同时更有着不可遏制的豪情赌性,敢于在机遇降临的那一刻,倾命一搏。这是企业家职业中最惊心动魄的一跳,成者上天堂,败者落地狱,其微妙控制完全取决于天时、地利与人和等因素。作者简介:吴晓波,著名财经作家,“蓝狮子”财经图书出版人,上海交通大学、暨南大学EMBA课程教授,常年从事公司研究。2009年被《南方人物周刊》评为年度“中国青年领袖”。主要出版著作有《激荡三十年:中国企业1978-2008》(上下卷)《跌荡一百年:中国企业1870-1977》(上下卷)《浩荡两千年:中国企业公元前7世纪—1869年》《吴敬琏传:一个中国经济学家的肖像》《历代经济变革得失》等其中《激荡三十年》被评为“2008年《新周刊》新锐榜之年度图书”,《跌荡一百年》被中国图书评论学会评为“2009年度十大图书”。《浩荡两千年》被评为“2012年读书盛典年度影响力图书”。

求Roll Deep Green light歌词

Roll Deep是伦敦的一只乐队,自成立以来从未签约过唱片公司,一直是独立出碟。他们的新单曲Green Light——强势打榜,一举挤上英国单曲榜第一的位置!Artist:Roll DeepSong:Green Lightput your hands up, take it to the flooryou already give me the green light baby,put your glass up, pour a little more, you already give me the green lighti was lookin for the green light, cuz when i take me home yeah she might, nights so young and im gonna be keep goin till the party"s done, you know i love women, but which ones gonna control me? cuz i wanna be your one and only,you know i love women, but which ones gonna control me, cuz i wanna be your one and only,stop! take a look, left and right,is it clear for me too go?, let me know, is it me that you"ve been waitin for...that time when i saw ya i thought, wow, so, check out the skirt on that, now straight to the park tikwila, lemon salt,i give her the all clear, letting her know the green light, letting her go, dropped her from a mile away,thought to myself, why not give it a go..?stop!, take a look, left and right,is it clear for me too go?, let me know, is it me that you"ve been waiting for..Put your hands up, take it too the floor,you already give me the green light baby,put your glass up, pour a little more, you already give me the green lightstop stop, don"t try a little,stop stop, don"t try only a little,stop stop don"t try only a little,don"t wanna see where now, flash a green light tonight,....i see a couple words, i like the face she ain"t wearing a ring, and she ain"t looking like him with a prefect match, what a good catch, its ten out of ten I"ve gotta keep that she"s so far gone, the green lights on it ain"t gonna turn back, its a rapstop!, take a look, left and right,is it clear for me too go?, let me know, is it me that you"ve been waiting for..Put your hands up, take it too the floor,you already give me the green light baby,put your glass up, pour a little more, you already give me the green light ( give me the green light)Put your hands up, take it too the floor,you already give me the green light baby,put your glass up, pour a little more, you already give me the green lightstop stop, don"t try a little,stop stop, don"t try only a little,stop stop don"t try only a little,don"t wanna see where now, flash a green light tonight

patients episode 是什么意思啊



This is the weather report. It"s cool in Lhasa today.This is my mather. She"s very beautiful.

英语童话故事:Shepherd Paul

A shepherd was taking his flock out to pasture, when he found a little baby lying in a meadow, left there by some wicked person, who thought it was too much trouble to look after it. The shepherd was fond of children, so he took the baby home with him and gave it plenty of milk, and by the time the boy was fourteen he could tear up oaks as if they were weeds. Then Paul, as the shepherd had called him, grew tired of living at home, and went out into the world to try his luck.   He walked on for many miles, seeing nothing that surprised him, but in an open space of the wood he was astonished at finding a man combing trees as another man would comb flax.   "Good morning, friend," said Paul; "upon my word, you must be a strong man!"   The man stopped his work and laughed. "I am Tree Comber," he answered proudly; "and the greatest wish of my life is to wrestle with Shepherd Paul."   "May all your wishes be fulfilled as easily, for I am Shepherd Paul, and can wrestle with you at once," replied the lad; and he seized Tree Comber and flung him with such force to the ground that he sank up to his knees in the earth. However, in a moment he was up again, and catching hold of Paul, threw him so that he sank up to his waist; but then it was Paul"s turn again, and this time the man was buried up to his neck. "That is enough," cried he; "I see you are a smart fellow, let us become friends."   "Very good," answered Paul, and they continued their journey together.   By-and-by they reached a man who was grinding stones to powder in his hands, as if they had been nuts.   "Good morning," said Paul politely; "upon my word, you must be a strong fellow!"   "I am Stone Crusher," answered the man, and the greatest wish of my life is to wrestle with Shepherd Paul."   "May all your wishes be as easily fulfilled, for I am Shepherd Paul, and will wrestle with you at once," and the sport began. After a short time the man declared himself beaten, and begged leave to go with them; so they all three travelled together.   A little further on they came upon a man who was kneading iron as if it had been dough. "Good morning," said Paul, "you must be a strong fellow."   "I am Iron Kneader, and should like to fight Shepherd Paul," answered he.   "Let us begin at once then," replied Paul; and on this occasion also, Paul got the better of his foe, and they all four continued their journey.   At midday they entered a forest, and Paul stopped suddenly. "We three will go and look for game," he said, "and you, Tree Comber, will stay behind and prepare a good supper for us." So Tree Comber set to work to boil and roast, and when dinner was nearly ready, a little dwarf with a pointed beard strolled up to the place. "What are you cooking?" asked he, "give me some of it."   "I"ll give you some on your back, if you like," answered Tree Comber rudely. The dwarf took no notice, but waited patiently till the dinner was cooked, then suddenly throwing Tree Comber on the ground, he ate up the contents of the saucepan and vanished. Tree Comber felt rather ashamed of himself, and set about boiling some more vegetables, but they were still very hard when the hunters returned, and though they complained of his bad cooking, he did not tell them about the dwarf.   Next day Stone Crusher was left behind, and after him Iron Kneader, and each time the dwarf appeared, and they fared no better than Tree Comber had done. The fourth day Paul said to them: "My friends, there must be some reason why your cooking has always been so bad, now you shall go and hunt and I will stay behind." So they went off, amusing themselves by thinking what was in store for Paul.   He set to work at once, and had just got all his vegetables simmering in the pot when the dwarf appeared as before, and asked to have some of the stew. "Be off," cried Paul, snatching up the saucepan as he spoke. The dwarf tried to get hold of his collar, but Paul seized him by the beard, and tied him to a big tree so that he could not stir, and went on quietly with his cooking. The hunters came back early, longing to see how Paul had got on, and, to their surprise, dinner was quite ready for them.   "You are great useless creatures," said he, "who couldn"t even outwit that little dwarf. When we have finished supper I will show you what I have done with him!" But when they reached the place where Paul had left the dwarf, neither he nor the tree was to be seen, for the little fellow had pulled it up by the roots and run away, dragging it after him. The four friends followed the track of the tree and found that it ended in a deep hole. "He must have gone down here," said Paul, "and I will go after him. See! there is a basket that will do for me to sit in, and a cord to lower me with. But when I pull the cord again, lose no time in drawing the basket up."   And he stepped into the basket, which was lowered by his friends.   At last it touched the ground and he jumped out and looked about him. He was in a beautiful valley, full of meadows and streams, with a splendid castle standing by. As the door was open he walked in, but a lovely maiden met him and implored him to go back, for the owner of the castle was a dragon with six heads, who had stolen her from her home and brought her down to this underground spot. But Paul refused to listen to all her entreaties, and declared that he was not afraid of the dragon, and did not care how many heads he had; and he sat down calmly to wait for him.   In a little while the dragon came in, and all the long teeth in his six heads chattered with anger at the sight of the stranger.   "I am Shepherd Paul," said the young man, "and I have come to fight you, and as I am in a hurry we had better begin at once."   "Very good," answered the dragon. "I am sure of my supper, but let us have a mouthful of something first, just to give us an appetite."   Whereupon he began to eat some huge boulders as if they had been cakes, and when he had quite finished, he offered Paul one. Paul was not fond of boulders, but he took a wooden knife and cut one in two, then he snatched up both halves in his hands and threw them with all his strength at the dragon, so that two out of the six heads were smashed in. At this the dragon, with a mighty roar, rushed upon Paul, but he sprang on one side, and with a swinging blow cut off two of the other heads. Then, seizing the monster by the neck, he dashed the remaining heads against the rock.   When the maiden heard that the dragon was dead, she thanked her deliverer with tears in her eyes, but told him that her two younger sisters were in the power of dragons still fiercer and more horrible than this one. He vowed that his sword should never rest in its sheath till they were set free, and bade the girl come with him, and show him the way.   The maiden gladly consented to go with him, but first she gave him a golden rod, and bade him strike the castle with it. He did so, and it instantly changed into a golden apple, which he put in his pocket. After that, they started on their search.   They had not gone far before they reached the castle where the second girl was confined by the power of the dragon with twelve heads, who had stolen her from her home. She was overjoyed at the sight of her sister and of Paul, and brought him a shirt belonging to the dragon, which made every one who wore it twice as strong as they were before. Scarcely had he put it on when the dragon came back, and the fight began. Long and hard was the struggle, but Paul"s sword and his shirt helped him, and the twelve heads lay dead upon the ground.   Then Paul changed the castle into an apple, which he put into his pocket, and set out with the two girls in search of the third castle.   It was not long before they found it, and within the walls was the third sister, who was younger and prettier than either of the other two. Her husband had eighteen heads, but when he quitted the lower regions for the surface of the earth, he left them all at home except one, which he changed for the head of a little dwarf, with a pointed beard.   The moment that Paul knew that this terrible dragon was no other than the dwarf whom he had tied to the tree, he longed more than ever to fly at his throat. But the thought of the eighteen heads warned him to be careful, and the third sister brought him a silk shirt which would make him ten times stronger than he was before.   He had scarcely put it on, when the whole castle began to shake violently, and the dragon flew up the steps into the hall.   "Well, my friend, so we meet once more! Have you forgotten me? I am Shepherd Paul, and I have come to wrestle with you, and to free your wife from your clutches."   "Ah, I am glad to see you again," said the dragon. "Those were my two brothers whom you killed, and now your blood shall pay for them." And he went into his room to look for his shirt and to drink some magic wine, but the shirt was on Paul"s back, and as for the wine, the girl had given a cupful to Paul and then had allowed the rest to run out of the cask.   At this the dragon grew rather frightened, but in a moment had recollected his eighteen heads, and was bold again.   "Come on," he cried, rearing himself up and preparing to dart all his heads at once at Paul. But Paul jumped underneath, and gave an upward cut so that six of the heads went rolling down. They were the best heads too, and very soon the other twelve lay beside them. Then Paul changed the castle into an apple, and put it in his pocket. Afterwards he and the three girls set off for the opening which led upwards to the earth.   The basket was still there, dangling from the rope, but it was only big enough to hold the three girls, so Paul sent them up, and told them to be sure and let down the basket for him. Unluckily, at the sight of the maidens" beauty, so far beyond anything they had ever seen, the friends forgot all about Paul, and carried the girls straight away into a far country, so that they were not much better off than before. Meanwhile Paul, mad with rage at the ingratitude of the three sisters, vowed he would be revenged upon them, and set about finding some way of getting back to earth. But it was not very easy, and for months, and months, and months, he wandered about underground, and, at the end, seemed no nearer to fulfilling his purpose than he was at the beginning.   At length, one day, he happened to pass the nest of a huge griffin, who had left her young ones all alone. Just as Paul came along a cloud containing fire instead of rain burst overhead, and all the little griffins would certainly have been killed had not Paul spread his cloak over the nest and saved them. When their father returned the young ones told him what Paul had done, and he lost no time in flying after Paul, and asking how he could reward him for his goodness.   "By carrying me up to the earth," answered Paul; and the griffin agreed, but first went to get some food to eat on the way, as it was a long journey.   "Now get on my back," he said to Paul, "and when I turn my head to the right, cut a slice off the bullock that hangs on that side, and put it in my mouth, and when I turn my head to the left, draw a cupful of wine from the cask that hangs on that side, and pour it down my throat."   For three days and three nights Paul and the griffin flew upwards, and on the fourth morning it touched the ground just outside the city where Paul"s friends had gone to live. Then Paul thanked him and bade him farewell, and he returned home again.   At first Paul was too tired to do anything but sleep, but as soon as he was rested he started off in search of the three faithless ones, who almost died from fright at the sight of him, for they had thought he would never come back to reproach them for their wickedness.   "You know what to expect," Paul said to them quietly. "You shall never see me again. Off with you!" He next took the three apples out of his pocket and placed them all in the prettiest places he could find; after which he tapped them with his golden rod, and they became castles again. He gave two of the castles to the eldest sisters, and kept the other for himself and the youngest, whom he married, and there they are living still.

求音乐keep me in mind--Patti Page下载!


Half-Life 2 Episode Two


保持好习惯是keep habits good 还是keep good habits


求《西雅图夜未眠》Sleepless in Seattle 中英字幕 高清版 原版配音 TAT 下载地址


请问哪里有电影sleepless in seattle (西雅图不眠夜)双语字幕版本的下载

直接复制,用迅雷下载就可以了。或者用迅雷搜索一下就可以了,标题为 西雅图夜未眠.cd1 的,我也是下载那个版本的,很不错!

求《西雅图夜未眠》Sleepless in Seattle 中英字幕 高清版 原版配音 TAT 下载地址

《西雅图夜未眠》Sleepless in Seattle ,提供RayFile网盘下载链接:fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzAucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvODhhNTk2YWYwODdkZTBmMDRlZTQ2MzY4NjU3ZWU2OTcvJUU4JUE1JUJGJUU5JTlCJTg1JUU1JTlCJUJFJUU1JUE0JTlDJUU2JTlDJUFBJUU3JTlDJUEwLlNsZWVwbGVzcy5pbi5TZWF0dGxlLjE5OTMuSERUVi4yQXVkaW8uTWluaVNELVRMRi5ta3Z8Nzg1MTIyMDc2

不眠夜的英文是Sleepless还是white night?

没错 <西雅图夜未眠> <Sleepless in Seattle>不眠夜网吧--Sleepless net bar

美国电影 sleepless in seattle讲的是什么???

《西雅图夜未眠》美国电影,别名缘份的天空,由诺拉·埃芙恩导演,汤姆·汉克斯等人主演。影片讲述了主人公山姆丧妻之后不愿再娶而儿子乔纳却很希望有一位母亲,于是通过电台为父亲寻找爱人的故事。自从妻子玛吉病逝后, 山姆就一直带着8岁的儿子乔纳默默地生活着。他谢绝了朋友的安慰和再婚的介绍,他相信真正的爱只有一次,他永远不会再找到象玛吉一样的女人了。为了调整心情,他决定离开芝加哥到西雅图去过一种新的生活。时间已经是一年半以后。巴尔的摩的一位女记者安妮与男朋友沃尔特订婚了。她决定去华盛顿和男友一起过圣诞节。在汽车上,安妮打开收音机听情感热线,正好听到乔纳打电话要求给爸爸找一个妻子。山姆十分生气,但在主持人的耐心劝导下,他讲述了自己的经历。他知道乔纳需要一个新妈妈,但他明白再也找不到象原来那样完美的家了。安妮被这个伤感的故事深深触动了。过完圣诞,安妮回到办公室时,发现几乎所有的同事都在谈论这件事。传说有2000个女人想和山姆取得联系。安妮告诉自己她爱着的是沃尔特,可奇怪的是她又很关心那个“西雅图未眠人”。山姆在同事的劝说下,决定同一个叫维多利亚的女子见面约会。而安妮每次听那节目录音都感动得热泪盈眶。她终于写信去约山姆情人节在纽约帝国大厦顶楼见面。乔纳认为维多利亚不适合父亲,却对安妮的来信很亲近。安妮以做报道为名来到西雅图,正看见山姆迎接好友苏茜,她误认为那是山姆的女友而放弃与山姆见面,两人只打了个照面。安妮回来后,决定彻底放弃这种古怪的感情去爱沃尔特,而不再理会那个约会了。由于山姆并不打算去纽约赴约,乔纳偷偷地上了飞机,独自来到了纽约去见那个“安妮”。但他却找不到安妮。而安妮在经过认真考虑后也将自己这一段时间的感情经历告诉了沃尔特,并将戒指还给了他。沃尔特早已觉察到她的变化,他平静地接受了分手。山姆知道乔纳独自去了纽约,也赶了过去。天黑时,山姆终于在帝国大厦顶楼找到了苦苦等候的儿子。安妮终于决定去赴约会,但她赶到时只看到了一只帆布背包。正在此时,留下那只包的乔纳拉着父亲又回到了这里。双方一见面就立刻明白了对方是自己要见的人,也正是自己内心中所希望的伴侣。乔纳伸出双手,一边牵着父亲,一边拉着安妮。三个人一起走进了美丽的夜色之中。

sleepless in seatle拍摄于哪一年,哪一年首映,获得过什么奖?

【导演】 诺拉 伊弗龙 (Nora Ephron) 【编剧】 杰夫 阿奇 (Jeff Arch) 诺拉 伊弗龙 (Nora Ephron) 【国家/地区】 美国/ 【类型】 喜剧/爱情/剧情/ 【主要演员】 汤姆 汉克斯 (Tom Hanks) ...... Sam Baldwin 梅格 瑞安 (Meg Ryan) ...... Annie Reed 比尔 普尔曼 (Bill Pullman) ...... Walter 罗斯 马林吉尔 (Ross Malinger) ...... Jonah Baldwin Rosie O"Donnell ...... Becky 加比 霍夫曼 (Gaby Hoffmann) ...... Jessica 维克托 加伯 (Victor Garber) ...... Greg 丽塔 威尔逊 (Rita Wilson) ...... Suzy Barbara Garrick ...... Victoria 凯里 劳威尔 (Carey Lowell) ...... Maggie Abbott Baldwin 戴维 海德 皮尔斯 (David Hyde Pierce) ...... Dennis Reed 达纳 艾维 (Dana Ivey) ...... Claire Bennett 罗布 赖纳 (Rob Reiner) ...... Jay Tom Riis Farrell ...... Rob Le Clanché du Rand ...... Barbara Reed 【剧情简介】 在90年代的今天,谈爱情实在令人吃惊,周遭的例子或许会令你改变对爱情的看法,要追求灿烂、美丽童话式的爱情,《缘份的天空》相信可以满足观众的要求,要不然影片又怎么会在一片电影淡市中杀出重围,尽管影片本身所描绘的爱情生活太过完美,太过脱离现实,仿似神话般活现眼前,但当中对爱情的认真程度,不怕牺牲及执着的态度,赢得少男少女的喝采声。这次,汤.汉斯的直率与美琪.赖恩活泼可爱的性格,把电影包装得充满梦幻色彩,其主题也不断强调“缘”字。森痛失爱妻,难以接受,一直把这份忧伤埋藏心底。久经折磨,终决定与儿子离开原居的伤心地,往西雅图寻求新生活。圣诞前夕,森一如往常的在缅怀过往之时,儿子突然拨了一个电话,与电台一个诉心声节目谈起来,森亦因此在空中道出了一段凄美感人的真实爱情故事。恰巧,在驾驶途中的安妮正细心听着,并对素未谋面的故事中心森产生一份奇异感受,更令她重新估计与未婚夫之间的爱。安妮被森一直牵引着,她终于选择了千里迢迢走一趟,只为一个不相识的人,同时她也肯定了这份注定的缘。本片剧情加添了不少梦幻色彩,极其美丽吸引,尤其安妮对缘份的执着,描绘甚美,流畅的剧情配合悦耳动听的主题音乐,再加上碟片本身的色泽柔和,给人的感觉极舒服 《西雅图不眠夜》影评 今夜无眠 妻子因癌症病势之后,萨姆.鲍尔温把残缺的家庭从芝加哥搬到了西雅图,以逃避记忆,开始新生。但是他那个八岁的儿子乔纳,一个整日不得安宁、思想独立的小家伙,打电话给电台"脱口秀"节目的主持人,请求帮助。他娓娓动听地讲述了父亲痛苦的每一个细节;萨姆也谈起了他的妻子,他们之间的浓情蜜意、他们共同度过的美好时光。安妮.里得,这个巴尔的摩的记者,无意中听到了这一切,随之便像着了魔般,跟着其他成千上万的女人,追着电台要萨姆的电话号码。许多人来信表达她们的倾慕之情;更有甚者,主动向萨姆求婚!终于,安妮受不住了,带着一丝渺茫的希望,她飞去西雅图找他! 与此同时,乔纳读到了安妮的来信,他更加确信安妮就是要找的那个人,那个能弥补父亲生命中空白的人!于是他离开家,千方百计要找到她;萨姆出去找儿子;安妮又来找萨姆。当然,最终他们碰面了。 《西雅图不眠夜》营造了一种浪漫,让你相信:"爱"终究能够治愈受伤的心灵!在那已幻灭与绝望的境地:它给你希望,它给你梦想。《西雅图不眠夜》修饰了这一真理。它提醒我们,不管处境多么绝望、遭遇多么惨痛,"爱",终究能战胜一切! 这个轻松的浪漫喜剧没有给你意外的惊喜。从一开始,你就知道接下来的情节是什么。但是谁在乎呢?这是一部好的家庭剧。租张碟、买盒面巾纸,家中的女人们无疑会边被其牵动着神经。你呢,看完之后,是否准备好今夜无眠?

Sleepless in Seattle是什么意思





《Odd and the Frost Giants》([英国] 尼尔·盖曼)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1W4OiSM0r5J1Q2hOxJTP9_g 提取码:cost书名:Odd and the Frost Giants作者:[英国] 尼尔·盖曼豆瓣评分:8.0出版社:HarperCollins出版年份:2009-11-1页数:128内容简介:In this inventive, short, yet perfectly formed novel inspired by traditional Norse mythology, Neil Gaiman takes readers on a wild and magical trip to the land of giants and gods and back. In a village in ancient Norway lives a boy named Odd, and he"s had some very bad luck: His father perished in a Viking expedition; a tree fell on and shattered his leg; the endless freezing winter is making villagers dangerously grumpy. Out in the forest Odd encounters a bear, a fox, and an eagle—three creatures with a strange story to tell. Now Oddis forced on a stranger journey than he had imagined—a journey to save Asgard, city of the gods, from the Frost Giants who have invaded it. It"s going to take a very special kind of twelve-year-old boy to outwit the Frost Giants, restore peace to the city of gods, and end the long winter. Someone cheerful and infuriating and clever . . . Someone just like Odd .作者简介:作者简介(1万字以内);[英]尼尔·盖曼尼尔·盖曼是近十年来欧美文坛崛起的最耀眼的明星。被视为新一代幻想文学的代表。其创作领域横跨幻想小说、科幻小说、恐怖小说、儿童小说、漫画以及歌词。他的作品部部畅销。获纽伯瑞儿童文学奖等奖项。代表作品有《美国众神》《北欧众神》《坟场之书》《好兆头》《星尘》等。姚向辉又名BY,青年译者,译作有《教父》《七杀简史》《漫长的告别》《马耳他之鹰》等。

Keep on go on continue 有什么区别

keep,go on,last,continue 这几个单词都有持续的意思,通常依据个人的习惯应用不同单词.它们之间没有太多的区别. Keep和last 比较口语化.go on, continue 常见于书面文章.

keep on 和go on的区别

keep on ,是指保持go on 是指开始好像是吧

peer peep peek discern区别

peep,偷看,快速地偷偷地看某物,look quickly and furtively at something,生活中很少用,一般会用peek代替。peek,和peep是同义词,快速地看,或偷看;但如果只是快速瞥一眼,则用peek而不是peep。而用在偷偷看的时候peep,peek都可以,peek更常用。例句, The lady who lives across the street peeps (or peeks) through a small opening in her curtains to see what I"m up to in the yard.peer, 英文解释“to look searchingly at something difficult to discern",为了分辨或看清某物而仔细地看,即注视,凝视,盯着看。 例句, I have to peer at a coin when I"m trying to read the tiny date. discern,识别,类似find out/recognize。 也就是在凝视、盯着看之后再加一个辨别的动作。 例句,"I can discern no difference between the two policies."

keep on与go on有什么区别

(1)keep on是指持续不断做某事,或者坚持做某事。I kept on trying, but it still didn"t work. 我不停地试,但还是不管用。(2)go on指继续做某事,或者表达持续的状态。比如:Go on working, it"s not time to have a break yet. 继续工作,还没到休息时间呢另外,go on还有发生的意思,比如:What"s going on here? 发生什么了?有作为的意思,比如:Don"t go on like this! 别再这么干了!

请问机械图纸中的 PEM S-M8-2 ZI; EPT CWOO4; BSEN13602:2002; 分别是什么意思?请高手指教!3Q!


名词解释:the great depression


feel depression 这样说对吗

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