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After he became conscious, he remembered ________ and ________ on the head with a rod.




REMEMBER 的近义词OR短语???

don"t forget



使命召唤6 No Russian 那关中 马卡洛夫在出电梯前对身边的人说的什么 Remember no Russian我知道 是no Ru

《使命召唤6》 No Russian 马卡洛夫在出电梯前对身边的人说的是俄语,“检查装备”,然后才说的"Remember,No Russian"就是“记住,不准说俄语”的意思。要是不明白,你可以装个汉化包,这样就会明白里面的语言了。《使命召唤6:现代战争2》第四关攻略:No Russian:1、这关就是简单的屠杀关,身为卧底的Allen,必须要取得马卡洛夫的信任,你一枪不开也可以,但是注意不要挡住别人的枪口。2、也不要向他们开枪,否则马卡耶夫格杀勿论。跟随队友慢悠悠的溜达到外面候,安全部队才姗姗来迟,omg,一群防爆盾,用枪榴弹或者手雷才能消灭他们。3、然后慢慢前行推进,跟随马卡洛夫的同伙来到一个停着救护车的屋子里。4、他们上车了,没有你。结果你果断被枪毙了。5、原来马卡洛夫早就知道你的身份了,故意杀死你,让俄国人一位是美国人策划了屠杀,引发美俄战争(话说这一带剧情里面第一人称挨枪子的次数很多啊)。

使命召唤6 No Russian 那关中 马卡洛夫在出电梯前对身边的人说的什么 Remember no Russian我知道 是no Ru


remember what for还是remember for what。

填for remember to take a note for what you see 这个for 表示为了……

the notebook always makes me remember the primy school.同义句转换

The notebook always reminds me of the primy school.make sb remember sth=remind sb of sth 使某人想起句意:这个笔记本总能使我想起小学。

do you still remember the days

你把先行词 the day 放到定语从句中,we spent 【the day】,做定语从句的宾语,因此用关系代词that 或which 换一个句子,I still remember the day ____ I joined the army. the day 做I joined the army 【on the day】的状语,就用关系副词when 欢迎追问.

泰勒 斯威夫特的Back To December为什么网上MP3格式的没有歌词?


求taylor swift 的back to december歌词的中文谐音 财富悬赏15

- -谐音,亲,/你是不会说英文么?其实没事-你多听听这首歌-单词就会了-我就学会了-不难~恶哈哈~

december 无法回头了吧的中文歌词有谁知道?

자꾸만 그대가 많이 그리워져요 总是不断的想起她사랑이 이렇게 아픈 줄 정말 몰랐었죠 真的不知道原来爱情这么伤너무 사랑해서 그댄 떠나갔지만 很爱她但是却离开了我나의 가슴은 멈춰있네요。我的心脏要停止了一般아직 사랑하는데 많이 보고싶은데 还是很爱你还是很想你그댄 내게 돌아올 수 없나요 你不能回到我的身边了么사랑해 그댄 내게 올 순 없나요我爱你,你不能回到我的身边了吗그대가 보고파서 죽을 것만 같은데 我太想你仿佛要死了一般내 가슴이 닳아서 아픔도 느낄 수 없어 我的心已经碎了感觉不到疼痛제발 돌아와 줘요 사랑해요 求你回来吧,我爱你다시 올 것 같은데 매일 기다리는데 觉得你好像还会回来每天都在等你차마 내 맘 감출 수가 없네요 我掩饰不了我的真心사랑해 그댄 내게 올 순 없나요 我爱你,你不能回到我的身边了吗그대가 보고파서 죽을 것만 같은데 我太想你 仿佛要死了一般내 가슴이 닳아서 아픔도 느낄 수 없어 我的心已经碎了感觉不到疼痛제발 돌아와 줘요 사랑해요 请回到我的身边吧 ,我爱你그댄 미친 듯이 불러보지만 我想疯了一样的呼唤你슬픈 눈물만이 대답하네요 回答我的确只有眼泪미안해 그댈 많이 아프게 해서 对不起我让你很痛苦영원히 그대 곁을 지켜주며 살게요 我要永远的在你身边守护你내심장이 다쳐서 사랑도 멈출 수 없죠 我的心已经受伤停止不了对你的爱그대 없이 나는 안되나봐요 没有你我活不下去제발 돌아와 줘요 사랑해요 请回来我的身边吧,我爱你

谁有Taylor Swift的Back to December的中文歌词?拜托了

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是

泰勒斯威夫特那首Back to December 歌词的意思是什么?

I"m so glad you made time to see me   很高兴你抽出时间来看我   How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?   过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢?   I haven"t seen them in a while   我已经很久没有看见他们了   You"ve been good, busier than ever   (听你说)你过得挺好,比过去更忙了   We small talk: work and the weather   (结果)我们谈的却只有工作和天气   Your guard is up and I know why   你有顾忌,我知道原因 Because the last time you saw me   因为上次见我的情景   Will still burn in the back of your mind   依然让你的心隐隐作痛   You gave me roses and I left them there to die   你给我玫瑰,我却让她们就这样消逝    So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom ain"t nothin" but missin" you   (时间)证明了自由却只能让我更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December all the time   一直都好想回到十二月   These days I haven"t been sleepin"   这些天我一直辗转难眠   Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"   (脑中)一直回放着我的离去   When your birthday passed and I didn"t call   你的生日过了,我却连电话都没打给你   Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times   我回忆着夏天,所有的美好时光   I watched you laughin" from the passenger side   坐在副驾驶上看着你的笑容   And I realized I loved you in the fall   我意识到秋天来临时我依然爱着你   Then the cold came, the dark days   而当冬天(寒流)来临,那些黑暗的日子   when fear crept into my mind   恐惧渐渐潜入我的心里时   You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye   你给了我你所有的爱,我给的却只有那一句"再见"   So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December   我想回到十二月   turn around and change my own mind   转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile   想念你棕褐色的皮肤,你甜甜的微笑   So good to me, so right   那么美好,那么适合   And how you held me in your arms that September night   还有九月的那天晚上你是如何拥我入怀   The first time you ever saw me cry   (那是)你第一次看到我哭泣   Maybe this is wishful thinking   也许这是一厢情愿的想法   Probably mindless dreaming   或者只是愚蠢的梦想   If we loved again I swear I"d love you right   如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的好好的爱你   I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t   我想改变这一切回到过去,但我不能   So if the chain is on your door, I understand   如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解   This is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December   我好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   好想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December turn around and change my own mind   好想回到十二月,转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   All the time   一直都好想

急求taylor《back to December》翻译…

[亲爱的 INK 我也百度到了一份给你】 Back To December    / translated by Tony MJ I"m so glad you made time to see me   很高兴你抽出时间来看我   How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?   过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢?   I haven"t seen them in a while   我已经很久没有看见他们了   You"ve been good, busier than ever   (听你说)你过得挺好,比过去更忙了   We small talk: work and the weather   (结果)我们谈的却只有工作和天气   Your guard is up and I know why   你有顾忌,我知道原因 小美女和小狼Because the last time you saw me   因为上次见我的情景   Will still burn in the back of your mind   依然让你的心隐隐作痛   You gave me roses and I left them there to die   你给我玫瑰,我却让她们就这样消逝    So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   (时间)证明了自由却只能让我更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December all the time   一直都好想回到十二月   These days I haven"t been sleepin"   这些天我一直辗转难眠   Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"   (脑中)一直回放着我的离去   When your birthday passed and I didn"t call   你的生日过了,我却连电话都没打给你   Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times   我回忆着夏天,所有的美好时光   I watched you laughin" from the passenger side   坐在副驾驶上看着你的笑容   And I realized I loved you in the fall   我意识到秋天来临时我依然爱着你   Then the cold came, the dark days   而当黑暗来临,寒冷袭来   when fear crept into my mind   恐惧渐渐潜入我的心里时   You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye   你给了我你所有的爱,我给的却只有那一句"再见"   So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December   我想回到十二月   turn around and change my own mind   转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile   想念你棕褐色的皮肤,你甜甜的微笑   So good to me, so right   那么美好,那么适合   And how you held me in your arms that September night   还有九月的那天晚上你是如何拥我入怀   The first time you ever saw me cry   (那是)你第一次看到我哭泣   Maybe this is wishful thinking   也许这是一厢情愿的想法   Probably mindless dreaming   或者只是愚蠢的梦想   If we loved again I swear I"d love you right   如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的好好的爱你   I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t   我想改变这一切回到过去,但我不能   So if the chain is on your door, I understand   如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解   This is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December   我好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   好想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December turn around and change my own mind   好想回到十二月,转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   All the time   一直都好想

谁知道Taylor Swift 的back to december的英文歌词

And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切

back to december 泰勒 英文歌词 只要英文的不要带中文

Taylor Swift - Back To December (US Version)I"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?I haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk: work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know why Because the last time you saw me will still burn in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride, standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you, wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December all the time These days I haven"t been sleepin"Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"When your birthday passed and I didn"t callAnd I think about summer, all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin" from the passenger side andI realized I loved you in the fallThen the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride, standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you, wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the time I miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me, so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkingProbably mindless dreamingIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door, I understandThis is me swallowing my pride, standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you, wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it arighti go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the time All the time

《Back to December》真的是泰勒·斯威夫特写给泰勒·洛特纳的道歉曲吗?


back to december歌词翻译

I"m so glad you made time to see me 很高兴你抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了

back to december完整翻译

back to decemberI"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life?Tell me,how"s your family?最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已...

Taylor Swift的< Back To December>英文歌词,及英文歌词


Back to December中英文歌词

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是

有谁知道back to December 这首歌的创作背景?

《Back to December》是专辑《Speak Now》正式发行的第二首歌,是已泄露的第四首,泄露的前三首为《Mean》,《Mine》,《Speak Now》。歌曲全长04:43秒,由Taylor亲自创作。斯威夫特的单曲《Back to December》则被认为是写给当红男星泰勒·洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我却没有非常用心对待他。”

back to december的歌词

[ti:back to december][ar:taylor swift][al:speak now ][by:活在当下]taylor swift - back to december (us version)i"m so glad you made time to see mehow"s life? tell me, how"s your family?i haven"t seen them in a whileyou"ve been good, busier than eversmall talk: work and the weatheryour guard is up and i know why because the last time you saw me will still burn in the back of your mindyou gave me roses and i left them there to dieso this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" i"m sorry for that nightand i go back to december all the timeit turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" i"d realized what i had when you were minei go back to december, turn around and make it alrighti go back to december all the time these days i haven"t been sleepin"stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"when your birthday passed and i didn"t calland i think about summer, all the beautiful timesi watched you laughin" from the passenger side andi realized i loved you in the fallthen the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mindyou gave me all your love and all i gave you was goodbyeso this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" i"m sorry for that nightand i go back to december all the timeit turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" i"d realized what i had when you were minei go back to december,turn around and change my own mindi go back to december all the time i miss your tan skin, your sweet smileso good to me, so rightand how you held me in your arms that september nightthe first time you ever saw me crymaybe this is wishful thinkingprobably mindless dreamingif we loved again i swear i"d love you righti"d go back in time and change it but i can"tso if the chain is on your door, i understandthis is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" i"m sorry for that nightand i go back to decemberit turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" i"d realized what i had when you were minei go back to december, turn around and make it arighti go back to december turn around and change my own mindi go back to december all the time all the time

back to december完整翻译


泰勒61斯威夫特的《BACK TO DECEMBER》 的歌词和意思?

I"m so glad you made time to see me   很高兴你抽出时间来看我   How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?   过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢?   I haven"t seen them in a while   我已经很久没有看见他们了   You"ve been good, busier than ever   (听你说)你过得挺好,比过去更忙了   We small talk: work and the weather   (结果)我们谈的却只有工作和天气   Your guard is up and I know why   你有顾忌,我知道原因 Because the last time you saw me   因为上次见我的情景   Will still burn in the back of your mind   依然让你的心隐隐作痛   You gave me roses and I left them there to die   你给我玫瑰,我却让她们就这样消逝    So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom ain"t nothin" but missin" you   (时间)证明了自由却只能让我更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December all the time   一直都好想回到十二月   These days I haven"t been sleepin"   这些天我一直辗转难眠   Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"   (脑中)一直回放着我的离去   When your birthday passed and I didn"t call   你的生日过了,我却连电话都没打给你   Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times   我回忆着夏天,所有的美好时光   I watched you laughin" from the passenger side   坐在副驾驶上看着你的笑容   And I realized I loved you in the fall   我意识到秋天来临时我依然爱着你   Then the cold came, the dark days   而当冬天(寒流)来临,那些黑暗的日子   when fear crept into my mind   恐惧渐渐潜入我的心里时   You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye   你给了我你所有的爱,我给的却只有那一句"再见"   So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December   我想回到十二月   turn around and change my own mind   转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile   想念你棕褐色的皮肤,你甜甜的微笑   So good to me, so right   那么美好,那么适合   And how you held me in your arms that September night   还有九月的那天晚上你是如何拥我入怀   The first time you ever saw me cry   (那是)你第一次看到我哭泣   Maybe this is wishful thinking   也许这是一厢情愿的想法   Probably mindless dreaming   或者只是愚蠢的梦想   If we loved again I swear I"d love you right   如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的好好的爱你   I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t   我想改变这一切回到过去,但我不能   So if the chain is on your door, I understand   如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解   This is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December   我好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   好想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December turn around and change my own mind   好想回到十二月,转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   All the time   一直都好想

我想要baCK to December的中文

Back to DecemberTaylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see me 谢谢你能特地抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?最近过得如何?你的家人们怎么样?I haven"t seen them in a while我已经有一段时间没有见过你们了You"ve been good,busier than ever你说自己还不错,只是比以前忙了一点We small talk, work ,and the weather我们局促的谈论着日常的工作和天气Your guard is up and I know why你始终心存芥蒂,我想我知道原因Because the last time you saw me大概你最后一次见我的情景It still burned in the back of your mind依然在你的内心深处灼烧着你You gave me roses and I left them there to die你送给我玫瑰,而我却任由它们枯萎So this is me swallowing my pride,所以此刻我咽下我所有的傲慢Standing in front of you saying在你面前面对着你说I"m sorry for that night那晚我真的不该如此And I go back to December all the time,我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you回归了自己的自由,却只剩对你的思念充斥着空虚Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我多希望我可以在与你在一起时意识到我拥有着的是多么美好的一切I go back to December, turn around and make it all right我祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让所有事情都回归正确的轨迹I go back to December all the time我一直都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月These days I haven"t been sleeping这些时日我一直辗转无眠Staying up playing back myself leaving彻夜回想我离开时的情景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call,直到你的生日过去,我都没有打来电话Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times,接着我回想起了夏日的那些美好的时光I watched you laughing from the passenger side我看着副驾驶座上的你的笑容And I realized I loved you in the fall在秋天来临时,我发觉自己已经深深的爱上了你And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind随后恐惧就这样潜入我的心里,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗和冰冷You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye你给予的是全部的爱,我丢下的却只是一句告别So this is me swallowing my pride,所以此刻我咽下我所有的傲慢Standing in front of you saying在你面前面对着你说I"m sorry for that night那晚我真的不该如此And I go back to December all the time,我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you回归了自己的自由,却只剩对你的思念充斥着空虚Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我多希望我可以在与你在一起时意识到我拥有着的是多么美好的一切I go back to December, turn around and make it all right  我祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让所有事情都回归正确的轨迹

Taylor swift的歌曲《Back to December》的歌词加中文翻译?

  I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我  How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?  I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了  You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多  We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气  Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么  Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得,  Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害  You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝  So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊  Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道  I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起  And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你  Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么  And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切  And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的  I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月  These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠  Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天  When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开  And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天  All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光  I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容  And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你  And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来  With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗  You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱  And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见  So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊  Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道  I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起  And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你  Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么  And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切  And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法  I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月  I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑  So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好  And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中  That September night; 那个九月的夜晚  The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣  Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设  Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想  If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你  I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能  So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解  So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊  Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道  I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起  And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你  Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么  And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身  And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的  I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身  And change my own mind 改变自己的想法  I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月  All the time 一直都是  这是TAYLOR 写给狼人的歌。

求Taylor swift的Back to december的歌词!有中文意思最好!

translated by lineI"m so glad you made time to see me 真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me how"s your family 告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You"ve been good, busier than ever 你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前Small talk, work and the weather 我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why 你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚,依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride standing in fron of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin 这些天来我都辗转难眠Stayin up playing back myself leavin 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生Then I think about summer all the beautiful times 脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughin from the passenger side 我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步And realized I loved you in the fall 随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind 可是寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbye 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 真希望能回到那年十二月,改变我错误的想法I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑So good to me so right 你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinkin 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreamin 或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I"d love you right 如果我们还有机会相爱的话 我发誓我会好好对你的I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December 我回到那年十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月all the time 一直都想made by lineBack To December - Taylor Swift

Back to December歌词和翻译

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work in the weather 我们简短的对话着,情绪却像天气般善变 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里是,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个能够实现的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If we loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是 是这个了。

关于 back to december

Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me how"s your familyI haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepinStayin up playing back myself leavinWhen your birthday passed and I didn"t callThen I think about summer all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkinProbably mindless dreaminIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door I understandThis is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeall the time

Back to December 歌词

歌曲名:Back to December歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Speak Now (Karaoke Version)Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me how"s your familyI haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepinStayin up playing back myself leavinWhen your birthday passed and I didn"t callThen I think about summer all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkinProbably mindless dreaminIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door I understandThis is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeall the timeBack To December - Taylor Swifthttp://music.baidu.com/song/18006109

歌曲 Back To December 里讲述的什么故事?

这首歌是泰勒斯威夫特写给她已分手的男友--当红男星泰勒-洛特纳(《暮光之城》男二号)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我确没有非常用心对待他。” 歌词翻译:I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多We small talk, work in the weather 我们简短的对话着,情绪却像天气般善变Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得,Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里是,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切And change my own mind 然后,我改变了自己的想法I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中That September night; 那个九月的夜晚The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个能够实现的假设Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想If we loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身And change my own mind 改变了自己的想法I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月All the time 一直都是

Back to December的背景故事是什么

《Back to December》是写给当红男星泰勒-洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》(情人节,也是部明星云集的电影),随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。Taylor Swift在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我却没有非常用心对待他。”

泰勒·斯威夫特 back to December 歌词

Taylor Swift - Back to Decemberhttp://zhidao.baidu.com/question/223346984.html



Taylor 的 Brought Up That Way 和 Back to December 说的是她自己的故事吗


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在 back to december 这首歌里 有 it is too late 这歌词吗


back to december歌词 有标准时间 有中文翻译 有英文

Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see me 真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me how"s your family 告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You"ve been good, busier than ever 你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前Small talk, work and the weather 我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why 你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚,依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride standing in fron of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin 这些天来我都辗转难眠Stayin up playing back myself leavin 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生Then I think about summer all the beautiful times 脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughin from the passenger side 我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步And realized I loved you in the fall 随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind 可是寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbye 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 真希望能回到那年十二月,改变我错误的想法I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑So good to me so right 你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinkin 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreamin 或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I"d love you right 如果我们还有机会相爱的话 我发誓我会好好对你的I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December 我回到那年十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月all the time 一直都想

back to december中文翻译


back to december的歌词和中文翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work in the weather 我们简短的对话着,情绪却像天气般善变 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里是,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个能够实现的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If we loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是 是这个了。

跪求taylor swift《 back todecember》的中文音译歌词 急!!

I"m so glad you made time to see me我很高兴你抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?日子过得如何?告诉我,你的家人如何?I haven"t seen them in a while我有一段时间没看到他们了You"ve been good,busier than ever你一直都还好,只是比以前更忙了We small talk, work ,and the weather我们简单的聊了聊,都是关于工作和天气Your guard is up and I know why你有些拘谨了,我想我知道原因Because the last time you saw me因为你最后一次见我的时候It still burn in the back of your mind那情景一直在你心里灼伤着You gave me roses and I left them there to die你送给我玫瑰,而我却任它们凋零So this is me swallowing my pride,所以这次我咽下我的骄傲Standing in front of you saying站在你面前I"m sorry for that night为那晚的事道歉And I go back to December all the time,我时时刻刻都希望回到那个十二月It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you我自由了,不过带来的是对你更多的思念Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我真希望当我拥有你时能意识到我所拥有的I go back to December, turn around and make it all right我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让一切变得正确I go back to December all the time我时时刻刻都希望回到那个十二月These days I haven"t been sleeping这些日子我辗转反侧Staying up playing back myself leaving深夜不睡,回想我离开时的情景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call,你的生日过去了,而我竟没有打电话问候一下Then I think about the summer, all the beautiful times,然后我回想起那个夏天,所有美丽的时光I watched you laughing from the passenger side我坐在副驾驶看着你笑And I realized I loved you in the fall在秋天来临时,我意识到我爱上了你And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind在那时恐惧进入我的心里蔓延,随后寒冷和黑夜袭来You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye你给了我所有的爱,而我给你的一切却是道别So this is me swallowing my pride,所以这次我咽下我的骄傲Standing in front of you saying站在你面前I"m sorry for that night为那晚的事道歉And I go back to December all the time,我时时刻刻都希望回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you我自由了,不过带来的是对你更多的思念Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我真希望当我拥有你时能意识到我所拥有的I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,改变我的想法I go back to December all the time我时时刻刻都希望可以回到那个十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right我怀念你褐色的皮肤,温暖的微笑,对我来说是那么的好,那么合适And how you held me in your arms that September night怀念你在九月的夜晚将我拥入怀The first time you ever saw me cry那是你第一次见到我哭泣Maybe this is a wishful thinking可能这是痴心妄想Probably mindless dreaming也许是无谓的梦If we loved again I swear I"d love you right不过若我们再次相爱,我发誓我将好好爱你I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t我回到那个时刻改变一切,但我终究不能So if the chain is on your door ,I understand所以如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解This is me swallowing my pride,但这是我咽下我的骄傲Standing in front of you saying站在你面前I"m sorry for that night为那晚的事道歉And I go back to December .我期望着回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you我自由了,不过带来的是更多对你的思念Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我真希望当我拥有你时能意识到我所拥有的I go back to December, turn around and make it all right我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让一切变的正确I go back to December turn around and change my own mind我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,改变我的想法I go back to December all the time我时时刻刻都希望可以回到那个十二月All the time时时刻刻

谁有 Taylor Swift-back to december这首歌


Back to December歌词(不需翻译)

Back To DecemberTaylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me how"s your familyI haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw meis still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride standing infront of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepinStayin up playing back myself leavinWhen your birthday passed and I didn"t callThen I think about summer all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came the dark dayswhen fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride standing infront of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkinProbably mindless dreaminIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door I understandThis is me swallowing my pride standing infront of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeall the time 希望满意~~

求Taylor Swift 《Back to december》吉他谱

《Back To December》歌词的中文翻译。

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是这是TAYLOR 写给狼人的歌。望采纳。

想要TaylorSwift 的 Back to December歌词的中文。

Back To December  / translated by Tony MJ /proofreading by Ghost L  Back To December  I"m so glad you made time to see me  谢谢你能特地抽出时间来看我  How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?  最近过得如何?你的家人们怎么样?  I haven"t seen them in a while  我已经有一段时间没有见过你们了  You"ve been good,busier than ever  你说自己还不错,只是比以前忙了一点  We small talk, work ,and the weather  我们局促的谈论着日常的工作和天气  Your guard is up and I know why  你始终心存芥蒂,我想我知道原因  Because the last time you saw me  大概你最后一次见我的情景  It still burned in the back of your mind  依然在你的内心深处灼烧着你  You gave me roses and I left them there to die  你送给我玫瑰,而我却任由它们枯萎  So this is me swallowing my pride,  所以此刻我咽下我所有的傲慢  Standing in front of you saying  在你面前面对着你说  I"m sorry for that night  那晚我真的不该如此  And I go back to December all the time,  我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you  回归了自己的自由,却只剩对你的思念充斥着空虚  Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine  我多希望我可以在与你在一起时意识到我拥有着的是多么美好的一切  I go back to December, turn around and make it all right  我祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让所有事情都回归正确的轨迹  I go back to December all the time  我一直都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月  These days I haven"t been sleeping  这些时日我一直辗转无眠  Staying up playing back myself leaving  彻夜回想我离开时的情景  When your birthday passed and I didn"t call,  直到你的生日过去,我都没有打来电话  Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times,  接着我回想起了夏日的那些美好的时光  I watched you laughing from the passenger side  我看着副驾驶座上的你的笑容  And I realized I loved you in the fall  在秋天来临时,我发觉自己已经深深的爱上了你  And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind  随后恐惧就这样潜入我的心里,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗和冰冷  You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye  你给予的是全部的爱,我丢下的却只是一句告别  So this is me swallowing my pride,  所以此刻我咽下我所有的傲慢  Standing in front of you saying  在你面前面对着你说  I"m sorry for that night  那晚我真的不该如此  And I go back to December all the time,  我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you  回归了自己的自由,却只剩对你的思念充斥着空虚  Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine  我多希望我可以在与你在一起时意识到我拥有着的是多么美好的一切  I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind  我祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,转回自己的心意  I go back to December all the time  我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月  I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right  我怀念着你褐色的皮肤与温暖的微笑,于我竟是那样的美好和适合  And how you held me in your arms that September night  怀念着你是如何将我揽入怀中,那个九月的夜晚  The first time you ever saw me cry  当你第一次见到我的哭泣  Maybe this is a wishful thinking  也许这是一个只能被成之为愿望的想法  Probably mindless dreaming  也许只是一个未经思考的梦  If we loved again I swear I"d love you right  如果我们再次相爱,我发誓我一定会珍惜你  I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t  我会选择回到那个时刻改变一切,但我终究不能  So if the chain is on your door ,I understand  所以如果你的心门依然对我紧锁,我也会理解  This is me swallowing my pride,  所以此刻我咽下我所有的傲慢  Standing in front of you saying  在你面前面对着你说  I"m sorry for that night  那晚我真的不该如此  And I go back to December .  我祈望着可以回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you  回归了自己的自由,却只剩对你的思念充斥着空虚  Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine  我多希望我可以在与你在一起时意识到我拥有着的是多么美好的一切  I go back to December, turn around and make it all right  我祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让所有事情都回归正确的轨迹  I go back to December turn around and change my own mind  我祈望着可以回到那个十二月改变自己的想法  I go back to December all the time  我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月  All the time  无时无刻……

back to december的英文介绍,用英文来介绍这首歌的资料或者背景。

"Back to December" is a song by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. The song was written by Swift and produced by Nathan Chapman, and Swift. It was sent to country radio on November 15, 2010, by Big Machine Records as the second single from Swift"s third studio album, Speak Now. According to Swift, "Back to December" is the first time she ever apologizes to someone in a song. Upon its release as a promotional single, critics speculated that the song is about Taylor Lautner, Swift"s ex-boyfriend, although neither Swift nor Lautner has confirmed nor denied these allegations. "Back to December" is considered an orchestral country pop ballad and its lyrics are a remorseful plea for forgiveness for breaking up with a former lover."Back to December" was critically acclaimed by critics, who regarded it as one of the highlights of Speak Now. Critics have praised the song for its expressive lyrics, its indelible melody, and Swift"s vocal improvement. The song enjoyed commercial success in United States, debuting at number six on the Billboard Hot 100, and at number seven in Canada, and at number three on the Billboard Hot Country Songs. Internationally, the song received moderate success, peaking at number twenty-four in New Zealand, and number twenty-six in Australia.The song"s accompanying music video was directed Yoann Lemoine, which laments the aftermath of a break-up between Swift and her boyfriend during one snowy morning. The music video garners mixed to positive receptions from critics, who praise the spectacular visual sense in portraying the somber mood although, in general, its inadequate narrative is being criticized. Following promotion, Swift has performed "Back to December" in several live appearances, notably at the 44th annual Country Music Association Awards and at the 38th American Music Awards.

taylor swift 的back to december完整歌词

Taylor Swift - Back To December (US Version)I"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?I haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk: work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw me will stillburn in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepin"Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"When your birthday passed and I didn"t callAnd I think about summer, all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin" from the passenger side andI realized I loved you in the fallThen the cold came, the dark dayswhen fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December,turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me, so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkingProbably mindless dreamingIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door, I understandThis is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it arighti go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeAll the time

Back to December的中文是什么


求Talor swift的"back to december"歌词及翻译。

back to december(回到十二月)I"m so glad you made time to see me.真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life, tell me how"s your family?告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven"t seen them in a while.我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You"ve been gone, busier then ever.你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前。We small talk, work and the weather我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why.你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Cause the last time you saw me 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚Is still burned in the back of your mind.依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die.你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride, 我放下我高傲的自尊Standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night, 想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月Turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you, 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishing that I"d realized what I had when you were mine.多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I"d go back to December, turn around and make it all right.真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven"t been sleeping这些天来我都辗转难眠Staying up playing back myself leaving, 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call. 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生And I think about summer, all the beautiful times脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughing from the passenger side我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步Realized that I loved you in the fall.随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind.随后寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye. 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride, 我放下我高傲的自尊Standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night, 想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月Turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you, 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishing that I"d realized what I had when you were mine.多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I"d go back to December, turn around and make it all right.真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right, 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑,你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night, 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry.你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinking, 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreaming或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I"d love you right.如果我们还有机会相爱的话 我发誓我会好好对你的I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door, I understand.如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解So this is me swallowing my pride, 我放下我高傲的自尊Standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night, 想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December.我回到那年十二月Turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you, 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishing that I"d realized what I had when you were mine.多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I"d go back to December turn around and make it alright.多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I"d go back to December turn around and change my own mind.我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月All the time一直都想

有谁知道back to December 这首歌的创作背景?

《Back to December》是专辑《Speak Now》正式发行的第二首歌,是已泄露的第四首,泄露的前三首为《Mean》,《Mine》,《Speak Now》.歌曲全长04:43秒,由Taylor亲自创作. 斯威夫特的单曲《Back to December》则被认为是写给当红男星泰勒·洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲.斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手.斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多.他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我却没有非常用心对待他.”

Back to december的英文原版歌词

I"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?I haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everWe small talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up, and I know whyBecause the last time you saw meIs still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses, and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my prideStanding in front of you, saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing youWishing I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December all the timeThese days, I haven"t been sleepingStaying up, playing back myself leavingWhen your birthday passed, and I didn"t callThen I think about summer, all the beautiful timesI watched you laughing from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came, the dark daysWhen fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my prideStanding in front of you, saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing youWishing I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me, so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkingProbably mindless dreamingBut if we loved again, I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it, but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door, I understandThis is me swallowing my prideStanding in front of you, saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing youWishing I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December, turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the time, all the time



泰勒·斯威夫特 back to December 歌词



I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是

信用证上的documentary credit nember 是什么意思

documentary credit nember跟单信用证号码

歌词是i remember everything ...i know you want me to.

<you were my everything>——Chuckie Akenzyou were my everything u3000u3000this goes out to someone that was u3000u3000once the most important person in my life u3000u3000i didn"t realize it at the time u3000u3000i can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you so u3000u3000i don"t really expect you to either u3000u3000it"s just... i don"t even know u3000u3000just listen... u3000u3000you"re the one that i want, the one that i need u3000u3000the one that i gotta have just to succeed u3000u3000when i first saw you, i knew it was real u3000u3000i"m sorry about the pain i made you feel u3000u3000that wasn"t me; let me show you the way u3000u3000i looked for the sun, but it"s raining today u3000u3000i remember when i first looked into your eyes u3000u3000it was like god was there, heaven in the skies u3000u3000i wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurt u3000u3000but i didn"t know i made everything worse u3000u3000you told me we were crazy in love u3000u3000but you didn"t care when push came to shove u3000u3000if you loved me as much as you said you did u3000u3000then you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shit u3000u3000now you pushed me away like you never even knew me u3000u3000i loved you with my heart, really and truly u3000u3000i guess you forgot about the times that we shared u3000u3000when i would run my fingers through your hair u3000u3000late nights, just holding you in my arms u3000u3000i don"t know how i could do you so wrong u3000u3000i really wanna show you i really need to hold you u3000u3000i really wanna know you like no one could else know you u3000u3000you"re number one, always in my heart u3000u3000and now i can"t believe that our love is torn apart u3000u3000refrain:i need you and u3000u3000i miss you and u3000u3000i want you and u3000u3000i love you "cause u3000u3000i wanna hold you, u3000u3000i wanna kiss you u3000u3000you were my everything u3000u3000and i really miss you (x2) u3000u3000i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man u3000u3000and then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand u3000u3000the thought of that just shatters my heart u3000u3000it breaks in my soul and it tears me apart u3000u3000at times we was off i was scared to show you u3000u3000now i wanna hold you until i can"t hold you u3000u3000without you, everything seems strange u3000u3000your name is forever planted in my brain u3000u3000damn it, i"m insane, u3000u3000take away the pain u3000u3000take away the hurt u3000u3000baby, we can make it work u3000u3000what about when you u3000u3000looked into my eyes u3000u3000told me you loved me u3000u3000as you would hugged me u3000u3000i guess everything you said was a lie u3000u3000i think about it, it brings tears to my eyes u3000u3000now i"m not even a thought in your mind u3000u3000i can see clearly, my love is not blind u3000u3000refrain u3000u3000i just wish everything could have turned out differently u3000u3000i had a special feeling about you u3000u3000i thought maybe you did too u3000u3000you would understand, but... u3000u3000no matter what, you"ll always be in my heart u3000u3000you"ll always be my baby u3000u3000our first day, it seemed so magical u3000u3000i remember all the time that i had with you u3000u3000remember when you first came to my house? u3000u3000you looked like an angel wearing that blouse u3000u3000we hit it off, i knew it was real u3000u3000but now i can"t take all the pain that i feel u3000u3000reach in your heart, i know i"m still there u3000u3000i don"t wanna hear that you no longer care u3000u3000remember the times? remember when we kissed? u3000u3000i didn"t think you would ever do me like this u3000u3000i didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed u3000u3000i thought you"d be there for me, this i confess u3000u3000you said you were my best friend, was that a lie? u3000u3000now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy u3000u3000i tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m trying u3000u3000now on the inside it feels like i"m dying u3000u3000refrain u3000u3000[talking] and i do miss you u3000u3000i just thought we were meant to be u3000u3000i guess now, we"ll never know u3000u3000the only thing i want is for you to be happy u3000u3000whether it be with me, or without me u3000u3000i just want you to be happy


《Remember》 翻唱自德国组合SweetBox<super star> 下面是她们其他的翻唱。。。。最多就是SweetBox的1.《恋人未满》 这是SHE首张专辑《女生宿舍》的主打歌,此歌翻唱自美国三人组合 “天命真女”Destiny"sChild的《BrownEyes》 2.《波斯猫》原曲叫《波斯市场》(古典名曲) 3.《Superstar》 翻唱自Sweetbox糖果盒子的《ChinaGirl》 4.《天使在唱歌》 翻唱自NoAngels无天使合唱团的《WhenTheAngelsSing》 5.《远方》 翻唱自BackstreetBoys新好男孩的《HowDidIFallInLoveWithYou》 6.《半糖主义》 翻唱自Play玩乐少女组的《Cinderella》 7.《Remember》 翻唱自德国组合SweetBox<super star> 8.《别说对不起》 翻唱自小甜甜布兰妮的《Everytime》 9.《记得要忘记》 翻唱自日本的双人组KIRORO的《好人》 10.《I"veneverbeentome》 翻唱自80年代节奏蓝调灵魂女歌手Charlene同名歌曲 11.《OnlyLonely》 翻唱自西洋老歌J.DSouther的《OnlyLonely》 12.《Alwaysonmymind》 翻唱自Sweetbox糖果盒子的《Read My Mind》 13.《白色恋歌》 翻唱自NoAngels无天使合唱团《ComeBack》 14.《Woman in love》 翻唱自BarbaraStreisand的同名歌曲 15.《爱情的海洋》 翻唱自德国团体SweetBox的《Every Time》 16.《爱呢》 翻唱自德国团体SweetBox的《ThatNight》 17.《Watchmeshine》 翻唱自JoannaPacitti的《WatchMeShine》 18.《Yes,I Love You》 翻唱自韩国歌手文明真的《一天又一天》 19.《给我多一点》 这是韩国组合神话的成名作品,也被拿过来了,够狠! 20.《围巾》 被翻唱歌曲为《如果能在她身边》,原唱不详。 21.《催眠术》 被翻唱歌曲为《LEUM-TUM-PEN-LEUM》,原唱不详。 22.《找不到》 23.《I.O.I.O》翻唱自BEEGEES比吉斯少年组的同名歌曲《I.O.I.O》 24.<<对号入座>>翻唱自一日本歌手,原曲不详,张国容也曾唱过 此歌的另一个版本. 25.《我爱你》翻唱Sweet box的《More than love》

求remember me的中文歌词

Remember me 记起我吧I feel you so close to me我感到你如此靠近 I hope you still think of me希望你还能想起 Even I know you found another love 尽管我知道你已经有了另一个爱人You took away me chance to Be with you forever 永远剥夺了我与你厮守的可能To be your love and stay together成为你的爱并与你相守 You gave away the precious love That we had to somebody else 你把我们曾经那珍贵的爱都给了别人Oh baby I wanna tell you Remember me 哦,亲爱的我要告诉你,记住我Remember everything we used to be 记住我们过往的点点滴滴Can you feel me heart pounding pounding 你能感受到我心的跳动么Will be forever Will you 那将成永恒,你会吗?Remember you Remember me 记住你,还有我I remember everything we used to be 我不会忘记过去的每一个瞬间"Cos my blood is still pumping pumping只要我的身体里还有血液在流淌 Will be forever Will you remember me 这便会永恒,你会记得我吗?I need you, but it"s OK 我需要你,但就这样也可以I know that, I"ll find my way 我知道,我可以找到自己的方式I will begin to find another love 去开始一段新的恋情水平有限,不知道你满不满意啊~

六年级英语:根据上下文,完成对话。(每空一词) _is the _today? Today is the twentieth of November。

What is the date today

一首很舒缓的女声英文歌,歌词里面有句I remember today/the day,还有个magic的单词好像,求歌名!

Take Me Hand

一首韩文歌,宝儿的,第一句是“hi,DO you remember?”

钻石情歌-BOAjewel song:http://www.008.org.cn/up/boa.mp3 NO.1(英文版):http://dl.kid-game.co.jp/mo/Each_and_every_heart.mp3 [ti:Jewel song(罗马拼音)] [ar:Boa] [al:] [by:zupayne] [offset:500] [00:01.04]WOW WOW... [00:17.22]HEY DO YOU REMEMBER? Futari deatta [00:26.17]TIMES GOES BY Kisetsu to onaji nioi sa [00:34.40]Marude kimi wa Hikari no you ni [00:43.30]YOU`RE MY JEWEL Boku ni hohoemi kaketeta [00:51.70]Fuzaketari Toki ni wa kenka mo shita [01:00.12]Ai ga nanika mo Wakaranaide [01:07.26]YES DO YOU REMEMBER? Yatto kizuita [01:17.74]JEWEL IN MY HEART Kimi ni mukau kono kimochi [01:27.19]Donna fuu ni mitsumeta nara Tsutaerareru darou [01:35.90]Sono egao wo Ikutsu mo shiritakute [01:44.29]Mayoi nagara Musubi nagara Toki wo koete DREAMS COME TRUE [01:52.82]Itsu no hi ni mo Kimi wa towa no kagayaki [02:03.22]WOW WOW... [02:11.31]NO I CAN`T FORGET YOU Kakegae no nai [02:19.38]DEAR MY JEWEL Tomodachiya kazoku mitai [02:27.95]Samui asa yoseau Shiroi iki ga [02:36.67]Tsutaeru omoi Shinjite ite [02:45.20]SO I CAN`T FORGET YOU Fushigina kurai [02:54.20]JEWEL IN LOVE Itoshisa ga afurete kuru [03:01.80]Dore kurai no Toki ga futari Tsutsumikomu darou [03:10.26]Kazoekirenu Dekigoto wo hakonde [03:18.48]Yasashii haru Mabushii natsu Sabishii aki...fuyu mo [03:27.38]Yakusoku suru Kimi no soba de nemurou [03:36.18]WOW WOW HUHU... [04:10.06]Donna fuu ni mitsumeta nara Tsutaerareru darou [04:21.12]Sono egao wo Ikutsu mo shiritakute [04:29.34]Mayoi nagara Musubi nagara Toki wo koete DREAMS COME TRUE [04:37.59]Itsu no hi ni mo Kimi wa towa no kagayaki [04:49.22]FOREVER JEWEL IN MY HEART [04:56.69]WOW WOW...ti:No.1(Korean Version)] [ar:BoA] [al:No.1] [by:van] [offset:500] [00:01.11] [00:03.11]附中译歌词 [00:05.11]请用LRC编辑器或记事本打开查看 [00:07.11] [00:09.11]Odum soge ni orgur bodaga [00:13.49]nado molle nunmuri hullosso [00:18.22]sori obshi nar taraomyo bichun gon [00:22.81]FINALLY nar argo gamssajungoni [00:28.15]choum ne sarang bichwojudon non [00:32.81]naui ibyorkaji bongoya [00:36.17]YOU STILL MY NO.1 [00:38.42]nar chaji marajwo [00:40.81]naui surphum garyojwo [00:43.11]jo gurum gwie norur sumgyo bichur dadajwo [00:47.87]gurur anun igiri ne nunmur moruge... [00:55.95] [00:57.83]Byonhan gurur yoghajin marajwo [01:02.29]ni orgurdo jogumshig byonhanika [01:07.60]BUT I MISS YOU... nor ijur su issur ka [01:12.92]WANT YOU BACK IN MY LIFE [01:14.54]I WANT YOU BACK IN MY LIFE [01:16.98]naui sarangdo jinan chuogdo [01:21.52]modu da sarajyo gajiman [01:24.98]YOU STILL MY NO.1 [01:27.23]borumi jinamyon jagajinun surphun bid [01:31.85]nar deshin heso gui girur beunghejulle [01:36.80]moda jonhan ne sarang nachorom bichwojwo [01:44.28] [01:54.16]Gakum jamdun naui change chajawa [01:58.28]gui anbur jonhejulle [02:02.72]na kumgyor sogeso tatuthan gui son [02:07.84]nukir su idorog [02:12.80]huh~ doo doo doo doo~ [02:32.43]Hajiman onurbam [02:34.56]nar chaji marajwo naui surphum garyojwo [02:39.09]jo gurum gwie norur sumgyo bichur dadajwo [02:44.00]gurur anun igiri ne nunmur moruge [02:50.86]Borumi jinamyon jagajinun surphun bid [02:55.31]nar deshin heso gui girur beunghejulle [03:00.64]moda jonhan ne sarang [03:03.64]YOU STILL MY NO.1 [03:07.50] [03:09.83] [03:11.43]END NO.1(独一无二) [中译歌词] 在黑暗中偷看你的脸 不知不觉掉下眼泪 只有你会静静的跟随著我 照亮我 Finally 你是否早已预料到这一切 你照亮了我第一个恋情 同时你也知道了我的离别 You still NO.1不要找我 帮我隐藏悲伤 把你藏在云的另一端 隐藏你的光芒 让他熟习的这条路 不要让他看到我的眼泪 不要责怪变心的他 因为你的脸也常常在变化啊 But I miss you 我能忘记你吗 Want you back in my life I want you back in my life 我的爱和记忆 都渐渐地消失 You still NO.1满月后渐渐淡化的悲哀 你可以替我照亮他的路吗 传达给他我未了的爱心 你可以偶而到窗边来告诉我他的消息吗 让我在梦中感受他掌心的温存吧 huh~~~~DOO DOO DOO 但是今晚请不要来找我 帮我隐藏悲伤 把你藏在云的另一端 隐藏你的光芒 让他熟习的这条路 不要让他看到我的眼泪 满月后渐渐淡化的悲哀 你可以替我照亮他的路吗 传达给他我未了的爱You still NO.1

李孝利《remember me》的罗马音

韩文歌词:When I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetherWhen I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetherub450ub208 uaf2d uac10uc544 ubcfcub798 uc774ucbe4uc5d0uc11c ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc548uc544 ubcfc uc218 uc788uac8c ub108ub294 ubaa8ub974uae38 ubc14ub798 uc5b4uc0c9ud568uc5d0 ub5a8ub824 uc624ub358 ub208ube5b uc2dcuc120ub3c4 uc7a0uc2dc uc2a4uce5c ubbf8uc18cuac00 MY LOVE ub9d8uc5d0 uc548 ub4dcub2c8 uc78auc740 uac70ub77c ubbffuc5c8ub2c8 ud798ub4e0 uc774ubcc4 uae34 uc2dcuac04uc5d0 uc7a0uc2dc ub0b4ub9d8uc774 uc26cub294 uac70ub798 I love you Because I love you uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 ub9d0ub3c4 ub110 ub300uc2e0 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc138uc0c1 ub204uad6cuc640ub3c4 ub098ub20c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 ub098uc778uac78 I love you Because I love you ub098 uadf8ub140 ub9c8uc800 ub110 ub300uc2e0 uc0acub791ud560uaed8 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc744 uc57duc18d ud574uc918 ub0b4uac8c ub09c uadf8uac78ub85c ub3fc But still I love youWhen I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetherWhen I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetheruc774uc820 ub098uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud574 My Love uae30ub308 ub204uad70uac08 ucc3euc544 uc654ub358 uac70ub77cuace0 uadf8ub550 ub108ubb34 uc5b4ub838uae30uc5d0 ub108uc758 uc2acud514ub3c4 ud798uaca8uc6e0uc5b4I love you Because I love you uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 ub9d0ub3c4 ub110 ub300uc2e0 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc138uc0c1 ub204uad6cuc640ub3c4 ub098ub20c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 ub098uc778uac78 I love you Because I love you ub098 uadf8ub140 ub9c8uc800 ub110 ub300uc2e0 uc0acub791ud560uaed8 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc744 uc57duc18d ud574uc918 ub0b4uac8c ub09c uadf8uac78ub85c ub3fc But still I love youuc544ubb34 uc57duc18dub3c4 uc5c6uc774 ub110 uc6b0uc5f0ud788 uc2a4uce60 ub54cub9c8ub2e4 ubaa8uc9c4 ub9d0ub85c uadf8ub308 ub2e4uc2dc uc544ud504uac8c ud588ub358 ub098 uc778uac78ub0a0 uc6a9uc11cud574 ub110 uc0acub791ud560uac8c ub2e4uac00uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub354ub77cub3c4 ud589ubcf5ud560uaed8 ub108uc758 uc544ud514uae4cuc9c0 uac00uc9c4 ub0b4 uc0acub791uc740 ub354 uc601uc6d0ud558uae38 But still I love you罗马from aheeyah:When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together when I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together Dunun kog gama bolle ichumeso nega nol ana bol su ige nonun morigil bare oseghame tollyo odon nunbid shisondo Jamshi suchin misoga my love mame an duni ijun gora midoni himdun ibyol gin shigane jamshi nemami shwinun gore I love you because I love you gu oton maldo nol deshin hal su obso sesang nuguwado nanul suga obso nol bonen naingol I love you because I love you na gunyo majo nol deshin saranghalke majimag sarangul yagsog hejwo nege nan gugollo dwe but still I love you When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together when I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together Ijen naege marhe my love gidel nugungal chaja wadon gorago guten nomu oryojie noui sulphumdo himgyowosso I love you because I love you gu oton maldo nol deshin hal su obso sesang nuguwado nanul suga obso nol bonen naingol I love you because I love you na gunyo majo nol deshin saranghalke majimag sarangul yagsog hejwo nege nan gugollo dwe but still I love you Amu yagsogdo obshi nol uyonhi suchil temada mojin mallo gudel dashi aphuge hedon na ingol Nal yongsohe nol saranghalge dagajil su obdorago hengboghalke noui aphumkaji gajin ne sarangun do yongwonhagil but still I love you

给我些超好听的说唱歌曲 像remember the name 那种 节奏感强

portishead的numb 酷狗有!when ya on-feat. nipsey hussle酷狗有!mr.hudson-jay-z-young forever 直接复制这段英文上酷狗有了。the magic key-bpm-one t and cool 同上做法five for fighting-chances 同上做法long shot 同上jamie foxx,justin timberlake-winner 同上what a feeling 安室奈美惠 酷狗yeah 啊瑟小子 这个很好找的。

求穷街乐队DE歌词翻译 I REMEMBER YOU 谢谢

I Remember YouWoke up to the sound of pouring rainThe wind would whisper and I"d think of youAnd all the tears you cried, that called my nameAnd when you needed me I came throughI paint a picture of the days gone byWhen love went blind and you would make me seeI"d stare a lifetime into your eyesSo that I knew you were there for meTime after time you were there for meRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember youWe spend the summer with the top rolled downWished ever after would be like thisYou said I love you babe, without a soundI said I"d give my life for just one kissI"d live for your smile and die for your kissRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember youWe"ve had our share of hard timesBut that"s the price we paidAnd through it all we kept the promise that we madeI swear you"ll never be lonelyWoke up to the sound of pouring rainWashed away a dream of youBut nothing else could ever take you away"Cause you"ll always be my dream come trueOh my darling, I love youRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember youRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember you暴雨把我唤醒, 风在耳边倾诉, 对你的思忆。 每滴你流过的泪水, 都以我的名字命名。 双手绘出流逝的时光。 当爱已盲目, 你使我看到, 我们将一生厮守; 使我知道, 你在那里等我, 一次次的等我。 回忆昨天, 牵手散步, 沙滩上的情书, 我忆起你。 每个失眠的夜晚; 每个无休止的白昼。 我只想听到你说: “我记着你。” 这个夏天, 我都翻来覆去。 希望以后无论如何, 你都能像这样说: “我爱你,BABE。” 不需要我的暗示。 为了这个吻, 我愿付出我的生命。 你的微笑; 你的吻, 主宰了我。 回忆昨天, 牵手散步, 沙滩上的情书, 我忆起你。 每个失眠的夜晚; 每个无休止的白昼。 我只想听到你说: “我记着你。” 艰难的时光, 是必然的经历。 遵守我们的诺言, 我发誓你永远不会孤独。 SOLO 暴雨把我叫醒, 冲去了梦中的你。 无论何时无论什么, 都不能把你带走, 因为你永远是我成真的梦想。 回忆昨天, 牵手散步, 沙滩上的情书, 我忆起你。 每个失眠的夜晚; 每个无休止的白昼。 我只想听到你说: “我记着你。” 回忆昨天, 牵手散步, 沙滩上的情书, 我忆起你。 每个失眠的夜晚; 每个无休止的白昼。 我只想听到你说: “我记着你。”

I Remember You 歌词

歌曲名:I Remember You歌手:Skid Row专辑:The Best Gold Metal BalladsWoke up to the sound of pouring rainThe wind would whisper and I"d think of youAnd all the tears you cried, that called my nameAnd when you needed me I came throughI paint a picture of the days gone byWhen love went blind and you would make me seeI"d stare a lifetime into your eyesSo that I knew you were there for meTime after time you were there for meRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember youWe spend the summer with the top rolled downWished ever after would be like thisYou said I love you babe, without a soundI said I"d give my life for just one kissI"d live for your smile and die for your kissRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember youWe"ve had our share of hard timesBut that"s the price we paidAnd through it all we kept the promise that we madeI swear you"ll never be lonelyWoke up to the sound of pouring rainWashed away a dream of youBut nothing else could ever take you away"Cause you"ll always be my dream come trueOh my darling, I love youRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember youRemember yesterday - walking hand in handLove letters in the sand - I remember youThrough the sleepless nights and every endless dayI"d wanna hear you say - I remember you-I remember youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/60857916

求把下面的英文翻译成拉丁文,谢谢!! Remember us for we too have lived, loved and lobed.

Memini nos quoque fuimus nos dilexit Al.

求sarah mclachlan的《I will remember you》中文翻译

我将记得你你将记得我吗? 不让你生活不忽视你哭泣记忆记得我们有的好时机? 离开到那时事情严重的我们我让他们滑倒多么清楚我第一个你smilin "在阳光下想要在我上感到温暖, 我想要是这一个个我将记得你你将记得我吗? 不让你生活不忽视你哭泣我如此疲倦以致于我不能睡Standin "在实在太深的东西的边缘上,天气是有趣的的记忆 我们感到那么多我们不能说我们尖声喊叫在里面,我们不能听说我将记得你你将记得我的一话怎样? 不让你生活不忽视你哭泣我如此害怕喜欢你,但是对松散坚持过去更害怕的记忆 那不让我曾经选择有黑暗, 你给我你有的所有东西的深和无限夜晚,噢你给我光和我将记得你你将记得我? 不让你生活不忽视你哭泣记忆和我将记得你你将记得我? 不让你生活不忽视你哭泣记忆适合记忆哭泣不 觉得好,要请偶吃糖糖..~!

I remember my hardest homework was in science.这句话


I never heard an impatient word passed between any members of my group ___ the time came to


There are fourteen members -----------in that team. A.of all B.all that C.at all D.in all

in all=in total 总共那个队伍总共14名队员






remember[ri"membu0259]基本翻译vi.记得,记起vt.记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好网络释义remember:记得|记得,忆起|记住iremember:我记得|郭采洁|我会记得rememberdoing:记着已经做过的事|记得曾做过某事|记得做过什么碎  oopsy动画  我看到的


remember [ri"memb05]基本翻译vi. 记得,记起vt. 记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好网络释义Remember:记得|记得,忆起|记住I remember:我记得|郭采洁|我会记得remember doing:记着已经做过的事|记得曾做过某事|记得做过什么碎  oopsy动画  我看到的

北京哪里有卖Patrizia Pepe(柏翠莎 佩佩),DIRK BIKKEMBERGS (德肯 毕盖帕克)和 iceberg

Patrizia Pepe(柏翠莎 佩佩)A PATRIZIA PEPE 地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号国贸商城区域2(东门) B PATRIZIA PEPE地址:北京市东城区王府井大街218-3号(近校尉胡同)-1层 C PATRIZIA PEPE(凯德晶品店) 地址:复兴路51号凯德晶品购物中心内D PATRIZIA PEPE(新光天地店) 地址:北京市朝阳区建国路87号新光天地3层收藏发送到手机分享纠错E PATRIZIA PEPE(赛特奥莱店) 地址:香江北路28号赛特奥特莱斯1-107号DIRK BIKKEMBERGS (德肯 毕盖帕克)A DIRK BIKKEMBERGS 地址:工体北路13号院3号楼世茂百货内B DIRK BIKKEMBERGS地址:北京市西城区西单北大街110号老佛爷百货3层ICEBERG暂时北京没有查到。。。


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